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January 14<br />

Current Students - Lord, help WCS to ensure our students are fully equipped to<br />

spiritually and intellectually engage in the increasingly secular world.<br />

Equipping students is a daunting task—the enemy’s tactics are many and varied.<br />

And he doesn’t just use ideas; he also uses circumstances. What’s a teacher to do?<br />

Where does one begin? With the truth, of course.<br />

“Your Word is a lamp unto my feet”—a guide for the next step.<br />

“Father, sanctify them through your truth; Thy Word is the truth.”—obedience to the<br />

Word is transformational.<br />

“Wield the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”—the only weapon of<br />

attack.<br />

“Meditate on the Word, day and night; and you will be like a tree planted by the<br />

rivers of water”—it builds steadfastness, fruitfulness into a life.<br />

“All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable . . . that the man of God may be<br />

adequate, equipped for every good work.”<br />

All truth is God’s truth. Every science class is a Bible class. Every history class is<br />

a Bible class. Every English class is a Bible class. The more the Christian student<br />

knows, the more he or she can form relationships and the more they will then be<br />

equipped to give an answer as to the hope that resides within them.<br />

How do we equip students? By immersing them in God’s truth in every class they<br />

take. “Let the Word of God dwell in you richly.”<br />

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January 15<br />

Current Families - Lord, would you strengthen marriages, give wisdom in parenting,<br />

provision in finances and health, and enable us to reflect Christ.<br />

To understand the importance of the family, you just need to reflect on our<br />

increasingly secular society’s insistence at redefining it. And, of course, to redefine<br />

something is to completely change it into something else—something entirely<br />

different. Worthington Christian Schools rest on the beauty and strength of the<br />

family as defined by God Himself. Worthington Christian Schools will be no stronger<br />

than the families they serve, who in turn serve the school. And all of the families in<br />

and of themselves form a spiritual family—interconnected and interdependent. We<br />

need a total commitment to each other, an unflinching loyalty to the cause of Christ,<br />

and a total engagement in the solving of those inevitable problems that arise within<br />

the school family and the individual families that make up that body. Our<br />

compassion, our comfort, our energy, and even our resources must be lavished upon<br />

our families in times of need. That will create and confirm the unity that glorifies<br />

Him. No child comes to school and leaves at home the influences of his or her<br />

family. And that should be a wonderfully uplifting thing—that should be our strength.<br />

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