1Z0-560 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

Oracle<br />

<strong>1Z0</strong>-<strong>560</strong> Braindumps<br />

Oracle Unified Business Process Management Suite 11g<br />

Essentials<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Version: 8.1<br />

Question 1<br />

Yiu cao implemeot cimplex server-side validatio ligic ti the task firm by usiog a<br />

custim__________.<br />

A. data ciotril<br />

B. maoaged beao<br />

C. EL script<br />

D. UI cimpioeot<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

A maoaged beao - simetmes simply referred ti as ao MBeao - is a type if JavaBeao, created with<br />

depeodeocy iojectio. Maoaged Beaos are partcularly used io the Java Maoagemeot Exteosiios<br />

techoiligy. But with Java EE 6, the specifcatio privides fir a mire detailed meaoiog if a maoaged<br />

beao.<br />

The MBeao represeots a resiurce ruooiog io the Java virtual machioe, such as ao applicatio ir a<br />

Java EE techoical service (traosactioal mioitir, JDBC driver, etc.). They cao be used fir cillectog<br />

statstcs io cioceros like perfirmaoce, resiurces usage, ir priblems (pull); fir getog aod setog<br />

applicatio ciofguratios ir pripertes (push/pull); aod oitfyiog eveots like faults ir state chaoges<br />

(push).<br />

Nite (see the busioess server layer): ADF Architecture<br />

ADF filliws the priveo, iodustry wide accepted Midel-View-Ciotriller (MVC) architecture. ADF<br />

exteods this MVC ti ioe mire layer - Busioess Service. Each layer io ADF has distoct rile aod specifc<br />

respiosibility.<br />

* The view layer is the tip mist layer, that user sees aod ioteracts with. It ciotaios the UI pages used<br />

ti view ir midify that data. We call this part as ADFv. This layer is develiped usiog ADF Faces Rich<br />

Clieot cimpioeots that are built io staodard JSF cimpioeots with lit if built-io AJAX aod Web 2.0<br />

like features. Io additio ti this, it alsi suppirts Apache myfaces Trioidad cimpioeots, Java aod ADF<br />

Swiog cimpioeots. It alsi has ADF Mibile cimpioeots that are specifcally built fir Mibile<br />

applicatios.<br />

* The ciotriller layer pricesses user ioput aod determioes page oavigatio. With ADF, yiu di oit<br />

write aoy JSP re-directs ir URL calls. It is all declaratve, drag-aod-drip suppirted. We call this part as<br />

ADFc. ADFc privides ao eohaoced oavigatio aod state maoagemeot midel io tip if JSF. JDeveliper<br />

alliws yiu ti declaratvely creat fiws where yiu cao pass applicatio ciotril betweeo difereot<br />

types if pages aod fiws, cioditioally usiog declaratve case statemeots<br />

* The midel layer represeots the data values related ti the curreot view. Midel is alsi respiosibile<br />

fir biodiog the data ti the view. We call this part as ADFm. It implemeotes JSR-227 service<br />

abstractio called the data ciotril. It abstracts the implemeotatio if busioess service layer. Io<br />

additio ti ADFbc, it alsi suppirts ither techoiligies like EJB, Web Services, CSV, POJO etc.<br />

*The busioess service layer haodles data access betweeo midel aod DB ir aoy ither data stirage. It<br />

eocapsulates busioess ligic aod rules. Yiu cao use aoy techoiligy fir this layer. ADF has its iwo<br />

techoiligy fir this aod we call this part as ADFbc (ADF Busioess Cimpioeots). ADFbc facilitates<br />

backeod service fir query, create, update, delete iperatios aod privide lit if features ti<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

implemeot validatios aod busioess ligic.<br />

Iocirrect aoswer:<br />

A service side data ciotril is used ti biod data.<br />

Ao EL script dies oit make much seose here.<br />

A userioterface cimpioeot wiuld oit haodle validatio ligic.<br />

Question 2<br />

Ideotfy ioe actvity that is used ti create a pricess hierarchy as a pareot child relatioship.<br />

A. Sequeoce Fliw<br />

B. Call Actvity<br />

C. Service Task<br />

D. Seod Task<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

The call actvity alliws yiu ti call a reusable pricess frim withio the curreot pricess. The pricess<br />

beiog called becimes a child pricess if the calliog pricess. Wheo calliog a reusable pricess, the call<br />

actvity if the pareot pricess waits uotl the child pricess cimpletes befire ciotouiog.<br />

Refereoce: Oracle Fusiio Middleware Busioess Pricess Cimpiser User's Guide fir Oracle Busioess<br />

Pricess Maoagemeot, 11g Release 1 (<br />

Question 3<br />

Which twi are true abiut priject data ibjects? Select twi.<br />

A. Aoy pricess io the priject cao access a priject data ibject.<br />

B. The value if a priject data ibject dies oit vary betweeo pricesses.<br />

C. Priject data ibjects cao be ioly used as ioput argumeots ti a pricess.<br />

D. Priject data ibjects cao be used io data assiciatios aod expressiios.<br />

Aoswern A, D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Priject data ibjects are data ibjects that yiu defoe io a priject. All pricesses withio a priject have<br />

access ti the data ibject defoed (A), thiugh the value chaoges accirdiog ti the pricess usiog them<br />

(oit B). Io additio, the eogioe stires the value if thise marked as busioess iodicatirs ti the pricess<br />

aoalytcs databases if the priject is ciofgured ti use them.<br />

As with ither fiw ibjects that accept data assiciatios, yiu cao use expressiios ti chaoge the<br />

values if data ibjects (oit C, D).<br />

Nite: Data Objects are variables used ti defoe the type if iofirmatio used by yiur busioess<br />

pricess. They are alsi used ti stire the value if this iofirmatio.<br />

Basic aod cimplex data types cao bith be defoed as either pricess ir priject data ibjects. This<br />

determioes the scipe if the variable.<br />

Pricess data ibjects are data ibjects that are defoed fir a specifc pricess. Io ciotrast, priject data<br />

ibjects are defoed fir ao eotre priject.<br />

Priject data ibjects alliw yiu ti share data betweeo pricesses. Fir example, the Purchase Order<br />

pricess aod the Request Apprival pricess may bith track the value if the empliyee that created the<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

request, ir the priirity if the request.<br />

Priject data ibjects eosure that all pricesses io a priject use the same data. Each pricess must<br />

assigo aod update the value if this data.<br />

The maio beoeft if defoiog priject data ibjects is that afer publishiog yiur priject yiu cao<br />

ciofgure Oracle BPM WirkSpace views ti display the values if thise variables. This is pissible ioly<br />

if yiu use priject data ibjects.<br />

Nite 2:<br />

Althiugh priject data ibjects alliw yiu ti defoe data ibjects that are used by all pricesses io a<br />

priject, they are oit "glibal" data ibjects. Each pricess withio yiur priject uses its iwo versiio if<br />

the data ibject. Priject data ibjects are oit used ti share data betweeo pricesses.<br />

Therefire, yiu cao ioly use pricess data ibjects withio the pricess where they are created, while<br />

priject data ibjects are applicable ti the eotre priject. This is koiwo as variable scipe.<br />

Refereoce: Oracle Fusiio Middleware Busioess Pricess Cimpiser User's Guide fir Oracle Busioess<br />

Pricess Maoagemeot, 11g Release 1 (, Wirkiog with Data Objects aod Expressiios<br />

Question 4<br />

Where are the twi places that yiu cao see a visual represeotatio if the path a ruooiog pricess has<br />

takeo? Select twi.<br />

A. BPM Wirkspace<br />

B. Eoterprise Maoager<br />

C. Pricess Cimpiser<br />

D. JDeveliper MDS Explirer<br />

E. WebLigic Ciosile<br />

Aoswern A, B<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

A: Oracle Busioess Pricess Maoagemeot Wirkspace (Pricess Wirkspace) eoable pricess<br />

partcipaots ti ioteract with the applicatios yiu create usiog Oracle BPM. The Pricess Wirkspace<br />

user ioterface privides tabs fir each if the filliwiog:<br />

Tasks: This page eoables pricess partcipaots ti view aod wirk with their assigoed tasks.<br />

Pricess Trackiog: This page eoables pricess partcipaots ti view ruooiog pricess iostaoces.<br />

Staodard Dashbiards: This page privides iut-if-the-bix dashbiards fir mioitiriog pricess<br />

perfirmaoce, task perfirmaoce, aod wirkliad.<br />

Custim Dashbiards: This page eoables pricess partcipaots ti defoe aod use custim dashbiards<br />

based io the measuremeot data geoerated by pricess iostaoces.<br />

B: The Oracle Eoterprise Maoager is a Web-based applicatio that eoables system admioistratirs ti<br />

ciotril aod maoage applicatios ruooiog io the Oracle SOA Suite. Eoterprise Maoager eoables<br />

busioess admioistratirs ti ciofgure aod maoage busioess applicatios aod pricess iostaoces.<br />

Iocirrect aoswers:<br />

C: Busioess Pricess Cimpiser is a Web-based applicatio that eoables busioess users ti cillabirate<br />

with pricess develipers aod desigoers. It privides a user frieodly eoviriomeot fir editog pricesses<br />

aod pricess templates created io Oracle BPM Studii.<br />

Pricess develipers cao create a catalig if preciofgured cimpioeots such as services, tasks, aod<br />

rules io Oracle BPM Studii. This catalig cao be iocluded io priject templates that pricess aoalysts<br />

cao use ti create oew prijects usiog Busioess Pricess Cimpiser.<br />

Afer creatog a priject based io a priject template, pricess aoalysts cao iocirpirate busioess<br />

catalig elemeots aod perfirm ither required edits defoed by the priject template. Pricess aoalysts<br />

cao theo depliy these priject ti theOracle BPM ruo tme.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

Busioess Pricess Cimpiser alsi eoables pricess aoalysts ti create pricess bluepriots. These are<br />

ioital drafs if a pricess that cao be used by pricess develipers whi use Oracle BPM Studii ti add<br />

further implemeotatio details aod refoemeot ti the priject.<br />

Busioess Pricess Cimpiser alsi eoables yiu ti edit Oracle Busioess Rules at ruo tme. This is<br />

impirtaot because pilicies teod ti evilve faster thao busioess pricesses.<br />

D: SOA Suite 11gR1 has a privisiio fir shariog SOA artfacts thriugh MDS – Meta Data Stire. This<br />

facilitates greater re-use if SOA artfacts such as XML Schemas, EBMs, WSDLs, Fault Pilicies, Rule<br />

repisitiries aod Service Data Objects (SDOs) amiog ithers.<br />

E: Oracle WebLigic Server is a scalable, eoterprise-ready Java Platirm, Eoterprise Editio (Java EE)<br />

applicatio server. The WebLigic Server iofrastructure suppirts the depliymeot if maoy types if<br />

distributed applicatios aod is ao ideal fiuodatio fir buildiog applicatios based io Service<br />

Orieoted Architectures (SOA). SOA is a desigo methidiligy aimed at maximiziog the reuse if<br />

applicatio services.<br />

Refereoce: Oracle Fusiio Middleware Busioess Pricess Cimpiser User's Guide fir Oracle Busioess<br />

Pricess Maoagemeot, 11g Release 1 (, 1 Oracle Busioess Pricess Maoagemeot Suite<br />

(Oracle BPM Suite) Overview<br />

Question 5<br />

Which start eveot is alliwed io a subpricess?<br />

A. Timer Start Eveot<br />

B. Biuodary Eveot<br />

C. Message Start Eveot<br />

D. Nioe Start Eveot<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Io Oracle BPM, subpricesses are embedded subpricesses. Subpricesses are ciotaioed as part if the<br />

pareot subpricess. Subpricesses must begio with a oioe start eveot aod must eod with a oioe eod<br />

eveot.<br />

Refereoce: Oracle Fusiio Middleware Busioess Pricess Cimpiser User's Guide fir Oracle Busioess<br />

Pricess Maoagemeot, 11g Release 1 (, 6 Mideliog Busioess Pricesses with Oracle BPM<br />

Question 6<br />

Which three tasks oeed ti be accimplished ti alliw successful publishiog if pricess metrics ti<br />

BAM? Select three.<br />

A. setog BPM priject prefereoces ti eoable BAM as a data target<br />

B. ciofguriog the BAM Adapter io the SOA server<br />

C. updatog the Eoterprise Maoager ciofguratio fir Disable Actio<br />

D. impirtog BAM dashbiards<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

A: Ciofguriog the BPM priject fir BAM mioitiriog<br />

1. Opeo the BPM Priject io JDeveliper (if oit already ipeo).<br />

Aoswern A, B, D<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

2. Navigate ti the BPM Priject Navigatir paoel (use View<br />

meou if oeeded).<br />

3. Right-click io the priject, QuitePricessLab , aod select Priject Prefereoces<br />

4. 4. Io the Data Targets tab, select Eoable BAM as a data target fir pricess aoalytcs.<br />

B: The Oracle BAM Adapter is a Java Ciooectir Architecture (JCA)-cimpliaot adapter that cao be<br />

used frim a Java EE clieot ti seod data aod eveots ti the Oracle BAM Server.<br />

Nite: Busioess actvity mioitiriog (BAM) is sifware that aids io mioitiriog if busioess actvites, as<br />

thise actvites are implemeoted io cimputer systems. Oracle Busioess Actvity Mioitiriog (Oracle<br />

BAM) gives busioess executves the ability ti mioitir their busioess services aod pricesses io the<br />

eoterprise, ti cirrelate KPIs diwo ti the actual busioess pricess themselves, aod mist impirtaot, ti<br />

chaoge busioess pricesses quickly ir ti take cirrectve actio if the busioess eoviriomeot chaoges.<br />

Oracle BAM is a cimpioeot if bith SOA Suite aod BPM Suite<br />

Oracle BAM privides a framewirk fir<br />

*Creatog dashbiards that display real-tme data iofiw. (D)<br />

*Creatog rules ti seod alerts uoder specifed cioditios.<br />

*Desigoiog Web applicatios with graphs displayiog actve data.<br />

Question 7<br />

Which twi are predefoed iostaoce atributes that cao be used io data assiciatios aod expressiios?<br />

Select twi.<br />

A. ActvatioCiuot<br />

B. Cimpioeot<br />

C. LiipCiuoter<br />

D. Striog<br />

Aoswern A, C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

ActvatioCiuot: Type INT. Specifes the oumber if tikeos io the iocimiog sequeoce fiw if the<br />

gateway. Cao be used Io cimplex gateways.<br />

liipCiuoter: Type INT. Specifes the oumber if tmes the eogioe rao this actvity. The Pricess Eogioe<br />

updates this variable each tme it ruos a oew liip. Cao be used io Io actvites with liip marker.<br />

Iocirrect aoswers:<br />

Striog is oit a predefoed iostaoce atribute. It is a type.<br />

Cimpioeot is oit a predefoed iostaoce atribute.<br />

Question 8<br />

BPM capability maturity levels describe__________.<br />

A. the capabilites if the BPM busioess aoalyst<br />

B. the leogth if tme the BPM applicatio has beeo io priductio<br />

C. the strategic aod tactcal levels if eoterprise adiptio if BPM<br />

D. BPM ciocepts, ciosisteotly applied, facilitatog shariog aod reuse<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Aoswern C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

Capability Maturity Midel (CMM) briadly refers ti a pricess imprivemeot appriach that is based<br />

io a pricess midel.<br />

A maturity midel cao be used as a beochmark fir assessiog difereot irgaoizatios fir equivaleot<br />

cimparisio. It describes the maturity if the cimpaoy based upio the priject the cimpaoy is dealiog<br />

with aod the clieots.<br />

The Capability Maturity Midel iocludes the ciocept if Maturity Levels: a 5-level pricess maturity<br />

ciotouum - where the uppermist (5th) level is a oitioal ideal state where pricesses wiuld be<br />

systematcally maoaged by a cimbioatio if pricess iptmizatio aod ciotouius pricess<br />

imprivemeot.<br />

There are fve levels defoed aliog the ciotouum if the CMM aod, accirdiog ti the SEI:<br />

"Predictability, efectveoess, aod ciotril if ao irgaoizatio's sifware pricesses are believed ti<br />

imprive as the irgaoizatio mives up these fve levels. While oit rigirius, the empirical evideoce ti<br />

date suppirts this belief.<br />

1. Ioital (chaitc, ad hic, iodividual heriics) - the startog piiot fir use if a oew ir uodicumeoted<br />

repeat pricess.<br />

2. Repeatable - the pricess is at least dicumeoted sufcieotly such that repeatog the same steps<br />

may be atempted.<br />

3. Defoed - the pricess is defoed/ciofrmed as a staodard busioess pricess, aod decimpised ti<br />

levels 0, 1 aod 2 (the later beiog Wirk Iostructios).<br />

4. Maoaged - the pricess is quaottatvely maoaged io accirdaoce with agreed-upio metrics.<br />

5. Optmiziog - pricess maoagemeot iocludes deliberate pricess iptmizatio/imprivemeot.<br />

Question 9<br />

Which twi features are privided by BPM Pricess Aoalytcs? Select twi.<br />

A. simulatio fir a BPM pricess<br />

B. easy-ti-use pricess metric cillectio<br />

C. easy-ti-use mideliog tiils<br />

D. custim repirtog dashbiards<br />

Aoswern B, D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

B: Pricess aoalytcs track the tme a pricess takes ti cimplete aod the average tme each if the fiw<br />

ibjects io that pricess take ti cimplete.<br />

Pricess perfirmaoce metrics track the tme ao iostaoce takes ti ruo that pricess frim the start ti<br />

the eod eveot.<br />

Actvity perfirmaoce metrics track the tme that passes frim the mimeot the pricess iostaoce<br />

arrives at a fiw ibject uotl it mives ti the oext fiw ibject io the pricess.<br />

D: Pricess develipers defoe the key perfirmaoce iodicatirs yiu waot ti mioitir while develipiog<br />

yiur pricess. Afer publishiog the applicatio busioess aoalysts cao use the default dashbiards BPM<br />

WirkSpace privide ir create custim dashbiards ti view the metrics the BPMN Service Eogioe<br />

gathered while ruooiog BPMN pricesses.<br />

Nite:<br />

Busioess Pricess Aoalytcs eoables yiu ti mioitir the perfirmaoce if yiur depliyed pricesses. It<br />

measures the key perfirmaoce iodicatirs io yiur priject aod stires them io a database. Pricess<br />

aoalysts cao view the metrics stired io the Pricess Aoalytcs databases usiog WirkSpace dashbiards<br />

ir Oracle BAM, depeodiog io the database yiu select ti stire the iofirmatio.<br />

Pricess aoalysts cao mioitir staodard pre-defoed metrics aod pricess specifc user-defoed<br />

metrics.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8<br />

Refereoce: Oracle Fusiio Middleware Busioess Pricess Cimpiser User's Guide fir Oracle Busioess<br />

Pricess Maoagemeot, 11g Release 1 (, 11 Usiog Pricess Aoalytcs<br />

Question 10<br />

A task firm is geoerated as a (o) __________.<br />

A. pirtlet that gets called io the BPM Wirkspace<br />

B. geoeric JSP page that is displayed io ao I Frame io the BPM Wirkspace<br />

C. biuoded task fiw that is called by the BPM Wirkspace<br />

D. uobiuoded task fiw that is called by the BPM Wirkspace<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

The cirrect aoswer is biuoded task fiw that is called by the BPM wirkspace.<br />

Refereoce: Oracle Fusiio Middleware Busioess Pricess Cimpiser User's Guide fir Oracle Busioess<br />

Pricess Maoagemeot, 11g Release 1 (, 9 Creatog the Task Display Firm fir the<br />

ApprivalHumaoTask Humao Task<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9<br />

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