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a m a n d a b r o w n<br />

BE A<br />

SOUTH<br />



a South Be<br />

Girl<br />

Kakalaki<br />

Amanda Brown<br />


facebook.com/SKGfun<br />

instagram.com/SKGfun<br />

twitter.com/skakalakigirl<br />

SKGfun 2016 | All rights reserved<br />

©<br />

| amanda@5brownkids.com<br />

www.skgfun.com<br />

Cover and interior design: Amanda Brown


humans.<br />

fellow<br />

I’m Amanda, the brains behind SKGfun. *waves*<br />

SKGfun began in 2012, yielded from the seeds of an introverted 12-yearold<br />

only beginning to find her place in life. Yup! That girl was me.<br />

(SURPRISE) I rounded up my small assembly of friends and together we<br />

bonded over our love of writing and our craving to be heard in an<br />

unethical, corrupt world. The product of our labor was a newsletter jampacked<br />

with amusing stories, useless facts, wise sayings, and little bits<br />

and pieces of tween brains (which, as you can guess, are pretty, um,<br />

INTERESTING fragments of creation . . .).<br />

Now the newsletter has evolved into an e-magazine. We have many<br />

writers and an ever-growing mailing list. Added on to the magazine is a<br />

blog that I write on weekly with tips for girls navigating through the teen<br />

years (because it’s hard, amiright?). This e-book came to me one night<br />

while texting one of my bestest friends. I’m always having ideas, but this<br />

one seemed like a winner. In this e-book, I hope to impart with you some<br />

of my best tips on achieving the characteristics of a South Kakalaki Girl.<br />

A South Kakalaki Girl is, in essence, a mature, memorable Christian girl<br />

who puts others first. She is resourceful and “with-it.” She holds her<br />

ground in her beliefs, but isn’t bullheaded. Check the table of contents on<br />

the next page to find more characteristics of an SKG. I’m so glad that<br />

you’ve decided to take this journey with me (*virtual high five*). I want<br />

SKGfun to be your sacred oasis, where you can learn exciting things that<br />

make your teen years simpler, as they should be.<br />

And by the way—I absolutely love meeting new friends, so make sure to<br />

connect online at skgfun.com. We’re also on all major social media.<br />

Thanks for reading, dear friend!<br />


03<br />

09<br />





2.<br />


when God made us, He gave us just a tiny bit of<br />

His amazing creativity. I mean, think about how<br />

creative He had to be when he made the millions kinds<br />

of flowers and animals, fashioned the ideas of colors and<br />

emotion, and fabricated the laws of math and science! Now,<br />

He gave larger helpings of creativity to some people than the<br />

rest of humanity. But that’s totally okay! Everyone is creative<br />

to a certain extent—we have the ability to use our brains and<br />

invent unique solutions to problems and more! Here are some<br />

ways to develop your creativity.<br />

Creative<br />

1.<br />

Say hello to your new best friend, Hobby Lobby. Head<br />

over there and grab one of them handy nifty<br />

sketchbooks. They don’t cost a lot at all and go for<br />

pretty cheap. I mean, after all, it's only a spiral bound<br />

pad of paper. #INGENIOUS<br />

Buy a sketchbook.<br />

The sky isn’t always blue! (Okay, actually it is, but<br />

work with me here). Sometimes it can be turquoise or<br />

polka-dotted. Don’t just settle for the first thing that<br />

comes to your mind. Dare yourself to do something that<br />

isn't the first thing that comes to mind. Like what?!?!<br />

Think outside of the box.<br />

3. Yeah, these rarely turn out (*cough cough*<br />

PINTEREST) But the experience is what counts, right?<br />

Plus, there’s nothing like making something with your<br />

lil’ ole hands.<br />

Take a jab at a DIY.<br />

4.<br />

There’s a myriad of utensils out there for art-making.<br />

Pastels (chalk and oil), markers, colored pencils,<br />

crayons, paint (acrylic, oil, and watercolor), plain old<br />

pencils . . . you could even make multimedia collages<br />

with the pages of old catalogues!<br />

Practice sketching!<br />

| 3


Creative<br />

5.<br />

Designing a whole cohesive blog<br />

design is quite a challenge!<br />

Start a blog.<br />

Brainstorming post ideas is not exactly a walk in the<br />

park either. Well, maybe it is, but it's a walk in the park<br />

holding a rabid pitbull while screaming at a beehive that's<br />

stuck to your head. However, it's so much fun and will<br />

challenge you to exercise your imagination. You can take<br />

inspiration from everyday life! Have a question you want<br />

answered? Google the answer, read up about it, become a faux<br />

pro, and write a post!<br />

6.<br />

2.<br />

Have a favorite blog or Instagram page? Take<br />

screenshots of your favorite pictures and blog posts<br />

and start a file (a.k.a. Pinterest). Speaking of<br />

Pinterest, Pinterest is quite inspiring in and of itself . .<br />

. as long as you aren't getting sidetracked and<br />

forgetting about school whilst pinning images of<br />

meerkats wearing clown shoes and overalls.<br />

Be inspired.<br />

7.<br />

Remember when were younger and loved<br />

pretending you were a veterinarian<br />

Exercise<br />

or<br />

your<br />

a<br />

imagination.<br />

detective?<br />

Whatever happened to doing that? Who says we can't<br />

still let our imaginations run wild? Don't be afraid to<br />

consider what it would be like running a business or<br />

being a pediatrician. What would your business sell?<br />

What would its name, logo, colors, and setup be? If<br />

you're like me, considering these things gives you a<br />

buzz. And that buzz, my friend, means you're doing<br />

your imagining right!<br />

| 4

ACTION STEPS for becoming outgoing<br />


All you had to do is walk up to a the first<br />

pigtailed girl you saw and ask: “Do you want to<br />

play<br />

with me?” You didn't even know your "friend's" name<br />

and you never would. But that wasn't a problem!<br />

As we transition from kids to teenagers, making friends gets<br />

harder and harder. Everyone thinks they’re going to be judged for<br />

what they say or do, so nothing ever gets done. Plus, we like to tell<br />

ourselves that we “don’t need anyone." *pats self on back* We pride<br />

ourselves on our individuality. But it’s only natural to want to be<br />

around people. It’s time for us to pop out of our shells and let<br />

everyone see who we really are!<br />

Outgoing<br />


1. How do you feel when a complete stranger tells you they<br />

love your shoes? Pretty awesome, huh? The next time you<br />

think someone’s outfit is cute, tell them! AND NO LYING,<br />

you devious melon. Give honest compliments; don't just<br />

throw them around like cheap confetti. People will start<br />

noticing and they won’t believe you anymore. If possible,<br />

draw out the conversation more. Ask where they got the<br />

idea for the outfit, or where they got their scarf from.<br />

Give a compliment.<br />

Even if it's TERRIBLE. Find your sense of humor and use<br />

it! Be willing to let others laugh at—excuse me, with<br />

—you. Are you "punny" or more ironic? Also, be willing to<br />

laugh . . . at yourself. The next time you do something<br />

2.<br />

super embarrassing, just laugh it off! It'll help. PROMISE.<br />

Crack a joke.<br />

| 5

I get so happy when I’m out and<br />

about and I smile at random<br />

people . . . and they smile back! There’s a certain<br />

power in being able to contract a grin from somebody. If<br />

3.<br />

you’re always smiley, people will notice. They’ll want to<br />

know why you’re always so happy, and you can use that as a<br />

witnessing tool!<br />


Outgoing<br />

Smile!<br />

4.<br />

Whether you love hot pink pants or bandanas, let<br />

something about you be<br />

Share<br />

showstopping!<br />

your<br />

I<br />

unique<br />

enjoy<br />

style!<br />

creating<br />

outfits with themes. For example, I have a super-cool<br />

motorcycle jacket that I pair with a plaid shirt and red<br />

bandanna for a '50s biker feel. I also get pretty frilly and<br />

girly too: huge bows and lots of lace are two of my<br />

favorite accessories for cuter looks!<br />

| 6

(except a zombie apocalypse; sorry)<br />

Prepared<br />



I grin and say, “Always be prepared!”<br />

Okay, so maybe being prepared doesn’t mean bringing<br />

twenty different pairs of pants on a weekend vacation<br />

(because I totally haven't done that before). But it does mean<br />

being ready for anything! Here's some tips on how you can be<br />

prepared for ANYTHING.<br />

You’ve heard about this before—but have you actually<br />

ever made one? Grab a bag—not too big, but not too<br />

small. Make sure you include a few band-aids, some<br />

chapstick, rubber bands, and emergency toiletries. In<br />

1.<br />

my ideal emergency kit, I'd also have snacks. But hey,<br />

that's just a suggestion.<br />

Make an emergency kit.<br />

2. Whether you’re attending a class or spending a week at<br />

camp, make sure you have all the details. Lots of camps<br />

have websites with checklists for everything you’ll<br />

need to bring, as well as sample schedules so you’ll<br />

know what your average day will look like. Some camps<br />

even have verse sheets so you can start learning verses<br />

before you get to camp—what a life saver! For classes,<br />

make sure you have all your required textbooks and<br />

test forms. Check the rules (Are you allowed to bring<br />

computers? What do you do if you’re absent a lesson?).<br />

Check the details.<br />

3.<br />

You can apply this to every area of your life. Recheck<br />

test and quiz answers; make sure that you closed the<br />

garage door; affirm that you have all your books and<br />

homework for class; check you have a slip on; verify<br />

you don’t have food on your face; check, check, check!<br />

Check TWICE!<br />

| 7

But wait . . . are you prepared for<br />

A lot of being prepared is just<br />

being able to look ahead and<br />

anticipate what could happen. I do this all the time<br />

in soccer—I always have to be at least three steps<br />

4.<br />

ahead of the current play. Plan for the worst! Consider<br />

all your options, all the possibilities. Anticipate disaster!<br />


Prepared<br />

Think ahead.<br />

5.<br />

during "that time of the month." You will fail.<br />

EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Don't tempt fate.<br />

. . . white wear Don't<br />

The most important preparation EVER is getting ready for<br />

eternity. Sweet reader, after you close your eyes for the<br />


very<br />

last time, you're going to spend the rest of your life<br />

somewhere.<br />

One place is of sweet eternal bliss with a Father that loves us<br />

with a deep, deep love: Heaven!<br />

But the other place is terrifying, full of physical and mental<br />

torment: Hell.<br />

I don't want any of you reading this to suffer! God loves YOU,<br />

and He wants YOU to be prepared for eternity. He's offering<br />

you a ticket out of Hell, a way to live with Him for the rest of<br />

eternity. All you have to do is take it. If you believe that<br />

Christ, the beautiful Son of God, became a man and died for<br />

your sins, rose again in three days, and is in Heaven in the<br />

right hand of the Father, He welcomes you with open arms<br />

into the kingdom of Heaven. Just tell Him, and you'll be free.<br />

| 8

The only thing you can do is<br />

Athletic<br />

Maybe you can’t catch a ball to save<br />

your life. Or maybe you’re like me, where<br />

one sport comes naturally and the other<br />

mockingly (and literally) bonks you on the head<br />

just in spite.<br />

Unleash the competition inside of you and don’t be afraid to<br />

fail. Oh wow, you're ready already? That's the spirit!<br />

IS TRY.<br />

1.<br />

There are countless ways you can teach yourself to<br />

have faster reflexes or catch a ball. Bouncing a ball<br />

against a wall and catching it is a good starting drill.<br />

Another drill is to drop a ball and clap when you think<br />

it hits the ground. Even throwing balls with your<br />

brothers is fun (just note you’ll have to prove yourself<br />

to them first—they don’t let you participate without<br />

an initiation).<br />

Do drills.<br />

The most basic sport is running. Just get outside or<br />

hop on your treadmill and run, run, run! Listen to<br />

music or watch a show to make time fly faster. You<br />

can even run with a buddy! If you want to run with<br />

me, just don’t expect me to talk—at all. I huff and buff<br />

like the big bad wolf, but I won't let you beat me<br />

without a fight.<br />

2. Run!<br />

The internet has tons of resources for different poses<br />

and tutorials. Yoga will aid in your flexibility and<br />

encourage your blood to flow. It’s very healthy! Plus<br />

very "in." If you do yoga and eat salad<br />

3. Do yoga! you're like this<br />

super-hip athletic ninja. AND EVERYONE WANTS<br />

TO BE A NINJA.<br />

| 9


Athletic<br />

Always needing to win isn’t<br />

healthy—but desiring to do<br />

your best is! Be the person whom everyone wants<br />

on their team by always trying your hardest.<br />

4.<br />

Be competitive!<br />

5.<br />

Strengthen your core.<br />

Complete exercises like planks, crunches,<br />

Russian twists, and sit-ups to tone your abs.<br />

6.<br />

Everyone’s different. You may enjoy team sports, or<br />

you might be more of an individual. Hand-eye<br />

Sign up for a sport!<br />

coordination may be lacking, but boy can you kick a<br />

ball! Be brave and try new sports, even if you’ve never<br />

touched a basketball in your life. Try to evolve your<br />

sports portfolio. You’ll especially want to make sure<br />

you can hold your own in pick-up games like<br />

basketball, volleyball, and soccer. You never know<br />

when someone might start a game and you can be a<br />

#boss!<br />

| 10

2.<br />

Beautiful<br />


that you can’t judge a person by their looks. They<br />

could be the most gorgeous person on the face of the<br />

earth, and yet their insides reek of rancid hate and<br />

grief.<br />

A South Kakalaki Girl understands that beauty isn’t on the<br />

outside—it’s on the inside. Okay—so how many times have you<br />

heard that? Well, I know for me, more times than I can count.<br />

But never before has it been so true. Firstly, note this:<br />

1.<br />

to be beautiful. The world insists that desirability<br />

involves showing everything you have. This is not true.<br />

You don’t want to be attracting guys who like you just<br />

because you’re physically beautiful. That beauty will<br />

dwindle, and when he’s left with a cranky old woman,<br />

he’ll be gone before you can buy dentures. Here are<br />

some ways to work on your inner beauty.<br />

You don't have to show everything<br />

Discover who are as a person. Do you make people<br />

laugh? Are you a story teller? Are you a<br />

Find<br />

natural<br />

yourself.<br />

leader?<br />

Once you determine who you are, never let that go for<br />

anyone.<br />

3. It’s easy to look out for yourself. We live in a “Me First”<br />

world. You can tell just by driving around town that<br />

courtesy is pretty much nonexistent. *honks horn* By<br />

putting others first, people will notice you’re different.<br />

"Others first." ALWAYS.<br />

The words that come out of your mouth should always<br />

elevate and inspire. Imagine yourself in an elevator at<br />

a mall, surrounded by people of all ages. Every time<br />

you say something nice, the elevator goes up a level to<br />

4.<br />

an even better store. But every time you speak<br />

hatefully, the elevator goes down. Or, if you're like me,<br />

you like to think of it more in a video game, level up<br />

level down analogy.<br />

Encourage those around you.<br />

| 11

2.<br />

Peaceful<br />


It’s just one of the wonderful facts of life.<br />

However, not all fights must occur. Sometimes we<br />

bicker over the silliest things (*gives brother “the<br />

look”, because I NEVER BICKER OVER USELESS<br />

JUNK*). But remember . . .<br />

1.<br />


STAHP."<br />

It’s just built into humans that we’re always right.<br />

Even when we’re not, we’re right. Why are we like this?<br />

Maybe because we’re also just naturally stubborn.<br />

Listen—you don’t have to be right all the stinkin’ time.<br />

You’ll make mistakes (*sigh*). You’ll do dumb things<br />

(*more sighing*). You’ll say something in the heat of<br />

the moment that was totally out of context (*gahhh<br />

whyyyyyy*). Don’t try to authenticate your seeming<br />

perfection.<br />

You don't have to always be right.<br />

Recognizing you’re wrong is one thing. Admitting it is a<br />

whole other beast.<br />

Be<br />

You<br />

willing<br />

really<br />

to<br />

have<br />

admit<br />

to<br />

you're<br />

humble<br />

wrong<br />

yourself<br />

in order to acknowledge your thinking was incorrect.<br />

Humbling ourselves is always a good exercise and<br />

should be done more often. People won’t look down on<br />

you for your mistake. They’ve been wrong before too<br />

(unless you're my dad, end of story).<br />

3. Some people throw “sorry” around like sprinkles, while<br />

others grasp it with gusto. Balance in the middle—say<br />

sorry when it’s appropriate and you mean it. Pull an<br />

Anne of Green Gables and just don't say "sorry" if you<br />

don't mean it.<br />

Say sorry.<br />

The best way to be peaceful is to compromise. I’ve<br />

found compromise to be a crucial instrument in my<br />

toolbelt. You don’t totally have to admit you’re wrong<br />

—you’re just, you know, halfway wrong. And so is the<br />

4.<br />

other person. Points!<br />

Compromise.<br />

| 12

1.<br />


Smart<br />

have to say on this matter is as follows: BUY<br />



Kidding, kidding! That's TERRIBLE advice. Here's the<br />

real stuff. My mom always tells me that the only thing I<br />

need to worry about right now as a teenage girl is school.<br />

That’s my priority (well, that and obeying my parents<br />

—but that’s a whole different topic!) So . . . school. Ugh,<br />

right? Whether history or chemistry is your worst enemy,<br />

we all have our favorite subjects (like lunch or that<br />

moment when school ends) . . . and our not so favorite<br />

subjects. Here are tips to help conquer those less-thanfun<br />

subjects!<br />

Grab a cute notebook (notice that “cute” part—that’s<br />

important) and a colored pen and write the lesson<br />

down! I don’t know how your school is set up, but as I<br />

listen to my lectures I make doodle graphics and letter<br />

words that I don’t know the definition for. It really<br />

helps to engage your fingers. There’s something about<br />

writing words out that helps us remember them better!<br />

Take notes.<br />

2. In one school year, I must’ve gone through over 5000<br />

index cards. But hey, the technique worked and I got at<br />

least a B on my tests. You can use plain white index<br />

cards, but the neon green and pink ones are my<br />

favorite. Write out important terms on one side, and on<br />

the other scribble down the definition. This next part<br />

takes time, I know, but I promise you’ll see results!<br />

Every night before you go to bed, refresh the terms in<br />

your mind. Yeah, who wants to do school right before<br />

bed? *Groans inwardly* But it’s worth a B grade,<br />

amiright?<br />

Make index cards.<br />

3.<br />

Scientifically, yellow highlighters are the best for<br />

studying. Don’t ask me where I heard that from . . .<br />

highlighters.<br />

Use<br />

| 13


Smart<br />

It was either my mom, Google, or a<br />

Pinterest meme. But go crazy with the<br />

colors! I like using one color for each<br />

subject, but as the school year progresses I<br />

find myself losing highlighters and discovering<br />

even more dried-up ones in the crevices of my<br />

school bag. IT'S FUN.<br />

I’m a very proud person. Asking for help is<br />

generally not an option for me!<br />

Ask<br />

But<br />

for<br />

when<br />

help.<br />

I<br />

started majorly bombing chemistry and<br />

geometry, I knew it was time to<br />

4.<br />

give up my<br />

arrogance and search for assistance.<br />

| 14


organization does not come easily to me. It’s<br />

the opposite for my sister Rachel. In her room,<br />

everything not only has a place but is in its place. I<br />

like to think of my room as a less insane version of<br />

Holly Golightly’s apartment. While you won’t find a<br />

telephone hidden in the netherregions of my suitcase, you<br />

may discover hand sanitzer in a pencil case, extra t-shirts<br />

next to my bed, and library books hidden underneath my pillow.<br />

Organization, however, is taking care of the things God has<br />

gifted you with. Okay . . . I’ll go clean out my pencil case. And<br />

while I do that, here are some things you can do to reorganize<br />

your room . . .<br />

Organized<br />

1.<br />

I bought some really cute black ones about two years<br />

ago. They were cheap, yet functional. I still have the<br />

bookcases. *begin embarrassing story* When I first<br />

purchased them, I was absolutely driven to build them<br />

myself. Well, a few crooked nails later, I realized I had<br />

put the back on wrong. So, I ruefully removed the<br />

nails and called my brother for assistance. To this day,<br />

my bookcase still has scars. *story end* Once you get<br />

the bookshelves, choose a theme or two for each shelf.<br />

Perhaps one will hold the stuffed animals you’re not<br />

quite ready to give away yet (I’m right there with you!),<br />

while the other will actually hold books.<br />

Purchase bookshelves.<br />

2. It may be time to get rid of some things in your room,<br />

like that Rudolph snow globe your great aunt gave you<br />

for Christmas last year, or those cute boots that don’t<br />

fit you anymore. Or that epic Hello Kitty chainsaw.<br />

LET IT GO, MAN. Make it a routine to file through your<br />

room every season and eliminate the junk in your<br />

room. If it makes you feel better, you can give favorite<br />

clothes to younger girls you know or friends who are<br />

shorter than you (a.k.a., me), or items to your local<br />

Goodwill.<br />

Purge.<br />

| 15


Organized<br />

Ah, how simple is that? It’s<br />

nice every now and then to<br />

Reorganize.<br />

3.<br />

move things around. The other day I was able<br />

to make my room cleaner by placing some items I<br />

don’t use often into my closet. You could also<br />

rearrange bookshelves, shoe racks, or your closet.<br />

4.<br />

Arrange your close by color/clothing item/season.<br />

My closet is the most organized section in my room. I<br />

not only have the clothes sorted by color, but also by<br />

item type. All my fancy shirts are together, as well as<br />

my pants, skirts, casual tees, dresses, pajamas,<br />

swimsuits, and athletic wear.<br />

| 16

Most of us have at one time<br />

dreamed of being a helpless Rapunzel<br />

stuck in an ivory tower (Why is the<br />

tower made of ivory? Why not gold? Or<br />

bread? A TOWER OF BREAD!) However,<br />

those days are pretty much over. There aren’t any<br />

princes who are going to come unstuck us from our<br />

problems, so we need to be ready to face them<br />

ourselves. Here are some things you should learn:<br />

Self-Sufficient<br />

1.| Learn self-defense.<br />

2.| Carry pepper spray.<br />

3.| Know how to unplug a toilet.<br />

4.| Know how to shoot a gun.<br />

5.| Know how to shake someone who<br />

is trailing you.<br />

6.| Know how to fix basic car<br />

problems.<br />

7.| Learn CPR.<br />

I’m amazed at the stupid things girls are caught doing<br />

nowadays. They’ll meet random strangers on the internet,<br />

proclaim their true love, and meet them at McDonalds . . . only<br />

for the guy to turn out to be a creepy stalker! Please use more<br />

common sense than this. Never walk by yourself at night,<br />

always lock your car, never give your phone number out to<br />

strange guys, and don’t tell people you’re home alone.<br />


| 17

an e-magazine and blog,<br />

written by girls, for girls.<br />

SKGfun.com<br />


* Reading<br />

* Writing<br />

* Dreaming<br />

* Fighting<br />

* Learning<br />

* Creating<br />

* And loving our<br />

Creator above all.<br />

| 18

I hope to impart with you some of my best tips on<br />

achieving the characteristics of a South Kakalaki Girl. A<br />

South Kakalaki Girl is, in essence, a mature, memorable<br />

Christian girl who puts others first.<br />

Being a teenage girl isn't easy. Being a CHRISTIAN teen girl? Someone<br />

give me a grizzly bear to wrestle! Despite the hardships, being the<br />

Daughter of the King is a high calling with the struggle.<br />

In this short book, I hope to share a few tips on being the best teenage<br />

girl you can be. I like to call this girl a "South Kakalaki Girl." She's a<br />

mature Christian girl, memorable because of her overall excellence.<br />

Within these pages, I share practical steps to growing in your Godgiven<br />

creativity, as well as accepting the beauty God has given you<br />

(because you ARE beautiful!). In addition, you will learn to be peaceful<br />

and outgoing.<br />

Want more? Check out the blog at SKGfun.com for posts just like the<br />

chapters in this book that share how to navigate life as a Christian<br />

teen girl!<br />

SKGfun.com<br />

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Front and interior design: Amanda Brown<br />

Ages 6-21

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