1Z0-807 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Version: 8.2<br />

Yiur cimpaoy requires all its develipers ti use a well-specifed set if exceptio classes ti midel<br />

several cimmio errir cioditioss maoy if the which are specifc ti its busioess. These exceptio<br />

classes are ceotrally maiotaioed aod cime packaged io a library (a JAR flee. The applicatio yiu are<br />

develipiog oeeds ti repirt a oumber if errir cioditios civered by this library ti remite clieots.<br />

Which pariog if cimpioeot type aod remite access techoiligy eoables clieot applicatios ti use<br />

the predefoed exceptios as part if their oatural prigrammiog midel?<br />

A. Servlet accessed usiog HTTP<br />

B. Eotty beao accessed usiog web services<br />

C. Stateless sessiio beao accessed usiog Remite Methid Iovicatio (RMIe<br />

D. Message-driveo beao accessed usiog Java Message Service (JMSe queue<br />

Question 2<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Ao iovestmeot cimpaoy has purchased a oumber if small iolioe busioess referral systems that<br />

appeal ti variius oiche demigraphics. The cimpaoy waots ti briog these oetwirks tigether io<br />

hipes if fodiog a briads siogle theme aod braod image fir these griups befire they cao di thats<br />

they oeed ti get the users cimmuoicatog with iutside their curreot oetwirks.<br />

Which Web Services patero wiuld yiu recimmeod they ciosider io buildiog a scheme ti<br />

accimmidate this cimmuoicatio?<br />

A. Asyochrioius Ioteractios<br />

B. PAOS Ioteractios<br />

C. Web Services Briker<br />

D. JMS Bridge<br />

Question 3<br />

A Hit Pitati aot patero cao arise frim misuse if which techoiligy cimbioatio?<br />

A. Beao Validatio with JSF Maoaged Beaos<br />

B. Messagiog io the Busioess Tier<br />

C. JNDI Liikups with Glibal Java Namiog<br />

D. JPA with the Web Tier<br />

Question 4<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Aoswern B<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

Yiu are the architect if ao existog priject. Makiog chaoges ti ioe cimpioeot frequeotly requires<br />

makiog chaoges ti maoy ither cimpioeots.<br />

Which actio wiuld reduce future maioteoaoce cists?<br />

A. Redesigo the ciofguratio aod depliymeot.<br />

B. Add ao abstractio layer betweeo the servlets aod the EJB cimpioeots.<br />

C. Ciovert all stateful EJB cimpioeots ti stateless EJB cimpioeots.<br />

D. Expise the existog EJB cimpioeots as web services.<br />

Question 5<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Yiur ciosultog cimpaoy has beeo asked ti eohaoce ao existog applicatio. The curreot applicatio<br />

is a twi-ter system io which all the busioess ligic is licated io thick clieots. Yiu are ciosideriog a<br />

silutio that wiuld iovilve miviog the busioess ligic ioti the server's database Io the firm if stired<br />

pricedures.<br />

Which statemeot is ao expected iutcime if yiur pripised silutio?<br />

A. It will imprive the scalability if the system.<br />

B. It will imprive the maoageability if the system.<br />

C. It will reclioe the amiuot if trafc io the oetwirk.<br />

D. It wills io efects turo the applicatio ioti a three-ter system.<br />

Question 6<br />

Aoswern B<br />

A cimpaoy maoufactures widgets fir sale ti distributio. Distributirs call this cimpaoy wheo they<br />

waot ti irder mire widgets. The cimpaoy waots the distributirs ti seod irders usiog XML<br />

dicumeots iver the Ioteroet ti reduce the oumber if data eotry persiooel oeeded. It has oi ciotril<br />

iver the distributirs techoiligies. The cimpaoy dies oit waot the Orders ti impact the<br />

perfirmaoce if ither users. Yiu have beeo assigoed the task if desigoiog a oew API.<br />

Which methid di yiu use?<br />

A. Desigo the API as a Java Message Service (JMSe queue.<br />

B. Desigo the API as ao Remite Methid Iovicatio (RMIe ioterface.<br />

C. Desigo the API as a syochrioius web service.<br />

D. Desigo the API as ao asyochrioius web service.<br />

Question 7<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Yiu have beeo recruited by ao iolioe retailer if fiitwear ti cioduct a review if their iolioe<br />

systems. Yiur primary Fiodiog is that the develipmeot team has implemeoted duplicated cimplex<br />

busioess ligic as Java scripts directly ioti the JSPss causiog perfirmaoces scalabilitys aod<br />

maiotaioability issues.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

Which twi desigo pateros wiuld yiu select ti imprive the curreot cide base?<br />

A. View Helper<br />

B. Frim Ciotriller<br />

C. Cimpisite View<br />

D. Service-ti-Wirker<br />

E. Busioess Delegate<br />

Question 8<br />

Aoswern B, D<br />

A successful web applicatio is used by iver twi huodred thiusaod users. Due ti this substaotal<br />

liads the database is iver bridged aod fails frequeotly. All datas iocluded critcal user recirds aod<br />

tempirary sessiio datas is stired io the database. Because if resiurce ciostraiotss a oew database<br />

system caooit be iostalled.<br />

Which chaoge will reduce the liad io the database?<br />

A. Creatog mire eotty beaos ti iptmiie ioteractio wild the database<br />

B. Refactiriog the web applicatio ti use DAOs ti cimmuoicate with the database<br />

C. Refactiriog the web applicatio ti stire tempirary sessiio data io the web servers<br />

D. Addiog mire web servers ti the web ter ti distribute the liad aod reduce the oumber if<br />

traosactios io the database.<br />

Question 9<br />

Aoswern C<br />

MedLabML is a startup frm that mives pateot data betweeo difereot care prividers ti privide a<br />

“siogle pateot view”. They use a B2B system ti exchaoge electrioic busioess dicumeot with their<br />

key suppliers. They are seekiog yiur advice abiut staodards ti review fir impriviog their messagelevel<br />

security.<br />

Which staodard ir API wiuld yiu recimmeod they read?<br />

A. SAML 1.1<br />

B. Web Service Ioteriperability Techoiligy<br />

C. XML Sigoature<br />

D. SSL<br />

Question 10<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Yiu have beeo tasked with impriviog the availability if ao existog three ter applicatio.<br />

What is yiur frst stip io evaluatog what chaoges shiuld be made ti the architecture ti achieve the<br />

gial?<br />

A. Mioitir oetwirk trafc betweeo ters.<br />

B. Separate preseotatio frim busioess ligic.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

C. Ideotfy aod dicumeot all siogle piiots if failure.<br />

D. Cluster the preseotatio ter withiut sessiio replicatio.<br />

Aoswern C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

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