Mastering JavaScript

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Testing and Debugging<br />

• toContain(): This checks whether an element is part of an array. This is not<br />

an exact object match as toBe(). For example, look at the following code:<br />

expect([1, 2, 3]).toContain(3);<br />

expect("astronomy is a science").toContain("science");<br />

• toBeDefined() and toBeUndefined(): These two matches are handy to<br />

check whether a variable is undefined (or not).<br />

• toBeNull(): This checks whether a variable's value is null.<br />

• toBeGreaterThan() and toBeLessThan(): These matchers perform numeric<br />

comparisons (they work on strings too):<br />

expect(2).toBeGreaterThan(1);<br />

expect(1).toBeLessThan(2);<br />

expect("a").toBeLessThan("b");<br />

One interesting feature of Jasmine is the spies. When you are writing a large system,<br />

it is not possible to make sure that all systems are always available and correct. At<br />

the same time, you don't want your unit tests to fail due to a dependency that may be<br />

broken or unavailable. To simulate a situation where all dependencies are available<br />

for a unit of code that we want to test, we mock these dependencies to always give<br />

the response that we expect. Mocking is an important aspect of testing and most<br />

testing frameworks provide support for the mocking. Jasmine allows mocking using<br />

a feature called a spy. Jasmine spies essentially stub the functions that we may not<br />

have ready; at the time of writing the test case but as part of the functionality, we<br />

need to track that we are executing these dependencies and not ignoring them.<br />

Consider the following example:<br />

describe("mocking configurator", function() {<br />

var configurator = null;<br />

var responseJSON = {};<br />

beforeEach(function() {<br />

configurator = {<br />

submitPOSTRequest: function(payload) {<br />

//This is a mock service that will eventually be replaced<br />

//by a real service<br />

console.log(payload);<br />

return {"status": "200"};<br />

}<br />

};<br />

spyOn(configurator,<br />

'submitPOSTRequest').and.returnValue({"status": "200"});<br />

configurator.submitPOSTRequest({<br />

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