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;ii 1'r.'-rc.·l1g11i1io11 pro····ssing in the CSR-II is 1or1:il a11:1lysis wilh a r•·al·tinw<br />

'\ll'•"lntm analyr.,·r lhal j, '"'•"•'P·limill'LI at ~.4:' lo 4 5 li.llz ;1ml with an rns1:111hk a\····agcr<br />

th;1t llS•'S••ighl awrag.·s. Till' ;1n:1lyZl'r is a Sp•·•·tral Dy11;1mk' SD 30 I ;1ml is the sam.: anaty1..-r<br />

ux·d i11 lhc WQC"-5 I LDR/()Rl'l n.·.·1 ··n11111rn11i.·a1ion sy,l•"lll. Th.· avcr:1gcr is a Sp•·•·tral<br />

J)y11:1111i.·, .~(}l).<br />

J)i1' The c11tir•· SJ'l'•"lrlllll in :1 sckctcd formmpk·<br />

llll'ntary logk p:hs to prolluc•' mutuall~· cxdusi\'c: llll'S,a)!l' ··kmc:nts. liy similar procc:ssin!,!.<br />

othcl' single void' lh· rnultiplc: acquisitions wiil he: d1:111g.·d. •'.J:!.. J2E to J~I or .221 to J~I.<br />

Multiple: voids rl'lllain 1111dian)!cd and Sl'ri:1l nmllipk ill'lJllisitions lli~pl:1y c;nply. l'.)! .. J.1.3<br />

hcrnmcs JEI'.. Ma.iorit~· logk Sl':lllS cad! l'Olumn or prnn•ss.·d dat:1 Sl'l1Ul'nli:1lly and pli!l"l's<br />

till' majority d1:1r:rl'l•·r for ••:id1 .·olumn in a linal lwst-nll'ssag•· matrix. Fol' cx:unpk. if tli.·<br />

firsl ··olumn .·ontains 31'..l in franll'S I. 4. and 7. rl'SJll"l"til'l'ly. :r J will lll"L'llr in lhl' rirst<br />

l""ilion or llw.1 ·:s1-11i.·ssaf:!l' m:rtrix. Similarly. 2.32 in th•· Sl'•"llJHI n1lu111n produ.·n a 2 in<br />

thl' Sl·~·ona.J position of lhl· hl'Sl·llll."SS:lgl' matrix. and l'.LJ-. in lhl• lhird •"Oilllllll prodUl'l'S an I·<br />

in till' third position. A s•·cond rompk•mcnlary logk pass 011 llll' hl·st nwss;rgc matrix at-<br />

1.·n1pls to fill voids hdf.ir.· results :m· ·displ;1y.•d in Ll'.l>s. If tlw final 111~·ss;1gl· i' u1w.·rtain h•··<br />

.·a11s1: of insuflil'i••n1 m conlliding a.lal:i. 1h.· lc:ttas "'l3AD" ar~· di,pl:1ycd in lhc LED i11'tc;1d<br />

or;\ final lllL'Ssage. Singk-hit. ewn parily is mainl~1i1ll'd lhro11gho11t the logil' p:rssc,, A poinl<br />

display.·d in a J"inal mcssagL' fralllL' indkall·s an inop•·r:11ivL' ROii.i. 1\rt.·r final111.·,s:1gc assc111·<br />

hly. a d····mlcr n.·twork al"li~·atL'S sok·noids or lap•· r.·.·onkr' to

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