Rudioso Sale-aug2017-Rev1

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Consignors will be held responsible for associating radiographs with the<br />

proper horse. If the horse name is changed on the radiographs knowingly or<br />

unknowingly, or if the images have been tampered with, the consignor is<br />

responsible for any charges incurred from a dispute. If a discrepancy is<br />

found after a buyer purchases a horse, they have twenty-four (24) hours to<br />

report it to Asteris and the <strong>Sale</strong> Co. During that time, the horse may not be<br />

moved from the premises for any reason other than a medical emergency.<br />

In an attempt to prevent “buyer’s remorse” the buyer must pay Asteris<br />

and/or the sales company an $800.00 deposit to investigate a disputed<br />

purchase.<br />

Asteris will send the radiographs to three equine veterinarians of their<br />

choice for review; the veterinarians will not be diagnosing, but only<br />

verifying that the radiographs in comparison are from different horses.<br />

If the vet er i nar i ans de ter mine that the orig i nal ra dio graphs are from the horse in<br />

ques tion, the buyer must pay all fees as so ci ated with the chal lenge pro cess.<br />

If it is found to be a different horse, the consignor will be held responsible<br />

for all charges including the $800.00 deposit and the commission fee to<br />

the sales company from the resulting lost sale.<br />

VETERINARIANS: Only Digital DICOM images will be accepted and only<br />

the 32 images as follows:<br />

BOTH FRONT FETLOCKS: DP, DLPMO, DMPLO, flexed lateral medial...................8 shots.<br />

BOTH CARPI: DLPMO, PLDMO (just off lateral), flexed lateral medial..............................6 shots.<br />

BOTH HIND FET LOCKS: DP, DLPMO, DMPLO, stand ing lat eral me dial................8 shots.<br />

BOTH HOCKS: just off DP 10 de grees (slight DLPMO), lat eral me dial, PLDMO.......6 shots.<br />

BOTH STI FLES: Lat eral me dial (get ting the prox i mal tibia as well as the trochlear ridges of<br />

the fe mur and pa tella) and a plan tar an te rior as long as the condyles are vis i ble.....4 shots.<br />

Please la bel the stud ies in this man ner:<br />

Pa tient = Hip # as shown in the sale cat a log (Horse name not re quired)<br />

Owner = Con signor as listed in the sale cat a log.<br />

Ac ces sion # = Day the horse sells and hip #, i.e. Day 1 - #01<br />

Nei ther Asteris nor the <strong>Sale</strong> Co will be screen ing im ages for po si tion ing or technique;<br />

this is the re spon si bil ity of the vet er i nar ian at the time of sub mis sion.<br />


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