Syllabus - Sociological Theory - Davidson College

Syllabus - Sociological Theory - Davidson College

Syllabus - Sociological Theory - Davidson College


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Final Review:<br />

• sequence ideas in a paragraph,<br />

• transition ideas from paragraph to paragraph,<br />

• write a good intro and conclusion.<br />

There will be no final review. I reserve the right to schedule a final review, however, if you class does<br />

not demonstrate adequate depth or analytic engagement with theorists throughout the semester.<br />

Attendance:<br />

I have learned over the years to be clear on this point. So let me be clear: I expect you to show<br />

up for this class, that is to say, show up on time, stay the entire class period, and participate fully in each<br />

class the whole time you are here. Students often ask me how many times they are allowed to cut my<br />

class. You are allowed one unexcused absence; but, please note that every absence will have a negative<br />

effect on your grade.<br />

Also: 2 weeks-equivalent of class (2 M/W, 4 TTH or 6 MWF) unexcused absences are sufficient<br />

grounds for failing the course.<br />

Regarding tardiness: Do all you can to be on time. I understand if you are late, but continual,<br />

persistent lateness will not be ignored. Roll will be taken at the beginning of class. If you come late, be<br />

sure to check with me so that your presence, although late, will indeed be noted. One lateness will not<br />

you’re your grade; 5 late arrivals most certainly will.<br />

As a member of a classroom community, your behavior has a profound effect on the other<br />

members of this community. I hope to create the best atmosphere in which all of my students can do<br />

their very best work. Having people wander in and out is distraction and disturbing and downright<br />

rude, and no one works well under those circumstances. Second, you want me to give you credit for<br />

attending this class. I can’t do that with a clear conscience if you have not –truly- taken this class. That<br />

means showing up AND participating. To me, this just makes sense. Third, there is the matter of mutual<br />

respect. You are important to me (really!). I’ll do everything I know to respect you as an individual,<br />

present material in an interesting, enthusiastic, challenging, honest way. I expect the same kind of effort<br />

from you.<br />

What about excused absences? For an absence to be excused, there must be three components:<br />

First, you must tell me ahead of time when and why you will miss this class; Second, you must have a<br />

legitimate excuse; Third, you must meet with another student about making up the work.<br />

Bottom line: I want you here. I want you here on time. I expect you to be attentive and<br />

participate actively the whole class period. I expect you to stay until the end of class.<br />

About the Grading Scale<br />

Your final grade for the class will be based on two sets of analytical papers (40%), two papers<br />

focused on theorists’ work (40%), attendance, participation, and discussion (10%) and selection/<br />

uploading of a course reserve reading (10%). I will use the following guidelines to grade your written<br />

assignments:<br />

A Outstanding Work (90-100%) Goes above and beyond the requirements of the assignment, above<br />

and beyond merely competent work. Outstanding effort, significant achievement, and mastery of the<br />

material of the course are clearly evident in comparison with other students in the course who have the<br />

same assignment, same resources, and same time constraints. Exceptional critical skills, creativity or<br />

originality is also evident. Consistently developed sociological perspective.<br />

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