Cracking The Complexities In Enterprise App Development
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6.<br />
<strong>Cracking</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Complexities</strong> <strong>In</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> <strong>App</strong> <strong>Development</strong><br />
<strong>In</strong>vesting <strong>In</strong> <strong>The</strong> Future<br />
Historically, spending has fallen into<br />
two buckets: development and<br />
infrastructure, with minimal amounts<br />
being allocated to testing and<br />
administration, i.e., discovering how<br />
the technology works in the hands of<br />
the user (Figure 5).<br />
<strong>Enterprise</strong>s are pouring money into<br />
perceived solutions without testing<br />
the market, deploying complex<br />
apps when users are seeking<br />
niche products to easily maintain<br />
and accomplish day-to-day tasks.<br />
About 20 percent of mobile app<br />
development projects are funded<br />
by IT and 20 percent by Line of<br />
Business in an enterprise. A huge 55<br />
percent of projects are jointly funded<br />
by IT and LoB.<br />
Figure 5: What Consumes Most Of Your Mobile <strong>App</strong> Budget?<br />
e <strong>Development</strong> 44%<br />
e <strong>In</strong>frastructure 24%<br />
e Design 18%<br />
e <strong>App</strong> admin 9%<br />
e Testing 6%<br />
How Are <strong>App</strong>s Operating,<br />
and Where Are <strong>The</strong>y Made?<br />
A disconnect in app development<br />
may be seen in the lack of uniformity<br />
from the enterprise. Less than<br />
30-percent of IT leaders said their<br />
enterprise conducts in-house<br />
development and design of the<br />
apps they’re building (Figure 6).<br />
Figure 6: Do you design and/or develop<br />
your apps in house or outsource them?<br />
e Outsource both 39%<br />
development and design<br />
e <strong>In</strong> house development 29%<br />
and design<br />
e <strong>In</strong> house design; Outsource 27%<br />
development<br />
e <strong>In</strong> house development; 4%<br />
Outsource design