Hometown Madison - May & June 2015

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<strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong><br />

Farmers Market<br />

______________________<br />

Too Cool for Pool<br />

______________________<br />

<strong>Madison</strong> Spells Summer Fun<br />

______________________<br />

meeting at the crossroads

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111 Fountains Blvd <strong>Madison</strong>, MS 39110<br />

before<br />


Hey <strong>Madison</strong><br />

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1.<br />

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©<strong>2015</strong> C Spire. All rights reserved.<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 3



4 • March/April <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

Publisher & Editor<br />

Tahya Dobbs<br />

CFO<br />

Kevin Dobbs<br />

associate Editor<br />

Erin Williams<br />


Mary Ann Kirby<br />

Account Executives<br />

Alicia Adams<br />

Camea Dobbs<br />

Rachel Lombardo<br />

Reese Suruvka<br />

Misty Taylor<br />

Photography<br />

Othel Anding Photography<br />

Layout Design & Production<br />

Christian McElveen<br />

Daniel Thomas • 3dt<br />

Contributing Writers<br />

Camille Anding<br />

Mark Byrd<br />

Camea Dobbs<br />

Murray Harber<br />

Mary Ann Kirby<br />

Abbie Walker<br />

Erin Williams<br />

• • •<br />

www.facebook.com<br />

/hometown<strong>Madison</strong>magazine<br />

The Little League fields are turning green and a part of me wants to park my car and take a<br />

nostalgia break on their tender spring grass. I recall innocent childhood times swinging my Little<br />

League bat at the gentle throws that my coach/dad pitched to me. My dad sponsored our team and<br />

was an assistant coach. I was confident I would be a star.<br />

There was just one small glitch. My brother, younger by four years and shorter by six inches, could<br />

hit the ball closer to the outfield fence and could field a ground ball like a miniature pro. He knew<br />

I could outrun him—but this was baseball, not track.<br />

My daddy knew how badly I wanted to out-perform my kid-brother, so he practiced with me in<br />

our backyard. And while that should have given me just the extra training I needed to compete with<br />

my brother’s natural athleticism, he, unfortunately, showed up at every practice, too. He caught the<br />

grounders that I missed and relished throwing me out when he fielded for Daddy and me. I was the<br />

one needing the practice but little brother was the one that benefitted<br />

the most. But, despite our sibling rivalry, those times make for some<br />

of my fondest memories.<br />

Perhaps this will be the spring that you, too, can make memories<br />

around the baseball park or with other special family outings. Don’t<br />

waste a moment. Time flies, for sure. Invest some quality time in a<br />

young person. Great memories are practically guaranteed.<br />

Thank you for picking up this month’s issue of<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> Rankin Magazine. We appreciate your support<br />

more than you’ll ever know. Happy Spring!<br />

www.HTMags.com<br />

Contact us at<br />

info@htmags.com<br />

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• • •<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> <strong>Madison</strong> is published by<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> Magazines.<br />

All rights reserved.<br />

No portion of <strong>Hometown</strong> <strong>Madison</strong><br />

may be reproduced without written<br />

permission from the publisher.<br />

The management of <strong>Hometown</strong> <strong>Madison</strong><br />

is not responsible for opinions expressed<br />

by its writers or editors.<br />

All communications sent to our<br />

editorial staff are subject to publication<br />

and the unrestricted right to be refused,<br />

or to be edited and/or editorially<br />

commented on.<br />

All advertisements are subject<br />

to approval by the publisher.<br />

The production of <strong>Hometown</strong> <strong>Madison</strong><br />

is funded by advertising.<br />

In this issue Dont Blink ............................. 9<br />

<strong>Madison</strong> Farmers Market............. 12<br />

<strong>Madison</strong> Spells<br />

Summer Fun.............................18<br />

Erskine Wells ...................... 33<br />

Meeting at the Crossroads .............34<br />

Too Cool for Pool. ................... 42<br />

Canton's Starring Role in Film. ....... 60<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 5

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6 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

Special Olympics Mississippi<br />

and Tops Soccer Program recently<br />

joined forces in <strong>Madison</strong> to offer a<br />

soccer match-up for athletes with<br />

intellectual disabilities. With the goal<br />

of getting younger athletes to play and<br />

enjoy team sports, Special Olympics<br />

Unified Sports promotes social inclusion<br />

through shared sports experiences.<br />

Based on the success of this inaugural<br />

program, they hope to make this<br />

an annual event.<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 7


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8 • March/April <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

Don’t Blink-It GoesByFast<br />

Mary Ann Kirby<br />

Spring is here. Triple-digit temperatures<br />

are just around the corner and while I dread the<br />

heat,I very much look forward to some relaxed<br />

time with my family; particularly my evergrowing<br />

12-year-old. It’s going so fast.<br />

As adults, we’ve always known that “time<br />

flies” – but just a couple of weeks ago, my own<br />

child commented on how fast the weekends<br />

seem to go by. I didn’t know kids had much<br />

concept of time beyond, “how much longer is it”<br />

and “are we there yet?” Call me crazy, but I’m<br />

pretty sure that time is going by faster than it<br />

used to. And I doubt that the warp-speed<br />

hyper-scheduling we all endure helps much.<br />

The morning that I wrote this, the Kenny<br />

Chesney song Don’t Blink came on the radio<br />

and made me teary. (Note: it doesn’t take much<br />

to get me all blubbery and choked up. They say<br />

having kids does that to a person. I believe it.)<br />

The song refers to a man turning 102 years old.<br />

He’s being interviewed and is asked what he<br />

considers to be the secret of life. He answered,<br />

“Don’t blink. 100 years goes by faster than<br />

you think.”<br />

It got me to thinking (and writing)–am I so<br />

busy running, trying to keep up, that I’m missing<br />

the most important part of it all? Kenny’s<br />

fictitious centenarian says to, “Best start putting<br />

first things first . . . ‘cause when your hourglass<br />

runs out of sand, you can’t flip it over and start<br />

again. Take every breath God gives you for what<br />

it’s worth.”<br />

With that in mind, I’ve made a mid-year<br />

(and mid-life) resolution. I want to do things<br />

differently. I want to notice more–and to<br />

appreciate more. I not only want to step out<br />

of my box and go places I’ve never been, see<br />

things I’ve never seen, eat places I’ve never<br />

eaten and do things I’ve never done–but I<br />

want to see the things around me, differently.<br />

Erma Bombeck is one of my all-time<br />

favorite columnists. Back in 1979, she wrote a<br />

column called, “If I Had My Life to Live Over.” It<br />

reiterates that the time we have should be<br />

appreciated and used wisely. She was 52<br />

when she wrote it–basically, my age. We<br />

should all take it as excellent advice in today’s<br />

high-velocity environment. She says:<br />

“Someone asked me the other day if I had<br />

my life to live over, would I change anything.<br />

My answer was no, but then I thought about it,<br />

and changed my mind.<br />

n If I had my life to live over, I would have<br />

talked less and listened more.<br />

n Instead of wishing away nine months of<br />

pregnancy, and complaining about the shadow<br />

over my feet, I’d have cherished every minute of<br />

it and realized that the wonderment growing<br />

inside me was my only chance in life to assist<br />

God in a miracle.<br />

n I would have never insisted the car windows<br />

be rolled up on a summer day because my hair<br />

had just been teased and sprayed.<br />

n I would have invited friends over to dinner<br />

even if the carpet was stained and the sofa<br />

faded.<br />

n I would have eaten popcorn in the ‘good’<br />

living room and worried less about the dirt<br />

when you lit a fire in the fireplace.<br />

n I would have taken the time to listen to my<br />

grandfather ramble about his youth.<br />

n I would have burned the pink candle<br />

sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.<br />

n I would have sat cross-legged on the lawn<br />

with my children and never worried about<br />

grass stains.<br />

n I would have cried and laughed less while<br />

watching TV–and more while watching life.<br />

n I would have shared more of the<br />

responsibility carried by my husband, which<br />

I took for granted.<br />

n I would have<br />

eaten less cottage<br />

cheese and more<br />

ice cream.<br />

n I would have gone<br />

to bed when I was sick<br />

instead of pretending the<br />

Earth would go into a holding<br />

pattern if I weren’t there for a day.<br />

I would never have bought ANYTHING<br />

just because it was practical/wouldn’t<br />

show soil/guaranteed to last a lifetime.<br />

n When my kids kissed me impetuously,<br />

I would never have said, ‘Later. Now go get washed<br />

up for dinner.’<br />

n There would have been more ‘I love yous’ ... more<br />

‘I’m sorrys’ ... more “I’m listenings’ ... but mostly, given<br />

another shot at life, I would seize every minute ...<br />

look at it and really see it ... try it on ... live it ...<br />

exhaust it ... and never give that minute back<br />

until there was nothing left of it.”<br />

Is there any way to say it better?<br />

It’s a great lesson for me about<br />

life–and time–and the<br />

passage of time,<br />

particularly as we<br />

embark on a new<br />

season. I plan<br />

to begin living<br />

life more<br />

deliberately–<br />

and I’m<br />

starting<br />

today.<br />

Don’t blink.<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 9

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10 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

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<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 11

Susan Marquez<br />

If Old McDonald had a farm, he’d<br />

almost certainly sell his bounty at a<br />

farmer’s market. The markets have been<br />

around for decades, but there’s been a<br />

major trend towards farm-to-table dining,<br />

making farmers markets more popular<br />

than ever. People want to know where<br />

their food comes from, how it’s grown<br />

and who grows it.<br />

The <strong>Madison</strong> Farmers Market<br />

launched last year and was a huge success<br />

from the start. Open each Tuesday from<br />

<strong>May</strong> through late August, it was a place<br />

for area farmers and producers to sell their<br />

products to a welcoming community.<br />

Robin McCrory oversees the <strong>Madison</strong><br />

Farmers Market. At a meeting of potential<br />

vendors on March 17 at the <strong>Madison</strong> Square<br />

Center for the Arts, McCrory said that<br />

farmers markets can be seen all across the<br />

country. “Farming, baking, making things<br />

with our hands–it’s getting back to the<br />

basics and good, clean, healthy living.<br />

Farmers markets have also become a place<br />

for people to gather and visit. We saw a<br />

lot of that in <strong>Madison</strong> last year.”<br />

The Farmers Market in <strong>Madison</strong> is<br />

limited to food items only. “Those can be<br />

cottage food items, made at home,”<br />

explained McCrory. “All cottage foods<br />

much have all the permits and follow<br />

the cottage food rules and regulations<br />

concerning packaging and labeling. We<br />

are a certified market, which means it’s<br />

very important that we meet all the<br />

regulations.”<br />

Last year’s market was held on the<br />

grounds of the Arts Center, from 4:00pm<br />

to 8:00pm each Tuesday. This year, vendors<br />

12 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

agreed to shorten the hours of the market<br />

from 4:30pm until 7:00pm. “We learned<br />

from the first year when the customers<br />

started coming and when they stopped<br />

coming,” said McCrory. The market will<br />

have a “soft” opening on <strong>May</strong> 12, with the<br />

grand opening to be held <strong>May</strong> 19.<br />

The market is truly farm-to-table, or<br />

even “farm-to-dog bowl,” jokes McCrory.<br />

Some of the treats that will be found at the<br />

market this year include baked goods,<br />

dog treats, farm eggs, hydroponic lettuce,<br />

tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, strawberries<br />

and more. Remington-Lott Farms will be<br />

new to the market this year, with grass-fed<br />

Angus beef. All the cattle is born on the<br />

farm in Canton. The company has been<br />

selling to area restaurants and will now<br />

offer the beef to the public at the <strong>Madison</strong><br />

market. “Variety is the spice of life,” said<br />

McCrory. “We are providing that variety.<br />

We are listening to our shoppers and<br />

trying to give them what they want.”<br />

Jim Klein is returning to the market<br />

this year with organic pecans, the “world’s<br />

hottest peppers,” and a new variety of<br />

blueberries in addition to pesticide and<br />

herbicide-free heirloom tomatoes. “It’s<br />

important as a grower to be at the farmers<br />

market. I enjoy the market in <strong>Madison</strong>–<br />

the clientele is fun and there’s a great family<br />

atmosphere.” In his second year of<br />

operation inside the city limits of <strong>Madison</strong>,<br />

Chuck Wood is also looking forward to<br />

being at the <strong>Madison</strong> market this year. “It<br />

gives us the ability to stay local and provide<br />

a quality product to my neighbors and the<br />

community. The <strong>Madison</strong> market is a<br />

great place to meet new people. It’s a very<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 13

laid-back, social atmosphere.” Wood and<br />

his wife sell tomatoes, squash, cucumbers,<br />

zucchini, fresh cut flowers, and they’re<br />

hoping to have goji berries.<br />

Back for his second year, Mike Rodriguez<br />

will be selling his popular Wamego Valley<br />

Farm pasture-raised eggs, along with summer<br />

vegetables and grapes. “The populace of<br />

this area understands the concept of smallscale,<br />

chemical-free farming and production.<br />

Having a place like the <strong>Madison</strong> market<br />

allows me to explore new things. I’m hoping<br />

to have apples and figs, down the road.”<br />

Future plans are to have a more<br />

permanent farmers market in <strong>Madison</strong>.<br />

“We want to have a place where the<br />

farmers can back their trucks up to their<br />

booth,” McCrory said. “It will be cooler<br />

for them and shoppers will be able to<br />

come rain or shine. Of course, we have<br />

to establish ourselves a bit more.”<br />

Pam Waldrop, director of the <strong>Madison</strong><br />

Square Center for the Arts, says she’s<br />

looking forward to having the farmers<br />

market in her “front yard” again this year.<br />

“We want all the farmers and vendors to<br />

be successful so they’ll come back year<br />

after year. The neat thing about having<br />

the market here is that we also have classes<br />

inside at the same time. Ballet Mississippi<br />

and Encore Dance Company both meet on<br />

Tuesday afternoons, and the parents love<br />

to shop while their children are in class.”<br />

<strong>Madison</strong> received a grant to pay for a<br />

new market manager. Jennifer Millsaps, a<br />

farmer’s wife, will attend training for market<br />

managers presented by the Mississippi<br />

Department of Agriculture. A promotional<br />

grant was also awarded, which will help<br />

advertise the market. Promotional items<br />

have been ordered that will be given away<br />

each week at the market, including ball<br />

caps, fans, tote bags, aprons and more.<br />

14 • March/April <strong>2015</strong>

To make your<br />

farmers market<br />

experience a better<br />

one for both you<br />

and the vendors,<br />

please consider<br />

abiding by the<br />

following “rules.”<br />

Farmers<br />

Market<br />

Etiquette<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

Bring cash, preferably small bills. Not all farmers accept debit or credit cards,<br />

and if they get a bad check, they’re stuck with paying the bank fees.<br />

Don’t come while setting up. Vendors need time to unload and set up, and it takes<br />

a certain amount of concentration. If you come early, it can put them behind, and<br />

they won’t be ready when the market is set to begin.<br />

Don’t come after closing. Most farmers are in the fields early each morning,<br />

and after working the market, they’re ready to pack up and go home.<br />

Don’t bargain! The farmers have a significant investment of time and money<br />

in their products. What they don’t sell today can be sold in another market<br />

tomorrow or used at home.<br />

Leave your pets at home. You don’t take your<br />

dog in the supermarket, and not everyone<br />

appreciates having a dog around food.<br />

Be sure to take advantage of the farmer’s<br />

market booth as well, and feel free to share<br />

your recipes with the farmers. Get to know<br />

them, and tell them how you used the<br />

items you bought from them last week!<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 15

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16 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

“service is very important to me and<br />

that’s why i like to bank with priorityone. they have the<br />

best service around, they always go above and beyond to<br />

help me every time i need something.”<br />

-tiffany jimenez, jose’s mexican restaurant<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 17

<strong>Madison</strong><br />

Spells<br />

Summer<br />

FUN<br />

18 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

Mississippi Hot Air Balloon<br />

Festival in Canton<br />

The City of Canton Parks and Recreation, in collaboration<br />

with the Canton Convention and Visitors Bureau and the<br />

Mid-Mississippi Balloon Association, present the<br />

29th Annual Mississippi Championship<br />

Hot Air Balloon Race and Festival July 3-5.<br />

V i s i t c a n t o n p a r k s a n d r e c r e a t i o n . c o m f o r m o r e d e t a i l s .<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 19

A Low Country Affair<br />

Cooking Class at Farmer’s Table<br />

Cooking School<br />

Wednesday, <strong>May</strong> 13 from 9:30 - noon. Located in the historic<br />

Town of Livingston, the Farmer’s Table Cooking School offers a unique<br />

farm to table culinary experience. View and reserve space<br />

for yourself, or a group.<br />

V i s i t f a r m e r s t a b l e i n l i v i n g s t o n . c o m f o r m o r e d e t a i l s o n u p c o m i n g d a t e s a n d c l a s s e s .<br />

20 • March/April <strong>2015</strong>

Dragon Boat Regatta<br />

The <strong>Madison</strong> County Chamber of Commerce presents<br />

the Seventh Annual Dragon Boat Regatta <strong>May</strong> 11-16.<br />

The week-long festivities culminate on race day, <strong>May</strong> 16th,<br />

when teams race head to head while a free festival is held<br />

on-shore featuring music, a children’s village,<br />

food and more. Very family friendly.<br />

V i s i t t h e i r w e b s i t e a t m a d i s o n c o u n t y c h a m b e r . c o m f o r m o r e d e t a i l s .<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 21

In Concert<br />

Miranda Lambert Live<br />

The C Spire Concert Series is bringing Miranda Lambert<br />

to Ridgeland. Presented by Alcatel-Lucent, this event<br />

is Saturday, <strong>May</strong> 23rd at Renaissance at Colony Park.<br />

Doors open at 6pm and show starts at 7pm.<br />

G o t o t i c k e t m a s t e r . c o m f o r d e t a i l s .<br />

22 • March/April <strong>2015</strong>

SON Valley Rally 5K<br />

The SON Valley Rally 5K is hosted by the<br />

SON Valley Community Center located in Ridgeland.<br />

It is a Christian assisted living community for disabled adults.<br />

The race is a fundraiser for the patrons who attend the center<br />

and takes place <strong>May</strong> 16, <strong>2015</strong>.<br />

V i s i t s o n v a l l e y r a l l y . w e e b l y . c o m f o r r e g i s t r a t i o n a n d s p o n s o r s h i p<br />

d e t a i l s .<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 23

Outdoor Symphony<br />

Pepsi Pops at the Rez<br />

The 34th annual Pepsi Pops is a concert of star-spangled<br />

favorites followed by a sky full of fireworks – all to benefit the<br />

Mississippi Symphony Orchestra. Gates open at 4:30<br />

and MSO concert starts at 7:30. Fireworks will follow.<br />

At Old Trace Park in Ridgeland.<br />

G o t o m s o t i c k e t s . c o m f o r m o r e d e t a i l s .<br />

24 • March/April <strong>2015</strong>

Natchez Trace Century Ride<br />

Jumpstart the cycling season with the Natchez Trace<br />

Century Ride. Starting and ending in Ridgeland, the race<br />

provides an experience for riders of all ages and abilities.<br />

The race offers distances of 25, 50, 62 and 100 miles.<br />

The race is presented by The Bike Crossing, The Ridgeland<br />

Tourism Commission and the City of Ridgeland.<br />

G o t o n a t c h e z c e n t u r y r i d e . r a c e s o n l i n e . c o m f o r m o r e d e t a i l s .<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 25

Urology Associates<br />

of Mississippi<br />

Our physicians are highly skilled and experienced<br />

in treating a wide array of urology conditions<br />

Utilizing state of the art equipment and advanced treatment techniques,<br />

each of our board certified urologists have specific areas of urological<br />

expertise in addition to providing general urologic care to patients<br />

all over the state of Mississippi.<br />

Avinash C. Gulanikar, M.D. • Mark A. Condon, M.D. • Sujith K. Reddy, M.D.<br />

Please visit us at our new location:<br />

294 East Layfair Drive • Flowood, MS<br />

601.936.4645<br />

• Fabulous Activities<br />

• New Found Friendships<br />

• Beautiful Surroundings<br />

• Fine Dining<br />

Sunnybrook Estates is a non-profit, Christian retirement<br />

community dedicated exclusively to senior housing.<br />

Sunnybrook Estates is known for its outstanding service and a<br />

long list of amenities in a warm, caring environment where the<br />

motto is always "Resident First."<br />

248 Locust Lane, <strong>Madison</strong>, MS 39110<br />

www.sunnybrookestates.net<br />

Phone: 601-856-4050<br />

26 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 27

Ear, Nose & Throat Q&A<br />

I suffer from chronic sinus infections<br />

and require several rounds of antibiotics<br />

a year for treatment. What can I do?<br />

Persistent or chronic sinusitis may be caused by<br />

multiple problems including undiagnosed allergies,<br />

a weak immune system or, more commonly,<br />

obstruction of the sinuses preventing normal<br />

drainage. Obstruction may be due to a combination<br />

of swelling of the lining of the sinuses along with<br />

anatomic factors such as a deviated septum, enlarged<br />

turbinates or nasal polyps. Indeed no two people’s<br />

sinuses are identical and some have tight drainage<br />

tracts that predispose to inadequate drainage and<br />

subsequent chronic infections. Sufferers of chronic<br />

sinusitis usually require prolonged courses of<br />

antibiotics along with mucous thinning agents and<br />

decongestants. Nasal steroid sprays also can be of<br />

benefit. Evaluation by an ENT surgeon by endoscopy<br />

(looking into the sinuses with a lighted scope) and<br />

by CT examination will help determine if the sinuses<br />

are blocked. Sometimes surgical opening of the<br />

sinuses is needed.<br />

Can sinus infections be related<br />

to allergies?<br />

Yes. If you suffer from allergies, such common<br />

particles as pollen, animal dander, or dust mites<br />

can result in nasal inflammation and edema. The<br />

paranasal sinuses normally drain into the nose<br />

through tiny openings called ostia. Nasal inflammation<br />

and edema can obstruct the normal flow of mucus<br />

from the sinus ostia resulting in poor sinus drainage<br />

and bacterial sinus infection.<br />

What are nasal polyps?<br />

Nasal polyps are abnormal masses that arise from<br />

the lining of the nasal passages and sinuses. These<br />

masses are benign (non-cancerous), and they<br />

usually arise as a result of chronic inflammation.<br />

Nasal polyps can cause symptoms of congestion,<br />

nasal obstruction, decreased sense of smell and<br />

drainage. Polyps can also contribute to chronic<br />

sinusitis. Surgical resection of the polyps is sometimes<br />

needed to relieve nasal obstruction and to treat<br />

resistant sinusitis. Some polyps may shrink with the<br />

use of nasal steroid sprays.<br />

Can ear infections cause hearing loss?<br />

There is no doubt that ear infections cause a<br />

temporary loss in hearing; but hearing changes in<br />

children are usually short, lasting only weeks to<br />

months. In most cases, the hearing loss caused by<br />

ear infections is modest and not bad enough to<br />

interfere with normal communication. While it is<br />

best to have your child’s ear infections treated,<br />

the chance of long-term, severe hearing loss due<br />

to ear infections is not a big worry.<br />

What is the difference between a<br />

prescription steroid nasal spray<br />

and over-the-counter decongestant<br />

nasal sprays?<br />

Inflammation and hyper-reactivity are responsible<br />

for the chronic nature of runny nose and nasal<br />

congestion. Over-the-counter decongestant nasal<br />

sprays are frequently purchased because they<br />

provide rapid reduction of swelling in the nasal<br />

passages. However, if used more than 3-5 days<br />

in a row, the nasal passages respond less to the<br />

medication and nasal symptoms worsen. Over time,<br />

prescription steroid nasal sprays are more effective<br />

in controlling chronic nasal allergic symptoms.<br />

Steroid nasal sprays act directly at the site of<br />

inflammation without the side effects of oral<br />

steroids or rebound congestion of retail<br />

decongestant sprays.”<br />

My child failed a hearing test at school!<br />

Screening hearing exams are a great idea. However,<br />

not all children that fail a screening test have a<br />

hearing loss. Kids are easily distracted and the<br />

school can be a tough place to run a test. If your<br />

child fails a screening hearing exam and you are<br />

worried that they may have a hearing problem,<br />

schedule an appointment so a formal hearing test<br />

in a sound proof booth can be performed. If they<br />

have a hearing problem it can be treated, if not<br />

then it will put the parent’s mind at ease.<br />

Does my child have an ear infection?<br />

Sometimes it can be very tough to tell if a child has<br />

an ear infection. It sounds straightforward, but it is<br />

not. The signs and symptoms of ear infections are<br />

similar to other common childhood illness and<br />

simply looking in the ear can also be difficult.<br />

The child’s history, physical exam, and frequently<br />

diagnostic tests performed by your doctor are the<br />

only way to tell for sure if a child has an ear infection.<br />

What causes ear infections in kids?<br />

There are several factors that cause ear infections<br />

in children. Controllable factors that cause infections<br />

include day-care attendance and second hand<br />

smoke. Smaller day-care centers are better than<br />

larger ones. Other factors such as cold weather<br />

months, family history, and illness at an early age<br />


serving our community<br />

Chief Derrick Layton<br />

madison Fire Department<br />

Why did you decide to become a fireman?<br />

Being in the emergency field has been a goal of mine<br />

since I was in the 4th or 5th grade. Immediately<br />

following high school, I joined the Air Force and<br />

became a paramedic. While in the Air Force, I started<br />

volunteering as a firemen and immediately fell in love<br />

with the fire service.<br />

How long have you been with your current<br />

fire department?<br />

I became a volunteer firefighter with the <strong>Madison</strong> Fire<br />

Department in July of 1992. In 1998, I had the opportunity<br />

to join the department as a full time employee and I<br />

have never looked back.<br />

What do you enjoy most about your typical<br />

day as a fireman?<br />

I would say that meeting and getting to know the people<br />

that live in <strong>Madison</strong> is the best part of my job. I want to<br />

impress upon our community the realization that when<br />

they see anyone from our department, it is someone<br />

that can be trusted and relied on.<br />

What is the toughest thing you have<br />

experienced as a fireman?<br />

The toughest part of the job is to go on emergency<br />

calls where families have lost a loved one. Those are the<br />

calls we dread and it never gets any easier to tell the<br />

families that their loved ones have gone.<br />

Tell us about your family.<br />

I have a godly wife of 16 years, Jenny. She is the one<br />

that helps keep our family on the right track. Tyler (24) is<br />

my oldest son and getting married in August. Tori (20) is<br />

my only daughter and she is having our first grandchild,<br />

a granddaughter, in <strong>May</strong>. Parker (12), our youngest, is a<br />

sixth grader at <strong>Madison</strong> Middle School.<br />

Share some things that you enjoy in your<br />

spare time.<br />

I love spending time with my family. My wife and I both<br />

work full time so when we have a little spare time, we<br />

love to camp, vacation together and are very involved in<br />

our youngest son’s soccer team.<br />

What do you consider your greatest<br />

achievement/accomplishment and why?<br />

Getting to the place where I am now. I followed<br />

through on a dream I had as a child and becoming a<br />

firefighter and a paramedic is a dream come true. I love<br />

the fact that I get to help people on a daily basis. My<br />

mom and dad were such an inspiration to me growing<br />

up. They never met a stranger and were both always<br />

reaching out to help someone in need. I guess they<br />

rubbed off on me.<br />

What are three things on your bucket list?<br />

I don’t really have a bucket list but I would have to say<br />

being raised a Mississippi boy, I would love to visit places<br />

in the U.S. and internationally that I have never been<br />

before.<br />

Who is someone you admire and why?<br />

It is really hard to narrow that down to one person.<br />

I admire anyone who gives back to their community.<br />

I see people every day in need right here in our own<br />

community and it really makes me proud to see our<br />

hard working community selflessly giving back or<br />

paying it forward.<br />

What is your favorite holiday and why?<br />

Christmas is my favorite. I love the season because it is<br />

the birth of Jesus Christ and Christmas represents<br />

family. I love spending the season with family.<br />

What is your favorite childhood memory?<br />

Going on vacation with my family. Mom and Dad would<br />

always take us somewhere every summer and I have<br />

the best memories from those vacations. I hope I have<br />

made and continue making those same memories with<br />

my own children.<br />

What is the biggest mistake you think<br />

young people make today?<br />

Not making wise choices. Social media, peer pressure<br />

and all the bullying is taking a toll on the society of our<br />

youth. We need to get back to the fundamentals of<br />

what is important in life and keep them grounded in<br />

their faith.<br />

If you could give one piece of advice<br />

to a young person, what would it be?<br />

Be smart and remember God made you who you are<br />

for a reason. Live for that and not for others trying to<br />

make you be someone else.<br />

What is most rewarding about your job?<br />

Every time someone calls 911, they are in need. Our job<br />

as firefighters is to help that person with whatever that<br />

might be. Just knowing we were able to assist anyone<br />

during their time of need is the greatest feeling.<br />

Where do you see yourself ten years from now?<br />

I love my job and plan to continue my daily duties here<br />

at the <strong>Madison</strong> Fire Department. I am, however, looking<br />

forward to retirement and traveling with family.<br />

30 • March/April <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

canton's finest<br />

Chief Randy Tyler<br />

ridgeland police Department<br />

Why did you decide to become a<br />

policeman?<br />

I really think that genuine policemen don’t make<br />

that decision. A higher authority makes that<br />

decision before they are born.<br />

How long have you been with<br />

your current police department?<br />

I have been with the Ridgeland Police<br />

Department for 28 years.<br />

What do you enjoy most about your<br />

typical day as a police officer?<br />

That most days are not “typical”.<br />

What is the toughest thing you have<br />

experienced as a policeman?<br />

Getting promoted up through the ranks<br />

and having less opportunity to do the actual<br />

police work.<br />

Tell us about your family.<br />

They are mine to enjoy.<br />

Share some things that you enjoy<br />

in your spare time.<br />

My family, wood work, the great outdoors.<br />

What are three things on your<br />

bucket list?<br />

Be a cop (done). Be a father (done). Be a chief<br />

(done).<br />

What do you consider your greatest<br />

achievement/accomplishment and<br />

why?<br />

Being a law enforcement officer for 32 years.<br />

Why? You earn your badge every day, it is a lot<br />

harder to stay a cop than it is to become a cop.<br />

Who is someone you admire and why?<br />

James Tyler, my father. He taught me my work<br />

ethic and how to be a father.<br />

What is your favorite holiday and why?<br />

The 4th of July. It celebrates America and is not<br />

as commercialized as other holidays seem to<br />

have become. Mine is usually a quiet time with<br />

my family.<br />

What is your favorite childhood<br />

memory?<br />

Growing up on a ranch, working for my dad<br />

and being a real cowboy.<br />

What is the biggest mistake you think<br />

young people make today?<br />

They don’t cash in on the advice of their elders<br />

who have already learned from their own many<br />

mistakes.<br />

If you could give one piece of advice<br />

to a young person, what would it be?<br />

Develop a self-discipline that demands that they<br />

stay focused on their goals. Attention to detail is<br />

the key to success.<br />

What is most rewarding about your job?<br />

Being in a position to fight for what is right.<br />

Where do you see yourself ten years<br />

from now?<br />

Sitting on the back porch with my beautiful wife<br />

developing a new bucket list.<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 31

32 • March/April <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

Erskine<br />

Wells<br />

Hero, Lawyer, Family Man, Leader<br />

Susan Marquez<br />

It’s a rare thing for a company to be in<br />

existence for a century, let alone nearly a<br />

century and a half. Yet, a law firm in Jackson<br />

has been going strong for 144 years now.<br />

Wells Marble & Hurst was founded in 1871<br />

by William Calvin Wells, and as one of<br />

the oldest law firms in Mississippi, it has<br />

established itself as a premier provider of<br />

legal services to businesses and individuals<br />

in Mississippi and throughout the nation.<br />

The firm was first called Wells, Thomas,<br />

Wells. William Calvin Wells was the great<br />

grandfather of Erskine Wells Jr of Jackson.<br />

The law firm then evolved into Wells,<br />

Wells, Marble & Hurst, representing Wells’<br />

grandfather, uncle, cousin and father, Erskine<br />

Watkins Wells, the first Erskine in a line of<br />

Erskines, including Erskine Wells III, son<br />

of Erskine Wells Jr, and Erskine Wells IV,<br />

the son of Erskine Wells III and grandson<br />

of Erskine Wells Jr.<br />

Confused? It’s an interesting family<br />

lineage and a story worth telling, so try to<br />

keep up! Erskine Wells (the original, and<br />

father of Erskine Wells Jr) was born in 1917<br />

in Jackson. He attended Ole Miss, and during<br />

his last semester of law school, he was called<br />

up to the military. Already in ROTC, he<br />

proceeded to basic training.<br />

During his four-year stint in the Marines,<br />

Wells saw action in the earliest battles of<br />

WWII in the Pacific Theatre, specifically at<br />

Guadalcanal in the<br />

Solomon Islands. In the<br />

fierce fighting that took<br />

place there in November<br />

1942, young Wells found<br />

himself and the men he was<br />

leading caught between two strong<br />

pockets of enemy forces. Captain Erskine<br />

Wells shouted to his men, “Cheer up, boys!<br />

We have the Japanese right where they<br />

want us!” He then led his men on the only<br />

bayonet charge of that campaign. For his<br />

actions, Captain Wells was awarded the<br />

highest decoration of the Navy and Marines,<br />

the Navy Cross. He was also awarded many<br />

other military commendations before<br />

coming back to Ole Miss to finish that last<br />

semester of law school prior to joining the<br />

family law firm.<br />

While he had a long and successful<br />

career at the law firm, Wells is perhaps best<br />

remembered for being a godly, humble man<br />

with big aspirations for his church and his<br />

community. He was a Ruling Elder at First<br />

Presbyterian Church in Jackson for more<br />

than fifty years, a position that required a<br />

tremendous amount of energy, time and<br />

prayer. He was a fierce defender of the Bible<br />

and one of the founding members of the<br />

Board of the First Presbyterian Day School,<br />

which began in 1964. Wells was also one<br />

of the founding fathers of the Reformed<br />

Theological Seminary,<br />

a seminary that is<br />

committed to the<br />

belief that the Bible<br />

is truly the word of God<br />

in all of its parts.<br />

Erskine Wells Jr has fond<br />

memories of his father. “He was very serious<br />

about the legal profession, but his life also<br />

revolved around the church. I remember<br />

he would carry my brothers and me to<br />

visit shut-ins after church each Sunday.<br />

He showed us, through his actions, that we<br />

should live our lives in service to others.”<br />

Wells Jr. said that his father also helped<br />

many African-Americans in the Jackson area<br />

during the turbulent 1960s. “Looking back,<br />

I see that was a brave and selfless action.”<br />

Erskine Wells enjoyed playing tennis<br />

and spending time with his family. “He was<br />

a great man,” said Wells Jr. “He was very<br />

humble and very caring.” Erskine Wells<br />

died in 2003, but his legacy lives on with his<br />

namesakes, and with the law firm that still<br />

bears his name. Wells, Marble & Hurst is now<br />

one of the oldest law firms in Mississippi.<br />

The firm’s client base includes insurance<br />

companies, major manufacturers and<br />

distributors, employers, contractors, banks<br />

and financial institutions, large corporations,<br />

real estate companies and more. n<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 33

Meeting at the<br />

Crossroads<br />

Erin Williams<br />

34 • March/April <strong>2015</strong>

We’ve all been there before–standing between two distinct paths,<br />

both very opposite from each other. In that moment decisions, teetering<br />

somewhere along the line of to do or not to do, must often be made quickly.<br />

And, most of the time, those are the moments where you remember most<br />

someone reaching out their hand to help guide you.<br />

Every day, longtime <strong>Madison</strong> county resident Vicki DeMoney reaches<br />

out her hand to do just that. As the executive director of Crossroads Outreach<br />

Ministries, a faith-based charity dedicated to providing a re-entry home,<br />

educational classes, and tangible work skills to women in transition, Vicki<br />

and her staff have touched the lives of over 120 women.<br />

Although Crossroads didn’t officially open it’s doors until 2008, the<br />

idea for the ministry came about after Vicki and her friends, Margaret Taylor<br />

and Linda Edwards, got involved in a prison ministry and helped provide<br />

mentorship to residing women. During this time, they began to see an<br />

immediate need for a place for women exiting incarceration to prepare<br />

themselves both financially and mentally as they productively transition into<br />

a new way of life.<br />

Once the women have made it into the 120-day program, following an<br />

application and interview process, they will live in the facility as well as gain<br />

access to the organization’s services completely free of charge. Some of<br />

those services include being able to attend 16 classes aimed at teaching<br />

educational and real-life skills such as financial management, parenting,<br />

addiction recovery, cognitive therapy, etc.<br />

“Our ladies conduct themselves according to our home guidelines<br />

and have regular duties around the home.” Vicki said. “In addition to our<br />

classes, they volunteer a portion of their time at Vintage Treasures, our<br />

retail, re-sale shop.”<br />

Located on the historic square in Canton, Vintage Treasures opened in<br />

November 2013. All the funds sold from donated items such as household<br />

goods, furniture, appliances, etc. go directly back to support the ministry at<br />

Crossroads. Although Vintage Treasures is only open Thursday-Saturday<br />

from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., the work experience gained by the women at<br />

Crossroads, who help operate the store, is invaluable.<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 35

“Vintage Treasures has been great because it not only<br />

gives our women great work experience, it also exposes them<br />

to others and helps propel them socially.” Vicki said. “On top<br />

of enjoying that they get their pick of what they need from the<br />

clothing area, our women really enjoy the community interaction<br />

the store brings.”<br />

After the women complete the program, the skills learned at<br />

Crossroads provide the women a firmer foundation to succeed<br />

in their next endeavor. For those in need of more time, there is<br />

a Phase 2, where graduating women can have more freedom<br />

and their own independent living space. However, a nominal<br />

rent is charged for the ladies utilizing Phase 2 living facilities.<br />

“On occasion we do have women who need to stay longer,”<br />

Vicki said. “Our Phase 2 space is great because we never want<br />

to put a woman in a position of failure by forcing them to leave.”<br />

While Crossroads specializes in ministering to women<br />

leaving the penal system, they do, on occasion, take in women<br />

who have come from abusive homes or debilitating addictions.<br />

But, with over 1700 women in Mississippi prisons, 75% of women<br />

seeking help at Crossroads must be turned away due to lack<br />

of funding.<br />

“The need is truly off the charts and it breaks our hearts when<br />

we have to turn ¾ of our applicants away because we don’t have<br />

the funding to support all of them. So many women are eligible<br />

for parole but literally have no place to go.” Vicki said.<br />

“We really invest in our ladies while they’re here and even<br />

when they leave. I still get calls from ‘my girls’ on a routine<br />

basis and I love it. They become a part of our families.”<br />

Now it’s our turn. Will you stand at the crossroads of life<br />

and reach out your hand to Mississippi women by supporting<br />

such a worthwhile ministry? For more information, please visit<br />

their website at www.crossroadsms.org.<br />

36 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 37

Autumn King, Christina Grant, Michele McGee<br />

Kelsey Carroll, Amy Thames, Mallory Robbins<br />

Grace Girling, Dana Watkins, Angela Reeder<br />

april 2<br />

old capitol inn<br />

benefit for mississippi Burn foundation<br />

BJ Rademacher, Rachel Allen, Jordan Bryan<br />

Kyle Keeton, Lauren Tanner, George Tanner,<br />

Leslie Page<br />

Jama Killingsworth, Pat Ladnier, Ouida Watson<br />

Liz Hogue, Alana Miles, Michelle McGee<br />

Amanda & Pat Fontaine<br />

Annette Wade, Lanet McCrary<br />

Ed Douglas, Amanda Carraway<br />

Dan Robinson, John Sullivan<br />

Jordyn Lofton, Kayeden Thompson<br />

38 • March/April <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

Waylon Garrett, Amy House Davis, Melissa Naylor,<br />

PJ Walker Henry, Christian McGee<br />

Vanessa Barry, Tracy Bianchi, Beth King,<br />

Cindy Grantham<br />

Tom Elkins, Jamie Woods, Christine Carmichael<br />

Robert & Alana Miles<br />

Prentiss Grant, Susan Roberts<br />

Molly Hunter, Lindsey Reimann, Mia Tymes,<br />

Kaitlyn Tullos, Ashley Sanders<br />

Mike Naylor, Cliff Osbon<br />

Megan Dallas, <strong>Madison</strong> Hardy, Kaleigh McQuagge<br />

Martin Cobb, Kyle Gonseth, Marty Cooke,<br />

Triston Cunningham<br />

Martha Hill, Michelle Hill<br />

Derryl Jefferson, Alan Creel<br />

Ed & Marty Douglas, Stephanie Bowering<br />

Bonnie White<br />

Keith Clair, Leigh Jones<br />

Kari Horn, Jennifer Gray, Kayli Cobb<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 39• 39

Because there’s Merit<br />

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No matter where you are, chances are one of our hospitals or clinics is just down<br />

the road or around the corner. We’re Merit Health. Six hospitals.<br />

36 affiliated clinics. And a combined medical staff of more than<br />

1,800 physicians. All working toward one goal: your health.<br />

You’ve known us for years, but now we invite you to get to know our<br />

new names and the Merit our new network can offer you and your family.<br />

Find out more at MyMeritHealth.com.<br />

Central Mississippi Medical Center is now Merit Health Central<br />

<strong>Madison</strong> River Oaks Medical Center is now Merit Health <strong>Madison</strong><br />

Crossgates River Oaks Hospital is now Merit Health Rankin<br />

River Oaks Hospital is now Merit Health River Oaks<br />

River Region Health System is now Merit Health River Region<br />

Woman’s Hospital is now Merit Health Woman’s Hospital<br />

1,800 Physicians.<br />

36 Clinics.<br />

Six Hospitals.<br />

One Goal.<br />

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MyMeritHealth.com<br />

40 • March/April <strong>2015</strong>

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 41

42 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

Too Cool for Pool<br />

In 2011, Billy and Rhonda Roberts of Sundial in <strong>Madison</strong> embarked on a backyard redo<br />

of epic proportions. They solicited the help of Bill Heimer, a local landscape architect,<br />

to create a plan that would give new life to their somewhat outdated area.<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 43

The original pool<br />

and landscape was<br />

installed when the<br />

home was constructed<br />

in the early 90’s.<br />

Heimer and the<br />

Roberts got busy<br />

planning for the<br />

project and<br />

construction lasted<br />

about 4 months.<br />

44 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

CPS Pools and Spas<br />

took the original pool<br />

down to raw concrete<br />

and rebuilt from there.<br />

Another 3000 square<br />

feet of concrete was<br />

removed from around<br />

the pool deck and<br />

replaced with concrete<br />

pavers. New stone walls,<br />

steps and a fireplace<br />

were added along with<br />

a cypress arbor.<br />

An exterior lighting system was added and the stainless<br />

steel fish in the picture was converted into a fountain.<br />

And with Rhonda’s loves for gardening, perennial beds<br />

were added to expand her green space.<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 45

46 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

‘<br />

Medical & Laser Skincare | Home Of The Botox Docs’ | Coolsculpting | Acupuncture<br />

****New “Virtually Painless” Laser Hair Removal Now Available In <strong>Madison</strong>.****<br />

Toxie, I think I am finally<br />

ready to get rid of these<br />

stubborn fat rolls. I want<br />

to look perky like you!<br />

Well of course you do!<br />

Who doesn’t? (giggle)...<br />

Two words...Cool sculpting!<br />

Beau<br />

Toxie<br />

• Over 1200 Coolsculpting Treatments With Mon Ami To Date<br />

• Only Dual Sculpting Center In Mississippi<br />

• #1 Long-Lasting And Non-Surgical Treatment<br />

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Blake and Elizabeth Mitchell<br />

(Not Pictured)<br />

<strong>Madison</strong> Location:<br />

Mon Ami – The Sculpting Center<br />

501 Baptist Drive, Suite #140<br />

<strong>Madison</strong>, MS 39110<br />

601.790.9821<br />

Jackson Location:<br />

Mon Ami Spa & Laser Center<br />

Highland Village<br />

4500 I-55 North, Suite #128<br />

601.366.7721<br />


48 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

Lessons in Living<br />

There’s one particular wall in Vickie McMullen’s apartment<br />

in Sunnybrook Estates that gives added value to her retirement<br />

residence. It’s a beautifully framed collection of her husband’s<br />

military ribbons and medals. Staff Sergeant Milton “Mike”<br />

McMullen was the last surviving POW of the Pacific Fleet<br />

from Mississippi. He passed away on December 1 of last year,<br />

but his story as a WWII POW for three and a half years lives<br />

on in the best seller, Unbroken.<br />

Mike McMullen was in the prison camp with Louis Zamperini,<br />

the lead character in the #1 New York Times bestseller. Vickie<br />

told how they knew the author, Laura Hillenbrand, by her first<br />

name due to the frequent phone calls she made to Mike for<br />

information concerning the POW experience.<br />

Vickie retrieved their autographed copy of Unbroken that<br />

the author mailed to them. Mike had marked all the pages that<br />

made reference to information he had given to Hillenbrand.<br />

A native of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Vickie was eighteen when<br />

she met Mike in a restaurant there. After being released from<br />

the prison camp, he had been sent to a military hospital in San<br />

Francisco where staffers worked to rebuild his eighty- pound<br />

body and treat his frostbitten toes after his being tied to a tree<br />

all night in frigid conditions. From there he was sent for<br />

additional rehab to a hospital in Tuscaloosa.<br />

“When he walked in that restaurant, it was love at first<br />

sight,” Vickie said, pointing to Mike’s picture in his uniform.<br />

“I was just taken with him!” she added as she admired his<br />

picture like it was the first time. After dating just two months,<br />

they were married.<br />

When describing their marriage relationship of sixty-eight<br />

years, Vickie said, “We were like two peas in a pod. We worked<br />

hard and built and lived in eight different homes during our<br />

marriage and traveled extensively in our motor home.”<br />

They moved from their last home in Meridian to the<br />

<strong>Madison</strong> area to be near their two sons and extended family.<br />

Sunnybrook continues to be home for Vickie and she says that<br />

the loving staff and friends have been great comfort in the loss<br />

of her husband. Vickie loves working with flowers around<br />

Sunnybrook and helps to keep the bird population fed.<br />

When asked if she saw her three grandchildren and five<br />

great grandchildren very often, she said, “Almost every day on<br />

Facebook!” Between that and her iPhone, the eighty-eightyear-old<br />

bundle of energy and enthusiasm is able to maintain<br />

her zest for life and defy the aging process. With a youthful<br />

twinkle in her eye, she said, “I don’t like to feel like I’m<br />

eighty-eight.”<br />

No one says you have to, Ms. Vickie. Please teach us more of<br />

your generation’s stamina. We need it. n<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 49


<strong>Madison</strong> avenue elementary<br />

Dr. Seuss<br />

Read Across America Day is a nationwide reading celebration that takes place annually on March 2–Dr. Seuss’s birthday.<br />

Across the country, thousands of schools, libraries, and community centers participate by bringing together kids, teens, and books.<br />

This year, both <strong>Madison</strong> Avenue Elementary and <strong>Madison</strong> Avenue Upper Elementary participated by dressing up as a Dr. Seuss<br />

character.<br />

50 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>


<strong>Madison</strong> avenue upper elementary<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 51


<strong>Madison</strong> station elementary<br />

52 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>


<strong>Madison</strong> station elementary<br />

Event<br />

lots of pix in the folder???????<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 53


St. Joseph Catholic School<br />

Joy at the Joe<br />

Joy at the Joe is abounding this month. The St. Joe<br />

students needed a transport truck to bring back the 61<br />

awards won at the <strong>2015</strong> Mississippi Scholastic Press<br />

Association Convention. Jack Hall, a junior who is<br />

serving as a senate page in Washington D.C. this<br />

semester, won the coveted Orley Hood Sports Writer<br />

Award for the second year in a row. Junior JoJo Katool<br />

was chosen broadcast staffer of the year for his work<br />

calling varsity football games live on Bruin Sports Radio<br />

network. And Mr. Terry Cassreino, the journalism<br />

teacher, was named top yearbook advisor for the year<br />

and The Bear Facts newspaper took the top spot for<br />

high school newspapers. To view other awards,<br />

go to www.stjoebruins.com/ourpages/auto/<strong>2015</strong>/3/<br />

26/62141592/NEWS%20RELEASE.pdf<br />

Jack Hall<br />

JoJo Katool<br />

Terry Cassreino<br />

54 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>


St. Joseph Catholic School<br />

Our athletes have also enjoyed much success. Our baseball<br />

team, under the direction of new coach Gerard McCall, beat 6A<br />

Warren Central 4-2. Not to be outdone by the diamond boys, the<br />

tennis team also defeated Warren Central 4-3. The deciding court<br />

was won by Caleigh Hankins in a 3rd set tiebreak. Other winning<br />

courts were in doubles with Genin Harkey and Mary Scott Wolfe,<br />

and Larissa Armour and Marion Welsh. Stedman Strickland won<br />

boys singles.<br />

The Fine Arts Center was bustling with excitement as our<br />

students performed the musical Little Shop of Horrors to a<br />

packed house. Not only did the actors shine, but they sang too.<br />

They were accompanied by an orchestra of St. Joe musicians.<br />

Academic laurels went to our Latin scholars who attended<br />

the Junior Classical League convention at Millsaps. Junior<br />

Jack Collins was elected consul and will preside over next year’s<br />

convention. He and several other students placed in the academic<br />

and projects contests. To see the list of winners, go to www.<br />

stjoebruins.com/apps/news/show_news.jsp?REC<br />

ID=453335&id=0.<br />

Congratulations to Sophia Cosmich, St. Joe’s Star Student, and<br />

Mrs. Linda King, whom Sophia named as her Star Teacher.<br />

Father Kevin Slattery celebrated Mass March 27 for our high<br />

school students and their grandparents. Over 400 people attended<br />

the Mass and reception hosted by our parent association.<br />

We are all now looking forward to graduation and the end to<br />

another school year. It’s been a great year to be a Bruin at St. Joe.<br />

Senior Joanna Bellan and sophomore Alex Bellan visit with their<br />

grandmother Joan Boone Bellan, who graduated from St. Joe in 1947.<br />

Mrs. Bellan was at St. Joe for the annual Grandparents Mass.<br />

Louis Pelllegrine poses with his two St. Joe grandchildren, Alexandria<br />

Smith and Caleb Pellegrine after Grandparents Mass.<br />

Harrison McKee and his<br />

grandmother, Gwen McKee<br />

visit at the reception<br />

for grandparents.<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 55

Q&A<br />

Dr. Ronnie Falvey, Pastor, FBC <strong>Madison</strong><br />

Tell us a little about your family and<br />

personal life.<br />

I grew up in Natchez, Mississippi. I’m<br />

married to Martha Bryant of Grenada for<br />

30 years, and have two children Catherine<br />

(21 years old) and Will (18 years old).<br />

I have been in the ministry for 30 years.<br />

I graduated from Mississippi College,<br />

Southwestern Baptist Theological<br />

Seminary, and New Orleans Baptist<br />

Theological Seminary.<br />

How long have you been the pastor at<br />

FBC <strong>Madison</strong>?<br />

I have been the pastor here for seven years.<br />

How many different churches have you<br />

pastored?<br />

This is my first time to pastor a church.<br />

I have served on church staff for the past<br />

23 years.<br />

What are your goals for FBC?<br />

Goals for FBC <strong>Madison</strong> are to position the<br />

church for the next generation of believers<br />

while making an impact for the gospel in<br />

the city of <strong>Madison</strong>.<br />

When you aren’t preparing sermons, what<br />

are some of your favorite things to do?<br />

I enjoy watching SEC sports, playing<br />

basketball, reading, hunting and fishing, and<br />

spending time with family.<br />

What advice would you give to young<br />

parents raising children in today’s society?<br />

What you do matters more than what you<br />

say. More is caught than taught. Live life in<br />

front of your children so your life backs up<br />

your words.<br />

What’s your favorite Bible verse?<br />

Philippians 4:13 (my life verse)<br />

–I can do all things through<br />

Christ who strengthens me.–<br />

Do you have any pet peeves?<br />

People being late and not returning phone<br />

calls or emails.<br />

What’s a favorite childhood memory?<br />

Being involved in sports, football,<br />

basketball, and track. Those were good<br />

times.<br />

What is the legacy you want to leave?<br />

I want people to say that I loved and served<br />

God faithfully, and that I loved and served<br />

my family faithfully.<br />

Quote from a member regarding Easter<br />

Sunday/150th celebration:<br />

“Our church has waited almost 28 years to<br />

be able to ALL regularly worship together<br />

under one roof. That’s because we’ve had to<br />

have multiple Sunday morning services to<br />

be able to seat everyone. The wait ended<br />

Easter Sunday <strong>2015</strong>. For me, the experience<br />

was indescribable. First was the awesome<br />

sense of God’s presence in our new<br />

sanctuary; second was an overwhelming<br />

desire to worship and praise our living<br />

Savior. When Cindy Coon, soloist sang<br />

“Arise My Love”, and the church responded<br />

by standing in unity, you could sense the joy<br />

and love that the disciples must have felt as<br />

they realized that Jesus was indeed alive!<br />

Then and now, I rejoice over the anticipation<br />

of the hundreds who will come and receive<br />

God’s gift of forgiveness and eternal life.<br />

It was an Easter morning I will never forget.”<br />

–Patsy Tolleson<br />

56 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

History of<br />

FBC <strong>Madison</strong><br />

The congregation of First Baptist Church<br />

began with just 19 charter members when it<br />

organized on November 3, 1889. The founding<br />

members named the church <strong>Madison</strong> Station<br />

Baptist Church and called J. R. Casten to<br />

serve as the first pastor at an annual salary<br />

of $150.<br />

For several years the group held services<br />

in the Presbyterian Church. A memorial gift<br />

enabled the church to take the first step<br />

toward having its own facilities in 1891. At<br />

that time Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Lee donated a<br />

piece of property, which was located west<br />

of the Methodist church in memory of Mrs.<br />

Lee’s father, Isaac Bass. On March 6, 1892,<br />

the church voted to meet with the New<br />

Hope Baptist Church, which was located<br />

west of <strong>Madison</strong> Station. Two years later, in<br />

1894, the New Hope Church dissolved and<br />

gave their building, organ, Bible, songbooks,<br />

and stove to the <strong>Madison</strong> Station Church.<br />

On January 23, 1894, men from both<br />

churches took down the New Hope building<br />

and moved it to <strong>Madison</strong> Station where it<br />

was reconstructed on the church’s property.<br />

The members from New Hope united with<br />

the <strong>Madison</strong> Station Church, and the<br />

combined membership was boosted to 77.<br />

Subsequently the name was changed to New<br />

Hope <strong>Madison</strong> Station Baptist Church.<br />

Until 1926, the pastors were part-time, and<br />

most of them served only a year or two. During<br />

these early years, the church experienced little<br />

growth. In 1926, the church building was<br />

remodeled into a spacious, attractive two-story<br />

building. But tragedy struck on February 13,<br />

1944 and the church building burned. For<br />

the next five years the membership met with<br />

the Methodists.<br />

In 1947, Mr. and Mrs. Ben L. McMillon, Sr.,<br />

donated a lot for the church building. And<br />

in 1949, construction was completed on the<br />

new building. The church was used as the<br />

sanctuary until it was outgrown and the<br />

fellowship hall was added to serve the larger<br />

congregation. The church called a new pastor,<br />

Rev. Harold Jordan. He served for 17 years<br />

and became the first full-time pastor in 195<br />

Under his leadership, the members changed<br />

the name to <strong>Madison</strong> Baptist Church and<br />

added a new annex in 1952.<br />

Rev. Billy McKay became the next pastor<br />

in 1967. He was the first to occupy the new<br />

pastorium. He led the church to build an<br />

activities building in 1972. In 1975, the church<br />

voted to construct a building that would serve<br />

as a fellowship hall and interim sanctuary.<br />

In November of 1978, Dr. Roy McHenry<br />

became pastor. During his tenure, the church<br />

experienced dramatic growth in membership<br />

and added the positions of full-time minister<br />

of education and full-time minister of music.<br />

Dr. James Richardson came to the church<br />

as pastor in December of 1981. He led the<br />

church to realize its potential and to fulfill its<br />

mission to the rapidly growing community of<br />

<strong>Madison</strong>. Under Dr. Richardson’s leadership,<br />

the church changed its name to the First<br />

Baptist Church of <strong>Madison</strong>. An aggressive<br />

building plan was completed in December<br />

1986, which included a sanctuary seating<br />

950 people. Adult education spaces, choir<br />

suites, and a media center were located on<br />

the bottom floor of the sanctuary building.<br />

A new preschool/children’s education center<br />

building was completed in 1987. By the end<br />

of that project, the church membership had<br />

grown to 1,500 with Sunday school<br />

enrollment up to 1,261. It became necessary<br />

to have two Sunday morning worship<br />

services to accommodate the increased<br />

numbers attending.<br />

Also in 1987, the original chapel was<br />

renovated in memory of Ben and Doris<br />

McMillon, Sr., who had donated the land<br />

for the building back in 1947. The shutters<br />

were added along with new carpet, foyer floor<br />

and fresh paint. Furniture was purchased<br />

from an antique dealer Chattanooga, Tenn.<br />

and consisted of a table and two high-back<br />

wicker chairs for the platform, plus a table<br />

for the foyer. Once again, it looked like the<br />

church it was built to be.<br />

On November 3, 1989, First Baptist<br />

Church of <strong>Madison</strong> turned 100 years old and<br />

a special celebration was held to commemorate<br />

this milestone in the church’s history. At that<br />

time, it had a church membership of 1,860<br />

and a Sunday school enrollment of 1,591.<br />

Dr. Richardson retired in October 1992.<br />

Dr. John A. Temple became pastor <strong>May</strong> 1,<br />

1993. Under his leadership, the church<br />

continued to grow and increase in every area:<br />

attendance, membership, facilities and land.<br />

Groundbreaking ceremonies for new<br />

education facilities were held on <strong>May</strong> 26,<br />

1996. The new building was completed in<br />

July, 1998 and it includes additional Sunday<br />

school classrooms, and a library with an<br />

attractive reading area. In addition, the preschool<br />

day care center is also located in this<br />

building. It has an attractive nursery for babies,<br />

and rooms for all ages of children. There are<br />

also large well-equipped playgrounds.<br />

In 2001, a Christian activities center was<br />

built primarily for the youth program. The<br />

building has 27,000 sq. ft. and also provides<br />

space for Sunday school classes, ceramics,<br />

Wednesday night suppers, a walking track,<br />

basketball court, an exercise area, kitchen,<br />

and a private reception area for weddings,<br />

showers, church activities, etc.<br />

The church converted the old fellowship<br />

hall building into Sunday school rooms in<br />

2002 and the old activities building was<br />

converted to a maintenance building.<br />

In 2003, through contributions of the<br />

church, the original chapel building was<br />

completely renovated to its near original<br />

condition. The only piece of furniture saved<br />

from the fire that destroyed the church in<br />

1944 was the lectern – and it is now in the<br />

present chapel. The chapel is now a truly<br />

beautiful place for small weddings and<br />

funerals. It also serves as a prayer chapel for<br />

other services.<br />

The church continues to have a spirit<br />

of enthusiasm. By its 115th anniversary<br />

celebration, the church membership was at<br />

approximately 2,700 and the Sunday school<br />

enrollment was at 2,400.<br />

Rev. Ronnie Falvey came as Pastor on<br />

<strong>May</strong> 4, 2008. Under Dr. Falvey’s leadership,<br />

the church has experienced a new surge in<br />

growth — spiritually, numerically, and in the<br />

size of the campus. Members have been<br />

encouraged to participate in short-term<br />

mission trips and projects in <strong>Madison</strong>,<br />

North America, and around the world.<br />

A new worship center was completed in<br />

March of <strong>2015</strong>.<br />

The future is bright as we are<br />

Putting God First - in the Heart of <strong>Madison</strong>.<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 57

Show<br />

Mom You<br />

Love<br />

Her<br />

Gift Ideas<br />

for the<br />

Special Mom<br />

in your life<br />

Apple Annie’s<br />

Volcano Candles • $29.95<br />

CSpire<br />

Leef iBridge iOS Mobile Storage<br />

Solution expands the storage capacity<br />

on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod.<br />

Sal-Liz<br />

Natori Two-Piece<br />

Pajama Set • $179<br />

(10% until Mother's Day!)<br />

Calistoga Wine & Spirits<br />

Middle Sister California Pinot Grigio • $10.99<br />

Middle Sister California Pinot Noir • $10.99<br />

Cody Road Bourbon Whiskey • $37.59<br />

Ridgemont Reserve Barrel Select • $31.49<br />

professional eyecare<br />

Costas Sunglasses starting at $136<br />

58 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

Mon Ami Spa<br />

Obagi Hydrate & Obagi ELASTIderm<br />

Eye Cream in an attractive reusable<br />

cosmetic bag • $115 ($180 value).<br />

FROLIC<br />

lokai Bracelet • $18<br />

Miskelly<br />

Two-door Accent Cabinet from $799<br />

lulu’s sweet shop<br />

Custom Cakes for Mother’s Day<br />

sanctuary<br />

60-minute Hydrafacial<br />

and 60-minute pure<br />

relaxation massage • $199!<br />

Cole<br />

Plastic surgery<br />

TNS Serum • $288.90<br />

Runnels Center<br />

Spa Packages<br />

Cotton Blossom<br />

Machines starting at $99<br />

Joyflow yoga<br />

Treat Mom to the gift of wellness<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 59

Canton’s<br />

Starring Role<br />

in Film<br />

Susan Marquez<br />

Canton has become the epicenter for film makers<br />

across the country and gets better with every role it takes.<br />

Photos to come<br />

60 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

Twenty-five years ago, the biggest thing happening in Canton was<br />

the twice-annual Canton Flea Market. While that is still a major event<br />

each <strong>May</strong> and October, drawing tourists from several states, the thing<br />

that’s really put Canton on the map is the exploding film industry.<br />

Canton has become the epicenter for film makers from Mississippi and<br />

those coming from other areas of the country.<br />

“My first foray into the film industry was in 1987, when I was<br />

working with the Canton Redevelopment Authority,” said Jo Ann<br />

Gordon, now executive director of the Canton Convention and<br />

Visitors Bureau and the Canton Film Office. “It was a small film, and<br />

we handled anything that came along.”<br />

Two years later Mississippi Burning, starring Gene Hackman, came<br />

to town. “What the film companies learned is that they didn’t have to<br />

build elaborate small town sets,” said Gordon. “We had it here. Canton<br />

was a ‘back lot’ unto itself.”<br />

The next call came from MGM. “The television show In the Heat<br />

of the Night was leaving Hammond, Louisiana, and they were looking<br />

for another small town in which to do production. They loved the<br />

neighborhoods, houses, and the potential Canton possessed. But they<br />

needed a sound stage, so we went to the Mississippi Economic<br />

Development Authority to look at that with them. Plans were drawn<br />

and it was looking good, but unfortunately, the technology of today<br />

didn’t exist. The producers had to fly their ‘dailies’ to Los Angeles and<br />

the nearest airport was too far away. Of course, today that can all be<br />

done via the Internet. The show ended up going to Covington,<br />

Georgia so they could take advantage of the crew flying in and out of<br />

Atlanta.”<br />

Gordon didn’t see it as a total loss that the show didn’t locate in<br />

Canton. “I went through the process of location scouting, stages, how a<br />

crew works, how they live in a town and what their needs are while<br />

here. I learned a tremendous amount and we started positioning<br />

ourselves at that time as the place to do smaller productions. We were<br />

getting commercial shoots and music videos, which is a whole other<br />

segment of the industry.”<br />

But in the back of their minds, the leaders in Canton wanted to be<br />

bigger. “We wanted the entertainment industry in Canton.” In 1995, a<br />

production designer for “A Time to Kill” came to town. They were<br />

scouting in other areas as well, but Gordon said she took him upstairs<br />

in one of the historic buildings on the Square and had him look out the<br />

window over the courthouse. “He was sold!” They needed a sound<br />

stage, so Gordon pulled out the plans that had already been drawn and<br />

had them tweaked to meet the needs of the producers. “We built a<br />

36,000 square foot sound stage, and afterwards, they left us the<br />

building that now houses our movie museum!”<br />

The film industry impact on Canton has been great. “After A Time<br />

to Kill,” explains Gordon, “our CVB decided that the film industry<br />

would be our signature industry. It’s what we were going to build and<br />

concentrate on. You have to remember, this was before the days of<br />

Nissan.”<br />

Gordon knew that the industry would enhance the community, and<br />

began goal-setting with her board to get Canton to be the best place in<br />

the state, or even the country, to shoot movies.”<br />

As more and more films have been shot in Canton, educational<br />

opportunities have presented themselves. “We’ve had to educate the<br />

community and state as to the economic impact of the film industry,<br />

from the smallest film to the largest. They are all an economic engine,<br />

creating jobs and with crews staying in our hotels, eating in our<br />

restaurants, buying our gas and shopping in our stores.” Gordon said<br />

that the film business doesn’t require extensive infrastructure like other<br />

industries. “It doesn’t require additional electricity, water, etc. We have<br />

already built a solid film infrastructure.” Canton has also provided<br />

educational opportunities to emerging film makers through their<br />

Young Film Makers Program, now in its 15th year. “That’s been a huge<br />

success story for us,” Gordon asserts. “We’ve had students come from<br />

different states, and now one works for Disney, and we’ve had several<br />

to pursue film as a career. At a certain age, they become part of the local<br />

crews and get on-the-job training.”<br />

The growth of the film industry in Canton has been intentional<br />

and focused. “We have created a global effect. People call us from Los<br />

Angeles and other places and we’ve been told the word is out that Canton<br />

is a great place to make a film. The film industry is a relatively small<br />

community of people, and word of mouth travels far. We would never<br />

have been able to pay for that kind of publicity.”<br />

The future looks bright for the film industry in Canton. “We have<br />

another small independent film coming down the pike,” smiled<br />

Gordon. “We’re ready for them.”<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 61

Canton’s<br />

Starring Role<br />

in Film<br />

Susan Marquez<br />

Canton has become the epicenter for film makers<br />

across the country and gets better with every role it takes.<br />

62 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

Canton’s<br />

Starring Role<br />

in Film<br />

Susan Marquez<br />

Canton has become the epicenter for film makers<br />

across the country and gets better with every role it takes.<br />

<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 63

64 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

CHOOSE<br />

YOUR OWN<br />



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<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 65

Camille Anding<br />

The Time Coin<br />

Time spent in classrooms pursuing<br />

education has gleaned a large<br />

percentage of my allotted hourglass<br />

minutes. Many of those minutes and hours<br />

were wasted due to my inferior means of<br />

studying. I crammed in late night stands<br />

and memorized notes solely for good grades.<br />

There was success with the good grades, but<br />

so many of the facts I memorized have drifted from my brain to<br />

somewhere beyond the ozone layers.<br />

Over the years I have realized that some of my key professors and<br />

most learned instructors weren’t official educators. They have been<br />

family members and friends.<br />

My daddy demonstrated the meaning of character so I never had<br />

to search for definitions or examples in a text book. I simply watched<br />

his life. His word was his bond, his dealings were honest, and kindness<br />

was the rule over all of his actions. He molded my childhood and<br />

garnered a respect that feared only disappointing him. I miss him every<br />

day, but his instructions remain. He carved them into me with his life.<br />

Mothers have to rank as the #1 educators–either as good or bad.<br />

Mine was good. She taught me basic domestic skills that I would use<br />

much more often than any logarithm equations;<br />

sewing on a button, rolling pie crust to a<br />

delicately thin layer, demanding discipline in<br />

practicing the piano, teaching me how to iron<br />

a shirt, training me to be patient as I waited<br />

while she rolled my hair in sponge rollers, and<br />

demonstrating condolences toward mourning<br />

neighbors with my presence and a casserole.<br />

Harriet taught me as a college student. She wasn’t a professor but a<br />

sorority sister. I caller her the human extinguisher. Anytime a group of<br />

us freshmen girls shared a late night pizza, a gossip conversation could<br />

easily emerge. When Harriet was in the group, she would immediately<br />

douse the conversation with a compliment toward our “victim.” Like<br />

sunshine dispelling shadows, the conversation would turn positive.<br />

I can’t remember the name of my college calculus teacher, but I’ll never<br />

forget Harriet’s name.<br />

My list of non-academic educators would run much longer than the<br />

printed page would allow, but God knows and I’m thankful for every<br />

moment they invested in my life. I wear the marks of each of their<br />

impressions, and I’ve remembered. Mother would be pleased that just<br />

as she instructed, I always iron the shirt sleeves first. n<br />

66 • <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2015</strong>


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<strong>Hometown</strong> madison • 67

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