ACLS Review

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22 <strong>ACLS</strong> (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) <strong>Review</strong> ...<br />

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Identify the relative refractory period on an ECG.<br />

The down slope of the T wave. During this period, it is possible to stimulate the cardiac cells to depolarize, which<br />

may precipitate V-tach or V-fib.<br />

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What is located at the AV junction?<br />

The AV node and the nonbranching portion of the bundle of His.<br />

What occurs during the QRS complex?<br />

Ventricular depolarization.<br />

How is the P–R interval measured?<br />

From the beginning of the P wave to the beginning of the QRS complex.<br />

How is the QT interval measured?<br />

From the beginning of the QRS complex to the end of the T wave.<br />

T/F: The QT interval represents the time required for ventricular depolarization and repolarization.<br />

True.<br />

Contrast a junctional escape rhythm from that of a ventricular escape rhythm.<br />

A junctional rhythm is supraventricular in origin and the QRS complex will be 0.10 seconds or less. Ventricular<br />

escape rhythms are derived from the ventricles and will have a wide QRS complex greater than 0.12 seconds.<br />

Trace the normal electrical flow through the heart.<br />

SA node to the AV node, then to the bundle of His where it is divided into the left and right bundle branches, and<br />

then to the Purkinje fibers where mechanical cells are stimulated.<br />

What is the inherent rate of the AV junctional or nodal rhythm.<br />

40–60 beats per minute.<br />

What are the key features of third-degree AV block?<br />

P waves occur regularly and there are more P waves than QRS complexes.<br />

The ventricular rhythm is regular.<br />

The atria and ventricles beat independently of each other.<br />

The QRS may be narrow or wide depending on the location of the escape pacemaker.

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