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The Syrian Refugee<br />

crises<br />

by Prabhjot Kaur<br />

Over the years, Syria has become synonymous<br />

with war, terror and agony, in contrast to what it<br />

was a few years ago-a country of fertile plains,<br />

high mountains deserts and valleys.<br />

Syria is a country in western Asia. And it<br />

shares it borders with Lebanon and Mediterranean<br />

Sea to the west, Turkey to the north, Iraq<br />

to the east, and Jordan to the south and Israel<br />

somewhere to the southwest. It is passably diverse<br />

ethnically and religiously and is a home<br />

to various groups although; Syrian Arabs make<br />

up the largest majority. The religious groups<br />

include-Sunnis, Christians, Yazidis, Alawites,<br />

Druze, Shiites, and Salafis. Damascus is one of<br />

the oldest cities in the world, apart from being<br />

the capital of Syria.<br />

Syria has been enmeshed in an uprising against<br />

Bashar-al-Assad and the Ba’athist Govt as part<br />

of the Arab Spring. What is Arab Spring you<br />

ask? ‘’Arab Spring was a revolutionary phase of<br />

demonstrative protests both violent and non-violent,<br />

civil wars and riots in the Arab world. It<br />

all started somewhere around 18th Dec 2010<br />

in Tunisia and its revolution. It later spread<br />

to countries of the Arab League. The protests<br />

somewhat faded in mid-2012.’’ In March,<br />

2011 a southern city of Deraa saw pro-democratic<br />

protests after the arrests and torture of<br />

some teens who painted revolutionary slogans<br />

on a school wall. The protests turned violent<br />

after security forces open fired. This caused a<br />

nationwide rage and people demanded for the<br />

resignation of President Bashar-al-Assad. The<br />

situation became even more violent and people<br />

took arms in the latter part of 2011. The<br />

uprising and the escalated violence contributed<br />

to the Syrian Civil War. Rebel groups were<br />

formed to battle against the government forces,<br />

for control over cities and towns. This eventually<br />

spread throughout the nation. The division<br />

between, the secular, the Islamist fighters, religious<br />

and ethnic groups have complicated the<br />

matters further.<br />

According to UN activists and the UN, nearly<br />

90k people have been killed in the conflict.<br />

And by August 2015 the numbers have climbed<br />

to 250,000. The bombings and airstrikes have<br />

killed many ,and destroyed the cities. Most of<br />

the population is internally displaced.<br />

The vacuum that had been created due to conflicts<br />

has given rise to jihadist groups, like<br />

ISIS and it has added another dimension to the<br />

scenario. The rises of the Islamic State and its<br />

callous acts have caused a global uproar. Beheading<br />

foreigners, throwing people off forts<br />

because of sexual preferences, training kids<br />

to behead and torture, destroying historical<br />

sites and museums, these acts are nothing but<br />

barbaric and benighted. Mid-2015 saw some<br />

countries launching airstrikes at ISIS locations<br />

in and around Syria. And that resulted in more<br />

and more civilians getting trapped and killed.<br />

The delivery of humanitarian aid became more<br />

parlous in these regions.<br />

The war zones often see misuse of power and<br />

vulnerability of the people. Horrendous war<br />

crimes have taken place, from young girls and<br />

boys being abducted and pushed into prostitution<br />

and slavery, to murder, rape, torture and<br />

disappearances. Stories of young girls used as<br />

sex slaves and little kids being trained to become<br />

suicide bombers have been all over the<br />

internet and the news channels. Such incidents<br />

scar the lives of the people and leave them shattered.<br />

Getting back to the normal way of life<br />

seems next to impossible for them.<br />

And at present it is the least peaceful countries<br />

of the world.<br />

The Syrian civil war has been a very traumatic<br />

episode for many. The apocalyptic war has left<br />

many homeless, jobless, orphan and without<br />

basic necessities. It is truly heart wrenching.<br />

It all started with peaceful anti-government<br />

protests but it slowly developed into a violent<br />

armed conflict which has lasted for almost 5<br />

years now. Out off which nearly 4 million people<br />

have found refugee in countries like Turkey,<br />

Lebanon, Jordan Iran and Egypt. And some<br />

have taken the dangerous route to Europe. But<br />

after the Paris attacks, many European countries<br />

have closed their borders. The civil war<br />

has robbed people of their basic human rights.<br />

The living conditions are unimaginable. Extra<br />

effort needs to be put for the displaced. And for<br />

that-the UN and a few other NGOs have set up<br />

camps to help out refugees. They provide them<br />

with basic necessities and counseling.<br />

The UN says “it will need $3.2Bn to help the<br />

13.5million people, including 6 million children<br />

who will require some form of humanitarian<br />

assistance inside Syria. About 70% do<br />

not have access to clean drinking water, and 1<br />

in 3 people are unable to meet their basic food<br />

needs and more than 2million kids are out of<br />

Global warming and climatic<br />

school and most live in poverty.’’<br />

There are many NGOs who have<br />

offered help.<br />

Apart from UNHCR(United Nations<br />

High Commissioner for<br />

Refugees) there are various organizations<br />

working like-<br />

1) Project Amal ou Salam founded<br />

in 2013 works to empower Syrian<br />

children through education.<br />

2) The White Helmets aka Syrian<br />

Civil Defense this organization is<br />

the first to reach or rescue<br />

3) CARE helps refugees in Balkans.<br />

There are 12 million people who are displaced<br />

out of which nearly 6 million are children.<br />

4) Hand in Hand for Syria brings emergency<br />

aid to people living under worst conditions and<br />

trying to survive.<br />

5) Karam Foundation in Chicago founded in<br />

2007. KKaram started the school along the<br />

border called Zeitouna also supplying food and<br />

other necessary items they even support other<br />

organizations like White Helmets.<br />

6) Watanili works through grass roots initiatives<br />

including art therapy and creative work<br />

shops countering the effects of trauma.<br />

7) Mercy Corps is an international development<br />

organization that helps people around the<br />

world survive and thrive after conflict, crisis<br />

and natural disaster.<br />

8) Khalsa Aid- Khalsa Aid is primarily a humanitarian<br />

relief agency, based on the teachings<br />

of the Sikh Guru who preached well being<br />

of all humanity. They have provided the refugees<br />

with fresh food, school books, school furniture,<br />

clothes, water and blankets. “Recognize<br />

all human race as one” –Guru Gobind SinghJi,<br />

is their motto.<br />

There seems to be a lot of apathy. And ,we as<br />

fellow beings in this world need to come together<br />

to fight the flagitious who have maligned<br />

our society.<br />

issues at hand<br />

By Simran<br />

the US in total greenhouse emissions between<br />

The global warming controversy concerns the late 2007 and 2010 and this occurred in 2006<br />

public debate over whether global warming is only. The only major developed nation which<br />

occurring, how much has occurred in modern has signed but not ratified the Kyoto protocol<br />

times, what has caused it, what its effects will is US. The countries with no official position<br />

be, whether any action should be taken to curb on Kyoto are mainly African countries with underdeveloped<br />

scientific infrastructure or are oil<br />

it, and if so what that action should be. In the<br />

scientific literature, there is a strong consensus producers.<br />

that global surface temperatures have increased Others argue that if developing nations reach<br />

in recent decades and that the trend is caused by the wealth levels of the United States this could<br />

human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases. greatly increase CO2 emissions and consumption<br />

of fossil fuels. Large developing nations<br />

Political and popular debate concerning the existence<br />

and cause of climate change includes such as India and China are predicted to be major<br />

emitters of greenhouse gases in the next few<br />

the reasons for the increase seen in the instrumental<br />

temperature record, whether the warming<br />

trend exceeds normal climatic variations, In 2015 COP21, also known as the 2015 Paris<br />

decades as their economies grow.<br />

and whether human activities have contributed Climate Conference, for the first time in over<br />

significantly to it.<br />

20 years of UN negotiations, aim to achieve a<br />

Scientists have resolved many of these questions<br />

decisively in favor of the view that the mate, with the aim of keeping global warming<br />

legally binding and universal agreement on cli-<br />

current warming trend exists and is ongoing, below 2°C. France played a leading international<br />

role in hosting the seminal conference,<br />

that human activity is the primary cause.<br />

The Kyoto protocol is the most prominent international<br />

agreement on climate change, and conferences ever held in the country. The con-<br />

and COP21 was one of the largest international<br />

is also highly controversial. Some argue that it ference was expected to attract close to 50,000<br />

goes too far or not nearly far enough in restricting<br />

emissions of greenhouse gases. Another from government, intergovernmental organiza-<br />

participants including 25,000 official delegates<br />

area of controversy is the fact that China and tions, UN agencies, NGOs and civil society.<br />

India, the world’s two most populous countries, Its main objective was that of producing goods<br />

both ratified the protocol but are not required and services while limiting consumption and<br />

to reduce or even limit the growth of carbon waste of raw materials, water and energy sources.<br />

The French government set itself the objec-<br />

emissions under the present agreement. Nevertheless,<br />

China is the world’s second largest producer<br />

of greenhouse gas emissions, and India work for participants, while being exemplary<br />

tive of ensuring maximum quality of life and<br />

4th. Various predictions saw China overtaking in terms of sustainable development, by reusing,<br />

recycling and by using as little energy as<br />

possible. And in order to offset the emissions<br />

that cannot be reduced at source and to make<br />

COP21 a “carbon neutral” event,<br />

France financed one or several projects to reduce<br />

greenhouse gas emissions for an equivalent<br />

The 3 R’s of COP21<br />

– Reduce (consumption of resources)<br />

– Reuse (products)<br />

– Recycle (waste)<br />

“R” for reducing consumption of resources for<br />

an intelligent response to energy needs through:<br />


ER (20% LESS CO2)<br />




PLASTIC CUPS and more<br />

> “R” for Reuse<br />





> “R” for Recycle<br />




PAPER and more<br />

For the first time ever, a State and UN Climate<br />

Conference was ISO 20121 certified. The certification,<br />

which is attested by Bureau VERITAS,<br />

was a first for an event of this magnitude. The<br />

ISO standard therefore meets the objectives<br />

that France has set itself and guide the sustainable<br />

development policy of COP21.<br />

When we talk about climate change we find that<br />

there is a big gap between what scientists say<br />

and what people think, especially Americans.<br />

This comes from a public opinion poll released<br />

on 29th Jan, 2016 by Pew Research Center and<br />

the American Association for the Advancement<br />

of Science (AAAS). The poll captured a significant<br />

split between what scientists and the general<br />

public believe on climate change. In 2014,<br />

the vast majority (87 %) of scientists said that<br />

human activity is driving global warming, and<br />

yet only half the American public ascribed to<br />

that view. And 77% of scientists said climate<br />

change is a very serious problem. In comparison,<br />

only 33% of the general public said it was<br />

a very serious problem in a 2013 poll.<br />

When the pollsters questioned people differently,<br />

asking whether there is solid evidence the<br />

Earth is getting warmer, 72% of people said it<br />

was, up from 57% in 2009. Only 25% said the<br />

Earth is not getting warmer, up from 11% in<br />

2009.Only 3 percent of people were still undecided,<br />

which means most people have made<br />

up their minds already on the climate. Of the<br />

people who agreed the Earth is warming, about<br />

half (46%) said it is caused by human activity.<br />

The increased belief in climate change was reflected<br />

last week in the Senate, when 98 senators<br />

from both parties voted that climate change<br />

is real and not a hoax. Only one, Sen. Roger<br />

Wicker (R-Miss.), voted otherwise. Going on<br />

the record on their beliefs was a historic step<br />

for Republicans who have otherwise insisted<br />

that “they are not scientists” when questioned<br />

on climate change.<br />

But about half the senators still maintained that<br />

climate change is not driven by human activity.

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