Chapelwood Chimes - Summer 2018

Chapelwood United Methodist Church in Houston quarterly newsletter Summer 2018

Chapelwood United Methodist Church in Houston quarterly newsletter Summer 2018


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SUMMER <strong>2018</strong><br />



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TAPACHULA <strong>2018</strong><br />

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11140 GREENBAY ST.<br />

HOUSTON, TX 77024<br />

(713) 465-3467<br />

Saturdays:<br />

Mercy Street - 5:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall*<br />

Sundays:<br />

Blended Service - 8:25 a.m., Sanctuary*<br />

Contemplative Service - 8:45 a.m., Chapel*<br />

Contemporary Service - 9:45 a.m., Sanctuary*<br />

Student Worship - 9:45 a.m., Upper Room<br />

Traditional Service - 11:10 a.m., Sanctuary*<br />

Upper Room - 11:30 a.m., Upper Room*<br />

* Services are broadcast live on the web.<br />


1330 GESSNER RD.<br />

HOUSTON, TX 77055<br />

FAIR HAVEN: (713) 468-3276<br />

9:30 a.m. Fair Haven community worship, Fellowship Hall<br />

11:15 a.m. Fair Haven community worship, Sanctuary<br />

THE BRANCH: (713) 895-8300<br />

11:15 a.m. The Branch community worship, Fellowship Hall<br />

(English and español)<br />


From Our Senior Pastor<br />


04<br />


By Brett Treadwell<br />




By Fred Keinz<br />




By Allison Carter<br />


2005 COMMERCE ST.<br />

Houston, TX 77002<br />

Sunday Liturgy, 10:30 a.m.<br />

www.chapelwood.org | www.facebook.com/chapelwood<br />


06 18<br />





By Noël Denison<br />





By Heather Sims<br />

24 NEW MEMBERS<br />


28 DIANE BISH IN<br />



At <strong>Chapelwood</strong>, we are a community of communities,<br />

providing worship experiences of many kinds. Our<br />

mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the<br />

transformation of the world by embodying God’s grace<br />

as we receive it to those who need it.<br />



Message from John<br />

There is a story from the desert fathers, early Christian monks,<br />

that goes something like this:<br />

“Some hermits once came to Joseph in Panephysis, to ask how<br />

they should receive guests who don’t look or act like them. Abba<br />

(which means Father) Joseph said to them, ‘Think about what I<br />

am going to do today.’ He set down two seats made of reeds tied<br />

in bundles, one on his left and the other on his right, and told<br />

them, ‘Sit down.’ Then he went into his cell and put on rags. He<br />

came out, walked past them, and then went in to his cell again<br />

and put on his ordinary clothes.<br />

The visitors were astonished, and asked him what it meant. He<br />

said to them, ‘Did you see what I did?’ They said, ‘Yes.’ He said,<br />

‘Did the rags change me for the better?’ They said, ‘No.’ He said,<br />

‘Did good clothes change me for the worse?’ They said, ‘No.’ He<br />

said, ‘So, I am myself whether I wear good clothes or rags. I was<br />

not changed for better or worse because I changed my clothing.<br />

That is how we ought to be when we receive guests. When<br />

visitors come we should welcome them and celebrate with them.<br />

It is when we are by ourselves that we ought to be sorrowful.’<br />

When they heard this they were amazed that he knew what they<br />

intended to ask him, and they praised God.”<br />

During <strong>2018</strong>, discipleship is our focus at <strong>Chapelwood</strong>. We as<br />

a church are becoming more intentional and active in making<br />

disciples, or followers, of Christ. To do this well, we have to<br />

change a bit of our culture. For openers, we are reorganizing<br />

our staff to be more focused on relationships and on making<br />

disciples. Perhaps more importantly, we must become . . .<br />

• more invitational, meaning we regularly and<br />

deliberately speak with others outside the <strong>Chapelwood</strong><br />

community about events and studies they might be<br />

interested in;<br />

• more hospitable, meaning we go out of our way to talk<br />

to people around us before and after worship, even if they<br />

don’t look like us or have crying babies;<br />

• more evangelistic, meaning we incorporate the message<br />

of the gospel in all that we do and say, both as individuals<br />

and as the church;<br />

• and more committed to mentoring, leading, teaching,<br />

giving, and serving in the church.<br />

This year, we have committed to communicating God’s vision<br />

and strategy for discipleship for every stage of life, knowing that<br />

we must honestly work on the areas where we are not strong and<br />

leverage the areas where we are doing well. We want Christ to be<br />

glorified and people to join us in this amazing journey of faith.<br />

The world needs Jesus, and it is our primary task to share the<br />

Gospel of Christ to a world in need.<br />

We focused on the idea of “Covenant” during Lent to help<br />

set the foundation of God’s relationship with us. After Easter,<br />

we focused on “Seven Keys to Healthy Relationships,” which<br />

revealed how we relate to one another as disciples who live<br />

together in God’s covenant. In June, we will highlight family<br />

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discipleship with a Vacation Bible School Sunday focused on<br />

our children and with a Student Ministry summer mission trip<br />

(SUMMIT) kickoff as well. In July, we will focus on the book<br />

of Genesis with a series entitled, “This Is Us,” which will give a<br />

biblical foundation for what family is and how we are all called<br />

to be a part of God’s family. And on August 19, our fall kickoff<br />

will be all about “Family Resemblance” in God’s family. As we<br />

become the disciples Christ calls us to be, we begin to see more<br />

of Christ in ourselves, and we begin to see more of Christ in each<br />

other.<br />

We’ve always been about discipleship – creating followers and<br />

lovers of Jesus. But in <strong>2018</strong>, we want to be even more intentional<br />

by offering a myriad of ways you can “step up” your discipleship.<br />

Some options include entering <strong>Chapelwood</strong> discipleship through<br />

Decision Point’s small groups for new members, deciding to be<br />

part of a newly created small group, creating your own S-3 group<br />

(Sabbath, study, service), or even finding your place in an existing<br />

group or study.<br />

Dig a little deeper into the <strong>Chimes</strong> and you’ll find a snapshot<br />

of our revitalized Children’s Ministry, led by Rev. L. M. Wilson.<br />

This is a group that has really latched onto our discipleship goals<br />

and is working hard to make sure that the youngest in our midst<br />

are brought up with love and care.<br />

Harvey Update<br />

Our ministries have continued to give support to those in<br />

our community and beyond who need help recovering from<br />

Hurricane Harvey. <strong>Chapelwood</strong> collected $1.443 million in<br />

private donations and also received a grant of $504,000 from<br />

the Greater Houston Foundation. By March, we had distributed<br />

about $710,000 by mucking 192 homes, assisting 138 families<br />

with emergency funds, distributing furniture vouchers, giving<br />

grants to 16 community partners that were impacted severely,<br />

and hosting local and out-of-town volunteer teams that have<br />

rebuilt 18 homes. We are still discovering <strong>Chapelwood</strong> families<br />

who need our assistance and are at work helping them as well.<br />

We will continue to bring in work teams from around the<br />

country to rebuild walls and put up sheetrock. Payments for<br />

other items including rental assistance, paint, flooring, cabinets,<br />

and installation supplement these volunteer efforts. Our Student<br />

Ministry decided to hold SUMMIT here in Houston – spending<br />

their nights on our Greenbay Campus – which means more than<br />

30 work teams will be ready to work in June as well!<br />

I am excited about the summer and fall at <strong>Chapelwood</strong>. Be<br />

on the lookout and be ready to jump in to a deeper walk with<br />

Christ.<br />

John Stephens<br />

Senior Pastor<br />



What Confirmation<br />

Means to our Family<br />

By Brett Treadwell<br />

Every Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m. from August to May, the<br />

<strong>Chapelwood</strong> Scout Hut buzzes with the energy of more than<br />

125 sixth graders and their table leaders. This is <strong>Chapelwood</strong><br />

Confirmation. And for me, it’s the last time to be a table leader.<br />

My wife, Julie, and I have three children, and our son Austin is<br />

in the <strong>2018</strong> class of “confirmands.” He follows along behind his<br />

sisters, Katelyn (ninth grade) and Courtney (eighth grade), and<br />

I’ve been blessed to participate as a table leader in each of their<br />

classes as well.<br />

I find myself reflecting on what three years as a table leader has<br />

meant to our family. But first, what is confirmation and what is<br />

the role of the table leader?<br />

Confirmation at <strong>Chapelwood</strong> is for sixth grade students who<br />

are interested in learning what it means to be a disciple of Jesus<br />

Christ and a member of the church. At the end of Confirmation,<br />

the students who choose to do so will profess their faith in Christ<br />

and become a full church member. The “choosing to do so”<br />

From left to right – James Klingberg, Bryce Wischoff, Peter Tesarek, Lucas Donelson, Brett Treadwell, Jack Springer, and Sam<br />

Robishaw (Not pictured: Henry Beckcom, Thomas Cloud, Charlie Harrison, Anderson Strait, Austin Treadwell)<br />

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part makes confirmation different than infant baptism. And I<br />

would argue more meaningful. It’s the confirmand’s first public<br />

opportunity to promise to live as a person of faith. And it’s the<br />

sixth-graders that are making the promise, not their parents. A<br />

big step in<br />

the Christian<br />

journey.<br />

Each table<br />

leader is<br />

assigned to<br />

a group of<br />

eight to ten<br />

kids. I am responsible for Table 5 this year, along with adopted<br />

co-leader, Peter Tesarak. Our group sits together each Sunday,<br />

and Peter and I facilitate discussions on multiple faith topics. We<br />

answer questions and offer support and encouragement. Table 5<br />

is all boys (10) – a bit different than my tables with Katelyn and<br />

Courtney….<br />

And what did confirmation mean to each one of my kids? I<br />

asked each of them to text me their thoughts (with no influence or<br />

editing from Dad):.<br />

Train up a child in the way he should go; and<br />

when he is old, he will not depart from it.<br />

• Katelyn (Confirmation Class of 2015) – “I really<br />

enjoyed confirmation. I Iearned a lot about how I should<br />

trust God with my life now and in what my future holds for<br />

me. Occasionally there would be a certain lesson that would<br />

touch my heart and make me feel the Lord at my side, no<br />

matter how hard life can be. I also loved the experience of<br />

learning about God with friends at my table.”<br />

• Courtney (Confirmation Class of 2016) – “Confirmation<br />

was a fun and interesting way to learn about God. The<br />

variety of people that came and spoke was refreshing and<br />

meaningful. I liked being in groups because you got to know<br />

people over the year.”<br />

• Austin (Confirmation Class of <strong>2018</strong>) – “I think<br />

confirmation is great because of how you get to be with all<br />

of your friends to learn and share things about God. I also<br />

love it because of how there are various lessons and teachers<br />

that help us through<br />

confirmation and through<br />

life!”<br />

So what has my<br />

experience as a table<br />

Proverbs 22:6 leader meant to me?<br />

Several things come to<br />

mind, the first being one that wouldn’t have registered with me<br />

were it not for the feedback from my kids. You may have noted<br />

the common theme in their quotes - they loved learning about<br />

God in a group. This has reinforced for me in my own Christian<br />

walk that God did not design us to “go it alone.” We need to<br />

surround ourselves with a Christian community who shares our<br />

values, keeps us sharp in our faith and holds us accountable. We<br />

need each other.<br />

Secondly, I recall learning in one of our lessons that<br />

confirmation is the word used to describe the confirmand’s<br />

first public profession of their faith in Jesus Christ. But it is<br />

not intended to be their last. Confirmation is simply a way<br />

marker on the Christian journey, a starting point for the “adult”<br />

Christian. This gives me a renewed appreciation for my own<br />

post-confirmation responsibilities. I, Table 5 leader and 1981<br />

CUMC confirmand, need to continue professing my faith as well,<br />

whatever form that may take.<br />

But the most meaningful (and potentially obvious) aspect of<br />

this program is this: the <strong>Chapelwood</strong> confirmation program<br />

brings Proverbs 22:6 to life. It has been a blessing to participate in<br />

the “training up” of my kids and other sixth graders “in the way<br />

that they should go,” and my fervent wish is that they “will not<br />

depart from it.”<br />



Fred Keinz: Going<br />

Deeper at <strong>Chapelwood</strong><br />

I am a family/event/commercial photographer originally from<br />

Toronto who has been in Houston for 30 years. I started attending<br />

<strong>Chapelwood</strong> 18 years ago because my children wanted to be in<br />

the same Sunday School as their friends. They’re grown now: my<br />

daughter is in school in Washington, D.C. and my son graduated<br />

two years ago and is now back in Houston.<br />

I was raised by a single mom who loved God and had a heart<br />

to serve others. At night before I went to bed I would see her read<br />

and do her devotions. She would often say short prayers out loud.<br />

I knew she had a close relationship with God and she trusted<br />

him. Mom took me to church every Sunday (sometimes I would<br />

go kicking and screaming), but now as I look back, I’m so glad she<br />

stayed the course and encouraged me. Parents: please know that<br />

ear pulling is ok. Ears will go back to normal.<br />

As a child, I had opportunities through church to attend<br />

summer camp and winter retreats. There I learned to enjoy the<br />

outdoors so much that later, I worked at a Christian sports camp.<br />

There were several camp counsellors and professional athletes<br />

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there who left an impression on me. Their love for God and<br />

willingness to take time from their training made a difference by<br />

encouraging campers to develop skills and be the best they could<br />

be.<br />

Time passed, and then a change in life circumstances happened.<br />

Thirteen years ago I went through a divorce.<br />

A short time after that I went by the church office and asked<br />

about some of the programs that might be available for men. One<br />

new opportunity that was just starting up was Men’s Life. It was<br />

a place where<br />

guys from<br />

all ages and<br />

walks of life<br />

could gather<br />

and talk about share and learn from.<br />

material on<br />

how we could each grow into the man that God intended us to<br />

be. Each week we would meet, watch a video, and then break into<br />

small groups for discussion. That is where the growth happens<br />

– with realizations of where you are, what you want to move<br />

towards, and what you want to be more like. It was applicable to<br />

every man. We could share honestly in our small groups about<br />

situations we were in, about our worries about the future, and<br />

about how to deal with and lead in the present. Just when I<br />

thought I was in a unique place, I found out we all had similarities<br />

that we could share and learn from.<br />

There were opportunities to enjoy the outdoors and adventure<br />

on men’s retreats and ski trips.<br />

It all added up to making men better dads, husbands, and<br />

friends to people meaningful in their lives.<br />

Shortly after I started attending Men’s Life another opportunity<br />

opened up - to join a men’s Bible study. This group had been<br />

meeting since 2000. I was the “token single guy” but I loved how<br />

these godly men loved and served their wives and family. They had<br />

a heart and purpose to serve.<br />

Not long after that there was an opportunity to serve on a<br />

SUMMIT mission trip. I told some friends who knew me well<br />

what I was doing and I will always remember their comment:<br />

“Why are you going on SUMMIT? You hammer like lightning<br />

– you rarely strike twice in the same place.” Despite the positive<br />

affirmation, I went anyway. It was exciting to clearly see God<br />

at work in the lives of students as they served on our project in<br />

the day and worshipped in the evening. The realization we were<br />

all serving as a team making a difference in someone else’s life<br />

was encouraging. I think there we all got a chance to experience<br />

ourselves at our best.<br />

If someone had told me 15 years ago that today I would be<br />

doing what I am doing and involved in what I’m involved in, I<br />

would have looked at them as if they had fallen off a turnip truck.<br />

Looking back now I realize that God was with me in the middle<br />

of it all.<br />

Something I have done for myself is to create a playlist. I<br />

have several favorite sermons from years past, songs that are<br />

meaningful to me (I like good alternative Christian music), and<br />

devotionals. They are stored on my iPod so I can access them<br />

when I am driving through the day or am on a road trip. This is<br />

a resource that serves as a gentle reminder of who I am and what<br />

I want to become more of. I think of it as my personal mission<br />

statement.<br />

If you decide to create a playlist, it is important to find verses<br />

that are meaningful. It can become a way you find comfort<br />

in a crisis. As for me,<br />

I am learning the<br />

benefit of having short<br />

conversational thoughts<br />

and prayers throughout<br />

the day. I pray for<br />

my family, my friends, and<br />

the day ahead, and am thankful for the blessings in my life.<br />

One of the things I’ve learned from all these men is how<br />

important it is to live life HUMBLY and with YOUR EYES<br />

OPEN. Look for an opportunity to serve or do something that<br />

is kind and unexpected. Learn to live a life filled with LOVE,<br />


Don’t forget to have fun along the way. :)<br />

Another realization is how blessed I am to have a good, healthy<br />

network of couples that include guys who love their wives and<br />

have a desire to serve and make our community and church a<br />

better place. My dear couple friends have invited me to be part<br />

of their family during the holidays and through the year. I am so<br />

grateful for their friendship.<br />

As you reflect back on your life, remember those who have<br />

influenced, encouraged, and loved you. God has always been<br />

there, sometimes in the background. As we move forward we are<br />

being shaped. It’s important to be introspective every once in a<br />

while so you can measure growth and where you once were.<br />

One of my favorite verses is Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things<br />

through Christ who strengthens me.” It humbles me.<br />

I am grateful to be part of the <strong>Chapelwood</strong> community.<br />

Just when I thought I was in a unique place, I<br />

found out we all had similarities that we could<br />

With a grateful heart,<br />

Fred<br />


Harvey Donations Helping<br />

Texas Conference Kids<br />

By Allison Carter<br />

If you lost everything you had in a flood, how would it affect<br />

your kids? Thousands of families across Texas are still finding<br />

out, as “extras” that used to be affordable are sacrificed for the<br />

costs associated with Hurricane Harvey rebuilding and repair.<br />

However, thanks in part to the generosity of <strong>Chapelwood</strong>’s<br />

donors, hundreds of kids have something fun to look forward to<br />

this summer.<br />

Since 1947, Lakeview Methodist Conference Center in Anderson<br />

County, Texas, has been a place where pastors go for spiritual<br />

retreat, where Methodist women go for conference retreats, where<br />

churches and Texas Conference choirs (including <strong>Chapelwood</strong>’s<br />

Wesley Choir) go for their retreats and conferences, and where<br />

kids – about 4,500 of them – go to summer camp.<br />

In June and July of each year, Lakeview hosts campers from<br />

third to twelfth grade and their counselors at its Texas Annual<br />

Conference <strong>Summer</strong> Youth Camp. However, Lakeview heard from<br />

a number of families that this year was going to be different and<br />

that many of those kids would not be able to come. The financial<br />

burden imposed by Hurricane Harvey was just too great.<br />

That’s where <strong>Chapelwood</strong> stepped in. Bob Lindsey,<br />

<strong>Chapelwood</strong>’s business manager and Wesley Choir director, had<br />

the great idea to use some of our Harvey donations to help these<br />

hurricane-impacted kids go to camp. When combined with some<br />

other gifts Lakeview received and some money received from the<br />

district, it meant that it’s just about impossible for a kid to say “I<br />

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can’t come to camp this year because of the hurricane.”<br />

How does it work? The funds are available to members of<br />

Methodist churches in the five districts that lie along the coast. All<br />

that the pastor of a church in those districts has to do is pick up<br />

the phone, call Lakeview, and provide the names of kids at that<br />

church who were severely affected by Harvey and want to go to<br />

camp. Lakeview will then earmark funds for those kids.<br />

And Lakeview isn’t just any ordinary summer camp. Kids<br />

learn about God at Lakeview. They grow in their faith, and this<br />

summer, in fun and exciting ways, they will learn about what it<br />

means to be a real Christian as understood through scripture,<br />

tradition, experience, and reason. Campers develop relationships<br />

with Methodist and non-Methodist kids from all over the state<br />

while they navigate zip lines and high ropes courses, paddle<br />

kayaks, enjoy water slides, play paintball (and every other kind of<br />

game you might expect to find at a church camp), and more. The<br />

most important things campers do are developing relationships<br />

with each other and with God and having wonderful worship<br />

experiences.<br />

An added bonus: the TAP program, founded and launched<br />

at Lakeview four years ago, asks students from ninth grade<br />

on up if they feel God might be calling them into the ministry.<br />

Lakeview now has over 200 young people in its TAP program<br />

who are potential pastors, any one of whom could be a pastor at<br />

<strong>Chapelwood</strong> one day.<br />

So, as you go about your June and July activities, take a moment<br />

to think about . . . parents relieved that their kids can have a<br />

fun summer week, kids figuring out if they are being called to<br />

ministry, and just how much a week at camp could mean to a child<br />

who has been displaced from his or her home.<br />

Thanks to all of you for your donations to <strong>Chapelwood</strong>’s<br />

Hurricane Harvey fund. Your dollars are being used in creative,<br />

targeted ways to get young hurricane survivors into camp<br />

bunkhouses, kayaks, and small groups and activities where they<br />

can grow in their faith, make some new friends, and for one<br />

wonderful week, escape the limitations caused by Harvey. Also,<br />

sincere thanks for your hammer-in-hand, boots-on-the-ground<br />

continuing work that means hurricane victims can get back into<br />

their houses. The need continues to be great, and your support, in<br />

all forms, is very much appreciated.<br />




26<br />

GOAL BY CHRISTMAS <strong>2018</strong><br />

225<br />


All training and tools provided.<br />


VS.<br />


<strong>Chapelwood</strong> Choir National Anthem: 6:50 p.m. | First pitch: 7:10 p.m.<br />

www.chapelwood.org/astros Tickets available in July.

Mission on the Move:<br />

Creating Families and<br />

Futures<br />

By Noël Denison<br />

On a dusty, unpaved road outside the city center of a little-known<br />

town in Mexico, twenty miles from the Guatemalan border, sit<br />

three jewels – beautiful homes for children ages five to twentyone<br />

operated by Mission on the Move (MOM) and developed<br />

by missionaries Hope and Steve Shearouse. After ten years of<br />

leading mission teams to Honduras and Mexico from their United<br />

Methodist church in Georgia, Hope and Steve sensed God was<br />

calling them to open a home for children in Tapachula, Mexico.<br />

In 2002, they took a two bedroom, two bath tin-roofed structure<br />

that had been a refugee center, renovated it, and five months<br />

later moved in two little boys, six-year-old Jose, and eight-yearold<br />

Alde. Two weeks later, six-year-old Moises moved in. Today,<br />

Jose, in college, and Moises, studying accounting, still live in the<br />

home. Alde has graduated from college and is a special education<br />

teacher.<br />

MOM provides a home where many miracles have occurred. It<br />

started with the transformation of a vacant building and empty<br />

cornfield into homes, and the creation of families and futures<br />

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for over seventy-five children. Eighteen-year-old Samuel came to<br />

the boys’ home when he was eleven. He was having discipline<br />

problems in school and struggled with drugs. He started stealing<br />

to support his drug habit and got kicked out of elementary school.<br />

After several attempts in a rehab facility, he returned to his MOM<br />

home and said he really wanted to change. Sammy wanted love<br />

and respect, but did not know how to get it. Music helped save<br />

him. In 2015, a mission team brought a musician with a guitar.<br />

Sammy picked up the guitar and started trying to play. The team<br />

member encouraged him, saying he had natural talent. Now, after<br />

taking music lessons Sammy is playing the drums, guitar, and<br />

electric guitar for their local church. Music helped turn his life<br />

around in a positive direction.<br />

Currently twenty-seven children live in two boys’ homes and<br />

one girls’ home. Their parents are in prison or otherwise unable to<br />

care for them. The government has referred them or their parents<br />

have been told by Hope and Steve during prison visits that their<br />

children are invited to live at the home while they are in prison.<br />

Hope and Steve have created a family and home for these children,<br />

complete with their own bed, clean clothes, delicious meals,<br />

homework help, academic guidance, daily responsibilities, and<br />

spiritual growth and support.<br />

<strong>Chapelwood</strong>’s connection to Mission on the Move and<br />

Tapachula, Mexico, began in 2003 when Dr. Jim Jackson,<br />

<strong>Chapelwood</strong>’s senior pastor at the time, introduced <strong>Chapelwood</strong><br />

mission staff and lay leaders to Hope and Steve and MOM<br />

ministries in Honduras and Mexico. Jim was a good friend of Rev.<br />

Ed Cadle, also a Georgia United Methodist minister, who had<br />

started Mission on the Move out of his undying passion for the<br />

poor and downtrodden. <strong>Chapelwood</strong> sent its first team in 2004,<br />

and with one exception has sent a team every year since.<br />

Our fourteen-year partnership has included teams through<br />

Women’s Ministry, Global Missions, and individuals such as Ellen<br />

Kurio, whose heart was captured by the children. Ellen, a MOM<br />

board member, personally supported many a fifteen-year-old girl’s<br />

quinceañera with her presence and her gifts. She left a legacy of<br />

scholarship support for girls and boys who want to go to college.<br />

Presently <strong>Chapelwood</strong> member Carl Sandlin serves on the MOM<br />

Board.<br />

<strong>Chapelwood</strong> has been blessed for more than a decade working<br />

with missionaries Hope and Steve. For several years, they have<br />

been praying about their retirement and for missionaries to take<br />

their place. Those prayers have been answered by Adam and<br />

Jennifer Baldruff and their fourteen-year-old daughter, Sydney,<br />

also from Georgia. In February 2017, the Baldruffs were on a<br />

mission trip to Honduras when they mentioned to the MOM<br />

missionary there that they were feeling led into full-time mission<br />

work. The missionary told them that MOM was looking for<br />

missionaries to serve in Tapachula. A month later they were<br />

interviewed by the MOM Board, and after careful discernment<br />

were offered the position in Tapachula. Adam taught history for<br />

ten years and is a licensed United Methodist local pastor. Jennifer<br />

is a nurse managing a large clinical practice.<br />

We look back and see how God has been moving in Tapachula<br />

throughout the last 14 years. <strong>Chapelwood</strong> has been a part of<br />

watching the MOM children grow into successful adults. Now we<br />

look forward to the future and a continued partnership and love<br />

for each of our children at Mission on the Move.<br />

<strong>Chapelwood</strong> commissions a Tapachula,<br />

Mexico mission team each January.<br />

Registration opens in August each year.<br />


<strong>Chapelwood</strong> Children’s<br />

Discipleship: Partnering<br />

with families and across generations<br />

to welcome, disciple, and nurture all<br />

children as they grow in their relationship<br />

with Christ.<br />

Get to know the Children’s Discipleship staff!<br />

Rev. Lisa Michelle Wilson<br />

– Pastor, Children’s<br />

Discipleship<br />

I am an ordained deacon<br />

and a graduate from Asbury<br />

Theological Seminary in<br />

Kentucky. I have 17 years of<br />

experience in children’s and<br />

youth ministry in the United<br />

Methodist Church. I value<br />

the church’s role in raising<br />

up a generation in faith and creating ways for adults to invest<br />

in the spiritual lives of children. My own faith journey shows<br />

the importance of the local church and Christian mentors who<br />

richly helped me embrace who God has called me to be. I live in<br />

Houston with my two good Methodist cats, Wesley and Susanna.<br />

I enjoy the beach, kayaking, long drives in my convertible jeep, live<br />

music, deep friendships, and traveling.<br />

PAGE 16<br />


Amanda Terrell – Associate<br />

Director Children’s<br />

Discipleship, Nursery to<br />

Preschool<br />

I grew up in Spring Branch<br />

and have been a member of<br />

<strong>Chapelwood</strong> since before I<br />

can remember. After high<br />

school I married my best<br />

friend and embarked on<br />

an adventure. As a Navy<br />

wife for the better part of a<br />

decade we lived up and down the East Coast until we decided we<br />

needed to plant our roots for our two children. What better place<br />

to do that than home!? Life is a bit different with two teenagers,<br />

two loveable cats, and a rambunctious dog. I love my family,<br />

reading, music, sleeping, watching movies, the Astros, college<br />

football, all things Harry Potter, going to concerts, writing, the<br />

beach, and floating the Frio river. Most of all, I love teaching little<br />

ones how much Jesus loves them and wants to be their forever<br />

friend. This age is where the foundation of faith is laid. I am so<br />

blessed to be a builder with Children’s Discipleship and look<br />

forward to many more adventures with <strong>Chapelwood</strong> by my side.<br />

Genesis Mitchell, Associate<br />

Director Children’s<br />

Discipleship, Kindergarten<br />

through Second Grade<br />

Hi! I’m Genesis Mitchell,<br />

and I am on a mission<br />

to help kindergarteners<br />

through second graders<br />

have amazing Sunday school<br />

memories at <strong>Chapelwood</strong><br />

UMC. As a former indoor<br />

cycling instructor, I love<br />

to encourage and motivate others. And what better way to do<br />

that than through teaching about Christ’s abundant grace and<br />

extravagant love? With two daughters of my own, Abigail (11)<br />

and Rebekah (5), I understand the importance of having a Sunday<br />

school program children want to be a part of. I want our children<br />

to be excited about coming to Sunday school each week.<br />

I am married to the best husband that ever existed: Richard. He<br />

cares for and provides for me and our two daughters better than I<br />

could have imagined was possible. We also have two cats and one<br />

dog, all girls!<br />

I like being a Super Hero<br />

because we learn to use super<br />

powers! – Maxwell Butts, three years old<br />


Coming soon!<br />

Associate Director, Children’s Discipleship, Third Grade<br />

Haley Brown – Associate<br />

Director of Children’s<br />

Discipleship, Fourth and<br />

Fifth Grade<br />

I grew up singing, dancing,<br />

and dreaming one day I’d<br />

get to have a job I loved<br />

where I could constantly<br />

be creative. After working<br />

in youth ministry, and then<br />

event planning, and living in<br />

New York and working in TV and film, I realized that storytelling<br />

was at the heart of everything I did and loved. Now these gifts<br />

of mine come in so handy when helping people know how much<br />

God loves them!<br />

Since coming on staff in January, I try each Sunday morning to<br />

tap into the knowledge I have from years of working with fourth<br />

and fifth graders at Lakeview (our Methodist conference summer<br />

camp) as well as my “previous lives” in creative fields to make<br />

our time as engaging and interactive as possible for the adult<br />

volunteers and the kids.<br />

Looking to the fall, I’m hoping to gather an awesome band of<br />

small-group volunteers willing to journey with me for a month at<br />

a time as we try to help these young people figure out what their<br />

stories look like. Fourth and fifth graders are at an age of starting<br />

to figure out a lot about themselves, what they believe, and who<br />

they want to be like when they grow up. By sharing our stories, we<br />

create opportunities for great growth together.<br />

PAGE 18<br />


Djuana Malota – Children’s<br />

Discipleship Administrative<br />

Assistant and Acolyte<br />

Ministry<br />

I was born in Channelview,<br />

raised in Houston, and<br />

currently live in northwest<br />

Houston. I am married to<br />

husband, Kenneth, and<br />

have two girls. Jacqueline<br />

is 22 and currently<br />

attends Stephen F. Austin State University, and Brianna is 18 and<br />

currently attends Texas State University. I like to read and make<br />

beaded jewelry in my free time which I have more of now since<br />

becoming an empty nester in August of last year. I bring over 25<br />

years of office management and administrative experience to the<br />

Children’s Ministry. Before coming to <strong>Chapelwood</strong>, I worked at<br />

a private daycare/preschool as their assistant director. This will<br />

be my first time working in the Children’s Ministry field, and I<br />

am excited for my future here at <strong>Chapelwood</strong>. I look forward to<br />

working with your families and making Children’s Ministry the<br />

best that it can be.<br />

Partnering with <strong>Chapelwood</strong>’s Children<br />

As we partner across generations, we are looking for those<br />

“wisdom warriors” who have walked with the Lord for many<br />

years and studied the Word of God to deepen their understanding<br />

of who God is and what our call is as disciples. We are looking<br />

for these adults to partner with us and commit to leading a small<br />

group of children for four Sundays in a row in our third grade<br />

Bible class. This is an opportunity to get to know our children and<br />

their parents while sharing your God stories and helping them see<br />

the value of the Word of God.<br />

I like doing the Bible verse.<br />

– Colt Cope, four years old<br />

We are also asking all parents of <strong>Chapelwood</strong> kids to partner with<br />

us and commit to serve at least two Sundays per semester with us<br />

on Sunday mornings in Sunday school. Information about these<br />

two initiatives can be found at www.chapelwood.org/partnership.<br />

I like coming when my Mommy<br />

and Daddy teach, and I like the<br />

fire trucks!<br />

– Bennett Clay, three years old<br />


<strong>Chapelwood</strong> Children’s Ministry is reaching out to families using<br />

a new app for smartphones. This can be downloaded in the App<br />

Store by searching <strong>Chapelwood</strong> Children. This tool will help<br />

parents and volunteers connect to information and signup tools<br />

and create ways for information to be easily shared with friends<br />

and family. There is even a special tab in the app for third graders<br />

as they journey through their third grade Bible year.<br />

Parents enjoy the ease of being able to see an up-to-date calendar<br />

live on the app that provides details about all of our events, as well<br />

as ways to register for them. The app contains information about<br />

all of the exciting things going on in Children’s ministry including<br />

age level events, baptism, acolytes, children’s music, Parent’s Night<br />

Out, and our fun summer activities.<br />

Once you download the app, you can set your notifications to<br />

specify the topics you would like to receive notifications about.<br />

This is a great way to stay up-to-date on everything going on with<br />

<strong>Chapelwood</strong> Children’s Ministry.<br />

We have music! We sing lots of<br />

songs that I know, and I like all<br />

my teachers!<br />

– Ainslee Strange, five years old<br />

PAGE 20<br />


<strong>Summer</strong> Children’s Sunday School Locations<br />

Three years through Kindergarten: Led by Amanda Terrell in<br />

“The River” rooms LC207 and LC209<br />

First and second grade: Led by Genesis Mitchell in “The Haven”<br />

Rooms CB200-201<br />

Third through fifth grade: Led by Haley Brown in the Children’s<br />

Basement.<br />

I like Jesus.<br />

– Callen Ferguson, three years old<br />

On Communion Sundays – June 3, July 1, and August 5 – in lieu<br />

of Sunday School, third through fifth graders are invited to attend<br />

the 9:45 a.m. worship service in the Sanctuary, sit together with<br />

each other and their families, and receive Holy Communion.<br />


MAY<br />

Every week and weekend<br />

Sunday, May 6<br />

Friday, May 11<br />

Sunday, May 13<br />

Tuesday, May 15<br />

Wednesday, May 16<br />

Wednesday, May 23<br />

Monday, May 28<br />

JUNE<br />

Monday - Thursday, June 4 - 7<br />

Wednesday, June 6<br />

Friday, June 8<br />

Saturday, June 9<br />

Friday - Sunday, June 8 - 10<br />

Monday - Friday, June 11 - 27<br />

Wednesday, June 13<br />

Sunday - Friday, June 17 - 22<br />

Thursday, June 21<br />

JULY<br />

Sunday, July 1<br />

Thursday - Friday, July 4 - 5<br />

Thursday, July 4<br />

Sundays, July 8 - August 12<br />

Wednesday, July 11<br />

Friday, July 13<br />

Sunday - Friday, July 15 - 20<br />

Friday, July 20<br />

Sunday, July 29<br />

Sunday, July 29<br />


Harvey rebuild work teams www.chapelwood.org/rebuild<br />

Sixth Grade Confirmation Service, Greenbay Sanctuary www.chapelwood.org/confirmationsunday<br />

Mercy Street Mobile www.chapelwood.org/msmobile<br />

<strong>Chapelwood</strong> Mother’s Day Brunch, Greenbay Fellowship Hall<br />

www.chapelwood.org/mothersdaybrunch<br />

<strong>Chapelwood</strong> Annual Charge Conference, Greenbay Fellowship Hall<br />

www.chapelwood.org/conference<br />

Serenity: A short concert of music to delight and calm the soul, Greenbay Sanctuary<br />

www.chapelwood.org/serenity<br />

Monthly <strong>Summer</strong> Reading Begins, The Center for Christian Spirituality<br />

www.chapelwood.org/summerreading<br />

Memorial Day Holiday, Church Offices Closed<br />

<strong>Chapelwood</strong> Vacation Bible School, Greenbay Campus www.chapelwood.org/vbs<strong>2018</strong><br />

Middle and High School Wednesday night summer Bible studies begin, various locations<br />

www.chapelwoodstudents.com<br />

Mercy Street Mobile www.chapelwood.org/msmobile<br />

Singles Mystery Game Night, Greenbay Campus www.chapelwood.org/singlesgame<br />

Fair Haven & The Branch Vacation Bible School, Gessner Campus www.chapelwood.org/gessnervbs<br />

Camp <strong>Chapelwood</strong>, Greenbay Campus www.chapelwood.org/daycamp<br />

Monthly <strong>Summer</strong> Reading, The Center for Christian Spirituality<br />

www.chapelwood.org/summerreading<br />

SUMMIT <strong>2018</strong>, Greenbay campus and Harvey rebuild sites www.chapelwood.org/summit<br />

<strong>Chapelwood</strong> Senior Adult Day Trip www.chapelwood.org/senioradult<br />

Patriotic Pops Concert, Greenbay Sanctuary www.chapelwood.org/pops<br />

Independence Day Holiday, <strong>Chapelwood</strong> Offices Closed<br />

Fair Haven Community Concert, Gessner Sanctuary www.chapelwood.org/fairhaven<br />

“This Is Us: Genesis Family Reunion” sermon series begins, <strong>Chapelwood</strong> Sanctuary<br />

www.chapelwood.org/thisisus<br />

Monthly <strong>Summer</strong> Reading, The Center for Christian Spirituality<br />

www.chapelwood.org/summerreading<br />

Mercy Street Mobile www.chapelwood.org/msmobile<br />

Wesley Choir Camp, Lakeview Methodist Camp www.chapelwood.org/wesley-choir<br />

Singles <strong>Summer</strong> Dance, Greenbay Fellowship Hall www.chapelwood.org/singlesdance<br />

Wesley Choir Practice and Student Sunday Nights Begin, Greenbay Campus<br />

www.chapelwoodstudents.com<br />

Old Fashioned Hymn Sing, Greenbay Sanctuary www.chapelwood.org/hymnsing<br />

AUGUST<br />

Wednesday, August 15<br />

<strong>Chapelwood</strong> Night at the Ballpark, Astros vs. Rockies, Minute Maid Park<br />

www.chapelwood.org/astros<br />

Sunday, August 19 - Save the Date for the Greenbay Campus fall kickoff!<br />

PAGE 22<br />


Simple Spiritual Practice<br />

“Are You Stuck…Spiritually?”<br />

by Heather Sims, Senior Associate Pastor, Discipleship Ministry<br />

We are a prone-to-being-stuck kind of people. We get distracted,<br />

pulled down, undone. God feels distant and irrelevant. You may<br />

be stuck if:<br />

• life feels mundane<br />

• you feel unimpressed or aloof to the things of God<br />

• your hunger for more of God has decreased, or<br />

• the preached Word seems boring.<br />

If any of these sound like you, relax! You are normal…we all<br />

experience being stuck. Sometimes it helps to assess where we are<br />

before making changes.<br />

Rhythm, not Balance: I find that looking at my rhythm of<br />

life helps me to see where my attention needs to focus and to<br />

be more intentional about receiving God’s grace. We long for<br />

balance, but for me balance is only something I pass through as<br />

my pendulum swings to the other extreme. Trying to find the<br />

perfect balance in each day only leaves me frustrated and burned<br />

out. Meanwhile, around me the natural world moves in rhythms<br />

– seasons changing, the sun rising, my heart beating, and my<br />

lungs breathing. It is unrealistic for me to think I should give<br />

proportionate effort to every dimension to my life every day. Life<br />

is dynamic and to live well, I need to adapt to those changes. So<br />

my first step in becoming unstuck spiritually is to disembark the<br />

balance beam.<br />

Natural Rhythms: I prefer to think about the natural rhythms<br />

of life. Sometimes it’s time to work hard; sometimes it’s time to<br />

rest and recover. Sometimes it’s time to grieve; sometimes it’s time<br />

to celebrate. Rather than try to achieve balance regardless of the<br />

day, ask yourself what is right for this season of my life and what<br />

are the ways God is leading me to respond to Him daily, weekly,<br />

monthly, occasionally? If you are a parent, the rhythm of your<br />

life will look different than that of a single person graduating<br />

from college. Live in sync with your current life stage.<br />

Create Rituals: Healthy routines/rituals can bring deeper<br />

meaning. Just as I might have routines with my family (calling<br />

my parents each week, visiting every other month), my<br />

relationship with God is healthiest when I practice daily, weekly,<br />

monthly, and occasional routines. Here are some routines I find<br />

keep me alert to God’s working and mold me in grace:<br />

• Daily – scripture reading, prayer, planning (I am not<br />

naturally structured)<br />

• Weekly – worship, fasting, Sabbath, time alone<br />

• Monthly – review previous month to notice patterns,<br />

get out of town (conference, adventure, visit to a loved<br />

one, etc.)<br />

• Occasionally – extended retreat for study/prayer,<br />

practice a neglected spiritual discipline<br />

God dwells in us: Your rhythms may look much different<br />

than mine, and that is good! Sometimes my routines change<br />

drastically depending on the season of my life and the<br />

promptings of the Holy Spirit. Because God dwells in us, God<br />

knows what we need. Ask God to lead you, trust God to guide<br />

you, expect God to shake things up every now and then, and<br />

enjoy the process.<br />

I leave you with this blessing: May your ruts of routine become<br />

grooves of grace. May your roots go deep in life-giving waters.<br />


New Members<br />

Jennifer and Gary Sevinsky<br />

Shannon Alworth<br />

Jackie and Bob Blankenship<br />

Santina Jones<br />

Morgan and Adam Daley<br />

(Emerson, Grant & Palmer)<br />

Taylor Moore<br />

Josh Castrow-Donathen<br />

Stacey Harris<br />

Davis Maberry<br />

Brandi Holmes<br />

PAGE 24<br />


Membership is your commitment to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ in the areas of prayers,<br />

presence, gifts, service, and witness. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact<br />

Tammy Heinrich, theinrich@chapelwood.org or (713) 354-4446.<br />

Alex and Fabiana White<br />

(Gabriela & Enzo)<br />

Jennifer and Brenan Drake<br />

(Harrison & Hudson)<br />

Laura and Tyler Harris<br />

(Blythe, William &<br />

Margaret Scott)<br />

Ellen and Drew Elam<br />

(Andrew)<br />

Suzanne Parr<br />

Linda B. Green<br />

Kelly Boots<br />

Karen Hink<br />

Constance White<br />

Karen and Joe Thompson<br />

(Joe, Elizabeth & Lauren)<br />



New Members<br />

(continued)<br />

David Parr<br />

Julie Burke<br />

Tina Carr<br />

Joys and Concerns<br />

Baptisms<br />

Benjamin Kyle Guest, son of Jessica and Kyle Guest,<br />

on December 10, 2017.<br />

Palmer Alison Daley, daughter of Morgan and Adam Daley,<br />

on December 10, 2017.<br />

Stephen John Simmons, Jr., son of Marilyn and Stephen<br />

Simmons, on December 17, 2017.<br />

Bennett John Rainey, son of Christine and Colton Rainey,<br />

on December 17, 2017.<br />

Nathan Edward Alleman, son of Christy and Dan Alleman,<br />

on December 24, 2017.<br />

Grayson Garrett Gutierrez, son of Shannon and Eduardo<br />

Gutierrez, on December 24, 2017.<br />

Aaron Adith Paul, son of Anitha and Paul Ashok Rajaram,<br />

on December 24, 2017.<br />

James Richard McCord IV, son of Kendall and Trey McCord,<br />

on January 14, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Wells Alexander Miller, son of Sara and Adam Miller,<br />

on January 14, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

John Phillip Egerman, son of Sarah and John Egerman,<br />

on February 11, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Caroline Catherine Egerman, daughter of Sarah and John<br />

Egerman, on February 11, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Livi Denee McCulloch, daughter of Lauren and Wyatt<br />

McCulloch, on February 11, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Sloane Sydney Walton, daughter of Vanessa and Marvin Walton,<br />

on March 4, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Births<br />

Denise and Ramsey Evans,<br />

Kirsten Evans<br />

(Robert & Katelyn)<br />

A boy, Drake Nebeker Porter, born December 29, 2017<br />

to Mandy and Chuck Porter.<br />

Picture not available:<br />

Shelby Claire Branch<br />

Ashley Chester<br />

Johnetta Green<br />

Janice Harris<br />

Kimberly Thomas<br />

Alexis and Darin Deaton<br />

Gina and Duane Dixon<br />

(Benjamin)<br />

Carol Watson<br />

PAGE 26<br />


Weddings<br />

Chelsi Lynn Davis to John Oliver Shoup on December 9, 2017.<br />

Carolyn Elaine Cotham to Daniel Joseph Kucera<br />

on January 6, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Ashleigh Alissa Kraatz to Brandon Tyler Smith<br />

on February 3, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Elizabeth Greer Hinson to Michael Scott Burney<br />

on February 3, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Jenna Dyer Owen to Colby Knox Gibbins on February 17, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Alison Valach to Thomas Greenhalgh on February 24, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Our Prayers and Sympathy to<br />

The family and friends of Mrs. Lois Powers, who died<br />

December 8, 2017.<br />

Ms. Lisa Johnson and family on the death of her mother,<br />

Mrs. Virginia Johnson, on December 9, 2017.<br />

Mrs. Kathleen Cummings, Hunter, Kaitlyn, and Haley on the<br />

death of their husband and father, Mr. Joshua Luke Cummings,<br />

on December 12, 2017.<br />

Mrs. Page Steele and family on the death of her husband,<br />

Mr. Joe Reynolds Steele, Jr., on December 20, 2017.<br />

The family and friends of Mrs. Louise H. Clark, who died<br />

December 22, 2017.<br />

The family and friends of Dorothy Rhodes, who died<br />

December 22, 2017.<br />

Mrs. Ray Chilton and family on the death of her husband,<br />

Mr. Raymond L. Chilton, on December 28, 2017.<br />

Ms. Carvelle Chappell and family on the death of her mother,<br />

Mrs. Karen Helgeson Chappell, on January 3, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Mr. Don Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kercho and families on<br />

the death of Don’s wife and Debbie’s mother, Mrs. Dene Grove,<br />

on December 9, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Mrs. Suzanne Kircher and family on the death of her father,<br />

Mr. Robert Lester Hearn, on January 10, <strong>2018</strong>, and her mother,<br />

Mrs. Dorothy Hamner Hearn, on January 20, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

The family and friends of Mrs. Rosalee B. Sisson, who died<br />

January 12, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Our Prayers and Sympathy to<br />

Mrs. Joanne Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Noel and families<br />

on the death of Joanne’s husband and Deanne’s father,<br />

Mr. Robert (Bob) Moore, on January 16, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

The family and friends of Mr. Lafayette L. (L. L.) Duckett<br />

who died on January 16, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Mrs. Pat Heinike and family on the death of her husband,<br />

Mr. Robert (Bob) Heinike, on January 20, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Mrs. Ann Shatto and family on the death of her husband,<br />

Mr. Howard Shatto, on January 21, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jon Rice and family on the death of Jon’s father,<br />

Mr. Ralph Rice, on January 22, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Mrs. Dona Badgett and Mrs. Carla de Varona and families on<br />

the death of Dona’s husband and Carla’s father, Mr. T. C. (Carl)<br />

Badgett, on January 23, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

The family and friends of Mrs. Clellia Oldenettel, who died<br />

January 23, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Mrs. Lois Conrad and family on the death of her husband,<br />

Mr. Robert Conrad, Jr., on January 28, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Mrs. Sue Nicholls and family on the death of her husband,<br />

Mr. Harry E. Nicholls, on January 29, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Mr. James H. (Jim) Spencer and family on the death of his wife,<br />

Mrs. Rita Spencer, on February 3, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

The family and friends of Mr. Gordon L. Bunch, who died<br />

February 14, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

The family and friends of Mrs. Jane Green, who died<br />

February 15, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

Mr. John Harrison and family on the death of his mother,<br />

Mrs. Ruth Harrison, on February 17, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

The family and friends of Mr. Richard Workman, who died<br />

February 17, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

The family and friends of Ms. Susan Ruth Carter, who died<br />

February 24, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

The family and friends of Ms. Linda Smith, who died<br />

March 3, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

<strong>Chapelwood</strong> wants to know about milestone events happening in your life — family changes, job transitions, illness, and recovery —<br />

so we may celebrate, grieve, and pray together through life transitions as family in Christ. If you or your family are in need of pastoral<br />

support in any of these areas, please contact Adrian Granger, agranger@chapelwood.org or (713) 354-4443.<br />

Members are invited to share the news of a birth, wedding, or death of a spouse, parent, or child with Margaret Bedell,<br />

mbedell@chapelwood.org or (713) 354-4432, for inclusion in the <strong>Chimes</strong>, published in February, May, August, and November.<br />





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Phone (713) 465-3467<br />

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Vol. IX, No. 2, May <strong>2018</strong><br />

"The <strong>Chimes</strong>" (USPS 023285) is published<br />

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