2017 Christmas Catalog

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<strong>Christmas</strong> <strong>2017</strong><br />


Gifts<br />

for the<br />

Persecuted<br />

20+<br />

Ways to Give<br />

Education<br />

Pastor Support<br />

Bibles<br />

Child Sponsorship<br />

Victim Care ...and more!


4<br />

8<br />

Economic Empowerment<br />

Education<br />

12<br />

14<br />

16<br />

22<br />

24<br />

26<br />

28<br />

Care for Kids<br />

Medical Outreach<br />

Attack Response and Recovery<br />

Spreading the Gospel<br />

Pastor Support<br />

Church Assistance<br />

Advocacy Fellows<br />

2 International Christian Concern

LETTER<br />

FROM THE<br />


One of the things I go back to again and again<br />

when I tell audiences about persecution is how<br />

it is much more than a pastor being killed.<br />

You see, persecution is a multifaceted problem<br />

that affects generation after generation of<br />

Christians in a persecuted country.<br />

Christians in these countries are routinely denied a quality<br />

education, face systematic job discrimination, and have<br />

no access to capital to start businesses. Therefore, they are<br />

purposefully and permanently stuck on the bottom rung of<br />

society and under-served by the state.<br />

Yet most persecution solutions only focus on bandaging the<br />

immediate victims of attacks.<br />

Those victims are our most immediate concern; their welfare gets<br />

us up in the morning. When Christians are murdered or broken,<br />

we will be there for the victim or the family of the martyr.<br />

At the same time, we want to work toward changing the<br />

situation on the ground by addressing the holistic nature of<br />

persecution and helping persecuted Christians with medical<br />

care, microfinance, and by giving them an education that<br />

takes them to the front of the employment line.<br />

Lastly, we want to build the Kingdom of God on the front lines<br />

of the battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of<br />

Satan which is why we invest in top church planters and media<br />

efforts to get the Gospel into the toughest areas of the world.<br />

Hopefully, understanding “our grid” will give context to all of<br />

the options we give you to help a persecuted Christian in this<br />

catalog.<br />

The persecuted will pay any price to stay close to Jesus, no<br />

matter the cost. They are my heroes and worthy of our time,<br />

treasure, and talent.<br />

Please join us to bring God’s blessing and hope to these<br />

deserving believers.<br />

Bless you,<br />

Jeff King<br />

President, ICC<br />

To donate: Go to www.persecution.org or call 1-800-422-5441<br />


Economic Empowerment<br />

When most people think of persecution, they think of a pastor being killed or<br />

imprisoned, and while martyrdom is the most violent and visible type of<br />

persecution, it is only the end of the persecution story.<br />

For most Christians, persecution is a daily struggle for existence, touching<br />

almost every part of their lives. From generation to generation, this has a<br />

huge compounding effect, relegating Christians to the lowest rungs of society.<br />

To break this cycle of persecution and poverty, we develop programs that seek to provide<br />

persecuted Christians with economic opportunities. From microfinance loans to grants that help<br />

restart businesses destroyed by persecution, we are able to provide a brighter and sustainable<br />

future for many Christians worldwide.<br />

4 PERSECU IONInternational Christian Concern

HOW<br />

YOU<br />

CAN<br />

HELP:<br />

$30 - Seed & fertilizer<br />

$70 - Storefront rent: 1 month<br />

$2,000 - Tuk-tuk<br />

Rescuing Victims of ISIS<br />

In August 2014, ISIS’ violence drove hundreds of Christian families<br />

from their homes in Qaraqosh, Iraq. The extremists set aside Christian<br />

properties for destruction by spray-painting the word “narsani,” Arabic<br />

for “follower of the Nazarene,” on Christian homes and businesses.<br />

Yas, a Christian from Qaraqosh, was among the thousands forced to<br />

flee their homes. He left behind everything – his home, community,<br />

and livelihood. When ISIS was finally driven out of Qaraqosh,<br />

Yas’ greatest desire was to return home and restart his life.<br />

Unfortunately, he didn’t have the means to restart the business<br />

ISIS ransacked and burned.<br />

We stepped in and helped restart Yas’ agricultural shop during<br />

northern Iraq’s planting season; this was the first business to<br />

provide seed and fertilizer to Qaraqosh’s farming community.<br />

This investment has not only allowed Yas to rebuild his home<br />

and move his family, but has enabled other families to also<br />

return.<br />

“It was great restarting,” Yas told us. “I became famous<br />

since I was the first shop starting again in Qaraqosh and<br />

that encourages people to come back.”<br />

Tuk-Tuk<br />

Persecution in India has increased<br />

dramatically in the past three years.<br />

Fewer people are coming to church due<br />

to fear of persecution and international<br />

channels for funding ministries are being<br />

closed by the government.<br />

We provided Arun with a tuk-tuk so that<br />

he could start a taxi business and more<br />

easily evangelize and spread the Gospel.<br />

“When I heard that I would be assisted<br />

with an auto-rickshaw... I was stunned,”<br />

Arun said. “[It was] beyond all my<br />

expectation and [I] couldn’t believe God<br />

would bless us in such a great manner.”<br />

“The income which will come from the rickshaw will fulfill the needs of my family and ministry,”<br />

Arun said. “I will also have a chance to share the Gospel with my passengers too.”<br />

To donate: Go to www.persecution.org or call 1-800-422-5441<br />


Economic Empowerment<br />

Microfinance Loan<br />

In Egypt, widespread discrimination forces many Christians to the bottom rung of<br />

society. Many work as day laborers, existing from job to job and even meal to meal.<br />

Sylvia, a 40-year-old Christian mother of six, and her husband lived this existence until<br />

ICC provided a microloan to set up her own business.<br />

Sylvia had a history of weaving and selling floor mats to her neighbors. In 2016, we<br />

gave her a microloan to purchase equipment to turn her sidework into a real business.<br />

After our small investment, Sylvia grew her business so successfully, she repaid her<br />

loan in half the required time and has since received another microloan three<br />

times the size of the first one to expand her business even more.<br />

“Thank you ICC for<br />

giving me the loan I<br />

needed. My production<br />

of mats has greatly<br />

increased and I can now<br />

earn good money.”<br />

- Sylvia<br />

6 International Christian Concern

HOW<br />

YOU<br />

CAN<br />

HELP:<br />

$150 - Microfinance loan<br />

$500 - Small market business<br />

Small Market Business<br />

Pakistan’s notorious blasphemy laws are often used to<br />

persecute Christians. Motivated by score-settling and<br />

religious hatred, an accusation of blasphemy has deadly<br />

consequences for the accused and the family.<br />

Yaqoob Masih, a Pakistani Christian, was arrested and<br />

imprisoned for unknowingly committing blasphemy in<br />

2016. Following Yaqoob’s accusation, local radicals<br />

threatened his entire family and they were forced to flee,<br />

leaving their home and jobs behind.<br />

ICC provided funds to relocate the family in a new<br />

city and provided all of the materials and inventory<br />

necessary to start a small fruit and vegetable shop,<br />

which has provided for the financial needs of his<br />

suffering family.<br />

“ICC’s support is wonderful,” Yaqoob’s brother told ICC. “I<br />

never thought of having my own business. I am thankful for<br />

making it possible. For years I worked as a laborer so this is a<br />

great blessing…which will bring 100 times the results.”<br />

To donate: Go to www.persecution.org or call 1-800-422-5441<br />


Education<br />

HOW<br />

YOU<br />

CAN<br />

HELP:<br />

Christian kids are the most<br />

vulnerable victims of persecution.<br />

They are intentionally denied a<br />

quality education, and therefore<br />

relegated to the bottom rung of<br />

society with little to no hope of getting ahead.<br />

Access to quality education opens the door to the<br />

future and breaks the multi-generational cycle of<br />

poverty that entraps the persecuted.<br />

We provide supplemental education, full-time<br />

schooling, and vocational training.<br />

You can provide them with the gift of<br />

education, giving them hope for their future<br />

and letting them know that, even though<br />

society may have oppressed them, God cares<br />

for them and has not abandoned them.<br />

Vocational Training<br />

Christian women in the Middle East<br />

are a double target of Islamic radicals<br />

because of their gender and faith. Many lose<br />

their husbands due to persecution, forcing them to<br />

become the breadwinners for their families.<br />

You can empower these Christian women by giving them<br />

the gift of vocational training. This enables them to learn<br />

a trade skill which will allow them to generate income for<br />

their family. The training also supports them in their spiritual<br />

growth as they cope with a life of persecution.<br />

8 International Christian Concern

$30 - Jos school: 1 month<br />

$60 - Vocational training: 1 person<br />

$86 - Teacher salary: 1 month<br />

$250 - One new computer<br />

Supplemental Education<br />

Many Christians in the Middle East are marginalized into<br />

very poor ghettos where access to quality education is scarce.<br />

Christians who are able to attend school are persecuted by their<br />

peers and often drop out of school. This creates a cycle that<br />

affects their future opportunities.<br />

We provide supplemental education with free computer and<br />

English classes for Christian children. These two skills prepare<br />

300 children for the workforce and make them better candidates<br />

for prospective employers.<br />

Full-time Schooling<br />

Boko Haram attacks have forced thousands<br />

of Christians to flee their homes in northern<br />

Nigeria to find refuge in an internally displaced<br />

people camp in Jos, Nigeria.<br />

We started a school for 28 children to provide<br />

them with all of the materials and resources they<br />

need to continue their education.<br />

You can give the gift of full-time schooling to children<br />

such as Hannah, who said, “I thank God because ... I was<br />

not able to read and now I can read very well.”<br />

To donate: Go to www.persecution.org or call 1-800-422-5441<br />



We provide supplemental education,<br />

full-time schooling, and vocational training<br />

to break the multi-generational cycle<br />

of poverty that systematically entraps<br />

persecuted Christians.<br />

10 International Christian Concern

To donate: Go to www.persecution.org or call 1-800-422-5441<br />


Care for Kids<br />

Children don’t escape persecution<br />

because of their age. They are<br />

pressured to recant their faith.<br />

They go hungry when the crops<br />

are destroyed. They have to<br />

leave school when their family goes into<br />

hiding. They’re separated from their families<br />

and then forced to fend for themselves.<br />

They’re kidnapped, raped, and held for years.<br />

They even watch as their families are murdered.<br />

To serve the smallest victims of persecution, we<br />

provide education, medical care, housing, and<br />

trauma counseling to children across the world.<br />

Whether we build an orphanage in India or<br />

provide clothing to children in refugee camps<br />

in Nigeria, we are able to be Christ’s hands and<br />

feet to persecuted kids.<br />

Sponsor a Child<br />

With $30 a month, you can help a Christian kid in<br />

Egypt escape the cycle of generational persecution.<br />

When you sponsor a child, every month you will<br />

give the gift of education, school supplies, a daily<br />

meal, clothes and shoes, and Christian discipleship.<br />

Whether they learn about prayer, memorize<br />

Scripture, gain proficiency in math, or achieve food<br />

security, your child will receive tangible benefits<br />

from your sponsorship to prepare them for life.<br />

You will also be able to exchange letters with your<br />

child. You may find that they will change your life<br />

as much as you change theirs.<br />

12 International Christian Concern

HOW<br />

YOU<br />

CAN<br />

HELP:<br />

$30 per month - Sponsor a child in Egypt<br />

$50 - <strong>Christmas</strong> gifts and two sets of clothes: 1 orphan in India<br />

$75 - Housing, food, clothing, education for one orphan in India: 1 month<br />

<strong>Christmas</strong> Gifts for Orphans<br />

Many Christian children in India were orphaned when<br />

their parents were brutally murdered because of their<br />

faith. In response, we established an orphanage and<br />

adopted 14 Christian children, providing them with<br />

basic necessities and a loving Christian home.<br />

We also gave <strong>Christmas</strong> gifts to each of these<br />

children in celebration of Jesus’ birth. The<br />

children excitedly proclaimed that they “are<br />

grateful to Lord” for these gifts.<br />

When you give a <strong>Christmas</strong> gift to these<br />

orphans, you exemplify the love of Christ at<br />

a time when we recognize His birth.<br />

To donate: Go to www.persecution.org or call 1-800-422-5441<br />


Medical Outreach<br />

HOW<br />

YOU<br />

CAN<br />

HELP:<br />

Lack of access to medical care is a reality many Christians<br />

facing persecution are forced to live with due to their faith.<br />

Treatable diseases, injuries, vision problems, and other<br />

medical emergencies go untreated, leading to lifelong<br />

health consequences or, in the worst of cases, death.<br />

We provide vital medical aid to Christian communities that would<br />

otherwise be unable to receive treatment for even the simplest of<br />

medical concerns. Although this aid may seem simple, it truly is<br />

both life-changing and life-saving for many persecuted Christians.<br />

General Medical Aid<br />

Batta had such severe pain in her left arm that she couldn’t<br />

move it at all. As a Christian, she had no access to medical<br />

care, and accepted the fact she would lose the use of her arm<br />

completely. Then, she heard about our medical outreach.<br />

“When they announced at church [that there was] a medical<br />

outreach...I felt that God had sent me help,” Batta told us.<br />

“I went to see the doctor. He prescribed a treatment for me<br />

and gave me some advice.”<br />

“I got my medicine for free [at] the outreach,” Batta<br />

continued. “As time passed, I felt the pain less and less. I<br />

started being able to move my hand again. I thank God for<br />

you and for your service.”<br />

14 International Christian Concern

$25 - Medical outreach: 1 patient<br />

$50 - Doctor costs: 1 day<br />

$70 - Cataract removal: 1 surgery<br />

$500 - Mobile pharmacy<br />

$1,000 - Medical outreach: 1 village<br />

Dental Care<br />

Marian, a Christian woman, suffered from severe tooth<br />

decay. When the dentists in our medical outreach saw her<br />

intense pain, they immediately helped.<br />

“They treated me with so much love and the medication was<br />

free,” Marian reported. “[This] made a big difference to<br />

me. Normal dentist appointments are very expensive and we<br />

don’t have the ability to afford this. Thank you to the whole<br />

medical outreach.”<br />

Eyeglasses<br />

Mariam, a sixth grade Christian girl, had eyeglasses that broke<br />

two weeks prior to our medical outreach. She was very upset<br />

because her parents couldn’t afford to replace them.<br />

Through our medical outreach, Mariam received a new pair of<br />

eyeglasses that were the same prescription she needed.<br />

She was overjoyed and testified that God was the one<br />

sending the medical outreach.<br />

To donate: Go to www.persecution.org or call 1-800-422-5441<br />


Attack Response & Recovery<br />

Church bombings in Egypt.<br />

Boko Haram attacks in Nigeria.<br />

Forced conversions in India.<br />

Government kidnappings of<br />

pastors in China. ISIS attacks in<br />

Iraq. Blasphemy charges in Pakistan. This is<br />

some of the destruction and persecution that<br />

Christians face every day.<br />

Countering persecution and assisting victims<br />

requires short-term, immediate relief, such as<br />

food, clothing, housing, and medical care to<br />

stabilize persecuted Christians.<br />

But short-term aid isn’t enough! We follow<br />

up with long-term recovery assistance, such<br />

as providing wells, agricultural supplies, and<br />

livestock to rebuild the lives forever changed<br />

by persecution.<br />

Wells<br />

Now that Qaraqosh, Iraq is liberated,<br />

displaced Christians want to return, but<br />

lack clean and consistent water sources<br />

for washing, cleaning, and watering. Their<br />

water supply is currently dirty and sporadic.<br />

Just one well that ICC installs serves 15<br />

families. Local Christians tell us, “Life is<br />

coming back to Qaraqosh.”<br />

16 International Christian Concern

HOW<br />

YOU<br />

CAN<br />

HELP:<br />

$1,500 - Village well: Clean water for 15 families<br />

Medical Aid for Attacks<br />

Your gift of medical assistance ensures<br />

that persecuted Christians receive the<br />

treatment they need to survive and<br />

recover from severe attacks.<br />

John Muriuki was shot in the hands<br />

numerous times during an al-Shabaab<br />

attack in Kenya. We provided for the<br />

multiple surgeries necessary to save his<br />

hands so that he could support his family.<br />

Attack survivors often need medical<br />

care they cannot afford.<br />

Join with us to nurse a broken believer<br />

back to health.<br />


Attack Response & Recovery<br />

Nigeria Agriculture<br />

Islamic militants in Africa commonly destroy<br />

the crops of Christian communities, effectively<br />

starving out the community of its food source.<br />

Missing one harvest has a devastating impact.<br />

In November 2016, Fulani militants attacked a<br />

Christian village and destroyed their crops and tools.<br />

We provided seed, fertilizer, and irrigation pumps<br />

so that these Christians could survive.<br />

You too can save a community by providing seed<br />

and fertilizer for the farmers.<br />

18 International Christian Concern

HOW<br />

YOU<br />

CAN<br />

HELP:<br />

$75 - Rent for displaced family: 1 month<br />

$250 - Seed for Christian farmers: 100 bags<br />

$500 - Livestock business: 5 goats or sheep<br />

Displacement Rent<br />

Christian survivors of attacks need a safe place to<br />

live. Over 355 Christian families from El-Arish,<br />

Egypt fled after seven Christians were executed<br />

in El-Arish. We provided rent for several of these<br />

displaced Christians to live in safety and<br />

restart their lives.<br />

You can provide rent for Christians who<br />

have been forced to flee and have been<br />

stripped of resources, with no<br />

place to turn.<br />

Livestock<br />

Christian families that have endured the horrors of an attack need longterm<br />

recovery aid so they can rebuild their lives, often in a new place.<br />

Many times, we provide livestock such as cows and goats to families so<br />

they can sell the products from their animals, which provides them with a<br />

sustainable source of income.<br />

To donate: Go to www.persecution.org or call 1-800-422-5441<br />


20 PERSECU IONInternational Christian Concern


We provide immediate and short-term relief<br />

for victims of attacks such as food, clothing,<br />

housing, and medical care.<br />

Additionally, we follow up with long-term<br />

recovery aid including wells, livestock,<br />

fertilizer, and seed to rebuild the lives<br />

and communities devastated<br />

by persecution.<br />

To donate: Go to www.persecution.org or call 1-800-422-5441<br />


Spreading the Gospel<br />

Imagine you live in a country<br />

where it is illegal and extremely<br />

dangerous to share your faith.<br />

How would you provide new<br />

believers with their first Bible?<br />

It’s hard to imagine that there are still<br />

many countries where people don’t<br />

have access to the Bible, or face great<br />

risks for owning one.<br />

We smuggle Bibles into hard-to-reach<br />

areas of the world and creatively<br />

spread the Gospel through radio<br />

broadcasts or by purchasing DVD<br />

players so that evangelists can access<br />

Gospel content on-the-go.<br />

You can advance the Kingdom<br />

by providing a Bible or Gospel<br />

broadcasting to both believers and<br />

non-believers!<br />

Radio Broadcasts<br />

Believers in North Korea are often killed or brutally tortured,<br />

making it extremely dangerous to spread the Gospel. Radio<br />

broadcasts are an effective tool for evangelism.<br />

Praise Ju was seven years old when her father brought<br />

home an illegal radio. He diligently sought Christian<br />

programs.<br />

“People around the world are praying for you, so don’t be<br />

afraid,” he told her. They came to Christ and eventually<br />

escaped North Korea.<br />

We support the broadcast of the Gospel into North Korea.<br />

All of the content is created by defectors who understand<br />

the culture. Though the North Korean government tries<br />

to jam the broadcasts, radio waves transmit the Gospel to<br />

millions nationwide, bringing life to those trapped in hell.<br />

22 International Christian Concern

HOW<br />

YOU<br />

CAN<br />

HELP:<br />

$6 - 1 Bible<br />

$40 - Christian broadcasting in<br />

North Korea: 20 minutes for 1 day<br />

$1,000 - Evangelist/follow-up training<br />

$2,400 - North Korea radio sponsorship:<br />

20 minutes per day for 2 months<br />

“The Word of God is changing<br />

people and communities.”<br />

Bibles<br />

Believers in Laos face tremendous persecution, but because of their<br />

deep faith, they are seeing miracles and a great revival is taking place.<br />

However, many Laotians have never even seen a Bible, which can cost<br />

almost a month’s wages! We smuggle thousands of Bibles written in<br />

the native dialect to believers in countries such as Laos.<br />

A Laotian evangelist gladly expressed, “We could never get Bibles<br />

to people on our own. The Word of God is changing people and<br />

communities. We are so very grateful.”<br />

You can partner with us in changing people and communities by giving<br />

the gift of the Word of God.<br />

To donate: Go to www.persecution.org or call 1-800-422-5441<br />


Pastor Support<br />

HOW<br />

YOU<br />

CAN<br />

HELP:<br />

Underground pastors daily face false accusations,<br />

imprisonment, or even death. We support pastors<br />

in their day-to-day ministry, provide them with<br />

training so they can be prepared for an attack,<br />

and aid the families of pastors who have been<br />

imprisoned or murdered.<br />

You can join us in showing pastors that we’re praying for and<br />

supporting them as they are at the frontline, spreading the<br />

Gospel in some of the most dangerous places on earth.<br />

“Because of this, his whole<br />

family came to Christ.”<br />

Persecution Preparedness Training<br />

Across India, attacks on Christians are reaching unprecedented levels. We train pastors<br />

on what to do when facing an attack, including teaching them their rights as citizens,<br />

how to prevent and report attacks, and how to document attacks when police refuse to<br />

investigate.<br />

“I did not have any understanding of my rights…I am hearing it [for the] first time,”<br />

Pastor Andrew said. “Thank you so much for [educating] us.”<br />

You can provide the gift of training so that pastors will be ready when attacks strike.<br />

24 International Christian Concern

$10 - Persecution training: 2 pastors<br />

$50 - Iranian pastor support: 1 month<br />

$150 - Support for one imprisoned<br />

pastor’s family: 1 month<br />

$450 - Support for one imprisoned<br />

pastor’s family: 3 months<br />

Families of Imprisoned Pastors<br />

Pastors are often imprisoned, leaving their families to<br />

fend for themselves and to find the resources to cover<br />

legal fees. We regularly support many of their families<br />

with monthly assistance, and help with legal aid when<br />

they have nowhere to turn.<br />

Pastor John Cao was arrested in China on March 5,<br />

<strong>2017</strong>. We immediately helped his family arrange visits<br />

with Christian lawyers. Pastor John was enormously<br />

encouraged, knowing that so many people were praying<br />

and stood ready to help them.<br />

Monthly Support: Iran<br />

Iranian pastors bravely share Christ’s love even<br />

though they face the risk of death.<br />

After Ada received Christ, she said, “My mother<br />

and family came to Christ... In [a] Bible session, the<br />

Holy Spirit told me to forgive my uncle, so I went<br />

to his house and forgave him. Because of this, his<br />

whole family came to Christ.”<br />

We provide monthly support to 20 Iranian pastors so<br />

they can continue their vital work of evangelizing<br />

and discipling Christians like Ada.<br />

Families of Martyred Pastors<br />

No form of persecution grabs our hearts like that of<br />

martyrdom.<br />

Bishop Joel was leading morning prayer at his church<br />

on June 24, when a man barged into the service,<br />

upset because the church noise was irritating him.<br />

He rushed at Bishop Joel and violently attacked him<br />

with a machete.<br />

Bishop Joel was murdered, but we stand with<br />

families like his in the months following to enable<br />

them to recover and stay together in the long-term<br />

by providing them with immediate aid and with<br />

small business assistance.<br />

To donate: Go to www.persecution.org or call 1-800-422-5441<br />


Church Assistance<br />

Every year, hundreds of churches across the world are<br />

burned, bombed, looted, vandalized, or simply shut down,<br />

leaving the congregation without a place to worship.<br />

We help by rebuilding and repairing churches that<br />

have been ransacked or destroyed by persecution. In<br />

Pakistan and Egypt, we have provided medical aid and long-term<br />

assistance to the Christian victims of church bombings. In India,<br />

we have rebuilt and replaced church buildings. We also provide<br />

instruments, literature, chairs, and supplies that have been<br />

destroyed during an attack.<br />

By stepping into these situations, we are not only helping rebuild<br />

and repair the church buildings, but we are also helping rebuild and<br />

repair the Christian communities that gather in those buildings.<br />

Church Attack Recovery in Indonesia<br />

When a group of radical Muslims in Indonesia threatened Pastor Edwin for<br />

holding services in his house, he was forced to stop. Thankfully, because of<br />

community support, the church was not closed permanently and Pastor Edwin<br />

was able to restart services.<br />

However, they were discouraged because their sound system was broken,<br />

and they couldn’t afford the repairs. They were overwhelmed when we<br />

offered a new sound system!<br />

“I really thank ICC for...giving our church all these things,”<br />

said Pastor Edwin. “It’s beyond our understanding on how<br />

the Lord could answer our prayer through ICC.”<br />

26 International Christian Concern

HOW<br />

YOU<br />

CAN<br />

HELP:<br />

$100 - Church supplies: Windows, chairs, etc.<br />

$500 - Church attack repair: Small<br />

$1,350 - Church attack repair: Medium<br />

Zanzibar Church Support<br />

Zanzibar’s population is 99 percent Muslim and less<br />

than one percent Christian, which has led to extreme<br />

persecution against Christians. Over the last few<br />

years, at least seven churches have been attacked<br />

and all of their supplies were destroyed. To aid these<br />

churches and ease their financial burden, we supplied<br />

them with 150 chairs to replace the ones that had<br />

been destroyed.<br />

You can encourage the Body of Christ by replacing<br />

chairs and other supplies that have been destroyed<br />

because of persecution.<br />

To donate: Go to www.persecution.org or call 1-800-422-5441<br />


Advocacy Fellows<br />

A<br />

fter spending six to nine months training<br />

with ICC’s advocacy team in religious<br />

freedom and Capitol Hill culture, we<br />

place our fellows in the office of a US<br />

representative to fight persecution<br />

from within the US government. We pay for them to<br />

be on the Hill for six months and then either bring<br />

them back to work with ICC or allow them to work in<br />

another office to strengthen congressional resources<br />

in the fight against persecution. We take great care<br />

in carefully selecting fellows who, under the tutelage<br />

of ICC, can be intimately involved in meeting with<br />

congresstional representatives, State Dept. staff,<br />

and other government staffers. This is an incredibly<br />

effective way to serve the whole body of Christ and to<br />

give the Body a resource on Capitol Hill.<br />

28 International Christian Concern

HOW<br />

YOU YOU<br />

CAN CAN<br />

HELP:<br />

Advocacy Fellow Sponsorship<br />

$600 - 1 week<br />

$2,500 - 1 month<br />

$15,000 - 6 months<br />

$30,000 - 1 year<br />

This spring’s advocacy fellow played an extremely<br />

important role in continuing to pressure the government<br />

of Sudan on their mistreatment of Christians. After<br />

introductions and guidance from ICC’s full-time staff,<br />

our fellow met with numeous congressional staff,<br />

leading to a bipartisan formal congressional letter with<br />

the signatures of 12 members of Congress to Secretary<br />

of State Tillerson, asking him to address Sudan’s<br />

demolition of Christian churches. This letter came<br />

at a critical moment when the US government was<br />

considering ending economic sanctions on Sudan.<br />

You can help ICC’s advocacy team by funding this<br />

critical fellowship program that carries numerous positive<br />

ramifications for the persecuted Church far beyond their<br />

time at ICC or on Capitol Hill. Join with us in helping the<br />

persecuted through supporting this vital position!<br />

To donate: Go to www.persecution.org or call 1-800-422-5441<br />



How to Donate:<br />

1<br />

2 3<br />

Step 1: Step 2: Step 3:<br />

Total the gifts you wish to<br />

give to the persecuted from<br />

the <strong>Christmas</strong> catalog by<br />

completing the order form<br />

on the right.<br />

Fill out contact and payment<br />

information. Cut out the form<br />

page, fold it and place into<br />

mailer envelope.<br />

Mail the gift order form and<br />

payment (if paying by check)<br />

in the enclosed envelope to:<br />

ICC, PO Box 8056<br />

Silver Spring, MD 20907<br />

Alternate donation methods:<br />

Phone: 1-800-422-5441 (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST)<br />

Online: christmas.persecution.org<br />

30 International Christian Concern

Item<br />

Suggested<br />

Your Gift<br />

Code<br />

Item<br />

Suggested<br />

Your Gift<br />

Code<br />

Economic Empowerment (p. 4-7)<br />

Seeds & fertilizer $30 $ CRB1<br />

Storefront rent: 1 month $70 $ CRB2<br />

Tuk-tuk $2,000 $ CRB3<br />

Microfinance loan $150 $ CRB4<br />

Small market business $500 $ CRB5<br />

Education (p. 8-9)<br />

Jos school: 1 month $30 $ SWC1<br />

Vocational training $60 $ CRB6<br />

Teacher salary: 1 month $86 $ CRB7<br />

New computer $250 $ CRB8<br />

Care for Kids (p. 12-13)<br />

Sponsor a child in Egypt $30* $ KC1<br />

<strong>Christmas</strong> gifts: 1 orphan $50 $ KC2<br />

Orphan care in India:<br />

1 month<br />

$75 $ KC3<br />

Medical Outreach (p. 14-15)<br />

Medical outreach: 1 patient $25 $ SWC2<br />

Doctor costs: 1 day $50 $ SWC3<br />

Cataract removal: 1 surgery $70 $ SWC4<br />

Mobile pharmacy $500 $ SWC5<br />

Medical outreach: 1 village $1,000 $ SWC6<br />

Church Assistance (p. 26-27)<br />

Church supplies $100 $ CRB13<br />

Church repair: small $500 $ CRB14<br />

Church repair: medium $1,350 $ CRB15<br />

Advocacy Fellows Sponsorship (p. 28-29)<br />

1 Week $600 $ ADV1<br />

1 Month $2,500 $ ADV2<br />

6 Months $15,000 $ ADV3<br />

1 Year $30,000 $ ADV4<br />

Total: $<br />


Name:<br />

Address:<br />

City: State: Zip Code:<br />

Email:<br />

Attack Response and Recovery (p. 16-19)<br />

Village well: 15 families $1,500 $ CRB9<br />

Displaced family’s rent $75 $ CRB10<br />

Seed for farmers: 100 bags $250 $ CRB11<br />

Livestock business:<br />

5 animals<br />

$500 $ CRB12<br />

Spreading the Gospel (p. 22-23)<br />

1 Bible $6 $ BBL1<br />

20 minutes of Christian radio $40 $ BCST1<br />

Evangelist training $1,000 $ UPF1<br />

2 months North Korea radio $2,400 $ BCST2<br />

Pastor Support (p. 24-25)<br />

Persecution training: 2 pastors $10 $ UPF2<br />

Pastor support: 1 month $50 $ UPF3<br />

Imprisoned pastor’s family<br />

support: 1 month<br />

Imprisoned pastor’s family<br />

support: 3 months<br />

$150 $ SWC7<br />

$450 $ SWC8<br />


Credit Card<br />

Visa MasterCard Discover American Express<br />

Card Number:<br />

Expiration Date: Total: $<br />

Signature:<br />

*Charge my card $30 per month to sponsor a child<br />

Check/Money Order Enclosed<br />

Check Number:<br />

Total: $

PERSECU ION.org<br />



ICC<br />

PO BOX 8056<br />

SILVER SPRING, MD 20907<br />




800-ICC-5441<br />



Provide now for a future gift to ICC<br />

by including a bequest provision in<br />

your will or revocable trust. If you<br />

would like more information on giving<br />

to ICC in this way, please give<br />

us a call at 1-800-ICC-5441.<br />

MEMBER<br />

© Copyright <strong>2017</strong> ICC, Washington, D.C., USA.<br />

All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce all<br />

or part of this publication is granted provided<br />

attribution is given to ICC as the source.<br />

International Christian Concern (ICC) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) (all donations tax-deductible).<br />

ICC makes every effort to honor donor wishes in regards to gifts. Occasionally, situations<br />

arise where a project is no longer viable. ICC will then redirect those donated funds to the<br />

fund most similar to the donor’s original wishes. ICC uses 7.5 percent of each restricted<br />

donation to carry out the mission of its segregated funds.<br />

facebook.com/persecuted<br />


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