Cracking The Complexities In Enterprise App Development
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<strong>Cracking</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Complexities</strong> <strong>In</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> <strong>App</strong> <strong>Development</strong><br />
Foreword<br />
Senior information technology professionals have come to a<br />
crossroads in the world of enterprise application creation, where<br />
challenges come in the form of development, design, and<br />
deployment.<br />
<strong>Enterprise</strong> Mobility Exchange conducted a survey in July 2016<br />
where hundreds of respondents explained why their apps were<br />
being abandoned, what they believed users wanted, and how<br />
they planned on moving forward.<br />
We learned less is more when it comes to deploying functional<br />
apps in the enterprise. For instance, a quarter of those surveyed<br />
said they believe enterprise apps are too hard or confusing to<br />
operate, which is why the technology is completely abandoned<br />
and discontinued.<br />
An intuitive user experience and the pervasive adoption of<br />
mobile apps are driving digital transformation for enterprises.<br />
To outpace market disruptions, businesses need technology<br />
that helps it adapt quickly to the change in user expectation<br />
and meet the demand. Continue through this report to better<br />
understand the challenges enterprise professionals are facing<br />
in the world of app development and how they can overcome<br />
obstacles for better user experiences with their products.<br />
Table Of<br />
Contents:<br />
Page 3:<br />
<strong>The</strong> Evolution Of <strong>Enterprise</strong><br />
<strong>App</strong>lications<br />
Page 4:<br />
<strong>App</strong> Obstacles Lead To Poor<br />
User Experience<br />
Page 5:<br />
<strong>In</strong>vesting <strong>In</strong> <strong>The</strong> Future<br />
Page 5:<br />
How Are <strong>App</strong>s Operating,<br />
And Where Are <strong>The</strong>y Made<br />
Page 6:<br />
Let Users Dictate Needs<br />
Page 8:<br />
Hand Over <strong>The</strong> Blueprint,<br />
Watch Buildings Grow<br />
Page 9:<br />
About SAP<br />
Page 10:<br />
About EME