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world is slowing down<br />

By Steve Schappell<br />

Tale of Two Cities could be the<br />

A book title that describes Houston<br />

right now. Houston is regarded<br />

globally as an oil town, and given the<br />

current market conditions it would<br />

be easy to assume that the city’s<br />

economy is in free fall. For those of us<br />

who work in the oil and gas industry,<br />

the anxiety is palpable. When we<br />

meet fellow workers in the industry,<br />

talk quickly turns to the stacking of<br />

rigs and a further round of layoffs<br />

in the city. The statistics offer no<br />

relief: a 59.2% year-on-year reduction<br />

in the number of operating rigs<br />

in the US and a 62.8% reduction in<br />

oil exploration do not generate much<br />

enthusiasm.<br />

Given these numbers, it makes no<br />

sense for construction cranes to be as<br />

common a sight as mosquitos in our<br />

city, which is built on a swamp. An<br />

oil town must surely suffer through<br />

this market. Ask anyone who was<br />

here in the 1980s, and they’ll tell you<br />

about vacant homes and the exodus<br />

of people from the city.<br />

Energy is the driver<br />

But Houstonians are resilient, and<br />

they have been determined not to<br />

allow a repeat of the 80s. Many think<br />

of Houston as the energy capital<br />

of the world, and with 4.2% of the<br />

population working in the oil and gas<br />

industry, that sector is certainly the<br />

leading economic driver. However,<br />

the city has been able to diversify its<br />

economy by expanding the manufacturing,<br />

chemical and health care industries<br />

over the past three decades.<br />

Houston’s port is also the largest<br />

one in the region, handling over $250<br />

billion in imports and exports annually.<br />

To put it in GDP terms, at $525.4<br />

billion Houston would have the 26th<br />

largest economy in the world, behind<br />

Belgium and ahead of Norway.<br />

Although the diversification<br />

has helped, there is no doubt that<br />

Houston is still an energy town that<br />

depends on the oil and gas industry<br />

to drive its long-term economic success.<br />

Houston’s economy has slowed<br />

from a growth rate of 6.5% in 2013<br />

to 1.8% in 2014. Estimates for 2015<br />

range from 1.5% to 3%. The slowdown<br />

reflects the direct impact of the<br />

oil price on the Houston economy.<br />

Without the diversification of the<br />

last 30 years, these figures would be<br />

significantly worse.<br />

Mix of people<br />

Given all the negative news, it would<br />

be natural to assume that a black<br />

cloud must hang over the city. Yet<br />

that is not the case. I believe that<br />

the diversification of the citizenry<br />

has helped Houston just as much as<br />

the diversification of its economy.<br />

A surprising 23.1% of Houstonians<br />

are foreign-born. The mix of people<br />

having diverse backgrounds and<br />

experiences means that Houston’s<br />

atmosphere is ever-changing.<br />

Maersk Drilling, USA seems to be<br />

a microcosm of Houston’s situation.<br />

On one side is the positive story of<br />

the Viking and Valiant, which are<br />

one year into operation on strong<br />

contracts, driving high uptime and<br />

revenues. On the other side is the Developer,<br />

which is coming off contract<br />

with very few work prospects in the<br />

Gulf of Mexico. Much like Houston’s<br />

response to the downturn in the<br />

80s, at Maersk Drilling, USA we are<br />

urgently reviewing our policies and<br />

procedures to ensure that we are<br />

fully prepared to weather this storm.<br />

We must build an organization that<br />

will not only be able to get through<br />

it, but will have the capability and<br />

capacity to grow after the market<br />

changes. It seems clear that the Gulf<br />

of Mexico will be the first region to<br />

drill a 20k well, and our team has to<br />

be poised to move quickly into this<br />

new frontier and beat the competition.<br />

Hoping for change<br />

Given the resilient nature of Houstonians<br />

and the cyclical nature of the<br />

oil industry, one can only hope the<br />

current situation matches the local<br />

weather in the spring: “Just wait a<br />

little while and it will change”.<br />

As I look out through my work<br />

window and watch the ongoing<br />

construction of the new Phillips 66<br />

global headquarters and a high-rise<br />

apartment building across the street,<br />

I can only pause and think, “We are<br />

Houstonians. Not only will we get<br />

through this, we will come out of it<br />

even stronger”.<br />

Photo: Henry Han<br />

Who’s who<br />

Steve Schappell is Location Director at Maersk Drilling, USA.<br />

He has been with Maersk for more than seven years.<br />

Before joining the Maersk Group Steve spent ten years in the US Army.<br />

In Maersk he spent three years in procurement roles supporting US flag vessels, two years as a<br />

program manager in Japan overseeing a maintenance and procurement program, two years as<br />

Head of Supply Chain, Americas, supporting Maersk Drilling. Steve has been Location Manager<br />

Maersk Drilling, Houston for five months.<br />

Maersk Drilling <strong>Newsletter</strong> 02·2015<br />


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