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grave. “What’s done is done. There’s no cheating death any more than you can cheat The Book of Moons. Someone always has to pay the price.”<br />

She smiled sadly. “I guess you know that, or you wouldn’t be here.”<br />

“I guess I do.”<br />

I knew it better than anyone.<br />

A twig snapped. Then a voice called out, even louder.<br />

“Stop following me, Link.”<br />

Genevieve Duchannes disappeared at the sound of the words. I didn’t know how she did it, but I was so startled that I felt myself start slipping<br />

away, too.<br />

I clung to the voice—because it was familiar, and I would’ve recognized it anywhere. And because it sounded like home, chaos and all.<br />

It was the voice that anchored me in the Mortal realm now, the same way it had kept my heart bound to Gatlin when I had been alive.<br />

L.<br />

I froze. I couldn’t move, even though she couldn’t see me.<br />

“You tryin’ to give me the slip?” Link was stomping around behind Lena, trying to catch up with her as she made her way through the lemon trees.<br />

Lena shook her head like she was trying to shake Link.<br />

Lena.<br />

She pushed through the brush, and I caught a glimpse of gold and green eyes. That was it; I couldn’t help myself.<br />

“Lena!” I shouted as loud as I could, my voice ringing across the white sky.<br />

I took off running across the stubbly frozen ground, through the weeds and all the way down the rocky path. I flung myself into her arms… and went<br />

flying to the ground behind her.<br />

“I’m not just trying. I’m giving you the slip.” Lena’s voice floated over me.<br />

I had almost forgotten. I wasn’t really here, not in a way she could feel. I lay back on the ground, trying to catch my breath. Then I propped myself<br />

up on my elbows, because Lena was really there, and I didn’t want to miss a second of it.<br />

The way she moved, the tilt of her head, and the soft lilt of her voice—she was perfect, full of life and beauty and everything I couldn’t have<br />

anymore.<br />

Everything that didn’t belong to me.<br />

I’m here. Right here. Can you feel me, L?<br />

“I wanted to check on him. I haven’t been out here all day. I don’t want him to be lonely, or bored, or mad. Whatever he’s feeling.” Lena knelt next<br />

to my grave, next to me, grabbing at handfuls of cold grass.<br />

I’m not lonely. But I miss you.<br />

Link rubbed his hand through his hair. “You just went to check on his house. Then you checked on the water tower and your bedroom, and now<br />

you’re checkin’ on his grave. Maybe you should find somethin’ to do other than checkin’ on Ethan.”<br />

“Maybe you should find something to do other than bothering me, Link.”<br />

“I promised Ethan I’d look after you.”<br />

“You don’t understand,” she said.<br />

Link looked as annoyed as Lena seemed frustrated. “What are you talkin’ about? You think I don’t understand? He was my best friend since<br />

kindergarten.”<br />

“Don’t say it like that. He’s still your best friend.”<br />

“Lena.” Link wasn’t getting anywhere.<br />

“Don’t Lena me. Out of everyone, I thought you would understand how things work around here.” Her face was pale, and her mouth looked funny,<br />

like she was about to smile or cry, only she couldn’t decide which.<br />

Lena, it’ll be okay. I’m right here.<br />

But even as I thought about it, I knew nobody could fix this. The truth was, the moment I stepped off that water tower everything changed, and<br />

nothing was going to change back.<br />

Not anytime soon.<br />

I never knew how bad it would feel from this side. At least for me. Because I could see it all, but I couldn’t do a thing to change it.<br />

I reached for her hand, sliding my fingers around hers. My hands slipped right through, but if I really concentrated, I could still feel them, heavy and<br />

solid.<br />

For the very first time, nothing shocked me. No burning. It wasn’t like sticking my fingers in an electrical outlet.<br />

I guess being dead will do that for you.<br />

“Lena, help me out here. I don’t speak chick—you know that—and Rid isn’t here to translate.”<br />

“Chick?” Lena shot him a withering look.<br />

“Aw, come on. I barely speak English, unless we’re talkin’ about the Lowcountry kind.”<br />

“I thought you went looking for Ridley,” Lena said.<br />

“I did, all through the Tunnels. Everywhere Macon sent me and a few places he’d never let me go. Holy hell—I haven’t found anyone who’s seen<br />

her.”<br />

Lena sat down and straightened the line of rocks around my grave. “I need her to come back. Ridley knows how it all works. She’ll help me figure<br />

out what to do.”<br />

“What are you talkin’ about?” Link sat down next to her, and next to me.<br />

Just like old times, when the three of us would sit together on the bleachers at Jackson High. They just didn’t know it.<br />

“He’s not dead. Just like Uncle Macon wasn’t dead. Ethan will come back—you’ll see. He’s probably trying to find me right now.”<br />

I squeezed her hand. She was right about that, at least.<br />

“Don’t you think you’d be able to tell, if he was?” Link sounded a little doubtful. “If he was here, don’t you think he’d give us a shout-out or<br />

somethin’ like that?”<br />

I tried her hand again, but it was no use.<br />

Will you two pay attention?<br />

Lena shook her head, oblivious. “It’s not like that. I’m not saying he’s sitting here next to us or something.”<br />

But I was. Sitting next to them or something.<br />

Guys? I’m right here?<br />

Even though I was Kelting, I felt like I was shouting.

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