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Metals, with only a few electrons in the outer energy level, tend to lose electrons most readily. The<br />

energy required to remove an electron from a neutral atom is called the IONIZATION POTENTIAL.<br />

Energy + Metal Atom ---> Metal (+) ion + e-<br />

Non-metals, which lack only one or two electrons in the outer energy level have little tendency to lose<br />

electrons - the ionization potential would be very high. Instead non-metals have a tendency to gain<br />

electrons. The ELECTRON AFFINITY is the energy given off by an atom when it gains electrons.<br />

Non-metal Atom + e- --- Non-metal (-) ion + energy<br />

The energy required to produce positive ions (ionization potential) is roughly balanced by the energy<br />

given off to produce negative ions (electron affinity). The energy released by the net force of<br />

attraction by the ions provides the overall stabilizing energy of the compound.<br />

Notes Section:<br />

Ion is a charged particle<br />

Caton on the left and antons on the right on the periodic table<br />

Ionic compounds are generally solids with high melting points and conduct electrical current<br />

crystalline compounds this net balance of forces is called the lattice energy<br />

Energy + Metal Atom ---> Metal (+) ion + e-<br />

Non-metal Atom + e- --- Non-metal (-) ion + energy<br />

An ionic compound is formed by the complete transfer of electrons from a metal to a nonmetal and the<br />

resulting ions have achieved an octet.<br />


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