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Field Visit Report<br />

Prepared by: Shambhu Prasad Kattel, Ph. D.<br />

Accompanied Staff: Mr. Shekhar Pokharel, Project Engineer<br />

Duration: 1 to 3, 16 to 18, and 26 to 29, April, 2012<br />

Visited district: Makawanpur, Saptari, Dhanusha, Kaski and Syangja<br />

Introduction<br />

In this month, there were organized four field trips: Daman-Dandabas road of Makawanpur, Saptari DDC/DTO office<br />

and Dhanusha DTO office for policy meeting, and Kaski and Syangja DDC/DTO office for policy meeting and<br />

discussions and for the feedbacks to SDCs. In Makawan district there was going on the process of contract award of<br />

Daman-Dandawas road. There are 49 land donors in the road though there were no seriously affected people by<br />

structural damage. However, one of them was seriously affected by land donation. Therefore, it was essential to verify<br />

the impacts and then mobilizes land cadastral survey.<br />

I had a meeting with SDC of the district in the road and then visited the road throughout the alignment and then<br />

verified the impacts. I talked with above 20 individuals and verified their impacts and even discussed to mobilize the<br />

land survey.<br />

In the visit, there was meeting in two places with local people and discussed about their interest in road upgrading. It<br />

was found out that people were eager to upgrade the roads and therefore they would support for the upgrading works.<br />

The land donors are also interested to transfer their ownership to the government of Nepal. Finally, it was strongly<br />

suggested for the SDC for carrying out land survey soon and then submition the VDIMP. The SDC took the issue<br />

seriously and then I came back to Kathmandu.<br />

Thereafter, I went to Banke district for impact verification, held a meeting with DDC and DTO chiefs and then went to<br />

Bardiya district for observing the work progress. After the visit, there was held a meeting with DDC and DTO chiefs<br />

in which I have suggested the necessary steps. Thereafter, I have been visited Saptari and Dhanusha districts for<br />

organizing a policy level discussion meeting during 16 th to 18 th April, 2012.<br />

The visit was made with the engineer Mr. Shekhar Pokharel. We have visited Saptari district DTO office at first and<br />

then went to DDC office. There were main staffs of DDC and DTO office in our meeting. The meeting was basically<br />

about the progress status of the district in social, environmental and technical issues. Indeed, the district was slow in<br />

land ownership transfer and contract award and therefore suggested the DDC. Moreover, the DDC has not appointed<br />

road social mobilizor, did not appointed RAIDP focal person and did not have good coordination with DDC office<br />

which delayed the process.<br />

Finally, the meeting suggested LDO to correct such things as soon as possible. I have given the visited district a<br />

memo.<br />

After this visit the PCU allowed the SDE to visit Kaski and Syangja districts and in both district there were no enough<br />

progress in land ownership transfer. At first, I have gone to Kaski on 26 th April, 2012 and visited the dry season road.<br />

Thereafter, we went to visit Naudanda-Kaskikot-Sarangkot road and observed social and environmental impacts and<br />

the mitigation measures applied by the district. Thereafter, there was a meeting in the DDC and DTO office. I had<br />

alerted them the situation and then given the memo.<br />

After the meeting, I along with the SSDC of Kaski and Project Coordinator Mr. Ashok Kumar Jha went to Syangja.<br />

There was held the meeting on the evening of 27 th April, 2012 which held about one hour. The meeting was basically<br />

about the progress of the work and quality issue.

In the next day, I had visited badkhola-Dulegaunda road along with SDC of the district, talked to the people about the<br />

interest of the road and necessity. All the villagers of Jitpur across the jungle informed me that without this road they<br />

are excluded from the district head quarter and upgrading of the road is must. The meeting was held about one hour<br />

and then we went back to district headquarter for meeting.<br />

There was held a meeting in the DDC office but there was no LDO in the meeting only DTO chief attended the<br />

workshop. In the meeting the SDE had given them a memo about the list of issues the district has to address soon. The<br />

DTO chief agreed to address most of the issue except the policy decision of the RoW though he agreed to inform the<br />

locals by local users committee. The DDC is ready to appoint social mobilize when required but not in the position to<br />

handover a motorbike to support staffs of RAIDP to DDC. The detail list of memo is shown below.

Memo to Saptari<br />

From: Shambhu Prasad Kattel, Ph. D. To: DDC and DTO, Saptari<br />

Designation: Social Development Expert (SDE) Date: 17/04/2012<br />

Subject: Suggestions for Implementations<br />

The DDC and DTO Saptari have to take immediate actions for the smooth implementation of the project in general<br />

and Social Safeguards in particular in RAIDP road subprojects in the district. The main concerns / issues identified in<br />

the visit of SDE along with project Engineer to the district on 17 th April 2012 are:<br />

1. The DDC has identified a RAIDP Focal Person but not informed RAIDP PCU. The focal person should keep<br />

each and every records of the project such as screenings, VDIMP, drawing, monitoring reports and so on. The<br />

practice not only enhances documentations in the district but also strengthens for institutionalizing the<br />

DDC/DTO.<br />

2. DDC has appointed a road social mobilizer in each subproject of RAIDP (as per the MoU between DDC and<br />

DoLIDAR) but not mobilized properly and therefore SSDC is hindering from over burdened of work.<br />

3. DDC has not set up Grievance Hearing Committee (GHC) yet as per the ESMF in the DDC and not maintained<br />

a registered in VRCC/LRUC but formed an Assistance Distribution Committee (ADC) as per the para 4.17 –<br />

4.22 of Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF). These committees have to be functional<br />

and the records are not updated. Moreover, the GHC registration system should be maintained at local level<br />

(LRUC or site office).<br />

4. The DDC has to keep Hoarding Board of land donors and has to distribute Letter of Appreciation to land<br />

donors.<br />

5. RAIDP addresses the impacts of Corridor of Impact (CoI) but DDC has to inform locals about RoW. It is<br />

recommended to inform local leaders through District Council for stopping construction of permanent structures<br />

in RoW. It will discourage locals to remove their structures from RoW.<br />

6. It is compulsory to disclose the list of PAPs and SPAPs in two steps: during the process of land survey or<br />

immediately after that for VDIMP preparation at first which has to fix and notice cutoff date and after the<br />

preparation of VDIMP by the decision of Land Acquisition Committee.<br />

7. DDC has to make the DRCC functional and then form a District Monitoring Committee and the DMC has to<br />

submit monitoring report to PCU three times of a project. Moreover, DDC and DTO have to submit bi-monthly<br />

monitoring report.<br />

8. Meeting of Land Acquisition Committee in coordination with DRCC after receiving land survey data and<br />

completion of Cut Off date and broadcasting Notice for Land Ownership Transfer and Accepting Donation of<br />


9. DDC and DTO have to aware for the management of borrow pits, quarry sites and spoil disposals. There should<br />

be needed agreement papers if such things are managed in private lands.<br />

10. Orientations of the principles and policies of ESMFs to concerned DDC and DTO staffs, contractors and<br />

subcontractors,<br />

11. Orientations to LRUC and VRCC members on the roles and responsibilities of them as per the ESMF principles.<br />

12. The contractor of Kusaha-Belhi road has not progressed the civil works as per the contract document which has to<br />

be followed by DDC/DTO.<br />

13. SSDC has not been able to progress on land ownership transfer due to lack of coordination of DDC and DTO<br />

with District Land Revenue Office. In paragraph 4.41 of ESMF it is clearly mentioned that DDC/DTO have to<br />

accomplished land ownership transfer and distribution of assistance before civil works.<br />

14. DDC has to provide a motorbike to PDE (according to MoU between DoLIDAR and DDC) for regular<br />

monitoring of the subproject.<br />

15. Assistance Distribution Committee has to go to the field for assistance distribution and the full amount mentioned<br />

in the VDIMP has to be distributed in public place/VDC office in a mass meeting.<br />

Finally, I would like to wish a success for the successful completion of the above mentioned tasks on time and smooth<br />

implementation of the project in the future.

Memo to Kaski<br />

From: Shambhu Prasad Kattel, Ph. D. To: Kaski DDC & DTO, Kaski<br />

Designation: Social Development Expert (SDE) Date: 26-27/04/2012<br />

Subject: Suggestions for Immediate Actions<br />

The DDC and DTO have to take immediate actions for the effective implementation management of ESMF of RAIDP<br />

for its subprojects. The main concerns / issues identified in the visit of SDE to the district during 26 to 27 April 2012<br />

are:<br />

1. The DDC has identified a RAIDP Focal Person and informed the PCU but the focal person has not collected<br />

and recorded each and every documents of its subprojects. Hence, her appointment either is for show or has not<br />

provided the facilities and not ware her responsibility by DDC/DTO.<br />

2. According to MoU between DoLIDAR and DDC, DDC has to appoint a road social mobilizer in each subproject<br />

of RAIDP but the provision has not implemented in practice yet.<br />

3. According to the ESMF, DDC/DTO have to complete the land ownership transfer substantially before contract<br />

award. According to NoL, RAIDP PCU cannot accept the contract agreement if DDC/DTO have awarded<br />

contract before substantial completion of the land ownership transfer. In the case of Chhorepant-Kristi only 63%,<br />

in Dobila-Bagmara 51% and Naudanda-Sarangkot 64% has completed yet whereas construction work is being<br />

completed soon. DDC/DTO along with SSDC has committed to accomplish it time to time but not progress yet.<br />

Therefore, DDC/DTO have to make DRCC functional, follow the above mentioned acts and complete the issue<br />

within June, 2012.<br />

4. The Grievance Hearing Committee (GHC) and Assistance Distribution Committee (ADC) as per the para 4.17 –<br />

4.22 of ESMF are formed but not found functional yet due to lack of proper orientations. These committees have<br />

to be functional and the records are up to date. Moreover, the GHC registration system should be maintained at<br />

local level and make them functional (LRUC or site office).<br />

5. In Sarangkot-Kaskikot-Naudanda road has observed some damages of house yard and minor structures and<br />

probable loss of a few houses (land slide?) which were not included in VDIMP and therefore it is impossible to<br />

address through any plan. DDC has to address it locally.<br />

6. The DDC has not kept Hoarding Board of land donors and not distributed Letter of Appreciation to SPAPs and<br />

PAPs.<br />

7. RAIDP addresses the impacts of Corridor of Impact (CoI) only now as per the ESMF but DDC/DTO has to<br />

inform locals about RoW. It is recommended to inform local leaders through District Council for stopping<br />

construction of permanent structures in RoW. It will discourage locals to construct permanent structures in RoW<br />

(in case of future work, DDC has to be responsible to pay compensation of such structures.

8. It is compulsory to disclose the list of PAPs and SPAPs in two steps: during the process of land survey or<br />

immediately after that for VDIMP preparation at first which has to fix and notice Cut Off Date and after the<br />

preparation of VDIMP by the decision of Land Acquisition Committee.<br />

9. Functional role of DRCC and formation of DMC and Reporting of DMC and DDC and DTO on time.<br />

10. Meeting of Land Acquisition Committee in coordination with DRCC members after receiving land survey data<br />

and completion of Cut Off Date and broadcasting Notice for Land Ownership Transfer and Accepting Donation<br />

of Land (Look at the provisions of Land Acquisition Act article 26 & 27 and Public Road Act 1974.<br />

11. DDC and DTO have to aware for the management of borrow pits, quarry sites and spoil disposals. There should<br />

be needed agreement papers if such things are managed in private lands.<br />

12. Orientations of the principles and policies of ESMFs to concerned DDC and DTO staffs, contractors and<br />

subcontractors are must in every six months.<br />

13. Orientations to LRUC and VRCC members on their roles and responsibilities of them in the interval of 6 months<br />

are must. This practice inspires them to be responsible during construction and follow the principles of ESMF. A<br />

copy of ESMF or Entitlement Matrix should be given to them.<br />

14. According to MoU between DoLIDAR and DDC, a motorbike has to be given to PDE which can be used by both<br />

PDE/SDC for Monitoring and Supervision.<br />


Memo to Syangja<br />

From: Shambhu Prasad Kattel, Ph. D. To: DDC & DTO Syangja<br />

Designation: Social Development Expert (SDE) Date: 27-28, 04/2012<br />

Subject: Suggestions for Immediate Actions<br />

The DDC and DTO have to take immediate actions for the effective implementation of ESMF of RAIDP (prepared<br />

and approved from the World Bank and Government of Nepal for social safeguards) for its subprojects implemented<br />

by DDC/DTO at local level. The main concerns / issues identified in the visit of SDE to the district during 27 to 28<br />

April 2012 are:<br />

1. The DDC has not re-appoint a RAIDP Focal Person which has to be appointed soon and inform the PCU.<br />

The focal person has to collect and main the records of each and every document of its subprojects (social,<br />

environmental and technical). The practice of documentation does not only maintain record in the DDC/DTO<br />

rather it helps to institutionalizing the system (practice of good governance)<br />

2. According to MoU between DoLIDAR and DDC, DDC has to appoint a road social mobilizer in each<br />

subproject of RAIDP during construction. It is necessary to appoint a social mobilize in each subproject.<br />

3. According to the ESMF, DDC/DTO have to complete the land ownership transfer substantially before<br />

contract award. In the case of Putalikhet-Aruchaur cent percent land donors have not transferred their<br />

ownership yet. Whereas the contract has been awarded and the civil work is going on.<br />

4. The Grievance Hearing Committee (GHC) and Assistance Distribution Committee (ADC) as per the para<br />

4.17 – 4.22 of ESMF are formed but not found functional yet due to lack of proper orientation and<br />

understanding. These committees have to be functional and the records are up to date. Moreover, the GHC<br />

registration system should be maintained at local level (LRUC or site office).<br />

5. The DDC has not kept Hoarding Board of land donors and not distributed Letter of Appreciation to SPAPs<br />

and PAPs.<br />

6. In this phase, RAIDP addresses the impacts of Corridor of Impact (CoI) only as per the ESMF but DDC/DTO<br />

has to inform locals about RoW and stop construction of permanent structures. It is recommended to inform<br />

local leaders through District Council for stopping construction of permanent structures in RoW. If it has not<br />

stopped now then due to our reasons the Government of Nepal will be responsible to compensate them in the<br />

future road widening/upgrading works.<br />

7. It is compulsory to disclose the list of PAPs and SPAPs in two steps: during the process of land survey or<br />

immediately after that for VDIMP preparation at first which has to fix and notice Cut Off Date and after the<br />

preparation of VDIMP by the decision of Land Acquisition Committee.<br />

8. DRCC has to be functional which may help to convince the Land Acquisition Process by activating the article<br />

26 and 27 of Land Acquisition Act 1977. Keep the monitoring and supervision practice of DMC and DDC<br />

and DTO bi-monthly on time.

9. DDC and DTO have to aware for the management of borrow pits, quarry sites and spoil disposals to<br />

contractor and LRUC and VRCC members. There should be needed an agreement paper if such things are<br />

managed in private lands.<br />

10. Orientations of the principles and policies of ESMFs to concerned DDC and DTO staffs (specially the site<br />

staffs and concerned staffs), contractors and subcontractors are must in every six months.<br />

11. Orientations to LRUC and VRCC members on their roles and responsibilities of them in the interval of 6<br />

months are must. This practice inspires them to be responsible during construction and follow the principles<br />

of ESMF. A copy of ESMF or Entitlement Matrix should be given to each committee.<br />

12. According to MoU between DoLIDAR and DDC, a motorbike has to be given to PDE which can be used by<br />

both PDE/SDC for Monitoring and Supervision.

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