AN OLD ROOKIE COP_Read It._08-14-2016

This highly informative publication was produced & designed by a former police officer, also African-American. This former police officer was compelled to release this article in response to recent, tragic police shootings of African-Americans. Over the past several months, news headlines in the United States have blanketed the internet, social media, TV, news papers, radio… etc. with reports of African-American men & women who've been severely injured or tragically lost their lives at the hands of police officers. These cases have sparked controversy, debate, widespread protests & civil unrest which has led to violence & destruction of property. In many cases it was discovered, police officers were guilty of misconduct & were determined to have broken the law ‘themselves’, in that they willfully & blatantly violated rights of citizens. Law enforcement is under a tremendous amount of scrutiny in the U.S., it is imperative, something be done about the negative sentiment between communities & law enforcement.

This highly informative publication was produced & designed by a former police officer, also African-American. This former police officer was compelled to release this article in response to recent, tragic police shootings of African-Americans. Over the past several months, news headlines in the United States have blanketed the internet, social media, TV, news papers, radio… etc. with reports of African-American men & women who've been severely injured or tragically lost their lives at the hands of police officers. These cases have sparked controversy, debate, widespread protests & civil unrest which has led to violence & destruction of property. In many cases it was discovered, police officers were guilty of misconduct & were determined to have broken the law ‘themselves’, in that they willfully & blatantly violated rights of citizens. Law enforcement is under a tremendous amount of scrutiny in the U.S., it is imperative, something be done about the negative sentiment between communities & law enforcement.


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“Knowledge Is Definitely Power”<br />




Recent headline tragedies involving the shootings of African American<br />

men, women and teenagers, by (Caucasian) law enforcement officers,<br />

across the nation have compelled me to speak out on the subject. You see, I<br />

feel I have a unique perspective on this particular subject matter because<br />

first, „I am a black man‟ and secondly, I am a „former‟ law enforcement<br />

officer. In my early twenties I became a corrections officer and was sworn<br />

in as a (special) deputy sheriff for a medium size county (Jefferson) in<br />

Northeastern Ohio. I worked for the sheriffs‟ department for approximately<br />

two and one half years, was laid off due to budget constraints and was soon<br />

hired on by the county seats‟ city (Steubenville) police department where I<br />

worked for just under two and one half years as well. I‟ve always considered<br />

myself a rookie cop because my law enforcement tenure is really only a<br />

“drop in the bucket” compared to officers who have ten, fifteen and more<br />

years of service under their belts.<br />

However, that work experience has impacted me from then to now. Despite<br />

my brief tenure wearing a badge, being a police officer was and still is the<br />

all-time best j.o.b. I ever held! Growing up in the 1960‟s and 1970‟s was a<br />

period of time I vividly recall, most people „looking up‟ to law enforcement.<br />

We were taught to respect a police officer. If in trouble, go to a police<br />

officer because most police officers were considered „respectful‟ pillars of<br />

the community whose duties were to “ and ” the citizens of<br />

that community. Even in schools, teachers would instill in students, that if<br />

a stranger bother’s you, shout “help”, “run” and “find a policeman”. Television<br />

and other media outlets did the same thing, in frequent public service<br />

announcements. Personally, as a youngster, I was always enamored by<br />

what the stood for with their authority, influence and power to make<br />

certain wrong things, feel right again.<br />

As a youngster, during those years, to see officers in their blue uniforms,<br />

and gun belts with nightsticks, was an impressive sight.<br />

Officers were assigned to conduct foot patrols in neighborhoods and when<br />

they would walk down the streets, many people would take notice, speak to<br />

them and thank them for the sense of security they conveyed to residents.<br />

These beat patrol officers „engaged‟ residents and business owners in conversation,<br />

establishing a powerful community spirit and rapport, that<br />

was highly effective on many levels. If someone “got out of line” or committed<br />

a crime, the would have a pretty good idea of who, what, and

how to address the matter. Heck, parents were even known to “threaten<br />

to take” and did “actually take” unruly kids to the<br />

to<br />

get the kids‟ attention by showing them where they could „end up‟ if they<br />

didn’t straighten up. [Some people may ask, “where did you grow up”?]<br />

My own Grandfather actually worked part time at the ,<br />

doing maintenance and custodial work and was very „well liked‟ and<br />

respected by the patrolmen. I‟ve always believed that it is due in part to my<br />

Grandfathers‟ close ties to the<br />

and his friendship with<br />

many of the patrolmen, that “I am alive today”. My Mother and<br />

Grandparents would tell me years later, that when I was just a toddler, I<br />

went through a brief phase where I would occasionally become so<br />

„stubborn‟ that I would hold my breath if I didn‟t get what I wanted. I would<br />

perform this „tantrum‟ of sorts until the point of almost passing out! On one<br />

such occasion I actually did „pass out‟. My Mother and I were at my<br />

Grandparents‟ home when this happened to me and everyone was frantic<br />

because, I‟m told I appeared to have stopped breathing altogether.<br />

This was in the mid 1960‟s and there was no system established yet.<br />

The police and an ambulance were called and as it would turn out, a patrolman<br />

who recognized the name and address given in the emergency call,<br />

arrived on the scene first. This officer just happened to be a good friend of<br />

my Grandfather and immediately upon seeing me lying on a blanket on the<br />

floor, he grabbed me and began administering „<br />

‟ on my small limp body. His short breaths into my mouth and chest<br />

compressions quickly revived me and I was rushed to the hospital to be examined.<br />

I came through the ordeal just fine and without any complications<br />

occurring. What a true blessing! Many years later and when I was old enough<br />

to better understand what happened to me, I got to meet this “life<br />

saving”<br />

and he remembered „just‟ who I was.<br />

So you see, I‟ve pretty much, had a deep connection to law enforcement<br />

since before „I even knew‟ what a „ ‟ was. So please understand me<br />

when I say it was truly an honor, a huge sense of pride, an accomplishment<br />

and many other accolades, when I succeeded in becoming an officer in my<br />

own hometown my first swearing-in as a deputy, in front of the<br />

county sheriff and the county court judge…to my second swearing-in<br />

ceremony as a patrolman, in front of the city police chief and municipal<br />

court judge. this day, I‟ve always had a deep respect and admiration for<br />

what law enforcement is supposed to represent. This is why today (2015), I<br />

am really saddened, disappointed, frustrated and even somewhat

embarrassed over the current “view” and “attitude” towards law enforcement<br />

by segments of our society. I took great pride in carrying my badge<br />

Yes, it is really<br />

to see people (the BLACK community in particular),<br />

experience a wide spread resurgence of feelings of fear and mistrust<br />

for law enforcement. Feelings that are reminiscent of a and<br />

period (not all that long ago) in the history of this nation and its‟ African-<br />

American culture. That period of time saw the birth of the civil rights<br />

movement which fought tirelessly and painstakingly for equality and justice<br />

for , under the law. The iconic name „most‟ synonymous with this<br />

historic grass roots effort is undoubtedly Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.<br />

who was, himself the very pinnacle of a systematic and prejudiced law<br />

enforcement establishment of yester-year. Many baby boomers may argue<br />

the „past tense‟ reference, citing “not much has changed”. This is most<br />

unfortunate because we surely the but, we also certainly<br />

need the police to know that “ ”!<br />

Yes, it is really<br />

to see, almost „on a monthly (if not weekly)<br />

basis‟, an incident or report (by the media) of law enforcement engaged in<br />

some level of clearly „questionable‟ and even illegal behavior as it pertains<br />

to the treatment of citizens (particularly in the BLACK community) they<br />

are encountering while in the line of duty. “Bringing to bear, the truth and<br />

reality” of situations, are the strides in the ever growing fascination and<br />

development of technology. Now, in many situations, it is no longer just a,<br />

my word against your word type of case, where the only proof is „one<br />

statement versus another statement‟. Cameras are everywhere, they are<br />

taking „revealing‟ pictures and recording „vivid‟ video accounts of numerous<br />

occurrences the time. Mobile phones and other technologically advanced<br />

devices are also recording the audio and specific sounds of occurrences<br />

that were once the of major disputes and indecision. In many<br />

situations, it was obvious that the inability to effectively determine “who<br />

telling the truth” and “who telling the truth” ultimately, led to countless<br />

inadequate and consequences.<br />

Yes, it is really to know those who , to not only<br />

enforce the law but, to uphold the law and<br />

the image of law<br />

enforcement by obeying the law themselves… would resort to “<br />

” and “ the power, trust and authority” vested in them. Law<br />

enforcement officers do have a tremendous amount of power and<br />

authority as it pertains to the average citizen and even to those dubbed

more „affluent‟. But regardless of the status, classification…etc. [minoritymiddle<br />

class or whoever…] abuse of power and position is still abuse and<br />

it is just “plain wrong”! Those in these positions, found of abuse<br />

should be held accountable! Those in these positions, suspected or accused<br />

of violating their oaths, should be fully and properly investigated (by<br />

qualified independent authorities) and dealt with accordingly. Being a law<br />

enforcement officer requires a totally different level of „mindset‟ then<br />

almost every other profession! “Policing” others, is „unlike‟ any other<br />

profession and definitely is not just a j.o.b.!<br />

Yes, it is really<br />

at times, because until recently, I have<br />

always been a staunch defender of law enforcement and I stood up for<br />

what the institution represents. Not so much for the individual wearing the<br />

badge but, for the purpose and necessity for the enforcement of the LAW.<br />

Think about it, without police authority and protection of the laws, it<br />

would be worse then what is portrayed in the wild, wild west era of time.<br />

Lawlessness would be “rampant”, it would be, in part like what we now<br />

see on the evening news (& social media) happening in other regions of the<br />

world. As far as „embarrassing‟…it‟s pretty darn hard to stand up for a guy<br />

wearing a badge and clearly shown on „video‟ punching, kicking and<br />

stomping on the head and back of a suspect who is already down on the<br />

ground, complying with orders and handcuffed to boot. How can anyone<br />

even open their mouth in defense of this type of behavior? How (in good<br />

conscious) can these actions be justified by an organization‟s review board,<br />

chief, sheriff, police commander or police commissioner…etc.?<br />

This individual has clearly crossed over the threshold of enforcing the<br />

law to clearly breaking the law thus, becoming a criminal himself.<br />

Unfortunately and for „far too long‟, the standard for this type of behavior<br />

(of law enforcement officers) has been viewed as “separate” from the<br />

standard of behavior of the individuals (suspects) on the ground. Now, let<br />

me get to the “ and ” of the reason why the duty of a law<br />

enforcement officer is without a doubt, totally unlike any other<br />

profession out there… the reason why the duty of a<br />

is not<br />

just a j.o.b. and why, not just anyone can „effectively' wear the badge of<br />

authority. You see, a major component of enforcing laws, involves dealing<br />

„up close and personal‟ with those individuals and groups whose ultimate<br />

goals are to go against and break the laws. „ ‟ has to step in and<br />

exert authority when this happens, that is the PO’-LICE. When a<br />

law is broken, there is usually a tangible, recognizable Victim who needs to

e „served’ in the form of assistance from „ someone‟ (with the ability, power<br />

and legal authority) to investigate on their behalf…the circumstances which<br />

led to them becoming a victim in the first place, that would be the PO’-<br />

LICE. The Victim will also need to be „protected‟ under the law (by<br />

„ someone‟ with the ability, power and legal authority), from being victim-<br />

ized further. Again, that would be the PO’-LICE. [<br />

Yes! <strong>It</strong> is law enforcement officers who “<br />

” and are charged<br />

with the duty of investigating, tracking down and apprehending those individuals<br />

and groups who prey upon innocent law abiding citizens, making<br />

them victims of crime. “<strong>It</strong> can be a dirty, dangerous undertaking and no<br />

can do it”!! I can tell you first hand, the police deal with the<br />

type of people that you wouldn‟t want to come across in your „worst‟<br />

! These people are the breathing „ scum and filth‟ of the earth and<br />

their primary objectives are to brutalize others at all costs. I‟m talking<br />

about those persons who rape, maim , terrorize and murder innocent, unsu-<br />

specting people who are just trying to make it through their journey of life.<br />

“I was once the one”, who was up close and personal with these types<br />

of individuals. Which is how my stint in law enforcement first began.<br />

I worked in a jail where they were housed and it was „my‟ responsibility to<br />

bring them , , , , items and even<br />

from what‟s known in correctional institutions as „ ‟.<br />

Those who do what I once did for a living then, are even responsible for<br />

making sure these individuals, themselves are not “harmed or victimized”<br />

while incarcerated. <strong>It</strong> was not „my‟ duty nor my responsibility to<br />

them, them or to them, “regardless” of how vile, of an act<br />

they were accused of. I can vividly recall one case of a most despicable<br />

inmate who was charged with the of a thirteen-year old girl, whom he<br />

sexually brutalized „repeatedly‟ over several hours, during one night in her<br />

own home. I came to work early one morning and reported to my assigned<br />

section of the jail facility, it was where this inmate was being housed while<br />

he awaited trial. On this particular morning, I noticed him glaring at me, as<br />


he emerged from his individual (lock-down) cell and entered the common<br />

area of the cell block. [This is an area where inmates are permitted to<br />

congregate during the day. But at night or during high risk situations,<br />

they’re placed back into their individual locked cells] I watched him<br />

“stretching and patting himself on the chest”, he then shouted (loudly)<br />

“ ”. He then snickered and<br />

“smiled” at me as he asked, “<br />

?”. I remember<br />

thinking how „disgusting‟ of a human being he was and how he never once<br />

showed one „ounce‟ of<br />

for traumatizing (possibly forever) the life<br />

of a young innocent child. The only thing he openly seemed to regret was,<br />

getting caught. Could you do this type of work? Could „you‟ be the one<br />

serving cornflakes cereal to someone like this?<br />

Regardless of how a suspected criminal is thought of by those pursuing him<br />

or her, by those who ultimately effect a capture or by those charged with<br />

over that person while in custody… that suspect or prisoner<br />

still<br />

to something called due process. Now, when it comes to<br />

criminal activity, whether one is merely „ suspected‟ or actually known to<br />

have committed a crime, the due process is usually initiated during the<br />

apprehension/custody phase. Those persons (typically, law enforcement)<br />

effecting the apprehension are legally bound by specific laws, rules, regu-<br />

lations and policies pertaining to the scope of their duties. Therefore, the<br />

rights of the individual(s) must carefully be regarded as well. These duties<br />

do not include being the judge, jury or executioner in any respect at all!<br />

Even the<br />

provides that; an individual is<br />

presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by a jury of his<br />

or her own peers.<br />

<strong>It</strong> is the duty, obligation or the right of law enforcement officer<br />

to administer or to inflict any type of retribution, punishment or revenge<br />

on suspect or anyone else, ! NOW! Let‟s be perfectly clear and<br />

also realistic, while reiterating that many of the people that<br />

encounter, are “ persons far worse than in any nightmare” you can conjure<br />

up! Therefore, if you are not affiliated „professionally' with the career of<br />

law enforcement, please afford me the benefit of any doubt you may have<br />

when I attest to you… there are most definitely extenuating and terribly<br />

extreme circumstances. I‟m talking about situations where individuals<br />


(and sometimes groups) and „ ‟ force the hand of<br />

to take<br />

in order to control a situation.<br />

What‟s an extreme measure ? An<br />

is a reaction<br />

deemed as a [necessary] last resort response by law enforcement, to an<br />

action(s) by a person(s) who have reached a “<br />

” in their<br />

minds and are determined to continue on a path of mayhem and destructtion.<br />

Many times innocent, unsuspecting people are directly in this path of<br />

mayhem and disregard (by the criminal element) for the wellbeing and<br />

lives of others. Sometimes the police, “literally” have only a few seconds<br />

(or less) to make a<br />

to react to a threat they (or others)<br />

are facing at that critical moment. This reaction could be an effort to save<br />

the life of a known victim(s), innocent bystander(s), hostage(s), a fellow<br />

officer(s) or the life of the officer, him or herself. <strong>It</strong> didn‟t take me five, ten<br />

or fifteen years of service to witness first-hand or to personally experience<br />

how a life, my life could be over in just a heartbeat! On three such occasions<br />

while a rookie officer, I was truly blessed by God „almighty‟ to have<br />

survived the shift, so please believe me when I tell you…“you just don‟t<br />

know the feeling, until you actually feel it”!<br />

One of these occasions involved a fellow officer taking quick action which<br />

prevented me from being in the chest by a , mentally ill<br />

patient. Another occasion involved my senior partner knocking a „loaded‟<br />

rifle out of the hands of a suspect who, unbeknownst to me, was “aiming it<br />

right at my head”. Outside of our esteemed military forces, brave fire fighters<br />

and paramedics, I can‟t think of many other professions that even come<br />

close to affording these types of experiences in the workplace. Also, there<br />

are events so traumatic and so dramatic, that even with a camera<br />

rolling and microphone recording, somebody observing it afterwards,<br />

still cannot possibly or completely understand what those<br />

involved in the event, were experiencing at various moments, as<br />

it unfolded. Sure, in the sports world, it‟s easy to sit back and Mondaymorning-quarterback<br />

details and highlights of a game played over the<br />

weekend but, not in the real life of law enforcement!<br />

The split-second decisions that police officers, sheriff deputies, highway<br />

patrol, state troopers, detectives…etc. make are final and can be life altering<br />

experiences on all levels. In law enforcement there are no do-overs in<br />

cases of traumatic injuries and loss of life situations but, there can be<br />

„fouls called on a play‟. In the realm of society [the split-second actions of<br />

police officers] the Monday-morning quarterbacking is done by the media

and public but, ultimately ruled on within the judicial system. This can<br />

take months and even years for results! Now obviously, every situation<br />

law enforcement deals with is not so traumatically intense or life threatening,<br />

so there must certainly be some differentiating as it pertains to the level<br />

of a „perceived threat‟ to public safety or an officer‟s safety. Then<br />

there‟s just plain „common sense‟, self-control and remembering (as a<br />

sworn officer, what you took an oath to uphold) the right thing to do.<br />

Let‟s look at some variables; Depending upon the venue and size of the population,<br />

in the area in which police officers work, it can be the case of,<br />

eight out of ten people, officers encounter are totally unknown to the officeer(s).<br />

As it relates to vehicles & traffic related situations with the public, officers<br />

typically never know „exactly‟ who it is, they are encountering. They<br />

don‟t know for sure if it‟s a local school principal on the way home from<br />

work, a soccer mom headed to pick up the kids from practice or a deranged<br />

murderer who just killed people in. Every situation law enforcement<br />

deal with, can be as unique as snowflakes therefore, officers can<br />

let down their guard, as it can cost them their lives or the lives of others!<br />

What I‟m attempting to emphasize here, are those cases where law enforcement<br />

officers have been able to assess that a threat level is minimal or<br />

even nonexistent and clearly have a situation under their control. Also, they<br />

have been able to do so while exerting adequate (minimum) use of force<br />

in. Now bear in mind, I‟m not just someone (on the outside, looking in)<br />

speculating or guessing about these things. I was “actually” there and can<br />

tell you from first~hand experience that things. can (and do) change in a<br />

heartbeat! I mean escalating and spiraling out of control before anyone<br />

even knows what is happening thus, becoming a matter of sheer self~survival<br />

and or helping someone else to survive (a once )!!<br />

Again, let‟s focus on those cases where the police are clearly in control of a<br />

situation they are addressing and circumstances are relatively calm.<br />

a subject is in police-custody and poses no immediate<br />

threat to the safety of the officers, the public or himself/herself and is „<br />

for the most part‟. <strong>It</strong> is inevitable this person is going to be relocated<br />

to a place of detention, holding facility, jail or prison… This typically means<br />

some method of vehicular transportation and can also mean a substantial<br />

period of time where a person or persons in police-custody are completely<br />

„out of view‟ of the public and in total isolation of anyone, except for<br />

law enforcement elated personnel. This very scenario plays out each and<br />

everyday in our country and places all over the world, has done so for many

years and will probably be a common practice for years to come. The point<br />

here and „especially‟ in light of what is headlining the front page news<br />

today in America, is now an issue of credence as it relates to “what really<br />

happens to people who go through these scenarios?”. “Exactly How and<br />

Why is the physical condition of an individual(s) sometimes<br />

during and after, one of these ( police custody) scenarios, then<br />

it was from the point of effecting the initial arrest and custody procedure”?<br />

So how is the real truth in these types of cases ultimately determined and<br />

brought to the surface for all to see and rely on as factual?<br />

There is typically a constant common denominator in this equation and<br />

that is, there is usually somebody who really knows all of what happened<br />

or really knows part of what happened. These „knowers‟ are usually<br />

the ones who , or were there as participants<br />

in or are witnesses to . Once an<br />

allegation is made, it is now a matter of substantiating it with proof & facts<br />

pursuant to the claim. This can be done in a number of ways including, eye<br />

or ear witness statements, electronic ( video or audio…etc.) devices and<br />

secondary victim statements. Any one or all of these methods can support<br />

or validate what has initially been alleged. Now please keep this in mind as<br />

it relates to multiple eye witness accounts of the “same” incident…<br />

!<br />

There is also, the very real possibility of these methods disproving parts<br />

or all of the allegations entirely. Several people can witness an event at the<br />

exact same time, at the exact same location and under the same conditions<br />

and circumstances, yet give differing (even conflicting) statements as to<br />

what took place. This is why thorough investigations must take place and<br />

be conducted by competent and qualified persons (preferably independent<br />

of association), as it pertains to an organization whose member(s) may be<br />

the one(s) who stand accused. The objective being getting to the truth of<br />

the matter, while demonstrating transparency and exhibiting impartiality.<br />

Then you have the one human factor, which is “honesty” and is<br />

basically the whole reason and need for investigating what is alleged to<br />

have happened…thus, being able to determine what actually occurred and<br />

if someone shall be held accountable for their actions in the matter.<br />

Since we do not live in a perfect world, we have relied on things like<br />

polygraph tests, forensic science and various other forms of investigative<br />

technology, to seek the truth. Even then, 100% of what really took place,<br />

sometimes cannot be established. Innocent persons have been

while murderers, rapists and other criminals .<br />

When individuals and groups are placed in positions of<br />

and influence<br />

over others, they are entrusted to abide by the oaths, laurels and<br />

integrity symbolizing that position of office in which they‟ve accepted.<br />

When that authority is willfully defiled, abused or misused by the beholder,<br />

that person should<br />

be held accountable for violating that<br />

trust. “Especially” when there‟s been ample opportunity given, to rectify<br />

any (statement discrepancies) appearance of improprieties afoot.<br />

! If you allow yourself<br />

to become embroiled in something like this, you only aid in perpetuating<br />

one huge (conspiracy) web of lies…“you are dishonest”. In some cases,<br />

this can even result in the actual truth “actually” becoming clouded and<br />

uncertain. This is why a thorough, complete and unbiased investigation is<br />

imperative, in order to reveal what really took place!<br />

In law enforcement, once you have been found to be dishonest, you lose<br />

credibility and this can haunt you throughout you career as an officer.<br />

The truth on the other hand, can be “much harder to swallow” however, it<br />

is also much easier maintained than the ! The truth is “what actually<br />

happened” versus the , which is “what did not happen”. The truth can<br />

be much easier remembered versus the , which must carefully be<br />

recalled because its‟ details were fabricated in the ! The has to<br />

keep track of , and a particular was told to. This is why<br />

seasoned interviewers and investigators are able to extract crucial details<br />

from people „simply‟ by asking the same question repeatedly but, in<br />

different ways and at different times (also referred to as „tripping up‟). Most<br />

often, the cannot successfully keep track of the lies!<br />

! Not as much effort is required in remembering what you actually<br />

witnessed, did 0r heard. The moral here is, just tell the truth in the<br />

first place… somewhere it is written, “it‟s better to get caught telling a<br />

truth, then it is to get caught telling a lie”. The consequences for you could<br />

be equally, significant and then, maybe not. A typical<br />


investigation, involving citizens who are victimized by street criminals can<br />

be trying enough…let alone launching investigations that center around law<br />

enforcement officers “themselves”. I can remember a fellow rookie officer<br />

and friend whom I attended a police academy with, sharing some-<br />

thing very poignant with me. Let‟s just call him „Eddy‟. Eddy and I were hired<br />

at the same time and were partners during training, he became a detective<br />

in a short period of time, we referred to that as „ ‟.<br />

This meant no more working in the uniform, it was dress shirts, ties and<br />

shinned oxfords, being on call and driving an unmarked patrol car.<br />

<strong>It</strong> also meant investigating the cases that the<br />

patrolmen responded<br />

to. I ran into my detective friend Eddy one day during a shift change,<br />

he was coming out of an interview room where he was going over a case<br />

with a victim. Eddy looked pretty flustered, a tuft of hair lay across his<br />

sweat beaded forehead and he had his eye glasses off and was rubbing his<br />

eyes. I asked him „what was going on‟ and „why the glum look‟… he leaned<br />

close and said, in disgust, “it‟s ridiculous how people lie”. I said “well you<br />

know, that‟s part of why we get paid to do what we do”. His face turned<br />

even more and he said “I know but, everyone lies, even the victims<br />

of a crime lie to us”! This is very frustrating, especially when you‟re truly<br />

trying to help someone whose been<br />

by others and your heart<br />

goes out to them, yet they won‟t be truthful with you. Do you remember the<br />

following „age old adage‟?<br />

“There‟s three sides to every story; ,<br />

&<br />

”. As it relates to trained professional<br />

organizations, I believe integrity can be gauged and shaped by a groups‟<br />

leadership. In this case, the subject is law enforcement therefore, those<br />

leaders would obviously be the ones who bear titles such as; the<br />

, , ,<br />

, or<br />

…etc. Set policies, tandard perating rocedures, rules and regulations<br />

are typically instituted and enforced by these same individuals.<br />

When a subordinate law enforcement officer is accused of violating a particular<br />

policy or law, he or she would more then likely be<br />

to one<br />

or more of these authority figures. This is where the integrity and strength<br />

of the leadership as well as department policy, rights, morality and state<br />

and federal laws can come into play. This is also the time for those of authority<br />

to “get in front” of a situation (sooner than later) that has potential to<br />

spiral ! The aftermaths of recent and „ ‟ police-

involved events, demonstrate just how essential this is! Especially in cases<br />

that have a high potential of becoming , it only makes sense to be<br />

even more , more and more diligent in establishing<br />

the facts (of what really happened), sooner than later. Obviously gone, are<br />

those days of „putting off‟ the public, main stream media and social media<br />

with a “no comment” or “this is an internal matter” response from officials.<br />

Modern day society and sentiment, demands to know the truth, as it relates<br />

to what is happening to friends, associates and loved ones who end up<br />

for the worse, during or after encounters with law enforcement.<br />

Growing public sentiment also demands<br />

for those in law<br />

enforcement who cross~the~line and become law breakers under the<br />

guise of enforcing the law. I don‟t see this trend slowing anytime soon, and<br />

rightfully so. People are really tired and fed up with being fearful of those<br />

who are charged with the responsibility of protecting them! People are<br />

and with those authority figures who use their positions to intimidate<br />

and abuse them, simply because they can, then use the law and its‟<br />

loopholes to justify their unjust behavior and actions. This is just plain<br />

wrong and there must begin a collective and paramount effort to address<br />

and „stamp out‟ this social menace!<br />

I do not condone violence and I believe it is truly unfortunate that people<br />

feel a riot is necessary before their pain and frustration over mistreatment,<br />

is recognized. Violence certainly isn‟t the answer because it only beckons<br />

more needless violence! When you allow a pressure cooker to exceed its‟<br />

maximum potential to contain its‟ pressurized contents, it eventually “explodes”,<br />

violently! Is society in the United States gradually becoming a<br />

human pressure cooker over police misconduct? If you believe the answer<br />

is yes, what do you feel can be done about it? Let‟s say the decision makers<br />

and those at the top (brass) in law enforcement, immediately began to<br />

take a much more realistic look and enact proactive measures as it pertains<br />

to the root causes of identifiable problems within their respective departments.<br />

Sadly, we‟ve seen that it only takes one police officer to set off an<br />

„avalanche‟ of controversy and chaos…which can further ignite a wave of<br />

mayhem and destructive behavior across an entire city, state and even<br />

beyond! So what if, these higher-ups became truly adamant about addres-<br />

sing the known root causes of trouble or the potential for trouble within<br />

their organizations? You see, anything is possible but, I just don‟t buy that<br />

out of the clear , a police officer simply, one day decides to beat an<br />

already subdued, compliant suspect “to death” or “half to death”. Or

that an officer just picks one day to use deadly force on an unarmed,<br />

fleeing suspect who no longer poses any immediate threat. Just go<br />

back and look, at some of the investigative reports and histories of police<br />

officers involved in recent cases of minorities who‟ve been killed or severely<br />

injured during police encounters. You will find that several of these „particular‟<br />

officers were no strangers to controversy or at least “<br />

” in the minds of colleagues…even prior to making headline news. What<br />

this means is, there‟s evidence and verifiable reports showing they were already<br />

red flagged as potential candidates for „coming close to doing or<br />

actually doing what they ultimately did‟ (even if they only a candidate,<br />

for what happened, in the minds of their cohorts).<br />

This also means that, “there were somebodies” who felt in advance, there<br />

was a likelihood for what happened, maybe not on the scale that it did happen<br />

but, nevertheless… was at least, aware of potential. Talk<br />

about Monday-morning-quarterbacking in ones‟ mind, this is horrible!<br />

Face it, we‟ve all, more than likely worked at a job where there was just that<br />

one coworker who stood out to you (and others) as the one who will one<br />

day “go too far”, “lose it” and “go off the deep end”! Law enforcement is no<br />

different and neither am I (as thoughts go). Because I‟ve been there many a<br />

time, in the capacity of a<br />

and on more than one occasion<br />

witnessed a fellow officer push-the-envelope a little “too far”. Thank God no<br />

one died but, those could have been very bad days! Heck, there were a few<br />

times when I even questioned „my own‟ actions in the line of duty.<br />

, is part of being mindful of how far to go. Now I‟m<br />

not here, all these years later, to point fingers at the past, it was a different<br />

era then. And I‟m not here to suggest all be a Serpico, but I can‟t<br />

help but to have respect for his morals. Furthermore, to any young rookie<br />

officer, this is not forty years ago, there is nothing wrong with telling the<br />

truth! These days, grand juries are indicting police officers, prosecutors<br />

are prosecuting police officers, trial juries are convicting police<br />

officers and judges are sentencing police officers to prison terms!<br />

Even officers who played a role or conspired with the key defendant(s) are<br />

getting time or probation. At the least, your law enforcement career is<br />

„shot‟, then, there‟s your reputation, your family, friends and other loved<br />

ones to think of. Do not allow someone else to help you ruin your life<br />

and the sanctity of your family, you’re capable of doing that on your<br />

own! Don‟t allow others to make you answer to their mistakes and misdeeds!<br />

Especially when you‟ve been blessed with the ability to see it

coming! Because once you pass the , there‟s no do-over!<br />

My first three months as a corrections officer at the county jail, convinced<br />

me there was no way in the world I could ever be a criminal! Locking up<br />

people and hearing those jail gates “slam” shut was surreal. Even though I<br />

would have the key to the lock in my hand, there was just something<br />

about that sound of the cell door slam and latch engaging. Yet for some<br />

people, going to jail is like entering a second home (like Otis on the Andy<br />

Griffith Show from the 1960‟s) and yet for others, it can require all of five<br />

officers to place them in a cell. Believe me when I tell you that “<br />

” or you should because it can cost you big time!<br />

One summer evening while on duty at the county jail, I learned a very valuable<br />

experience; Two city police officers brought in a little person, who in<br />

those days was inappropriately referred to as a midget. This man was intoxicated<br />

and very angry and it wasn‟t until one of the city patrolmen began<br />

to remove his handcuffs in exchange for our handcuffs, that we found out<br />

just how angry he was. The moment this prisoners‟ hands were free, he<br />

“snapped” like a light switch on the wall! I mean he was „all over‟ the small<br />

booking area, spinning like a human top. There were three of us deputies<br />

and the two city officers, we were all trying to grasp and restrain this guy.<br />

Despite his 4‟-10‟‟ stature, he was very elusive and his speed and strength<br />

had all of us out done for several minutes.<br />

We finally collared him and placed him directly into a jail cell. I remember<br />

afterwards, we all just looked at each other (without speaking a word, at<br />

first) and at the mess in the booking area. The molding around the surface<br />

of the booking countertop was partially peeled off, chairs and files were all<br />

over the floor and our uniforms were in various states of disarray. I couldn‟t<br />

believe what just happened, in all of 5 or 6 minutes. I remember thinking to<br />

myself, “what if that would have been just ME by Myself” Wow! I don‟t<br />

know what I would have done or any other lone officer for that matter, because<br />

all of the officers present, ranged in age from our 20‟s to 40‟s and we<br />

all were physically fit for the most part. My lesson was that size and appearance<br />

cannot always be a predictable factor in the outcome of a situation<br />

and should never be taken for granted, in “any” respect.<br />

This man was still there the next day when I reported to work and would<br />

you believe, if not for his obvious stature, I would have barely recognized<br />

him? He had apparently made a court appearance and was wearing a suit<br />

and tie and his hair was neatly groomed. Practically a „totally‟ different per-

son from that of less than twenty-four hours earlier. He politely spoke to<br />

me saying that he did not remember much at all, of what happened the<br />

night before but, he said he knew he obviously did something he should not<br />

have done. The man apologized for his behavior then we shook hands. Believe<br />

it or not, this is one of those “<br />

” situations, mentioned<br />

earlier. Fortunately, there was „adequate‟ personnel present and<br />

nothing close to<br />

was even considered or necessary. Also a<br />

true blessing and very amazing, was that „no‟ or the „ ‟ were<br />

injured!<br />

Now had this incident occurred out in the field, the outcome just may have<br />

been drastically different. This is because it was obvious (and agreed upon<br />

by several), none of us or even the two city officers would have been likely<br />

to achieve the same results by themselves. The controlled environment,<br />

available manpower and good judgement was definitely pivotal in keeping<br />

this situation from escalating into something tragic! This is a prime ex-<br />

ample of a relatively calm situation spiraling „out of control‟ in a heartbeat!<br />

Always remember, every situation is different, especially in this line of work<br />

because law enforcement professionals already know (before even going<br />

into many situations) they‟ll most likely face „ or ‟ responses,<br />

sometimes both. However, there‟s also many occasions where this does<br />

not happen and people fully comply with what‟s requested of them therefore,<br />

greatly reducing the potential (or need) for any serious escalation or<br />

excessive force or worse.<br />

Despite the established fact of<br />

, in a given situation, there<br />

can (still) be moments throughout that situation, which allow for progressive<br />

assessment of the level of force necessary. That is,<br />

. Again, remember, every situation is notably unique! So, just be<br />

cause it took five officers to subdue and restrain an “out of control” little<br />

guy under the influence of something „mind altering‟… does not „necessarily‟<br />

mean it will take five officers with weapons drawn, to (subdue) or restrain<br />

a compliant big guy under the influence of nothing mind altering.<br />

Reminder: - - ?<br />

Without any doubt, officer safety and public welfare are absolute constants<br />

and top priorities however, common sense and good judgement must<br />

also enter into the equation at some point… sooner then “too late”! Again,<br />

this profession is not just for anyone, it‟s not a typical j.o.b. and everyone

is not built for what effective “law enforcement” can demand. If what you<br />

are reading sounds a little contradictory, please slowly read it once more!<br />

There is a tremendous difference in doing a j.o.b. versus professionally<br />

handling a career obligation. There are countless jobs where you have the<br />

option of doing something over, law enforcement is not one of them. If a<br />

bricklayer uses excessive force in placing a brick into position on a wall<br />

and it cracks, he or she simply grabs a new brick and continues.<br />

If a<br />

uses excessive force in placing a suspect into handcuffs,<br />

then into a patrol car and that person is seriously and unnecessarily<br />

“injured”, the remedy is not so simple. <strong>It</strong>‟s a „stinging‟ fact which is proven<br />

on a daily basis, “<br />

”! And more than likely,<br />

they shouldn‟t have even been considered for placement there in the first<br />

place. Do you know the phrase “<br />

”? Sometimes those<br />

cracks weren‟t cracks at all, they were “gaping holes that ended up being<br />

very costly to many”! Employee background investigations (or the lack<br />

thereof), are a major source of these cracks or gaping holes. There is a<br />

vital reason for these background checks, investigations and for why it<br />

is crucial they be conducted as thoroughly and as<br />

as possible.<br />

How many times have you heard of a terrible work related incident taking<br />

place and at some point into an ensuing investigation, regarding what happened…it<br />

is revealed that, the individual deemed responsible, quite possibly<br />

shouldn‟t even have been there to begin with? This means that if certain<br />

things would have been properly addressed and handled correctly, the situation<br />

could have most likely turned out completely different! Another<br />

prime „example‟ of “<br />

” is the common knowledge<br />

of that bad~apple in the bunch. This subject was touched on briefly a few<br />

pages back (Pg.13)…and is about employees who have „knowledge of‟ that<br />

one co-worker who‟s practically, on everyone’s radar! On radar as “an is-<br />

sue”, a trouble-maker, the constant envelope-pusher and the usual source<br />

of drama at work. Many times management and even those at the corporate<br />

level are aware of these big ole‟ fat “elephants in the room” and do<br />

nothing about it until one of them goes on a devastating rampage!<br />

Usually by this time, it can be way too late! Again, I’ve been there, watching<br />

as a coworker crossed the line with little or no regard for the damage<br />

or consequences. Sound familiar to you? Only in my case, I‟m not talking<br />

about casual (work place) harassment, watching someone steal office

supplies, cheating the time clock or using a work computer for something<br />

illegal or immoral. I am talking about being a<br />

and watching<br />

a backup officer using his to repeatedly „ ‟ of the<br />

suspect, I've already subdued and have under arrest. Or watching a high<br />

ranking supervisor, aggressively<br />

a harmless, intoxicated man,<br />

( ) taunt him and<br />

send him on his way. Now, I know everyone is different in the way they feel<br />

about certain things and the way they decide to handle them. So, I feel it‟s<br />

up to an individual as to , or they chose to take any „specific‟<br />

action regarding something they‟ve „ ‟ and feel very about.<br />

But, I can tell you, I do remember how deeply bothered & concerned I felt<br />

about these things „I‟ witnessed and what „I‟ felt like doing afterward. Also,<br />

I made it clear way back then, that “I was not going to jeopardize my-self<br />

in any fashion, by stating something I know to be false”. But, what I cannot<br />

tell you, is what my ultimate decisions were regarding any course of<br />

action in what I witnessed long ago, as it would serve no constructive purpose<br />

at this point. However, people must do what they know is the right<br />

thing, especially when knowing that a decision to “<br />

” could more<br />

than likely be detrimental to themselves in the future. There‟s also the potential<br />

„detriment‟ to others, as the result of one or more persons remaining<br />

silent. As well as conspiring to conceal the truth, any tangible evidence,<br />

even other vital elements in cases of others‟ .<br />

wrong-doing ?<br />

would you be willing to risk the potential consequences of being discovered<br />

(later) of giving statements or testimony ( , )<br />

when you had an opportunity to be truthful up front? Yeah, yeah I know all<br />

about the bonds of loyalty, camaraderie, brotherhood, sisterhood…etc. but<br />

what does all that truly mean when or if you should lose you and<br />

good<br />

? The impact from being caught up in something like this<br />

can be devastating enough for just the average citizen, let alone, a public<br />

official (law enforcement officer)! A whole plethora of “retribution” can<br />

come raining down upon someone of this caliber and in this predicament,<br />

because a much higher standard is expected of them! In these days and<br />

times, the courts and other government entities have become even more fed<br />

up with officials who abuse, misuse and dishonor their oaths of office.<br />

District attorneys and prosecutors are “aggressively” pursuing prosecution<br />

and conviction of rouge law enforcement officers and other public<br />

officials, discovered of wrong-doing. These folks are going to pri-

son! Again, I ask you, “ is it worth it”? Worth it to have your entire life and<br />

that of your family turned “completely upside~down”? Then, there‟s your<br />

friends and associates who believed in you, probably thought highly of you,<br />

probably don’t anymore. Many of these convictions stem from investiga-<br />

tions which ultimately uncovered the initial then the . A<br />

proper and “unbiased”, investigation can consume everyone in its‟ path<br />

(from bottom to top), until it runs its‟ course. What I have always found extremely<br />

irritating in these situations, is that during the course of these investigations,<br />

there are those (the or ) who will stand<br />

by watching, listening (<br />

) and waiting for the dust to settle…<br />

hoping they can squeak by, unscathed.<br />

<strong>It</strong> is true that sometimes individuals involved in the cover up of a crime or<br />

wrong-doing, do skate under the net, by the skin of their teeth. But you<br />

know what? There are ironically, two old phrases I would often hear used<br />

by veteran law enforcement officers and judges; “it‟s just a matter of<br />

time” and “living on borrowed time”. Sooner or later, what we‟ve done<br />

catches up with us all, in some measure… in this life or beyond. But for<br />

some, I can only imagine, that living with certain secrets, life is like a<br />

living hell, „wondering when they will be discovered‟. Discovered and<br />

held<br />

for the dark, evil deeds they‟ve managed to slip by on,<br />

with that borrowed time… Now that is, “if they even have anything close to<br />

a conscious in the first place”? If they do not have a conscious and make it<br />

through this life as we know it and not be held accountable, I believe<br />

there‟s a<br />

they will not escape! Almost from the very start of<br />

my brief tenure in the field of law enforcement, I can remember some very<br />

important things that immediately caught my attention and have always<br />

stayed with me.<br />

, during the initial orientation class at the state highway patrol<br />

(police academy), a veteran state trooper and instructor marched into the<br />

classroom, „slammed‟ his file folder down on his desk and shouted…”welcome<br />

ladies and gentlemen to the profession with the highest rate<br />

of divorce”! He also said “if you think you‟re here to train for a job, you<br />

better call your department chief or sheriff right away and let them know<br />

you‟ll be home tomorrow”! Because here, we will hopefully train you, for<br />

a long and successful career in law enforcement!<br />

, there was<br />

a series of incidents across the country and locally, where officers<br />

had committed “suicide”. Some were on the job, recently relieved of duty<br />

or in the retirement phases of their lives. The ages and service times varied

widely and so did speculation as to the reasons why these officers took<br />

their own lives. These are tragedies, no matter what the reasons were because<br />

they left behind, families, friends and various other loved ones whom<br />

mourned the losses and most likely „still‟ suffer the absences! This can also<br />

be a stark contrast, to young rookie officers who „most likely‟ have in<br />

mind, some sort of vague course, this new career will lead them along. I‟ve<br />

always heard talk in terms of the “25-year plan” and how they‟ll somehow<br />

„advance‟ up to retirement. „Especially‟ veteran officers, who try to<br />

point rookies in the right direction, from the probationary period onward. I<br />

do know, I was helped „significantly‟ by older and who<br />

served as field training officers and guided me around pit falls.<br />

I enjoyed listening to the experiences they shared and I appreciated (some<br />

of) the advice they would offer, „particularly‟ on how to stay alive and keep<br />

my badge. Some of that advice and a lot of the academy training, centered<br />

around truthfulness , merit, honor and being trustworthy. One<br />

weekend while in training at the police academy, my partner (Eddy) and I<br />

decided to go back to our hometown during the down time. On Monday<br />

morning we were returning to the academy to “report in”, before the first<br />

class started. „I‟ was driving and we were „running late‟, so I decided to pick<br />

up the pace a little and I hit the accelerator. The speedometer read „way‟<br />

over the posted speed limit and my partner kept glancing over at it and<br />

glaring at me! He wore glasses and he just had this kind of piercing but,<br />

subtle way of looking at you and without saying a word, spoke as if using a<br />

bullhorn. Now we were warned on day one during the academy orientation<br />

about several types of infractions, tardiness was at the top of that list.<br />

Finally, my partner says “I think you better slow it down”, I just want to get<br />

there…he leaned back and kind of closed his eyes. I did slow down but, it<br />

was too late & not enough, my rearview mirror was “lit up with high beams,<br />

red & blue flashing lights” and I could hear the siren bursts. <strong>It</strong> was a state<br />

trooper (<br />

), I pulled over<br />

and tapped my partner on the arm. He had somehow managed to doze off,<br />

probably out of fear. We immediately identified ourselves as police officers<br />

and in training at the academy, the trooper was not happy at all, with<br />

this information. He was a “former” academy instructor himself and was<br />

„well aware‟ of the consequences I now faced. The state trooper expressed,<br />

„<br />

‟, his feelings and concern for my actions and I<br />

felt terrible and embarrassed! “Especially” because I had involved my friend<br />

and coworker (Eddy). You see, the trooper included us both because we<br />

were partners. He didn‟t issue me a citation, but gave both of us stern in-

structions on what to do, upon arrival at the academy. In the meantime, the<br />

trooper contacted the academy and informed them of the incident so, needless<br />

to say, they were waiting for us to arrive. Upon arrival, we both reported<br />

straight to the directors‟ office and were almost immediately taken<br />

before the Commander to explain the situation. Unbeknownst to either of<br />

us, they had used the time of the traffic stop, location and time we were released<br />

(from the side of the road) to calculate my speed from the stop, to<br />

the academy. Additionally, academy staff said they determined I “continued<br />

to exceed the posted speed limit” even if it was by only one mile (especially<br />

in light of the first violation). When I tried to explain, I was told „I<br />

sounded like a violator‟ trying to avoid the consequences of my actions. .<br />

They were right about the way it sounded, I really didn‟t have a leg to stand<br />

on. None of the academy staff ever asked me how fast I actually drove, after<br />

leaving the trooper and I „don‟t even remember‟ now. Even if I drove „only‟<br />

56 miles-per-hour in the 55 mile-per-hour „posted‟ zone, „I‟ was in the<br />

wrong. Just the speeding alone, could have been sufficient grounds for my<br />

dismissal, lying in any way would have only sealed my fate. <strong>It</strong>‟s all about<br />

honesty and credibility because if one or both of us would have told a lie, it<br />

could have meant „immediate' dismissal from the training program. After<br />

being ordered to prove ourselves and why we should be permitted to “remain”<br />

at the academy, my partner and I both continued and proudly graduated!<br />

You see, “I was clearly in the wrong” and I could „very well‟, have lost<br />

my opportunity to have continue on, as a new officer.<br />

Because, „had‟ I been expelled from the police officer training program at<br />

the academy, I would not have been „certified‟ and my department would<br />

have had no choice, but to terminate my employment. Although, I<br />

never received a speeding citation, I still had to pay a serious penalty for<br />

my “poor” judgement. The speeding was one issue but, “any” dishonesty<br />

would have really tarnished my integrity, character and reputation! Please<br />

believe me when I tell you, it was a very valuable lesson learned and<br />

remembered. Some may say “this issue is small in nature” but, the fact is,<br />

small things can be considered large, in the scope of character and ones‟<br />

integrity. After all, part of my responsibility as a city police officer was to<br />

issue citations to those “I stopped for speeding”. Remember, anytime you<br />

are appointed to a position where you also “swear an oath" to abide by the<br />

obligations and expectations of that position, you are obviously held to a<br />

higher standard. Especially, a position empowering you to enforce the<br />

laws over others, you cannot very well, go around breaking those very laws

„yourself‟ and expect not to be held accountable! The beginning of a<br />

famous quote by<br />

reads, “No man is above<br />

the law…” and this vehemently includes those who write, implement and<br />

enforce the laws of the land. This takes me back to the previous topic of,<br />

“those persons in charge” of those who enforce the laws. Specifically, the<br />

Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, State Police Commanders, Directors of<br />

Public Services (over Police Officers), Police Commissioners…etc. <strong>It</strong><br />

is these individuals who, at the agency or department level, are the primary<br />

sources of authority when it first comes to holding subordinate officers<br />

accountable as it pertains to discipline (or the lack thereof).<br />

They are largely responsible for initiating the process by which officers are<br />

officially held accountable and made to answer to allegations and charges<br />

of; conduct unbecoming an officer, violating department policy or just<br />

plain breaking the law. In cases where it has been substantiated [following<br />

a proper, thorough and unbiased investigation of facts in evidence]<br />

that a law enforcement officer(s) has indeed violated a codified ordinance,<br />

state or federal law… the accountability process should then transition<br />

from the hands of the department head(s) and “systematically progress<br />

through the normal course of the legal system”, so to speak. This could or<br />

should mean, the levying of criminal charges, followed by routine administrative<br />

leave or suspension (with or without pay). In some cases, immediate<br />

termination could also be “warranted”, depending upon the nature<br />

and severity of what is alleged of the officer(s).<br />

<strong>It</strong> is during the investigative phases (or before), in these situations, the<br />

department heads really need to „get out in front‟ of the matter, employ<br />

and exhaust all resources at their disposal! This is the time to exhibit<br />

that crucial transparency, true and unbiased leadership quality, as well as a<br />

steadfast determination to see that justice is served! In the spirit of their<br />

organizations‟ integrity, character and reputation with the public whom<br />

which they are paid for and charged with the duty of “serving and<br />

protecting”. This most certainly includes, “even if it requires them<br />

(department heads) to protect the public from the very ones (officers) in<br />

their employ and under their supervision”. Especially, in view of todays‟<br />

(2015) news headlines involving law enforcement, it is imperative that<br />

proactive measures be taken to avoid any appearance of bias or<br />

attempts to cover up wrong doing. <strong>It</strong> is simply just not worth the potential<br />

aftermath of internal and public sentiment „gone awry‟ [to the point of<br />

utter chaos, civil unrest, resulting in widespread violence and destruction].

As mentioned previously (pg. 13 & 16), it can be common knowledge regarding<br />

a person or persons within an organization who have been red flagged<br />

as troublemakers. Again, law enforcement is no different, (except for<br />

being more prominent) in that police officers are in the public arena<br />

more so, then many other employees. From experience, I can also tell you<br />

beyond the shadow of a doubt, it is extremely rare that (at least, by<br />

word~of~mouth) the very existence of these “troublemakers” & “hotheads"<br />

within this profession…<br />

(department heads & beyond civil service boards,<br />

city managers, mayors, county commissioners, attorney generals…etc.).<br />

You see, love to talk, mainly among each other (and typically to significant<br />

others in their lives) about what‟s going on and what they‟ve been<br />

through. This includes “ ” they have been through something with and it<br />

can also include<br />

about the way a partner or fellow officers<br />

perform his or her duties. officers ( )<br />

know all to well that, they can unwittingly and unwillingly be drawn into<br />

a set of adverse circumstances, as the direct result of another officer‟s<br />

willful behavior, negligent or wanton actions. Thus, spinning the core<br />

strands of silk ( )… for a web of deceit, dishonesty, concealment and calculated<br />

omissions. All of which, can and has laid the groundwork for the<br />

demise of promising careers for many aspiring law enforcement officers.<br />

Sadly, many police officers fall victim to the terrible „misconception‟ that if<br />

they just go along with „something‟ (on the surface)…in the spirit of<br />

camaraderie blue-wall-of-solidarity they‟ll be alright, accepted and the<br />

issue will ( ) just go away.<br />

“ WRONG”! Yeah, maybe ten or twenty years ago but, not now! <strong>It</strong> really<br />

needs to be carefully considered, by those pondering such a move because<br />

when things hit the fan (and they usually do)…“<br />

, the<br />

first law of nature tends to kick in, which means<br />

”. Prison time, criminal record, defamed character, „no‟<br />

employment, life upside-down versus camaraderie. What do you think will<br />

win out and what is the risk worth to you?? Times have changed! Society<br />

has evolved into an ever advancing wave of people who thirst for knowledge<br />

and justice. They utilize that knowledge along with growing technology,<br />

which empowers them to turn the tide on injustice, oppression and<br />

violation of the mind, body and soul. This is definitely something “the<br />

establishment” is finding it increasingly difficult to turn a deaf ear and

lind eye to. In line with the<br />

of this article, the establishment<br />

obviously refers (in part) to the institution of law enforcement and<br />

the overwhelming need for this profession to have a keen eye and audible<br />

ear, not only internally (departmentally), but externally (publicly) as<br />

well. So, when legitimate and genuine concerns are brought (internally) to<br />

the attention of department heads, either by chain-of-command or<br />

directly from the originator ( / / / …<br />

etc.), it is very important that, they take the matter ! Especially,<br />

when these concerns are widely and repeatedly voiced and have specifically<br />

implied an imminent potential for harm to others.<br />

Also, ignoring „<br />

‟ or ultimately dismissing such concerns (prematurely)<br />

can prove costly in „so‟ many ways, it‟s “impossible” to list<br />

them all! The end consequences and liability alone can be insurmountable<br />

and regrettable! Once something terrible does happen, it‟s too late to „prevent<br />

it‟! And embarrassing to say “if only I would have”, “if only we<br />

could have” or “someone should have… please just be quiet and keep that<br />

to yourself! “Especially” if you were the one whom concerns were brought<br />

to initially and you did „nothing or not enough of something‟! Why not just<br />

do the right thing and take the proper courses of actions in an effort<br />

to…officially identify a problem and then initiate effective measures to<br />

resolve that problem in the first place?<br />

most certainly does<br />

begin at the top of an organization.<br />

The level of that<br />

and its‟ quality can be evident in the performance<br />

of the lower ranks, from „the top to the bottom‟ of that hierarchy. This<br />

is why in many cases, when something catastrophic happens within an<br />

organization and at the hands of members (associates) of that organization<br />

or at the direction (control) thereof… the frequent and general consensus is<br />

to “get rid of” that person at the top. This goes back to “ ”<br />

Because (from the outside, looking in) many people feel very strongly<br />

that “whoever is running the store and is in charge of the store, should be<br />

aware of and responsible for what happens inside that store”. And<br />

rightfully so (sometimes) however, sometimes not because there can exist<br />

“extenuating circumstances” that were in fact beyond the immediate control<br />

of the person(s) at the top. For instance, situations that developed<br />

instantaneously and without any obvious provocation or prior warning.<br />


Also, there are premeditated situations that involve secrecy and calculated<br />

planning by an individual or by group effort. In both examples<br />

given, there is little or no time at all, for<br />

to be made aware of<br />

what was forthcoming, much less take decisive action. Despite this, it is<br />

still said „ignorance is no excuse‟ for impropriety and (above all) responsibility<br />

must rest somewhere! With someone! As a leader, you „simply‟<br />

cannot tell, imply or posture yourself (or your organization) in any manner<br />

which may denote to the victim(s) of horrific events or the grieving survivors<br />

of someone „lost‟ to a tragic event…“<strong>It</strong>s‟ not my fault because I didn‟t<br />

know what was going on”. “Especially” when it was someone under<br />

employ, direction or control who was party to or caused what took place.<br />

This is really not the time for public finger-pointing, name-blaming or<br />

saving-face. People don’t want any of that tomfoolery! <strong>It</strong>‟s the time for<br />

getting down to business, determining what caused the event, who played<br />

any role (who is culpable?) and bringing about justice! As well as, laying<br />

ground~work for a path to some level of closure for those impacted.<br />

Again, today‟s society is „evermore‟ vigilant of treatment of its‟ citizens by<br />

public officials and the scrutiny of law enforcements‟ behavior is at an „alltime<br />

high‟. The leaders and those decision~making entities, governing law<br />

enforcement agencies are under the watchful eyes of citizens, citizengroups,<br />

civil rights organizations…etc. Heck, even other law enforcement<br />

leaders are closely monitoring fellow law enforcement leaders in their<br />

handling of cases that reach headline news status.<br />

Local and leaders are also staying abreast of developments in<br />

other regions and jurisdictions experiencing situations that have recently<br />

headlined the national news reports. I‟m sure several mayors,<br />

city managers,<br />

city council members, county commissioners…etc. have all experienc-<br />

ed at least a few sleepless nights, trying to imagine, “what they would do, if<br />

their own law enforcement entities were responsible for igniting a firestorm<br />

of protest and civil unrest?”. I am certainly far from being a politician<br />

in any facet but, I certainly believe that if there‟s ever a time to beef<br />

up any existing proactive measures, it‟s before „something‟ happens!<br />

And, if there are measures in place, develop the to<br />

implement a (<br />

) plan of action “sooner than later” and<br />

hopefully before it‟s actually needed. What do you think about this? How<br />

about? An in depth review of such things as;

Current department policies on detaining / restraint / arrest procedure.<br />

Current department policy on recordings of arrests / report writing.<br />

Current status of officers‟ qualifications for firearm & taser gun usage.<br />

Current department policy regarding use of force / deadly force.<br />

[Please bear in mind, there‟s no textbook, certification, training application<br />

or training simulator which can adequately dictate, portray or even truly<br />

prepare „ ‟ person or group of people, for what and happen out<br />

in the field and in the “ ”]<br />

Established procedure, by which employees may<br />

Ethics concerns<br />

without fear of reprisal or responses that are retaliatory in nature.<br />

Failure to respond appropriately, on the part of those who oversee,<br />

the individuals who are on the front lines of law enforcement, could very<br />

well amount to dereliction of duty, if you really look at the big picture.<br />

Whether „scuttlebutt‟ or an „official‟ complaint of conduct unbecoming<br />

of an officer, it should (at the least) be documented and a „preliminary'<br />

investigation be conducted… sooner than later. How many times has this<br />

old “ stinky ghost ” come back to haunt an agency? ; A police officer<br />

causes a major fiasco for an agency, department, jurisdiction…etc. And a<br />

subsequent investigation later reveals this persons‟ employee jacket was<br />

„riveted‟ with red flags signaling, clear warnings of the danger in letting<br />

this person continue on, in his or her capacity as a (beat-patrol) officer…<br />

etc. These are the kinds of juicy nuggets, seasoned (civil) trial attorneys<br />

look for when retained by victims who initiate litigation against government<br />

entities such as law enforcement departments, their specific officials and<br />

their respective governing bodies.<br />

These governing bodies can (and do) end up “seriously” regretting that<br />

more was not done, at a time when there was ample opportunity to<br />

head off a fiasco and the resulting collateral damage…by reining in<br />

these types of (lose cannons) employees. Now, there is a reverse angle to<br />

this which some may refer to as a sort of “ ” situation. So, in complete<br />

fairness, it‟s only right to touch on this as well, especially in light of<br />

some troubling reports now in the headlines as well [<br />

]. This pertains to law enforcement agencies and in<br />

particular , and “who do” initiate<br />

preemptive or proactive measures and do follow protocol when it‟s clearly<br />

warranted. One keyword here is<br />

and they typically are not going<br />

to take such consequential action unless a situation absolutely demands<br />

( ) such a decision. ; This is in

egard to a few states across the country where the „very‟ officials cited<br />

above, „did‟ respond with the appropriate courses of action (protocol)…when<br />

their law enforcement agencies, brought their communities<br />

to the attention of the and to the “with their actions and bad<br />

behavior”.<br />

That sentiment (for-the-most-part) proclaims a fear now, by some<br />

officers to effectively perform their duties as law enforcement officers.<br />

This is said to be fueled by their interpretation of the potential<br />

consequences of simply performing their duties. <strong>It</strong> supposedly stems from<br />

investigations which led to the filing of , &<br />

of fellow officers involved in high profile cases of individuals<br />

who regrettably lost their lives during interactions with these<br />

officers. This alleged of (being penalized) „potential consequences‟<br />

further implies, the impact is such, that these officers are intentionally<br />

avoiding situations and circumstances that may result in „any‟ confrontation<br />

and subsequent of those engaged in criminal activity.<br />

Firstly, as a former officer, I see this as foolish, dangerous and<br />

terribly „unfair‟ to the law abiding, tax paying citizens of those communities!<br />

Secondly , I just cannot an “entire” police department would<br />

all have this same ridiculous sentiment because of a few (or more) of<br />

their brethren who “crossed the line”, “got caught crossing the line” and<br />

“are being held accountable for crossing that line”. Come on now! As<br />

cops, on the day of hiring or there about, we all raised our right hand (with<br />

the left on a bible) pledged a sworn oath, to not only “up-hold” the laws<br />

we were empowered to enforce, but to also abide by them ourselves!<br />

Again, this goes back to (pg.16)<br />

or a few, can make it bad for<br />

the whole, bunch by ultimately involving, those (unwittingly or unwillingly)<br />

who would not otherwise, have been party to a particular incident. For<br />

the „umpteenth‟ time, law enforcement is not just a j.o.b.! <strong>It</strong> is a specialized<br />

career requiring an open but, decisive mindset , keen perception, being<br />

able to effectively communicate „people-skills‟ and the ability to follow orders!<br />

<strong>It</strong> is no place for a tit-for-tat<br />

way of thinking! And these are just a<br />

handful, on a long list of „ should- haves’ for those empowered to enforce<br />

laws over the masses. If you have gotten into the profession of law<br />

enforcement for a way to pay the bills, the adrenaline rush, for socializing<br />


or to just plainly ‟make a point‟ to others, by „powering-over‟ people…<br />

you should really look into another line of work, quickly! If you are a law<br />

enforcement officer who is „miserable‟ most of the time, „stressed out‟,<br />

cannot do what is expected of you or you simply do not want to do what you<br />

pledged an oath for, it is really time to get out! And do something else<br />

(that you can be happier with), NOW!<br />

<strong>It</strong> is frequently „just‟ assumed, that at the<br />

level, the importance<br />

of following orders, adhering to rules of conduct and trying to remain<br />

„above reproach’ whether on duty or off duty, is realized. And for<br />

the most part it is realized there, by the majority of men and women who<br />

successfully complete the training programs. Because these elements are<br />

in you daily, as a training recruit, by instructors and staff members…and<br />

it is there, most law enforcement officers get a rudimentary<br />

understanding of following orders, the chain of command and the possible<br />

consequences for not doing what is expected of them. The<br />

also serves as a „ - ’ phase for those who have (initially) met<br />

all mandated background requirements and successfully completed the<br />

minimum physical agility tests (<br />

police<br />

officer ). Nevertheless, nothing is „foolproof‟ and individuals who<br />

shouldn‟t be there, often end up there. The one commonality I „will say‟<br />

j.o.b.‟s do have with careers, is that YOU C<strong>AN</strong> BE “REPLACED”!!<br />

I‟ve seen many people who have, had the sad misconception that “the place<br />

just cannot function without them ”…Wow! What a pipe dream? The reality<br />

of this is proven over and over each day, when some of these very same individuals<br />

are escorted to the gate or employee parking lot (it’s their last<br />

day at that job) by security staff or even the police. They‟ve been terminated<br />

and can now or eventually be replaced! “<br />

”. Now when situations like termination,<br />

pertains to law enforcement officers, it‟s not so simple as an „escort to the<br />

parking lot‟. Remember, there‟s a higher standard of behavior expected,<br />

therefore a higher level of scrutiny and diligence is involved in response to<br />

this same issue with law enforcement. When a officer is alleged to<br />

be or is found to be derelict in his or her duty to perform under the oath in<br />

which they were sworn, or is alleged to have committed or has committed a<br />

chargeable offense, it‟s a different ball game! Depending on the nature and<br />

severity of the allegation or charge, employee union guidelines, jurisdic-

tional issues…etc., the process can be much more in depth. A law enforcement<br />

officer must do what they took an oath to do and dereliction of<br />

that duty is a very “serious” matter! Failure of an officer(s) to carry out<br />

her or his duties can have a devastating and cascading affect, encompassing<br />

many aspects. Everything from, placing the public and fellow officers at<br />

„ ‟ risk to consequently inviting or causing a state of lawlessness to<br />

develop in a particular venue. This is indeed crossing the line, a disgrace to<br />

the badge and a dishonor to dedicated men & women everywhere, who<br />

proudly wear the badge of authority in law enforcement.<br />

Look, when cops take an oath to uphold the law, there‟s no bargaining or<br />

deal making clauses regarding if, when and how much they‟ll dispense their<br />

sworn duties, discussed at the swearing-in ceremony! They commit to a<br />

service to the people of their community and are for it. So how in the<br />

heck can they (after being hired), one day decide “oh‟ now we can‟t do what<br />

we signed up for because some of us have been chastised”? As a sworn and<br />

commissioned police officer, you cannot bargain, make deals, or pick and<br />

choose when you will dispense your authority, simply because you are<br />

dissatisfied with decisions made by those above you. Some of whom<br />

essentially may sign your “ ” or deal with issues that in fact are<br />

pertinent to the continued „existence‟ of that department in the first place!<br />

Again, when people in the profession of law enforcement reach a point<br />

where they feel they cannot or will not do what is expected of them, it‟s time<br />

to make room for those in a pool of qualified candidates who are eager to<br />

step into the career of police work. I would just like to add, “there are a<br />

number of avenues” (proper avenues unions) in which to air grievances,<br />

dissatisfaction or disagreements. A<br />

undermining of protocol,<br />

its‟ effectiveness and the integrity within the organization to which you<br />

belong and represent, is<br />

. When enough people within a given<br />

community decide to relocate to other communities because of issues like<br />

the „inequality‟ of public services, crime, the way they are treated…etc.,<br />

the tax base to support the infrastructure of that community begins to<br />

diminish and can even disappear. This means „cuts‟ and those cuts can<br />

begin in the public services departments and emergency services… police<br />

& fire divisions are sometimes at the top of that list. Also, a bevy of lawsuits<br />

and resulting civil penalties over time, can eventually take an economic<br />

toll on municipalities and county governments who may have<br />

already been struggling to maintain carrier coverage. You see, this is really<br />

just the tip of an iceberg, that rears its’ ugly head, due to the cascading

effects of poor judgement, misconduct and irrational mindsets.<br />

Although thirty years ago I can still recall, even at that time, giving what I<br />

felt was helpful and necessary advice to family and friends. That advice was<br />

in regard to some basic things to do and not to do when interacting with<br />

law enforcement, in their official capacity. <strong>It</strong> went like this; [Obviously this<br />

is going to pertain to those who haven‟t just shot or stabbed someone,<br />

robbed a bank, “escaped” from a prison or a high speed police chase…etc.].<br />

Firstly, if you are stopped by the police in a vehicle, it is extremely<br />

important from the „very first‟ moment of contact with the officer(s), to<br />

»»L I S T E N very carefully to “what is being said and instructed of you”.<br />

Keep your hands in plain view<br />

times, unless told otherwise and<br />

of the officer(s) line-of-sight at all<br />

! Even if the officer(s) know who you are, this<br />

can be perceived as a „hostile action‟ or threat against their safety or life.<br />

[ ]<br />

This is a very delicate point during police interaction because typically<br />

police officers don’t know who they‟re confronting or what the person(s)<br />

could be capable of. Now, another side to this is, they may know<br />

‘exactly’ who they’re dealing with and are prepared to take the<br />

actions they deem necessary to protect themselves and or the public. The<br />

one paramount aspect of citizen interaction that is a constant forethought<br />

of law enforcement (everywhere), is the proven „fight or flight‟ dilemma<br />

they face daily with people they encounter. People will either ‘fight the<br />

Police or run‟ from the Police.<br />

Let‟s face it, the police can just “out right” scare people, it‟s a proven<br />

fact! Many in law enforcement know this, some don‟t realize it, some don‟t<br />

care and yet others seem to take delight in it, by abusing their authority.<br />

Police officers (especially in uniform and in large numbers) can exhibit<br />

an „overwhelming‟ sense of authority and control which is an objecttive<br />

or useful deterrent but, this show of force is not required in „every<br />

case‟. <strong>It</strong> can also have an equally overwhelming,<br />

, causing<br />

or a feeling of in some people (again, a desired outcome<br />

or<br />

but, not necessary every time). This is largely<br />

what the „fight or flight‟ dilemma refers to, yet another part refers to<br />

criminals, evading arrest. However, being scared or really nervous is not<br />

wrong and does not make you a criminal (

). This effect is especially true for law abiding individuals<br />

who have never dealt with law enforcement before. [Please understand<br />

that contrary to the use of the terms scare, fear, intimidate & psychological~effect,<br />

it is by no means, my intent to portray the men and women<br />

in law enforcement as the “<br />

” because they certainly are not]<br />

Secondly, your attitude, responses, condition, demeanor and level of cooperation<br />

(compliance) all play a big role in how a law enforcement encounter<br />

progresses and ultimately turns out. Do “ ” to be cordial,<br />

respectful and honest. I learned a long time ago, that “yes Sir”, “no Sir”<br />

and “no Ma‟am”, “yes Ma‟am” can really go a long away. After determining<br />

you do not pose an immediate threat to them or the public, the<br />

need to establish „who‟ you are, if you are not truthful (for whatever<br />

reason) this can take the matter in a different direction. Being in<br />

an attempt to hide your true identity (for whatever reason), concealing<br />

weapons, illegal drugs, stolen items or contraband of any type, can immediately<br />

escalate the interaction between a person(s) and the . Remember,<br />

especially in todays‟ (2015) climate as it relates to community relations<br />

with law enforcement, are in the ! But then, so are those who<br />

the . Then, there‟s the most unfortunate cases of individuals,<br />

who are (maybe) totally unrelated to todays‟ news headlines of racial issues<br />

or legal injustices and social clashes between and law enforcement.<br />

These are the cases of „ ‟ individuals who take their frustrations<br />

directly to the police in the form of violent attacks on law enforcement<br />

and their facilities, literally ambushing unsuspecting officers with gunfire.<br />

And yet another unfortunate hazard the frequently contend<br />

with, is where individuals “purposely” provoke officers into using<br />

deadly force. Yes, provoking deadly force against themselves, in order<br />

to end their own lives but, not actually at their own hands. In the<br />

law enforcement and psychology communities, this is referred to as a “suicide<br />

by cop”. So now, they (police officers), find themselves at an even<br />

„higher sense of alertness‟ when dealing with people they encounter in the<br />

line of duty. Seriously, “think about it”, wouldn‟t you? I mean, “really”…<br />

what if you had a j.o.b. where „literally on a daily basis‟, you risked being<br />

shot at, stabbed, bitten, spit on and even pricked by a hypodermic needle<br />

harboring some potentially or ? Who outside<br />

the arena of<br />

and certain<br />

work daily, with the threat of these possibilities always in<br />

„the back of ‟ your mind?

Thirdly, and this really does belong at the beginning of this advice list, because<br />

it is a top priority that I would tell people about then and now but,<br />

we‟ll go in depth about it here. Let‟s just say that what you‟ve just read on<br />

the last two pages is a true eye-opener and you „really‟ didn‟t understand<br />

beforehand, why officers use certain procedures. You see, much<br />

like our<br />

and from basic training (boot-camp), law enforcement<br />

officers are trained extensively from the<br />

level, on<br />

various topics and throughout their probationary period. Then there‟s the<br />

field training by ( .‟s), field training officers who are seasoned officers,<br />

typically with years of experience. They are designated by command staff to<br />

teach newer recruits about specific policies and procedures. These .‟s<br />

may even administer or training to other officers with<br />

varying levels of experience and seniority.<br />

The point here is, the primary focus of all this training, whether within the<br />

, a small town or bustling metropolitan<br />

police force, is on officer safety and survival! Remember, the may<br />

or may not know „who you are‟ and that really doesn‟t matter in those first<br />

few minutes of an initial interaction, unless you demonstrate even more of<br />

an immediate cause, for things to escalate. Also, they may or may not<br />

know what you have recently done. However, what they do know and<br />

must „strongly‟ consider is, the all too real possibility, that you are in fact<br />

an immediate threat to them and or others. This is an element of<br />

survival training and acquired instinct.<br />

Now there is also, the common sense factor that “ ” to be recognized<br />

and should remain a constant forethought during and after the threat<br />

assessment is over. <strong>It</strong> should prevail throughout a situation, especially a<br />

situation that is not (or no longer) volatile. Now, this really does apply to<br />

all parties involved but, focuses more so on law enforcement, because<br />

after all, they are identified as the trained professionals in a situation.<br />

And as the trained professionals, they should not be the ones contributing<br />

(unnecessarily) to the „escalation‟ of an encounter with citizens!<br />

Surviving The “Immediate Situation”- During a law enforcement interaction<br />

between citizens and officers, it is extremely important to remember<br />

that, no matter what the issue is…it sometimes cannot be resolved right<br />

there on the street! So it only makes sense for everyone involved to and<br />

remain civil and handle extenuating concerns , through more appropriate<br />

channels & under more suitable circumstances. (See Pg. 67 for more)

; {Common-Sense}<br />

‣ when a officer tells you to “slowly take your hands out of<br />

your pockets, purse, container or „any‟ type of concealed area…etc.”,<br />

you<br />

“pull them out quickly, holding something<br />

or anything”. Try to remain calm so you are able to focus and you are<br />

able to “L I S T E N” clearly to what is being instructed of you!.... .<br />

‣ when a person under arrest or being detained, is handcuffed or flexand<br />

or shackled in leg~irons,<br />

officers<br />

cuffed<br />

to , , , , or that person in<br />

„any‟ manner, simply because the officers are angry, stressed- out, are<br />

pumped on adrenaline, thinks there are no witnesses,<br />

believes fellow<br />

officers will back-up a lie or feels the person deserves to be punished<br />

for making them have to chase them in the first place. officers<br />

also,<br />

to “intentionally” allow their canine<br />

counterparts, to engage a suspect in excess (or beyond what is<br />

reasonably sufficient for the police dog to contain or corral a person,<br />

during a search or ‘hot’ pursuit) for the purpose of retaliation,<br />

street~justice, revenge or just plain ole‟ anger…etc.<br />

‣ if you are involved in a situation with the and you do have a<br />

weapon of „ ‟ type (gun, knife, razor, hypodermic needle…etc.) and<br />

you are ordered by them to drop what you have, the best thing<br />

to do is immediately “<br />

” whatever you have in your hands!<br />

In most cases , as long as a person possesses an object or has immediate<br />

access to an object which may cause harm or death to an officer,<br />

other officers or other person(s), that individual is considered an<br />

…until assessed to be, no longer threatening.<br />

‣ if the are searching for suspects wanted in connection with a<br />

violent ( ) crime and they have specific descriptions of these<br />

suspects and or suspects‟ vehicle, it makes absolutely no sense<br />

at all to stop, detain & interrogate persons whom obviously or, after a<br />

reasonable period of time and investigating…it‟s clearly seen and can<br />

easily be determined these persons are not involved and in no<br />

way, shape or form, “fit the description or caliber” of the person(s)<br />

sought in connection with the reported crime & particular search.

‣ as a home owner, property owner, business owner (or authorized<br />

agent, thereof) who is legally licensed [certified, permitted…etc.] to<br />

possess and carry a registered firearm for purposes of self-defense<br />

and protection of others in proximity and whom find it necessary to<br />

call upon law enforcement for assistance, should consider the following;<br />

after stating the nature of any emergency or need for assistance<br />

to „ 911‟ and if going to be (physically) present at the location where<br />

officers will be responding to…“should” state to law enforcement<br />

early on, they are armed (and with what type of weapon) and<br />

also provide a physical description of themselves, for the ben-<br />

efit of officers arriving at the location. This can alleviate confusion<br />

and truly reduce the potential for serious injury or the accidental loss<br />

of an innocent life. Victims can be and are mistaken for suspects.<br />

s emphasized throughout this publication, law enforcement as a whole,<br />

face daunting challenges and horrific situations each day, „somewhere‟<br />

across this great nation…despite this fact, it is also true that police officers<br />

encounter circumstances that are not always „so‟ grave in nature and<br />

therefore, they must really be cognizant of and bear in mind (especially<br />

now), everyone they encounter is not a “violent criminal”, “thug”, “escaped<br />

felon”, “terrorist of sorts” or “anti~police”. Every situation is unique in<br />

its‟ own make-up of events, location, facts, participants and nature.<br />

[ Police officers see and pull over a vehicle with two young black males inside<br />

and the vehicle does turn out to be reported stolen. The pair are arrested<br />

on various charges. Now, does this mean the next vehicle they see<br />

with two black males inside, will be stolen as well? Absolutely Not!! And<br />

any “profile comparisons” and subsequent actions based on „an assumption‟<br />

from any such comparison is unjust, unfair and could be construed as pre-<br />

judicial or racially motivated.<br />

Now, could the next vehicle they see with<br />

Y A<br />

„two black males inside‟, possibly be stolen? es! nd a small meteorite<br />

could also, possibly drop from the sky, right onto the hood of the patrol car<br />

the officers are riding in. A nything is possible but, is it<br />

?? Does<br />

the truly exist, as to warrant a stop??]<br />

{Common-Sense & Good Judgement} !!!

COURTS: Judges, Grand Juries, Trials and The Sentencing of Criminals<br />

The hard working men and women of Law Enforcement, risk their lives<br />

on a daily basis to ensure that "we" the public are safe and secure, personally<br />

as well as in our homes, businesses, places of employment<br />

and in general. They do this by identifying persons who prey<br />

upon and victimize innocent, unsuspecting and law abiding citizens.<br />

Law Enforcement officers track down and apprehend<br />

these dangerous criminals, many of whom cunningly find ways in<br />

which to circumvent an already over burdened justice<br />

system. Put another way, habitual offenders continually<br />

'make use' of plea<br />

bargains, amended sentences<br />

and other<br />

loopholes in our laws, to<br />

turn the justice sys-<br />

tem and correctional facilities<br />

into a "revolv-<br />

ing" door. This can truly<br />

feel like a major disservice<br />

or even an outright insult to<br />

the very officers who risked<br />

life and limb to bring these<br />

dangerous "thugs" and “deviants” to justice in the first place!<br />

I am reminded of a case involving myself and several fellow officers on the shift at the time; I had<br />

just passed my "one year" mark on the department and was working third shift on a hot summer night.<br />

I had also recently completed probation and mandatory time in the patrol car with a field training officer.<br />

This night, I was alone and patrolling my assigned area when "all of a sudden" the police radio<br />

erupted with an emergency alert code from another officer and then the dispatcher. The officer was in<br />

"hot pursuit" of a suspect who had just tried to run him over during a traffic stop! All available units<br />

were ordered to head in the direction of the pursuit, I was nearby and ended up being the second unit<br />

“back from the lead unit”. The suspect led us up and down several surface streets at speeds almost<br />

"triple" the posted limits and eventually onto the city’s main interstate where he eventually 'crashed'<br />

into a wooded area. This guy ran into the thick woods at approximately midnight, myself and several<br />

of my department's officers along with officers from adjoining jurisdictions captured the suspect an<br />

hour later. This individual was already "wanted" by a neighboring state in connection to a homicide<br />

and numerous other serious charges.<br />

During the apprehension, he put up quite a fight which was evident by his condition when he appeared<br />

in court hours later. I was still on duty and appeared in court as well. I recall the judge inquiring<br />

as to the condition and physical appearance of the suspect, he wanted an explanation from me<br />

and another officer who was present and who also participated in the chase, search and arrest. We<br />

explained how evasive and combative this subject was just hours earlier and how he kicked, punched<br />

and spit at us. The senior patrolman even showed the judge polaroid snap shots of our muddied, tousled<br />

and briar dotted uniforms. The judge motioned us both to approach the bench, he leaned over<br />

and sternly said "that all comes with the job, I dole out the punishment in here"! Despite being taken<br />

'aback' by his choice of words, I pretty much 'got' what he was trying to convey but, I can honestly and<br />

accurately attest this was by no means a case of brutality or street justice! Some of us officers looked<br />

worse in appearance then the suspect and it was by sheer blessing that no one (even the suspect)<br />

was seriously injured in the melee. The next "irony" came later, when we discovered this individual<br />

was on the streets (in the first place) after being released "by a judge" in another state then allegedly<br />

committing several crimes days later. This included the rape / murder of a school teacher in that area.

And then there is the detriment to the public, who<br />

suffers even more in the cases where these repeat<br />

offenders are prematurely (accidentally, haphazardly...etc.)<br />

allowed "back onto the streets". These<br />

offenders then continue the same criminal behavior<br />

as before and in many cases, they even escalate to<br />

much more serious crimes. Unfortunately, it is not<br />

until one or more of these individuals commit something<br />

'so' brutal and heinous in nature, that it begs<br />

the question as to "why was this person(s) even out on the streets in the<br />

first place”? Well, "it's kinda-sorta too late for this" at that point! <strong>It</strong> is typically<br />

the law enforcement officers out on the streets, highways and in our<br />

neighborhoods, communities & business districts who regularly deal with<br />

these 'repeat-offenders'. These officers will be the first to tell you, "many of<br />

these perpetrators should not even be out on the streets in the first place"!<br />

Especially in light of their lengthy criminal records and proven propensity to<br />

commit crimes against others, this is very frustrating to many in law enforcement.<br />

As a former law enforcement officer, I can certainly attest to that<br />

sheer frustration, after personally being involved (repeatedly) in the search<br />

and arrest of a (known) habitual criminal only to see or learn this very same<br />

individual is free only a short time after being arrested. I'm obviously talking<br />

about beyond the typical preliminary hearing or arraignment and 'bail or<br />

bonding' processes. Free to go out and 'wreak havoc' on more innocent<br />

and unsuspecting citizens...sometimes these offenders even return and revictimize<br />

previous individuals who are still suffering, grieving and trying<br />

to recover from an initial encounter. I will tell you, it is "nothing really new"<br />

for Sheriffs, Police Chiefs, State Police Commanders...etc. and even<br />

some Prosecutors or District Attorneys to express their ‘dissatisfaction’ regarding<br />

this subject of repeat-offenders, to judges and courts of law.<br />

NOTE :<br />

MERRIAM-WEBSTER'S Definition of "judge";<br />

Judge:<br />

noun<br />

law : a person who has the power to make decisions<br />

on cases brought before a court of law.

You see, in a court of law, it is a judge who oversees the proceedings,<br />

makes rulings and administers judgements. The<br />

judge or a panel of judges can have an "extremely" wide margin<br />

of latitude or discretion in many instances, yet he, she or<br />

they are still bound by certain and specific limitations. In criminal case<br />

proceedings, where the the public (society) can be at risk of<br />

harm from a person(s) who've clearly demonstrated the ability,<br />

the willingness and the potential to harm others...I feel very<br />

strongly that many local and state courts need serious reevaluation<br />

of their codified ordinances, statutes & penalty structure..<br />

NOTE :<br />

MERRIAM-WEBSTER'S Definition of "jury";<br />

Jury:<br />

1 : a body of persons sworn to give a verdict on some matter submitted to<br />

them; especially : a body of persons legally selected and sworn to inquire<br />

into any matter of fact and to give their verdict according to the evidence.<br />

NOTE :<br />

MERRIAM-WEBSTER'S Definition of "grand jury";<br />

Grand Jury:<br />

noun<br />

law: a group of people who look at the evidence<br />

against someone who has been accused of a crime in<br />

order to decide if there should be a trial.<br />

Full Definition:<br />

a jury that examines accusations against persons charged with crime and if<br />

the evidence warrants makes formal charges on which the accused persons<br />

are later tried.<br />

You see, in a court of law, it is a grand jury who is called upon to render a<br />

decision as to whether "facts in evidence" presented to them, warrant the<br />

upholding or upgrading of charges (or additional charges) being brought<br />

against a person(s) who is the subject of the criminal proceedings. Their<br />

decisions are also known as "indictments" and are further described as a<br />

‘True-Bill'- where evidence is deemed sufficient to continue with criminal<br />

proceedings. Or a 'No~True-Bill'- where evidence is deemed insufficient

and therefore, criminal proceedings should not continue at that<br />

point in that particular process. Charges can be dismissed” at<br />

this time. Remember this, grand jurors are everyday law abiding tax<br />

payers like you and I. They’re supposed to be "randomly" selected from<br />

a fair "cross-section" of the community or jurisdiction in which the offense<br />

occurred. Grand jurors are also the same candidates chosen from the<br />

pool of trial jurors in a community. The indictment / decisions handed<br />

down by some grand juries can appear as a total snafu and utterly "mind<br />

boggling" especially in cases where there seems to be a "clear preponderance"<br />

of evidence against the accused! In fairness, it can be equally mind<br />

boggling when grand juries return a True-Bill in cases where evidence is<br />

lacking or bleak at best! Trying to guess the outcome of a grand jury proceeding<br />

has been compared to the 'wagering' on a horse race or lottery<br />

drawing. You just "never really know" what that group will decide, based on<br />

what they 'ultimately' perceive from evidence they've been presented with.<br />

However, actual case history clearly demonstrates many 'eye-opening'<br />

and 'jaw-dropping' decisions that have been handed down by grand juries.<br />

Many of these decisions have left the public and even the experts<br />

wondering "what in the heck were those folks (jurors) thinking?". Personally<br />

speaking, I must admit that I've thought the same thing...because it<br />

seems as though, some people literally "get away with murder"!! This question<br />

has been posed to me on more then a few occasions; "what if those<br />

jurors could truly feel just for five minutes, the pain, suffering and anguish<br />

of a victim or survivors (of a victim who is no longer here), then how would<br />

they look at their task [of deciding a verdict]?". "How would they feel if it<br />

were them who were facing the rest of their lives with the void of a loved<br />

one?". A loved one who was taken at the hands of or direct result of, the<br />

very person, they are charged with the task of deciding a verdict against.<br />

Personally, I have never served as a juror for, either a trial (of any type) or<br />

in a grand jury proceeding. And quite frankly, based on what "I know and<br />

how I feel", I wouldn't want to serve as one...especially if it were a criminal<br />

case! Remember, "I use to be the one who brought in the criminals". I<br />

would more then likely be considered biased, partial or even 'incapable' of<br />

participating objectively...and possibly with good reason. However, I have<br />

had conversations with people who've served as jurors and I’ve also follow-

ed the jury process for many, many years. Furthermore, I can<br />

vividly recall as a rookie officer, senior and veteran officers constantly<br />

reminding me upon arrival at "any" scene...that could "potentially<br />

be determined" to be a "crime scene", to always proceed<br />

with extreme caution! So as to maintain the integrity of the scene, protect<br />

and preserve anything that may "remotely" be conceived later, as<br />

evidence by seasoned detectives and other expert crime scene<br />

investigators. My point here is, I can still recall (despite my brief<br />

tenure in law enforcement), myself and many other officers, at<br />

times finding ourselves questioning the effectiveness of our efforts<br />

in the field. Let me clarify, firstly I am referring to uniformed beat or patrol<br />

officers (like I was) who were then (and still are) typically the first "responders"<br />

or "discoverers" of crime scenes, situations with extenuating circumstances<br />

involving criminal activity and or foul play. We were then (and still<br />

are) what I like to refer to as the front-line in law enforcement's<br />

war on crime!<br />

After an emergency call is placed to "911", it was us uniform<br />

officers who were (and still are) the ones who usually arrive<br />

first at the location of an incident or discover an incident during<br />

routine patrol. We would then render or call for any necessary<br />

“aid” to victims, obtain and document any witness information, detain<br />

or arrest “any” suspects or perpetrators, record and document<br />

all available information pertinent and relevant to any ensuing investigation.<br />

All of this while remaining cognizant, the scene (most likely)<br />

must remain secured for the arrival of specialized investigators.<br />

All of what you have just read in the last two paragraphs is a clear reminder of what's repeatedly<br />

emphasized in Part I of "An Old Rookie Cop”... and that is, the importance & absolute necessity<br />

for harmony & accord between Law Enforcement & Communities. The<br />

citizens of neighborhoods & communities can and do serve "effectively" as the<br />

eyes and ears of their respective law enforcement agencies. This is even more<br />

essential in today's environment!<br />

Now, to why we would sometimes 'question' our efforts; Taking into consideration<br />

what you've read on this page and the previous page, please bear

in mind, the mechanics of what police officers "can" and "do" encounter<br />

on a daily basis. And how it is "even more" involved and<br />

complex then what you are reading here. I wore a badge at a time<br />

before technology allowed for the internet (world wide web) and its'<br />

growing cyber crimes (which now reach the street level).<br />

A time before cell phones-text messaging, digital cameras-SD<br />

Cards..etc. So, even way back then, we could not help, at times<br />

but to wonder why and despite considerable diligence and effort<br />

at all law enforcement levels, why certain elements of tangible<br />

and sometimes "circumstantial" (but crucial) evidence,<br />

seemed to just elude the attention of grand juries.<br />

And then, there was the 'extreme' opposite of this complicated<br />

spectrum…that is, times when what would appear to be an<br />

abundance of (riveting) evidence was in fact made available to a<br />

grand jury and even trial juries, yet justice was not served or was<br />

served inadequately. You see, our wonderment was simply this;<br />

"What in the hell did we bust our butts for, at that crime scene"?<br />

"Why did we risk our lives and possibly endanger the lives of innocent<br />

bystanders during that 90-100 mile per hour chase of that<br />

drug dealer suspect with a gun and driving a stolen<br />

car"? "Why did we really invest seemingly countless<br />

man hours into tracking down, arresting serial-burglars,<br />

thieves, robbers and other deviants who<br />

appear to only receive a 'slap on the wrists' and are right<br />

back on the streets in no time, victimizing people again"?<br />

Well, please know and rest assured, that regardless 'of ' and in spite 'of '<br />

the typical responses 'of ' ; "well isn't all of that what you get paid for?" or<br />


EQUIPMENT GR<strong>AN</strong>TS PENALTIES<br />

16%<br />

16%<br />

20%<br />

16%<br />

"isn't that what you signed up for?" and<br />

even "all that comes with the job, so<br />

take it or leave it"...well, myself and<br />

those officers [then] did not sway in<br />

our oaths, diligence or commitments to<br />

protect and serve our community. Just<br />

as the majority of men and women in<br />

law enforcement today strive and succeed<br />

in doing the very same thing. And<br />

16%<br />


this is regardless 'of ' the ultimate decisions reached on the judicial end of<br />

their efforts. Because we knew then (and officers know now) that 'countless'<br />

people depended (and still depend) on law enforcement officers to<br />

adhere to what they took an oath to do. <strong>It</strong> is up to the judges, the<br />

courts and our state legislative bodies to fix the "revolving door"<br />

syndrome that is plaguing our U.S. communities from coast to<br />

coast and border to border! The Federal Government and its’<br />

various agencies could 'definitely' play more of a role (then it already<br />

does) by working more closely with individual states in regard<br />

to such legislation. Also assistance in the form of creative solutions for<br />

resources such as; Funding, additional backing of state legislation and<br />

crime bills, cutting edge crime fighting equipment, innovative grant programs<br />

for law enforcement research and technology, joint state and federal<br />

effort to re-evaluate current penalty phases for street level criminals.<br />

You see, our nations' law enforcement agencies are now facing even<br />

more challenges and greater responsibilities due to an increase of newer<br />

and more sinister threats (against our nation) from outside our borders. So,<br />

they certainly do not need the continued persistence of an age-old and<br />

nagging issue of habitual offenders in addition to these newer, more complex<br />

and dangerous threats to all of our welfare. "Come on politicians,<br />

judges, courts"! "How about some relief here, for the extraordinary men and<br />

women in uniform and carrying the badges"? What I'm talking about is, laying<br />

the groundwork for “sweeping reform” in the laws and the mechanics<br />

of the penalty phases of criminal cases involving persons who willfully<br />

choose to ignore second, third (and beyond) chances for rehabilitation. Regrettably,<br />

there has recently been a sharp increase of cases involving these<br />

types of individuals as it relates to them committing more serious and<br />

heinous types of crimes against citizens.

CRIME SCENE DEME<strong>AN</strong>OR: Officer Behavior & Public Appearance<br />

This is simply a note, on a personal opinion of mine regarding a subject<br />

that has always been something very important to me. Despite my brief<br />

tenure in the field of a Law Enforcement, I was always mindful of the fact,<br />

police officers are in the lime light more so, then most every other profession.<br />

Since then and until this day, whenever observing (whether it's firsthand'<br />

or in the "media"), activities involving Law Enforcement as it relates<br />

to interaction with the public...I pay specific attention to how responding<br />

officers conduct themselves while handling a matter". Crime<br />

scenes and accident investigation scenes are primary examples.<br />

Especially in today's world of the ever growing fields,<br />

in technology and the insatiable thirst for accurate reports<br />

of information on "what is happening"! Social<br />

media and mainstream media play more of a role in<br />

these vital reports, then ever in our history as a nation.<br />

<strong>It</strong> seems 'everyone' has a camera, video or audio<br />

recording device! Countless organizations, companies,<br />

businesses, agencies and even private residences & facilities currently<br />

have some form of camera or device, that have been proven, to capture<br />

everything & anything!! Over the past few years, these devices have been<br />

‘extremely’ instrumental in revealing "what actually took place" in situations<br />

& incidents...which otherwise, would have relied (after-the-fact ) solely upon<br />

audible or eyewitness accounts and or testimony, circumstantial, physical<br />

and 'forensic' evidence. Many of these "recorded" revelations were and are<br />

“stunning” and have resulted in landmark (legal) precedences being set!<br />

One of the most notable cases is the Rodney King fiasco<br />

which is indelibly 'etched' in the minds of many and will be<br />

in the annals of law enforcement history, for years to come!<br />

This March of 1991 case truly defined the essence of police<br />

brutality and a total disregard for human rights and pure<br />

common sense! And not to mention rules, regulations and<br />

(clearly)department policy. Several Los Angeles, CA.<br />

police officers were captured (on video) during the aftermath<br />

of a vehicle chase of a 26 year old, African-American<br />

man whom which they blatantly and willfully dragged and...

eat merciless with batons, fists. And kicked and stomped him so bad, that<br />

he nearly died right on the pavement! Officers were fired, eventually jailed<br />

and although some were "acquitted", the L.A. police department was disgraced<br />

in front of the whole world. <strong>It</strong> was a "camera", manned by a citizen<br />

whom without, we would not have witnessed the sheer brutality of what<br />

took place during this infamous chase and traffic stop twenty-four years<br />

ago. Despite being almost a quarter century ago, technology was 'budding'<br />

even then, in the direction it has brought us to today. Furthermore, it only<br />

underscores the fact that "we never know who or what (camera, monitor,<br />

computer...etc.) is watching" our every move! Like that brave citizen<br />

many years ago, countless people are armed with a variety of audio-video<br />

recording devices and they aren't afraid to use them. Not to mention the<br />

fact society in general, has become a virtual fish bowl...government agencies<br />

are at the top of a huge list of surveillance gurus who are "watching".

So with all of this in mind and you have a job or career that puts you "front<br />

and center" and right in the lime light, be very careful! Again, law enforcement<br />

is one of those such careers and as such, the profession is under increased<br />

scrutiny...and for obvious reasons. Growing up, we constantly<br />

heard and used the saying "one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch"<br />

and although used mostly figuratively, the analogy was clear and still<br />

applies today! Instead of an apple, one rotten person can cast such<br />

an obnoxious stink over an entire organization, that it can be unbearable!<br />

Just by their behavior, actions and attitude (just to name<br />

a few aspects). Have you ever thought much about the phrase<br />

"known-by-association"? Well let me tell you, it's a truly "powerful"<br />

phrase and can have incredible merit as far as many are<br />

concerned. Even if that merit is somewhat 'misplaced' (initially)<br />

it still means something to those who are firm believers.<br />

Put another way; If you are known to constantly associate with a<br />

group of people who wear red ball caps, drink wine and meet every<br />

Saturday at the same lake to go swimming...well, you could most<br />

likely be known (by some) as a "red cap wearing, wine drinking,<br />

Saturday lake-swimming S.O.G.”! Even if nobody has ever "seen<br />

you" wear a red ball cap, take a sip of wine or go near the lake on<br />

any day of the week. You see, "it is, what it is"! And that can sometimes<br />

really be unfortunate! Just because we belong, work, play or<br />

simply associate with a particular person or organization, doesn't<br />

mean we believe, support, agree with or do "every single thing"<br />

they do. When a person or persons representing this organization<br />

does something "bad", everyone affiliated can suffer. If you or I are<br />

affiliated, people can and will think we're right on board with the one<br />

or ones who screwed up, even though we ARE NOT!<br />

The profession of law enforcement is really no different at all however,<br />

the affects of the "known-by-association" stigma can be even more detrimental,<br />

even devastating as it relates to a department and it's' community.<br />

If one or two or more police officers do something terrible, many<br />

people (who are on the out-side, looking in) will typically only see<br />

the badge and uniform and associate it with negativity. This is sadly<br />

unfair to the many decent, honest and hard working men & women

of that department. Uh' oh', here's where I'm about to get cut from<br />

some Christmas card mailing lists! That's okay! You see, as I reiterate<br />

throughout the "An Old Rookie Cop" series, I just don't buy<br />

into the jargon of a police officer simply all of a sudden, out of the clear<br />

blue just "beating a compliant suspect to death" or "fatally shooting<br />

a fleeing suspect in the back". Can it just happen? Yes it can and<br />

"so can " just about anything else! Now, I'm certainly no Dr. Phillip<br />

but, I'm really more inclined to believe that , there were more than<br />

likely, some precursor behaviors and other obvious red flags regarding<br />

police officers who commit these acts. And they don't<br />

keep it a secret because other people (co-workers) are aware and witness<br />

what they do. Yes, that's right!...the “same” decent, honest and hard<br />

working men and women these "red-flagged" officers work with.<br />

Now, "here's the rub “; ➜ These decent, honest, hard working cohorts know<br />

they have to work with their “red-flagged" counterparts [who usually<br />

aren't literally "red-flagged", except for in the minds of their concerned<br />

cohorts] and must try to get along with them. This is despite the fact<br />

they are very much aware of the questionable, unacceptable and even dangerous<br />

behaviors of these particular police officers. You see, nobody really<br />

wants to be the one identified as the snitch, the rat, the narc,<br />

the one who "made the waves that rocked the boat" and<br />

broke the blue wall of silence! Well, let me remind you of<br />

this...it is not thirty or forty years ago, that wall of silence has<br />

been broken before and will continue to be broken even<br />

more! The "boats" are being rocked (tipped<br />

OVER) by prosecutors / district attorneys who are<br />

charging corrupt police officers, by grand juries who are<br />

indicting them, by trial juries who are convicting them &<br />

by the “courageous” judges who are sentencing them to!<br />

This is also applying to those officers and personnel who conspired and or<br />

stood by silent, with knowledge of crimes being committed. These actions,<br />

inactions or behaviors, could fall under the heading of dereliction of duty<br />

or simply be considered out right criminal offenses on there own. Nevertheless,<br />

the situation can be a 'career-ender' and a major life changer for those<br />

who weren't directly involved! “I do believe” this is definitely something for

people in situations like this to seriously think<br />

about. The point here is this, law enforcement is<br />

a profession of honor, respect, trust and integrity,<br />

whether you work as a police officer, corrections<br />

officer, dispatcher, civilian file clerk, secretary or<br />

receptionist. You have an obligation, a responsibility to uphold that in which<br />

you 'pledged to' when you were hired. In the case of uniformed officers, it<br />

constitutes an "oath of office" which is 'sworn to' and should be honored,<br />

respected & abided by! Now as far as the obligation, responsibility & swornoath<br />

aspects are concerned, many people 'totally' get these contexts all<br />

jumbled. When we are hired or appointed by someone to complete a specific<br />

task and we accept the assignment to do so, we are then obligated to<br />

complete that task. When we swear an oath to carry out specified duties,<br />

honor certain privileges and abide by all other guidelines set forth within the<br />

oath, we are then bound by the oath we were ‘sworn to’ and its' integrity.<br />

Whether "sworn" or "obligated", there is also what is known as a responsibility<br />

to do the right thing. And then there is moral responsibility in the<br />

context of "you" seeing or knowing that "others" are being harmed or there<br />

is the potential for them, to be harmed. Do you take action or choose to do<br />

nothing? This has to be a decision that is solely up to the individual in<br />

the position of the choice, as there may be serious consequences no<br />

matter what the decision is. Come on now, knowing what we already<br />

know based on the context of this article as well as considering current<br />

issues between law enforcement and communities, across our nation.

What Is This ?<br />

Okay, let's say you are at work and you...<br />

just happen to witness a co-worker stealing money from a cash<br />

drawer and this co-worker doesn't know you saw them....<br />

just happen to witness a co-worker stealing money from another coworker's<br />

purse or wallet and this worker doesn't know you saw them....<br />

over hear a co-worker talking on their cell phone and they're planning<br />

to physically harm another co-worker at the end of the shift....<br />

over hear a co-worker talking on the company phone to their<br />

spouse and they are 'lying' to the spouse about having to work late<br />

the next few nights & you know it's because of an adulteress affair<br />

with another co-worker & this worker wants you to lie for them....<br />

walk into the break room, no one else is in there but, you see<br />

someone's partially eaten lunch is on a table, their jacket is on the back

of the chair and you spot a fifty-dollar bill about to fall from<br />

a pocket of the jacket & there are no cameras around….<br />

are a supervisor and a worker comes to you with a complaint<br />

of another supervisor who has threatened & "sexually<br />

harassed” them, the worker tells you they're now too afraid<br />

to make the complaint 'official' for fear of serious retaliation....<br />

are out in the field with a co-worker in the same company vehicle,<br />

the co-worker gets angry and 'roughs up' a client over a<br />

customer-service issue & instructs you & the client not to say<br />

anything to anyone, the client agrees to it but, you don't....<br />

are called upon by your employer to explain & submit an official<br />

written statement of facts pertaining to "any" of the aforementioned<br />

scenarios...<br />


Okay here we are again, "nobody" really wants to<br />

be known as the 'big fat rat' who tells on everybody<br />

at work. "I get that", loud an clear (and so do most<br />

other people) but, just imagine it's you or someone you love and care<br />

about...that's being stolen from, sexually harassed threatened and just<br />

made to feel horrible while at work. What would you do?? Wouldn't<br />

you or them want help, from someone brave enough to step forward<br />

and do "something" to stop that horrible feeling inside? Sure you would!!<br />

Well just stop and think about that for a few minutes, 'what if you are that<br />

person'? That 'very person' on the previous page, witnessing your co-workers<br />

steal, cheat, harass others for sex, find valuables, rough-up<br />

customers...etc. Would you (do what you already know, deep down inside<br />

is the right thing to do) be strong enough to step forward and maybe throw<br />

someone a life line? Or would you simply standby in silence and watch

when you probably know you may make a difference. Again,<br />

what if it were you on the receiving end of this misery? Here<br />

is a another way you can look at this; by stepping forward, not only<br />

could you help another person or two, you may actually be very instrumental<br />

in helping to avoid a much bigger situation! You see, when incidents like<br />

those described on the last few pages, occur at work and there's no actual<br />

attempt at resolution...resentment, animosity and anger can fester into<br />

tempers flaring and then one day, something very bad happens! These<br />

are just 'some' of the ingredients that account for many workplace tragedies<br />

in the United States & abroad. Now I'm not going<br />

to kid myself and especially not YOU ! There is a degree<br />

of risk involved in placing yourself in the middle<br />

of an "unpleasant" situation. But guess what? Countless<br />

people do it everyday! And they're called things<br />

like Good Samaritans, do-gooders, concerned citizens,<br />

guardian angels, and even HEROES!<br />

Nonetheless, there's any number of reasons why<br />

some people just don't want to get involved in workplace situations.<br />

Some of those top reasons include;<br />

A. They feel that if it doesn't affect them, it's none of their concern<br />

B. They feel that getting involved, could mean retaliation against them<br />

C. Some workers are only there for a paycheck and don't care at all<br />

D. Some workers are eager to see "drama" at work and enjoy tension<br />

E. Many workers are afraid of being demoted for reporting a co-worker<br />

F. Many workers are afraid of being passed over for a promotion<br />

G. Many workers may feel they won't be believed or taken seriously,<br />

specifically because of 'who' the other worker is and 'who' that person is<br />

associated with, good friends with or related to (family) at work<br />

Alright let's go back to the subject of "MORAL RESPONSIBILITY"...<br />

what it means and why it is so important in the workplace<br />

and "especially" in certain professions such as,<br />


This virtue has been interpreted and defined<br />

in “many different ways by many different<br />

people” over the years. Lets take a close look<br />

at the latest versions of the definitions of<br />

each word and then an interpretation of the<br />

two together. We’ll use that overall ‘meaning’<br />

for the context in which this article is suggesting, as it applies to people<br />

in the workplace, Law Enforcement and “simply doing the right<br />

thing”…under normal as well as extenuating circumstances.<br />

moral |ˈmôrəl, ˈmär-|<br />

adjective<br />

1 concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or<br />

badness of human character: the moral dimensions of medical intervention | a moral<br />

judgment.<br />

• concerned with or derived from the code of interpersonal behavior that is considered<br />

right or acceptable in a particular society: an individual's ambitions may get out<br />

of step with the general moral code | the moral obligation of society to do something about the<br />

inner city's problems.<br />

• [ attrib. ] examining the nature of ethics and the foundations of good and bad<br />

character and conduct: moral philosophers.<br />

2 holding or manifesting high principles for proper conduct: he prides himself on being<br />

a highly moral and ethical person.<br />

noun<br />

1 a lesson, esp. one concerning what is right or prudent, that can be derived from<br />

a story, a piece of information, or an experience: the moral of this story was that<br />

one must see the beauty in what one has.<br />

2 (morals) a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is<br />

not acceptable for them to do: the corruption of public morals | they believe addicts have<br />

no morals and cannot be trusted.<br />

This also brings to mind, “doing unto others, as you would have others,<br />

do unto you”.

Responsibility |riˌspänsəˈbilətē|<br />

noun (pl. responsibilities)<br />

the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control<br />

over someone: women bear children and take responsibility for child care.<br />

• the mstate or fact of being accountable or to blame for something: the group<br />

has claimed responsibility for a string of murders.<br />

• the opportunity or ability to act independently and make decisions without<br />

authorization: we would expect individuals lower down the organization to take<br />

on more responsibility.<br />

• (often responsibilities) a thing that one is required to do as part of a<br />

job, role, or legal obligation: he will take over the responsibilities of overseas director.<br />

• [ in sing. ] (responsibility to/toward) a moral obligation to behave correctly<br />

toward or in respect of: individuals have a responsibility to control personal<br />

behavior.<br />

Moral Responsibility<br />

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia<br />

For other types of responsibility, see Responsibility (disambiguation).<br />

In philosophy, moral responsibility is the status of morally deserving praise, blame,<br />

reward, or punishment for an act or omission, in accordance with one's moral obligations.[1][2]<br />

Deciding what (if anything) counts as "morally obligatory" is a principal concern<br />

of ethics.<br />

Philosophers refer to people who have moral responsibility for an action as moral<br />

agents. Agents have the capability to reflect on their situation, to form intentions about<br />

how they will act, and then to carry out that action. The notion of free will has become<br />

an important issue in the debate on whether individuals are ever morally responsible for<br />

their actions and, if so, in what sense. Incompatibilists regard determinism as at odds<br />

with free will, whereas compatibilists think the two can coexist.<br />

Moral responsibility does not necessarily equate to legal responsibility. A person is<br />

legally responsible for an event when a legal system is liable to penalise that person for<br />

that event. Although it may often be the case that when a person is morally responsible<br />

for an act, they are also legally responsible for it, the two states do not always coincide.<br />

[ citation needed ]

Lets apply these definitions and the principles to the<br />

“workplace” and remember, this can be “any” type of<br />

employment but, we are referring to Law Enforcement in this<br />

particular case. Again, this profession is one of high honor, respect,<br />

trust and integrity! As a “sworn” law enforcement officer,<br />

you have ‘access-to’ and are entrusted with powers and responsibilities<br />

the average person in most professions can only imagine.<br />

With this prestige comes ‘significant’ expectations to “do<br />

what you took an oath do to”, “do the right thing at all times” and<br />

to “maintain the image of respect and professionalism”. This is all because<br />

you are held to a higher standard and a higher level of accountability! To<br />

reiterate, this profession is not a typical ‘9am to 5pm’ or a justto-pay-the-bills<br />

type of employment! Now these types of positions<br />

are important and great ways to make a living but, there<br />

are different experience capabilities for different people. And although,<br />

(as a police officer) you just may handle ‘large’ sums of<br />

money (and other greenery), this profession is not one where<br />

you will become extremely wealthy. Being a police officer is a<br />

career commitment and you really must have a genuine fervor<br />

for what is required of you in this field. In practically ‘every’ other<br />

profession except for first responders, employees don't get<br />

paid to run into burning buildings, or stick around during gunfire.<br />

Fire fighters, paramedics and other EMS personnel are<br />

right there with police officers at the scenes of these situations.<br />

But it is the law enforcement element who is charged with the duty of securing<br />

these unpleasant scenes, investigating the cause and determining<br />

any criminal aspects. A lot goes into this and it’s not a task for just “anybody”.<br />

Again, it’s a position where you are very much in the lime-light and<br />

people, cameras…etc. are watching, how well you perform also how poor-

ly you perform. This is why it is extremely<br />

important and necessary for<br />

police officers (and all first-responders,<br />

for that matter) to always be<br />

cognizant of their actions and demeanor while present<br />

at the scenes of tragedies and catastrophic events. In<br />

addition to media, onlookers and related personnel,<br />

many times there are loved ones, family and friends<br />

present at the scene. Now this is that subject (I reference<br />

in the beginning of this section) that has always<br />

been very important to me. And this is because of what<br />

I’m about to share from my brief stint as a police officer.<br />

You see, when I was a rookie, fresh out of the police academy I remember<br />

a particular field training officer I was assigned to, (let’s just call him “D.J.”).<br />

D.J. was a really good officer with several years of valuable experience under<br />

his belt. He was a cheerful person who enjoyed being in law enforcement<br />

“and” he wasn’t hard on the rookie officers. D.J. had a practical-joker<br />

side to him as well and thoroughly enjoyed a good laugh! Despite being<br />

known for this, he was always there for back-up and was a great training<br />

officer, I learned a lot from him. One thing I definitely learned from him (and<br />

have never forgotten) was indeed, his ability to joke about<br />

and find a little humor in most things…even serious things.<br />

One hot summer afternoon on second shift, he and I responded<br />

to a call of possible “body parts” being discovered<br />

by kids who were fishing from the river bank and their hook<br />

‘snagged’ a garbage bag.<br />

Upon arrival at the location, we were met by a group of<br />

several youngsters and a few parents. They all appeared<br />

pretty shaken up and one mother approached and said<br />

they had been fishing off the river bank and her son’s<br />

brand new hook got ‘snagged’ and he didn't want to lose<br />

it. So he kept tugging on the line, gradually pulling the<br />

debris close enough for him to wade out a little to free it.<br />

To everyone’s shock what his hook snagged was a green garbage bag<br />

which burst open, revealing its’ gruesome contents! <strong>It</strong> in fact was human

ody parts, mainly a severed head which was<br />

badly decomposed. Well, we immediately radioed<br />

in the situation, secured the surrounding area and<br />

began taking witness statements. While waiting<br />

for a supervisor, detectives and the medical examiner<br />

to arrive, my partner, D.J. quietly begins to hum and sing the ‘Spencer<br />

Williams ’ tune “I ain’t got nobody”. I just looked at him and the expression<br />

on his face, it was sad yet he was singing. He noticed I was looking at him<br />

and he just smiled. Now, no one except for myself was close enough to notice<br />

any of this and I learned something very valuable from the experience<br />

that day. I want you to really think about what you're about to read next, in<br />

fact read it a couple of times and just imagine yourself in this situation. You<br />

see, the valuable experience I learned was that different people have different<br />

ways of handling things that happen to them and in their lives.

I’ve always believed we ‘can be’ and are products of<br />

our own environments, we are like we are (for the<br />

most-part) because of where we’ve been, what we’ve<br />

been through, who we've been (around) influenced by<br />

and ‘the things’ we've done in our lives. We sometimes wonder<br />

‘why’ people are like they are and people wonder why “we” are<br />

like we are. All of us are created differently and ‘nobody’, is perfect<br />

except for our creator! From the time we are young, those<br />

who raise us try to instill certain core values within us. But, as we<br />

grow and mature we, develop our own set of intricate qualities,<br />

that are unique to our own individual character. Sure we may retain<br />

and even apply some or much of what was instilled<br />

in us over the years however, we will still have our<br />

own ways of seeing and doing things! This is why it is<br />

‘so’ ridiculous for people (especially those) in intimate<br />

relationships to try and control the thoughts and actions<br />

of each other. <strong>It</strong>’s just not going to be conducive for anything<br />

positive and lasting to exist between them.<br />

Okay, what I witnessed from my partner that day on the river<br />

bank, all those years ago, was just the onset of many lessons<br />

learned. You see, there are some pretty obvious reasons why<br />

the duties of first-responders are not just ‘jobs’ for ‘anyone’ to<br />

perform. And aside from our esteemed military members,<br />

dedicated medical and hospital staff, there’s not many<br />

other professions that require the caliber of “individual”<br />

that’s necessary to fill those shoes. Believe me when I tell you there<br />

are people who will run or faint at the sight of blood, much less be<br />

capable of tending to someone whose bleeding profusely! There<br />

are people who can become a trembling bundle of nerves just at the<br />

sound of a scream, sudden loud noise in another room, a squeaky<br />

door or floor and even a vehicle 'backfiring'. So you can<br />

“pretty much” just forget about these folks being in positions<br />

to assist with gunshots being fired, something exploding or<br />

someone screaming for help from a dark “scary” basement.

However, it is the Law Enforcement officers we call on<br />

when we hear that erie loud scream from the basement,<br />

shots fired, strange noises…etc. and they show up and<br />

investigate. Now, just as with accident and crime scene<br />

investigations, there is a certain skill-set these officers<br />

should be exhibiting during the interaction with the citizens…now<br />

that is, if they are afforded an opportunity to<br />

do so from the very beginning of the interaction. Remember,<br />

the officers are human too and have feelings just like you<br />

do, plus ‘respect’ is like the “Christmas” holiday…give and receive!<br />

Part of this skill-set is supposed to stem from professional<br />

training, proper guidance and tutelage from “seasoned” field<br />

training officers. This also includes abiding by department policy,<br />

rules, regulations, the law itself and just plain old common sense!<br />

Okay, here’s where this whole section should come full circle<br />

for you… <strong>It</strong> is very important for people to know and hopefully<br />

understand this. As the result of the many gruesome, horrible<br />

and heart-wrenching things law enforcement officers (in particular)<br />

come across & the frequency in which they do so…they<br />

have to develop their own ways of dealing with the grief that<br />

can and does build up in their memories. And, because the frequency<br />

can be almost daily, these men and women definitely<br />

have to master a means in which to prevent the horrific scenes<br />

from replaying over and over in their minds. As with my partner<br />

on the river bank, part of his way of dealing with the body parts<br />

and decomposed human head, looking up at us from the bag,<br />

was to sing and hum a tune. I eventually developed my own<br />

method of handling afterthoughts from tragedies I witnessed.<br />

Now despite how truly important this is, the public is pretty<br />

much ‘oblivious’ to it and to what it really means. furthermore<br />

there are those who could probably “care less”. Have you ever<br />

watched an internet or television news broadcast of police at<br />

the scene of a crime or accident? And you notice what appears<br />

to be police officers laughing, smiling and socializing.<br />

Yes, it ‘can’ look like that is just what’s happening but, every-

thing is not as it appears to the eye. And I firmly believe<br />

their should definitely be more of a conscious<br />

effort and priority of awareness for “all” law enforcement,<br />

as it relates to their sensitivity, demeanor<br />

& public appearance! Again, someone or<br />

something is always watching it should not appear that professionals are<br />

being less than professional, insensitive or at worst, disrespectful. No<br />

friend, family member or loved one should feel that those who are investigating<br />

or handling the tragedy of a loved one, takes the situation lightly.<br />

<strong>It</strong>’s not like I've been to ‘thousands’ of crime scenes but, I have been<br />

to enough of them and I’ve handled enough emergency calls to know<br />

very well what typically occurs at such scenes. Law Enforcement is a<br />

“huge” brotherhood with a tremendous amount of camaraderie between<br />

its’ officers. Officers will know or will come to know fellow officers<br />

in adjoining venues and jurisdictions…connections and friendships<br />

are then established. Many times, emergencies and multi-jurisdictional<br />

events like vehicle chases, fugitive searches, joint investigations…etc.<br />

will bring these officers together at one scene or more.<br />

Some of these events can be ‘emotionally’ charged and adrenaline is<br />

peaked by highlights of the event. So, it is common place to see an<br />

outpouring of that camaraderie in the form of hugs, hands-shakes<br />

and other complimentary gestures. An elusive suspect(s) may have<br />

just been captured and you may see officers expressing jubilance<br />

and congratulating each other for a job well done by fist-bumping &<br />

high-fiving. The news media has quite naturally captured this in news<br />

footage and obviously the public & onlookers see these actions too.

<strong>It</strong> is ‘already’ tough enough, at times for<br />

police officers and other first responders<br />

when dealing with the degree of tragedy<br />

and human suffering they witness everyday.<br />

This is further compounded when<br />

that tragedy involves one of their own!<br />

Yes, it’s no real big ‘secret’ that when police officers, firefighters<br />

and other ‘first responders’ themselves, are involved<br />

in an emergency, those symbols of brotherhood and<br />

that spirit of camaraderie is in full abundance! The acts of<br />

care and support from fellow officers are obvious and highly<br />

visible to the public. As well as to media outlets who<br />

broadcast the event through “BREAKING NEWS” bulletins<br />

and their social media affiliations.

With all of this in mind, there is still a level of decorum<br />

and image that must be adhered to on the part of these<br />

professionally trained men and women officers of law<br />

enforcement! Donning a uniform, pinning on a badge and strapping<br />

on a gun and taser does not give them ‘teflon’ or machinelike<br />

qualities, they do have feelings just like you and I. However, because of<br />

what they’ve “signed up for” and “pledged an oath to do” they many times,<br />

have to set those feelings and emotions aside. Set them aside because<br />

people are depending on them in dire times of need and desperation!<br />

Furthermore, the uniform, badge and arsenal of tools and<br />

weapons certainly does not entitle police officers to abuse,<br />

mistreat, disrespect or take advantage of those who they’ve<br />

pledged “sworn-oaths” to protect and serve! Times have<br />

changed!! All but gone are those days when law enforcement<br />

officers could simply “talk” to people just any kind of<br />

way…even to suspects and known offenders. That’s right!<br />

Modern society and its’ quest for political correctness,<br />

sensitivity and detailed attention to moral, civil and human<br />

rights, has shined a laser beam on the language that people<br />

in the professional arena, spew from their mouthes!<br />

Just ask any city, county or state, whose governing<br />

body and or insurance carrier…has recently<br />

reached a monetary settlement, due to<br />

litigation stemming from one or more of their<br />

law enforcement officers’ foul, defaming, racially<br />

motivated and abusive language. See what they have to say<br />

after knowing they had to ‘stroke’ that hefty $check$ and hand it<br />

over to the attorney of the plaintiff(s) in the settlement. You probably<br />

won’t get to hear how they “really” feel about having to pay out a<br />

‘bunch’ of $cash$ money! All because one of their officers<br />

exhibited conduct ‘so’ unbecoming an officer…legal<br />

action had to be taken in order to<br />

resolve the issue (and set a precedence).

That’s right!! More<br />

& more city, county<br />

and state gov-<br />

ernments are having<br />

to ‘cough up’ hundreds of thousands and even<br />

millions of dollars because of the actions of their police<br />

officers. And sadly, in many cases it’s their (the<br />

agencies/local governments) own faults because they “knew<br />

or should have known”, there was a huge potential for what happened!<br />

And that is, the big ole’ fat elephant in the room finally going on a rampage<br />

& screwing up things. Seasoned trial attorneys just love these types<br />

of cases! Whether these governments use taxpayer funds or insurance<br />

coverage to pay off these settlements, it’s really a lot money for something<br />

that almost surely could have been avoided in the first place. I mean when<br />

you actually consider how many of these cases come about in the first<br />

place and to know there was a point in time when the issue could have and<br />

should have been addressed, potentially preventing what took place!<br />

These government entities and department heads, truly need to realize that<br />

when an individual(s) within their employ, becomes the undo and repeated<br />

focus of negative attention…such that has the power to disrupt normal operations<br />

by creating a volatile or even hostile work environment internally<br />

and or externally in conjunction with the line of duty (as with police officers),<br />

“something needs to be done” sooner then later!!<br />

Again, it’s usually no secret when a police agency or department has;<br />

an “out of control” officer or officers<br />

an officer who is always “pushing the envelope”<br />

an officer whose been red “flagged” by cohorts as a<br />

problem individual<br />

an officer whose personnel jacket is riveted with misconduct<br />

reports and various complaints<br />

an officer who has a “bully-like” attitude & thinks nothing<br />

is wrong with it<br />

an officer(s) who other officers are reluctant to work<br />

with because of their behavior and reputation and the<br />

fact these officers are able to remain on the job “no matter”<br />

how much trouble they get into<br />

an officer(s) who literally believe their badge entitles<br />

them to do just about “anything” they want to do.

…this list could definitely go on for another whole page or<br />

more but, you get the point! And to reiterate, nine times out<br />

of ten times, this information has already or will eventually<br />

circulate to the top of an agency, in ‘some' fashion or another.<br />

<strong>It</strong>’s just unfortunate (even ridiculous) that it takes<br />

one of these red flaggers to do something ‘so’ outrageous<br />

and attention-grabbing…that there is no alternative but to take some form<br />

of action. Usually by this time, the DAMAGE is already DONE!!! And the<br />

damage control is seen for what it really is and officials are left scrambling<br />

to fix things that usually cannot be fixed or restored to what they once were!<br />

That damage encompasses a multitude of factors and<br />

areas within an organization, such as in a law enforcement<br />

agency. MORALE is one key area in particular,<br />

that suffers a ‘huge’ blow! You see, despite the<br />

many workplace drama-mongers that seem to thrive<br />

on tension and discord at their places of employment…You<br />

have scores of honest, hard working<br />

people who in fact enjoy their work, are<br />

truly dedicated and strive to make a difference.<br />

So, before all the damage mentioned above, culminated<br />

into that ‘Funky ‘ cloud that eventually hits the fan, it is these<br />

hard working folks who have been suffering all along. They are the ones<br />

who knew long ago, of the red flaggers and their mischievous deeds.<br />

But, for whatever reasons they deemed “justifiable” (in their own minds),<br />

they remained silent and took no action. More than likely, hoping, wishing<br />

and even praying that, the actions and behavior of these red flaggers<br />

doesn’t affect them in ‘any’ way. Unfortunately, in a profession like law enforcement,<br />

there’s really not such a luxury as “sitting back and<br />

just hoping the ‘boogeyman’ goes away on it’s own”.<br />

This is also know as the “OSTRICH-SYNDROME”. Although,<br />

the sitting-back is done everyday, ultimately resulting<br />

in cascading repercussions! This is, that STUFF<br />

that’s hitting and bouncing off that F<strong>AN</strong> of LIFE.

A Closing Thought On Moral Responsibility;<br />

As an employee you are literally ‘only’ responsible for “YOURSELF”, as<br />

“YOU” have no actual control over another persons’ thoughts or ultimate<br />

behavior. However, from a representational and “liability” standpoint,<br />

you and the employer or entity you are employed by, can be viewed as responsible<br />

and even held ‘liable’ for the actions of a fellow employee or<br />

subordinate. Additionally, barring any extraordinary mental inhibiting<br />

factors, a person basically knows ‘right from wrong’. As far as your place<br />

of employment is concerned and without dissecting each and every line of<br />

each and every policy, rule or regulation…”YOU” basically ‘know’ what is<br />

the right thing and what is the wrong thing to do as far as your job is concerned.<br />

And the very same thing ‘can’ probably be said for your co-workers.<br />

Now, the number ONE favorite defense for people discovered doing<br />

something wrong is, “I DID NOT KNOW”! Then you have, “NO ONE EVER<br />

T<strong>OLD</strong> ME ABOUT THAT” and even “WELL EVERYONE ELSE DOES IT”.<br />

Well, these are very poor defenses and usually don't hold up!<br />

Okay, you're at work and “YOU” witness a co-worker stealing…”YOU”<br />

know this is ‘wrong’! What do “YOU” do? Do you have a responsibility to<br />

do “anything”? Okay, you're at work and “YOU” are the one who is stealing…who<br />

has a responsibility here? Should someone, who may have witnessed<br />

“YOU” stealing, do something? Okay, you are at work and witness<br />

a co-worker aggressively harassing another worker in a sexual manner…”YOU”<br />

know this is ‘wrong’! What do “YOU” do? Do you have a responsibility<br />

to do “anything”? What if it is “YOU” on the receiving end of<br />

this treatment? Wouldn't “YOU” be grateful if someone came to your defense?<br />

Or not? Seriously think about this! Alright, you’re are at work and<br />

“YOU” know that what a co-worker(s) is doing makes you and other<br />

workers uncomfortable and actually has the potential to harm others and<br />

or already has.<br />

Do “YOU” have a Moral Responsibility to report what “YOU” know is occurring?<br />

Well, just do a little research on ‘workplace history’ regarding<br />

these types of situations. And see what can happen when people remain<br />

silent and do nothing. Things C<strong>AN</strong> and DO eventually “hit the fan”!


"Protest or Dispute later, what you may feel was an unfair Experience"<br />

During the climax or "heat-of-the-moment " as it relates to<br />

any situation, altercation, confrontation...etc. that shows a<br />

clear and obvious difference of opinion between all parties<br />

involved...it is absolutely not the time for any one party to<br />

expect to 'simply' win-out over the other(s)! I definitely believe<br />

this is especially true in cases where one of the parties<br />

is an established figure of authority. Since this article is<br />

about law enforcement, the authority referenced here will<br />

obviously be the police. Unlike the story plots, themes and<br />

intense scenes from countless Hollywood action movies, the<br />

real world of the "public" and "law enforcement" is vastly<br />

different! If you or myself are walking down a street or driving<br />

along and we're stopped by a police officer, we just<br />

don't 'immediately' begin shouting about our civil and citizen's<br />

rights, demand our one guaranteed phone call or<br />

have our attorney show up at the scene to "save us"!<br />

For the most part, every situation involving police interaction with<br />

the public is different to some degree. A pedestrian or vehicle<br />

"stop" made by the police, could range in nature from a simple<br />

public service message to a warning of a burned out headlight to<br />

something much more serious. Yes the police could be stopping<br />

you from walking into a dangerous area or situation, you may have<br />

otherwise not been aware of. You or your vehicle may just happen<br />

to resemble the description of a vehicle or particular person-of-interest,<br />

or you may in fact be "just who" the police are looking for. In<br />

any event, protesting the interaction or disputing the "stop" (at that<br />

point) may more than likely 'escalate' things to another<br />

level...especially if emotions and tempers begin to flare!<br />

Please just do your best to try and remain calm and cordial,<br />

even if the police officers “don’t" do the same. I know<br />

this may sound difficult for many and even sound "ridiculous"<br />

to some but, your behavior could actually be your<br />

"trump" card later, during any subsequent investigation.

As emphasized in Part I of the "An Old Rookie Cop"<br />

series, law enforcement officers, typically 'never know'<br />

right-off-the-bat just who it is they're encountering. They<br />

may have only a name, partial name, nickname or simply<br />

a description to work with before actually interacting<br />

with you, me or whoever! Additionally, they more than<br />

likely don't know what caliber of individual they are confronting.<br />

You and I may feel, we know ourselves and that<br />

we are certainly "no threat" to police officers but, 'they'<br />

don't know that! In fact, law enforcement practically<br />

have to "assume" that we are indeed a threat to them,<br />

at least until they can conduct the procedures they were<br />

trained to apply. They should then, be able to assess a<br />

situation and determine a "proper" course of action. "Right here" is where it<br />

really becomes essential for cool heads to prevail and tempers, emotions<br />

and attitudes to remain "in check" on all sides.<br />

Because history, case files and records clearly demonstrate<br />

that these are the precise moments when the "least" amount of<br />

volatility can cause a situation to quickly spiral out of control!<br />

A once (relatively) calm set of circumstances can escalate into<br />

utter chaos and even tragedy, in just a matter of seconds. In<br />

hindsight and most unfortunately, a thorough investigation of<br />

facts in evidence, later shows the whole ordeal could have<br />

very well, taken a direction, much more conducive to everyone involved. If<br />

only "cooler heads" and tempers would have prevailed and parties would<br />

have given more thought than action.<br />

But, hindsight is just that, 'hind-sight' - which is our thought<br />

process after an event...how about our thoughts before, or<br />

maybe even during an event? "Thinking before acting".<br />

Now, I know I'll probably catch some flack over this but,<br />

everyone involved in these such incidents, definitely has a<br />

level of responsibility which they are accountable for! In particular,<br />

those who bear the titles of "trained professionals",<br />

yes the police! They are supposed to be armed with not

only 'tasers', 'firearms' and 'ammunition'<br />

but, also with professional training & knowledge<br />

of techniques. Techniques which give<br />

them an edge over the average person and<br />

are meant to empower them with the ability<br />

to (at least attempt to) diffuse or approach a<br />

situation from the start, in a manner and in<br />

an effort to avoid unnecessary escalation...<br />

therefore, avoiding the potential for the use of excessive<br />

force and most certainly, the use of deadly force.<br />

Yes! Yes! Yes! There are "absolutely", situations<br />

where police officers are left with no other<br />

option whatsoever, then to take the life of<br />

“someone"! These are 'extreme' circumstances<br />

where "that someone" truly decided on a path,<br />

to the point of no return. This "does happen"<br />

and it is unfortunate for numerous/obvious reasons.<br />

But, it would also be ‘even’ more unfortunate for police<br />

officers to further risk their own safety and or that of<br />

the innocent public or fellow officers...by delaying a decision<br />

to use that final option of "deadly force". However,<br />

I've seen (and so have you) numerous cases where the situation 'never<br />

even came close' to a point where deadly force needed to<br />

be considered, let alone used! And these cases, are the<br />

ones in which myself and many others, can't help but to<br />

wonder "what in the heck was that officer or officers thinking?"!<br />

"Did that man or woman really have to die?" , "Was<br />

there really, absolutely no possible alternative except for<br />

deadly force?". Now remember this, the police<br />

deal with people who "we" wouldn't want<br />

to run across in our 'worst' nightmares, they<br />

are the scum of the earth! And therefore, some people may<br />

be of the opinion "let the police just kill them, good riddance"<br />

and "who's gonna miss them?"...however, despite how vile,<br />

evil and wicked these individuals may be, it is not up to the<br />

police to act as executioners. Now my emphasis here, is on

those types of cases referenced in the previous paragraph.<br />

Those blaring, unforgettable and heart wrenching cases that<br />

have been plastered in the news headlines, in social media and<br />

in news reports around the world...over the past thirty-six<br />

months. These are the numerous cases of persons who "needlessly"<br />

lost their lives, during interactions with law enforcement<br />

across our nation! Blatantly obvious, is the fact that many of<br />

these victims were 'persons of color'. And subsequent investigations<br />

revealed (in some cases) elements including racial epithets, clear<br />

disregard of department policy, excessive force and ultimately deadly<br />

force. Additionally, in depth independent investigations also revealed patterns<br />

of police misconduct, officer conspiracies, dishonesty, destruction of<br />

evidence...etc. Ultimately and regardless of skin color or ethnicity, all lives<br />

matter! And "especially" those innocent lives which could have been<br />

spared, if not for the reckless actions of a handful of renegade individuals.<br />

Individuals who, probably should have never been issued badges of au-

thority to begin with. I strongly believe that, these particular individuals are<br />

definitely "not" representative of law enforcement as a 'whole'. And to reiterate,<br />

it is even more of an insult to learn that people in positions that<br />

could have made a difference, knew about these officers and did nothing<br />

(beforehand) to rein them in...at least nothing effective.<br />

This very issue is ongoing and continues to be "a thorn<br />

in the side" of many law enforcement agencies in this<br />

country. And as long as their department heads and<br />

their governing bodies continue to ignore these "big ole<br />

fat elephants in the room", pressure-cooker situations<br />

will continue to boil! Until the day comes when one of<br />

these officers causes things to boil over into a fiasco!<br />

Like many, my question is "WHY"? Why let things get<br />

that far?? Especially when there's common knowledge<br />

(within an agency) that a huge potential problem does<br />

exist within the ranks of its’ personnel. As you know, in<br />

most organizations people "talk", people "complain"...they complain and<br />

talk especially about that in which they do not like about their organization!<br />

This also includes "who" within their organization they "don't like" and feel<br />

are a detriment to them and their organization. Now<br />

you know, as well as I know this "talk" rarely remains<br />

a secret. Everyone from the bottom of the<br />

organization to the top, knows or has heard about<br />

the "water cooler" topics. This includes supervisors,<br />

managers, administration and many times even<br />

corporate! Come on now, think about it...with as<br />

many snitches and dedicated "brown-nosers" that can exist<br />

within a single organization. You mean to tell me things don't filter up to the<br />

top? The field of law enforcement is no different! So when something<br />

truly terrible happens within the lower ranks of an entity and I hear those in<br />

charge stating things like; "I didn't know this was going on" and "We as<br />

management would never condone or allow conditions like this to exist"<br />

and “We are going to conduct a full investigation , leaving no stone unturned<br />

until we get to the bottom of this”. <strong>It</strong>’s ambiguous, in that there are<br />

usually those who already have a pretty good idea of what led up to things<br />

hitting the fan, secondly those ‘initial’ claims by brass and above, can pri-

marily be, only formalities. This is the type of subsequent investigation<br />

that is referenced on page one of this section. And<br />

why it’s so vital for people to remain mindful at all times, of the<br />

importance of doing their part to “survive” the immediate situation<br />

of a law enforcement interaction. You will have plenty of<br />

time “after” the police encounter to voice your protest, through<br />

correct and more effective channels. That is, provided you are<br />

capable of doing so! You must first, do your part to insure that<br />

you are around and in fact capable of voicing what you feel<br />

was unjust or illegal! That is “not” likely to happen if you<br />

aid in your own tragedy or demise by reacting poorly!<br />

And possibly giving a “red flagger” [an already ‘out-of-control’<br />

officer / lose cannon who’s been waiting to push the envelope<br />

a little further] just a “smidgen” of a reason to interpret<br />

you are the ‘slightest’ measure of a threat to him or her.<br />

Did you know that during a police investigation / encounter,<br />

just the ‘slightest’ bit of (physical) resistance can result in a<br />

“resisting arrest” charge filed against you by police? But, before<br />

it even reaches the paper work stage, you are subject to<br />

what can occur “during” the arrest procedure itself;<br />

Severe injury from attempts by officers to subdue, restrain<br />

& place you into handcuffs.<br />

Severe injury or even death if you continue to resist, or assault<br />

an officer, or attempt to take control of an officers’ firearm,<br />

baton or taser…etc.<br />

Severe injury or death if you attempt to escape police custody.<br />

[fleeing & eluding either by vehicle, motorcycle, bicycle,<br />

ATV, riding mower, boat, horse or on foot…etc.<br />

If a police officer is injured while trying to place you under<br />

arrest, whether “you” actually injured the officer or not, you<br />

could face additional charges and hardship.<br />

The majority of people are totally clueless when it comes to police procedure,<br />

the law, citizen and civil rights. Again, hollywood and the real world of<br />

law enforcement are vastly different. There’s a huge misconception as it re-

lates to what happens in the movies and reality television<br />

versus “real life”! In most cases, immediately<br />

‘challenging’ law enforcement during an initial interaction<br />

can only tend to aggravate the situation. And<br />

‘nine times out of ten times’, your protest is not going<br />

to prevail right then and there on the street, in a<br />

house or building…etc. Many years ago law enforcement<br />

officers at the street level, had considerably<br />

more discretion (when it came to arrests) then they do today. “Now” when<br />

the police show up and it’s a matter of “somebody” going to jail, being taken<br />

in for questioning or as part of an investigation…it is going to happen!<br />

“Protesting”, “resisting”, “fighting” or trying to “escape” only makes an already<br />

serious situation worse! You see, unlike many years ago, before<br />

everyone had a computer in their hip pocket, cell phones & the<br />

internet…law enforcement relied exclusively on tools like;<br />

1. ‘land-line’ phones ☎<br />

2. ‘fax machines "<br />

3. ‘pagers’ #<br />

4. ‘paper file’ records $ %<br />

5. ‘typewriters’ ⚙<br />

6. ‘notebooks’ '<br />

I am part of that era, remember it well and how<br />

“we made it work”! Today’s younger patrol officers<br />

probably can’t even ‘imagine’ what it would be like<br />

to work without an (O.B.C.) on board computer in<br />

their patrol units, internet, “wi-fi”, cell phones and<br />

text-messaging. In those days, police officers<br />

would sometimes have to drive all the way back to<br />

headquarters or a precinct to retrieve a sketch or<br />

photograph of a suspect, confirm fingerprints or<br />

visually verify an arrest warrant. This can all be<br />

done now, by a ‘few clicks’ on a keyboard.

Because todays’ technology was not available<br />

back then, police officers did have more discretion,<br />

in particular where “arrests” were concerned.<br />

Now days, if there’s even the slightest<br />

‘question’ pertaining to the validity of an arrest<br />

warrant, verifying identity, ‘charges on file’<br />

or past offenses…etc. Now this refers to “on<br />

scene” situations and to most cases but, barring extenuating<br />

circumstances and matters beyond the control of the officers at<br />

the scene and dispatch personnel. They all rely for-the-mostpart,<br />

on a system that consist of computers and other people.<br />

So, there’s always the potential for system glitches as well<br />

as human error. But also for-the-most-part, this system is<br />

“usually” spot-on! So when the police ‘show up’ or ‘respond’<br />

to a situation and they determine (through their system)<br />

that someone has to leave that situation with them, it<br />

is basically a DONE DEAL! Again, Survive The Immediate<br />

Situation!! Discrepancies can be addressed<br />

at a later time and date, not at the scene!<br />

Because of the SYSTEM that”s in place, in “nine<br />

out of ten” cases, even if the police wanted to<br />

consider an alternative to a physical arrest…THEY C<strong>AN</strong>NOT do<br />

so! Yeah, many offenses can be handled with a mere citation<br />

and or ‘summons‘ to appear ! However, many offenses do require<br />

an individual to be taken into custody and to be held for<br />

appearance, until bond is set/posted and or for charges from another jurisdiction.<br />

If “it is” determined the other jurisdiction “does” want an individual,<br />

then extradition proceedings are arranged through a court of law. Or depending<br />

upon the circumstances, a person could simply be turned “directly<br />

over” to law enforcement officials in that neighboring jurisdiction.<br />

Something else to remember is that “every” situation is unique in some<br />

measure, as it relates to the charge or charges. Charges may have similar<br />

titles but, vary in degree, nature and seriousness. Two persons may face<br />

the same charge but, the degree of the charge may be different. This is<br />

another factor that attributes to police procedure and the way in which

they decide to (or have to) handle a person and the situation at hand.<br />

Again, some of the best ways to ‘survive the immediate situation’ during a<br />

police encounter, field investigation or interaction ‘period ’ are to;<br />

Do your best to remain calm, respectful, and attentive to what is being<br />

instructed of you by the officer(s)…You must be able to hear and understand<br />

what you are being instructed to do by the police officer(s)…………<br />

Make sure you have “nothing” in your hands unless the officer(s) advise<br />

you differently…”immediately” release any object from your hands<br />

when instructed to do so…This can SAVE YOUR LIFE……………………<br />

Do not reach quickly for “anything”, “make any sudden movements” or<br />

give the officer(s) any reason to believe he or she must fear for the safety<br />

of their life or the safety of a fellow officers’ life or the safety or lives of<br />

the general public [This is the ‘number one’ defense used by police<br />

officers to justify their decision to use Deadly Force]………………………<br />

There is typically (and should be) a valid reason for interaction between<br />

you and the police to occur in the first place. The most common valid reason<br />

is known as probable cause. For the sake of simplicity here, let’s assume<br />

that is the case. Okay, you’re “stopped” or “otherwise” come into contact<br />

with law enforcement, in most cases they legally do have the right to;<br />

attempt to determine if you are possibly ‘wanted’ by law enforcement<br />

assess & determine that you don’t pose an immediate threat to them<br />

assess & determine that you don’t pose an immediate threat to yourself<br />

assess & determine that you don’t pose an immediate threat to others<br />

question you about circumstances pertaining to, reasons for interaction<br />

question you about the extent of your involvement of that situation<br />

attempt to determine your true identity & your purpose for being there<br />

detain you for purposes of further investigation, suspicion of committing<br />

crimes, failure to comply with what’s asked of you / obstruction of justice<br />

Please remember, law enforcement officers usually do not know just<br />

who it is they are going to encounter, what type of individual(s) it may<br />

be or what they are capable of. So, they have to rely on their training,<br />

their experience and the rules, regulations and policies set forth by their<br />

departments and agencies.

This all can fall under the heading of Police Procedure.<br />

Which again, many people are clueless<br />

about, don't like and find difficult to go along with.<br />

And sometimes, with good reason because many<br />

times these procedures are misused, exaggerated<br />

and grossly exploited by ‘unscrupulous’ police<br />

officers. Those are the “red flaggers”<br />

who make all men and women of law<br />

enforcement look bad! The sooner<br />

those at the top, take a much more<br />

realistic approach to these types of<br />

officers within their employ…the sooner we all can<br />

begin laying “crucial” groundwork!<br />

Groundwork to reduce (and replace) the negative<br />

sentiment, which unfortunately “does” exist (right<br />

now) between many communities and their law<br />

enforcement agencies, across this great nation. Hopefully replace<br />

the negative with a positive and renewed sense of trust, respect<br />

and understanding from both sides. One segment of that realistic<br />

approach, is to greatly improve current systems and procedures<br />

for entering employee data into the personnel files (jackets) of all police<br />

officers. DATA in particular, that applies to updating, implementing newer<br />

and more effective disciplinary measures. This includes the tracking and a<br />

more frequent review of the accuracy of this information as it applies to;<br />

Employee performance levels<br />

Employee evaluations & behavioral reviews<br />

Employee complaints (lodged internally / externally)<br />

Employee information from previous employers / agencies<br />

These steps and measures demonstrate a sincere effort in the spirit of<br />

transparency, accountability and honesty. They also go a long distance towards<br />

improving and or maintaining an agency’s reputation and image.<br />

“Once people don’t trust you because you have proven that you can’t be<br />

trusted”, it can take a very long time and a great deal of effort to regain<br />

what you once had…and seemingly took for granted.

A huge amount of that trust comes directly from the<br />

image that is portrayed by each individual who carries<br />

a badge and represents a department or agency.<br />

And as we all know very well, it only takes “one” of<br />

these individuals (officers) to set off an avalanche of<br />

“chaos” within that agency! Case in Point: A police<br />

officer is investigating at the scene of a traffic stop (or another form of police<br />

interaction) and this officers’ behavior is clearly ‘unprofessional’ and<br />

unbecoming an officer. An official complaint is eventually lodged<br />

against this primary officer, by the person(s) who was or were the<br />

subject(s) of the initial incident. This ‘official’ citizen’s complaint is<br />

also accompanied by a plethora of independent “eyewitness”<br />

statements, from individuals who were present and clearly saw and<br />

heard practically everything that transpired during the incident.<br />

A preliminary investigation is begun by police officials<br />

and even at that point, it is clear there’s many “blarring”<br />

inconsistencies between what the police officer(s)<br />

in this case reported, versus what the subject(s)<br />

and witnesses report happened. And then, ‘low and<br />

behold’ a revealing video or audio recording of the<br />

incident surfaces.This is yet another reminder of why<br />

it is ‘so’ important for people involved in initial police<br />

encounters…to do ‘everything’ within their power to<br />

maintain control of their emotions and demeanor.<br />

“Your” very behavior and actions, later confirmed in<br />

some type of “recording” could actually rebut claims<br />

made against you! Therefore, demonstrating your<br />

version of what took place is true and that you were<br />

falsely accused. When this happens, it cast a shadow<br />

over the officers’ credibility and integrity! <strong>It</strong> is truly<br />

unfortunate but, police officers are caught in lies<br />

and other forms of dishonesty everyday! When this<br />

happens, they are then ‘no<br />

better’ then the perpetrators<br />

they apprehend or use to.

I n C l o s i n g…<br />

When Police Officers Lie & Commit Other Acts Of Dishonesty<br />

<strong>It</strong> can and does cause irreparable damage on a multitude of levels! From the<br />

department or agency’s’ image and reputation, within the community to the image<br />

and integrity of fellow officers to the character and standing with neighboring<br />

jurisdictions and their law enforcement bodies. This is most certainly "something"<br />

ALL police officers need to consider very carefully! But in particular, those<br />

officers who have already embarked down a path of deceit and “worse”. They<br />

know "very well" who they are. That ONE little white-lie to a supervisor or to a fellow<br />

officer or on an incident report, ticket, accident or police report...etc. leads to<br />

bigger, darker and uglier lies! Eventually that officer (and others like him or her)<br />

find themselves in that one inevitable situation where they gamble on their track<br />

record of deceit and LOSE big time! They GET CAUGHT telling that one lie that<br />

can cost them everything and it can ensnare "everyone" who is even 'remotely'<br />

connected to the whole house of cards!! Now for those police officers or other<br />

law enforcement personnel, who made up ‘just one card’ of this flimsy house of<br />

cards, the ‘wrecking ball’ can hit you as well!! You already know (or should) that<br />

claiming ignorance or no knowledge of a crime is not a defense at all!<br />

Especially when you know (or should have known) that once the stuff starts to<br />

hit that fan of life, "it's every man and woman for themselves"! This is where that<br />

blue wall of silence starts to slowly crumble and people began thinking about<br />

their own hides. These are really times when police officers are “just like the<br />

suspects and criminals they've arrested” in the past...start explaining to them the<br />

true consequences of their actions and how much time they could spend in<br />

prison and they start “singing" like Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes! In other<br />

words, they start giving up names of others to use as bargaining chips.You see,<br />

as mentioned previously in this article series, prosecutors, district attorneys and<br />

even law enforcement agencies themselves, are becoming increasingly fed up<br />

with corrupt police officers and the stigmas and chaos that ensues from their<br />

cases. Many courts and the governing bodies of law enforcement agencies who<br />

have these corrupt officers are coming down hard on them! Almost from the day<br />

after some of these incidents and the presentation of tangible evidence (video/<br />

audio recordings), department heads are placing officers on paid or unpaid administrative<br />

leave, suspension and in some cases even terminating officers!

I n C l o s i n g…<br />

When Police Officers Lie & Commit Other Acts Of Dishonesty…..<br />

Now here's something else for All police officers to really think about and to<br />

consider": Okay, even if you are placed on paid administrative leave, it's still not<br />

the same as working the streets or on whatever detail you are normally assigned<br />

to. You and whatever (violation, infraction or crime) you are accused of is now<br />

under investigation, you know this, your fellow officers know this and loved<br />

ones, family and friends are aware of it as well. You more than likely don't feel<br />

like walking around with your head held high like you did before and you are<br />

most likely wishing it all never happened in the first place...huumm!<br />

[All of this also applies to those who were even one brick of your house of cards]<br />

Now let's say the ensuing investigation results in findings that warrant charges<br />

being filed against you, you are arrested and consequently indicted! You are now<br />

facing a lengthy court trial (along with your family, loved ones & friends), not to<br />

mention you've probably been terminated by the department at this point. What if<br />

the trial ends in a conviction and you are sentenced to prison, as a former and<br />

corrupt police officer? Was what you did, "worth losing it all"? Well let's back up<br />

a little, let's just say things never even make it past the grand jury phase and you<br />

are not indicted but, still there were charges filed against you, you were bookedin,<br />

you were placed on administrative leave or suspension and then terminated.<br />

Sure, you could probably pay attorneys and fight for exoneration, reinstatement<br />

…etc. but, you also know “what you know deep down inside” about “what<br />

really happened”! You see, we can always lie to others and even get lucky and<br />

get away with it “temporarily”! But, lying to ‘oneself’ isn't always so easy! Because<br />

when we do that, we’re the ones who face ‘ourselves’ in the mirror & deal<br />

with the demons in the nightmares we created!! One more thing you know, is<br />

that things will probably never be the same as before! So again, "was it really<br />

worth it to do or to have taken part in what you did in the first place”? Worth it to<br />

have put your family, loved ones and friends through the whole thing? Now remember,<br />

this is just a scenario of not being indicted...not the scenario of you going<br />

to a penitentiary as corrupt "ex-cop", that's even worse as you already know!

I n C l o s i n g…<br />

When Police Officers Lie & Commit Other Acts Of Dishonesty…..<br />

Yeah, there's a lot of cases involving police officers who've been charged, arrested<br />

and even dismissed but, grand juries do not hand down an indictment. If<br />

you are that officer, what do you do now? Everything is a total MESS! Can you<br />

really see yourself going before another chief of police, county sheriff, state police<br />

commander, civil service commission or human resource board in hopes of<br />

becoming a police officer again? Most likely not! And even if you move away and<br />

totally LIE about your past and SOME HOW 'snow' a whole bunch of people into<br />

hiring you...how long do think that will last before “this” house of cards comes<br />

tumbling down on you again? This time you just might actually make it to the<br />

BIG HOUSE after all! Yes, there are numerous cases where disgraced officers<br />

managed to beat the system through ‘loopholes’ in the laws and with other legal<br />

technicalities! They are then able to conceal their checkered pasts, until by some<br />

twist of fate or stupidity on their part, thrust them into the lime-light again…revealing<br />

them (once more) for what they really are.<br />

A Simple And Sincere Word of Caution to PARENTS,<br />

GUARDI<strong>AN</strong>S,<br />

CARE GIVERS…etc.<br />

One ‘painfully’ clear factor among the many, as it relates to the core inspiration<br />

of the “An Old Rookie Cop” series [shootings of African-American men and women<br />

by caucasian police officers] is the inclusion of young people in these tragic<br />

cases. ➤Again, ALL LIVES MATTER regardless of age, race or skin color and<br />

especially when needlessly and recklessly cut short by “any” member of Law<br />

Enforcement! ➤TO Parents-Guardians-Care Givers; “Too Many” children have<br />

‘ridiculous’ access to guns of all kinds and even toys and replicas that resemble<br />

real guns! These children are killing themselves and are being killed by police<br />

officers, some of whom, genuinely and rightfully feared for their own lives. We<br />

adults, especially those of us in the roles of parents, guardians, care givers…etc.<br />

certainly bear a level of responsibility here and we must accept even more now<br />

… in an effort to save our children and teenagers!! “Please” become more involved<br />

and do more to keep guns “out of the hands” of our young people”!!!

S U M M A R Y<br />

<strong>08</strong>4<br />

As functioning, able-minded adults, we all have certain levels of the “responsibility"<br />

you’ve seen mentioned throughout this publication. There are<br />

times when we simply have to ‘man-up’ and ‘woman-up’ to things and situations<br />

that “we” created, the initial circumstances for in the first place. Yeah,<br />

sure there’s a lot of things that “we” can manage to blame others for and it<br />

really does seem like it’s human nature to blame someone else for things<br />

that happen to us. But come on now, there are times when we’ve just got to<br />

own-up to the fact that certain things have happened to us because of the<br />

right or wrong choices that “we” made. People just cannot go around<br />

blaming others for every ‘single’ thing that goes wrong in their lives!<br />

Sure, some really ‘crazy’ and ‘ridiculous’ things and situations can happen<br />

to any of us! Sometimes, “we” create the ‘initial’ sequences of an event<br />

or situation and further set them into motion, simply by the steps and the<br />

path “we” chose to embark on afterwards. As it relates to the subject matter<br />

of this publication, “we” just cannot go around blaming the police for every<br />

little thing, stemming from an encounter! Yes! The police do SCREW UP and<br />

Big Time at that! But, have you ever really, really, thought long and hard<br />

about what actually makes some police encounters go bad and spiral out of<br />

control? Okay, please imagine just for a moment that ‘you’ are a police officer…you’re<br />

alone and you come upon a man & woman sitting in a car, in a<br />

public park, just after closing hours. You speak to the pair who tell you, they<br />

were talking & simply lost track of time and will leave the park immediately.<br />

You had already observed a marijuana cigarette behind the ear of the<br />

man and suddenly, you notice a handgun inside the open purse of the<br />

woman and she’s trying to conceal it. You are still by yourself, it’s dark and<br />

‘back-up’ is a few minutes away. You ‘instruct’ the woman and the man to<br />

keep their hands where you can see them but, the woman keeps trying to<br />

reach into her purse! What would you do? How would you feel? Think about<br />

it! The scenario here is “made-up” but, similar events do happen ‘every’ day<br />

in the real world of law enforcement. Most of the time, simply LISTENING<br />

and DOING what you are T<strong>OLD</strong> to DO, can make a world of difference as it<br />

relates to how situations and circumstances actually turn out! <strong>It</strong>’s that ‘r e s<br />

p o n s i b i l i t y’ and the ‘a b i l i t y’, (most of us have) to recognize when to;<br />

accept it own up to it and face the consequences for our own<br />

actions, behavior and just plain failure to handle things the right way!!

. . . a d d i t i o n a l l y<br />

<strong>08</strong>5<br />

In a sense of irony to this subject matter, we frequently hear that there<br />

are just “not enough” police officers on the streets of our nation. This is<br />

especially voiced the loudest during surges in a particular type of crime<br />

and in specific geographical areas of states, counties and cities…etc.<br />

Most of the time statistical information from calculations based on police<br />

crime reports, demographics, media studies and citizen feedback make<br />

up a large part of this material. Please try and understand what you are<br />

about to read, from this Authors’ perspective and as someone who has<br />

been in a position to know from firsthand experience…”Even if it were<br />

remotely ‘possible’ to place one police officer on every street corner of<br />

every city and town and even two or three more officers up and down<br />

the blocks between each of those street corners”, there will still be<br />

crimes committed!!! Firstly, this isn’t even remotely conceivable and<br />

Secondly, it would not be foolproof or even close to feasible because<br />

criminals prove everyday, their “profound” tenacity for circumventing<br />

security features, most safe-guards and other forms of protection.<br />

Now couple this with the unfortunate fact that many communities have<br />

ongoing issues with their law enforcement agencies. You see, this is definitely<br />

a sticking point because citizens within a community truly can and<br />

do serve as the eyes and ears for their police agencies. Consider this;<br />

you live in a city with a population of 50,000 people, your police department<br />

is made up of 70 police officers and the county sheriff’s department<br />

is comprised of 30 road patrol deputies. That is 100 law enforcement<br />

officers who represent “50,000” residents and ‘not to mention’<br />

facts like work shifts, coverage area & common knowledge that sheriff<br />

departments are also responsible for those rural or “unincorporated”<br />

areas outside of individual cities within a county. Those “100” officers<br />

are not ‘all’ on duty at the ‘same’ time and could not ‘very well’ be every<br />

place to stop every crime! This is why it is so imperative that the citizens<br />

within in a community be able to get along & interact positively with their<br />

police agencies. ’50,000’ versus ‘100’ come on, who really has the edge<br />

when it comes to actual DETAILS and INFORMATION on CRIME?<br />

“Obviously” the citizens do! Almost every time with almost every crime,<br />

there is SOMEONE out there who KNOWS at least SOMETHING that is a<br />

piece to a puzzle a police officer, detective or investigator needs to solve<br />

a case! But that SOMEONE must be able to communicate with the police!<br />

Criminals do make mistakes, show-off and brag to these SOMEONE’S!

Those “SOMEONE’S” out there [and there’s a lot of them], hold vital bits<br />

<strong>08</strong>6<br />

and pieces of key information, that investigators desperately need in order<br />

to crack many ‘cold’ cases wide open! This information would finally<br />

bring many criminals (who walk among us) to justice. <strong>It</strong> would certainly<br />

bring “some” degree of closure [‘or just knowing’], to the countless friends,<br />

family and loved ones (of victims) who’ve been grieving and suffering<br />

from the pain and anguish of whatever happened to someone close<br />

to them. But first, people must feel a level of COMFORT and have a sense<br />

of WILLINGNESS to speak candidly with the law enforcement agencies<br />

within their communities. This cannot very well happen, when there exist<br />

‘blatant’ animosity, tension & distrust (even fear) between the two groups!

A special and heartfelt “Thank You” to current Jefferson County, Sherriff<br />

and former Steubenville Police Chiefs,<br />

and<br />

! These three men are icons in the history of law enforcement in<br />

Jefferson County and Steubenville, Ohio. They gave the Author, his start in the<br />

profession of law enforcement and he will „always‟ be grateful for the<br />

opportunities that start afforded him. To this day, he continues to benefit from<br />

those opportunities, life experiences and valuable lessons learned along the way.<br />

Additionally, the Author would like to extend his sincere appreciation for<br />

the help and guidance he received from the many law enforcement personnel he<br />

had the honor and privilege of working with and learning from. Although many,<br />

many years ago the friendships, bonds and<br />

experienced during his<br />

days in uniform left an indelible impression on him, from then to this day! These<br />

men and women, some of whom are listed below, were the Authors’ initial<br />

introduction to the true meaning of dedication, integrity and character in the<br />

profession of law enforcement.<br />

The compilation of these personnel, includes both the Sheriff‟s Department<br />

and the Police Department. They represent administration and communication<br />

staff members to correctional and command staff as well as the Sheriff<br />

Deputies and Police Officers who worked diligently to serve and protect the citizens<br />

of Jefferson County and Steubenville, Ohio. And whom which the Author<br />

benefited immensely in “some” measure or „another‟, as the result of knowing and<br />

being affiliated with each one of these individuals during that period of time in the<br />

mid to late 1980‟s. From the perspective of „enforcing laws‟, those days were a<br />

much simpler time compared to what<br />

has to contend with today.<br />

Nonetheless, the men and the women referenced in this publication, exemplified<br />

the premise behind “ protect and serve”! At a time long before the inter-<br />

net (world-wide-web), „wi-fi‟, cellular phones and „text-messaging‟ law enforcement<br />

officers worked with what they had available at the time…and managed to<br />

get the job done! This era of time was not without its‟ controversy and issues however,<br />

it certainly was not on the scale of what we now see in the headline news today.<br />

Would that be the case if we had the technology back then, that we have today?<br />

Who really knows? But, one thing is certain, our modern day society could truly<br />

benefit if only police and community relationships could “be today” what they<br />

were once like, during those days (many, many years ago)…a much simpler time!!


1. Emerson Brooks<br />

2. Ronald Turner Sr.<br />

3. Theodore „Ted‟ Maragos<br />

4. Ronald “Ron” Miro<br />

5. Darryl Miller<br />

6. Thomas „Tom‟ Blackburn<br />

7. Thomas „Tom‟ Basso<br />

8. Tim Kelley<br />

9. Olga Yates<br />

10. Patricia Skipper<br />

11. Bruce Palmer<br />

12. Winston Narramore<br />

13. Steve Osz<br />

<strong>14</strong>. Ronald Turner Jr.<br />

15. Robert „Greg‟ Roush<br />

16. Stephen „Steve‟ Hummel<br />

17. Butch Kosar<br />

18. Robert „Bob‟ Davis<br />

19. Jack Stevens<br />

20. Frank Noble<br />

21. Joseph „Joe‟ Thompson<br />

22. Joseph „Joe‟ Nemith<br />

23. Earnestine Brooks<br />

24. Helen Carrocci<br />

25. Paula Welch<br />

26. Nancy Taggart<br />

27. Bruce Milo<br />

28. T. Mamula (O.S.P.)<br />

29. V. Repella (O.S.P.)<br />

30. K. Kamarada (O.S.P.)<br />

31. S. Whitaker (O.S.P.)<br />



1. Robert Reeves<br />

2. Thomas Kopras<br />

3. John Mavromatis<br />

4. Samuel „Sam‟ Murray<br />

5. George Young<br />

6. Ross Mike<br />

7. Joseph „Joe‟ Myers<br />

8. Gary Burchfield<br />

9. William „Bill‟ Pilya<br />

10. Anthony „Tony‟ Falbo<br />

11. Lucinda Trayvick<br />

12. Gloria Johnson<br />

13. Connie Fithen<br />

<strong>14</strong>. Edward „Ed‟ Lulla<br />

15. Anthony „Tony‟ Andriano<br />

16. Robert „Bobby‟ Gotschall<br />

17. Mark Ensell<br />

18. David Guy<br />

19. Thomas Ferrell<br />

20. Joseph McCullough<br />

21. Donald Starliper<br />

22. William Loggie<br />

23. John Young<br />

24. Andrew „Andy‟ Phsarce<br />

25. Neil Sanders<br />

26. Guy Lamantia<br />

27. Anthony „AJ‟ DeSarro<br />

28. Anthony „Tony‟ Pergallini<br />

29. Fred Monroe<br />

30. James „Jim‟ Shaffer<br />

31. William „Bill‟ Magnone<br />

32. Joel Walker<br />

33. Charles Sloane<br />

34. Carl Locasio<br />

35. Mirko Macakanja<br />

36. Mark Sweeney<br />

37. Roger Badger<br />

38. Paul Walker<br />

39. Charles „Charlie‟ Conn<br />

40. Richard Powell (M.C.J.)<br />

41. Harold Russell (M.C.P.O.)<br />


As you have seen, referenced throughout this publication, the duty of<br />

working in the field of Law Enforcement is by far, totally ‘unlike’ most other<br />

jobs and professions out there. Because it’s the men and women who carry<br />

the badge of authority that are trained & experienced in dealing with the dark<br />

side of society! That side of “people” in which most others are virtually<br />

‘oblivious’ to. That is until they somehow and unfortunately fall victim to or<br />

are drawn into some sort of tragic event! <strong>It</strong>’s the Police Officers, Sheriffs<br />

Deputies, Highway Patrolmen, State Troopers…etc. who are;<br />

a) There at a residence at 3:00am when things go bad or become violent<br />

between individuals in some type of relationship.<br />

b) Usually the first ones to arrive and summon medical assistance for<br />

injured or sick persons at the scenes of accidents, in homes, places of<br />

employment and at public venues where some type of emergency has<br />

occurred.<br />

c) <strong>Read</strong>y and willing to respond to the need of the public when they have<br />

been victimized by violent criminals who prey upon unsuspecting<br />

citizens.<br />

d) There at schools, churches, funerals, civic events, retail establishments<br />

and political functions…etc. to insure those persons in attendance are<br />

safe.<br />

e) There at scenes of structure fires and vehicular fires, these officers run<br />

into these burning structures and make their way into burning vehicles<br />

in attempts to save lives!<br />

I like to refer to these brave men and women in uniform who work the<br />

streets as the “first line of defense” in Law Enforcement’s war against<br />

C R I M E. However, these officers are also a vital component in a ‘whole’<br />

network of professionals that also work very hard, 24 hours & 7 days a week<br />

in that war. From emergency ‘911’ operators to the office and administrative<br />

staff to the ‘specialized’ crime units to the detectives that follow up on<br />

investigations begun by the “beat patrol” officers. As a whole, they handle<br />

matters such as; sex crimes against children and adults, ‘police<br />

impersonators’, financial crimes, organized crimes…etc.<br />

Right now in the United States the topic of GUNS is hot and on the<br />

minds of ‘many’ people for various reasons. However, from a Law enforcement<br />

perspective, we are currently experiencing an “unprecedented”<br />

high number of children & young adults being shot by guns. Some of these<br />

young people accidentally shot themselves and some were accidentally shot<br />

by other youngsters with these “GUNS”! In many of these tragic cases, the<br />

youngsters were severely injured or died! Also, in many cases, it would later<br />

be revealed that an older ‘adult’ was responsible for the gun being<br />

accessible to these kids in the first place. This has to STOP!! Us ‘grown-ups’<br />

must take more of a responsibility!!

As with most organizations and many groups, the ‘high’ majority of<br />

professionals, respect and adhere to an established form of rules, guidelines and standards.<br />

At the top of the list of “written” criteria designed exclusively for police<br />

officers is what is known as “<br />

”. An ‘example’ of this<br />

doctrine is provided on the following page.<br />

Again, the highest majority of men and women who proudly wear the uniform and<br />

‘ ’, respectfully and diligently abide by the mechanics of what is<br />

outlined within the “<br />

”. However, without fail and as in many<br />

other organizations and various groups, there is bound to be those individuals or even<br />

‘splinter groups’ who will rebel whatever is expected of them.<br />

This rebellious behavior and attitude, can have an overwhelmingly (negative) impact<br />

on a group [as a whole] and even those ‘remotely’ associated with an organization!<br />

Also, it can unfairly cast an ‘ ’ reflection of an entire profession like that of<br />

!<br />

lease upport our ocal, tate & ederal olice gencies !!<br />

We need our police departments! Can you even begin to imagine just<br />

what it would like, if we did not have our Law Enforcement entities to<br />

call upon when we’ve been violated by someone or something? Our<br />

society as we know it, would cease to exist other than in chaos & doom!

Canons of Police Ethics<br />

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Canons of Police Ethics<br />

“In combination, these two documents, the Law enforcement Code of Ethics with the related<br />

Canons of Police Ethics, set forth the broad basic concepts of professional police service. When<br />

every officer abidesby these documents, Law enforcement will be a profession”<br />

International Association of Chiefs of Police<br />

Article 1. Primary Responsibility of<br />

the Job<br />

The primary responsibility of the police<br />

service, and of the individual officer, is<br />

the protection of the people of the United<br />

States through the upholding of their<br />

laws; chief among these is the<br />

Constitution of the United States and its<br />

amendments. The law enforcement<br />

officer alwaysrepresents the whole of<br />

the community and its legally expressed<br />

will and is never the arm of any political<br />

party or clique.<br />

Article 2. Limitations of Authority<br />

The first duty of a law enforcement officer, as upholder of the law, is to know its bounds upon<br />

him in enforcing it, Because he represents the legal will of the community, be it local state or<br />

federal, he must be aware of the limitations and proscriptions which the people, through thelaw,<br />

have placed upon him. He must recognize the genius of the Americansystem of government<br />

which gives no man, groups of men, or institution,absolute power, and he must insure that he,<br />

as a prime defender of thatsystem, does not pervert its character.<br />

Article 3. Duty to be Familiar with the Law and with Responsibilities of Self and other<br />

Public Officials<br />

The law enforcement officer shall assiduously apply himself to the studyof the principles of the<br />

laws which he is sworn to uphold. He will makecertain of his responsibilities in the particulars of<br />

their enforcement, seeking aid from his superiors in matters of technicality or principle when<br />

these are not clear to him; he will make special effort to fully understand his relationship to other<br />

public officials, including other law enforcement agencies, particularly on matters of jurisdiction,<br />

both geographically and substantively<br />

Article 4. Utilization of Proper Means to Gain Proper Ends.<br />

The law enforcement officer shall be mindful of his responsibility to pay strict heed to the<br />

selection of means in discharging the duties of his office. Violations of law or disregard for public<br />

safety and property on the part of an officer are intrinsically wrong; they are self-defeating in that<br />

they instill in the public mind a like disposition. The employment of legal means, no matter how<br />

worthy the end, is certain to encourage disrespect for the law and its officers. Ifthe law is to be<br />

honored, it must first be honored by those who enforceit.<br />

Article 5. Cooperation with Public Officials in the Discharge of their Authorized Duties.<br />

The law enforcement officer shall cooperate fully with other public officials in the discharge of<br />

authorized duties, regardless of party affiliation or personal prejudice. He shall be meticulous,<br />

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Canons of Police Ethics<br />

however in assuring himself of the propriety, under the law, of such actions and shall guard<br />

against the use of his office or person, whether knowingly or unknowingly, in any improper or<br />

illegal action. In any situation opento question, he shall seek authority from his superior officer,<br />

giving him full report of the proposed service or action.<br />

Article 6. Private Conduct.<br />

The law enforcement officer shall be mindful of his special identification by the public as an<br />

upholder of the law. Laxity of conduct or manner in private life, expressing either disrespect for<br />

the law or seeking to gain special privilege, cannot but reflect upon the police officer and the<br />

police service. The community and the service require that the law enforcement officer lead the<br />

life of a decent and honorable man. Following the career of a policeman gives no man special<br />

perquisites. <strong>It</strong> does give the satisfaction and pride of following and furthering an unbroken<br />

tradition of safeguarding the American public. The officer who reflects upon this tradition will not<br />

degrade it. Rather, he will so conduct his private life that the public will regard him as an example<br />

of stability, fidelity and morality.<br />

Article 7. Conduct Toward the Public<br />

The law enforcement officer, mindful of his responsibility to the whole community, shall deal with<br />

individuals of the community in a manner calculated to instill respect for its laws and its police<br />

service. The law enforcement officer shall conduct his official life in a manner suchas will inspire<br />

confidence and trust. Thus, he will be neither overbearing nor subservient, as no individual<br />

citizen has an obligation to stand in awe of him nor a right to command him. The officer will give<br />

service where he can, and require compliance with the law. He will do neither from personal<br />

preference or prejudice but rather as a duly appointed officer of the law discharging his sworn<br />

obligation.<br />

Article 8. Conduct in Arresting and Dealing with Law Violators.<br />

The law enforcement officer shall use his powers of arrest strictly in accordance with the law and<br />

with due regard to the rights of the citizens concerned. His office gives him no right to prosecute<br />

the violator nor to mete out punishment for the offense. He shall, at all times, have a clear<br />

appreciation of his responsibilities and limitationsregarding detention of the violator; he shall<br />

conduct himself in such amanner as will minimize the possibility of having to use force. To this<br />

end he shall cultivate a dedication to the service of the people and the equitable upholding of<br />

their laws whether in handling of law violators or in dealing with the law abiding.<br />

Article 9. Gifts and Favors.<br />

The law enforcement officer, representing government, bears the heavy responsibility of<br />

maintaining in his own conduct, the honor and integrity of all government institutions. He shall,<br />

therefore, guard against placing himself in a position in which any person can expect special<br />

consideration of in which the public can reasonably assume thetaspecial consideration is being<br />

given. Thus, he should be firm in refusing gifts, favors, or gratuities, large or small, which can, in<br />

thepublic mind, be interpreted as capable of influencing his judgment in the discharge of duties.<br />

Article 10. Presentation of Evidence.<br />

The law enforcement officer shall be concerned equally in the prosecution of the wrong-doer and<br />

the defense of the innocent. He shall ascertain what constitutes evidence and shall present such<br />

evidence impartially and without malice. In doing so, he will ignore social, political, and all other<br />

distinctions among the persons involved, strengthening the tradition of the reliability and integrity<br />

of an officer’s word. The law enforcement officer shall take special pains to increase his<br />

perception and skill of observation, mindful that in many situations his is the sole impartial<br />

testimony to the fact of the case.<br />

Article 11. Attitude Toward Profession.<br />

The law enforcement officer shall regard the discharge of his duties as apublic trust and<br />

recognize his responsibility as a public servant. By diligent study and sincere attention to selfimprovement<br />

he shall striveto make the best possible application of science to the solution of<br />

crime and, in the field of human relationships, strive for effective leadership and public influence<br />

in matters affecting public safety. He shall appreciate the importance and responsibility of his<br />

office, and hold police work to be an honorable profession rendering valuable service to his<br />

community and his country.<br />

Developed and disseminated by police practitioners since 1956<br />

© CPA-USA All rights reserved.<br />

Christian Police & Prison Association - info@cpa-usa.org<br />

Faithful Web Hosting<br />

site by<br />

eMotivation Media<br />

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.“ ” .

Steubenville, Ohio<br />

Ohio River →Market Street Bridge


Downtown Steubenville→Fourth Street (facing South)


If you or someone you know & love, feel they’ve in some way been “wronged” by the police, there<br />

are many effective channels you can pursue, to legally voice your anger or concerns.<br />

If “you” or “someone” you<br />

know are considering or planning some form of violent retaliation against anyone or anything ‘law<br />

enforcement’ related…<br />

There are several legal and more beneficial ways in which to make your point!<br />

!!<br />


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