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January 18<br />

Spiritual Culture - God, we humbly ask for your Holy Spirit to develop the mind of<br />

Christ and clothe each student with the character of Christ.<br />

A Teacher’s Prayer for His Students<br />

Let this mind--this attitude--be in you which was also in Christ Jesus:<br />

A willingness to pour yourself out for others--empty yourself as a sacrifice for the<br />

needs of those around you. Deny yourself daily. Such a life will fill you and those you<br />

serve with joy.<br />

Be so controlled by the Spirit that you can’t walk by anyone with a need--emotional,<br />

spiritual, even physical without responding. You can’t help yourself. Such a life<br />

edifies--builds up--strengthens--those you help and fortifies your spiritual faith in His<br />

desire--and ability--to use you for His glory.<br />

Be committed to live such a life of obedient service for others no matter what--until<br />

death. Such a life of loving obedience in all things fills you with a sense of His<br />

presence--a sense of His faithful love toward you. “For me to live is Christ--and to<br />

die, gain.”<br />

Such a life of complete surrender to the Spirit lifts up the beauty of the Savior before<br />

the eyes of men. And if He is lifted up . . .?<br />

A Teacher’s Responsibility: to daily model such a life. Christianity, after all, is a<br />

lifestyle.<br />

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January 19<br />

Co-Curricular Culture - Father, help WCS to provide quality options for students to<br />

excel outside of the classroom through athletics, music, art and special interest<br />

clubs.<br />

God has given us all things—within the boundaries of His truth—to enjoy. He has<br />

given some of us physical strength, agility, and endurance that we might enjoy and<br />

pursue athletic excellence. He has given some of us voices that can harmonize<br />

beautifully with other voices. He has given some of us the ability to take a musical<br />

instrument and create glorious beauty. He has given some of us the ability to<br />

create beauty with paint and brushes. Some of us can exhibit wondrous beauty and<br />

emotion through the gift of dance. Some of us have been given the gift of immersing<br />

ourselves into someone else’s character and through drama to express laughter and<br />

tears and truth.<br />

None of these gifts is superior to the others. They are all gifts given to us for our<br />

enjoyment—and in many cases, for a lifetime of enjoyment. There has long been<br />

a debate over whether such activities, and the discipline of doing such things well,<br />

produces character or just reveals a person’s character. The reason for the debate<br />

is obvious—these activities do both. That’s why the Spirit encourages us to<br />

remember that in everything we do, we can—and should—do all to the glory of God.<br />

We should in all things make the invisible God visible.<br />

Proven character cannot be fully developed in just the walls of a classroom. We<br />

must also provide opportunities for students to use and enjoy the gifts God has<br />

given them—for His glory. He greatly desires that we do so.<br />

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