SCI 228 Midterm Exam

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DeVry <strong>SCI</strong> <strong>228</strong> <strong>Midterm</strong> <strong>Exam</strong><br />

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1. Question : (TCO 1) Which of the following BESTdescribes minerals?<br />

Student Answer: Micronutrients that are broken down easily during digestion<br />

Micronutrients that are easily destroyed by heat and light<br />

Inorganic micronutrients found in a variety of foods<br />

Nutrients that are needed in large amounts by the body<br />

2. Question : (TCO 1) The two overarching goals of ________ are to increase quality and years of healthy<br />

life and to eliminate health disparities.<br />

Student Answer: Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)<br />

the USDA<br />

Healthy People 2010<br />

the American Dietetic Association (ADA)<br />

3. Question : (TCO 1) What element makes protein different from carbohydrate and fat?<br />

Student Answer: Carbon<br />

Hydrogen<br />

Nitrogen<br />

Oxygen<br />

4. Question : (TCO 1) For dinner, Bill consumes 255 grams of carbohydrate, 70 grams of protein, and 50<br />

grams of fat. In addition, Bill decides that he wants a glass of wine with his meal. If he drinks one glass of<br />

wine containing 8 grams of alcohol, how many total kilocalories does he consume in this meal?<br />

Student Answer: 56 kilocalories

540 kilocalories<br />

1,675 kilocalories<br />

1,806 kilocalories<br />

5. Question : (TCO 1) Jose’s lunch contains 121 grams of carbohydrate, 40 grams of protein, and 25<br />

grams of fat. What percent of kilocalories in this meal come from fat?<br />

Student Answer: 19%<br />

26%<br />

34%<br />

42%.<br />

6. Question : (TCO 1) Which of the following is an example of disease that is directly caused by a<br />

nutritional deficiency?<br />

Student Answer: Anemia<br />

Cancer<br />

Osteoporosis<br />

Heart disease<br />

7. Question : (TCO 2) Which of the following snacks will have the highest satiety value, assuming the<br />

calories and relative size are similar?<br />

Student Answer: slice of whole-grain bread<br />

piece of cheese<br />

glass of whole milk<br />

glass of skim milk<br />

8. Question : (TCO 2) The percent daily values (%DV) on food labels are based on the:<br />

Student Answer: DRIs.<br />

RDIs.<br />


all of these<br />

9. Question : (TCO 2) The government agency that regulates food labeling in the United States is the:<br />

Student Answer: USDA.<br />

FDA.<br />

CDC.<br />

all of these<br />

10. Question : (TCO 2) The standard used to estimate the daily nutrient needs of half of all healthy<br />

individuals is:<br />

Student Answer: EAR.<br />

AI.<br />

RDA.<br />

UL.<br />

11. Question : (TCO 2) The smallest units of matter that normally cannot be broken down are:<br />

Student Answer: atoms.<br />

molecules.<br />

cells.<br />

lipids.<br />

12. Question : (TCO 2) The Dietary Guidelines to Americans has defined physically active as a:<br />

Student Answer: minimum of 60 minutes of moderate activity most days.<br />

minimum of 30 minutes of moderate activity most days.<br />

minimum of 15 minutes of intense activity most days.<br />

total of 8 hours of moderate activity per week.<br />

13. Question : (TCO 3) In which organ does the majority of water absorption occur?<br />

Student Answer: mouth<br />


small intestine<br />

large intestine<br />

14. Question : (TCO 3) Which of the following would be an appropriate treatment approach for someone<br />

suffering from GERD?<br />

Student Answer: surgical removal of the gallbladder<br />

omission of all lactose foods<br />

antibiotic therapy<br />

lose weight and quit smoking<br />

15. Question : (TCO 3) The first section of the small intestine is called the:<br />

Student Answer: bile duct.<br />

duodenum.<br />

jejunum.<br />

ileum.<br />

16. Question : (TCO 3) Digestion and absorption occur at the ________ level.<br />

Student Answer: tissue<br />

organ<br />

system<br />

organism<br />

17. Question : (TCO 3) What is the term that describes the process in which nutrients pass through the<br />

wall of the gastrointestinal tract?<br />

Student Answer: digestion<br />

absorption<br />

elimination<br />


1. Question : (TCO 4) In the absence of carbohydrate, ________ are produced from the incomplete<br />

breakdown of body fat.<br />

Student Answer: amyloses<br />

amylases<br />

ketones<br />

bacteria<br />

2. Question : (TCO 4) Without sufficient ________, the colon gets too little exercise and becomes weak.<br />

Student Answer: calories<br />

protein<br />

fiber<br />

water<br />

3. Question : (TCO 4) Diabetes is a condition in which the body doesn’t process ________ properly.<br />

Student Answer: vitamins<br />

protein<br />

carbohydrate<br />

fat<br />

4. Question : (TCO 4) After a meal, which hormone is responsible for moving glucose into the body’s<br />

cells?<br />

Student Answer: glucagon<br />

estrogen<br />

CCK<br />

insulin<br />

5. Question : (TCO 4) The term complex carbohydrates refers to:<br />

Student Answer: monosaccharides.<br />


polysaccharides.<br />

glucose.<br />

6. Question : (TCO 4) Which of the following carbohydrates is the end product of photosynthesis?<br />

Student Answer: glycogen<br />

galactose<br />

lactose<br />

glucose<br />

7. Question : (TCO 4) Over 16 million Americans have diabetes. Which of the following is the most<br />

prevalent form of diabetes?<br />

Student Answer: type 1<br />

type 2<br />

gestational<br />

pediatric<br />

8. Question : (TCO 4) In the body, the major storage sites for glycogen are the:<br />

Student Answer: muscles and liver.<br />

kidney and muscles.<br />

liver and kidney.<br />

liver and pancreas.<br />

9. Question : (TCO 1-6) All of the following are protective responses to encountering food-borne<br />

microbes EXCEPT:<br />

Student Answer: vomiting and diarrhea.<br />

increased production of white blood cells.<br />

fever.<br />

decreased metabolic rate.<br />

10. Question : (TCO 1-6) The main symptom associated with Clostridium botulinumintoxication is:

Student Answer: diarrhea.<br />

paralysis.<br />

anemia.<br />

jaundice.<br />

11. Question : (TCO 1-6) An estimated ________ of all chicken eggs in the U.S. are contaminated with<br />

Salmonella.<br />

Student Answer: one-fifth<br />

one-fourth<br />

one-third<br />

one-half<br />

12. Question : (TCO 1-6) Which of the following additives gives ham, hot dogs, and bologna their pink<br />

color?<br />

Student Answer: sulfites<br />

BHT/BHA<br />

nitrates/nitrites<br />

propionic acid<br />

13. Question : (TCO 1-6) Why do fungi rarely cause food infection?<br />

Student Answer: Few species of fungi cause serious illness.<br />

Fungal growth makes food look unappealing.<br />

Fungal growth makes food taste unappealing.<br />

All of these are reasons fungi rarely cause food infection.<br />

14. Question : (TCO 1-6) The primary symptom of Giardia infection is:<br />

Student Answer: jaundice.<br />

diarrhea.<br />


anemia.<br />

15. Question : (TCO 1-6) The primary method used to preserve seafood is:<br />

Student Answer: adding salt.<br />

smoking.<br />

drying.<br />

adding sugar.<br />

16. Question : (TCO 1-6) Hepatitis A is a food-borne virus that can result in ________ damage.<br />

Student Answer: nerve<br />

intestinal<br />

liver<br />

muscle<br />

17. Question : (TCO 1-6) Bovine spongiform encephalopathy is a food-borne illness also known as:<br />

Student Answer: mad cow disease.<br />

typhoid fever.<br />

Norwalk virus.<br />

hepatitis A.<br />

1. Question : (TCO 5) What is the primary form of lipid in the diet?<br />

Student Answer: Sterols<br />

Triglycerides<br />

Phospholipids<br />

Glycerols<br />

2. Question : (TCO 5) Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the process of<br />

hydrogenation?<br />

Student Answer: Hydrogenation creates trans fatty acids.<br />

Hydrogenation is the process in which hydrogen atoms are added to double bonds.

Hydrogenation creates a heart-healthy product.<br />

Hydrogenation makes a product more solid at room temperature.<br />

3. Question : (TCO 5) Which of the following ingredients would alert you to the presence of trans-fatty<br />

acids in a product?<br />

Student Answer: Hydrogenated vegetable oil<br />

Lecithin<br />

Liquid corn oil<br />

Vitamin E<br />

4. Question : (TCO 5) The two essential fatty acids are:<br />

Student Answer: cholesterol and bile.<br />

linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid.<br />

butyric and stearic acid.<br />

cis and trans.<br />

5. Question : (TCO 5) The process of adding hydrogen to an unsaturated fatty acid and creating a more<br />

solid fat is called:<br />

Student Answer: emulsification.<br />

pressurization.<br />

hydrogenation.<br />

deamination.<br />

6. Question : (TCO 5) To facilitate the digestion of dietary fats, the gallbladder stores and releases a<br />

substance known as:<br />

Student Answer: lipase.<br />

bile.<br />

hydrochloric acid.<br />

bicarbonate.<br />

7. Question : (TCO 5) Where in the body are the majority of triglycerides stored for future energy needs?

Student Answer: Lipoproteins<br />

Beta cells of the pancreas<br />

Liver<br />

Adipose tissue<br />

8. Question : (TCO 5) As of January 1, 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will require food<br />

manufacturers to list ________ content on the Nutrition Facts Panel of their products.<br />

Student Answer: phospholipid<br />

sterol<br />

essential fatty acid<br />

trans fatty acid<br />

9. Question : (TCO 6) The absorption of proteins occurs in the:<br />

Student Answer: stomach.<br />

small intestine.<br />

large intestine.<br />

liver.<br />

10. Question : (TCO 6) Which of the following statements is FALSE?<br />

Student Answer: HCl denatures protein to allow digestive enzymes to break down the protein.<br />

HCl inhibits the digestion of fat so it does not compete with protein digestion.<br />

HCl untangles the strands of protein and breaks the peptide bonds.<br />

HCl activates pepsin from pepsinogen.<br />

11. Question : (TCO 6) Two amino acids are joined together by a peptide bond to form a dipeptide. What<br />

is the by-product of this process?<br />

Student Answer: Ammonia<br />

Water<br />

Carbon dioxide<br />

Hydrochloric acid

12. Question : (TCO 6) Which of the following health problems has been associated with high protein<br />

intakes?<br />

Student Answer: Elevated blood cholesterol<br />

Marasmus<br />

Edema<br />

Sickle cell anemia<br />

13. Question : (TCO 6) Which of the following is a genetic disorder resulting in debilitating protein<br />

abnormalities?<br />

Student Answer: Cystic fibrosis<br />

Mad cow disease<br />

Acidosis<br />

Kwashiorkor<br />

14. Question : (TCO 6) The process through which mRNA copies genetic information from DNA and<br />

carries it to the ribosome is called:<br />

Student Answer: translation.<br />

deamination.<br />

denaturation.<br />

transcription.<br />

15. Question : (TCO 6) Proteases are:<br />

Student Answer: protein messengers that are released from storage in response to an alteration in the<br />

body’s homeostasis.<br />

transport proteins that move substances throughout the body.<br />

defense proteins that attack foreign bacteria, viruses, and toxins.<br />

enzymes that break down protein.<br />

16. Question : (TCO 6) During the process of protein synthesis, ________ is the step in which messenger<br />

RNA is decoded into an amino acid sequence at the cell’s ribosome.<br />

Student Answer: transcription

translation<br />

deamination<br />

denaturation<br />

DeVry <strong>SCI</strong> <strong>228</strong> <strong>Midterm</strong> <strong>Exam</strong><br />

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