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LIVELY<br />


LET‘S<br />


FACE<br />




WILD<br />


WIDE<br />


TELL<br />


Haiti: People with disabilities<br />

In 2012 and 2014 I visited Haiti to document the<br />

work of the local non-governmetal organization<br />

L’Arche Haiti. L’Arche is engaged in social projects<br />

for people with disabilities.<br />

The organizations runs two rehab centers where<br />

this very special target group finds workshops,<br />

small schools, living quarters and a welcoming<br />

home. The engagment of L’Arche is a major<br />

stepstone for the acceptance of people with<br />

disabilities in the Haitian society.

Kola-Peninsula: Life in the north<br />

Since 2012 I visited the Kola-Peninsula three<br />

times in or<strong>de</strong>r to learn about the local life<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r harsh and frosty conditions.<br />

Observing rein<strong>de</strong>er races at the festival of<br />

the north, taking part in hard physical labour<br />

or observing indigenous handicrafters -<br />

every trip brought different encounters and<br />

insights. How ever there was one linking element,<br />

the ever present cup of tea.

LIGHT<br />


Which of my photographs is my favorite? -<br />

The one I’m going to take tomorrow.<br />

(Imogen Cunningham)<br />

My mission<br />

Since 2016 I am traveling the world with my camera. Thirst for<br />

adventure, curiosity and fun are my drivers. I am curious about<br />

new countries, new people and new impressions. My goal is to<br />

capture experiences and encounters lively and at the same time<br />

respectfully.<br />

With my pictures I would like to build bridges. Often, apparent differences<br />

are ultimately just of little importance. A hearty laugh<br />

and mutual interest are universal.<br />

In my work, a look <strong>behind</strong> the <strong>scenes</strong> is important for me. This<br />

look does not necessarily have to be directed into the distance.<br />

Even everyday occurrences are exciting and seemingly ugly<br />

objects and situations also have beautiful aspects. Patience, creativity, openness and careful<br />

observation reveal undiscovered worlds and meanings. A step off of the beaten path opens up<br />

completely new perspectives.<br />

And who knows, maybe that is where the perfect picture of tomorrow is just waiting?<br />

Like to see more?<br />

Follow my adventures:<br />

www.<strong>behind</strong>-<strong>de</strong>-<strong>scenes</strong>.<strong>de</strong><br />

www.facebook.com/<strong>behind</strong>.<strong>de</strong>.<strong>scenes</strong><br />

www.instagram.com/<strong>behind</strong>_<strong>de</strong>_<strong>scenes</strong><br />

www.youtube.com/c/<strong>behind</strong><strong>de</strong><strong>scenes</strong>Marburg<br />

Comments or business interests?<br />

Please feel free to contact me:<br />

chris@<strong>behind</strong>-<strong>de</strong>-<strong>scenes</strong>.<strong>de</strong><br />

Tel.: +49 (0) 15 77 - 336 80 81

© 2017 | www.<strong>behind</strong>-<strong>de</strong>-<strong>scenes</strong>.<strong>de</strong>

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