And Engage Your Team




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Leadership & Management Academy<br />

H E R R M A N N I N T E R N A T I O N A L<br />


C e r t i f i c a t e P r o g r a m<br />

March 04 – 05 – 06, 2016 | Le ROYAL Hotel – Dbayeh - Lebanon<br />

Increase <strong>Your</strong> Leadership<br />

<strong>And</strong> <strong>Engage</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Team</strong><br />

Using Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI®)<br />

www.theleadership-academy.com | www.eduliban.org<br />

LEB +961 3 39 31 35 | JD +962 79 9536821 | UAE +971 50 5388466 | Fax +9611880301

Increase <strong>Your</strong><br />

Leadership &<br />

<strong>Engage</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Team</strong><br />

Using HBDI®<br />

March 04-05-06, 2016 | Le ROYAL Hotel - Dbayeh<br />

A C e r t i f i c a t e P r o g r a m<br />

Based on:<br />


Designed for:<br />

Managers & School Leaders,<br />

HR Managers, Consultants & Recruiters<br />

Conducted by:<br />

Organized by:<br />


It doesn’t matter what type of business you are in,<br />

Being successful in business requires<br />

Whole Brain Thinking.<br />

Book <strong>Your</strong><br />

Seat Today<br />

training@eduliban.org<br />

REGISTER before<br />

February 15 and BENEFIT<br />

from a reduced rate<br />


If you want to improve your team performance,<br />

reduce team conflict and create productive<br />

project teams, you have to pay attention to what<br />

drives the team’s interactions: THINKING.<br />

The HBDI® is a powerful psycho-Neurometric<br />

assessment that defines and describes the way<br />

you think and process information. It gives you<br />

insight into why you value certain types of<br />

information over others.<br />

With that valuable knowledge about yourself,<br />

you can learn how to “FLEX” into other ways of<br />

thinking to adapt to others – how they think,<br />

what they value, how they communicate – so you<br />

can bridge any gap, quickly.<br />

© Herrmann International<br />

The Whole Brain Thinking focuses on showing people how to use their whole brain, not just the parts<br />

with which they feel most comfortable. It also helps you as Manager, <strong>Team</strong> Leader or HR to assign the<br />

right people in the right positions, and make the most of their brain power.<br />

The highly validated Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument® (HBDI®) will raise your partners<br />

and employees engagement, and optimize their productivity, based on the fact that better thinking leads<br />

to better results, and helps your team put their whole brain to work.<br />

The Whole Brain Thinking shows leaders how to use their whole brain, and engage the team’s whole<br />

brain. It acknowledges that while different tasks require different mental processes, and different people<br />

prefer different kinds of thinking, organizations will get better results when they can strategically<br />

leverage the full spectrum of thinking available.

The HBDI® psycho-neurometric Assessment:<br />

The HBDI® identifies and measures<br />

the strength of preference for each of<br />

the four distinct thinking styles. These<br />

correspond to the cerebral<br />

hemispheres and the limbic system of<br />

the brain.<br />

The two left side structures combine<br />

to represent what is popularly called<br />

left brain thinking. The two right side<br />

structures combine to represent right<br />

brain thinking. The two cerebral<br />

structures combine to represent<br />

cerebral thinking and the two limbic<br />

structures combine to represent<br />

limbic thinking.<br />

The HBDI®, through its series of 120 items, is capable of measuring the degree of preference<br />

between each of the four individual thinking structures (quadrants) and each of the four paired<br />

structures (modes). This results in a four quadrant profile, which displays the degree of preference<br />

for each of the four quadrants - your HBDI® Profile.<br />

<strong>Your</strong> personal HBDI® Profile will give you a new perspective on how you think, communicate,<br />

collaborate, solve problems and all other aspects of performance.<br />

During the workshop, the participant receives a comprehensive HBDI® Profile report that includes<br />

in-depth interpretation of the results, reference material about the Whole Brain Model®,<br />

comparison data and activities for further exploration and development.<br />

Register NOW and get <strong>Your</strong> HBDI® personal access code

Increase <strong>Your</strong> Leadership & <strong>Engage</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Team</strong> Using Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument®<br />

March 04-05-06, 2016 | Le ROYAL Hotel – Dbayeh – Lebanon<br />

training@eduliban.org | info@theleadership-academy.com |<br />

LEB +961 3 39 31 35 | JD +962 79 9536821 | UAE +971 50 5388466 | Fax +9611880301<br />

Training Format:<br />

Three-Day Course : From 9h00 am till 5h00 pm<br />

Target People : Managers & <strong>Team</strong> Leaders; HR Managers, Consultants & Recruiters<br />

Dates : March 04-05-06, 2016<br />

Location : Le ROYAL Hotel - Dbayeh - Lebanon<br />

Training Features:<br />

A. HBDI® Psycho-Neurometric pre- training assessment,<br />

B. Simultaneous interpretation during the training from French into<br />

Arabic<br />

C. A PERSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL printed HBDI® package with<br />

personal profile detailed interpretation, transparent overlay<br />

sheet, explanation pages and application exercises.<br />

D. Comprehensive Training Manual<br />

E. Training material and gadgets<br />

F. One-on-one coaching sessions with Mr. Raymond El Khoury - HBDI® Certified, after the three training<br />

days<br />

G. One year continuous business coaching in order to fix the new Herrmann’s management habits<br />

H. Membership in “Middle East Whole Brain® <strong>Team</strong>”<br />

I. One free maintenance session 6 months later<br />

J. Certificate of attendance from Herrmann International Europe<br />

K. Certificate from Leadership & Management Academy accredited by the Ministry of Education and the<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs<br />

Course Objectives:<br />

By the end of the seminar you should be able to:<br />

Define the principles and understand the foundation of of the Whole Brain Technology®,<br />

Understand your individual Thinking Preference profile, its consequences and define development<br />

leads,<br />

Adapt your leadership style to your staff for a maximum efficiency,<br />

Identify the possible applications for the Whole Brain approach, within companies and position the<br />

HBDI® in a process of Engaging People,<br />

Understand your and others’ profiles, and discover the different Whole Brain applications: recruiting,<br />

interviewing, problem solving, decision making, delegating and empowering, workflow alignment and other<br />

key management functions,<br />

Manage projects more effectively and come up with more unique ideas,<br />

66% increase in<br />

team Productivity<br />

and 50% reduction<br />

on attrition<br />

Intel<br />

In 7 Years, half of your<br />

workforce will be<br />

elsewhere<br />

Deloitte. Human Capital Trends 2013<br />

Make smarter decisions and solve problems faster,<br />

Eliminate the frustrations and miscommunications that slow down<br />

progress,<br />

Better understand others and the way they think,<br />

Better collaborate and facilitate team work,<br />

Use the Whole Brain Technology® to lead, develop and coach diverse<br />

work groups and work effectively with internal and external customers.

L e a d e r s h i p & M a n a g e m e n t A c a d e m y - Beirut<br />

Because Adapting <strong>Your</strong> Thinking is Better Thinking …<br />

A Certificate Program with Herrmann International - Europe<br />

Increase <strong>Your</strong> Leadership & <strong>Engage</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Team</strong> Using HBDI®<br />

March 04-05-06, 2016 | Le ROYAL Hotel – Dbayeh - Lebanon<br />

Training Outline<br />

1. Understanding The Whole Brain Technology®<br />

a. The brain seen by Mac Lean, Sperry and<br />

Herrmann<br />

b. History of the Whole Brain approach<br />

Types of profiles<br />

c. The HBDI® Profile: reading of the results<br />

d. Consequences of the profile (HBDI®)<br />

behaviors and attitudes<br />

2. Who are you? <strong>Your</strong> Personal HBDI® Profile<br />

a. Are you analytical, organizational,<br />

emotional or conceptual?<br />

b. Are you Single Dominant profile, Double<br />

Dominant profile, Triple Dominant profile or<br />

Quadruple Dominant profile?<br />

c. Learn about your personal thinking style<br />

© Herrmann International<br />

preferences and how to leverage “Whole<br />

Brain Thinking”<br />

d. Reading your HBDI® profile step by step<br />

e. How does your HBDI® profile impact your life?<br />

f. Become fluent in the four languages of the Whole Brain Model® and learn how to<br />

identify different HBDI® thinking style preferences<br />

3. Boosting <strong>Your</strong> Leadership through HBDI®<br />

a. How does your HBDI® profile impact your Leadership and Management actions?<br />

b. Establishing a better understanding and cooperation with different profiles of<br />

colleagues, customers, employees and managers<br />

c. Expand your range of behaviors and learn to work effectively outside of your<br />

preferred style<br />

d. Dealing with people with different profile and how to constructively deal with these<br />

differences<br />

e. Decrease turnover and job dissatisfaction<br />

f. How to adapt your profile to that of your<br />

subordinates<br />

g. Learn how to work with «Whole Brain®»<br />

h. Create a new way to solve problems<br />

i. Use collaborators preferences to build <strong>Team</strong><br />

Effectiveness<br />

j. Dealing with Multi Dominant profiles<br />

In 10 Years, 50% of the<br />

500 fortune companies<br />

won’t be there<br />

anymore<br />

Manual H. Johnson Center 2014

L e a d e r s h i p & M a n a g e m e n t A c a d e m y - Beirut<br />

Because Adapting <strong>Your</strong> Thinking is Better Thinking …<br />

A Certificate Program with Herrmann International - Europe<br />

Increase <strong>Your</strong> Leadership & <strong>Engage</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Team</strong> Using HBDI®<br />

March 04-05-06, 2016 | Le ROYAL Hotel – Dbayeh - Lebanon<br />

4. Recruiting, interviewing and scanning for potential best-fit<br />

collaborators<br />

a. Recruiting using HBDI® technique<br />

b. Scan for high-potential Collaborators / Leaders<br />

c. Improve your overall employee selection approach<br />

5. Communicate and engage my team<br />

a. Adapt my communication to have more impact on<br />

others<br />

b. Establishing a better understanding and cooperation<br />

with different profiles of colleagues, customers,<br />

employees and managers<br />

c. Analyze your messages and their match to the thinking<br />

styles of your internal/external target audiences<br />

d. Diversify and balance your communications to reach all<br />

audience segments<br />

e. Reduce conflicts stemming from contrasting communication styles.<br />

f. Ensure effective communication with anyone, about anything, at any time<br />

g. Develop an action plan to improve your effectiveness as a communicator and a team<br />

player<br />

6. As Leader, what you will leave behind? How the can HBDI® help you?<br />

a. 3 steps to create you legacy<br />

b. Choose the legacy you want to live & live the legacy you want to leave<br />

c. Invest in the next generation<br />

Modalities:<br />

- After registration, the participants will have access to the official HBDI® assessment,<br />

which evaluates and describes the degree of preference individuals have for thinking<br />

in each of the four brain quadrants.<br />

- During the workshop, each participant will receive a comprehensive Profile Package<br />

containing his personal HBDI® Profile results along with in-depth interpretation of the<br />

results and activities for further exploration and development.<br />

- The training will be based on active learning techniques including: group work, tests,<br />

videos, simulation, role play, case study and games.<br />

Simultaneous interpretation during the training from<br />

French into Arabic

Trainers:<br />

Head Trainer<br />


Herrmann International – Europe<br />

lionel.vuillemin@herrmann-france.com<br />

Lionel Marc Vuillemin is the author of many publications:<br />

- CEO of Herrmann International Europe, one of the three<br />

worldwide centers of Herrmann International’s network<br />

- International trainer and consultant,<br />

- HBDI® trainer and mentor for many reputed companies<br />

like: AIG, Air France, Nestlé …<br />

- He has a sociologist and an architect background<br />

- Expert in Management, Communication, <strong>Team</strong> Building,<br />

Conception, Innovation, Creativity and Assessment<br />

- He expands the applications of the Whole Brain Model®<br />

into several innovative products and services<br />

- He leads the creation of Pair and <strong>Team</strong> Profiles, now used<br />

worldwide by the Herrmann Group<br />

- Article : «Une enquête sur les préférences mentales de 99 managers français », dans<br />

le n° 91 de la revue Communication et langage.<br />

- Preface of « Manager avec l’approche Herrmann », from Stéphane Demilly.<br />

- Preface of « Les dominances cérébrales et la créativité », from Ned Herrmann.<br />

Publication director of : Herrmann International Europe' Customer Relation Newspaper "Preferences"<br />

- Issue n°: L’utilisation des préférences cérébrales dans le management d’équipes.<br />

- Issue n° : De la gestion des ressources humaines au développement des richesses<br />

humaines.<br />

- Issue n°: Innover ou se laisser distancer<br />

- Issue n°: La technologie des préférences cérébrales® appliquée à la pédagogie.<br />

- Issue n°: Faites fonctionner votre entreprise à cerveau total®.<br />

- Issue n°: Synthèse des outils et méthodes selon l’approche des préférences<br />

cérébrales.<br />

- Issue n°: L’utilisation du HBDI® et du modèle des préférences cérébrales dans les<br />

grandes écoles.


Leadership & Management Academy<br />

info@eduliban.org<br />

- HBDI® Certified – Herrmann international Europe<br />

- Founder and CEO of the Leadership & Management<br />

Academy, a training academy authorized by a presidential<br />

decree and certified by the Lebanese Ministry of Education<br />

and Higher Studies.<br />

- Consultant, Coach and Senior Trainer<br />

- Certified in Innovative Leadership from Boston College<br />

- Consultant providing consultancy and training services for<br />

public institutions, corporations, schools, universities,<br />

hotels, restaurants as well as local and international NGOs<br />

in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, KSA, UAE, Australia,<br />

Germany and Cameroun<br />

- Coach for business executives.<br />

- TV presenter and writer - The Coach<br />

- Setter of new concepts and principles on leadership and business management,<br />

self-development and education,<br />

- Author of publications on Communication, Management and Education<br />





HBDI® is <strong>Your</strong> Solution

10 reasons, why you should attend the program:<br />

1- YOU will Adapt your leadership style and get maximum effect,<br />

2- YOU will <strong>Engage</strong>, Motivate and Shape team members to enhance their vitality, energy and<br />

innovative skills<br />

3- YOU will Identify the potentials of your people,<br />

4- YOU will Make smarter decisions and Solve problems faster,<br />

5- YOU will Eliminate the frustrations and miscommunications and better Understand others<br />

and how they think,<br />

6- YOU will Choose/assign the right people for the right position/task,<br />

7- YOU will delegate and empower effectively,<br />

8- YOU will Create and manage an innovative organizational cultural,<br />

9- YOU will be Coached and followed-up for one year by The HBDI® certified practitioner<br />

Mr. Raymond El Khoury, as complementary to the training program,<br />

10- YOU will be a Member of “Middle East Whole Brain® <strong>Team</strong>”<br />


Number of Participants 1-3 4-7 8 & more<br />

Fees per participant: if<br />

registered and paid<br />

By Monday February 15, 2016<br />

1,120$ TTC 1,050$ TTC 985$ TTC<br />

Standard Fees per Participant<br />

After February 16, 2016<br />

1,600$ TTC 1450$ TTC 1,300$ TTC<br />

Register NOW and BENEFIT from a reduced rate

Increase <strong>Your</strong> Leadership & <strong>Engage</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Team</strong> Using Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument®<br />

March 04-05-06, 2016 | Le ROYAL Hotel – Dbayeh – Lebanon<br />

training@eduliban.org | info@theleadership-academy.com |<br />

LEB +961 3 39 31 35 | JD +962 79 9536821 | UAE +971 50 5388466 | Fax +9611880301<br />


1st Participant<br />

Title First Name Surname Job Title Mobile # Email<br />

2nd Participant<br />

3rd Participant<br />

4th Participant<br />

5th Participant<br />

6th Participant<br />

7th Participant<br />

8th Participant<br />

Organization:<br />

Country:<br />

City:<br />

Address:<br />

Tel: Fax: Email Address:<br />

Reference (if available):<br />

Payment<br />

A letter and invoice with all details will be sent upon receipt of your registration. Please note that full payment<br />

must be received within 10 days following the registration.<br />

Only participants whose fees have been paid in full will be admitted to the event and get the HBDI® code. You<br />

can pay in LBP or USD<br />

Once completed, the registration form shall be submitted by email: (training@eduliban.org | info@theleadershipacademy.com)<br />

or fax (+9611880301), or you can fill it through our website: www.theleadership-academy.com<br />

Cancellation<br />

If you are unable to attend, a substitute participant will be very welcome in your place.<br />

Registration cancelled less than seven days before the event must be paid in full.<br />

Company Seal

H E R R M A N N I N T E R N A T I O N A L<br />


C e r t i f i c a t e P r o g r a m<br />

March 04-05-06, 2016 | Le ROYAL Hotel – Dbayeh - LEBANON<br />

Leadership & Management Academy – Beirut<br />

Corporate & Educational Training Services – Consulting and Coaching<br />

Gemmayzeh, Gouraud St. | Beirut - Lebanon<br />

Jdeieh, Anwar St. | Metn - Lebanon<br />

www.theleadership-academy.com | www.eduliban.org<br />

e-mail: training@eduliban.org | info@theleadership-academy.com<br />

LEB +961 3 39 31 35 – JD +962 79 9536821 – UAE +971 50 5388466<br />

Fax : +9611880301

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