Swaffham Newsletter

June 2018

June 2018


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newslet ter<br />

June 2018<br />


Jill Skinner, as Mayor of <strong>Swaffham</strong>,<br />

presented cheques from Lions and<br />

Lionesses to the ‘ESCAPE’ project<br />

See p.17 for full story<br />

published by

Advertising Rate Card<br />

Circulation of 5,500 to <strong>Swaffham</strong> and<br />

surrounding villages. Rates per issue:<br />

Full Page Colour: £229.68<br />

½ Page Colour: £126.34<br />

¼ Page Colour: £64.31<br />

⅛ Page Colour: £41.32<br />

⅟16 Page Colour: £27.25<br />

All prices include VAT @ 20%<br />

Registered charities are due a 50% discount<br />

Pay for a six month run in advance and the<br />

sixth issue advertisement is free of charge<br />

In-house design of advertisements available<br />

Please telephone Iceni Partnership on<br />

01760 722 800 to discuss your requirements<br />

or email swaffhamnewsletter@gmail.com<br />

Your monthly magazine is published by:<br />

Contact the editor:<br />

01760 722 800<br />

swaffhamnewsletter@gmail.com<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

Iceni Partnership<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Community Centre<br />

The Campingland<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

PE37 7RB<br />

Registered in England Company Number 4257830 Charity Number 1101814 VAT Number UK800057775<br />

Comments or queries welcomed.<br />

Delivery issues should be addressed to Kerry at<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Town Council - details at rear of magazine.<br />

Deadline for editorial and advertising is the<br />

12th day of the previous month.<br />

Advertisers - due to a change of policy, decided<br />

at Iceni Partnership director level, we will be<br />

operating an industry standard pre-paid system<br />

of billing from the February issue onwards.<br />

We did not increase our rates in 2018 and our 6<br />

for the price of 5 offer will be available to all.<br />

Contents<br />

4 Upcoming Events / Regular Events<br />

7 School Speak/Community Garden<br />

8 School Speak/Church News<br />

11 SCALGA<br />

13 WEA/TOSH Drama Group<br />

15 Green Britain Centre/WI<br />

16 WI/Garden Science Trust<br />

17 <strong>Swaffham</strong> Lions<br />

18 Lionesses/ Ashill & Holme Hale Gardening Club<br />

19 Age Concern<br />

21 Merle Boddy Centre<br />

26 <strong>Swaffham</strong> Rotary Club/Royal British Legion<br />

28 U3A<br />

30 <strong>Swaffham</strong> History Group/<strong>Swaffham</strong> Arts<br />

32 Museum Matters<br />

35 Home Hospice/<strong>Swaffham</strong> Jazz Club<br />

36 Town Council<br />

39 Mayor’s Parlour/STC<br />

Iceni Rural Writers<br />

Iceni Rural Writers have been awarded £500 from<br />

the Norfolk Community Foundation World War<br />

One Fund. The award will be used to develop One<br />

Hundred Years from Then! A creative writing project<br />

which will culminate in the publication of a short<br />

anthology.<br />

A workshop with writer Sue Burge will stimulate and<br />

develop new writing around the themes of World<br />

War One and the armed forces, looking in particular<br />

at women's roles and the effect on Rural England.<br />

There will be a series of public readings from the<br />

book in the Autumn.<br />

Cancer Care and Help Evening<br />

Don’t be Afraid of Cancer, <strong>Swaffham</strong> Assembly<br />

Rooms 7.15pm Wednesday 13th June<br />

There is becoming an ever increasing network<br />

of help, support and information available in<br />

West Norfolk, not only those who are suffering<br />

from cancer, but also family and friends who are<br />

caring for them. This evening meeting is aimed<br />

to give people a view of what is available.<br />

Most of us are touched by cancer to some degree<br />

or other – it causes deep concern and worry,<br />

not only by those who are suffering cancer but<br />

also family members and friends. The treatment<br />

can stretch over several weeks in some cases<br />

with, as treatment becomes effective, longer<br />

gaps between sessions or reviews. We have<br />

invited speakers who can offer ‘hands on’ help<br />

and, looking forward, how it will become easier<br />

to source advice on any concerns or worries<br />

patients may, and do, have.<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> & Litcham Home Hospice whose<br />

services include ‘home Companionship’ for<br />

patients, carers support, help with transport,<br />

group activities, equipment loan, bereavement<br />

group and support and complementary<br />

therapies. Mandy Stratton, who is involved at<br />

the Queen Elizabeth Hospital with the Cancer<br />

Transformation Project, will give a summary of<br />

the transformation work being undertaken for<br />

cancer care on a national and local level and how<br />

the Macmillan Cancer Transformation program<br />

fits within it. Also talk about co-production and<br />

how it can enhance the role that individuals<br />

and communities play in improving a patient’s<br />

experience of cancer.<br />

Also represented will be The Norfolk Hospice,<br />

Tapping House, who give care and support for<br />

those with life shortening illness and their loved<br />

ones. They also give bereavement support to<br />

families after the loss of a loved one.<br />

This then is a big opportunity to come and gain<br />

understanding of cancer care and support. It will<br />

also underline the amount of work being done<br />

to get on top of this thing called cancer.<br />

This is a chance not to be missed, so, please do<br />

come along with any questions you may have,<br />

and discover what help there is for your situation.<br />

This event is being arranged by the Campingland<br />

PPG who will provide refreshments during<br />

the evening. Any queries please contact The<br />

Campingland Surgery.<br />


Upcoming Events<br />

An Evening of Clairvoyance<br />

With mediums - Penny Francis and David Schiesser. Friday 1st June, 7.30 - 10pm at<br />

the Community Centre, <strong>Swaffham</strong>. £6 pp on the door. A raffle will be held on the<br />

night. All proceeds to our nominated charity of the year - The <strong>Swaffham</strong> Hospital<br />

League of Friends.<br />

Necton Primary School Summer Fair<br />

Sat 9th June, 11.30am - 2pm. BBQ, inflatables, stalls, tombola, face painting, raffle,<br />

refreshments, games, petting corner, tractors. If you’d like a stall contact Peter on<br />

07780 743914 or nectonfosa@hotmail.co.uk. This event is run by Necton FOSA reg<br />

charity number 1080389.<br />

Open Farm Sunday Event<br />

On 10th June, 11am – 4pm. Bring the family along to the farming industry’s annual<br />

open day, it’s a fantastic chance to discover real farming at first hand and see how<br />

food is produced. Free entry. Soigne Farm, Tumbleyhill Road, West Acre, PE32 1UH.<br />

Breckland Older People’s Forum<br />

At the Community Centre on 12th June, around lunchtime. We will tell you what we<br />

do, and how we can be a voice for older people. We hope to have the NCC SCAMS<br />

officer present, to help us understand how to avoid or deal with SCAMS, on our<br />

doorstep, via the internet, or the phone etc. All are welcome! Further details from<br />

the Secretary at brecklandbopf@gmail.com<br />

Necton Village Yard Sale<br />

Saturday June 16th, 9am to 1pm. Maps of participating stalls will be available from<br />

Necton Primary School from 8.30am along with hot drinks, cakes and bacon/egg<br />

sandwiches. Stalls cost £6 each. If you’d like to be included on the map, pick up a<br />

form from the school office or contact Emma on 07928 581050. Completed forms<br />

to be returned to the school office with payment of £6 by Monday June 11th.<br />

Necton Friends of the School Association - registered charity 1080389.<br />

All Saints Painters Annual Exhibition<br />

The All Saints Painters hold their Annual Exhibition in Stoke Ferry Church PE33 9SF<br />

from June 16th until July 1st 2018. Artists:Toni Arthur Hay, Isobel Bartholomew,<br />

Patsy Hood, Frank Logan, Sheila O’Brien, Hilary Sherrington and Anne Wormack.<br />

Parking, disabled access and free admission. Contact Patsy Hood 01366 727582<br />

Desert Rats Memorial Day Celebration<br />

Sunday 17th June, 10.30 am to 3.30pm, High Ash, Thetford Forest IP26 5BZ.<br />

Various stalls, military vehicles, marching band, 40s singers, food and drink and<br />

more. For more info contact Debbie on 01366 347316 or desert-rats-event@tesco.net.<br />

The West Acre Village Fete<br />

Saturday 23rd June. 1pm - 4pm, in the lovely grounds at Abbey House (behind<br />

the Church). £1 adults, 50p children 5-16 years. Welly wanging, duck racing, rifle<br />

shooting competition, nail bashing game, coconut shy, human fruit machine,<br />

bowling for the pig, tombola, art\crafts and West Acre Garden plant stalls + raffle,<br />

bar, BBQ, Trout and tea & cake stall. Charity No. 1163696.<br />

Ashill & Holme Hale Garden Club Annual Flower Show<br />

Sunday June 24th 2017, Holme Hale Pavilion. Open to the public 2.30pm – 4.30pm.<br />

14 classes of entry, including flower arrangements, single flower displays and pot<br />

plants; homemade cakes, crafts and photography. 12 cups and trophies to be won<br />

Best in Show cup and prize.<br />

Grimes Graves Stone-Age Flint Mines<br />

If you are an English Heritage member, please join us on 27th June for a tour of the<br />

rarely opened Greenwell mine shaft - for details, please visit http://www.englishheritage.org.uk/visit/whats-on/<br />

Alternatively, if you are a member or not, and<br />

you have a group of 10 or more, contact us at Grimes Graves on 01842 810656 to<br />

discuss how we could tailor a tour for you.<br />

Westacre Theatre<br />

www.westacretheatre.com 01760 755800<br />

Lit Fest 2018: Day of creative workshops for young people - DEBRA EDWARDS<br />

shows how to make posters and ANDREW BICKERTON encourages the making of<br />

beautiful concertina books. Sat 23 June morning and afternoon - entirely free but<br />

essential that you book your little person’s place.<br />

Lit Fest 2018: THREE’S COMPANY whisk you away on a literary tour of our beloved<br />

Norfolk in BRECKS TO BROADS. Sat 23 June 7pm £10<br />

Lit Fest 2018: Meet two authors: CHARLOTTE PATON researches historical<br />

characters; this talk is on Walter Dexter and Frederick Rolfe. WILL STEBBINGS recalls<br />

West Norfolk in the 1960s and ‘70s. Sun 24 June 2:30pm £15 includes tea.<br />

Wednesday Films: all at 2pm for £8. THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING<br />

MISSOURI (2018) [15] on 6 June. DARKEST HOUR (2017) [PG] on 13 June. THE<br />

POST (2017) [12A] on 20 June. THE SHAPE OF WATER (2017) [15] on 27 June.<br />

Friday Film: THE GREATEST SHOWMAN on 8 June with cocktail and supper at 7pm<br />

and film at 8pm. £20 for film and food.<br />

Regular Meetings & Events<br />

MONDAY<br />

1st <strong>Swaffham</strong> Scouts 7-9 at Cockley Cley, Iceni Village, Scout Hut.<br />

For ages 10 1/2 -14. New recruits welcome. Boys or girls. Contact Paul<br />

07711761364. Paul@1stswaffhamscouts.org.uk<br />

Argentine Tango<br />

Ballroom and Latin Dance with Emma. Convent of the Sacred Heart School,Mangate<br />

Street, <strong>Swaffham</strong>. 7.30-9.30pm £12 per person. Tel: 07812 212117<br />

Art Class at The Old Art Room 93 Market Place. Techniques,<br />

Tips, Inspiration in a modern equipped Art Studio. 10am until 12.15 £10<br />

Tel.01760 337181 je.clark176@btinternet.com<br />

Central Norfolk Dog Training Club Upstairs in Church Rooms,<br />

Campingland. 4 classes available, from puppies to intermediate.Tel: Chris 07745 892417<br />

Citizens Advice <strong>Swaffham</strong> Community Centre, 10am until 12:30pm<br />

Kickboxing Club Juniors 5+ 5pm – 6pm, Inters 6-7pm, Adults 7pm –<br />

8.30pm Plowright Place. Call Trevor on 07585707196<br />

The Phoenix Singers rehearse each week in the Methodist Church Hall<br />

at 7:30pm. New members welcome. Contact Marion 01760 724 473<br />

Playdayz – Parent/toddler group Sacred Heart School 9.30-<br />

11.30am term time only. £1 per session/per family (includes a snack)<br />

Contact: Tor Howman 07854 736 920<br />

Rotary Club of <strong>Swaffham</strong> Meets at The George Hotel - 1st Monday of<br />

the month, 12:45 for 1pm, other Mondays 7 for 7:30pm. Tel Claire Dunne 722504<br />

Seniors Keep Fit 6.15pm at Stanley’s, Lynn Road Tel Gemma on 07702<br />

197994/07425 607667<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> 1894 Squadron Air Training Corps 7.00 - 9.30pm.<br />

TA Centre, Sporle Road, <strong>Swaffham</strong>. Ages 13 to 18 years. Tel: 01760724617<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> History Group 2nd Monday, 2 – 4pm, <strong>Swaffham</strong> Museum.<br />

New members always welcome – no charge. Tel 01760 724470<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Lions Meet on the 2nd Monday of the month at <strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

Assembly Rooms,7:30pm. All welcome. Contact Peter Young 01760 724120<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Players every Monday and Wednesday, 7:30pm Baptist<br />

Church, <strong>Swaffham</strong>. If you are interested in joining a fabulous team please<br />

come along but call Marcie on 07867943102 to ensure we are in rehearsal<br />

Junior Snooker & Billiards 4-7pm @ The Norfolk Snooker Academy,<br />

West Acre 01760 755337 for details and to book, 9 -16 years<br />

TOSH community drama group meets 7.30pm Monday & Wednesday<br />

at the Church Rooms, Campingland All ages welcome. More details Fiona<br />

07768211087<br />

Youthie 5:30 – 7pm, <strong>Swaffham</strong> Community Centre. For ages 8 to 11.<br />

Free entry. Contact sally@iceni.info 07772 852284 / 01760 722800<br />


1st <strong>Swaffham</strong> Beavers 1st <strong>Swaffham</strong> Beavers 5 - 6.15 at Cockley<br />

Cley Iceni Village Scout Hut. For boys and girls ages 6 - 8 . New recruits<br />

welcome. Contact Paul 07711761364 Paul@1stswaffhamscouts.org.uk<br />

1st <strong>Swaffham</strong> Cubs 1st <strong>Swaffham</strong> Cubs 6.30-8pm at Cockley Cley,<br />

Iceni Village, Scout Hut. For ages 8-10 1/2. New recruits welcome. Boys<br />

or Girls. Contact Hayley 07516095019. Akela@1stswaffhamscouts.org.uk<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Army Cadets TA Centre, Sporle Rd 7.30-9.30pm. Ages 12 – 18.<br />

www.norfolkacf.org 2907pea@armymail.mod.uk 07899 189 973 The<br />

Art Studio Modern Art Evening Classes By Peter Henry PGCE, BA.<br />

Tuesdays 7-9pm Church Rooms, Campingland. Refreshments. Adults/all<br />

abilitiesEmail: salsum06@aol.com/01760 720540<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Bridge Club The Church Rooms,Church of Our Lady of Pity<br />

31, Station Street. <strong>Swaffham</strong> PE37 7HP 6.30pm for 6.45pm. Sue 01328 701545<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Carpet Bowls Community Centre. 2 hours from 2pm for £2.<br />

Tea & biscuits inc. Call Alan on 01760 723 910<br />

Child Health Clinic at <strong>Swaffham</strong> Children Centre. 01760 721101 1st Tuesday<br />

monthly 1.15 - 2.45pm run by local Health Visiting Team<br />

Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Coffee Morning, third Tuesday<br />

at 10:15am. Methodist Hall, London Street. Tel: David Moore 01760 723740<br />

CAMEO Coffee 10am-noon. ‘Come And Meet Each Other’. Free tea, coffee<br />

& hot chocolate in a relaxed cafe style setting. Discovery Hour: 10am - 11am.<br />

Looking at and discussing a small bible passage. Oasis Centre 01760 723 175<br />

Crafts, Textiles and Dressmaking at The Old Art Room<br />

93 Market Place. Techniques, Tips, Inspiration in a modern equipped Art<br />

&Textile Studio. 10am until 12.15 and 12.30 until 2.45 £9 Tel.01760 337181<br />

Jump, Jive & Swing <strong>Swaffham</strong> Community Centre, 7.45pm. Classes<br />

8pm until 9.45pm with social dancing until 10.30pm. www.jumpjiveswing.com<br />

Mamma Munay (Mother Love) - antenatal classes on alternate Tuesday<br />

afternoons at The Green Parrot. …all welcome at all stages of your pregnancy.<br />

Booking essential on 01760 724704 or Anne 07469243052<br />

Pickenhams’ WI 2nd Tuesday 2pm St Andrew’s Church (not August)<br />

PROBUS Club of <strong>Swaffham</strong> Meet second Tues of the month for lunch at the<br />

George Hotel, 12.30 for 1pm. Rod Goddard 01760 722 834 rodgoddard@hotmail.com<br />

Rainbow Community Choir 7.30-9.30pm. <strong>Swaffham</strong> Community<br />

Centre. Interested in joining us? 01760 336 313 rainbowcommunitychoir.org.uk<br />

Royal British Legion, <strong>Swaffham</strong> & District Branch 8pm, 3rd<br />

Tuesday <strong>Swaffham</strong> Conservative Club. Tel: David Thorogood 01760622751<br />

The Royal Elizabethan Lodge Meets alternate Tuesdays, 8pm in the<br />

Conservative Club. Tel: W Rogers 01760 720632 or S Trattle 01760 721760<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Rugby Football Club Tuesday Seniors Training 7:30 - 9<br />

Seniors Keep Fit 3pm See Monday’s Senior’s Keep Fit<br />

Stitch, Mardle and Mend A group of keen crafters covering Patchwork,<br />

Knitting, Crochet, Cross Stitch etc 7-9pm, £1. Tel Adrienne 01760 336268<br />

Slimming World Conservative Club, 10am. <strong>Swaffham</strong> Asssembly<br />

Rooms 5.30pm & 7.30pm. Edyta 07428 516814<br />

Sporle WI 3rd Tuesday, 1.45pm ready for our speaker at 2pm. For any further<br />

information please ring Celia on 01362 687316<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> St John Ambulance Cadets 7.15pm until 8.45pm,10 to<br />

17 year olds. Natalie Rudd on 07771620634/natalie.rudd@btinternet.com<br />

Taekwondo 6:30 - 7:30pm <strong>Swaffham</strong> Community Centre 01760336044<br />

Tai Chi beginners welcome East Dereham at 10am 01760723102<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Wellbeing Group Are you feeling low, or recovering from ill<br />

health? Just want to meet other people? Make new friends at Community Centre,<br />

every Tuesday 10.30 – 1.00. Contact Family Action. Tel: 01760 725801<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Market (Morning) WI Second Tuesday of every Month, 10.30am<br />

Assembly Rooms. Ladies over 18 welcome. Meg Dorling: 01760 722139 meg_dorling@msn.com<br />

West Acre Carpet Bowls Club West Acre Village Hall, 2 - 4pm. £2 per<br />

session. Equipment and refreshments provided – all welcome. Tel: Belinda<br />

01760 755184 or Betty 01760 755235 Email: belindabush@hotmail.com<br />

Women’s Section Royal British Legion At Valentine Barker Court,<br />

2nd Tues at 2.30pm. Tel: Frances 01760 724445 or Iris 01760 721430<br />

Weight Watchers 5:30-6.30pm <strong>Swaffham</strong> Community Centre.<br />

Nikki 07970316054<br />

Yoga Gt Dunham Village Hall, 10 -11:30am, £6.50 Tel: 01603 478456<br />

Yoga Necton Community Centre £7 2-3:30 Tuesdays Jayne 07544974342<br />

Yoga 10.30-12.00 Green Britain Centre, <strong>Swaffham</strong>. £7 per class. Contact<br />

Jayne on: 07544974342 or email: greenwillowyoga@outlook.com<br />

Zumba With Becks <strong>Swaffham</strong> Assembly Rooms 7-8pm bectuff@hotmail.co.uk £5<br />


1st <strong>Swaffham</strong> Rainbows Term time only, 17:00-18:00 <strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

Infant School. Girls aged 5 to 7 yrs. Tracey Clements 07770236689<br />

2nd <strong>Swaffham</strong> Brownies Term time only, 18:00-19:30. Meeting at<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> First School. Girls aged 7 to 10 yrs invited to join. Contact Clare<br />

Smith 07917468057 or Chrissie Brown 07970104771.<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> 1894 Squadron Air Training Corps 7:00-9:30pm.<br />

TA Centre, Sporle Road, <strong>Swaffham</strong>. Ages 12 (yr8) to 18 years. Tel: 01760724617<br />

Alzheimer`s Society Dementia Café first Wednesday every month<br />

from 10am-12noon. <strong>Swaffham</strong> Assembly Rooms, Market Place, <strong>Swaffham</strong>.<br />

Support, information and social activity.Refreshments provided. 01603 763556<br />

Arts Lounge beginners/refreshers art classes Wednesday,<br />

Thursday & Friday 10-1pm or 1.30-4.30pm, £25 per session Call 01760 723624<br />

Bingo First Wednesday of every month, Holme Hale Pavilion. Eyes<br />

down 7:30pm. Cash prizes. Tel: June Hewing 01760 441327<br />

Bingo <strong>Swaffham</strong> Conservative Club 7:00 – 9:00pm (eyes down for<br />

7:30). Non-members 30p entry.<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Camera Club 1st and 3rd Weds of every month, 7 for 7:30pm<br />

at Lydney House, Norwich Road. All abilities welcome! Steve Ward 01366 328567<br />

Creative Textile Certificate 10 Week Course at The Old Art Room, 93<br />

Market Place <strong>Swaffham</strong>. Tel Jane 01760 337181<br />

Dementia Café Free cafe offering support, information for those living with<br />

dementia and their families/carers. Free refreshments. Assembly Rooms. 01603 763 556<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Evening WI Church Rooms, Campingland. 1st Wed 7.30pm<br />

Telephone Fiona Walker on 01760 722879.<br />

Healing Rooms The Oasis Centre, Cley Road 11am - 12noon. Book a<br />

session to experience the healing power of Jesus. Tel: 01760 723175<br />

Henchmans Henchmans Junior Magic the Gathering, trading card game,<br />

for 8-11 year olds from 5pm - 6.30pm. Free intro packs for beginners. All<br />

welcome. £2 per person, first session free. 13 Station Street, <strong>Swaffham</strong> PE37 7LL.<br />

Henchman’s Magic the Gathering Standard Showdown 7pm.<br />

The <strong>Swaffham</strong> and District Branch of the Labour Party<br />

meets in the Community Centre at 7.30 pm, first Weds of the month.<br />

Stitch, Mardle and Mend A group of keen crafters covering<br />

Patchwork, Knitting, Crochet etc. From 10am at Market Cross Inn, <strong>Swaffham</strong>.<br />

Oasis Wednesday Worship: 10am - 11am. Worship and prayer<br />

Acrylic/Oil painting workshops<br />

Arts Lounge Gallery Studio, 15 Market Place <strong>Swaffham</strong> are on<br />

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Two sessions each day, 0930-1230<br />

or 1pm-4pm, £30 per session includes all equipment, materials and<br />

refreshments. Call 01760 723624 to book.<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Veterans Snooker Group (60+) 10am-1pm at West<br />

Acre Village Hall, PE32 1TQ. £3 per player. Call Phillip on 01760 755337<br />

St. John Ambulance - <strong>Swaffham</strong> (Adults) Every Wednesday<br />

7.30pm - 9.30pm First Aid training 18 years upwards. 07900927233<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> & Watton Club for the Visually Impaired<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Community Centre 4th Wed (except August) 1.30-3.30pm £3.<br />

01603 629558<br />

Tai Chi beginners class 10am <strong>Swaffham</strong> Community Centre<br />

01760723102<br />

TOSH community drama group meets 7.30pm Monday &<br />

Wednesday at the Church Rooms, Campingland All ages welcome.<br />

More details Fiona 07768211087<br />

Whist Drive Bradenham Village Hall, 7:30pm. All welcome. 01760 440038.£3<br />

Youth Café 7:30 – 8:30pm, <strong>Swaffham</strong> Community Centre. For ages<br />

13 – 18.<br />


Acrylic/Oil painting workshops<br />

Arts Lounge Gallery Studio, 15 Market Place <strong>Swaffham</strong> are on<br />

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Two sessions each day, 0930-1230<br />

or 1pm-4pm, £30 per session includes all equipment, materials and<br />

refreshments. Call 01760 723624 to book.<br />

Beachamwell WI 1st Thursday 7.30pm. New members or visitors<br />

always welcome. Contact Maggie 01366 327023 or Helen 01366 328589<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Bridge Club See Tues for details. 6.30pm for 6.45pm<br />

start except for the first Thursday in the month 2pm to 6pm<br />

Crafts, Textiles and Dressmaking at The Old Art Room<br />

93 Market Place. Techniques, Tips, Inspiration in a modern equipped<br />

Art &Textile Studio. 10am until 12.15 and 12.30 until 2.45 £9 Tel.01760<br />

337181<br />

Happidojo Marham Judo Club Sandringham Centre, Marham,<br />

PE33 9NP 3-4yrs 5.20-6 Fun & Games,5-7yrs:6-7pm, 8-16yrs:7-8pm. Adv.<br />

Juniors, Seniors 17+ : 8-9.30pm FIRST LESSON FREE. Then 3-4yrs £2, 5-12yrs-<br />

£3. 13-16yrs -£1.00. 17+ - £3.50. Colin McCallum. 07905278857 or www.<br />

happidojomarhamjudoclub.btckco.uk<br />

Henchmans Board games. £2.50 per person. 7-11pm. Henchmans, 13<br />

Station Street, <strong>Swaffham</strong>. 01760 788427. New players always welcome<br />

(over 18)<br />

Holme Hale Carpet Bowls Every Thursday 7-9pm, Holme Hale<br />

Community Hall. No experience or equipment needed. £2<br />

Iceni Stitchers Ladies group meeting on 3rd Thursday of the month<br />

at <strong>Swaffham</strong> Community Centre, 1.30 - 4.30pm. Kate Davies 01760<br />

622254<br />

Kickboxing Club Juniors 5+ 5pm – 6pm, Inters 6-7pm, Adults 7pm<br />

– 8.30pm Plowright Place. Call Trevor on 07585707196<br />

Kirtan for Health<br />

Relax and enjoy the meditative benefits whilst singing/chanting<br />

beautiful songs and ancient mantras. Sessions every other Thursday.<br />

£6 including refreshments. For details contact Chris on 07957 405823<br />

or chrissywillis57@yahoo.co.uk<br />

Free Lipreading Classes for people with an acquired hearing<br />

loss. Thursday’s at 10 am to noon in the Catholic Church Rooms, 31<br />

Station Road, <strong>Swaffham</strong>. Contact Hayley at lipreadingwithhayley@<br />

gmail.com<br />

RAF Marham Food and Craft Market 1st Thursday 12am to<br />

5 pm. Sandringham Centre Upper Marham PE33 9NP (Behind Spar)<br />

07766 078123<br />

Mothers’ Union<br />

The <strong>Swaffham</strong> branch of the Mothers’ Union – the largest organisation<br />

within the Church of England – usually meets on the 2nd Thursday<br />

of the month. Our next meeting will be on Thursday 14th June<br />

in the Church Rooms, The Campinglands, beginning at 10.00am.<br />

when the speaker will be Mr Keith Balich on the topic of ‘Town Pastors’.<br />

Enquiries to Anne 336328<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Lioness Club First Thurs of every month, 7.30pm in<br />

Our Lady of Pity Catholic Church rooms, Station St., <strong>Swaffham</strong>. Enjoy<br />

friendship whilst serving the community. All ladies welcome. Tel:<br />

01760 723377<br />

Pilates 3 – 4pm, <strong>Swaffham</strong> Community Centre. Call Di Graham –<br />

01328 851970 – before your first session.<br />

4<br />


<strong>Swaffham</strong> Rugby Football Club Seniors 17+ training 7:30-9,<br />

social after Salsa 7-9pm <strong>Swaffham</strong> Assembly Rooms. 07912366661<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Sparklers <strong>Swaffham</strong> branch of the Red Hat Society<br />

meets 2nd Thurs of the month, 7 pm, The George Hotel,: Jill Neale<br />

01760 723466<br />

U3A The Wissey U3A 1st Thursday of the month at Holme Hale<br />

Pavilion, 09.45 - 12 noon. Annual Memb. £10. Contact 01760 721247 for<br />

more details<br />

Weight Watchers 10-11am <strong>Swaffham</strong> Community Centre.<br />

Cheryl 07941 319 742<br />

Youthie Plus 5:30 – 7pm, <strong>Swaffham</strong> Community Centre.<br />

For years 6, 7 & 8 Free entry. Contact sally@iceni.info 07772 852284<br />

West Acre Carpet Bowls Club See Tuesday listing<br />

FRIDAY<br />

2nd <strong>Swaffham</strong> Guides Term time only, 18:00-20:00. Church<br />

Rooms, Campingland. Girls aged 10-16yrs invited to join. Contact<br />

07769294414<br />

Acoholics Anonymous Every Friday at 1pm in Parish Rooms at St<br />

Dominic’s RC Church,Howdale Rd, Downham Market<br />

Adult Ballet For Beginners 6:15pm See Monday’s Senior’s Keep Fit<br />

Age Concern-<strong>Swaffham</strong> Support Services at Community Centre<br />

Volunteer recruitment 10.30am - 12.00 noon 1st Friday of the month<br />

Adult Tap 7:15pm See Monday’s Senior’s Keep Fit<br />

Acrylic/Oil painting workshops<br />

Arts Lounge Gallery Studio, 15 Market Place <strong>Swaffham</strong> are on<br />

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Two sessions each day, 0930-1230<br />

or 1pm-4pm, £30 per session includes all equipment, materials and<br />

refreshments. Call 01760 723624 to book.<br />

Art, Printing and Paper Craft Session at The Old Art Room<br />

93 Market Place. Techniques, Tips, Inspiration and printing presses in a modern<br />

equipped Art &Textile Studio. 10am until 12.30 £10 Tel.01760 337181<br />

Bingo at Narborough Community Centre Doors 6.30pm,<br />

eyes-down 7.45pm Contact Mrs Hennessy 01760 337540<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Bellringers Practice St. Peter & St. Paul Church, 7:30pm<br />

on the Friday preceding the 2nd Sunday of the month. Beginners welcome. Tel:<br />

01760 724944/lindaringer0447@gmail.com<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Carpet Bowls Community Centre. 2 hours from 6.30 for<br />

£3. Tea & biscuits inc. Call Alan on 01760 723 910<br />

Coffee Morning At Ashill Community Centre<br />

2nd Friday every month, 10am until noon. 01760 441 651<br />

Country Music Last Friday of each month at the communal lounge<br />

at Valentine Barker Court, 7.30 to 22.30. Families and friends, free raffle &<br />

donations for Wish Upon a Star children’s cancer charity. 0370 192 4797<br />

Games Evening & Social 2nd Friday/month <strong>Swaffham</strong> Baptists<br />

Church Hall - 7:30. All welcome<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong>’s Green Gym Friday 8.30am Recreation Ground, Haspalls Rd<br />

Henchmans Early Friday Night Magic at Henchmans, 13 Station<br />

Street, <strong>Swaffham</strong>. 2pm to 6pm. Friday Night Magic at Henchmans<br />

Iceni Lunch Club <strong>Swaffham</strong> Community Centre, £6.00 for two<br />

courses and tea/coffee every Friday 12.30pm. 01760 722 800<br />

Indoor Market <strong>Swaffham</strong> Assembly Rooms 9am-2pm, free entry.<br />

Refreshments, various stalls… bookings contact Haydn 07957 862 239<br />

Judo Sacred Heart School 6-7:30pm £2.50 5 years+ Tel. 07920440235<br />

Oasis Messy Church 6pm every 3rd Friday Fun event for all ages.<br />

£1. www.facebook.com/oasiscentreswaffham<br />

Rise and shine Baby & Toddler Group: 10am - 12noon. Large play<br />

area. £1.50 per adult/chld. 50p any extra persons. Incl drink & a biscuit<br />

Senior Snooker (60 years +) @ The Norfolk Snooker Academy, West<br />

Acre £4 per session Facebook - Norfolk Snooker Academy 01760 755337<br />

Sporle Art Group meets every Friday at 1pm-3pm. in the community hall. No<br />

tuition given, bring your own materials. Free intro then £2 per week. 01760 724615<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Senior Section Term time only. 19:30- 21:00. For young women<br />

aged 14 to 25yrs. Contact Tracey Clements 07770236689 or Chrissie Brown 07970105771<br />

Tai Chi for Health 10am. <strong>Swaffham</strong> Community Centre. Tel: 01760<br />

723102 or barbara.smith58@yahoo.co.uk<br />

Yoga 10.30 - 12 Green Britain Centre, <strong>Swaffham</strong>. £7 per class. Contact Jayne<br />

on: 07544974342 or email: greenwillowyoga@outlook.com to book a place.<br />


Art Class for over 12s ...and accompanied Children who want to use<br />

the sewing machine. The Old Art Room 93 Market Place. 2nd Saturday of<br />

the month.10 until 1pm £10 Tel.01760 337181<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Bingo Club Community Centre last Sat in month, 7pm for<br />

7:30pm start. £2.50 annual membership, 50p for visitors. Paul Darby 07880 568628<br />

Buzzbox<br />

A hive of activity for young families, 10.00 am to 12.00 noon<br />

On the 3rd Saturday of each month, in the parish church. Each session has a<br />

themed ‘Sharing Circle’; illustrated and acted stories from the Bible; children’s<br />

discussions; songs; prayers; and birthday celebrations. All are welcome.<br />

Children’s Art Club 1st Saturday of the Month. 10am until 12.15<br />

£10 All Equipment, Snack and Drink provided Tel. 01760 337181<br />

Henchmans (1st & 3rd of month): Warhammer 40k & Age of<br />

Sigmar. All day Games Workshop; collect, model and paint + tabletop<br />

battles. All ages welcome. Customers are welcome to bring their<br />

existing models to paint and battle with but we also now stock Games<br />

Workshop paints and models. £3 for the entire day or part thereof,<br />

terrain/accessories and rules provided. Henchman’s, 13 Station Street,<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> PE37 7LL. (2nd & 4th of month): Pokemon / Lightseekers<br />

trading card games. All ages welcome.<br />

Pentney Country Music Club www.pentneycowlsclub.co.uk<br />

weekly 01760 337 392 karenpentneycountryclub12@yahoo.co.uk<br />

Pilates Class 9-10.15am All Saints Centre, Church Lane, Boughton.<br />

Beginners welcome. £8 per session. 07515834729<br />

Pokemon; Yu-Gi-Oh! Magic: The Gathering for beginners alternate<br />

Sat. www.henchmans.com. Children welcome. 10.30am – 2pm<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Market Traditional market, now 800 years old! Every<br />

Saturday 6am until 3pm. <strong>Swaffham</strong> Market Place. Details 01760 722 922<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Rugby Football Club <strong>Swaffham</strong>RUFC@outlook.com<br />

West Norfolk Crafters & Needleworkers Stitchers, crafters and<br />

knitters who meet at Leziate Village Hall on the 2nd Sat. 01553 765870<br />

SUNDAY<br />

Henchmans Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game from 12 noon until 4pm.<br />

£2.50 per person. Regular friendly tournaments. Konami registered store.<br />

Henchman’s, 13 Station Street, <strong>Swaffham</strong> PE37 7LL.<br />

Kuk Sool Won Narborough Com. Centre 5.30 - 6.30pm. 07541261713<br />

Pentney Indoor Bowls Club bowls coaching for beginners and<br />

improvers Sundays 10am - 12noon. G Freezer 01760 722262<br />

Star Wars @ Henchmans 12-4pm www.henchmans.com<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Rugby Football Club Minis 10:30-12. Games see Saturday<br />

Snooker @ The Norfolk Snooker Academy West Acre<br />

3 hours play £9. Facebook - Norfolk Snooker Academy 01760-755337<br />

Spiritual Awareness Group Most Sundays 5:15pm to 6:30pm for<br />

Healing and 6:30pm to 8:30pm Service at <strong>Swaffham</strong> Community Centre<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Spiritual Awareness Group<br />

Meets in the Community Centre,<br />

Beech Close, Campingland, <strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

at 6.30pm.<br />

10th June, Mark & Sue Dowler, Peterborough.<br />

24th June, Paul Malachowski, Fransham<br />

We offer healing from 5.30pm prior to our Sunday services<br />

Our trained healers can help with various types of pain and tension from<br />

stress. This service is free although donations are gratefully received<br />

swaffhamvolunteerhub@gmail.com<br />

Fancy working at the library? At a care home? At<br />

Green Britain Centre? Somewhere else in <strong>Swaffham</strong>?<br />

Becoming a pledger? <strong>Newsletter</strong> 3, offering more<br />

volunteer opportunities in town, is now available<br />

from the Community Centre, museum or Town Hall.<br />

Don’t forget to pick up a copy or email me. That<br />

way as soon as something comes up you will be the<br />

first to know! If you want to have more information<br />

about what the Volunteer Hub is, please email me<br />

for a leaflet.<br />

The Nicholas Hamond Academy<br />

Bowling into the News<br />

Making the news is<br />

16 year old, Nicole<br />

Moseley, who was<br />

interviewed on ITV<br />

television recently<br />

as she has qualified<br />

as the youngest BDA<br />

Level 1 Bowling Coach<br />

in the country. To<br />

add to her success<br />

she has also been<br />

made reserve for the<br />

England under 18<br />

mixed team. Well<br />

done Nicole!<br />

Prizes for Penmanship<br />

Smiles all round for the entrants to the Rotary<br />

Young Writer’s Competition. Our budding young<br />

writers received certificates from the president of<br />

the <strong>Swaffham</strong> branch, Bill Muir, celebrating and<br />

promoting writing skills. Students were tasked<br />

to produce a story in prose or verse of 500 words<br />

entitled ‘A Different Perspective’. Judges considered<br />

imagination, ability to engage interest & being able<br />

to master consistency in the power of argument.<br />

Power of Performing Arts<br />

Confidence, time management, organisational<br />

skills and self-discipline were just a few of the<br />

skills demonstrated by students, as they tackled<br />

part of their Performing Arts Exam. They selected<br />

a script or piece of music which they adapted and<br />

made their own. This involved research; planning a<br />

rehearsal schedule and performing in front of a live<br />

audience.<br />

Students help to shape Neighbourhood Plan<br />

Students from the VI Form have been praised for their<br />

valuable input into the formation of the <strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

Neighbourhood Plan. Areas for improvement<br />

included repair of roads and pathways, increasing<br />

lighting, further green space, additional recycling<br />

facilities and a cinema. Comments received from<br />

members of the Planning Committee included<br />

“these ideas should be taken on board as it comes<br />

from the youth who will be living with what we’ve<br />

put together” and “this is a terrific response,<br />

highlighting several things that could be done in<br />

the short and longer term which would help make<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> a more attractive town”.<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Community Garden<br />

Those of you who follow us on social media may<br />

already be aware that plans are well under way<br />

for the creation of a new community garden to be<br />

located on The Campingland.<br />

The garden has been made possible thanks to funding<br />

from the RHS, who will also offer the services of an<br />

RHS Community Outreach Advisor. It is hoped that<br />

the garden will make an under used corner of The<br />

Campingland into a peaceful haven for both people<br />

and wildlife. The garden will be located the church<br />

end of The Campingland, just a short stroll away<br />

from the town centre, so it will make the perfect<br />

spot for an outdoor lunch break.<br />

We have already received much interest from local<br />

organisations such as Garden Organics ‘Master<br />

Gardeners’, Garden Science Trust, the ESCAPE<br />

project and Rotary. However, we would welcome<br />

participation from individuals and families that would<br />

also like to be part of this exciting and rewarding<br />

adventure! To register your interest please get in<br />

touch via email to davidwick@btinternet.com.<br />

We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming<br />

you as part of the SCG team!<br />

David Wickerson<br />

Chair - <strong>Swaffham</strong> Town Team<br />

6 7

Sacred Heart<br />

Treasure Island at the Sacred Heart 2018<br />

It was many months ago when I first started to<br />

think about which play to pick for the Sacred Heart<br />

students. I had wanted to direct West Side Story<br />

as it combines music, dance and a fantastic story<br />

based, as you know, on Shakespeare’s Romeo and<br />

Juliet. However, copyright restrictions meant I would<br />

have felt quite hamstrung and I realised that some<br />

of these restrictions wouldn’t bring out the best in<br />

my students. When, on the Samuel French website,<br />

I stumbled across Bryony Lavery’s recently written<br />

inventive, characterful and energetic adaptation of<br />

Treasure Island, I leapt upon it therefore with great<br />

enthusiasm.<br />

The visions and ideas which came to fruition last week<br />

have been with me since my first read. I knew our<br />

studio theatre wouldn’t suit and saw the Gym with<br />

its breadth and wall bars and ropes a vital assistance<br />

to our set. Sister Francis showed me the versatile<br />

staging we sometimes use and together we locked<br />

sections together to create platforms with varying<br />

height to assist actors and suggest new spaces.<br />

Casting was a doddle: these characters jumped off<br />

the page and straight into my drama lessons. I had<br />

to think hard about my lead character: Jim Hawkins.<br />

The actor playing her (!) would need to give 100%<br />

commitment as she would be in almost every scene<br />

and supply the play with most of its energy. She would<br />

also have to be fearless, as hers is the only character<br />

that breaks the 4th wall and talks directly to the<br />

audience throughout then snaps back into the scene<br />

as if nothing has happened. I knew I had found the<br />

right student in Daisy O’Brien, who delivered such an<br />

impressive and fiery performance. Indeed, I had no<br />

shortage of wonderful performances. All the students<br />

showed immense courage and determination and<br />

stayed firmly in character as soon as they set foot<br />

on the set. This level of professionalism raised the<br />

standard of the play and I think surprised many<br />

audience members.<br />

I sincerely hope that by actively participating in this<br />

production my students have a deeper understanding<br />

of drama. We have experienced together how to<br />

deliver dialogue in a variety of ways in order to<br />

communicate better with an audience, how to assist<br />

an audience by appearing to pluck the ideas in the<br />

script ‘live’ out of the air, how to think logistically<br />

whilst performing (locate their props, remember their<br />

entrances and their cues) and for the non-performers<br />

how to clothe and dress characters, how to perform<br />

a set change tightly and safely, how to light a scene<br />

and how in some instances to musically accompany<br />

drama. It has been an immense privilege for me to<br />

direct this production and to enable the students to<br />

be part of what I hope will become a seminal memory<br />

from their school days as they progress through life.<br />

Team work and communication are essential parts<br />

of all of our lives and the narrative in all drama is<br />

relatable to us all, whatever direction our lives take.<br />

Watch this space for the next production!<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Methodist Church<br />

Dear friends,<br />

This is the last article I write for you, as Malcolm<br />

and I are moving to North Wales at the end of this<br />

month, or early in August. At our March ministerial<br />

Synod I asked permission from my colleagues to sit<br />

down – Methodism’s way of describing a minister<br />

retiring. Our official farewell service will be at Great<br />

Cressingham Methodist Church on Sunday July 29th<br />

at 4pm. and all are welcome to attend.<br />

As you can imagine, we are surrounded by boxes,<br />

and are busy sorting things out. That of course isn’t<br />

always easy – can I really throw that out now, or<br />

should I keep it “just in case I need it”? Over the<br />

years most of us accumulate a lot of clutter, and we<br />

need to sort it out every so often.<br />

That’s true of our lives as well. Many of us carry lots of<br />

unresolved issues. It may be that we are harbouring<br />

resentment over something that someone said or<br />

did many years ago. We may be finding it hard to<br />

forgive someone, or even a group of people, for<br />

something they did. Many of us are good at seeing<br />

sarcasm or insults in what to someone else was a<br />

perfectly innocent remark, or was meant in fun, but<br />

we didn’t take it that way. Perhaps we are struggling<br />

to forgive ourselves for something we have said or<br />

done. Unfortunately, all of these things stop us from<br />

growing and developing as a person. They hold us<br />

back and stop us from moving on. We actually need<br />

to take a good long look at them, and ourselves. We<br />

avoid doing it because we know it will be extremely<br />

painful, and we may need to say sorry to someone,<br />

so we put off doing it.<br />

That’s where, for me, my faith is so important. I can<br />

ask God for forgiveness, but I can also ask him to help<br />

me face difficult situations and help me to forgive<br />

others. I also know that, although we are moving to<br />

a completely new area, God will be there in all our<br />

journeying. He has already gone before us, and will<br />

be with us every step of the way. I pray we will all<br />

know God’s help and courage as we move on. Thank<br />

you for all that we have shared together.<br />

Eleanor<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Methodist Church<br />

Important Notice<br />

Due to circumstances beyond our control it is<br />

impossible at this time to give accurate information<br />

as to where Methodist Church services, coffee<br />

mornings etc will be held. The general public can<br />

contact us on 01760 722611.<br />

St Peter & St Paul’s <strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

The Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul<br />

The June services in <strong>Swaffham</strong> parish church will be<br />

as follows:-<br />

Sunday 3rd<br />

8.00am<br />

9.30am<br />

6.00pm<br />

Wednesday 6th<br />

10.00am<br />

Sunday 10th<br />

8.00am<br />

9.30am<br />

Wednesday 13th<br />

10.00am<br />

Sunday 17th<br />

8.00am<br />

9.30am<br />

11.15am<br />

Wednesday 21st<br />

10.00am<br />

Sunday 24th<br />

8.00am<br />

9.30am<br />

Wednesday 27th<br />

10.00am<br />

NB<br />

Sunday 1st July<br />

8.00am<br />

9.30am<br />

6.00pm<br />

Holy Communion<br />

Sung Eucharist<br />

Evensong (BCP)<br />

Holy Communion (BCP)<br />

Holy Communion<br />

Sung Eucharist<br />

Holy Communion (BCP)<br />

Holy Communion<br />

Sung Eucharist<br />

Family Service<br />

Holy Communion (BCP)<br />

Holy Communion<br />

Sung Eucharist<br />

Holy Communion (BCP)<br />

Patronal Festival (St Peter and St Paul)<br />

Holy Communion<br />

Sung Eucharist<br />

Choral Evensong<br />



229kg<br />

Icenima presents...<br />

The Greatest<br />

showman<br />

Wednesday 20 th June, 2pm<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Community Centre<br />

Tickets: £6.50<br />

For more info call 01760 722800<br />

or visit iceni.info<br />

Icenima - You decide<br />

For those of you who don’t already know, we<br />

show a film in the Community Centre on the third<br />

Wednesday of each month at 2pm. We try to select<br />

a varied choice of films to cater for all tastes, but<br />

realise we might not always get it right. Therefore,<br />

we want to ask for your suggestions, would you like<br />

more comedy, drama or documentaries?<br />

You can send in suggestions to swaffhamnewsletter@<br />

gmail.com or contact us on Facebook, just search for<br />

‘Iceni Partnership’. We may even set up an online<br />

poll so you can vote for your favourite from the ideas<br />

sent in. It would be great to widen our audience, so<br />

please get in touch.<br />

8<br />


<strong>Swaffham</strong> Air Cadets<br />

On Friday the 20th of April 10 Air Cadets from 1894<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Squadron set off for Wretham Camp B in<br />

Stanta, a military training ground in Thetford forest,<br />

for a weekend. The weekend consisted off mainly<br />

physical activities like field craft, orienteering, river<br />

crossing, shooting and much more. Saturday morning<br />

we were up for our first activity, orienteering. Next<br />

we did raft building which was great fun, we made<br />

a successful raft and managed to cross the lake with<br />

only Cadet Hugh Crouchman going overboard. We<br />

were then given a demonstration on how to pull a<br />

drowning person to shore. After that we made our<br />

way to first aid and then to archery. The last thing we<br />

did that day was a quiz which we scored quite well<br />

on. The next day we were up and off to clay pigeon<br />

shooting which was fun but also quite challenging.<br />

Field craft was only across the road and luckily for<br />

us that was next. After field craft we went to air<br />

recognition or “air recce” for short. Air recce was<br />

a scale model air base with models of aircraft laid<br />

over it and you have to recognise the aircraft name<br />

and relay this back to the team. Following this we<br />

made our way to leadership where there were a<br />

number of different exercises like making a model<br />

aircraft out of set objects to see how far we could<br />

fly it. The last activitiy of the weekend was a minibus<br />

pull, which needed good teamwork to race against<br />

the other team. After the blazing heat throughout<br />

the weekend we knew it had to rain soon and sure<br />

enough it did, luckily it was at the end of the event so<br />

our awards ceremony was moved indoors.<br />

Cadet Jack Turner<br />

Team on the water, Corporal Alex Grapes, Cadet Isobel<br />

Buttle, Cadet Jack Turner, Cadet Hugh Crouchman,<br />

Corporal Emily Cox, Flight Sergeant Polly Batty<br />

Photo by Corporal Maisie James & Sergeant Alex Skinner.<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Camera Club<br />

On the 2nd May, The <strong>Swaffham</strong> Camera Club,<br />

welcomed guest speaker, Jane Goodall to their<br />

meeting. Jane has exhibited internationally and judges<br />

for the East Anglian Federation of photographers.<br />

She has a wide range of subject interests including<br />

travel and landscape photography, however it was<br />

her interest of family photoshoots that Jane spoke<br />

about. An enthusiastic and entertaining speaker, Jane<br />

explored the many challenges of capturing that all<br />

allusive shot of the family or child. Jane stressed the<br />

importance of understanding the family dynamics<br />

before a shoot, taking the time to understand the<br />

personalities of the children involved and how they<br />

interacted with their siblings. Top tips for a shoot<br />

included, making sure that the child’s favourite toy<br />

was always close at hand, that the family came with<br />

a change of clothes in case of those little accidents,<br />

and that healthy snacks and drinks were available<br />

to boost flagging energy levels. The main message,<br />

however, was to make it fun. Jane advised that the<br />

day should include some sort of activity to keep<br />

the child’s (and parent’s) attention. Long gone are<br />

the days of lining up the family and getting them<br />

to say cheese. The photographer must be prepared<br />

to try techniques like blowing bubbles, rocking out<br />

those dance moves, and acting plain silly to create<br />

the spirit of having fun. The wearing of knee pads<br />

was also advised when getting down the the child’s<br />

level. With an assortment of over 40 images and<br />

a very interesting commentary, Jane’s passion for<br />

photography was an inspiration, resulting in a truly<br />

entertaining evening for the club.<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Library News<br />

Extended Opening Hours<br />

Along with other libraries across Norfolk, <strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

Library will be offering longer opening hours with<br />

an extended Open Libraries service from the end of<br />

June. This widens access to library materials, public<br />

computers and quiet, creative spaces to meet or<br />

study even while the building is unstaffed, making<br />

your library available at times that are convenient<br />

for you.With an Open Libraries registration you will<br />

be able to visit and use the library:<br />

Monday to Friday 8am-7pm<br />

Saturday 8am-4pm<br />

Sunday 10am-4pm<br />

These times contain both staffed and unstaffed hours,<br />

and you will need to register for our Open Libraries<br />

service to access the library during unstaffed times.<br />

Pop in to the library to find out more and to register<br />

for Open Libraries!<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Library, The Pightle, <strong>Swaffham</strong> PE37 7DF.<br />

Tel: 01760 721513<br />


Gill, Keith and all the girls at Just Hair<br />

are holding a coffee morning on<br />

Wednesday 27th June 2018<br />

10 am until 12 noon<br />

At the Assembly Rooms,<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

In Aid of The National Autistic Society<br />

• Cake stall • Raffle • Bring and Buy • Books<br />

Tickets only 50p for coffee/tea<br />

and biscuits<br />

Available from Just Hair 01760 721237 or pay on the door<br />

Just Hair Coffee Morning<br />

Gill, Keith and all the girls at Just Hair would like<br />

to say a Huge Thank you to all their customers,<br />

families, friends and everyone who helped and<br />

supported their coffee morning at the Church<br />

rooms on Wednesday 9th March to raise funds for<br />

5 year old Oliver Higgs who is recovering from a<br />

Brain Tumour.<br />

On November 5th 2015 Oliver was diagnosed with<br />

the tumour and on November 12th he had a 6 hour<br />

operation at Addenbrokes to have it removed. They<br />

managed to remove it all which was an outstanding<br />

effort!!! In December the family were advised the<br />

best treatment for Oliver would be Proton Beam<br />

Radiotherapy in America.<br />

On December 4th the family flew to America and<br />

Oliver had 33 sessions of the treatment. He coped<br />

extremely well, in fact far better than his Dad!!!<br />

Oliver and his family are home now and his recovery<br />

is going really well and he has just started back at<br />

school. Oliver will have another scan in April. He<br />

was a little Star throughout his ordeal and with all<br />

your help we have raised an amazing £1,100.<br />

Thank you all so much, you are all wonderful as<br />

always. Much love, from us all.<br />

SCALGA<br />


On the 22nd March a Forum meeting was held in the<br />

Council Chambers. Over 40 of our members attended<br />

which was extremely gratifying. There has been some<br />

unrest fuelled by rumours of the Allotments being<br />

sold for building and the cutting of trees so it was an<br />

excellent opportunity to meet with the Town Clerk to<br />

get answers. The perceived threat to the allotments<br />

now seems to have been put to bed. Richard Bishop<br />

gave an unequivocal assurance that the allotments are<br />

safe and the present Shouldham Lane sites will remain<br />

intact and not be used for housing. This assurance was<br />

repeated more than once in the face of questioning.<br />

Following this assurance, Richard Bishop then said<br />

it may be necessary to close the access lanes to the<br />

allotments for vehicles in the winter months because of<br />

potholes. This in effect was understood to mean that<br />

if this should happen then plot holders would only be<br />

able to walk to site and it would be next to impossible to<br />

get rotavators, mowers etc. to the plots. We are unable<br />

to leave such things on site as the sheds are regularly<br />

broken in to. We also have members who are disabled<br />

and need to drive directly to their site. The feeding<br />

of horses and chickens, again, is a problem. In years<br />

gone by we the plot holders have filled large holes with<br />

rubble as and when necessary. Hopefully, closure will<br />

not happen and liaison with the Council will enable us<br />

to improve the standard of the lane.<br />

The Walnut trees that were cut down, to our delight,<br />

started to sprout from the trunks again. We had<br />

forcefully complained that these mature trees were cut<br />

without notice or contact with SCALGA. We managed to<br />

stay the total destruction for a while but unfortunately<br />

a meeting was held when SCALGA could not attend the<br />

open spaces committee and apparently the Council<br />

voted for the trees to be ground out at the stumps so<br />

there could be no danger of growth ever again.<br />

The rents are to be put up by more than the rate of<br />

inflation; we were informed this was because the costs<br />

have risen. These costs are roughly to the tune of tree<br />

cutting and paying a contractor to place Rat Poison<br />

Boxes around the allotments. We had already said<br />

this was futile as a few boxes do nothing to reduce rat<br />

numbers. It is more effective for individual plot holders<br />

to deal with the problem.<br />

All the above seem to indicate that plot holders are<br />

being “given a sickener” so that the Council can say,<br />

perhaps at a later date, that no one is interested in the<br />

allotments. Are we being paranoid?<br />

On the positive side, there was good news. The Council<br />

have accepted our request for amended rules and they<br />

are now much more streamlined and logical.<br />

We will hold our usual BBQ for members in August<br />

(date to be announced). The afternoon tea and prize<br />

giving will be on the 9th September 2018 2.30pm to<br />

5pm In the Assembly Rooms.<br />

We will be holding a “largest pumpkin “competition to<br />

be judged at our Halloween get together in October.<br />

So get your seeds planted. Last year’s winner was a<br />

real monster.<br />

If you are interested in taking a plot or a starter<br />

plot, please call Graham or Jennifer Edwards on<br />

07919888870 or 07919888872.<br />

10 11

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Parkrun<br />

Greetings to runners, joggers and walkers<br />

of all ages!! By the time you read this we will<br />

have just completed our amazing inaugural event<br />

celebrating <strong>Swaffham</strong> becoming part of the ever<br />

expanding parkrun family with now well over 4<br />

million registered participants worldwide.<br />

Photos to follow next month.<br />

So why not join us every Saturday morning at<br />

9.00am at the Nicholas Hamond Academy<br />

for a 5k run, jog or walk.<br />

If you have not already done so, you will need to<br />

register on the parkrun website at<br />

www.parkrun.org.uk where you will be given a<br />

unique number and barcode to bring with you<br />

each Saturday in order to register your time.<br />

A great opportunity to enjoy the fresh air of<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> away from the traffic and as a bonus feel<br />

heathier with an increased sense of wellbeing!!<br />

See you there.<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> WEA<br />

Life in Medieval and<br />

Tudor East Anglia<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> WEA takes<br />

a trip to Beachamwell<br />

for its next course.<br />

Beachamwell Village Hall is the venue for a day<br />

school investigating life in medieval and Tudor East<br />

Anglia. Tutor Dr Rebecca Pinner who lectures in<br />

the Department of Medieval Literature and History<br />

at UEA explains: “This day school will provide an<br />

introduction to some of the cultures and communities<br />

of medieval and Tudor East Anglia, with a focus on<br />

religious and cultural minority groups such as the<br />

Jewish community, the Lollards, and the Strangers.”<br />

Rebecca Pinner has proved to be one of the most<br />

popular lecturers at <strong>Swaffham</strong> WEA in recent years,<br />

and her courses are always informative, stimulating<br />

and engaging. Places for this day school must be<br />

booked in advance, either online at wea.org.uk or<br />

by phone: Tel 01760 723558. The course fee is £15.<br />

Please bring a packed lunch (with the opportunity<br />

to picnic on the Village Green weather permitting) –<br />

tea and coffee available free of charge.<br />

Day School: Culture and Communities in Medieval<br />

and Tudor East Anglia<br />

Date: 23 June 2018, 10am to 4pm<br />

Venue: Beachamwell Village Hall, The Green,<br />

Beachamwell, PE37 8BE<br />

Nar Valley Ornithological Society<br />

Tuesday 26th June 2018, 7.30pm at the Barn<br />

Theatre, Sacred Heart Convent School, <strong>Swaffham</strong>.<br />

Access and parking from Sporle Road. Please come<br />

along to a NarVOS Social Evening including short<br />

presentations on: Winter at Caerlaverock with<br />

Paul Fuller and Birds from my Kitchen Window<br />

with Graham Sherwin.<br />

Paul Fuller will talk about the wintering birdlife at<br />

the famous Caerlaverock reserve in Scotland and<br />

Graham Sherwin will show us his video footage of<br />

birds in his garden. All part of the NarVOS Social<br />

evening where we invite members and visitors<br />

to bring along books, photographs, paintings or<br />

anything else of wildlife interest to this social and<br />

informal meeting. Visitors most welcome.<br />

Admission £2 on the night if you are not a NarVOS<br />

member. For more information about this meeting<br />

or NarVOS call Ian Black on 01760 724092.<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Town Bowls Club<br />

Coaching for beginners and improvers.<br />

For more information or to join the club please<br />

contact Geoff on 01760 722262<br />

TOSH Community Drama Group<br />

‘Where There’s A Will’ by Norman Robbins<br />

They say ‘Where there’s a will, there’s relations’,<br />

however distantly connected. And the relations<br />

of the late Edie Puddiphat are distant, and barely<br />

connected at all, especially to each other! And<br />

where do the bride with big ideas and the male<br />

stripper fit in? And the cat? Gathering at the house<br />

of the late multi-millionaire businesswoman, they<br />

eagerly brandish their wills, each believing they<br />

are the sole recipients of the house and fortune.<br />

But Edie was no fool, and has actually left her final<br />

will in the hands of her caring god-daughter.<br />

As the greedy relatives, the faithful housekeeper,<br />

the local vicar and their various hangers-on, circle<br />

the inheritance, strange things begin to happen.<br />

Mysterious deaths occur. A ruthless killer? Or<br />

more than one? This black comedy is brought to<br />

you by TOSH.<br />

At the Church Rooms, Campingland, <strong>Swaffham</strong>.<br />

On Thursday 26th, Friday 27th and Saturday 28th<br />

July 2018 at 7.30pm. Tickets £7 / £6 concessions -<br />

from Bridget at 01760724680. Members of NODA.<br />

Presented by kind permission of StageScripts Ltd.<br />



ARE YOU:<br />

• Studying for GCSE maths exams and need extra<br />

help with any part of the course or revision?<br />

• An adult wishing to build confidence in maths?<br />


Viruses and bacteria<br />

live in your carpet<br />

To improve air quality in your home and to create<br />

a safe environment for your family your carpet<br />

should be cleaned professionally every year<br />

The Green Britain Centre<br />

We’re looking forward to hosting the Labour<br />

of Love Festival on Saturday 23rd June – a<br />

celebration of the arts, featuring local bands,<br />

craft stalls, dance workshops, storytelling,<br />

children’s activities, and vegan food and drink.<br />

For more information, and tickets, please call us<br />

on 01760 726100.<br />

With the recent sunny weather, we have been able<br />

to plant directly into the ground, so our gardens<br />

are looking very green! The Garden Science Trust<br />

have been doing a great job at making sure the<br />

plants are watered, and the garden is kept bee<br />

friendly. We’re looking forward to leeks, lettuce,<br />

beetroot, peas, tomatoes, basil, sage, and<br />

potatoes. They will be served in our vegan café<br />

in a few months.<br />

We have a Repair Café on the third Saturday of<br />

every month, bring any damaged clothes, bikes,<br />

or electronics, and our team of expert volunteers<br />

will try to fix them. Better for your wallet, and<br />

the environment!<br />

Experience wind<br />

power from the<br />

top of a modern<br />

windmill<br />

The first windmill in the world open<br />

for the public to climb. Follow the<br />

eco trail around our heritage<br />

orchard and organic gardens, enjoy<br />

Fairtrade coffee and homemade<br />

cake in our vegetarian café.<br />

For opening times and to<br />

book your turbine tour call us<br />

on 01760 726 100.<br />

Experienced, patient and local maths teacher (DBS<br />

checked). Available evenings, weekends, school<br />

holidays (by arrangement). £20 per hour.<br />

Contact 07715 637748 or jillyham@outlook.com<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Probus<br />

Club<br />

Would you like to join our<br />

monthly lunch club? We invite<br />

any retired Professional and<br />

Business ladies and gentlemen to<br />

obtain further information from<br />

our Secretary, Rod Goddard, Tel;<br />

01760 722834. email:<br />

rodgoddard@hotmail.com<br />

It’s all very informal; annual<br />

membership fee is just £20 plus the<br />

cost of the monthly lunch<br />

(sometimes including a speaker)<br />

usually held in the George Hotel,<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

Call us today for a FREE QUOTE<br />

and to find out more on 01760 337762<br />

Covering the whole of East Anglia | www.xtraclean.co.uk<br />

FRIDAY<br />

6th JULY<br />

3 Daft Monkeys<br />

F O L K I N A F I E L D<br />

F E S T I V A L 2 0 1 8<br />

Real Music, Real Ale, Real Field<br />

6th - 8th July 2018<br />

Bradmoor Woods, West Acre, Norfolk, PE32 1UL<br />

Nepomuk<br />

Punkfolkers<br />

Stables<br />


7th JULY<br />

The O'Reillys and The Paddyhats<br />

The Noble Jacks<br />

The Salts<br />

Long Shore Drift<br />

The Trials of Cato<br />

Kit Hawes and Aaron Catlow<br />

Willowspin<br />

Speed carving demo<br />

The John Ward Trio<br />

Rik van den Boche<br />

Weekend Compere: Slightly Offensive Steve.<br />

SUNDAY<br />

8th JULY<br />

The Jigantics<br />

Oakleas Rise<br />

The Macarons<br />

Chris Moore<br />

Red Dear<br />

John Ralph<br />

Summerwood<br />

Kieran<br />

Campbell<br />

Billy Lubach<br />

food, free camping, wood turning, chainsaw carving.<br />

Reiki and healing tent. handmade jewellery, basket<br />

weaving, blacksmith demonstrations, pottery, clothing,<br />

workshops, arts and crafts, session tent, children's play<br />

area and more.<br />

Tickets available at folkinafield.co.uk<br />

Everywhere You Look<br />

Local photographer, Paul Burnham, usually<br />

takes pictures of the Norfolk landscapes and<br />

wildlife but in a new exhibition has turned his<br />

camera on pollution. The exhibition is running<br />

in conjunction with The Green Britain Centre to<br />

help increase awareness to the visiting students<br />

and public.<br />

The images show obvious pollution and its effect<br />

whilst others, at first sight, are landscapes of<br />

the coast but pollution is everywhere.<br />

The exhibition, entitled “Everywhere You Look”,<br />

runs from14 March, throughout the summer at<br />

The Green Britain Café, <strong>Swaffham</strong>, Turbine Way,<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> PE37 7HT. Monday – Saturday 10am<br />

to 4pm. Admission Free<br />

www.greenbritaincentre.co.uk<br />

The Green Britain Centre, Turbine Way,<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong>, Norfolk, PE37 7HT<br />

Pickenhams’ WI<br />

Meg Dorling our WI Advisor came to<br />

discuss The Resolutions for the WI<br />

National Meeting and to discuss our<br />

vote. This was followed by an extremely interesting<br />

talk and slides from Tony Roode about his Alpine<br />

Gardening and containers and his visits to the<br />

mountains in Switzerland where they grow wild.<br />

The ladies then had cafe style tea and cakes and<br />

the business part of our meeting began.<br />

Future Plans:<br />

a) 28th June - Ann Francis will be back to do her<br />

musical dancing in the church at 10 am.<br />

b) 27th July - Melonie Cousins is organising a<br />

celebration of Norfolk Day at the Blue Lion Pub.<br />

The WI will be selling refreshments cakes and<br />

sandwiches to raise money for The <strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

Hospital.<br />

c) 4th July - West Tofts Battle area trip .<br />

d ) 21st August - Summer Picnic and Guided Tour of<br />

Houghton- on - the -Hill -church<br />

Carolyn won the competition “A Pennant Design<br />

for the Federation Bunting”, with Sue Baker coming<br />

second. The June 12th Meeting is a Glass Making<br />

Demonstration and make your own coaster. £4<br />

charge. Competition is a glass vase or object.<br />


Sporle Afternoon WI<br />

As I write this it is very cold and very<br />

wet underfoot and the promise of<br />

even colder wetter weather to come<br />

it is hard to believe the lovely meeting we had at<br />

West Acre gardens just 2 weeks ago. The gardens<br />

while not at their best were still very attractive, the<br />

guide very informative and the cream scones very<br />

delicious! As you can tell an afternoon of pleasure<br />

and for some of us a reminder that these gardens<br />

are on our doorstep with good plants for sale and<br />

with the added bonus of a very nice café. We had<br />

the usual WI business report, a brief financial report<br />

(yes we are still in the black at the bank) and news<br />

of our summer outing – now confirmed. We were<br />

reminded of the WI proposals to be discussed at<br />

next months meeting and after that second cup of<br />

tea we went back into the gardens for a another look<br />

at the shrubs which were in bloom – the magnolia in<br />

particle was absolutely beautiful.<br />

Sporle Afternoon WI every 3rd Tuesday of the<br />

month 2 – 4pm. Visitors welcome.<br />

Beachamwell & District WI<br />

In May, our WI speaker talked about<br />

Woodland Burials, but this was<br />

far from being a gloomy evening.<br />

Verity Pedlar, who works at Greenacres, Colney,<br />

near Norwich, told us of this large and varied area<br />

of woodland and how it is used to offer a beautiful<br />

alternative to traditional churchyards and municipal<br />

cemeteries. She described services offered there,<br />

and the facilities which can to be used not only<br />

for memorials but also for weddings and other<br />

ceremonies. And what a beautiful, tranquil place it<br />

is; her gorgeous photos showed the site through the<br />

seasons. In June, our group will enjoy an evening out<br />

- dinner at Strattons. In July, there is a real contrast<br />

planned with a Bollywood evening, where we will<br />

try the saris, eat Indian food and learn some moves.<br />

“The more the merrier” for that event, so visitors,<br />

as always, are very welcome to join us. Enquiries to<br />

Helen 01366 328589 or Maggie 01366 327023<br />

16<br />

Garden Science Trust<br />

Garden Science Trust<br />

The Green Britain Centre, Turbine Way,<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong>, Norfolk PE37 7HT<br />

GST is very proud to have been<br />

chosen by <strong>Swaffham</strong> Junior<br />

School as one of their local<br />

charities for 2018. We are very<br />

pleased that the students chose<br />

us to support and are looking<br />

forward to working with them at the school and plan<br />

to invite them to visit us at the Green Britain Centre,<br />

where they cannot only look round the lovely garden<br />

we work in, but also go up the wind turbine that<br />

towers over it.<br />

We got involved with the school last year when we<br />

received funding via Tesco’s to do some outreach<br />

work in the community. This involved working with<br />

new groups in <strong>Swaffham</strong> including schools and care<br />

homes and we ran sessions doing gardening, growing<br />

plants and making habitats for wildlife. These were<br />

really enjoyable and we are hoping to run some<br />

more this year.<br />

Last year we set up a plant stall in the garden in<br />

association with ESCAPE, which allows visitors to<br />

the garden to buy some of the plants they have seen<br />

or excess vegetable plants. This year with funding<br />

received from the Shelroy Charitable Trust via<br />

Norfolk Community Foundation we built a pergola<br />

that allows our service users to spend more time in<br />

the garden providing shelter in the winter and shade<br />

on the hot days in the summer. We like to spend as<br />

much time as we can outside and our new pergola is<br />

a great addition to the space outside the classroom.<br />

Funding has become more difficult to source in<br />

the last year particularly for core costs, which are<br />

essential to pay our tutors and to comply with all<br />

the regulations and recent changes. We would like<br />

to give a big thank you to the funders who have<br />

kindly supported us in the last 12 months. Our small<br />

team at GST are passionate about providing our<br />

workshops for our service users and it always sends<br />

us home with even bigger smiles, when we know we<br />

have secured funding for another few months or to<br />

buy necessary equipment for the workshops, office<br />

or garden. Our thanks go to: Aquarius Charitable<br />

Foundation, Norfolk Community Foundation,<br />

Archant Environmental, Comic Relief, Love Norfolk,<br />

Shelroy Charitable Trust, <strong>Swaffham</strong> & District Lions,<br />

Santander Foundation, Yapp Charitable Trust, The<br />

Kier Foundation, Tescos, Clark Bradbury Charitable<br />

Trust, Breckland Council, Access Arts, The Grey Court<br />

Trust and The Act Foundation.<br />

If you would like more information about Garden<br />

Science Trust or would like to volunteer or visit us,<br />

please do not hesitate to contact Pat Welsh on<br />

01760 726746 or e-mail office@gardensciencetrust.co.uk.<br />

Tel: 01760 726746<br />

Email: office@gardensciencetrust.co.uk<br />

Web: www.gardensciencetrust.co.uk<br />

The Garden Science Trust Registered Charity No: 1079324<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> & District Lions<br />

Following the generous donation,<br />

by Ray Buckley Stevens, of the<br />

handmade rug he made to<br />

celebrate the Lions Centennial,<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Lions decided to raise<br />

money through raffling the rug amongst the Lions<br />

clubs of East Anglia. The raffle raised £300, after<br />

expenses, for the East Anglia Children’s Hospice<br />

(EACH) and it continues the theme of supporting<br />

young people.<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Lions held their annual St Georges quiz<br />

in <strong>Swaffham</strong> Assembly Rooms; with over sixty<br />

people attending the competition for the first prize<br />

was intense. The winning team, from Castle Acre,<br />

the Billabongs were presented with six bottles of<br />

wine, whilst the wooden spoon team, the Pride<br />

of <strong>Swaffham</strong>, received a 2018 Guinness Book of<br />

17<br />

Records each. The evening raised over £600 for Lions<br />

good causes.<br />

The Mayor of <strong>Swaffham</strong>, Jill Skinner, decided to<br />

change the format of the Mayor’s Civic Reception to<br />

include a charity fund raising element. With <strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

Lions running a paying bar and the Lionesses holding<br />

a very popular raffle a donation of £700 was raised<br />

for the Mayor’s charity ESCAPE.<br />

The ESCAPE project, which is overseen by Family<br />

Action, operates at the Tumbler Hill Allotments and<br />

is run by a small team headed by Katy Fullilove and<br />

Karen Bek. The project has over sixty clients who<br />

are encouraged to get involved with all aspects<br />

of allotment work as well as making items from<br />

wood, keeping chickens and cooking using the cob<br />

ovens fuelled by Birch twigs. During the cheque<br />

presentation event the ESCAPE team made pizzas<br />

and vegetarian burgers using the cob ovens.<br />

Following a busy few weeks, 38 Lions and Lionesses<br />

took time out for a meal at the College of West Anglia<br />

in Kings Lynn. The evening was themed as a steak<br />

night, with the meal being prepared and cooked<br />

by the students under supervision as part of their<br />

training. All agreed that the evening was a great<br />

success and sent congratulations to the students in<br />

the kitchen for a wonderful meal.

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Lioness Club - the Pride<br />

of <strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

Lionesses enjoyed going to see their President<br />

Christine and secretary Karen in the nostalgic 80s<br />

TV Revival over the weekend of 20th and 21 st<br />

April at the Conservative Club.<br />

On a slightly more serious note, it was heads<br />

down at the Lion’s St George’s Day Quiz held<br />

on 25th April at the Assembly Rooms for some<br />

lionesses who did their best to be given copies of<br />

the Guinness Book of World Records for coming<br />

last (See photo )<br />

On 1 st May, it was a glorious sunny day and the<br />

Lionesses were invited by the Mayor Jill Skinner<br />

to present their cheque of £400 (raised from<br />

the raffle at the Mayor’s Civic reception) to the<br />

Charity ESCAPE:- a local community gardening<br />

project, at Tumbler Hill. We had a lovely surprise<br />

lunch prepared by those who are part of the<br />

project. The pizzas were baked in the wonderful<br />

stone oven there.<br />

Lionesses joined the Lions and their wives at<br />

the Kings Lynn college of West Anglia for a<br />

scrumptious steak evening cooked by third year<br />

students.<br />

Lionesses will be hosting a fund raising Tea Party<br />

with a flower arrangement on Saturday 4th August<br />

in the Catholic Church parish rooms. More details<br />

in the next issue!<br />

Ashill Holme Hale Gardening Club<br />

In April we welcomed a return visit from Jim Paine<br />

of Walnut Tree Garden Nursery. The nursery which<br />

was established 20 years ago is in Rocklands (on the<br />

Attleborough road) and is open from February to<br />

November every day except Mondays.<br />

Jim’s talk was about gardening in the shade<br />

and approached the subject from a scientific<br />

perspective. Firstly he clarified the various degrees<br />

of light and shade. Full sun is uninterrupted light<br />

for more than 6 hours. Dappled shade is less than<br />

6 hours. The shade cast by a tree or under a tree<br />

canopy is considered deep shade and permanent<br />

shade is where there is hardly any light, such as<br />

behind a building or occurring naturally in a deep<br />

gorge.<br />

Plants have evolved to suit the conditions. So,<br />

in order to catch enough light in shadier areas<br />

plants have increased the size of their leaves.<br />

However, plants lose water through stomata on<br />

the underside of their leaves and therefore larger<br />

leaved plants with more stomata need more water.<br />

Think of hostas. At the opposite end of the scale<br />

cacti, which thrive in hot dry climates, have very<br />

small spikes as leaves. Although they still require<br />

water to survive they do not lose it so readily.<br />

Plants can be classified as sunny, adaptors or<br />

tolerators. Of the adaptors there are those that<br />

grab the sun while they can before the trees are in<br />

full leaf. These include many of the Spring flowers<br />

such as snowdrops, primroses, daffodils and<br />

bluebells. As the light under the tree canopy drops,<br />

plants can be sensitive to the colour spectrum of<br />

light. The tolerators include ferns, brunnera, sweet<br />

box and mahonia. In dry shade where there is a lack<br />

of light and water, such as the north side of a wall,<br />

plants are often grown more for their foliage than<br />

flowers, such as euphorbia, euonymus, berberis<br />

and bergenia. The advice here is to add organic<br />

matter regularly.<br />

Generally, Jim advocates a small amount of feed<br />

at every water. The number of healthy flowering<br />

plants he brought along to support his talk was<br />

testament to this and attracted a buying frenzy<br />

from a number of members.<br />

What’s on in the next 3 months:<br />

Sunday June 24th ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW (open<br />

to the public)<br />

June 28th Charlotte Philcox - Getting the most<br />

from your Vegetable Plot<br />

July 26th Peter Skeggs Gooch - The Road to Gold<br />

August 23rd AGM and Vegetable Show<br />

Age Concern <strong>Swaffham</strong> & District<br />

We would be pleased to welcome new members to join Age Concern so they can benefit from the various<br />

events being organised. It only costs only £5 per year to join and then all the in-house events are free. If you<br />

would like to become a member, or to seek more information, please contact our Membership Secretary Vicky,<br />

see details below, or just turn up at one of our entertainment afternoons, normally held on the last Tuesday<br />

in the month, 2 pm in the Assembly Rooms and join up there.<br />

During the better weather we organise trips out by coach, three or four per year, plus a Christmas attraction<br />

of some sort e.g. the Thursford Spectacular. John Clarke (see below) organises these, so please contact him for<br />

the latest info. Upcoming events are:<br />

June 21st (note date)– Punting on the river – Cambridge (trip out)<br />

July 31st – Talk on the Stanford Training Ground clearances in WW2 (in house)<br />

August 28th – Summer Party – (in house)<br />

September 4th – (note date) Beating the Retreat and Concert at Thursford (trip out)<br />

For <strong>Swaffham</strong> Support Services we have Brad Stein as our Project Manager and now also Maxine Haydon as<br />

our Hospital Buddy Coordinator. Also just appointed is our new Administrator, Lorraine Deane. Our wonderful<br />

group of volunteers are also vital to providing these services and we continue to welcome enquiries from<br />

anyone interested in becoming a Befriender or a Hospital Buddy Driver. Please see our<br />

advert below.<br />

Our office is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 am to 4 pm from where an<br />

Information Pack for both Buddying and Befriending can be obtained.<br />

Please contact Lorraine in the office, phone (07393 981 295) or for general queries.<br />

Please also contact John Clarke, Outings Organiser regarding trips out. Chair, Diane<br />

Sanderson, 725715; deputy Chair, Barbara Clarke, 720140, Treasurer, James Dean, 720756;<br />

Trips Organiser, John Clarke, 720140; Membership Secretary, Vicky Slater, 627031.<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> & District<br />

Registered Charity<br />

1082730<br />

OR<br />

Befriending Volunteers<br />

A cuppa, a friendly chat and someone<br />

to visit on a regular basis<br />

Driving Volunteers<br />

Providing safe, timely & comfortable<br />

transport to and from clinic appointments<br />

Expenses Paid - Request an application pack today<br />

07393 981 295 OR 07412 775574<br />

Email: swaffhamsss16@outlook.com<br />

18 19

21<br />

Inspirational interiors - Dress up your home this spring<br />

Made to measure Curtains & Blinds<br />

All types of furnishings & Alterations<br />

Upholstery Service : Fabric Sales<br />

Roller, Vertical, Woodslat blinds<br />

Measure : Design : Fitting<br />


“A premium model,<br />

exceptionally comfortable,<br />

impressive performance &<br />

a clear & detailed dash display.”<br />

Merle Boddy Centre<br />

I know I have gone on about our new look day<br />

service, but we now have the last finishing touch,<br />

all thanks to the support of the Rotary who very<br />

generously paid for the beautiful window blinds.<br />

They make such a difference to the look of the room.<br />

They are the prettiest of blues and are also fully fire<br />

retardant. So, thank you to all of the Rotarians who<br />

work so tirelessly to help people like us to achieve<br />

our hopes and dreams; to make a warm safe and<br />

inviting environment for all our very deserving<br />

clients. They have all said how lovely, bright and<br />

cheerful the room is and of course not forgetting<br />

the new loos which are bright and very user friendly.<br />

Looks like we are just in time, we are now getting<br />

the garden ready thanks to the generosity of Tesco’s<br />

bags of help project and all you lovely people who<br />

put your blue buttons in our box .<br />

generosity of Yvonne and Pat who are members of<br />

the Naval Association i was presented with a cheque<br />

for £250. We send a Merle Boddy thankyou to every<br />

one who contributed to this fantastic gift, it will help<br />

steer us to safer waters. As you maybe aware we are<br />

only a small charity doing a big job, helping people<br />

not only living with dementia but also the loved<br />

ones and carers, to give them a much needed break .<br />

19 Market Place<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> PE377LA<br />

T:01760 722541 Dereham Road, Beeston (nr Dereham) PE32 2LE<br />

01328 701347 | www.benburgess.co.uk<br />

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£180<br />

Official Government Test Environmental Data. Fuel consumption figures mpg (litres/100km) and CO 2<br />

emissions (g/km). Astra SRi range: Urban: 37.7 (7.5) – 72.4 (3.9), Extra-urban: 61.4 (4.6) – 88.3 (3.2), Combined:<br />

50.4 (5.6) – 83.1 (3.4). CO 2 emissions: 130 – 91g/km. #<br />

3 trading as Vauxhall Retailer 1 are acting as a credit broker and not a lender . We can introduce you to a limited number of lenders. Commission may be received.<br />

Offer subject to availability, on selected models at participating Retailers only. Personal Contract Purchase. Finance subject to status. Ts&Cs apply. Applicants must be 18+. Finance by<br />

Vauxhall Finance, CF15 7YT. 25 month term. Monthly payment has been calculated using a price which includes Vauxhall and/or Retailer contribution where applicable. At the end of the<br />

agreement there are three options: i) Retain: Pay the optional final payment to own the vehicle, ii) Return the vehicle, or iii) Replace: Part Exchange the vehicle, where equity is available.<br />

Offer applies to private individuals, Vauxhall Partners and small businesses 1-24 units. Orders or registrations from 3 April to 2 July 2018. #Fuel consumption information is official<br />

government environmental data, tested in accordance with the relevant EU directive. Official EU regulated test data is provided for comparison purposes and actual performance will<br />

depend on driving style, road conditions and other non-technical factors. Vauxhall Motors Limited reserves the right to change, amend or withdraw this offer at any point in time. Correct<br />

at time of going to print.<br />

We are very lucky to<br />

have Chris Manley<br />

singing for us at the<br />

Conservative Club<br />

on the 30th June.<br />

If you would like<br />

tickets for this dance<br />

please ring Georgie<br />

on 01760 724527,<br />

£5 a ticket.<br />

On the 28th July we<br />

are having a table<br />

top sale in the Merle<br />

Boddy centre, starting at 10 am. If anyone has bric a<br />

brac, books or good quality clothes that you would<br />

like to donate please bring them to the centre<br />

between 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday. We hope<br />

to see you on the day, tea & coffee will be available.<br />

Many people who work for charities feel all at<br />

sea with getting funding and help, but due to the<br />

We may not have received an invite to the Royal<br />

Wedding, but we had a royal old time at the centre.<br />

The morning was spent looking at old pictures of<br />

royal weddings and remembering our own special<br />

day with lots of tales of what went right and what<br />

went wrong on the big day. There was everything<br />

from tears to laughter as the stories were told.<br />

Our fantastic chef Jenny produced a lovely buffet<br />

lunch and then we toasted the happy couple with<br />

Champagne and ate lemon cake, perhaps just like<br />

Meghan, Harry and their guests did on 19th May.<br />

We wish them many years of happiness.<br />

The Merle Boddy Centre is 30 years old and still going<br />

strong. She has seen some changes; many clients<br />

have come and gone; lots of different associations<br />

have also rented the centre from art groups to<br />

french lessons. We have had ups and downs through<br />

the years, more up than down. The centre has had a<br />

few face lifts inside, the last of which was completed<br />

only a few weeks ago; a modern style kitchen and<br />

safe, enclosed garden which was created from a<br />

spare bit of land, with a lot of persuasion, luck and<br />

hard work. We are so proud to have such wonderful<br />

support from the community, such as the wonderful<br />

people who fund raise; the people who see our plea<br />

for anything from unwanted gifts for our raffles and<br />

other fundraising events; to people who bring us<br />

wool, craft materials, cakes, bottles, you name it. So<br />

on our 30th anniversary we salute you for getting us<br />

this far, here’s to the next 30 years.

Andrew Francis<br />

Award Winning Family Owned Funeral Service<br />

01760 720200 (24hrs)<br />

afrancisfunerals.co.uk<br />

Pre-paid and pre-planned funerals available<br />

01760 336029<br />







AND WIRE.<br />





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W J CLARK & SON<br />

Painters and Decorators Est. 1970<br />

Call us today for a free quote and experience the difference.<br />

We offer competitive quotes on all interior and exterior jobs<br />

TEL: 01760 - 722511<br />

MOBILE: 07902 013785 or 07789 906854<br />

52 Filby Road, <strong>Swaffham</strong>, Norfolk PE37 7SX<br />

Iceni Youth Clubs<br />

Youthie:<br />

Year 4 to 7 Thursdays 5:30pm – 7:00pm .<br />

Youth Voice:<br />

Wednesdays 6:00pm – 7:30pm 2nd and 4th<br />

Wednesdays of each month<br />

Youthie Plus:<br />

Years 6, 7 and 8 Thursdays - 5:30pm – 7:00pm<br />

Youthie Hub:<br />

13 to 18 years Thursdays - 7:30pm – 9:00pm<br />

Staff are happy to give information, guidance<br />

and advice. Call Sally for further details on:<br />

07772 852 284 https://www.facebook.com/groups/<br />

iceniyoungpeople<br />

FREE drink at The Red Lion with<br />

any main meal<br />

when you show this voucher!<br />

87 Market Place, <strong>Swaffham</strong> PE37 7AQ 01760 721022<br />

87 Market Place, <strong>Swaffham</strong>, Norfolk. PE37 7AQ Tel:01760721022<br />

EAT<br />

come and enjoy our fresh homemade<br />

food using local produce also<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Counselling and Psychotherapy<br />

see our specials boards for more<br />

meals with our delicious menus<br />

Barbara O'Hanlon is now working from her private<br />

practice Have in a warm <strong>Swaffham</strong>. relaxing and restful For more information SLEEP or an<br />

sleep one of our newly completely<br />

initial refitted and consultation refurbished rooms contact Barbara on:<br />

choice of Doubles, Twins or Family.<br />

07516 917171 / barbarann688@gmail.com<br />

Come and go as you please.<br />

www.swaffhamtherapy.co.uk<br />

DRINK<br />

made food using local produce also<br />

home-<br />

fresh our enjoy and come<br />

choice. Please book for evening<br />

more for boards specials our see<br />

great choice of draught beers and<br />

a with drink cool refreshing a Enjoy<br />

large choice of spirits and mixers.<br />

a and ales real our try also lagers<br />

choice. Please book for evening<br />

sleep in one of our newly completely<br />

restful and relaxing warm a Have<br />

choice of Doubles, Twins or Family.<br />

rooms<br />

refurbished and refitted<br />

Enjoy a refreshing cool drink with a<br />

great choice of draught beers and<br />

lagers also try our real ales and a<br />

large choice of spirits and mixers.<br />

www.redlionswaffham.co.uk E-Mail: redlionswaffham@gmail.com<br />


87 Market Place, <strong>Swaffham</strong>, Norfolk. PE37 7AQ Tel:01760721022<br />

EAT<br />

meals with our delicious menus<br />

SLEEP<br />

The Hamond Educational Charity<br />

reg no: 277789<br />

The Charity is currently inviting applications<br />

from individuals under the age of 21, living<br />

in the Breckland District Council area,<br />

seeking financial assistance in cases of need<br />

for such items as books, tools, equipment,<br />

instruments, outfits plus educational<br />

trips; including assistance for those leaving<br />

school, in preparation for taking up further<br />

education or apprenticeships.<br />

The Trustees will be meeting in late July to<br />

review and consider all applications received<br />

and therefore look forward to receiving fully<br />

completed forms, which can be found on<br />

our website<br />

www.hamondeducationalcharity.org.uk.<br />

If further information is required please<br />

contact the Clerk via email at:<br />

contact@hamondeducationalcharity.org.uk<br />

Come and go as you please.<br />

DRINK<br />

www.redlionswaffham.co.uk E-Mail: redlionswaffham@gmail.com<br />


BK Property Maintenance<br />

& Handyman Service<br />

Joinery & Building Works / Renovation Works<br />

Facias & Guttering / Windows & Doors<br />

Kitchens & Bathrooms<br />

Sheds, Garden Buildings & Fencing<br />

Log Stores & Planters / Paving & Decking<br />

Pressure Washer Service /Furniture Repairs<br />

New gutter vac service<br />

from only £49<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Vets 130x190 Advert_Layout 1 30/03/2015 22:54 Page 1<br />


The team at <strong>Swaffham</strong> are<br />

pleased to offer:<br />

• Appointments to suit you<br />

• Cutting edge diagnostics<br />

• Full operating facilities<br />

• Emergency out of hours<br />

care at the premises<br />

• Nurse preventative<br />

health clinics<br />

• Accessible parking<br />

Please contact us by<br />

phone or email for<br />

more information:<br />

Phone:<br />

01760 722054<br />

www.swaffhamvets.co.uk<br />

info@swaffhamvets.co.uk<br />

Like us on<br />

Facebook for<br />

updates and news<br />

Plus lots more<br />

If you can't see what you<br />

need just give Brian a call!<br />

No job too small, over 20<br />

years experience<br />

For a fast, friendly, reliable<br />

service please call Brian,<br />

today, for a no obligation<br />

quote. Fully Insured<br />

01760 723 864<br />

07717 337 060<br />

bjkhandyman@gmail.com<br />

A47<br />


W Acre Rd<br />


Mon-Fri 8.30am - 6.30pm<br />

Sat 9.00am - 12pm<br />

We provide our own out of hours<br />

service where you will be seen by one<br />

of our vets at the practice in <strong>Swaffham</strong>.<br />

Please phone the normal practice<br />

number in an emergency.<br />

Bear’s Lane<br />

Brocks Rd<br />

A1065<br />

A1065<br />

New Sporle Rd<br />


Tower<br />

Meadows<br />

Sporle Rd<br />

A47<br />

Orford Rd<br />

22<br />


Tai Chi for health<br />

Tai Chi has been found to be beneficial for:<br />

• Helping relieve arthritis<br />

• Improving balance & posture<br />

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• Promoting good health<br />

• Physical & mental wellbeing<br />

Our classes are relaxed, friendly, fun,<br />

& a good way of meeting new friends.<br />

01760 723102 or 07587 567406<br />

e:academytaichi@yahoo.co.uk<br />

East Dereham<br />

Tuesday 10am<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

Wednesday 10am<br />

Friday 10am<br />

www.academytaichi.co.uk<br />

St.Mary’s Church, Houghton-on-the-Hill<br />

From Sunday March 25th the church will be<br />

open again every day between 2 and 4pm.<br />

Come and enjoy the Spring flowers in the<br />

garden. Take a rest as you walk Peddars Way.<br />

Be captivated by the ancient wallpaintings<br />

which tell the story of our journey through life.<br />

No charge, but donations are welcome.<br />

Group and individual visits available with prior booking<br />

at times to suit. SATNAV ref. PE37 8DP<br />

Contact houghtonstmary@gmail.com or 01760 720070<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

Branch<br />

01760<br />

725801<br />

http://www.family-action.org.uk<br />

building better families<br />

The<br />

Merle Boddy<br />

Day Centre<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

We have a few spaces in our warm and<br />

friendly day service for people living with<br />

dementia & other mental health problems.<br />

For more information please ring Georgie on:<br />

01760 724527<br />

or email:<br />

merleboddycentre@hotmail.co.uk<br />

www.merleboddycentre.co.uk<br />

charity no 1050124<br />

Calling all<br />

budding artists<br />

Gallery Iceni<br />

needs you!<br />

At the Iceni Partnership, we are always looking<br />

for new art groups, or individuals who would<br />

like to showcase their work in our<br />

gallery in the community centre.<br />

If you or someone you know would be<br />

interested, then please call us on<br />

01760 722 800 or pop into the office and speak<br />

to our gallery co-ordinator Jelena<br />

EVENTS @ the conni:<br />

Living Independently<br />

in Later Years<br />







2 nd JUNE<br />

Information for Older People<br />

Living in West Norfolk<br />

Telephone information line<br />

LILY Advisor Home visits<br />

Online directory<br />

Community locations<br />

• Personal Alarms monitored<br />

24/7 for £2.88 per week<br />

plus installation<br />

• Pendants can be<br />

worn either around<br />

the neck or wrist<br />

• Keysafes allowing<br />

relatives & emergency<br />

services access<br />

to your home<br />

• Assistive<br />

Technology -<br />

including falls<br />

pendants and<br />

smoke detectors<br />

Please contact<br />

the Careline<br />

Community Service<br />

team today on<br />

01553 616200 or visit<br />

our website www.<br />

careline-cs.org.uk<br />

23 rd June GIN EXTRAVGANZA<br />




PAGE<br />

Available online at www.asklily.org.uk<br />

or by calling 01553 616200<br />

2049-5-1C<br />


<strong>Swaffham</strong> Rotary Club<br />

President’s Corner<br />

On Saturday 14 March, we held a<br />

street collection to raise further<br />

funds for Rotary International’s<br />

campaign to eradicate polio. I said a lot about that<br />

campaign last month, and won’t repeat myself<br />

about the background of the campaign. Thanks<br />

to the generosity of the people of <strong>Swaffham</strong>, the<br />

collection raised £264.61. Because of the match<br />

funding provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates<br />

Foundation, this increases the funds for the polio<br />

campaign from the collection to more than £790.<br />

Thank you to everyone who contributed.<br />

Earlier in the year we invited our local schools,<br />

Litcham School. The Sacred Heart School, and The<br />

Nicholas Hamond Academy to take part in the<br />

Rotary International Young Writers Competition.<br />

We were pleased to receive entries from all<br />

3 schools, and one winning piece from each<br />

of three age-groups went on to District level,<br />

covering the whole of East Anglia. Of the three<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> entries that went forward, one was<br />

highly commended and another came second at<br />

District level. The standard of all the entries was<br />

very high, and the children and schools should feel<br />

proud of themselves.<br />

I presented certificates at all three schools to all<br />

those who entered the competition.<br />

Rotary also run a Young Musician competiton, and<br />

we are pleased to be able to say that a young lady<br />

from the Sacred Heart Convent sang her way to a<br />

second place in the District event, and goes on to<br />

the National Final.<br />

Among many local charities that <strong>Swaffham</strong> Rotary<br />

Club have supported over the years is <strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

and District Mental health association, perhaps<br />

better known as The Merle Boddy Centre. Last<br />

year we were able to provide the Centre with<br />

four recliner chairs which also rise to assist the<br />

occupants in getting to their feet. More recently<br />

we have contributed to the improvement and<br />

redecoration of their premises, and a couple of<br />

weeks ago as part of this contribution I presented<br />

them with a cheque for £900 to pay for the new<br />

blinds. It is always a pleasure to be able to support<br />

such worthwhile local charities, and we look<br />

forward to working with the Merle Boddy Centre<br />

and other local causes in the future.<br />

Bill Muir<br />

Royal British Legion<br />

In 2014, one hundred years since<br />

the outbreak of WW1, <strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

Royal British Legion held a candlelit<br />

vigil around the War Memorial<br />

and read out the names of all<br />

service personnel commemorated<br />

there who had made the ultimate<br />

sacrifice. Now, as we commemorate and celebrate<br />

the end of that war, we can proudly announce that<br />

the Band of the Grenadier Guards will be Beating<br />

Retreat on Thursday 21st June on <strong>Swaffham</strong> Market<br />

Place. That date has been chosen for two reasons. It<br />

falls in the middle of Armed Forces Week so seems<br />

quite apt. Secondly it leaves Remembrance Time in<br />

November to be exactly that - Remembrance.<br />

Not being from a military background myself, when<br />

I first heard the term Beating Retreat it sounded to<br />

me like a rallying call to run away from the enemy<br />

but apparently it's a tradition that goes way back<br />

in history. It has its origins in the early years of<br />

organised warfare when beating or sounding retreat<br />

called a halt to the day's fighting, a return to camp<br />

and the mounting of the guard for the night. The<br />

original call of retreat was beaten on drums as were<br />

most battle orders.<br />

The Legion thank <strong>Swaffham</strong> Town Council for their<br />

financial support of this event and the expertise of<br />

its staff. As a relatively small Branch of mainly older<br />

members we wouldn't have been in a position to<br />

make this happen and it's so important that in this<br />

special year <strong>Swaffham</strong> is taking one of the major<br />

roles in Norfolk.<br />

On the same evening in the Parish Church at 7.30pm<br />

the Grenadier Guards will perform in a ticket only<br />

concert, proceeds of which will go to the Poppy<br />

Appeal. Tickets cost £10 each and are available from<br />

the Town Hall, Ceres Bookshop and Anne Thorp<br />

(01760 722611)<br />

Anne Thorp<br />

President & Poppy Appeal Organiser , <strong>Swaffham</strong> RBL<br />

Barking Mad Tania is Top Dog at<br />

National Dog Sitting Conference<br />

Barking Mad Dog Care named their 2018 Brand<br />

Builder of the Year at their 15th National Conference<br />

last weekend, as local dog business owner Tania<br />

Stowe. The franchised service which provides<br />

bespoke holidays for dogs whilst their owners are<br />

away, celebrated at the Low Wood Bay Resort in the<br />

Lake District, where the North West Norfolk branch<br />

beat over 70 others to be top dog.<br />

The event led by Managing Director, Lee Dancy, was<br />

a thank you for all the hard work from the dog care<br />

providers across the UK and marked 18 years of<br />

continued success.<br />

Lee Dancy said: “Our 2018 conference has focussed<br />

on the theme of ‘Together Towards Tomorrow’ and<br />

I believe that Tania operates her business with this<br />

vision at the very core of all that she does. I was<br />

delighted to announce that Tania is our Brand Builder<br />

of the Year 2018 in recognition of the ‘Tea with Tails’<br />

collaboration with Hunstanton Methodist Church,<br />

sponsorship of Heacham Minors Under 9s Football<br />

Team and strong growth year on year, in only her<br />

second year of business.”<br />

Tania Stowe said: “I feel enormously proud and<br />

privileged to have gained the support and trust of so<br />

many people within my local community, entrusting<br />

their beloved dogs into our care. The wonderful host<br />

families who welcome dogs into their homes as if<br />

they were their own, are an inspiration. I want to<br />

thank them from the bottom of my heart for all that<br />

they do. Together we make a great team! I have been<br />

delighted to have had the opportunities to also work<br />

with our community through sponsorship of the<br />

Heacham U9 Football Team and the ongoing success<br />

of Tea with Tails, our initiative to alleviate loneliness.<br />

It really has been a great few years and I look forward<br />

to continued partnerships with customers, hosts and<br />

local community groups.”<br />

Peter Gorbing, CEO of Dogs for Good, Barking<br />

Mad’s chosen charity for 2018, was welcomed as<br />

a guest speaker at the conference and delivered<br />

an informative and interesting presentation. After<br />

huge fundraising efforts to support the charity’s<br />

life changing and inspirational work, the franchise<br />

network was delighted to learn that over £6000 had<br />

been raised, enough for the sponsorship of Prince, a<br />

new puppy in training, who will go on to provide the<br />

gift of independence. Tania’s local fundraising efforts<br />

contributed hugely to this total.<br />

The Barking Mad concept is centred on accommodating<br />

dogs in a caring environment, ensuring their routine<br />

is kept as consistent as possible with a loving local<br />

host family. The Barking Mad brand is recognised<br />

across the pet care sector and the franchise industry<br />

as well as the great British pet loving public.<br />

Barking Mad is part of the Franchise Brands plc group<br />

of companies and is the UK’s favourite dog holiday<br />

company, as verified by TrustPilot.<br />

Contact Barking Mad at www.barkingmad.uk.com<br />

or call Tania on 01485 205715 to find your dog’s<br />

home from home today.<br />

Dog lovers wanted<br />

For short stays and holiday cover<br />

Companionship, friendship<br />

and fun are guaranteed!<br />

• Dogs to suit your lifestyle<br />

• Trial stays to ensure<br />

compatibility<br />

• Full support and advice<br />

• Join our local host community<br />

01485 205715 Tania.Stowe@barkingmad.uk.com<br />

BarkingMad.uk.com<br />


Every Friday 6-7pm<br />

Catholic School<br />

Sports Hall<br />

£2.50<br />

FUN<br />

Call Emma: 07824 774827<br />

SPORT<br />

4 YRS +<br />

FIT<br />

26<br />


Wissey U3A<br />

On the 23rd April, members of the Monday<br />

Table Tennis group hosted a team from Dereham<br />

U3A for a friendly tournament in <strong>Swaffham</strong>’s<br />

Community Centre. Dereham’s members<br />

enjoyed their visit to the Centre and narrowly<br />

lost by only two games out of 20 played. The<br />

Table Tennis group look forward to a return<br />

match at Dereham. There is now a second Table<br />

Tennis group which meets on Friday afternoons<br />

at the Centre.<br />

87 Market Place, <strong>Swaffham</strong>, Norfolk. PE37 7AQ Tel:01760721022<br />

EAT<br />

come and enjoy our fresh homemade<br />

food using local produce also<br />

see our specials boards for more<br />

choice. Please book for evening<br />

meals with our delicious menus<br />

The Pink Box<br />

If you need sanitary<br />

products, there is now<br />

a basket located in<br />

the Community Centre,<br />

please help yourselves.<br />

NW<br />





Norfolk’s agent for Aga, Hunter & Parkray Stoves<br />

01328 700161<br />

www.norfolkwoodburners.co.uk<br />

Have a warm relaxing and restful<br />

sleep in one of our newly completely<br />

refitted and refurbished rooms<br />

choice of Doubles, Twins or Family.<br />

Come and go as you please.<br />

SLEEP<br />

DRINK<br />

Enjoy a refreshing cool drink with a<br />

great choice of draught beers and<br />

lagers also try our real ales and a<br />

large choice of spirits and mixers.<br />

www.redlionswaffham.co.uk E-Mail: redlionswaffham@gmail.com<br />


There are almost 30 activity groups organised<br />

and run by members for members. The Art<br />

group for instance meets in Necton village hall<br />

but other groups may meet in members’ homes<br />

- the Short-mat Bowls group meets in Holme<br />

Hale’s playing field pavilion on a Monday<br />

evening. If these activities interest you, or if<br />

you have a hobby or pastime which you would<br />

like to share with others why not make enquires<br />

about joining the Wissey U3A.<br />

The U3A meets monthly at Holme Hale’s<br />

pavilion on the first Thursday at 09.45 until 12<br />

midday.<br />

On the 7th June the Presentation is entitled:<br />

‘My French Chateau Renovation’.<br />

The U3A is an international movement whose<br />

aims are the education of retired members of<br />

the community or those in their ‘Third Age’ of<br />

life. U3A membership is open to any individual<br />

who by definition is not in full-time gainful<br />

employment, so anyone working ‘part-time’<br />

can also apply for membership.<br />

For more information about the U3A movement,<br />

go to www.u3a.org.uk or visit the Wissey<br />

Homepage at www.u3asites.org.uk/wissey.<br />

Annual membership of the Wissey U3A<br />

normally costs £10 and renewals are £7.<br />

INTERFIT Builders<br />

All forms of building<br />

work undertaken from<br />

domestic extensions to period<br />

refurbishments<br />

contact John<br />

on<br />

01760 724817<br />

or<br />

mobile 07977 235929<br />

TCT Plumbing and Electrical is a small local<br />

company based in <strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

From replacing a wall socket to fitting a whole<br />

new kitchen or bathroom<br />

Contact Tristan Tomlinson<br />

01760 709 299 07976 329 509<br />

www.tctpe.co.uk<br />

28 29

<strong>Swaffham</strong> History Group<br />

Our first outside trip of the year was to the Ancient<br />

House Museum in Thetford. Fortunately it stayed dry<br />

but was still chilly, as you can see from our photo.<br />

This fascinating museum is absolutely crammed<br />

with history and it is amazing how the space has<br />

been found to house so many artefacts and special<br />

exhibitions. It is well worth a visit.<br />

We lunched together and then split up for members<br />

to explore more of Thetford’s long history At least<br />

two decided to have their photographs taken sitting<br />

next to ‘Captain Mannering’ of Dad’s Army fame, in<br />

the Riverside car park.<br />

Earlier in the week a larger group of members<br />

attended a special Research Workshop organised<br />

by <strong>Swaffham</strong> Museum. So many are undertaking<br />

research on projects either for their own interests<br />

or in conjunction with those being organised by the<br />

museum. Everybody enjoyed the afternoon and<br />

hope that a similar event can be arranged for later<br />

in the year.<br />

Downham Grange<br />

State of the art, loving care in Downham Market<br />

Welcome to Downham Grange Care Home, a striking new<br />

purpose-built development in Downham Market.<br />

We provide meaningful person-centred exceptional care for those in<br />

need of residential, respite, nursing or dementia care.<br />

Even ironing!<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Arts<br />

In April our beautiful Assembly Rooms showed off<br />

their qualities once again when Steve Bingham<br />

directed Ad Hoc Strings in a programme of music for<br />

small string orchestra. When the music is quiet every<br />

note is clearly heard; when the volume increases the<br />

sound fills the room dramatically, much appreciated<br />

by the players and audience alike. In May we closed<br />

the year with our AGM, followed by a fascinating<br />

account of the Royal Progress, when Queen Elizabeth<br />

and her court travelled through East Anglia in the<br />

summer of 1578. “Ancestral Voices” recreated in<br />

music, words and images, drawing on contemporary<br />

texts, a picture of that journey. But it wasn’t without<br />

problems. In addition to the burden of cost to the<br />

hosts, a member of the court unfortunately died of<br />

the plague which subsequently killed a number of<br />

local inhabitants.<br />

Now we take a summer break before opening a new<br />

season with a concert on Saturday September 22nd<br />

in the Assembly Rooms. Let’s hope for some relaxing<br />

warm weather so we can enjoy the outdoors with<br />

family and friends. Happy Summer!<br />

30<br />

Boasting 62 en-suite bedrooms, the home has<br />

been finished to the most luxurious standards,<br />

with extra-wide corridors, a variety of large<br />

spacious and comfortable lounges and dining<br />

rooms with kitchenette areas that help to promote<br />

independence and social inclusion.<br />

The home has been designed to meet the needs<br />

of people who require nursing and dementia<br />

care. This exciting new development meets our<br />

Kingsley care ethos, responding to individual<br />

needs and providing the highest standards of care.<br />

Like all Kingsley Healthcare Homes, our care is<br />

focused around each person’s individual needs and<br />

wishes. We value and respect how each person<br />

chooses to spend their day.<br />

Our strong ethos of person-centred care runs<br />

through everything we do. Our staff are all highly<br />

experienced and receive on-going training to make<br />

sure that we deliver only the very best quality care.<br />

We really want to make a difference<br />

to the lives of the people we care for.<br />

With this in mind we have built the<br />

home to the highest specifications,<br />

giving particular consideration<br />

to making the design and layout<br />

suitable for people living with a<br />

dementia.<br />

This new home will enable us to<br />

continue to provide high-quality<br />

surroundings and environment. It<br />

will ensure our staff deliver quality<br />

of service and improve the quality of<br />

life of our residents every day.<br />

The staff at Downham Grange go<br />

that extra mile to make the home<br />

feel comfortable and relaxed. We<br />

like Downham Grange to feel like<br />

a ‘home from home’. We encourage<br />

people to take part in the daily living<br />

activities as well as other ongoing<br />

activities that take place throughout<br />

the day.<br />

“It took me just a few<br />

days to feel at home<br />

because the staff are<br />

so welcoming and<br />

caring”<br />

Downham Grange Care Home<br />

Clackclose Road, Downham Market,<br />

Norfolk PE38 9PA<br />

Tel 01366 387054 Fax 01366 385861<br />

downham.manager@kingsleyhealthcare.co.uk<br />

www.kingsleyhealthcare.co.uk<br />

Tracy 01362 820 966<br />

Caroline 01953 882 154

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Market Place has been a military rallying<br />

place for many centuries – in fact ever since the<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Cavalry was established in the 1790s. And on<br />

Thursday 21 June the Grenadier Guards are adding to<br />

our tally. It's bound to be a splendid occasion.<br />

Just a few of our photos of past events:<br />

New FoSM Members Wanted<br />

The present committee has vacancies and would<br />

love to see new faces at their meetings. If you are<br />

interested please contact Secretary on 01760 720756<br />

or Stuart Clapton 01760 722903<br />

2018 exhibitions<br />

From Beginning to End – the story of <strong>Swaffham</strong>’s<br />

railways<br />

Images of <strong>Swaffham</strong>. A collection of paintings,<br />

posters and photographs.<br />

Includes a selection of photographs of old(er)<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> onscreen<br />

Also available on application<br />

• Guided walks<br />

• Talks<br />

• School Activity Day - Carter meets Tutankhamun<br />

• Loan Boxes for schools, groups or families<br />

FoSM (Friends of <strong>Swaffham</strong> Museum)<br />

We support the Museum financially.<br />

Our Membership Scheme is a one off Life<br />

Membership payment of just £10 for an individual<br />

and £15 for a family. This gives you free access to all<br />

the museum galleries for life. For more information<br />

please contact our Hon Chairman Stuart Clapton by<br />

ringing the museum, or on stuartclapton@aol.com.<br />

Wanted – Volunteers<br />

We are currently looking for volunteers to work in the<br />

Museum. We require Stewards for 3 hr sessions (10-<br />

1 or 1-4) And help with the Education team to work<br />

mainly with school visits. An interest in Egyptology<br />

would be helpful. For further information contact<br />

Steve Gregory 01760 721230<br />

Open 10am to 4pm Mon to Fri. Sat: 10am to 1pm<br />

Prices: adults £3. Concessions £2.50 Children 5 and<br />

over £1. Family tickets available.<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Museum, Town Hall, London Street,<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> PE37 7DQ<br />

Tel: 01760 721 230<br />

www.swaffhammuseum.co.uk<br />

Trending Now - visit us there for up-todate<br />

news and events<br />

Royal British Legion 1935.<br />

Can anyone help with details?<br />

RAF parade 2006<br />

Undated. WW2? Can anyone help?<br />

1912 manouevres<br />

From the Norwich Mercury - Saturday 11 June 1842<br />

“On Saturday se’nnight the Rainham, Hingham and Holt<br />

troops of yeomanry cavalry marched into <strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

for the performance of eight days’ permanent duty.<br />

The appearance of the respective troops and their<br />

equipments commanded general admiration. On<br />

Sunday morning the three troops, accompanied by the<br />

officers and band, attended divine service.”<br />

The 100 Club<br />

Run by the Friends - open to ALL<br />

A yearly subscription of £20 could win a prize of<br />

£40, £20 or £10 each month with special extra<br />

prize of £100 in May and November. For more<br />

information contact Stan Roberts Tel: 07825885254<br />

or stanroberts4@icloud.com<br />

Prize winners:<br />

May draw - £40 No.33 / £20 No.92 / £10 No.20. Extra<br />

prize of £100 – No.66<br />

Books Required Urgently<br />

Wanted - Paperbacks in good condition to sell in the<br />

Museum Shop. Please deliver to the Museum during<br />

opening hours.<br />

Friends’ Events 2018<br />

Events are organised by the committee of the<br />

Friends of <strong>Swaffham</strong> Museum. These help to raise<br />

funds towards the upkeep and ongoing expense of<br />

running a local museum. Open to non-members too.<br />

• Tea Party - Suffield Court 3pm Sunday June 24<br />

• BBQ - Community Centre Sunday Aug 19<br />

- from 12.30<br />

• Outing to Sheringham 40's Weekend -<br />

Sunday Sept 16<br />

• October Quiz & Chips - date tbc<br />

• Mulled Wine Party Suffield Court Sunday Dec 2<br />

For further details contact Secretary on 01760<br />

720756 or Stuart Clapton 01760 722903<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Probus Club<br />

Would you like to join our monthly lunch club? We<br />

invite any retired Professional and Business ladies<br />

and gentlemen to obtain further information from<br />

our Secretary, Rod Goddard, Tel; 01760 722834.<br />

email: rodgoddard@hotmail.com<br />

It’s all very informal; annual membership fee is just £20<br />

plus the cost of the monthly lunch (sometimes<br />

including a speaker) usually held in the George Hotel,<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong>.<br />


A simple solution to wasting less through<br />

the sharing of good quality food.<br />

Iceni Partnership<br />

Community Centre, The Campingland,<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong>, PE37 7RB<br />

A different sort of accountant <br />

• Sole trader accounts <br />

• Company accounts <br />

• Management accounts <br />

• Buy to let returns <br />

• VAT returns <br />

• Tax returns <br />

• Payroll and wages <br />

• Business plans <br />

• CIS returns for building trade <br />

• Business consultancy and recovery <br />

Come and see us for a free chat and advice session -­‐ no obligation <br />

www.gybea.co.uk <br />

email info@gybea.co.uk <br />

7a Corn Exchange, Market Place <br />

Next to War Memorial <br />

01760 723830 <br />

32<br />


Welcome to <strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

Community Centre<br />

Feel free to pop in and admire our<br />

gallery of work by local artists<br />

and then treat yourself to tea and<br />

home made cake in Patisserie Iceni.<br />


ICENI<br />


www.iceni.info 01760 722800<br />

The Campingland, <strong>Swaffham</strong> PE37 7RB<br />

Offering a wide variety of affordable transport to get you on the move.<br />


A regular, fully accessible,<br />

service for the <strong>Swaffham</strong> area.<br />

DIAL-A-BUS<br />

A fully accessible, door to door<br />

service for the rural communities.<br />

The @LITTLE_BIG_BUS service you can trust<br />

Please call 01760 720906,<br />

email enquiries@wnct.co.uk<br />

or visit www.wnct.co.uk<br />

for all your transport needs!<br />

34<br />


OPEN<br />


SUNDAY 3rd JUNE<br />

12 NOON – 5 P.M.<br />

Lunches<br />

Afternoon Teas<br />

with live music<br />

Raffle<br />

Tickets £5.00 each – children free<br />

Tickets available on the Village Green<br />

Enquiries: 01366 328818<br />

GO TO TOWN<br />

A regular, local bus service,<br />

operating in multiple locations.<br />

Charity No. 245456 Ely Diocese<br />


A door to door service provided<br />

by our volunteer drivers. Covering all kinds of<br />

transport from GP, Hospital and Dental<br />

appointments to social trips.<br />

Registered Charity Number: 1069180<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> & Litcham Home<br />

Hospice Support<br />

By the time this edition of the <strong>Swaffham</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

has been delivered, our major fundraising event for<br />

2018 will be a matter of just over 2 weeks away. It is<br />

being staged at <strong>Swaffham</strong> Rugby Club between 12<br />

noon and 5.30pm on Sunday 17th June 2018. We<br />

are calling the event “Relay Together” as it involves a<br />

sponsored walk for teams who will be raising monies<br />

for the Home Hospice. Whilst we have lots of teams<br />

registered to take part there is still time for other to<br />

join them – if you wish to enter a team then please<br />

contact Adrian Adcock on 07741418781 by Friday<br />

8th June at the very latest. There is no limit to the<br />

size of teams, all that is needed is that each team<br />

has one team member walking at all times between<br />

1.30pm and 4.30pm (it does not have to be the same<br />

person) and that team members obtain sponsorship<br />

from friends, neighbours and work colleagues etc.<br />

The walk will take place around the perimeter of one<br />

of the pitches at the Rugby Club.<br />

There will be lots of other activities on the day with<br />

stalls, tombola, refreshments, BBQ, music, bouncy<br />

castle, slide, face painting etc. The Rugby Club Bar<br />

will be open and in addition the Rugby Club will be<br />

staging a balloon release. It will also be your last<br />

chance to purchase tickets for our Summer Draw<br />

- first prize is £150 cash and to celebrate our 30th<br />

Anniversary there will be a total of 30 prizes, most<br />

of which have been donated by local businesses or<br />

attractions across Norfolk. The draw will take place<br />

at 4.30pm on the day.<br />

So please feel free to bring the family along – we<br />

would love to see you<br />

For further information to anything connected<br />

with this event, then please contact Adrian Adcock<br />

on 01760 724304 or 07741418781, Kate and John<br />

Davies on 01760 622254 or the Home Hospice Office<br />

on 01760 722937.<br />

April 22nd was the day of the London Marathon – the<br />

maximum temperature for the event was the highest<br />

since its inception way back in 1981-So not the best<br />

of days for marathon running. Beverley Foulkes from<br />

the Green Parrot in <strong>Swaffham</strong> ran the marathon<br />

raising funds for our charity along with her work<br />

colleague Beth Marriott who was raising funds for St<br />

John Ambulance. On what both of them described as<br />

an incredible day, they both completed and through<br />

their efforts raised around £2200 each for their<br />

respective charities. A big thank you to Beverley and<br />

Beth for all the monies raised for both organisations<br />

– all that training during the winter months paid off.<br />

Adrian Adcock<br />

35<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Jazz Club<br />

For our May event we welcomed back the still<br />

relatively new group, Swing That Thing. Rather like<br />

a big band set-up, the ensemble follow written<br />

arrangements from beginning to end with only short<br />

breaks for individual solos, whereas most of our<br />

bands, after reading, or playing from memory the<br />

opening tune, are then free to improvise without<br />

following tightly written arrangements. This can<br />

result in extended solos of some length, with the<br />

order of ‘who plays next’ not predetermined. This<br />

means that bringing each piece to a satisfactory<br />

end is in itself an art form as no-one quite knows in<br />

advance how this will be accomplished!<br />

The overall effect with Swing That Thing was more<br />

akin to an orchestra playing in an opera pit, such as<br />

in Mack the Knife, which they played early in the<br />

second half. This does not mean they can’t ‘swing’<br />

as was ably demonstrated in, Moon Dance, I’ve Got<br />

You Under my Skin and Night and Day, all of which<br />

had the charming Melody Brooker on vocals. I think<br />

Swing That Thing gave us an up-to-date version of<br />

the 30’s and 40’s so-called ‘Swing Era.’<br />

As well as Melody Brooker on vocals the line-up was:<br />

Chris Kirk (trumpet and flugal horn), Andrew Goreing<br />

(tenor and alto sax), Robbie Germeno (trombone),<br />

Mark Ferguson (keyboard), Colin Mason (drums) and<br />

Mike Smith (bass guitar).<br />

For our extra event in May the club was greatly<br />

entertained by jazz singer Helen Welch, literally on<br />

a flying visit to Norwich to see her family. She has a<br />

high profile in the states where she has her own TV<br />

show and has appeared on Broadway. Her technique<br />

is impressive. She sang every number without her<br />

voice showing the slightest sign of strain. I loved the<br />

way she could hold a high note totally in tune and<br />

without a hint of vibrato. Her jazz ‘feel’ is simply<br />

marvellous. Rather than rest between numbers, she<br />

told us about her life in America, including her first<br />

visit to the hairdresser after arriving to live there,<br />

when her English looks and accent convinced them<br />

she was Julie Andrews. Two numbers that particularly<br />

stand out were Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend<br />

sung to solo drum accompaniment, followed by<br />

George Harrison’s While my Guitar Gently Weeps<br />

with just guitar accompaniment. Her backing group<br />

was led by guitarist Lee Vasey whose virtuosity was<br />

particularly well demonstrated in The One Note<br />

Samba. The other front line member of the band was<br />

Pete Oxborough, who spun a lovely web of sound<br />

around Helen’s singing, and showed great sensitivity<br />

with a beautiful solo in The Carpenters’ We’ve Only<br />

Just Begun. The other members of the band, Ian<br />

Hireson, bass guitar and Matt Furness, drums, gave<br />

superb support to the front line throughout the<br />

evening. It certainly was a memorable occasion for<br />

all those lucky enough to be at the club.<br />

Future Events:<br />

Tues 12 June Colin Mason Quartet with Eleanora,<br />

vocals and keyboard<br />

Tues 3 July Lee Vasey, guitar and friends<br />

Starts at 7.30 Entry on the door £7<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Conservative Club, London Street, PE37 7DD<br />

Geoff 01366 328 730 Norman 01760 722 384

In Touch With Your Town<br />

‘In Touch with your Town’ is put<br />

together by the Town Clerk<br />

Richard Bishop or occasionally<br />

by the Deputy Town Clerk<br />

Claire Smith. It deals with some<br />

of the most topical items of the day<br />

and the odd item where the Council want to share<br />

information with the Town.<br />

Beating The Retreat “Grenadier Guards Coming To<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong>”<br />

Thursday 21st June 2018, this exciting event is coming<br />

to <strong>Swaffham</strong> Town Centre later this month. The Town<br />

Council with the Royal British Legion are organising<br />

this event for the Town. The ‘Beating of the Retreat’<br />

will take place at 6pm in the Market Place, this is<br />

followed by a Concert at the Church of St Peter and<br />

St Paul at 7.30pm, tickets on sale at £10 each, all<br />

proceeds to the Poppy Appeal. Tickets on sale at the<br />

Town Hall.<br />

Road and Car Park Closures: For the event earlier in<br />

the day on 21st June in the Market Place will result in a<br />

road closure from 2pm – 8pm, unfortunately because<br />

the two-hour car parking enforcement is not in place<br />

yet on the Central Car Park by this date, we will now<br />

have to close off the car park from 6am to ensure the<br />

event can go ahead. The car parking enforcement was<br />

due to commence in May 2018, this has been delayed<br />

by Breckland Council as amending traffic regulation<br />

orders has taken longer than expected.<br />

Dates for Car Boot sales on the Market Place:<br />

• 17th June • 15th July • 16th September<br />

We are planning to continue to improve our play<br />

areas, open spaces and run events for all to enjoy. To<br />

raise funds for this purpose we will continue to have<br />

the popular car boot sales on the Market Place. The<br />

sales run from 7.30am – 2pm, pitch costs are - car £5<br />

and van £7.<br />


The <strong>Swaffham</strong> Neighbourhood Plan is a communityled<br />

document for guiding the future development<br />

of our Town. It is about the use and development of<br />

land over the next 20 years. The plan will set out a<br />

vision and aspirations for the future development of<br />

the Town and will be an important document that<br />

will help influence and control the way our town<br />

changes in the future, including any new housing<br />

developments. This is the fifth in a series of Articles<br />

designed to give you the latest information on how<br />

we are progressing with the development of our<br />

Neighbourhood Plan.<br />

Thanks to all of you who attended and participated<br />

with your ideas, Likes and Dislikes at our recent<br />

consultation events. The Town Hall staff have collated<br />

all the responses including those that were submitted<br />

on line. Lots of interesting conversations took place<br />

but please do not think this is the end of it as we press<br />

on seeking to include as much as possible from your<br />

feedback. At the last meeting of the Steering group a<br />

lot of time was spent going through all the responses<br />

and considering how they impacted on the proposed<br />

policies. The policies are now in the process of being<br />

written.<br />

We have also had a preliminary discussion with the<br />

“Planners” at Breckland because as you remember<br />

our plan has to be consistent with the “Breckland<br />

local plan” which is in its final stages. Once we<br />

have our worked-up Neighbourhood plan it will be<br />

independently examined and will finally come to all<br />

people in <strong>Swaffham</strong> in a “Referendum”. As a reminder<br />

the Emerging policy ideas fall under the following<br />

broad headings: -<br />

• Housing and the Build Environment<br />

• Environment and Landscape<br />

• Community and Services<br />

• Business and Employment<br />

• Transport and Access<br />

We have still until recently been consulting with<br />

Organisations, Charities, Clubs, etc and are very<br />

grateful for their input. The Steering group meets<br />

monthly and our next will be 29th May 18 26th June<br />

18 If you have any special worries or concerns please<br />

let me know in advance.<br />

Keep up to date on the Town Council Website www.<br />

swaffhamtowncouncil.gov.uk<br />

Contact details: Rachel Leggett. Project Manager<br />

swaffhamplan@gmail.com 079477615335<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Town Council – Annual Report 2017-18<br />

Mayor’s overview of the year – a report by the Mayor<br />

Cllr Jill Skinner given to the Annual Town Assembly on<br />

25th April 2018 picked out the following: -<br />

This time last year work had commenced on our<br />

Skate park which was taking shape on the Recreation<br />

Ground and the Multi use Games Area, the MUGA<br />

was not that far behind, although it did seem it at<br />

the time. There was a delay which meant we had to<br />

put back our grand opening event planned for in July<br />

to September, but it was worth the wait. The Open<br />

Spaces Committee worked hard on this project with<br />

the staff, and the funding came through in grants,<br />

fundraising and £25,000 from the Town Council<br />

totalling £155,000.<br />

The Civic Twinning takes place every two years, and<br />

in 2018 Couhe will host the 50th year of Twinning, a<br />

real achievement. <strong>Swaffham</strong> will next host in 2022.<br />

The Council agreed a new policy to run alongside the<br />

proposed new ‘Declaration of Partnership’ that will<br />

replace the current Twinning Charter; the policy is<br />

reviewed after each Twinning visit, so the review will<br />

be in October.<br />

Our Gritting volunteers got caught out this year, as<br />

we had some snow, we could not be a ‘snow free’<br />

town for four years in a row. We will again try and<br />

encourage more people to volunteer, as it is a worry<br />

that we could still get problems if it was a really bad<br />

winter. We are very grateful for their services, and<br />

please do volunteer, your help would be appreciated.<br />

The Air Quality has become an issue in <strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

this past year, as an Air Quality Management Area<br />

(AQMA) was designated by Breckland Council, due<br />

to some areas along the A1065 failing the European<br />

Regulations. The Town Mayor and the Town Clerk<br />

have been attending AQMA steering group meetings,<br />

to identify possible solutions and Breckland staged a<br />

consultation event back in January on these solutions.<br />

We are expecting a report very soon, which has to be<br />

submitted to DEFRA for approval, and hopefully some<br />

of the solutions can be moved forward.<br />

The County Council are currently working on a<br />

‘Network Improvement Strategy’ for <strong>Swaffham</strong>,<br />

after we had to fight hard to get included in the first<br />

tranche of five towns to receive £20,000 to get their<br />

strategy completed in 2018. The idea is to assess each<br />

town in relation to the planned development in the<br />

town, and to see what improvements can be made,<br />

to make things run smoother. A number of the AQMA<br />

problems may be resolved within the strategy, but<br />

the key to the next stage is to get money allocated in<br />

order to get some of the improvements implemented.<br />

The Watton and <strong>Swaffham</strong> Focus Group has emerged<br />

this past year, as we have found meetings between<br />

the two Partnerships and the two Town Councils very<br />

useful. We have explored a lot of common ground.<br />

There will be some joint initiatives coming out of<br />

these meetings and the first of these is a ‘Projects,<br />

Events and Promotions Support Officer’ who will work<br />

for both towns; employed by <strong>Swaffham</strong> Town Council<br />

with a Service Level Agreement to Watton, for 18.5<br />

hours each. We will be going through the recruitment<br />

process shortly, as this finally went through Watton<br />

Town Council meeting only recently, we hope to have<br />

someone in post by the 1st July.<br />

The Breckland Local Plan is almost there, as Breckland<br />

Council acting as the planning authority seek to update<br />

their planning policies. The examiner is going through<br />

a series of meetings at the present time, and this is<br />

the final stage before the adoption process. We are<br />

informed though, that Breckland are still under their<br />

five-year land supply, and as such more vulnerable to<br />

speculative development.<br />

The Town Council agreed to produce a Neighbourhood<br />

Plan. The Council had to make a decision to change<br />

consultants last October, and appoint Rachel Leggett,<br />

and from that point on, we have made much greater<br />

progress and can see an end to the process. We were<br />

in danger of losing a number of very good volunteers,<br />

who have thankfully stayed with us and this is largely<br />

down to Rachel’s expert guidance in layman’s terms.<br />

The referendum looms well before this Council<br />

finishes in May next year.<br />

The Council are actively considering an offer for Days<br />

Field, there has been a series of meetings and advice<br />

from legal counsel, as they seek to finally determine<br />

what the future holds for this land. The Council are<br />

still negotiating a 50/50 arrangement to build out the<br />

site and retain houses to rent. This has not been an<br />

easy decision, as legal advice has had to be obtained<br />

for every step of the way, but it is likely that a decision<br />

will be taken in the not too distant future.<br />

The Town Council have supported the Breckland<br />

Council initiative for ‘ShopAppy’ which has seen<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> lead the way out of the five Breckland<br />

Towns with 40 independent businesses signing up for<br />

the scheme. The idea is that this initiative can help<br />

to level the playing field between national multiple<br />

businesses such as Boots, Tesco, Iceland, Asda etc,<br />

who all have a website presence, with orders being<br />

able to be taken on-line. Now, with Shopappy these<br />

40 <strong>Swaffham</strong> independents now has a website<br />

presence. They can offer click and collect either from<br />

the shop in question or for late collections from the<br />

Market Cross Café. There is also a ShopAppy App for<br />

your smart phone, so you can stay in touch with what<br />

is going on at the touch of a button.<br />

The <strong>Swaffham</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong> completed another full<br />

year under the ownership of Iceni Partnership with<br />

Jonathan Read being its Editor and we thank them<br />

for continuing to produce an excellent community<br />

newsletter. Our team of volunteers are also<br />

appreciated, as they are available every last Thursday<br />

in the month delivering to every door in the town. We<br />

need more deliverers, to make some of the rounds<br />

smaller, even if you can only help occasionally, please<br />

put your name forward at the Town Hall; we also need<br />

someone to help out sorting the rounds.<br />

There is lots more happening in the town, far too much<br />

to mention in a report such as this one. This is the last<br />

year of this particular Town Council, as we have Town<br />

Council Elections in May next year. So, keep an eye<br />

out for one of our ‘Do you want to be a Councillor’<br />

evenings, either later this year or early next year. Until<br />

then, a final wish has to be for the Town Councillors<br />

and the Staff to continue to all work together for a<br />

common aim for the benefit of the Town.<br />

Cllr Jill Skinner, Mayor of <strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

36<br />


FINANCE: Budget 2018-19 & Accounts 2017-18<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Town Council decided to put up their<br />

Precept (Council Tax) at £154.99at Band D at<br />

their Budget meeting in January for 2018-19<br />

starting this month, an increase of £8.21 per year.<br />

Councillors also agreed to take advantage of an<br />

increase in their Council Tax Base from 2436.30<br />

to 2538.80 as the Town is expanding there are<br />

now more people living in the Town to share<br />

the Council Tax burden, otherwise that increase<br />

would have been much higher.<br />

This has meant that the Town Council have been<br />

able to increase their Precept from £357,605 to<br />

£393,500, thus following a 5.1% increase for the<br />

previous financial year with a 5.6% increase in the<br />

year just started on 1st April. As the Town expands<br />

it means that the Town Council is taking on more<br />

Play Areas, Open Spaces and Street Lights, so the<br />

additional income will be needed to pay for more<br />

services delivered locally.<br />

This Council has just completed its third year and<br />

its third budget; they are in the home straight of<br />

their 4-year term. The task as always is to see that<br />

there are sufficient funds to manage the services<br />

and facilities we have in the Town, whilst not<br />

burdening the Council Tax Payer with larger than<br />

necessary increases in what they have to pay. For<br />

2018-19 Breckland Council continue to reduce<br />

the Council Tax Support Grant year on year. It<br />

was £17,334 last year, it will be £8,667 this year,<br />

reducing in subsequent years until it reaches zero<br />

next year. The Town Council must now manage<br />

this loss of income by monitoring its expenditure<br />

to ensure good housekeeping.<br />

Government have given us a bit of breathing space<br />

for the next two years on the question of whether<br />

Parish & Town Councils should be included in a<br />

referendum policy (which both Breckland and<br />

County Council have now), whereby a percentage<br />

increase is set by government and local councils<br />

can only go above this by winning a referendum.<br />

The coming years will see many more changes<br />

and challenges put before the Town Council. The<br />

Council Tax payer in <strong>Swaffham</strong> at Band D last year<br />

paid £1,660.82 this was shared out as follows:<br />

£1,217.94 County Council; £78.93 Breckland<br />

Council; £217.17 Police and £146.78 <strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

Town Council.<br />

Projects for the future:<br />

• The Buttercross and Town Centre improvements<br />

(Tesco Section 106) - the project is currently<br />

out to tender and HLF grant funding will be in<br />

a similar timeframe - the target date to get this<br />

work completed is July to October this year<br />

• Improvements to Public Toilets – under review<br />

by the Town Team, is currently being costed<br />

out and the Council recently agreed to get a<br />

professional specification drawn up, so that this<br />

can go out to tender, delivery timescale is likely<br />

to be January/February 2019<br />

• Use for land purchased for a swimming pool -<br />

the Town Council this time last year re-affirmed<br />

that this land is for a swimming pool, at least for<br />

the remainder of this Council’s term i.e. 1 more year.<br />

The Town Council currently has come to terms<br />

with extra responsibilities that public toilets,<br />

play areas and other functions discarded by<br />

higher authorities can bring. The general revenue<br />

reserves balance has been consolidated this<br />

past year, in line with statutory guidelines. Our<br />

Internal Audit has been completed with a clean<br />

bill of health, External Audit is due to start on the<br />

12th June. We (councillors and staff) have worked<br />

hard to put the Town Council in a position where<br />

we can make a difference for the benefit of all<br />

who work, live and visit <strong>Swaffham</strong>.<br />


The accounts were presented to the Full Council<br />

meeting on 9th May. Copies of the accounts will<br />

be available on request at the Town Hall, now<br />

that the Internal Audit has taken place.<br />

Richard Bishop,<br />

Town Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer<br />

Town Council Dates<br />

Wednesday 13th - Full Town Council meeting<br />

6.30 p.m. - 9.00 p.m.<br />

Council Chamber, Town Hall.<br />

Monday 18th – Market meeting, 6.30 – 9.00pm<br />

Council Chamber, Town Hall.<br />

Tuesday 26th – N Plan -Steering Group 12noon<br />

Planning committee, 1.30pm<br />

Council Chamber, Town Hall.<br />

From the Mayor’s Parlour<br />

Dear All,<br />

What a lovely year this has been for me as your<br />

Mayor, seems only yesterday I was setting off chain<br />

in hand to represent you all. It’s been an incredibly<br />

busy year with the usual civic events, but, most of all<br />

I think I’ve enjoyed trying to get things done. One is<br />

definitely in the front line and can almost get hooked<br />

on the workings of the council. I hasten to add that<br />

my real frustration is that everything seems to move<br />

slowly, and protocols have to be observed, just wish<br />

we could be a little bit more dynamic! Councils<br />

on the whole do not have a good reputation for<br />

pleasing the people, I really hope that in <strong>Swaffham</strong><br />

it is improving.<br />

Unfortunately, there are many decisions that are<br />

made by Breckland and Norfolk County Council<br />

which are out of our hands, this does not mean that<br />

we will not listen and do our best to direct you or<br />

help fight your corner. I do urge you to contact any of<br />

the councillors if you have a problem, it’s important<br />

we know what’s going on otherwise nothing will be<br />

sorted. I was phoned by a gentleman walking his<br />

dog, it was May Bank Holiday, he was concerned<br />

that travellers were moving onto Breckland land<br />

near The Green Britain centre. I phoned the police<br />

and their response was rapid, I trust the problem has<br />

been resolved.<br />

My relaxation consisted of going to a couple of<br />

performances, one by The <strong>Swaffham</strong> Players, always<br />

enjoyable, their script writer is excellent. The other<br />

one was at the Convent who put on an amazing<br />

production of Treasure Island so well done by the<br />

pupils, I’m sure lots of hard work went into that by<br />

staff as well.<br />

My pledge to sort out the toilets has unfortunately<br />

not come to fruition; however, we now have a<br />

plan and once that’s ratified by the council we can<br />

hopefully move that along, this next year I hope. I<br />

have now handed over to Cllr Colin Houghton, our<br />

new Mayor. I do wish him, and his wife Andrea enjoy<br />

the many experiences this year will bring. Again, a<br />

big thank you to all those who have helped and been<br />

there for me during this year, I’ve appreciated this<br />

no end.<br />

Take care of yourselves, I shall see you around. Every<br />

best wish.<br />

Cllr Jill Skinner Mayor 2017-18 (and newly Elected<br />

Deputy Mayor for 2018-19)<br />

Highway problems<br />

Highway problems should be reported to Norfolk<br />

County Council: Tel. 0344 800 8020.<br />

Give the location of the problem and a telephone<br />

number where further information can be obtained.<br />

Faulty street lights can be reported at the Town Hall<br />

during office hours or by telephoning Norfolk County<br />

Council 0344 800 8020.<br />

Reports should give a precise location of the light<br />

and the number on the column. Alternatively visit<br />

www.norfolk.gov.uk. Search: Street Lights/Pot Holes<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Relief in Need Charity<br />

Registered Charity No. 1072912<br />

Relief in Need is a Registered Charity which meets 6<br />

times a year, offering grants for a specific purpose for<br />

the relief of persons resident in the area of benefit<br />

(i.e. <strong>Swaffham</strong>) who are in need, hardship or distress.<br />

Application Forms are available from the Town Hall<br />

or reliefinneed@swaffhamtowncouncil.gov.uk<br />

The Town Council<br />

Mayor – Cllr Colin Houghton 01760 336 121<br />

Deputy Mayor – Cllr Jill Skinner 01760 336 025<br />

Cllr Steven Allen<br />

Cllr Terry Jennison<br />

07825 801 605<br />

01760 720 608<br />

Cllr Robert Bartram<br />

Cllr Sheila Lister<br />

01760 721 022<br />

01760 720 114<br />

Cllr Wendy Bensley<br />

Cllr Shirley Matthews<br />

01760 722 524<br />

01760 723 205<br />

Cllr Brenda Bowler<br />

Cllr Les Scott<br />

01760 788 519<br />

01760 720 465<br />

Cllr Jan Buckley-Stevens<br />

Cll Anne Thorp<br />

01760 722 604<br />

01760 722 611<br />

Cllr Paul Darby<br />

01760 622725<br />

Breckland Councillors:<br />

Cllr Paul Darby, Cllr Shirley Matthews and<br />

Cllr Ian Sherwood 01760 725 550<br />

twitter@ CllrIanSherwood (your.cllr@breckland.gov.uk)<br />

Your County Councillor is Cllr Ed Colman<br />

01362 697 397 / email ed.colman.cllr@norfolk.gov.uk<br />

Officers<br />

Richard Bishop – Town Clerk<br />

townclerk@swaffhamtowncouncil.gov.uk<br />

Twitter - @<strong>Swaffham</strong>Clerk<br />

Claire Smith - Deputy Town Clerk<br />

deputyclerk@swaffhamtowncouncil.gov.uk<br />

Hannah Duggan – Office Administrator<br />

administrator@swaffhamtowncouncil.gov.uk<br />

<strong>Swaffham</strong> Town Council<br />

Tel: 01760 722 922<br />

www.swaffhamtowncouncil.gov.uk<br />

Town Hall Opening Times<br />

Monday 9.30am-1pm and 1.30pm-4pm<br />

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday : 9:30am-1pm<br />

38 39

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