OPG Ivan Perica 2017

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opgivanperica<br />

opgivanperica<br />


<strong>Ivan</strong> <strong>Perica</strong><br />

Nečven 21<br />

22303 Oklaj<br />

m: info@opg-perica.com<br />

t: +385 22 881 008<br />

m: +385 98 9195526<br />


Uvod<br />

Maslina je od pamtivijeka prisutna<br />

na Zemlji. Arheolozi su koštice<br />

divlje masline pronašli u spiljama<br />

koje su u mlađem kamenom dobu,<br />

prije otprilike 9.000 godina koristili<br />

čovjekovi preci. Prva stabla masline<br />

kultivirana su prije 5-6 tisuća godina<br />

na području Mezopotamije, Sirije<br />

i Palestine, odakle se maslina proširila<br />

Mediteranom. Tu je, kao jedna<br />

od najstarijih i najvažnijih biljnih<br />

kultura, snažno obilježila život ljudi i<br />

postala simbolom toga područja. Po<br />

uzgoju maslina i eksploataciji njezinih<br />

plodova najpoznatiji su bili stari<br />

Grci i Rimljani, koji su metode kultiviranja<br />

ove biljke prenijeli na područje<br />

današnje Hrvatske. Na našoj<br />

obali postoje dva poznata područja<br />

po ulju: Liburnija i Istra. Područje<br />

Liburnije predstavlja maslinovo ulje<br />

koje potječe s područja od rijeke<br />

Raše do Krke (oleum liburnicum).<br />

Maslina je od tog vremena ostala<br />

najbrojnija voćna vrsta koja se<br />

uzgaja u Dalmaciji. Gospodarski je i<br />

danas važna kultura, zbog čega se<br />

brojne obitelji bave maslinarstvom<br />

kao osnovnom ili dopunskom djelatnošću.<br />

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Introduction<br />

The olive tree has been present on the<br />

Earth from time immemorial. Archaeologists<br />

have found pips of the wild olive<br />

tree in the caves that were used by man's<br />

ancestors in New Stone Age, about<br />

9.000 years ago. The first olive trees<br />

were cultivated 5-6 thousand years ago<br />

in the area of Mesopotamia, Syria and<br />

Palestine, from where the olive spread<br />

to the Mediterranean. There, as one of<br />

the oldest and the most important herbal<br />

cultures, it has strongly marked the<br />

lives of people and has become a symbol<br />

of this area. The ancients Greeks and Romans,<br />

who were the most famous for olive<br />

growing and exploitation of its fruits,<br />

transferred the methods of cultivation of<br />

these plants in the area of today's Croatia.<br />

There are two areas on our coast<br />

known for olive oil: Liburnija and Istra.<br />

The area of Liburnija represents the olive<br />

oil originating from the area of the river<br />

Raša to Krka (oleum liburnicum).<br />

Since then the olive tree has remained<br />

the most numerous fruit species<br />

cultivated in Dalmatia. Economically, it<br />

is an important culture today, which is<br />

why many families are involved in olive<br />

cultivating as basic or supplementary<br />

activity.<br />

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Jeste li<br />

znali...<br />

...da je, prema starogrčkoj<br />

legendi, prvo<br />

stablo masline nastalo na<br />

Akropoli, kada su se Atena<br />

i njezin voljeni Posejdon<br />

prepirali oko prevlasti nad<br />

Atikom. Kada je Atena kopljem<br />

udarila u tlo izraslo<br />

je stablo masline koje je<br />

predstavljalo dar tadašnjoj<br />

državi. Grci smatraju kako<br />

je to bio trenutak rađanja<br />

prvog stabla masline.<br />

... da su u antičkoj<br />

Grčkoj masline bile toliko<br />

važne da je po Solonovom<br />

zakoniku bilo zabranjeno<br />

posjeći više od dva stabla<br />

godišnje po masliniku.<br />

Kazne su bile oduzimanje<br />

imovine, protjera ili čak i<br />

osuda na smrt.<br />

... da se maslinovo ulje<br />

od davnina koristi i kao<br />

lijek. Hipokrat je tako<br />

pripisivao maslinovo ulje<br />

za više od šezdesetak različitih<br />

bolesti i poteškoća<br />

sa zdravljem.<br />

Did You<br />

know...<br />

...that, according to the<br />

ancient Greek legend, the<br />

first olive tree originated on<br />

the Acropolis, when Athens<br />

and her beloved Poseidon<br />

disputed over the dominance<br />

of Atik. When Athens<br />

struck the ground with the<br />

spear , the olive tree grew<br />

and that represented a gift<br />

to the state of that time.<br />

The Greeks believe it was a<br />

moment of birth of the first<br />

olive tree.<br />

... that in ancient Greece<br />

the olive trees were so<br />

important that according to<br />

Solon's law it was forbidden<br />

to cut more than two trees<br />

a year per the olive grove.<br />

Penalties were confiscation<br />

of property, extortion or<br />

even death sentence.<br />

... that olive oil has long<br />

been used as a medicine.<br />

Hippokrates thus prescribed<br />

olive oil for more than<br />

sixty different diseases and<br />

health problems.<br />

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<strong>OPG</strong> IVAN PERICA<br />

Obiteljsko<br />

poljoprivredno<br />

gospodarstvo <strong>Ivan</strong><br />

<strong>Perica</strong> osnovano je 2008.<br />

godine i bavi se sadnjom i<br />

njegom maslina na ekološki<br />

način radi dobivanja ekološkog<br />

ekstra djevičanskog<br />

maslinova ulja, uključujući<br />

pružanje usluga seoskog<br />

ekoturizma na području<br />

Nacionalnog parka Krka.<br />

<strong>OPG</strong> djeluje u selu Nečven u<br />

sjevernom dijelu Šibenskokninske<br />

županije.<br />

Svojom djelatnošću <strong>OPG</strong><br />

pridonosi revitalizaciji županijskog<br />

zaleđa koje je,<br />

poharano ratnim zbivanjima<br />

i gospodarskim trendovima,<br />

uvelike oslabilo.<br />

Sadnjom novih nasada,<br />

proizvodnjom maslinovog<br />

ulja vrhunske kvalitete<br />

pod etiketom, uspostavom<br />

obiteljske uljare i razvojem<br />

ruralnog ekoturizma <strong>OPG</strong><br />

ispunjava svoj cilj očuvanja<br />

prirodne i kulturne baštine<br />

područja Promine i Nacionalnog<br />

parka Krka.<br />

<strong>OPG</strong> se nalazi na popisu<br />

vodiča “100 najuspješnijih<br />

hrvatskih maslinara”.<br />

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The family run farm <strong>Ivan</strong><br />

<strong>Perica</strong> was founded in<br />

2008 and is involved in planting<br />

and cultivating olives in<br />

an ecological way to obtain<br />

ecological extra virgin olive<br />

oil, including providing rural<br />

eco-tourism services in the<br />

area of Krka National Park.<br />

The family run farm operates<br />

in the village of Nečven<br />

in the northern part of Šibenik-Knin<br />

County.<br />

With its activity, it contributes<br />

to the revitalization<br />

of the county's hinterland,<br />

which has, in the<br />

period of war events and<br />

economic trends, greatly<br />

weakened. Cultivating new<br />

plants, the production of<br />

olive oil of high quality, labeled<br />

Burnum, establishing<br />

a family oil refinery and developing<br />

rural ecotourism,<br />

the family run farm fulfills<br />

its goal of preserving the<br />

natural and cultural heritage<br />

of Promina and Krka<br />

National Park.<br />

The farm is on the list of<br />

"100 Most Successful Croatian<br />

Olive Growers" guides.<br />

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Maslinovo ulje Burnum<br />

Ulje <strong>OPG</strong>-a <strong>Ivan</strong> <strong>Perica</strong> proizvodi se pod etiketom<br />

Burnum. Riječ je o ekstra djevičanskom<br />

maslinovom ulju koje je dobitnik brojnih nagrada<br />

na natjecanjima i manifestacijama kao što su Maslina<br />

Split, Dani mladog maslinovog ulja u Dalmaciji<br />

u Vodicama i slično, koje su potvrda vrhunske<br />

kvalitete. Ime Burnum ulje nosi po poznatom arheološkom<br />

nalazištu bivšeg rimskog logora, koje<br />

se nalazi u blizini <strong>OPG</strong>-a.<br />

Olive oil Burnum<br />

The oil produced by family run farm <strong>Ivan</strong> <strong>Perica</strong><br />

is produced under the label of Burnum. It<br />

is an extra virgin olive oil that has won numerous<br />

awards on competitions and manifestations<br />

such as Maslina Split, "Days of Early Olive Oil<br />

in Dalmatia" in Vodice and similar, which are<br />

confirmation of the highest quality. The oil is<br />

named after the famous archaeological site of<br />

the former Roman camp Burnum located near<br />

the family run farm.<br />

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Selo Nečven<br />

<strong>OPG</strong> <strong>Ivan</strong> <strong>Perica</strong> smješten je u selu Nečven, na<br />

zapadnoj strani Promine, pored kanjona rijeke<br />

Krke. Naselje se razvilo uz povijesni Nečven<br />

grad čiji su ostaci, utvrda koja se izdiže na liticama<br />

kanjona, i danas vidljivi. Utvrda je veličine<br />

1000 m², a sa svih strana bila je opasana<br />

visokim zidovima od kamena spojenog vapnom.<br />

Od 14. stoljeća gospodari Nečvena su članovi<br />

hrvatske velikaške obitelji Nelipić. Nečven je,<br />

prema legendi, dobio ime po lijepoj Nečven djevojci<br />

koja je odbijala prošnje bribirskih knezova i<br />

na kraju se otrovala kako bi izbjegla takvoj sudbini.<br />

Priča, vjerojatno simbolizira neprijateljstvo<br />

knezova Šubića i Nelipića koji su imali utvrđenja<br />

jedno nasuprot drugome.<br />

Village Nečven<br />

The family run farm of <strong>Ivan</strong> <strong>Perica</strong> is located in<br />

the village of Nečven, on the west side of Promina,<br />

next to the canyon of the river Krka. The<br />

settlement developed along the historic Nečven<br />

city whose remains, a fortress that rises on the<br />

cliffs of the canyon, is still visible today. The fortress<br />

occupies 1,000 m² of the space, and from<br />

all sides it was surrounded by high stone walls<br />

connected with limestone. Since the 14th century,<br />

masters of Nečven have been the members<br />

of Croatian noble family Nelipić. According to<br />

the legend, it was named after a beautiful girl<br />

Nečven who rejected the proposals of dukes<br />

from Bribir and she poisoned herself to avoid<br />

such a fate. The story, probably symbolizing the<br />

hostility of the dukes of Šubić and Nelipić, who<br />

had forts one oposite the other.<br />

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Nasadi<br />

maslina<br />

Maslinik <strong>OPG</strong>-a među<br />

najsjevernijim je<br />

maslinicima u Šibenskokninskoj<br />

županiji. Na 3,7<br />

ha 2008. godine zasađeno<br />

je oko tisuću sadnica<br />

maslina. Zasađena je<br />

autohtona sorta oblica<br />

(Olea europaea var.<br />

communis) te manji broj<br />

sorte Leccino i Drobnica.<br />

Nasadi su plantažno<br />

sađeni, ograđeni<br />

suhozidima, a u obradi<br />

maslinika primjenjuju se<br />

suvremene agrotehničke<br />

mjere u skladu s<br />

pravilima struke i<br />

napucima savjetodavne<br />

službe. U većini maslinika<br />

je strojno samljeven<br />

kamen kako bi se<br />

onemogućio rast korova,<br />

poboljšao rast stabala i<br />

olakšala strojna obrada<br />

tla.<br />

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Olive<br />

groves<br />

T<br />

he olive grove in the<br />

family run farm is<br />

one of the northernmost<br />

olive groves in Šibenik-<br />

Knin County. About one<br />

thousand olive plants were<br />

planted on 3,7 ha in 2008.<br />

An indigenous variety<br />

oblica (Olea europaea var.<br />

Communis) and a smaller<br />

number of Leccino and<br />

Drobnica varieties were<br />

planted.<br />

The plantings are planted<br />

in the form of a plantation,<br />

fenced with dry stone walls,<br />

and in the processing of olive<br />

groves modern agrotechnical<br />

measures, in accordance<br />

with the rules of the<br />

profession and instructions<br />

of the advisory service are<br />

applied. In most olive groves<br />

there is a stone grinded by<br />

a machine to prevent the<br />

growth of weeds, improve<br />

tree growth, and facilitate<br />

soil processing by a machine.<br />

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<strong>OPG</strong> posjeduje<br />

certifikat za ekološku<br />

poljoprivrednu<br />

proizvodnju i ekološku<br />

preradu temeljem<br />

izdane Potvrdnice br.<br />

218-184656-114-E od<br />

strane kontrolnog tijela:<br />

Biothenicon poduzetnički<br />

centar d.o.o iz Splita.<br />


AWARDS<br />

The family run farm<br />

owns a certificate for<br />

organic agricultural<br />

production and ecological<br />

processing according<br />

to the Certificate no.<br />

218-184656-114-E<br />

issued by the control<br />

body: Biothenicon<br />

Entrepreneurial Center<br />

l.t.d. from Split.<br />

O OBLICI<br />

Na području Šibenika<br />

i Skradina sorta<br />

oblica poznata je pod<br />

sinonimom Orkula. Vrlo<br />

je prilagodljiva, dobro<br />

uspijeva čak i na lošiim,<br />

skeletnim i plitkim<br />

tlima i dobro podnosi<br />

niske temperature<br />

i udare vjetra. Na<br />

području Dalmacije<br />

najrasprostranjenija<br />

je sorta masline, a u<br />

starim maslinicima bila<br />

je gotovo jedina sorta u<br />

uzgoju (zastupljena od<br />

75 do 90 %).<br />


In the area of Šibenik<br />

and Skradin, the sort<br />

oblica is known by the<br />

name of Orkula. It is very<br />

adaptable, thrives well<br />

even on bad, skeletal<br />

and shallow soils<br />

and withstands low<br />

temperatures and winds.<br />

It is the most widespread<br />

olive sort in Dalmatia, and<br />

in the old olive groves it<br />

was almost the only sort<br />

in cultivation (with the<br />

representation from 75 to<br />

90%)..<br />

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Uljara<br />

<strong>OPG</strong> posjeduje vlastitu mini<br />

uljaru na prostoru od 40 četvornih<br />

metara u kojem su smješteni<br />

strojevi za preradu maslina u maslinovo<br />

ulje. Proces proizvodnje<br />

maslinovog ulja odvija se u dvije<br />

faze. U prvoj fazi se zdravi plod<br />

masline drobi mljevenjem u mlinu,<br />

a potom se u drugoj fazi samljevena<br />

smjesa (tijesto) podvrgava<br />

postupku centrifugiranja te iz nje<br />

cijedi čisto maslinovo ulje. Odjednom<br />

se može preraditi maksimalno<br />

650 kilograma maslina u satu.<br />

Proizvodnja se obavlja tehnikom<br />

hladne (do max.25°C) centrifuge<br />

u dvije faze (exstra virgine),<br />

koja predstavlja jednu od najčišćih<br />

tehnologija obrade maslina,<br />

a tako dobiveno ulje spada među<br />

najzdravija ulja u svijetu. Hladna<br />

prerada maslina jedan od preduvjeta<br />

dobivanja extra djevičanskog<br />

maslinovog ulja te predstavlja<br />

budućnost u proizvodnji<br />

maslinovog ulja. Tom metodom se<br />

maksimalno sačuvaju i ne gube<br />

najkvalitetnije tvari maslinina<br />

ploda, a ulje bude izuzetne kvalitete,<br />

osebujnijeg mirisa i okusa.<br />

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Oil refinery<br />

The family run farm owns its<br />

own mini oil refinery in an area of<br />

40 square meters where machines<br />

for olive processsing are located.<br />

The process of olive oil production<br />

takes place in two phases. In the<br />

first stage, the healthy fruit of the<br />

olive is grinded in the mill, and then<br />

in the second stage the milled mixture<br />

(paste) is subjected to the process<br />

of centrifugation and then the<br />

pure olive oil is drained from it. At<br />

once a maximum of 650 kilograms<br />

of olives per hour can be processed.<br />

The production is done by a technique<br />

of a cold (up to 25 ° C max)<br />

centrifuge in two phases (extra virgin),<br />

which represents one of the<br />

cleanest olive processing technologies,<br />

and the oil obtained in this<br />

way is among the healthiest oils in<br />

the world. Cold olive Processing is<br />

one of the prerequisites for obtaining<br />

extra virgin olive oil and represents<br />

the future of olive oil production.<br />

This method saves and does<br />

not lose the best quality substances<br />

of the olive fruit, and the oil is of<br />

exceptional quality, with more particular<br />

smell and taste.<br />

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Vrste prirodnog<br />

maslinovog ulja<br />

Po kvaliteti prirodno maslinovo ulje možemo<br />

podijeliti na:<br />

Djevičansko maslinovo ulje -extra - ulje s<br />

organoleptičkom ocjenom 6,5 ili više bodova te<br />

slobodnim masnim kiselinama (oleinska) najviše<br />

0,8 grama na 100 grama ulja, uzimajući u obzir sve<br />

zahtjeve koje propisuje EU. Medijana=0.<br />

Djevičansko maslinovo ulje je ulje s<br />

organoleptičkom ocjenom 5,5 ili više bodova te<br />

slobodnim masnim kiselinama najviše 2 grama<br />

na 100 grama ulja, uzimajući u obzor sve zahtjeve<br />

koje propisuje EU. Medijana ≤ 2,5.<br />

Maslinovo ulje lampante je ulje koje nije<br />

prikladno za neposrednu potrošnju. Slobodne<br />

masne kiseline više su od 2 grama na 100 grama<br />

ulja, uzimajući u obzir i druga mjerila propisana<br />

normama EU. Organoleptička ocjena je niža od 3,5<br />

bodova. Medijana ≥ 2,5<br />

Types of natural<br />

olive oil<br />

By quality natural olive oil can be divided into:<br />

Virgin olive oil - extra - oil with an organoleptic<br />

rating of 6.5 or more points and free fatty acids<br />

(oleinic) of not more than 0.8 grams per 100<br />

grams of oil, taking into account all requirements<br />

prescribed by the EU. Median = 0.<br />

Virgin olive oil is an oil with an organoleptic<br />

rating of 5.5 or more points and free fatty acids<br />

of up to 2 grams per 100 grams of oil, taking into<br />

account of all the EU requirements. Median ≤ 2,5.<br />

Olive oil lampante is an oil that is not suitable<br />

for immediate consumption. The free fatty acids<br />

are more than 2 grams per 100 grams of oil, taking<br />

into account other standards prescribed by EU<br />

standards. Organoleptic rating is lower than 3.5<br />

points. Median ≥ 2,5.<br />

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Seosko<br />

domaćinstvo<br />

Uz maslinarstvo, <strong>OPG</strong> proširuje djelatnost i u<br />

smjeru turističko-ugostiteljske ponude. Proširenje<br />

djelatnosti rezultat je želje velikog broja zadovoljnih<br />

kupaca maslinovog ulja za sudjelovanjem<br />

u berbi i preradi maslina, boravkom u prirodi, kušanjem<br />

domaćih i autohtonih proizvoda. Osim kušaonice,<br />

<strong>OPG</strong> nudi uslugu smještaja u tri zasebne sobe<br />

s kupaonicama i kuhinjom, uređene u autohtonom<br />

stilu, kategoriziranih s 4 zvjezdice, a trenutni kapacitet<br />

je šest ležajeva.<br />

Korisnicima turističkih usluga <strong>OPG</strong>-a na raspolaganju<br />

je širok spektar usluga: obilazak NP<br />

Krka postojećim prometnicama, vodenim putem i<br />

pješačkim stazama. Moguće aktivnosti uključuju<br />

razgledavanje, šetnju pješačkom stazom, izlet plovilom,<br />

vožnju kanjonom, posjet franjevačkom samostanu<br />

i manastiru Krka, posjet prezentacijskim<br />

sadržajima (mlin, tkalački stan, valjavica, stupa i<br />

kovačnica), razgledavanje etnološke zbirke, vožnju<br />

biciklom, promatranje ptica, fotografiranje i dr.<br />

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Rural household<br />

Along with olive growing, the family run farm<br />

expands its activity in the direction of tourism<br />

and catering offerings. Expansion of the activity is<br />

the result of the desire of a large number of satisfied<br />

buyers of olive oil for participation in harvesting<br />

and processing of olives, staying in nature, tasting<br />

domestic and autochtonous products. Apart from<br />

the tasting, the farm offers accommodation services<br />

in three separate rooms with bathrooms and<br />

kitchen, decorated in an autochtonous style, categorized<br />

with 4 stars, and the current capacity is six<br />

beds.<br />

To the users of tourist services of the farm, a<br />

wide range of services is offered: a tour of the NP<br />

along roads, waterways and hiking trails. Possible<br />

activities include sightseeing, walking along<br />

trails, boat trips, canyoning, visit to the Franciscan<br />

monastery and Krka monastery, a visit to the<br />

presentation facilities (mills, weavers, fullery, and<br />

blacksmith), sightseeing of ethnological collection,<br />

biking, bird watching, etc.<br />

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Nearby sights<br />

Obližnje<br />

znamenitosti<br />

<strong>OPG</strong> proširenje svoje ponude temelji na bogatstvu<br />

prirodnih i kulturnih vrijednosti NP Krka.<br />

U neposrednoj blizini nalazi se starohrvatska<br />

srednjovjekovna utvrda Nečven i rimski arheološki<br />

lokalitet Burnum te posjetiteljski centar u<br />

Puljanima kao i najviši i po mnogima, najljepši,<br />

Manajlovački slap, jedan od sedam sedrenih slapišta<br />

rijeke Krke. Južno od sela Nečven, uređenim<br />

i označenim biciklističkim i pješačkim stazama<br />

može se posjetiti srednjovjekovna utvrda<br />

Bogočin, blizu prominskog sela Bogatića, Roški<br />

slap, lokalitet Oziđana pećina i otočić Visovac na<br />

Visovačkom jezeru na kojemu se od 1445. godine<br />

nalazi franjevački samostan.<br />

The expansion of the farm's offer is based on<br />

the richness of natural and cultural values of<br />

NP Krka. In the close vicinity there are an old<br />

Croatian medieval fortress Nečven and and Roman<br />

archaeological site Burnum near the visitor<br />

center NP Krka (Puljane) and the highest and,<br />

as many think, the most beautiful Manojlovački<br />

waterfall, the one of seven travertine waterfalls<br />

of Krka river. South of the village Nečven, along<br />

arranged and marked cycling and hiking trails,<br />

you can visit the medieval fortification of Bogočin,<br />

near the village of Bogatić, Roški slap, the<br />

site of Oziđana pećina and the islet Visovac on<br />

Visovac Lake, where there is a Franciscan monastery<br />

from 1445.<br />

34 opgivanperica<br />

opgivanperica 35

NDVI koncept<br />

praćenja<br />

stanja nasada<br />

Nasadi maslina <strong>OPG</strong><br />

<strong>Ivan</strong> <strong>Perica</strong> prvi su nasadi u<br />

Hrvatskoj, ali i šire koji se<br />

prate pomoću revolucionarne<br />

metode normalizacijskog<br />

indeksa razlike - NDVI<br />

(eng. Normalized Difference<br />

Vegetation Index)<br />

koja, pomoću suvremene<br />

tehnologije, omogućuje<br />

praćenje stanja svakog<br />

pojedinog stabla masline u<br />

masliniku. Maslinik je u cijelosti<br />

snimljen bespilotnim<br />

letjelicama (dronovima) s<br />

NDVI kamerama pri čemu<br />

je svaka maslina dobila<br />

svoj prostorno smješten ID<br />

number pomoću kojeg se<br />

prati njezino stanje (urod,<br />

tretiranje, bolesti…), što,<br />

osim što olakšava uzgoj,<br />

donosi niz drugih pozitivnih<br />

efekata i mogućnosti.<br />

New concept<br />

of monitoring<br />

the plantings<br />

The olive plantings of<br />

the family run farm <strong>Ivan</strong><br />

<strong>Perica</strong> are the first plantings<br />

in Croatia, but are<br />

spead more widely by the<br />

revolutionary method of<br />

the Normalized Difference<br />

Vegetation Index (NDVI),<br />

which, by modern technology,<br />

allows the monitoring of<br />

the condition of each olive<br />

tree in the olive grove. The<br />

olive grove is completely<br />

recorded with unmanned<br />

aircraft with NDVI cameras<br />

where every olive has its<br />

own ID number located in<br />

space, which helps monitoring<br />

its condition (breeding,<br />

treatment, disease ...),<br />

which, besides facilitating<br />

cultivation, it brings a number<br />

of other positive effects<br />

and opportunities.<br />

36 opgivanperica<br />

opgivanperica 37

Izdavač:<br />

<strong>OPG</strong> <strong>Ivan</strong> <strong>Perica</strong><br />

Tisak:<br />

Printera, Zagreb<br />

lipanj <strong>2017</strong>.<br />

38 opgivanperica<br />

opgivanperica 39

40 opgivanperica<br />

lipanj <strong>2017</strong>.

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