BAND ON! information pack

An information pack for venues considering using BAND ON!

An information pack for venues considering using BAND ON!


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A cam paign t o det er underage drinking and<br />

t he use of fake ID at live m usic event s.

<strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! is a campaign that aims to strengthen the relationships between independent<br />

venues, young people and local up-and-coming musicians. Helping to keep small venues and<br />

their licenses safe, <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! has designed, created and is implementing a standardised way of<br />

checking ID at live music events open to under 18s.<br />

A social campaign, it aims to deter underage drinking, the use of fake ID and encourage young<br />

people to engage with local music.<br />

It has three sections: the wristband system, the blog and the research. All of which benefit<br />

venue owners, staff, gig-goers and the local community.

venues t hat w elcom e under 18s m ay adopt t he <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! w rist band<br />

procedure for show s w it h a low age t icket dem ographic.<br />

WRIST<strong>BAND</strong>S<br />

A neon pink branded,<br />

t yvek w rist band is given t o<br />

t hose under 18 or w it hout<br />

valid ID t o prove<br />

ot herw ise.<br />

Bar st aff are able t o provide<br />

fast er service, under less<br />

pressure t o check ID in dark<br />

light . Tam pered w rist bands<br />

aren't accept ed.<br />

The one check procedure<br />

sees t hat venues check<br />

gig-goers ID on t he door<br />

w it h t heir t icket s.<br />

A neon green branded,<br />

t yvek w rist band is given t o<br />

t hose w it h valid ID t o show<br />

t hat t hey're over 18.<br />

Neon green st raw s are<br />

provided for m ixer drinks,<br />

and pink for soft . Making it<br />

even easier t o spot<br />

underage drinkers.<br />

Easy t o m onit or, and<br />

m aking a venue safer,<br />

<strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! prot ect s<br />

licenses and put s t he focus<br />

back ont o m usic.

Just follow t hese sim ple st eps!<br />


When checking t icket s, also check t he guest 's ID. Make sure<br />

t his is done properly under good light ing. Depending on<br />

your venue layout , t his m ay be done out side before doors,<br />

or on ent rance t o a venue. It m ust be before access t o a bar.<br />

The bands m ay act as a signifier of a t icket t oo.<br />

If a gig-goer doesn't have<br />

valid ID t o show t hat<br />

t hey're over 18, put a neon<br />

pink branded w rist band<br />

around t heir w rist .<br />

Wit h t he w rist bands not<br />

being able t o be sw it ched,<br />

t hey act as a signifier of age<br />

t o bar st aff w ho can t rust<br />

t hem as ID. If t am pered<br />

w it h, t hey becom e void.<br />

If a gig-goer show s valid ID<br />

t o prove t hat t hey're over<br />

19, put a neon green<br />

branded w rist band around<br />

t heir w rist .<br />

Bar st aff use neon pink<br />

st raw s for soft drinks, and<br />

neon green for m ixer. It is<br />

easy t o spot if drinks are<br />

passing hands and act ion<br />

can be t aken.<br />

All st aff can m onit or how<br />

guest s are int eract ing w it h<br />

alcohol, so t he focus is<br />

back on t he live m usic.

The st andardised w rist band syst em ensures t hat drinks don't pass<br />

hands, and t hat fake ID isn't accept ed<br />


The earlier a young person st art s t o drink, t he great er t he im pact on<br />

t heir lat er life; t hey are m ore likely t o becom e dependent on alcohol,<br />

engage w it h riskier behaviour including crim e and unprot ect ed sex, and<br />

rest rict t heir ow n brain developm ent . Nearly half of all 10 - 17 year olds<br />

w ho drink alcohol once a w eek adm it t o som e sort of ant i-social<br />

behaviour (CAMY).<br />

Underage drinking (drinking w hen under 18) in Brit ain is considered<br />

am ong t he w orst in t he w orld. In 2014, Drinkaw are found t hat 28% of<br />

school pupils aged bet w een 11 - 15 had got t en hold of alcohol w it hin t he<br />

past w eek. Bet w een 2001 and 2008, t here w as a 37% increase in hospit al<br />

adm issions of int oxicat ed children (World Healt h Associat ion), t oday<br />

60% of young people class drinking alcohol as a norm al part of grow ing<br />

up (Inst it ut e of Alcohol St udies).<br />

63% of 16 - 17 year olds say t hey have successfully bought alcohol<br />

out side of t he house in pubs, night clubs and bars (IOAS). Annually about<br />

5000 people under t he age of 21 die from alcohol relat ed injuries - in car<br />

accident s, 45% of young deat hs aren't t he drivers. If police w ere t o visit<br />

t he place of t he last drink, venues can find t hem selves t hreat ened.<br />

At <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! w e don't believe t hat underage drinking should be<br />

norm alised, and are aw are of w hy a young person m ay be led t o drink.<br />

Music and m usic venues can provide support t o young people in indirect<br />

w ays t hat can change percept ions.

Accept ing young people int o venues t o experience m usic can bet t er<br />

local com m unit ies<br />


Those w ho com m it yout h crim es have said t hat it 's because t hey feel<br />

frust rat ed, bored and pressured t o copy behaviour (St reet Gam es).<br />

Venues can provide a safe environm ent for young people t o m eet<br />

ot hers, enjoy ent ert ainm ent , support t heir local com m unit y and<br />

develop t heir t ast es and int erest s.<br />

Young people can give a posit ive cont ribut ion t o venues and t heir<br />

com m unit ies - recom m ending new act s, support ing local m usic and<br />

t heir peers.

<strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! host s a blog w here young people can subm it creat ive cont ent<br />

t hat support s local m usic, allow ing t hem t o build a port folio and learn<br />

new skills.<br />

Everyt hing from w ords t o videos t o phot ography<br />

t o art w ork, is accept ed and show cased. As w ell as<br />

st ories from young m anagers, event holders and<br />

PR.<br />

The <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! blog allow s young people t o build a port folio of t heir<br />

creat ive t alent s and learn new skills.<br />

THE BLOG<br />

Art ist s are also able t o w rit e guest blogs<br />

prom ot ing t heir lat est single or t our, and share<br />

t heir st ories. Collaborat ion bet w een art ist and<br />

cont ribut or is encouraged.<br />

Venues can prom ot e t heir show s t o an<br />

audience in one place, and allow<br />

cont ribut ors t o cover t hem as press -<br />

giving opport unit ies and ensuring t hat t he<br />

room is full.<br />

Blogs from organisat ions and t hose w ho w ork in<br />

indust ry give an insight int o w ork w it h m usic<br />

and all of t he opport unit ies on offer.

<strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! can give insight about how your venue engages w it h young<br />

people, and help t o develop it in a safe environm ent .<br />

More t han 50% of independent venues do not cat er t o under 18s in t heir<br />

program m ing; w het her t his is by choice or by license. Though t he<br />

m ajorit y don't report negat ive feedback about young people (Music<br />

Venues Trust ).<br />

<strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! can provide inform at ion about dem ographic and m usic<br />

int eract ion - you can pioneer.<br />


<strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! can encourage young people t o your venue. They can t hen<br />

give you t ips on w ho you should book, m onit or t he t rends, and even<br />

give you access t o fresh perform ers.<br />

The <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! st reet t eam and blog are able t o prom ot e your venue,<br />

and you'll be able t o reach a pot ent ial audience of local people quickly<br />

and easily.<br />

<strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! is producing live m usic research. The cam paign requires t he<br />

venue t o feed back how m any of each colour w rist band w as used for<br />

each gig. This dat a t ells us your dem ographic, and m ay be used w it h<br />

ot her research organisat ions.

Aside from t he blog, <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! w ant s t o offer young and engaged<br />

people t he opport unit y t o help t o shape t he cam paign. By co-ordinat ing<br />

a st reet t eam , t here's a physical part icipat ion in t he cam paign and a<br />

chance t o w ork on project s and gain experience in t he indust ries,<br />

<strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! is building a t eam of young people t o help t o spread t he<br />

m essage about t he cam paign, and m ake it st andard.<br />


The st reet t eam at t end gigs using <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! and gat her feedback from<br />

guest s for you t o know how it 's going. They explain t he cam paign t o<br />

anybody w ho m ay have any quest ions, let you know w ho you could be<br />

booking, and t hey also recruit new cont ribut ors and prom ot e your<br />

show s online am ongst t heir peers.<br />

These young people m ay grow t o be a valuable part of a venue's t eam ,<br />

as <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! aim s t o give t hem opport unit ies t o observe how event s<br />

com e t oget her, how bands set up on st age and clear dow n, and how<br />

cam paigns w ork. You get t he opport unit y t o shape pot ent ial fut ure<br />

em ployees, and get a helping hand, w hilst t hey gain experience.


Many people cont ribut ed t o <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! t o m ake it t he cam paign it is<br />

t oday.<br />


Many bar st aff at live m usic venues are young people and regularly<br />

st udent s, in creat ing <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! t hose w ho w orked at venues<br />

(14+/ 18+/ independent / academ y ow ned) raised several problem s t hat<br />

t hey face at w ork. These included rush periods w here t he bar w ould be<br />

busy and add pressure, not being able t o clearly see drinks passing<br />

hands aft er being served, confront at ion w it h forgot t en ID or t hose<br />

asked for it on num erous occasions, and dark light ing m aking it difficult<br />

t o check ID. Many said t hat t hey'd benefit from a st andard and<br />

underst ood syst em , and <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! can quicken service and m ake t he<br />

bar a m ore relaxed place.<br />


All venue ow ners com m ent ed t hat t hey don't have a st andard ID syst em<br />

in place ot her t han sim ply checking at t he bar. How ever, t hey have<br />

not iced a reduced am ount of younger audiences, but t hen a decrease in<br />

18+ event s w here t icket s are hold t o sell. Independent venue ow ners<br />

have not ed t hat t heir regular guest s have grow n up, and t he new<br />

audiences are yet t o find t heir w ay t o t he venue and inst ead it s usually<br />

regular faces. <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! is a w ay of connect ing young people w it h t heir<br />

local venues.<br />


In t he Midlands, and Leicest er part icularly, local council cut s m ean t hat<br />

young people don't have anyw here t o go or any resources t o learn new<br />

skills and have fun w it h creat ive hobbies. From Dusk 2 Daw n and The<br />

Jit t y have been affect ed by t he cut s, so <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! gives a place t o build<br />

a port folio and int eract w it h like-m inded people. Young people say t hat<br />

using fake ID for pubs and clubs is t ypical behaviour, and m any adm it t o<br />

doing t he sam e in m usic venues. If a young person how ever is engaged<br />

w it h t he m usic, and know t hat t heir ID w ill be checked t horoughly<br />

t hey'll be less likely t o be risky w it h behaviour.

<strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! is part nered w it h PASS card supplier, <strong>ON</strong>EID4U, w hich can<br />

benefit your venue in a variet y of w ays. PASS is t he UK's nat ional proof<br />

of age accredidat ion schem e, endorsed by t he Hom e Office, t he<br />

Nat ional Police Chiefs' Council, t he Securit y Indust ry Aut horit y and t he<br />

Chart ered Trading St andards Inst it ut e.<br />

<strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! is part nered w it h PASS supplier, <strong>ON</strong>EID4U.<br />


Wit h <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>!, <strong>ON</strong>EID4U cards are used as proof of age cards. Working<br />

in a sim ilar w ay t o <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>!, t he cards prove an age for under 18s<br />

(orange) and over 18s (blue). <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! prom ot es PASS t o venues, like<br />

yourselves, and urges you t o accept t he cards as young people don't<br />

have easy access t o ID, t o allow t hem int o say a 16+ gig.<br />

<strong>ON</strong>E ID 4 U are pioneering PASS as the<br />

youngest joiner, by including new and<br />

innovative features in their card, with a focus<br />

on protecting young people - sharing the<br />

same ethos as <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! and meaning that<br />

there are many benefits.<br />

The <strong>information</strong><br />

included on a <strong>ON</strong>E<br />

ID 4 U card cannot<br />

be used for identity<br />

theft. The way that<br />

the card is made<br />

means that the<br />

image cannot be<br />

replaced, so<br />

fraudulent either as<br />

it would cover the<br />

?PASS?logo that<br />

appears under UV<br />

light.<br />

It is the only card in the world that has a shield<br />

that when the card is placed in a purse/wallet<br />

alongside contactless cards, it will protect them<br />

from being thieved from. It also protects these<br />

cards from accidental/double payment, at<br />

contactless payment tills in venues, on transport<br />

and in retail, ensuring that you do not pay for<br />

someone else and that only the card you intended<br />

to pay with gets charged.<br />

For every application that<br />

quotes <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>!, we<br />

receive £1 reward. This<br />

helps to keep the campaign<br />

costs low for venues, and to<br />

produce and promote the<br />

cause. Forms must be<br />

offered in venues.<br />

When an application<br />

comes in, <strong>ON</strong>E ID 4 U<br />

will always ring the<br />

person who has signed<br />

the application on the<br />

applicant?s behalf to<br />

confirm identity. This is<br />

more secure than a<br />

passport application,<br />

and they?re both Home<br />

Office supported.<br />

Costs under £10 to buy,<br />

and even less to replace<br />

if lost.

<strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! offers any venue a free t rial of w rist bands, w it h t he am ount<br />

of show s provided subject t o t heir capacit y. During t his t im e, <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>!<br />

w ill support and provide prom ot ional m at erial.<br />

How your venue can be helped, and help, <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>!<br />


<strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! w rist bands are part nered w it h Aspinline, w here t hey m ay not<br />

be easily replicat ed and orders are prot ect ed and at a cheaper rat e.<br />

They cost 4p each. For each w rist band ordered w it h us, a 1p charge is<br />

added for <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! service and m aint enance. Wrist bands are ordered<br />

in bulk and paid for upfront .<br />

There are t hree paym ent plans on offer if you t hen choose t o use <strong>BAND</strong><br />

<strong>ON</strong>! for fut ure event s.<br />

MODEL 1<br />


A venue may choose to add a charge to their ticket price<br />

to use <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>!. By adding a small extra charge, you<br />

have opportunity to profit in faster bar service and by<br />

creating a safe environment with positive PR in<br />

welcoming young people.<br />

If you want to simply pay for wristband batches up<br />

front you may. <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! may be able to support<br />

costs if funding were granted along the line, and help<br />

to collect donations to help to fund the cause.<br />

MODEL 3<br />


MODEL 2<br />


For each city and each gig season, a crowd-funding page<br />

may be set up to cover the costs of the <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>!<br />

wristbands within participating venues. This may cover<br />

costs beforehand or reimburse a venue.<br />

Each venue would have to provide incentives in the<br />

form of tickets, drink, food, merchandise or gifts to<br />

encourage pledges. Local businesses may choose to<br />

also promote themselves by donating incentives too<br />

and <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! will help and provide materials for this.

<strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! can help you in lot s of w ays<br />


By creat ing a safer<br />

environm ent , you can<br />

prot ect your license<br />

and your venue<br />

Fast er service on t he<br />

bar m eans t hat you<br />

can m ake t he m ost<br />

out of busy rushes,<br />

and t he bar st aff w ill<br />

be under less<br />

pressure<br />

Gain free prom ot ion t o<br />

an already exist ing<br />

pot ent ial audience<br />

Learn m ore about<br />

your dem ographic<br />

and your best t im es<br />

and dat es of<br />

engagem ent w it h<br />

ages<br />

Opport unit ies t o sell<br />

m ore t icket s by<br />

appealing m ore t o<br />

younger audiences<br />

Engage m ore w it h t he<br />

local com m unit y and raise<br />

aw areness of causes<br />

Ext ra prot ect ion w hen<br />

checking ID as proof<br />

of age for under 18s,<br />

w it h t he support from<br />

PASS<br />

Help t o pioneer a new<br />

cam paign, and w ork w it h<br />

out side associat ions and<br />

organisat ions

The boring but sensible bit s<br />


Whilst w e hope you choose t o support <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! and allow us t o<br />

support you, please do not e t hat w hilst w orking t oget her [<strong>BAND</strong><br />

<strong>ON</strong>! = t he cam paign st aff. Venue = you and your st aff]:<br />

* <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! t akes no responsibilit y for t he act ions of gig-goers in<br />

your venue.<br />

If implemented and used properly, <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! will reduce the number<br />

of fake IDs used and underage drinkers in your venue. It is the venue's<br />

responsibility to fully check ID, and monitor guests.<br />

* <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! t akes no responsibilit y for t he st reet t eam 's act ions.<br />

The street team are a group of young people who declare themselves<br />

responsible for their own actions when signing a contract to join the<br />

action in venues. Venues decide how much participation the street<br />

team may have in the specific venue.<br />

* <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! m ust have paym ent for w rist bands ahead of ordering.<br />

<strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! is a not-for-profit campaign and can not afford to pay up<br />

front for wristbands. Venues will receive a sheet to fill out as an invoice,<br />

and bands will be delivered to the venue and have to be signed for.<br />

* <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! requires dat a from t he venue<br />

<strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! is collecting demographic data for outside organisations,<br />

and to profile localities and how ages interact with music. After each gig<br />

using the wristbands we will require you to document how many pink<br />

and green wristbands were used. This data will have to be emailed over<br />

regularly.<br />

* <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! m ay hire secret shoppers and m onit or perform ance<br />

<strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>! has the right to use secret shoppers within supporting<br />

venues to monitor performance from staff and ensure that the practice<br />

is carried out properly. We then have the right to remove partnership,<br />

with no refunds or compensation, if the campaign is seen in jeopardy.<br />

* Venues have t o sign a cont act w it h <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>!<br />

Once the trial stage is over and a venue decides to use <strong>BAND</strong> <strong>ON</strong>!, the<br />

venue must sign a contract to move forward.

To ask any quest ions, organise a m eet ing, gat her inform at ion or<br />

request a t rial, please do get in t ouch.<br />

Em ail:<br />

bandoncampaign@gmail.com<br />

Call:<br />

07392832994<br />

Go on, you know you w ant t o...<br />

C<strong>ON</strong>TACT US<br />

Websit e:<br />

www.bandoncampaign.com<br />

Socials:<br />


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