22 - upf trigo-aveia-cevada Inglês

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Campus São José - CP 566, CEP 99001-970 – Passo Fundo, RS<br />

Phone: +55 54 316 8167<br />

Passo Fundo, 12th February 2006.<br />

Dear Sir.<br />

We are sending the results of the use of PT4-O, Turboflower and AVE, in<br />

white oat, beer barley and wheat cultures, harvest 2005.<br />

We believe that the yield could have been better if the treatment of the<br />

seeds were done with fungicides and insecticides, since, especially in the barley;<br />

there was a high incidence of VNAC in the beginning of the culture development.<br />

Another aspect that has affected in a negative way the culture’s yield was<br />

the intense rain of October (approximately 400 mm), in the period of grain<br />

stuffing and maturation.<br />

However significant differences were verified among the various<br />

treatments evaluated, when compared to the control.<br />

We would be glad to provide further explanations.<br />

We are also sending the receipt of the contract second parcel’s payment,<br />

due on April 3 rd 2006.<br />

We look forward to hearing from you.<br />

Yours sincerely,<br />

Prof. Dr. Elmar Luiz Floss<br />

Researchers<br />

Ilmo. Sr.<br />


Director of – LBE – Biotechnology to life,<br />




Teixeirinha) CULTURE IN PASSO FUNDO, HARVEST 2005.<br />


With the greater economic importance of the white oat culture (Avena sativa L.) in the South<br />

region of Brazil, new technologies are been created to guarantee a rise of productivity, a better<br />

industrial quality and profit-making on this culture. Among these technologies are the products<br />

developed by the LBE, through seeds and foliar treatments.<br />

The beneficial effects of these chemical products, over the economic point of view, depends<br />

on many factors, including the kind of soil, the yielding potential of the seeds, the climatic<br />

conditions of the region and the agricultural practices used by the producers.<br />

The aim of this project was to evaluate the commercial products AVE-O and Turboflower<br />

applied to the aerial part and PT-4-O, seeds way, regarding the yield, industrial quality and other<br />

characteristics of the white oat seeds UPFA 20 – Teixeirinha.<br />


The experiment was conduced at the Experimental Camp Of the Agronomy and Medicine<br />

Faculty of the Passo Fundo University, at dystrophic Red Latossoil (latossolo), typical clay texture,<br />

which belongs to the mapping unit “Passo Fundo”. The soil pH was previously corrected and the<br />

experiment was done with a density of 350 able seeds per squared meter. A manuring of 310 kg/ha –1<br />

of the formula: 5-25-25 was done and also a nitrogen manuring of urea, at the stage of 4 expanded<br />

leaves.<br />

The experimental outline used was of random blocks, in four repetitions. Each parcel was<br />

made of 7 lines, 5 meters long, 0,17 m space between the lines and 5 m between the parcels.<br />

The caterpillar and aphids control was done using the application of the insecticides Talcord<br />

(200 mL.ha -1 ), Perfection (400 mL.ha –1 ) and Connect (150 mL.ha -1 ). The control of weeds was done<br />

through the application of bentazon (Basagran, 1,2L.ha-1), at the stage of sprouting.<br />

The experiment consisted of 5 treatments: 1) Control; 2) PT-4-O (seed treatment); 3)<br />

Turboflower (applied at the end of the sprouting); 4) AVE-O + Opera with a dosage reduced by 20%<br />

(start of the blossom); 5) Opera (in normal dosage of 500mL. ha -1 ), at the start of the blossom. In the<br />

treatment of the seeds the product PT-4-O was used, at the dosage of 150ml/100kg of seeds. In the<br />

treatments 1, 2 and 3 an application of the fungicide tebuconazole (Folicur, dose of 750mL. ha -1 ),<br />

applied at the stage of the beginning of the blossom, aiming the control of illnesses of the aerial part<br />

of the plants.<br />

The foliar treatments were done using a costal pulverizer, with constant pressure of CO 2 ,<br />

application the Turboflower, in the dosage of 1 liter per ha, at the final stage of sprouting and AVE-<br />

O (250mL.ha -1 ), together with the fungicide Opera, with a 20% reduced dosage (400 mL. ha -1 ).<br />


The study evaluated by the time of the plant emergence; full blossom; maturation date; plant<br />

stature (start of the maturing), weight in thousand grains; grain yield. The stature of the plants was<br />

determined at the maturation stage measuring the plant from the soil level to the apices of the<br />

panicle. The date of the blossom was considered when 50% of the panicle were completely<br />

expanded. In the maturation, 100% of the panicles were completely mature; the parcels were<br />

harvested, using a parcel collector machine Wintersteiger, the cleaning of the grain was done, the<br />

humidity was determined and they were weighted. The obtained weight was expressed in kg. ha -1 ,<br />

based on the uniformity of the humidity in 13%. An electrolithical scale determined the weight of<br />

the electrolyte, with a capacity of 250mL, converting the weight through a specific table to white oat<br />

of kg. hL -1 . The weight in thousand grains (PMG) was also determined, counting 400 seeds picked<br />

randomly and multiplying the obtained weight by 2,5, expressed in grams. The percentage of grains<br />

that were thicker than 2mm was determined from a 50gr. sample and sifted (using a bolter with<br />

oblong orifices 2mm large). The grains that were bigger than 2mm were weighted and the obtained<br />

weight was divided by 50 and multiplied by 100 to express the result in %.<br />

The results of the diverse evaluation were taken to the variance analysis and the average of<br />

the significant treatments was compared by the Tukey test, at the level of 5% of significance.<br />


The statistical analysis of the experiment, has revealed significant differences among the<br />

evaluated treatments, using the Tukey test, at the level of 5% significance, regarding the grain yield<br />

(RG), days of the blossom emergence (DEF), days from the emergence to the maturation (DEM) and<br />

days from the blossom to the maturation (DFM) and there were no significant differences regarding<br />

the electrolyte (PH), weight in thousand grains (PMG), plants stature (EP) and over 2mm grain<br />

thickness.<br />

Grain yielding<br />

The treatment with AVE-O + Opera (-20%) with 3882 kg. ha -1 , not differing from the<br />

treatment with Opera only (3590 kg.ha -1 ), has shown a grain yield slightly superior in relation to the<br />

other treatments (Table 1). The treatment with Turboflower (3418 kg.ha -1 ) was significantly superior<br />

in relation to the control, not differing from the treatments done only with opera and PT-4-O. The<br />

average of the experiment was about 3439 kg. ha -1 , being the variation rate 5,62%.<br />

On the evaluation of the economic aspects of these products use, in the dosage and evaluated<br />

ways, and considering the obtained absolute values when comparing the various treatments yield<br />

compared to the controles’, we may observe an increase of 905 kg.ha-1 with Opera + AVE-O<br />

(+30%), of 613 kg.ha-1 in the treatment only with Opera (+21%), of 441 kg.ha-1 in the treatment<br />

with Turboflower (+ 15%) and of 348 kg, ha –1 in the treatment with PT-4-O (12%), according to<br />

the Table 1. Hence, when mixing the herbicide Only with the AVE-O it did not promote a significant<br />

raise of the grain yield, but an absolute raise of 9%.<br />


Table 1 – Effect of the LBE products in the white oat (cv. UPFA 20 – Teixeirinha) grains<br />

yielding (RG), at Passo Fundo, harvest of 2005.<br />

Treatments<br />

Opera (-20%) + AVE-O<br />

Opera<br />

Turboflower<br />

PT-4-O<br />

Control<br />

Average<br />

RG<br />

(kg.ha -1 )<br />

3882 a<br />

3590 ab<br />

3418 b<br />

3325 c<br />

2977 c<br />

3439<br />

5,62<br />

Difference<br />

(kg. ha -1 )<br />

905<br />

613<br />

441<br />

348<br />

-<br />

Relative %<br />

C.V. (%)<br />

Average followed by the same letters in the vertical, do not differ statistically by the Tukey<br />

test, at 5% significance test.<br />

130<br />

121<br />

115<br />

112<br />

100<br />

Hectoliter weight<br />

There were no significant differences among the treatments regarding the grain (PH)<br />

hectoliter weight, being the average of the experiment of 50,6 kg.hL and a variable rate of 1,94%<br />

(Table 2).<br />

Table 2 – LBE products effect in the hectoliter weight (PH) of white oat (cv. UPFA 20 –<br />

Teixeirinha), at Passo Fundo, harvest of 2005.<br />

Treatments<br />

PH<br />

(kg.hL -1 )<br />

Difference<br />

(kg. ha -1 )<br />

Control<br />

51,9 ns<br />

-<br />

PT-4-O<br />

51,2<br />

0,7<br />

Turboflower<br />

50,2<br />

1,7<br />

Opera (-20%) + AVE-O<br />

50,1<br />

1,8<br />

Opera<br />

49,8<br />

2,1<br />

Average<br />

50,6<br />

C.V. (%)<br />

1,94<br />

ns = not significant by the Tukey test, at the level of 5% of significance.<br />

Relative %<br />

100<br />

99<br />

97<br />

97<br />

96<br />

Weight of a thousand grains<br />

In relation to the weight of a thousand grains (PMG), there were no statistical differences<br />

among the treatments by the Tukey test, at the level of % significance. As may be seen in table 3.<br />

The average of the experiment was about 35,9g. , with a variable rate of 5,1%.<br />


In absolute values, the application of Turboflower or PT-4-O has raised the weight of a<br />

thousand grains in 3%, when compared to the control.<br />

Table 3 – LBE product's effect on the weight of a thousand grains (PMG) of white oat (CV. UPFA<br />

20 – Teixeirinha), at Passo Fundo, harvest of 2005.<br />

Treatments<br />

PMG<br />

(g.)<br />

Difference<br />

(g.)<br />

Turboflower<br />

36,8 ns<br />

1,2<br />

PT-4-O<br />

36,6<br />

1,0<br />

Control<br />

35,6<br />

-<br />

Opera (-20%) + AVE-O<br />

35,4<br />

0,2<br />

Opera<br />

35,1<br />

0,5<br />

Average<br />

35,9<br />

C.V. (%)<br />

5,1<br />

ns = not significant by the Tukey test, at the level of 5% of significance.<br />

Relative %<br />

103<br />

103<br />

100<br />

99<br />

99<br />

Grain Thickness<br />

The various treatments did not differ significantly regarding the grain percentage, with<br />

thickness over 2mm, being the experiment’s average of 87,2% and the variation rate of 2,2% (Table<br />

4).<br />

In absolute values, the application of Opera (-20%) + AVE-O or only Opera, has promoted a<br />

raise of 4% in the percentage of grains that were thicker than 2mm, while the application of PT-4-O<br />

and Turboflower has promoted raises of 3% and 1% respectively.<br />

Table 4 - LBE product’s effect on the grain percentage, with thickness over 2mm (PMG) of white<br />

oat (cv. UPFA 20 – Teixeirinha), at Passo Fundo, harvest of 2005.<br />

Treatments<br />

Thickness > 2mm<br />

(%)<br />

Difference<br />

(%)<br />

Turboflower<br />

88,4 ns<br />

1,3<br />

PT-4-O<br />

88,2<br />

1,2<br />

Control<br />

87,6<br />

0,9<br />

Opera (-20%) + AVE-O<br />

86,0<br />

0,1<br />

Opera<br />

85,2<br />

-<br />

Average<br />

87,2<br />

C.V. (%)<br />

2,20<br />

ns = not significant by the Tukey test, at the level of 5% of significance.<br />

Relative %<br />

104<br />

104<br />

103<br />

101<br />

100<br />


Plants cycle and stature<br />

There were no significant differences among treatments regarding the stature of the plants<br />

(EP), being the average of the experiment of 112,8cm and the variable rate of 2,09% (Table 5).<br />

The application of the various products has promoted a significant rise in the number of days<br />

from the emerging to the blossom (DEF), in relation to the control, being the average of the<br />

experiment of 88,7 days, being the C.V of 0,37% (Table 5).<br />

The application of PT-4-O or only of Opera (-20%), without differing from the treatments<br />

with opera (9-20%) + AVE or Turboflower, have promoted a significant reduction of the total oat<br />

cycle (DEM). The average of the experiment was about 142,9 days and the C.V. of 0,24% (Table 5).<br />

All the treatments have promoted a significant reduction in the number of days from the<br />

blossom to the maturation – DMF, comparing to the control (Table 5), being the average of the<br />

experiment of 54,2 days and the C.V. of 0,83%.<br />

Table 5 – Effect of the LBE products on the plant stature (EP), days from the emergence to the<br />

blossom (DEF), days from the emergence to the maturation (DEM) and days from the blossom to the<br />

maturation (DFM) of the white oat (cv. UPFA 20 – Teixeirinha), at Passo Fundo, harvest of 2005.<br />

Treatments<br />

EP<br />


(cm.)<br />

PT-4-O<br />

Opera<br />

Opera (-20%) + AVE-O<br />

Turboflower<br />

Control<br />

111,8 ns<br />

113,3<br />

115,8<br />

111,0<br />

112,3<br />

89,0 a<br />

88,8 a<br />

89,0 a<br />

88,8 a<br />

88,0 b<br />

142,5 b<br />

142,3 b<br />

143,0 ab<br />

143,0 ab<br />

143,5 a<br />

53,5 b<br />

53,5 b<br />

54,0 b<br />

54,3 b<br />

55,5 a<br />

Average<br />

C.V. (%)<br />

112,8<br />

2,09<br />

88,7<br />

0,37<br />

142,9<br />

0,24<br />

54,2<br />

0,83<br />

Average followed by the same letters in vertical, do not differ statistically by the Tukey test, at the<br />

level of 5% of significance; ns = not significant at the level of 5% of significance.<br />


The use of AVE-O, Turboflower and PT-4-O, in the culture of the white oat, in various forms<br />

and doses, should be considered due to the economic results obtained from the difference between<br />

the cost of each treatment and the estimate yielding and other characteristics based on this study<br />

results.<br />

Passo Fundo, Febuary 17 th 2006.<br />

Arg. Eng. Dr. Elmar Luiz Floss<br />

Responsible – CREA 25.169<br />

Agr. Eng. Dr. Mauro Antônio Rizzardi<br />

Director of the Agronomy and Veterinarian Medicine faculty of Passo Fundo’s University<br />


Agr. Eng. Irineo Fioreze<br />

Extension Coordinator of the FAMV/UPF<br />




The culture of the beer barley (Hordeum vulgare var. distichum) it is an important alternative<br />

winter culture in the South region of Brazil. To guarantee the rise of productivity and profit making<br />

of this culture, new technologies are being created. Among these technologies are the products<br />

developed by the LBE, through seeds and foliar treatments.<br />

The beneficial effects of these chemical products, over the economic point of view, depends<br />

on many factors, including the kind of soil, the yielding potential of the seeds, the climatic<br />

conditions of the region and the agricultural practices used by the producers.<br />

The aim of this project was to evaluate the commercial products AVE-O and Turboflower<br />

applied to the aerial part and PT-4-O, seeds way, regarding the yield and other characteristics of the<br />

beer barley BRS 195.<br />


The experiment was conduced at the Experimental Camp Of the Agronomy and Medicine<br />

Faculty of the Passo Fundo University, at dystrophic Red Latossoil (latossolo), typical clay texture,<br />

which belongs to the mapping unit “Passo Fundo”. The soil pH was previously corrected and the<br />

experiment was done through the direct sowing over soy culture, on July 9 th 2005. A manuring of<br />

310 kg/ha –1 of the formula: 5-25-25 was done together with a nitrogen manuring cover of 70 kg.ha -1<br />

of urea, when the plants reached the stage of 4 expanded leaves. (Start of the sprouting).<br />

The experimental outline used was of random blocks, in four repetitions. Each parcel was<br />

made of 7 lines, 5 meters long, 0,17m space between the lines and 5 m between the parcels.<br />

The caterpillar and aphids control was done using the application of the insecticides Talcord<br />

(200 mL.ha -1 ), Perfection (400 mL.ha –1 ) and Connect (150 mL.ha -1 ). The control of weeds was done<br />

through the application of Hussar (100g.ha -1 ), at the stage of sprouting.<br />

The experiment consisted of 5 treatments: 1) Control; 2) PT-4-O (seed treatment); 3)<br />

Turboflower (applied at the end of the sprouting); 4) AVE-O + Opera with a dosage reduced by 20%<br />

(start of the blossom); 5) Opera (in normal dosage of 500mL. ha -1 ), at the start of the blossom. In the<br />

treatment of the seeds the product PT-4-O was used, in the dosage of 150ml/100kg of seeds.<br />

The foliar treatments were done using a costal pulverizer, with constant pressure of CO 2 ,<br />

application the Turboflower, in the dosage of 1 liter per ha, at the final stage of sprouting and AVE-<br />

O (250mL.ha -1 ), together with the fungicide Opera, with a 20% reduced dosage (400 mL. ha -1 ).<br />


The study was evaluated by the time of the plant emergence; full blossom (50%of the plants<br />

with completely expanded cobs; maturation date (100% of the plants completely mature); plant<br />

stature (start of the maturing), weight in thousand grains; plant stature (height from the soil to the<br />

apices of the cobs, at the maturation state) and the grain yield. In the maturation, the parcels were<br />

harvested, using a parcel collector machine Wintersteiger, the cleaning of the grain was done, the<br />

humidity was determined and the weight was done. The obtained weight was expressed in kg. ha -1 ,<br />

based on the uniformity of the humidity in 13%. The weight in thousand grains (PMG) was also<br />

determined, counting 400 seeds picked randomly and multiplying the obtained weight by 2,5,<br />

expressed in grams.<br />

The results of the diverse evaluation were taken to the variance analysis and the average of<br />

the significant treatments was compared by the Tukey test, at the level of 5% of significance.<br />


The statistical analysis of the experiment, has revealed significant differences among the<br />

evaluated treatments, using the Tukey test, at the level of 5% of significance, when the grain yield<br />

(RG), days from the emergence to the blossom (DEF) and days from the emergence to the<br />

maturation (DEM) and there were no significant differences regarding the weight of a thousand<br />

grains (PMG, plants stature (EP)) and days from the Blossom to maturation (DFM).<br />

Grain yield<br />

The treatment with AVE-O + Opera (-20%), did not differ much from the treatment only<br />

with Opera and has presented a grain yield superior to the other treatments (Table 1). The<br />

application of only Opera has also been superior to the control, without differing from the treatment<br />

with Turboflower and PT-4-O, which did not differ among them.<br />

The lower yielding may be attributed to the high incidence of the Yellow Dwarfism Virus as<br />

Barley, at the initial stages.<br />

In absolute terms, comparing to the control, the application of AVE-O + Opera (-20%) has<br />

promoted a rise of 672 kg.ha -1 (+44%); the treatment that used only Opera of 488 kg. ha -1 (+32%);<br />

the treatment with Turboflower of 290 kg.ha -1 (+19%) and the treatment with PT-4-O of 123 kg.ha -1<br />

(+ 8%), according to Table 1.<br />


Table 1 – Effect of the LBE products in the beer barley (cv. BRS 195) grains yielding (RG),<br />

at Passo Fundo, harvest of 2005.<br />

Treatments<br />

Opera (-20%) + AVE-O<br />

Opera<br />

Turboflower<br />

PT-4-O<br />

Control<br />

Average<br />

RG<br />

(kg.ha -1 )<br />

<strong>22</strong>02 a<br />

2018 ab<br />

1820 bc<br />

1653 bc<br />

1530 c<br />

1844<br />

9,15<br />

Difference<br />

(kg. ha -1 )<br />

672<br />

488<br />

290<br />

123<br />

-<br />

Relative %<br />

C.V. (%)<br />

Average followed by the same letters in the vertical, do not differ statistically by the Tukey<br />

test, at 5% significance level.<br />

144<br />

132<br />

119<br />

108<br />

100<br />

Weight of a thousand grains<br />

In relation to the weight of a thousand grains (PMG), there were no statistical differences<br />

among the treatments by the Tukey test, at the level of 5% significance (Table 2). The average of the<br />

experiment was about 32,6g. , with a variable rate of 3,86%.<br />

In absolute values, the PT-4-O treatment has raised the weight of a thousand grains in 5%,<br />

the Opera treatment has raised the weight of a thousand grains in 3%, the Turboflower treatment has<br />

raised the weight of a thousand grains in 2% and the AVE + Opera treatment (-20%) less than 1%,<br />

when compared to the control.<br />

Table 2 – LBE product's effect on the weight of a thousand grains (PMG) of beer barley (cv. BRS<br />

195), at Passo Fundo, harvest of 2005.<br />

Treatments<br />

PMG<br />

(g.)<br />

Difference<br />

(g.)<br />

PT-4-O<br />

33,4 ns<br />

1,5<br />

Opera<br />

32,9<br />

1,0<br />

Turboflower<br />

32,4<br />

0,5<br />

Opera (-20%) + AVE-O<br />

32,1<br />

0,2<br />

Control<br />

31,9<br />

-<br />

Average<br />

35,9<br />

C.V. (%)<br />

5,1<br />

ns = not significant by the Tukey test, at the level of 5% of significance.<br />

Relative %<br />

105<br />

103<br />

102<br />

101<br />

100<br />


Plants cycle and stature<br />

There were no significant differences among treatments regarding the stature of the plants<br />

(EP), being the average of the experiment of 61,0 cm and the variable rate of 6,93% (Table 3).<br />

AVE-O + Opera (-20%) and Opera treatments, without differing from Turboflower and PT-4-O<br />

treatments, have promoted a significant increase to the beer barley total cycle (DEM), in relation to<br />

the control (Table 3). The treatments with Turboflower and PT-4-O did not differ from the control<br />

and also did not differ between themselves regarding the DEF. The average of the experiment was<br />

about 101,3 days and the variation rate was about 0,62% (Table 3).<br />

Regarding the days of the blossom to the maturation (DMF), there were no significant<br />

differences among the treatments (Table 3). The average of the experiment was about 41,9 days and<br />

the variation rate was about 2,03%.<br />

Table 3 - Effect of the LBE products on the plants stature (EP), days from the emergence to the<br />

blossom (DEF), days from the emergence to the maturation (DEM) and days from the<br />

blossom to the maturation (DFM) of the beer barley (cv. BRS 195), at Passo Fundo, harvest<br />

of 2005.<br />

Treatments EP (cm.) DEF DEM DFM<br />

Control<br />

PT-4-O<br />

Turboflower<br />

Opera<br />

Opera (-20%) + AVE-O<br />

63,0 ns<br />

57,8<br />

61,3<br />

61,3<br />

61,8<br />

100,3 b<br />

101,0 ab<br />

101,5 ab<br />

102,0 a<br />

101,8 a<br />

141,5 b<br />

143,0 b<br />

143,0 b<br />

144,0 ab<br />

144,5 a<br />

41,3 ns<br />

42,0<br />

41,5<br />

42,0<br />

42,8<br />

Average<br />

C.V. (%)<br />

61,0<br />

6,93<br />

101,3<br />

0,62<br />

143,2<br />

0,46<br />

41,9<br />

2,03<br />

Average followed by the same letters in vertical, do not differ statistically by the Tukey test, at the<br />

level of 5% of significance; ns = not significant at the level of 5% of significance.<br />


The use of the PT-4-O, Turboflower and AVE-O in the culture of the beer barley, in its<br />

various forms and dosages, must considered due to the economic result obtained, by the difference<br />

between the cost of each treatment and the estimate yield, based on this study results.<br />

.<br />

Passo Fundo, Febuary 17 th 2006<br />

Arg. Eng. Dr. Elmar Luiz Floss<br />

Responsible – CREA 25.169<br />

Agr. Eng. Dr. Mauro Antônio Rizzardi<br />


Director of the Agronomy and Veterinarian Medicine faculty of Passo Fundo’s University<br />

Agr. Eng. Irineo Fioreze<br />

Extension Coordinator of the FAMV/UPF<br />




With the greater economic importance of the white oat culture (Triticum aestivum L.) in the<br />

South region of Brazil, new technologies are being created to guarantee a rise in productivity in this<br />

culture. Among these technologies are the products developed by the LBE, to seeds and foliar<br />

treatments.<br />

The beneficial effects of these chemical products, over the economic point of view, depend<br />

on many factors, including the kind of soil, the yielding potential of the seeds, the climatic<br />

conditions of the region and the agricultural practices used by the producers.<br />

The aim of this project was to evaluate the commercial products AVE-O and Turboflower<br />

applied to the aerial part and PT-4-O, seeds way, regarding the yield, industrial quality and other<br />

characteristics of the Louro wheat.<br />


The experiment was conduced at the Experimental Field of the Agronomy and Medicine<br />

Faculty of the Passo Fundo University, at dystrophic Red Latossoil (latossolo), typical clay texture,<br />

which belongs to the mapping unit “Passo Fundo”. The soil pH was previously corrected and the<br />

experiment was done through direct sowing over soy cultivation field, on June 9 th , 2005. A manuring<br />

of 310 kg/ha –1 of the formula: 5-25-25 was done together with a nitrogen manuring of urea with the<br />

covering of 70 kg.ha -1, at the stage of 4 expanded leaves.<br />

The experimental outline used was of random blocks, in four repetitions. Each parcel was<br />

made of 7 lines, 5 meters long, 0,17m space between the lines and 5 m between the parcels.<br />

The caterpillar and aphids control was done using the application of the insecticides Talcord<br />

(200 mL.ha -1 ), Perfection (400 mL.ha –1 ) and Connect (150 mL.ha -1 ). The control of weeds was done<br />

through the application of Hussar (100g.ha-1), at the stage of sprouting.<br />

The experiment consisted of 5 treatments: 1) Control; 2) PT-4-O (seed treatment); 3)<br />

Turboflower (applied at the end of the sprouting); 4) AVE-O + Opera with a dosage reduced by 20%<br />

(start of the blossom); 5) Opera (in normal dosage of 500mL. ha -1 ), at the start of the blossom. In the<br />

treatment of the seeds the product PT-4-O was used, at the dosage of 150ml/100kg of seeds. In the<br />

treatments 1, 2 and 3 an application of the fungicide tebuconazole (Folicur, dose of 750 mL. ha -1 ),<br />

applied at the stage of the beginning of the blossom, aiming the control of illnesses at the aerial part<br />

of the plants.<br />


The application of the Turboflower foliar treatments was done using a costal pulverizer, with<br />

constant pressure of CO 2 , in the dosage of 1 liter per ha, at the final stage of sprouting and AVE-O<br />

(250mL.ha -1 ), together with the fungicide Opera, with a 20% reduced dosage (400 mL. ha -1 ).<br />

The study was evaluated by the time of the plant emergence; full blossom (50% of the cobs<br />

completely mature); maturation date (100% of the cobs completely mature); plant stature (start of the<br />

maturing), weight in thousand grains; grains yield. In the maturation, the parcels were harvested,<br />

using a parcel collector Wintersteiger machine, the cleaning of the grain was done, the humidity was<br />

determined and they were weighed. The obtained weight was expressed in kg. ha -1 , based on the<br />

uniformity of the humidity at 13%. A hectoliter scale determined the weight of the hectoliter, with a<br />

capacity of 250 mL, converting the weight through a specific table to wheat in kg.hL -1 . The weight<br />

in thousand grains (PMG) was also determined, counting 400 seeds picked randomly and<br />

multiplying the obtained weight by 2,5, expressed in grams.<br />

The results of the diverse evaluation were taken to the variance analysis and the average of<br />

the significant treatments was compared by the Tukey test, at the level of 5% of significance.<br />


The statistical analysis of the experiment, has revealed significant differences among the<br />

evaluated treatments, using the Tukey test, at the level of 5% significance, regarding the weight of<br />

one thousand grains (PMG), days from the emergence to the maturation (DEM), days from the<br />

blossom to the maturation (DFM), but there were no significant differences regarding the grains<br />

yield, the hectoliter weight (PH), days from emergence to blossom (DEF) and plants structure (EP).<br />

Grain yielding<br />

Considering the results of the variance analysis, and the average comparison, by the Tukey<br />

test, at the level of 5% significance, no significant difference was seen among the treatments (Table<br />

1). The average of the experiment was about 2804 kg.ha-1 and the C.V. of 6%.<br />

In absolute terms, the application of Opera (-20%)+AVE, has promoted a raise of 335 kg.ha -1<br />

(+13%), the Turboflower had a raise of 202 kg.ha-1 (+8%), and the Opera alone of 133 kg.ha-1 (+5)<br />

and the PT-4-O of 97 kg.ha-1 (+4%), when compared to the control, according to Table 1.<br />

Table 1 – Effect of the LBE products in the wheat yield (cv. Louro) at Passo Fundo, harvest<br />

of 2005.<br />

Treatments<br />

RG<br />

Difference %<br />

(kg.ha -1 ) (kg. ha -1 )<br />

Opera (-20%) + AVE-O<br />

Turboflower<br />

Opera<br />

PT-4-O<br />

2986 ns<br />

2853<br />

2784<br />

2748<br />

335<br />

202<br />

133<br />

97<br />

113<br />

108<br />

105<br />

104<br />


Control 2651 - 100<br />

Average<br />

C.V. (%)<br />

2804<br />

6,0<br />

ns = not significant by the Tukey test, at the level of 5% of significance.<br />

Weight of the hectoliter<br />

There was no significant difference among the treatments regarding the hectoliter weight,<br />

being the average of the experiment of 77,7 kg.hL-1 and a variable rate of 2,32 % (Table 2).<br />

In absolute values, only the Turboflower treatments and control did not reach the standard pH<br />

of 78 kg. hL-1. In the PT-4-O and Opera alone, there was a rise of 1% of the pH when compared to<br />

the control.<br />

Table 2 – LBE product’s effect in the hectoliter weight (PH) of wheat (cv. Louro), at Passo Fundo,<br />

harvest of 2005.<br />

Treatments<br />

PH<br />

(kg.hL -1 )<br />

Difference<br />

(kg. L -1 )<br />

Control<br />

78,4 ns<br />

0,6<br />

PT-4-O<br />

78,4<br />

0,6<br />

Turboflower<br />

78,1<br />

0,3<br />

Opera (-20%) + AVE-O<br />

77,8<br />

-<br />

Opera<br />

75,8<br />

2,0<br />

Average<br />

77,7<br />

C.V. (%)<br />

2,32<br />

ns = not significant by the Tukey test, at the level of 5% of significance.<br />

%<br />

101<br />

101<br />

100<br />

100<br />

97<br />

Weight of a thousand grains<br />

The application of AVE-O + Opera (-20%), without differing from the treatments with<br />

Opera, Turboflower and PT-4-O, has promoted a significant raise of the weight of one thousand<br />

grains (PMG) in relation to the control (Table 3).<br />

In absolute values, compared to the control, we may see a raise of PMG of 8% at the AVE-O<br />

+ Opera (-20%) treatment; of 5% in the treatment with Opera alone; of 4% in the Turboflower<br />

treatment and of 3% at the PT-4-O treatment.<br />

Table 4 - LBE product’s effect on the plant stature (EP), days from the emergence to the blossom<br />

(DEF), days from the emergence to the maturation (DEM) and days from the flowering to the<br />

maturation (DFM) of wheat (cv. Louro), at Passo Fundo, harvest of 2005.<br />

Treatments EP (cm) DEF DEM DFM<br />

Control<br />

81,8 ns 88,0 ns 140,0 b 52,0 b<br />

Opera (-20%) + AVE-O 82,3<br />

88,0<br />

141,0 a 53,0 ab<br />


Opera<br />

PT-4-O<br />

Turboflower<br />

Average<br />

86,5<br />

82,5<br />

83,5<br />

83,3<br />

87,8<br />

87,5<br />

87,3<br />

87,7<br />

141,0 a<br />

141,0 a<br />

141,0 a<br />

140,8<br />

53,3 a<br />

53,5 a<br />

53,8 a<br />

53,10<br />

1,02<br />

C.V. (%)<br />

3,17<br />

0,62<br />

0,0<br />

Average followed by the same letters in vertical, do not differ statistically by the Tukey test, at the<br />

level of 5% of significance; ns = not significant by the Tukey test, at the level of 5% of significance.<br />


The use of the AVE-O, Turboflower and PT-4-O products, in the wheat culture, on its various forms<br />

and dosages, must consider due to the economic result obtained, by the difference between the cost<br />

of each treatment and the estimated yield, based on this study results.<br />

.<br />

Passo Fundo, February 17 th 2006<br />

Arg. Eng. Dr. Elmar Luiz Floss<br />

Responsible – CREA 25.169<br />

Agr. Eng. Dr. Mauro Antônio Rizzardi<br />

Director of the Agronomy and Veterinarian Medicine faculty of Passo Fundo’s University<br />

Agr. Eng. Irineo Fioreze<br />

Extension Coordinator of the FAMV/UPF<br />


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