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References<br />

Making the same mistake twice: 1. International centre for evidence in disability (London school of hygiene and tropical medicine) “The Zika babies what do we know and what should be done?” 2. BBC News Health: Zika outbreak:<br />

What you need to know 31 August 2016 3. Spain registers first Zika microcephaly birth in Europe 25 July 2016 4. Zika vaccines show early promise 4 August 2016 5. Zika outbreak: ‘Small number’ of cases found in Scotland 4 Augut<br />

2016 6. The Guardian: Scientists edge closer to creating effective Zika virus vaccine 4 August 2016 7. The Guardian: World Health Organization declares Zika virus public health emergency 1 February 2016 8. The Guardian: Zika<br />

virus spreading explosively, says World Health Organization 28 January 2016 9. ScienceMag WHO director calls emergency zika meeting 28 January 2016 10. News medical life sciences: Researchers estimate total number of people<br />

who may become infected by Zika virus 26 July 2016 11. WHO: Factors that contributed to undetected spread of the Ebola virus and impeded rapid containment January 2015 12. NBC News: Experts Urge Quicker Action on Zika<br />

27 Jan 2016 13. The Telegraph: Science News: Zika outbreak is now a global emergency, says World Health Organization 2 Feb 2016 14. UK Reuters: U.S. researchers call for WHO to take rapid action on Zika 27 January 2016<br />

15. PBS News HEALTH: Why is Zika virus spreading so quickly? 28 January 2016<br />

Keep me alive // Let me live: 1. The Other Side, Kate Granger 2. The Price of Life, Adam Wishart https://vimeo.com/4796083 [Accessed 19th November 2016]<br />

How do you work out a QALY: Material is entirely original, but inspired by an online e-learning module, Valuing Health, produced by the University of Sheffield on futurelearn.com [Accessed 19th November 2016 with permission<br />

from the University of Sheffield]<br />

Idiosinkratic [artwork]: Artwork by Jamie Crawford. More artwork can be viewed at facebook.com/idiosinkratic or idiosinkratic.wordpress.com<br />

No shame in fat shaming: 1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-37265752 [Accessed 19th November 2016] 2. https://www.b-eat.co.uk/about-beat/media-centre/information-and-statistics-about-eating-disorders<br />

[Accessed 19th November 2016]<br />

Write for us<br />

All of the articles, photographs and illustrations included in this magazine were submitted by medical students or<br />

sixth formers. Your past experience should not dissuade you from contributing; I can assure you, first drafts rarely<br />

resemble the final, printed piece. We are here to help you develop your writing ability, all that is required is enthusiasm<br />

and dedication. The two are usually linked.<br />

We have produced a writing guide to aid authors, as well as a list of article suggestions for those struggling for ideas.<br />

Both are available from the Medic Mentor website group, Magazine Contributors. Sign up now and give them a read<br />

before you start work, http://medicmentor.co.uk/groups/magazine-contributors-28021278/<br />

If you want to see your work in the next issue of Medic Mentor, please get in touch.<br />

No shame in fat shaming [artwork]: 1. Meghan Trainor, All About That Bass 2. Image taken from Kumar and Clark’s Clinical Medicine Eighth Edition<br />

mag@medicmentor.org<br />

The articles printed do not necessarily reflect the views of Medic Mentor, its staff, or even the authors themselves.<br />

From the editor’s desk<br />

In September 2017, Medic Mentor will launch the Mastering Medical School Conference, and students will attend<br />

from a range of ages and stages of life. For those who are yet to even get an offer for medicine, but are attending<br />

a workshop on how to make the most of their time at university, it will doubtless end up redundant. They will, of<br />

course, hear excellent ideas from inspiring speakers, but the kind of student who thinks that far ahead needs little<br />

more than a gentle nudge in the right direction - the first domino.<br />

By the end of the first half of the year, I will have sat my final medical school exams and there will be nothing to<br />

prevent me from graduating and claiming the title, Dr The Editor. It may seem like that is a very long way away<br />

for many of you, in the same way that it may seem like an awful lot of hard work to write two thousand words for a<br />

magazine. Allow me to convince you otherwise.<br />

I commenced university in 2011, and that plant in the background picture to the left was half its current size. I<br />

had never considered writing an article, let alone running a magazine; in fact, I thought that magazines were a big<br />

waste of money and largely ethically disastrous. A few magazines have maintained that impression. I was a scientist<br />

through and through, and my first university essay assignment (on the history of medicine) was an awful disaster. If<br />

it was submitted to me as an article now, I can imagine I would have my work cut out in editing it.<br />

My family were not particularly surprised when I came to them with my concerns regarding the career choice I had<br />

seemingly made too young. They were hugely supportive of me taking an extra year to complete university, even<br />

though that meant living in London and the financial support this necessarily entailed. I think they were behind me<br />

because they could see that I was doing something I genuinely enjoyed and was putting all of my energy into. They<br />

will, however, be hugely relieved when all of this is over, I’m sure. That extra year was the beginning of my realisation<br />

that it is not enough to just get on with what you are told to do, and allowed me to see the parts of medicine<br />

that I could genuinely love.<br />

I would suggest that what you do in 2017 is of vital importance. Medical school’s impact on your life is prescribed<br />

only insofar as you are required to pass exams once a year, the rest is open to interpretation. With your free time you<br />

need to find things you’re interested in and pursue them with vigour (and then write an article explaining why we<br />

should all be interested too). It is never too early to start, and your family, whatever form they may take, will support<br />

you in your choices along the way.<br />

The screening paradox: 1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0072602/ 2. http://gut.bmj.com/content/early/2011/11/22/gutjnl-2011-300843.full#ref-7 3. http://gut.bmj.com/content/56/5/677.abstract?ijkey=07da10c991ab026abc43f67e658d9d627f91a3e0&keytype2=tf_ipsecsha<br />

4. http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/health-professional/cancer-statistics/statistics-by-cancer-type/bowel-cancer/survival#heading-Three 5. http://<br />

www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/type/prostate-cancer/about/screening-for-prostate-cancer 6. http://jnci.oxfordjournals.org/content/107/1/dju366.short 7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2002498/<br />

8. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/563505/nhs_breast_screening_helping_you_decide.pdf 9. http://www.breastcancer.org/research-news/false-positives-may-be-linked-to-higherrisk<br />

[All accessed 19th November 2016]<br />

Unprepared for autopsy: 1. Bamber, A. R. & Quince, T. A., 2015. The value of postmortem experience in undergradutae medical education: current perspectives. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, Issue 6, pp. 159-170.<br />

2. Bamber, A. R. et al., 2013. Medical Student Attitudes to the Autopsy and Its Utility in Medical Education: A Brief Qualitative Study at One UK Medical School. Anatomical Sciences Education, Issue 0, pp. 00-00. 3. Goodwin,<br />

D., Machin, L. & Taylor, A., 2016. The social life of the dead: The role of post-mortem examinations in medical student socialisation. Social Science & Medicine, Volume 161, pp. 100-10<br />

Family.<br />

Dear reader: The retracted article is taken from the Lancet; Wakefield 1998 (full reference as per the image).<br />

Bad parenting: 1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/children/10880127/Parents-arrested-over-15-stone-child.html 2. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(16)30054-X/abstract 3. Health<br />

and Social Care Information Centre. Health Survey for England, trend tables: 2014. HSCIC, Leeds, 2015. www.hscic.gov.uk/pubs/hse2014trend 4. Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Kit BK, Flegal KM. Prevalence of childhood and<br />

adult obesity in the United States, 2011-2012. Journal of the American Medical Association 2014;311(8):806-814 5. Steinbeck K. The importance of physical activity in the prevention of overweight and obesity in childhood: a<br />

review and an opinion. Obes Rev. 2001;2:117-130. 6. Sjoberg RL. Obesity, shame, and depression in school-aged children: A population-based study. Pediatrics 2005;116(3):389-392 7. Griffiths LJ, Dezateux C, Hill A. Is obesity<br />

associated with emotional and behavioural problems in children? Findings from the Millenium Cohort Study. Int J Pediatr Obes. 2011;6:e423-432. 8. Bouchard C. Childhood obesity: are genetic differences involved? Amer. J. Clin.<br />

Nutr. 2009;89:1494S–1501S. 9. Hoed, Marcel, et al. “Genetic susceptibility to obesity and related traits in childhood and adolescence influence of loci identified by genome-wide association studies.” Diabetes 59.11 (2010): 2980-2988.<br />

10. Johannsen DL, Johannsen NM, Specker BL. Influence of parents’ eating behaviors and child feeding practices on children’s weight status. Obesity 2006;14;431–439 11. Department of Health. Healthy Lives, Healthy People: Our<br />

strategy for public health in England. DH, London, 2010. www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/216096/dh_127424.pdf 12. World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer<br />

Research . Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective. American Institute for Cancer Research; Washington, DC, USA: 2007 13. Carlson SA, Densmore D, Fulton JE, Yore MM, Kohl<br />

HW. Differences in physical activity prevalence and trends from 3 U.S. surveillance systems: NHIS, NHANES, and BRFSS. J Phys Act Health 2009;6:S18--27<br />

Dope article, bro: 1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/players/lionel-messi/10487181/Lionel-Messis-improbable-progression-from-struggling-youngster-to-world-super-star.html [Accessed 19th November 2016] 2.<br />

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/worldcup2010/article-1282961/Gordon-Banks-Peter-Shilton-Jeepers-keepers--I-split-Englands-legends.html<br />

In this edition we are going to explore some issues related to families. They play a huge role in both early life, as<br />

they raise you into the adult you are now, and end of life, when the table is turned and you need to care for your<br />

old and decrepit parents.<br />

I hope you enjoy it. If you have any comments, I would be delighted to receive them, and they may even be printed<br />

as Medic Mentor magazine’s first ever letter.<br />

Michael Houssemayne du Boulay<br />

Editor<br />

Down: 1. Embolus 2. Carcinoma 3. Sputum 4. Alveoli 5. Tachypnoea 6. Inhaler 7. Oxygen 8. Salbutamol Across: 4. Asthma 9. Tuberculosis 10. Bronchi 11.<br />

Cilia 12. C.O.P.D 13. Pulmonary Anagrams: 1. High blood pressure 2. Respiratory rate 3. Gastrointestinal 4. Morphine 5. Asthma 6. Oestrogen 7. Myocardial<br />

Puzzle answers<br />

infarction 8. Nervous system 9. Osteoarthritis 10. Diabetes mellitus<br />

Many thanks to Jennifer. N. R. Smith,<br />

who produced the cover artwork.<br />

www.jnrsmith.co.uk<br />

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