Full Family G handout and Guide v2

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online eworkshops<br />

Enabling | Stimulating | Revolutionary<br />

<strong>Family</strong> Graffiti is parenting, but smarter. Our aim is to make child<br />

psychology accessible to all parents.<br />

We believe knowledge is power, you’ll get real results once you underst<strong>and</strong><br />

what causes your child’s behaviours in the first place.<br />

Through a series of online workshops<br />

<strong>and</strong> an on-dem<strong>and</strong> searchable library of<br />

parenting guides, we will teach you the<br />

psychology behind your child’s<br />

behaviours <strong>and</strong> empower you with the<br />

parenting know-how to make a real<br />

difference to your child behaviours right<br />

from day 1.<br />

The cognition process<br />

All of <strong>Family</strong> Graffiti’s parental teaching<br />

will work using what the child already<br />

has; a cognition process. By using the<br />

natural phenomenon that is the developing child’s mind, we should work<br />

our way systematically through every stage of the mind process to create<br />

an advantage that is proven to:<br />

enable deeper learning <strong>and</strong> higher achievement<br />

create better recall of learning<br />

develop high order reasoning <strong>and</strong> problem-solving skills<br />

prove to the child that learning can be fun.<br />

What is Cognition?<br />

Cognition is what our mind recalls from when we last faced a situation. This<br />

thought automatically believes that ‘this’ will happen again, this is how it<br />

makes me feel <strong>and</strong> how I should react. Basically, Cognitive means the<br />

mental processes involved in our thinking. Whatever our mind includes in<br />

its logical working process, including dreams, memories, images, thoughts<br />

<strong>and</strong> attention. It is a ‘process’, it happens one step after another.

It's a powerful gift: Having the<br />

ability to think before you act.<br />

The cognitive process:<br />

Receive information (learning: hearing, seeing, touching, sensing, tasting)<br />

Retain information (stored, indexed to previous events <strong>and</strong> ready for recall)<br />

Recall information (how we think, when an event re-occurs)<br />

Reacting to this information (how we behave, because of this thinking)<br />

A practical definition of cognition would be the process by which we learn,<br />

think, feel & underst<strong>and</strong>. This process determines how we should react (behave)<br />

in a given situation.<br />

What is behaviour?<br />

Behaviour, therefore, is a reaction. We combine our thoughts <strong>and</strong> feelings<br />

about a current action or an upcoming event then we act on them. Adults can<br />

weigh up <strong>and</strong> consider the outcome or consequence of behaviour, but children<br />

have limited ability to do this.<br />

Cognitive Behaviour refers to everything that we do, <strong>and</strong> can be both ‘good’<br />

or ‘bad’ (although we prefer wanted or unwanted. This includes what we say,<br />

how we try to solve problems, how we react <strong>and</strong> also how we avoid certain<br />

situations. Behaviour refers to both action <strong>and</strong> inaction, when referring to a<br />

given situation. It is fashioned by our thinking process, rather than by an<br />

inherent need to be naughty or shy or unhappy.<br />

Weighing up the consequence <strong>and</strong> outcome of our behaviours is called<br />

cognitive reasoning, <strong>and</strong> this is a skill that children learn from watching <strong>and</strong><br />

interpreting the world around them (especially you – their parent).<br />

Morris xx

The cognitive process<br />

Receive<br />

Retain<br />

Recall<br />

The starting point for all learning<br />

7% verbal, 93% witnessed<br />

Processing ability / speed input<br />

Good messages in: ensure good messages out<br />

Message memory store<br />

Compartmentalised correctly or confused<br />

Cognitive dysfunction <strong>and</strong> cognitive thinkers<br />

Usually where cognition starts going wrong<br />

With associated feelings<br />

Our perception of what may happen: Anxiety<br />

How to achieve goals, influences compliance<br />

Processing ability / speed output<br />

Reactions to cognitive processing<br />

All behavioural responses are created within this mechanism of the<br />

cognitive process often to hide frustrations, confusions, anxieties or<br />

poor communicative skills etc.<br />

Poor cognitive reactions can usually be changed by refocusing this<br />

cognitive process by putting new messages in to replace the old.<br />

Autistic <strong>and</strong> concrete thinkers are usually geniuses with facts, precision<br />

<strong>and</strong> routine, but are hampered in-part by a disorientated linkage<br />

between each process stage <strong>and</strong> feelings are usually not influential in<br />

their reactions. Keep communication short <strong>and</strong> factual.

Planting new seeds <strong>and</strong> feeding cognition<br />

Cognition<br />

Feelings<br />

The cognitive process is a function created<br />

pre-birth.<br />

It receives, records <strong>and</strong> retains all incoming<br />

messages (information).<br />

It retains all information as 'factual'.<br />

It recalls these memories when accessed.<br />

It can develop as a 'fact' from a 'seed'<br />

planted during early years learning.<br />

It can be replanted with an<br />

alternative 'seed' of truth to<br />

refocus a new fact.<br />

Feelings are very powerful.<br />

Feelings develop later than cognition.<br />

Feelings are ever evolving / changeable.<br />

Expressed emotions can be misleading.<br />

Linking the 'true child needs' to the<br />

emotional display is 'key' to our parenting<br />

response <strong>and</strong> our cognitive empathy.<br />

Use what<br />

They have<br />

Behaviour<br />

All children are born with a functioning<br />

cognitive process <strong>and</strong> with auto recording.<br />

It is their natural born instinct to learn.<br />

Most of what they learn is via mimicking.<br />

The cognitive process can be disrupted or<br />

dysfunctional because of many factors.<br />

'Old' learning can be replaced with 'new'.<br />

Don't challenge... repair instead<br />

Reactions are a mix of our thought process<br />

<strong>and</strong> any associated feelings.<br />

It may not be true but it sure feels real.<br />

Reactions are what others usually see <strong>and</strong><br />

witness / recognise as 'behaviour'.<br />

All reactions are a 'learnt behaviour' <strong>and</strong><br />

can be 're-learnt' to have different<br />

outcomes <strong>and</strong> provide the child with coping<br />


E-workshops<br />

Easy to digest step-by-step guidance, for the modern parent.<br />

Cognition & Solution Focused Parenting eWorkshop<br />

Learn all about the cognition process; the psychology behind our parenting<br />

philosophy <strong>and</strong> get an introduction to solution-focused parenting <strong>and</strong> how it will<br />

lead to happier, calmer <strong>and</strong> simpler parenting.<br />

Behaviour eWorkshop<br />

Learn how to improve your child’s go-to behaviour reactions with our simple, step<br />

by step Behaviour Workshop course that will give you all the tools you need to<br />

practise our solution-focused parenting techniques.<br />

Communication eWorkshop<br />

Learn how to recruit the inner child with your words <strong>and</strong> actions – not only will<br />

we teach you how to speak so they will listen, you’ll also learn how to teach them<br />

to communicate, make friends <strong>and</strong> thrive.<br />

<strong>Family</strong> eWorkshop<br />

Life with more than one child can be a battleground at times! This workshop will<br />

empower you with parenting know-how to tackle sibling rivalry <strong>and</strong> balance<br />

sibling relationships.<br />

Divorce <strong>and</strong> separation: Dealing with change eWorkshop<br />

We strongly believe that a happy family is much more important to a child’s<br />

wellbeing than a nuclear family. Learn how to help both you <strong>and</strong> your child<br />

transition through family changes.<br />

Discipline <strong>and</strong> Boundaries eWorkshop<br />

Giving you all the tools you need to instil a solution-focused parenting approach.<br />

Boundaries <strong>and</strong> discipline needn’t be fraught with tension <strong>and</strong> raised voices, no<br />

longer will you have to go around in circles. This workshop is full to the brim with<br />

tips, solutions <strong>and</strong> guides to instilling successful boundaries <strong>and</strong> limitations<br />

without inhibiting your child’s learning.<br />

Sign up online now = £56 to access all areas<br />


E-workshops pt2<br />

Easy to digest step-by-step guidance, for the modern parent.<br />

Sleep eWorkshop<br />

In need of a good nights sleep? This workshop is packed full of how-to tips <strong>and</strong><br />

guides from bedtime routines to night terrors <strong>and</strong> anxious sleepers.<br />

Anxiety eWorkshop<br />

What is anxiety? What triggers anxiety? How to soothe your child’s anxiety?<br />

This workshop gives you all the parenting tools you need to cope with, manage<br />

<strong>and</strong> soothe your child’s anxious behaviours.<br />

Baby <strong>and</strong> Toddler eWorkshop<br />

How do babies learn? Should I discipline my toddler? Everything you need to<br />

know about child psychology in the early years <strong>and</strong> helping your toddler to<br />

underst<strong>and</strong> their world, through their eyes.<br />

Food Phobia eWorkshop<br />

Why are kids picky eaters <strong>and</strong> how can we help them to have a better<br />

relationship with their food psychologically? This workshop will teach you<br />

everything you need to know about our psychological relationships with food.<br />

School eWorkshop<br />

Covering everything from how to help prepare your child for their first day at<br />

school, helping them to embrace <strong>and</strong> enjoy learning to making friends <strong>and</strong><br />

coping with bullying. This workshop will empower you to help your child through<br />

their school years.<br />

Autism eWorkshop<br />

From daily routines, to communicating with a concrete thinker. Our Autism<br />

workshop will give you the tools you need to help you to underst<strong>and</strong> how a child<br />

with Autism underst<strong>and</strong>, learns, thinks <strong>and</strong> engages with their world.<br />

Sign up online now = £56 to access all areas<br />


Plus, Our ever growing library<br />

of self-help papers, written to<br />

suit all of your needs.<br />

Managing Anxiety<br />

Beating the ‘bully’ in your child’s mind – reducing anxieties<br />

Dealing with change<br />

Dealing with a new baby in the house<br />

“Help my child to make friends”<br />

How to overcome food phobias<br />

“My child is too scared to sleep” – case study<br />

Picky Eaters<br />

Preparing your child to join with others<br />

Sleep Easy – anxious child<br />

What is Anxiety?<br />

What to do (<strong>and</strong> not to do) when children are anxious<br />

Changing a child’s behaviour<br />

Ask what, not why! When you want to know<br />

“Behave … Me?” what to do when a child misbehaves<br />

out of the house<br />

Calm voices, Calm choices, Calm children (no yelling)<br />

Countering Conflict – tips on how to avoid confrontation<br />

Discipline – correctly defined<br />

8 steps to improve a child’s behaviour<br />

How do I discipline my toddler?<br />

How do I teach my child to manage their own behaviour?<br />

How do I teach my child to respect me?<br />

How to recruit the inner child to engage <strong>and</strong> reinforce new<br />

outcomes<br />

How to repair sibling relationships<br />

“It’s not fair” ~ my child always screams it’s not fair<br />

Managing tantrum meltdowns better<br />

My child is a bully, how do I stop this?<br />

“Naughty Steps” <strong>and</strong> other do nots<br />

“Ouch, that hurts” ~ is it okay to spank my child?<br />

“Okay, that didn’t hurt” alternative discipline teaches good<br />

reactions<br />

Promoting emotional wellbeing, don’t fight it, work with it<br />

Punishment totally dismissed – it teaches NO new behaviours<br />

“Sorry” is just a worthless word<br />

Spanking isn’t a punishment, it’s an abuse, <strong>and</strong> it doesn’t<br />

correct anything<br />

10 things to try that show why calmer is better<br />

What are we teaching our children – giving effective<br />

instruction<br />

“Why is my child naughty?” ~ Underst<strong>and</strong>ing your child’s<br />

behaviour<br />

“What is cognition?” – Cognition defined<br />

X-box <strong>and</strong> all that stuff<br />

X-box <strong>and</strong> older siblings<br />

You don’t have to say NO!<br />

PACE: how to avoid tantrums <strong>and</strong> meltdowns?<br />

Dad’s need help too<br />

How Dads can master bedtime routines<br />

Weekend Dad, some practical solutions<br />

Weekend Dad, your child’s emotions – coping with change<br />

Will I be like my Dad? ~ fears from the past<br />

Working with a Diagnosed difficulty<br />

Autism – daily routines<br />

Autism – I am a concrete thinker, communication with me<br />

is different<br />

Autism – phrasing your words<br />

Autism – underst<strong>and</strong>ing how a child with autism learns<br />

Autism – what is autism spectrum?<br />

Autism – what is neurodevelopmental disorder?<br />

What is PDA?<br />

How to help a child who is self-harming<br />

Learning stages Different ages, different learning<br />

Actions speak louder than words<br />

Baby Knows best 1 (0-2 years)<br />

Baby knows best 2 (0-12 months)<br />

Dealing with a new baby in the house<br />

4 tips on communication when talking to children<br />

Life Modelling – how we teach our children<br />

Toddlers know better 1 (2-3 years)<br />

Toddlers know better 2 (2-3 years)<br />

Pre-schoolers know it all (3-5 years)<br />

Use what they have, to give them more (3-5 years)<br />

When should I teach my child boundaries – toddlers<br />

School <strong>and</strong> education: needs <strong>and</strong> coping strategies<br />

How to retain reading skills ~ helping a child revise<br />

Motivating your child to focus on school work<br />

What is SEN? And how it relates to a child’s education<br />

Learning Solution focused parenting skills<br />

Actions speak louder than words<br />

Birth Order: siblings (a pack of three)<br />

Boundaries, praise <strong>and</strong> reflection time<br />

Calm voices, Calm choices, Calm children<br />

Changing behaviour by re-framing the reaction<br />

Children <strong>and</strong> their feelings – the perfect cognitive repair?<br />

Cognitive <strong>and</strong> Constructivist parenting<br />

Cognitive difficulties <strong>and</strong> influencers – affect your child’s<br />

learning ability<br />

Communicating better underst<strong>and</strong>ing – “why ask why?”<br />

Countering Conflict – tips on how to avoid confrontation<br />

Talking of children – do you underst<strong>and</strong> child psychology?<br />

“Finding Diamonds on the Beach” ~ making everyday events<br />

useful<br />

Helping toddlers to underst<strong>and</strong> boundaries<br />

How children learn – wired to absorb, process <strong>and</strong> learn<br />

everything<br />

How to recruit the inner child to engage <strong>and</strong> reinforce new<br />

outcomes<br />

How your child will learn new behaviour skills<br />

Life Modelling – how do I get my child to do as their told?<br />

Organising a successful day out (<strong>and</strong> still be smiling at the end of<br />

it)<br />

Parenting that is future proof – enabling, stimulating <strong>and</strong><br />

revolutionary<br />

Problem solving to build a child’s self-esteem<br />

Problem solving: it isn’t about you doing it<br />

Promoting emotional wellbeing, don’t fight it, work with it<br />

Repairing sibling relationships (stopping fighting <strong>and</strong> falling out)<br />

Step-by-step problem solving<br />

Teaching: Praise, Blame <strong>and</strong> reward<br />

Underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> recognising your child’s behaviours

Our services<br />

Our FREE weekly Parent <strong>Guide</strong>s<br />

Regular posts <strong>and</strong> newsletters direct to your inbox. Providing topical “toolbox” tips, <strong>Family</strong> Graffiti news,<br />

views <strong>and</strong> updates of all of developing our services.<br />

Be sure that you are first to know about our latest information <strong>and</strong> content. Simply provide your email<br />

address, then be sure to “like <strong>and</strong> share” our messages with your friends <strong>and</strong> family.<br />

Every month we have a different parenting focus - communication, anxiety, discipline <strong>and</strong> boundaries... <strong>and</strong><br />

many more!<br />

1-2-1 Cognitive <strong>Family</strong> Therapy Parent Talk<br />

Specific to your family <strong>and</strong> parenting needs.<br />

£45 per 60 minute session in person<br />

£30 per digital email response.<br />

Testimonial: “Morris & Gemma are amazing <strong>and</strong><br />

have pointed me in a direction where I can actually<br />

see the end of the tunnel after the first 1-2-1<br />

meeting. Thank you so much, keep up the amazing<br />

work”<br />

News <strong>and</strong> views from parents <strong>and</strong> <strong>Family</strong> Graffiti<br />

Members. Please contact us if you'd like to<br />

contribute to Parent Talk.<br />

Testimonial: “Fascinating stuff! I really learnt a<br />

lot, after 6 years of hearing the same advice,<br />

a breath of fresh air! Great to have a team so<br />

passionate about what they do!”<br />

.<br />

Parent online E-Workshops<br />

Testimonial: “It’s opened my eyes to finding alternatives” … “Incredibly helpful”<br />

We highly recommend that you follow up these workshops by joining our online parenting<br />

platform for modern parents, with a library of parenting guides <strong>and</strong> eWorkshops. You will<br />

receive more in depth knowledge of our practices <strong>and</strong> how they can benefit you <strong>and</strong><br />

your children. Smarter parenting for just £56.00 per year <strong>and</strong> all subjects covered.<br />

Testimonial: “I love the papers in your library … just reading a h<strong>and</strong>ful is already<br />

transforming my parenting, <strong>and</strong> I feel much calmer about dealing with some<br />

tantrums <strong>and</strong> huge expressions of emotion”<br />


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