City Matters Edition 067
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“Arguably the finest<br />
steaks in London”<br /><br />
Omnino is an independent<br />
Boutique Latin Steakhouse<br />
in the heart of the <strong>City</strong>.<br />
We source premium beef from around<br />
the globe, be it Argentine, Prime US,<br />
Australian Wagyu or British.<br />
We provide an intimate dining experience<br />
perfect for business or pleasure.<br />
78-79 Leadenhall Street<br />
EC3A 3DH<br />
0203 538 3530<br />
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7-9 St Bride Street<br />
EC4A 4AS<br />
0203 490 3132<br />
infostpauls<br /><br />
Mon – Fr: 12:00 – 22:00<br />
Sat: 17:30 – 22:00
Initial FREE * advice on employment law and<br />
legal disputes at our drop in legal advice clinic<br />
Thursday evenings from<br />
6 to 8pm at:<br />
Montecristo LLP Solicitors<br />
Lower ground floor<br />
26 Finsbury square<br />
EC2A 1DS<br />
Telephone Bill McKay on 07884 173947 or email<br /> to book your free initial<br />
appointment or to arrange a free initial appointment at<br />
another time to suit you.<br />
* Please note that if we enter into an agreement with you to act for you<br />
then fees and disbursements plus vat will then be payable.<br />
Lower Ground Floor<br />
26 Finsbury Square<br />
London EC2A 1DS<br /><br />
T: +44(0)207 448 3034<br />
F: +44(0)207 183 1237<br />
DX 137778 Finsbury 5<br />
Matini Montecristo LLP, trading as Montecristo LLP (OC352639), is authorised and regulated by The Solicitors<br />
Regulation Authority (533643). | Registered office address: Lower Ground Floor, 26 Finsbury Square, London<br />
EC2A 1DS. A list of members’ names is available for inspection at this address.
CITYMATTERS.LONDON 14 - 27 February 2018 | Page 7<br />
We specialise in Whole Body Cryotherapy, providing treatments for sports<br />
recovery and pain managment in the <strong>City</strong> of London<br />
Whole Body Cryotherapy is a completely dry 3 minute treatment that is non-invasive and utilises a hyper-cooling<br />
process that accelerates the body’s natural healing, reduces muscle soreness, inflammation and pain, boosts<br />
metabolism and helps reverse the signs of ageing.<br />
Benefits of Cryotherapy:<br />
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●<br />
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Improve Quality of Sleep<br />
Relieve Stress<br />
Release Endorphins<br />
Manage Pain<br />
Rejuvenate Skin<br />
Train Harder<br />
Promote Calorie Burn<br />
Running the London Marathon?<br />
Whole Body Cryotherapy will:<br />
• Accelerate your recovery so you can<br />
run more often and more intensely<br />
• Enhance performance during training<br />
periods and on race day<br />
• Prevent injuries by reducing inflammation<br />
and muscle soreness<br />
Sports Massage Service<br />
Alleviate the stress and tension which builds up in<br />
the body’s soft tissues with LondonCryo’s world class<br />
massage therapists - Available by appointment only.<br />
Where to Find LondonCryo<br />
We are located just 2 minutes from Liverpool Street Station at<br />
20 Artillery Lane, London E1 7LS<br />
Phone: 0207 247 6230<br />
Email:<br />
@londoncryo @londoncryo @LondonCryotherapy<br />
Download the LondonCryo App to schedule your appointment.<br /><br />
• NormaTec dynamic compression therapy evacuates<br />
lactic acid and promotes lymphatic drainage of inflammation.<br />
3 weeks of Whole Body<br />
Cryotherapy & NormaTec<br />
£249*<br />
To take advantage of this offer please call us on<br />
0207 247 6230 or email us on<br />
and QUOTE: LC <strong>City</strong> <strong>Matters</strong><br />
*Terms and conditions apply<br />
LondonCryo is<br />
featured on the official<br />
London marathon podcast<br />
“Mo-Joe” (Episode 8),<br />
available on
CITYMATTERS.LONDON 14 - 27 February 2018 | Page 13
Old Street<br />
Barbican<br />
Long Lane<br />
DENTAL<br />
CENTRE<br />
Goswell Rd<br />
Fann St<br />
Old Street<br />
Golden Lane<br />
Fortune St<br />
Beech St<br />
General Dentistry<br />
Cosmetic Treatment<br />
Orthodontics<br />
Dental Implants<br />
Sedation<br />
Tooth Whitening<br />
Hygienist Service<br />
Providing NHS and Private Dental Care in the <strong>City</strong><br />
Call to make an appointment<br />
0207 253 3232<br />
16 – 18 Goswell Road, London, EC1M 7AA<br /><br />
FREE Spinal Assessment<br /><br />
King Chiropractic<br />
020 7283 3927<br />
68 Cornhill • London EC3V 3QX<br />
Email:<br />
Page 16 | 14 - 27 February 2018<br />
Page 20 | 14 - 27 February 2018<br />
CITYMATTERS.LONDON 14 - 27 February 2018 | Page 21<br />
Social <strong>Matters</strong><br />
Stressed out? Discover<br />
a new Square Mile oasis<br />
AN oasis is defined as ‘a refuge, relief or pleasant<br />
change from what is usual, annoying, or difficult’.<br />
And it’s exactly what entering Shoe Lane Library<br />
felt like when the Dragon Café opened its doors<br />
last Thursday, writes Monika Cvorak.<br />
On any given day, the library on the corner of<br />
Shoe Lane and Little New Street already serves as<br />
an escape from the hustle and bustle of the Square<br />
Mile’s financial district for many a <strong>City</strong> worker<br />
and resident. Today, however, as they leave the<br />
grey concrete and noisy streets behind them and<br />
descend into the library, visitors are greeted by<br />
much more than merely literature.<br />
“Hello, and welcome to the Dragon Café. Would<br />
you like a free massage?” a young woman says to<br />
every person entering the library, pointing to her<br />
left where a few visitors are getting a shoulder<br />
rub. Next to them, two people are sat on chairs<br />
chatting, while a sign above them says “Problem-<br />
Solving Booth”.<br />
Anxiety<br />
In the opposite corner, a lecture is taking place<br />
with the listeners tucking into their pre-packed<br />
lunches. A few feet over, others are running<br />
around with crayons, paint, brushes and paper.<br />
Close to the entrance, there is a bathtub filled with<br />
rubber ducks.<br />
“So that’s a Lunch & Learn discussion on a new<br />
mental wellbeing and motivation app. Over there<br />
they’re setting up a mask-making workshop, and<br />
if you pick up the shower head of the bathtub,<br />
you can hear other people’s stories on how they<br />
deal with stress and anxiety, and record your own<br />
story,” explains Declan McGill from the Mental<br />
Fight Club, the charity that brought London the<br />
first Dragon Café, situated in Borough, in 2002.<br />
“Usually facilities for mental wellbeing are very<br />
clinical, sterile, kind of frightening and not creative<br />
or inspiring at all,” says Declan. “The aim of the<br />
Dragon Café was to offer people an open space<br />
where they can feel safe to relax and recharge. Now<br />
we’ve brought that to the <strong>City</strong>.”<br />
While there is more of a buzz today than one<br />
would usually expect in a library, the atmosphere<br />
is warm, welcoming, and homey.<br />
“This is only the beginning, we have a lot of very<br />
different events coming up later in the day,” he says<br />
with enthusiasm: “We’ve got magicians coming in,<br />
a terrarium making workshop, Tai Chi and Kung<br />
Fu classes combined with mindfulness sessions…<br />
ALMOST one in every five workers in the <strong>City</strong><br />
of London in 2016 originated from a European<br />
country – the highest figure since records began.<br />
Data from the Office for National Statistics,<br />
requested by the Corporation, shows that 18%<br />
of the Square Mile’s workforce derived from the<br />
European Economic Area (EEA).<br />
Looking at the professional services sector<br />
specifically, data reveals that 12% of the<br />
workforce derived from Europe – more than<br />
double the share of four years previous when<br />
European workers in the sector stood at just 5%.<br />
Separately, the financial and insurance<br />
sector is currently staffed by 13% continental<br />
workers, which, compared to the previous<br />
decade, when the figure was just 8%, marks a<br />
significant increase. Policy chairman Catherine<br />
mental health focus:<br />
at the Dragon Café<br />
We really make sure there’s something for<br />
everyone.” The beauty of the Dragon Café concept<br />
is that there is no pressure, says Declan: “Visitors<br />
can take as much or as little as they like. We want<br />
them to know that they are in control. They can<br />
just observe what’s going on, reflect or practice<br />
mindfulness on their own, or engage in everything<br />
on offer, it’s up to them.”<br />
Despite increased efforts in recent years to remove<br />
the stigma around mental wellbeing, it continues to<br />
be a prevalent issue amongst <strong>City</strong> workers.<br />
A 2017 survey by the <strong>City</strong> Mental Health Alliance<br />
found that 47% of respondents have experienced<br />
mental health difficulties while working for their<br />
current employer. Only half of them disclosed this<br />
to someone at work.<br />
The café is the latest venture in a series of events<br />
and campaigns launched by the <strong>City</strong> of London to<br />
tackle poor mental health in the Square Mile.<br />
“What’s brilliant about this collaboration is that<br />
we can team up our knowledge of <strong>City</strong> workers and<br />
residents and make sure the programme the café<br />
offers is tailored exactly to the needs of the locals,”<br />
says Xenia Koumi from Business Healthy, a<br />
<strong>City</strong>-led initiative encouraging businesses to meet<br />
the health and wellbeing needs of their workers.<br />
“We know that a lot of workers in the <strong>City</strong> are<br />
male, middle aged, and at risk of cardiovascular<br />
diseases. They can also be a difficult group to<br />
reach, in terms of getting them to speak up about<br />
their mental health,” says Xenia. “So we’re keeping<br />
Importance of EU workers<br />
is crystal clear to the Corp<br />
McGuinness believes the figure “crystalizes the<br />
importance” of European workers to the UK’s<br />
financial centre.<br />
“Many Europeans are in limbo over their<br />
future status here, and firms are unclear as<br />
to who they can employ, which is having<br />
repercussions on decision-making across the<br />
continent,” she said.<br />
“Securing a good trade deal without a sound<br />
immigration policy would be a hollow victory,<br />
so it’s vital this is addressed sooner rather than<br />
later.<br />
“At the end of last year government made<br />
progress on EU citizens’ rights, which meant<br />
we were able to move to move to Phase 2 of<br />
negotiations. We need to continue to build on<br />
this momentum.”<br />
that in mind when setting up the programme. I<br />
think what distinguishes this Dragon Café is the<br />
fact that we’re really targeting the local population,<br />
trying to bring together workers and residents. In<br />
that sense, it’s kind of a hyperlocal service.”<br />
The Dragon Café in the <strong>City</strong> will run fortnightly<br />
on Thursdays between noon and 8.30pm until<br />
12 July. The next one is billed to take place on<br />
22 February.<br />
For more details on upcoming programmes, go<br />
to<br />
Artizan Street Library<br />
1 Artizan St, E1 7AF<br />
Barbican Library<br />
Level 2, Barbican Centre, Silk Street, EC2Y 8DS<br />
Bishopsgate Institute Library<br />
230 Bishopsgate, EC2M 4QH<br />
<strong>City</strong> of London Information Centre<br />
St. Paul’s Churchyard, EC4M 8BX<br />
Coffee Stall<br />
In front of St Mary Abchurch,<br />
Abchurch Lane, EC4N 7BA<br />
Coppa Club<br />
4 St. Paul’s Churchyard, EC4M 8AY<br />
El Vino Wine Merchant<br />
6 Martin Lane, Cannon St, EC4R 0DP<br />
Fuller’s - The Counting House<br />
50 Cornhill, EC3V 3PD<br />
Fuller’s - The Old Bank of England<br />
194 Fleet St, EC4A 2LT<br />
Giddy Up Coffee<br />
Fortune Street Park, EC1Y 0SB<br />
Jeeves Dry Cleaners<br />
131 Fleet St, EC4A 2BH<br />
J Rogers & Sons - Shoe Repair<br />
28 Liverpool St, EC2M 7PD<br />
Guildhall Library<br />
Aldermanbury, EC2V 7HH<br />
Merchant House<br />
13 Well Court, EC4M 9DN<br />
8 Bride Court, EC4Y 8DU<br />
You’ll be able to pick up your<br />
copy every fortnight from one<br />
of the above collection points.<br />
Firms fired up for<br />
Dragon Awards<br />
BUSINESSES tackling social problems in<br />
London are being called on to enter this<br />
year’s Lord Mayor’s Dragon Awards – the<br />
Capital’s top responsible business gongs.<br />
The annual ceremony celebrates<br />
companies large and small that are<br />
improving people’s lives; from increasing<br />
the diversity of their workforce to<br />
volunteering in the community to helping<br />
social enterprises to grow.<br />
The best of the bunch will contest six<br />
awards, with shortlisted firms invited to<br />
Mansion House later this year when the<br />
winners will be announced in the company of<br />
Charles Bowman.<br />
“These awards celebrate the excellent work<br />
of business supporting communities across<br />
London and tackling social issues,” said the<br />
Lord Mayor.<br />
Opportunity<br />
“We will recognise firms that are<br />
improving society through their responsible<br />
business programmes and leading the way for<br />
others.<br />
“London’s businesses should be more vocal<br />
about the positive work they do for society –<br />
and these awards are a fantastic opportunity<br />
to do just that.<br />
“I am particularly pleased, this year, to<br />
launch a new award: the Lord Mayor’s Award<br />
– Business of Trust Champion.”<br />
Over the last 30 years, responsible<br />
businesses which have applied to the Dragon<br />
Awards have helped an estimated 10million<br />
people, mobilising 200,000 business<br />
volunteers and giving nearly £250m in<br />
donations and in-kind support to London’s<br />
communities.<br />
Nincom Soup<br />
Old Street Station, EC1Y 1BE<br />
Oh’Lola<br />
58 Hatton Garden, EC1N 8LS<br />
Pod Good Food<br />
75 King William Street, EC4N 7BE<br /><br /><br />
Protestant Truth Society Inc - Book Shop<br />
184 Fleet St, EC4A 2HJ<br />
Rome Coffee Cart<br />
3 Fleet Place, EC4M 7RD<br />
Scott’s Shoe Repair & Dry Cleaners<br />
<strong>City</strong> Thameslink Holborn Concourse, EC4M 7RA<br />
65 Ludgate Hill, EC4M 7JH<br />
Old Street Station, EC1Y 1BE<br />
Shoe Lane Library<br />
Little Hill House, Little New Street, EC4A 3JR<br />
Spitalfields Market E1<br />
Brushfield Street, Spitalfields, E1 6AA<br />
Sweetings Restaurant<br />
39 Queen Victoria St, EC4N 4SF<br />
Temple Brew House<br />
46 Essex St, WC2R 3JF<br />
The Franklin Building<br />
124 Goswell Road, EC1V 7DP<br />
The M Bar<br />
48-51 Leadenhall Market, EC3V 1LT<br />
The Natural Kitchen<br />
15-17 New St Square, Fetter Lane, EC4A 3AP<br />
176 Aldersgate St, EC1A 4HR<br />
Waterstones<br />
Leadenhall Market,<br />
1-3 Whittington Ave, EC3V 1PJ<br />
Ye Old Cheshire Cheese<br />
145 Fleet Street, EC4A 2BU
The London Borough of Tower Hamlets is reviewing its current<br />
Statement of Licensing Policy and undertaking statutory<br />
consultation in respect of this review. The consultation<br />
began on 12 January, and will run for 12 weeks finishing at<br />
12 midnight on 10 April 2018.<br />
If you wish to take part in this consultation please visit<br />
the link to our survey below. You can also contact the<br />
Licensing Team via email at<br />
or Telephone 020 7364 5008.<br />
Page 24 | 14 - 27 February 2018<br />
The Heron<br />
An exceptional 33rd floor three bedroom apartment for sale<br />
This luxury apartment located in the prestigious Heron development is not to be missed.<br />
Located on a high floor you will find breath taking views across London, providing an<br />
abundance of natural light throughout the property. The apartment has over 2100 sq.ft of<br />
living space, ideal for hosting cocktail parties or dinner with friends.<br />
EPC: C<br />
Approximately: 197.4 sq m (2125 sq ft) Leasehold<br />
Guide Price £3,350,000<br /><br /><br />
020 8022 4048<br />
@KnightFrank<br />