DSN Dec17 Final

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Dragon Sport News - Emagazine “The Independent Voice of Dragon Boat Sport” December 2017 Winter Edition<br />


Dr.Leila Ataei is a lecturer and researcher in Sports Medicine & Physiology,<br />

specialising in Exercise, Diet and Nutrition.<br />

E-mail: Leila.Ataei1983@gmail.com<br />


Everyone’s body is different and therefore will experience various levels of sensitivity to wrong combinations<br />

of food.. However, there are always exceptions’ and many of us can eat combinations of foods which would<br />

adversely affect most people but never give us any bad experiences – well almost !!.<br />

Basically, some of the immediate consequences of wrong food combinations, that people can experience,<br />

are digestive un-ease, bloating, stomach ache, nausea, fatigue and – well you can guess the last one !.<br />

While short-term effects can clear up within a day or two, wrong food combinations long term, may lead to<br />

bad breath, dry skin, rashes, chronic inflammation, poor sleep, low energy, and digestion issues<br />

Here are some popular pairings, found in most people’s diet, that may put your general health at<br />

risk, especially if you have problems with your digestive system:-<br />

TEA & MILK: "Black tea on its own, is rich in antioxidants that<br />

help to decrease inflammation linked to many chronic diseases,<br />

including heart disease and diabetes," says Alissa Rumsey, RD,<br />

spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.<br />

However, splashing even a little milk (cow or soy) into your cup<br />

of tea, short-circuits those benefits: "Milk proteins bind to<br />

antioxidants in tea and prevent them from being absorbed," she<br />

explains. What's more, milk doesn't even offer a calcium boost in<br />

this situation.<br />

"The caffeine in tea can decrease calcium absorption, If you<br />

really want to add something to your tea, squeeze some lemon<br />

juice in there instead. It'll actually increase the antioxidants that<br />

your body can absorb."<br />

Scientists have discovered that tea contains high levels of<br />

compounds that help to reduce the amount of fat absorbed by<br />

the gut and can cut cholesterol. However proteins found in cows'<br />

milk neutralise this fat fighting ability.<br />

BEANS & CHEESE: Protein in dairy products, like Cheese<br />

combined with beans, a common pairing in Mexican restaurants,<br />

is not such a good idea, as the combination of beans with dairy<br />

products is almost guaranteed to lead to gas and bloating.<br />

Similarly, skip cheese and tomatoes if you have a weak digestive<br />

system or are working on detoxifying your body.<br />

WHITE BREAD & JAM: Eating two or more simple<br />

carbohydrates together, such as white bread and jam or a sugary<br />

fizzy drink and French fries, do no favours for your body. Eating<br />

them raises your blood sugar level fast and your body works very<br />

hard to bring it down again. Once your blood sugar level drops,<br />

your energy level and mood can bottom out too, leaving you tired<br />

and irritated.<br />

If don't like the idea of to giving up your white bread jam toasty,<br />

then try switching to fiber-rich whole grain bread instead. Whole<br />

grain helps to slow down your digestion and keeps you off the<br />

blood sugar roller coaster.<br />

SALAD & FAT-FREE DRESSING: A study in the American<br />

Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a chemical in vegetables,<br />

called Caroteoids, may help to reduced the risk of cancer,<br />

cardiovascular disease, and macular degeneration. The study<br />

also concluded that Caroteoids, in say a green salad are<br />

absorbed more easily when paired with a full-fat salad dressing,<br />

as opposed to low-fat or fat-free varieties. Splashing a green<br />

salad with olive oil and vinegar has the same effect and is more<br />

healthy too.<br />

PROTEIN & STARCH (e.g. Lasagna, MC & cheese or<br />

Grilled Cheese Sandwich).<br />

Protein and starches need different enzymes and levels of acidity<br />

to be digested. When eaten together, your body will digest protein<br />

but not starch.<br />

Undigested starchy food undergoes fermentation and<br />

decomposition and overtime leads to poisonous end-products.<br />

However there is some evidence that adding greens to hard-todigest<br />

cheesy dishes makes them easier for the stomach.<br />

FRUIT AFTER A MEAL: Fruit doesn’t combine well with other<br />

foods because fruit contains simple sugars that require little<br />

digestion, compared to foods rich in fat, protein and starch, which<br />

stay in the stomach longer because they require more digestion.<br />

So, if you eat fruit during or immediately after a meal, the fruit<br />

sugar may stay too long in the stomach and ferment. The process<br />

of fermentation can also cause gasses, swelling and pain in the<br />

stomach, as well as intestinal problems<br />

In general, it is preferable to eat fruit separately from proteins or<br />

starches, especially if you are looking for a quick energy boost<br />

from a fruit.<br />

The best time to eat fruit is half an hour after food or in between<br />

meals. Last but not least, eating melon and water-melon together<br />

is not recommended, as these fruits should, ideally, be consumed<br />

alone, not in combination with any other fruit.<br />


Cucumbers and tomatoes are not compatible with each other and<br />

it is advisable not to eat them together. When they reach the<br />

stomach and the process of fermentation starts, the acid released<br />

in the abdominal cavity for digestion may cause numerous<br />

digestive problems. Lemon does not go well with either.<br />

DAIRY PRODUCTS & FRUIT: Mixing any sour fruits with<br />

dairy products, like cold yogurt, can diminish digestive fire, change<br />

the intestinal flora, produce toxins and cause sinus congestion,<br />

cold, cough and allergies.<br />

However, if you can’t resist the temptation of a yogurt parfait, there<br />

are ways to make it more digestion friendly. First, go for a room<br />

temperature natural unflavored yogurt. Secondly, mix in a little bit<br />

of honey, cinnamon, and raisins instead of sour berries.<br />

Dragon Boating. " More than a Sport – a Tradition " 17.

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