2018-2019 Aircraft Spruce Catalog
Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Company strives to carry everything a pilot could need, including pilot supplies and aircraft parts, always at the lowest prices. Aircraft Spruce supplies components for a wide variety of homebuilt aircraft including the Lancair, Vans Aircraft, Cozy, Starduster and Europa, as well as factory built parts for Cessna, Piper, Beech, and Mooney. Products include Garmin avionics, tools, charts, propellers, spruce, software, instruments, aircraft engines, aviation headsets, landing gear components, and composite materials. We also carry a full line of aviation grade hardware, covering supplies, composite materials, airframe parts, electrical components, and steel and aluminum. For airplane parts and pilot supplies, Aircraft Spruce is the leading aviation supply house in the world. Shop with Aircraft Spruce for all your aviation needs
Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Company strives to carry everything a pilot could need, including pilot supplies and aircraft parts, always at the lowest prices. Aircraft Spruce supplies components for a wide variety of homebuilt aircraft including the Lancair, Vans Aircraft, Cozy, Starduster and Europa, as well as factory built parts for Cessna, Piper, Beech, and Mooney. Products include Garmin avionics, tools, charts, propellers, spruce, software, instruments, aircraft engines, aviation headsets, landing gear components, and composite materials. We also carry a full line of aviation grade hardware, covering supplies, composite materials, airframe parts, electrical components, and steel and aluminum. For airplane parts and pilot supplies, Aircraft Spruce is the leading aviation supply house in the world. Shop with Aircraft Spruce for all your aviation needs
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WELCOME!<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Company turns 52 years old in 2017, and we’ve come a long<br />
way since Flo and Bob Irwin started shipping orders for aircraft grade spruce from the basement<br />
of our family home in Fullerton.<br />
Back in 1965, <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> had one full time employee (Flo) and one product; aircraft<br />
spruce. Over the years, every type of aircraft part and pilot product has been added to<br />
our inventory, and the company catalog has grown to over 1,000 pages and over 100,000<br />
products. The one employee has increased to over 170 today. From the day Flo opened the<br />
doors in 1965, to 1980 when we took the helm, all the way to 2017, the goal of our company<br />
is to offer the best price on the products we sell and the best service in the industry.<br />
Our growth over the years has been made possible by the support of our customers worldwide,<br />
and every member of the <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> team is committed to living by our Mission Statement on every order, every day.<br />
We hope that you will enjoy using this latest edition of the <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> catalog to locate the aircraft parts and pilot supplies you<br />
need. You can also shop on-line on our website at www.aircraftspruce.com. Place your orders by phone with our knowledgeable,<br />
friendly sales agents, fax your order to our 24 hour fax line, or order online through our easy-to-use website.<br />
Our thanks to all of our customers worldwide for their patronage over the past 52 years; we look forward to serving you soon.<br />
At AIRCRAFT SPRUCE & SPECIALTY, we recognize that the CUSTOMER is #1. We will do everything in<br />
our power to make sure the customer is satisfied with their experience with <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty.<br />
At AIRCRAFT SPRUCE & SPECIALTY, we will sell only the highest quality products at the lowest price.<br />
At AIRCRAFT SPRUCE & SPECIALTY, it is our goal to provide everything for airplanes for our customers.<br />
We either carry or can special order the items our customers want or need.<br />
At AIRCRAFT SPRUCE & SPECIALTY, we will ship every order taken for in stock products the same day.<br />
We are committed to doing whatever is necessary to ship our customers orders accurately, completely, and<br />
on time.<br />
At AIRCRAFT SPRUCE & SPECIALTY, we will solve our customers’ problems quickly, fairly, and efficiently,<br />
on the customer’s FIRST call.<br />
At AIRCRAFT SPRUCE & SPECIALTY, we will work together as a team to reach our goal: 100% customer<br />
satisfaction.<br />
There has never been an easier way to access thousands of aviation products<br />
than visiting www.<strong>Aircraft</strong><strong>Spruce</strong>.com. The <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> website provides easy<br />
access to information on all of the products contained in this catalog 24/7. Place<br />
your order online and confirm the order in real time as they are processed. View<br />
backorder status and product availability.<br />
Our 1,000+ page Parts <strong>Catalog</strong> is available for download in pdf format online 24<br />
hours a day.<br />
Customers can also get up to the minute account and order status anytime of<br />
the day. You have real time access to your account information when you want<br />
and need it. Open order status and your filled order history is always available<br />
and updated daily. Our partnership with our freight carriers, like UPS provide you<br />
with up to the minute shipping information including package status, scheduling,<br />
and delivery.<br />
Try our new “Shop by <strong>Aircraft</strong>” parts guide. We have compiled the application<br />
data for a number of common general aviation aircraft so our customers can easily<br />
find their applicable standard replacement parts.<br />
• Fast, Easy, Convenient! • Check order status! • 24-hour access to all of our products!<br />
NAME:<br />
CUSTOMER #:<br />
A complete and detailed index can be found at the back of this book.<br />
877-477-7823 • 800-861-3192<br />
Mon. - Fri.: 5:00am - 6:00pm, Sat.: 7:00am–3:30pm<br />
800-329-3020<br />
www.aircraftspruce.com<br />
info@aircraftspruce.com<br />
800-826-3160<br />
225 Airport Circle, Corona, CA 92880-2527<br />
Phone: (951) 372-9555 • Fax: (951) 372-0555<br />
Mon. thru Fri.: 7:00am–4:00pm • Saturday: 7:00am–3:30pm<br />
452 Dividend Drive, Peachtree City, GA 30269<br />
Ph: (770) 487-2310 • Fax: (770) 487-2308<br />
Mon. thru Fri.: 8:00am–7:00pm • Saturday: 10:00am–6:30pm<br />
27 York Rd.Brantford, ON N3T-6H2<br />
Mailing: P.O. Box 3731<br />
Ph: (519) 759-5017 • Fax: (519) 759-8964<br />
Mon. thru Fri.: 8:00am–5:00pm • Saturday: 8:00am–3:00pm<br />
www.aircraftspruce.ca • email: info@aircraftspruce.ca<br />
While we try to offer everything you might need for your aircraft, there<br />
are some products that you may not find listed in this catalog. Let us<br />
help! Just give our Sales Department a call on our Toll Free number and<br />
provide our Sales representative with as much information as possible<br />
on the parts you need. They will source the product for you and provide<br />
a quotation and lead time for the product as quickly as possible.<br />
NOTICE! Many parts in this catalog are NOT FAA approved.<br />
Unless our catalog specifically indicates a part has a PMA (Parts<br />
Manufacturers Approval), that part may not be certified or approved<br />
for aviation use. The selling of a part should not be construed as a<br />
representation that the part is certified or approved for aviation use, nor<br />
can <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. include instructions for use or warnings<br />
unless provided by the manufacturer or distributor. Any concerns<br />
the purchaser may have about the suitability of a part for aviation use,<br />
instructions for use or warnings, should be promptly directed to the<br />
manufacturer.<br />
In as much as <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. has no opportunity to<br />
supervise the manufacture, installation or maintenance of the parts supplied<br />
by it, nor any opportunity to participate in the design or manufacture<br />
of the various certificated and homebuilt aircraft in which its parts are<br />
utilized, the purchaser by placing this order and accepting said merchandise<br />
from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. agrees that all materials<br />
purchased will be used solely at purchaser’s risk and that purchaser<br />
will indemnify and hold <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co., its owners and<br />
employees, free and harmless from all loss, liability or damage resulting<br />
from claims brought by reasons of any alleged failure or defect of any<br />
part or parts supplied by <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co.<br />
Glass Cloth, Resins, Foams, Tools, Safety Equipment, Kevlar, Graphite<br />
WOOD PRODUCTS (WP) Pg.- 43-50<br />
<strong>Spruce</strong>, Balsa, Ply wood, Glues<br />
METALS & PLASTICS (ME) Pg.- 51-62<br />
4130 Steel, Aluminum, Tubing, Sheet, Rod, Bar, Angle, Hinge, Copper<br />
Tubing, Firewall Metals, Trailing Edge, Channel, Plastics, Plexiglas,<br />
Lexan, Nylon, Phenolic & Acrylic Tube Rod<br />
HARDWARE (HA)Pg.- 63-120<br />
Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Screws, Fittings, Fas ten ers, Rivets, Nails, Rivnuts<br />
AIRFRAME PARTS (AP) Pg.- 121-287<br />
Rubber Goods, Grom mets, Hose O-Rings, Shock Mounts, Shock Cords,<br />
Channels, Control System Components, Fuel Supplies, Bearings, Tie<br />
Rods, Throttles & Controls, Propellers, Spinners, Cowlings, Windshields,<br />
Seat Belts & Harnesses<br />
LANDING GEAR (LG) Pg.- 288-331<br />
Wheels & Brakes, Tires & Tubes, Axles, Tailwheels<br />
ENGINE PARTS (EP) Pg.- 332-457<br />
Magnetos, Carburetors, Starters, Gen era tors, Al ter na tors, Spark Plugs,<br />
Ignition Harnesses, Engines, Exhaust Stacks, Engine Mounts, Air & Oil<br />
Filters<br />
COVERING SUPPLIES (CS) Pg.- 458-535<br />
Fabric, Tapes, Inspection Rings, Grom mets, Paint Brushes, Dopes,<br />
Thinners, Finishes, Chemical Products, Registration Stencils, Plac ards,<br />
Decals<br />
INSTRUMENTS (IN) Pg.- 536-614<br />
Vac uum Pumps, Pitot Tubes, Shock Mounts, Instrument Overhaul,<br />
Ta chome ter Cables<br />
ELECTRICAL (EL) Pg.- 615-703<br />
Batteries, Lights, Strobes, Electrical Wire & Terminals<br />
AVIONICS (AV) Pg.- 704-813<br />
Custom Panels, Radios, Antennas, ELT’S, Encoders, GPS, Headsets,<br />
Intercoms, Accessories<br />
TOOLS (TO) Pg.- 814-925<br />
Tubing Benders & Cutters, Rivet Guns, Wire Twisters, Spray Guns,<br />
Welding Equip ment, Spark Plug Tools, Safety Equipment<br />
PILOT SUP PLIES (PS) Pg.- 926-1050<br />
Oxygen Equip ment, Tiedown Kits, Goggles, Sun Glasses, Videos,<br />
Charts, Flight Cases, Tow Bars, Parachutes.<br />
BOOKS & VIDEOS (BV) Pg.- 1051-1094<br />
Construction & Aviation Videos, Instructional Materials, Pilot Guides, Log<br />
Books, <strong>Aircraft</strong> Manuals, General Aviation Books, E-Books<br />
COPYRIGHT © <strong>2018</strong> AIRCRAFT SPRUCE & SPECIALTY<br />
Cover photo courtesy of:<br />
Mike Fizer, AOPA<br />
CM<br />
WP<br />
ME<br />
HA<br />
AP<br />
LG<br />
EP<br />
CS<br />
IN<br />
EL<br />
AV<br />
TO<br />
PS<br />
BV<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 1
Bob and Flo Irwin<br />
201 West Truslow Ave, Fullerton CA.<br />
Home of <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> from 1973 to 1997<br />
Present Home of <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> West<br />
(225 Airport Circle, Corona, CA.)<br />
Present Home of <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> East<br />
(452 Dividend Drive, Peachtree City, GA)<br />
The foundation for what is now <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. dates<br />
to the summer of 1956 when Flo and Bob Irwin founded Fullerton Air<br />
Parts at Fullerton Municipal Airport in Southern California. Bob, born<br />
and raised in Kansas City, MO., a pilot since the 1940’s and active<br />
in the CAP and other aviation groups, knew airplanes and the parts<br />
that were needed to keep them flying. Flo, a native of Rochester, New<br />
York, had no aviation background but learned the business quickly<br />
and knew what it would take to keep customers coming back... fair<br />
prices and good service. Fullerton Air Parts grew into one of the largest<br />
retail aircraft parts suppliers in the western states during the next<br />
nine years.<br />
In 1965, Bob and Flo Irwin sold the business and founded another<br />
one which sold only one product, aircraft grade spruce lumber for aircraft<br />
construction and restoration. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Co. quickly added<br />
more products to its small catalog and adopted the name <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co., with a goal to offer everything pilots and<br />
aircraft builders need. As <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> served more customers<br />
and more and more products were added, staff grew from 2 in 1965<br />
to over 180 today.<br />
Jim Irwin, Bob and Flo’s older son, grew up in the business, working<br />
in jobs such as cutting metal and spruce, pulling and shipping orders,<br />
and managing kit programs such as the Vari-Eze back in 1975 while<br />
still in college. Graduating from California State University at Fullerton<br />
in 1978 with a degree in business administration (marketing), Jim<br />
acquired the company and became president in 1980. Jim’s wife<br />
Nanci, who graduated with an accounting degree from the University<br />
of Southern California in 1977, is vice-president and works full time<br />
managing the company’s accounting and data processing departments.<br />
Jim Irwin has logged over 5000 hours as a multi-engine,<br />
instrument rated pilot since 1976 and Nanci Irwin is a licensed private<br />
pilot as well. They fly the company Cessna 425 extensively on<br />
business throughout the Southwest. Jim and Nanci Irwin have four<br />
children: Mike, Krissy, Jeff, and Rob, who are all members of the<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> management team. Mike and Jeff are pilots and fly<br />
the company’s Navion Rangemaster.<br />
Flo and Bob Irwin, along with Jim’s younger brother John, moved<br />
to Lake Havasu City, Arizona in the fall of 1983 and founded ACS<br />
Products Co., which manufactures a line of products which is distributed<br />
by <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong>. Flo Irwin passed away on June 10, 1989,<br />
but the legacy of this warm, outgoing, and talented businesswoman<br />
lives on in the businesses she founded and built to serve the aviation<br />
community. John Irwin, his wife, Frances, and Bob Irwin now manage<br />
the ACS Products Co. operation. Bob Irwin was an instrument rated<br />
pilot with more than 2000 hours logged and based his 1968 Navion<br />
Rangemaster at Lake Havasu City until May 2000 when Bob retired<br />
as a pilot, after fifty years of flying, and moved the Navion to Chino<br />
Airport for his grandchildren to fly. Prior to acquiring the Rangemaster<br />
in 1976, Bob owned a Vultee BT-13B and a 1949 Ryan Navion. Bob<br />
Irwin passed away on June 26, 2015 at the age of 95, after being<br />
active in general aviation as a pilot and businessman for over 65<br />
years.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> was housed in downtown Fullerton, CA. from its<br />
founding in 1965 until late 1997. The last 24 years in Fullerton the<br />
company was operated in a historic Fullerton former citrus packing<br />
house, which we eventually outgrew. In the fall of 1997, <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> moved to a new, 62,000 square foot facility in Corona,<br />
California. In the Spring of 2004, <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> East moved to a<br />
new 56,000 Sq. Ft. facility in Peachtree City, GA from its old home<br />
in Griffin, GA. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Canada was opened in Toronto in<br />
December 2006, and moved to a new facility at Brantford Airport in<br />
Ontario in late 2008. In late 2012 <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Canada moved into<br />
a new 20,000 square foot facility at Brantford Airport. We are proud<br />
of the tradition of our company that now dates back some 52 years,<br />
and are pleased to have had the opportunity to help aviators around<br />
the world build the plane of their dreams. Our growth, from a single<br />
room in 1965 to 120,000 square feet in three facilities that we have<br />
today, has been a direct result of the loyalty and patronage of our<br />
customers. Our goal is to continue to provide the very best in products,<br />
prices, and customer service to our friends in the years to come.<br />
2<br />
1965 – <strong>2018</strong><br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> West was located in a 27,000 split level packing<br />
house in downtown Fullerton, CA. from 1973 until 1997. Built in<br />
1924 by the Union Pacific Railroad, the Building was known as<br />
the Elephant Packing House named after the original lease holder<br />
operating a citrus packing operation there. In 1996, <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
acquired a 5-acre parcel near the airport in Corona, CA. Construction<br />
for the new home of <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> West began in March 1997. In<br />
September of 1997, the new 62,000 sq. ft. facility was completed and<br />
operations were moved from Fullerton to Corona. The Corona facility<br />
features 10,000 sq.ft. of office space, a large, automated warehouse,<br />
separate workshops for preparation of metal and wood orders, and a<br />
huge retail store for fly-in and drive-in customers. Visitors are always<br />
welcome at <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> West.<br />
Phone: (951) 372-9555<br />
email: info@aircraftspruce.com<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> East is located on Falcon Field (FCC) in Peachtree<br />
City, GA. 20 miles southwest of Atlanta. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> East was<br />
formally located in a 27,000 sq.foot building in Griffin, GA which was<br />
the former home of Alexander Aeroplane Co., prior to the acquisition<br />
by <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> in January 1996. The new facility in Peachtree<br />
City is 56,000 sq. ft. and became the new home of <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
East in March of 2004. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> East ships hundreds of orders<br />
each day to customers worldwide and features a fully stocked aircraft<br />
parts and pilot supply store. Be sure to visit <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> East any<br />
time you are in the Atlanta area.<br />
Phone: (770) 487-2310<br />
email: info@aircraftspruce.com<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Canada is located at the Brantford Municipal Airport<br />
in Brantford, Ontario, about an hour drive south from Toronto. A<br />
retail store is available to customers who fly or drive to the Brantford<br />
Airport to purchase aircraft parts, avionics, and pilot supplies.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Canada also provides same day shipping to customers<br />
throughout Canada from our new 20,000 square foot facility.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> builders and owners in Canada have full access to products<br />
sold by <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> in the United States at competitive prices<br />
and shipping rates. Shipping options include Canada Post, UPS,<br />
FedEx, DHL, Dicom, and Purolator. Make plans to visit <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> Canada anytime you are in the Greater Toronto Area.<br />
Phone: (519) 759-5017<br />
email: info@aircraftspruce.ca<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. serves our customers worldwide<br />
through International Representatives in over 55 countries. These<br />
countries include: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia,<br />
Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus,<br />
Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France,<br />
Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan,<br />
Korea, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico,<br />
Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru,<br />
Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore,<br />
Slovak Republic, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan,<br />
Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uruguay,<br />
Venezuela.<br />
For complete contact information for any of our <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
International Representatives, please call 1-877-4-SPRUCE or visit<br />
our website at www.aircraftspruce.com<br />
Image Courtesy of: vecteezy.com<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 3
President<br />
Vice President<br />
Director of Operations - West<br />
Director of Operations - East<br />
Vice President -<br />
Procurement<br />
Vice President -<br />
Operations<br />
Vice President -<br />
Marketing<br />
Human Resources Manager<br />
Inside Sales Manager<br />
Avionics Sales<br />
Manager<br />
Product Support<br />
Manager<br />
Warehouse Manager –<br />
West<br />
Outside Sales Manager<br />
Accounting Manager<br />
Logistics Manager<br />
International Sales<br />
Manager<br />
Customer Service<br />
Manager<br />
SCOTT<br />
Shop Manager – West<br />
WALKER<br />
Office Manager – East<br />
Shipping Manager<br />
Warehouse Manager –<br />
East<br />
General Manager –<br />
Canada<br />
Warehouse Manager –<br />
Canada<br />
4<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
AIRCRAFT SPRUCE WEST STAFF - JUNE <strong>2018</strong><br />
AIRCRAFT SPRUCE EAST STAFF - JUNE <strong>2018</strong><br />
AIRCRAFT SPRUCE CANADA STAFF - JUNE <strong>2018</strong><br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 5
At <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Company, we handle every order with the same care and diligence that we did our first order<br />
back in 1965. Here is a glimpse of some of the many departments that process thousands of orders each week and ship them<br />
to our customers around the world.<br />
Orders may be placed by mail, FAX, email, and online at www.aircraftspruce.com,<br />
or as most customers prefer, by phone with one of<br />
our friendly, helpful sales persons. Your order is quickly input into our<br />
computer system and printed immediately in the warehouse.<br />
Our large staff of order pickers receive the orders in the ware house,<br />
fill the order and pass it along to the shipping de part ment for careful<br />
packaging and shipment. We carry over 100,000 different in ven tory<br />
items!<br />
Warehouse inventory is carefully arranged in computer part number<br />
sequence for fast and accurate order completion. As your single<br />
source supplier, <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> stocks lumber, ply wood, metals,<br />
com pos ites, hardware, instruments, tools, cov er ing supplies, avionics....and<br />
everything in between! Walk-in customers are invited<br />
to visit our stores located at our warehouses in Corona, CA and<br />
Peachtree City, GA, and Brantford Canada.<br />
Orders for specially cut steel and aluminum tubing, sheet, bar and<br />
plate are no problem here, and are processed on a daily basis.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> furnishes raw materials to large end users in huge<br />
quantities at volume discounts, as well as cut pieces as small as one<br />
foot to homebuilders. Whatever you need, we’ve got it!<br />
Hand selected aircraft grade spruce lumber was our very first product,<br />
and remains one of our specialty products today. All of our<br />
spruce is certified to MIL-S-6073 and is custom milled, inspected and<br />
packaged according to customer specifications.<br />
An average of 2,500 packages per day leave the <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
warehouses in Corona, CA, Peachtree City, GA, and Brantford ON,<br />
Canada via UPS, Parcel Post, Federal Express, air freight or sea<br />
freight on their way to our customers throughout the United States<br />
and worldwide. Our state-of-the-art in-house computer systems with<br />
complete order tracking capability make <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty<br />
Company the smart choice as your complete supplier for aviation<br />
materials and components.<br />
6<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
EAA & AOPA<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> purchased the former home of<br />
Paul and Audrey Poberezny in Oshkosh, WI in<br />
2017 and makes the home available to the EAA<br />
for tours and special events. The original stone<br />
farmhouse is over 100 years old and was Paul and<br />
Audrey’s home from 1991 until his death in 2013.<br />
Located near Wittman Field, the 9 acre estate<br />
reflects the standards and culture the Pobereznys<br />
utilized in building the world’s leading sport aviation<br />
organization, EAA, and the world’s premier<br />
aviation event, AirVenture. This home hosted<br />
many of aviations leaders and icons, and countless<br />
aviation artifacts and photos representing<br />
the relationships and events that shaped Paul’s<br />
remarkable life are on display throughout the<br />
home, providing insight into the lifetime passion<br />
and vision of one of aviation’s greatest leaders. This is where Paul built airplanes, read about aviation<br />
history, and wrote countless letters and articles. As he often said, “There isn’t a day that goes<br />
by that I don’t say the word airplane”.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> and the Irwin family have maintained a close relationship with the Poberezny family<br />
and EAA for over 50 years and is honored to have the opportunity to partner with the EAA to make<br />
this historic home available to EAA members and aviation enthusiasts in the years ahead.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> has been a major<br />
sponsor of EAA for many years, providing<br />
donations and materials for<br />
EAA SportAir Workshops, AirVenture<br />
Forums and Workshops, EAA Webinars,<br />
Young Eagles, and many regional and<br />
local EAA events.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> provides discounts on orders placed by EAA<br />
members using the EAA credit card. The discount varies on<br />
every product, and there are certain products on which discounts<br />
are not permitted by the manufacturer. The maximum discount<br />
is 10%, and the price with discount applied can be provided by<br />
the <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> sales agent or online. When you use the EAA<br />
Platinum Visa credit card our system recognizes the card and<br />
applies applicable discounts to each product.<br />
For more information on cardholder benefits, please go to:<br />
EAA.org/Visa.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> has been a sponsor and advertiser with AOPA for<br />
decades. In 2012, <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> became the first aviation supply<br />
company to join AOPA as a Strategic Partner. This partnership<br />
provides funding and support for the many AOPA programs that<br />
are essential to the growth of general aviation. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> is<br />
proud to help support AOPA’s efforts to grow general aviation and<br />
protect pilots’ rights.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> also offers AOPA members valuable benefits<br />
through special promotions and programs.<br />
To become an AOPA member or get more information about<br />
the association, please visit www.aopa.org<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 7
We want all aviators to have access to the<br />
wide range of products and services offered<br />
by <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong>. Just give us a call on our<br />
toll free order line, send us a request for a<br />
catalog by fax, mail, or e-mail, and we’ll<br />
have a complimentary copy of our catalog<br />
on the way to you the same day. Our catalog<br />
is also available on CD, or for download<br />
in pdf format at www.aircraftspruce.com. If<br />
you know of someone who needs a catalog,<br />
please let us know.<br />
Note: Free Shipping on catalogs shipped within the USA (including Alaska +<br />
Hawaii). Canadian and international catalog orders will incur a $15 freight charge via<br />
Bulk Mail. Additional items may incur additional freight charges. Expedited shipping<br />
will incur additional freight charges.<br />
Print <strong>Catalog</strong> ...................................... P/N 01-38400 ...................... FREE<br />
CD <strong>Catalog</strong> ........................................ P/N 01-00612 ...................... FREE<br />
Stop by one of our stores to view and purchase<br />
the many items listed in the <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> catalog. The <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> West<br />
store is open Monday thru Friday 8:00am<br />
to 6:00pm, and Saturday 7:00am to<br />
3:00pm. The Will Call store at <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> East is open Monday thru<br />
Friday 8:00am to 6:00pm, and Saturday 8:00am to 4:00pm. The <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> Canada store is open Monday thru Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm,<br />
Saturday 9:00am to 3:00pm. Call either office ahead of time to place<br />
your order and we will have it ready for pick-up upon your arrival. The<br />
staff at <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> West, East, and Canada welcome your visits.<br />
8<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Online provides customers<br />
with up to the minute account and order<br />
status utilizing their own personal computers.<br />
The <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Web Site provides information<br />
on many of the products contained<br />
in this catalog, real time access to account<br />
information, open order status and filled order history available daily.<br />
Confirm order on line in real time as they are processed, and view backorder<br />
status and product availability. In addition, our partnership with<br />
UPS provides you with up to the minute shipping information including<br />
package status, scheduling, and delivery exception.<br />
www.aircraftspruce.com<br />
Your satisfaction is our number one priority. This is why we include a<br />
Customer Comment Card in every order we ship. Please take a moment<br />
to complete the few questions on the card and give us any comments<br />
or suggestions you might have. Simply drop the postage paid card in<br />
the mail to return to our California headquarters. Your response helps<br />
us monitor our level of service and ensure that we are performing well<br />
for you.<br />
Orders placed by 4:00 pm EST and 4:00 pm PST Monday-Friday for<br />
“off-the-shelf”, in-stock items are normally shipped same day from the<br />
respective location (Peachtree City, GA or Corona, CA). Our shipping<br />
departments are closed on Saturdays and Sundays.<br />
Although we stock the vast majority of the items in our catalog, we cannot<br />
assure that they will all be on hand at all times. We ship every order<br />
as quickly as possible, and in the event of a delay, be assured that<br />
we are working hard to get your order shipped promptly. Due to order<br />
volume during holidays, we cannot guarantee that all orders placed can<br />
ship on the day after the holiday closure.<br />
Orders for spruce, tubing and other special cut products may take a few<br />
days to ship depending on order volume. Special order products ship<br />
base on the lead times of each manufacturer. Note: Special Instructions<br />
may delay shipment of your order.<br />
In order to ensure efficient, accurate processing of orders in the warehouse,<br />
we have several restrictions for adding on to placed orders. The<br />
restrictions include:<br />
Orders that have “Packed” or “Invoiced” status<br />
Orders qualifying for free shipping<br />
Orders placed by PayPal<br />
Orders containing special order items<br />
We have also implemented a 1:00 pm local time cutoff for add-ons at the<br />
respective origin warehouse on the day the order is shipping.<br />
If the order has an “open” status and it is before the 1:00 pm cutoff, you<br />
can add on to it using the website in the “Order Self Help” screen or by<br />
calling our Customer Service department. If we cannot add products to<br />
the open order due to the restrictions listed above, we will be glad to take<br />
a new order for the additional products.<br />
We have looked for a more customer friendly packing material alternative<br />
for some time, and we are pleased to announce that we will be<br />
using a 100% recycled, 100% biodegradable paper packing material to<br />
replace the peanuts. This material is suitable to our high volume shipping<br />
requirements, protects the contents of the box as well as the peanuts,<br />
and will allow customers to unpack their shipments without having<br />
to pick up peanuts afterward.<br />
For our customer’s convenience we enclose a copy of the invoice covering<br />
the order with each order shipped except those shipped to a third<br />
party. If the order is paid by check and the check did not cover<br />
the full amount of the invoice, the amount of underpayment will<br />
be sent C.O.D. for the balance due plus C.O.D. fee of $10.50 rather<br />
than delay the order. If you have overpaid by check, the overpayment<br />
will be credited to your account or refunded. C.O.D. shipments are<br />
considered “paid” as soon as we receive payment from UPS, and credit<br />
card orders are paid automatically at time of shipment. We look forward<br />
to your next order!<br />
Upon receipt, the package should be opened promptly and material<br />
checked against the packing slip enclosed. Items out-of-stock at time<br />
of shipment will be marked as “back-ordered – to follow.” These items<br />
will not be charged on the invoice enclosed with the package and will be<br />
forwarded as soon as delivery is received from our suppliers. The backordered<br />
items will not be charged until shipped. About 90% of the items<br />
featured in our catalog are carried in stock. Special items of hardware,<br />
bearings, unusual fittings and slow moving items are special ordered<br />
as required. However, even with the large inventory we carry, it is not<br />
uncommon to “come up short” on some items. If an item is missing and<br />
not marked “backordered”, please advise us immediately by mail or call<br />
our Customer Service Dept.<br />
Backorders are shipped from the warehouse (WEST OR EAST) that<br />
receives stock first.<br />
Although we make every effort to ship all orders “complete,” it is often<br />
necessary to backorder one or more items if we are out of stock. When<br />
the partial order is shipped and invoiced, you are not charged for the<br />
backordered item(s) until these items are shipped. You are billed only<br />
for what is shipped. A backorder is created and shipped as soon as<br />
the items arrive. The backorder is then invoiced and any overpayment<br />
from the first invoice is applied to it. If you do not wish to have any items<br />
backordered, or wish to cancel an existing backorder, just let us know.<br />
We will do so immediately if the backorder has not been shipped. We are<br />
working continuously to keep all items in stock to preclude backorders.<br />
If a backorder is necessary, we do appreciate your patience. <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> pays the shipping costs within the 48 contiguous United States<br />
by surface shipping on backorders when the backordered items could<br />
have been shipped via UPS inside the first package at no additional<br />
freight cost. Except when the backordered items are oversize, hazardous,<br />
contain one gallon or larger, or COD shipments. We will continue<br />
to strive to maintain stock of all our products to keep the necessity for<br />
backordering parts to a minimum.<br />
Contact <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Customer Service by phone or email for RMA<br />
Number before returning any product.<br />
Merchandise may be returned for credit or refund within 30 days from date<br />
of receipt if received in resalable condition-packed in original manufacturer’s<br />
box, complete with instructions and all components (if applicable). A copy of<br />
the original order showing purchase or information stating the invoice number<br />
and date of purchase, with reason for return must accompany the article. Any<br />
refund for a return outside of 30 days may be subject to house account credit<br />
only. Do not mail purchase information in letter form under separate cover.<br />
A restocking charge may apply on items that are missing components, are<br />
considered non-stocking parts, are outside of the 30 day return period, etc. Do<br />
not return any products C.O.D. as it cannot be accepted by our warehouse.<br />
All returns (excluding Canada) must be made to <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> West in<br />
Corona, CA, USA. Certain items may not be eligible for return (e.g. books,<br />
DVD’s, videos, special order items etc). The outbound freight charge for<br />
returns on items shipped using our Free Shipping promotion will be deducted<br />
from the refund. Call first for return authorization and instructions.<br />
Important Note Regarding Canadian Returns: Returns for orders made from our<br />
Canadian facility may be returned to the Canadian warehouse. Canada returns do<br />
NOT need to go directly to either USA facility.<br />
Open and examine all packages promptly. Notify the <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
Customer Service Department of any discrepancies in the order. If<br />
the merchandise is received in damaged condition or the carrier fails<br />
to deliver the entire shipment as shown on the Bill of Lading covering<br />
motor freight delivery, make note of the damage or shortage on the Bill<br />
of Lading and ask the driver to sign it. Then call the terminal office of<br />
the carrier and institute a claim for the loss or damage. If a package<br />
delivered by UPS arrives damaged, report this to the driver immediately.<br />
UPS will issue a report on the damage to <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> at which time<br />
a replacement shipment can be made.<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> has always taken great pride in offering aircraft builders/owners<br />
the lowest overall prices in the industry. Many items in the<br />
catalog now show discounts for various quantity purchases. Special<br />
quotations on other quantity purchases gladly furnished on request. Our<br />
online catalog pricing is updated daily and should reflect current pricing.<br />
Should there be any kind of price discrepancy we will notify you immediately.<br />
We will continue to do our best to minimize increases and offer<br />
all of our products at the best possible prices. All prices are subject to<br />
change without notice.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> has long served many companies, schools and gov ernment<br />
agencies on an open account basis. Established companies can<br />
apply for an open account by submitting a credit application including all<br />
company data and at least three business references and bank in for mation.<br />
Credit application forms available on request. Open account terms<br />
are net 15 days after invoice date.<br />
We have offered discounts to our regular dealers and FBO’s for many<br />
years for resale purposes, and we welcome the addition of new dealers<br />
to best serve aviation consumers worldwide. Due to the very competitive<br />
and low margin nature of most of the prices shown in this catalog, all<br />
discounts are based on volume purchasing. Discounts for many items<br />
are shown below the product in the catalog. Discounts for items with<br />
discounts not shown in the catalog or for larger quantities than those<br />
listed can be quoted by mail, phone, or FAX upon request. You can be<br />
assured, as an aviation dealer, that you will receive the best possible<br />
net prices from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> on all product lines that we carry. If you<br />
ever find a lower current advertised price on any product, just let us<br />
know and we’ll beat it. Call for an <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> dealer application if<br />
interested in becoming a dealer for our covering supplies, hardware, or<br />
Microflight products.<br />
For all products, call our main sales lines at 877-4-SPRUCE. Our sales<br />
representatives will consult with other staff members or call the manufacturer<br />
of the product to get you the answer you need as quickly as<br />
possible. We are here to help!<br />
Over the years, one of the services that our company offers that seems<br />
to be most appreciated by our customers is our willingness to research<br />
and provide quotations for special items. Other supply firms tend to<br />
discourage special requests due to the time and effort it takes to find<br />
these items, and request that customers order “catalog items” only. We<br />
have always taken a different approach and welcome requests for noncatalog<br />
items. Call or write and provide as much information as possible<br />
including make, model, serial number of aircraft and exact part number<br />
or product you need, plus your credit card number. Within 24 hours if at<br />
all possible, we will advise you of the price and delivery time on the item,<br />
at which time you can place your order if acceptable. Once an order is<br />
placed for a special order item, it cannot be cancelled or returned and<br />
must be paid in advance. If we cannot drop ship your special order, then<br />
freight charges from the factory to our warehouse will be added to your<br />
invoice. Our goal is to provide you with everything you need - if you do<br />
not find it in this catalog, let us know and we’ll find it for you!<br />
In cooperation with the manufacturers we represent, <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> &<br />
Specialty Co. warrants for a period of one year (on most products) from<br />
the date of original purchase its products to be free from defects in material<br />
and workmanship. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co.’s obligation under<br />
this warranty is limited to repair or replacement of the purchased product<br />
only, and under no circumstances shall <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co.<br />
be liable for any loss, damage, injury, cost of repair or consequential<br />
damages of any kind in connection with the sale, use or repair of any<br />
product purchased from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. Products sold<br />
are subject to manufacturer’s warranty policy. Defective merchandise<br />
or out of box failure of product is repaired or replaced at manufacturer’s<br />
option. Avionics, electrical, instruments, or similar products that are<br />
defective are subject to manufacturer’s warranty only, and will not be<br />
replaced immediately from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> inventory.<br />
Inasmuch as <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. has no opportunity to<br />
supervise the manufacture, installation or maintenance of the parts<br />
supplied by it, nor any opportunity to participate in the design or manufacture<br />
of the various certificated and homebuilt aircraft in which its<br />
parts are utilized, the purchaser by placing an order and accepting said<br />
merchandise from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. agrees that all materials<br />
purchased will be used solely at purchaser’s risk and that purchaser<br />
will indemnify and hold <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co., its owners and<br />
employees, free and harmless from all loss, liability or damage resulting<br />
from claims brought by any reason of any alleged failure or defect of any<br />
part or parts supplied by <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> is recognized as the leading source of materials for<br />
aircraft builders, owners and pilots around the world. Over the past<br />
45 years we have developed a family of customers in every part of the<br />
globe. Our International order dept. is more than happy to assist you<br />
in placing and processing your order for international shipment. Please<br />
note the following guidelines for placing an international order.<br />
You may place your order with any of our international representatives<br />
or directly with our USA, Corona facility. Correspondence should be sent<br />
in English or Spanish to expedite service.<br />
Requests for quotation are processed within 72 hours, unless additional<br />
research is required on a product. All prices quoted and invoiced by<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> West are FOB Corona, CA and by <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> East<br />
are FOB, Peachtree City, GA. A quotation is processed as a proforma<br />
invoice for all overseas customers. A proforma invoice is not considered<br />
an order until funds are received to process the order. Actual freight<br />
charges may differ from a freight quote or estimate provided by a freight<br />
carrier.<br />
First time orders are preferably received by fax or e-mail to insure correct<br />
notation of name and billing and shipping information. Please note<br />
the information on 8130 forms in the following paragraphs. If 8130 forms<br />
are required, we must be notified at the time the order is placed so that<br />
we may special order the documentation.<br />
To economize on the shipping costs, International orders are generally<br />
shipped complete unless otherwise advised by the customer. We utilize<br />
DHL, UPS, Fed-Ex and Air Parcel Post for most international shipments.<br />
Shipments by DHL, UPS and Fed-Ex are highly recommended because<br />
of the excellent traceability of the shipments. Parcel post traces are very<br />
time consuming and unreliable. We cannot be responsible for shipments<br />
made by Parcel Post. Our international dept. also utilizes the services of<br />
many other air and sea carriers. Should the services of a freight forwarder<br />
be necessary we can work with one who is familiar with our service<br />
or with one of your choice to meet all of your shipment requirements. All<br />
freight, duty and customs charges are the responsibility of the customer.<br />
Preferred methods of payment are credit cards (American Express,<br />
HAZMAT SHIPMENTS – A fee of $50 is charged on all international<br />
shipments containing hazardous materials. This fee covers special<br />
packaging, documentation, and certification requirements that apply to<br />
hazmat orders shipping to customers outside the United States.<br />
Visa, Mastercard, Discover) and by bank transfer. There is an additional<br />
$20 service charge for bank transfers. When making a bank transfer<br />
please fax a copy of your transfer along with your order request to<br />
ensure accurate allocation of funds. Please note that if payment is made<br />
by bank transfer there is an approximate 7 day delay before funds are<br />
confirmed and allocated.<br />
A complete listing of <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> international representatives can<br />
be found on our website. Always remember to furnish your complete<br />
communications information on your correspondence so that we may<br />
respond to your requests promptly. We welcome your orders and look<br />
forward to being part of your team during your entire project.<br />
AND FORM 8130 (EXPORT)<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> provides you with its own Certificate of Conformance<br />
for our products at no charge. This is noted on every invoice. Factory<br />
certification and test reports are available on some items and Form 8130<br />
are available on FAA approved products. A cost of $100 per product<br />
is charged to secure these forms. Please inquire at time of order if<br />
test reports are available for the items you are ordering. If available,<br />
the forms must be requested at time of order and the product must be<br />
special-ordered from the factory with the forms. These forms cannot<br />
be furnished after you receive the product. Anticipate shipping delays<br />
if Form 8130 is requested. Do not order products using catalog part<br />
number if you require form 8130, as you will receive standard parts<br />
without the form. Simply describe the part and specifically request Form<br />
8130. Due to delays and costs involved in furnishing these forms, we<br />
strongly suggest that you check to see if the <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Certificate<br />
of Conformance will be acceptable in lieu of Form 8130.<br />
Do you want to give an aircraft builder or pilot a gift from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
for a birthday, holiday, or another special<br />
occasion and don’t know what to get? Let<br />
them decide. Give one of our sales representatives<br />
a call at (877) 4-SPRUCE and order<br />
an <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Gift Card for any dollar<br />
amount you want. The cards are valid indefinitely<br />
and can be used toward the purchase<br />
of any products sold by <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong>.<br />
These cards are very popular and are a gift that is sure to please any<br />
aviator. Available in any denomination. If selecting USPS First Class<br />
Mail, we’ll ship any gift card only order prepaid within the United States.<br />
Gift Cards are valid at all <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> locations.<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice WWW.AIRCRAFTSPRUCE.COM<br />
Unless otherwise specified, all shipments will be made by UPS (size and weight permitting).<br />
Weights & Limits - Maximum weight per package for shipment to any destination served by UPS is 150 lbs. with no other weight restrictions applicable.<br />
If a shipment exceeds 80 lbs. a motor freight shipment is usually more economical. A UPS C.O.D. fee of $13.50 is charged for each C.O.D.<br />
parcel. Ground shipments larger than 1728 cubic inches and all air shipments will rate at the greater of actual or dimensional weight.<br />
Maximum Size per Package - 130“ in length and girth combined (once down and once around the parcel). Packages over 165” length & girth or<br />
over 96” long are rated at a minimum 90 lbs and include an additional handling charge of $65.00. Packages over 48” long are subject to an additional<br />
$12.00 handling fee. Charges subject to change by UPS and FedEx.<br />
Territory Served - Regular UPS service (surface) available to all 48 states, parts of Hawaii and Alaska, and Canada. All points in Hawaii, Alaska,<br />
and Canada are served by UPS “Next Day Air” or “2nd Day Air”. Flammable and corrosive material restricted. There is a $3.00 additional rate charge<br />
for residential shipments to rural zip codes. UPS surface serves some points in Alaska, Hawaii, and Canadian Provinces of Alberta, British Columbia,<br />
Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec & Saskatchewan.<br />
Insurance - Each parcel carries $100.00 insurance against loss or damage. Additional insurance coverage added as required per parcel. Maximum<br />
insurance allowable - $10,000 per package. A street address with zip code is required. C.O.D. shipments acceptable for commercial accounts with<br />
money order or certified funds on first order. United Parcel Service will leave a parcel without signature if so authorized by the shipper. Orders of<br />
significant value will require a signature at time of delivery. If purchaser is willing to accept responsibility for delivery, ask that the instructions “OK to<br />
leave without signature” be added to the shipping label. However, these instructions will release <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> of liability for loss or damage.<br />
Delivery Time - One to seven days depending on the zone and destination zip code.<br />
Shipment Of Hazardous Materials - Shipment of items such as dopes, primers, and many other liquid products require extensive, precise documentation<br />
and specially constructed cartons that comply with DOT regulations. Each flammable or hazardous product must be packed in a separate<br />
package and cannot be shipped with non-hazardous materials. In many cases, motor freight shipments may be more economical for multiple package<br />
orders of hazardous materials due to the fees charged by UPS. A hazardous shipping charge of $32.00 will be added to UPS Ground shipments,<br />
$90.00 will be added to Air Shipments. Some hazardous items in small volume can ship ORMD and the hazardous shipping charge will not apply.<br />
Hazardous items shipped overseas require special handling and must ship by freight service. Call for details and current pricing.<br />
Method Zone 2 Zone 4 Zone 6 Zone 8<br />
UPS Red $31.24 $72.61 $84.79 $91.98<br />
UPS Blue PM $15.23 $22.42 $45.15 $50.56<br />
Fed Ex Priority Overnight $31.92 $72.03 $88.99 $93.98<br />
Fed Ex Standard Overnight $27.51 $64.00 $77.60 $81.95<br />
Fed Ex Econo 2nd Day $18.59 $22.68 $44.60 $50.03<br />
USPS Priority Mail $9.79 $10.84 $12.02 $14.42<br />
UPS Ground $10.29 $15.45 $23.60 $31.05<br />
- Rates for comparison purposes only. Based on 10lb. package shipped to each listed zone.<br />
- Rates do not include insurance, oversize, hazardous, COD etc. Subject to change without notice.<br />
Weight and Limits are the same as outlined for UPS Surface delivery to<br />
all areas served. See above for more details on shipment of flammables<br />
and other hazardous items.<br />
Delivery Time - Three days (3rd Day Air) and two days from California<br />
(2nd Day Air) or next day (via Next Day Air).<br />
Areas Served - Shaded states on map above, with limited service to<br />
some as noted.<br />
The charge for motor freight delivery is based on the commodity being<br />
transported, the weight of the shipment and the distance it will travel.<br />
The rate for a shipment of steel tubing, for instance, may be $5.00 Cwt.<br />
as compared to $15.00 Cwt. for foam. The steel tubing is a heavy commodity<br />
taking up a small space whereas the foam is very light but the<br />
volume is large and takes considerable space in the trailer. The rates<br />
reflect these factors in addition to the susceptibility to damage of the<br />
shipment. All truck shipments are insured for full value. It is good practice<br />
to include a phone number on the order which can be shown on the<br />
Bill of Lading. This enables the carrier personnel to advise of the arrival<br />
of the shipment and arrangements can be made for delivery. No C.O.D<br />
shipments for truck delivery. Consignee must inspect shipment on arrival<br />
and note any shortages or damage on freight bill to file claim for loss.<br />
Any claims for lost or damaged merchandise will be denied if the customer<br />
receives the shipment and signs for the shipment free and clear.<br />
In addition to UPS, we also provide delivery via Federal Express<br />
Priority, Economy, and Ground service. Federal Express charges are<br />
competitive with UPS and the same weight, size, and hazardous limits<br />
will apply. Hazardous materials shipping by FedEx Express Air service<br />
are subject to a $100 dangerous goods charge. As an added advantage,<br />
Federal Express does offer Saturday delivery, and almost all<br />
deliveries are made before noon. Federal Express Home Delivery is a<br />
residential ground service with deliveries Tuesday through Saturday.<br />
Priority Mail parcels may not exceed 70 lbs. or 108“ in length and girth<br />
combined. We will utilize a Priority Mail Flat Rate Box if your items will<br />
fit in the box and the postage will cost less. Packages less than 13<br />
ounces may ship First Class Mail. Maximum allowable insurance via<br />
Post is $400 per package. No shipments made without adequate insurance<br />
coverage. Packages destined for overseas will ship the cheaper of<br />
First Class or Priority Mail and must not exceed 44 lbs. (with exception<br />
to certain countries) or 72 inches in length and girth combined and must<br />
not be longer than 42“. No hazardous materials or C.O.D. orders may<br />
be shipped by Post. Please provide adequate time for delivery. Claims<br />
for lost or damaged packages must be made within 60 days of shipment.<br />
CANADA<br />
What are my shipping options? From Canada (Brantford warehouse): Canada Post, UPS Canada, FedEx Canada, Purolator, or Can Par.<br />
Hazardous materials can only be shipped Purolator. From the U.S. (California or Georgia warehouse): Mail (USPS to border/delivery by Canada<br />
Post), *Customer will pay duties and taxes directly to Canada Post *For delivery duty paid via Canada Post, order must ship from Canada, UPS, FedEx.<br />
*Customer will choose their own broker for customs clearance.<br />
10<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
• Cozy Mark IV Plans with Newsletters on CD...P/N 01-00178 .. $500.00<br />
• Cozy Mark IV Info Pac .....................................P/N 01-00566 .... $16.95<br />
• Cozy “M” Drawings* .........................................P/N 01-00570 .... $49.95<br />
• Cozy Newsletters on CD ..................................P/N 01-00569 .... $20.00<br />
• Cozy Owner’s Manual* ....................................P/N 01-00565 ...... $9.50<br />
• Cozy Mark IV DVD “Award Winning” ...............P/N 01-00982 .... $14.95<br />
* Can only be sold to a builder, must provide plans # to order.<br />
Part #<br />
Price<br />
Foam Kit ........................................................ 01-01410 ...........$3,155.93<br />
Fiberglass Kit ................................................. 01-01415 ...........$3,740.20<br />
Wood Kit ........................................................ 01-01420 ..............$194.08<br />
Hardware Kit .................................................. 01-01430 ..............$252.39<br />
Metal Kit ........................................................ 01-01425 ..............$264.24<br />
Misc. Mats ..................................................... 01-01440 ...........$6,281.01<br />
Tools Kit ........................................................ 01-01435 ..............$540.25<br />
Fuel Fittings ................................................... 01-01431 ................$91.18<br />
Epoxy Kit ....................................................... 01-38201 ..............$624.00<br />
Part #<br />
Price<br />
Chapter 4 Fuselage Bulkhead ....................... 01-00256 ..............$593.00<br />
Chapter 5 Fuselage Sides ............................. 01-00257 ..............$499.20<br />
Chapter 6 Fuselage Assy .............................. 01-00259 ..............$325.77<br />
Chapter 7 Fuselage Exterior ......................... 01-00260 ..............$253.05<br />
Chapter 8 Headrest, Heatduct, Seatbelt ....... 01-00261 ..............$976.57<br />
Chapter 9 Main Gear-Brake .......................... 01-00263 ...........$3,343.89<br />
Chapter 10 Canard Construction .................. 01-00264 ..............$752.89<br />
Chapter 11 Elevators ..................................... 01-00266 ................$71.43<br />
Chapter 12 Canard Installation ..................... 01-00267 ..................$3.21<br />
Chapter 13 Nose Gear .................................. 01-00268 ...........$1,990.91<br />
Chapter 14 Center section Spar .................... 01-00271 ..............$842.73<br />
The Cozy MK IV is a high-performance, four-seat canard aircraft which<br />
is comfortable, efficient, and economical to build. It has a range of about<br />
1,000 miles and a top speed of 200 mph. When constructed according to<br />
plans and operated within the approval C. G. range, the canard con fig u ration<br />
makes it highly resistant to stalls or loss of position control. The MK IV<br />
features full dual control and two-axis trim. The composite con struc tion is<br />
very strong, resistant to corrosion and fatigue, and offers better protection<br />
to the occupants than other types of construction. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> acquired<br />
the Cozy design rights in January 2004 and is now the sole source for Cozy<br />
plans and info packs.<br />
Building the Rutan Composites – This step-by-step instructional program<br />
features Burt Rutan and Mike Melvill proceeding through the<br />
complete foam-epoxy-fiberglass composite construction procedure as<br />
used on the VariEze, Long-EZ, Quickie, Q2, Dragonfly, Sea Hawk, and<br />
other composite aircraft. Also included is a formation flight by the Long-<br />
EZ, Defiant & VariViggen. 1hr, 36 mins. .....P/N 13-04809 ..........$26.95<br />
Part #<br />
Price<br />
Bolts ............................................................01-01505 ..................$36.78<br />
Screws ........................................................01-01510 ..................$35.41<br />
Washers .....................................................01-01515 ..................$22.29<br />
Nuts ............................................................01-01520 ..................$71.65<br />
Rivets ..........................................................01-01540 ..................$56.52<br />
Fittings ........................................................01-01535 ................$156.64<br />
Foam ..........................................................01-00297 ................$470.75<br />
Expoxy ........................................................01-01545 ................$310.95<br />
Metal ...........................................................01-01530 ................$197.99<br />
Misc ............................................................01-01560 .............$2,048.28<br />
Fiberglass ...................................................01-00298 ................$445.50<br />
Part #<br />
Price<br />
Chapter 15 Firewall Accessories ................01-00272 .................$328.82<br />
Chapter 16 Control System ........................01-00273 .................$552.00<br />
Chapter 17 Pitch-Roll-Trim .........................01-00275 ...................$99.77<br />
Chapter 18 Canopy ....................................01-00277 .................$829.28<br />
Chapter 19 Wings & Ailerons .....................01-00280 ..............$3,106.03<br />
Chapter 20 Winglets & Rudders .................01-00282 .................$198.39<br />
Chapter 21 Strake-Fuel-Baggage .............01-00283 ..............$1,260.68<br />
Chapter 22 Electrical ..................................01-00285 ..............$1,683.10<br />
Chapter 23 Engine-Prop Installation .........01-00286 ..............$1,698.82<br />
Chapter 24 Covers Fairing ........................01-00291 .................$297.00<br />
Chapter 25 Finishing ..................................01-00292 .................$769.60<br />
CHRISTAVIA MK-1/MK-2 & MK-4<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. has acquired the design rights to the popular Christavia MK1, Christavia<br />
MK2, and Christavia MK4 homebuilt aircraft from the designer, Ron Mason of Elmwood Aviation in<br />
Canada. The Christavia was designed in 1982 as a mission field workhorse. Design requirements were<br />
short take-off and landing, small engine (low fuel consumption), low stall speed, good cruise speed and<br />
rate of climb, large cabin area, low maintenance and high safety factor. The Christavia is easy to fly, and<br />
the Iarge cabin makes long flights very comfortable. Over 1000 sets of the plans have been sold for the<br />
MK1 (two place tandem), MK2 (two place side-by-side), and Christavia MK4 (four place). <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
has plans available for these aircraft at $225 per set as well as an information pack for $10. Complete<br />
materials packages for construction of the aircraft are available from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong>.<br />
Christavia MK-1/MK-2 Info Pack<br />
P/N 01-00662 .............................................................FREE<br />
MK-1/MK-2 Info Pack ........01-00662 ....... FREE <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit for MK-1 .........01-39810... $1,355.00 MK-1 4130 Sheet Kit .....01-39850 ......$291.09<br />
MK-1 Plans ........................01-00663 ....$375.00 Plywood Kit (MK-1)..........01-39820...... $537.80 MK-1 Hardware Kit ........01-39860 ......$138.48<br />
MK-2 Supplement ..............01-00664 ......$57.65 MK-1 Alum. Sheet Kit ......01-39830...... $592.24 MISC Kit for MK-1 ..........01-39870 ...$7,457.36<br />
MK-2 Plans Complete .......01-00692 ....$431.95 MK-1 4130 Tube Kit .........01-39840... $4,082.88 MK-1 <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit .............01-39880 ...$1,355.00<br />
MK-4 Info Pack .............. 01-00683 .......... FREE MK-4 Plans ...................... 01-00665 ..... $275.00 MK-4 4130 Tube Kit ......01-00674 ...$4,384.25<br />
MK-4 Misc. Kit ............... 01-00675 ..$11,635.70 MK-4 4130 Sheet Kit ....... 01-00676 ..... $597.78 MK-4 Plywood Kit ..........01-00677 ......$648.25<br />
MK-4 Aluminum Kit ........ 01-00678 ....$3,726.66 MK-4 Hardware Kit .......... 01-00679 ..... $310.78<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice WWW.AIRCRAFTSPRUCE.COM<br />
SKYOTË<br />
The Starduster Too was built to fill a need for a reasonably sized,<br />
2-place, open sport biplane. Stability is good and the light wing loading<br />
makes slow landing and short-field operation outstanding. The main<br />
structure of the aircraft is built of 4130 steel tubing and sheet stock and<br />
has no machined fitting or other complicated bends. The wings have<br />
spruce spars and the ribs are made of 1/4” plywood. Construction of the<br />
plane has been kept as simple as possible. The Lycoming 0-360 (180<br />
hp or 200 hp) is the best size engine for the aircraft.<br />
Plans ...........................P/N 01-00424 .................. $249.95<br />
Info Pack .....................P/N 01-00596 ......................FREE<br />
This two-place biplane is<br />
about 10% smaller than<br />
the Starduster Too. It is<br />
a very strong machine<br />
designed to +/-9 G. It<br />
is a high performance<br />
machine meant for minimum<br />
of 180 and up to<br />
360 horsepower. The roll<br />
rate is spectacular with<br />
four ailerons and symmetrical<br />
wings.<br />
Plans ........................... P/N 01-00427 ....................$125.00<br />
Info Pack ..................... P/N 01-00443 ....................... FREE<br />
STARLET SA 500<br />
A low-horsepower, single-place<br />
parasol, this is<br />
a fun machine. Easy to<br />
build and easy to fly, it is<br />
the best of both worlds.<br />
Engines in the 65 to 125<br />
HP range work best.<br />
Excellent visibility and a<br />
pretty design keep your<br />
excitement high.<br />
Plans ...........................P/N 01-00428 ...................$125.00<br />
Info Pack .....................P/N 01-00463 ...................... FREE<br />
V-STAR SA 900<br />
This is an exciting, single<br />
place biplane. Rated for<br />
+/-6 G, this machine will<br />
keep you smiling. With<br />
stall speed approaching<br />
35 mph and horsepower<br />
in the 75 to 85 range, fun<br />
flying is not slowed at the<br />
gas pump.<br />
Plans ........................... P/N 01-00429 .................. $195.00<br />
Info Pack ..................... P/N 01-00471 ......................FREE<br />
This is the single place<br />
biplane designed by<br />
Lou Stolp back in 1964<br />
that started it all. It is<br />
a very easy aircraft to<br />
fly, powered by engines<br />
in the 125 horsepower<br />
range - A fun machine!<br />
Constructed with a 4130<br />
steel fuselage, wood<br />
spars and ribs, and covered<br />
with fabric. The Starduster One can only classified as “classic”.<br />
Plans............................P/N 01-00425 ..................$115.00<br />
The Skyotë was designed to have the superb control response and the<br />
high structural strength of the Bucker Jungmeister while maintaining the<br />
slow flight and short field capabilities of a Rose Parakeet, The Skyotë<br />
will take off as quickly as a Super Cub and will fly, power on, down to<br />
about 33knots (38mph). Rate of climb with a Continental C-90 engine is<br />
1,500 ft./min. with a ceiling of 16,500 ft.<br />
For further details and contact info on suppliers of complete<br />
matched- hole components contact:<br />
FlyTeam 88, LLC<br />
3088 Mountainview Rd., Clover, SC 29710<br />
www.FlyTeam88.com • info@FlyTeam88.com<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Skyote Plans Kit 01-01512 $595.00<br />
Skyote ( Plans Only ) 01-01512-1 $539.00<br />
Skyote Wing Metal Kit 01-01497 $333.04<br />
Skyote Landing Gear Metal Kit 01-01498 $227.87<br />
Skyote Tail Feather Metal Kit 01-01499 $354.24<br />
Skyote Metal Fuselage Kit 01-01501 $639.55<br />
Skyote Metal Kit 01-01502 $1,940.90<br />
Skyote Center Section Metal Kits 01-01503 $150.50<br />
Skyote Center Section Hardware 01-01504 $216.61<br />
Skyote Rib, Spar & Aileron Hardware Kit 01-01506 $115.13<br />
Skyote Tail Feathers Hardware Kit 01-01507 $108.08<br />
Skyote Cockpit & Floor Boards 01-01508 $72.47<br />
Skyote Wing Hardware Kit 01-01509 $772.70<br />
Skyote Landing Gear Hardware 01-01511 $580.17<br />
Skyote Patch 01-01512-2 $5.00<br />
Skyote Id Plate 01-01512-3 $5.00<br />
Skyote Controls Hardware Kit 01-01513 $4,030.62<br />
Skyote Wing Rib Set 01-01514 $2,495.00<br />
BK FLIER<br />
• Pilot Size: Up to 6 ft 4 in 250 lb<br />
in the roomy cockpit<br />
• Cruise: 130 mph for 400 miles<br />
with reserves<br />
• Fuel: 3-3.5 Gallons per Hour -<br />
Automobile Gas<br />
• Baggage: 30 lbs in roomy<br />
compartment-For that week<br />
long fly-in<br />
• Stall: Light Sport <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
Category 48 mph no flap, 45<br />
mph full flaps<br />
• Options: Tricycle or Tail Wheel-Electric Start<br />
• VW Type 1 Conversion from Great Plains, Hummel, Aerovee,<br />
Revmaster...etc..<br />
• Certified in Canada as Basic-Ultra-Light Airplane (BULA), greatly<br />
simplifies approval process.<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Bk Flier Airframe Kit 01-01468 $2,282.06<br />
Bk Flier Main Gear Kit 01-01469 $680.22<br />
Bk Flier Nose Wheel Option Kit 01-01470 $46.40<br />
Bk Flier Tail Wheel Option Kit 01-01471 $72.55<br />
Bk Flier Flight Control Hardware Kit 01-01472 $120.30<br />
Bk Flier Flaperon Hardware Kit 01-01473 $27.90<br />
Bk Flier Fuel System Kit 01-01474 $197.02<br />
Bk Flier Pitot-static System Kit 01-01475 $94.75<br />
Bk Flier Electrical System Kit 01-01476 $371.11<br />
Bk Flier Instrument Panel Kit 01-01477 $1,772.85<br />
Bk Flier Miscellaneous Kit 01-01478 $66.70<br />
Contact Info: BK Fliers LLC<br />
2126 Turkey Ledge, San Antonio, TX 78218<br />
Web: www.bkfliers.com • Email: bruce@bkfliers.com<br />
Phone: 210-363-3288<br />
12<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
Introduced at the first EAA fly-in 1953, Tailwind was designed and built by<br />
legendary designer and air racer Steve Wittman. This high performance<br />
homebuilt is constructed with a steel tubing fuselage, wood wings, and<br />
fabric covering. It offers exceptional cruising speeds and is economical to<br />
operate and maintain. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> acquired the rights to the Tailwind in<br />
January 1996 and is currently the exclusive distributor for plans and materials<br />
kits. Complete information package and materials list is avail able.<br />
Kit #1 <strong>Spruce</strong> and Plywood Kit ................. P/N 02-03910 ..... $1,241.50<br />
Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit Only ................ P/N 02-03900 ........ $982.44<br />
Spar Kit only ...................................... P/N 02-06700 ........ $588.40<br />
Kit #2 Wing Metals Package ..................... P/N 01-10020 ..... $1,511.00<br />
Includes finished parts requiring machining<br />
Kit #3A Wing Hardware Kit<br />
(Baby Great Lakes) ......................... P/N 01-10030 .......... $73.98<br />
Kit #3B Wing Hardware Kit<br />
(Super & Buddy) .............................. P/N 01-10035 .......... $63.58<br />
Kit 4130 Steel Tubing and Sheet Kit<br />
Baby Great Lakes Kit-4A .................. P/N 03-14300 ..... $1,681.99<br />
Super Baby Lakes Kit-4B .................. P/N 03-14310 ..... $1,783.39<br />
Buddy Baby Lakes Kit-4C ................. P/N 03-14320 ..... $1,966.66<br />
Kit #5 Landing Gear/Brakes Kit ................ P/N 01-10040 ..... $4,383.05<br />
Kit #6 Wing Alignment Materials Package . P/N 01-10050 .......... $10.08<br />
Kit #7 Fuel Tank and Installation Package P/N 01-10060 .......... $78.55<br />
Kit #7A Fuel tank Installation Kit ................ P/N 01-10070 .......... $78.55<br />
Kit #8 Flying Controls Materials Package . P/N 01-10080 ........ $872.33<br />
Kit #9 Fairings, Firewall, Instrument & .... P/N 01-10090 ........ $754.81<br />
Fuselage Panels w/Hardware<br />
Kit #10 Poly - Fiber Materials Package ...... P/N 01-10095 ..... $2,302.64<br />
Baby Great Lakes Top Nose Cowl .................. P/N 05-02883 ........ $398.00<br />
Baby Great Lakes Bottom Nose Cowl ............ P/N 05-02884 ........ $398.00<br />
Seat for Buddy Great Lakes ............................ P/N 05-02885 ........ $250.00<br />
Baby Great Lakes Fuel Tank<br />
(Standard 10 Gal.) ........................................... P/N 05-03058 ........ $943.00<br />
Baby Great Lakes Fuel Tank( 3” Longer 11 Gal.) . P/N 05-03059 ........ $992.00<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty is the exclusive supplier of plans and materials<br />
packages for Ron Wilson’s aerobatic aircraft design, the single seat<br />
Acrolite. Complete construction material packages, 16 in total, for the<br />
Acrolite can be purchased for under $10,000.<br />
The Rotax 912 engine is used in the prototype. The Acrolite can also be<br />
built with the Rotax 532-618.<br />
Acrolites are designed to be a quick, easy build for beginners. The biplane<br />
cruises at 110 mph, has a range of 250 miles, takes off and lands in 500<br />
feet and has a service ceiling of 12,000 feet. Empty weight is 495 lbs. and<br />
gross is 750. The airplane stands six feet tall, is 17’ long and has 133<br />
square feet of wing area. It is designed for sportsman aerobatics.<br />
The Acrolite was chosen as one of two finalists in the Scratchbuild Design<br />
Contest which was sponsored by <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty.<br />
Length: 19’ 6” Wing Span: 24’ Wing Area: 90 Sq. Ft.<br />
Engine: Cont. 85, 90, 100 or 145 HP - Lyc. 108-160 HP<br />
Cruising Speed (Vc): 150 to 190 MPH<br />
Wittman Tailwind Info Pk/Kit Price List ......P/N 01-10003 ...........FREE<br />
Wittman Tailwind Plans ..............................P/N 01-10007 ........$195.00*<br />
Wittman Olds V-8 Eng. Conversion Plans .P/N 01-10002 ..........$39.95<br />
Wittman V-Witt Racer Plans .......................P/N 01-10009 ..........$95.00*<br />
Wittman VW Prop Shaft extension .............P/N 01-10006 ..........$19.95<br />
Tailwind 4130 Tube kit ............................... P/N 03-15800 ......$2,580.69<br />
Tailwind Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit .................... P/N 02-06500 ......$1,296.00<br />
Tailwind <strong>Spruce</strong> Spar Kit ............................ P/N 02-08500 .........$621.50<br />
Tailwind Ply Wood Kit ................................ P/N 02-00122 .........$965.00<br />
Tailwind Landing Gear ............................... P/N 06-00139 .........$967.00<br />
Tailwind Tailspring ...................................... P/N 06-00140 .........$156.75<br />
V-Witt Spar Kit ............................................ P/N 02-08600 .........$343.95<br />
*Ask about prefabricated parts available for the Tailwind<br />
The Baby Great Lakes (one place) and Buddy Great Lakes (two place)<br />
aircraft are well proven designs which are easy to construct and fly,<br />
provide classic good looks, and are aerobatic. Construction is of wood<br />
and steel tubing and plans are well presented for the first time builder.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Company acquired all rights to these<br />
designs in May, 1996 and now offers info packs, plans, raw materials<br />
kits, and pre-fabricated kits for these fine aircraft. Contact <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> for information on info packs and plans.<br />
Baby Great Lakes Info Packs .................P/N 01-10013 ................ FREE<br />
Plans for Baby Great Lakes ...................P/N 01-10010 .............$295.00<br />
Plans for Super Baby Lakes ...................P/N 01-10011 .............$295.00<br />
Plans for Buddy Baby Lakes ..................P/N 01-10012 .............$275.00<br />
Info Pack, ................................................. P/N 01-20005 ..............FREE<br />
Plans, ....................................................... P/N 01-20090 .......... $300.00<br />
Plans Kit includes Plans, Builders Manual, Maintenance Manual<br />
and Photo Set.<br />
Kit #1 Aluminum Tube Kit, ...................... P/N 01-20010 .......... $391.47<br />
Kit #2 4130 Tube Kit, .............................. P/N 01-20015 ....... $1,324.82<br />
Kit #3 Aluminum Sheet and Bar Kit, ....... P/N 01-20020 .......... $459.01<br />
Kit #4 4130 Sheet and Bar Kit, ............... P/N 01-20025 .......... $537.23<br />
Kit #5 Aluminum Wing Kit, ...................... P/N 01-20030 ....... $1,785.95<br />
Kit #6 Misc. Wood Kit, ............................. P/N 01-20035 .......... $193.46<br />
Kit #7 Wood Wing Kit (Optional), ............ P/N 01-20040 ....... $2,531.44<br />
Kit #8 Fastener kit, .................................. P/N 01-20045 .......... $247.95<br />
Kit #9 Control System Kit, ....................... P/N 01-20050 ....... $1,048.90<br />
Kit #10 Fuel System Kit, .......................... P/N 01-20055 .......... $533.75<br />
Kit #11 Misc Hardware Kit, ...................... P/N 01-20060 .......... $110.17<br />
Kit #12 Wheels and Brakes , .................. P/N 01-20065 .......... $246.45<br />
Kit #13 Misc. Accessories Kit, ................. P/N 01-20070 .......... $444.66<br />
Kit #14 Basic Instruments Kit, ................. P/N 01-20075 ....... $1,744.00<br />
Kit #15 Covering Kit, ............................... P/N 01-20080 .......... $953.66<br />
Kit #16 Cowl Kit, ...................................... P/N 01-20085 .......... $189.50<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice WWW.AIRCRAFTSPRUCE.COM<br />
We all want to<br />
fly fast and land<br />
slow. Sylvester<br />
“Steve” Wittman<br />
solved the problem.<br />
Wittman<br />
built two types of<br />
airplanes: Racing<br />
machines and<br />
Travel machines.<br />
The ancestors of<br />
these two blood<br />
lines were Chief Oshkosh and Buttercup.The Buttercup was built as a<br />
utility hauler, and there was only one made - in 1937. He flew it all over<br />
the western hemisphere, from Alaska to Bermuda, Florida to Oregon.<br />
The Buttercup almost made it into production (cancelled due to WWII)<br />
coming to the interest of Fairchild as a four-place project, called the ‘Big<br />
X’. One plane was built for them by “Witt” - a 4-place, 6 cylinder, 130<br />
HP Franklin powered prototype. The real genius of the Buttercup design<br />
is Wittman’s claim of 38 - 40 mph (indicated) slow-flight speed and a<br />
near 150 mph top speed, and all on 85 hp! The high speed is vintage<br />
Wittman, the low speed is due to an ingenious flap-coupled, retracting<br />
lead edge design (seen in today’s airliners). Earl Luce of LuceAir, Inc.<br />
has ‘revived’ the Buttercup, featured in the April, 2003 issue of Sport<br />
Aviation. Kits and fabricated assemblies for the Buttercup are available<br />
from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong>. For info and plans contact:<br />
LuceAir • 35 Beverly Dr. • Brockport, NY 14420<br />
Ph: (585) 637-5768 • www.luceair.com • e-mail: earl@luceair.com<br />
Buttercup Retrack Lead Edge Kit ............... P/N 01-00474 ..........$326.60<br />
Buttercup Fuselage Sides Kit ..................... P/N 01-00475 ..........$516.22<br />
Buttercup Fuselage Completion Kit ............ P/N 01-00476 ..........$463.41<br />
Empennage Vert-Hort Stabilizer Kit ............ P/N 01-00477 ..........$420.75<br />
Buttercup Wing Wood Kit ........................... P/N 01-00478 .......$1,161.69<br />
Buttercup Wing Metal Kit ............................ P/N 01-00479 ..........$908.11<br />
Buttercup Flaps & Ailerons Kit .................... P/N 01-00480 ..........$313.05<br />
Buttercup Lift Strut Kit ................................. P/N 01-01055 ..........$886.25<br />
Buttercup Engine Mount-Land Gear ........... P/N 01-00482 ..........$155.60<br />
Buttercup Controls & Finishing ................... P/N 01-00483 ..........$271.72<br />
Buttercup Covering Kit ................................ P/N 01-00571 .......$2,301.90<br />
SONEX<br />
Unique in design, the<br />
Sonex is a basic and economical<br />
all metal two-place<br />
monoplane. Both taildragger<br />
and tri-gear versions<br />
are available. The Sonex<br />
is 17.5 ft. in length and<br />
has a 22 ft. wing span. It<br />
features easily removable<br />
wings for transport and<br />
storage. Designed to meet<br />
the needs of both European and domestic aviators, it can incorporate<br />
various lightweight contemporary engines of 80-120hp (under 200 lbs.<br />
firewall forward). Suggested engines include the 2180 VW and 80-120hp<br />
Jabiru engines. Outstanding performance is achieved through its clean<br />
aerodynamic shape and simple, lightweight construction.<br />
Wing Hardware Kit ........................................ P/N 01-00005 ..... $253.54<br />
Sonex Tri-Gear Hardware Kit ........................ P/N 01-00006 ....... $50.43<br />
Sonex Fuselage Hardware Kit ...................... P/N 01-00008 ..... $461.58<br />
Sonex Tail Dragger Hardware Kit ................. P/N 01-00009 ....... $17.09<br />
Sonex Controls Hardware Kit ........................ P/N 01-01082 ..... $183.84<br />
Quickbuild Sonex Wing Hardware Kit ............ P/N 01-01234 ..... $135.84<br />
Quickbuild Sonex Fuselage Hardware Kit ..... P/N 01-01235 ..... $252.40<br />
Xenos Fuselage Hardware Kit ........................P/N 01-00601 ......$745.66<br />
Xenos Tail Hardware Kit .................................P/N 01-01296 ........$63.66<br />
Xenos Control Hardwared Kit .........................P/N 01-01297 ......$278.56<br />
Xenos Wing Hardware Kit ..............................P/N 01-01298 ......$621.94<br />
Waiex Fuselage Hardware Kit ....................... P/N 01-01130 ..... $677.04<br />
Waiex Control Hardware Kit .......................... P/N 01-01131 ..... $238.09<br />
Waiex Wing Hardware Kit ............................. P/N 01-01132 ..... $223.95<br />
Waiex Taildragger Hardware Kit ................... P/N 01-01165 ....... $55.80<br />
Onex Airframe Hardware Kit ......................... P/N 01-01192 ..... $964.59<br />
Onex Nosewheel Hardware Kit ..................... P/N 01-01189 ....... $50.89<br />
Onex Solid Rivet Kit ...................................... P/N 01-01190 ....... $27.71<br />
Onex Tailwheel Hardware Kit ........................ P/N 01-01191 ......... $4.70<br />
Quickbuild Onex Airframe Kit ........................ P/N 01-01299 ..... $606.23<br />
Subsonex Jsx-l02 Hardware Kit .................... P/N 01-01479 ....... $12.93<br />
Subsonex Jsx-l01 Hardware Kit .................... P/N 01-01480 ....... $55.97<br />
Subsonex Jsx-c01 Hardware Kit ................... P/N 01-01481 ....... $65.40<br />
Pazmany PL-2<br />
Pazmany PL-4a Part of the LSA class.<br />
More information on the Sonex can be<br />
obtained by contacting:<br />
Sonex Ltd.<br />
P.O. Box 2521 • Oshkosh, WI 54903-2521<br />
Phone: (920)231-8297 • Fax: (920)426-8333<br />
sales@sonexaircraft.com • www.sonexaircraft.com<br />
CYGNET<br />
A Two Place Utility <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
with S.T.O.L. Performance and<br />
Real Load Hauling Abilities.<br />
The original German Luftwaffe Fieseler F-156 Storch was an outstanding<br />
WWII airplane, designed to take off and land in extremely short distances.<br />
The Storch had a take off ground roll of 131 feet and a landing<br />
roll of 36 feet with 13 miles per hour head wind.<br />
The Pazmany PL-9 Stork is a 3/4 replica. With the same flying and<br />
handling characteristics as the original German <strong>Aircraft</strong>. The PL-9 Stork<br />
is a professionally designed STOL aircraft. It has a well proven aircraft<br />
configuration designed for a number of functions such as fish spotting,<br />
forest fire detection, farm work, missionary work etc. It features a welded<br />
chrome alloy steel tube fuselage and aluminum sheet metal/fabric<br />
covered wings and empennage. The PL-9 Stork has a cruise speed of<br />
104mph with a standard Lyc.O-320/150 hp engine. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> is a<br />
major supplier of materials for the PL-9 Stork.<br />
For more information, info pack and plans, contact:<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co.<br />
225 Airport Circle, Corona, CA 92880-2527<br />
Phone: (951) 372-9555 • Fax: (951) 372-0555<br />
PL-9 Plans ..................................P/N 13-01505 ....... $550.00<br />
PL-2 Plans ..................................P/N 13-01506 ....... $425.00<br />
PL-4A Plans................................P/N 13-01507 ....... $375.00<br />
(Now part of the LSA class)<br />
Specifications: • Empty Weight 585 lbs. • Gross Weight 1100 lbs. •<br />
Wing Span 30 ft. • Chord 50 In. • Airfoil NACA 3413 • Limit “G” Load<br />
• 4.0 G • Engine V.W. 1835cc • Fuel Capacity 15 Gal. U.S. • Cockpit<br />
Width 39 Inches.<br />
Performance: • Stall Speed 48 MPH • Max Speed 108 MPH • Cruise<br />
Speed@ 800 FT. 100 MPH • Cruise Fuel Burn 3.9 GPH • Cruise RPM<br />
2950 RPM • Rate of Climb 580 FPM • T.O. 1 Land Dist. 700 Ft. Stall<br />
Speed 48 MPH • Max Speed 108 MPH • Cruise Speed@ 800 FT. 100<br />
MPH • Cruise Fuel Burn 3.9 GPH • Cruise RPM 2950 RPM • Rate of<br />
Climb 580 FPM • T.O. 1 Land Dist. 700 Ft.<br />
Viking <strong>Aircraft</strong> LLC<br />
PO Box 646, Elkhorn, Wisconsin 53121-0646<br />
Phone: (262) 949-3247 • www.vikingaircraft.com<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Cygnet <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit 02-04500 $1,922.52<br />
Cygnet Metal Kits 01-01583 $2,329.00<br />
Cygnet Plywood Foam Kit 01-01584 $153.95<br />
Cygnet Hardware Kit 01-01580 $189.95<br />
Cygnet Control System 01-01581 $394.95<br />
Cygnet Miscellaneous 01-01582 $508.00<br />
Cygnet Wheel & Brake Kit 01-01585 $1,906.00<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty is the exclusive distributor for VP-1 ma te rials<br />
kits. The Volksplane was de signed and prototyped by Bud Evans in<br />
1968. The aircraft is in ex pen sive, easy to build, and fun to fly. The fuselage<br />
is all wood, with three bulkheads, four longerons, flat plywood and<br />
some vertical stiffeners. Wings are wood frames covered with fabric. The<br />
only parts requiring welding are the control stick, strut ends and stabilizer<br />
horn. The only sheet metal work is in the elevator trim tab. Over 1000<br />
of these planes are flying. The aircraft is ideally suited for Volkswagen<br />
engines in the 1500 to 1834 cc range. Plans for the VP-1 are $59.00<br />
and are available from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong>, P/N 13-11560. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
can supply com plete materials kits from stock. Free kit list on request.<br />
Note: Landing gear is NCNR, may not be cancelled or returned. Lead<br />
times are always 6-8 weeks.<br />
For further information on the Evans VP-1 contact:<br />
Evans <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
P.O. Box 231762 Encinitas, CA 92024<br />
www.evansair.com | www.volksplane.com<br />
VP-1 Kits Part No. Price<br />
Wood kit .........................(VPK-1) ........................01-00222 .....$833.55<br />
Plywood kit .....................(VPK-2) ........................01-00223 .....$868.03<br />
Metal kit ..........................(VPK-5) ........................01-00224 .....$294.76<br />
Hardware kit ...................(VPK-7) ........................01-00228 .....$546.20<br />
Fabric kit ........................(VPK-8) ........................01-00221 .....$604.19<br />
Fabric Coating kit ...........(VPK-9) ........................01-00226 .....$515.50<br />
Cable Ass’y. kit ..............(VPK-10) ......................01-00227 ..$1,072.21<br />
Wing Strut kit .................(VPK-11) ......................01-00225 .....$508.20<br />
Landing Gear 800 lb. .....(VP-1 cable-braced) .....06-00041 .....$969.00<br />
Landing Gear 800 lb. .....(VP-1 free standing) .....06-04040 ..$1,399.00<br />
Landing Gear 1100 lb. ...(VP-2 free standing) .....06-00043 ..$1,599.00<br />
VP-1 Plans and Handbook ..................................13-11560 .......$59.00<br />
This is the famous aircraft that<br />
launched an industry as well as the<br />
Experimental <strong>Aircraft</strong> Association<br />
when plans for it were published in<br />
Popular Mechanics in the early 50’s.<br />
It is lightweight, easy to build, fun<br />
to fly and requires minimal maintenance.<br />
It has been modified from the<br />
original Corben Baby Ace so that it<br />
can utilize aircraft engines. The fuselage has also been widened, the<br />
horizontal stabilizer was modified for easier construction and modern<br />
aircraft wheels and brakes are now called for. With nearly a 34’ wingspan<br />
and Clark Y airfoil, the Pober Junior Ace, designed by EAA founding<br />
president Paul Poberezny, is docile in stall and landing patterns.<br />
Airframe is 4130 steel tubing, wings are all wood and the recommended<br />
powerplant is a Continental C-85. Empty weight of the Junior Ace is<br />
750 pounds and gross capacity is 1,320 pounds. Free brochure available<br />
from Acro Sport. Plans can be ordered from Acro Sport, Inc.,<br />
Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. Order your Junior Ace materials<br />
kits form <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong>, the approved materials supplier. Free kit list.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> &<br />
Specialty Company<br />
offers a complete set of<br />
plans for the single seat<br />
aerobatic aircraft known<br />
as the One Design.<br />
Created by Dan Rihn as<br />
an economical answer<br />
for pilots wishing to fly<br />
Basic through Advanced<br />
aer o bat ics, the One<br />
Design features quick,<br />
easy construction and<br />
excellent performance. Wings for the One Design are all wood, the fuselage<br />
is steel truss, covered with aluminum sheet from the firewall to the<br />
rear of the cockpit. The turtle deck is also aluminum and the lower half of<br />
the aft fuselage is fabric covered. The tail is fabric covered. A one piece<br />
aluminum spring gear is used for the main wheels and a steerable tailwheel<br />
is used. Power for the One Design is obtained from a 0-360 and<br />
modified with an inverted oil system, high compression cylinders and<br />
fuel injection. Stressed for +/- 10 Gs, the One Design has a max. level<br />
speed of 184 mph, and cruises with a 75% power setting at 160 mph.<br />
ONE DESIGN INFO PACK – P/N 01-06005 ..................FREE<br />
ONE DESIGN PLANS - Complete construction drawings required to<br />
build the One Design aircraft from scratch or using pre-fabricated components.<br />
P/N 01-06010-C .......... $376.95<br />
Note: A signed License Agreement is required from the builder prior<br />
to shipment of plans. Include completed License Agreement with your<br />
payment.<br />
Kit Description Part No. Price<br />
Aileron Kit ................................................. 01-02305 ...........$350.58<br />
Engine Mount Kit ...................................... 01-02310 ...........$124.40<br />
Elevator-Stabilizer Kit ............................... 01-02315 ...........$224.24<br />
Fin & Rudder Kit ....................................... 01-02320 ...........$138.12<br />
Fuselage Kit ............................................. 01-02325 ...........$746.12<br />
Wing Ribs Kit ............................................ 01-02330 ...........$301.85<br />
Wing Spar & Skin Kit ................................ 01-02335 ........$2,773.25<br />
For more information on the One Design contact:<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co.<br />
225 Airport Circle, Corona, CA 92880-2527<br />
Phone: (951) 372-9555 • Fax: (951) 372-0555<br />
ERACER<br />
The ERacer is a high<br />
speed, cross country aircraft<br />
designed around the<br />
proven aerodynamics of the<br />
Rutan Long EZ. It is unique<br />
in that it can utilize multiple<br />
power plants.<br />
ERacer also has fully<br />
retractable landing gear<br />
and two place, side by side,<br />
seating.<br />
The ERacer is only available as a plans built aircraft but a few special<br />
parts and the landing gear kit can be purchased through ERacer <strong>Aircraft</strong>.<br />
Support is also available through Shirl Dickey as well as ERacer <strong>Aircraft</strong>.<br />
For more information on the ERacer, visit: www.eraceraircraft.com<br />
Material Kits are available through <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
ERacer Fiberglass Kit 01-01462 $3,627.50<br />
ERacer Epoxy Kit 01-01463 $2,839.00<br />
ERacer Wood Kit 01-01464 $139.00<br />
ERacer Foam Kit 01-01465 $5,068.05<br />
ERacer Misc. Kit 01-36821 $1,449.00<br />
The Volmer VJ-22 “Sportsman” is a two-place, side by side, closed cabin, highwing monoplane, amphibious<br />
flying boat. The original Sportsman was completed December 1958. The rigid, corrosion proof hull is made of<br />
1/16 inch and 3/32 inch aircraft mahogany plywood with 1/4 inch plywood at the step for maximum strength<br />
and covered with fiberglass for added protection. Numerous testing from calm water to five foot swells in<br />
the open sea have proven the design to be both extremely airworthy and seaworthy. Wings are wood spar<br />
and ribs, fabric covered. It takes off from water at sea level in about 20 seconds. The VJ-22 is powered by a<br />
Continental C-85, starter and gen. It has a cruising speed 85 mph and stalls at 45 mph<br />
Volmer Club of America - Attn: Robert Albrecht<br />
536 Oak Ave., Bridge City, LA. 70094 - Ph: 504-436-6248<br />
rjaflys@aol.com • www.volmeraircraft.com<br />
VJ-22 <strong>Spruce</strong> Wing Kit ...........................................................P/N 02-06000 ..................................... $2,438.77<br />
VJ-22 Sportsman Fuselage Kit ..............................................P/N 01-00984 ..................................... $5,388.00<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice WWW.AIRCRAFTSPRUCE.COM<br />
Designed by Paul Poberezny<br />
as a successor to the EAA<br />
Biplane, the Acro Sport offers<br />
performance and excellent aerobatic<br />
capability in the Sportsman<br />
and in ter me di ate categories.<br />
Purposely uncomplicated<br />
and straight forward, the Acro<br />
Sport design has been chosen<br />
by hundreds of schools for project<br />
Schoolflight programs. It has a wide landing gear which provides<br />
superb ground handling and easy landing qualities. Builders can choose<br />
powerplants ranging from 85 hp to 200 hp. Features steel tube fuselage,<br />
spruce wing and overall fabric covering which makes the project an easy<br />
one for first time builders with average skills. Maximum speed for this<br />
diminutive biplane is 180 mph, it cruises at 130 and stalls at 50. It has<br />
a rate of climb of 3,500 ft/min and a range of 350 miles. Info packs are<br />
$10.50 and complete plans are $125.00.<br />
Order from: Acro Sport Inc., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130.<br />
Free kit list on request.Tech support for Acro Sport: Steve<br />
Nanweiler, 4819 Farmstead Ct., Wichita, KS 67220, (414) 529-2609<br />
Note: Landing gear is NCNR, may not be cancelled or returned.<br />
Lead times are always 6-8 weeks.<br />
Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit .........$784.43 Washer Kit .........................$5.13<br />
Spar Kit ..............................$735.20 Metal Kit ......................$2,527.00<br />
Rivet Kit .................................$4.71 Plywood Kit ....................$675.00<br />
Misc. Hardware Kit .........$1,893.00 Bolt Kit .............................$63.02<br />
Nut Kit ..................................$70.73 Miscellaneous Kit ...........$724.00<br />
Landing Gear ..................$1,829.00<br />
Note: All additional items such as tie rods, in stru ments, plumbing,<br />
avionics, etc. can be found in this catalog.<br />
Few light airplanes offer builders<br />
the simplicity and payoff in fun<br />
flying that comes with the Pixie.<br />
Another superb design by founding<br />
president of the Experimental<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> Association, Paul<br />
Poberezny. Similar in many<br />
respects to the Heath Parasol,<br />
the Pixie is a modernization of<br />
the helmet and goggle days of<br />
the 1930’s. The large wing and<br />
full span ailerons make for easy<br />
flying. With minimal taildragger<br />
experience, the Pixie is a breeze<br />
to handle on the ground. Landings are gentle affairs, visibility in cruise<br />
is outstanding and using it with skis adds another dimension of fun.<br />
The fuselage is 4130 steel tube, wings are Sitka spruce, covering is<br />
with Stits Poly-fiber. This is a beginner’s project for construction, with<br />
performance that will satisfy any level of proficiency ...up to ATP! Plans<br />
are highly detailed and the cost level is low. Can be powered with a VW<br />
conversion or Continental A-65. It cruises at 83 mph, stalls at 30, and<br />
climbs at 500 fpm. The Pixie has a no-reserve range of 290 miles with<br />
and empty weight of 543 pounds, gross is 900.<br />
An info pack is $10.50, plans are $1255.00 and both can be ordered<br />
from Acro Sport, Inc., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. Order<br />
your Pober Pixie materials kits form the approved supplier, <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
<strong>Spruce</strong>. Free kit list on request.<br />
Pober Pixie Metals Kit ................................... P/N 01-01135 ...$2,899.55<br />
Pober Pixie <strong>Spruce</strong> & Plywood Kit ................. P/N 01-01136 ...$2,058.96<br />
Pober Pixie Bolt, Washer, and Nut Kit ........... P/N 01-01137 ......$266.07<br />
Pober Pixie Cable and Cable Hardware Kit ... P/N 01-01138 ......$393.28<br />
Pober Pixie Hardware Kit .............................. P/N 01-01139 ...$1,353.44<br />
This versatile biplane<br />
offers the outstanding<br />
opportunity to experience<br />
open cockpit<br />
flying with a friend.<br />
Excellent aerobatic<br />
trainer with responsive<br />
controls and<br />
docile straight and<br />
level flight char ac ter istics.<br />
Powerplants can<br />
range from 108 hp to<br />
200 hp. Cruise at 123 mph (180 hp), stall at 53 and max out at 152. The<br />
wide gear, large wheels and outstanding roll rate make the Acro Sport a<br />
dream on the ground, nimble in the air and a cinch for smooth landings.<br />
Designed by EAA founding president Paul Poberezny, the Acro II will<br />
accommodate pilots up to 6’ 6” and 240 pounds. As with all Acro Sport<br />
projects, the fuselage is welded steel tube, wings are spruce and Stits<br />
Poly-fiber is used for covering. Information pack ag es are available for<br />
$10.50 and full sets of plans run $125.00.<br />
Order from: Acro Sport Inc., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130.<br />
Free kit list on request.Tech support for Acro Sport: Steve<br />
Nanweiler, 4819 Farmstead Ct., Wichita, KS 67220, (414) 529-2609<br />
Note: Landing gear is NCNR, may not be cancelled or returned.<br />
Lead times are always 6-8 weeks.<br />
Metal Kit ....................... $4,291.16 Clevis & Cotter Pin Kit .......$4.40<br />
Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit .... $1,540.57 Wood & Foam Kit .......$2,426.83<br />
Spar Kit ............................ $755.79 Rod End Kit ................$1,315.85<br />
Bolt Kit ............................... $74.10 Misc. Hardware Kit .......$151.70<br />
Nut & Nutplate Kit .............. $85.12 Miscellaneous Kit .......$1,493.00<br />
Washer & Rivet Kit ............ $21.45 Landing Gear ..............$1,939.00<br />
Note: Additional items such as tie rods,plumbing,instruments,avio<br />
nics, etc. can be found throughout this catalog.<br />
One of the many designs to<br />
come from the drawing board<br />
of EAA’s founding President,<br />
Paul H. Poberezny, the<br />
Super Ace, is an ideal project<br />
for first time builders. It offers<br />
the excitement of open cockpit<br />
flying and excellent performance.<br />
With options for<br />
85 hp to 150 hp, the Super<br />
Ace can meet a wide range<br />
of desires. The fuselage is<br />
a traditional 4130 steel tube frame that’s covered with Stits Poly-fiber.<br />
The two-piece wing is made of Sitka spruce spars, ribs formed with 1/2”<br />
x 1/2” spruce caps and covering is again Stits Poly-fiber. Wing span is<br />
27’-3 1/2”, length is 18’5” and empty weight is 685 pounds with a useful<br />
load factor of 385 pounds. Using a C-85 on the prototype, cruise speed<br />
is 90 mph. Info packs on the Pober Super Ace are $8.00, plans are<br />
$125.00 and can be ordered through Acro Sport, Inc., Box 462, Hales<br />
Corners, WI 53130. Request a free brochure on the Super Ace from<br />
Acro Sport. Order your Pober Super Ace materials kits form <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
<strong>Spruce</strong>, the approved materials supplier. Free kit list on request.<br />
For more information on the Pober Super Ace contact<br />
Classic Sport <strong>Aircraft</strong>:<br />
19426 Campbell Creek Dr., Springville, CA 93265<br />
Phone/Fax: (559) 539-2755 • E-mail: s18mike@ocsnet.net<br />
Designed by George Meyer, the Little Toot was first flown in 1957 and in the same year took<br />
the top award from mechanic Illustrated for “Outstanding Achievement in a Homebuilt <strong>Aircraft</strong>”<br />
at the 1957 EAA convention in Milwaukee. “Little Toot” also won the Paul H. Poberezny Award<br />
two years in a row. Year 1999 and 2000. Today the aircraft is still popular in appearance and<br />
functionality. Little Toot is a Single Seat, Sports Biplane. The fuselage is an all-metal structure<br />
with metal-covered steel tube construction from rear of cockpit forward, and metal monocoque<br />
rear of tubular fuselage cockpit forward section. Our Plans also provide you with an alternate<br />
Tube and Fabric fuselage construction. It features all wood wings, two 1” thick spar structure<br />
with fabric covering. Fabric covered all metal full-length ailerons on lower wings only. No<br />
Flaps. Little Tot has super strong structure stressed to 10- and 10+ G’s. Power Plant options<br />
include 4-cylinder engines of up to 200 hp and six cylinders up to IO-540 250 horse power.<br />
Full Size Plans ........................................ P/N 01-01049 .................................... $345.00<br />
Plans - 11 x 17 Booklet ........................... P/N 01-01050 .................................... $179.00<br />
For more info and plans contact Tommy Meyer:<br />
Website: www.littletootbiplane.com •<br />
Email: tommy@littletootbiplane.com • Phone: 817-269-9292<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
The new AQUAJET X, designed by Don<br />
James, and inspired by forthcoming warbirds<br />
F22 Raptor and X35 Joint Strike<br />
Fighter, provides the next level of flying<br />
excitement and realism between the<br />
AquaJet and a real airplane.<br />
To provide vectored thrust via rudder pedals<br />
while creating the jet engine sound you can add an electric leaf<br />
blower (electric leaf blower is not included with the kit). Also there is a<br />
more sophisticated suspension system. Thus, the Aquajet X can climb<br />
at 30 deg., dive at 15 deg., bank, turn and spin up to three revolutions<br />
under full control of the pilot. A throttle actuates the lift cylinder - controlling<br />
takeoff, climb and descent so the stick can control pitch and landing<br />
flare.*Note: The Aqua Jet kit list includes all of the parts we can provide.<br />
Other items are required to build the Aqua Jet and many of them can be<br />
sourced at hardware stores and building centers.<br />
For more information visit our website at www.aircraftspruce.com<br />
Aquajet X Plans ................................ P/N 01-00962 ......................$95.00<br />
Aquajet X Materials Kit ..................... P/N 01-00964 .................$1,080.99<br />
KR-1 AND KR-2<br />
The KR-1 (single place) and<br />
KR-2 (two place) were designed<br />
in the early 1970’s by the late<br />
Ken Rand. These popular aircraft<br />
combine composite and wood<br />
construction to produce fast, efficient<br />
aircraft that remain good<br />
sellers year after year.<br />
Plans for Daisy<br />
Mae consist of 22<br />
pages that are sized<br />
18 by 24 with full<br />
size rib and former<br />
drawings and a<br />
hardware sheet that<br />
shows what parts<br />
you will need to fabricate<br />
while building<br />
the airplane. Each plan has a serial number and carries a copyright.<br />
Each page is dimensioned so that you will know the exact size of<br />
everything you need to build and has many 3 dimensional drawings<br />
and exploded views for ease of understanding. In addition, every plans<br />
purchase includes a CD loaded with over 280 photos taken during the<br />
construction process. You know what they say: A picture is worth a<br />
thousand words and these will make it perfectly clear how each part was<br />
fabricated. The CD is mailed directly from the plans owner following<br />
registration of the plans.<br />
Specifications: Wing Span - 23’, Empty Wt. - 780 lbs., Wing Area -<br />
173’, Normal Flying Wt. - 1100 lb., Fuselage Length - 18.5 ‘, Gross Wt.<br />
- 1300 lb., Fuselage Height - 7’, Stall Speed - 40 Mph.<br />
Daisy Mae Materials Kit ............................P/N 01-01160 ........$4,598.99<br />
The Making of the Daisy Mae Book ..........P/N 13-04086 .............$34.95<br />
GP-4<br />
Contact:<br />
NV AERO AEROSPACE, LLC, 23052H Alicia Parkway #413,<br />
Mission Viejo, CA 92692 • Phone: (800) 515-4811<br />
Fax: (888) 829-3502 Email: info@nvaero.com<br />
KR-1 Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit .................. P/N 02-05400 ............ $1,183.69<br />
KR-2 Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit .................. P/N 02-05500 ............ $1,381.76<br />
KR-2S Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit ................ P/N 02-05510 ............ $1,490.47<br />
The Skybolt is a 2 place fully aerobatic<br />
biplane which is also an excellent<br />
cross country aircraft. It is larger<br />
and easier to handle than smaller<br />
biplanes, and construction can be<br />
completed with hand tools by first<br />
time builders. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> has<br />
provided materials for many Skybolt<br />
build ers around the world for over 20 years.<br />
Contact: Steen Aero Lab, 1451 Clearmont St NE,<br />
Palm Bay, FL 32905 • Ph (321) 725-4160 • Fax (321) 725-3058<br />
Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit ............. P/N 02-05700 ........................... $1,644.14<br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> Spar Kit ..................... P/N 02-07900 ........................... $1,260.18<br />
4130 Steel Kit ........................ P/N 03-15500 ........................... $3,089.85<br />
OSPREY<br />
Designed by George Pereira, the GP-4 is a high performance two place<br />
side-by-side kit aircraft which is a fast, efficient cross country performer.<br />
Construction is pri ma ri ly of wood and steel. The GP-4 is becoming the<br />
choice of many builders seeking a solid, traditionally constructed scratch<br />
built aircraft.<br />
Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit .....................P/N 02-25200 ................... $5,063.48<br />
4130 Steel Kit ................................P/N 02-25210 ...................... $900.13<br />
Plywood Kit ....................................P/N 02-00078 ................... $3,470.40<br />
Osprey <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
3741 El Ricon Way, Sacramento, CA 95825<br />
info@ospreyaircraft.com<br />
www.ospreyaircraft.com<br />
BREEZY<br />
The Osprey is a 2-place amphibian aircraft with fully retractable landing<br />
gear. The Osprey utilizes wood and steel construction and is ideal for<br />
the first time builder seeking well presented plans, ease of construction,<br />
and the versatility of an am phib i an aircraft.<br />
Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit ............................P/N 02-05100 ...........$4,545.10<br />
Osprey Tinted Canopy .........................P/N 05-01163 ..............$425.00<br />
Picture Decal Left Black .......................P/N 09-43813 ..................$8.99<br />
Osprey <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
3741 El Ricon Way<br />
Sac ra men to, CA 95825<br />
Info@ospreyaircraft.om • www.ospreyaircraft.com<br />
Wing and Aileron spars are furnished to<br />
net dimensions, not beveled.<br />
Designed by Carl Unger the Breezy was first introduced in 1965,<br />
and hailed as one of the most distinctive and unusual homebuilt designs<br />
to ever attend an EAA Fly-in. Though there have been a lot other<br />
designs, particularly homebuilts, that embody the open cockpit which<br />
trademarks a Breezy, nothing can surpass it for the view and fresh air<br />
feeling. The original Breezy was designed and built to accept a set of<br />
PA-12 wings. For that reason, there are no wing drawings with the plans.<br />
It is possible to substitute PA-14, PA-18, or J-3,4, or 5 wings. It’s also<br />
possible to order wing kits that replicate a J-3 wing. Power for the prototype,<br />
which now hangs in the EAA Aviation Museum in Oshkosh, WI,<br />
is a Continental C-90. The Breezy will carry a pilot and two passengers.<br />
Contact <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> for FREE Kit List.<br />
Rob Unger, 8751 S. Kilbourn, Oak Lawn, IL 60456<br />
rubreezy@msn.com • www.breezyaircraft.com<br />
Misc Hdwe kit .................... P/N 01-30010 .................. $736.61<br />
Breezy Steel Kit ................. P/N 01-30020 ............... $3,269.64<br />
Breezy Aluminum Kit ......... P/N 01-30030 .................. $188.58<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice WWW.AIRCRAFTSPRUCE.COM<br />
FLY BABY<br />
The Original 1929 Model A Powered Light Plane - Designed by Bernard<br />
H Pietenpol to get the best possible performance from a Model A motor,<br />
to be easy to fly, and to get the most flying hours for the money invested.<br />
The Pietenpol Air Camper continues to be a successful design for the<br />
same reasons homebuilders were so fascinated by the design 85 years<br />
ago. It still has graceful styling, predictable flying qualities, and easy<br />
construction. Specifications: • Wing Span: 28’ 2”ft. • Wing Chord: 5 ft.<br />
• Wing Surface: 140 sq ft Length 17 ft. 8 in. • Height Overall: 6 ft. 6 in. •<br />
Tread: 53 in. • Empty Weight: 625 lb. • Engine: Ford Model A, Corvair,<br />
A-65, other. • Useful Load: 456 lb. • Climb Light: Load over 500 ft. first<br />
min. • Climb Full: Load over 200 ft. first min. • Take-Off Speed: 60-75<br />
mph. • High Speed: 90 mph. • Landing Speed: 35 mph. • Fuel Capacity:<br />
10-18 gal. • Take-off Run: 150 ft. • Landing Run: 250 ft. • Weight of Wing:<br />
Complete 95 lbs. • Weight of Body: Complete 130 lbs. • Weight of Motor<br />
with Magneto: Complete 244 lbs. • Weight of Radiator: 21 lbs. • Weight<br />
of Propeller: 21 lbs. • Total Weight of Airplane with Water: 625 lbs. •<br />
Gross Load: 1080 lbs. • Load per Square Foot: 7.7 lbs.<br />
Plans are available from:<br />
B.H. Pietenpol And Sons Air Camper <strong>Aircraft</strong> L.L.C.<br />
7203 Imperial Ave S Cottage Grove, MN 55016<br />
Phone: (651) 459-3209 • email: Andrew.Pietenpol@gmail.com<br />
http://community.pressenter.net/~apietenp<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Original Pietenpol Air Camper Plans 01-01307 $250.00<br />
Original Pietenpol Vertical Stab Kit 01-01301 $52.25<br />
Original Pietenpol Horizontal Stab Kit 01-01302 $122.95<br />
Original Pietenpol Rudder Kit 01-01303 $75.00<br />
Original Pietenpol Wing Kit 01-01304 $1,925.00<br />
Original Pietenpol Fuselage Kit 01-01305 $1,095.00<br />
Original Pietenpol Elevator Kit 01-01306 $113.95<br />
This plane is a structurally simple and easy-to-fly airplane designed<br />
to the requirements of the Experimental aircraft Association for home<br />
construction and storage in a space 7’ x 8’ x 20’, which is equivalent to<br />
the standard home garage. Great emphasis has been placed upon safe<br />
flight characteristics and good low speed performance for takeoff and<br />
landing at some sacrifice of high speed.<br />
Fly Baby <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit .......................P/N 01-00977 ................... $2,564.10<br />
Fly Baby Plywood Kit ....................P/N 01-00974 ................... $1,465.93<br />
Fly Baby Metals Kit .......................P/N 01-00976 ...................... $915.49<br />
Fly Baby Hardware Kit .................P/N 01-00975 ................... $2,305.06<br />
Contact David R. Bowers:<br />
13730 Burke Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022-3549<br />
ph: (605) 948-3229 • Htpp://www.bowersflybaby.com<br />
ZENITH STOL CH-750<br />
The two-seat all-metal STOL CH 750 has been developed as an “offairport”<br />
short take-off and landing kit aircraft to fulfill the demanding<br />
requirements of both sport pilots and first-time builders. Designer Chris<br />
Heintz has combined the capabilities and advantages of a bush-plane<br />
with the advantages of a modern design.<br />
With form following function, the popular STOL CH 750 design can be<br />
built from complete kits, component “buy-as-you-build” (section) kits, or<br />
it can be built from plans-only (blueprints) with common aircraft materials<br />
and tools (available from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong>).<br />
For detailed info on all Zenair kit aircraft designs contact:<br />
Zenith <strong>Aircraft</strong> Company<br />
Mexico Memorial Airport, PO Box 650<br />
Mexico, Missouri, 65265-0650 USA.<br />
Ph: (573) 581-9000 (Mon-Fri, 8-5 Central), Fax: 573-581-0011<br />
info@zenithair.com • www.zenithair.com<br />
MORIN M85<br />
The Bakeng Deuce is a two place parasol that is great for plain every<br />
day or weekend flying. It is of a basic aircraft design utilizing a steel tube<br />
fuselage. The structure is faired with plywood and aluminum formers<br />
which support spruce stingers. Wings are of basic wooden construction<br />
with solid spruce spars. The Deuce is a very easy aircraft to build with<br />
an excellent set of plans. It has a max. speed of 140 mph, cruises at<br />
110-120 mph with a stall speed of 35-40 mph.<br />
Bakeng Deuce Airplane Factory<br />
9850 52nd Street, Kenosha, WI 53144<br />
Ph: (262) 658-9286 • e-mail: acole@interaccess.com<br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> Spar Kit ................................ P/N 02-06800 ...................$496.00<br />
Complete plans including construction license for wood or aluminum<br />
wings. Also available are plans only for streamlined wood stabilizer and<br />
wood or aluminum wings.<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Complete Morin M85 Plans- Aluminum Wing 01-01211 $415.00<br />
Complete Morin M85 Plans- Wood Wing 01-01212 $415.00<br />
Morin M85 Aluminum Wing Plans Only 01-01213 $275.00<br />
Morin M85 Wood Wing Plans Only 01-01214 $275.00<br />
Morin M85 Streamlined Wood Stabilizer Plans 01-01215 $145.00<br />
Morin M85 11”x17” Booklet Of Complete 143 Drawings 01-01216 $157.75<br />
Morin M85 4130 Tubing Kit (fuse / Vert Stab / Rudder) 01-01236 $2,609.90<br />
Morin M85 4130 Tubing Kit (horizontal Stab / Elevator) 01-01237 $439.52<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
T<br />
A<br />
he use of composite materials in home built aircraft construction got its start back in 1970 when Ken Rand introduced his KR-1 and KR-2 kits. At<br />
the same time, a young designer named Burt Rutan was completing the design of his VariViggen which was awarded the Stan Dzik trophy for<br />
design contribution at Oshkosh in 1972. Although this aircraft featured some composite construction materials, it was fairly labor intensive to build<br />
and interest was modest. Taking the canard design concept a step further and simplifying construction through the use of the moldless composite<br />
technique, Burt educated thousands of builders and future designers through his plans, construction manuals, and many seminars and convinced<br />
aircraft enthusiasts worldwide that composites were indeed the future for aviation construction. Rutan <strong>Aircraft</strong> Factory followed the tremendous<br />
success of the VariEze kit program with plans for new designs such as the Long-EZ, Defiant, and Solitaire. At the same time, SCALED, Burt’s new<br />
company specializing in design and prototype construction, was busy building proof-of concept aircraft such as the AD-1, Grizzly, and Beech Starship.<br />
Burt continues to operate SCALED today and remains active in designing and building the aircraft of tomorrow. We hope he will someday return to<br />
the homebuilt aircraft market, and arena that allowed him endless freedom to pursue aircraft design innovation.<br />
uring the 1980’s many new designers entered the homebuilt aircraft market including Nat Puffer who introduced the popular Cozy, a side-byside<br />
version of the Long-EZ. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. became the distributor of Cozy kits as it had been for the Rutan designs since<br />
D<br />
1976. Hundreds of kits were shipped worldwide, and <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> grew as quickly as the composite movement. At the same time, <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
began supplying kits and materials to designers marketing their own new designs using the new “fast-build” pre-fabricated kit concept. This type of<br />
kit program was pioneered by Tom Jewett and Gene Sheehan of Quickie <strong>Aircraft</strong> and Tom Hamilton of Glasair fame. Many new designs followed,<br />
including Lance Niebauer’s Lancair, Ken Wheeler’s Express, the Cirrus and White Lightning. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> has been a supplier of materials for all of<br />
these kit programs, and looks forward to working with the designers of new composite aircraft on their kit programs in the years to come. The design<br />
sophistication and ease of construction that are offered in composite aircraft kits today have provided a way for many aviation enthusiasts to build<br />
and fly higher performance aircraft at affordable prices. What an exciting time to be involved in sport aviation!<br />
dvanced composite fabrics are those materials which have been used for a num ber of years in aerospace applications, replacing standard fiberglass<br />
fabrics. Today’s materials - Kevlar, graphite, S glass and ceramics - are now making the transition from aerospace to homebuilt aircraft.<br />
Kevlar is an organic fiber which is yellow in color and soft to touch. It is extremely strong and tough and about the lightest structural fabric on the market<br />
today. Kevlar is highly resistant to impact but it is rather difficult to work with for hand layup applications and its com pres sive strength is considered<br />
poor. Graphite fibers are created by extreme stretching and heating of rayon fibers to change their molecular struc ture. Graph ite has very low density<br />
(weight/unit volume), is very stiff (high modulus) and very strong (high tensile). S glass uses a different chemical formulation from standard E glass<br />
fabrics, and is stronger, tougher and stiffer than E glass. One ply of S glass can replace several plies of E glass, which can result in a stronger and<br />
considerably lighter aircraft component. Ceramic fabrics are the latest innovation in ad vanced composites. These fabrics pro duce lam i nates approaching<br />
the quali ties of S glass plus they can withstand temperatures of almost 3000° F. Ceramic cloth can produce a very lightweight and effective firewall<br />
laminate, although at this time the cost is high. These advanced com pos ite materials are currently being used in the production of such items as aerospace<br />
components, high-per form ance boats and race cars, and many rev o lu tion ary homebuilt aircraft such as the Long-EZ, Solitaire, Sea Hawk and<br />
Q200. The performance of future homebuilt aircraft will most certainly be in cred i ble with the availability of these in no va tive new composite materials.<br />
Best<br />
Worst<br />
Cost E Glass S Glass Kevlar Graphite Ceramic<br />
Weight<br />
(Density) Kevlar Graphite S Glass E Glass Ceramic<br />
Stiffness Graphite Kevlar S Glass Ceramic E Glass<br />
Heat Ceramic S Glass E Glass Kevlar Graphite<br />
Toughness Kevlar S Glass E Glass Ceramic Graphite<br />
Impact<br />
Resistance Kevlar S Glass E Glass Ceramic Graphite<br />
O<br />
ften the choice of the materials to use for a laminate is difficult<br />
because of the required properties. One must consider the advantages<br />
of one material over an other and its anticipated performance. S<br />
glass is about 30% stronger and 15% stiffer than E glass. It has 20-25%<br />
of the stiffness of graphite and is as strong, but it is also 30% heavier.<br />
S glass though, has only half the strength and stiffness of Kevlar<br />
and twice the weight. Kevlar on the other hand, is 40% stronger and<br />
25% lighter than graphite but has only half the stiffness of graphite.<br />
Sometimes, blending different advanced composite fabrics in a laminate<br />
can achieve the proper balance of stiffness, strength and weight. Use<br />
the following six para me ters listed here, from a best to a worst case,<br />
to help you decide which ad vanced composite fabric(s) is best for your<br />
ap pli ca tion.<br />
CM<br />
WP<br />
ME<br />
HA<br />
AP<br />
LG<br />
EP<br />
CS<br />
IN<br />
EL<br />
AV<br />
120-PLAIN-34x34<br />
281-PLAIN-17x17<br />
285-CROW FOOT-17x17<br />
TO<br />
PS<br />
AS4-HS4<br />
F3T282-PLAIN-12.5x12.5<br />
E-GLASS<br />
F3C716-PLAIN-16x24<br />
S-GLASS<br />
BV<br />
XC568-5H5-48X47 7500-PLAIN-16X14 4533-PLAIN-18X18<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
CM<br />
WP<br />
ME<br />
HA<br />
AP<br />
LG<br />
EP<br />
CS<br />
IN<br />
EL<br />
AV<br />
TO<br />
PS<br />
It is important to have the entire work area including tables, foam, tools and working materials thoroughly warm before commencing. This may take<br />
3-4 hours. An electric hair dryer may be used to warm local areas, being careful not to over heat the part or epoxy. When, due to cool temperatures,<br />
a part is slow to wet out, a few quick passes with a hair dryer will greatly speed the layup time. Do not use a hair dryer to heat a cup of epoxy. This<br />
can give local hot spots and ruin pot life.<br />
The epoxy system components should be stored at room temperature. Never keep resin or hardeners in a cold place, even for long-term storage. If the<br />
resin appears to crystallize and settle out it should be returned to its normal state as soon as possible, even if prompt usage is not anticipated. Placing<br />
the container of resin in hot (160-190°F.) water for several hours will usually decrystallize it and return it to a clear state. Mild agitation will accelerate<br />
the process. Leaving the resin hot for 3-5 hours after it clears will reduce its susceptibility to recrystallize. Securely close containers after use.<br />
Never attempt any layup below 70°F. since the higher viscosity of the resin will make it more difficult to wet out the cloth. Ideal working temperature is<br />
85°F. Keep epoxy at 75° to 85°F. Never work outside in sunlight. It’s acceptable to work in a shop with radiant heaters, as long as:<br />
1.) The heat is diffused and the heat source does not become much hotter than the ambient.<br />
2.) The heat is not provided by a source that generates particulates or aerosol hydrocarbons.<br />
Never make a glass layup over a core that is not straight and smooth. The glass panel cannot take the loads if it has bumps or depressions in excess<br />
of the al low able values. A wrinkle, depression or bump in a layup which is greater than 1/16” high or low and which is more than 20% of the chord<br />
length or 20% of the spar chord is not acceptable and requires repair. A depression can usually be repaired by filling with flox to level and laying over<br />
the entire depression the amount of glass that is underneath, lapping outside the depression a distance equal to one inch per ply. Care should be<br />
taken not to lay up a depression or bump in the thick main spar caps. The transition of the spar caps into the wing fittings must be smooth and without<br />
joggles. These precautions apply only to the flying surfaces. The fuselage and fuel tanks can have relatively large depressions or bumps with out<br />
affecting structural safety. Care should be taken in the finishing process not to sand through more than one ply on the structure.<br />
Joining foam blocks - (1) Paint a coat of epoxy (no micro) on the joining surfaces. (2) Trowel a wedge of dry micro on the center of one surface. (3)<br />
Squeeze the joining surfaces together, wiggling them back and forth to obtain a thin micro joint less than 1/16” thick. It is desirable to have the micro<br />
about 3/8” low in the joint (not squeezed out). The low joint is filled with micro before glass is laid over the joint allowing a wet bond between the<br />
micro and the glass. If some does squeeze out, wipe the joint low with a mixing stick. Do not try to fill large voids with micro, as there is a possibility<br />
of exotherm damage. For a void larger than about 0.1”, fill with a sliver of foam with micro on each side.<br />
• A paper cutter is excellent for measuring and cutting the many little squares of glass cloth.<br />
• Epoxy should be removed from metal tools or parts with acetone, MEK or soap and water before it cures.<br />
• Micro slurry should not be applied to glass surfaces being bonded. This weakens the joint.<br />
• Do not use Bondo on styrofoam, It has a polyester base which will dissolve the foam. Bondo will not attack urethane or PVC.<br />
Precaution - Be sure layups are not dry, with air present ( small flecks of white). Inspect thoroughly before leaving a wet layup. A cured layup that is<br />
too dry must be rejected.<br />
Make sure that ample micro slurry is applied over the foam, particularly the ure thane. Inadequate slurry allows air to remain under the first ply, decreasing<br />
lami nate peel strength and surface durability.<br />
Hot wire cutting - A good method to use for judging wire temperatures is the appearance of the cut foam surface. A cratered or rutted surface indicates<br />
the wire is too hot. A very light “hair” of plastic strands on the surface is just right. Always adjust the temperature so that the wire will cut one inch in<br />
4 to 6 seconds with light pressure.<br />
Exotherm foam damage - Care must be taken to avoid heavy buildups of epoxy/micro down inside a joint that is insulated by foam, such as the<br />
assembly of the wing cores. The gap to be filled by micro when assembling any foam cores should not be thicker than 1/16”. In filling a gap greater<br />
than 0.1”, excessive weight is added and, more importantly, the large mass of epoxy/micro insulated by the foam can exotherm. Heat resulting from<br />
the exotherm can be as high as 450°F., which will melt away the foam lo cally and destroy the joint. White is the recommended color for composite<br />
aircraft since it absorbs very little of the sun’s heat (10%) while a black surface will heat up tremendously (95% absorption). Trim colors in noncritical<br />
areas are acceptable. Any good qual ity automotive enamel, lacquer, acrylic or polyurethane is acceptable. A primer-surfacer with an ultra-violet radiation<br />
barrier is recommended as an under coat ing.<br />
Caution: Do not ever wipe paint thinners on any part of the structure. Minute pin holes in the epoxy/glass skin can allow the thinners to pene trate down<br />
to the styrofoam,which dissolves in thin ners.<br />
One of the unique features of the glass-foam-glass composite construction tech nique is the ability to visually inspect the structure from the outside. The<br />
trans par ency of the glass/epoxy material makes it possible to see all the way through the skins and even through the spar caps. Defects in the layup<br />
take four basic forms: (1) resin lean areas, (2) delaminations, (3) wrinkles or bumps in the fibers and (4) damage due to sanding structure away in<br />
finishing. Resin lean areas are white in appearance due to incomplete wetting of the glass cloth with epoxy dur ing layup. The presence of minor white<br />
(lean) areas up to about 2 inches in di ame ter is not cause for rejection of the piece. Delaminations in a new layup may be due to small air bubbles<br />
trapped between plies during the layup. Small del ami na tions or bubbles up to 2” diameter may be filled by drilling a small hole into the bubble and<br />
filling the void with epoxy. Major wrinkles or bumps along more than 2” of chord are cause for rejection in the wings, canard and winglet on the VE,<br />
particularity on the top. In most cases the rejected part can be repaired by following the basic rule: Remove the damaged area and fair back the area<br />
at a slope of at least one inch per ply with a sanding block in all directions. Count the number of plies re moved while sanding and replace with same,<br />
plus one more ply of BID over the entire patch.<br />
BV<br />
WEAVE<br />
PLAIN<br />
WEAVE<br />
The weave pattern describes the man ner in which the warp yarns and the filling yarns are in ter laced in the fabric.<br />
Plain Weave con sists of one warp end woven over and under one fill ing pick. Plain weave is gen er al ly characterized<br />
by fab ric sta bil i ty with minimum pli abil i ty ex cept at low fabric counts.<br />
Crowfoot Weaves are constructed with one warp end weaving over three and under one filling pick. It is characterized<br />
as being more pliable than either plain or basket weaves, having conformability to complex or compound<br />
curved surfaces and making possible the weaving of higher counts than plain or basket weaves.<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
Fiberglass cloth is exactly what the name says - glass. Fine fibers are spun from molten glass marbles, gathered into yarn and woven into a strong,<br />
supple glass fabric. It can be folded, rolled or draped, like any other loosely woven fabric - but it can be chemically transformed into solid sheets of<br />
tremendous strength. All the fiberglass fabrics listed below are volan treated for maximum strength and re sis tance to moisture and abrasion. They<br />
feature a weave that is tight enough for high strength, yet open enough for thorough wetting by resins.<br />
1.45 oz./sq. yd. Lightweight Industrial Cloth used in Osprey<br />
and other designs. Widely used by model builders, known<br />
as “Deck Cloth” , Thread Count 60 x 47.<br />
#1080 (P/N 1080-50) 50” Width .............. $6.60 yd<br />
5.85 oz./sq. yd. Lightweight Boat or Tooling Cloth. Plain<br />
Weave. Thread Count 18 x 18. Breaking Strength 250<br />
x 250 lb./in. Finished Weight 5.64 oz./sq. yd. Thickness<br />
.009” as used on KR <strong>Aircraft</strong>.<br />
#7533 (P/N 7533-60) 60” /Width ............. $9.65 yd<br />
CM<br />
WP<br />
3.16 oz./sq. yd. Lightweight Industrial Cloth with aerospace<br />
applications. Excellent for model building. Only .004” thick.<br />
Crowfoot weave, which contours nicely. Thread Count 60<br />
x 58. Breaking Strength 125 x 120 lb./in. Finished Weight<br />
3.08 oz./sq. yd.<br />
#120 (P/N 120-38) 38” Width .................. $8.50 yd<br />
3.74 oz./sq. yd. Light weight Boat or Tooling Cloth.<br />
Tight plain weave. Thread Count 24 x 22. Breaking<br />
Strength. 160 x 135 lb./in. Finished Weight 3.60 oz./sq. yd.<br />
Thickness .0055”<br />
#1522 (P/N 1522-50) 50” Width .............. $5.35 yd<br />
5.79 oz./sq. yd. Lightweight Boat Cloth. Flat weave, not<br />
twisted. Thread Count 18 x 18. Breaking Strength 250<br />
x 225 lb./in. Finished Weight 5.85 oz./sq. yd. Thickness<br />
.010”.<br />
#3733 (P/N 3733-60) 60” Width .............. $5.80 yd<br />
S-GLASS<br />
The chemical formulation of<br />
S-glass differs from that of<br />
standard E-glass. Ex amples<br />
of E-glass are found in the<br />
Standard Fiberglass Cloth section<br />
of this cata log. S-glass is<br />
30% stronger and 15% stiffer<br />
than E-glass and retains<br />
these prop er ties up to 1500°<br />
F. S-glass is also considerably<br />
tougher than an equivalent<br />
E-glass. Other styles are available on request. Sold by the yard.<br />
Style Part No.<br />
Weight oz./<br />
Sq.Yd.<br />
Width<br />
Thickness<br />
4533 4533-60 5.8 60” .009”<br />
W x F Weave<br />
18 x<br />
18<br />
Price Per<br />
Lineal Yd.<br />
Plain $19.85<br />
100% Fiberglass in a non-woven<br />
state. It is used for bulk “build-up”<br />
in molding and fabricating components.<br />
Also useful for filling holes<br />
and badly damaged parts. 1.5 Oz.<br />
Weight. 38” Width.<br />
P/N 01-06500 ...............$3.35/Yd<br />
www.aircraftspruce.com<br />
• 100,000 Parts!<br />
• 24 Hour Access!<br />
• Fast, Easy Navigation!<br />
8.5 oz./sq. yd. Lightweight boat or tooling cloth. Threads<br />
per inch: 18L x 18W. Used in Osprey aircraft and other<br />
homebuilts.<br />
#7520 (P/N 7520-50) 50” width ............ $10.60 yd<br />
8.95 oz/yd² Medium Weight Standard Industrial Cloth. 8<br />
Harness Satin. Thread Count 57 x 54. Breaking Strength<br />
350 x 330 lb./in. Finished Weight 8.95 oz./yd² Thickness<br />
.009 mils. Sold by the yard.<br />
#7781 50”” Width (P/N 7781-50) ............ $8.65 yd<br />
#7781 60” Width (P/N 7781-60) ............ $10.90 yd<br />
9.66 oz./sq. yd. Heavy Weight Boat or Tooling Cloth. Plain<br />
Weave. Thread Count 16 x 14. Breaking Strength 450<br />
x 410 lb./in. Finished Weight 9.40 oz./sq. yd. Thickness<br />
.014”.<br />
#7500 (P/N 7500-60) 60” Width .............. $9.80 yd<br />
Knitted fabrics are a relatively new format in composites.<br />
The performance of the glass is greatly<br />
enhanced by removing the interstices of the<br />
woven fabric and the crimped condition. E-glass<br />
in woven goods normally has 22,000 psi tensile<br />
strength. Layered nonwoven goods give 27,000<br />
psi which is about a 20% improvement. Knitted<br />
glass offers greater ease of fabric orientation and<br />
saves time over multi-layered wet lay-ups.<br />
Part No. Weight/sq yd Width Ply Thickness Price/yd<br />
Biaxial - Double Bias +/-45°<br />
01-00640 17.6 oz 50” 17.0 mm $10.95<br />
Uni-Directional<br />
01-00650 13.4 oz. 50” .021 mm $5.99<br />
AHN 7800 is an Commercial Grade<br />
Nomex honeycomb particularly suited<br />
for use where resistance to corrosive<br />
attack and moisture are important. This<br />
material exhibits good strength characteristics<br />
and is fire resistant. It is available<br />
in a variety of cell sizes and densities to suit most purposes. Typical<br />
applications include lightweight non-structural bulkheads for ships,<br />
joiner panels, shelters, antennas, and auto body panels. This material<br />
is not intended for aircraft or aerospace applications. This material also<br />
exhibits good thermal insulation properties and also has good dielectric<br />
properties. This honeycomb is easily machined, formed, and shaped<br />
and well suited to adhesive bonding.<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Honeycomb 1/8” Thick, 1/8” Cell 4’ x 8’ 01-00487 $205.95<br />
Honeycomb 1/8” Thick, 1/8” Cell 4’ x 4’ 01-00489 $102.98<br />
Honeycomb 1/4” Thick, 1/8” Cell 4’ x 8’ 01-01052 $312.00<br />
Honeycomb 1/4” thick, 1/8” Cell, 4’ x 4’ 01-01564 $150.95<br />
Honeycomb 1/8” Thick, 3/16” Cell, 39” x 108” 01-01572 $165.75<br />
Honeycomb 1/8” Thick, 3/16” Cell, 39” x 54” 01-01573 $82.00<br />
Honeycomb 1/8” Thick, 1/4” Cell, 39” x 108” 01-01574 $246.95<br />
Honeycomb 1/8” Thick, 1/4” Cell, 39” x 54” 01-01575 $124.95<br />
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The most basic structural material in building a composite aircraft is glass cloth. The use of glass in aircraft structures, particularly structural sandwich<br />
com pos ites, is a recent development. Glass cloth is available commercially in hundreds of different weights, weaves, strengths and working properties.<br />
Very few of these, however, are compatible with aircraft requirements for high strength and light weight. Even fewer are suitable for the hand-layup<br />
techniques developed by Burt Rutan for the homebuilder. The glass cloth featured here has been spe cifi cally selected for the optimum combination of<br />
workability, strength and weight. Two types of glass cloth, a bi-directional cloth (RA7725BID) and a uni-directional cloth(RA7715 UND) are used. BID<br />
cloth has half of the fibers woven parallel to the selvage edge of the cloth and the other half at right angles to the selvage, giving the cloth the same<br />
strength in both directions. UND cloth has 95% of the glass fibers woven parallel to the selvage, giving exceptional strength in that direction and very<br />
little at right angles to it. BID is generally used for pieces which are cut at a 45° angle to the selvage, a bias cut, which enables the builder to lay BID<br />
into contours with very little effort and provides the needed shear and torsion stiff ness for flying surfaces. UND is used in areas where the primary<br />
loads are in one direction, such as wing skins and spar caps. Multiple layers of glass cloth are laminated together to form the aircraft structure. Each<br />
layer of cloth is called a “ply”.<br />
7 Oz. 38” Width Threads per inch:<br />
80L x 18W $10.65 Lineal Yd.<br />
Small Cross Fibers<br />
Selvage Edge<br />
Although Kevlar has many advantages<br />
over conventional fiberglass<br />
weaves, it is very difficult to cut.<br />
Special scissors have been developed<br />
to facilitate cutting. These<br />
scissors have a wear resistant<br />
coating which is metallurgically<br />
bonded to the steel substrate. The<br />
coating will not chip or peel off and<br />
can be sharpened. Model WR-10E-4 Shears.<br />
P/N 01-00341 .........................................$85.75<br />
Major Fiber<br />
Bundles<br />
Selvage Edge<br />
8.8 Oz. 38” Width Threads/inch:<br />
54L x 48W $7.75 Lineal Yd.<br />
Quantity Discount: 15% on 500 Yds or more. Yardage must be on one fabric for discount, not combined. Discount on larger quantities quoted on request<br />
STYLE 120 STYLE 281 STYLE 285<br />
“Kevlar” 49 aramid fiber was introduced commercially in 1972 and is the Du Pont registered trademark for its new high strength, high modulus organic<br />
fiber. It combines high tensile strength (43,000 PSI) and high modulus (19 million PSI) with light weight and toughness superior to other reinforcing<br />
fibers for plastics. It is available in yarns and rovings which meet all FAA requirements for flammability. It shows no degradation in jet fuel, lubricating<br />
oils, water, salt water or high humidity. At cryogenic temperatures (-320°F.) performance is excellent with essentially no embrittlement or degradation of<br />
fiber properties. Kevlar 49 can offer both a significant weight saving and improved stiffness versus glass in addition to superior vibration damping and<br />
good impact resistance. A kayak made with Kevlar 49, for example, weighs about 18 pounds while the weight of a com pa rable boat made with glass<br />
would be over 30 pounds. The advantages over glass in small aircraft are similar - weight savings and improved impact resistance. Kevlar 49 is used<br />
in a number of parts on the Lockheed L-1011 because of weight savings of up to 30% compared to similar parts made of glass. One unusual benefit<br />
of Kevlar is its “quietness”. A cowling made of Kevlar will be quieter and less sensitive to engine vibrations than its glass or graphite counterpart.<br />
Although all of the processes used in combining resins with glass fiber are adapt able to Kevlar 49 with little or no modification. The vinyl estertype<br />
system is compatible, but the use of polyesters is not recommended because of poor bonding with Kevlar. The epoxy resin systems featured in this<br />
catalog are compatible with Kevlar 49 and have good wetting characteristics.<br />
Kevlar 49 is stocked in three different fabric styles. Kevlar #120 is a very light weight fabric, while #281 and #285 are identical except for the weaving<br />
pattern. Other weights and weaves of Kevlar are available on a special order basis. Be sure to specify the Kevlar style when ordering.<br />
Style Part No.<br />
Oz./<br />
Sq.Yd<br />
Weight Width Thickness W x F Weave<br />
Breaking Strength Lbs/Inch<br />
Warp<br />
Fill<br />
Price Per Lineal Yd<br />
120 01-38100 1.8 38” .0035” 34 x 34 Plain 260 250 $27.85<br />
281 281-38 5.0 38” .010” 17 x 17 Plain 625 650 $25.60<br />
285 285-38 5.0 38” .010” 17 x 17 Crow 630 650 $25.85<br />
Quantity Discount: 10% on 25-50 Yds. %; 15% on 50-100 Yds.; 20% on over 100 Yds.<br />
Straight-edge blades easily slide<br />
through the fabric and are sharpened<br />
to the tip for smaller or<br />
appliqué cuts. Grabs the fabric<br />
and cuts cleanly, with no material<br />
folding over the blades - even<br />
when cutting left-handed. Blades<br />
fully extend into the handles for<br />
durability and better cutting stability<br />
and pressure distribution. Exceptional accuracy and retains<br />
smooth blade movement, even in heavy-use environments. Straight<br />
blades made of stainless steel (Blades are not serrated). Good for cutting<br />
stitchwork, thread, cloth, leather, fabrics, films, sign and graphics<br />
material, vehicle wraps, and more. .....P/N 01-01186 ...................$18.95<br />
Wiss No. 20W heavy-duty<br />
shears, ideal for cutting fiberglass<br />
cloth and all fabrics. Hot<br />
drop-forged steel.<br />
Right Hand Shears............P/N 01-00397 .......... $32.75<br />
Left Hand Shears ..............P/N 01-00398 .......... $32.75<br />
Lightweight, durable, and reliable<br />
GINGHER® Scissors are<br />
lightweight, extremely sharp<br />
and comfortable. These 2-1/2<br />
oz. scissors are perfect for use<br />
during the lay-up for a variety<br />
of purposes and can be soaked<br />
in acetone for easy clean up.<br />
We recommend saving one<br />
pair for only cutting Kevlar® and keeping a second pair for general<br />
use. P/N 01-00342 .............$47.85<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
282 584<br />
Woven graphite is a fabric introduced in recent years which has become<br />
an ex cel lent alternative to fiberglass and Kevlar - only mils thick with<br />
great strength. In addition to its great strength, graphite fabric also has<br />
very low density and is very stiff. Although it is quite costly, the material<br />
saving is appreciable since only one course of graphite is required for 3<br />
or 4 of fiberglass. It cuts con sid era bly easier than Kevlar. Graphite The<br />
excellent qualities of the graphite fabric itself give it an immediate waiting<br />
market in the aircraft building field.<br />
Graphite fabric is stocked in the three different styles shown below.<br />
Other weights and weaves of graphite are available on a special order<br />
basis. Be sure to specify the graphite style when ordering. These carbon<br />
graphite cloths are not pre-preg fabrics.<br />
* Warning folding for shipment can damage the filaments in the<br />
fabric. Folding will be done at customers risk and request only.<br />
Weight<br />
Style Part No. Oz./Sq Width Thickness<br />
/yd.<br />
Tensile<br />
Price<br />
W x F Weave Strength<br />
Yd.<br />
(KSI)<br />
282 01-00971 5.8 50” .007” 12.5x12.5 Plain 675 $29.50<br />
282 01-28260 5.8 60” .007” 12.5x12.5 Plain 675 $35.90<br />
Style<br />
Tapes are woven from 8.7 oz./sq. yd. fiberglass<br />
cloth, .012” thick, into narrow widths<br />
with non-raveling selvage. Perfect for glassing<br />
seams, corners, edges fan for repair jobs.<br />
Sold in 50 yd. rolls.<br />
1” Width 26 Warp, 17 Fill ................ P/N 01-06610 .............. Roll $20.50<br />
2” Width 40 Warp, 17 Fill ................ P/N 01-06600 .............. Roll $26.50<br />
3” Width 58 Warp, 17 Fill ................ P/N 01-06700 .............. Roll $33.75<br />
4” Width 76 Warp, 17 Fill ................ P/N 01-06705 .............. Roll $42.60<br />
6” Width 106 Warp, 17 Fill .............. P/N 01-06710 .............. Roll $64.90<br />
12” Width 218 Warp, 17 Fill ............ P/N 01-06720 .............. Roll $87.75<br />
This is a fibrous glass reinforcement designed<br />
to furnish exceptionally high directional<br />
strength. Manufactured from parallel strands<br />
of glass roving which are held together by a<br />
fine woven cross thread. The placement of the<br />
cross thread is such that the parallel rovings<br />
do not wander or have a tendency to cross<br />
over each other. This 100% unidirectional tape<br />
can be used instead of unidirectional fabric<br />
for spar caps, wings and elevators. Contours<br />
well and cuts building time considerably. Wt.<br />
22 oz./sq. yd., 0.025” thick. May be used with<br />
either polyester or epoxy systems. Used on Polliwagen. Long-EZ, Cozy.<br />
Adventure and applicable to all composites.<br />
2.5”-3” Wide ........... P/N 01-06800 ...................$2.45 Yd.<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
TWILL 2 X 2 WEAVE<br />
Weight<br />
Part No. Oz./Sq W Thickness<br />
W x F Weave Strength<br />
Tensile<br />
Yd.<br />
(KSI)<br />
284 01-00602 5.7 50" .007 12X12<br />
284 01-01232 5.8 60” .007 12X12<br />
2/2 Twill<br />
3K<br />
2/2 Twill<br />
3K<br />
Price<br />
/yd.<br />
675 $29.95<br />
675 $35.50<br />
384 01-01529 - 50 .007 12X12 2/2 Twill - -<br />
Construction is such that the fibers are oriented in a<br />
straight or linear manner with no twist and are able to<br />
be maintained in that condition while being impregnated<br />
by hand. The fabric is formed from rovings or<br />
“tows” of fibers similar to that used in making woven<br />
fabric. These fibers are locked into position by very<br />
fine fill (or cross machine direction) fibers.<br />
For hand lay-ups, resin may be applied by spray,<br />
brush, or by pouring action. A short napped paint roller is recommended<br />
for spreading the resin. Excess resin should always be rolled out in a<br />
direction parallel to the graphite fibers. Satisfactory for use with epoxies,<br />
polyesters, vinyl esters, and other resins. Care and cleanliness should<br />
be practiced when working with Graphite materials. Unattached graphite<br />
fibers are easily airborne. A filter mask should be worn when cutting and<br />
fabricating. Itching and irritation caused by broken filaments becoming<br />
embedded in the skin can result from filament breakage during handling.<br />
Sold by the yard Style: 715. Weight: 5.37 oz./sq. yd. Width: 53.5 in.<br />
Thickness: 6.69 mils.<br />
**Warning folding for shipment can damage the filaments in the<br />
fabric. Folding will be done at customer’s risk and request only<br />
P/N 09-04023 ...................$45.95<br />
FIBERGLASS 44”<br />
Unidirectional Carbon Fiber. 44-TWCO-007 44”.<br />
170GSM PW Uncert 3K/75 1/0 44”.<br />
P/N 09-04685 ...................$37.95<br />
Intermediate Modulus Hexcel IM7 UNI Directional<br />
Carbon Fiber Fabric/Cloth 50” 12k 5.7oz/193gsm.<br />
This fabric has a width of 50”, tow size of 12k<br />
and is a UNI Directional Fabric. This Hexcel IM7<br />
12k Intermediate Modulus Fiber has a yard that is<br />
smaller in size than a standard 12k yarn and visually<br />
replicates the look of a standard strength 6k carbon fiber yarn while<br />
offering over a 60% increase in tensile strength and reducing the weight<br />
in almost half. P/N 01-01606 ...................$24.80<br />
These carbon fiber tapes are used to add stiffness<br />
and tensile strength in one direction without adding<br />
significant thickness or weight. These West System<br />
tapes have 12 carbon fiber bundles per inch of tape<br />
width. The bundles are held together with a polyester<br />
fill thread making the tape easy to handle. These<br />
tapes are compatible with epoxies but not with vinlyester<br />
or polyester resins. #702 tape is 1.5” wide and<br />
#703 tape is 3” wide.<br />
Style No. Width (in.) Length Part No. Price/.roll<br />
702 1.5” 12 ft.roll 01-00238 $59.85<br />
702 1.5” 50 ft.roll 01-00239 $157.77<br />
703 3” 12 ft.roll 01-00240 $76.56<br />
703 3” 50 ft.roll 01-00241 $206.40<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> offers structural tubing and structural<br />
torsion tubing, engineered and built to meet your exact<br />
specifications and tolerances. Structural Tortion Tubing,<br />
in continuous lengths up to 40’, is manufactured with the<br />
computer-controlled, fully-automated Helical Winding<br />
Process. We offer a broad array of Fiber Options and<br />
tubing wall thickness and diameter is determined on a<br />
case-by-case basis to suit your application. Special<br />
Order Sold in 10 ft. lengths only (can cut for UPS<br />
shipment).<br />
* The image shows two types of finish on this product.<br />
The standing tube is sanded and painted with a gloss finish. This is<br />
available for an additional cost of $249.00. The tube lying on its side is a<br />
rough surface, which will be received when product is purchased.<br />
D of Tube Wall Thickness Length Part No. Price<br />
0.5” .100 10’ 03-00171 $428.95<br />
0.75” .100 10’ 03-00172 $428.95<br />
1.00” .120” 10’ 03-00173 $357.95<br />
1.25” .120” 10’ 03-00174 $515.00<br />
1.5” .120” 10’ 03-00175 $414.95<br />
1.75” .120” 10’ 03-00176 $565.00<br />
2” .120” 10’ 03-00177 $464.95<br />
2.5” .120” 10’ 03-00178 $572.00<br />
3” .120” 10’ 03-00179 $689.99<br />
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High strength (470,000 PSI) carbon fibers<br />
are used as reinforcement in high per formance<br />
structural composites for aircraft applications,<br />
recreational and in dus trial products.<br />
Carbon fiber filaments are finer than a<br />
human hair. These filaments are bundled together to make a fiber of<br />
3,000, 6,000 or 12,000 filaments which is called a “tow”. The tow is sized<br />
with an epoxy compatible material to improve the handling char ac ter istics.<br />
It is then wound on a cardboard core holding from 4 to 6 pounds of<br />
fiber. 1 Lb. spool.<br />
Actual Size Part No. Approx. Yield Roll Size Price/Spool<br />
3K Tow 01-00343 2470 Yd./Lb. 4 Lb. $394.00<br />
6K Tow 01-00307 1229 Yd./Lb. 1 Lb. $79.65<br />
12K Tow 01-00004 621 Yd./Lb. 2 Lb. $149.95<br />
12K Tow 01-00345 621 Yd./Lb. 4 Lb. $298.95<br />
It appears that the 6K tow will prove most practical for homebuilding<br />
ap pli ca tions. This size will be available in the small units shown. The<br />
3K and 12K sizes are offered in full spools only. The 3K tow is used<br />
primarily by weavers. The 12K is difficult to wet out but can be done by<br />
diligent brushing.<br />
Material: 1500 denier Twaron (aramid), 5 ends<br />
(7500 denier total). Type: 1000. Yield: 567<br />
yards/pound (0.588 lbs/1000ft). Elongation: 3.5%*<br />
(each end). Break: 79 lb. +- 6.25%* (each end)<br />
Packaging. Tube length: 5.25”. Inner diameter:<br />
5/8”. Yards/package: 300<br />
300 Ft . Roll ............. P/N 968 .................... $46.50<br />
Lightweight, micro ballooned filled, fast curing<br />
2-part epoxy fairing putty with excellent moisture<br />
resistance. Use on both fiberglass and wood epoxy<br />
structures above or below the waterline. At 70° F it<br />
is sufficiently cured to be hand sanded in 3 hours<br />
or machine sanded in 4 hours. This allows you to<br />
apply 3 coats in a standard 8 hour shift or 6 in a<br />
round the clock basis. Complete a fairing or filleting<br />
job in a day rather than 3 or 4 days. NOTE:<br />
QuikFairs warm butter-like consistency makes it<br />
easy to measure by weight. Use care when measuring<br />
by volume as QuikFair does not self-level<br />
and may trap air pockets. As QuikFair is fast curing<br />
the working time is short. Mix no more than can be<br />
applied within 10 minutes. 24 oz. Kit ..........P/N 01-00404 ......$29.50<br />
1-1/2 qt. Kit ........P/N 01-00405 ......$44.65<br />
These Premium Pigments are a paste to tint polyester,<br />
vinyl ester, epoxy resin, and polyurethane.<br />
Add about 6% to 8% of pigment by weight or 1/2<br />
pint of pigment per gal. of resin.<br />
White - 1 oz. ......P/N 01-45308 .......... $5.95<br />
White - 8 oz. ......P/N 01-45501 ........ $19.95<br />
Black - 1 oz. ......P/N 01-45319 .......... $6.50<br />
Black - 8 oz. ......P/N 01-45512 ........ $20.50<br />
DLRH-3212 is an unfilled, clean epoxy resin<br />
system with a long pot life. DLRH-3212 is a<br />
tough, strong, impact resistant resin with chemical<br />
resistance. It has excellent wetting quality<br />
on kevlar, carbon graphite and fiberglass cloth.<br />
Used extensively in construction of aircraft, race<br />
cars, motorcycles, helmets and sports equipment.<br />
Mixing Ratio by Wt: 100:30; Pot Life (200 Gm<br />
MASS) 60 Min; Tensile Strength @ 25 C 12,500;<br />
Flexural Modulus @ 25 C 40,900; Heat Deflection 325 F; Thermal Shock<br />
72°F–125°F; Shore “D”: 80, Density: Resin: 9.7, Hardener: 7.9, Mixed:<br />
9.1; Shelf Life: Resin/ Hardener 1 Year.<br />
Qt Kit ............................ P/N 01-00430 ............. $61.85<br />
Gal Kit ........................... P/N 01-00431 ........... $169.95<br />
5 Gal Kit ........................ P/N 01-00432 ........... $835.00<br />
1307 Low Viscosity Resin / 3102 Fast Hardener<br />
- 100% solids 2-component epoxy laminating system<br />
with excellent wet out, low viscosity and high<br />
strength. Very low odor and toxicity. Easy to use,<br />
4:1 weight or volumetric mixing, safe, fast curing<br />
products for a variety of use applications. Used for<br />
fast curing, penetrating wood coatings, adhesives<br />
and sealers, fiberglass laminating and microsphere<br />
filled fairing compounds. Excellent cold temperature<br />
cures down to 40°F. No solvents or VOC’s. Nonhazardous,<br />
non-corrosive hardener.<br />
3176 30-minute Medium R/T Epoxy Hardener - Fast setting, even in<br />
thin films. Good low temperature cure. Fast wetting of fiberglass reinforcements.<br />
Easy to use 4:1 mix ratio. High HDT at room temp, increasing<br />
with post cure. Low toxicity, very low odor. Non-hazmat.<br />
Low Viscosity Laminating Resin<br />
1307 LV, Pail (40 lbs) .........................P/N 01-07917 ......$337.00<br />
1307 LV, Gallon (8 lbs) ......................P/N 01-07914 ........$72.85<br />
Fast Hardener<br />
3102, Pail (40 lbs) .......................... P/N 01-07920 ...$418.00<br />
3102, Gallon (8 lbs) ........................ P/N 01-07918 .....$87.50<br />
3102, Quart (2 lbs) ......................... P/N 01-07915 .....$23.50<br />
Medium Hardener<br />
3176, Pail (40 lbs) .......................... P/N 01-07921 ...$390.00<br />
3176, Gallon (8 lbs) ........................ P/N 01-07922 .....$90.00<br />
3176, Quart (2 lbs) ......................... P/N 01-07923 .....$25.60<br />
KITS - Jeffco Epoxy, 1 gal. kit, fast ........... P/N 01-07916 .....$96.00<br />
Jeffco Epoxy, 5 gal. kit, fast ........... P/N 01-07919 ...$474.95<br />
Jeffco Epoxy, 1 gal. kit, medium .... P/N 01-07924 .....$94.75<br />
Jeffco Epoxy, 5 gal. kit, medium .... P/N 01-07925 ...$475.95<br />
PT2712 is a low viscosity epoxy system designed for<br />
the fabrication of parts and structures by the resin<br />
infusion method. This system flows extremely well,<br />
and produces dense, void-free laminates routinely.<br />
The cured properties of this system are very high, so<br />
it produces items with good strength and toughness<br />
with excellent long-term stability. Three hardeners are available for use<br />
with this resin, which provide a range of working times. The hardeners<br />
have gel times of approximately 1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hours, so, by<br />
proper selection between the three, it is possible to easily infuse any size<br />
structure. The three hardeners are identical except for reaction time, so<br />
no matter which hardener is chosen, the user can expect the same high<br />
performance properties. The mixed viscosity with all three hardeners is<br />
just over 300 centipoise, so the material flows very well, even in thin<br />
walled areas. It penetrates heavy fabric sections and wets out quickly for<br />
further ease of production.<br />
Description Quantity Pot Life Part No. Price<br />
PT2712 with Part B 1 Gallon 70 Minutes 01-01587 $115.95<br />
PT2712 with Part B 5 Gallons 70 Minutes 01-01590 $395.00<br />
PT2712 with Part B1 1 Gallon 122 Minutes 01-01588 $118.85<br />
PT2712 with Part B1 5 Gallons 122 Minutes 01-01591 $395.00<br />
PT2712 with Part B2 1 Gallon 175 Minutes 01-01589 $115.95<br />
PT2712 with Part B2 5 Gallons 175 Minutes 01-01592 $395.00<br />
PT2712 with Part B3 1 Gallon 40 Minutes 01-01593 $120.75<br />
PT2712 with Part B3 5 Gallons 40 Minutes 01-01594 $409.00<br />
The epoxy systems in this group are highly engineered<br />
products designed to meet or exceed the requirements<br />
of the various flame retardant specifications for<br />
which they were developed. They are filled laminating<br />
compounds that have good handling characteristics<br />
and provide very high physical properties in addition<br />
to their excellent fire retardant capabilities. They are<br />
well suited to a wide variety of production and tooling<br />
applications where the combination of very good physical properties and<br />
outstanding flame retardant abilities will provide durable parts and tools.<br />
PT2475 is a filled, off-white epoxy laminating system designed for use in<br />
constructing fire retardant laminates for parts or reinforcements. PT2475<br />
meets the requirements of the FAR 25.853 Specification. This system<br />
has a 1 hour pot life at normal ambient temperatures, which will allow<br />
the construction of larger laminated than would be possible with a faster<br />
material. The system cures well at room temperature, and the cure can<br />
be accelerated with the addition of mild heat if desired.<br />
Gallon .............................P/N 01-01517 ........... $165.80<br />
5 Gallon ..........................P/N 01-01518 ........... $587.00<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
Poly Epoxy is a true high-performance epoxy resin<br />
with un matched tensile, compressive, and flex<br />
strengths. It also has unbeatable peel, shear, and<br />
fatigue resistance, as well as impact strength and<br />
fracture behavior. It’s great for wings, canards,<br />
fuselages, tail feathers, and landing gear. Use it<br />
in molds or moldless construction. It parts easily<br />
and works beautifully in vacuum bagging. (Avoid silicone-treated peel<br />
ply.) It has TWO cure phases, while all other resins—epoxy, poly es ter,<br />
or vinylester—have just one. The two phases occur all by themselves<br />
during the curing process. The resulting bond is tougher and stronger<br />
than any other.<br />
Poly Epoxy Kit, quart ............... P/N 01-07905 ........... $30.00<br />
Poly Epoxy Kit, gallon .............. P/N 01-07906 ......... $102.95<br />
Poly-poxy Resin Gallon .......... 01-07934 ...................$74.75<br />
Poly-poxy Hardener Quart ...... 01-07935 ...................$34.60<br />
Poly-poxy Hardener 40 Gl ...... 01-07933 ..............$2,591.00<br />
Mechanical Properties: w/Post Cure w/o Post Cure<br />
Tensile Strength, psi 9600 8800<br />
Elongation at Break, % 7.5 3.6<br />
Tensile Modulus, psi 470,000 460,000<br />
Flexural Strength, psi 19,000 14,500<br />
Flexural Modulus, psi 515,000 500,000<br />
Compressive Strength, psi 32,000 33,000<br />
Shore D Hardness 82 70<br />
Glass Transition Temp., °C 72 62<br />
Heat Distortion Temp., °C 64 50<br />
Water Immersion Weight Gain, % (140 °F, 30 days) 2.8 2.9<br />
Rheology: Mixing Ratio:3 parts Resin to 1 part Converter by Weight 10<br />
parts Resin to 4 parts Converter by Volume<br />
Kinetics:<br />
Pot Life, 100 grams .............. 105 mins 1 quart ......................75 mins<br />
Mold Open Time .......................3-4 hrs Tack Free Time ......... 5-6 hrs<br />
AlphaPoxy is a low-cost flexible epoxy system<br />
that is ideal for laying up non-structural parts like<br />
wheel pants, or fairings. Because it is flexible,<br />
we don’t recommend it for structural applications,<br />
such as fabricating load-bearing structural aircraft<br />
parts. Use PolyEpoxy for these applications. This<br />
is a low-viscosity system specifically formulated<br />
for filling with microballoons, cotton flox, or milled<br />
glass fibers to make slurries. It was designed for<br />
maximum sandibility; when cured, it is soft enough<br />
to be easily cut with sandpaper smoothing a breeze. AlphaPoxy is also<br />
excellent when used as a final filler resin over structural parts when an<br />
epoxy gel coat is called for. You can use it in place of polyester resins<br />
for a much more durable part at a very attractive price. AlphaPoxy uses<br />
a non-MDA hardener that allows us to ship it as non-hazardous material.<br />
AlphaPoxy Kit, 1-1/4 gallon ................P/N 01-07911 ................... $86.00<br />
AlphaPoxy Hardener, gallon ...............P/N 01-07909 ................... $61.80<br />
AlphaPoxy Resin, 7/8 gallon ..............P/N 01-07912 ................... $54.75<br />
AlphaPoxy Hardener, 5 gal. pail .........P/N 01-07910 ................. $275.00<br />
AlphaPoxy Hardener, 3/8 gallon ........P/N 01-07908 ................... $32.75<br />
AlphaPoxy Resin, 5 gal. pail ..............P/N 01-07913 ................. $250.95<br />
Rheology: Mixing Ratio:<br />
2 parts Resin to 1 part Hardener by Weight<br />
PT1105 is a white, general purpose room temperature<br />
epoxy surface coat resin. The creamy,smooth<br />
consistency of the mixed material allows easy<br />
application to the model surface with minimum drag.<br />
The thixotropic properties of PT1105 permits good<br />
coverage on points and sharp cor ners, and application<br />
to vertical surfaces without sagging. Due to<br />
the non-galling nature of PT1105, it will give good service in a variety<br />
of metal forming applications. When used with Part B hardener, the<br />
PT1105 system will cure quickly, and can be sanded or filed in 10 to 12<br />
hours. The cured material is tough, with good chip resistance on edges<br />
and sharp details. PT1105 works very well in the fabrication of plastic<br />
faced plaster patterns when used with PT1105 B1 hardener.<br />
Quart Kit ..................................................P/N 09-05263 ...............$39.85<br />
Gallon Kit .................................................P/N 09-05264 .............$134.75<br />
Gallon Pail Kit ..........................................P/N 09-05265 .............$484.00<br />
E-Z POXY<br />
In early 1996, Composite Design Co. developed<br />
E-Z Poxy to provide a re place ment epoxy system<br />
for Epolite (Safe-T-Poxy) which is no longer<br />
pro duced by Hexcel. The E-Z Poxy series of<br />
lam i nat ing systems utilizes one resin and your<br />
choice of three hardeners for varying pot life and<br />
viscosity re quire ments. The E-Z Poxy systems<br />
offer the same handling and physical properties<br />
as the discontinued Epolite systems including<br />
ease of use, long pot life, rapid cure for demold or process con tin u a tion,<br />
and superior room temperature curing properties. Excellent for use in<br />
sport aviation, marine, and industrial applications.<br />
E-Z 83 hardener is equivalent to Safe-T-Poxy standard hardener, E-Z<br />
84 is equivalent to Safe-T-Poxy II hardener, and E-Z 87 is equivalent<br />
to Safe-T-Poxy slow hardener. E-Z Poxy products should not be mixed<br />
with materials produced by other epoxy manufacturers.<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
E-Z Poxy 1-1/2 gal. kit* EZ 83 Hardener 01-07850 $207.95<br />
E-Z Poxy 5 gal. kit** EZ 83 Hardener 01-07950 $931.00<br />
E-Z Poxy 1-1/2 qt. kit EZ 83 Hardener 01-08050 $59.00<br />
E-Z Poxy II 1-1/2 gal. kit* EZ 84 Hardener 01-08850 $207.95<br />
E-Z Poxy II 5 gal. kit** EZ 84 Hardener 01-08950 $787.00<br />
E-Z Poxy 1 gal. resin 01-00245 $109.75<br />
E-Z Poxy 5 gal. resin 01-00246 $439.00<br />
E-Z Poxy 1/2 gal. Hardener 01-00247 $98.75<br />
E-Z Poxy II 1/2 gal. Hardener 01-00248 $98.75<br />
E-Z Poxy 2-1/2 gal. Hardener 01-00249 $359.00<br />
E-Z Poxy II 2-1/2 gal. Hardener 01-00250 $348.00<br />
E-Z Poxy 5 gal. Hardener 01-00251 $652.00<br />
E-Z Poxy II 5 gal. Hardener 01-00252 $485.00<br />
E-Z Poxy slow 1/2 gal. Hardener 01-00253 $87.90<br />
* 8 lbs. resin, 3.5 lbs hardener ** 40 lbs. resin, 18 lbs. hardener<br />
E-Z 10 Epoxy Resin<br />
E-Z 84 Aromatic Amine<br />
Hardener<br />
E-Z 83 Aromatic Amine Hardener E-Z Aromatic Amine Hardener<br />
E-Z 10 Resin (Viscosity* 1500 cps @ 77F with:<br />
Hardener EZ 83 EZ 84 EZ 87<br />
Mixed Properties:<br />
Mixed Viscosity cps @ 77F* 1300 800 1500<br />
Viscosity Hardener cps @ 77F* 410 140 830<br />
Pot Life @ 77F 2 hrs. 2 hrs. 5 hrs.<br />
Tack Free @ 77F 4 hrs. 8 hrs. 8 hrs.<br />
Cure Time @ 77F 24 hrs. 3 days 3 days<br />
Mix Ratio by Volume 100/47 100/47 100/47<br />
Mix Ratio by Weight 100/44 100/44 100/44<br />
Physical Properties Tg (F):<br />
R/T 151 151 142<br />
P/C* 196 196 196<br />
Elongation % 3.5 3.5 3.9<br />
Specific Gravity 1.14 1.13 1.14<br />
Linear Shrinkage @ 23C (4 days %) .10 .10 .10<br />
Tensile Strength PSI<br />
R/T 8,200 8,100 8,400<br />
P/C 10,000 10,000 10,000<br />
Tensile Modulus (PSI x 10 -5) 4.8 4.2 4.0<br />
* Viscosity may vary +/- 10%<br />
*Post Cure for 2 hrs. @ 150F<br />
E-Z Poxy systems provide excellent room temperature curing systems<br />
for hand layup of composite parts and tooling. The systems are designed<br />
to provide ample working time with the varied pot life options while providing<br />
a rapid finish cure. Post curing these systems will increase their<br />
physical properties as designated in the above data, however, post cure<br />
is not required.<br />
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Polyester resins are hygroscopic (they draw moisture from<br />
the air). There are two types of resin, and one or both<br />
types may be required, depending on the ap pli ca tion. Type<br />
“A” resin has a small amount of wax in it, which comes to<br />
the surface and forms a barrier against the moisture. This<br />
permits the resin to cure com pletely and the surface is hard<br />
and easily sanded. Bond Coat “B” resin does not have any<br />
wax content. As a result the surface stays a little tacky, as<br />
the surface cure is being inhibited by moisture. This tacky<br />
surface provides excellent ad he sion between coats. Bond Coat resin is<br />
therefore recommended for the first coat of resin to fill the weave of the<br />
glass cloth, for bonding fiberglass cloth to ply wood or other surfaces and<br />
for multi-layers of glass cloth.<br />
TYPE “A” RESIN - #1520-5 is a general purpose ortho surfacing resin<br />
intended for the finishing coat applied over the Bond Coat #1063-5, or<br />
for single coat application. A second coat may be applied after full cure<br />
and thorough sanding but is not rec om mend ed.<br />
Polyester Resin #692 Quart ...........................P/N 01-00346 ......$28.95<br />
1 Gal. #1520-5 with 1 Oz. Catalyst ...............P/N 01-00347 ......$56.75<br />
5 Gal. #1520-5 with 4 Oz. Catalyst ...............P/N 01-00348 ....$318.95<br />
Additional catalyst may be required. 1 Oz. ....P/N 01-06900 .......$5.45<br />
TYPE “B” RESIN - #L253T-20 is a general purpose bond coat ortho<br />
resin for use in making multi laminates. It will not cure to a high<br />
gloss finish. Use 1520-5 for finish coat to obtain smooth, hard<br />
gloss finish. Replaces #1063-5.<br />
1 Gal. #L253T-20 with 1 Oz. Catalyst ............P/N 01-00349 .....$50.45<br />
5 Gal. #L253T-20 with 4 Oz. Catalyst ............P/N 01-00350 ...$214.95<br />
Additional catalyst may be required.<br />
Same catalyst used for #1520-5 and #L253T-20.<br />
Note: Use #1520-5 finish coating over #L253T-20 but never use #L253T-<br />
20 over #1520-5.<br />
Above resins are not for use in making fuel tanks. For fuel tanks (except<br />
those for gasohol) use #6060-5 Isophthalic Resin.*<br />
1 Gal. #6060-5 with 1 Oz. Catalyst ...............P/N 01-00351 .....$56.50<br />
5 Gal. #6060-5 with 4 Oz. Catalyst ...............P/N 01-00352 ...$191.95<br />
Additional catalyst may be required.<br />
Catalyst same as for resins listed above.<br />
* Iso Resin is highly flexible. Has excellent adhesion to metal, wood,<br />
concrete, fiberglass and other “hard-to-adhere” surfaces. Compatible<br />
with most fuels. Iso is a wax-free resin and must be over-coated with<br />
Type “A” Surfacing Resin to obtain a surface cure.<br />
SURFACE CURING AGENT is used in polyester resin to improve sanding<br />
properties. Added to #1063-5 Bond Coat or #6060-5 Iso ph thalic, it<br />
will provide same sanding properties as in Type “A” Surfacing Resin.<br />
Use in proportions of 2 oz. per gallon of resin. Surface Curing Agent is<br />
used in addition to catalyst.<br />
4 Oz. in Polyethylene Dispenser Bottle .........P/N 01-07100 ......$14.85<br />
Pint (16 Oz.) in Polyethylene Dis pens er Bottle P/N 01-07200 ......$27.65<br />
Gallon (128 Oz.) .............................................P/N 01-07300 .....$61.75<br />
MEKP Norac Catalyst is the catalyst added to polyester resins<br />
and vinyl ester resins. As the catalyst mixes with the resin, a<br />
chemical reaction occurs, creating heat which cures the resin.<br />
Use approx. 1/2 oz per quart of resin. We recommend the use<br />
of our MEKP Catalyst Dispenser for accurate measuring and<br />
pouring of catalyst.2 oz. P/N 01-01119 ....................$4.95<br />
**Note: 3 month shelf life from date of manufacture.<br />
We suggest ordering when you are ready to use.**<br />
Dow Chemical’s Derakane 411-350 PA Vinyl Ester Resin is an epoxy-based<br />
Vinyl ester designed to provide superior tough ness and high corrosion<br />
resistance. Many leading kit aircraft manufacturers use vinyl ester resins<br />
extensively due to its quality and ease of fabrication. We furnish medium<br />
“pro mot ed” vinyl ester 411-350 PA resin which includes CONAP, DMA the<br />
resin is cured by adding the MEKP which is furnished with the kit. Gel times<br />
vary according to the amount of MEKP added and the ambient tem per a ture.<br />
Shelf life of promoted vinyl ester resin is short at only a few months.<br />
MEDIUM PROMOTED: Includes CONAP, DMA and other additives. Add MEKP for complete<br />
cure: Quart ............... P/N 01-01076 ........$57.75<br />
Gallon .............. P/N 01-07350 ........$82.75<br />
MEKP Clear Catalyst 1oz. .................................P/N 01-01110 .........................$2.85<br />
MEKP NORAC Catalyst Only (4 oz.) ...........................P/N 01-07325 .........................$5.50<br />
Vinyl Ester Resin 411-350PA - Quart Kit.. ...................P/N 01-01109 .......................$59.75<br />
Vinyl Ester 1-Gal. Kit (Resin & Catalyst) ......................P/N 01-07355 .......................$88.25<br />
Catalyst<br />
Resin Quantity<br />
Catalyst<br />
Concentration Quart Gallon 5 Gallon<br />
Concentration<br />
1/2% 1/16 oz. 2/3 oz. 1-1/3 oz.<br />
3/4% 1/4 oz. 1 oz. 5 oz.<br />
1% 1/3 oz. 1-1/3 oz. 6-2/3 oz.<br />
1-1/2% 1/2 oz. 2 oz. 10 oz.<br />
WARNING: Mekp Catalyst is very dangerous to the eyes. Always wear full<br />
goggle protection and have running water at hand when working with Mekp.<br />
MGS epoxy resins are approved for the production<br />
of certificated aircraft parts. The 335 and 285<br />
systems are especially suited for homebuilders<br />
because of their long shelf lives, excellent workability,<br />
physiological friendliness, adjustable cure<br />
rates and excellent static and dynamic strength<br />
characteristics. The 285 system is available with<br />
fast and slow hardeners which can be blended with<br />
each other in any proportion to provide the desired<br />
working life and cure cycle. Pot lives and working times can be adjusted<br />
from fifteen minutes, using the fast hardeners, to six hours, when the<br />
slow hardeners are employed. Once the hardeners have been blended,<br />
the specified resin to hardener mixing ratio must be maintained. The<br />
335 System is available only with fast hardener. Components of the 335<br />
system should not be mixed with those of the 285 system. With both<br />
systems, if only the slowest hardener is used, the cure times should be<br />
extended to a few days, otherwise some brittleness may be noted. While<br />
room temperature curing results in good properties when the faster<br />
hardener combinations are used, some curing at elevated temperatures<br />
or post curing will result in the highest achievable strength and Tg, with<br />
the slower blends. Even unfavorable low temperature and high humidity<br />
conditions in the work environment will not affect the quality of the product<br />
and high gloss, uncontaminated, tack free surfaces are achievable<br />
every time. The resins do not contain any unreactive dilutants which with<br />
many systems result in de-gassing and bubbling of the painted finish.<br />
The MGS resins do NOT contain aromatic amines. While proper processing<br />
practices should be maintained, the physiological friendliness<br />
of these systems have been demonstrated by many years of production<br />
experience. The 285 system has slightly higher physicals than the 335<br />
and will also achieve a higher maximum Tg after post curing. While the<br />
335 is more viscous than the 285, after mixing with the appropriate hardeners,<br />
their viscosities are comparable. MGS systems are used in the<br />
construction of the Cozy, Diamond, Cirrus and other aircraft.<br />
System 285 (Max. Tg 105 C - 110 C; 195 F - 230 F)<br />
Mixing ratio Resin:Hdnr Pot life Mixed Viscosity@20C<br />
100:50 by volume H285-F 40 min 300-500 cp<br />
100:40 by weight H287-S 4 hours<br />
H285 : H287<br />
40 : 60 2 hours<br />
System 285 Prices<br />
L285 Resin (1 Gal.) ............................ P/N 01-41000 ...$142.50<br />
H285F Hardener (.25 gal/1 qt.) .......... P/N 01-41005.......$35.75<br />
H287S Hardener (.25 gal/1 qt.)* ......... P/N 01-41006.......$39.85<br />
*Important Shipping Information- H287S Hardener can be shipped UPS<br />
ground only. A $25 hazardous fee, and a $45 box fee applies (per quart).<br />
Can also be shipped truck collect.<br />
System 335 (Max. Tg 75 C - 80 C; 160 F - 180 F)<br />
Mixing ratio Resin:Hdnr Pot life Mixed Viscosity@20C<br />
100:45 by volume H335-F 15 min 800 cp<br />
100:38 by weight H340-S 6 hours 400 cp<br />
H335 : H340<br />
50 : 50 1.5 hours<br />
20 : 80 4 hours<br />
System 335 Prices<br />
L335 Resin (Gal.) ............................... P/N 01-41100.......$99.75<br />
H335F Hardener (.225 gal/0.9 qt.) ..... P/N 01-41105.......$35.75<br />
H340S Hardener (Slow) ..................... P/N 01-41106.......$33.85<br />
Two units of hardener are required for each gallon of resin<br />
Typical room-temperature properties of clear<br />
cast ings made with DERAKANE 411 resins<br />
Property<br />
DERAKANE 411-350PA<br />
Tensile Strength, psi 11-12,000<br />
Tensile Modulus, units 105 psi 4.9<br />
Elongation, % 5-6<br />
(DERAKANE 411-350) (7-8)<br />
Flexural Strength, psi 16-18,000<br />
Flexural Modulus, units 105 psi 4.5<br />
Compressive Strength, psi 16-17,000<br />
Compressive Modulus, units 105 psi 3.5<br />
Compressive Deformation at Yield, % 6.5-7.8<br />
Specific Gravity 1.12<br />
Heat Distortion Temp.,°F 210-220<br />
Barcol Hardness 35<br />
(20 -30 minute pot life at 2% mix ratio)<br />
Resin Quantity - 30 drops = 1 cc<br />
2 oz. 4 oz. 8 oz. 12 oz. 16 oz.<br />
1/2% 9 drops 18 drops 36 drops 1.8 cc 2.5 cc<br />
3/4% 14 drops 27 drops 2 cc 3 cc 4 cc<br />
1% 18 drops 36 drops 2.5 cc 3.75 cc 5 cc<br />
1-1/2% 27 drops 2 cc 4 cc 6 cc 8 cc<br />
2% 36 drops 2.5 cc 5 cc 7.5 cc 10 cc<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
PR2032 is a medium viscosity, unfilled, light<br />
amber laminating resin that is designed for<br />
structural production applications. 3 hardeners<br />
are available for use with PR2032. PH3660,<br />
has a 1-hour pot life. When used with either<br />
of these hardeners, the system gives excellent<br />
wet-out of fiberglass, carbon and aramid fibers.<br />
e. AEROPOXY contains no MDA (a known liver<br />
toxin and carcinogen) and meets or exceeds current<br />
OSHA requirements for safe use. Hardener<br />
PH3665 has a longer pot life than PH3660, 2<br />
hours, that is useful for vacuum bagging larger parts before the resin has<br />
gelled. Hardener PH3630 is intended for smaller laminates, fast repairs or<br />
additions to a primary structure. PH3630 pot life is 30 min.<br />
Hardener PH3663 is the standard production hardener for fabricating composite<br />
parts. PH3663 a 90 minute working time provides more time for construction.<br />
This hardener provides similar mixed viscosities, so handling will<br />
be basically the same, except for the different working times.<br />
WEST SYSTEM brand resins and hardeners, form a two-part epoxy system de vel oped by Gougeon Brothers spe cif i cal ly for wood<br />
and composite boat construction. Rutan <strong>Aircraft</strong> Factory now recommends WEST SYSTEM epoxy for certain homebuilt aircraft<br />
applications, particularly where a moisture resistant epoxy is desired. 105 Resin is the base material on which all of the WEST<br />
SYSTEM epoxy systems are built. The resin is a clear, light amber, low-viscosity liquid. It is designed specifically to wet out wood<br />
fiber. With roller applications, it possesses excellent thin film characteristics in flowing out and is self-leveling without fish-eyeing.<br />
Its relatively high flash point makes it safer to work with than polyesters. It can be cured in a wide tem pera ture range, then sanded<br />
and shaped. It cures quite clear so that the natural finish shines through. 205 Fast Hardener, when mixed with the 105 Resin in<br />
a ratio of 5 parts Resin to 1 part Hardener, yields a high-strength, rigid solid with excellent cohesive properties and provides an<br />
excellent moisture vapor barrier. The 105 Resin/205 Fast Hardener has a pot life of 10-15 minutes at 70°F. It is also recommended in coating applications<br />
where natural finishing is desired. Partial cure time at 70°F is 5-7 hours. 206 Slow Hardener is a low-viscosity mixture of polyamines. The 105<br />
Resin/206 Slow Hardener has a pot life of 30-40 minutes at 70°F. It is normally used when extended time is needed for large coating and bonding<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
This hardener is used where a very clear, moisture resistant<br />
natural wood finish is needed. Can be used to laminate<br />
veneers where joints will be subjected to sunlight. Improves<br />
sun resistance. Pot life: 20 min., cure solid in 9-12 hours,<br />
and maximum strength within 7 days.<br />
.66 pint ..............................P/N 207-SA ..................... $42.11<br />
.33 gal. ..............................P/N 207-SB ..................... $88.21<br />
1.45 gal. ........................... P/N 207-SC ................... $270.52<br />
This hardener is used for bonding applications in warm or<br />
humid weather or when extended working time is needed.<br />
Provides twice the working time as 206 hardener. Forms a<br />
clear, amber solid when cured. Pot life is 40 minutes, solid<br />
state in 24 hours, and maximum strength in 5-9 days.<br />
.66 pint .............................P/N 01-00362 .................... $37.38<br />
.33 gallon .........................P/N 01-00364 .................... $82.12<br />
1.45 gal. ...........................P/N 01-00363 .................. $254.64<br />
PRO-SET 125 RESIN & 229 HARDENER<br />
Mixing: 125 Resin: 229 Hardener - By weight, 100:30 & By volume,<br />
100:35. Pot life: 65°–83 min, 72°–77 min, 85°–27 min.<br />
For PROFESSIONAL use only.<br />
Physical Property Test Method Room Temp (2 wks.)<br />
Compression Yield (psi) ASTM-D-695 14,500<br />
Tensile Strength (psi) ASTM-D-638 7,550<br />
Annular Shear Fatigue(lb)@100,000 cycles GBI Method 11,641<br />
GAL.#125 Resin ........................ P/N 01-01221 ......................... $119.75<br />
GAL.#229 Hardener .................. P/N 01-01222 ........................... $86.75<br />
PRO-SET 135 RESIN & 226/237 HARDENERS<br />
135 Resin: LAM-135 Medium Viscosity Laminating Resin. 226<br />
Hardener: LAM-226 Medium Laminating Hardener. Medium viscosity<br />
for good wet out of all synthetic composite fabrics and core materials.<br />
Medium cure speed hardener provides 2 to 3 hours of working time<br />
at 77°F (25°C). A typical laminate will be gelled in 4 to 5 hours. 237<br />
Hardener: LAM-237 Extra Slow Laminating Hardener. Medium viscosity<br />
for good wet out of all synthetic composite fabrics and core materials.<br />
Extra Slow cure speed hardener provides 7 to 8 hours of working time at<br />
77°F (25°C). A typical laminate will be gelled in 12 to 14 hours.<br />
135 Resin ..........................................P/N 01-01223 .................... $96.75<br />
226 Hardener ....................................P/N 01-01224 .................... $74.75<br />
237 Hardener ....................................P/N 01-01210 .................. $245.95<br />
Part No. De scrip tion Wt. (lbs.) Price<br />
01-42125 1 quart PR2032 Resin 2.25 $37.50<br />
01-42130 1 pint PH3660 Hardener .66 $15.70<br />
01-42135 PR2032/PH3660 Quart Kit 2.91 $52.75<br />
01-42140 3/4 gallon PR2032 Resin 7.5 $99.75<br />
01-42145 1 quart PH3660 Hardener 2.0 $42.50<br />
01-42150 PR2032/PH3660 Gallon Kit 9.5 $141.95<br />
01-42155 5 gallon PR2032 Resin 48 $494.00<br />
01-42160 2 gallon PH3660 Hardener 13 $199.85<br />
01-42165 PR2032/PH3660 Pail Kit 61 $692.00<br />
01-00160 1 pint PH3630 Hardener (fast) -- $15.80<br />
01-00161 1 quart PH3630 Hardener (fast) -- $43.50<br />
01-00162 1 pint PH3665 Hardener (slow) -- $15.80<br />
01-00163 1 quart PH3665 Hardener (slow) -- $41.85<br />
09-05266 1 Pint PH3663 Hardener -- $14.50<br />
09-05267 1 Quart PH3663 Hardener -- $42.50<br />
09-05268 1 2.5 Gallon Pail PH3663 Hardener -- $157.75<br />
09-05269 1 30 Gallon Drum PH3663 Hardener -- $1,485.00<br />
Aeropoxy mixing ratio — 100:27 by weight, 3:1 by volume.<br />
applications. It is especially well suited to working in warmer climates. Partial cure time is 9 hours at 70°F.<br />
Kit No. Kit Size Part No. #105 Resin<br />
Hardener<br />
Resin Fast Hardener Slow Hardener<br />
Kit Price<br />
#205 Fast #206 Slow Part No. Price Part No. Price Part No. Price<br />
A-1 1.2 Qt 01-08100 32 Oz 7 Oz ------ $59.95 01-00353 $44.22 01-00356 $21.96 01-00359 $21.96<br />
A-2 1.2 Qt 01-08200 32 Oz ------ 7 Oz $62.00 32 Oz ----- 7 Oz ------ 7 Oz -----<br />
B-1 1.2 Gal 01-08300 126 Oz 27 Oz ------ $140.95 01-00354 $99.73 01-00357 $47.44 01-00360 $47.44<br />
B-2 1.2 Gal 01-08400 126 Oz ------ 27 Oz $140.95 126 Oz ----- 27 Oz ------ 27 Oz ------<br />
C-1 5.25 Gal 01-08500 4.35 Gal 121 Oz ------ $535.00 01-00355 $374.00 01-00358 $162.75 01-00361 $175.75<br />
C-2 5.25 Gal 01-08600 4.35 Gal ------ 121 Oz $548.00 4.35 Gal ----- 121 Oz ------ 121Oz ------<br />
• West System User Manual .......................... P/N 01-08750 ........FREE<br />
West System 101 Handy Repair Pack - Contains 105 resin & 205<br />
hardener plus accessories needed for small repairs<br />
P/N 01-08760 ...... $15.90<br />
• West System 501 White Pigment - use this epoxy based pigment to<br />
provide a neutral white base for the final coloring system. Mix at ratio of<br />
1 teaspoon to 8 oz. of epoxy. 8 oz. can. ....... P/N 01-08775 ...... $18.31<br />
• West System 410 Microlight an excellent filler which provides easy<br />
workability for a variety of applications. Easy to sand and cures to a<br />
neutral tan color.<br />
1.7 oz., 01-08780 .............. $17.65 4.3 oz., 01-08785 ................ $35.12<br />
Useful for a wide variety of fiberglass repairs, including<br />
repair of cracks, scrapes, loose hardware, gelcoat blisters,<br />
delaminated cored panels, holes, keel damage,<br />
and more. Kit contains eight pre-measured packets<br />
of 105 Epoxy Resin and 205 Fast Hardener (19.2g<br />
mixed), adhesive filler, fairing filler, mixing cups, fiberglass<br />
fabric, reusable mixing stick/applicator, syringe,<br />
two coating brushes, three pairs disposable neoprene gloves and complete<br />
handling and repair instructions. Kit 105-k.<br />
P/N 01-01521 ...........$33.35<br />
423 Graphite Powder can be mixed with WEST SYSTEM<br />
epoxy to produce a low friction coating with increased scuff<br />
resistance and durability. 423 is often used as a bearing<br />
surface, and as a coating on the bottoms of racing craft<br />
that are dry sailed. P/N 09-00315 ...........$20.99<br />
301/303 PUMP PACK<br />
Us ing Mini Pumps helps ensure ac cu rate me ter ing of<br />
resin/hard en er mix ture. Pumps mount directly on resin<br />
and hard en er con tain ers. One stroke from each pump<br />
de liv ers prop er ratio of resin to hardener. Kit consists of 3<br />
pumps for A, B, and C epoxy kits.<br />
P/N 01-00318 .............$17.50<br />
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Our UVPoxy Kit is high performance two part<br />
system that is commonly used for table tops, bars,<br />
wood finishes, see-through clear casting, art work,<br />
layup, and other applications requiring a clear,<br />
strong coating. It cures to a crystal clear, high build,<br />
long lasting, glass-like finish, and will not blush or<br />
sweat under high humidity conditions. UVpoxy is<br />
designed to resist yellowing caused by the sun and<br />
other ultra violet light sources.<br />
Specifications: • Color: Clear (Visual) • Mix Ratio: 1:1 • Pot Life: 25-30<br />
Minutes<br />
Description<br />
Size Part No. Price<br />
(Metric / Approx. US)<br />
EcoPoxy UVPoxy Kit 500 mL / 1 Pt 09-04095 $44.00<br />
EcoPoxy UVPoxy Kit 1 L / 1 Qt 09-04096 $63.95<br />
EcoPoxy UVPoxy Kit 2 L / 2 Qt 09-04097 $98.75<br />
EcoPoxy UVPoxy Kit 4 L / 1 Gal 09-04098 $143.85<br />
Our Clear Kits are ideal for sealing / clearcoating<br />
surfaces such as concrete and wood,<br />
as well as for wetting fabrics that require a<br />
clear, waterproof finish. Odourless and nontoxic,<br />
It can be applied indoors or outdoors<br />
without masks or ventilation. This self-leveling<br />
kit is applies at approximately 10 mils finish<br />
thickness. It provides a durable, light reflective<br />
floor with excellent adhesion qualities. It’s<br />
easily roller applied.<br />
Specifications:: • Color: Clear (Visual) • Mix Ratio: 2:1 • Pot Life: 15-20<br />
Minutes<br />
Description Size Part No. Price<br />
EcoPoxy Clear Kit 750 mL / 1.6 Pt 09-04099 $31.75<br />
EcoPoxy Clear Kit 1.5 L / 1.6 Qt 09-04101 $47.50<br />
EcoPoxy Clear Kit 3 L / 3.2 Qt 09-04102 $97.50<br />
EcoPoxy Clear Kit 6 L / 1.6 Gal 09-04103 $134.75<br />
These polyester gel coats can be used as the surface of new<br />
fiberglass parts layed up in molds or used in the repair of gel<br />
coat surfaces on fiberglass parts. On surface repairs, the gel<br />
coat must be sealed to fully cure. PVA can be used to seal<br />
the gel coat.<br />
Color Size Part No. Price<br />
Pint 09-01668 $21.65<br />
Black Quart 09-01666 $31.75<br />
Gallon 09-01667 $62.75<br />
Pint 09-01669 $19.95<br />
White Quart 09-01664 $34.50<br />
Gallon 09-01665 $68.50<br />
Pint 09-01670 $35.50<br />
Dark<br />
Quart 09-01671 $53.00<br />
Blue<br />
Gallon 09-01672 $103.95<br />
Color Size Part No. Price<br />
Pint 09-01673 $39.60<br />
Red Quart 09-01674 $58.75<br />
Gallon 09-01675 $98.75<br />
Pint 09-02159 $26.50<br />
Clear Quart 09-02160 $52.75<br />
Gallon 09-02161 $108.75<br />
Add some color to your epoxies. These<br />
are used to tint epoxy resins used as<br />
coatings, paints, gelcoats, laminating,<br />
casting or self-leveling resins. EcoPoxy<br />
epoxy concentrated pigment consist<br />
of pigments suspended in epoxy resin<br />
which allows them to blend thoroughly<br />
into epoxy resins to make very uniform<br />
colors. They are used to tint epoxy resins<br />
used as coatings, paints, gelcoats, laminating,<br />
casting or self-leveling resins. The high tinting properties enable<br />
the use of little quantities of pigment. The quantity to be used depends<br />
on the color chosen as some colors cover better than other (yellows for<br />
example need higher quantities than other colors). ECOPOXY color<br />
pigments mix easily. 60ml. ................. P/N 09-05349 ..........$79.95<br />
120ml. ............... P/N 09-04718 ........$118.95<br />
240ml. ............... P/N 09-05351 ........$177.75<br />
The perfect tool for evenly spreading EcoPoxy on<br />
large, flat surfaces. This tool gives you 3 V-notched<br />
spreading options and a flat side for scraping and<br />
cleaning. P/N 09-05355 .............................. $1.25<br />
Our Slow Kit is typically used to fabricate<br />
larger, more complicated composite parts.<br />
It has a longer 2.5 - 3.5 hour working time,<br />
and can be used for vacuum bagging larger<br />
parts before the resin has gelled.* It can also<br />
be used for and for repairs or additions to a<br />
primary structure. It is compatible with most<br />
fabrication techniques, such as lay-up and<br />
filament winding. It features excellent wet-out<br />
and chemical adhesion of fiberglass, carbon and aramid fibers.<br />
Specifications: • Color: Yellow (Visual) • Mix Ratio: 2:1 • Pot Life: 2.5-<br />
3.5 hours<br />
Description<br />
(Metric / Approx US)<br />
Size Part No. Price<br />
EcoPoxy Slow Kit 750 mL / 1.6 Pt 09-04104 $37.95<br />
EcoPoxy Slow Kit 1.5 L / 1.6 Qt 09-04105 $58.75<br />
EcoPoxy Slow Kit 3 L / 3.2 Qt 09-04106 $79.85<br />
EcoPoxy Slow Kit 6 L / 1.6 Gal 09-04107 $154.75<br />
Our Medium Kit is typically used to fabricate high<br />
performance composite parts. It has a 20 minute<br />
working time and can be used for all sizes of<br />
parts, and for repairs or additions to a primary<br />
structure. The vacuum bagging technique can<br />
be used for smaller parts*. It is compatible with<br />
most fabrication techniques, such as lay-up and<br />
filament winding. It features excellent wet-out<br />
and chemical adhesion of fiberglass, carbon and<br />
aramid fibers. Specifications: • Color: Yellow (Visual) • Mix Ratio: 4:1<br />
• Pot Life: 15-20 Minutes<br />
Description Size Part No. Price<br />
EcoPoxy Medium Kit 1.25 L / 1.33 Qt 09-04108 $51.75<br />
EcoPoxy Medium Kit 2.5 L / 2.65 Qt 09-04109 $82.75<br />
EcoPoxy Medium Kit 5 L / 1.32 Gal 09-04111 $139.95<br />
Our Fast Kit is most commonly used as an adhesive<br />
or in an injection box for pultrusion. It has a<br />
pot time of just 2-3 minutes, and features a highstrength,<br />
waterproof bond to a variety of materials<br />
including wood, fiberglass, metal, glass, tile, and<br />
more. Specifications: • Color: Yellow (Visual) •<br />
Mix Ratio: 2:1 • Pot Life: 2.5-3 Minutes<br />
Description Size Part No. Price<br />
EcoPoxy Fast Kit 750 mL / 1.6 Pt 09-04113 $38.80<br />
EcoPoxy Fast Kit 1.5 L / 1.6 Qt 09-04114 $59.95<br />
EcoPoxy Fast Kit 3 L / 3.2 Qt 09-04115 $81.75<br />
EcoPoxy Fast Kit 6 L / 1.6 Gal 09-04116 $118.85<br />
The Liquid Plastic kit cures to a clear, UV resistant,<br />
plastic-like finish that resists scratching and yellowing.<br />
This product will not blush or sweat under high humidity<br />
conditions. EcoPoxy® is a Plant based, 100% solid,<br />
waterproof, non-toxic, non-solvent, non-conductive,<br />
epoxy system that is Certified “GREEN”.<br />
P/N 09-04567 ............................ $42.50<br />
EcoTrowel is a high performance epoxy filler and<br />
profiling product formulated for surface repair and<br />
preparation. It is easy to mix and spread, and<br />
has a peanut-butter like consistency (contains no<br />
peanuts!). EcoTrowel is lightweight and suitable<br />
for an infinite variety of composite, architectural,<br />
industrial and art-related applications. It can be<br />
applied to wood, concrete - even canvas - to a<br />
thickness of 1/2” without sagging or slumping.<br />
It can be easily sanded, shaped, drilled, tapped, machined, routered &<br />
remains durable for life. 25g.. .................. P/N 09-05353 ..........$47.95<br />
100g. ................. P/N 09-05354 ..........$95.95<br />
GloPoxy is a glow-in-the-dark epoxy made with<br />
high-grade photo luminescent ingredients to<br />
maximize glow brightness and duration. The formula<br />
absorbs bright light as energy and releases<br />
the absorbed energy when placed in the dark.<br />
This charge cycle can be performed endlessly and with any light source.<br />
GloPoxy is formulated to glow-in-the-dark for hours and contains no<br />
fillers or impurities to interfere with the glow. GloPoxy is durable, UV<br />
stable, and chemical, water & abrasion resistant. It can be used indoor<br />
and outdoor, and can be applied to virtually any surface. It’s a perfect<br />
solution for both safety and novelty applications.<br />
Green ................ P/N 09-05347 ..........$43.75<br />
Blue ................... P/N 09-05348 ..........$43.75<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
CAU TION<br />
CAU TION<br />
CAU TION<br />
FOAM<br />
STYROFOAM FB – Low density (2 lb./ft3). Tight closed cell structure leaves no voids between the cells. The result is<br />
high compressive strength and unequaled resistance to water penetration. Has excellent resistance to bases, salts,<br />
alcohols and most acids but not to petroleum based solvents. Not for structural use.<br />
Foam Type Density Thickness Sheet Size Part No. Price/Sheet<br />
Styrofoam (Blue) 2 Lb/Ft 3 1/2” 24” x 48” 01-09400 $9.48<br />
Small Cell 1/2” 24” x 96” 01-09500 $18.95<br />
3/4” 24” x 96” 01-09600 $21.70<br />
1” 24” x 48” 01-09700 $14.75<br />
1” 24” x 96” 01-09800 $29.50<br />
1-1/2” 24” x 96” 01-09900 $43.85<br />
2” 24” x 48” 01-10000 $36.88<br />
2” 24” x 96” 01-10100 $73.75<br />
4” 24” x 48” 01-10200 $57.50<br />
POLYSTYRENE – LARGE CELL This blue large cell expanded foam is 2 lb. per cubic feet density and cuts easily<br />
using a hot wire to airfoil shapes. Compatible with most adhesives, but should be used only with epoxies, not polyester<br />
resins. Will dissolve in fuels and solvents. Cuts smoothly with hot wire and airfoil shapes. Used in the construction of<br />
VariEze, Long-EZ, Cozy, and other composite aircraft.<br />
Foam Type Density Thickness Sheet Size Part No. Price/Sheet<br />
Styrofoam FB (Blue) 8” 16” x 4” 01-37600 $8.95<br />
Large Cell<br />
8”<br />
8”<br />
16” x 25”<br />
16” x 42”<br />
01-01166<br />
01-10600<br />
$52.75<br />
$86.75<br />
8” 16” x 67” 01-10800 $134.50<br />
8” 16” x 109” 01-10900 $218.50<br />
URETHANE – This foam is easily contoured using a large knife, and then sands well to final form. Excellent for producing<br />
the fuselage, wing tips, and other curved parts. It is fuel resistant and can be used for fuel cells. Compatible with<br />
most adhesives. Do not hot wire polyurethane foam. Available in tan or green.<br />
Foam Type Density Thickness Sheet Size Part No. Price/Sheet<br />
Urethane (Tan or Green) 2 Lb/Ft 3 1/2” 24” x 48” 01-11300 $10.50<br />
1/2” 48” x 48” 01-11400 $19.85<br />
3/4” 24” x 48” 01-12150 $13.95<br />
3/4” 24” x 96” 01-12160 $29.85<br />
1” 24” x 48” 01-11500 $18.75<br />
1” 24” x 96” 01-11600 $39.70<br />
1” 48” x 96” 01-11700 $63.75<br />
2” 24” x 48” 01-11900 $37.50<br />
2” 24” x 96” 01-12000 $73.85<br />
2” 48” x 96” 01-12100 $124.75<br />
DIVINYCELL – A closed cell medium to high density foam which has high compression strength, durability, and excellent<br />
fire resistance. Can be vacuum formed to compound shapes and can be bent using heat. Compatible with polyester,<br />
vinylester, and epoxy resins.<br />
Foam Type Density Thickness Sheet Size Part No. Price/Sheet<br />
1/8”<br />
1/4”<br />
32” x 48”<br />
32” x 48”<br />
01-00158<br />
01-12300<br />
$20.80<br />
$21.75<br />
3/8” 32” x 48” 01-12400 $37.50<br />
5/8” 24” x 47” 01-12500 $61.75<br />
3/4” 15” x 26” 01-12600 $17.94<br />
Divinycell PVC 3 Lb/Ft 3 3/4” 32” x 48” 01-12700 $64.85<br />
3/4” 32” x 24” 01-01197 $35.88<br />
(Tan) Type H45 1” 32” x 48” 01-12800 $79.95<br />
1-3/4” 32” x 48” 01-12900 $125.85<br />
2” 48” x 96” 01-12920 $467.00<br />
2” 24” x 48” 01-12910 $116.25<br />
3” 48” x 96” 01-12940 $598.00<br />
3” 24” x 48” 01-12930 $149.50<br />
Divinycell PVC 6 Lb/Ft 3 1/4” 37” x 37.5” 01-13000 $48.50<br />
(Tan) Type H100 1” 6” x 10” 01-13100 $11.65<br />
1” 10” x 12” 01-13200 $22.85<br />
Divinycell PVC Type H250 15.6 Lb./Ft 3 1/4” 24.8” x 27.75” 01-13300 $175.85<br />
LAST-A-FOAM – Rigid, Polyether Polyurethane foam with fine closed-cell structure, light cream-yellow color. LAST-A-<br />
FOAM® is wonderfully versatile for sandwich-core applications. It cuts and shapes easily with common woodworking<br />
tools, and bonds to itself and other materials with most epoxy, polyester, or urethane-type adhesives. LAST-A-FOAM®<br />
is unaffected by water, fuels and most solvents, and paint finishes are easily applied. It is frequently used in regular<br />
molds after the gel-coat and first two layers of glass are installed; the LAST-A-FOAM® is added and another layer of<br />
glass applied for a strong, light-weight sandwich.<br />
Foam Type Density Thickness Sheet Size Part No. Price/Sheet<br />
Last-A-Foam Urethane/Polyester 4.5 Lb/Cu. Ft. 10mm 24” x 96” 01-13400 $60.75<br />
(Yellow) 275° F 1/4” 24” x 48” 01-13550 $19.93<br />
3/8” 24” x 96” 01-13600 $44.75<br />
1/2” 24” x 96” 01-13700 $63.75<br />
3/4”<br />
3/4”<br />
24” x 96”<br />
24” x 48”<br />
01-14000<br />
01-01195<br />
$83.65<br />
$41.83<br />
Last-A-Foam Urethane/Polyester 6Lb/Cu. Ft. 1/4” 24” x 48” 01-14100 $19.90<br />
(Yellow) 275° F 3/8” 24” x 48” 01-14200 $28.50<br />
3/4” 24” x 48” 01-14250 $49.70<br />
Last-A-Foam Urethane/Polyester 8 Lb/Cu. Ft. 1” 16” x 24” 01-01048 $36.90<br />
(Yellow) 275°F<br />
Last-A-Foam Urethane/Polyester 18 Lb/Cu. Ft. 0.200” 12” x 48” 01-14400 $38.85<br />
(Yellow) 275° F 1/4” 12” x 48” 01-14500 $37.55<br />
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LIQUID “X-30” FOAM<br />
This system consists of two components - “X-30”<br />
Resin and “X-30” Catalyst. When the resin and catalyst<br />
are mixed in equal volumes they expand into a<br />
rigid closed-cell foam of 2 pound density. Thorough<br />
mixing of the two components is essential. “X-30”<br />
Foam expands ap proxi mately 40 times its liquid volume.<br />
Small-batch mixes are recommended. Cured foams can be easily<br />
trimmed, cut and shaped with common woodworking tools. Use toluene<br />
or MEK for cleanup. “X-30” Foam contains a highly reactive agent and<br />
is classified as a toxic material. It is combustible, a strong skin sensitizer<br />
and eye irritant. Avoid con tact with the skin. Use rubber gloves when<br />
handling. Used for: Flotation, thermal and acoustical insulation reinforcement<br />
and miscellaneous void filling. Most small pleasure boats can be<br />
made “sink-proof” with approximately two gallons of “X-30”. Data sheet<br />
available. “X-30” Foam contains a volatile fluoro car bon and should be<br />
stored at 70°F. or lower. “X-30” is used on the Osprey II bottom hull,<br />
canopy, nose cone, etc., requiring about four gallons of material (2 gallons<br />
of each). Shelf life at least 6 months. Users have reported “more<br />
than 2 years shelf life”.<br />
Kit Size Part No.<br />
Approx. Foamed Weight<br />
Price/Kit<br />
Vol. (Cu.Ft.) Lbs.<br />
1 Quart Kit (1 Pt. ea<br />
component)<br />
01-08800 1-1/4 3 $43.75<br />
2 Quart Kit (1 Qt. ea<br />
01-08900<br />
component)<br />
2-1/2 6 $68.75<br />
2 Gallon Kit (1 Gal. ea<br />
01-09000<br />
component)<br />
10 22 $212.95<br />
10 Gallon Kit (5 Gal<br />
ea component)<br />
01-09100 50 110 $633.00<br />
X-30 is the original polyurethane foam. Do not ac cept sub sti tutes!<br />
All designers highly recommend that builders<br />
who are considering a composite project purchase<br />
this practice kit. It contains the excellent<br />
26 page 11” x 17” manual by Burt Rutan entitled<br />
($14.50) plus the assorted foams, epoxy, fiberglass,<br />
filler materials and supplies with which to work. Everything<br />
needed to practice the technique of composite building before venturing<br />
into a complete aircraft project.<br />
Practice Kit with Manual ........................... P/N 01-15000 ...........$118.95<br />
Practice Kit without Manual ...................... P/N 01-15100 .............$99.95<br />
International Practice Kit with Manual ...... P/N 01-15050 .............$59.50<br />
Same as Practice kit with the manual, but excludes the epoxy for<br />
International shipping.<br />
AT-200Y is an economical multi-purpose<br />
sealant tape with high tack. It removes easily<br />
from metal or composite tools. Suitable for cure<br />
applications up to 400°F (204°C).<br />
Specifications: • Color: Yellow • Base material:<br />
Synthetic rubber • Maximum use temperature:<br />
400°F (204°C) • Shelf life: 12 months from date<br />
of manufacture • Storage conditions: Tape must be stored flat in original<br />
packaging at 72°F (22°C) / Do not refrigerate • Dimensions: 1/8 inch x<br />
1/2 inch x 25 feet (3 mm x 12 mm x 7.5 m)<br />
Benefits: • Economical vacuum tape reduces the cost of vacuum<br />
bagging. • Multi-purpose tape can be used on metal and composite<br />
tooling. • Easy clean up reduces cost of tool cleaning.<br />
P/N 01-01602 ............... $6.45<br />
Airtac 2 is a spray rubber adhesive designed for temporary<br />
bonds. Airtac 2 can be used on materials needing extra<br />
tack for placement on vertical or difficult surface areas. This<br />
product is ideally suited for tool shop applications such as<br />
temporary placement of details and pattern fabrication.<br />
Specifications: • Solvent characteristics: Non CFC • Shelf<br />
life: 12 months from date of shipment when stored in original<br />
packaging at 22°C P/N 01-01601 ............. $22.60<br />
Backsaver foam is temperature sensitive,<br />
softening when it comes in contact with a<br />
warm surface; Thus, in a seat cushion, the<br />
foam softens and conforms to the person’s<br />
body. This provides even pressure distribution<br />
and unconstricted blood circulation,<br />
significantly reducing discomfort, even over<br />
long periods. In addition, Backsaver foam has<br />
excellent energy absorption properties, which<br />
have made it excellent for use in the U. S.<br />
space shuttle program and in military aircraft<br />
and helicopters. Pilots find that Backsaver<br />
cushions reduce their discomfort and fatigue,<br />
even on missions of 8 hours or more. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> now makes<br />
Backsaver foam available to the homebuilt and general aviation market.<br />
16” x 18” x 1” sheet ................. P/N 01-09325 ....................... $92.50 ea.<br />
36” x 80” x 1” sheet ................. P/N 01-09330 ..................... $541.00 ea.<br />
Confor Form (formerly called Temperfoam) is the conforming foam cushion<br />
that was developed for the “Astronaut’s Couch” back in the Apollo<br />
space program. Confor Foam has the capability of absorbing a tremendous<br />
amount of impact shock compared to common polyfoam and it is<br />
flame resistant. It is an excellent product that will give your seats enduring<br />
comfort that you never thought possible. Adapts to you for pressure<br />
point-free comfort that is really incredible. The best universal cushion for<br />
aircraft use is a 3” CF42/CF45/CF47 laminate. Confor Foam meets FAR<br />
25.853, FAR 25.855, and CAL 117 burn specifications making it excellent<br />
for certified aircraft or homebuilts. Some special sizes in 1”, 2”, or 3”<br />
thicknesses are available on special request.<br />
1” x 16” x 18” .........................P/N 01-09310 ........................ $27.50 ea.<br />
2” x 16” x 18” .........................P/N 01-09320 ........................ $52.75 ea.<br />
3” x 16” x 18” .........................P/N 01-09300 ........................ $89.95 ea.<br />
The inflatable air pillow can be installed just<br />
under the seat material and will give you the<br />
customized support where you need it. A<br />
convenient palm-size pump and a release<br />
valve control the firmness of the lumbar support.<br />
The In-Flight Back Support is made of a<br />
heavy-duty self-extinguishing neoprene rubber,<br />
specially designed to pass FAR 23.853<br />
flame-test requirements.<br />
One inflatable lumbar support ................. P/N 13-01501...............$49.75<br />
Two Inflatable lumbar supports ............... P/N 13-01821...............$81.95<br />
Here is everything you need to complete<br />
small repairs around the boat, shop or<br />
home.<br />
Part # 01-08760 Contains: • #101 Handy<br />
Repair Pack - Convenient kit contains<br />
enough material to complete one repair.<br />
• Two 16g. packets of #105 Resin • Two<br />
3.2g. packets of #205 Hardener • 3.5g.<br />
High Density Filler • 1 application brush<br />
• Ground Shipping Only • #101-6 Maxi<br />
Repair Pack - This kit is large enough to<br />
tackle a multitude of repair jobs.<br />
101 Handy Repair Pack .......................P/N 01-08760 ................. $15.90<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
VACUUM BAGGING TECHNIQUES BOOK - P/N 01-14803 ...... $5.05/ea.<br />
VACUUM BAGGING FILM - #7400 film is a high grade nylon 6 film. It<br />
is transparent green in color and heat stabilized for long term, 350°F<br />
cures. Film is soft & pliable and ideal for high temperature composites,<br />
metalbond, and any function requiring heat & pressure.<br />
54” Width ...........P/N 01-14805 ......$1.55/Yd.<br />
60” Width ...........P/N 01-01603 ......$2.75/Yd.<br />
72” Width ...........P/N 01-01604 ......$2.25/Yd.<br />
4.5 OZ. BREATHER/BLEEDER PLY - #3450 is a 4.5 oz./sq. yd. nonwoven<br />
polyester breather system used for even volatile evacuation from<br />
vacuum bags. It can be used at pressures up to 85 psi (5.8 bars). Multidirectional<br />
conformability make it a very efficient breather. This breather<br />
does not contain any binders which could seal the air flow. Width: 60”.<br />
P/N 01-14810 ................ $1.95/Lin.Yd.<br />
STRETCHLON VACUUM BAG FILM 60” - Modified urethane film with<br />
incredibly high elongation, Can be reused. .0015 x 60” x 200 ft (38µ x<br />
1.52m x 62m) Maximum temperature use 250°F (122°C). 120” wide<br />
(3.04m). Perfect for compaction. Not affected by low humidity, always<br />
stays soft with no cracking. Can be heat seamed to custom shapes .<br />
P/N 01-01080 ................. $4.80/Lin.Yd.<br />
10 OZ. BREATHER/BLEEDER PLY - #3100 is a 10 oz./sq. yd. nonwoven<br />
polyester breather system used for even volatile evacuation from<br />
vacuum bags. It can be used at pressures up to 200 PSI (13.8 bars).<br />
Multi-directional conformability makes it a very efficient breather. This<br />
breather does not contain any binders which could cause seal-off of air<br />
flow. Width: 60”.<br />
P/N 01-14815 ................. $4.75/Lin.Yd.<br />
2 OZ. NYLON RELEASE PLY - #5201 SRB is a smooth nylon fabric which<br />
has been scoured and heat set so that it is contaminate free and will not<br />
shrink during the laminate cure cycle. It is then coated with a special<br />
release blend. The peel ply may be used for composite manufacturing<br />
and metal bonding, but is not recommended for use with resin systems<br />
containing phenolic. Thickness: .005”. Color: Blue. Width 60”.<br />
P/N 01-14820 ................ $8.65/Lin.Yd.<br />
3 OZ. POLYESTER RELEASE PLY - #5252SRB is a medium coarse<br />
weave polyester peel ply that leaves a surface with a rougher texture.<br />
It has been scoured and heat set to eliminate shrinkage during use and<br />
then coated with a special release blend. It can be used on all composite<br />
and metal bonding systems and is not affected by resin systems<br />
containing phenolic. #5252 provides protection of the laminate surface<br />
between primary & secondary processing. Thickness: .006”. Color: Blue.<br />
Width: 60”.<br />
P/N 01-14825 ................. $9.75/Lin.Yd.<br />
POROUS TEFLON COATED RELEASE FILM - #7025 is used where a<br />
medium weight porous release fabric is required on the surface of a part.<br />
During the cure of the assembly it will allow excess resin and all of the<br />
air and volatiles to pass into the bleed/breather ply (CFM Airflow 70). At<br />
completion of the cure the fabric will release cleanly from the assembly.<br />
Color: Brown. Width: 37.5”. 10 yard min. order.<br />
P/N 01-14835 ................ $8.50/Lin.Yd.<br />
2410 RELEASE FILM - Release Film - 2410 material is the most<br />
economical release film available that can be used at temperatures<br />
over 350° F. The film has handling qualities similar to the lowest priced<br />
halohydrocarbon film. 54” wide, .002” thick.<br />
Blue ........................................... P/N 01-01427 .............................. $3.40<br />
weight extra smooth TFE coated glass fabric. Will leave little or no fabric<br />
imprint on most composite lay-ups. It is used as a release fabric where<br />
there is no requirement for bleeding or breathing resin or volatiles from<br />
the composite lay-up. It is mainly used for protecting caul sheets from<br />
resin contamination and as a release media on tool surfaces. Thickness:<br />
.003”. Color: Brown. Width: 37.5”. P/N 01-14840 ........... $13.95/Lin.Yd.<br />
PERFORATED RELEASE SHEET E2760 - E 2760 is a red tinted, copolymer,<br />
high elongation, low temperature release film with excellent<br />
conformability. An excellent release film for use on highly contoured parts<br />
for cure temperatures up to 250ºF. E 2760 offers good release properties<br />
in the curing temperature range where release films are required. The<br />
colored film provides for easy identification and removal from parts.<br />
P/N 01-01194 .............................. $4.90<br />
FLASH TAPE - #6045-02 is a polyester backing film with a fully cured<br />
silicone adhesive. This tape is very tough and ideal for resin or adhesive<br />
flash removal. Color.: Blue. Thickness: .002”. Roll size: 1” wide x 72<br />
yds.<br />
P/N 01-14845 ......................$16.90/roll<br />
400° F RESISTANT SEALANT TAPE - #4401 is a grey vacuum bag<br />
sealant tape that removes cleanly from the tool surface at the completion<br />
of the cure cycle. It can be used at any temperature up to 400° F. It can<br />
be used on any tool surface now in use and has been a standard of the<br />
industry for many years. It has high initial tack and is very easy to apply<br />
to prevent leaks between the bag and tool. It works well for composites,<br />
metalbond, or any function that requires temperature and/or pressure up<br />
to 400° F. Color: Grey. Size: 1/8” x 1/2” x 25 ft.<br />
P/N 01-14850 .....................$11.50/roll<br />
Bleeder Ply<br />
Peel Ply<br />
Fabric<br />
Bagging Film<br />
Part Being<br />
“Bagged”<br />
Connector Valve<br />
Perforated<br />
Release Sheet<br />
VACUUM VALVE - TWO PIECE - #8112 is a two-piece vacuum valve<br />
which requires one quarter turn to lock in place. Service temperature to<br />
500° F. This valve is an industry standard The base is anodized and is<br />
red in color. Inside Diameter: 1/4” standard. Threads: 1/4” NPT.<br />
P/N 01-14855 ............. $28.50/ea.<br />
OVEN VACUUM HOSE - #8020 is a thick walled, flexible silicone hose.<br />
It is normally used for debulking and oven cures using vacuum only.<br />
Furnished in standard 10 foot lengths. Other lengths available on special<br />
order. Hose size: 1/4” ID.<br />
P/N 01-14860 ........... $109.95/ea.<br />
HIGH TEMPERATURE QUICK DISCONNECT SET - #8432 is a two-piece<br />
quick disconnect both male and female for use to 500° F at pressures<br />
up to 200 psi (13.8 bars). Sold as a set of male & female components.<br />
P/N 01-14865 ............. $24.85/set<br />
SHRINK TAPE - #9010 is an oriented polyester film designed to shrink<br />
as the laminate approaches cure temperature. The applied pressure is<br />
main tained during cure. It is used extensively where the shape of the<br />
assembly makes conventional bagging too labor-intensive. If excess<br />
resin needs to be released during cure, perforating the shrink tape after<br />
the assembly has been wrapped with a porcupine roller will reduce the<br />
resin content as well as permitting air and volatiles to escape. Thickness:<br />
.002”. Width: 1-1/4”, Roll length: 100 yds.<br />
P/N 01-14870 .............$16.50/roll<br />
GREENFLOW 75 - Greenflow 75 is designed to efficiently distribute resin<br />
with little waste due to the low profile, tight construction. Greenflow 75<br />
can be used with polyester vinlyester and epoxy resins. Color: Green.<br />
Thickness: .035± .003 (.89mm±75µm). Melt Point (Method:DSC): 230°F<br />
(161°C). Configuration of Net: Rhombic<br />
P/N 01-01081 ....... $3.90/Lin. Yd.<br />
SEALANT TAPE ROLLER - #9050 is a plastic roller designed to assist<br />
in applying sealant tape between the bag and the tool. It assists the<br />
operator in applying maximum pressure to make a leak-proof, smooth<br />
seal. The unit is lightweight and easy to use, and the plastic roller helps<br />
prevent damage to the film. Roller width: 1-3/16”. Roller Diameter: 1-3/8”.<br />
P/N 01-14875 ..................... $24.50/ea.<br />
PORCUPINE ROLLER - #9060 is a steel roller with a wood handle<br />
designed to perforate films to allow air, volatiles, and some resin to flow<br />
through the film. The amount of resin flow can be controlled by the depth<br />
of the pin penetration. Also useful on foam to give the bonding adhesive<br />
a better grip on the foam surface. P/N 01-14880 ............. $91.75/ea.<br />
VACUUM GAUGE - a dial faced vacuum gauge capable of displaying<br />
vacuum from 0” to 30” Hg. It is 2” in diameter and can be used on the<br />
vacuum pump line, holding tank, or with a vacuum valve to determine<br />
vacuum in specific areas of a bagged assembly. Fitting size: 1/4” NPT.<br />
P/N 01-14885 ............. $17.50/ea.<br />
WOB-L Piston Compressor / Vacuum Pump<br />
P/N 01-01569 ................. $357.00<br />
VACUUM PUMP KIT - Includes vacuum pump, gauge, valve, fittings,<br />
and hose. P/N 01-00164 ................. $424.95<br />
rugged flexible piston cup and shaded-pole motor with high-torque start<br />
windings. Corrosion-resistant sandwich valve stops foreign particles<br />
from lodging on valve seats. Aluminum cylinder heads and pistons.<br />
P/N 01-01570 ................. $959.00<br />
VACUUM RELIEF VALVE - P/N 52763 ......................... $16.50<br />
BAGGING SUPPLIES STARTER KIT - Includes 10 yards of Vacuum<br />
Bagging Film #7400, 10 yards of 4.5oz. Breather Bleeder #3, 1 roll 400°<br />
resistant Sealant Tape (25 ft/roll), 10 yards Dacron Fabric 1.8oz.x 60”, &<br />
10 yards 60” x .001 Perforated Release Sheet.<br />
P/N 01-14894 ................. $138.95<br />
ECONOMY VACUUM GENERATOR - a low cost and reliable method of<br />
generating a vacuum for those who already own an air compressor. The<br />
generator will create 27” of Hg vacuum/pressure when coupled in-line to<br />
an air compressor capable of producing 2.2 cfm. Larger air compressors<br />
are advisable for continuous use applications. Suitable for parts up to 80<br />
ft2. P/N 12-11148 ................. $192.75<br />
31<br />
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A complete line of plastic repair and refinishing products, as well as instructional materials, which make plastic repair easy and effective. Why<br />
spend a lot of money on aftermarket aircraft parts, when quality repairs can easily be made on the originals? The materials listed below are specifically<br />
engineered to be used on plastics and can be used to repair and refinish the following: Cracked or broken instrument panels, wingtips,<br />
fairings, yokes, wheel pants, all types of plastic fairings, strut and landing gear fillets, headset housings, antenna housings, stripped threads<br />
and cracked mounting holes in plastic components and more! These materials can also be used to fabricate missing sections of your existing<br />
component or to create small parts.<br />
CLEANER (19 FL.OZ.)<br />
Before doing any sort of plastic repair, use Super Clean plastic<br />
cleaner to maximize the durability of your repair. Super Clean<br />
removes mold release agents, wax, grease, silicone, tar, bugs,<br />
sealers and other contaminants from painted or unpainted<br />
plastic or metal surfaces. It’s simple to use, just spray it on and<br />
wipe it off with a clean, lint-free cloth.<br />
P/N 01-00533 .....................$13.60<br />
(2-5OZ. TUBES)<br />
SMC Hard-set Filler is a 2-part epoxy system that is<br />
very rigid when fully cured. It works on ABS, SMC,<br />
fiberglass, polycarbonate and on any other repair<br />
application that requires a rigid, high impact resistant<br />
repair material. It has a working time of 3 to 4 minutes<br />
and is ready to sand in 15 minutes.<br />
P/N 01-00534 ..................$21.60<br />
(50 SQ.IN.-5”X10”)<br />
Reinforcing Wire Mesh is designed to be used to<br />
reinforce any repair made with an airless plastic<br />
welder. We recommend that the mesh be used to<br />
when a tear goes to the edge of the plastic. Since it is stainless steel, it<br />
is 5 times stronger than aluminum wire screen and is virtually impervious<br />
to oxidation under normal conditions. You can also use the mesh to fabricate<br />
tabs, fill holes and provide reinforcement in any meltable plastic.<br />
P/N 01-00536 .......................... $5.45<br />
OZ. W/SPRAYER)<br />
Our quick spray activator causes instant curing of all Insta-Weld<br />
adhesives. Actovator may be used before or after adhesive is<br />
applied. Come in plastic bottles and include sprayer.<br />
P/N 01-00541 ................................ $12.50<br />
POLY FILLER HT is a two component polyester<br />
filler paste system that provides the user both<br />
unique ease of handling and high performance<br />
characteristics when cured. POLY FILLER HT is<br />
formulated to provide a smooth creamy handling<br />
consistency and a dry tack-free surface when<br />
cured. A significant advantage of POLY FILLER<br />
HT over other materials of this type is its very<br />
low cured shrinkage. This feature allows faster<br />
application and repairs than with other filler pastes, which usually must<br />
be applied in several layers because of their high shrink age rate! The<br />
creamy texture of POLY FILLER HT allows for easier applying and<br />
spreading. POLY FILLER HT can be troweled to a feather edge without<br />
rolling or skipping. It can be used to fill tiny pin holes with out lifting.<br />
The dry, tack-free nature of the cured POLY FILLER HT paste provides<br />
for easier working with tools and prevents sand paper from becoming<br />
gummy.<br />
Once applied and cured, POLY FILLER HT will bond quite well to most<br />
surfaces such as aluminum, copper, fiber glass, epoxy, steel, plaster,<br />
graphite and kevlar laminates. It will also accept all types of enamel,<br />
epoxy, lacquer and paint stains as a surface finish.<br />
POLY FILLER HT utilizes an excel lent high temperature resin base,<br />
and therefore the cured paste can be subjected to service temperatures<br />
in excess of 400ºF.<br />
Black Quart ......... P/N 09-04569 ......... $26.50<br />
Black Gallon ........ P/N 09-04571 ......... $85.75<br />
Gray Quart .......... P/N 09-04570 ......... $26.50<br />
Gray Gallon ......... P/N 09-04572 ......... $84.75<br />
Plastifix repairs virtually any rigid plastic and<br />
works exceptionally well on ABS. Repair cracks,<br />
fill gaps, reinforce repairs, rebuild broken tabs,<br />
fix stripped threads, and more. PlastiFix’s most<br />
unique feature is the FlexMold molding bar which<br />
allows you to create a mold and cast missing<br />
pieces. No other plastic repair is more versatile.<br />
the 30 gram kits are enough to complete<br />
approximately 24”+ of cracked plastic repair.<br />
The large kits will do about 24 feet. Kit Includes:<br />
253X Plastifix Powder 30G, 2520 Plastifix Liquid<br />
50ML, 2542 Dropper Bottle Assembly, 2543<br />
Power Application Cup, 2548 Transfer Pipette,<br />
2550 Applicator Needle Qty: 2, 2560 Flexmold<br />
Molding Bar 10CC.<br />
2501-PlastiFix Repair Kit (30g, white) ........... P/N 01-00542 ....... $29.95<br />
2503-PlastiFix Repair Kit (30g, black) ........... P/N 01-00543 ....... $29.95<br />
2504-PlastiFix Repair Kit (30g, clear) ........... P/N 01-00544 ....... $29.95<br />
2502-Large Kit includes: 2531-L Plastifix Power 150G (WHITE), 2532-<br />
L Plastifix Power 150G (BLACK), 2520 Plastifix Liquid 250ML, 2542<br />
Dropper Bottle Assembly QTY 2, 2543 Power Application Cup QTY 2<br />
2548 Large Transfer Pipette, 2550 Applicator Needle QTY 4<br />
P/N 01-00545 ................. $92.75<br />
3800-4 FLEX-TEX FLEXIBLE<br />
Flex-Tex is a unique blend of materials designed<br />
to be used for re-texturing repaired areas on<br />
instrument panels, consoles, etc. A wide variety<br />
of pebble-grained textures can be achieved with<br />
this product by varying the air pressure, distance<br />
from work, and speed of pass. Apply with a<br />
regular spray gun or a PreVal sprayer. Dries flat<br />
black. Must be top-coated with color for durability<br />
and appearance. P/N 01-00546 ...........$28.50<br />
Permanently recolor faded, scuffed, marred, or discolored<br />
plastics. Sticks to plastic without adhesion promter or primer.<br />
Just clean the plastic with Super Clean Plastic Cleaner<br />
& spray the paint. No mixing required! Gives satiny, OEM<br />
look when dry.<br />
Black (pint) ............................... P/N 01-00548 ......... $35.00<br />
3601-4 Light Gray (quart) ......... P/N 01-00552 ......... $79.85<br />
3602-4 Dark Gray (quart) ......... P/N 01-00553 ......... $59.85<br />
Clean Sheets are great to have around the shop.<br />
They allow you to keep your epoxy mixes clean<br />
and smooth while saving time by always having a<br />
clean surface to mix on. No more cutting cardboard<br />
to mix epoxy. 100 sheets per board.<br />
P/N 01-00550 .............$32.50<br />
2043-U UNI-CLOTH<br />
SQ.FT.)<br />
Uni-Cloth is a quality fiberglass cloth that<br />
is well suited for reinforcing plastic repairs<br />
as well as any other application requiring<br />
fiberglass reinforcement.<br />
P/N 01-00535 .............................$16.50<br />
Plastics Repair Instructional Book - P/N 01-00554 ...............$29.60<br />
Plastics Repair Instructional DVD - P/N 01-00555 .............. $14.95<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
Urethane Supply Company’s 1047 Putty Flex is<br />
a premium polyester finishing glaze that provides<br />
superior adhesion with excellent flexibility on<br />
plastics. Putty Flex produces excellent feather<br />
edge results on plastic, metal, SMC, fiberglass,<br />
cured primer and paint. Use to fill pinholes, dings,<br />
scrapes, sanding scratches and more! Putty Flex<br />
sands easily and resists clogging sandpaper.<br />
P/N 01-00961 ...............$27.50<br />
These bubbles are actually hollow glass spheres. Because the high-quality glass is very crush resistant, the foam is<br />
much stronger, stiffer and water-resistant than any foam made by chemical foaming. These foams displace 4-6 times<br />
their weight in most resins and improve the handling characteristics of the base resin. They have a low bulk density and<br />
are nontoxic. Mix resin and hard ener as directed, then fold in the glass bubbles. Upon cure, a strong, low-density product<br />
results which is easy to sand and file. May be shaped to form compound angles and curves. The term “micro” was applied<br />
to the mixture of microspheres and epoxy early in the development of composite structures. Although micro spheres have<br />
been replaced by glass bubbles the word “micro” is still commonly used to reference the mixture. “Micro’ is used to fill<br />
voids and low areas, to glue foam blocks together and as a bond between foams and glass cloth. Micro is used in three<br />
consistencies - (1) a “slurry” which is a one-to-one by volume mix of epoxy and glass bubbles, (2) “wet micro” which is<br />
about two to four parts glass bubbles by volume to one part epoxy, and (3) “dry micro” which is a mix of epoxy with enough glass bubbles to obtain<br />
a paste which will not sag or run (about five parts to one by volume). In all instances glass bubbles are added to completely mixed epoxy resin and<br />
hardener. Wet micro is used to join foam blocks and is much thicker than slurry (it has the consistency of honey) but can be brushed. Dry micro is<br />
used to fill low spots and voids and is mixed so that it is a dry paste and will not sag. Apply with a putty knife. Never use micro between glass layers.<br />
CAUTION - When mixing epoxy and glass bubbles, wear a dust mask and keep your face away from the balloons that may float up into the air.<br />
Although glass balloons are inert, they can lodge in your eyes or in your lungs and cause problems. Handle with care.<br />
One Pound Bag (Approx. 1 Gal.) .............P/N 01-14600 ............. $8.75 Five Pound Bag (Approx. 5 Gal.) ............. P/N 01-14700 ............ $42.85<br />
These 12” dis pos able icing bags are ideal for applying<br />
beads of any size of micro epoxy or flox epoxy<br />
to all surfaces. Great for close-outs and are real time<br />
savers. Simply fill, cut end to desired bead size and<br />
squeeze. Never breaks down from epoxy. Sold in<br />
packs of 100 icing bags.Pack of 100 bags P/N 01-14710 ..... $14.75<br />
CAB-O-SIL<br />
Cab-O-Sil is a fumed light weight silica thickener used to<br />
reduce the flow of epoxies on vertical surfaces, as well as<br />
filling pinholes with its smooth texture.<br />
1 gallon bag ............................. P/N 01-04711 ............. $13.75<br />
A structural resin filler. The mixture of cotton fiber and<br />
epoxy is referred to as “flox”. The mixture is used in<br />
structural joints and in areas where a very hard, durable<br />
buildup is required. Flox is mixed in much the same way<br />
as dry micro but only about two parts flock to one part<br />
epoxy is re quired. Mix in just enough flock to make the<br />
mixture stand up. If “wet flox” is called out, mix it so it will<br />
sag or run. Flox is often used to reinforce a sharp corner. Paint a light<br />
coat of pure epoxy inside the corner, trowel flox in to make a triangular<br />
support. The flox corner is done just before one glass surface is applied<br />
for a wet bond to one surface.<br />
1 Lb. Bag ............. P/N 01-14800 ............... $4.65<br />
5 Lb. Bag ............. P/N 01-14900 ..............$19.65<br />
As the name implies, this material is made by milling fiberglass<br />
into a very thin consistency. This material is used in<br />
preparing a structural filler. This material is used in fillets<br />
that require structural integrity. Milled fiber fillers have<br />
higher strength than cotton flock but have fine particles of<br />
fiberglass that can penetrate the skin.1 Lb P/N 01-14780 .......... $4.75<br />
Ultra-compact design for super portability.<br />
Features an LCD screen with easy-to-read digital<br />
readout. Convenient “hold” feature locks weight<br />
display for ten seconds after item is removed.<br />
Digital postal rates. Rates update with Internet<br />
download. Operates on: 3 AAA Batteries (included).<br />
........................ P/N 12-01580 ............. $39.70<br />
LCD display that shows ounces, pounds or grams.<br />
“Tare” feature lets you “zero-out” container’s<br />
weight. Sealed buttons prevent damage from<br />
spills. Maximum capacity of 176 ounces (11 lbs. or<br />
5000 grams) Automatic 40 second shutoff saves<br />
batteries. Not for commercial use. Uses four AA<br />
batteries, not included. Overall dimensions: 9-1/2”<br />
L x 6-3/4” W x 1-1/2” H P/N 12-02585 ...............$29.85<br />
* Quick Build Primer * Quickly fills uneven<br />
surfaces, and major imperfections * Easy sanding<br />
prep for surface primer, top coats * Low VOC<br />
product * Perfect Primer for prestec topcoats or<br />
any other surface coatings desired * Fairly Hi-Build<br />
to 120mils<br />
Color Size Part No. Price Color Size Part No. Price<br />
Gray Quart 09-02162 $34.85 Gray Gallon 09-02163 $82.75<br />
Black Quart 09-02164 $34.25 Black Gallon 09-02165 $82.75<br />
White Quart 09-02166 $33.85 White Gallon 09-02167 $82.75<br />
Requires Catalyst P/N 01-01119.<br />
A formulation of polyester resin, talcs and<br />
Microspheres used as a lightweight filler on<br />
metal and fiberglass. Works easily, sands<br />
faster. Only 7.5 lbs. per gallon as compared to<br />
12 lbs. per gallon for conventional fillers.<br />
494 Gallon .....P/N 01-00368 ...............$28.99<br />
492 Quart .......P/N 01-01072 ...............$14.80<br />
This aero sol spray ad he sive works well to laminate styrofoam<br />
sheets together. Lam i na tions cut well with a hot wire. Net<br />
wt. 16.75 oz.<br />
24 fl. oz. Aerosol Spray Can ..... P/N 09-28330 ..........$15.90<br />
FIX-IT<br />
A universal repair compound. It is excellent for<br />
rebuilding or fabricating parts and as an all purpose<br />
adhesive for wood, metals, ceramic, glass,<br />
and many plastics. Fix-it can be tapped or drilled,<br />
sanded, filed or painted. Patch holes and cracks<br />
and seals leaks. Sets rock hard overnight. Fix-It<br />
Metal is the same as standard Fix-It except it is<br />
loaded with aluminum metal to match the strength,<br />
weight, and use for each project. Fix-It is nontoxic,<br />
non-hazardous, and impervious to fuels and<br />
liquids.<br />
Fit-It 1/4 Lb kit ............. P/N 01-14770 ........ $12.95<br />
Fit-It 1 Lb kit ................ P/N 01-14775 ........$24.95<br />
Fit-It Metal 1/4 Lb kit ... P/N 01-14790 ........$12.95<br />
Fit-It Metal 1 Lb kit ...... P/N 01-14795 ........$24.95<br />
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An ultra-light, corrosion-inhibiting filler for aircraft,<br />
marine and automotive use. Adheres to composites,<br />
bare aluminum, steel and bare or varnished wood.<br />
Easy to mix & apply: mix 2 parts A:1 part B by weight:<br />
apply with squeegee; let dry overnight. Excellent<br />
sanding qualities. More consistent than hand-mixed<br />
micros. Wt: less than 5 lbs/gal. Hazardous.<br />
1 Quart Kit (20oz. Resin/12oz Hdnr) ...........P/N 09-28250 ...........$22.90<br />
3 Gal Kit (2 gal.Resin/1 gal. Hdnr) ............P/N 09-28260 .........$204.60<br />
The pinhole killer! Waterborne polyurethane primer<br />
plus UV blocker applied with a foam roller or spray<br />
gun. Fills pinholes in layups or molded parts. White<br />
color. Once UV Smooth Prime has dried for 7 days,<br />
spray white two-part catalyzed Epoxy Primer to<br />
seal the surface and provide moisture and chemical<br />
resistance prior to spraying top coat paint. Dry<br />
sand for a smooth, pinhole-free surface. Dries in 20<br />
minutes, sand in two hours. Clean up with water. Use<br />
Poly-Fiber Gun Cleaner to clean your spray gun after<br />
each day’s spraying. NON-HAZMAT. Three gallons<br />
required for most composite aircraft. CROSSLINKING NO LONGER<br />
1 qt. w/16 Crosslinker .......................................P/N 09-28280 ......$58.20<br />
1 gal. w/64 Crosslinker .....................................P/N 09-28290 ....$176.00<br />
A sprayable polyester filler/primer used for filling<br />
of minor sur face irregularities such as scratches,<br />
blemishes and exposed fiberglass threads before<br />
final sanding and painting. It adheres to bare metal,<br />
plastic filler and fi ber glass with minimal surface<br />
preparation. Cures ready to sand and paint in 45<br />
- 60 minutes. Any type of finish - lacquer, enamel,<br />
acrylics - can be applied over Feather Fill with<br />
excellent adhesion. Quart kit includes catalyst and<br />
instructions. Approximately six quarts are required for finishing a Vari-<br />
Eze. DO NOT WET SAND.<br />
#401 (1 Qt.) ..............P/N 01-00369 ...........$56.75<br />
#391 (1 Gal.) ...........P/N 01-00370 .........$157.75<br />
A one step finishing material from bare metal, body<br />
filler plastic, wood, aluminum, or fiberglass to a<br />
surface ready to accept any type of paint without<br />
concern about penetration of solvents or moisture.<br />
Provides fast build-up and fill, is non-shrinking, easy<br />
sanding, wet sandable and waterproof, and selfetching.<br />
Can be sprayed or brushed on and can be<br />
built up like Bondo or Featherfill. Ready to sand in<br />
one hour, and it does not clog up your sandpaper.<br />
Pot life and cure time are about one hour at 70<br />
degrees Fahrenheit. Versatile polyester filler.<br />
Quart .........................P/N 01-00558 ...........$78.65<br />
Gallon ........................P/N 01-00559 .........$189.75<br />
Fill Bond aerospace putty from Sherwin-<br />
Williams Aerospace Coatings has been<br />
created specifically for aerospace<br />
use. Designed to fill rivets, seams and<br />
small spot-repair areas on the exterior<br />
of aircraft fuselage and wings, this<br />
high-build body filler is now available<br />
in a convenient epoxy version. Fill<br />
Bond putty is extremely flexible, offers<br />
direct-to-metal adhesion (with properly pretreated aluminum), provides<br />
excellent spread ability and offers a long, workable pot life to give users the<br />
amount of time to apply material on a variety of aircraft surfaces, including<br />
aluminum and composites. The epoxy putty dries quickly for a fast sand<br />
- in just two to six hours. A specially-designed Fill Bond dispensing gun<br />
enables users to apply putty exactly where it is needed without requiring<br />
additional tools. There’s minimal waste following application. Users apply<br />
only as much product as they need and then can put the cap back on<br />
the convenient cartridge containers for later user, saving on material and<br />
disposal costs.<br />
Fill Bond Cartridge 750ML ...................P/N 01-01124 .................$138.75<br />
Fill Bond Cartridge 375ML ...................P/N 01-01125 .................$112.00<br />
Manual Dispensing Gun 370ML ..........P/N 01-01126 .................$194.75<br />
Manual Dispensing Gun 750ML ..........P/N 01-01127 .................$255.95<br />
Static Mixer Element ............................P/N 01-01128 .....................$8.85<br />
Model Description Part No. Price<br />
TR102 A firm carnauba based mold release paste 01-01598 $18.95<br />
wax blended with other synthetic waxes for<br />
use in various thermo-set composite molding<br />
applications.<br />
TR104 A firm mold release paste wax based on 01-01597 $18.95<br />
the highest quality refined Carnauba Wax<br />
blended with other high temperature synthetic<br />
ingredients and petroleum distillates.<br />
TR-103 A high-gloss seal for negative forms with 01-01599 $48.85<br />
a cleaning, polishing and sealing effect. It<br />
closes the pores of the mold and thus creates<br />
the best conditions for optimum molding<br />
quality.<br />
EPL0151 is a clear two part<br />
resin / hardener which is<br />
ideal for bonding fiberglass,<br />
PVC, and graphite. Cure<br />
time is 6-8 hours. EPK1C<br />
is a white 2-part resin / hardener epoxy system which is used to bond<br />
aluminum and ceramics.<br />
EPK0151 Kit, 3.35 oz. (fiberglass) ........... P/N 01-15875 ............. $16.50<br />
EPK1C Kit 4.0 oz kit (aluminum) .............. P/N 01-15880 ............. $13.60<br />
Lite Weight autobody filler is a very versatile filler<br />
which is excellent for holding jig blocks in place<br />
during composite construction. Applies evenly and<br />
allows sanding within minutes. Cures well even in<br />
humid climates. Creme hardener is included.<br />
.................................. Quart ............P/N 01-00243<br />
$19.65<br />
................................Gallon...........P/N 01-00244<br />
$31.90<br />
An excellent filler which provides easy workability for a<br />
variety of applications. Easy to sand and cures to a neutral<br />
tan color.<br />
1.7 Oz ....................... P/N 01-08780 .......... $17.65<br />
4.3 Oz. ...................... P/N 01-08785 .......... $35.12<br />
#1099 is a white, thickened epoxy material used<br />
to create the durable surface coat on room temperature<br />
epoxy molds. This surface coat can<br />
be brushed on as thick as 1/8” at a time without<br />
developing runs or sags. It is specially formulated<br />
to provide strong interlaminar bonds with the<br />
reinforcing materials, even if it is left unsupported<br />
overnight. #1099 readily accepts all our pigments,<br />
resists chipping and cracking, and retains<br />
its high gloss. Mix Ratio by Weight – 100:11.<br />
3.33 lb. Quart kit ....... P/N 09-01099 .......... $86.75<br />
Case .......................... P/N 09-01099-1..... $544.00<br />
Prime Coat is a sandable, quick-drying aerosol primer which<br />
fills pin holes and scratches caused by sanding on fiberglass,<br />
wood, metals and many plastics. Prime Coat will prepare<br />
the surface of materials for the finish coat and provides an<br />
effective corrosion barrier as well. Prime Coat is yellow and<br />
can be used under lacquer, enamel, acrylic or epoxy finish<br />
coats. 11 oz. can.<br />
P/N 01-00305 ......... $14.70<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
PEEL PLY<br />
A layer of 2.7 oz. Dacron fabric strips or tape<br />
laminated into a layup as if it were an extra ply<br />
of glass. The peel coat wets out with epoxy like<br />
glass cloth and cures along with the rest of the<br />
layup. However, the Dacron does not adhere<br />
structurally to the glass and when peeled away it<br />
leaves a surface ready for glass-to-glass bonding without sanding.<br />
Requirements for Small <strong>Aircraft</strong>:<br />
• 3 Rolls of 1” x 50 Yds. Tape • 2 Rolls of 2” x 50 Yds. Tape • 1 Roll of<br />
3” x 50 Yds. Tape • 1 Roll of 4” x 50 Yds. Tape<br />
Width Smooth Edge Pinked<br />
50 Yd P/N Price/ P/N Price/<br />
Roll 09- Roll 09- Roll<br />
1” 15000 $6.75 15450 $6.75<br />
2” 15100 $13.50 15500 $13.50<br />
3” 15200 $21.75 15600 $19.50<br />
4” 15300 $28.50 15700 $29.00<br />
6” 15400 $44.50 15800 $41.50<br />
Discount Schedule for Dacron Tapes:<br />
Less 10% for 12 Rolls<br />
(assorted) • Less 15% for 25 Rolls (assorted). Request quote on<br />
larger quantities.<br />
Poly/Dacron blend is excellent as peel ply for<br />
composite lay-ups.<br />
Full Width Peel Ply 2.7OZ, 64-66” #604<br />
(Sold by the Yard) ..... P/N 09-00300 ..........$5.35<br />
Full Width Peel Ply 1.8 oz. X 64” #611<br />
(Sold by the Yard) ..... P/N 09-00100 ..........$4.35<br />
Full Width Peel Ply 2.97 oz. X 62” #605<br />
(Sold By the Yard) ......................................... P/N 09-00500 ..........$4.35<br />
Provides superior release with minimum buildup on mold<br />
surfaces for casting urethane elastomers, epoxy, polyester,<br />
and rubber compounds. Molded parts are easily cleaned<br />
for finishing operations. It is effective on aluminum, steel,<br />
epoxy, polyester, and elastomeric molds; it does not distort<br />
intricate patterns. P/N 01-31749 .......... $28.85<br />
Meguiar’s® Mold Release Wax is a blend<br />
of imported waxes specially formulated to<br />
provide a maximum number of releases<br />
per application.<br />
P/N 01-09415 .....................$14.50<br />
High-temperature paste wax. 14 oz.<br />
P/N 01-00177 $19.50<br />
Plastilease 512B, a film-forming, water soluble parting agent,<br />
assures clean re lease of fi ber glass parts from molds. For<br />
application by brush or spray.<br />
P/N 01-30600 ..................... $30.75/Qt.<br />
Excellent for releasing molded parts in high temperature and<br />
extreme pressure environments. MRX Silicone Spray Mold<br />
Release provides maximum releases and superior value for<br />
the end-user. This non-staining, non-corrosive mold release is<br />
heat stable up to 500°F. It is a nonflammable product and contains<br />
no class I or II ozone depleting chemicals. Like all LPS<br />
MR-series mold releases, MRX Silicone Spray Mold Release<br />
doesn’t use Methylene Chloride.<br />
16 oz. aerosol can .....................P/N 09-00271 ............ $11.85<br />
PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol) should be used with #1016 Wax to aid<br />
in the release of parts form a mold. It should be applied in 3<br />
thin mist coats over nonporous, waxed mold surfaces.After the<br />
final wax coat has dried, begin by spraying a light tack coat of<br />
PVA. Typically, within 5 mins. the final heavier coats can be<br />
added. The PVA dries to form a smooth, glassy film. After part<br />
release, the residual film can be removed with water. We recommend<br />
using an inexpensive automotive siphon spray gun<br />
and 70-90 psi for application, although airbrushes will work on<br />
hobby size projects. PVA can also be sprayed over any polyester repair<br />
to provide an airless tack-free cure. For use with epoxies.<br />
P/N 01-14813A .........................................$22.85/qt<br />
Used to paint cockpit interiors, excellent on fi ber glass.<br />
Gives a coarse, durable, professional finish. 1 gallon<br />
required for Long-EZ cockpit. See instructions for proper<br />
primer use on all surfaces in question. Color chart available<br />
on request. Order Color Chart P/N 01-15815.<br />
Color Use Primer Part No. Price<br />
White/White White 20-02 $166.95<br />
Apollo Gray - 20-11 $167.75<br />
Hamlet Black - 20-42 $165.75<br />
Camille White White 20-54 $166.95<br />
Lilith Charcoal Black 20-59 $166.95<br />
Gray Stone Gray 20-64 $167.75<br />
Onyx Black - 20-71 $166.95<br />
Silver Gray Gray 20-72 $166.95<br />
Bright Blue - 20-77 $166.95<br />
Desert Camo Black 20-80 $166.95<br />
Features: * Super Clear - Glass like appearance<br />
* Scratch Resistant * Buffs to a Super<br />
Hi-Gloss Finish * Refinishes to Original Hi-Gloss<br />
* Practically a Walk-A-Way Gloss Finish<br />
Product Applications: * Exotic wood coating<br />
* Gel coat additive for air cure application<br />
* Musical instrument wood coating * Top coat<br />
over clear primers * Top coat over pigmented<br />
colors for clear depth * Automotive interior composite<br />
parts clear coating * Architectural wood<br />
crafts<br />
Quart .....................P/N 09-02168 .......... $36.50<br />
Gallon ....................P/N 09-02169 ........ $104.50<br />
Requires Catalyst P/N 01-01119.<br />
Dusts, Mists, & Fumes Pre-Filter<br />
P/N 01-00382 ............ $1.65<br />
Fit/Check Filter Cover<br />
P/N 7500-27 .............. $2.30<br />
These are the standard laminated rollers for wetting<br />
out woven roving and mat with polyester resin. Use<br />
with epoxy resin for applying tape into corners and<br />
for spreading thickened epoxy over large areas for<br />
gluing and fairing.<br />
1”x 3” .................................P/N 01-01054 .........$9.50<br />
1”x 6” .................................P/N 01-00396 .......$12.50<br />
1”x 9” .................................P/N 01-00383 .......$16.85<br />
2”x 3” .................................P/N 01-00384 .......$14.50<br />
2”x 6” .................................P/N 01-00385 .......$16.65<br />
2”x 9” .................................P/N 01-00386 .......$23.70<br />
1/4” Corner Roller ..............P/N 01-00387 .......$10.95<br />
1/2” Corner Roller ..............P/N 01-00388 .......$10.95<br />
1/2”x 3” Detail Roller ..........P/N 01-00389 .........$8.65<br />
3/4”x 3” Detail Roller ..........P/N 01-00390 .........$7.95<br />
3” wide rolIer with stipple adhesive cover. Has excellent<br />
stippling action for working out air bubbles in layups and has<br />
no tendency to lift the cloth. Use on all major layups. Order<br />
frame and cover separately.<br />
Roller Frame Only ................... P/N 01-24902 ..............$6.75<br />
Cover Only ............................... P/N 01-24903 ..............$4.35<br />
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The tools offered in this section have been selected by professional aircraft de sign ers and builders as being either necessary or highly desirable for<br />
working with composite structures.<br />
These custom-built foam cutting frames can help produce professional<br />
results in foam cutting for the amateur builder. Con structed of 1-1/8”<br />
O.D. aluminum tubing, the heli-arc welded frame is lightweight yet<br />
extremely durable. The frames come completely pre-wired and ready<br />
to attach to the voltage controls shown below, and a tensioning system<br />
maintains uniform wire tension throughout the cutting process. The<br />
frames are stocked in 3 standard lengths, and custom frames are available<br />
on request (send sketch). Cutting depth is 11“. Weight- 5 lbs.<br />
2 Ft. Frame ....................P/N 01-15200 .................... $197.00<br />
3 Ft Frame ....................P/N 01-15300 .................... $218.00<br />
4 Ft Frame ....................P/N 01-15400 .................... $234.00<br />
This high ly rec om mend ed pump,<br />
aptly called “Sticky-Stuff Dis penser”,<br />
will save about $50 in epoxy<br />
in building a VE type aircraft, plus<br />
time, mess, dermatitis, temper and<br />
risk of bad batches. Used by individual<br />
crafts men and professionals<br />
alike, it is a practical engineering tool<br />
es pe cial ly de signed to eliminate the<br />
sticky, messy, costly hand proportioning<br />
of epoxy resins. It is well built<br />
and should last through the construction<br />
of dozens of aircraft. The Sticky-<br />
Stuff Dis pens er assures accurate<br />
mea sure ment of low-viscosity (un der 3,500 centipoises) unfilled epoxy<br />
resin. The standard Model A dispenser pump delivers a ratio of 100 parts<br />
of resin to 44 parts of hardener.<br />
Adjustable Ratio Pump ............................... P/N 01-16010.. $319.00<br />
Rebuild Kit for 45:100 pump ....................... P/N 01-00504 ...$78.75<br />
Small round replacement container (qt)...... P/N 01-15920 ....$12.50<br />
Large square re place ment con tain er (gal) .. P/N 01-15910 ....$18.65<br />
Stainless Steel Check Valve (Use with Jeffco epoxies)<br />
P/N 01-00258 ....$59.75<br />
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An ex cel lent new hot wire system<br />
con sist ing of a controller and transformer.<br />
Recommended by Rutan<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> Factory as a good system at<br />
a very economical price .<br />
P/N 01-15600 ......................... $49.95<br />
Type 302 stainless steel safety wire, for hot<br />
wire cutter. This is superior to nichrome wire,<br />
which is brittle and breaks easily. Specify<br />
.032” or .041” diameter wire.<br />
.032” Dia. Wire, 25 Ft. Coil ......... P/N 01-15725 ..................... $1.11<br />
.041” Dia. Wire, 25 Ft. Coil ......... P/N 01-15825 ..................... $1.11<br />
1 Lb. Spool .................................. P/N 05-02687 ..................... $8.50<br />
Does not stretch. Excellent for hotwiring polystyrene<br />
foam.<br />
.032” Dia. Wire ........... P/N 01-15805 .......$0.35 ft.<br />
.041” Dia. Wire ........... P/N 01-15810 .......$0.24 ft.<br />
Music wire is high carbon steel and although very high in<br />
tensile strength, must be capable of wrapping around itself<br />
without showing signs of crack ing. 156 ft. of .049” dia. wire<br />
per lb., 46 ft. of .090” dia. wire, per lb. 22 Ga. Price is<br />
per pound.<br />
.049” Dia. (1 lbs.) ............................ P/N 03-49500 ....$6.50<br />
.090” Dia.(32Ga.,1lbs.) ................... P/N 03-49600 ....$4.45<br />
062” Dia. .............P/N 03-49610 .............. $0.27 ft<br />
A fine quality control to supply the<br />
electrical current for hot-wire cutting<br />
of styrofoam and PVC foam. One unit<br />
can serve to build many aircraft. Input<br />
115 volts AC Output variable from 0 to<br />
130 volts AC at 5 amps Caution - fuse<br />
should be inserted in the secondary<br />
to protect the control in the event of a<br />
short circuit.<br />
Input: 117V AC 60Hz 3-Prong<br />
AC cord. Output: 0-130V AC Adj<br />
60Hz; volt meter, power jack. Fuse<br />
Protection AGC: 5 Amp. Max: 500VA<br />
P/N 01-01294 ..................... $174.75<br />
This kit includes an assortment of<br />
many of the commonly required<br />
tools used in composite construction.<br />
1 ................................ 20W ......................................... Glass Shears<br />
1 box ......................01-25800 ...............................500 Mixing Sticks<br />
2 boxes...................01-25700 ............................12 oz. Mixing Cups<br />
2 boxes...................01-25710 ............................16 oz. Mixing Cups<br />
10 ...........................01-24899 .......................... 3” Plastic Squeegee<br />
10 ...........................09-21200 ...................... 1” Disposable Brushes<br />
10 ...........................09-21300 ...................... 2” Disposable Brushes<br />
1 .............................12-01580 .................................Electronic Scale<br />
2 boxes...................01-36550 ......................................Latex Gloves<br />
1 ............................ GLR123D ................ 1/2” x 3” Laminating Roller<br />
1 ............................. GLR12C ............................... 1/2” Corner Roller<br />
1 .............................. GLR26 ............. 2” x 6” Plastic Grooved Roller<br />
Kit - P/N 01-00166 .........................$208.95<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
This 12 foot steel tape measure, with 1/2” blade,<br />
is graduated in tenths and hundredths of inches<br />
and also in fractions of inches (32nds). Very<br />
handy for all aircraft construction. A “must” for<br />
composite con struc tion.<br />
No. 33-272 .................... P/N 33-272 .......$23.75<br />
Aluminum, die-cast in two sections -<br />
provides blade storage. Has handy<br />
hang hole. Furnished with No. 11-921<br />
blade and blade guard.<br />
No. 10-099 ........ P/N 10-099 ........$7.80<br />
Heavy-duty pointed razor-type utility<br />
knife blade for No. 10-099 knife and<br />
most other makes of utility knives.<br />
No. 11-921 (Pkg. of 5 Blades)<br />
P/N 11-921 ....... $2.45<br />
For use with No. 10-099 knife and<br />
most other makes of utility knives to<br />
cut linoleum, roofing material, cartons,<br />
etc., without damage. The razor-sharp<br />
hooked ends cut to full thickness in one<br />
stroke.<br />
No. 11-961Pkg. of 5 Blades .......................... P/N 11-961 ............ $6.20<br />
BLADES<br />
Used for trimming rough edges of laminates.<br />
P/N 01-24904 ......$0.15/ea.<br />
Box of 100 30% Discount.<br />
Heavy-gauge steel clamps with vinyl grips and tips to<br />
prevent marring work. Jaws specially formed to hold<br />
flat or round objects. Two sizes available:<br />
No. 3202-HT – Jaw Opening 2”, Length 6”<br />
P/N 12-03778 ............$3.45<br />
NO. 5282 KNIFE SET -<br />
Nos . 1, 2 and 5 knives plus 10 assorted extra<br />
blades Handy, fitted chest.<br />
P/N 01-17300 ..................... $29.75<br />
A 6-ft. long kiln-dried spruce board, 7/8” to<br />
1” thick and 3” to 4” wide, used for checking<br />
the straightness of flying surfaces during<br />
composite construction.<br />
P/N 01-25900 ................................ $24.50<br />
6” STEEL RULER<br />
Flexible stainless steel rule graduated<br />
in l0ths and l00ths on one side and in<br />
quick-reading 32nds and 64ths on the<br />
other side.<br />
6 inch ................ P/N 616 ........... $5.35<br />
12 inch .............. P/N 12-02062 .. $8.95<br />
Used for marking locations on fiberglass<br />
through out con struc tion.<br />
P/N 01-26000 ............... $0.45<br />
For use with standard electric drill for hard-to-reach jobs.<br />
#10 (.1935” Dia.) ............................ P/N 12-05500 .........................$7.75<br />
1/4” Dia. .......................................... P/N 12-05600 .........................$8.50<br />
This assembly consists of a 1/2” dia.<br />
AT418E-4 100° cutter, a 1/4” dia.<br />
AT416- pilot and an AT409-1 adapter<br />
with 1/4” dia. shank for use with a hand<br />
drill. The adapter has a collet-like shaft<br />
to securely hold the replaceable pilot. Add pilot dash number to AT409.<br />
To complete part number see tool section for complete selection of<br />
pilots.Complete Assemblies in the Tools Section<br />
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NO. 5083 KNIFE SET -<br />
Nos . 1, 2 and 6 knives plus 14 assorted extra<br />
blades in beautiful wooden chest.<br />
P/N 01-17400 ........... $52.80<br />
X-ACTO BLADE NO. 18 - X-Acto Blade #18. For<br />
deep wood chiseling. 1/2” surface. Package of 5<br />
P/N 01-16600 ...................... $2.95<br />
Other X-Acto items also available. Call for pricing.<br />
Cuts a true, smooth and narrow kerf. Comfortable hardwood handle<br />
provides positive grip. Professional quality.<br />
No. 15-022 .................... P/N 15-140...................$27.90<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
X-ACTO BLADE NO. 11 - Classic fine point<br />
blade. A general purpose blade. Package of<br />
5. P/N 01-16500 ...................... $6.50<br />
A 5/8” diameter boring tool, with 1/4” diameter pilot. 10” threaded extension<br />
is used for boring holes in hard to reach places. Used in the installation<br />
of the landing gear on the LongEZ and Cozy aircraft. 3/4” bore<br />
does not have 1/4” pilot and must use the pilot received with the 5/8”<br />
boring tool.<br />
5/8” diameter w/pilot ........................... P/N 12-00219 ..................$55.75<br />
3/4” diameter without pilot .................. P/N 12-00220 ..................$49.85<br />
No. 732 RTV general-purpose,<br />
clear, one-part silicone rubber.<br />
Cures to a firm silicone rubber in<br />
24 hours at room temperature.<br />
4.7 Oz. Tube .......... P/N 09-27800 ...................... $8.50<br />
This is a very effective 2-1/2” diameter stain less steel<br />
mixer on a 15” shaft. Attach to an air drill for fast,<br />
efficient mixing of larger batches. It will not dig into or<br />
gouge the sides or bottom of your mixing container.<br />
P/N 01-00395 ..................... $22.60<br />
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Makes clean cuts on fiberglass<br />
fabrics and other ma te ri als. The<br />
disc blade is made of high quality<br />
tungsten steel which is very<br />
sharp. Used by high-volume<br />
composite shops. Use with wooden backing board and handle knife<br />
with caution.<br />
RTY-2 Cutter ...................................................P/N 01-00299 ...... $15.75<br />
Replacement Blade ........................................P/N 01-00300 ........ $6.95<br />
Blades (5 Pack) ...............................................P/N 01-00301 ...... $27.75<br />
Replacement Pinking Blade ............................P/N 12-01709 ........ $9.75<br />
This all aluminum cutter<br />
however, will not “melt”<br />
when exposed to acetone,<br />
methylene chloride and<br />
other chemicals used to<br />
clean the cutters after use<br />
on wet layups. After use<br />
the aluminum rotary cutter is cleaned by simply leaving it in a can filled<br />
with acetone.<br />
Aluminum Rotary Cutter .....................P/N 09-24906 ...................$38.85<br />
This cutter handle is all aluminum<br />
with special stainless<br />
hardware for easy assembly<br />
when changing out rotary<br />
cutter blade. Will not melt<br />
when exposed to acetone,<br />
methylene chloride, and<br />
other chemicals. Good for<br />
wet layups. To clean, just<br />
drop in small container of acetone. ....P/N 01-01047 ...................$36.50<br />
Natural, undyed bristle brushes with smooth,<br />
unpainted wooden handles. Unaffected by<br />
paints, dopes, resins, thinners or solvents.<br />
1” Wide Brush ........... P/N 09-21200 ....... $0.45<br />
2” Wide Brush ........... P/N 09-21300 ....... $0.59<br />
Developed especially for working with<br />
epoxies, this 6”, or 36” wide hard rubber<br />
squeegee is superior to the plastic types.<br />
Can be easily cleaned & reused many<br />
times.<br />
6” Squeegee ....................................P/N 01-24901 ...................$3.95 ea<br />
36” Squeegee ..................................P/N 01-00012 .................. $24.60ea<br />
This graduated 2 oz. syringe is ideal for measuring<br />
and dispensing precise amounts of resins<br />
and other liquids. Note: The ink used for the<br />
graduation lines are not solvent resistant. They<br />
will rub off if contacted with a solvent.<br />
Without Cap ............P/N 01-25635 ...........$4.85<br />
Polyethylene bottle with Yorker (applicator) cap.<br />
4 Oz. Bottle ..................... P/N 01-24905 ..............$0.60<br />
16 Oz. (1 Pint) Bottle ...... P/N 01-24906 ..............$1.50<br />
Made of hi-impact polyethylene with seamless body and special safety-grip<br />
plunger. Ca pac ity 10 cc. Tapered<br />
dispensing nozzle can be clipped with scissors<br />
at proper diameter to govern output.<br />
Excellent epoxy dispenser.<br />
P/N 01-25000 .......................... $4.45<br />
These color-coded mil gauges are solid anodized<br />
aluminum for long life and come in<br />
four sizes for a variety of FRP applications.<br />
Machined to close tolerances (0.0001”) for<br />
accuracy and available in mils (inches) and<br />
microns (metric).<br />
3-18 mils .................P/N 01-00411 ........$5.25<br />
10-35 mils ...............P/N 01-00412 ........$5.75<br />
40-65 mils ...............P/N 01-00413 ........$5.35<br />
Use again and again for liquid ingredient<br />
accuracy. A must-have item when<br />
mixing resins. Seal the liquid in the container<br />
with the matching sized plastic lid.<br />
1 Qt. mix cup<br />
P/N 01-00915 .............................. $1.35<br />
1 Qt. lid<br />
P/N 01-00926 .............................. $0.54<br />
2.5 Qt. mixing cup<br />
P/N 01-00330 .............................. $2.25<br />
2.5 Qt. lid<br />
P/N 01-00331 .............................. $1.07<br />
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This plastic spreader is excellent for spreading<br />
epoxy at a steady rate to provide an even surface.<br />
Measures 4” x 4” and is notched on three sides in<br />
increments of 1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4”.<br />
P/N 01-24909 ................... $1.30 ea<br />
Perfect to measure and pour catalyst. The bottle will<br />
hold 16 oz. of catalyst and dispenses liquid safely<br />
and accurately from 2.5 to 35 cc. Measurements are<br />
instantly repeatable.<br />
P/N 01-08503 ............ $12.65<br />
This kit consists of one post cure thermometer<br />
(P/N 01-00394) and 1 regulating<br />
thermostat (P/N 08-12148) that<br />
allows control of electrical devices for<br />
heating. Snap Disc Fan Control 3/4 inch<br />
SPST Flanged Airstream Mount, Open<br />
On Rise, 180°F Cut-Out Temperature,<br />
40°F Differential. Therm-O-Disc Style<br />
60T11, Type 610013<br />
P/N 01-00393 ................. $22.00<br />
Unwaxed, flat bottom paper cups in three convenient<br />
sizes for small mixes.<br />
3 Oz. .... (100 Cups) .......... P/N 01-25600 ............. $7.50<br />
8 Oz. .... (50 Cups) ............ P/N 01-00416 ........... $10.75<br />
12 Oz. .. (60 Cups) ............ P/N 01-25700 .......... $15.50<br />
16 Oz. .. (24 Cups) ............ P/N 01-00324 ............. $7.75<br />
These mixing sticks are medical tongue<br />
depressors which work well for mixing<br />
small batches of epoxy. Size: 3/4” x 6”.<br />
Box of 500 ..........P/N 01-25800 ......$11.50<br />
This tapered spatula is stainless steel with wood<br />
handle. Ideal for making 3/8” radii on bulkheads,<br />
ribs, or anywhere a uniform<br />
radius is required.<br />
P/N 01-24915 ...........................$3.45 ea.<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
MODEL 100 MOTOTOOL - The Dremel 100 Series rotary tool offers single speed convenience for full-speed applications<br />
like routing, cutting, drilling and sanding applications. Its single speed setting is perfect for all-the-time high speed use.<br />
Ideal when one speed is all you need or for shaping, hollowing, grooving, slotting, inlaying and making tapered holes in<br />
soft metals, plastics and woods especially on curved surfaces. Constant Speed: 35,000 RPM. Cool-running ball bearing<br />
construction. Amperage: 1.15 ..........................................................................................P/N 01-18600 ...................$49.50<br />
MODEL 395 MOTOTOOL - Variable Speed: 5,000-32,000 RPM with 100% ball bearing construction for long life, smooth<br />
operation. External caps allow for easy replacement of motor brushes. Amperage: 1.2<br />
P/N 01-18700 ...................$79.75<br />
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TOOL KIT - Multipurpose Cutting<br />
Guide attachment. Ideal for multiple<br />
applications on a variety of materials<br />
and includes 21 genuine Dremel<br />
accessories. Model Number: 200-<br />
1/21. Amperage: 1.15. Cord length:<br />
6. Speed: 15,000 or 35,000 RPM.<br />
Voltage: 120 AC, 50-60 Hz. Warranty: Limited 3 Years.<br />
P/N 01-01145 ........................$84.95<br />
DREMEL MOTO TOOL KIT #200-1/15<br />
Moto-tool features smooth running, twospeed<br />
permanently lubricated bronze<br />
sleeve bearing motor. Amperage: 1.15<br />
Amps. Cord Length: 6ft. Speed: 15,000<br />
or 35,000 rpm. Voltage: 120 AC, 50-60<br />
HZ. Warranty: 3 Years<br />
P/N 01-01129 ............$72.50<br />
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NO. 402 MANDREL – The 402 mandrel is used primarily with cutoff<br />
wheels but is used with<br />
the following Dremel accessories:<br />
409, 411, 412, 413,<br />
420, 423, 425, 426, 456, 511,<br />
512, 540 and 541. Shank<br />
Diameter 1/8 , 3,2 mm<br />
P/N 01-22000 ......................$2.45<br />
CARBON MOTOR BRUSH - One pair of motor brushes for<br />
use with Dremel rotary tool model(s): 100, 200, 275, 285,<br />
300, 395 and 595 (Type 4, 5 and 6) and Dremel contour<br />
sander 6000 (Type 1 and 2). P/N 01-01180 .............$3.45<br />
MULTIPRO CHUCK - The Dremel MultiPro<br />
chuck allows you to quickly and easily change<br />
accessories on your Dremel MultiPro rotary tools<br />
without changing collets. Will accept accessories<br />
with 1/32” - 1/8” shanks. Use only with corded<br />
MultiPro tool models 275, 285, 395, 595.<br />
P/N 01-00131 .............$9.50<br />
NO. 407 1/2” DRUM SANDER - Ideal for rough shaping<br />
of wood and smoothing of fiberglass. Sander bands are<br />
replaceable. Furnished w/ one band. 1/8” shank<br />
P/N 01-19000 .............$3.35<br />
NO. 408 DRUM SANDER BANDS - 1/2” Diameter, Coarse<br />
grit. P/N 01-19100 .............$2.45<br />
DREMEL 543 CUTTING / SHAPING WHEEL - For cutting and shaping on soft and hard woods, fiberglass, plastics and laminates (not<br />
metal.) This versatile wheel is coated with tungsten carbide grit for long life. It is coated on both sides, so it cuts and finishes in one operation.<br />
P/N 01-01056 ......................................................... $17.50<br />
Use on metals, castings, welded joints, rivets and rust. Ideal for sharpening,<br />
deburring and general purpose grinding of most materials.<br />
High Speed Cutters can be used for shaping, hollowing, grooving, slotting,<br />
making tapered holes in soft metals, plastics and woods. Number<br />
198 and 199 cutters can be used to make small slits.<br />
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903 911 921 932 941 945 952 953<br />
Cutter Size Part No. Price Cutter Size Part No. Price<br />
#911 7/16” 01-00135 $2.45 #945 3/16” 01-00138 $2.45<br />
#932 3/8” 01-00137 $2.45 #952 3/8” 01-00139 $2.45<br />
#941 5/8” 01-00132 $2.45 #953 1/4” 01-00140 $3.65<br />
954 971 997 8153 8175 8193 8215<br />
Cutter Size Part No. Price Cutter Size Part No. Price<br />
#971 5/8” 01-00142 $2.45 #8175 3/8” 01-00145 $2.45<br />
#997 3/32” 01-00143 $2.45 #8193 5/8” 01-00146 $2.45<br />
#8153 3/16” 01-00144 $2.45 #8215 1” 01-00147 $2.45<br />
Fast cutting sharp teeth<br />
for greater material<br />
removal. Use on fiberglass,<br />
wood, plastic,<br />
epoxy, rubber, laminates,<br />
particle board,<br />
soft metals, ceramic tile.<br />
9933 9931 9934 9935 9936<br />
Cutter Size Part No. Price Cutter Size Part No. Price<br />
#9931 1/4” 01-00148 $12.75 #9934 5/16” 01-00152 $12.75<br />
#9933 1/4” 01-00151 $12.75 #9935 5/16” 01-00153 $12.75<br />
#9936 3/4” 01-00154 $12.75<br />
100 114 115 116 117 118 121 124 125 131<br />
134 144 190 191 192 193 194 196 198 199<br />
Cutter Size Part No. Price Cutter Size Part No. Price<br />
#100 1/4” 01-19200 $4.90 #134 5/16” 01-19800 $4.90<br />
#114 5/16” 01-19300 $4.90 #144 5/16” 01-20000 $5.95<br />
#115 5/16” 01-20800 $7.50 #190 3/32” 01-20200 $4.95<br />
#116 1/4” 01-20900 $4.90 #191 1/8” 01-20300 $4.90<br />
#117 1/4” 01-21000 $7.50 #193 5/64” 01-20500 $4.95<br />
#118 1/8” 01-21200 $4.90 #194 1/8” 01-20600 $6.95<br />
#121 1/4” 01-19400 $4.90 #192 3/16” 01-20400 $7.50<br />
#124 5/16” 01-19600 $4.90 #196 7/32” 01-20700 $7.50<br />
#125 1/4” 01-21300 $7.50 #199 3/8” 01-21700 $4.95<br />
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The weights and grits listed have been found to be<br />
the most ef fec tive for sanding fiberglass/epoxy surfaces.<br />
Sheet Size: 9” x 11”.<br />
Sandpaper Type<br />
Aluminum Oxide<br />
36 Grit<br />
A hard rubber tool which comfortably<br />
fits the hand for scratch- to<br />
finish-sanding. Used by professionals<br />
for years in all sanding<br />
operations. Sim ply cut a piece of<br />
sandpaper 2-3/4” x 9” and insert<br />
each end into the sanding block.<br />
Paper is held securely by nail<br />
retainers. Makes the sanding<br />
operation much easier.<br />
Model No. 100 ...................P/N 01-26400 ................... $10.50<br />
Open Coat “D”<br />
Weight<br />
Price /Sheet<br />
Part No. Less than 50<br />
Sheets<br />
01-26200 $1.75<br />
Wet or dry Tri-M-Ite (3M) is a silicon car bide abrasive paper made es pecially<br />
for pro duc ing satin-smooth finishes on metal and other doped,<br />
lacquered or enameled sur faces. Wet or dry performs best when used<br />
with water or oil, but can also be used dry. Sheet size 9” x 11”. Available<br />
in 220-A, 280-A, 320-A or 400-A grit.<br />
(Type A paper has an especially light, flexible backing).<br />
Sandpaper Grit Size Part No. Price/ Sheet<br />
120-A 09-20550 $1.95<br />
220-A 09-20600 $1.25<br />
280-A 09-20700 $1.18<br />
320-A 09-20800 $1.25<br />
400-A 09-20900 $1.23<br />
Milled files designed for smooth, fast work on an nealed steels, hard<br />
plastics and composite materials. 14” length, 1-11/32x5/16 sections, 8<br />
teeth per inch. P/N 01-00392 .................$49.95<br />
Preppin’ Weapon is a<br />
handy sanding block made<br />
of Styrofoam core and high<br />
impact ABS that won’t break<br />
when dropped. Easy to<br />
grip for wet or dry sanding.<br />
Contoured to fit the shape<br />
of a hand and is sized to fit<br />
a 1⁄4” sheet of plain backed<br />
8 x 11 sandpaper or a 2<br />
3⁄4” wide file paper. It’s coil<br />
spring design holds single or<br />
multiple sheets equally tight<br />
and saves reloading time by<br />
stacking up to 4 sheets and<br />
tearing them away as the<br />
abrasive wears out. Save<br />
reloading time by using colors<br />
to indicate grits. Excellent for builders of aircraft, boats, cars, etc.<br />
Yellow ...................P/N 12-00505 ...............$20.50<br />
Red .......................P/N 12-00506 ...............$19.85<br />
Green ....................P/N 12-00507 ...............$19.95<br />
A unique sanding tool which uses a 1-1/2” wide strip of sandpaper<br />
formed to make a belt. Locked taut by a patented mechanism that snaps<br />
into place with a finger pull. Its knife edge sides and padded body sand<br />
close to right angle fittings & fit into small concave recesses. Sander<br />
body is 7/8”h x 4”l and made of high impact plastic. Buy ready-made<br />
belts or make your own (6 belts from standard sheet).<br />
Mini-Sander .......................................... P/N 01-26800.................$7.95<br />
Wet or dry Mini-Strips, 3 - #500, 3 - #320, 3 - #220<br />
Pkg. of 9 Strips ..................................... P/N 01-26900.................$4.35<br />
New Continuous Belts (load free) Aluminum Oxide #120<br />
Package of 3 ........................................ P/N 01-26910.................$8.85<br />
New Continuous Belts (load free) Aluminum Oxide #220<br />
Package of 3 ........................................ P/N 01-26915.................$8.85<br />
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The Sanding Detailer is ideal for finishing those hard to reach areas. The<br />
abrasive belt can be indexed. The Sanding Detailer is spring loaded to<br />
put tension on the abrasive belt. After the abrasive belt is used up, the<br />
user can simply compress the tool and replace the abrasive belt with<br />
a fresh one. They are color coded for easy identification of grit. The<br />
replacement belts are color coded on the inside.<br />
The Standard Kit includes (shown in picture):<br />
• 1 Gray 80 Grit • 1 Red 120 Grit • 1 Orange 180 Grit • 1 Blue 240 Grit •<br />
Grit tool along with 5 Replacement Belts of each grit<br />
The Finishing Kit includes: • 1 Blue 240 Grit • 1 Green 320 Grit • 1 Yellow<br />
400 Grit • 1 Black 500 Grit • Grit tool along with 5 Replacement Belts<br />
of each grit<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Standard Kit, Coarser Grits 01-01411 $26.50<br />
Finishing Kit, Finer Grits 01-01412 $26.50<br />
80 Grit Belt- Replacements 01-01413 $4.95<br />
120 Grit Belts- Replacements 01-01414 $4.95<br />
180 Grit Belts- Replacements 01-01416 $4.95<br />
240 Grit Belts- Replacements 01-01417 $4.95<br />
320 Grit Belts- Replacements 01-01418 $4.95<br />
400 Grit Belts- Replacements 01-01419 $4.95<br />
500 Grit Belts- Replacements 01-01422 $4.95<br />
These user friendly sanding blocks are made from extruded, anodized<br />
aluminum. The 32mm (1.25”) Radius Curve is covered on the external<br />
and internal radius with Tungsten Carbide abrasive sheets. The Contour<br />
Blocks come in either the Coarse (60US grit approx.) or Fine (120US grit<br />
approx.) Small block is 5.5” long and large block is 11” long.<br />
Benefits:<br />
• Shape and sand curves, grooves, etc. quickly and easily<br />
• Great for fillets, leading edges, under cambers, etc.<br />
• Extremely tough, will not wear out like normal sandpaper<br />
• Will last for years without having to change the sheets<br />
• Does not clog easily (brush or knock out)<br />
• Easy to remove glues, resins, paint, epoxy etc. w/ paint remover<br />
140MM Contour Block (COURSE) .............P/N 01-00591 ............$25.99<br />
140MM Contour Block (FINE) ....................P/N 01-00592 ............$25.99<br />
280MM Contour Block (COURSE) .............P/N 01-00593 ...........$38.70<br />
280MM Contour Block (FINE) ....................P/N 01-00594 ............$38.70<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
Supplied with a 3mm integral arbor so they may be used in reversible<br />
drive drills and hobby drills. These files are well balanced and run<br />
smoothly, and cur a wide range of materials with little need for secondary<br />
finishing. Available in coarse and fine grit.<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
Perma-Grit Tools are made of Tungsten Carbide Grit, one of the hardest<br />
elements available, second only to diamonds. They are specifically<br />
designed and developed for aircraft builders, woodworkers, and modelers.<br />
These tools will cut, sand and shape tough composite materials,<br />
saving homebuilders hours of building time. Ideal for fuselage shaping<br />
and wing building, these tools are highly recommended by several kitplane<br />
manufacturers. Available in coarse (180) & fine (320) grit.<br />
Model No. Part No. Description Price<br />
RF1C 12-00070 Narrow Cone coarse $15.55<br />
RF1F 12-00071 Narrow Cone fine $15.55<br />
RF2C 12-00072 Wide Cone Coarse $15.55<br />
RF2F 12-00073 Wide Cone Fine $14.85<br />
RF3C 12-00074 Drum Coarse $15.55<br />
RF3F 12-00075 Drum Fine $15.50<br />
RF4C 12-00076 Pancake Coarse $15.55<br />
RF4F 12-00077 Pancake Fine $15.55<br />
RF5C 12-00078 Domehead Coarse $15.50<br />
RF5F 12-00079 Domehead Fine $15.50<br />
RF6C 12-00080 1/8 diameter Rod Coarse $15.55<br />
RF6F 12-02247 1/8 diameter Rod Fine $14.80<br />
These verstile sanding blocks are<br />
ideal for sanding large areas, creating<br />
straight edges, producing<br />
dihedral angles, profiling leading<br />
edges, feathering trailing edges,<br />
and more. The sanding blocks<br />
are coarse grit on one side and<br />
fine grit on the opposing side.<br />
The flexible grit strips can be cut<br />
and shaped to any form, external<br />
or internal.<br />
Model # Part No. Description Price<br />
SB140 12-00064 140mm x 51mm Coarse one side, fine opp. $26.50<br />
SB280 12-00065 280mm x 51mm Coarse one side, fine opp. $36.50<br />
SB560 12-00066 560mm x 51mm Coarse one side, fine opp. $53.75<br />
FXT-103 12-00060 51mm x 280mm Fine Grit Strip $12.50<br />
FXT-104 12-00061 51mm x 280mm Coarse Grit Strip $12.50<br />
FXT-106 12-00062 51mm x 140mm Fine Grit Strip $10.50<br />
FXT-107 12-00063 51mm x 140mm Coarse Grit Strip $9.85<br />
Set of 5 files: Hand, Round, Halfround, Square<br />
and 3-Square Extremely versatile tools, popular<br />
for detailed work.These file cuts in any direction<br />
and does not clog easily. Cuts quickly leaving an<br />
excellent finish. P/N 12-01752 ..............$57.75<br />
Model No. Part No. Description Price<br />
F-101 12-00040 230mm x 38mm Flat Fine File $12.50<br />
F-102 12-00041 230mm x 38mm Flat Coarse $12.50<br />
R-200F 12-00042 230mm x 26mm / 36mm diameter Fine $12.50<br />
R-200C 12-00043 230mm x 26mm / 36mm diameter Coarse $12.50<br />
R-201C 12-00044 230mm x 38mm Tangent Coarse $12.50<br />
R-201F 12-00045 230mm x 38mm Tangent Fine $12.50<br />
R-202C 12-00046 18mm diameter tube Coarse $12.50<br />
R-202F 12-00047 18mm diameter tube Fine $13.50<br />
R-203C 12-00048 12mm diameter tube Coarse $12.50<br />
R-203F 12-00049 12mm diameter tube Fine $12.50<br />
R-204C 12-00050 6 mm round Coarse grit $12.50<br />
R-204F 12-00051 6 mm round Fine grit $12.50<br />
S-204C 12-00052 6 mm square Coarse grit $12.50<br />
S-204F 12-00053 6 mm square Fine grit $12.50<br />
R-101 12-00054 230mm x 38mm diameter Internal Fine grit $13.50<br />
R-102 12-00055 230mm x 38mm diameter Internal Coarse grit $12.50<br />
Set 8C<br />
contains: 8 popular shapes in Tool Roll F-101, F102,<br />
12-00056<br />
R-200C, R-201C, R-202C, R-203C, R-204C, S-204C $83.85<br />
contains: 8 popular shapes in Tool Roll F-101,<br />
Set 8F 12-00057 F102, R-200F, R-201F, R-202F, R-203F, R-204F, $83.85<br />
S-204F<br />
TR1<br />
Tool Roll - Holds 8 tools, red plastic w/velcro fastener<br />
12-00058 $7.50<br />
These durable cutting discs<br />
are abailable in two sizes<br />
(19mm and 32mm) and<br />
come complete with a 3mm<br />
steel arbor to fit hobby<br />
drills. Will cut all woods,<br />
piano wire, composites,<br />
ceramics, stone, etc.<br />
Model No. Part No. Description Price<br />
RD1 12-00067 19mm diameter disc with arbor $13.50<br />
RD2 12-00068 32mm disc with arbor $14.50<br />
RD3 12-00069 19 & 32mm disc with arbor $23.65<br />
These extremely versatile tools are excellent for shaping and finishing.<br />
They will cut in any direction and do not clog easily. Our needle files<br />
cut quickly and leave an excellent finish. Very popular for detail work.<br />
Furnished in Medium 280 grit. RIFFLER FILES LARGE NEEDLE FILES<br />
NFH<br />
NF-1<br />
RF-1<br />
LNF-1<br />
Model No. Part No. Description Price<br />
NF1H 12-00081 Set of 5 needle files w/ Handle $50.95<br />
NF1 12-00082 Set of 5 needle files w/o Handle $47.80<br />
NF-F 12-00083 Flat needle file $12.50<br />
NF-K 12-00084 Knife needle file only $11.75<br />
NF-R 12-00085 Round needle file only $12.50<br />
NF-S 12-00086 Square needle file only $12.50<br />
NF-T 12-00087 Triangle needle file only $11.70<br />
RIF-1 12-00088 HSet of 5 Riffler files w/ Handle $52.75<br />
RIF1 12-00089 Set of 5 Riffler files w/o Handle $47.50<br />
RIF-F 12-00090 Flat Riffler file only $11.70<br />
RIF-H 12-00091 Half-round Riffler file only $12.50<br />
RIF-R 12-00092 Round Riffler file only $11.70<br />
RIF-S 12-00093 Square Riffler file only $12.50<br />
RIF-T 12-00094 Triangle Riffler file only $12.50<br />
LNF-1 12-00095 Set of 5 Large needle files / no handle $53.75<br />
LNF-F 12-00096 Flat Large needle file only $14.50<br />
LNF-H 12-00097 Half-Round Large needle file only $14.50<br />
LNF-R 12-00098 Round Large needle file only $14.50<br />
LNF-S 12-00099 Square Large needle file only $14.50<br />
LNF-T 12-00100 Triangle Large needle file only $14.50<br />
NFH 12-00101 Needle File handle only $4.55<br />
Comfortable plastic handle with brass collet to accept<br />
all large (18cms) needle files.Overall length 115mm.<br />
Collect 5mm<br />
PN 12-00166 .................$4.50<br />
41<br />
CM<br />
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Invisible Gloves #1211 are a soft paste-like substance<br />
that when applied to hands provide protection<br />
against caustic and carcinogenic chemical<br />
products including hydraulic fluid, paints, ink, MEK,<br />
zinc chromate, jet fuel, graphite, engine exhaust<br />
by-products, adhesives and much more. Invisible<br />
Gloves meets military and industrial safety standards<br />
and can protect any area of the body (hands, arms, face, legs,<br />
etc...) exposed to hazardous products. Especially useful in working with<br />
materials used in composite aircraft construction. One pint yields 100<br />
pair of gloves. Invisible Gloves #1211 are easily removed with water.<br />
Allows complete freedom of hand and finger movement. Hands will not<br />
heat up and tools will not slip. ............P/N 12-15800 ............ $8.85/pint<br />
Protect your hands with a protective skin lotion<br />
called Gloves in a Bottle. Perfect for homebuilders,<br />
particularly those who work with composite aircraft,<br />
it binds with skin, forming an invisible pair of gloves<br />
to help protect against machinery and chemicals. It<br />
also protects against cracking and drying due to cold<br />
weather. 8 oz. .......... P/N 01-00656...............$15.65<br />
Powder-Free Nitrile. Superior Puncture<br />
& Abrasion Resistance. Latex-Free<br />
Textured Grip Beaded Cuff Ambidextrous.<br />
6 mil Nitrile. Sold in boxes of 100 gloves.<br />
Medium ................. P/N 01-01402...............$13.50<br />
Large ..................... P/N 01-01403...............$12.90<br />
X-Large ................. P/N 01-01404...............$13.50<br />
XX-Large ............... P/N 01-01406...............$12.90<br />
Lightly Powdered Exam Grade Latex.<br />
Extra Thick Latex Protection. 12” Length<br />
for Added Protection. Textured Grip.<br />
Beaded Cuff. Ambidextrous. 14 mil<br />
Latex. Sold in boxes of 50 gloves.<br />
Medium ................. P/N 01-01394...............$15.75<br />
Large ..................... P/N 01-01395...............$16.50<br />
X-Large ................. P/N 01-01396...............$16.50<br />
XX-Large ............... P/N 01-01397...............$15.75<br />
SERIES 8 - A less expensive “clone” of the famous PR88<br />
hand creme developed in Europe, Series 8 is highly<br />
recommended by Rutan <strong>Aircraft</strong> Factory for working with<br />
epoxies. It protects hands from most epoxies, grease,<br />
oil paint, paste, gasoline, tar, lacquer, acetone, styrene,<br />
fiberglass and many more substances. It helps prevent<br />
chapping, cracking and drying of hands, and is an excellent aid to persons<br />
with sensitive skin. No soap is needed for cleanup - hands wash<br />
clean with water alone.<br />
32 Oz. (Qt.) Plastic Jar ........P/N 13-38306 .................................. $19.65<br />
Provides a thin, invisible, flex ible film which is an excellent barrier<br />
to epoxy resins, rubber ad he sives, vinyl plasticizers, polyester<br />
resins and glass fibers. Epoxy and gel wash off easily in soap<br />
and water.<br />
One-Lb. Jar ...................... P/N 01-36100 .................. $10.60<br />
Can be mixed with soap and water. Is harmless to rubber.<br />
Use as a solvent for thinning, removing and cleaning epoxy,<br />
brushes, and equipment.<br />
Gallon ..................................P/N 01-00399 ................$13.80<br />
Cleans polyester and epoxy resins from tools and<br />
hands without the hazards associated with chemical<br />
cleaning solvents. It is a non-volatile, non-flammable,<br />
and a biodegradable replacement for acetone and<br />
MEK solvents. Replacetone separates resins to the<br />
bottom of the cleaning container, but it does not dissolve<br />
them. Pour off non-emulsified Replacetone and<br />
use again.<br />
Quart ................................................. P/N 01-08823 ................. $15.85<br />
Gallon ................................................. P/N 01-08834 ................. $39.75<br />
Disposable but reusable gloves which<br />
resist tearing. Large size. Fits right or<br />
left hand. Box of 100.<br />
P/N 01-36550 ....................$10.85<br />
These gloves are resistant to the permeation<br />
of epoxy resins and curing agents<br />
and have been found to offer by far the<br />
best protection of any glove available.<br />
P/N 01-36700 ................................ $24.75<br />
Lightweight liners - wear under latex<br />
gloves. More comfort, improved sensitivity.<br />
P/N 01-36600 ......................... $0.95/Pair<br />
Heavy Duty Gloves: Resistant to abrasions and<br />
tears. Fully textured grip. Powder free. Great<br />
for automotive, motorcycle, marine, and aviation<br />
technicians. 14 Mil thick. Twelve inch cuff length.<br />
Textured grip with maximum tear resistance. Size:<br />
Large. .......................P/N 01-00598 ................$19.50<br />
Astro-Grip Dual-Sided Scale Grip Disposable.<br />
Powder-free nitrile. Thickness: 6 mil. Dual-sided<br />
scale textured surface for superior grip. High visibility<br />
safety orange color. Non-latex. Exceptional<br />
chemical and puncture resistance. Maximum comfort<br />
for extended wear. 100 gloves per box.<br />
Medium ....................................................P/N 01-01532 ..............$14.65<br />
Large .......................................................P/N 01-01533 ..............$14.65<br />
X-Large ....................................................P/N 01-01534 ..............$14.90<br />
XX-Large .......P/N 01-01536 ..............$14.65<br />
GLOVES<br />
5mil Latex powder free Industrial gloves.<br />
General Purpose Lite Duty Gloves. Excellent<br />
Dexterity. Pack of 100. P/N 01-01586 $10.85<br />
These are the tough, full-body suits with hoods that professional<br />
painters use. Available in extra large or extra extra<br />
large.<br />
X-Large ..............................P/N 01-36800 ................$7.95<br />
XX-Large ............................P/N 01-36805 ................$8.75<br />
RECYCLED TYVEK® APRONS - The Better-Than-Plastic<br />
Apron. A regular throw-away plastic apron might be good<br />
enough for small jobs. But for complete protection from<br />
food splashes, hot oil, dangerous chemicals, and other big<br />
messes, the serious professional chooses a Tyvek® apron.<br />
Features: • Bib style for full protection. • 28” x 36” in size. •<br />
Serged seams for strength. • Long ties to customize the fit,<br />
PN 12-01824 .............................. $2.75<br />
High top boot covers w/elastic top.<br />
PN 12-01825 ............................. $2.03<br />
TYVEK® DISPOSABLE - Shoe Covers, Boot Covers<br />
With a Tyvek® disposable shoe covers you don’t have<br />
to compromise. That’s because Tyvek® disposable shoe<br />
covers deliver the best balance of protection, durability and<br />
comfort. Color: White.<br />
PN 12-01995 ............................. $1.79<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
(Inches)<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> spruce spars are available either S2S (surfaced 2 sides, top & bottom, with rough edges in 4” & 6” nominal width) or S4S (surfaced all 4 sides<br />
to thick ness & width). Prices in table below are for S4S spars. If S2S is desired so builder can trim to exact width, specify S2S and use 4” or 6” width<br />
prices from table. Request quote on spar widths wider than 6”. Spars for certificated aircraft such as Aer onca, Stearman, Taylorcraft and Piper are<br />
available and may be priced from the ta ble. Since many of these early air craft were “handmade”, the spars are often not uniform in size for a particular<br />
model. Therefore, the finished net dimensions should be specified when ordering replacement spars. Please price to nearest frac tion.<br />
Thousands of feet of S2S aircraft quality spruce are stocked in our Corona, CA. and Peachtree City, GA. warehouses. Orders for spars, spruce kits<br />
and capstrip can usually be shipped within three weeks after receipt of order. Spars wider than 6” must be milled from 8” spe cial ly selected stock which<br />
requires a long and indefinite lead time. Prices on request.<br />
For additional technical information refer to a complete reprint of spruce speci fi ca tion MIL-S-6073 and plywood specification MIL-P-6070.<br />
P/N 13-14900................................ $5.95<br />
When ordering either spars or capstrip, designate the thickness first, then the width and length.<br />
Ex am ples: 3/4”T x 4-1/4”W x 14’L spar; 1/4”T x 1/2”W x 5’L capstrip.<br />
WIDTH (Inches)<br />
2-3/4 3 3-1/4 3-1/2 3-3/4 4 4-1/4 4-1/2 4-3/4 5 5-1/4 5-1/2 5-3/4 6<br />
1/8 $3.80 $3.80 $3.80 $3.80 $3.80 $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $6.50<br />
3/16 $3.80 $3.80 $3.80 $3.80 $3.80 $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $6.50<br />
1/4 $3.80 $3.80 $3.80 $3.80 $3.80 $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $6.50<br />
5/16 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $13.25<br />
3/8 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $13.25<br />
1/2 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $13.25<br />
5/8 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $13.25<br />
11/16 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $13.25<br />
3/4 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $13.25<br />
13/16 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.75 $11.75 $11.75 $11.75 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $16.75<br />
7/8 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.75 $11.75 $11.75 $11.75 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $16.75<br />
15/16 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.75 $11.75 $11.75 $11.75 $14.25 $14.25 $14.25 $14.25 $16.75<br />
1 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.75 $11.75 $11.75 $11.75 $14.25 $14.25 $14.25 $14.25 $16.75<br />
1-1/8 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $14.25 $14.25 $14.25 $14.25 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $20.00<br />
1-1/4 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $14.25 $14.25 $14.25 $14.25 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.25<br />
1-1/2 $9.50 $9.50 --- $9.50 $9.50 $12.00 -- -- --- $14.75 --- --- --- $17.25<br />
1-5/8 --- $11.80 --- --- $13.50 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- $17.75 $29.50<br />
(Inches)<br />
Faster delivery can be assured if guidelines re gard ing minimum acceptable lengths are pro vid ed. Orders are often<br />
delayed await ing delivery of lumber to the even footage specified whereas shipment could be made if the minimum<br />
usable lengths were indicated. Example: 3/4” nominal 6” x 12’ (131-1/2” min.).<br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> and tubing kits may be combined with plywood and other build ing supplies for a single truck delivery charge.<br />
Assortment of at least ten pieces, in random lengths from 1 ft. to 5 ft., of rough, S2S or S4S remnants and cutoffs.<br />
A usable selection is assured. Approx. wt. 20 lbs. P/N 02-03600 ........................................... $37.50<br />
METRIC SIZES - <strong>Spruce</strong> can be cut to metric sizes upon request only as special order, non cancelable<br />
and non refundable.<br />
Using our current part numbers please select one size greater than desired and at check out in<br />
"Special Instructions" advise exact metric dimensions needed.<br />
* Please order by part number and also state exact thickness, width and length to verify part number. <strong>Spruce</strong> part numbers begin with “02” and finish<br />
with thickness and width. Examples: 3/4”T x 5-1/4”W is P/N 02-34514; 1-1/4”T x 6”w is P/N 02-1146. Provide part number and footage required of<br />
each size. Specify any par ticu lar lengths required. Thicker & wider sizes sub ject to availability. Request quotation.<br />
WIDTH (Inches)<br />
3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 2-1/2<br />
1/8 $0.34 $0.34 $0.38 $0.40 $0.49 $0.52 $0.57 $0.72 $0.80 $0.92 $1.17 $1.39 $1.64 $1.87 $2.05 $2.25<br />
3/16 $0.34 $0.34 $0.38 $0.40 $0.49 $0.53 $0.57 $0.70 $0.80 $0.92 $1.17 $1.39 $1.64 $1.87 $2.05 $2.25<br />
1/4 $0.33 $0.37 $0.40 $0.50 $0.52 $0.57 $0.70 $0.80 $0.90 $1.17 $1.39 $1.64 $1.87 $2.05 $2.25<br />
5/16 $0.42 $0.49 $0.72 $0.81 $0.85 $0.90 $0.95 $1.05 $1.39 $1.72 $1.87 $2.10 $2.50 $2.75<br />
3/8 $0.72 $0.84 $0.98 $1.23 $1.48 $1.74 $1.95 $2.45 $2.95 $3.45 $3.55 $4.50 $4.90<br />
1/2 $1.12 $1.35 $1.62 $1.87 $2.05 $2.70 $3.25 $3.75 $4.40 $4.75 $5.25<br />
5/8 $1.62 $1.89 $2.15 $2.35 $2.80 $3.55 $3.90 $4.70 $5.00 $5.25<br />
3/4 $1.95 $2.20 $2.50 $3.05 $3.75 $4.05 $4.85 $5.25 $5.75<br />
7/8 $2.50 $2.80 $3.40 $4.05 $4.65 $5.00 $5.75 $6.25<br />
1 $4.00 $4.00 $4.75 $5.00 $5.50 $6.25 $6.75<br />
Please order by part number and also state exact thickness and width. Begin part number with “02”, then thickness & width.<br />
Example: 1/4”T x 3/8”W is P/N 02-1438. Capstrip is furnished in lengths as specified by customer.<br />
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Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
CM<br />
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Acro Sport ......................................................02-03700 .........$784.43<br />
Acro Sport II ...................................................02-03800 ......$1,540.57<br />
Baby Great Lakes ...........................................02-03900 .........$982.44<br />
Bobcat ............................................................02-25100 ......$1,071.00<br />
Christavia MK 1 ..............................................01-39880 ......$1,355.00<br />
Christavia MK 4 ..............................................01-39910 ......$2,169.84<br />
Corby Starlet CJ-1 (less spars) ......................02-04300 ......$1,227.99<br />
Cvjetkovic CA-65 ............................................02-04400 ......$2,330.75<br />
Cygnet ............................................................02-04500 ......$1,922.52<br />
EAA Bi-Plane (Original Wing) ........................02-00223 ......$1,450.00<br />
EAA Bi-Plane (P-Wing) ..................................02-04600 ......$1,356.00<br />
Fly Baby <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit ........................................01-00977 ......$2,564.10<br />
GN-1 Aircamper ** ..........................................02-04700 ......$2,427.52<br />
GP-4 ...............................................................02-25200 ......$5,063.48<br />
Hatz Bi-Plane .................................................02-04800 ......$2,088.68<br />
Kelly-D ............................................................02-04900 .........$804.00<br />
Mitchell B-10 ...................................................02-05000 .........$669.00<br />
One Design ...................................................See Page 15 for Kits<br />
Osprey II ** .....................................................02-05100 ......$4,545.10<br />
Original Pietenpol Aircamper ...................... See Page 18 for Kits<br />
Pitts Special (Basic) M-6 or S-1D ..................02-05200 ......$1,378.50<br />
Pober Pixie (spruce & plywood) .....................01-01136 ......$2,058.96<br />
Rand KR-1 ** ..................................................02-05400 ......$1,183.69<br />
Rand KR-2 ** ..................................................02-05500 ......$1,381.76<br />
Rand KR-2S ...................................................02-05510 ......$1,490.47<br />
Skybolt ............................................................02-05700 ......$1,644.14<br />
Smith Miniplane ..............................................02-05800 .........$753.99<br />
VP-1 ................................................................01-00222 .........$833.55<br />
VP-2 ................................................................02-08800 .........$921.60<br />
Volmer Sportsman VJ-22 (less wings) ...........02-06000 ......$2,438.77<br />
War <strong>Aircraft</strong> Corsair ........................................02-06100 ...... $1,528.53<br />
War <strong>Aircraft</strong> P-47 ............................................02-06200 .........$684.05<br />
War <strong>Aircraft</strong> FW-190 .......................................02-06300 ......$1,534.00<br />
War <strong>Aircraft</strong> Sea Fury .....................................02-06400 ......... $564.00<br />
Wittman Tailwind** ........................................02-06500 ......$1,296.00<br />
** Wing & aileron spars finished to net dimensions. Not beveled.<br />
Acro Sport ....................................................02-06600 ..........$735.20<br />
Acro Sport II .................................................02-03810 ..........$755.79<br />
Baby Great Lakes .........................................02-06700 ..........$588.40<br />
Bakeng Duce ................................................02-06800 ..........$496.00<br />
Barracuda .....................................................02-06900 ..........$956.03<br />
Bowers Fly Baby (Spars) .............................02-07000 ..........$591.50<br />
Bowers Complete Wing Kit ..........................02-07100 .......$1,493.87<br />
Christavia MK 4 ............................................01-39980 .......$2,169.84<br />
Corby Starlet (Two Piece Wing Spar Kit) .....02-09000 ..........$464.07<br />
Cvjetkovic CA-65 ..........................................02-07300 .......$1,613.00<br />
EAA Bi-Plane (Original Wing) ......................02-07400 ..........$944.00<br />
EAA Bi-Plane (P- Wing) ...............................02-00222 ..........$878.00<br />
Hatz Bi-Plane ...............................................02-07500 .......$1,238.00<br />
Kelly-D ..........................................................02-07600 .......$1,061.00<br />
Marquart Charg er .........................................02-07700 .......$1,082.50<br />
Pitts Special M-6 or S-1D .............................02-07800 ..........$657.90<br />
One Design .................................................See Page 15 for Kits<br />
Sauser P6E ..................................................02-02000 .......$1,264.90<br />
Skybolt ..........................................................02-07900 .......$1,260.18<br />
Smith Miniplane ............................................02-08000 ..........$410.75<br />
Stolp Starduster Single Place ......................02-08200 ..........$718.35<br />
Starduster “Too” ...........................................02-08300 .......$1,051.25<br />
Starlet ...........................................................02-08400 ..........$447.95<br />
Wittman Tailwind ..........................................02-08500 ..........$621.50<br />
Wittman “V” ..................................................02-08600 ..........$343.95<br />
EAA Bi-Plane Complete Kit ................................................ 99 Lbs.<br />
Pitts Special Complete Kit .................................................. 73 Lbs.<br />
Pitts Special Spar Kit Only ................................................. 35 Lbs.<br />
Miniplane Complete Kit ...................................................... 49 Lbs.<br />
Fly Baby Com plete Kit ...................................................... 132 Lbs.<br />
KR-1 Complete Kit ............................................................. 61 Lbs.<br />
NOTE: Our spruce kits are produced from materials lists which are believed to be accurate. However, since designers may modify certain<br />
dimensions after the original plans are released, we urge the builder to verify sizes and current price before ordering.<br />
90° Corner Blocking<br />
Order by the foot.<br />
Size Price Part Per Ft. Size Part No. Price<br />
No.<br />
1/4” 02-17600 $0.57 1/2” 02-18000 $1.09<br />
5/16” 02-17700 $0.74 5/8” 02-18100 $1.15<br />
3/8” 02-17800 $0.47 3/4” 02-18200 $2.05<br />
7/16” 02-17900 $0.79 7/8” 02-18300 $2.20<br />
Standard <strong>Spruce</strong> stringer ma te rial finished<br />
to the di men sions il lus trated.<br />
Lengths over 8 feet re quire truck shipment.<br />
Lengths to 8 Ft.<br />
P/N 02-18400 .....................$1.45/ft.<br />
Add 20% for lengths over 8 feet.<br />
Reprint of Government Speci fi ca tions MIL-S-6073<br />
and MIL-P-6070.<br />
P/N 13-14900 .......................... $5.95<br />
Balsa is the lightest com mer cial wood<br />
in the world, weighing less than 10<br />
lbs./cu.ft. Pound for pound, it is one<br />
of the strongest - both its stiffness<br />
and bend ing strength ex ceed White<br />
<strong>Spruce</strong>, West ern Yellow Pine, Douglas<br />
Fir, White Oak and many other commercially<br />
used woods. It is easily cut,<br />
turned, carved, shaped, glued, sanded<br />
and fin ished, all with ordinary wood working tools and techniques. It<br />
can be shaped with abrasive wheels either wet or dry. It can be cut<br />
into extremely thin veneers. Almost any kind of coating will ad here to it.<br />
Meets specifications MIL-B-2747 and MIL-S-7998.<br />
Furnished as 2” thick boards, 3 ft. long from 3”-6” wide. Material which<br />
may be glued together by the builder to make the re quired size pieces.<br />
2” x 4” x 3 ft Pc. ...............P/N 02-03500 ............$19.65/ea.<br />
Flat, bonderized steel nails, brass plated to prevent rusting and cement<br />
coated to improve holding power. Manufactured to Federal Specification<br />
FF-N-105 (formerly AN301). Order by part no.<br />
Part No.<br />
Size<br />
Price<br />
Length Gauge 1/4 Lb. 1/2 Lb. 1 Lb<br />
AN301-20-2 1/4” 20 $4.38 $8.75 $17.50<br />
AN301-20-3 3/8” 20 $5.46 $10.93 $21.85<br />
AN301-20-4 1/2” 20 $4.14 $8.28 $16.55<br />
AN301-20-5 5/8” 20 $2.70 $5.40 $10.80<br />
AN301-20-6 3/4” 20 $5.24 $10.48 $20.95<br />
AN301-20-8 1” 20 $5.88 $11.75 $23.50<br />
There are approximately 9,000 3/8” x 20 steel nails per pound.<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
American-made structural aircraft-grade plywood is made of imported African Mahogany or American Birch<br />
veneers laminated in a hot press to hardwood cores of Poplar or Bass wood with waterproof glue. Will meet<br />
all requirements of specification MIL-P-6070, which calls for shear testing after immersion in boiling water for 3<br />
hours. Far superior to many plywoods in which all plies are 1/16” thick and laminated in a cold press to make up<br />
the total thickness. Tests should be made on cold-press plywoods before use in aerobatic aircraft.<br />
Thickness<br />
90° Mahogany 90° Birch<br />
No. of<br />
In. Approx. MM. Plies<br />
Approx. Wt. 4’ x<br />
8’ Sheet<br />
Part No.** 4’ x 8’ Sheet<br />
Approx. Wt. 4’ x 8’<br />
Sheet<br />
Part No.** 4’ x 8’ Sheet<br />
1/16 (.070) 1.5 3 6 Lbs. 02-189-- $116.75 7 Lbs. 02-243-- $89.90<br />
3/32 (.100) 2.5 3 10 Lbs. 02-191-- $139.75 12 Lbs. 02-244-- $95.25<br />
1/8 (.125) 3.2 3 12 Lbs. 02-193-- $139.95 15 Lbs. 02-245-- $97.50<br />
3/16 (.190) 4.8 3-5 20 Lbs. 02-195-- $208.95 24 Lbs. 02-246-- $215.95<br />
1/4 (.250) 6.4 5 25 Lbs. 02-197-- $267.95 30 Lbs. 02-247-- $259.95<br />
5/16 (.312) 7.9 5 Lbs. 02-198-- $284.95 30 Lbs. 02-251-- $269.95<br />
3/8 (.375) 9.5 5 Lbs. 02-199-- $299.95 30 Lbs. 02-266-- $309.00<br />
7/16 (.437) 11.1 7 Lbs. 02-120-- $289.95 30 Lbs. 02-267-- $378.00<br />
1/2 (.500) 12.7 7 Lbs. 02-121-- $364.00 30 Lbs. 02-260-- $321.95<br />
45° Mahogany 45° Birch<br />
1/16 (.070) 1.5 3 6 Lbs. 02-188-- $227.95 7 Lbs. 02-248-- $212.95<br />
3/32 (.100) 2.5 3 10 Lbs. 02-190-- $252.95 12 Lbs. 02-249-- $227.95<br />
1/8 (.125) 3.2 3 12 Lbs. 02-192-- $258.95 15 Lbs. 02-250-- $227.95<br />
1/4 (.250) 6.4 5 --- --- --- 30 Lbs. 02-271-- $420.95<br />
*Domestic plywood is sold only in 2’x4’ (8 Sq.Ft.), 4’x4’ (16 Sq.Ft.), 2’x8’ (16 Sq.Ft.), and full 4’ x 8’ sheets. If ordering less than full sheet, compute<br />
cost based on price/sq.ft. shown in above table.<br />
** The part numbers of full 4’ x 8’ sheets end with “80”. For less than full sheets, the last two digits will change according to the size ordered. Change<br />
the last two digits in the part number to “10” for 4’ x 4’, “20” for 2’ x 8’ and “30 for 2’ x 4’. Example: 1/16” mahogany 90° is 02-18980 (4’ x 8’), 02-18910<br />
(4’ x4’), 02-18920 (2’ x 8’) and 02-18930 (2’ x4’).<br />
Note: Full sheets are 4’ x 4’ and half sheets are 2’ x 4’,<br />
with the exception of 02-00236 which are furnished in<br />
61” x 61” full sheets.<br />
Quality Birch <strong>Aircraft</strong> grade plywood produced to AB/B<br />
grade on all thicknesses. Finnish birch plywood is furnished in 48” x 48”<br />
sheets, depending on current availability. Prices fluctuate with changes<br />
in sheet sizes. Full sheets require truck shipment unless cut in half for<br />
UPS. Color may vary. Attention: 2’ x 4’ Plywood are cut with grain.<br />
If cross cut required, specify at time of order.<br />
Thickness<br />
Half Sheet 2’x4’<br />
Full Sheet 4’x4’<br />
Plies<br />
Nom. Inch. mm Part No. Price Part No. Price<br />
1/64 0.4 3 02-20250 $29.38 02-20200 $58.75<br />
1/32 0.8 3 02-20350 $16.25 02-20300 $32.50<br />
3/64 1.0 3 02-50050 $19.95 02-50000 $39.90<br />
1/16 1.5 3 02-20450 $19.33 02-20400 $38.65<br />
3/32 2.5 5 02-20550 $31.38 02-20500 $62.75<br />
1/8 3 5 02-20650 $33.88 02-20600 $67.75<br />
5/32 4 8 02-00237 $57.98 02-00236 $115.95<br />
3/16 5 10 02-20750 $71.95 02-20700 $143.90<br />
1/4 6 12 02-20850 $56.38 02-20800 $112.75<br />
Corby Starlet 2MM x 48” x 48” ..................P/N 02-28050 ............ $49.90<br />
1/4 Birch/Poplar 5ply, 45° ..........................P/N 02-27180 .......... $420.95<br />
Okoume (o-KUE-me), also referred to as Gaboon, is an<br />
African hardwood widely used in Europe over the past<br />
century. Light pinkish brown in color, sometimes lustrous<br />
with variable interlocking grain, the rotary cut panel can<br />
be painted or finished bright. The natural durability of this<br />
species is extremely low and care must be taken to finish all surfaces,<br />
face and edges. Often recommended for use with epoxy saturation<br />
systems, the panel exhibits high strength to weight ratios. Face veneers<br />
are made from 1.3 mm thick A/B grade rotary cut veneer. Cores and<br />
crossbands are solid-joined and the panel glued with waterproof glue.<br />
Okoume panels are extensively used by race class boat builders, rowing<br />
shell builders and in various applications. Where its lighter weight, good<br />
bending prop er ties and ease of finishing are a value, 5/32” thickness is<br />
used in the One Design Kit <strong>Aircraft</strong> and applicable to a wide variety of<br />
Homebuilt <strong>Aircraft</strong>, sold in 4’x8’ sheets. Wt. of 5/32” sheet is 8.8 lb. Wt.<br />
of 1/4” sheet is 28 lbs. Thickness varies from 4mm to 6mm. Can be cut<br />
down for shipping. Certified bs1088<br />
4mm thick x 4’ x 8’ sheet .............. P/N 02-20100 ...........$69.50<br />
6mm thick x 4’ x 8’ sheet .............. P/N 02-00076 ...........$99.85<br />
The beautiful, pliable answer to shaped and curved<br />
construction problems. Lite Ply ® is distinguished by<br />
its even grain, virtually snow white appearance and<br />
unusual resilience. It is a true “white wood, “ poplar and<br />
finishes uniformly, whether stained or painted.<br />
Supplied for over 50 years, Lite Ply ® has proven to be<br />
an excellent wood for industries where weight is a concern. Lite Ply ®<br />
has been proven to be a cost effective alternative to other light weight<br />
panels.<br />
4’ X 8’ Sheet 1/8” 3MM .................... P/N 02-00115 ...................... $36.50<br />
4’ X 8’ Sheet 1/4” 6MM .................... P/N 02-00116 ...................... $56.50<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
$4.00 packing<br />
charge for less<br />
than 3 sheets<br />
unless cut to<br />
2’x4’ pieces for<br />
UPS shipment.<br />
First quality marine plywood that meets or exceeds<br />
requirements of specifications PSI-74. All are Douglas<br />
Fir.<br />
Thickness<br />
No. of Part<br />
Price<br />
Plies No.* 2’x2’ 2’x4’ 4’x4’ 4’x8’<br />
1/4” 3 02-210-- $12.84 $24.69 $49.38 $98.75<br />
3/8” 4 02-211-- $10.37 $19.94 $39.88 $79.75<br />
1/2” 5 02-212-- $11.25 $22.00 $44.75 $79.50<br />
5/8” 7 02-213-- $12.84 $24.69 $49.38 $98.75<br />
3/4” 7 02-214-- $12.70 $24.41 $48.83 $97.65<br />
1” 7 02-215-- $17.00 $33.00 $66.50 $133.75<br />
*Please order by part number, note thickness & size for ver i fi cation.<br />
The part numbers for full 4’x8’ sheets end with “80”. For less<br />
than full sheets, the last 2 digits of the part number. will change<br />
according to size ordered. Change last 2 digits of the part no to<br />
“20” for 2’x2’, “40” for 2’x4’ & “60” for 4’x4’. Example: 1/4” 2’x4’<br />
is 02-21040.<br />
BASSWOOD MIL-P-6070<br />
Basswood meets MIL-P-6070 but is lighter and has more<br />
flexibility than Mahogany & Birch plywood, but has slightly<br />
less structural strength.<br />
No. of<br />
Price<br />
Thickness Part No.*<br />
Plies 2’x2’ 2’x4’ 4’x4’ 4’x8’<br />
1/16” 3 02-253-- $15.75 $30.50 $61.50 $123.95<br />
3/32” 3 02-254-- $15.99 $31.99 $63.98 $127.95<br />
1/8” 3 02-255-- $16.87 $32.44 $64.88 $129.75<br />
3/16” 3 02-256-- $18.00 $35.00 $70.50 $139.75<br />
1/4” 5 02-257-- $30.75 $48.50 $97.50 $195.95<br />
5/16' 5 02-258-- $24.50 $49.71 $99.43 $223.95<br />
3/8” 5 02-261-- $27.75 $53.50 $106.95 $215.95<br />
7/16” 7 02-262-- $32.75 $126.95 $126.95 $274.95<br />
1/2” 7 02-263-- $38.25 $74.00 $147.95 $316.00<br />
5/8” 9 02-265-- $42.00 $81.00 $192.95 $384.95<br />
3/4” 9 02-264-- $57.50 $110.95 $221.95 $444.95<br />
NOTE: All sheets 4’x8’. All plies are basswood. Grain is 90°. Part<br />
nos for full 4’x8’ sheets end with “80”. For less than full sheets, the<br />
last 2 digits will change according to the size ordered. Change the<br />
last 2 digits in the part no to “60” for 4’x4’, “20” for 2’x2’ and “40”<br />
for 2’x4’. See example in domestic plywood table.<br />
5/16” 5 PLY BIRCH/<br />
2X2 ..............P/N 02-27220 ........... $36.00<br />
2X4 ..............P/N 02-27240 ........... $69.50<br />
4X4 ..............P/N 02-27260 ......... $138.95<br />
4X8 ..............P/N 02-27280 ......... $298.65<br />
4X8 90° .......P/N 02-25880 ......... $223.95<br />
ATTENTION - 90° 2’ x 4’ Plywood are cut with grain. If cross cut<br />
required, specify at time of order<br />
45<br />
CM<br />
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EP<br />
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IN<br />
EL<br />
AV<br />
TO<br />
PS<br />
CM<br />
WP<br />
ME<br />
HA<br />
This non clog bottle will take care of the problems of plugged<br />
up tips. This Extra Thick C.A. polyfix works on ceramics,<br />
glass, metal, rubber laminating, soft wood, hard wood and<br />
is also water resistant. This C.A. can be carved with a knife<br />
or razor blade and can be sanded with foam which leaves<br />
an indistinguishable finish from plastic.<br />
P/N 01-01217 .......................$19.95<br />
POLYFIX 8000 HIGH<br />
This non clog bottle will take care of the problems of plugged<br />
up tips. This High Viscosity gap filling C.A. polyfix works on<br />
ceramics, glass, metal, rubber laminating, soft wood, hard<br />
wood and is also water resistant. This C.A. can be carved<br />
with a knife or razor blade and can be sanded with foam<br />
which leaves an indistinguishable finish from plastic.<br />
P/N 01-01218 .......................$19.95<br />
AP<br />
LG<br />
EP<br />
CS<br />
IN<br />
EL<br />
AV<br />
TO<br />
PS<br />
BV<br />
These American made Instant Glue products were used extensively in<br />
construction of the “Around the World Non-stop” Voyager aircraft and<br />
are highly recommended for many homebuilt aircraft applications by<br />
Voyager <strong>Aircraft</strong>, Inc. and Rutan <strong>Aircraft</strong> Factory. They create a fast, permanent<br />
bond on many similar and dissimilar materials such as woods,<br />
metals and composite materials.<br />
HOT STUFF - Odorless THIN have a consistency resembling that of<br />
water, used mainly for bonding parts which fit very well. 2oz<br />
P/N 01-35500 ..................$10.75<br />
SUPER ‘T’ - A consistency similar to that of syrup and has the ability to<br />
fill small gaps between parts which don’t fit perfectly. SUPER ‘T’ cures<br />
at a slower rate than HOT STUFF, (10-25 seconds depending on the<br />
material). 2oz. P/N 01-35600 ..................$10.75<br />
SPECIAL ‘T’ - Special ‘T’ and new UFO Odorless THICK are<br />
very thick cyanoacrylates with a consistency resembling cold honey.<br />
SPECIAL ‘T’ and UFO Odorless THICK have greater gap-filling ability<br />
than SUPER ‘T’ and more positioning time after contact of parts.<br />
The rate of cure is slow enough, (usually 50-60 seconds depending on<br />
the material), to allow precise alignment of parts, after assembly. 2oz.<br />
P/N 01-01039 ..................$11.75<br />
NCF QUICK - Used with HOT STUFF, UFO Odorless THIN, SUPER T,<br />
and UFO Odorless THICK., and with it you can do almost magical things.<br />
NCF Quick works in three ways to make HOT STUFF , SUPER ‘T’ and<br />
SPECIAL ‘T’ Easier, Faster, Stronger and able to bond some of the most<br />
unusual materials you can think of. 6 oz.<br />
P/N 01-00689 ..................$12.95<br />
SUPER SOLVENT - Super Solvent is a remarkable debonder and<br />
cleaner for any instant glue. Use it for hand clean-up, removes instant<br />
glue from most clothing and surfaces. Some fabric, colorings or materials<br />
may be affected, so test-patch on an inconspicuous place. Add 2oz.<br />
P/N 01-35800 ....................$9.75<br />
3M Scotch-Weld Epoxy Adhesive<br />
DP190 - Translucent is a two-part epoxy<br />
adhesive that delivers exceptional<br />
performance with high shear and<br />
peel strength. This epoxy adhesive is<br />
formulated to bond to a wide range of<br />
materials, such as metals, ceramics, wood, fiberboard, glass, rubber and<br />
many plastics. With an 80-minute work-life, this epoxy adhesive allows<br />
for an extended period of time for adjustment and precise application.<br />
3M Scotch-Weld Epoxy Adhesive DP190 reaches handling strength<br />
in approximately 10 hours and full cure in 14 days at room temperature.<br />
This epoxy adhesive has low viscosity and a 1:1 mix ratio. Additionally,<br />
we engineered 3M Scotch-Weld Epoxy Adhesive DP190 —<br />
Translucent to exhibit good environmental aging properties, delivering<br />
long-term durability. Volume: 200 ml<br />
P/N 09-04777 .......................$54.85<br />
This non clog bottle will take care of the problems of<br />
plugged up tips. This thin industrial C.A. polyfix works on<br />
ceramics, glass, metal, rubber laminating, soft wood, hard<br />
wood and is also water resistant. This C.A. can be carved<br />
with a knife or razor blade and can be sanded with foam<br />
which leaves an indistinguishable finish from plastic.<br />
P/N 01-01219 .......................$19.95<br />
POLYFIX 11000 GAP<br />
This is a higher viscosity ca for loose fitting<br />
joints in which the adhesive must bridge<br />
gaps. Normally, the thicker ca is applied<br />
to one surface and then the parts are held<br />
tightly together for about 5 to 15 seconds.<br />
For large surface areas including those<br />
with close fitting joints such as lamination<br />
Polyfix 11000 gap filling should be used. To prevent premature curing,<br />
don't spread the glue into a thin film, lay down a serpentine bead with<br />
about 1" separation on one surface, then assemble the parts, letting the<br />
pressure spread the ca out. MIL SPEC-A-46050-C. (CAS NO. 7085-<br />
85-0)<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Polyfix 11000 Gap Fill 1/2 oz 01-01016 $6.50<br />
Polyfix 11000 Gap Fill 1/2 oz. Brush on 01-01238 $6.65<br />
Polyfix 11000 Gap Fill 1 oz 01-01017 $7.95<br />
Polyfix 11000 Gap Fill 2 oz 01-01018 $12.75<br />
Polyfix 11000 Gap Fill 8 oz 01-01019 $36.75<br />
This low odor flexible thin ca is ideal for many applications.<br />
Low odor flexible does not turn brittle and remains clear,<br />
even if Accelerator. With Polyfix 10000 Accelerator it has<br />
superior shock resistance and still has good penetrating<br />
qualities and its application can be easier to control for<br />
ca and has a different, less irritating odor compared to<br />
regular ca's, but still can prove to be superior when bonding<br />
anodized aluminum. 1 fl. oz. MIL SPEC-A-46050-C. (CAS<br />
NO. 6606-65-1) P/N 01-01020 .......................$15.85<br />
POLYFIX 3000 CLEAR<br />
Flex gap clear rubber toughened can be used in applications<br />
where you do not want the adhesive to be seen it is still<br />
superior to standard ca.'s when aesthetics are important and<br />
a flexible bond is required this product is your best choice. It<br />
forms to soft urethane and vinyl plastic, and shock resistant<br />
bonds. MIL SPEC-A-46050-C. (CAS NO. 7085-85-0)<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Polyfix 3000 Rubber Fill 1 0Z 01-01021 $6.75<br />
Polyfix 3000 Rubber Fill 2 OZ 01-01022 $12.50<br />
Reach in a small area where you need to do a repair.<br />
Can reach 5-1/2" or if you need to control small drops.<br />
Sold in boxes of 24.<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Non-Clog Applicator Regular Tip 01-01006 $15.50<br />
Non-Clog Applicator Fine Tip 01-01007 $15.50<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
This has a water thin viscosity that wicks deep into<br />
joints by capillary action and curses in a matter<br />
of a few seconds. Surface to be bonded must be<br />
tight fitting and should be bonded must be tight<br />
fitting and should be held together while applying<br />
the ca around the edges of the seams, at the<br />
moment ca's cure eliminates the irritating fumes from the evaporating<br />
monomer that makes repeated of ca's unpleasant at times. MIL SPEC-<br />
A-46050-C (CAS NO. 27816-23-5)<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Polyfix 17000 Industrial Thin 1/2 oz 01-01023 $9.25<br />
Polyfix 17000 Industrial Thin 1 oz 01-01024 $16.95<br />
Polyfix 17000 Industrial Thin 2 oz 01-01025 $28.95<br />
Apply a light fog of Polyfix 10000 accelerator and<br />
apply Polyfix 17500+ gap filling. Cures to a more<br />
flexible consistence for better shock absorption, when<br />
ever a larger amount of ca is to be used in such<br />
applications as saturating fiberglass or kevlar. Polyfix<br />
17500+ gap filling eliminates the irritating fumes from<br />
the evaporation monomer that makes repeated use of<br />
ca unpleasant at times. MIL SPEC-A-46050-C. (CAS<br />
NO. 27816-23-5)<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Polyfix 17500 Industrial Gap Fill 1/2 oz 01-01026 $9.95<br />
Polyfix 17500 Industrial Gap Fill 1 oz 01-01027 $19.50<br />
Polyfix 17500 Industrial Gap Fill 2 oz. 01-01028 $30.95<br />
Polyfix 64000 carbon extra strength ca is a carbon<br />
toughened cyanoacrylate that forms superior shock resistant<br />
bonds on non-porous surface the black colored ca has added<br />
flexibility for the bonding carbonfiber and other advanced<br />
materials as graphite, polycarbon with honeycomb, normax<br />
aramid, graphite with aluminum honeycomb. MIL SPEC-A-<br />
46050-C (CAS NO. 7085-85-0)<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Polyfix 64000 Carbon Gap Cyanoacrylate 1/2 oz 01-01029 $5.95<br />
Polyfix 64000 Carbon Gap Cyanoacrylate 1 oz 01-01030 $11.50<br />
Polyfix 64000 Carbon Gap Cyanoacrylate 16 oz 01-01031 $173.95<br />
The patented Thermal Process Catciyticaily<br />
(I.C. chemically) generates heat to 142<br />
degrees fahrenheit and actually thermal sets<br />
or fuses the repair to the Patent material.<br />
POLYFIX 10000 Accelerator POLYFIX<br />
14000 Thin Cyanoacrylate (PJ 33)<br />
POLYDUST Catalytic filler By using these<br />
three products that was certified by Cessna<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong>, U.S. Army Aviation Systems, Boeing <strong>Aircraft</strong>. (CAS NO. 601-<br />
35-4)<br />
Warning: If you use any other products with the POLYFIX polydust<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Polyfix Polydust Catalytic 10M/MG 01-01032 $5.90<br />
Polyfix Polydust Catalytic 1/2 PT 01-01033 $39.95<br />
Polyfix Polydust Catalytic 1 PT 01-01034 $68.75<br />
Non-flammable and less than 10% degrade when<br />
applied on ca's comparing to methanol and acetone<br />
accelerator that has 13/15% degrade. This accelerator<br />
allows ca's to quickly cure by enhancing the alkaline<br />
conditions during polymerization. POLYFIX 10000 in<br />
a spray bottle is normally used to cure the ca that flows<br />
from joints or cracks when parts are pressed together.<br />
Apply an additional bead of thick ca along seam and<br />
then curing with POLYFIX significantly enhances a crack's strength.<br />
For difficult to bond material, POLYFIX 10000 can be applied to one<br />
surface and ca to the opposite surface. When brought together, they will<br />
bond instantly. MIL SPEC-A-4605-C-TYPE II A OR III A. (CAS NO. 99-<br />
97-8). (CAS NO. 64742-48-9)<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Polyfix 10000 Accelerator 2 oz. 01-01035 $11.75<br />
Polyfix 10000 Accelerator Refill 8 oz 01-01036 $18.50<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
Will soften cured ca. If parts are bonded incorrectly or your<br />
fingers are stuck together a few drops of POLYFIX 6000<br />
debonder. Will dissolve the ca in about a minute. Apply on<br />
bonded skin and roll apart fingers. Once unstuck, use Acetone<br />
to clean off softened ca then wash off with soap and water<br />
POLYFIX 6000 debonder will easily remove the adhesive<br />
residue. 1 fl. oz. (CAS NO. 68-12-2) P/N 01-01037 ......$4.50<br />
Polyfix 14000 Thin Cyanoacrylate has a super<br />
thin viscosity that penetrate deep into cracks by<br />
capillary action and cures in a matter of a few<br />
seconds. Surfaces to be bonded must be tight fitting<br />
and should be held together while you apply the<br />
ca around the edges of the seams at the moment<br />
ca’s cure they give off a vapor that can irritate the<br />
nose and eyes, so be prepared. Thin ca’s work very<br />
well on any type of material, form more than just a<br />
surface bond. MIL SPEC-A-46050-C. (CAS NO. 7085-85-0)<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Polyfix 14000 Thin Cyanoacrylate 1/2 oz 01-01008 $3.95<br />
Polyfix 14000 Thin Cyanoacrylate 1 oz 01-01009 $7.95<br />
Polyfix 14000 Thin Cyanoacrylate 2 oz 01-01010 $12.95<br />
Polyfix 14000 Thin Cyanoacrylate 8 oz 01-01011 $34.95<br />
It’s all a round ca for ceramics, glass, metal, rubber<br />
laminating, soft wood, hard wood. Water resistant.<br />
This ca is the best for most clear plastic including<br />
GE’s Lexan when used with Polyfix 10000<br />
Accelerator it will fill most voids it can be carved<br />
with a knife or razor blade and sanded to foam a<br />
finish indistinguishable from plastic its extra thick.<br />
Thickness makes it easy to work with most applications. MIL SPEC-A-<br />
46050-C (CAS NO. 7085-85-0)<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Polyfix 9000 Extra Thick 1/2 oz 01-01012 $4.45<br />
Polyfix 9000 Extra Thick 1 oz 01-01013 $7.90<br />
Polyfix 9000 Extra Thick 2 oz 01-01014 $12.85<br />
Polyfix 9000 Extra Thick 8 oz 01-01015 $34.95<br />
Polyfix Thermal Fusion is a 3-part<br />
system that uses chemical reaction<br />
to heat the repair to 142°F, fusing<br />
it to the parent part. This system<br />
repairs ABS, royalite, graphite,<br />
lexan, polycarbon, Kevlar, plexiglass,<br />
fiberglass and many other materials.<br />
The system combines Industrial<br />
cyanoacrylate glue, a catalytic filler,<br />
and an accelerator. May be used on<br />
speed fairings, wing tips, cowlings,<br />
glare shields, and more. Kits include Polyfix Industrial chemical,<br />
polydust, gloves, finger cots, fiberglass mat, protection hand cream, no<br />
mixing tools, and an easy to follow instruction manual. Zero Shrinkage.<br />
PLASTIC REPAIR KIT (SMALL)- Size: 1/4" x 1/8" x 30". 1/2oz. 14000 CA.<br />
Thin. 1/2oz 10000 Accelerator. 2 M/Grams Catalytic. 1-3" x 8" Fiberglass.<br />
1/2oz Hand Cream. 1-Pair Latex Gloves. 6 Finger Cots. 1 Manual (33<br />
Page w/words/Pictures) MIL SPEC-A-46050-C. (CAS NO. 7085-85-0).<br />
(CAS NO. 601-35-4). MIL-A-46050-C TYPE II A OR III A. (CAS NO. 90-<br />
97-8). (CAS NO. 64742-48-9) P/N 01-01045 ................$24.50<br />
PLASTIC REPAIR KIT (MEDIUM) - Size: 1/4" x 1/8" x 60". 1 Manual<br />
(33 Page w/words/Pictures). 1oz 14000 CA. Thin. 4 M/Grams Catalytic.<br />
1/2oz. Hand Cream. 1oz 10000 Accelerator. 1-3 x 12" Fiberglass. 1 Pair<br />
Latex Gloves. 10 Fingercots. G.S.A NATIONAL STOCK NO. POLYFIX.<br />
1-LB 1800 NUMBER 8040-01-364-799. MIL SPEC-A-46050-C. (CAS<br />
NO. 7085-85-0). (CAS NO. 601-35-4). MIL-A-46050-C TYPE II A OR III<br />
A. (CAS NO. 90-97-8). (CAS NO. 64742-48-9)<br />
P/N 01-00235 ................$34.75<br />
PLASTIC REPAIR KIT (LARGE) - Size: 1/4" x 1/8" x 120". 1 Manual (33<br />
Page w/words/Pictures). 2oz. 14000 CA THIN. 2oz 10000 Accelerator.<br />
8 M/Grams Catalytic. 10" x 10" Fiberglass (mat). 1/2oz Hand Cream.<br />
2 Pairs latex Gloves. 20 Fingercots. MIL SPEC-A-46050-C. (CAS NO.<br />
7085-85-0). (CAS NO. 601-35-4). MIL-A-46050-C TYPE II A OR III A.<br />
(CAS NO. 99-97-8). (CAS NO. 64742-48-9)<br />
P/N 01-00236 ................$59.80<br />
PLASTIC REPAIR KIT (X-LARGE) - Size: 1/4" x 1/8" x 600". 1 Manual<br />
(33 Page w/words/Pictures). 10 oz. 14000 CA Thin. 50 M/Grams<br />
Catalytic. 1oz. Debonder. 12 Pair Latex Gloves. 10 Piece Assortment<br />
of Sandpaper. 1 Pair Scissors. 10oz 10000 Accelerator. 18" x 18"<br />
Fiberglass. 1oz. Hand Cream. 50 Fingercots. 1 Sanding Block. MIL<br />
SPEC-A-46050-C. (CAS NO. 7085-85-0). (CAS NO. 601-35-4). MIL-A-<br />
46050-C TYPE II A OR III A. (CAS NO. 99-97-8). (CAS NO. 64742-48-<br />
9). (CAS NO. 68-12-2). P/N 01-00237 ..............$354.00<br />
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QUIK-CURE 5 min. epoxy cures to a slightly flexible<br />
consistency. This lack of brittleness allows it to form a<br />
lasting bond in areas subjected to high vibration or stress.<br />
QUIK-CURE shouldn’t be used in areas that are subject<br />
to long-term immersion in water; however, it works fine for<br />
the internal structure of wood framed boats. QUIKCURE<br />
is our only epoxy on which you can apply polyester resins.<br />
It can be mixed with microballoons to form a quick setting<br />
putty. Items bonded with QUIK-CURE can be handled<br />
after 15 minutes. Full strength is reached in 1 hour.<br />
P/N 01-01443 .......................$13.80<br />
SLOW-CURE 30 min. epoxy works best for forming<br />
reinforcing fillets on joints. It has the highest strength of our<br />
epoxies. It is waterproof and more heat resistant. SLOW-<br />
CURE can be used for bonding if you’re willing to wait<br />
overnight. Fillers such as microballoons can be mixed with<br />
SLOW-CURE and FINISH-CURE to form a putty-like<br />
consistency. Such fillers will usually decrease the working<br />
time by about 25%. Bonded objects can be handled after 8<br />
hours and the cured epoxy reaches full strength within 24<br />
hours. P/N 01-01444 .......................$13.90<br />
SUPER-GOLD+ are odorless INSTA-CURE CAs. They<br />
are non-frosting and take only 2 or 3 seconds longer to<br />
bond. There are no fumes that irritate the nose and eyes.<br />
Do not attack white foam; therefore, they can be used in the<br />
building of foam core wings and the assembly and repair of<br />
plastic and foam ARF’s. They will not fog clear plastic. Ideal<br />
for attaching clear canopies in plastic model kits; however,<br />
MAXI-CURE is still recommended for assembling the<br />
rest of plastic kits. Wood can be bonded to white foam with<br />
SUPER-GOLD + in less than fifteen seconds.<br />
P/N 01-01450 ...................... $13.90<br />
BSI has added a 4 oz. size to go along with the 3/4 oz.<br />
cyanoacrylates. These Pocket CAs feature a new top that<br />
has a pin built into the cap that covers the nozzle. This pin<br />
seals the bottle so that if it is tipped over, the bottle will not<br />
leak. Has a the blunt nozzle which makes it more difficult<br />
to apply small amounts of the CA, especially in tight places.<br />
Over 70% prefer our standard top for general bonding<br />
purposes. P/N 01-01451 ...................... $15.50<br />
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INSTA-CURE has a water-thin viscosity that<br />
wicks deep into joints by capillary action and<br />
cures in a matter of a few seconds. Surfaces to<br />
be bonded must be tight fitting and should be held<br />
together while you apply the CA around the edges<br />
of the seam. At the moment CAs cure, they give off<br />
a vapor that can irritate the nose and eyes, so be prepared. Thin CAs<br />
work very well on balsa since they penetrate into the wood and form<br />
more than just a surface bond.<br />
1 oz. .......................P/N 01-01460 .........................$5.35<br />
2 oz. .......................P/N 01-01447 .........................$8.65<br />
INSTA-CURE+ is a higher viscosity CA for<br />
loose fitting joints in which the adhesive must<br />
bridge gaps. Normally, the thicker CA is applied<br />
to one surface and then the parts are held tightly<br />
together for about 5 to 15 seconds. For large<br />
surface areas, including those with close fitting<br />
joints such as laminations, INSTA-CURE+ should also be used. To<br />
prevent premature curing, don’t spread the glue into a thin film. Lay<br />
down a serpentine bead with about 1” separations on one surface, then<br />
assemble the parts, letting the pressure spread the CA out.<br />
1 oz. .......................P/N 01-01461 .........................$5.35<br />
2 oz. .......................P/N 01-01448 .........................$8.65<br />
8 oz. Refill ..............P/N 01-01458 .......................$26.50<br />
MAXI-CURE extra thick CA is the best CA for<br />
most plastics, including GE’s Lexan MAXI-CURE<br />
is the best choice for plastic model assembly.<br />
When used with INSTA-SET, it works better than<br />
any putty for modifying or filling voids. It can be<br />
carved with a knife or razor blade and sanded and<br />
feathered to form a finish indistinguishable from plastic.<br />
1 oz. .......................P/N 01-01459 .........................$5.35<br />
2 oz. .......................P/N 01-01449 .........................$8.70<br />
Urethane Supply Company’s Insta-Weld 2 thick glue works<br />
well when you need to fill a gap. Insta-Weld 2 has about the<br />
consistency of 30 weight oil. To use, apply Insta-Weld 2 and<br />
then spray with Insta-Weld Activator (sold separately) for quick<br />
curing. Insta-Weld 2 will cure without the Insta-Weld Activator<br />
(sold separately) but it will take MUCH longer. Try Insta-Weld on<br />
everything. It will either work, or not work, instantly. Does NOT<br />
work on olefin based plastics like polyethylene, polypropylene, TPO and<br />
TEO. 2 fl. oz. (59 ml) bottle. .............P/N 01-01434 ...................... $21.50<br />
INSTA-SET is a catalyst which acts as an<br />
accelerator that allows CAs to quickly cure in thick<br />
layers by enhancing the alkaline conditions during<br />
polymerization. INSTA-SET in a spray bottle is<br />
normally used to cure the CA that flows from joints<br />
when parts are pressed together. Applying an<br />
additional bead of thick CA along a seam and then<br />
curing it with INSTA-SET significantly enhances<br />
a joint’s strength. For difficult to bond materials, INSTA-SET can be<br />
applied to one surface and CA to the opposite surface. When brought<br />
together, they will bond instantly. INSTA-SET is formulated with<br />
a strawberry scent and activates CA in 6 to 8 seconds without any<br />
degrading of the CAs strength. Compatible with all surfaces, even clear<br />
plastic and white foam.<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Spray Bottle 01-01453 $5.35<br />
Spray Bottle Refill 01-01454 $10.60<br />
Aerosol 01-01455 $10.60<br />
QUIK-CURE 5 min. epoxy cures to a slightly flexible<br />
consistency. This lack of brittleness allows it to form a<br />
lasting bond in areas subjected to high vibration or stress.<br />
QUIK-CURE shouldn’t be used in areas that are subject<br />
to long-term immersion in water; however, it works fine for<br />
the internal structure of wood framed boats. QUIKCURE<br />
is our only debonder on which you can apply polyester<br />
resins. It can be mixed with microballoons to form a quick<br />
setting putty. Items bonded with QUIK-CURE can be<br />
handled after 15 minutes. Full strength is reached in 1<br />
hour. ..........................P/N 01-01456 ........................ $3.80<br />
C-Loc Blue is a medium thickness, medium strength<br />
threadlock that is applied to the threads of fasteners before<br />
assembly. Once the IC-Loc Blue is cured, the fasteners<br />
can be disassembled with standard hand tools if required.<br />
P/N 01-01457 ........................ $5.35<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
A Resorcinol Formaldehyde Adhesive capable of<br />
curing at room temperature and providing strong,<br />
durable, waterproof bonds. Comes in two parts, a<br />
liquid resin (part A) and a powered catalyst (part<br />
B). The liquid resin is an alcohol-water solution of a<br />
partially condensed resorcinol-formaldehyde resin<br />
containing a suitable reinforcing cellulosic filler. The hardener is a tan<br />
powder formulated from paraformaldehyde and a suitable cellulosic filler.<br />
Produces a cured glue line which is resistant to fresh water or salt water,<br />
most acids and organic solvents, and lubricating oils and greases. Being<br />
thermoset, the bond is resistant to elevated temps. and conversely, no<br />
loss in bond strength occurs at temperatures as low as -40°F. Surfaes<br />
include treated woods, many plastics, natural and synthetic rubber,<br />
primed metal, leather, textiles, paper and fiber boards.<br />
Pint Kit (Pint A, 1/4lb B) ...........P/N 02-00036 ............ $26.50<br />
Quart Kit (Qt A, 1/2lb B) ...........P/N 02-00037 ............ $44.50<br />
Gallon Kit (Gal A, 2lbs B) .........P/N 02-00038 .......... $154.95<br />
This is an ex cep tion ally fine two-part white epoxy glue<br />
for homebuilt and experimental aircraft. Not only for<br />
wood but for many other applications such as a metal<br />
to wood adhesive, metal to metal, just about anything<br />
with the exception of some plastics. It has been used by<br />
builders for many years with universal acceptance. Its<br />
low viscosity makes it very easy to work. Shelf life: Resin - more than 1<br />
yr. Hardener - In defi nite.<br />
Qt Kit (1 qt. resin, 4oz hardener, Wt 4 lbs) ...... P/N 02-23400 .... $52.50<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
HYSOL EA-9430 GLUE<br />
Replaces the EA-9410-2 glue. EA-9430 has the same<br />
characteristics as the EA-9410, but has a 50 minute<br />
pot life instead of the 30 minute pot life of the EA-9410<br />
at 77°F. Used extensively in the Strojnik S2A sailplane<br />
and many other homebuilts.<br />
P/N 02-18600 .......... $96.75<br />
Six10 Adhesive gives you the<br />
strength and reliability of a two-part<br />
WEST SYSTEM epoxy with the convenience<br />
of a single part product.<br />
Six10 is dispensed with a standard<br />
caulking gun. Non-sagging Six10 bonds tenaciously to wood, metals, fiberglass<br />
and concrete. It cures in temperatures as low as 50°F. Working<br />
time is 42 minutes at 72°F. Cures to a solid in 5–6 hours and will take<br />
high loads in 24 hours. Cure time is faster at warm temperatures and<br />
slower in cool temperatures. Dispense mixed 2 part epoxy adhesive<br />
using a standard caulking gun. The efficient internal geometry of the 600<br />
Mixer thoroughly blends resin and hardener in a short mixing length for<br />
good application control and a minimum of waste. Additional 600 Static-<br />
Mixers are available in packages of two or twelve.<br />
Part No. Description Unit Size Price<br />
01-01069 Epoxy Adhesive Cartridge 190 ml $22.97<br />
01-01071 Static Mixers 2 ea $4.35<br />
Fastweld 10 A/B epoxy adhesive is a rapid-setting, twocomponent<br />
paste offering a convenient one-to-one mixing<br />
ratio by volume or weight. Fastweld 10 A/B epoxy adhesive<br />
produces strong bonds in a very short period. It is especially<br />
suited for bonding small parts and for repair work. Pot<br />
life: 3-4 minutes at 77° F, Cure Time: 4 hours. Shelf life: 3<br />
years. ............................................P/N 09-03454 .... $24.60<br />
3M EPX Pneumatic Mix Nozzle 9742<br />
P/N 09-01372 ...... $2.67<br />
Dual cartridge dispenser gun designed for use<br />
with 50ml style adhesive cartridges.<br />
P/N 09-03455 .... $73.75<br />
Gorilla Glue is known as the toughest glue on planet Earth.<br />
A high strength adhesive that quickly bonds wood, metals,<br />
stones, ceramics, and more. Gorilla Glue is a versatile, interior/exterior<br />
adhesive ideal for building projects. 8 oz. bottle.<br />
Benefits: • 100% Waterproof • Incredibly Strong and Versatile<br />
• Stainable and Paintable • Easily Sanded • More Coverage<br />
• A Long Open Working Time • Dries Light Tan • Non-toxic •<br />
Acid-Free 8oz. ....................P/N 02-00101 ..........$12.85<br />
Single use (4 tubes) ....................P/N 02-00225 ............$4.95<br />
T-88 is a non-brittle structural adhesive which gives superior<br />
finished results even when used under adverse working conditions.<br />
T-88 will cure in temperatures as low as 35°F which<br />
makes it an excellent choice for homebuilders living in colder<br />
climates. It is recommended by the builders of many types<br />
of homebuilt aircraft and is excellent for bonding aluminum,<br />
steel or wood. When fully cured, it is not affected by water,<br />
oil, gaso line and most other chemicals.<br />
1/2 Pt Kit .. P/N 02-00046.....$19.50 Pt. Kit ...... P/N 02-00047 ....$24.75<br />
Qt. Kit ...... P/N 02-00048.....$38.70 Gal. Kit .... P/N 02-00049 ..$109.80<br />
With the Universal Cartridge any medium to high quality<br />
caulking gun will work just fine. When you evaluate the<br />
Universal Cartridge notice that without a mixture tip it is perfect<br />
for accurately measuring small batches of adhesive. This<br />
is something that is very hard to do in a mixing cup without<br />
generating a lot of waste. Of course when the cartridge is<br />
used with the mixing tip you get both accurate measuring and<br />
thorough mixing making large, continuous gluing jobs much<br />
easier with flawless products performance. Note: Cartridge<br />
includes one mixing tube. Extra mixing tubes and caps are<br />
sold separately. P/N 02-00103 ..................$21.50<br />
The static mixer tube attaches to the<br />
cartridge with a retaining nut which<br />
screws on securely to the REDIMIX<br />
gun. The mixer tip tapers to 1/8” but may be cut back to about 1/4”. Very<br />
small quantities of epoxy may be prepared in this manner without any<br />
waste or added cost. P/N 02-90030 ..........................$2.85<br />
A powdered, urea formaldehyde wood glue activated by<br />
mixing with water. Forms a bond stronger than the wood<br />
itself. Mets Fed. Spec. A-A-3052. Low VOC.<br />
1 Lb .....................................P/N 0203 .......... $17.60<br />
4.5 Lb ..................................P/N 0204 .......... $62.95<br />
Commonly known as “Scotch Weld”, this two<br />
part epoxy structural adhesive will bond wood,<br />
metal, plastics and rubber. It has a pot life of<br />
nearly 2 hours after mixing, and a 24 month<br />
shelf life. Forms flexible yet very strong bonds.<br />
Color:Gray.<br />
2 oz. kit ..................P/N 02-00045 .......... $52.75<br />
Quikfix BC 101 is a hand mixable, fast curing,<br />
general purpose epoxy putty stick that mixes<br />
in just one minute to provide fast repairs to<br />
many surfaces including metals, wood, glass,<br />
concrete, ceramics and numerous plastics.<br />
One hour after mixing, QuikFix BC 101 can be drilled, sawed, sanded,<br />
filed, tapped, machined, or painted. Color: Gray (after cure).<br />
3.5” stick ............ P/N 01-00333 ...... $11.95<br />
7” stick ............... P/N 01-00332 ...... $13.95<br />
Bond-Aide P-1500W is a wood epoxy putty compound<br />
that cures in minutes to form permanent repairs on woods,<br />
plas ter, ceramics and many plastics with no shrink age.<br />
Excellent for bonding wood to wood, wood to metal, and wood to glass<br />
or ceramics. P-1500W has a multitude of uses in aircraft res to ra tion,<br />
rebuilding, and repair.<br />
1 tube 2-part Bond-Aide P-1500W ........P/N 02-18650 ........$14.75/ea<br />
A toughened, versatile, liquid epoxy for permanent waterproof<br />
bonding of fiberglass, ceramics, metals, plastics,<br />
damp and difficult-to-bond woods. Modulus of elasticity<br />
of 150,000 PSI. Can absorb the stress of expansion,<br />
contraction, shock and vibration. Can be modified with<br />
West System fillers and additives, and used to wet-out<br />
fiberglass tapes and fabrics. Mixed at a 1:1 ratio, G/flex<br />
gives you 45 minutes of working time at room temperature. It reaches an<br />
initial cure in 7 to 10 hrs and full cure in 24 hrs.<br />
Epoxy Adhesive ...................................P/N 01-01162 ................ $22.94<br />
650-K Epoxy Kit - Contains 4 fl. oz. G/flex 650 resin, 4 fl. oz. G/flex 650<br />
hardener (8 fl. oz. mixed epoxy), 2 reusable mixing stick/applicators, 2<br />
12-cc syringes, 4 grams Adhesive Filler, 4 mixing cups, 1 pair disposable<br />
neoprene gloves, 4 alcohol cleaning pads and complete handling and<br />
repair instructions. .................................P/N 01-01161 ................ $33.35<br />
655-K Epoxy Repair Kit - Contains 4.5 fl. oz. G/flex 655 resin, 4.5 fl. oz.<br />
G/flex 655 hardener (9 fl. oz. of mixed epoxy), 2 reusable mixing stick/<br />
applicators, 4 alcohol cleaning pads, 1 pair disposable neoprene gloves,<br />
10 mixing palettes and complete handling and repair instructions.<br />
P/N 01-01163 ................ $33.35<br />
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Manufactured by PTM & W Industries, Inc. ES6279 is a<br />
light grayish-tan two part ad he sive that was developed<br />
specifically for dif fi cult bond ing prob lems involving similar<br />
or dis sim i lar materials. ES6279 provides ex cel lent ad he sion to a wide<br />
variety of ma te ri als such as alu mi num, steel, brass, glass, ceramics, and<br />
wood. The mix ratio of 1 to 1 by weight or volume al lows easy measuring,<br />
and the creamy, smooth vis cos i ty al lows easy, uni form ap pli ca tion.<br />
The cured ma te ri al has excellent strength as well as good resistance to<br />
weak acids, moisture, and weath er. ES6279 has been used successfully<br />
for many years in a va ri ety of gen er al bond ing uses as well as nu mer ous<br />
pro duc tion ap pli ca tions.<br />
Part No. Description Wt. (lbs.) Price<br />
02-30015 1/2 quart part A only 3.0 $45.75<br />
02-30020 1/2 quart part B only 3.0 $41.70<br />
02-30025 ES6279 QUART KIT 6.0 $87.00<br />
02-30030 1/2 gallon part A only 12.0 $129.75<br />
02-30035 1/2 gallon part B only 12.0 $132.75<br />
02-30040 ES6279 GALLON KIT 24.0 $261.95<br />
02-30045 1/2 pail part A only 60.0 $466.95<br />
02-30050 1/2 pail part B only 60.0 $418.95<br />
02-30055 ES6279 PAIL KIT 120.0 $884.00<br />
ES6209 is a translucent, straw colored two component epoxy<br />
adhesive with a thick, liquid consistency. ES6209 is an excellent<br />
structural adhesive for use when good flow and surface<br />
wetting are required. Though pourable it has a controlled<br />
flow viscosity to minimize run-out from the adhesive joint. The 1 to 1<br />
combining ratio by weight or volume makes it easy to measure and mix.<br />
The working time of over an hour provides plenty of time to coat and<br />
assemble the materials to be bonded. ES6209 has excellent adhesion<br />
to composite and metal parts typically used in kitplane construction.<br />
It bonds rigid foam, wood, ceramics, fiberglass and most metals with<br />
ease. When cured ES6209 provides tough, durable structural joints.<br />
Mix Ratio: 1 to 1 by weight or volume; Color: Translucent Amber, Mixed<br />
Viscosity: 45,000-55,000cps; Pot Life 4fl. oz. Mass: 60-90 min @ 77°F;<br />
Cure Time @ 77°F 18-24 hrs, @ 140°F 2-3 hrs.<br />
Quart Kit ...........P/N 01-00295 ......... $56.75<br />
ES6247 is a two component toughened epoxy adhesive<br />
with very good cured properties that provides excellent<br />
bonds to a variety of substrates. Its blend of high lap shear<br />
and T-Peel values allow superior performance in demanding<br />
bonding applications. ES6247 adheres very well to<br />
wood, metal, composites and some plastics. The bonded<br />
components exhibit tough and durable performance for long term stability<br />
in use. Viscosity: Non-Sag Paste. Specific Gravity, gms./cc: 1.11.<br />
Mix Ratio: 100 : 50 By Weight or Volume. Pot Life, 4 fl.oz. Mass @<br />
77°F: 90 minutes. Qt. Kit ...............P/N 01-01595 ......... $77.85<br />
Gal. Kit .............P/N -01-01596 ...... $264.95<br />
Metalset A4® is a powerful epoxy adhesive<br />
that has been used for years by all branches of<br />
the U.S. Military as well as every major airline<br />
and auto manufacturer in the world. A4 is used<br />
for hundreds of industrial bonding applications<br />
and offers excellent adhesion to porous or<br />
non-porous surfaces. It can be applied to vertical<br />
surfaces without sagging and cures overnight<br />
with negligible shrinking. Once cured, A4 offers good machining<br />
qualities (sanding, drilling, tapping), and resists alkalies, dilute acids and<br />
solvents. Applications include stopping leaks in pipes, valves and tanks<br />
(i.e. car gas tanks), bonding like and unlike surfaces, filling metal joints,<br />
dents, etc., anchoring bolts in wood, concrete, and repairing metal surfaces.<br />
6 oz tube - 16 hour cure time ...... P/N 02-00220 ........ $14.70<br />
11 oz tube ................................... P/N 02-00233 ........ $22.50<br />
PTM&W ES6228 METAL<br />
ES6228 is a thin paste viscosity epoxy adhesive designed<br />
to provide good bonds to metal surfaces. A unique feature<br />
of ES6228 is its ability to bond to slightly oily metal surfaces.<br />
This is useful in situations where the complete removal<br />
of residual mill oil on metal surfaces is not possible. The thin paste consistency<br />
of ES6228 wets the metal surface well, for good adhesion. This<br />
viscosity also provides some gap filling capabilities, so “close-fitting”<br />
joints are adequate, and matched-metal joints are not required. ES6228<br />
has a 1:1 mix ratio, by weight or volume, for easy measuring. The white<br />
resin and black hardener combine to a smooth gray system that is easy<br />
to mix and apply, The cured material has very good properties, with high<br />
bond strength and elongation, for tough durable assemblies.<br />
Quart Kit (4.5 lbs) .......................... P/N 01-00415 ........................$72.75<br />
Gallon Kit (18 lbs) .......................... P/N 01-00414 ......................$227.95<br />
Product Specifications<br />
ES6228-A ES6228-B<br />
Resin Hardener<br />
Test Method<br />
Color White Black Visual<br />
Viscosity,cps Thin Paste Thin Paste ASTM D2393<br />
Specific Gravity 1.32 1.30 ASTM D1475<br />
Density Lb./cu.in. .0477 .0470 ASTM D792<br />
Mix ratio 100:100 by weight or volume PTM & W<br />
Rotfix is an easy-to-use, low viscosity epoxy wood<br />
restoration system for consolidation of rotted, deteriorated,<br />
dried out, or spongy wood. It creates a<br />
strong water-resistant base for repair and restoration.<br />
Penetrates deep into wood for maximum<br />
strength. Use with Sculpwood for permanent structural<br />
repair or severely damaged wood. Kit includes<br />
16 oz measuring/application bottle.<br />
1.5 pint (24 oz) Kit ....................... P/N 02-90050 ....................$44.65/ea<br />
Sculpwood is a moldable, carvable, sandable epoxy<br />
putty for replacement of damaged wood. It forms a<br />
strong, permanent bond to most rigid surfaces and<br />
can be sawed, nailed, carved, machined, sanded,<br />
stained, painted, and screwed. Porous, rotted, or<br />
deteriorate wood should first be treated with RotFix.<br />
2 pint (32 oz) Kit ...........P/N 02-90055 .......$44.50/ea<br />
Quick Cure is a 5 min. epoxy from System Three which<br />
bonds wood, metals, fiberglass, ceramics, plastics and<br />
glass. Excellent for making quick repairs, as it hardens<br />
in 5 minutes at room temperature. Mixing ratio: 1 to 1.<br />
Not recommended for applications in excess of 200°F.<br />
Pint Kit....................P/N 02-30060 .............$29.95<br />
Quart Kit .................P/N 02-30065 .............$53.85<br />
SCIGRIP 4SC is a water thin, somewhat flammable,<br />
cement formulated to quickly develop very clear and high<br />
strength bonds for many thermoplastic substrates. It will<br />
also bond with other thermoplastics such as polystyrene,<br />
CAB (cellulose acetate butyrate), and polycarbonate to<br />
themselves. It is not recommended for cross-linked acrylic.<br />
P/N 03-00243 .......................$23.50<br />
Its high strength and quick set time make Gorilla Super Glue<br />
the go-to for a variety of household projects. Developed for<br />
long-lasting repairs in an instant, Gorilla Super Glue is formulated<br />
with tiny rubber particles for increased impact resistance.<br />
We call it Impact-Tough® because it stands up to wear and<br />
tear unlike any other instant glue. Gorilla Super Glue Gel is<br />
an easy-to-use, thicker and more controlled formula great for<br />
multiple surfaces and vertical applications.<br />
Super Glue .....................................P/N 09-04093 ............$3.95<br />
Super Glue Gel ..............................P/N 09-04094 ............$3.95<br />
MetlWeld is a 2-part, equal volume ratio, room temperature curing epoxy adhesive. MetlWeld develops strength earlier than<br />
other comparable 1:1 systems and may be used at temps. as low as 50˚F. Metal to be bonded should be freshly sanded<br />
and clean from grease, wax, oil and other contaminants. Allow 48 hours min. to cure and develop strength at 77˚F (longer<br />
at cooler temps.) before subjecting to stress. Bonds plain & anodized aluminum, glazed & unglazed ceramic; concrete; copper;<br />
glass; galvanized and stainless steel; neoprene rubber and most porous materials. Does not bond acrylic, polyethylene,<br />
polypropylene, polystyrene or vinyl plastics. 1/2 Pint Kit ............................P/N 01-00406 ...................... $21.99<br />
Pint Kit ..................................P/N 01-00407 ......................$33.50<br />
Quart Kit ...............................P/N 01-00408 ......................$46.95<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
4130 is a chromium-molybdenum general purpose alloy steel tubing that is weld able and is capable of de vel op ing<br />
good strength. It has been for years the standard of the aircraft industry. Tensile Strength: 90,000 PSI. The stock sizes<br />
listed below can be furnished in lengths from 1 foot to 12 feet. Large orders are filled in random lengths from 10 to<br />
12 feet unless specific lengths are requested. No charge is made for cutting stock sizes of tubing to mailable length.<br />
Quotations furnished on unlisted sizes.<br />
O.D. Wall I.D. Wt. Price<br />
(In.) Thickness (In.) Per Ft. Part No. Per Ft.<br />
3/16 .035 .131 .0478 03-00183 $5.50<br />
.028 .194 .0672 03-00250 $6.50<br />
.035 .180 .0804 03-00300 $3.60<br />
1/4 .049 .152 .1052 03-00400 $5.65<br />
.058 .134 .1189 03-00500 $13.50<br />
.065 .120 .1284 03-00510 $8.55<br />
.028 .256 .0852 03-00600 $7.75<br />
.035 .243 .1039 03-00700 $5.35<br />
5/16 .049 .215 .1382 03-00800 $6.95<br />
.058 .196 .1580 03-00810 $6.50<br />
.065 .182 .1722 03-00900 $7.90<br />
.095 .123 .2212 03-01000 $6.94<br />
.028 .319 .1038 03-01100 $5.25<br />
.035 .305 .1271 03-01200 $4.35<br />
.049 .277 .1706 03-01300 $4.50<br />
3/8 .058 .259 .1964 03-01400 $4.35<br />
.065 .249 .2152 03-01500 $4.20<br />
.083 .209 .2588 03-01600 $7.50<br />
.095 .185 .2841 03-01610 $5.99<br />
.035 .367 .1506 03-01700 $4.45<br />
.049 .340 .2036 03-01800 $5.70<br />
7/16 .058 .125 .236 03-00067 $6.50<br />
.065 .307 .2589 03-02000 $5.25<br />
.095 .247 .3480 03-02100 $7.50<br />
.120 .197 .4075 03-02200 $7.55<br />
.028 .444 .1411 03-02300 $4.80<br />
.035 .430 .1738 03-02400 $3.85<br />
.049 .402 .2360 03-02500 $4.35<br />
1/2 .058 .384 .2738 03-02600 $3.50<br />
.065 .370 .3020 03-02700 $5.45<br />
.083 .334 .3696 03-02710 $4.90<br />
.095 .310 .4109 03-02800 $7.50<br />
.120 .260 .4870 03-02900 $5.97<br />
.035 .492 .1974 03-03000 $8.25<br />
.049 .464 .2690 03-03100 $5.60<br />
9/16 .065 .432 .3457 03-03200 $9.25<br />
.120 .322 .5677 03-03400 $8.96<br />
.028 .569 .1785 03-03500 $5.35<br />
.035 .555 .2205 03-03600 $2.94<br />
.049 .527 .3014 03-03700 $3.95<br />
5/8 .058 .509 .3512 03-03800 $3.99<br />
.065 .495 .3888 03-03900 $4.45<br />
.095 .435 .5377 03-04000 $7.90<br />
.120 .385 .6472 03-04100 $5.35<br />
.156 .313 .7814 03-04110 $9.89<br />
.028 .694 .2159 03-04250 $5.75<br />
.035 .680 .2673 03-04300 $3.65<br />
.049 .652 .3668 03-04400 $3.35<br />
3/4 .058 .634 .4287 03-04500 $3.35<br />
.065 .620 .4755 03-04600 $4.35<br />
.095 .560 .6646 03-04700 $7.50<br />
.120 .510 .8074 03-04800 $5.95<br />
.156 .437 .9897 03-04900 $7.50<br />
.188 .375 1.128 03-05000 $10.55<br />
.035 .805 .3140 03-05300 $3.90<br />
.049 .777 .4323 03-05400 $4.75<br />
.058 .759 .5061 03-05500 $4.55<br />
.065 .745 .5623 03-05600 $5.15<br />
7/8 .083 .709 .7021 03-05700 $4.95<br />
.095 .685 .7914 03-05800 $6.25<br />
.120 .635 .9676 03-05900 $7.55<br />
.188 .500 1.379 03-06000 $12.50<br />
Please call for price on any unlisted size.<br />
Discount of 10% for 100 ft. or more of the same part number.<br />
O.D. Wall I.D. Wt. Price<br />
(In.) Thickness (In.) Per Ft. Part No. Per Ft.<br />
.028 .944 .2907 03-06110 $6.75<br />
.035 .930 .3607 03-06100 $3.95<br />
.049 .902 .4977 03-06200 $3.75<br />
.058 .884 .5835 03-06300 $3.70<br />
.065 .870 .6491 03-06400 $3.75<br />
1 .083 .834 1.0 03-06450 $5.75<br />
.095 .810 .9182 03-06500 $4.40<br />
.120 .760 1.128 03-06600 $7.50<br />
.156 .687 1.406 03-06700 $10.50<br />
.188 .625 1.630 03-06800 $12.75<br />
.035 1.055 .4074 03-06900 $7.90<br />
.049 1.027 .5631 03-07000 $5.35<br />
.058 1.009 .6609 03-07100 $4.45<br />
1-1/8 .065 .995 .7359 03-07200 $5.35<br />
.095 .935 1.045 03-07300 $6.75<br />
.120 .885 1.288 03-07400 $11.80<br />
.035 1.180 .4542 03-07500 $5.60<br />
.049 1.152 .6285 03-07600 $5.25<br />
.058 1.134 .7384 03-07700 $4.25<br />
1-1/4 .065 1.120 .8226 03-07800 $4.65<br />
.083 1.084 2.132 03-07810 $5.35<br />
.095 1.060 1.172 03-07900 $5.85<br />
.120 1.010 1.448 03-08000 $6.85<br />
.156 .938 1.823 03-08100 $14.55<br />
.035 1.305 .5009 03-08210 $5.90<br />
.049 1.277 .6939 03-08200 $6.85<br />
.058 1.259 .8158 03-08300 $5.35<br />
.065 1.245 .9094 03-08400 $4.55<br />
1-3/8 .095 1.185 1.299 03-08500 $5.75<br />
.120 1.135 1.609 03-08600 $9.70<br />
.188 1.000 2.383 03-08700 $12.90<br />
.035 1.430 .5476 03-08800 $6.75<br />
.049 1.402 .7593 03-08900 $5.70<br />
.058 1.384 .8932 03-09000 $4.95<br />
1-1/2 .065 1.370 .9962 03-09100 $4.95<br />
.083 1.334 1.256 03-09110 $6.60<br />
.095 1.310 1.426 03-09200 $6.75<br />
.120 1.260 1.769 03-09300 $7.75<br />
.188 1.125 2.634 03-09400 $13.90<br />
.058 1.509 .9707 03-09600 $10.50<br />
.065 1.495 1.083 03-09700 $7.50<br />
.083 1.459 1.10 03-00042 $6.75<br />
1-5/8 .095 1.435 1.552 03-09800 $9.60<br />
.120 1.385 1.929 03-09900 $11.70<br />
.156 1.312 2.447 03-10000 $13.90<br />
.188 1.250 2.885 03-10100 $14.50<br />
.049 1.652 .8902 03-10200 $7.85<br />
.058 1.634 1.048 03-10210 $8.98<br />
.065 1.620 1.170 03-10300 $8.00<br />
1-3/4 .095 1.560 1.679 03-10400 $6.95<br />
.120 1.510 2.089 03-10500 $9.85<br />
.188 1.375 3.136 03-10510 $15.70<br />
1-7/8 .250 1.375 2.249 03-10600 $20.50<br />
.049 1.902 1.021 03-10710 $12.50<br />
2 .065 1.870 1.343 03-10800 $8.50<br />
.095 1.810 1.933 03-10900 $11.50<br />
.120 1.760 2.409 03-11000 $11.50<br />
.188 1.625 3.638 03-00193 $18.75<br />
2-1/4 .120 2.010 2.730 03-11100 $15.50<br />
.095 1.81 1.933 03-11150 $17.50<br />
2-1/2 .250 2.000 6.008 03-11206 $24.70<br />
.120 2.260 3.050 03-11200 $14.90<br />
.125 2.510 3.370 03-11210 $30.60<br />
Ordering tubing/bar by the foot.<br />
Add a dash number after part number to indicate length of tubing required.<br />
Ex: 3 ft required add -3, 03-00100-3.<br />
CM<br />
WP<br />
ME<br />
HA<br />
AP<br />
LG<br />
EP<br />
CS<br />
IN<br />
EL<br />
AV<br />
TO<br />
PS<br />
4130 TUBING KITS<br />
We furnish complete 4130 tubing kits for a variety of aircraft designs<br />
including the Skybolt, Pitts Special, Acro Sport, Starduster, Osprey, and<br />
many more. The kits contain sufficient round, square, & streamline tubing<br />
to produce the pieces shown on our materials list for each design. We<br />
urge the builder to verify his own materials list against ours. Request kit<br />
list you require & current quotation. Enjoy big savings by purchasing a<br />
complete tubing kit for your aircraft at one time.<br />
Prevents rust and corrosion inside air craft tubing structures. Will climb<br />
tubing wall and spread over entire sur face. Will penetrate and reveal<br />
small pin holes in a weld and in time, due to exposure, will congeal and<br />
seal the hole. Directions on label. One quart will treat two light aircraft<br />
fuselages. Quart ...........P/N 03-14000 ........$26.00<br />
Starter Kit - An assortment of 4130 tubing, rod and bar in short lengths<br />
to practice weld ing. At least 15 ft. of tubing in assorted sizes and wall<br />
thick nesses. Furnished subject to availa bil ity of cutoffs. ......................<br />
...................P/N 03-15900 ......$27.85<br />
BV<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
CM<br />
WP<br />
ME<br />
HA<br />
AP<br />
LG<br />
EP<br />
CS<br />
IN<br />
EL<br />
AV<br />
TO<br />
PS<br />
BV<br />
MIL-T6736 NOR MAL IZED<br />
The prices for streamline tubing have in creased<br />
sharp ly. The only manu fac turer of stream line tubing,<br />
Columbia Summerill, have en coun tered problems<br />
with crack ing on the trailing edge inter mit tently<br />
for many years and it has been a worrisome<br />
problem for builders. In an effort to control the<br />
situation, Columbia Summerill have installed<br />
so phis ti cat ed inspection equipment in their<br />
plant to assure that no cracked tubing gets into<br />
the field again. The cost of the equipment is reflected in the prices for the<br />
tubing which must be shared by all.<br />
Equivalent<br />
Major Minor<br />
Axis Axis Wall Price<br />
Round Tubing Wt./ Ft. Part No.<br />
Per Ft<br />
Tension Compr.<br />
1.150 .745 .035 7/8 7/16 0.314 03-00232 $15.75<br />
1.180 .500 .035 7/8” 7/16” .3140 03-11400 $19.90<br />
1.30 .600 .049 1 5/8 0.498 03-00233 $12.50<br />
1.349 .571 .049 1” 5/8” .4977 03-11500 $14.95<br />
1.645 .740 .049 1-1/4 3/4 0.629 03-00234 $14.85<br />
1.685 .714 .049 1-1/4” 3/4” .6285 03-11600 $18.95<br />
1.990 .870 .049 1-1/2 1 0.759 03-00235 $17.50<br />
2.023 .857 .049 1-1/2” 1” .7593 03-11700 $20.75<br />
2.360 .960 .049 1-3/4 1-1/8 0.890 03-00236 $23.95<br />
2.360 1.000 .049 1-3/4” 1-1/8” .8902 03-11800 $25.50<br />
2.665 1.140 .065 2 1-1/2 1.343 03-00237 $27.50<br />
2.697 1.143 .065 2” 1-1/4” 1.021 03-00192 $39.95<br />
3.372 1.429 .049 2-1/2” 1-1/2” 1.283 03-12000 $48.65<br />
4130 AIRFRAME<br />
O.D. (In.) Wall (In.) Weight Per Ft. Part No.<br />
Price Per<br />
Ft.<br />
1/2 x 1/2 .035 .2213 03-12200 $8.95<br />
1/2 x 1 .065 .6055 03-12350 $11.50<br />
.035 .2808 03-12400 $9.60<br />
5/8 x 5/8 .049 .4234 03-12500 $10.50<br />
.065 .388 03-12600 $10.78<br />
.035 .3403 03-12700 $9.50<br />
3/4 x 3/4 .049 .4671 03-12800 $11.55<br />
.065 .6055 03-13000 $11.90<br />
.065 .7160 03-13300 $16.95<br />
.035 .4593 03-13400 $10.50<br />
1 x 1 .049 .6337 03-13500 $11.50<br />
.065 .8265 03-13700 $12.50<br />
3/4 x 1-1/2 .049 .9057 03-13900 $12.60<br />
1 x 1-3/4 .065 1.158 03-13950 $16.75<br />
E-4340 ROUND STEEL ROD<br />
E4340 rod has high fatigue strength and maintains<br />
its hardness and strength qualities even<br />
at high temperatures. Excellent for use in highly<br />
stressed parts. Meets AMS2032 and is furnished<br />
normalized and tempered cold finished.<br />
Dia. (In.) Wt./Ft. (Lbs.) Part No. Price / Ft.<br />
1 2.67 03-26700 $44.50<br />
1-1/4 4.173 03-26850 $29.99<br />
1-3/8 5.049 03-26900 $35.55<br />
2 11.20 03-26950 $77.80<br />
3/16” Diameter type 304 CD stainless steel rod. Used in “new canard”<br />
for Long-EZ as specified by RAF.<br />
P/N 03-26600 ...................... $3.00/ft.<br />
Tubing Type O D. Wall Part No. Price/Ft.<br />
304 Welded 3/8” .028” 03-16100 $6.75<br />
321 Welded 1-1/2” .035” 03-16300 $20.90<br />
321 Welded 1- 3/4” .035” 03-16400 $22.93<br />
321 Welded 2” .035” 03-16500 $24.85<br />
304 Seamless 1/8 .020” 03-00148 $11.78<br />
304 Seamless 1/8” .035” 03-16010 $3.95<br />
304 Seamless 3/16” .035” 03-16020 $4.97<br />
304 Seamless 1/4” .035” 03-16030 $2.96<br />
304 Seamless 5/16” .035” 03-16040 $5.75<br />
304 Seamless 3/8” .035” 03-16045 $3.20<br />
304 Seamless 1/2” .035” 03-16050 $7.97<br />
304 Seamless 5/8” .035” 03-16060 $5.85<br />
321 Seamless 1-1/4” .028” 03-16540 $22.50<br />
321 Seamless 1-1/2” .035” 03-16560 $28.60<br />
BUSHING STOCK 1015/1020 STEEL<br />
Seamless mechanical tubing may be used either statically or dy namically.<br />
Its close tolerance, good fin ish and dense structure make it ideal<br />
for parts such as shafts, bushings, bearings, etc. Tensile strength<br />
80,000 PSI. Drill or ream for proper bolt fit.<br />
O.D. I.D. Wall Part No. Price/Ft.<br />
3/8” 1/4” .065” 03-16700 $2.44<br />
1/2” 3/8” .065” 03-16900 $1.88<br />
5/8” 1/2” .065” 03-17100 $2.16<br />
O.D. I.D Wall Part No. Price / Ft.<br />
1 /4” 3/16” .032” 03-17300 $1.78<br />
5 /16” 3/16” .065” 03-17400 $5.60<br />
7 / 16” 5/16” .065” 03-17600 $8.70<br />
1/ 2” 3/8” .065” 03-17800 $10.55<br />
4130 ROUND STEEL ROD<br />
Dia (In.) Wt./Ft. Part No. Price / Ft.<br />
1/8 .042 03-20100 $1.10<br />
3/16 .092 03-20200 $1.84<br />
1/4 .167 03-20300 $2.06<br />
5/16 .261 03-20400 $2.82<br />
3/8 .376 03-20500 $5.40<br />
7/16 .511 03-20600 $1.77<br />
1/2 .668 03-20700 $6.50<br />
9/16 .845 03-20800 $3.35<br />
5/8 1.043 03-20900 $2.78<br />
3/4 1.502 03-21000 $5.40<br />
7/8 2.044 03-21100 $13.60<br />
1 2.670 03-21200 $9.50<br />
1-1/4 4.173 03-21300 $11.70<br />
1-3/8 5.049 03-21400 $35.50<br />
1-1/2 6.008 03-21500 $24.50<br />
1-3/4 8.178 03-21600 $30.85<br />
Ordering tubing/bar by the foot. Add a dash number after<br />
part number to indicate length of tubing required.<br />
Ex: 3 ft required add -3, 03-00100-3.<br />
3/8” PIPER CHANNEL<br />
Available in mild steel. 0.020” thick.<br />
6-ft. length ....... P/N 05-04564 .......$10.80<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
Thickness<br />
(In.)<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
4130 SHEET<br />
This chromium-molybdenum alloy is one of the most widely used aircraft steels because of its combination of weldability,<br />
ease of fabrication and mild harde na bil ity. It will respond to heat treatment to high strength levels and yet, in the annealed<br />
condition, it has adequate strength for many applications. Used for the manufacture of parts and components. Tensile<br />
strength 75,000-85,000 PSI. Furnished cold-rolled and oiled in sheet thicknesses of .025-.125 inch. Sheets of .190-.250<br />
inch and greater thickness are hot-rolled, pickled and oiled. Sheared to sheet and strip sizes listed below. Subject to<br />
availability of normalized sheet, annealed 4130 sheet may be substituted.<br />
Price per Piece<br />
6” x 12’ 9” x 9” 9” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 36” 18” x 72” Wt.**<br />
Part No. Price Part No. Price Part No. Price Part No. Price Part No. Price Part No. Price (Lbs.)<br />
.025 03-21800 $1.58 03-21850 $2.84 03-21900 $5.04 03-22000 $11.25 03-22100 $22.50 03-22150 $45.00 2.30<br />
.032 03-22510 $4.75 03-22515 $5.50 03-22520 $10.75 03-22525 $21.25 03-22530 $42.25 03-22535 $83.75 ---<br />
.040 03-22600 $3.35 03-22650 $3.77 03-22700 $7.75 03-22800 $14.96 03-22900 $29.93 03-22950 $59.85 3.75<br />
.050 03-23000 $1.94 03-23050 $4.35 03-23100 $8.75 03-23200 $17.46 03-23300 $34.93 03-23350 $69.85 4.80<br />
.063 03-23400 $5.25 03-23450 $6.75 03-23500 $11.75 03-23600 $21.75 03-23700 $42.65 03-23750 $83.75 5.85<br />
.071 03-23800 $6.75 03-23850 $7.75 03-23900 $14.85 03-24000 $29.85 03-24100 $59.60 03-24150 $119.95 6.55<br />
.080 03-24200 $6.25 03-24250 $8.50 03-24300 $14.75 03-24400 $26.75 03-24500 $51.75 03-24550 $103.95 7.15<br />
.090 03-24600 $8.75 03-55500 $9.25 03-24700 $18.25 03-24800 $36.25 03-24900 $72.25 03-24950 $144.95 8.15<br />
.100 03-25000 $8.39 --- --- 03-25100 $18.72 03-25200 $37.44 03-25300 $74.88 03-25350 $149.75 10.45<br />
.125 03-55300 $9.95 03-25370 $13.25 03-25400 $22.75 03-25500 $42.50 03-25600 $82.00 --- --- 11.25<br />
.190 --- -- 03-25660 $18.70 03-25700 $34.00 03-25750 $71.50 03-26025 $136.95 --- --- 17.50<br />
.250 --- --- 03-25850 $21.78 03-25900 $44.65 03-25950 $87.25 03-26050 $174.50 03-00106 $349.00 94.00<br />
** Wt. per 18” x 18” sheet.<br />
4130 STEEL STRIPS<br />
Thickness Size Part No. Price*<br />
.025 5/8” x 72” 03-18000-6 $1.58<br />
.025 1” x 72” 03-18100-6 $2.52<br />
.032 5/8” x 72” 03-18110-6 $2.95<br />
.032 1” x 72” 03-18120-6 $4.75<br />
.032 2” x 72” 03-18130-6 $9.50<br />
.032 3” x 72” 03-18140-6 $13.50<br />
.040 5/8” x 72 03-18200-6 $2.10<br />
.040 1” x 72” 03-18300-6 $3.35<br />
.040 2” x 72” 03-18310-6 $6.64<br />
.040 3” x 72” 03-18320-6 $9.90<br />
.050 1” x 72” 03-18400-6 $4.19<br />
.050 2” x 72” 03-18410-6 $8.38<br />
.050 3” x 72” 03-18420-6 $11.88<br />
.063 5/8” x 72” 03-18500-6 $3.35<br />
.063 3/4” x 72” 03-18600-6 $3.35<br />
.063 1” x 72” 03-18700-6 $4.95<br />
.063 1-1/4” x 72” 03-18800-6 $6.75<br />
.063 1-1/2” x 72” 03-18900-6 $6.75<br />
.063 2” x 72” 03-19000-6 $9.95<br />
.063 3” x 72” 03-19100-6 $13.50<br />
.071 5/8” x 72” 03-19180-6 $4.20<br />
.071 1” x 72” 03-19200-6 $6.75<br />
.071 2” x 72” 03-19210-6 $13.50<br />
.071 3” x 72” 03-19220-6 $19.92<br />
.080 5/8” x 72” 03-19280-6 $4.20<br />
.080 1” x 72” 03-19290-6 $6.25<br />
.080 2” x 72” 03-19300-6 $11.75<br />
.090 1” x 72” 03-19400-6 $8.75<br />
.090 1-1/2” x 72” 03-19500-6 $12.25<br />
.090 2” x 72” 03-19520-6 $17.50<br />
.090 3” x 72” 03-19600-6 $24.25<br />
.100 1” x 72” 03-19610-6 $8.39<br />
.100 1-1/2” x 72” 03-19620-6 $12.58<br />
.100 3” x 72” 03-19630-6 $25.01<br />
.125 1” x 72” 03-19700-6 $9.93<br />
.125 1-1/2” x 72” 03-19800-6 $13.25<br />
.125 2” x 72” 03-19820-6 $19.50<br />
.125 3” x 72’’ 03-19900-6 $26.00<br />
.250 1-1/4” x 18” 03-20000 $6.90<br />
* 3-Ft. lengths available at the half price of<br />
6’ lengths.<br />
6 ft. lengths are subject to UPS oversize<br />
charges. Consider 3 ft. lengths which ship<br />
at cheaper rates<br />
4130 STEEL SHEET<br />
Less 10% discount on 6 sheets 18” x 36” or 3 sheets of 18” x 72” per part number.<br />
4130 STEEL SHEET<br />
(As Used in Christavia Kits)<br />
Thickness Size Part No. Price<br />
.040 8” x8” 03-56302 $2.95<br />
.040 12” x 12” 03-56304 $6.64<br />
.040 12” x 20” 03-56316 $11.13<br />
.040 10” x 26’ 03-56312 $12.35<br />
.040 12” x 24” 03-56306 $13.65<br />
.040 14” x 30” 03-56308 $19.40<br />
.040 18” x30” 03-56310 $24.90<br />
.040 24” x 24” 03-56314 ---<br />
.050 4” x 24” 03-56320 $5.17<br />
.050 12” x 12” 03-56318 $7.76<br />
.050 8” x 24” 03-56322 $10.50<br />
.050 12” x 24” 03-56324 $15.65<br />
.063 10” x 10” 03-56326 $6.75<br />
.063 10” x 14” 03-56332 $8.50<br />
.063 12” x 12” 03-56328 $9.93<br />
.063 12” x 24” 03-56330 $18.50<br />
.071 4” x 4” 03-56334 $1.44<br />
.071 12” x 12” 03-56336 $13.50<br />
.071 12” x 24” 03-56338 $19.90<br />
.080 2” x 10” 03-56354 $2.10<br />
.080 12” x 24” 03-56340 $22.50<br />
.090 2” x 10” 03-56344 $2.25<br />
.090 6” x 8” 03-56342 $10.70<br />
.090 12” x 24” 03-56346 $32.25<br />
.125 10” x 24” 03-56348 $29.25<br />
.125 12” x 24” 03-56350 $35.70<br />
E4340 RECT AN GU LAR<br />
SPEC. MIL-S-5000 AN NEALED<br />
This chromium-nickel-molybdenum alloy, “king” of<br />
the hard en ing grades of alloy steels, pos sesses<br />
much deep er hardenability than the 4100 series.<br />
The fatigue-tensile ratio makes it ideal for highly<br />
stressed parts such as landing gear legs, and is<br />
often referred to as “spring steel”. Ten sile strength<br />
is about 110,000 PSI. It is dif fi cult to weld but can<br />
be welded by any of the common welding processes<br />
providing the section is preheated and stress<br />
relieved after welding.<br />
Size (In.) Wt./Ft (Lbs.) Part No. Price/Ft.<br />
1/4 x 1-1/2 1.275 03-26100 $20.50<br />
1/4 x 2 1.702 03-26150 $18.00<br />
3/8 x 2 2.550 03-26200 $38.50<br />
1/2 x 3 5.100 03-26300 $34.60<br />
1/2 x 4 6.800 03-26400 $54.75<br />
ALLOY 4130 STEEL<br />
This high quality welding rod is produced from<br />
vacuum melted material. This material has<br />
ultra-low levels of oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen<br />
and is extremely low in trace elements.<br />
This rod is cleaner than standard rods and is<br />
the best avail able for 4130 welding. .062 dia.<br />
36” long. Appro. 32 units per pound.<br />
P/N 03-27600 .........$66.75/lb.<br />
1/16” ................ P/N 03-27625 ........$12.50/lb.<br />
3/32” ................ P/N 03-00118 ........$11.50/lb.<br />
WELD ING ROD NO. 7<br />
For big-strength welds in steel plate, sheet,<br />
struc tural shapes, pipe and steel castings.<br />
Supplied in 36” lengths in sizes 1/16”, 3/32”<br />
and 1/8”.<br />
NO. 32CMS – Rec om mended for 4130 steel<br />
struc tures for most satisfactory results. This<br />
rod is heat-treat able after welding.<br />
1/16” Dia ........P/N 03-27000 ..... $9.95/lb.<br />
3/32” Dia ........P/N 03-27100 ... $18.50/lb.<br />
1/8” Dia. .........P/N 03-27200 ..... $9.85/lb.<br />
NO. 7 – Used in general commercial welding<br />
and by many mechanics for non-heat-treated<br />
airframe re pairs.<br />
1/16” Dia ........P/N 03-27300 ....$14.50/lb.<br />
3/32” Dia ........P/N 03-27400 ......$8.45/lb.<br />
1/8” Dia. .........P/N 03-27500 ....$13.60/lb.<br />
Stainless steel bristles set in curved wooden<br />
han dle. Just right for cleaning welds. 1/2” Wide<br />
x 8” Long.<br />
P/N 03-26500 ...........$2.25<br />
For Alumium Welding Rod, see page 56.<br />
For Welding Equipment Tools Section.<br />
53<br />
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1100 This grade is commercially pure aluminum. It is soft and<br />
ductile and has excellent workability. It is ideal for applications<br />
involving intricate forming because it work hardens more slowly<br />
than other alloys. It is the most weldable of aluminum alloys, by<br />
any method. It is non heat-treatable. It has excellent re sis tance to<br />
corrosion and is widely used in the chemical and food processing<br />
in dus tries. It responds well to decorative finishes which make it<br />
suitable for giftware.<br />
2011 This is the most free-machining of the common aluminum<br />
alloys. It also has excellent mechanical properties. Thus, it is widely<br />
used for automatic screw machine products in parts requiring extensive<br />
ma chin ing.<br />
2014 & 2017 The 2017 alloy combines excellent machinability<br />
and high strength with the result that it is one of the most widely<br />
used alloys for auto matic screw machine work. It is a tough, ductile<br />
alloy suitable for heavy-duty structural parts. Its strength is slightly<br />
less than that of 2014.<br />
5052 This is the highest strength alloy of the more common non<br />
heat-treatable grades. Fatigue strength is higher than most aluminum<br />
alloys.In addition this grade has particularly good resistance<br />
to marine at mos phere and salt water cor ro sion. It has excellent<br />
workability. It may be drawn or formed into intricate shapes and its<br />
slightly greater strength in the annealed condition minimizes tearing<br />
that occurs in 1100 and 3003. Applications: Used in a wide variety of<br />
applications from aircraft com po nents to home appliances, marine<br />
and transportation industry parts, heavy duty cooking utensils and<br />
equipment for bulk processing of food.<br />
5083 & 5086 For many years there has been a need for<br />
aluminum sheet and plate alloys that would offer, for high strength<br />
welded ap pli ca tions, several distinct benefits over such alloys as<br />
5052 and 6061. Some of the benefits fabricators have been seeking<br />
are greater design ef fi ciency, better weld ing characteristics,<br />
good forming properties, excellent re sis tance to corrosion and the<br />
same economy as in other non heat-treatable alloys. Metallurgical<br />
re search has developed 5083 and 5086 as superior weldable alloys<br />
which fill these needs. Both alloys have virtually the same characteristics<br />
with 5083 having slightly higher mechanical properties<br />
due to the increased manganese content over 5086. Ap pli ca tions:<br />
unfired pressure vessels, missile containers, heavy-duty truck and<br />
trailer as sem blies, boat hulls and superstructures.<br />
EP<br />
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2024 This is one of the best known of the high strength aluminum<br />
alloys. With its high strength and excellent fatigue resistance, it is<br />
used to advantage on struc tures and parts where good strength-toweight<br />
ratio is desired. It is readily machined to a high finish. It is<br />
readily formed in the annealed condition and may be subsequently<br />
heat treated. Arc or gas welding is generally not recommended,<br />
although this alloy may be spot, seam or flash welded. Since corrosion<br />
resistance is relatively low, 2024 is commonly used with an<br />
anodized finish or in clad form (“Alclad”) with a thin surface layer of<br />
high purity aluminum. Applications: air craft structural components,<br />
aircraft fittings, hardware, truck wheels and parts for the trans porta<br />
tion industry.<br />
3003 This is the most widely used of all aluminum alloys. It is<br />
essentially com mer cially pure aluminum with the addition of man ganese<br />
which increases the strength some 20% over the 1100 grade.<br />
Thus, it has all the excellent char ac ter is tics of 1100 with higher<br />
strength. It has excellent corrosion resistance. It has excellent workability<br />
and it may be deep drawn or spun, welded or brazed. It is<br />
non heat treatable. Applications: cooking utensils, decorative trim,<br />
awnings, sid ing, storage tanks, chemi cal equip ment.<br />
5005 This alloy is generally considered to be an improved version<br />
of 3003. It has the same general mechanical properties as 3003 but<br />
appears to stand up better in actual service. It is readily workable.<br />
It can be deep drawn or spun, welded or brazed. It has excellent<br />
corrosion resistance. It is non heat-treatable. It is well suited for<br />
anodizing and has less tendency to streak or discolor. Applications<br />
same as 3003.<br />
6061 This is the least expensive and most versatile of the heattreatable<br />
alu mi num alloys. It has most of the good qualities of aluminum.<br />
It offers a range of good mechanical properties and good<br />
corrosion resistance. It can be fabricated by most of the commonly<br />
used tech niques. In the annealed condition it has good workability.<br />
In the T4 condition fairly severe forming operations may be accomplished.<br />
The full T6 properties may be obtained by artificial aging.<br />
It is welded by all methods and can be furnace brazed. It is available<br />
in the clad form (“Alclad”) with a thin surface layer of high purity<br />
aluminum to improve both appearance and corrosion resistance.<br />
Applications: This grade is used for a wide variety of products and<br />
ap pli ca tions from truck bodies and frames to screw machine parts<br />
and structural components. 6061 is used where ap pear ance and<br />
better corrosion resistance with good strength are required.<br />
6063 This grade is commonly referred to as the architectural<br />
alloy. It was developed as an extrusion alloy with relatively high tensile<br />
prop er ties, excellent finishing characteristics and a high degree<br />
of re sis tance to corrosion. This alloy is most often found in various<br />
interior and exterior architectural applications, such as windows,<br />
doors, store fronts and assorted trim items. It is the alloy best suited<br />
for anodizing applications - either plain or in a variety of colors.<br />
7075 This is one of the highest strength aluminum alloys available.<br />
Its strength-to weight ratio is excellent and it is ideally used for<br />
highly stressed parts. It may be formed in the annealed condition<br />
and sub se quently heat treated. Spot or flash welding can be used,<br />
although arc and gas welding are not recommended. It is available<br />
in the clad (“Alclad”) form to improve the corrosion resistance<br />
with the over-all high strength being only mod er ate ly affected.<br />
Applications: Used where high est strength is needed.<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
The aluminum industry uses a four-digit index system for the designation<br />
of its wrought aluminum alloys.<br />
As outlined below, the first digit in di cates the alloy group according to<br />
the major alloying elements.<br />
In this group. minimum aluminum content is 99%. and there is no<br />
major alloying element.<br />
The second digit indicates modifications in impurity limits. If the second<br />
digit is zero, there is no special control on in di vid ual impurities.<br />
Digits 1 through 9, which are assigned consecutively as needed, indicate<br />
special control of one or more individual impurities.<br />
The last two digits indicate specific minimum aluminum content.<br />
Al though the absolute minimum aluminum content in this group is 99%<br />
the minimum for certain grades is higher than 99%, and the last two<br />
digits represent the hundredths of a per cent over 99.<br />
Thus, 1030 would indicate 99.30% mini mum aluminum. without special<br />
control on individual impurities. The des ig na tions 1130, 1230,<br />
1330, etc.. indicate the same purity with special control on one or<br />
more impurities. Likewise. 1100 in di cates minimum aluminum content<br />
of 99.00% with individual impurity control.<br />
The major alloying elements are in di cated by the first digit, as follows:<br />
2xxx Copper<br />
3xxx Manganese<br />
4xxx Silicon<br />
5xxx Magnesium<br />
6xxx Magnesium and silicon<br />
7xxx Zinc<br />
8xxx Other element<br />
9xxx Unused series<br />
The second digit indicates alloy modi fi ca tion. If the second digit is<br />
zero. it indicates the original alloy: digits 1 through 9, which are<br />
assigned con secu tively, indicate alloy modifications. The last two<br />
digits have no special sig nifi cance, serving only to identify the dif ferent<br />
alloys in the group.<br />
Experimental alloys are designated ac cord ing to the four digit system,<br />
but they are prefixed by the letter X. The prefix is dropped when<br />
the alloy becomes standard. During development, and before they<br />
are designated as experimental, new alloys are identified by serial<br />
num bers assigned by their originators. Use of the serial number is<br />
dis con tin ued when the X number is assigned.<br />
Temper designations of wrought alu mi num alloys consist of suffixes<br />
to the numeric alloy designations. For example, in 3003-H14, 3003<br />
denotes the alloy and “H14” denotes the temper, or degree of hardness.<br />
The temper designation also reveals the method by which the hardness<br />
was obtained. Temper designations differ between non heat-treatable<br />
alloys and heat-treatable alloys. and their meanings are given below:<br />
The letter “H” is always followed by 2 or 3 digits. The first digit indicates<br />
the particular method used to obtain the temper. as follows:<br />
— Hl means strain hardened only.<br />
— H2 means strain hardened, then partially annealed.<br />
— H3 means strain hardened, then stabilized.<br />
The temper is indicated by the second digit as follows:<br />
2 1/4 hard<br />
4 I/2 hard<br />
6 3/4 hard<br />
8 full hard<br />
9 extra hard<br />
Added digits indicate modification of standard practice.<br />
-F As fabricated<br />
-O Annealed<br />
-T Heat treated<br />
The letter “T” is always followed by one or more digits. These digits indicate<br />
the method used to produce the stable tempers, as follows:<br />
-T3 Solution heat treated, then cold worked.<br />
-T351 Solution heat treated, stress-relieved stretched, then cold<br />
worked.<br />
-T36 Solution heat treated, then cold worked (controlled).<br />
-T4 Solution heat treated, then naturally aged.<br />
-T451 Solution heat treated, then stress relieved stretched.<br />
-T5 Artificially aged only.<br />
-T6 Solution heat treated, then artificially aged.<br />
-T61 Solution heat treated (boiling water quench), then artificially<br />
aged.<br />
-T651 Solution heat treated, stress-relieved stretched, then ar tifi<br />
cially aged (precipitation heat treatment).<br />
-T652 Solution heat treated, stress relieved by com pres sion.<br />
then artificially aged.<br />
-T7 Solution heat treated, then stabilized.<br />
-T8 Solution heat treated, cold worked, then artificially aged.<br />
-T81 Solution heat treated, cold worked (controlled), then artificially<br />
aged.<br />
-T851 Solution heat treated, cold worked, stress-relieved<br />
stretched, then artificially aged.<br />
-T9 Solution heat treated, artificially aged, then cold worked.<br />
-T10 Artificially aged, then cold worked.<br />
Added digits indicate modification of standard practice.<br />
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Although the old system of aluminum identification has been obsolete for many years, stock with<br />
the old markings is still occasionally found. The following comparison is presented as an aid in identifying<br />
such materials in terms of the modern system.<br />
In the old system, alloy composition was indicated by a one- or two-digit number followed by the<br />
letter “S” to indicate that it was a wrought alloy, i.e., an alloy that could be shaped by rolling, drawing<br />
or forging. Any variation in the basic composition was indicated by a letter preceding the numerical<br />
alloy designation. For example, A17S was a modification of the basic alloy 17S. In modern terminology<br />
these two alloys are designated 2117S and 2017S, respectively. Temper was designated by a<br />
second letter: “O” for soft (annealed), “H”for strain hardness of non heat-treatable alloys, and “T”for<br />
hardness of heat-treatable alloys. Degree of hardness of non heat-treatable alloys was indicated by a<br />
fraction preceding the letter “H”. For example, 3S1/4H would be quarter-hard 3S alloy.<br />
The following Table gives examples of the old and modern designations of some common aluminum<br />
alloys.<br />
Modern System Old System<br />
1100 2S<br />
3003 3S<br />
3003-0 3SO<br />
2014 14S<br />
2017 17S<br />
2117 A17S<br />
<strong>2018</strong> 18S<br />
2218 B18S<br />
2024T<br />
24ST<br />
5052 52S<br />
7075T6<br />
75ST6<br />
PS<br />
BV<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
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Heat-Treatable Alloys Non-Heat Treatable<br />
Alloys<br />
Alloy<br />
Gen’l. Availability<br />
Temper<br />
Flat Sheet<br />
Coil Sheet<br />
Ratings A, B, C, D are relative in de creas ing order of merit. weldability and brazability<br />
ratings are spe cif i cal ly de fined as:<br />
A - Generally weldable by all com mer cial procedures and methods.<br />
B - Weldable with special technique or specific ap pli ca tions which justify<br />
pre lim i nary<br />
trials or testing to develop weld ing procedure and weld per for mance.<br />
C -Limited weldability because of crack sensitivity or loss on resistance to<br />
cor ro sion,<br />
and all mechanical properties.<br />
D - No commonly used welding meth ods have so far been de vel oped.<br />
O x x x - A A D A A A B 11 15.5 3.5 1 - 15-30 -<br />
1100 H14 X X X - A A C A A A A 16 21 14 1 - 3-9 -<br />
F - - - X - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />
O X X X - A A D A A A B 14 19 5 1 - 14-25 -<br />
3003 H14 X X X - A B C A A A A 20 26 17 1 - 1-7 -<br />
F - - - X - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />
O X X X - A A D C A A B 25 31 9.5 1 - 15-20 -<br />
5052 H32 X X X X A B C C A A A 31 38 23 1 - 4-9 11-12<br />
H34 X X X - A B C C A A A 34 41 26 1 - 3-7 -<br />
O 3 X - - X C B D D D C B - 32 - 14 12 12<br />
Bare T3 X - - - C C B D D C A 63-64 - 42 - 10-15 -<br />
2024 T351 - - - X C C B D D C A 56-64 - 40-41 - - 4-12<br />
T42 2 - - - - C C B D D C A 58-62 - 38 - 12-15 4-12<br />
O 3 X X - X A B D D D C B - 30-32 - 14 10-12 12<br />
Alclad T3 X - - - A D B D D C A 58-63 - 39-40 - 10-15 -<br />
2024 T351 - - - X A D B D D C A 56-63 - 40-41 - - 4-8<br />
T42 2 - - - - A D B D D C A 55-61 - 34-38 - 10-15 4-12<br />
O 31 X X - X A A D A A A B - 22 12 12 10-18 16-18<br />
T4 X - - - A C C A A A A 30 - 16 - 10-16 -<br />
6061 T6 X - - - A C C A A A A 42 - 35 - 4-10 -<br />
T651 - - - X A C C A A A A 40-42 - 35 - - 6-10<br />
T42 2 - - - - A C C A A A A 30 - 14 - 10-16 16-18<br />
O 1 X - - - C D D D D D B - 40 - 21 10 -<br />
Bare T6 X - - - C D B D D D B 76-77 - 65-66 - 7-8 -<br />
7075 T651 - - - X C D B D D D B 67-77 - 53-66 - - 2-8<br />
Alclad O 1 X X - - A B C D D D B - 36-39 - 20-21 9-10 -<br />
7075 T6 X - - - A D B D D D B 68-75 - 58-64 - 5-8 -<br />
1 - These yield strengths not determined unless specifically requested.<br />
2 - Although sheet and plate are not sold in this temper, material heat treated<br />
from any temper by the user should attain the mechanical properties<br />
applicable to this temper.<br />
3 - Annealed (0 temper) material shall, upon heat treatment, be capable of<br />
developing the mechanical properties applicable to T 42 temper material.<br />
4 - Annealed (0 temper) material shall, upon heat treatment and aging, be capable<br />
of developing the mechanical properties applicable to T 67 temper material.<br />
Where range is shown, use smaller radius with extreme caution.<br />
ALLOY TEMPER RADII’ For Various Thicknesses Expresses in Terms of Thickness “t”<br />
1/64 Inch 1/32 Inch 1/16 Inch 1/8 Inch 3/16 Inch 1/4 Inch 3/8 Inch 1/2 Inch<br />
-O O O O O O O O 1t-2t<br />
-H12 O O O O O-1t O-1t O-1t 1t-3t<br />
1100 -H14 O O O O O-1t O-1t O-1t 2t-3t<br />
-H16 O O O-1t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2-1/2t-3-1/2t 3t-4t<br />
-H18 O-1t 1/2-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 2t-4t 3t-5t 3t-6t<br />
Alclad -O O O O O O-1t O-1t 1-1/2t-3t 3t-5t<br />
-T3 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 3t-5t 4t-6t 4t-6t 5t-7t 5-1/2t-8t<br />
2014 -T4 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 3t-5t 4t-6t 4t-6t 5t-7t 5-1/2t-8t<br />
-T6 2t-4t 3t-5t 3t-5t 4t-6t 5t-7t 6t-10t 7t-10t 8t-11t<br />
-O 2 O O O O O-1t O-1t 1-1/2t-3t 3t-5t<br />
-T3 23 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 3t-5t 4t-6t 4t-6t 5t-7t 6t-8t 6t-9t<br />
2024 -36 2 2t-4t 3t-5t 4t-6t 5t-7t 5t-7t 6t-10t 7t-10t 8t-11t<br />
-T42 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 3t-5t 4t-6t 4t-6t 5t-7t 6t-8t 6t-9t<br />
-T81 3-1/2t-5t 4-1/2t-6t 5t-7t 6-1/2t-8t 7t-9t 8t-10t 9t-11t 9t-12t<br />
-T86 4t-5-1/2t 5t-7t 6t-8t 7t-10t 8t-11t 10t-13t 10t-13t 1t-2t<br />
-O O O O O O O O 1t-2t<br />
-H12 O O O O O-1t O-1t O-1t 1t-3t<br />
3003 -H14 O O O O-1t O-1t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2-1/2t 1-1/2t-3t<br />
-H16 0-1t 01t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 1-1/2t-4t 3t-5t<br />
-H18 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 3t-5t 4t-6t 4t-7t 5t-8t<br />
-O O O O O O-1t O-1t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t<br />
-H32 O O O O-1t O-1t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-2-1/2t<br />
5052 -H34 O O O-1t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2t-3t 2-1/2t-3-1/2t<br />
-H36 0-1t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t--3t 2t-4t 2t-4t 2-1/2t-5t 3t-5-1/2t<br />
-H38 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 3t-5t 4t-6t 4t-7t 5t-8t<br />
-O O O O O O-1t O-1t 1/2t-2t 1t-1-1/2t<br />
6061 -T4 2 O-1t O-1t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 2-1/2t-4t 3t-5t<br />
-T6 2 O-1t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 3t-4t 3-1/2t-5-1/2t 4t-6t<br />
7075 -O O O O-1t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2-1/2t-4t 3t-5t<br />
-T6 2 2t-4t 3t-5t 4t-6t 5t-7t 5t-7t 6t10t 7t-11t 7t-12t<br />
1.Minimum permissible radius over which sheet or plate may be bent varies with<br />
nature of forming operation. type of forming equipment, and design and conditions<br />
of tools. Minimum working radius for a given material or hardest alloy and temper for<br />
a given radius can be ascertained only by actual trial under contemplated conditions<br />
of fabrication. Where range is shown, use a smaller radius with extreme caution.<br />
Cut to Length Sheet<br />
Plate<br />
Corrosion Resistance<br />
Typical Characteristics*<br />
Cold Workability<br />
Machinability<br />
Brazability<br />
Weldability<br />
Gas<br />
Arc<br />
Resistance, spot<br />
and steam<br />
Specified Mechanical Properties<br />
Where range is shown, property varies with<br />
specific width and/or thickness dimensions<br />
Tensile Strength - Ksi<br />
Ultimate<br />
Yield<br />
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum<br />
Elongation in 2”<br />
or 4 times diameter<br />
-percent minimum<br />
Sheet<br />
Plate<br />
2. Alclad sheet can be bent over slightly smaller radii than the corresponding<br />
tempers of the uncoated alloy.<br />
3. Immediately after quenching, this alloy can be formed over appreciable<br />
smaller radii. 4217661360076962<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
Alloy &<br />
Temper<br />
2024T3<br />
Surface<br />
Finish<br />
2024-0 Alclad<br />
6061T4<br />
6061T6<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
Aluminum alloy sheet is sold in the thicknesses and sheet sizes shown in the table. Order by part number. No guarantee against<br />
scratches is possible due to the handling required to cut sheets to sizes shown.<br />
CUTTING CHARGES: We can cut standard sheet sizes shown in the table to special sizes, but spe cial order cutting charg es will<br />
apply. Cutting Charges range from $20 to $50 or more depending on sizes desired and num ber of cuts. Spe cial shapes are not cut,<br />
only straight edg es. Request quote on Cutting Charges prior to order, as spe cial cut pieces are not returnable.<br />
Thickness<br />
(In.)<br />
Wt./ Sq.Ft.<br />
(Lbs.)<br />
Thick. P/N # 4’ x 12‘ P/N # 4’ x 8’ P/N # 4’ x 6’ P/N # 4’ x 4’<br />
.020 03-31410 $105.80** 03-31420 $84.64 03-31430 $63.48 03-31440 $42.32<br />
.025 03-32410 $65.75 03-32420 $43.40 03-32430 $32.88 03-32440 $21.70<br />
.032 03-33410 $83.75 03-33420 $56.11 03-33430 $41.88 03-33440 $27.64<br />
.040 03-34410 $118.75 03-34420 $78.38 03-34430 $59.38 03-34440 $39.19<br />
.050 03-34510 $125.95 03-34520 $83.13 03-34530 $62.98 03-34540 $41.56<br />
.063 03-34610 $156.95 03-34620 $103.59 03-34630 $78.48 03-34640 $51.79<br />
** Length of full sheet of .025 thickness is 10 ft.<br />
For 2’x4’ pcs. of 3003H-14 use “45” as last 2 digits of P/N (Ex: 03-34645)<br />
5052H-32 ALUMINUM SHEET<br />
5052H32 Aluminum alloy sheets for fab ri ca tion of fuel<br />
tanks. Available in full sheets (48”x144”) & 1/2 sheets<br />
(48”x72”) only, in .040 & .050 thicknesses. May be combined with other<br />
aluminum sheets for discount. See ship ping specs above.<br />
.032 Thickness Full Sheet ...............P/N 03-30810 .......... $77.75<br />
Half Sheet ................P/N 03-30860 .......... $38.88<br />
.040 Thick ness Full Sheet ................P/N 03-30900 .......... $99.85<br />
Half Sheet ................P/N 03-30950 .......... $49.93<br />
.050 Thickness Full Sheet ................P/N 03-31000 ........ $125.75<br />
Half Sheet ................P/N 03-31050 .......... $62.88<br />
Price Per Sheet<br />
4’ x 12’ 4’ x 8’ 4’ x 6’ 4’ x 4’ 2’ x 4’<br />
Part No. Price Part No. Price Part No. Price Part No. Price Part No. Price<br />
.016 .230 03-27710 $114.75 03-27720 $76.88 03-27730 $57.38 03-27740 $37.87 03-27750 $19.51<br />
.020 .288 03-27810 $119.85 03-27820 $80.30 03-27830 $59.93 03-27840 $39.55 03-27850 $20.38<br />
.025 .360 03-27910 $132.75 03-27920 $88.94 03-27930 $66.38 03-27940 $43.81 03-27950 $22.57<br />
.032 .461 03-28010 $169.90 03-28020 $113.83 03-28030 $84.95 03-28040 $56.07 03-28050 $28.88<br />
.040 .576 03-28110 $189.90 03-28120 $127.23 03-28130 $94.95 03-28140 $62.67 03-28150 $32.28<br />
.050 .720 03-28210 $236.95 03-28220 $158.76 03-28230 $118.48 03-28240 $78.19 03-28250 $40.28<br />
Alclad .063 .907 03-28310 $291.95 03-28320 $195.61 03-28330 $145.98 03-28340 $96.34 03-28350 $49.63<br />
.071 1.02 03-28410 $325.00 03-28420 $217.75 03-28430 $162.50 03-28440 $107.25 03-28450 $55.25<br />
.080 1.15 03-28510 $406.00 03-28520 $272.02 03-28530 $203.00 03-28540 $133.98 03-28550 $69.02<br />
.090 1.30 03-28610 $457.00 03-28620 $306.19 03-28630 $228.50 03-28640 $150.81 03-28650 $77.69<br />
.125 1.80 03-28710 $631.00 03-28720 $422.77 03-28730 $315.50 03-28740 $208.23 03-28750 $107.27<br />
.160 - 03-70010 $962.00 03-70020 $639.00 03-70030 $480.95 03-70040 $319.95 03-70050 $159.95<br />
.190 2.74 03-28810 $947.00 03-28820 $633.00 03-28830 $472.95 03-28840 $311.95 03-28850 $159.95<br />
Bare .250 3.60 03-28910 $1,126.00 03-28920 $753.00 03-28930 $563.00 03-28940 $370.95 03-28950 $190.95<br />
Bare<br />
Bare<br />
6061-0 Bare<br />
7075T6<br />
Alclad<br />
7075-0 Alclad<br />
.032 .461 03-29010 $154.75 03-29020 $103.68 03-29030 $77.38 03-29040 $51.07 03-29050 $26.31<br />
.040 .576 03-29110 $178.85 03-29120 $119.83 03-29130 $89.43 03-29140 $59.02 03-29150 $30.41<br />
.025 .353 03-29210 $126.95 03-29220 $85.06 03-29230 $63.48 03-29240 $41.89 03-29250 $21.58<br />
.032 .452 03-29310 $98.90 03-29320 $66.26 03-29330 $49.45 03-29340 $32.64 03-29350 $16.81<br />
.040 .564 03-29410 $141.75 03-29420 $94.97 03-29430 $70.88 03-29440 $46.78 03-29450 $24.10<br />
.050 .706 03-29510 $229.95 03-29520 $154.07 03-29530 $114.98 03-29540 $75.88 03-29550 $39.09<br />
.063 .889 03-29610 $202.95 03-29620 $135.98 03-29630 $101.48 03-29640 $66.97 03-29650 $34.50<br />
.080 1.13 03-29710 $285.00 03-29720 $190.95 03-29730 $142.50 03-29740 $94.05 03-29750 $48.45<br />
.125 1.76 03-29810 $418.00 03-29820 $280.06 03-29830 $209.00 03-29840 $137.94 03-29850 $71.06<br />
.016 .228 03-08910 $98.75 03-08920 $65.18 03-08930 $49.38 03-08940 $32.59 03-08950 $16.79<br />
.020 .285 03-09910 $107.75 03-09920 $71.12 03-09930 $53.88 03-09940 $35.56 03-09950 $18.32<br />
.025 .353 03-29910 $127.75 03-29920 $85.59 03-29930 $63.88 03-29940 $42.16 03-29950 $21.72<br />
.032 .452 03-30010 $103.75 03-30020 $69.51 03-30030 $51.88 03-30040 $34.24 03-30050 $17.64<br />
.040 .570 03-31110 $126.75 03-31120 $84.92 03-31130 $63.38 03-31140 $41.83 03-31150 $21.04<br />
.050 .713 03-31210 $159.75 03-31220 $105.44 03-31230 $79.88 03-31240 $52.72 03-31250 $27.16<br />
.063 .889 03-30110 $199.85 03-30120 $133.90 03-30130 $99.93 03-30140 $65.95 03-30150 $33.98<br />
.090 1.27 03-30210 $279.95 03-30220 $187.57 03-30230 $139.98 03-30240 $92.38 03-30250 $47.59<br />
.125 1.76 03-30310 $398.00 03-30320 $266.66 03-30330 $199.00 03-30340 $131.34 03-30350 $67.66<br />
.190 03-10010 $597.00 03-10020 $398.95 03-10030 $297.95 03-10040 $196.95 0310050 $100.95<br />
.020 .282 03-30410 $113.75 03-30420 $76.21 03-30430 $56.88 03-30440 $37.54 03-30450 $19.34<br />
.040 .564 03-30510 $129.00 03-30520 $86.43 03-30530 $64.50 03-30540 $42.57 03-30550 $21.93<br />
.063 .889 03-30610 $198.75 03-30620 $132.85 03-30630 $99.75 03-30640 $65.75 03-30650 $33.75<br />
.080 1.13 03-30710 $212.95 03-30720 $142.68 03-30730 $106.48 03-30740 $70.27 03-30750 $36.20<br />
.025 .364 03-60010 $184.75 03-60020 $123.23 03-60030 $92.38 03-60040 $61.52 03-60050 $31.41<br />
.032 .466 03-61010 $175.95 03-61020 $117.36 03-61030 $87.98 03-61040 $58.59 03-61050 $29.91<br />
.040 .582 03-62010 $207.95 03-62020 $138.70 03-62030 $103.98 03-62040 $69.25 03-62050 $35.35<br />
.050 .727 03-63010 $315.00 03-63020 $210.11 03-63030 $157.50 03-63040 $104.90 03-63050 $53.55<br />
.063 .916 03-64010 $327.00 03-64020 $218.11 03-64030 $163.50 03-64040 $108.89 03-64050 $55.59<br />
.125 1.82 03-65010 $660.00 03-65020 $440.22 03-65030 $330.00 03-65040 $219.78 03-65050 $112.20<br />
.025 .364 03-66010 $140.75 03-66020 $93.88 03-66030 $70.38 03-66040 $46.87 03-66050 $23.93<br />
.032 .466 S10 $155.95 03-67020 $104.02 03-67030 $77.98 03-67040 $51.93 03-67050 $26.51<br />
.040 .582 03-68010 $189.95 03-68020 $126.70 03-68030 $94.98 03-68040 $63.25 03-68050 $32.29<br />
.063 .916 03-69010 $310.00 03-69020 $206.77 03-69030 $155.00 03-69040 $103.23 03-69050 $52.70<br />
For 2’x2’ piece of aluminum sheet, take 2’x4’ price ÷ 2, and then add 15%. For 2’x2’ piece, change last two digits of P/N to “60”. Thicknesses of .016”, .020”, .025”, .032”, and .040” can be rolled to ship UPS, but will<br />
not be returnable if rolled. The softer and thicker the material, the harder it will be to return to a flat surface. Full sheets of heavier gauges or cut sheets exceeding 108” length plus girth (once down and once around)<br />
must be shipped by truck. Maximum sheet size for UPS ship ment is 2’ x 4’. QUANTITY DISCOUNT SCHEDULE: 10% on 6-10 Full Sheets; 15% on 11-15 Full Sheets. May be assorted thicknesses and alloys. Write<br />
for quo ta tion on larger orders. Heavy gauge 2024T4 aluminum plate available in .375, . 500 and .625 thickness. Indicate sheet size required.<br />
12” Wide X 12 ft. (rolled for mailing). Sold in 12 ft. lengths<br />
only.<br />
P/N 03-30800 .....................$28.69 Ea.<br />
18” Wide x 12 ft. (rolled for mailing). Sold in 12 ft. lengths<br />
only.<br />
P/N 03-30850 .....................$43.61 Ea.<br />
Other widths available at proportionate cost plus shearing charge.<br />
Material Width Thknes Weight/ Lin.<br />
Price/<br />
Part No.<br />
(In.) Ft.(Lbs)<br />
Lin.Ft.<br />
301 Stainless, 1/2 Hard 36” .016 2.016 03-31200 $18.65<br />
304 Stainless 48” .018 2.173 03-20010 $12.85<br />
302/304 Stainless, Ann.* 48” .035 4.38 03-31300 $24.50<br />
Gal va nized Sheet, 26 Ga. 48” .022 2.718 03-31400 $4.95<br />
* 2B Fin ish<br />
Material Size<br />
Weight/Lin.<br />
Ft.(Lbs)<br />
Part No. Price ea.<br />
301 SS 1/2 Hard 3’ x .025” 26 03-00062 $42.00<br />
For 03-00062 Add -1 thru -9 for desired length in feet.<br />
57<br />
CM<br />
WP<br />
ME<br />
HA<br />
AP<br />
LG<br />
EP<br />
CS<br />
IN<br />
EL<br />
AV<br />
TO<br />
PS<br />
CM<br />
WP<br />
ME<br />
HA<br />
AP<br />
LG<br />
EP<br />
CS<br />
IN<br />
EL<br />
AV<br />
TO<br />
PS<br />
BV<br />
5052-0 ALUMINUM TUBING<br />
Rigid 5052-0 aluminum alloy tubing is used for low and<br />
medium pressure hydraulic systems, fuel lines and oil<br />
lines. This tubing will withstand a higher pressure than<br />
3003-0 tubing.<br />
6061T6 SQUARE<br />
Size (In.) Wall Thickness Wt/Ft (Lb.) Part No. Price Per Ft.<br />
1/2x1/2 .058 .156 03-00008 $6.50<br />
3/4x3/4 .049 .217 03-00009 $4.47<br />
1 X 1 .065 .300 03-38900 $6.75<br />
2 X 2 .125 1.120 03-00141 $7.75<br />
6061T6511<br />
.190 1.420 03-00205 $8.50<br />
2 x2<br />
6063T52<br />
2 x 2<br />
TUBING 2024T3<br />
O.D. (In.) I.D. (In.) Wall Thickness Wt./Ft. (Lb.) Part No. Price Per Ft.<br />
1/4 .180 .035 .2081 03-31600 $4.45<br />
5/16<br />
.243 .035 .0366 03-31700 $6.75<br />
.215 .049 .0487 03-31800 $8.98<br />
.305 .035 .0449 03-32000 $7.90<br />
3/8 .277 .049 .0602 03-32100 $8.50<br />
.245 .065 .0755 03-32200 $9.98<br />
.430 .035 .0612 03-32500 $5.60<br />
1/2<br />
.402 .049 .0829 03-32600 $7.95<br />
.384 .058 .0970 03-32700 $8.65<br />
.370 .065 .1061 03-32800 $8.80<br />
.555 .035 .0775 03-32900 $10.95<br />
5/8<br />
.527 .049 .1060 03-33000 $5.75<br />
.509 .058 .1234 03-33100 $10.55<br />
.495 .065 .1367 03-33200 $8.25<br />
.680 .035 .0938 03-33300 $6.55<br />
3/4 .652 .049 .1288 03-33400 $6.75<br />
.620 .065 .1670 03-33600 $7.39<br />
.805 .035 .1423 03-33650 $8.75<br />
.777 .049 .1530 03-33700 $9.60<br />
7/8 .759 .058 .1777 03-33800 $10.50<br />
.745 .065 .1979 03-33900 $6.94<br />
.635 .120 .3398 03-34000 $29.55<br />
.930 .035 .1250 03-34100 $6.25<br />
.902 .049 .1754 03-34200 $6.92<br />
1 .884 .058 .2028 03-34250 $30.50<br />
.870 .065 .2295 03-34400 $7.60<br />
.834 .083 .2866 03-34500 $9.85<br />
1.180 .035 .1601 03-34600 $8.95<br />
1-1/4 1.152 .049 .2213 03-34700 $9.90<br />
1.120 .065 .3000 03-00045 $11.90<br />
1-3/8 1.277 .049 .2448 03-34800 $14.95<br />
1-1/2<br />
1.402 .049 .2683 03-34900 $12.00<br />
1.370 .065 .3519 03-35000 $11.92<br />
1-3/4 1.250 .250 1.428 03-35075 $33.95<br />
2 1.870 .065 .4743 03-35200 $19.93<br />
Only available in 6’ or 12’ lengths. We can cut to smaller<br />
pieces for shipping, but total quantity ordered must equal<br />
6 ft, 12 ft, 18 ft, 24 ft, etc. If manufacturing test reports<br />
are required, there is a minimum $15.00 charge per order.<br />
Please indicate in the special instructions box at the time of order that<br />
certs are required.<br />
O.D. (In.) I.D. (In.) Wall Thickness Wt./Ft. (Lb.) Part No. 6 ft. 12 ft.<br />
1/2 .430 .035 .0612 03-38500 $15.84 $31.68<br />
3/4 .680 .035 .0920 03-38600 $23.70 $47.40<br />
1 .930 .035 .1250 03-38700 $27.90 $55.80<br />
1-1/4 1.180 .035 .1601 03-38800 $41.82 $83.64<br />
Sold in full 6-ft or 12ft lengths only. No charge for cutting to 8 ft or less for UPS shipment.<br />
.125 1.120 03-39000 $5.45<br />
O.D. (In.) I.D. (In.) Thickness Wt./Ft. (Lb.) Part No. Price Per Ft.<br />
1/8 .069 .035 .0101 03-39100 $6.90<br />
3/16 .132 .035 .0168 03-39200 $2.59<br />
1/4<br />
.152 .049 .0371 03-39250 $4.80<br />
.180 .035 .0281 03-39300 $1.56<br />
5/16 .242 .035 .0360 03-39400 $2.25<br />
.305 .035 .0449 03-39500 $1.90<br />
3/8<br />
.277 .049 .0602 03-39550 $2.97<br />
.436 .035 .0612 03-39600 $2.49<br />
1/2<br />
.402 .049 .0829 03-39650 $2.60<br />
.555 .035 .0760 03-39700 $2.50<br />
5/8<br />
.527 .049 .1060 03-39750 $3.35<br />
.680 .035 .0938 03-39800 $3.55<br />
3/4<br />
.652 .049 .1288 03-39850 $3.65<br />
.930 .035 .1256 03-39900 $4.70<br />
1<br />
.902 .049 .1754 03-39950 $4.98<br />
Sold in full 6-ft. or 12-ft. lengths only. No charge for cutting to 8 ft. or less for UPS shipment.Unlisted<br />
sizes of aluminum tubing available in full 12’ lengths. No charge for cutting to 8’ or less for<br />
UPS. Longer lengths shipped via truck. Ordering tubing/bar by the foot. Add a dash number<br />
after part number to indicate length of tubing required. Ex: 3 ft required add -3,<br />
03-00100-3.<br />
O.D. (In.) I.D. (In.) Wall Thickness Wt./Ft. (Lb.) Part No. Price Per Ft.<br />
3/16 .118 .035 --- 03-00012 $3.75<br />
1/4<br />
.180 .035 .0281 03-35300 $1.45<br />
.152 .049 .036 03-00014 $2.98<br />
5/16<br />
.215 .049 .0423 03-35350 $2.25<br />
.197 .058 .0561 03-35400 $4.35<br />
.305 .035 .0449 03-35500 $1.75<br />
3/8<br />
.259 .058 .0694 03-35600 $2.31<br />
.245 .065 .0755 03-35700 $2.69<br />
.209 .083 .0895 03-35750 $5.60<br />
7/16 .308 .065 .090 03-35775 $5.50<br />
.444 .028 .0496 03-35795 $2.35<br />
.430 .035 .0612 03-35800 $1.50<br />
1/2<br />
.402 .049 .0816 03-35850 $2.74<br />
.384 .058 .0962 03-35900 $2.85<br />
.370 .065 .1040 03-35950 $2.83<br />
.260 .120 .168 03-35975 $4.35<br />
.555 .035 .0775 03-36000 $2.90<br />
5/8<br />
.527 .049 .1060 03-36010 $2.90<br />
.509 .058 .1227 03-36050 $3.75<br />
.495 .065 .1367 03-36100 $3.45<br />
.680 .035 .093 03-36150 $3.35<br />
3/4<br />
.652 .049 .1288 03-36200 $3.75<br />
.634 .058 .1506 03-36300 $2.75<br />
.620 .065 .164 03-36350 $3.35<br />
.805 .035 .109 03-36375 $3.20<br />
.777 .049 .150 03-36380 $5.25<br />
7/8 .759 .058 .1777 03-36400 $4.70<br />
.745 .065 .1983 03-36450 $3.95<br />
.635 .120 .3350 03-36500 $5.75<br />
.930 .035 .1275 03-36600 $2.74<br />
.902 .049 .1754 03-36610 $3.60<br />
.884 .058 .2060 03-36700 $3.25<br />
1<br />
.870 .065 .2295 03-36800 $3.90<br />
.830 .083 .281 03-36850 $4.45<br />
.810 .095 .3244 03-36900 $6.25<br />
.750 .125 .404 03-36950 $5.95<br />
.500 .250 .693 03-36975 $10.50<br />
1.027 .049 .185 03-36980 $5.50<br />
1-1/8 1.009 .058 .2321 03-37000 $3.85<br />
.875 .125 .4712 03-37100 $9.90<br />
1.180 .035 .1601 03-37200 $4.20<br />
1.152 .049 .2213 03-37210 $5.35<br />
1-1/4 1.134 .058 .2601 03-37300 $4.65<br />
1.120 .065 .2907 03-37400 $3.99<br />
1.010 .120 .510 03-37450* $8.50<br />
1-3/8 1.259 .058 .2865 03-37500 $4.85<br />
1.430 .035 .1928 03-37550 $4.25<br />
1.402 .049 .2683 03-37610 $5.80<br />
1-1/2 1.384 .058 .3137 03-37710 $9.75<br />
1.370 .065 .3519 03-37800 $5.99<br />
1.260 .125 .635 03-37850 $9.50<br />
1-5/8 1.509 .058 .3409 03-37900 $5.50<br />
1.680 .035 .2264 03-37910 $7.50<br />
1-3/4<br />
1.652 .049 .3142 03-37925 $13.50<br />
1.634 .058 .3703 03-37950 $9.80<