Pinewood Welcome Pack_2016

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<strong>Welcome</strong> to <strong>Pinewood</strong>!<br />

The object of this guide is to highlight the services that are available at <strong>Pinewood</strong><br />

Studios and to help you familiarise yourself with the site.<br />

Inside you will find everything from maps and essential services on the lot, to production<br />

facilities, and even a list of local hotels and restaurants. The pack also briefly outlines<br />

emergency procedures and gives you important contact details. More copies of this are<br />

available from the Operations department, please email ops@pinewoodgroup.com.<br />

While on site you can sign up to our extranet, ‘Spotlight’ – a one stop shop for all Studio<br />

information, including Studio notices and news, stage and building plans, industry news<br />

and events. To sign up, please see details within pack for Productions and Tenants.<br />

You can also visit our website where you can find a full list of companies based at the<br />

Studios, all facilities and services, virtual tours, images, site maps and directions. Visit<br />

www.pinewoodgroup.com for more information and for regular news and updates.<br />

Our staff are dedicated to providing you with a first class service and we hope you will<br />

take advantage of all the facilities on offer.<br />

Please don’t hesitate to let us know if there is anything further we can do to enhance<br />

your experience of <strong>Pinewood</strong>.<br />

Peter Hicks<br />

UK Operations Director


January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 2



WHAT DO YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MOVING IN? ..............................................................4<br />

ACCESS TO THE SITE ON ARRIVAL .................................................................................................. 4<br />

STUDIO REGULATIONS ............................................................................................................... 5<br />

SPOTLIGHT .......................................................................................................................... 11<br />

COMPUTER AND TELEPHONE SERVICES .......................................................................................... 11<br />

BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES .................................................................................................... 15<br />

MEET YOUR SUPPORT TEAM ....................................................................................................... 16<br />

‘ON THE LOT’ - AMENITIES ........................................................................................................ 17<br />

‘ON THE LOT’ – WHO ELSE IS HERE? ............................................................................................ 21<br />

MEET THE PROPERTY TEAM ........................................................................................................ 22<br />

ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ....................................................................................................... 23<br />

MEET THE ENVIRONMENTAL TEAM ................................................................................................ 25<br />

PRODUCTION SPECIFIC SERVICES ....................................................................................... 26<br />

PRODUCTION FACILITIES .......................................................................................................... 26<br />

PRODUCTION FACILITIES – TV STUDIO COMPLEX ............................................................................. 26<br />

STAGE, TV STUDIO AND LOCATION BOOKINGS ................................................................................ 27<br />

STAGE CHART ....................................................................................................................... 28<br />

PINEWOOD CREATIVE .............................................................................................................. 29<br />

PINEWOOD DRAPERY ............................................................................................................... 30<br />

PINEWOOD MBS LIGHTING ....................................................................................................... 30<br />

MEET THE SALES TEAM ............................................................................................................. 31<br />

FILMING AND PHOTOGRAPHY ON SITE ............................................................................................ 32<br />

PINEWOOD POST PRODUCTION AND DIGITAL CONTENT SERVICES .......................................................... 33<br />

OUR FACILITIES ..................................................................................................................... 33<br />

MEET THE POST PRODUCTION TEAM ............................................................................................. 34<br />

WHAT WE NEED FROM PRODUCTIONS .................................................................................. 35<br />

PRODUCTION INFORMATION ....................................................................................................... 35<br />

SPOTLIGHT – “ACCESS TO THE SITE ON ARRIVAL” ............................................................................. 35<br />

HEALTH & SAFETY DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................. 36<br />

SHOOTING OUTSIDE OF NORMAL WORKING HOURS? ......................................................................... 37<br />

WHAT WE NEED FROM TENANTS .......................................................................................... 38<br />

CONTACT INFORMATION ........................................................................................................... 38<br />

SPOTLIGHT - EXTRANET ............................................................................................................ 38<br />

HEALTH & SAFETY DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................. 39<br />

LOCAL SERVICES .................................................................................................................. 40<br />

EMERGENCY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ........................................................................................ 40<br />

TAXIS ................................................................................................................................. 40<br />

COURIERS............................................................................................................................ 40<br />

TAKEAWAYS & DELIVERY SERVICES .............................................................................................. 41<br />

RESTAURANTS ....................................................................................................................... 42<br />

ACCOMMODATION................................................................................................................... 44<br />

LUXURY HOTELS .................................................................................................................... 46<br />

HOW TO FIND US? ............................................................................................................... 48<br />

DIRECTIONS AND MAPS ............................................................................................................ 48<br />

FREE STUDIO SHUTTLE BUS ....................................................................................................... 49<br />

THE PINEWOOD STUDIOS GROUP ........................................................................................ 53<br />

ABOUT US ............................................................................................................................ 53<br />

INTERNATIONAL STUDIOS ......................................................................................................... 53<br />

CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY ..................................................................................................... 54<br />

FILMING IN THE UK – USEFUL WEBSITES ....................................................................................... 57<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 3


What do you need to know about moving in?<br />

Access to the site on arrival<br />

Identity cards<br />

All production and media hub employees must carry <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios Group identity cards<br />

with:<br />

Passport photograph<br />

Full name<br />

Name of production/company<br />

We can create ID cards to meet your requirements at the Main Reception Gate, for more<br />

information, please contact:<br />

Front of House Reception<br />

T: 01753 657171<br />

E: reception.pinewood@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

Vehicle pass<br />

The Studios will provide production and media hub employees with a vehicle pass; please<br />

send the full name, vehicle registration number and contact telephone number to:<br />

T: 01753 657171<br />

E: reception.pinewood@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

Access to the site & visitors<br />

All visitors of productions and of media hub companies must carry a <strong>Pinewood</strong> Visitor card.<br />

The procedures for entering the Studios are as follows:<br />

Only valid pass holders can enter through the barriers<br />

You must send reception details of any visitors you are expecting<br />

It is requested that you collect your visitor from the main gate upon their arrival<br />

Any personnel arriving on site without appropriate ID will be treated as a visitor<br />

T: 01753 657171<br />

E: reception.pinewood@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 4


Studio Regulations<br />


These Studio Regulations are a general guide to the procedures in place at <strong>Pinewood</strong><br />

Studios (“<strong>Pinewood</strong>”), Shepperton Studios (“Shepperton”) and <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studio Wales<br />

(“Wales”) (<strong>Pinewood</strong>, Shepperton and Wales together the “Studios”) and their application to<br />

tenants, productions, suppliers, contractors (together “Clients”), Studio personnel and any<br />

visitors to the Studios.<br />

These Studio Regulations make reference to supplementary regulations issued by the<br />

Studios from time to time, all of which are available in this information pack and which must<br />

also be adhered to by Clients, Studio personnel and visitors.<br />


Access to the Studios is permitted only by the Studio Management who may, at their sole<br />

discretion, refuse entry or require any person infringing these Studio Regulations to leave<br />

the premises of the Studios immediately.<br />


Smoking is strictly prohibited in any building at the Studios, on any roof or under<br />

any covered way. ‘No Smoking’ signs are located throughout the premises of the Studios<br />

and must be obeyed at all times wherever they are displayed. If found smoking you may be<br />

ejected from the premises of the Studios.<br />


For an ambulance, at <strong>Pinewood</strong> dial ext. 444, at Shepperton dial ext. 2168, at<br />

Wales dial ext. 4982 or direct dial (9)999 from all Studios.<br />


Any accident on site must be reported immediately to Security: at <strong>Pinewood</strong> dial<br />

ext. 6222, at Shepperton dial ext. 2168 and at Wales dial ext. 4983 or 4982.<br />

FIRE<br />

In the event of fire, the nearest ‘Break Glass’ fire alarm point must be activated.<br />

Upon hearing the fire alarm, the emergency services must be contacted as soon as possible.<br />

For emergency services at <strong>Pinewood</strong> dial ext. 444, at Shepperton dial ext. 2168, at<br />

Wales dial ext. 4982 or directly dial (9)999 from all Studios.<br />

The nearest available fire exits should be used to leave the building in order to reach<br />

designated assembly points. Lifts must not be used. No person is permitted to return or<br />

collect any personal belongings and the building may only be re-entered following<br />

instructions by the Fire Brigade or the Studio Management.<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 5


The Studios’ fire alarms are tested weekly or as required by law and warning notices are<br />

displayed accordingly. Fire evacuation drills are a legal requirement and all those on site<br />

must co-operate when required to evacuate as part of a drill.<br />


The Studios’ Health & Safety Policy is designed and implemented to protect all Clients,<br />

Studio personnel and visitors to ensure that their working environment is as safe as<br />

possible.<br />

Should any person have any concerns regarding health and safety at the Studios, the<br />

Studios’ Health & Safety Manager can be contacted on 01932 593700.<br />

Any health and safety instructions received from the Studio Management must be complied<br />

with immediately.<br />


The Studios are under CCTV surveillance and 24 hour security patrols. The Studio<br />

Management must be informed in advance of any activity by any Client, Studio personnel or<br />

visitor that may require their involvement or assistance. Where any access control fob or<br />

visitor pass is issued, and is not returned to the Studios, the charges set out in the Studios’<br />

Security Policy shall apply.<br />

Any security instructions received from the Studios’ security personnel or from the Studio<br />

Management must be complied with immediately.<br />


All Clients, Studio personnel and visitors must display their identification cards and security<br />

passes at all times. Clients must ensure that all their employees and visitors carry a valid<br />

form of identification for security purposes, without which access to the Studios will not be<br />

permitted because a security pass will not be able to be issued.<br />


Only visitors authorised by the Studio Management shall be permitted to enter the Studios<br />

and must be issued with visitor passes at Main Security Reception.<br />

Main Security Reception must be informed of the details of any visitor by email to<br />

reception in advance of their arrival.<br />


All vehicles entering the Studios must have in place valid MOT, tax and insurance and must<br />

display a valid vehicle pass in the windscreen of their vehicle at all times.<br />

All non-pass holders, deliveries and couriers must report to the Main Security Reception at<br />

the Studios.<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 6



The safety and security of Clients, Studio personnel and visitors is of paramount importance<br />

to the Studio Management. From time to time, it may be necessary for the Studios’ security<br />

personnel to conduct vehicle and/or bag searches of Clients, Studio personnel and visitors<br />

to the Studios. These searches are carried out to ensure that nothing that could be<br />

harmful, noxious or dangerous is brought on site and to protect the property of the Studios,<br />

its Clients and Studio personnel.<br />

All persons on site should co-operate with the Studios’ security personnel in carrying out<br />

this necessary task.<br />


Studio traffic signs and road markings must be obeyed by drivers, cyclists and pedestrians<br />

at all times.<br />

A speed limit of 10 mph applies throughout the Studios and pedestrians must walk<br />

in the designated areas only. Failure to abide by these requirements may lead to<br />

ejection from the Studio.<br />


Please refer to the parking section within the Studios’ Security Policy provided to you.<br />

Parking at the Studios is at the sole discretion of the Studio Management.<br />

Unless you have an on-site designated parking space you must park in the car park<br />

allocated to you by Main Security Reception and display your parking permit or pass visibly<br />

on your vehicle windscreen at all times.<br />

Vehicles entering and parking on the premises of the Studios do so entirely at the<br />

owners’ risk and the Studios shall not be liable for property loss or damage of any<br />

kind whatsoever.<br />

Vehicles parked without displaying a valid permit, parked in another person’s allocated<br />

space, on yellow lines, hatched areas or pedestrian walkways, causing an obstruction or<br />

parked in any other way that has not been authorised by the Studio Management may be<br />

clamped/removed, and further vehicular access to the Studios denied.<br />

The Studios may restrict parking anywhere and at any time on the premises in order to<br />

carry out maintenance or provide areas for Clients and their vehicles. Failure to comply with<br />

these restricted parking arrangements may result in the removal of your vehicle.<br />

No vehicles shall be left overnight on the premises of the Studios without advance<br />

authorisation of the Studio Management. Overnight parking charges apply.<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 7



Stages, studios, theatres, lots, workshops and rooms shall be hired on the understanding<br />

that they are used for their designated purpose only, maintained and vacated in a clean<br />

state and that their occupants observe these Studio Regulations and all relevant legislation<br />

in every respect.<br />

Keys to stages, studios, workshops and hired accommodation are issued upon the condition<br />

that they will be returned daily to the Studios’ security personnel. Failure to return keys<br />

may necessitate the replacement of locks at the cost of the Client or person responsible for<br />

the loss.<br />

It is not permitted for any Clients, Studio personnel or visitors to sleep overnight at the<br />

Studios.<br />


Stages, studios, theatres, workshops, dressing rooms and other accommodation<br />

on hire may only be entered with the express authorisation of, and by prior<br />

arrangement with, the Studio Management.<br />

All workshops, Studio facilities and Studio personnel offices are restricted to Studio<br />

employees and their authorised visitors only.<br />

Access to all roofs, plant rooms, underground areas and service areas is strictly prohibited<br />

to unauthorised personnel.<br />


Red lights outside stages, studios and theatres denote that shooting, recording or<br />

mixing is in progress. Entry to these areas is strictly prohibited whenever such red<br />

lights are on and any noise outside such areas must be kept to an absolute<br />

minimum.<br />

Production activity may also occur throughout the Studios’ premises (including the<br />

grounds). Noise in these areas must be kept to a minimum when shooting or recording is in<br />

progress.<br />


Broadcast radios, handheld devices, wireless internet connections and/or other forms of<br />

technology used at the Studios must not interfere with the frequencies and/or facilities<br />

operated and used by the Studios and Studio personnel.<br />

The Studios reserve the right to require any Clients or other personnel onsite to change<br />

frequency and/or cease to use any equipment immediately. If necessary, the Studios shall<br />

take immediate action to enforce these regulations at the cost of the production responsible.<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 8



All furniture, fixtures and fittings provided in staff and production accommodation is the<br />

property of the Studios and must not be removed from the premises.<br />

Any damage to buildings, fixtures, furniture or fittings should be reported to the Studio<br />

Management as soon as it occurs.<br />

The Studios may charge the person or party responsible for damage (other than ‘fair wear<br />

and tear’) which is discovered subsequent to departure.<br />

WORKS<br />

Only Studio Management approved personnel or contractors are permitted to carry out<br />

repairs to any parts of the Studios or to install fixtures or fittings or penetrate the walls,<br />

floors or ceilings of the Studios’ accommodation in any way. Others may only carry out<br />

repairs with the prior written authorisation of the Studio Management.<br />


All cigarette ends must be put into the ashtrays provided and all litter must be put into the<br />

litter bins provided.<br />

It is the responsibility of individual productions to provide skips for the removal of their<br />

waste from the site wherever necessary. For assistance in obtaining skips contact the<br />

Operations office at <strong>Pinewood</strong> on ext. 5555, at Shepperton on ext. 2000 or at<br />

Wales on ext. 4982.<br />

Food waste attracts vermin and must not be disposed of in open skips. Production caterers<br />

have a duty to ensure that all food waste is removed from site in accordance with the<br />

methods and requirements of Food Safety and Health & Safety regulations. If necessary,<br />

the Studios shall take immediate action to enforce these regulations at the cost of the<br />

production responsible.<br />

The Studios require co-operation from all Clients, Studio personnel and visitors to ensure<br />

that all reasonably practicable steps are taken to identify potential hazards and risks to the<br />

environment and that suitable and effective control measures are implemented.<br />


For the protection of productions, photography and recording of any kind (including use of<br />

Google glasses and other similar technologies) around the Studios is strictly prohibited<br />

without the written authorisation of the Studio Management. Anyone found taking<br />

photographs or making recordings without a permit may have their camera or recording<br />

device confiscated and pictures and/or recordings destroyed by the Studios’ security<br />

personnel. The Studio Management reserves any rights it may have to issue<br />

proceedings against anyone taking unauthorised photographs or making<br />

unauthorised recordings at the premises of the Studios.<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 9



Animals are only permitted on the premises of the Studios subject to relevant legislation<br />

and with the written authorisation of the Studio Management. Animals must be kept under<br />

strict supervision, exercised only on a lead, and owners are responsible for cleaning up after<br />

their animals. Under no circumstances are animals allowed into the restaurant or canteen,<br />

or any area where food is prepared or consumed. All quarantine regulations and control<br />

guidelines of dangerous and venomous animals must be adhered to.<br />


For their own safety, children under the age of 18 years shall be permitted onto the<br />

premises of the Studios only when accompanied by a parent or nominated responsible<br />

adult. The Studios reserve the right to refuse entry to children, whether or not<br />

accompanied.<br />


No subscription lists, mail drops, circulars soliciting business or contributions, raffles,<br />

collections, advertising flyers or posters are permitted anywhere on the premises of the<br />

Studios without the authorisation of the Studio Management.<br />

Clients of the Studios may not use any Studio address as a Companies House registered<br />

address without prior written authorisation of the Property Department (ext. 6038).<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Group has a large portfolio of registered trademarks, including registrations for<br />

the name "<strong>Pinewood</strong>", the words "<strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios" and the <strong>Pinewood</strong> Logo (the lozenge -<br />

portraying a spotlight on the industry, together with the <strong>Pinewood</strong> stylised name)<br />

(“<strong>Pinewood</strong> Trademarks”). Clients of the Studios may not trade as or use any of the<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Trademarks without the written authorisation of the Studio Management.<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Group continually monitors use of the <strong>Pinewood</strong> Trademarks and its other<br />

intellectual property rights (including, for example, its stock images and photographs).<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Group will, if necessary, use its legal rights to protect its interests against<br />

unauthorised use by third parties.<br />


Neither <strong>Pinewood</strong> Group plc nor any of its subsidiaries or group companies shall<br />

be held liable for any loss of, or damage to, any property of any individual or<br />

corporate body brought onto the premises of the Studios. All such visiting<br />

individuals and/or corporate bodies are wholly responsible for arranging all<br />

appropriate insurance cover for all such risks.<br />

All loss or damage to property should be reported to the Studio Management within 24<br />

hours of the occurrence of such damage/loss.<br />


Studio Operations <strong>Pinewood</strong>: 01753 785 555<br />

Studio Operations Shepperton: 01932 592 000<br />

Studio Operations Wales: 02920 534 982<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 10

Spotlight<br />


The <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios Group extranet ‘Spotlight’ is a service for productions and tenants<br />

based at <strong>Pinewood</strong> and Shepperton Studios.<br />

Spotlight informs productions and tenants about Studio news, stage and building plans,<br />

industry new, events and catering menus. You can also submit your own news, promote<br />

new products and services when based at the Studios.<br />

If you have not yet received your unique user login, please contact:<br />

For productions:<br />

Tayler Donnelly<br />

T: 01753 785743<br />

E: tayler.donnelly@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

For tenants:<br />

Jade Saunders<br />

T: 01753 785897<br />

E: jade.saunders@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

Computer and Telephone Services<br />

Broadband/Internet Connectivity<br />

On site you have access to our fast, reliable broadband network provided by Sohonet. It’s a<br />

high speed connection which is ideal for the secure distribution of images, audio and<br />

mission-critical production data. Not only does it make the world smaller, but your costs<br />

too. Charges apply. For more information contact Sohonet directly:<br />

T: 01753 656565<br />

E: studios@sohonet.co.uk<br />

Free Wi-Fi<br />

There is free wireless around the site for guests,<br />

tenants and productions. The service complements<br />

existing Sohonet connections and is available in<br />

certain areas.<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> provides a high-speed wireless 'N' network<br />

across the site with secure access for productions<br />

and general free access.<br />

Please note - The free Wi-Fi service may have speed<br />

and access restrictions dependant on your physical<br />

location within the site.<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 11


Production hotspots<br />

Wi-Fi access is available within all stages at both <strong>Pinewood</strong> and Shepperton Studios<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios open access<br />

Studio Reception / Security<br />

Canteen<br />

Bar<br />

Ballroom / Pools Theatre<br />

Coffee shop<br />

Data Centre<br />

Boardroom<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Post Production<br />

Reception / Coffee Area<br />

Theatres (Powell, Pressburger)<br />

Film Restoration<br />

Film Vaults<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Television<br />

Full Facility Coverage<br />

Certain websites / services may be unavailable through this free service, for more<br />

information, please contact <strong>Pinewood</strong> Technology on:<br />

Tayler Donnelly<br />

T: 01753 785743<br />

E: tayler.donnelly@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Web / Email Hosting<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> offers tenants and productions internet hosting services for email and web sites.<br />

We can register yourname.com/.co.uk and provide a tailored solution to enable you to get a<br />

professional web presence online from just £10 per month. Clients with existing websites<br />

can also arrange to have their websites/domain names transferred into our service without<br />

taking the website offline.<br />

The service boasts a powerful web based control panel that requires minimal computer skills<br />

and can do everything from allocating new staff email addresses through to what people<br />

type into Google to find your website. The servers are hosted at <strong>Pinewood</strong> in our Data<br />

Centre for blazingly fast speed and reliability.<br />

T: 01753 785743<br />

E: technology@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 12


Data Centre<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> offers complete protection for your mission<br />

critical equipment in a completely controlled<br />

environment. Multiple fibre links to the internet,<br />

backup generators, an environmentally controlled<br />

data floor and security through CCTV and swipe<br />

carded doors throughout the facility will protect your<br />

equipment from tampering. The servers themselves<br />

are locked within standard computer rack mounts<br />

and can be sold in quarter, half or full rack size.<br />

For information on pricing or to arrange a tour<br />

please contact:<br />

T: 01753 785743<br />

E: technology@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

W: www.pinewoodgroup.com/datacentre<br />

Meeting Room Technology<br />

There is free wireless available in the <strong>Pinewood</strong> Meeting Room via access code<br />

from operations. Tech services include: 65 inch Sony 4K Ultra screen with Apple TV<br />

connectivity for screen sharing from MAC computers with AirPlay Mirroring. Sony Playstation<br />

4 for Blu-Ray and where available 4K content. Windows 8 Mini PC for PowerPoint,<br />

network/internet access and presentations from file based content. Multi desk unit feeds<br />

from client’s laptop computers via HDMI, VGA and USB devices to the Sony 65"<br />

screen. Skype is also available directly through the Sony 65 inch screen. Any other content<br />

can be accommodated by contacting the Technology department.<br />

Tayler Donnelly<br />

T: 01753 785743<br />

E: technology@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

IT Services / Support<br />

Team to assist with both Mac and Windows based I.T issues at both our <strong>Pinewood</strong> and<br />

Shepperton lots. Sensitive to production confidentiality and concerns, we are able to<br />

investigate issues in-office or remotely.<br />

T: 01753 785743<br />

E: technology@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 13


Timelapse – set/exterior lot<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> owns and operates a fleet of HD internal/external time lapse cameras that can<br />

discreetly film a set build, shoot and strike of sets large on exterior lots or inside our<br />

stages/studios.<br />

T: 01753 785743<br />

E: technology@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

Telecommunication services<br />

Our telephony department will organize telephone infrastructure tailored to your individual<br />

needs.<br />

Free Installation<br />

No tied contract<br />

Free voicemail (on request)<br />

Telephone engineer on site<br />

Opening a line:<br />

Call forwarding facility<br />

Conference Facilities<br />

24 Hour Switchboard Service<br />

Internal service between <strong>Pinewood</strong><br />

and Shepperton<br />

Your telephone handset is enabled to dial and receive internal calls only. You will need to<br />

speak with the operator to open the line.<br />

We provide two types of handsets:<br />

Superset 4150 (a digital line with many functions)<br />

£5.00 per week for line rental plus cost of calls<br />

Berkshire 200 (a basic analogue line, same function as Superset)<br />

£2.50 per week for line rental plus cost of calls<br />

Switchboard hours are 8:00 – 18:00 Monday – Friday and Security take calls outside of<br />

office hours.<br />

For more information please contact our telecommunications department.<br />

T: 01753 651700<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 14


Business Support services<br />

Mail Room<br />

The Mail Room is located in the main admin building (please refer to map). We can handle<br />

all your postal requirements including international postage.<br />

Opening hours:<br />

Monday to Friday from 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM<br />

Collection times:<br />

4:30pm Last Royal Mail collection<br />

T: 01753 656214<br />

The mail room also provides a franking service which offers a more cost efficient mailing<br />

alternative.<br />

For more information please contact:<br />

Nicola Drinkwater<br />

T: 01753 785742<br />

E: nicola.drinkwater@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

Video Conferencing<br />

Hold a face to face meeting with colleagues and clients in LA, New York, Singapore.<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> and Shepperton Studios have high definition video conferencing suites and<br />

portable units available to hire for face to face meetings with colleagues in the UK and<br />

abroad. Or use them for applications like training, interviewing, auditioning and data<br />

sharing.<br />

To book, please contact:<br />

Patrick Wilbraham<br />

T: 01753 656296<br />

E: patrick.wilbraham@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 15


Meet your Support team<br />

Kevin<br />

Bowen<br />

Operations<br />

Manager<br />

Nicola<br />

Drinkwater<br />

Operations<br />

Supervisor<br />

Sammy Jackson<br />

Site<br />

Supervisor<br />

General Studio information Skip hire service<br />

Fax & photocopying facilities Facility vehicles and parking<br />

Working with animals on site Furniture requirements<br />

Onsite cleaners and site cleanliness Site Services Department<br />

Podiums, trailers & Scenery ship<br />

Diesel<br />

Rental<br />

Our key drawing system, additional<br />

keys and all security matters<br />

The <strong>Pinewood</strong> Operations department are located in the <strong>Pinewood</strong> Hub, or you can<br />

telephone us on:<br />

T: 01753 785555<br />

E: ops@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 16


‘On the Lot’ - Amenities<br />

Catering - www.genuinedining.com<br />

The Genuine Dining provides in house catering at <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios. Their primary drive is<br />

for the very best quality food produced from ingredients they can trace right back to source.<br />

Local provenance and seasonal produce are their mantras, and they are safe in the<br />

knowledge that from farm to fork, only the best reaches your plate.<br />

The Kitchen (located next to the Coffee Shop)<br />

Casual lunches and informal meetings can take place in ‘The Kitchen’,<br />

where delicious food takes centre-stage in a relaxed setting. You can<br />

enjoy a vast array of seasonally prepared menus serving breakfast,<br />

lunch and snacks from a Full English Breakfast to sumptuous<br />

homemade hot meals and delicious handmade.<br />

Breakfast is between 6:30am and 10:30am, Monday to Friday<br />

Lunch is between 12:00 and 2:30pm, Monday to Friday<br />

Out of hours service and crew voucher system available<br />

Coffee Shop (next door to The Kitchen)<br />

The Coffee Shop, is a comfortable, vintage-feel haven in which to<br />

enjoy a soothing Mozzo coffee or an artisan baked treat, grab a drink<br />

with a friend, or carry out an informal meeting.<br />

Open 8:00am – 6:00pm, Monday to Friday<br />

Restaurant – Hitchcock’s Grill (located in the Main Admin Building)<br />

More formal meals, meetings or celebrations can be conducted in the elegant Hitchcock<br />

room which serves 30 day aged, locally sourced steak in sleek, grandiose surroundings.<br />

Open for lunch Monday to Friday (private bookings available)<br />

Club Bar (also located in the Main Admin Building)<br />

The Club House Bar in all its sophistication provides a list of quality<br />

wines and spirits to compliment the Best of British bar menu, offering<br />

delicious home-made classics.<br />

Open from noon to 3:00pm, Monday to Friday<br />

Additional services include:<br />

Wrap parties, after show drinks, a variety of events, venue hire of event spaces at<br />

Heatherden Hall. The Genuine Dining Company are also able to provide quality onsite<br />

catering and bespoke packages. Please contact their sales team to discuss further<br />

details or requirements:<br />

Alison Chambers<br />

T: 01753 785962<br />

E: alison.c@genuinedining.com<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 17

Jewson<br />


As the UK’s leading supplier of sustainable timber and building<br />

materials we offer a huge range of products from your everyday<br />

essentials through to the latest sustainable solutions.<br />

We offer a range of credit and cash accounts to meet your<br />

requirements. Visit the on-site store today to discuss your<br />

requirements or visit online at www.jewson.co.uk<br />

On-site products & service :<br />

Building supplies<br />

Timber & sheet materials<br />

Tool hire<br />

Power & hand tools<br />

Health & safety equipment<br />

Work wear<br />

Office & art department supplies<br />

Waste disposal<br />

Jewson - <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios<br />

T: 01753 656272<br />

Opening hours: 8.00 - 17.30 Mon-Fri<br />

Jewson - Shepperton Studios<br />

T: 01932 592460<br />

Opening hours: 8.00 - 17.00 Mon- Fri<br />

Exclusive Branded <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios Merchandise<br />

Due to popular demand <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios Group branded merchandise is<br />

available to purchase from Jewson.<br />

Current merchandise includes clothing, umbrellas, mugs, pens, travel<br />

flasks, key rings, and books, including a <strong>Pinewood</strong> Teddy Bear.<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Cinema<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Cinema is a new way to see films from the world<br />

famous <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios and Shepperton Studios.<br />

The cinema is held in exclusive preview theatres, with luxury<br />

seating and the highest quality in surround sound and projection.<br />

There is also a café/bar area with a range of pre-film drinks and nibbles.<br />

The box office opens to buy tickets online only from the Wednesday before each weekend.<br />

To book visit our webpage: www.pinewoodcinema.com<br />

T: 01753 656815<br />

E: info@pinewoodcinema.com<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 18


Medical Support Services<br />

On-Set Medical Support Services Ltd provides full medical support to the Film, Television<br />

and Production and Event Industries. They offer a comprehensive and flexible service<br />

designed to fit into the requirements of any production. This is a paid for service.<br />

T: 01753 630388<br />

M: 07768 893489<br />

E: info@onsetmedical.co.uk<br />

Cash point<br />

ATM machine located next to the entrance of The Genuine Dining Canteen.<br />

Opening Hours: 24 hours<br />

Laundry / Dry Cleaning<br />

Garment Care Productions at <strong>Pinewood</strong> provides ironing, laundry, dry cleaning and a<br />

garment repair service on site. Please contact them on the telephone number below for a<br />

full service and price list.<br />

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 3:00pm<br />

T: 01753 656463<br />

Gym – KL Fitness at South Lodge<br />

Gym Membership service<br />

Selection of great classes<br />

World class one on one personal training Metabolic Testing<br />

V02 Max testing<br />

T: 01753 657000<br />

E: info@klfitness.co<br />

For more information please visit www.klfitness.co<br />

Treatment Rooms<br />

The treatment rooms based in B Block at <strong>Pinewood</strong> offer luxuries such as massages, hair<br />

dressing, shiatsu, beauty treatments and more. The schedule is subject to frequent change.<br />

The current schedule can be found on the mailroom notice board, alternatively please<br />

contact Property for current details:<br />

T: 01753 656633<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 19


Skip Hire Service<br />

In addition to the recycling center on site, we can offer a competitive all inclusive skip hire<br />

service to and from your production site. All waste is taken away and sorted at source to<br />

ensure all recyclable materials are used. Therefore saving you the time of sorting different<br />

materials into separate skips with the knowledge that at least 80% of your waste will be<br />

recycled.<br />

We can offer a 4 hour turnaround time on all skips as well as options for next day and<br />

Saturday deliveries depending on your production requirements. The skips on offer are as<br />

follows:<br />

6 yard open top<br />

12 yard open top<br />

20 yard rolonof<br />

40 yard rolonof<br />

All of the above skips are charged at a cost of £120 for delivery and collection with no time<br />

limit on how long you keep the skip. Each tonne of waste is charged at £96 or £9.60 per<br />

point of a tone, meaning you are only charged for what you waste – no minimum applies!<br />

For example if a 40 yard skip weighs 1.2 tonne, the final charge will be £208.<br />

To order a skip, please contact:<br />

Nicola Drinkwater<br />

T: 01753 785742<br />

E: nicola.drinkwater@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

For any other queries, please contact the <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios Operating Office:<br />

T: 01753 655555<br />

E: ops@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

Storage<br />

For availability of vaults and more information please contact <strong>Pinewood</strong> Post Production:<br />

T: 01753 656397<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 20


‘On the Lot’ – Who else is here?<br />

Across <strong>Pinewood</strong> and Shepperton you will find independently owned companies who have<br />

made the <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios Group their home. From headquarters to satellite offices, there<br />

are over 250 independent companies based at <strong>Pinewood</strong> and Shepperton Studios.<br />

This really is a unique environment allowing unrivalled proximity to the UK film and TV<br />

industry. From tax and legal advisors to prosthetics and special effects teams, virtually all<br />

the expertise and infrastructure a production might need is on hand and available to every<br />

production that rolls through our gates.<br />

Companies on the lot fall under the following categories:<br />

Agencies & Casting | Animation | Art Dept & Props | Beauty, Fitness and Holistic Therapies |<br />

Camera & Lighting | Catering & Events | Computer Services | Construction | Costume |<br />

Crèche | Film Stock & Labs | Financial Services | Hair & Make Up | Industry Orgs. |<br />

Insurance & Legal | Physical SFX | Post Production | Production Companies |<br />

Specialist Services | Transport & Courier | Visual FX<br />

Please visit the UK ‘Media Hub’ section at www.pinewoodgroup.com/mediahub for<br />

company names, profiles and contact information.<br />

Enquiries regarding basing a company ‘on the lot’ should be directed to our property<br />

department:<br />

T: 01753 656666<br />

E: property@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

On The Lot: The Studios Network<br />

OTL - The Studios Network aims to build relationships<br />

between companies and individuals within the <strong>Pinewood</strong><br />

Studios Group. With the full backing of <strong>Pinewood</strong>, the<br />

networking group is run by the tenants for the tenants and<br />

hold regular networking events on site.<br />

Do look out for invitations and flyers that will notify you of<br />

forthcoming events. There are studio representatives who<br />

will make you aware.<br />

To be added to the distribution list please contact:<br />

Sue Sharphouse<br />

T: 01753 656525<br />

E: sue@eventmerch.com<br />

Wendy Williams<br />

T: 01753 650551<br />

E: wendy@precisioncargo.co.uk<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 21


Meet the Property team<br />

Enquiries regarding basing a company ‘on the lot’ should be directed to our property<br />

department:<br />

T: 01753 656666<br />

E: property@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

David Wight<br />

Group Property<br />

Director<br />

James Bryant<br />

Group Property<br />

Manager<br />

Cheryl Wright<br />

Group Assistant<br />

Property Manager<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 22


Environmental Services<br />

Sustainable Travel<br />

Shuttle Bus<br />

To reduce congestion, promote sustainable transport alternatives and reduce CO2 emissions<br />

we provide a FREE Shuttle bus service for employees, tenants and clients onsite.<br />

Running at both <strong>Pinewood</strong> and Shepperton Studios, the bus collects from local train stations<br />

(Uxbridge and Slough for <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios and Shepperton and Staines for Shepperton<br />

Studios). Timetables for these services can be found on page 51, 52 and 53 of this<br />

document and at the bus stops located at the Studios.<br />

If you are a member of staff, a tenant or production on site then you will need to present<br />

your pass upon boarding the bus. If you are visiting the site or do not have a pass then you<br />

will need to get written consent from whomever you or visiting or from the studios<br />

themselves before travelling.<br />

Electric car charging points<br />

Both <strong>Pinewood</strong> and Shepperton Studios have electric car charging points for you to use free<br />

of charge if you are visiting the Studio with an electric vehicle. The charging point locations<br />

can be found in the South Car Park, P5 at <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios and the Multi-Storey Car Park<br />

at Shepperton Studios.<br />

Cycling to the Studios<br />

Cycle sheds are provided on site for people who would like to cycle to the Studios.<br />

Every month we offer incentives for cyclists in the form of a FREE Bikers’ Breakfast.<br />

For more information, contact:<br />

Hannah Gonsalves<br />

T: 01932 593836<br />

E: hannah.gonsalves@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

Recycling<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> encourages staff, productions and tenants to recycle as much waste as they can.<br />

There are recycling bins on site that include;<br />

Green bin – general waste<br />

Blue bin – paper and cardboard<br />

Yellow bin – plastic and cans<br />

Brown bin – glass<br />

Black bin - textiles<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 23


There is also battery and printer cartridge recycling, if you would like some boxes for your<br />

used batteries or a wheelie bin for your textiles, please contact Hannah Gonsalves:<br />

*Refer to page 56 or more information on recycling and energy saving in the office.<br />

Water<br />

The Studio must be informed of the intention to use water on a Stage. Any water<br />

that has been used must be tested and approved by the Studio prior to any<br />

discharge.<br />

Remedial action must be taken on any water failing to meet the standards as set by Thames<br />

Water. The standard includes testing for pH levels, chlorine, temperature and other specific<br />

indicators. Failure to reach such standards will require that the water is removed from the<br />

site by tanker.<br />

Water that has achieved the quality standards can only be disposed of into the foul drains<br />

network as directed and instructed by Studio Services. The flow rates of discharged water<br />

are also subject to specific levels and must not exceed 216m/day or 9m 3 /hour.<br />

Productions/tenants are liable for all costs associated with the supply, disposal and testing<br />

of the water.<br />

Recycling Centre<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> has a fully operational recycling centre in conjunction with EWSL. This enables us<br />

to recycle all paper and cardboard as well as film, glass and plastics. Every office should be<br />

provided with recycling bins for all paper and card board which will be collected daily along<br />

with your general waste. When you move into your facility, you can expect to find recycling<br />

bins for all paper and cardboard. This will be collected daily along with your general waste.<br />

In addition to this, a recycling centre is located on site (see map) where you can dispose of<br />

all of your film, glass and plastic.<br />

We hope that you actively play your part in encouraging environmentally friendly filming<br />

and recording at <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios.<br />

Recycling of leftover food<br />

We encourage productions to recycle any leftover food from their location caterers at the<br />

end of the day to drop in centres in Slough or Uxbridge. This much needed initiative is really<br />

appreciated by the volunteers running these organisations.<br />

For further information, please contact:<br />

Hannah Gonsalves<br />

T: 01932 593836<br />

E: hannah.gonsalves@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 24


Meet the Environmental team<br />

For more information or if you wish to discuss any queries then please contact:<br />

Hannah Gonsalves<br />

T: 01932 593836<br />

E: hannah.gonsalves@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

Graham Clarke<br />

Group Environmental<br />

Services Manager<br />

Hannah Gonsalves<br />

Sustainability Coordinator<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 25


Production Specific Services<br />

Production Facilities<br />

Accommodation is tailored according to your specific requirements; we can provide you<br />

with:<br />

Offices<br />

Deluxe, Large, Standard<br />

Art Departments<br />

Design Suite, Large, Standard<br />

Wardrobes<br />

Grand, Large, Medium, Standard<br />

Utility Rooms<br />

Grand Plus, Grand, Large, Medium, Standard<br />

Workshops: General (Category A)<br />

Construction, Carpentry, Plastering, Special<br />

Effects, Props etc.<br />

Intrinsically Safe (Category B)<br />

Fibre, Glassing, Spraying<br />

Intrinsically Safe (Category C)<br />

General hire<br />

Dressing Rooms<br />

Super Star, Deluxe Star, Star, Standard<br />

Make Up and Hair Rooms<br />

Large, Medium<br />

Meeting Rooms<br />

Large, Medium<br />

Camera/Sound Rooms<br />

Large, Standard<br />

Stores<br />

Unit, Large, Standard<br />

Portacabins<br />

Suite, Standard and Ground Rent<br />

Container & Portacabin<br />

Ground Rental<br />

Unit Parking<br />

To enquire about rates/availability and reserve production rooms and workshops please<br />

contact:<br />

Carolyn Arnold<br />

T: 01753 656124<br />

E: carolyn.arnold@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

Lisa Firetto<br />

T: 01753 785997<br />

E: lisa.firetto@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

Production Facilities – TV Studio Complex<br />

The TV studio complex at <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios is complete<br />

with a range of self-contained production accommodation<br />

for all your production needs, from star dressing rooms and<br />

production offices to green rooms and audience holding<br />

areas. For bookings/enquiries:<br />

Naomi Dulake<br />

T: 01753 656068<br />

E: naomi.dulake@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 26


Stage, TV Studio and Location Bookings<br />

Stages<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

34 stages at both <strong>Pinewood</strong> and Shepperton varying in size from 59,000 sq ft to<br />

2,000 sq ft and interior tanks<br />

Used for all types of production such as film, TV, commercials, pop promos,<br />

corporate events, product launches and photo shoots<br />

The unique, permanently filled, underwater filming stage run by Diving Services UK<br />

For stage specs, CAD plans, virtual tours and images go to www.pinewoodgroup.com<br />

Television Studios<br />

3 television studios at <strong>Pinewood</strong><br />

Production accommodation (galleries, green rooms, offices, luxury dressing rooms)<br />

Flexible audience seating for large audiences up to 2000<br />

Exterior lots and location filming<br />

<br />

<br />

Range from 10 to 58 acres and used for large outdoor sets<br />

A Victorian Manor House (Heatherden Hall or Littleton House), formal gardens, a<br />

lake, fields and woodland to office buildings, hospital-like corridors and industrial<br />

exteriors<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 27


Stage Chart<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios<br />

Stage/Studio Name<br />

Length<br />

(ft)<br />

Width<br />

(ft)<br />

Height<br />

(ft)<br />

Large 007 stage 374 158 41<br />

Q Stage 212 142 50 30,076 2,794<br />

The Richard<br />

Attenborough stage 203 148 50 30,044 2,791<br />

R & S stages 165 116 35 19,140 1,778<br />

Sq Ft Sq M Tank Tank<br />

L<br />

(ft)<br />

Tank<br />

W<br />

(ft)<br />

Depth<br />

(ft)<br />

59,092<br />

*** 5,490 √ 300 72 8<br />

A, D, E stages 165 110 35 18,150 1,686 √ 40 30 8<br />

Medium L & M stages 105 90 30 9,450 878<br />

B & C stages 110 81 34 8,910 828 (C) √ 10 8 6<br />

F 104 80 19 8,320 773<br />

N 100 75 35 7,500 697 √ 20 20 7<br />

Small H 114 28 35 3,200 297<br />

Water<br />

Filming<br />

Exterior lot<br />

G 55 32 17 1,760 164<br />

U stage*<br />

(Underwater Stage) 89 72 20 6,400 595<br />

Exterior Tank<br />

√<br />

1,200,000<br />

Litres 66 33 20<br />

213ft (65) long, 228ft (67m) narrowing to 106ft (31m) wide. 4ft (1m) deep with an inner<br />

tank 51ft x 40ft x 7ft (15m x 12m x 2m) 806,000 Gallons.<br />

Permanent backing of 240ft x 60ft high.<br />

In addition to specialised water filming facilities listed above, <strong>Pinewood</strong> has an additional<br />

6 tanks in stages A, D, E, C, F and the 007 Stage<br />

Over 50 acres comprising of manor house, formal gardens and lake, woods, fields, concrete roads and hard standing.<br />

TV Studios TV One & TV Two 112 80 30 8,960 832<br />

Notes<br />

Shepperton Studios<br />

TV Three 53 48 19 2,640 245<br />

* U Stage height is from working area (first floor) to grid (20ft/6m).<br />

Large H stage 250 120 45 30,000 2,787 √<br />

A & C stages 150 120 40 18,000 1,672 √ 36 20 7<br />

J stage 150 100 40 15,000 1,394<br />

B & D stages 120 100 35 12,000 1,115 √ 16 8 7<br />

K stage 120 100 40 12,000 1,115<br />

Medium W stage 80 130 34 10,400 966<br />

R stage 120 85 45 10,200 948<br />

S stage 100 100 45 10,000 929<br />

L stage 100 68 27 6,800 632<br />

G stage 94 72 23 6,768 629<br />

Small E & F stages 72 44 23 3,168 294<br />

T stage 41 66 25 2,700 251<br />

Water<br />

Filming Shepperton has 5 tanks in stages H, A, B C and D.<br />

Exterior lot<br />

Over 30 acres comprising manor house, formal gardens, woods, river, fields, concrete roads, multi storey car park<br />

NB All measurements are rounded down or up to the nearest foot/metre.<br />

Please note that stage / studio area is the total area, please refer to www.pinewoodgroup.com for CAD plans<br />

Measurements are approximate and should be checked on site prior to the commencement of works<br />

Rates are based on studio hours 8am to 9pm Monday to Friday. Prices are based on a 5 day week.<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 28


<strong>Pinewood</strong> Creative<br />

Providing a comprehensive range of traditional<br />

creative and 3D Digital services from<br />

workshops located at the heart of <strong>Pinewood</strong><br />

Studios and Shepperton Studios. Combining<br />

the latest technology with traditional services<br />

for all your creative needs.<br />

Film | Television | Museums | Animation | Theatre | Branding | Retail | Exhibitions<br />

In-House Creative team and traditional creative services:<br />

Prop makers<br />

Traditional sculpting<br />

Mould makers<br />

Vacuum Forming<br />

Spray shop<br />

Full mill facilities<br />

‘Manned’ or ‘unmanned’ machine hire<br />

Provide your own skilled labour and hire an appropriate machine, or if you need experienced<br />

machine operators to handle a particular build, we can help:<br />

Specialist machine day hire for on the lot production companies<br />

5-Axis CNC Milling<br />

3D Digital Services<br />

3D Print services<br />

3D Body scanning service<br />

2D/3D Digital model clean-up<br />

3D Digital modelling<br />

Visit www.pinewoodcreative.com<br />

For more information on traditional creative services contact:<br />

Laurens Nockels<br />

T: 01753 657007<br />

E: creative@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 29


<strong>Pinewood</strong> Drapery<br />

Production of all upholstery and soft furnishings for your sets for film, television,<br />

commercials and pop promos. Including blue and green screen fabrics, black velvets and<br />

scenic backings.<br />

Please contact Frank Howe for more information:<br />

T: 01753 656245<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> MBS Lighting<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> MBS Lighting is the exclusive provider of lighting<br />

and grip equipment at <strong>Pinewood</strong> and Shepperton Studios.<br />

Committed to superior service, competitive pricing, with<br />

only the latest state of the art equipment, all fused<br />

together with decades of experience. <strong>Pinewood</strong> MBS<br />

Lighting collaborates with production and crew to deliver a<br />

comprehensive equipment package, on budget without<br />

compromising on logistical or creative needs. Being based<br />

conveniently on the lot at the studios, productions are<br />

attentively catered for whether it be a major feature film,<br />

TV drama, game show, sitcom, commercial, still shoot or<br />

independent project.<br />

To find out more please contact the team on:<br />

T: +44 (0)1753 65 62 62<br />

E: info@pinewoodmbs.com<br />

W: www.pinewoodmbs.com<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 30


Meet the Sales team<br />

Every type of filming and photography on site must be booked through the sales<br />

department, so contracts and notifications can be issued to staff and contractors.<br />

Please contact your sales team for more information and bookings:<br />

T: 01753 656767<br />

E: sales@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

Mark Hackett<br />

UK Sales<br />

Director<br />

Noel Tovey<br />

Sales Director<br />

- Film<br />

James Doyle<br />

DCS Sales<br />

Executive<br />

Melanie Faulkner<br />

Sales Manager<br />

Sarah<br />

McGettigan<br />

Head of TV<br />

Beryl Earl<br />

Client Coordinator<br />

Lisa Firetto<br />

Facilities Manager<br />

Annelies Smith<br />

TV Sales Manager<br />

Charlotte<br />

Vaughan<br />

Sales<br />

Coordinator - TV<br />

Carolyn Arnold<br />

Client Coordinator<br />

Ben Orr<br />

Facilities<br />

Coordinator<br />

Jodie Willis<br />

Facilities<br />

Coordinator<br />

Naomi Dulake<br />

Resource<br />

Executive<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 31


Filming and photography on site<br />

In accordance with the Studio Regulations, all photography and filming on site is prohibited<br />

without written authorisation of the Studio Management or <strong>Pinewood</strong> Sales or Marketing.<br />

Anyone found taking photographs or filming without a permit may have their camera<br />

confiscated and pictures/footage destroyed by Studio Security.<br />

For all requests to photograph and film at any <strong>Pinewood</strong> site, please follow the procedures<br />

set out below.<br />

Production request: contact <strong>Pinewood</strong> Sales; refer to page 32.<br />

Media request: contact <strong>Pinewood</strong> Communications;<br />

Andrew Smith:<br />

T: 01753 656732<br />

E: andrew.smith@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

Individual / Tenant Company / Industry / other: contact <strong>Pinewood</strong> Marketing;<br />

Fern Colao:<br />

T: 01753 659244<br />

E: fern.colao@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 32


<strong>Pinewood</strong> Post Production and Digital Content Services<br />

If you’re producing Film, TV, Games or New Media content we<br />

can manage your assets from their inception all the way through<br />

to distribution, in any format and in more than 40 different<br />

languages.<br />

Whether it’s picture or sound post, the preservation, restoration<br />

and archival of your media, or full digital content services, we<br />

have the right combination of people and technology to<br />

overcome any challenge.<br />

We deliver all our services to you in a FACT accredited environment through bespoke digital<br />

storage systems, workflow management and tracking tools.<br />

Services:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Media Ingest in all current and historic formats and resolutions<br />

Digital Dailies & Digital Lab<br />

Complete 3D and 2D Picture Post workflows from Offline to final Grade<br />

Sound Post; from Sound Design, ADR & Foley and Editorial to Mixing and Mastering<br />

o Dolby®Atmos TM in Powell (<strong>Pinewood</strong>) and Korda Theatres (Shepperton)<br />

o International re-versioning in more than 40 languages<br />

Archive media assessment, preservation and restoration<br />

Digital asset management, storage and re-purposing for all consumer formats<br />

Digital Production Services<br />

Games audio<br />

o Recording of foley, sound design, asset creation, editorial<br />

o Casting and Dialogue, Localisation<br />

o Audio implementation<br />

Motion capture<br />

Our Facilities<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

30 x dry and wet hire Editorial Suites<br />

3 x 3D/2D Preview Theatres<br />

Dedicated ADR and Foley Theatres<br />

15 x Mixing Theatres – including the UK’s largest, two fitted with Dolby®AtmosTM<br />

On-site Data Centre and Vaults for secure storage of electronic and physical assets<br />

Secure LAN connectivity at Gigabit speeds and beyond<br />

Secure and scalable WAN connectivity managed by Sohonet<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 33


Meet the Post Production team<br />

For full theatre specifications, images of facilities, mixers credentials, and a full run down of<br />

post services available across the group, please contact the Post Production team or visit<br />

www.pinewoodgroup.com<br />

T: 01753 656296<br />

E: post@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

Darren Woolfson<br />

Group Director of<br />

Technology<br />

Nigel Bennett<br />

Group Director of<br />

Digital Content<br />

Services<br />

Alison Viner<br />

Senior Post<br />

Production<br />

Co-ordinator<br />

Rebecca Budds<br />

Head of Bookings<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 34


What we need from Productions<br />

Production Information<br />

Prior to occupation, please provide copies of each issue of the following to Gemma Cross in<br />

the Operations Department:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Unit lists<br />

Shooting schedules<br />

Daily call sheets<br />

Nicola Drinkwater<br />

T: 01753 785742<br />

E: nicola.drinkwater@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

Spotlight – “Access to the site<br />

on arrival”<br />

While on site you can sign up to our onsite communication network extranet, ‘Spotlight’:<br />

A one stop shop for all studio information<br />

Access to studio news, stage and building plans, industry news and events<br />

Submit your own news, promote new projects and services<br />

To sign up, please contact us via your company email and provide us with your Name,<br />

phone number, production name, job title and email address, to:<br />

Tayler Donnelly<br />

T: 01753 785743<br />

E: tayler.donnelly@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 35


Health & Safety Documents<br />

You should have received the Information <strong>Pack</strong> from the Sales Team.<br />

This includes the following key documents that we require before your arrival:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Health and Safety policy (if there are 5 or more employees including crew)<br />

Risk assessments for each facility on hire<br />

Acknowledgement of receipt of our Studio Safety Rules / Fire Safety Policy<br />

Details of first aid cover (for all employees on the production)<br />

Please read this pack carefully and refer to your Health and Safety Officer if you have any<br />

questions.<br />

If you have not received your Information <strong>Pack</strong> or have any other concerns please contact:<br />

Brian Williams<br />

T: 01932 593700<br />

M: 07867796172<br />

E: brian.williams@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

Bob Pollard<br />

T: 01753 656333<br />

E: bob.pollard@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 36


Shooting Outside Of Normal Working Hours?<br />

Extension of normal working day<br />

Please notify the Operations department of any extension to the normal working day<br />

(Monday to Friday 8am to 9pm)<br />

Weekends and on a public holiday<br />

Notification must be received by 4pm on the preceding Thursday.<br />

Shooting at night<br />

At least 48 hours advance warning of your intention to shoot at night is required so that we<br />

can inform local residents<br />

T: 01753 785555<br />

Exterior effect tests<br />

The Operations Department require notification of any exterior special effects tests 5 days prior to<br />

the date of your explosions so we can notify our tenants, neighbours and emergency services when<br />

required.<br />

We will always try and accommodate your requirements, however, please note we cannot<br />

guarantee that permission will be granted. Our Health & Safety department will require risk<br />

assessments for any effects tests prior to the planned event. Please refer to the Studio<br />

Safety Rules / Fire Safety Policy in your information pack for further information.<br />

T: 01753 785555<br />

Catering out of hours<br />

Our onsite catering company, The Genuine Dining Company will be happy to accommodate your<br />

production outside of hours. If possible, please notify them 24 hours in advance:<br />

Alison Chambers<br />

T: 01753 785962<br />

E: alison.c@genuinedining.com<br />

W: www.genuinedining.com<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 37


What we need from Tenants<br />

Contact information<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios Group online<br />

Our website has been developed with you in mind, so you are always in touch with what’s<br />

going on at the studios and across the group. There is a full list of companies based ‘on the<br />

lot’ under the UK Media Hub section of the website.<br />

To up-date your contact information, add to or edit your company profile please contact:<br />

Fern Colao<br />

T: 01753 659244<br />

E: fern.colao@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

Spotlight - extranet<br />

While on site you can sign up to our onsite<br />

communication network extranet, ‘Spotlight’:<br />

A one stop shop for all studio information<br />

Access to studio news, stage and building plans, industry news and events<br />

Submit your own news, promote new projects and services<br />

To sign up, please contact via your company email:<br />

Jade Saunders<br />

T: 01753 785897<br />

E: jade.saunders@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 38


Health & Safety Documents<br />

You should have received the Information <strong>Pack</strong> from the Property Team.<br />

This includes the following key documents that we require before your arrival:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Health and Safety policy (if there are 5 or more employees including crew)<br />

Risk assessments for each facility on hire<br />

Acknowledgement of receipt of our Studio Safety Rules / Fire Safety Policy<br />

Details of first aid cover (for all employees)<br />

Please read this pack carefully and refer to your Health and Safety Officer if you have any<br />

questions.<br />

If you have not received your Information <strong>Pack</strong> or have any other concerns please contact:<br />

Brian Williams<br />

T: 01932 593700<br />

M: 07867796172<br />

E: brian.williams@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

Bob Pollard<br />

T: 01753 656333<br />

E: bob.pollard@pinewoodgroup.com<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 39


Local Services<br />

Emergency and Community Services<br />

Wexham Park Hospital<br />

(Accident & Emergency)<br />

Police – Slough & District<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 633000<br />

W:<br />

www.heatherwoodandwexham.nhs.uk<br />

T: 101 (non-emergency enquiries)<br />

T: 999 (emergency enquiries)<br />

W: www.thamesvalley.police.uk<br />

Iver Parish Council T: +44 (0)1753 655331<br />

W: www.iverparishcouncil.gov.uk<br />

South Bucks District Council T: +44 (0)1895 837200<br />

W: www.southbucks.gov.uk<br />

Taxis<br />

All Time Radio Cars (Uxbridge) T: +44 (0) 1895 234234<br />

W: www.alltimecars.co.uk<br />

Station Cars (Slough) T: +44 (0) 1753 545000<br />

W: www.stationcarslangley.co.uk<br />

A4 Cars (Slough) T: +44 (0) 1753 672672<br />

W: www.a4cars.co.uk<br />

Camerons Executive Cars (Gerrards Cross) T: +44 (0) 1753 886666<br />

W: www.camerons-cars.co.uk<br />

N.B. We advise you when calling and booking to ask for a quote<br />

Couriers<br />

Precision Cargo (on-site at <strong>Pinewood</strong>) T: +44 (0) 1753 650551<br />

W: www.precisioncargo.co.uk<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 40


Takeaways & Delivery Services<br />

Iver Inn (Chinese)<br />

28 High Street, Iver, SL0 9NG<br />

Iver Curry & Tandoori Centre (Indian)<br />

26 High Street, Iver, SL0 9NG<br />

The Raj (Indian)<br />

40 Windsor Street, Uxbridge UB8 1AB<br />

Perfect Pizza<br />

102 Cowley Road, Uxbridge UB8 2LX<br />

Uxbridge Kebab House<br />

133 High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1JX<br />

Beijing Garden (Chinese)<br />

20 Cowley Road, Uxbridge UB8 2LT<br />

Pumpernickels (Sandwich bar)<br />

23 High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1JN<br />

The Akash Tandoori (Indian)<br />

21 High Street, Burnham, Slough SL1 7JD<br />

Favourite Chicken (Chicken and Ribs)<br />

315 High Street, Slough, Berkshire SL1 1BD<br />

Domino's Pizza<br />

115 Bath Road, Slough, South East SL1 3UW<br />

The Chip Box (Fish and Chips)<br />

39 Stoke Road, Slough, Berkshire SL2 5AH<br />

Golden River (Chinese)<br />

41 Lower Road, Chalfont St. Peter, Gerrards Cross SL9 9AL<br />

Mrs Crusty (Sandwich bar)<br />

2 Station Road, Gerrards Cross SL9 8EL<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 630891<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 630303<br />

W: www.ivercurry.co.uk/<br />

T: +44 (0) 1895 810893<br />

W: www.rajrestaurant.net<br />

T: +44 (0) 1895 813814<br />

W: www.perfectpizza.co.uk<br />

T: +44 (0) 1895 233989<br />

T: +44 (0) 1895 251188<br />

T: +44 (0) 1895 239880<br />

W:<br />

www.pumpernickelscafe.co.uk<br />

T: +44 (0)1628 666601<br />

W: www.akashtandoori.net<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 790848<br />

W: www.favorite.co.uk<br />

T: +44 (0)1753 552525<br />

W: www.dominos.co.uk<br />

T: +44 (0) 01753 533357<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 882745<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 889 641<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 41


Restaurants<br />

The Hitchcock’s Grill<br />

Located in Heatherden Hall<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios, <strong>Pinewood</strong> Road<br />

Iver Heath, Bucks, SL0 0NH<br />

T: 01753 785960<br />

E: alison.c@genuinedining.com<br />

W: www.genuinedining.com<br />

Price per head:<br />

Approx £20<br />

Type of cuisine:<br />

British<br />

On site at <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios<br />

The Palm Suite Restaurant<br />

52 St Davids Close, Iver Heath,<br />

Bucks, SL0 0RT<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 652100<br />

W: www.palmsuite.co.uk<br />

The Black Horse<br />

Windmill Road, Fulmer<br />

Bucks, SL3 6HD<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 663183<br />

W: www.blackhorsefulmer.co.uk<br />

The Crooked Billet (Beefeater)<br />

Five Points, Iver Heath,<br />

Slough, Bucks, SL0 0LP<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 651159<br />

W: www.fayre-square.com<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Brasserie<br />

The <strong>Pinewood</strong> Hotel<br />

Uxbridge Road, George Green,<br />

Buckinghamshire, SL3 6AP<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 896 502<br />

E: info@pinewoodhotel.co.uk<br />

W: www.pinewoodhotel.co.uk<br />

Price per head:<br />

Approx £20 - £30<br />

Type of cuisine:<br />

American<br />

Price per head:<br />

Approx £25 - £30<br />

Type of cuisine:<br />

Traditional British<br />

Facilities:<br />

Accommodation from<br />

£135.00 per night<br />

Price per head:<br />

Approx £10 - £15<br />

Type of cuisine:<br />

British<br />

Price per head:<br />

Approx £25 - £30<br />

Type of cuisine:<br />

Modern eclectic<br />

Facilities:<br />

Accommodation from<br />

£99<br />

Miles: Approx 1 mile<br />

Travel Time: 2 ½ min<br />

Miles: Approx 1 ¾ miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 4 min<br />

Miles: Approx 1¼ miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 3 min<br />

Miles: Approx 2 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 5 min<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 42


The Red Lion<br />

Langley Park Road, Iver,<br />

Buckinghamshire SL0 0JZ<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 654257<br />

W: www.chefandbrewer.com<br />

The Fat Cow<br />

Cheapside Lane, Denham Village,<br />

Bucks, UB9 5AE<br />

T: +44 (0) 1895 831001<br />

E: info@thefactcow.co.uk<br />

W: www.thefatcow.co.uk<br />

Auberge<br />

The Piazza, 223 High Street, Uxbridge<br />

UB8 1GB<br />

T: +44 (0)1895 270111<br />

The Swan Inn<br />

Village Road, Denham Village, Bucks<br />

UB9 5BH<br />

T: +44 (0) 1895 832085<br />

E: info@swaninndenham.co.uk<br />

W: www.swaninndenham.co.uk<br />

Da Remo<br />

Village Road, Denham Village,<br />

Bucks, UB9 5BE<br />

T: +44 (0) 1895 832425<br />

E: sales@daremo.co.uk<br />

W: www.daremo-restaurant.co.uk<br />

The Vyse Room and Garden Bar<br />

Stoke Green, Stoke Poges,<br />

Bucks, SL2 4HT<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 534790<br />

E: enquiries@stokeplace.co.uk<br />

W: www.stokeplace.co.uk<br />

Price per head:<br />

Approx £15 - £20<br />

Type of cuisine:<br />

Traditional British<br />

Price per head:<br />

Approx £25.00<br />

Type of cuisine: British<br />

Price per head:<br />

Approx £20.00<br />

Type of cuisine: Modern<br />

British<br />

Price per head:<br />

Approx £25.00<br />

Type of cuisine: Modern<br />

British<br />

Price per head:<br />

Approx £35.00<br />

Type of cuisine: Italian<br />

Price per head:<br />

Approx £30 - £40<br />

Type of cuisine: British<br />

Facilities:<br />

Accommodation from<br />

£120<br />

Miles: Approx 2 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 5 min<br />

Miles: Approx 3 ¼ miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 7 min<br />

Miles: Approx 4 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 10 min<br />

Miles: Approx 4 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 9 min<br />

Miles: Approx 4 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 9 min<br />

Miles: 5 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 10 min<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 43


Accommodation<br />

Travel companies on site at <strong>Pinewood</strong> will be able to assist you with local<br />

accommodation. Below is a brief list, please quote ‘<strong>Pinewood</strong>’ for the best room rate.<br />

NOTE* ‘<strong>Pinewood</strong>’ rate established<br />

The <strong>Pinewood</strong> Hotel<br />

Uxbridge Road, George Green,<br />

Buckinghamshire, SL3 6AP<br />

Rates: From £99 per room per night,<br />

inclusive of breakfast.<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 896400<br />

E: info@pinewoodhotel.co.uk<br />

W: www.pinewoodhotel.co.uk<br />

The Bridgettine Convent<br />

Fulmer Common Road<br />

Iver Heath, Bucks, SL0 0NR<br />

Rates: From £30<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 662073<br />

E: sbrigittae@iverconvent.fsnet.co.uk<br />

W: www.bridgettine.org<br />

The Black Horse B&B<br />

Windmill Road, Fulmer, Bucks, SL3 6HD<br />

Rates: From £135 per night, inclusive of<br />

breakfast.<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 663183<br />

W: www.theblackhorsefulmer.com<br />

The Ethorpe<br />

85 <strong>Pack</strong>horse Road, Gerrards Cross<br />

Buckinghamshire, SL9 8HX<br />

Rates: From £64 per room per night,<br />

exclusive of breakfast.<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 882039<br />

E:thorpehotel.gerrardscross@goodnightinns.co.uk<br />

W: www.goodnightinns.co.uk<br />

Facilities:<br />

48 bedrooms<br />

Eden Bar & Restaurant<br />

Broadband access<br />

Free guest passes to<br />

local leisure facilities.<br />

24 Hour Room Service<br />

Facilities:<br />

Guest House<br />

Accommodation<br />

Facilities:<br />

2 double bedrooms<br />

Bar & Restaurant<br />

Facilities:<br />

36 bedrooms all en-suite<br />

Restaurant<br />

Bar<br />

Free WiFi<br />

On-site parking<br />

Miles: Approx 2 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 5 min<br />

Miles: Approx ¾ miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 3 min<br />

Miles: Approx 1 ¾ miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 4 min<br />

Miles: Approx 4 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 9 min<br />

The Bull Hotel<br />

Oxford Road, Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, SL9 7PA<br />

Rates: From £94, inclusive of breakfast.<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 885995<br />

E: bull@sarova.com<br />

W: www.sarova-bullhotel.com<br />

Facilities:<br />

151 bedrooms<br />

Restaurant & Bar<br />

24 Hour Room Service<br />

9 Conference rooms<br />

Comp’ wireless and<br />

broadband internet<br />

access<br />

Miles: Approx 4 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 9 min<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 44


Premier Inn<br />

76 Uxbridge Road, Slough,<br />

Berkshire, SL1 1SU<br />

Rates: From £49 per room per night<br />

Facilities:<br />

108 bedrooms<br />

Restaurant<br />

Bar<br />

Meeting Rooms<br />

T: +44 (0) 871 527 8982<br />

W: www.premierinn.com<br />

Miles: Approx 4 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 9 min<br />

Heathrow/Windsor Marriott Hotel<br />

Ditton Road, Langley,<br />

Slough, SL3 8PT<br />

Rates: From £101 per room per night<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 544244<br />

W: www.marriott.com<br />

The Holiday Inn – Slough/Windsor<br />

Church Street, Chalvey<br />

Slough, SL1 2NH<br />

Rates: From £75 per room per night, exclusive of<br />

breakfast.<br />

T: +44 (0) 8714 234896<br />

W: www.ihg.com<br />

The Bellhouse<br />

Oxford Road, Beaconsfield,<br />

Buckinghamshire, HP9 2XE<br />

Rates: From £65 per night, excluding breakfast<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 893891<br />

E: switchboard@bellhousehotel.co.uk<br />

W: www.bellhousehotel.co.uk<br />

London Heathrow Marriott Hotel<br />

Bath Road, Harlington,<br />

Hayes UB3 5AN<br />

Rates: From £123 per room per night<br />

T: +44 (0) 20 8990 1100<br />

W: www.londonheathrowmarriott.co.uk<br />

The Crown Inn<br />

16 High Street, Old Amersham<br />

Bucks, HP7 0DH<br />

Rates: From £105 per room per night<br />

T: +44 (0) 1494 721 541<br />

E: reservations@thecrownamersham.com<br />

W: www.thecrownamersham.com<br />

Facilities:<br />

376 bedrooms<br />

20 Meeting Rooms<br />

Business centre<br />

Restaurants & Bars<br />

Fitness Centre<br />

On-site parking<br />

Facilities:<br />

150 bedrooms<br />

On-site parking<br />

Bar<br />

Restaurant<br />

Fitness room<br />

WIFI in all public areas.<br />

High Speed Internet<br />

Facilities:<br />

140 bedrooms<br />

Restaurant<br />

Fully equipped gym<br />

Health & Beauty Salon<br />

Facilities:<br />

391 bedrooms<br />

15 meeting rooms<br />

Business centre<br />

Restaurants & Bars<br />

Fitness Centre<br />

On-site parking<br />

Facilities:<br />

37 bedrooms<br />

3 separate buildings<br />

Restaurant<br />

Courtyard dining<br />

Meeting rooms<br />

Miles: Approx 4.9 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 21 min<br />

Miles: Approx 5 ½ miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 13 min<br />

Miles: Approx 5 ½ miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 13 min<br />

Miles: Approx 9 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 21 min<br />

Miles: Approx 12 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 23 min<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 45


Oakwood Bed and Breakfast<br />

119 Station Road, West Drayton,<br />

Middlesex, UB7 7ND<br />

Rates: From £36 - £70<br />

T: +44 (0) 1895 466 554<br />

M: +44 (0) 7720 074 800<br />

E: oakwood121@yahoo.co.uk<br />

W: www.oakwoodbedandbreakfast- heathrow.com<br />

Oakridge House Bed and Breakfast*<br />

Windmill Road, Fulmer,<br />

Bucks, SL3 6HD<br />

Rates: From £30 - £50*<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 662990<br />

M: +44 (0) 7850 539078<br />

E: c.keane1@btinternet.com<br />

W: www.bedandbreakfast-fulmer.co.uk<br />

Facilities:<br />

Free Parking<br />

Free high-speed WiFi<br />

Free English Breakfast<br />

Restaurant<br />

Use of Kitchen<br />

6 rooms incl. Single,<br />

Twin and Double<br />

Facilities:<br />

4 Single Rooms<br />

Breakfast available<br />

150 Yards from Black<br />

Horse Pub<br />

Parking<br />

En-suite available<br />

TV<br />

WiFi<br />

Dogs allowed<br />

Back Garden<br />

Lounge/Dining Room<br />

Miles: Approx 6 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 12 min<br />

Miles: Approx 2.1 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 5 min<br />

Luxury Hotels<br />

NOTE* ‘<strong>Pinewood</strong>’ rate established<br />

Stoke Park *<br />

Park Road, Stoke Poges,<br />

Buckinghamshire, SL2 4PG<br />

Rates: From £220 excluding breakfast*<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 717171<br />

E: info@stokepark.com<br />

W: www.stokepark.com<br />

Crazy Bear Hotel – Beaconsfield<br />

Old Beaconsfield, HP9 1LX<br />

Rates: From £290<br />

T: +44 (0) 1494 673086<br />

E: enquiries@crazybear-beaconsfield.co.uk<br />

W: www.crazybeargroup.co.uk<br />

Cliveden House<br />

Cliveden, Taplow<br />

Berkshire, SL6 0JF<br />

Rates: From £252<br />

T: +44 (0) 1628 607107<br />

E: info@clivedenhouse.co.uk<br />

W: www.clivedenhouse.co.uk<br />

Facilities:<br />

Restaurant<br />

Golf Course<br />

Tennis Court<br />

Spa<br />

Swimming Pool<br />

Gym<br />

Facilities:<br />

19 Bedrooms<br />

2 Restaurants<br />

Bars<br />

Terrace<br />

Private dining<br />

Meeting rooms<br />

Spa Massage<br />

Facilities:<br />

39 Bedrooms<br />

2 Restaurants<br />

Spa<br />

Formal Gardens<br />

Helicopter<br />

Cars<br />

Private Cottage<br />

Miles: 5 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 10 min<br />

Miles: 7 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 15 min<br />

Miles: Approx 17 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 25 min<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 46


The Runnymede<br />

Windsor Road, Egham,<br />

Surrey, TW20 0AG<br />

Rates: From £199 inc breakfast<br />

T: 01784 220960<br />

E: info@runnymedehotel.com<br />

W: www.runnymedehotel.com<br />

The Grove<br />

The Grove, Chandler's Cross,<br />

Hertfordshire, WD3 4TG<br />

Rates: From £235<br />

T: +44 (0) 1923 807807<br />

E: info@thegrove.co.uk<br />

W: www.thegrove.co.uk<br />

London Syon Park - A Waldorf Astoria Hotel<br />

London Syon Park, Middlesex<br />

TW8 8JF<br />

Rates: From £147<br />

T: +44 (0) 207 870 7777<br />

E: lhrsp.info@hilton.com<br />

W: www3.hilton.com<br />

Beaumont Estate<br />

Burfield Road, Old Windsor, Berkshire,<br />

SL4 2JJ<br />

Rates: From £99<br />

T: +44 (0) 1753 640 000<br />

W: www.beaumont-estate-windsor.co.uk<br />

Facilities:<br />

180 Bedrooms<br />

3 Riverside Apartments<br />

2 Restaurants<br />

Bar<br />

Tennis Court<br />

Swimming Pool<br />

Sauna, Spa & Steam Room<br />

Meeting Rooms<br />

Facilities:<br />

217 Bedrooms<br />

3 Restaurants<br />

Championship Golf Course<br />

Spa<br />

Swimming Pools<br />

Tennis Courts<br />

Croquet<br />

Conference Facilities<br />

Facilities:<br />

WiFi<br />

42" LCD HD TV<br />

In-room entertainment<br />

system powered by Apple<br />

Spa<br />

Gardens<br />

Bar<br />

Restaurant<br />

Conference rooms<br />

Facilities:<br />

Extensive free car parking<br />

40 Acres of gardens<br />

Fitness Centre<br />

Swimming Pool<br />

Tennis and Squash courts<br />

Ala Carte Restaurant<br />

Conference facilities<br />

Miles: Approx 17 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 25 min<br />

Miles: Approx 17 miles<br />

Travel Time: Approx 25 min<br />

Miles: Approx 15.3<br />

Travel Time: Approx 30 min<br />

Miles: Approx 15.3<br />

Travel Time: Approx 30 min<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 47


How to find us?<br />

Directions and Maps<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 48


Directions and maps<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 49

Free Studio Shuttle Bus<br />


To reduce congestion, promote sustainable transport alternatives and reduce CO2<br />

emissions we have provided a FREE Shuttle bus service for employees, tenants and<br />

clients onsite. Operates Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays. Admission to the bus<br />

is upon presentation of proof of identity (<strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios Group photo ID card or<br />

visitors must be issued with a letter authorising them to use the shuttle service).<br />

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The <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios Group<br />

About us<br />

The <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios Group is a leading provider of studio and related services to the<br />

global film and television industry. Synonymous with world class British and international<br />

productions, the impressive heritage of its UK-based <strong>Pinewood</strong> and Shepperton Studios<br />

date back to the early 20th Century and are home to some of the most successful<br />

feature films and TV shows ever made.<br />

The facilities comprise the best quality sound stages, a globally unique underwater<br />

filming stage, a wealth of specialist production resources including 3D printing and<br />

lighting, state of the art TV studios, post production and digital content services. The<br />

studios also offer easy access to the world's most experienced crews as well as the<br />

expertise of hundreds of complementary media companies based at its <strong>Pinewood</strong>,<br />

Shepperton and Wales Media Hubs.<br />

Renowned across the globe for excellence in its field, the <strong>Pinewood</strong> brand is now being<br />

exported overseas to studios in Toronto, Canada; Atlanta, Georgia USA; Iskandar,<br />

Malaysia and the Dominican Republic, and in the UK, <strong>Pinewood</strong> recently opened<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Studio Wales, just outside Cardiff.<br />

The <strong>Pinewood</strong> Group offers equity and debt financing to UK film and television<br />

production as part of its growing range of advisory services, representing media funds of<br />

both Isle of Man and Welsh Governments.<br />

Visit www.pinewoodgroup.com for more information.<br />

International Studios<br />

The Company has recently been identifying and taking opportunities to extend its brand<br />

to other global locations through joint venture and operating agreements. It now has a<br />

presence in:<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Toronto Studios - Canada<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Dominican Republic Studios – Dominican Republic<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Iskandar Malaysia Studios – Malaysia<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Atlanta Studios – USA<br />

Offices in Los Angeles and New York<br />

For more information visit www.pinewoodgroup.com<br />

January <strong>2016</strong> www.pinewoodgroup.com 53


Corporate Responsibility<br />

Energy saving in the office<br />

<strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios are committed to reducing CO2 emissions wherever possible through a<br />

range of different initiatives such as improved energy efficiency, the development of a<br />

Travel Plan and reduction of waste and increased recycling.<br />

Please help us with this aim by remembering the following tips and hints:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Turn your lights off - modern lights do not need a lot of energy to turn<br />

on. Even if you are leaving your room for 10 minutes it is still worth turning the<br />

lights off.<br />

Don't turn your lights on - If your room is light enough, consider whether you<br />

need the over-head lights on at all.<br />

Un-plug - Many appliances still use energy even when they're turned off. Mobile<br />

phone chargers or laptop adapters can leak more than 20 watts of power if left<br />

plugged in.<br />

Double-sided printing uses 50% less paper<br />

Energy saving features on PCs, printers and photocopiers are enabled<br />

Kettle - Don’t fill the kettle to make a single cup of tea or coffee.<br />

Recycled paper<br />

Buy 100% recycled paper and non-chlorinated. The chlorine used for<br />

bleaching is one of the biggest polluters in the paper-making process.<br />

Manufacturing recycled paper generates 74% less air pollution than<br />

creating paper from scratch and saves trees, water and energy<br />

Junk mail lists - remove your address from junk mail lists, almost 50% of all<br />

catalogues are never opened, yet nearly 62 million trees are destroyed and 28<br />

billion gallons of water are used to produce them every year<br />

Leave the car at home - public transport may not be perfect, but there are<br />

alternatives: why not walk or cycle (if you live close enough), share a lift with a<br />

colleague or use the FREE <strong>Pinewood</strong> Shuttle bus services.<br />

Longer lasting toners - Economy mode uses up to 50% less toner and prints<br />

twice as many pages as higher quality settings. Printing on both sides slashes the<br />

number of sheets used by 50%.<br />

Heating - ensure radiators are not covered or blocked by furniture or equipment<br />

and turn them down if the room becomes too hot rather than opening a window.<br />

Recycling Centre<br />

Shepperton has a recycling centre which enables us to recycle all paper and cardboard<br />

as well as film, glass and plastics. Every office should be provided with recycling bins for<br />

all paper and card board which will be collected daily along with your general waste.<br />

When you move into your facility, you can expect to find recycling bins for all paper and<br />

cardboard. This will be collected daily along with your general waste.<br />

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Charities we support<br />

The <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios Group is currently working on setting up a <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios Trust<br />

to help and support those aiming to work in the film and television industry.<br />

Ongoing Support is given to the following charities:<br />

The Cinema and Television Benevolent Fund (CTBF): The main charity of the UK<br />

film, cinema and commercial television industries and includes all aspects of production,<br />

distribution and exhibition. The Charity aims to offer practical and financial assistance to<br />

anyone in our industry needing help. www.ctbf.co.uk<br />

Cinemagic: an award winning festival to motivate and inspire young people through<br />

screenings, industry workshops, master classes and filmmaking projects.<br />

www.cinemagic.org.uk<br />

ClapperBoard Project: Helping young people in underprivileged areas in the North<br />

East to make short films and get into the film industry. www.clapperboarduk.com<br />

MediCinema: Installs cinemas in hospitals where there are long term bed ridden<br />

patients so they can watch a film with their families. www.mediCinema.org.uk<br />

Only Connect – OC Create: A positive community project to provide young ex<br />

offenders and those at risk with a chance to make films and get into the film industry.<br />

www.onlyconnectuk.org/create<br />

Starlight Foundation: Arranging ‘wishes’ for terminally ill children and support for their<br />

families. www.starlight.org.uk<br />

The <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios Group work closely with many schools and colleges in our local<br />

area.<br />

We also support the following organizations that are directly involved with the film and<br />

television industries:<br />

British Film Institute – BFI, Into Film: The UK’s mission is to put film at the heart of<br />

children and young people’s learning and cultural experience. www.intofilmuk.org<br />

British Film Institute – BF1, Film Academy: Open to young people around the UK<br />

and from any background, the BFI Film Academy offers a real chance for talented 12 –<br />

19 year olds to be part of our future film industry.<br />

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Additional Colleges and Universities we support<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

National Film and Television School (NFTS) – The NFTS is one of the top film,<br />

television and new media schools in the world.<br />

London Film School – The London Film School is a not-for-profit film school in<br />

London based in Covent Garden. Offering film making and audio-visual<br />

programmes to students at an industry level.<br />

Bucks New University – www.bucks.ac.uk – University located in<br />

Buckinghamshire offering Media, Performance, Business courses and more.<br />

Amersham College – www.amersham.ac.uk – Offering programmes with the<br />

British Film Institute, Media, Business courses and more.<br />

Events at the Studios<br />

Service of Remembrance<br />

This is held every year at <strong>Pinewood</strong> Studios on or around the 11 th November.<br />

Carol services<br />

Held at <strong>Pinewood</strong> and Shepperton Studios followed by mulled wine and mince pies.<br />

Do keep a look out for dates – everyone is welcome.<br />

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Filming in the UK – Useful websites<br />

www.bfi.org.uk<br />

Production database and National film & TV<br />

library<br />

www.britfilms.com<br />

Filmmaker resource, a guide to the UK film<br />

industry<br />

www.britishfilmcommission.org.uk Attract, encourage and support the production<br />

of international feature films in the UK and<br />

provide free professional advice<br />

www.kays.co.uk<br />

Kays; marketing resource and free<br />

international production database<br />

www.kftv.com<br />

Kemps Directory; a search engine for<br />

international production services<br />

www.pact.co.uk<br />

Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television<br />

www.pma.org.uk<br />

Production Managers Association<br />

www.productionguild.com<br />

Production Guild of Great Britain; representing<br />

the largest and most experienced group of<br />

senior production personnel in the UK’s film<br />

and TV industry<br />

www.screensouth.org<br />

Screen Agencies able to assist with locations<br />

www.filmlondon.org.uk<br />

close to <strong>Pinewood</strong>, Shepperton and Teddington<br />

Studios<br />

www.theknowledgeonline.com The Knowledge; ‘The Know How’, a practical<br />

guide to production and free searchable<br />

database of media service companies and crew<br />

www.thelocationguide.com<br />

Essential information on filming on location<br />

around the world<br />

www.ukscreenassociation.co.uk UK Screen Association provide filmmakers with<br />

a single entry point to source post production,<br />

audio, visual and special effects, camera and<br />

lighting companies.<br />

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