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Published For Our Wonderful Host Families,<br />

Coordinators, STUDENTS, and schools<br />

Letter from Dorothy<br />

Dear Host Families and Students,<br />

When I write letters to students and host<br />

families, I like to imagine the people I’m sending<br />

them to. Sitting here writing this letter I realize<br />

that there are several families and students who I<br />

have never met. I hope that we get to meet at our<br />

Farewell Party (details in <strong>newsletter</strong>).<br />

WOW! The past 9 months (4 months for<br />

our second semester students) have flown by!<br />

Remember in September you were all wondering<br />

why you ever thought that coming to the United<br />

States to live for a year was such a good idea?<br />

Here you all are within a few weeks of returning<br />

to your homelands. Now you are wondering how<br />

you are ever going to say good-bye.<br />

Unfortunately, the one thing all exchange<br />

students have in common is that they all must<br />

return home.<br />

It is a bittersweet experience. You are<br />

excited to see your families again but so sad<br />

about leaving your host families and new<br />

friends. As the time draws near you may want<br />

to retreat from interacting with your family and<br />

friends. You’ll do this in order to protect yourself<br />

from feeling sad. My suggestion to all of you<br />

would be not to do that! Your host family is<br />

going through separation anxiety as well but<br />

unlike you, they have no one that will be waiting<br />

for them once you are gone. Stay close to each<br />

other and keep the experience sweet to the end.<br />

Reverse culture shock is very common.<br />

Read “Coming Home Again” to learn how to<br />

cope with saying good-bye and re-entry into<br />

your culture. This will arrive in a separate<br />

packet. Talk to your coordinator about your<br />

feelings. He or she can help you just by<br />

listening. They’ve been through it with other<br />

students so they understand. You can always<br />

call me.<br />

The war in Iraq added another<br />

dimension to this year. It added stress to<br />

everyone’s life but more so to the students from<br />

Germany and France. Most were surprised<br />

that Americans didn’t hold them responsible<br />

for their government’s decision. It also<br />

surprised them that most of us were willing to<br />

listen to their opinion with an open mind and<br />

without judgment.<br />

Thank you to all our host families for<br />

making this year a successful one. Ups and<br />

downs are a normal part of the hosting<br />

experience. Hopefully, there were more ups than<br />

downs. At this point your student may not<br />

realize the full value of the gift you have given<br />

them, but like most teenagers, the realization<br />

will come. The unselfish act of opening your<br />

home to a total stranger does more in<br />

promoting world peace and understanding<br />

than any other act. I hope that all of you will<br />

host again in the future.<br />

Have q safe and pleasant summer.<br />

Peace,<br />

Dorothy<br />

Spring <strong>2003</strong>

Santa Maria High School has a long and rich history. We want to thank them<br />

for accepting our exchange students with open arms and making them part of<br />

their culture. This year we have Sabrina from Switzerland, Yuichiro &<br />

Naoyuki from Japan, Ivette from Belgium, Min Jae from South Korea and<br />

Zula from Mongolia, and Maria & Shan from Germany attending Santa<br />

Maria High School. Thanks for all you have given our students!<br />


Melanie has been an AC for 3 years.<br />

Her family has hosted 6 AYP kids<br />

and too many short range kids to<br />

mention. Melanie loves learning<br />

about other cultures and has<br />

passed that love on to her own<br />

family and other hosting families.<br />

Melanie’s ability to give seems unending.<br />

Her energy is infectious!<br />

Melanie Smith with her husband, Marlon, oldest<br />

daughter , Mariah, and younger children,<br />

Josiah, and Terrina.<br />

Thank-you Melanie for being a<br />

great person and a wonderful AC.


“Being an exchange student is fun, exciting,<br />

makes you think for yourself and<br />

helps you get to<br />

“ I’m having a very very good time<br />

know yourself this year and my family is so nice. I<br />

better….. Before<br />

I came<br />

like American family!” Miyuki<br />

here my view of the United States was<br />

very restricted. …...life is quite different.<br />

My school for example is totally different.<br />

In Belgium, my school had 3 buildings,<br />

with 3 floors. So the first day at Rio<br />

Mesa, I was amazed! The classes are<br />

spread out all over the campus….”<br />

“...I am an only child in Belgium and here I<br />

have 2 host sisters, which makes everything<br />

exciting.<br />

The four<br />

“….first driving lesson this Thursday @<br />

2:15, so make sure you’re not on the<br />

of us, including<br />

my host<br />

road…..DANGER!” Sam<br />

mom, share a lot of good times and special<br />

moments together......they have taught and<br />

helped me to discover lots of new things<br />

and they truly became my second family.<br />

….it couldn’t be otherwise, and I am going<br />

to miss them very much!”<br />

Virginie Paturiaux<br />

“Go to Red Lobster - get the<br />

“My name is Maria<br />

crab. It’s the best.” Vuttipol<br />

and I’m from Germany.<br />

I was waiting<br />

so badly for the news where I would go and<br />

with who I would stay.<br />

The time when you don’t<br />

know with what kind<br />

of people you are going<br />

to live with for 10<br />

months is one of the<br />

hardest.”<br />

“When I finally got my family….I had the feeling<br />

that I now could leave my home because somebody<br />

else was waiting for me on the other side.”<br />

“One of the first things I discovered about myself<br />

when I arrived was how many stereotypes I<br />

had, which I didn’t even know of.…..especially<br />

my host family helped me to see through many<br />

of them and to stay open minded.”…<br />

“It’s a great experience and I can<br />

recommend it to everybody.”<br />

Patrick<br />

“I was afraid when the<br />

war started that it<br />

would break something<br />

in the relationship<br />

with my host family or my friends. But my<br />

host family, friends, and teachers showed me<br />

that they were still open minded to my ’German’<br />

opinion and that they tolerate it.” ……<br />

“All the different cultures just amaze me. I know<br />

it might sounds stupid to you but here in California<br />

I first really got to know people of a different<br />

skin color. I think this is a great part of my experience.…….I<br />

have a grand relationship to my<br />

host family. I talk to my host mom for hours at a<br />

time…….For the first time I experience what a father<br />

is like. I grew up without one and here I<br />

have a ‘Dad’. ….and<br />

then there is my<br />

host brother who<br />

when he comes<br />

“I am happy to go home to see my family but I<br />

feel sad to leave my life here.” Zula<br />

“I like America. Every American is<br />

really nice and I am having a great<br />

time!”<br />

Matthias<br />

“Amazing, Different, Joyful”<br />

Virginie<br />

home from college takes me to his friends even<br />

though I am younger…..he’s just like a real older<br />

brother.………..It’s crazy. It means being far from<br />

home and missing everybody but it also means<br />

to find something wonderful as friendship, love<br />

and tolerance. Everybody should have the<br />

chance “to experience that.”<br />

Maria from Germany<br />

“I remember when I was stand-


ing at the airport, leaving everything what I’ve<br />

had, everything what I’ve liked before. I didn’t<br />

know what will happen with me, I didn’t even<br />

imagine that I am doing it.”<br />

“America was difficult. It was a<br />

long time, but I LOVE it.” Fabio<br />

“When I got off the<br />

plane, they all were<br />

there waiting for<br />

me . My eyes were<br />

filled with tears, not because I missed my family<br />

but because I was so happy I see them.”<br />

“They opened for me a new world and they<br />

helped me to go through it even when I was<br />

hard sometimes. I was<br />

glad they cared about “I LOVE Taco Bell.”<br />

me....I can be myself,<br />

Lena<br />

I am having so much<br />

fun with them and I really love them.”<br />

...“I learned lots of things during my staying<br />

here. …...This year taught me how to be more<br />

responsible and more independent....The way<br />

home will be different than the way coming<br />

here. There won’t be a small scared girl walking<br />

through the airports, but the girl who<br />

learnt something about her life and<br />

the girl who knows how to face several<br />

problems without running<br />

away from them. I couldn't do it<br />

without the help of my host parents.<br />

I am thankful every day which I can<br />

spend here with them. They created a new<br />

“Everything is really big here<br />

and I’m really sad it’s almost<br />

over.’<br />

Emma<br />

family for me and I<br />

will never forget anything<br />

what they have<br />

done for me. This<br />

year is almost over and I don’t feel like going<br />

home. …..I have a feeling that I an leaving<br />

home and I am going home….Through this everything<br />

I am very happy I could be an exchange<br />

student.”<br />

Katie from Slovakia<br />

“So far it is the best experience of my<br />

life, America.” Timo<br />

there’s a saying that says:<br />

“……My exchange<br />

organization<br />

back home<br />

“If you tell me, I will listen<br />

If you show me, I will see<br />

If you let me experience, I will learn”<br />

LAO_TSEU<br />

It’s one of the reasons why many students<br />

and I choose to go<br />

on a program like<br />

AYP, and why it<br />

turns out to be a<br />

success. When I<br />

got accepted in the program I was very<br />

happy and excited. What I didn’t realize<br />

was that the hardest part still had to<br />

come; waiting for a host family.<br />

…..Hundreds of ‘what if’ questions came<br />

up and all I could do was wait.”<br />

“...and met my family for the first time<br />

they were so friendly to me and took me<br />

out for dinner right away. I had a great<br />

time and I knew this year was going to<br />

turn out great…..<br />

The journey had<br />

“Coming here was all changes. Change for me,<br />

my family and my whole life. That’s the biggest<br />

experience I will ever have.” Elena<br />

just begun and<br />

throughout the<br />

year I’d learn a<br />

lot about them and about myself. One of<br />

the best moments was when they told me<br />

after two weeks that they wanted to ‘keep’<br />

me. They loved me as if I was one of their<br />

“It’s really good to come here.<br />

I’m having fun and met really<br />

nice people here.” MinJae<br />

“It’s awesome and the best<br />

year of my life.” Anne<br />

own and treated<br />

me that way. What<br />

they did for me<br />

this year is priceless<br />

and will stay with me for the rest of<br />

my life. I never felt like I left my real family,<br />

I just got a second one.”<br />

Sam from Belgium

Calling all Host Families<br />

and Students<br />

This is the time of year when we are looking<br />

for families to host a student for the next<br />

school year. It is not an easy task but we<br />

take it seriously and work hard to achieve<br />

our goal which is that no student remains<br />

unplaced. Students, remember when you<br />

were waiting to hear about who your family<br />

would be? They were possibly found<br />

through a referral from another student.<br />

Host families, remember when you received<br />

that call asking if you would consider hosting<br />

a student for the school year? Most<br />

likely someone referred you to the person<br />

who called you or you already knew the<br />

person who called. That is how we find host<br />

families. CHI doesn't advertise in newspapers<br />

or magazines nor does it have a national<br />

TV ad as some organizations do. We<br />

place all of our students through word of<br />

mouth. This is the best way to guarantee<br />

that we get the best host families. Most of<br />

you are a friend or relative of someone who<br />

has hosted. Now we want to ask you to do<br />

the same thing. There are over 100 students<br />

on our website who are waiting for a home.<br />

Please pass the word. As the new administrator<br />

for some of you, I promise that all the<br />

host families will be 100% supported. You<br />

can call me at any time at 1-877-737-0409.<br />

I have full apps on each student.<br />

You can also view the unplaced students at<br />

our website:<br />

Username: chocolate Password: doodles<br />

Thanks for all you do!<br />


For those of you new to hosting, each year<br />

we give away trips valued up to $750. This<br />

year CHI will be giving away 3 trips, one for<br />

the Ventura County families and two for the<br />

Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo County<br />

families. We're changing it a bit this year.<br />

To qualify, a family must be hosting the student<br />

at the end of the school year. Host<br />

families will have their name put in for each<br />

semester they have hosted a student. If a<br />

family has "taken over" a student within the<br />

last semester, their name will be put in one<br />

time. Families who hosted last year as well<br />

will get an extra entry for each semester.<br />

Each host family can have up to 4 entries if<br />

they hosted both semesters this year and<br />

both semesters last year. This is one of the<br />

best parts of the job!<br />

Good Luck!!!<br />



JUNE 1st

April <strong>2003</strong><br />

10th - Katarina Bellovas’s 16th Bday<br />

22nd - Emma G;uiliana’s 15th Bday<br />

May <strong>2003</strong><br />

5th - MinJae Tim’s 16th Bday<br />

June: <strong>2003</strong><br />

7th - Fabio Marinho’s 16th Bday<br />

20th - Shkodran Zogai’s 16th Bday<br />

29th - Homa Arabestani;s 16th Bday<br />

July <strong>2003</strong><br />

4th - Lara Portela-Bernal’s 18th Bday<br />

24th - Naoyuki Nishiyama’s 17th Bday

Dorothy Whitefield<br />

Cultural Homestay International<br />

Things to Remember<br />

• If you have not yet booked your<br />

flight, DO IT NOW!!<br />

• If you need a domestic ticket,<br />

BUY IT NOW!<br />

To view or download a colored version of<br />

this Newsletter visit the C.H.I website and<br />

then look under Central California.<br />

www.chinet.org/connect/connect.html<br />

May 26th<br />

Farewell Party @ Avila Beach for<br />

students in SB & SLO area.<br />

June 1st:<br />

Farewell Party @ Sycamore Canyon<br />

State Beach for students in<br />

Ventura County area.<br />

Come and see who will<br />

win the trip!<br />

Details Inside

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