DSN Dec17 Final

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Dragon Sport News - Emagazine “The Independent Voice of Dragon Boat Sport” December 2017 Winter Edition<br />

A NEW YEAR’S WISH OR TWO. by Mike MacKeddie-Haslam.<br />

WELCOME again to Dragon Sport News, the E-magazine with news and views on all<br />

aspects of Dragon Boating and what people think and feel about it !<br />

Looking back at the 2017 World Nations Champs and the IDBF Congress in<br />

Kunming, led me to thinking about a New Year’s wish or two.<br />

The first concerns our dedicated Race Officials or rather their leaders. At the Team<br />

Mangers Meeting for the Worlds’ it was stated that there would be no ‘false starts’ during<br />

the Championships and that any crew that did make a false start would be disqualified.<br />

Why, because the Chief Official did not want to have to delay a race when CCTV 5 were covering the races live !<br />

Well great to have TV coverage etc but that cannot over-ride the IDBF Racing Rules, which allow for one false start without<br />

immediate disqualification. Only the IDBF Members can change the Racing Rules and then only in an Olympic Year.<br />

In Hong Kong, in 2012 crews were told that if they were late in the Boat Marshalling area they would be given Time Penalties. Again<br />

no such rule exists. So, my first wish is for Race Officials to remember that they are there to help crews to race and not to<br />

stop them.<br />

My second concern is that things were a bit rushed at the Members Congress. All the supporting papers for the Agenda were<br />

only given to the Delegates when they arrived at the Congress. Among them were changes to the Statutes and Bye-Laws which the<br />

IDBF President asked the Congress to vote for ‘on block’, with hardly any time to consider the changes or discuss them.<br />

The reason was that there were lots of presentations on future World Champs to listen to and elections to be held.<br />

Fair enough, nice to hear presentations but discussing changes to the IDBF Statutes is surely more important and changes need<br />

thinking time before voting on. So, my second wish is more discussion time at Congress please, for issues affecting our Sport.<br />

For more ‘Talking Points’ from the IDBF Congress, see page 30..<br />

Having set up my New Year’s wishes, may I also say a heartfelt thankyou to the IDBF Council and Members Congress for<br />

recognising my role in creating the IDBF and modern Sport Racing, by acknowledging me as the IDBF Founder. A title to go<br />

with that of Honorary President, accorded to me by the 2015 IDBF Members Congress. ‘Honours’ from peers are honours<br />

indeed and very much appreciated.<br />


Belgrade Meeting, 23 November 2017<br />

PRESIDENTS FOUR at the IDBF World Junior Champs.<br />

Divonne Le Bains, France, July 2017<br />

Left to Right:<br />

Mike MacKeddie-Haslam, IDBF Founder, Honorary President<br />

Mike Thomas, IDBF President<br />

Jane Frost IBCPC President<br />

Alan Van Caubergh, EDBF President (retiring), IDBF Treasurer<br />

Claudio Schermi, EDBF President Elect (IDBF VP retiring)<br />

Left to Right. Natalia Kravtsova, Julie Doyle, Mike Haslam,<br />

Alan Van Caubergh, Kimberly Beckwith, Claudio Schermi,<br />

Péter Járosi, Marura Dezi and Ute Becker,<br />

Comment, articles and pictures for Dragon Sport News should be sent to the Editor:<br />

Tel: + 44 (0) 1243 862652. Email: mikehaslam@dragonboat.org.uk or mikehaslam@aol.com<br />

Today, 23 international sport federations showed their<br />

Articles etc for the IDBF Newsletter, Long Zhou eNews, should be sent to the Editor, Email newsletter@idbf.org<br />

Dragon Sport News (<strong>DSN</strong>) is a privately published, emagazine, covering all aspects of Dragon Boating. The articles published in DBN are<br />

not the views of the International Dragon Boat Federation (IDBF) Council or Elected Officers’ and do not represent the policies of the IDBF<br />

. <strong>DSN</strong> Emagazine may be reproduced in full or in part provided always that the source is acknowledged as the <strong>DSN</strong> emagazine.<br />

Dragon Boating. " More than a Sport – a Tradition " 5.

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