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Unit Target Words Page<br />

1<br />

alleviate, astrology, differentiate, disrupt, equation, err, erroneous, frantic, hull, inadvertent, improvise,<br />

latitude, mariner, multitude, nuisance, permanence, revolve, soothe, stranded, volatile<br />

8<br />

2<br />

arduous, attain, coexist, conceive, dubious, ego, elastic, endeavor, engrave, excavate,<br />

jagged, locale, mold, outright, periphery, plaster, shovel, skeletal, terrestrial, vicious<br />

14<br />

3<br />

absurd, anemia, aristocracy, aristocrat, attire, craze, enlarge, excess, feminine, hallmark,<br />

pad, predominant, reputable, rouge, signify, strap, tangle, vanity, vie, vulgar<br />

20<br />

4<br />

attic, chunk, civic, descent, din, dissatisfy, fuss, gourmet, hence, intrinsic, kettle, ministry,<br />

ordeal, outspoken, overwork, particular, pungent, snore, soundly, superintendent<br />

26<br />

5<br />

alternate, apologetic, benign, char, clarify, distress, dogged, ensue, gasp, negotiate,<br />

overdose, persuasion, relay, reluctance, restate, sesame, sip, verge, wary, waver<br />

32<br />

6<br />

ashore, contradict, counterpart, devoid, diverge, elude, embryo, fend, fictitious, gazette,<br />

homogeneous, obstruct, plunge, prolong, publicize, sparse, surplus, theorize, verify, vigorous<br />

38<br />

7<br />

altar, arthritis, botany, credible, deceased, deception, decipher, dung, dusk, gratify,<br />

hone, mash, ornate, pneumonia, psychic, psychotic, scope, sinister, strife, therapeutic<br />

44<br />

8<br />

congested, courier, deform, etiquette, exclusive, freight, garment, insomnia, intuitive, liable,<br />

obsess, overboard, premium, privilege, propel, socialize, suppress, tram, unsettle, warp<br />

50<br />

9<br />

artery, deterioration, elusive, forage, impede, induce, inseparable, invalid, magnify, mainstream,<br />

microbe, negligible, paralysis, pest, prevail, respiration, rupture, savage, stun, susceptible<br />

56<br />

10<br />

accumulate, aerial, apparatus, avalanche, consistency, convection, discharge, intact, mortal,<br />

omen, overcast, poignant, ranger, rubble, seclude, sideways, sob, sober, speck, upbringing<br />

62<br />

11<br />

advocate, authorize, civilian, commodity, conquest, disclose, dynamics, enroll, envious,<br />

euphoria, festive, jolly, lentil, marshal, morale, prophecy, sage, senate, sentiment, unrest<br />

68<br />

12<br />

adorn, bliss, butler, cramp, dilapidated, evoke, farewell, faucet, filth, flaw, grin,<br />

housekeeping, mound, numb, reckless, slate, stool, testament, timber, valve<br />

74<br />

13<br />

certify, collaborate, compile, counteract, curb, diagnose, enact, federation, gross, humane,<br />

intolerable, needy, onset, pledge, prohibit, rash, render, smallpox, transmit, vow<br />

8 0<br />

1 4<br />

camouflage, contemplate, contend, cot, enlist, frontier, handbook, hesitant, lush, marrow,<br />

outfit, paw, quiver, splendid, stray, substantial, torch, tract, vigil, weary<br />

86<br />

15<br />

adhere, administer, compassionate, contaminate, deficiency, epidemic, hazard, imperative, intestines, manifest,<br />

metabolic, overcrowded, paramount, practitioner, provision, replenish, sterile, upgrade, viable, voluntary<br />

92<br />


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