MAC Magazine 2015

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This year, the Level 3 Drama class undertook one of the most challenging<br />

live performances to date. A type of theatre that purely relied on<br />

the physicality and multi role play of each character. Shudder was a<br />

performance revolving around the different personalities of Wellington<br />

and how each individual links together through the natural disaster of<br />

an earthquake. This was challenging yet satisfying as there were many<br />

factors of Shudder that we were not familiar with, such as having the entire<br />

cast on stage for the duration of the play. It was an enjoyable experience<br />

experimenting with our bodies and pushing them to the extreme to create<br />

humour, props and multiple characters. The cast was thrilled with the<br />

complexity of the innovatively-styled performance and it was something<br />

different for the audience's eye to witness.<br />

Brynee Wilson<br />


The Revenge of the Amazons, a play written in 1983 to take a stab at the formal, male heavy,<br />

William Shakespeare play, “Midsummer Night’s Dream,” offered a perfect opportunity to push<br />

ourselves. It was a long hard working process with the difficulty of not being able to practise in the<br />

Lake Wanaka Centre until the day before we were due to perform but we worked together to make<br />

it happen.<br />

This was a first for our class in two ways: firstly, our class tends to lean towards the more serious<br />

pieces to perform so to be able to perform a piece that would elicit laughter rather than a solemn<br />

mood was a pleasant change. Secondly we, as a class, had never worked on a large stage outside<br />

of school performing, some had experience from other performances such as “Like There’s No<br />

Tomorrow” where there was a large audience but it was still in an intimate setting so working in the<br />

Lake Wanaka Centre was an amazing opportunity that we all thoroughly enjoyed.<br />

The Revenge of the Amazons was a great experience, flowing well thanks to our backstage crew,<br />

make up girls, lighting boys, Holly Mercer and of course the wonderful Emily McRae who continues<br />

to put up with the stress of our class. The majority of the class have been together for a few years so<br />

a class play is always an enjoyable way to end a stressful term and school year. I personally enjoyed<br />

the whole ordeal and am looking forward to another chance to work in that setting next year with<br />

the musical.<br />

Lucy Hayes<br />


Level 1 Drama’s end of year performance involved snippets from ‘The<br />

Importance of Being Earnest’, a piece by Oscar Wilde from the Victorian era,<br />

and ‘A Woman of No Importance’, also by Oscar Wilde. We had done a standard<br />

on Melodrama at the beginning of the year, so we found it easy to utilize those<br />

acting techniques in this performance; pacing our lines, projecting our voices,<br />

using posture to show age and displaying exaggerated facial expressions to<br />

portray emotions.<br />

The characters weren’t easy to perform, with many periods spent trying to learn<br />

how to carry ourselves like characters older than ourselves. We also learned,<br />

with help from Ms McRae, how to project our voices so we could be heard in a<br />

large theatre. Another difficult part of these characters for some were, in fact,<br />

the costumes, which were a little difficult to move in, and definitely not the most<br />

comfortable. Everyone worked extremely hard, and the finished results were<br />

incredible. Everyone enjoyed this experience, and learned a lot from it.<br />

Amy Knight<br />

page 66

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