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festive [festiv] adj.<br />

When something is festive, it is happy and related to a party or celebration.<br />

—►Dean’s favorite part o f Christmas is the festive clothing that people wear.<br />

jolly [d3alij adj.<br />

When someone is jolly, they are cheerful and happy.<br />

—* My grandmother’s jo lly attitude always made me smile.<br />

lentil [lent/I] n.<br />

Lentils are very small beans that people cook and eat.<br />

—►Danni made her special soup with lentils when her husband was sick.<br />

marshal [maxjai] v.<br />

To marshal a group means to assemble them in order.<br />

-» The students were marshaled outside and put into groups.<br />

morale [mourafel] n.<br />

Morale is the amount of hope that people have during a difficult situation.<br />

-» To improve our fam ily’s morale, mom suggested going on a picnic.<br />

prophecy [prdfasi] n.<br />

A prophecy is a prediction about what will happen in the future.<br />

—►Some people believe that prophecies are actually true.<br />

sage [seids] n.<br />

A sage is someone who is very wise.<br />

-*■ Hal always visited the local sage for help with love.<br />

senate [senat] n.<br />

A senate is a part of the government in some countries.<br />

—►Everybody liked Caroline and chose her to speak for them in the senate.<br />

sentiment [sentamant] n.<br />

A sentiment is an opinion based on your feelings.<br />

—►Tess told everyone at the table her sentiments about eating meat.<br />

unrest Unrest] n.<br />

Unrest is a state of anger about something among the people in a place.<br />

—»High taxes caused much o f the unrest that led to the Revolutionary War.<br />


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