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Volume 3, Issue 3 Inspiring girls to do their best for God. May/June 2014<br />

Christian Characteristic:<br />

Patience<br />

Written by Amanda B.<br />

The human race has not been granted a large dose of patience,<br />

I can just tell you that. From every moment of the day, the<br />

human’s motto is: “I want it, and I want it now.”<br />

You know when your mom is making those brownies and you<br />

are just sitting there, watching the timer count down? A<br />

fleeting thought passes through your head, “What if I change<br />

the temperature from 375° to 600°?” Or what about when<br />

you are waiting to go on the Loopdaloop of Terror at the<br />

amusement park and the line seems to extend on for forever?<br />

“Maybe I should push through the crowd,” You entertain the<br />

thought. “I wonder if anyone would object.”<br />

Patience is a treasure that very few possess. Let’s take a look<br />

at someone in the Bible who did have patience and see how<br />

much God blessed him in the end.<br />

Job was a very wealthy man. He had tons of sheep, camels,<br />

and donkeys, and “a very great household; so that this man<br />

was the greatest of all the men of the east.” (Job 1:4)*<br />

Satan saw how prosperous both physically and spiritually Job<br />

was, and Satan desired to rip Job’s wealth from him. Satan<br />

reasoned that perhaps the only reason Job followed God was<br />

because he had it all going for him. Of course it’s easy for<br />

people to live for God when times are going good. So God<br />

allowed Satan to take away everything Job had.<br />

One day, a messenger told Job that while Job’s oxen and<br />

donkeys had been eating, “ . . . the Sabeans fell upon them,<br />

and took them away; yea, they have slain the servants<br />

with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped<br />

alone to tell thee.” (Job 1:15)<br />

Job must’ve been thunderstruck with grief! I can just<br />

imagine that, while he was struggling to find words,<br />

another man burst into the room, his face red and<br />

sweaty. A chain of words fell out of his mouth, “The<br />

fire of God is fallen from heaven, and hath burned up<br />

the sheep, and the servants, and consumed them; and I<br />

only am escaped alone to tell thee.” (Job 1:16)<br />

Job’s face must’ve turned ashen. What did I do? He<br />

must’ve been wondering. But this wasn’t the end.<br />

Another man ran into the room and proclaimed, “The<br />

Chaldeans made out three bands, and fell upon the<br />

camels, and have carried them away, yea, and slain the<br />

servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am<br />

escaped alone to tell thee.”<br />

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their<br />

strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they<br />

shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and<br />

not faint.” – Isaiah 40:31<br />

Wow! More bad news?<br />

Then yet another man burst into the room: “Thy sons<br />

and thy daughters were eating and drinking wine in their<br />

eldest brother’s house: And, behold, there came a great<br />

wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners<br />

of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they<br />

are dead; and I only am escaped to tell thee.” (Job 1:18-<br />

19) The next time you have a “bad” day, think of Job.<br />

Continued on next page.<br />


1 The South Kakalaki Girl is currently working on a new video.<br />

What do you suppose it’s about? Watch the teaser at<br />

http://www.southkakalakigirl.com/2014/04/25/funny-fridayteaser.<br />

2 Read one of the books in the Nancy Drew series.<br />

3 Play a round of badminton.<br />

4 Challenge yourself to do something today that you could do<br />

tomorrow. 6<br />

*Note: All Bible verses are in the King James Version for<br />

consistency.<br />

Volume 3, Issue 3

In probably less than 10 minutes, his life had been ripped<br />

apart and he had almost nothing.<br />

In a situation like this, we would think that Job would’ve<br />

forgotten about God and left Him for good.<br />

But the Bible tells us that Job worshipped God and<br />

prayed to him. “ . . . the Lord gave, and the Lord hath<br />

taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:21)<br />

Job shows amazing patience throughout this trial and the<br />

ones to follow. He trusted God and knew that He is<br />

allowed those trials for a purpose. At the end of these<br />

trials, God blessed Job by giving him twice as much as he<br />

had before.<br />

Why should we be patient? Is it Christ-like to want<br />

something, and want it now? Jesus was the perfect<br />

example of patience. He was patient to the very end of<br />

His earthly life, long-sufferingly waiting for God to allow<br />

Him to die for our sins.<br />

When should we be patient? All the time! Every<br />

moment of your life, be patient.<br />

Who should we be patient with? There are many<br />

different people that you can be patient with. Perhaps<br />

when your little brother or sister is stammering out a<br />

sentence and you know what they are going to say.<br />

Instead of cutting them off, let them finish their sentence<br />

and see how pleased they are with themselves. Perhaps<br />

your mom or dad was supposed to pay you for doing your<br />

chores. Instead of nagging them 24/7, why not show<br />

patience and not mention it at all? There are countless<br />

ways to show patience. 6<br />

Questions<br />

Question: What is your favorite animal?<br />

Appaloosa horses – Alexandra P.<br />

Owls, foxes, and wolves – Amanda B.<br />

Dolphins and blue herons – Bentley P.<br />

Dogs and horses – Emily K.<br />

Hedgehogs – Emma G.<br />

Well-behaved dogs – Joy F.<br />

Dogs and cats – Korbyn G.<br />

Owls and chipmunks – Lydia K.<br />

Pandas – Maddie M.<br />

Elephants – Rachel B.<br />

Dogs – Rachel M. 6<br />

Meet a South Kakalaki Girl Writer:<br />

Julia F.<br />

Submitted by Korbyn G.<br />

When is your birthday? May 21<br />

How many siblings do you have? I have five siblings.<br />

Their names are Jeremiah, Josh, Jonah, Joy, and Junia.<br />

What's your favorite ice-cream flavor? Orange Sherbert,<br />

Vanilla, or Cookie Dough.<br />

What's your favorite food/drink? Mac & Cheese. My<br />

favorite drink would have to be Dr. Pepper!<br />

“He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up<br />

for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us<br />

all things.” – Romans 8:32<br />

What is your favorite car? I have two: baby blue Mustang<br />

Convertible and a BMW Mini Cooper.<br />

What is your favorite Bible verse? Romans 8:32, “He<br />

that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us<br />

all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all<br />

things?”<br />

What do you want to be when you grow up? A fashion<br />

designer or a make-up artist.<br />

What is your favorite sport? It’s this amazing new thing<br />

called . . . rest.<br />

What is your favorite thing to do when you have time<br />

on your hands? Blogging, sewing, and Pinterest or<br />

Polyvore.<br />

Do you have any pets? I have a dog named Max and a<br />

rock spitting fish named Sir. 6<br />

Dogs, cats, and monkeys – Julia F.<br />

Cats – Kate C.<br />

Horses and unicorns – Katherine M.<br />

Volume 3, Issue 3

otatoes!<br />

Jokes<br />

Submitted by Julia F.<br />

Q: What is black, white, green, and bumpy?<br />

A: A pickle wearing a tuxedo.<br />

Q: What do you call candy that was stolen?<br />

A: Hot chocolate!<br />

Q: What kind of nuts always seems to have a cold?<br />

A: Cashews!<br />

Q: Waiter, will the pizza be long?<br />

A: No sir, it will be round.<br />

Q: What is green and sings?<br />

A: Elvis Parsley.<br />

Q: Why did the banana go to the doctor?<br />

A: Because he wasn’t peeling well.<br />

Q: What is green and brown and crawls through the grass?<br />

A: A Girl Scout who has lost her cookie.<br />

Q: What is white, has a horn, and gives milk?<br />

A: A dairy truck! 6<br />

Useless Facts<br />

Submitted by Joy F.<br />

Source: www.djtech.net and www.uselessfacts.net<br />

1. It takes 8.5 minutes for light to get from the sun to earth.<br />

2. If you attempted to count the stars in a galaxy at a rate of<br />

one every second it would take around 3,000 years to count<br />

them all.<br />

3. Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a 50,000 word novel without<br />

any word containing “e.”<br />

4. It can take as long as 4 hours to hard-boil an ostrich egg.<br />

5. A snail takes 33 hours to crawl one mile.<br />

6. The average person spends 6 months of their life sitting at<br />

red lights.<br />

7. It takes about 142.18 licks to reach the center of a Tootsie<br />

pop.<br />

8. The world's record for keeping a Lifesaver in the mouth<br />

with the hole intact is 7 hours 10 minutes.<br />

9. If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you will<br />

have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of<br />

coffee.<br />

10. The average person spends 12 weeks a year 'looking for<br />

things'. 6<br />

Book Review:<br />

Nancy Drew Series<br />

Book review written by Maddie M.<br />

Book series written by Carolyn Keene<br />

I love this series by Carolyn Keene! It is about a teenage<br />

girl, Nancy Drew, who solves mysteries. This series is for<br />

people who like to solve things . . . like me!<br />

One of the most recent Nancy<br />

Drew books I have read is False<br />

Pretenses, number #88 in the<br />

series. In False Pretenses, Nancy's<br />

dad's co-worker is – oh no! –<br />

murdered. So, being the Nancy<br />

Drew that she is, she has to find<br />

out who the murderer<br />

is. However, anyone could be the<br />

victim, which only makes Nancy's job harder. With her<br />

super-cool and mighty detective skills, will she be able to<br />

find the murderer?<br />

You'll just have to check the book out yourself if you want<br />

to find out what happens!<br />

But trust me; the Nancy Drew book series is awesome! I<br />

hope you love it as much as I do! 6<br />

Poem:<br />

O Christian! Look Around You!<br />

Written by Emily K.<br />

O Christian! Look around you!<br />

Lift up your eyes and see<br />

A soul, a world descending<br />

Down to eternal agony!<br />

O Neighbor! See the heavy laden<br />

Who live across the road;<br />

Veiled in vanity, they sink<br />

Beneath an unbearable load!<br />

O Brother! Don't you realize?<br />

Your sister, in bondage and despair<br />

Reels to and fro, seeking freedom<br />

From a debt she can never repair!<br />

O Christian! Reach the dying,<br />

Lift their loads, give them light;<br />

Tell of Christ the Crucified<br />

Who came to give them sight! 6<br />

Our next issue is scheduled to come out on July 3, 2014.<br />

If you would like to submit work for the next issue, please<br />

email Amanda or Rachel with the job you want to do. A<br />

job list will be emailed to you. The deadline to submit<br />

your work is June 27, 2014. 6<br />

Volume 3, Issue 3


Isaiah 40:31<br />

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;<br />

they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and<br />

not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.<br />

Wait a Minute!<br />

In everyday life, we get so caught up with running around<br />

and doing this and making that. Once a day, take the time<br />

to just, “Be still, and know that I am God . . .” (Psalm<br />

46:10a).<br />

Hourglass Hunt<br />

How many hourglasses can you find in this newsletter?<br />

Count them all up, and then email the answer to Amanda. 6<br />

God’s Girl:<br />

God Hears Our Prayers<br />

Written by Rachel M.<br />

Have you ever been talking to a friend or family member and felt<br />

like they didn’t hear a word you were saying? Well, recently I have<br />

felt like my prayers were not reaching God, and I didn’t feel very<br />

worthy to come before His throne. I felt like I had so much sin in<br />

my life that God couldn’t hear me. Or I would wonder, “Am I<br />

sorry enough?” Eventually, I resorted to praying the Lord’s Prayer,<br />

and when I got to “forgive us our sins” I would ask for forgiveness,<br />

and when I got to “give us this day our daily bread” I listed my<br />

requests. At the end I thanked God for what I had, and said,<br />

“Amen.” This worked for a few weeks, but then I had the same<br />

feelings of unworthiness and empty prayers. Have you ever felt like<br />

this?<br />

One day I was reviewing verses with my little brother for Regionals<br />

(a competition at our church). I realized that the verses he had to<br />

memorize were the same ones I did when I was in 6 th grade.<br />

Unfortunately, I had forgotten a lot of them, and went back to<br />

reread them. I was looking over a lot of them, and going through<br />

and highlighting them in New Testament, when I came across some<br />

verses. The first one is 1 John 1:9. I know most of us have had<br />

this verse memorized since we were little.<br />

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,<br />

and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” –1 John 1:9<br />

Take another look at this verse. The only thing we have to do to<br />

receive forgiveness is to confess our sins. Even though I was doing<br />

that, I wasn’t feeling worthy, because I wasn’t sure if God would<br />

forgive my sins. Another verse I found was Hebrews 8:12, which<br />

says, “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins<br />

and their iniquities will I remember no more.” Yes! God forgives<br />

and forgets my sins! It isn’t that He can’t remember my sin; He<br />

chooses to forget my sin.<br />

I also found these verses regarding sin since I have been saved. “Let<br />

not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it<br />

in the lusts thereof. Neither yield ye your members as instruments<br />

of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God,<br />

as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as<br />

instruments of righteousness unto God. For sin shall not<br />

have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law,<br />

but under grace.” (Romans 6:12-14)<br />

I know that this means that now that I am a child of God, I<br />

should be using my whole body to serve God, and obey<br />

Him. An additional verse I found was, “Even the Spirit of<br />

truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him<br />

not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth<br />

with you, and shall be in you.” (John 14:7) I have the Holy<br />

Spirit in me, so through His help, I can have victory over<br />

temptation.<br />

Now when I pray, I know that God hears me if I will<br />

confess my sins. Yes, the Bible does demand that there<br />

needs to be repentance, and I do sometimes feel that I am<br />

not sorry enough, but God has promised to hear me when I<br />

confess my sins.<br />

I hope this encourages you. Have a great day! 6<br />

Artwork:<br />

Patience Girl<br />

Drawn by Rachel B.<br />

Volume 3, Issue 3

Sports for Girls:<br />

Badminton<br />

Written by Rachel M.<br />

At 1:40 p.m. in a gymnasium, 15 girls stand on either side of a<br />

net, grunting and swinging with all their might. There are<br />

sounds of laughs and high fives, and everyone is having a good<br />

time. “What,” you may ask, “are you playing?” This is the<br />

wonderful game of badminton. Every day in P.E. class, we<br />

gather and practice, and in March, had a lateral tournament.<br />

Badminton is a less-known game played by people trying to get<br />

a good grade in Physical Education.<br />

Ok, so maybe not, but like I said, it is not very common<br />

amongst young girls. It is at times very complicated, but when<br />

you learn the rules, it’s not hard.<br />

The basic gist of the game is to hit the shuttlecock, or “birdie”<br />

as it is more commonly referred to, over the 5-ft net (green<br />

lines). It has to stay in bounds, which differ, according to<br />

whether or not you are playing doubles or singles. You either<br />

score if you’re opponent(s) commit a foul (like hitting the net)<br />

or if they don’t get the birdie over the net.<br />

If you are playing singles, your boundaries would be the orange<br />

lines (think long and narrow). If you were playing doubles, your<br />

boundaries would be the raspberry lines (think short and fat).<br />

Also, no matter if you are playing doubles or singles, you must<br />

serve from behind the short service line (the yellow lines), and<br />

you must make the serve over your opponent’s short service<br />

line. There are also different types of serves if you are playing<br />

doubles or singles.<br />

Many of the girls in my P.E. like badminton. We play both<br />

singles and doubles. Personally, I prefer doubles, because I’m<br />

not that great at badminton, so I like someone who can cover<br />

for me.<br />

While I am not that good at badminton, I love it because it is<br />

the sort of game that does not require much stress. My friend,<br />

Melissa, says, “Badminton is a great way to goof off with<br />

friends after a stressful day because it can be played goofy or<br />

with rules.” Technically, in class we have to follow the rules, but<br />

if you happen to have a badminton set, you don’t have to<br />

follow the rules.<br />

I encourage you to try to find some people to play with. My<br />

P.E. teacher, Mrs. Asire says, “Badminton is a racquet sport that<br />

can be played both competitively or just for recreation. It's a<br />

fun way to get exercise!” It is a very fun sport. 6<br />

Benjamin and Amelia Say . . .<br />

Laugh out loud at these cute things that five year old Benjamin (Happy<br />

birthday Benjamin!) and three year old Amelia say!<br />

Benjamin loves watching Frozen. One day he was watching it<br />

with his family. When we reached the part where Kristoff<br />

blatantly states that all men pick their noses, Benjamin declared<br />

proudly, “I do!”<br />

One day while Christiana was showing Amelia a big limb that<br />

had fallen Amelia said, “Daddy can fix that with a tree<br />

hammer!" 6<br />

Artwork:<br />

Fox<br />

Drawn by Katherine K.<br />

In Your Community<br />

Submitted by Alexandra and Bentley P.<br />

Generous Garden Project- If you like to help fight hunger,<br />

stock more fresh fruits and vegetables in food banks, shelters,<br />

and ministries, then this is the volunteer job for you! If you<br />

are eighteen years or younger than you must have your waiver<br />

signed by your parent or guardian. For more information<br />

please check out their <strong>web</strong>site<br />

http://www.generousgarden.org !<br />

Friend Shop Sidewalk Sale- Help the library sell recycled<br />

books, magazines, and AV materials! If you are the age 13 to<br />

15 you will need a parent or guardian. If you are 16 and older<br />

you do not need a guardian or parent. They require you to be<br />

friendly volunteers! For more information please contact<br />

http://www.greenvillelibrary.org 6<br />

Volume 3, Issue 3

Meet a South Kakalaki Girl:<br />

Emily .<br />

Submitted by Rachel B.<br />

When is your birthday? June 30.<br />

Do you have any siblings? Yes, four. Lane, Drew, Elissa<br />

Kate (or Lilla, and Baby Wyatt.<br />

What are your favorite colors? My favorite colors are purple<br />

and sparkles!<br />

What are your favorite animals? Lambs have always been<br />

my favorite but dachshunds are a close second!<br />

What are your favorite and least favorite subjects in<br />

school? Favorite is History, least favorite is Math.<br />

What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Mint chocolate<br />

chip!<br />

What is your favorite type of soda? My Aunt and I both<br />

share a love of Dr. Pepper!<br />

What is your favorite car brand or type, if any? I would<br />

love to have a lime green convertible VW Bug as my first car,<br />

but my parents already put the kibosh on that!<br />

What is your favorite thing to do? Read, read, read! I also<br />

like drawing, painting, writing stories and hanging out with my<br />

siblings.<br />

Do you have any pets? I have two dachshunds, Redman and<br />

Sophie. Redman loves to sleep and lie around (I wouldn't<br />

blame him, he's 14!) and Sophie (she looks like a puppy since<br />

she's so tiny, but she's actually a year old) loves to eat! Every<br />

night at dinner we time her to see how long it takes her to<br />

finish. Her record is 8 seconds!<br />

What do you want to do/be when you grow up? I want to<br />

be an author/artist/singer/stay-at-home-mom/fashion<br />

designer/photographer/an actress on Broadway. Wow, I think<br />

I have way too many jobs and not enough time in life!<br />

Is there anything that makes your life different than<br />

others? I have 9 loud, noisy cousins and we all live in the<br />

same neighborhood! We're all best friends and are at each<br />

other's houses all the time!<br />

Would you rather live in the country or the city? I am a<br />

Southern country girl. I can't stand crowded places (this is<br />

one reason I prefer Dollywood over Disney World).<br />

What is your life verse? "Let the words of my mouth and the<br />

meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord,<br />

my strength and my redeemer." Psalms 19:14<br />

Emily loves writing!<br />

Why do you enjoy writing? I think writing is a chance to be<br />

someone else — maybe someone like you; maybe someone<br />

unlike you. It helps my creativity flow!<br />

What type of books do you enjoy writing? I've been<br />

working on a few stories and they all have different genres.<br />

One is Christian Fiction, one is fantasy, and one is more of<br />

ideas from a movie.<br />

How many stories have you completed? Surprisingly, only<br />

a few. Sometimes I'll begin one and completely abandon it or<br />

I'll have a good idea, but it doesn't come out like I had hoped.<br />

Where do you get ideas for your stories? Lots of different<br />

places! Sometimes I'll see something on TV, magazines, or<br />

other books and I'll think, “Ooh! I need to write about that!” I<br />

get my characters names from a baby names <strong>web</strong>site and<br />

sometimes even the perfect name with the right meaning gives<br />

me ideas to build on.<br />

Would you like to share a summary of one of your<br />

stories? Sure! Twelve-year-old tomboy Gia Malone's mom is<br />

getting married — to her science teacher! That wouldn't be so<br />

bad except Mr. Kim is boring, his daughter Danya is a snob,<br />

and Gia is failing in that class! Can Gia, with the help of her<br />

older brothers Gregg and Gavin, stop the wedding? Or is she<br />

exactly where God wants her to be?<br />

You could be our next featured South Kakalaki Girl! Just use<br />

the contact form and let us know that you are interested. In<br />

order to be a featured South Kakalaki Girl, you must have<br />

read the <strong>SKG</strong> newsletter at least once, and you must also be<br />

between the ages of 4-20. 6<br />

What are your goals in life? Well of course accomplishing<br />

some of the jobs on the first list. But I also want to find the<br />

right man that God wants me to be with and have a Christcentered<br />

marriage. And possibly 3 kids!<br />

Have you ever earned any awards? I've won 5 trophies for<br />

ballet and a medal each for drama and singing in a Junior<br />

Talent Show for my church denomination.<br />

Volume 3, Issue 3

Quiz:<br />

What Color Code are You?<br />

Written by Maddie M.<br />

1. Which would you rather visit?<br />

A. Hawaii<br />

B. Alaska<br />

C. Los Angeles<br />

2. Which would you rather wear?<br />

A. A blue tank top with an orange flower printed onto it<br />

B. Lavender jeans with white polka dots<br />

C. Mint green jeans with a sparkly belt<br />

3. Which lip gloss?<br />

A. Marvelous Mango<br />

B. Icy Clear Mint<br />

C. Ruby Red<br />

4. Your friend wants to borrow your cute little top that you<br />

just bought, and she promises to return the next day. You<br />

let her borrow it and, after a week, she still hasn't returned<br />

it. You:<br />

A. Call your friend and ask her to return your top ASAP<br />

B. Tell your friend to give your top back and tell yourself to never<br />

let her borrow anything of yours again.<br />

C. Demand her to give your top back and tell her you will not let<br />

her borrow your stuff again.<br />

5. You are a gymnast. The biggest gymnastics competition<br />

of your life is coming up tomorrow, and you’re totally<br />

excited! At the competition, you manage to score a gold<br />

medal on beam, floor, and bars . . . however, you get a silver<br />

medal for vault. You actually have a chance of winning,<br />

when the judges announce your teammate, Anna, scored<br />

gold medals for all events. You:<br />

A. Are real excited! After all, you came in second overall and you<br />

got more points for your team!<br />

B. You’re upset you didn't come in first, but you congratulate<br />

Anna. You let her celebrate her victory like you would have<br />

celebrated yours.<br />

C. You’re furious, of course. You didn't win the highest<br />

title. It's such a bummer. You don't even congratulate Anna<br />

because you really wanted to come in first!<br />

Results (Add up the points to find your answer . . .)<br />

1.<br />

A - 1<br />

B - 1<br />

C - 2<br />

5-7 points - Code Green: Aloha, my friend! You love natural<br />

shades, like green, blue, and orange! These colors remind you to<br />

stay calm, and they remind you to be patient and be a loyal<br />

friend, no matter what! You’re an awesome sport when it<br />

comes to losing, which means you’re totally code<br />

green! Congrats on being an awesome girl and loving mango lip<br />

gloss.<br />

8-10 points - Code Purple: Hello, there! So . . . it is pure<br />

awesomeness that you love those lavender jeans and Icy Clear<br />

Mint lip gloss. Oh, and the fact you love Alaska, I hope (even<br />

though it's pretty cold there . . . brr!). While you may be a great<br />

friend, you still keep some important stuff to yourself, which is<br />

very wise of you! But please keep in mind to be patient and<br />

loyal, even when times are tough. Keep up the cool beans, code<br />

purple!<br />

11-12 points - Code Red: You were tested on your fashion<br />

sense and your friend-style. You got a code red, which may not<br />

be the hottest color. No fear, though! Just work on keeping<br />

your mind at peace and being happy for everyone else. Also,<br />

don't forget to keep calm and be patient . . . your chance will<br />

come soon! Other than that though . . . continue loving the<br />

amazing city and loving the red gloss, girl! 6<br />

Bible Trivia<br />

Submitted by Katherine M.<br />

1. How many times is the word patience used in the Bible?<br />

2. How many times is the word patient used in the Bible?<br />

3. How many times is the word patiently used in the Bible?<br />

4. True or false: the word patience is not used at all in the Old<br />

Testament.<br />

2.<br />

A - 1<br />

B - 2<br />

C - 2<br />

5. Who was the youngest king to ascend the throne mentioned<br />

in the Old Testament?<br />

6. What were the names of Lamech’s 2 wives (Genesis 4)?<br />

7. Who was the second wife of Abraham?<br />

8. Who was a seller of purple in Acts?<br />

9. What was the name of the queen that the Ethiopian eunuch<br />

worked for in Acts?<br />

3.<br />

A - 1<br />

B - 2<br />

C - 2<br />

4.<br />

A - 1<br />

B - 2<br />

C - 3<br />

10. What was Queen Esther’s predecessor’s name? 6<br />

5.<br />

A - 1<br />

B - 2<br />

C - 3<br />

Volume 3, Issue 3

1. 33<br />

2. 9<br />

3. 6<br />

4. True<br />

5. Joash<br />

6. Adah and Zillah<br />

7. Keturah<br />

8. Lydia<br />

9. Candace<br />

10. Vashti 6<br />

Answers to Bible Trivia<br />

Submitted by Katherine M.<br />

A True Story:<br />

A Trip to Columbia<br />

Written by Emma G.<br />

On April Fools Day, 2014, my mom, my siblings, and I went to<br />

Columbia, SC, to do fun activities and play with my cousins. It<br />

was so much fun! Slowly, we drove the one hour and thirty<br />

minute drive. When we crossed the “Welcome to Columbia” sign<br />

we were as happy as a lark. We met Aunt Charlene at the Kroger<br />

Center to watch an orchestra perform and to watch different<br />

people do acrobatics while the music played. After we went to<br />

the Cirque du Soleil Concert we went to Aunt Charlene’s house,<br />

we played all afternoon and then we watched Frozen. :) Later<br />

that night we put on a puppet show for my mom, Aunt Charlene,<br />

and Uncle James (dad didn’t go with us). After the puppet show,<br />

we went straight to bed. The next morning we got up, ate<br />

breakfast, and headed to the SC History Museum with my mom.<br />

We saw a bunch of cool things. We did school work and ate<br />

lunch as soon as we got back to Aunt Charlene’s house. After we<br />

played some more, Aunt Charlene told us to start to get ready for<br />

the Keith and Kristyn Getty ( modern hymn writers ) concert.<br />

We ate dinner as fast as we could, we finished getting ready,<br />

hopped in the car and drove to the Getty concert. We met Uncle<br />

James there. When the concert started I was so excited! I wanted<br />

to scream! The concert was amazing! After the concert we met<br />

Keith Getty. We went to Aunt Charlene’s house, and we packed<br />

up, ate a snack, said good-bye to everybody and traveled back<br />

home. My two day adventure in Columbia had ended.<br />

Career:<br />

Meet Lt. Col. MacDougall from the Air<br />

National Guard<br />

Written by Lydia K.<br />

Lt. Col. MacDougall goes to our church, and he really wanted to<br />

take our youth group to the Air National Guard base where he<br />

works. We went last month, and I really loved it.<br />

We got to go in the simulator where they train pilots, tour a plane<br />

that was under inspection, learn about survival training, etc. So<br />

when I saw that the career article was open I thought I could<br />

interview him.<br />

He told me so many things that he did not tell us on the tour. On<br />

the tour, we toured the biggest plane in the US. It is called the<br />

Galaxy C-5. It was huge!<br />

Memorizing lots of Scripture is very helpful in the military,<br />

because you don't always have a Bible with you. If you were<br />

captured or in a scary situation, you wouldn’t have time to get<br />

your Bible out.<br />

They are cargo planes and they often times carry soldiers. When<br />

they are carrying soldiers they drop them into enemy territory, so<br />

they often get shot at. Their only defense system is flares and<br />

chaff. They both mess up the missile's course in some way and<br />

thus prevent them to hit the plane.<br />

When Lt. Col. MacDougall was in training, they taught him to<br />

stay alive for what matters in your life the most (i.e. family, career,<br />

etc.). But for Christians, he said that would be to live for God<br />

and serving Him. So memorizing lots of Scripture is very helpful<br />

in the military, because you wouldn’t always have a Bible with<br />

you; and if you were captured or in a scary situation, you don't<br />

have time to get the Bible out. Here are his answers to the<br />

interview questions.<br />

1. What is your current position? I am a Lieutenant Colonel in<br />

the Air National Guard, assigned to help maintain a squadron of<br />

jets for worldwide military missions.<br />

2. What positions have you had? I have primarily served in the<br />

Air National Guard and Air Force Reserves as a pilot.<br />

3. What subjects do you have to study to be a pilot in the<br />

military? To be a pilot in the military — whether that be in the<br />

Active Duty forces, the Air National Guard, or the Air Force<br />

Reserves — you must be commissioned as an officer, which<br />

requires at least a college Bachelor-level degree of any major.<br />

Pilot candidates also must successfully score high on various<br />

qualifying tests that measure skills in math, verbal, piloting and<br />

navigation. It really helps your competitive position if you have a<br />

private pilot's license.<br />

4. What do you like doing best during your job? Any position<br />

flying is better than any position on the ground.<br />

Continued on next page.<br />

Volume 3, Issue 3

Continued from previous page.<br />

My favorite type of sortie is flying daytime low-level terrainmapping<br />

missions in formation with other aircraft.<br />

A “sortie,” as defined by the Encarta<br />

dictionary, is “an attack on an enemy or an<br />

aircraft mission.” It can also refer to a person<br />

who is on a sortie.<br />

5. Please describe a typical day at work. What I like best about<br />

being a military pilot is that there is no typical day at work.<br />

It could involve administrative office work on the ground,<br />

studying, flying locally for training, working out physically, flying<br />

real-world (non-training) missions, or a combination of those.<br />

However, generally speaking, on days that flying is scheduled,<br />

pilots arrive at the squadron a few hours ahead of take-off time to<br />

read up on any updates regarding the plane or things that could<br />

have an impact on the sortie. Then a series of briefings are held<br />

that spell out what the mission is about and what is to be<br />

expected from each flying member. This minimizes any<br />

surprises. If the sortie is to involve flying in unfriendly territory,<br />

then those briefings will include intelligence updates about the<br />

situation.<br />

The pilot then "steps to the jet" and accomplishes the mission.<br />

Afterwards, a debriefing is held amongst all the participating<br />

flying members and the sortie is discussed in order to improve<br />

each other and future performance. Questions such as, "How did<br />

it go," “Why did you do that?,” “What were you thinking?” and,<br />

"What could have been done better?" are asked.<br />

6. What made you decide to be an ANG pilot? I felt that it<br />

was a career choice that made a difference. Also, there was a<br />

personal intense fun factor and adrenaline rush that my then<br />

current career, accounting, did not possess. No surprise there,<br />

huh.<br />

7. Where was your first job? Well, my first real job was as a life<br />

guard when I was 15. But my first job out of college was as an<br />

accountant for a big auditing firm. I was stuck in an office and<br />

really disliked it. It's worth noting that one can serve part-time in<br />

the National Guard or Reserves and still hold a full-time job<br />

doing something entirely different. That was the route I took. I<br />

have a full-time job as a sales manager with a regular company,<br />

but I participate in the Air National Guard on the side. Juggling<br />

priorities and time between the two can be extremely difficult, so<br />

it's important that the full-time regular non-military job have a<br />

good bit of understanding and flexibility built into it.<br />

this interview. As I look back on my 25-year career thus far in the<br />

military, I think my memory highlights are the two deployments<br />

that I performed during our nation's operations in Iraq and<br />

Afghanistan, which occurred during early parts of those<br />

campaigns. Very austere living and so much of the daily work<br />

was making it up as we went. The only constant was change and<br />

the flying was, well, hot...on a couple of levels.<br />

A note from Lydia: This a cool story that he told me. Once he was<br />

landing out in the Azores and so while they were waiting on the<br />

plane they got see a bull chase/fight. He said it was so cool.<br />

9. What is the best thing about this job? It's different for every<br />

military pilot. Some like the flying, some like the mission of<br />

protecting and defending our nation, and some like the lifestyle<br />

and follow-on opportunities it may bring . . . such as becoming an<br />

airline pilot. For me, all of those are important, but I also like the<br />

immense responsibility that comes with being handed the keys to<br />

a jet, weapons, and crew at a very young age. It is a serious career<br />

that requires a sharp mind, fit body, and demands effective<br />

leadership, so maturity is a pre-requisite and develops very quickly<br />

in this environment.<br />

10. Do you have to like certain things in order to do this<br />

occupation? You have to like altitudes and going fast. You also<br />

have to like—or at least be willing—to not get into a routine and<br />

being flexible with being away from home.<br />

Also, it's awfully important that pilots stay physically fit, eat<br />

healthily, and stay academically keen on all the systems of the<br />

plane, procedures of flying, and enemy tactics and<br />

capabilities. The effects of aerospace operations on the mind and<br />

physical body are significant. Oxygen pressures, G-forces,<br />

speeds, sensory cues and depravations affected by darkness,<br />

weather, fatigue, in-flight emergencies, and the inherent stresses<br />

of real-world missions, all help to make the pilot's sortie more<br />

difficult. And I haven't even mentioned the real prospect of<br />

having an enemy trying to shoot you down and what could<br />

subsequently happen if they were successful.<br />

11. Have you ever earned any awards? Military flying generates<br />

opportunities and experiences that are broad, exciting and<br />

frequently challenging, even difficult. Given enough years in this<br />

business, all pilots will be decorated with numerous awards and<br />

citations simply by the nature of what they do. Yes, I have<br />

received many awards. I've even earned a few. Some of them are<br />

recognitions for unit excellence, or participating in various<br />

campaigns, or having achieved some qualification. But the ones<br />

that I respect the most are the ones that are earned for true and<br />

unique action. I have two in particular that were awarded to me<br />

for specific flying things in what we call "the desert."<br />

A special thanks to Lt. Col. MacDougall for his<br />

brave service to our country.<br />

8. Have you had any interesting things happen to you while<br />

working in this job? Many. Actually, too many to recount in<br />

Volume 3, Issue 3

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