SEL Brochure Car Park Drainage
Car park drainage system using permavoid, permachannel and sudsagg
Car park drainage system using permavoid, permachannel and sudsagg
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<strong>SEL</strong> Surface Water Solutions<br />
Sustainable <strong>Car</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Drainage</strong><br />
<strong>SEL</strong> Environmental Ltd, Canal House, Bonsall Street, Blackburn BB2 4DD
<strong>SEL</strong> Surface Water Solutions<br />
Index<br />
Page 2 Introduction<br />
Page 3 Typical detail for<br />
Permachannel against a<br />
kerb<br />
Page 4 System benefits<br />
Typical detail for<br />
Permachannel in open<br />
areas<br />
Page 5 Typical detail for<br />
Permachannel in open<br />
areas<br />
<strong>SEL</strong> support services<br />
Page 6 Why choose the <strong>SEL</strong> <strong>Car</strong><br />
<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Drainage</strong> system<br />
Page 7 Typical detail for the <strong>SEL</strong><br />
flow control chamber<br />
Page 8 <strong>SEL</strong> Contact details<br />
Internal weirs trap oils<br />
Residual oil is trapped and treated<br />
within the Permavoid biomat<br />
Introduction<br />
Innovative Source Control Solution for <strong>Car</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Drainage</strong><br />
The <strong>SEL</strong> <strong>Car</strong> <strong>Park</strong> System provides a solution for the management of surface water runoff from<br />
car park and access road hard surfacings. The system comprises a series of treatment phases<br />
which have been specifically developed to provide the ideal source control solution to meet the<br />
requirements of all current guidelines and legislation relating to SUDS, whilst incorporating<br />
traditional impermeable surfacings such as macadam, asphalt, concrete and standard block<br />
paving.<br />
The System provides attenuation, incorporating multiple stages of water treatment and flow control<br />
within the constructed layers directly beneath the finished surface. By introducing source control<br />
systems (rather than end-of-pipe treatment) it is possible to minimise construction depths, reduce<br />
pipe diameters and minimise construction risks. The requirements for rainwater harvesting can<br />
easily be integrated in the <strong>SEL</strong> Source Control System.<br />
Runoff from access roads, car parks, service yards and adjacent footpath areas would be<br />
collected by Permachannels and diffused into a layer of Sudsagg sub-base structural voided stone<br />
using Permavoid biomat conduits. The Permavoid biomat conduits can be 150mm and 300mm<br />
deep to suit site requirements and therefore allow the depth of construction to be shallow as<br />
possible.<br />
The Permavoid biomat conduits would be located within the pavement construction and sit within a<br />
layer of SudsAgg sub-base (min 30% void ratio) into which the received surface water can diffuse<br />
to provide the balance of attenuation. The runoff would attenuate within the SudsAgg sub-base<br />
due to the downstream flow controls and then later be released back into the Permavoid biomat<br />
conduits and onwards until discharged from site. Half empty time is 24hrs in accordance with<br />
current guidance.<br />
The proposed use of the Permachannel and Permavoid biomat source control silt/oil separation<br />
systems ensures the water-quality aspect of the design is very robust and silt/oil loading<br />
calculations are provided as part of the design to demonstrate compliance with PPG3 and CIRIA<br />
guidance.<br />
2<br />
Find out more information at:-
<strong>SEL</strong> Surface Water Solutions<br />
Typical Detail - Permachannel against a kerb<br />
The surface water runoff passes through the<br />
Permachannel where silt and oils are<br />
intercepted, retained and treated. The treated<br />
runoff then passes forward through a Permavoid<br />
biomat diffuser conduit and on into the Sudsagg<br />
sub-base voided stone layer.<br />
<strong>SEL</strong> Permavoid SudsAgg Sub-base System<br />
for <strong>Car</strong> <strong>Park</strong> / Access Road <strong>Drainage</strong><br />
Min. 260mm cover for <strong>Car</strong>s, Vans & Occasional HGV<br />
1. <strong>SEL</strong> Permachannel<br />
2. <strong>SEL</strong> Permachannel Universal Connector<br />
3. Diffuser conduit comprising <strong>SEL</strong> Permavoid and Permafilter<br />
Biomat on 50mm bedding layer<br />
4. <strong>SEL</strong> Selflex Geomembrane protected by Seltex Geotextile (for<br />
attenuation)<br />
5. Surfacing to Engineers Specification<br />
6. Sudsagg sub-base structural voided sub-base<br />
25.000<br />
Runoff<br />
The Sudsagg sub-base has been blended to<br />
provide a nominal 30% void ratio. The surface<br />
water storage capacity of the voided sub-base<br />
layer is affected by the gradient of the finished<br />
surfacing e.g. shallow gradients can offer the<br />
highest storage capacity. Advice on suitable<br />
gradients can be provided for consideration.<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6<br />
<strong>SEL</strong> Environmental Ltd, Canal House, Bonsall Street, Blackburn BB2 4DD<br />
T: 01204 885555<br />
System Benefits<br />
Typical Detail - Permachannel in open areas<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Complete Source Control SUDS solution for new build or retrofit development<br />
Replaces Oil Separators as defined by PPG3 (Pollution Prevention Guidelines)<br />
Six stages of water treatment available within the system<br />
Provides treatment at source by gravity separation and bio-degradation of oils and silts<br />
Provides attenuation or infiltration at source<br />
Replaces sub-base, minimises the requirement for imported aggregate<br />
Shallow construction, minimises residual excavated material<br />
Contributes to BREEAM ratings<br />
Satisfies designers’ risk assessments in accordance with CDM<br />
Reduces the requirement for chambers and pipes<br />
Improves water quality<br />
A practical solution for the retrofit of SUDS components into existing drainage schemes<br />
<strong>SEL</strong> Permavoid® and other system components are manufactured from recycled material<br />
and are also recyclable and reusable<br />
Resistant to frosts, salts and hydrocarbons<br />
<strong>SEL</strong> Permavoid SudsAgg Sub-base System<br />
for <strong>Car</strong> <strong>Park</strong> / Access Road <strong>Drainage</strong><br />
Min. 260mm cover for <strong>Car</strong>s, Vans & Occasional HGV<br />
1. <strong>SEL</strong> Permachannel<br />
2. <strong>SEL</strong> Permachannel Universal Connector<br />
3. Diffuser conduit comprising <strong>SEL</strong> Permavoid and Permafilter Biomat on 50mm<br />
bedding layer<br />
4. <strong>SEL</strong> Selflex Geomembrane protected by Seltex Geotextile (for attenuation)<br />
5. Surfacing to Engineers Specification<br />
6. Sudsagg sub-base structural voided sub-base<br />
25.000<br />
Runoff<br />
24.7<br />
The Sudsagg sub-base has been blended to provide a nominal 30% void ratio. The<br />
surface water storage capacity of the voided sub-base layer is affected by the<br />
gradient of the finished surfacing e.g. shallow gradients can offer the highest<br />
storage capacity. . Advice on suitable gradients can be provided for consideration.<br />
1<br />
4<br />
Find out more information at:-
T: 01204 885555<br />
The surface water runoff passes through the<br />
Permachannel where silt and oils are<br />
intercepted, retained and treated. The treated<br />
runoff then passes forward through a Permavoid<br />
biomat diffuser conduit and on into the Sudsagg<br />
sub-base voided stone layer.<br />
25.000<br />
<strong>SEL</strong> Support Sevices<br />
<strong>SEL</strong> are pleased to offer the following<br />
services in support of the <strong>SEL</strong> <strong>Car</strong><br />
<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Drainage</strong> System:-<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<strong>Drainage</strong> review<br />
Design and specification service<br />
Scheme budget costings<br />
On-site technical support<br />
Installation Teams for specialist<br />
elements<br />
Complete integrated surface water<br />
management solutions<br />
50<br />
Runoff<br />
2 3 4 5 6<br />
<strong>SEL</strong> <strong>Car</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Drainage</strong> System under installation<br />
<strong>SEL</strong> Environmental Ltd, Canal House, Bonsall Street, Blackburn BB2 4DD<br />
<strong>SEL</strong> Surface Water Solutions<br />
Why Choose the <strong>SEL</strong> <strong>Car</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Drainage</strong> System?<br />
Innovative Source Control Solution for <strong>Car</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Drainage</strong><br />
The <strong>SEL</strong> <strong>Car</strong> <strong>Park</strong> System provides a solution for the management of surface water runoff<br />
from car park and access road hard surfacings. The system comprises a series of treatment<br />
phases which have been specifically developed to provide the ideal source control solution<br />
to meet the requirements of all current guidelines and legislation relating to SUDS, whilst<br />
incorporating traditional impermeable surfacings such as macadam, asphalt, concrete and<br />
standard block paving.<br />
Reduced <strong>Drainage</strong> Works<br />
Employing the <strong>SEL</strong> Source Control System in this manner can lead to a reduction is the<br />
length and diameter of drainage pipework required, quantity and size of chambers, remove<br />
the need for a petrol interceptor and a dramatic reduction in the amount of earthworks<br />
required on site<br />
Design Flexibility<br />
The system is particularly beneficial where specific problems exist, such as high water<br />
tables, contamination, or poor ground conditions (i.e. low CBR).<br />
CDM<br />
The <strong>SEL</strong> <strong>Car</strong> <strong>Park</strong> System satisfies the designers’ statutory obligations as required by the<br />
Construction Design and Management (CDM) regulations. The risks inherent with traditional<br />
drainage systems are:<br />
• Operatives working in deep excavations where there is risk of collapse<br />
• Heavy lifting operations<br />
• Operatives working within confined spaces<br />
• Operatives exposure to contaminated sub-strata<br />
The <strong>SEL</strong> Source Control System avoids these foreseeable risks because it is shallow<br />
(generally less than 500mm deep), lightweight, installed above formation levels and<br />
contaminated zones.<br />
Permachannel link to diffuser conduit<br />
Oils are collected in the Permachannel<br />
<strong>SEL</strong> Flow Control Chambers<br />
<strong>SEL</strong> design and manufacture a range of<br />
plastic drainage chambers for sustainable<br />
drainage systems. A range of chambers in<br />
varying depths and diameters are<br />
available to suit your site requirements<br />
whether they are for flow control, silt<br />
interception or debris screening from<br />
downpipes.<br />
<strong>SEL</strong> have developed a standardised flow<br />
control chamber for incorporation into the<br />
<strong>SEL</strong> <strong>Car</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Drainage</strong> System. The<br />
chamber has an integral orifice flow<br />
control device which is protected by a<br />
filter screen. The filter screen is removable<br />
for maintenance and the orifice sizes are<br />
sized to suit the specific outflow<br />
requirements for the site.<br />
The chamber has a high level inlet from<br />
the Sudsagg sub-base storage layer and a<br />
low level outlet which allows for the<br />
outgoing drainage pipework to be installed<br />
at shallow depths directly below the<br />
formation level. This transition allows for<br />
the drainage pipework to be installed in<br />
advance of the Sudsagg sub-base storage<br />
layer and prevent disruption to following<br />
trades and programmed construction<br />
activities.<br />
6<br />
Find out more information at:-
<strong>SEL</strong> Surface Water Solutions<br />
Typical Detail - Flow Control Chamber from Permavoid Conduit<br />
<strong>SEL</strong> Permavoid SudsAgg Sub-base System<br />
for <strong>Car</strong> <strong>Park</strong> / Access Road <strong>Drainage</strong><br />
Min. 260mm cover for <strong>Car</strong>s, Vans & Occasional HGV<br />
1. <strong>SEL</strong> flow control chamber<br />
2. Surfacing to Engineers Specification<br />
3. <strong>SEL</strong> Selflex Geomembrane protected by Seltex Geotextile (for attenuation)<br />
4. Diffuser conduit comprising <strong>SEL</strong> Permavoid and Permafilter Biomat on 50mm<br />
bedding layer<br />
5. Sudsagg sub-base structural voided sub-base<br />
The <strong>SEL</strong> flow control chamber has a removable<br />
filter screen which protects the orifice outlet. The<br />
screen can be removed and cleaned as part of<br />
the site maintenance regime.<br />
1 2 3 4 5<br />
355 mm<br />
760 mm<br />
160 mm<br />
Rodding Access Point<br />
Removable Filter <strong>Car</strong>tridge<br />
200 mm<br />
Orifice Outlet<br />
150mm Concrete surround<br />
600.00 mm<br />
<strong>SEL</strong> Environmental Ltd, Canal House, Bonsall Street, Blackburn BB2 4DD<br />
Contact Information<br />
Telephone: +44(0)1254 589987<br />
Email:<br />
Other Services<br />
Web:<br />
Technical Services<br />
To support architects, engineers and contractors in designing and installing the<br />
<strong>SEL</strong> <strong>Car</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Drainage</strong> System our design services department offers<br />
Sustainable <strong>Drainage</strong><br />
Solutions for Housing<br />
Rooftop Sport Facilities<br />
Membrane Installation<br />
computer aided scheme details and advice on installation.<br />
Supply and install packages are available for elements of the system -<br />
information available on request.<br />
<strong>SEL</strong> reserves the right to change or modify the design of products and<br />
specifications as their policy is one of continued research and improvement.<br />
Attenuation Tanks<br />
Remote Water<br />
Management<br />
Gas Protection to<br />
Buildings<br />
The information contained in this publication is believed to be correct at the date<br />
of publication, but it should be understood that between publications there may<br />
be changes in pertinent standards or regulations affecting the accuracy of the<br />
information contained therein.<br />
All information in this document is courtesy and Copyright of <strong>SEL</strong> Environmental<br />
Ltd © 2013. Several of the products shown in this brochure are subject to patent<br />
and/or registered design - please contact <strong>SEL</strong> for further details.<br />
<strong>SEL</strong> Environmental Ltd, Canal House, Bonsall Street, Blackburn BB2 4DD