Copperbrook August 2018
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Cypress Area Events...Garage Sales...<br />
Craft Shows...Golf Tournaments...Houston Area Events...<br />
CFISD Football Calendar...CFISD Backpack Policy...<br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
Important Numbers... 3<br />
Teenage Job Seekers... 3<br />
School News... 8<br />
CFISD Backpack Policy... 9<br />
CFISD Football Schedule... 10<br />
Sports Opportunities... 12<br />
What’s Happening in Cypress... 14<br />
Houston Area Events... 22<br />
Community Centers... 24<br />
Libraries... 28<br />
Recipes/Gardening Tips... 30-31<br />
Back to School Info... 32<br />
Published courtesy of Krenek Printing, 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, Texas 77095 • 281-463-8649<br />
Advertising: • News: •<br />
Find <strong>Copperbrook</strong> us on FACEBOOK | <strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> for more news & events! Find Businesses easier on our BIZFINDER at! 1
The Cypress Neighborhood Storage Place!<br />
We put the SMILE back into STORING!<br />
Ask About Our<br />
50% OFF<br />
Move-In Specials<br />
Covered Boat &<br />
RV Spaces Available!<br />
• Boxes, Moving<br />
& Packing Supplies<br />
• Covered Loading Areas<br />
• Individual Door Alarms!<br />
• Online Bill Paying<br />
• Great Customer Service!<br />
For Use with Rental<br />
Copperfield<br />
8415 Queenston Blvd<br />
Houston, TX 77095<br />
281-345-7744<br />
Barker-Cypress<br />
West Road<br />
Queenston<br />
Hwy 6<br />
Longenbaugh<br />
290<br />
Mason<br />
Mueschke<br />
Fairfield<br />
27236 Hwy 290<br />
(Between Mueschke Rd & Mason Rd)<br />
281-373-4994<br />
We Accept:<br />
Make<br />
moving<br />
easy!<br />
Bring in this ad<br />
to receive a<br />
with your rental.<br />
Call For Details.<br />
2<br />
Reserve Online!<br />
Visit Us At:<br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Copperbrook</strong>
Friday-Sunday, <strong>August</strong> 10-12, <strong>2018</strong><br />
This year’s Sales Tax Holiday is <strong>August</strong> 10 th -12 th . As in previous<br />
years, the law exempts most clothing, footwear, school supplies<br />
and backpacks priced under $100 from sales and use taxes, which<br />
could save shoppers about $8 on every $100 they spend. Many<br />
school supplies are also tax free? Check out the list:<br />
All-inclusive list of qualifying school supplies<br />
(if priced less than $100)<br />
• Binders<br />
• Book bags<br />
• Calculators<br />
• Cellophane tape<br />
• Blackboard chalk<br />
• Compasses<br />
• Composition books<br />
• Crayons<br />
• Erasers<br />
• Folders: expandable, pocket, plastic, manila<br />
• Glue, paste and paste sticks<br />
• Highlighters<br />
• Index cards<br />
• Index card boxes<br />
• Legal pads<br />
• Lunch boxes<br />
• Markers (including dry erase markers)<br />
• Notebooks<br />
• Paper<br />
• Pencil boxes/other school supply boxes<br />
Photo courtesy of Gemma Martin Photography<br />
• Pencil sharpeners<br />
• Pencils<br />
• Pens<br />
• Protractors<br />
• Rulers<br />
• Scissors<br />
• Writing tablets<br />
832-910-7525 •<br />
P.O. Box 9184, The Woodlands, TX 77387<br />
Emergencies (Fire, Ambulance) 911<br />
U.S. Post Office (Bear Creek) 800-275-8777<br />
Harris County Animal Control 281-999-3191<br />
Poison Control 800-764-7661<br />
Waste Management (Trash) 713-695-4055<br />
BFI Waste Systems (Trash) 713-635-6666<br />
Schools:<br />
Owens Elem. 281-463-5915<br />
Labay M.S. 281-463-5800<br />
Cy-Falls H.S. 281-856-1000<br />
Cy-Fair Sports Assoc. 281-345-7426<br />
YMCA (Langham Creek) 281-859-6143<br />
Libraries: NW Branch 281-890-2665<br />
Bear Creek 281-550-0885<br />
Centerpoint 713-659-2111<br />
Gas Leaks 713-659-3552<br />
Reliant Energy 713-207-7777<br />
Repairs 713-207-2222<br />
AT&T - Repairs 800-246-8464<br />
Street Repair 281-463-6300<br />
Harris County Child. Protective Serv. 713-394-4000<br />
Texas Wildlife Rehab. 713-468-8972<br />
7102 Glen Chase Ct, Houston, Texas 77095<br />
281-463-8649<br /><br />
If you are between 12 and 18 and would like to be added to the<br />
teenage job seeker’s list, please fill out the form on our website (www.<br />, click submissions and choose Jobseekers) with<br />
your name, birthdate (mo. & yr.), phone number, year you will graduate<br />
and the name of your newsletter/subdivision. Check the list of jobs you<br />
want on your form. Please make sure your email is correct, we send<br />
emails in the summer to make sure all the info is still good and that you<br />
want to stay on the list. If we do not hear back from you after 3 tries, we<br />
will remove you from the list until we do. Must have parent(s) permission.<br />
DISCLAIMER: Neither the subdivision, nor Krenek Printing is responsible for those listed on<br />
the Teenage Job Seeker List. Please ask for and check out references if you do not personally<br />
know those listed. This is just a list of teenagers from the subdivision who wish to find part<br />
time jobs. Responsibility for any work done by these teenagers is between those seeking<br />
helpers and the teens and their parents.<br />
None as of this deadline.<br />
<strong>Copperbrook</strong> | <strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 3
Neighborhood News<br />
Upcoming Events:<br />
Our next event will be National Night Out on Tuesday,<br />
October 2 nd at the Charles Austin park.<br />
Also, our semi-annual community garage sale is scheduled<br />
for Saturday, October 6 th . We will all hope for no rain this<br />
time!<br />
Our events will be announced on our new Facebook page,<br />
so please like the page today!<br />
Flags:<br />
The HOA has decided to support a local Boy Scouts troop<br />
and the Cy-Falls High School Band by purchasing a flag<br />
subscription. You will see flags flown at our entrances during<br />
these national holidays: Memorial Day, Independence Day,<br />
Labor Day, Veteran’s Day and President’s Day. Hope you all<br />
enjoy this extra act of patriotism and charity for our local<br />
kids!<br />
If you are interested in having flags placed (and taken down)<br />
in your yard by either of these local groups, please see the<br />
information below:<br />
Hi, my name is Alex Garcia. I am 11-years-old and I am a boy<br />
scout in Troop 277. I live in the <strong>Copperbrook</strong> Community.<br />
I am selling flag subscriptions for a yearly fee of $50. With<br />
this subscription, I will place a United States Flag on your<br />
lawn for Memorial Day (May 28 th ); Independence Day (July<br />
4 th ); Labor Day (September 3 rd ); Veteran’s Day (November<br />
11 th ) and President’s Day (February 18 th ). The flag is 3’ x<br />
5’ on a pole standing approximately 8’ tall. Thank you for<br />
your support in helping me achieve my goal of becoming<br />
an Eagle Scout. If you would like to subscribe or would like<br />
more information, you may call or send a text to 832-689-<br />
9454 or send an email to<br />
Or The Cy-Falls Band has a program where that will place an<br />
American flag in your yard 6 times a year, on major holidays<br />
(for about 72 hours) for display. The flags are put up and<br />
taken down by band members as part of service hours.<br />
Please see the website<br />
Payments:<br />
The HOA is working with the management company to<br />
create a system where homeowners can pay their due or<br />
fees over the phone with a credit card (convenience fee will<br />
apply). We know the online payment system has caused<br />
some frustration for some homeowners and we are trying<br />
to remedy this. Please stay tuned for updates!<br />
4<br />
Pool:<br />
Pool hours are Tuesday-Sunday 6 AM-10 PM. These hours<br />
will be enforced. There are cameras at the pool and officers<br />
will be sent out if necessary. Remember, no smoking,<br />
cussing, rough housing, pets, unaccompanied children<br />
under 14 at the pool. The rules are posted at the pool for<br />
your reference. Our pool contractor has informed us that he<br />
will be giving the pool a heavy dose of chlorine/chemicals<br />
on Friday mornings in order to support the weekend<br />
crowds. We suggest that you DO NOT swim before 9 AM on<br />
Fridays in order to avoid any skin irritation. Thank you for<br />
your cooperation in this matter. You MUST be current on<br />
your HOA dues or be on a payment plan to gain access to<br />
the pool. As of now, all of the opportunities to get your pool<br />
cards/bands have passed. You will need an activated pool<br />
access card, pool wristbands and a signed waiver to swim<br />
this year. If you still need these items, you will need to call<br />
TxMgmt at 832-910-7525 for assistance. There will be a $20<br />
convenience fee for the management company to get you an<br />
activated pool card. You should be able to pay this fee over<br />
the phone with a credit card. You will need to turn in your<br />
old access card to a TxMgmt employee or pay a $10 charge<br />
for a new card. You can pick up your card from TxMgmt in<br />
The Woodlands or wait for delivery (could be up to 2 weeks).<br />
You will need to sign paperwork and give them your old card<br />
in order to get an activated card and <strong>2018</strong> bands. If you are<br />
a new renter to the community, please call TxMgmt at 832-<br />
910-7525 to fill out a Renter’s Information Form so that you<br />
will be in the system and able to get pool cards/bands.<br />
Yard Of The Season:<br />
<strong>Copperbrook</strong> is happy to announce we will be awarding<br />
trophies 4 times throughout the year now! Best Spring yard<br />
will be judged on April 15 th or later. Best Summer yard will<br />
be judged on July 15 th or later. Best Halloween yard will be<br />
judged on October 31 st and best Christmas yard will be<br />
judged on December 25 th . So, keep those yards looking<br />
great so you can earn bragging rights! We will recognize<br />
the homes on our Facebook page too,<br />
<strong>Copperbrook</strong>HOA, so be sure to like it today!<br />
Alarm Permits:<br />
Our contracted officers have asked that we remind our<br />
residents that it is a requirement by Harris County that you<br />
register your alarm system with the County. It is $35 to get<br />
a new permit and $10 to renew it each year. The fees are<br />
waived if you are over 65, but you must still register your<br />
alarm. Residents face a $75 false alarm fee if officers respond<br />
to your alarm and it isn’t registered. You can get details about<br />
registering your alarm here:<br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Copperbrook</strong>
Crime Alert:<br />
Residents need to know that there has been a marked<br />
increase in crime in our community and surrounding areas,<br />
including recent car burglaries and a burglary/assault in<br />
March <strong>2018</strong>. Harris County MUD 130 pays for the contract<br />
officers for our community. They are being extra vigilant<br />
and are aware of the increase in activity in recent months.<br />
<strong>Copperbrook</strong> appreciates our officer’s efforts, but we as<br />
residents MUST do our part as well. Upon speaking to one<br />
of our contract deputies at the December Board meeting,<br />
he indicated that the flood lights above the garage that are<br />
motion activated, are a great deterrent and a great way<br />
to alert officers to movement when they are making their<br />
rounds at night. We would like to encourage neighbors to<br />
protect each other’s lives and property by watching for and<br />
reporting suspicious activities... the residents become the<br />
“eyes” of the patrolling deputies. If you see something, SAY<br />
something! The object is to prevent a crime from happening<br />
by having a deputy check out even the slightest irregularity<br />
in your street’s normal routine. Our deputies would prefer<br />
to spend 10 minutes checking out a call rather than follow<br />
up on a crime that has already been committed. Please<br />
don’t hesitate to call 911 when you see anything suspicious.<br />
And PLEASE lock your cars and remove all valuables! If you<br />
would like to learn more about crime in the area, visit www.<br /> for information.<br />
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Community Updates:<br />
Hopefully you all have noticed that the landscaping at the<br />
entrances has been completely updated and refreshed after<br />
the harsh winter. The HOA also had the trees along West<br />
Road between our entrances trimmed. We have also worked<br />
hard to get the electrical fixed and ensure that the lights are<br />
now working at the community parking lot to ensure safety<br />
for our residents. The pool area has been power washed<br />
and treated for pests so all can enjoy the pool this summer.<br />
Your HOA dues are hard at work to keep our community<br />
looking great and safe!<br />
Violation/Past Due letters:<br />
Simply stated, if you get a violation letter or you are past<br />
due in your HOA dues, PLEASE call the TXMGMT at 832-910-<br />
7525 to discuss a payment plan or get an extension on a<br />
needed repair to your property. The management company<br />
and Board of Directors are not unreasonable and will make<br />
every reasonable effort to work with residents if you will<br />
make an effort on your part to either initiate the repairs or<br />
pay the fines, whichever the case. Communication is simple<br />
and vital to keeping the issue from escalating. The Board<br />
of Directors along with TXMGMT plan to be consistent and<br />
proactive in keeping our community looking great, feeling<br />
safe and making sure dues and fines are collected in a timely<br />
manner and homes and yards are kept up to a standard to<br />
which we can all be proud.<br />
If you need a copy of the deed restrictions, please email<br /> and we will send you a copy.<br />
<strong>Copperbrook</strong> | <strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 5
TXMGMT Website:<br />
TXMGMT has a website for homeowners! REGISTER TODAY!<br />
On the website, you can notify the management company<br />
about maintenance needs in the common areas, obtain<br />
information about maintenance contractors, community<br />
events and access your homeowner account balance online<br />
and pay your annual HOA dues 24/7. TXMGMT also uses this<br />
website to post and send important announcements of<br />
interest to your community, so be sure to sign up TODAY.<br />
All homeowners should have received a letter from TXMGMT<br />
with a private security code needed to create an account. To<br />
begin to access these services for the first time, go to www3.<br /> then click on the “Create Your Account”<br />
link and enter your personal information-enter your email<br />
address (which becomes your User Name), the Password<br />
of your choice and the Security Key (provided in the mailed<br />
letter from TXMGMT). If you did not get a letter, please call<br />
832-910-7525. Please take time to learn how the information<br />
and links can enhance your association lifestyle. Please<br />
direct any comments or questions to:<br />
Management Company:<br />
Our management company for our community is TXMGMT<br />
LLC and our manager is Juan Galvan. Questions about<br />
payments, deed restrictions, improvements to your property,<br />
violation issues or just general inquiries should be directed to<br />
TXMGMT. They can be reached at 832-910-7525. Their mailing<br />
address is P.O. Box 9184, The Woodlands, TX 77387. They can<br />
also be reached by email at<br />
*** Facebook Page***:<br />
We have a Facebook page for the community! Please visit<br /><strong>Copperbrook</strong>HOA to see the new<br />
page and hit “Like” to ensure that the latest news and<br />
information reaches you on your newsfeed. We plan to do a<br />
much better job at maintaining this page and making sure<br />
that it stays current and helpful to all residents! LIKE our<br />
FACEBOOK page TODAY!!!<br />
Next Door App:<br />
This is a free app so homeowners can communicate instantly<br />
with one another. This app can be used to request referrals<br />
from other homeowners such as plumber, landscaper or a<br />
fence company. You can also post lost or found pets, report<br />
suspicious vehicle or person in the neighborhood. All you<br />
need to do is download the app and enter the information<br />
they request. The information that is requested is the same<br />
information you can already obtain online so do not let this<br />
deter you from looking into the app.<br />
Monthly Meeting:<br />
<strong>Copperbrook</strong> HOA would like to welcome all homeowners<br />
to come to our monthly meetings at La Madeleine the first<br />
Tuesday of every month at 5 PM. The open session where we<br />
welcome residents to attend starts at 6 PM. If the door to the<br />
meeting room is closed, simply knock and the Board will let<br />
6<br />
you in. Please come share your ideas and learn of the progress<br />
on the latest projects and events in our neighborhood.<br />
It’s a great way to get involved and stay connected to your<br />
community. If you know ahead of time that you will attend or<br />
you have a particular concern that you would like added to<br />
the agenda, please call Juan at TXMGMT (832-910-7525).<br />
Renovations<br />
We are aware that on occasion homeowners receive letters from<br />
the management company that are considered unwarranted<br />
by the homeowner. If you plan to do a small renovation or do<br />
major cleaning and you know that you may have something<br />
unsightly in your driveway/front yard for a short period of time,<br />
please call TXMGMT (832-910-7525) and make them aware of<br />
your activities so that she can make a note on your account<br />
in order to avoid a letter being sent out. If you are planning<br />
a major renovation to the exterior of your home by painting<br />
your house, replacing your fence or adding storage to your<br />
yard, remember to contact our neighborhood’s Architectural<br />
Review Committee. You can call TXMGMT (our management<br />
company) to inquire about the proper forms needed to make<br />
your submission and they will gladly email the forms to you.<br />
We hope to have these forms available for download on the<br />
community website soon. The Architectural Review Committee<br />
will review the request to make sure the request meets the<br />
neighborhoods deed restrictions. The committee’s approval<br />
must be granted before making such changes to the facades<br />
of the home such as paint colors, roof colors and burglar bars<br />
(which are prohibited on the front doors or any windows). Also,<br />
sheds and canopies should not be visible from the street. If<br />
you submit a request to the Architectural Review Committee<br />
and it gets denied, please call TXMGMT (our management<br />
company) to inquire as to why your project was denied. It may<br />
be as simple as additional information is needed (ex: paint<br />
color, pictures, lot survey). If you are thinking about a project<br />
you are invited to attend the monthly HOA meeting to get any<br />
questions answered prior to submission. If you need a copy of<br />
the deed restrictions, please email copperbrookhoa@gmail.<br />
com and we will send you a copy.<br />
Safety<br />
Park and Pool Safety:<br />
Parents please accompany all children to the park and pool<br />
for their safety. The playground opens at sunrise and closes<br />
at sundown. Please call 911 if you see any suspicious activity,<br />
persons or vehicles. This area is monitored by surveillance<br />
cameras, however as homeowners, we need to assist the<br />
police and play an active role in keeping our community safe!<br />
Neighborhood Safety:<br />
PLEASE lock your doors and remove all valuables so that<br />
there is little temptation and hopefully nothing taken if they<br />
do break in your vehicle. There have also been reports of<br />
crimes at the new park (Charles Austin Park) and so we urge<br />
you to be aware of your surroundings at all times. Please<br />
be alert to things such as unknown cars idling, circling the<br />
neighborhood, increased traffic at a particular home and<br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Copperbrook</strong>
driving slowly as if to stall for time. If you see this behavior,<br />
please call 911 and report the suspicious activity. It would be<br />
helpful if you could provide any of the following information<br />
to the 911 operator or sheriff’s department when you call:<br />
description of the vehicle, person(s), time of day and/or<br />
license plate number. Please be discrete and keep in mind<br />
safety is priority. Also, if you notice a lot of traffic and multiple<br />
vehicles coming and going from a location please call the<br />
sheriff’s office and inform them of the high traffic volume of<br />
that location. It takes a community effort to keep a community<br />
safe. The HOA is cooperating with the local law enforcement<br />
in keeping this a safe community for our families.<br />
Surveillance Cameras:<br />
Surveillance cameras are installed at the pool house. The<br />
cameras are positioned to monitor the pool areas, the park<br />
grounds and the parking lot. HOA Board members have 24-hour<br />
access to view the ongoing activities of these areas. All suspicious<br />
activities will be reported to the Sheriff’s Office immediately.<br />
Committee Information<br />
If you’re thinking about getting more involved in our<br />
community, joining a committee is a great start! Feel<br />
free to attend a monthly meeting to learn more about<br />
these opportunities. The <strong>Copperbrook</strong> HOA is looking for<br />
volunteers for the following committees:<br />
The events committee oversees the newly organized<br />
welcoming committee, which will be providing welcome<br />
baskets to new homeowners. The event committee<br />
is also responsible for decorating the monuments at<br />
Christmastime organizing the bi-annual garage sales and<br />
hosting the neighborhood events such as National Night<br />
Out and Snow Day at the Park.<br />
The <strong>Copperbrook</strong> neighborhood watch committee NEEDS<br />
volunteers who are willing to drive around at different time<br />
to help keep an eye on things. The HOA would like to add<br />
more volunteers to provide greater coverage throughout<br />
the 24 hour day. If you would like to volunteer, please call<br />
Milton Turner at 281-859-6044. We could really use more<br />
patrols from 10 PM to 6 AM. Volunteers can select their<br />
time and will be requested to drive down each street and<br />
report any suspicious activity to the police and to inform<br />
the neighborhood watch committee chair of any activity<br />
observed. You will be issued a decal to place on your vehicle<br />
so as to identify you as part of the Crime Watch if requested.<br />
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• Services start at $75<br />
• Also available Spring Cleanings<br />
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281-495-5912<br /><br />
The park and yard committee check the park and pool areas<br />
to report any maintenance that needs to be done and also<br />
helps select the yard of the season. If you have a great idea<br />
for a committee and would like to chair that committee, we<br />
would love to hear from you. Our monthly meetings are the<br />
first Tuesday of the month.<br />
<strong>Copperbrook</strong> | <strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 7
School News<br />
Back to School!<br />
<strong>August</strong> 27 th - First Day of School<br />
Back To School Expo <strong>2018</strong><br />
In its sixth edition, the annual CFISD Back-to-School Expo is scheduled for<br />
Saturday, <strong>August</strong> 18 th from 9 AM to 1 PM at the Berry Center (8877 Barker<br />
Cypress Road). The Expo provides a number of helpful resources to incoming<br />
students, parents and prospective employees, allowing for a smooth transition<br />
into the school district.<br />
Cfisd Superintendent<br />
Named Region 4<br />
Superintendent Of<br />
The Year<br />
Dr. Mark Henry, superintendent of schools<br />
for Cypress-Fairbanks ISD, has been named<br />
the <strong>2018</strong> Region 4 Superintendent of the<br />
Year and will serve as the region’s nominee<br />
for the Texas Superintendent of the Year<br />
program, sponsored by the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB).<br />
The Texas Superintendent of the Year will be announced at the <strong>2018</strong><br />
TASA/TASB Convention, to be held Sept. 28-30, <strong>2018</strong> in Austin.<br />
Dr. Henry was nominated by the CFISD Board of Trustees in recognition<br />
of his outstanding and visionary leadership toward improving student<br />
performance in CFISD, which is the third-largest district in Texas.<br />
During his seven-year tenure, CFISD has earned recognition and praise<br />
for its academics, college and career readiness programs, community<br />
engagement, fiscal management and athletics.<br />
Dr. Henry has been praised by the CFISD Board of Trustees for his<br />
servant leadership, which included being an integral part of obtaining<br />
and guiding resources to assist the CFISD community during and after<br />
Hurricane Harvey. Under his leadership, the district served as a point of<br />
safety and relief to many impacted by the devastating event.<br />
Dr. Henry’s vision is the tenet of CFISD’s goal to provide the best possible<br />
education and service to all students in the district, with his commitment<br />
to excellence seen in various CFISD accomplishments, which include:<br />
100 percent of the district’s campuses earning a “Met Standard”<br />
rating for five consecutive years since 2012; ranking No. 1 for financial<br />
performance for seven consecutive years among the 200 largest districts<br />
in Texas by the Education Resource Group; receiving a five-star rating<br />
from TXSmartSchools for academic progress and cost-effective financial<br />
8<br />
management for seven consecutive years; successful passing of a $1.21<br />
billion bond referendum, the largest such election in district history;<br />
creation of the Cypress-Fairbanks ISD police department; fostering<br />
community partnerships that have brought the district $14 million in<br />
school donations last year and developing successful academic programs<br />
for students needing additional assistance in math and reading.<br />
“Dr. Mark Henry is well respected by his colleagues, staff and community<br />
and serves as a courageous voice for students and for public education,”<br />
said Dr. Pam Wells, Region 4 Education Service Center executive director.<br />
“The district’s successes reflect his personal and passionate belief that<br />
the mission of public schools is to provide equality of opportunity for all<br />
students. We congratulate Dr. Henry for this well-deserved recognition and<br />
wish him the best in his nomination for Texas Superintendent of the Year.”<br />
A Message From The Cfisd<br />
Superintendent<br />
Dear Parents & Guardians,<br />
As promised in a message I sent toward the end of the school year, our<br />
district safety and security committee has already begun meeting to plan<br />
for the <strong>2018</strong>-2019 school year.<br />
In an effort to improve the safety measures currently in place, one of the<br />
decisions that came out of our meetings is to require all high school and<br />
middle school students to use clear backpacks beginning in the fall.<br />
Band and athletic bags, as well as drill and cheer team bags, will still be<br />
permitted.<br />
Additionally, the maximum purse size permitted in grades 6-12 will be<br />
6” x 9.”<br />
Elementary school students will be allowed to continue using traditional<br />
backpacks.<br />
Listed below are the details about these new policies and can also be<br />
found on a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page on our district website.<br />
We are living in a difficult time requiring difficult decisions from school<br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Copperbrook</strong>
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districts. While these changes present an inconvenience to our students<br />
and parents, we must continue to be vigilant to protect the safety of our<br />
students and staff.<br />
The safety and security committee will continue to meet throughout<br />
the summer. Further plans and decisions will be communicated to the<br />
community as soon as possible.<br />
Have a great summer!<br />
Sincerely, Mark Henry, Ed.D.<br />
Superintendent of schools<br />
Cfisd Clear Backpack Policy<br />
Are elementary students required to use clear backpacks?<br />
No, this policy is in place for grades 6-12 (middle school and high school)<br />
only.<br />
Are mesh backpacks allowed?<br />
No. Mesh backpacks are not allowed.<br />
Students are permitted to only use clear<br />
backpacks.<br />
Can the backpack have mesh pockets?<br />
Yes. Mesh side pockets are allowed on the<br />
backpack (see example).<br />
Will backpacks with padded backs be accepted? (see<br />
example) No.<br />
Are transparent colored backpacks allowed?<br />
No. Colored, transparent backpacks are not allowed (see example). Only<br />
fully clear backpacks.<br />
Are stripes allowed to be on the<br />
backpack?<br />
No. Stripes in any location are not<br />
allowed on the backpack.<br />
Can the backpack have colored straps?<br />
Yes. The backpack may have colored straps.<br />
Can multiple 6x9 bags be carried in schools?<br />
No, students will be asked to limit belongings carried outside of backpacks<br />
to one 6x9 purse or similar bag.<br />
Are leather reinforcements on the corners of the backpacks allowed?<br />
Yes, leather reinforcements on the corners are permitted.<br />
Are company or trademarked logos allowed<br />
on the front of the backpack?<br />
Small company logos are allowed, but large<br />
logos, monograms or other visual design<br />
obstructions are not.<br />
Will athletic/spirit bags and instrument cases, which are not clear, be<br />
allowed on campus? Yes. However, these bags must be stored as soon as the<br />
student arrives at school. They must be placed in lockers or secured in Fine<br />
Arts classrooms or athletic locker rooms as designated by their instructors.<br />
Are lunch boxes permitted? Yes, non-clear lunch boxes are permitted to be<br />
carried within the backpacks.<br />
Are students allowed to have laptop sleeves in their backpack, or are<br />
they required to carry the laptop sleeve separately? Yes, laptop sleeves<br />
will be permitted in backpacks.<br />
What are the size specifications for the backpack? There are no size<br />
specifications.<br />
But isn’t this an invasion of privacy?<br />
We understand the concern with the privacy of certain items contained<br />
within backpacks. Students will be permitted to carry such items in a small<br />
makeup pouch within the backpack or a small purse, sized 6 inches by 9<br />
inches.<br />
<strong>Copperbrook</strong> | <strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 9
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Music All Ages!<br />
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<strong>2018</strong><br />
varsity football schedule<br />
district 14-6a<br />
DATE<br />
Thursday, Aug. 30<br />
Thursday, Sept. 6<br />
Friday, Sept. 14<br />
Friday, Sept. 21<br />
Saturday, Sept. 29<br />
Friday, Oct. 5<br />
Friday, Oct. 12<br />
Saturday, Oct. 20<br />
Saturday, Nov. 3<br />
Friday, Nov. 9<br />
TEAM<br />
Waltrip<br />
@ Stratford<br />
Cypress Springs *<br />
@ Cypress Ranch<br />
Cypress Woods<br />
@ Bryan<br />
Tomball Memorial<br />
@ Langham Creek<br />
Cypress Lakes<br />
@ Cypress Park<br />
Pridgeon<br />
Tully<br />
Cy-Fair FCU<br />
Cy-Fair FCU<br />
Cy-Fair FCU<br />
Bryan<br />
Cy-Fair FCU<br />
Cy-Fair FCU<br />
Cy-Fair FCU<br />
Cy-Fair FCU<br />
TIME<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
6 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
1 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
DATE<br />
TEAM<br />
Thursday, Aug. 30 Cinco Ranch Cy-Fair FCU<br />
Friday, Sept. 7 @ Austin Westlake Westlake<br />
Thursday, Sept. 13 @ Langham Creek Cy-Fair FCU<br />
Friday, Sept. 21 Bridgeland Cy-Fair FCU<br />
Friday, Sept. 28 @ Cypress Lakes Cy-Fair FCU<br />
Friday, Oct. 5 Cypress Park Cy-Fair FCU<br />
Saturday, Oct. 13 @ Cypress Springs Cy-Fair FCU<br />
Saturday, Oct. 27 Cypress Woods Cy-Fair FCU<br />
Friday, Nov. 2 @ Bryan<br />
Bryan<br />
Thursday, Nov. 8 Tomball Memorial Cy-Fair FCU<br />
TIME<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
6:30 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
1 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
6:30 p.m.<br />
DATE<br />
TEAM<br />
Friday, Aug. 31 @ Klein Oak<br />
Klein Memorial 7 p.m.<br />
Thursday, Sept. 6 Ft. Bend Bush Cy-Fair FCU 7 p.m.<br />
Thursday, Sept. 13 Cypress Ranch Cy-Fair FCU 6:30 p.m.<br />
Thursday, Sept. 20 @ Cypress Woods Cy-Fair FCU 6:30 p.m.<br />
Friday, Sept. 28 Bryan<br />
Pridgeon 7 p.m.<br />
Friday, Oct. 5 @ Tomball Memorial Tomball 7 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Oct. 20 Bridgeland Cy-Fair FCU 7 p.m.<br />
Friday, Oct. 26 @ Cypress Lakes Cy-Fair FCU 7 p.m.<br />
Friday, Nov. 2 Cypress Park Cy-Fair FCU 7 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Nov. 10 @ Cypress Springs Cy-Fair FCU 1 p.m.<br />
DATE<br />
Saturday, Sept. 1 @<br />
Saturday, Sept. 8<br />
Friday, Sept. 14<br />
Friday, Sept. 21 @<br />
Thursday, Sept. 27<br />
Thursday, Oct. 4 @<br />
Friday, Oct. 19<br />
Friday, Oct. 26 @<br />
Thursday, Nov. 1<br />
Saturday, Nov. 10 @<br />
TEAM<br />
Aldine<br />
Alief Hastings<br />
Cypress Creek<br />
Northbrook<br />
Memorial<br />
Cy-Fair<br />
Jersey Village<br />
Stratford<br />
Spring Woods<br />
Cypress Ridge<br />
Thorne<br />
Pridgeon<br />
Pridgeon<br />
Tully<br />
Pridgeon<br />
Pridgeon<br />
Pridgeon<br />
Tully<br />
Cy-Fair FCU<br />
Pridgeon<br />
TIME<br />
6 p.m.<br />
6 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
1 p.m.<br />
DATE<br />
TEAM<br />
Saturday, Sept. 1 Morton Ranch Cy-Fair FCU 6 p.m.<br />
Friday, Sept. 7 Klein Forest Cy-Fair FCU 7 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Sept. 15 Cypress Park Cy-Fair FCU 6 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Sept. 22 @ Cypress Springs Cy-Fair FCU 6 p.m.<br />
Friday, Sept. 28 Cypress Ranch Cy-Fair FCU 7 p.m.<br />
Friday, Oct. 5 @ Cypress Woods Pridgeon 7 p.m.<br />
Thursday, Oct. 11 Bryan<br />
Cy-Fair FCU 7 p.m.<br />
Friday, Oct. 19 @ Tomball Memorial Tomball 7 p.m.<br />
Friday, Oct. 26 Langham Creek Cy-Fair FCU 7 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Nov. 3 @ Bridgeland<br />
Cy-Fair FCU 1 p.m.<br />
DATE<br />
TEAM<br />
Friday, Aug. 31 Pearland<br />
Cy-Fair FCU 7 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Sept. 8 @ Katy Taylor KISD Rhodes 7 p.m.<br />
Friday, Sept. 14 @ Bridgeland * Cy-Fair FCU 7 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Sept. 22 Cypress Lakes Cy-Fair FCU 6 p.m.<br />
Thursday, Sept. 27 @ Cypress Park Cy-Fair FCU 6:30 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Oct. 13 Cypress Ranch Cy-Fair FCU 7 p.m.<br />
Friday, Oct. 19 @ Cypress Woods Cy-Fair FCU 7 p.m.<br />
Thursday, Oct. 25 Bryan<br />
Cy-Fair FCU 7 p.m.<br />
Friday, Nov. 2 @ Tomball Memorial Tomball 7 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Nov. 10 Langham Creek Cy-Fair FCU 1 p.m.<br />
district 17-6a<br />
DATE<br />
TEAM<br />
Friday, Aug. 31 The Woodlands Pridgeon<br />
Saturday, Sept. 8 @ Cypress Park Cy-Fair FCU<br />
Saturday, Sept. 15 Northbrook Pridgeon<br />
Saturday, Sept. 22 @ Memorial Tully<br />
Thursday, Oct. 4 Cypress Falls Pridgeon<br />
Friday, Oct. 12 @ Jersey Village Pridgeon<br />
Thursday, Oct. 18 Stratford Pridgeon<br />
Thursday, Oct. 25 @ Spring Woods Tully<br />
Friday, Nov. 2 Cypress Ridge Pridgeon<br />
Friday, Nov. 9 @ Cypress Creek Pridgeon<br />
TIME<br />
7 p.m.<br />
6 p.m.<br />
6 p.m.<br />
6 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
DATE<br />
TEAM<br />
Saturday, Sept. 1 @ Cypress Woods Pridgeon<br />
Friday, Sept. 7 @ Katy Morton Ranch KISD Legacy<br />
Thursday, Sept. 13 @ Jersey Village Pridgeon<br />
Thursday, Sept. 20 Stratford<br />
Pridgeon<br />
Friday, Sept. 28 @ Spring Woods Tully<br />
Saturday, Oct. 13 Cypress Creek Pridgeon<br />
Saturday, Oct. 20 @ Northbrook Tully<br />
Friday, Oct. 26 Memorial<br />
Pridgeon<br />
Friday, Nov. 2 @ Cy-Fair<br />
Pridgeon<br />
Saturday, Nov. 10 Cypress Falls Pridgeon<br />
TIME<br />
6 p.m.<br />
6:30 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
6 p.m.<br />
1 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
7 p.m.<br />
1 p.m.<br />
DATE<br />
TEAM<br />
Saturday, Sept. 1 @ Klein Cain<br />
Klein Memorial 6 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Sept. 8 Cy-Fair<br />
Cy-Fair FCU 6 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Sept. 15 @ Cypress Lakes Cy-Fair FCU 6 p.m.<br />
Thursday, Sept. 27 Cypress Springs Cy-Fair FCU 6:30 p.m.<br />
Friday, Oct. 5 @ Cypress Ranch Cy-Fair FCU 7 p.m.<br />
Thursday, Oct. 11 Cypress Woods Pridgeon 6:30 p.m.<br />
Friday, Oct. 19 @ Bryan<br />
Bryan 7 p.m.<br />
Thursday, Oct. 25 Tomball Memorial Pridgeon 6:30 p.m.<br />
Friday, Nov. 2 @ Langham Creek Cy-Fair FCU 7 p.m.<br />
Friday, Nov. 9<br />
Bridgeland<br />
Cy-Fair FCU 7 p.m.<br />
DATE<br />
TEAM<br />
Saturday, Sept. 1 Cypress Ridge Pridgeon 6 p.m.<br />
Friday, Sept. 7 @ Spring<br />
SISD George 7 p.m.<br />
Friday, Sept. 14 @ Tomball Memorial Tomball 7 p.m.<br />
Thursday, Sept. 20 Langham Creek Cy-Fair FCU 6:30 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Sept. 29 @ Bridgeland Cy-Fair FCU 6 p.m.<br />
Friday, Oct. 5<br />
Cypress Lakes Pridgeon 7 p.m.<br />
Thursday, Oct. 11 @ Cypress Park Pridgeon 6:30 p.m.<br />
Friday, Oct. 19<br />
Cypress Springs Cy-Fair FCU 7 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Oct. 27 @ Cypress Ranch Cy-Fair FCU 1 p.m.<br />
Thursday, Nov. 8 Bryan<br />
Pridgeon 7 p.m.<br />
DATE<br />
TEAM<br />
Thursday, Aug. 30 @ Klein<br />
Klein Memorial 7 p.m.<br />
Thursday, Sept. 6 Klein Oak Pridgeon 7 p.m.<br />
Friday, Sept. 14 @ Cypress Falls Pridgeon 7 p.m.<br />
Friday, Sept. 21 Jersey Village Pridgeon 7 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Sept. 29 @ Stratford Tully<br />
6 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Oct. 6 Spring Woods Pridgeon 6 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Oct. 13 @ Cypress Ridge Pridgeon 6 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Oct. 27 Northbrook Pridgeon 1 p.m.<br />
Friday, Nov. 2 @ Memorial Tully<br />
7 p.m.<br />
Friday, Nov. 9 Cy-Fair<br />
Pridgeon 7 p.m.<br />
DATE<br />
TEAM<br />
Saturday, Sept. 1 @ Alief Hastings Crump 7 p.m.<br />
Friday, Sept. 7<br />
Cinco Ranch Pridgeon 7 p.m.<br />
Thursday, Sept. 13 Cypress Ridge Pridgeon 7 p.m.<br />
Friday, Sept. 21 @ Cypress Creek Pridgeon 7 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Sept. 29 Northbrook Pridgeon 7 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Oct. 6 @ Memorial<br />
Tully<br />
6 p.m.<br />
Friday, Oct. 12<br />
Cy-Fair<br />
Pridgeon 7 p.m.<br />
Friday, Oct. 19 @ Cypress Falls Pridgeon 7 p.m.<br />
Saturday, Nov. 3 Stratford<br />
Pridgeon 1 p.m.<br />
Thursday, Nov. 8 @ Spring Woods Tully<br />
7 p.m.<br />
Homecoming Game * Double Homecoming Game<br />
10<br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Copperbrook</strong>
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Private &<br />
Pre-School News<br />
Epiphany Fall Pre-Registration for<br />
<strong>2018</strong>-19 School Year<br />
If you are interested in our 18 month through Pre-K 4/5’s classes OR<br />
our School (K-8 th grade) classes for the Fall of <strong>2018</strong>, we would love<br />
for you to join us. For more information visit our website at www.<br /> or call 713-896-1843 for (K-8 th grade) OR<br />
713-896-1316 for (18 mo. through Pre-Kindergarten classes). We would<br />
love for you to join our school family. We are located at 14423 West Rd.<br />
@ Jackrabbit.<br />
Little Rams Preschool<br />
Cost friendly, full day, preschool for 3 & 4 year olds at Cypress Ridge High<br />
School. Requirements: Must be 3 by September 1 st , live in/or work for<br />
CFISD and be fully potty trained. Our times are 8:30 AM-2 PM Tuesday-<br />
Thursday. We incorporate circle time, learning centers, core learning<br />
and field trips. We are now registering for the <strong>2018</strong>-2019 school year,<br />
which begins in October and ends in May. For more information or to<br />
register please contact Rachel Campise - Director by email at rachel.<br />
campise@cfisd.<br />
LONE STAR - CyFair<br />
9191 Barker Cypress Rd.<br />
Fall registration began April 9 th . Register at the Barker Cypress campus<br />
located at 9191 Barker Cypress, the LSC-Fairbanks Center location located<br />
at 14955 Northwest Freeway or the new LSC-Cypress Center located at<br />
19710 Clay Road. Registration is also available online at<br />
registration or call 281-290-3200 or 832-782-5000 or 832-920-5000 for<br />
information. For Weekend College information, call 832-482-1070 or go<br />
to<br />
Visitors, guests and library patrons may park without a permit in<br />
designated visitor parking areas. However, a daily or yearly permit is now<br />
available allowing for extended parking privileges at Lone Star College<br />
System campuses. Vehicles must be registered with LSCS to get a valid<br />
parking permit, to park in LSCS lots and to avoid receiving a citation. To<br />
register, you will need your vehicle’s license plate number, make, model<br />
and color. Go to for complete information on<br />
parking permits, call 281-765-7836 or email<br />
WANT TO<br />
Do you have a local event you want to promote? Great! More<br />
than 100,000 homes in the Cypress, Copperfield, Katy & Fulshear<br />
areas receive monthly newsletters from Krenek Printing including<br />
community events. We’ll add yours to it! Submit your event<br />
information to If your event is approved<br />
and received by deadline, it will appear in the following month’s<br />
newsletters! Deadline for the Cypress area is the10th of each month.<br />
<strong>Copperbrook</strong> | <strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 11
Sports<br />
Opportunities<br />
FC Cypress Soccer Club<br />
We are looking for goalkeepers for our 2007 boys and 2007 girls teams<br />
for the <strong>2018</strong>-2019 season. If you are interested and/or looking for a team<br />
please contact Coach Marc at or 936-463-8010. *If<br />
you are looking for a team within the 2010-2006 age groups both boys<br />
and girls, please contact as well!<br />
Kids’ Running Team Registration<br />
Starts September 4th<br />
The Northwest Flyers Track Club Youth Cross Country Team kicks off the<br />
fall season with a mandatory orientation meeting for parents and athletes<br />
on Tuesday, September 4, <strong>2018</strong> at 6:30 PM at the D. Bradley McWilliams<br />
YMCA at Cypress Creek outdoor pavilion, 19915 TX-249, Houston, TX.<br />
Registration starts online September 1 st at<br />
Practices are held at the YMCA and at Spring Creek Park in Tomball.<br />
The Northwest Flyers Track Club is a member program of USA Track<br />
and Field (USATF), the national governing body for track and cross<br />
country. The club is celebrating its 31 st year in the northwest Houston<br />
area. Ages 6-18 may participate in the team and both beginners and<br />
experienced runners are welcome. Middle school and high school<br />
cross country athletes can also register, but should compete after their<br />
school cross country season is over. For more information contact Coach<br />
Genia English at 818-223-1618 or Visit www.<br /> to get updates and learn more about the team.<br />
Fall Soccer Sign Ups<br />
Registration for Fun, Fair, Positive Soccer (FFPS) is open for boys and girls<br />
ages 4 to 18 for the fall Season. Games start on October 6, <strong>2018</strong>. FFPS<br />
is a non-profit youth soccer program dedicated to providing a positive<br />
youth sports experience for all children. Founded in 1986 in Katy, Texas,<br />
FFPS has grown to 22 leagues and 16,000 players throughout the Greater<br />
Houston area. FFPS offers children a fun and fair experience, including<br />
one practice per week, a full uniform and trophy for every player, equal<br />
playing time and play every position, co-ed/balanced teams, positive<br />
coaching and more. No tryouts are required.<br />
Online Registration schedule and fees (sign up early and save):<br />
Through September 17 th : $124<br />
September 18 th until teams full: $129<br />
Go to to sign up. Registration fee includes a full uniform<br />
(jersey, shorts and socks), trophy, trained positive coaches, nice fields<br />
and background checks on all volunteers. Coaches will call players to<br />
schedule practice by October 2 nd . Practice times and location will be<br />
12<br />
determined by the coach and team. The schedule includes eight games,<br />
played locally on Saturdays, October 6 th to December 1 st . Our Cy-Fair<br />
North league plays at Matzke Elementary (13102 Jones Rd). Our Cy-Fair<br />
South league plays at Cook Middle School (9111 Wheatland Dr). Our Cy-<br />
Fair West league plays at Horne Elementary (14950 W Little York). Our<br />
Tomball League plays at Tomball Alternative Education Center (1302<br />
Keefer Rd). Our Magnolia League pays at Magnolia Elementary (31900<br />
Nichols Sawmill Rd). Our Spring/Klein League plays at Wells Middle<br />
School (4033 Gladeridge Dr). For more information, maps of all locations<br />
or to sign up, visit or call 1-800-828-PLAY (7529).<br />
LW Sports’ Jr. Rockets Fall<br />
Basketball and Fall Soccer leagues<br />
Dates: <strong>August</strong>-October Cost: $75 Ages: 4-15 (boys and girls!)<br />
Each paid participant receives: a Rockets jersey for games, a FREE ticket<br />
to a Houston Rockets game & an entry into a drawing for a James Harden<br />
SIGNED Rockets Jersey!<br />
Dates: <strong>August</strong>-October Ages: 3-8 (co-ed)<br />
Each participant will receive a game jersey.<br />
For more information go to: or call 281-500-8913!<br />
Cy-Fair Sports Association<br />
Cy-Fair Sports Association is having registration for baseball, football,<br />
cheerleading and soccer. Please see our website for more information<br /><br />
AHFC Junior Hurricanes (JHSL)<br />
Registration For Fall <strong>2018</strong> Now Open<br />
The Junior Hurricanes Soccer League (JHSL) is led by professional United<br />
States Soccer Federation (USSF) licensed staff and is designed for boys<br />
& girls who want to play and have fun in a safe and developmentally<br />
appropriate environment. The JHSL program is being offered at multiple<br />
locations and in conjunction with CFSA at the Schiel Road Complex.<br />
To learn more about each location and to register please visit www.<br /> Season begins in September! For those wishing<br />
only to train, join us in Katy for AHFC Friday Night Academy. Visit Katy<br />
Youth Soccer to register for this Friday Fun Program. AHFC is proud<br />
to partner with New Territory and offer New Territory Thursday Night<br />
Academy, a 5-week Skills Program. Email us at<br />
for more information or questions. Want a more competitive program?<br />
Join AHFC! Call us and we can find you a team: 713-939-7473. Website:<br /><br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Copperbrook</strong>
Ladies Golf<br />
A new ladies golf group is now forming at Cypress Lakes Golf Club. No<br />
handicaps required. This will be a casual ladies golf outing to improve<br />
your game and make some new friends. Play will be on Thursday<br />
mornings at 9. For information please email<br />
or call Cypress Lakes Golf Club at 281-304-8515.<br />
Westside Golf League<br />
Westside Golf League is actively encouraging new members. We invite<br />
you to join us every Tuesday morning at Cinco Ranch Golf Club. Our<br />
purpose is to allow ladies of all levels to meet new friends and have<br />
fun while improving golfing skills. For more information, contact Sue<br />
Crookson at 281-392-4913 or Yana Dommert<br />
at 281-394-2481<br />
Netball Clubs<br />
Houston Shooting Stars welcomes ladies, men and youth to join in, play and<br />
learn netball, Tuesday nights at The British School of Houston. We are also<br />
looking for interested players, adults and youth to play in a new Katy Netball<br />
club. No experience necessary. For more information, go to our facebook<br />
page, Houston Shooting Stars Netball Club or or<br />
contact for further information.<br />
West Houston Rugby Club<br />
West Houston Rugby Club offers excellent opportunities for players of all<br />
ages from minis to adults to participate in one of America’s fastest growing<br />
sports. Our coaches are fully accredited with USA Rugby and include former<br />
European premiership players. We are a not for profit club with a mission<br />
to provide outstanding club management, a fun social environment and<br />
the feeling of a rugby family. Registration is now open for the 2017/<strong>2018</strong><br />
season at Enquiries may be sent to info@<br /> Come and join the fastest growing club in Houston!<br />
HardiePlank Siding & Exterior Painting<br />
Energy Efficient Replacement Windows<br />
Re-Roofing -- Patio Covers & Pergolas<br />
$500 OFF *<br />
HardiePlank and Window Replacement<br />
*Minimum purchase required<br />
Hardie ColorPlus from<br />
Advanced Home Exteriors<br />
is recommended by<br />
Tom Tynan, HomeShow Radio<br />
Financing Available<br />
Call Today for Your Free Estimate!<br />
832-363-3772<br />
Cypress Running Club<br />
Cypress Running Club is based in Coles Crossing, just north of 290 off of<br />
Barker Cypress. We welcome runners of all abilities. We offer a Couch-to-5k<br />
training plan for those new to running, as well as training plans for half and<br />
full marathons. Come meet lots of other Cypress residents and find some<br />
new running buddies. Distance runs are on Saturday mornings and start at<br />
Sampson Elementary, right off of Coles Crossing Dr. For more information and<br />
to sign up, please visit and find us on Facebook.<br />
Track Houston Youth Track Club<br />
Track Houston is the nation’s largest and most successful youth track<br />
and field organization. Our goal is to assist interested boys and girls ages<br />
6 to 18 years old in improving their physical fitness and mental stamina.<br />
We have multiple practice sites in the Greater Houston area including<br />
McMeans Junior High School in Katy and Cypress Lakes High School in<br />
Cypress. Visit to register for a location near you.<br />
USA FIT CYPRESS Marathon and<br />
Half Marathon Training Program<br />
Are you a runner? Are you a fitness walker? Do you want to be? USA Fit Cypress<br />
is a friendly, no pressure group training for a variety of marathons and half<br />
marathons throughout the year. Even if you’ve never run a step before,<br />
training with our group will help you conquer mental and physical barriers you<br />
never thought possible. Beginner, walker, seasoned runner? No matter your<br />
conditioning or pace, we have a place for you. Over the course of six months,<br />
our coaches will help you achieve your personal best in a non-intimidating,<br />
fun and safe environment. We will provide a weekly training schedule and<br />
opportunities for group training throughout the week with our distance runs<br />
on Saturday morning at Pope Elementary on N. Bridgeland Lake Parkway in<br />
Bridgeland. Registration for our Winter Season is now open through the end<br />
of <strong>August</strong>. Please visit us at for addition information.<br />
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<strong>Copperbrook</strong> | <strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 13
What’s Happening Around Cyress...<br />
14<br />
Yorktown Community garage sale<br />
September 28 th and 29 th - Off of West Little York.<br />
Concord Bridge Neighborhood<br />
Garage Sale<br />
Saturday, October 6, <strong>2018</strong>, 8 AM to 2 PM - Off of West Little York.<br />
<strong>Copperbrook</strong> Neighborhood<br />
Garage Sale<br />
Saturday, October 6, <strong>2018</strong><br />
Located off West Road - near Jackrabbit Rd.<br />
Northmead Village<br />
Fall Community Garage Sale<br />
The Northmead Village Community Garage Sale will be held on Saturday,<br />
October 13, <strong>2018</strong> from 7 AM until 4 PM. Signs will be posted throughout<br />
the community one week prior to the event. Located in the Copperfield<br />
area off of West Rd near Hwy. 6.<br />
Sydney Harbour Fall Garage Sale<br />
Saturday, October 20, <strong>2018</strong>, 8 AM-12 noon<br />
Huffmeister & Skinner Road.<br />
Visit the <strong>2018</strong> St. Mary’s<br />
Fall Gift Market!<br />
On Friday, September 28 th and Saturday, September 29 th from 9 AM to<br />
4 PM, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church is hosting its 13 th annual Fall Gift Market.<br />
This is the ideal event to kick off your holiday shopping and decorating!<br />
The convenient location at the corner of Louetta Road and N. Eldridge<br />
Parkway makes it easy to shop the selection of unique jewelry, home<br />
decor, creative toys, handcrafted gifts, collectibles, pottery, candles and<br />
trendy clothing for ladies and children.<br />
The Fall Gift Market also features The Tea Room offering the famous taco soup,<br />
sandwiches, desserts and homemade baked goods, plus the Silent Auction<br />
benefiting church-affiliated projects and outreach. For more information,<br />
please visit or call Michelle at 832-559-8726.<br />
6th Annual St Paul’s Episcopal Church<br />
Fall Festival & Craft Show<br />
Please join us for our 6 th Annual St Paul’s Episcopal Church Fall Festival &<br />
Craft Show. Grab a friend and join us for shopping, children’s activities,<br />
Petting Zoo and BBQ. Special Guests include the Katy Fire Department &<br />
Katy Police department!!<br />
Saturday, October 6, <strong>2018</strong> at 5373 Franz Road, from 9 AM to 4 PM. FREE<br />
admission! Interested vendors please contact Mary at saintpaulschurch@<br /><br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Copperbrook</strong>
26th annual Gingerbread Village<br />
Holiday Market October 27, <strong>2018</strong><br />
The Ladies Auxiliary from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is holding their 26 th<br />
annual Gingerbread Village Holiday Market on October 27, <strong>2018</strong>. We are<br />
located at 6646 Addicks Satsuma Road, Houston, 77084. Featuring arts,<br />
crafts, specialty foods, fashion good and more!<br />
Saint Aidan’s Episcopal Church Fall<br />
Festival and Holiday Market<br />
Sunday October 28, <strong>2018</strong><br />
13131 Fry Road, Cypress, TX 77433<br /><br />
Holiday Market Vendor Opportunity<br />
The Ladies Auxiliary from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is holding their 26 th<br />
annual Gingerbread Village Holiday Market on October 27, <strong>2018</strong>. We<br />
are located at 6646 Addicks Satsuma Road, Houston, 77084. If you are<br />
a vendor who would like to showcase your arts, crafts, seasonal décor,<br />
etc. at our event, please email: for more<br />
information or application.<br />
Vendor Registration Now Open!<br />
Are you crafty? Are you a distributor for a specialty item? Saint Aidan’s<br />
Episcopal Church’s ACE Committee has opened vendor registration for<br />
our 5 th Annual Fall Festival and Holiday Market! The Market will be held<br />
Sunday, October 28, <strong>2018</strong> from 10 AM-5 PM. Saint Aidan’s is located in<br />
Cypress at 13131 Fry Road - just south of Hwy 290. Our festival features<br />
Market Booths, Children’s Area, Food Trucks, Silent Auction, Live Music<br />
throughout the day, Cake Walk, Gulf Coast Regional Blood Drive, Trunk<br />
N Treat and Blessing of Animals. For more information and to register<br />
online, visit our website at, email<br /> or call 281-373-3203 for a registration form.<br />
14th Annual Relay For Life of<br />
Cy-Fair Golf Tournament Benefiting<br />
the American Cancer Society<br />
Come join us on Thursday, October 4, <strong>2018</strong> at 1 PM for our 14 th Annual<br />
Golf Tournament at Windrose Golf Club. Create a team, join as an<br />
individual, challenge your co-workers, make it a group outing!<br />
Tournament Entry Fee: $100/Person or $400/Team.<br />
Checks made payable: HP Relay For Life<br />
Checks mailed to Stacie Hemann:<br />
Attn: 14 th Annual Golf Tournament<br />
14715 Hawksmoor Court, Cypress TX 77429<br />
Team Size: 1 Team = 4 Persons<br />
Registration:<br />
Location: Windrose Golf Club, 6235 Pine Lakes Blvd., Spring, TX 77379<br />
Time: Shot Gun Start at 1 PM<br />
Includes: Green Fee, Cart & Range Balls, Lunch & Dinner, 4 Drinks Tickets<br />
Awards: 1 st Place, 2 nd Place, 3 rd Place Teams, Most Honest Team, Closest<br />
To Pin (4 Different Holes) & Longest Drive (3 Different Holes)<br />
Discover the Hidden Gem of Cypress<br />
Household Donations Accepted & Appreciated - tax receipts given<br />
Our Donation Center is now located at 11302 Huffmeister<br />
(in the strip center across Fleur De Lis)<br />
Take 20%<br />
off one regular<br />
priced item.<br />
Coupon valid thru<br />
<strong>August</strong> 31, <strong>2018</strong><br />
Reg. Priced Merchandise Only. Cannot be combined<br />
with any other discounts or coupons.<br />
Benefiting Cypress Assistance Ministries<br />
• Furniture • Home Decor<br />
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Winning<br />
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SHOP<br />
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<strong>Copperbrook</strong> | <strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 15
Help4You<br />
Directions for Tomorrow's Leaders<br />
Direction for Tomorrow's Leaders<br />
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Expires 7/31/<strong>2018</strong><br />
8/31/<strong>2018</strong><br />
Birdies “Fore” the Children 7th<br />
Annual Charity Golf Tournament<br />
We are excited to invite you to participate in the Birdies “Fore” the Children<br />
7 th Annual Charity Golf Tournament <strong>2018</strong> benefiting Shriner’s Hospital for<br />
burned children in Galveston, Texas. This tournament will be held at Tour<br />
18 Golf Course, on Saturday October 27, <strong>2018</strong>. Registration begins now<br />
online. Registration and breakfast will start at 6:30 AM. The tournament<br />
will start at 8 AM sharp. Our goal is to raise $50,000 to provide funds for<br />
the tissue bank at Shriner’s Hospital. Our sponsors and players truly help<br />
us provide funds that directly go to Shriner’s Tissue Bank where hundreds<br />
of patients receive life-saving tissue which helps the children not only<br />
survive but also return home to their families! Thanks to all our friends<br />
and family for helping us reach $167,360 since 2011. In order to speed up<br />
the registration process the morning of the tournament, we have added<br />
the ability to pay by card on our website. This payment method will be<br />
shown once you complete your online registration. If you plan to pay by<br />
check, please mail in your checks to the address listed on your invoice<br />
as quickly as you can. We are still accepting cash, checks and cards at<br />
the tournament for registration, but, we ask that you please pay upfront<br />
before the tournament. We are looking forward to spending the day with<br />
all of our supporters and players, we look forward to seeing you out there<br />
and having a great <strong>2018</strong> golf tournament. GO HERE TO REGISTER: http://<br /><br />
16<br />
1st Annual Run Wild Run Free<br />
5K Run/Walk<br />
Hey Runners! Come Run Wild with TWRC Wildlife Center at our 1 st Annual<br />
Run Wild Run Free 5K Run/Walk, September 8, <strong>2018</strong> at Burroughs Park<br />
in Tomball, Texas. Proceeds will help with the care and rehabilitation<br />
of Texas Wildlife right here in Houston. There will be prizes for top male<br />
and female runners, best wildlife costume, face painting for the kids<br />
and much more. This will be fun for the whole family. Register at www.<br /><br />
“Tapas and Sangria Style” Taste<br />
and Toast Celebration<br />
benefiting Shield Bearer<br />
Tuesday, <strong>August</strong> 7, <strong>2018</strong>, 4-7 PM<br />
Hilton Garden Inn Houston Northwest,<br />
7979 Willow Chase Blvd., Houston, TX 77070<br />
Join community, business and ministry leaders for a celebration of<br />
summer and the hope and healing found at Shield Bearer. Beat the<br />
summer time heat with a refreshing evening of tapas style appetizers,<br />
sangria tastings, networking, a silent auction and door prizes. Discover<br />
how Shield Bearer serves over 16,000 people each year including human<br />
trafficking, crime, abuse and natural disaster survivors, veterans and<br />
active military families, struggling marriages and many more. Find<br />
out how you can strengthen the community, one heart and one family<br />
at a time. Tickets available online at for $10<br />
before <strong>August</strong> 3 rd and $25 after. For more information about Shield<br />
Bearer, a Houston based non-profit and lead agency in the movement<br />
to strengthen individuals, couples, families and the community, visit<br /> or call 281-894-7222.<br />
2nd Annual Gala Benefiting<br />
A Place for Peanut, Inc.<br />
Friday, <strong>August</strong> 17, <strong>2018</strong><br />
A Place for Peanut, Inc. will host its 2 nd Annual Gala on Friday, <strong>August</strong><br />
17, <strong>2018</strong> from 7-10 PM at Kirby Ice House located at 3333 Eastside St.<br />
Houston, 77098. A Place for Peanut is a non-profit horse sanctuary and<br />
equine therapy foundation. The organization is dedicated to rescuing<br />
horses, donkeys and miniature horses from being slaughtered; while<br />
bringing joy to children and veterans in hospitals through its special<br />
programs and therapy.<br />
Honorary Chair Michelle Maresh along with Gala Co-Chairs Christine and<br />
Steve Johnson will welcome guests to a fun-filled evening with bites<br />
and beverages along with live entertainment provided by Houston’s<br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Copperbrook</strong>
Full Service Pest Control<br />
Roaches • Fire Ants • Spiders • Rodents • Flea & Ticks<br />
Animal Trappings •Wasps & Hornets • Bedbugs<br />
Mosquito Control<br />
Mosquito System Installs & Repairs<br />
Termite Treatments & Inspections<br />
Lawn & Weed Control<br />
Call Now<br />
(281) 256-2600<br />
or email<br /><br />
Summer Special<br />
$25 OFF<br />
General Pest Control Service<br />
$50 OFF<br />
$50<br />
legendary Scott Gertner Jazz Band. Houston abstract artist Ann Marie<br />
Vancas will paint “live” a piece of artwork that will be auctioned during<br />
the evening for the organization. Casey Curry will serve as the Master of<br />
Ceremonies. Guests will have the chance to meet two miniature rescue<br />
horses from the sanctuary and place their bets in a live and silent auction.<br />
For more information on A Place for Peanut, Inc. including sponsorship<br />
opportunities and donations, please visit,<br />
email and follow the organization on<br />
Facebook and Instagram. Price is $75 online and prior to the event,<br />
$100 at the door. Tickets and sponsorships may be purchased online at:<br /><br />
you may have about the week-long fun. Each day your child will bring a<br />
backpack and a lunch as they enjoy each other and the special things<br />
they will do during the week. We look forward to having your child at<br />
camp this summer! It’s a great time for everyone and you don’t want to<br />
miss any of it! Registration will continue until camp classes are full. Please<br />
call the preschool office at 281-859-1612 if you have any questions. The<br />
preschool office hours are: Monday-Friday, 9 AM-1 PM.<br />
Camp Cornerstone is the place to<br />
be this summer for ages 2 through<br />
completion of 4th grade!<br />
Camp Cornerstone is a week-long camp sponsored by Cornerstone United<br />
Methodist Church and is for children ages 2 through the completion of 4 th<br />
grade. Children must be 2 by June 1, <strong>2018</strong>. Camp hours are 9:30 AM-1<br />
PM. There are 3 sessions throughout the summer and you are invited to<br />
participate in any or all!<br />
Session III: “Fairy Tale Adventures” is <strong>August</strong> 6 th -10 th . The cost per camp<br />
per child is $120. You may pay $60 now and the remaining $60 on the<br />
first day of camp. Registration forms are online or in the preschool<br />
office. To download a form from the Cornerstone website, go to www.<br /> and click on “preschool.” You will see a tab for Camp<br />
Cornerstone. You can print the form and have it filled out before you<br />
arrive, saving yourself time!<br />
Before each camp session begins, you will hear from your child’s teacher<br />
so you can learn more about the camp and she will answer any questions<br />
Stageworks Theatre<br />
10760 Grant Road, Houston, TX 77070<br />
DISNEY’S BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: July 20 th -<strong>August</strong> 12, <strong>2018</strong><br />
Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 PM<br />
Saturday matinees at 2:30 PM<br />
Sunday matinees at 3 PM<br />
Website:<br />
Mildred’s Umbrella Theater Co.<br />
Chelsea Market Theater, 4617 Montrose Blvd. #100, Houston, TX 77006<br />
THE MOORS: <strong>August</strong> 30-September 15, <strong>2018</strong> - Thursdays-Saturdays at<br />
8 PM; Sunday, September 9, <strong>2018</strong> at 3 PM and Monday, September 10,<br />
<strong>2018</strong> at 8 PM<br />
Cost: All Shows Pay What You Can<br />
MORE INFO/RESERVATIONS:, info@<br /> or 832-463-0409.<br />
Cypress Creek FACE<br />
Box Office: 281-440-4850<br /><br />
<strong>Copperbrook</strong> | <strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 17
Community Events<br />
Back to School Prayer<br />
You are invited to a Back to School Prayer Event: Calling Moms,<br />
Grandmothers and Aunts. Experience the joy of replacing anxiety with<br />
peace and hope when you pray scripturally and specifically for your<br />
child and their school with other moms. Join us on Monday <strong>August</strong> 27,<br />
<strong>2018</strong> in the Chapel at West Houston Church of Christ 17100 West Road<br />
Houston, TX 77095 at 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. For any questions, please call<br />
Ann Burt at 713-829-7851. No Childcare will be provided for this event.<br />
Back To School Parent<br />
Empowerment Seminar<br />
Saturday, September 8, <strong>2018</strong><br />
Wyndham Energy Corridor, 14703 Park Row Drive, Houston Texas 77079<br />
8:30 AM: Open Registration<br />
9:30 AM-2:30 PM: Instruction<br />
2:30-3 PM: Audience Q&A<br />
Lunch Provided<br />
Register on Enentbrite at, search for “Childproof<br />
America.”<br />
Childproof America-Safeguarding Children against sex trafficking - www.<br /><br />
Art Colony Association to<br />
Celebrate 47 Years with<br />
Bayou City Art Festival Downtown<br />
The Art Colony Association, Inc. (ACA) will celebrate 47 years of fine art<br />
and giving back to local non-profits as it spotlights 300 artists at Bayou<br />
City Art Festival in Downtown Houston, Saturday and Sunday, October<br />
13-14, <strong>2018</strong>, 10 AM - 6 PM at 901 Bagby Street. Cost $12 online and $15<br />
at the gate.<br />
The sophisticated gallery will transform the streets of Downtown into<br />
artistic avenues bursting with colors and culture. As one of the top<br />
outdoor fine art festivals in the U.S., the weekend festival will provide<br />
guests with the opportunity to see and purchase unique, custom art<br />
under the iconic Houston skyline. Bayou City Art Festival Downtown will<br />
benefit local non-profits and feature live music in front of City Hall and<br />
throughout the festival along with entertainment, beverage stations,<br />
food trucks and much more for patrons to enjoy. In the Children’s<br />
Creative Zone, the festival’s non-profit partners will host art activities for<br />
all ages and include a cool interactive place to hang out.<br />
Celebrating 47 years since the founding of the Westheimer Art Festival,<br />
now known as Bayou City Art Festival, ACA has provided a venue for over<br />
20,000 artists to showcase their work to thousands of art lovers from all<br />
over the world. Every year, a new jury selects participating artists, some<br />
new and some returning. This helps create a fresh and different festival<br />
year after year.<br />
For updates on social media, follow the official event hashtag<br />
#HouArtFest, like the Facebook page or follow on Twitter and<br />
Instagram. Also, you can subscribe to our newsletter here:<br /><br />
post?u=748035e06d248e81e269eb2d7&id=c50e0ad242.<br />
18<br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Copperbrook</strong>
CHURCH News<br />
St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church<br />
back to school blessings<br />
You are invited to St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church on Sunday, <strong>August</strong><br />
26 th at 8 AM and 10:30 AM. During each worship service, St. Cuthbert will<br />
celebrate the start of the new school year by blessing all teachers and the<br />
backpacks, lunch boxes and briefcases of all students, preschool through<br />
adult. The services will lift up children, students, teachers, professors and<br />
educational staff by dedicating them to God’s glory, as we begin the new<br />
school year. Please join us. St. Cuthbert is located at 17020 West Road at<br />
Queenston. Visit us at<br />
Cypress Family Fellowship<br />
17330 West Little York Rd.<br />
Our Awana program begins on Wednesday, <strong>August</strong> 29 th , with Game Night<br />
and Registration from 6:30-8 PM. Visit our website for more information,<br /> Awana is a global, nonprofit ministry committed<br />
to the belief that the greatest impact for Christ starts with kids who know,<br />
love and serve Him. Awana reaches kids for Christ through fun, scripture-rich<br />
experiences, equips leaders and parents to disciple kids who impact their<br />
generation with the gospel. Go online to register. For more information about<br />
either of these events, please contact the church office at 281-345-2900.<br />
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton<br />
Schola Cantorum<br />
Do you want your children to become lifelong servants of the Church?<br />
Singing in a children’s choir is a great way to help that. The St. Elizabeth<br />
Ann Seton Schola Cantorum is currently accepting children Grades 4-12 for<br />
its after-school choir program. The choir is responsible for enriching the<br />
Mass on 10:30 on Sundays and rehearses every Wednesday from 3:45-5<br />
PM. Unique in the area, the choir focuses on singing music from the rich<br />
Catholic tradition, including chant and polyphony, as well as the finest<br />
modern church music. Time is devoted to building the children’s skills of<br />
music reading, vocal technique, thinking about the words and the structure<br />
and meaning of the Mass. Service hours are available for older students. For<br />
more information, please contact Dr. Douglas O’Neill at<br />
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church -<br />
a WELS Community<br />
What’s happening at P. O. P.?<br />
1 st Sunday of every month: Birthday and Anniversary Sunday - come<br />
share fun food treats and Fellowship with our birthday and anniversary<br />
Members after Service in the Church reception area.<br />
Sundays, 11:30 AM: Choir practice, come listen - better yet, join!<br />
Wednesdays, 10:30 AM: preschool Chapel-for the children in our<br />
preschool ages 3 to 5<br />
Fridays, 5 PM: Catechism for member children in 6 th -8 th grade<br />
Last Sunday of each month: Coffee and Conversation with Pastor<br />
Semro: 9 AM - meet him and enjoy a nice casual chat about any ole thing.<br /> • 281-859-0800<br />
Adult English Classes<br />
At English Gateway<br />
English Gateway is a program designed to teach conversational English.<br />
The vision and desire of English Gateway is to assist international<br />
families in learning and improving English skills to help them live and<br />
be successful here in the United States. We offer 6 different levels and<br />
have open registration throughout the CFISD school year. Childcare is<br />
available for free for pre-school children as long as they are registered<br />
beforehand.<br />
How much does it cost? There is a one-time fee of $20 for the books;<br />
classes are free. Where does English Gateway meet? We meet at Bayou<br />
City Fellowship, 12715 Telge Rd., Cypress, TX 77429.<br />
When does English Gateway meet? We offer two options: Thursday<br />
mornings, 9:30-11:30 AM, Thursday evenings, 6:30-8:30 PM.<br />
What are the starting dates for English Gateway?<br />
Student Registration: 9:30-11:30 AM or 6:30-8:30 PM<br />
For more information, please contact the English Gateway Program<br />
Coordinator:<br />
St. Cuthbert Youth Group<br />
The St. Cuthbert Youth Group is a community of youth and adult<br />
volunteers who encourage and support each other in life and in faith.<br />
All students in grades six through twelve are welcome to be part of the<br />
Youth Group, which offers a wide range of gatherings and events created<br />
to provide a fun opportunity for learning and growth. The Youth Group<br />
meets on Sundays from 4-6 PM for fun, Bible Study and fellowship and<br />
on Wednesdays from 6:30-8 PM for dinner and Bible study. For more<br />
information, contact Kim Houghton at St.<br />
Cuthbert is located at 17020 West Road at Queenston. Visit stcuthbert.<br />
org for more information.<br />
Cornerstone Orthodox<br />
Presbyterian Church<br />
Ladies, please join us for an in-depth study of 1 Peter! We meet at a<br />
house in Bear Creek, Monday nights at 7 PM. Stay after for dessert and<br />
fellowship. Contact Melissa at or 713-899-5745 for<br />
more information.<br />
Canyon Lakes West Community<br />
Church Bible Study<br />
Neighbors of the community gather to meet and greet, share in the<br />
word and fellowship Wednesdays at 7 PM at the Richard & Meg Weekly<br />
Community Center 8440 Greenhouse Rd. Visit<br />
or call 713-302-7325 for more information.<br />
Christ Covenant Church<br />
Ladies Bible Study<br />
The women’s ministry of CCC invites you to join them this Fall as they<br />
begin a 7 week video study by Priscilla Shirer. “The Armor of God” Bible<br />
study is every Tuesday morning, at 9:30 AM. NO Child Care provided.<br />
A book fee does apply. Please join us at Christ Covenant Church, 17000<br />
Longenbaugh, Houston, TX, 77095, 281-463-6600. To register for the<br />
series, please go to<br />
The Family of Faith Lutheran Church<br />
BIBLE STUDY: Each Sunday morning at 8:30 AM and 11 AM, adult<br />
students of the Bible investigate a new book of the Bible. All are invited.<br />
THE EARLY BIRD BIBLE STUDY - The community is invited to join every<br />
Wednesday morning at 6:30 AM at Panera Bread (at 6 and FM 529).<br />
OXYGEN HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH - Sundays after 10 AM service. Join us<br />
upstairs in the movie room where we watch music videos, video clips,<br />
skits and other media then relate it to God and your life.<br />
Tuesday Evening Ladies’ Bible Study<br />
at Living Word Lutheran Church<br />
The Tuesday Evening Ladies’ Bible Study at Living Word Lutheran Church<br />
is informal, but with an emphasis on the Word of God. We invite you to<br />
join us. Weekly attendance is not mandatory. Come with your Bible when<br />
you are able to and please invite your friends and neighbors for some<br />
great study, sharing and fellowship. The group meets from 7 to 8:30 PM<br />
on Tuesday evenings in the Micah Room in the Administrative Building.<br />
<strong>Copperbrook</strong> | <strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 19
Become a Dental Assistant<br />
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Fall Session begins 9/29 | Open House - 8/17 • 4-7 pm<br />
Living Word is located at 3700 S Mason Road in Katy (the corner of Mason<br />
Road and Westheimer Parkway). A private Facebook page will be used<br />
to communicate information and facilitate discussion. If you would like<br />
to be added to the group, please email Selina at<br />
with your preferred email and phone number.<br />
St. Cuthbert Bible Studies<br />
Located at 17020 West Road, Houston, 77095, at the corner of West Road<br />
and Queenston. Website at<br />
ST. C SENIORS - The St. C Seniors are a great group of fun loving people!<br />
The group meets for Bible study and good-natured discussion every<br />
Thursday afternoon at 1 PM and have a monthly luncheon every third<br />
Thursday. All are welcome; you don’t have to be a senior citizen to<br />
attend. Contact Sally Mahon at for more info.<br />
Prince Of Peace Lutheran Church -<br />
Bible Studies<br />
9 AM Sundays: Adult Bible Study in Fellowship Hall - Learn the History<br />
that goes along with The Word. Grow in faith and Godly living.<br />
9 AM Sundays: 1 st & 3 rd Sunday of each month - Teen Bible Study<br />
Bear Creek Baptist Church<br />
Single Moms Bible Study<br />
The Single Moms class at Bear Creek Church invites you to come join<br />
us as we study the Bible, share and pray for each other and have great<br />
times of fellowship. Our Bible Study enables us to embrace our lives as<br />
single women and moms and overcome the challenges that arise as we<br />
manage our homes, work and friendships.<br />
We are beginning a new study series that addresses our view of WORK.<br />
Whether you are a stay at home mom or a mom that works outside<br />
the home, work reaches all of us. The group meets Sunday mornings<br />
at 11 AM in Room ED101 at Bear Creek Baptist Church located at 5901<br />
N. Fry Road, Katy, TX 77449. (at W. Little York intersection). Ministry<br />
opportunities are also available for your children, preschool through<br />
high school. For more information, please call or text Frances at 713-542-<br />
7062 or Averil at 832-573-9684.<br />
20<br />
Cornerstone United Methodist<br />
Church Bible Studies<br />
18081 West Road, 281-859-4141,<br />
TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY - Starting January 16 th , the Tuesday<br />
Morning Bible Study will start a thirteen session study “Meeting Jesus.”<br />
Using Leighton Ford’s study guide “Meeting Jesus,” we will be taking a<br />
fresh look at the Son of God. Using the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and<br />
John, we will be examining our relationship with Jesus and gain a better<br />
understanding of His relevance for us in today’s world. There is no cost for<br />
the study. Each week you will receive a printed scripture reference sheet<br />
and the following week’s discussion questions. A schedule of meeting<br />
times will also be provided. We meet at 10 AM in the worship center. If<br />
you require a nursery to attend the study, please call the church office<br />
(281-859-4141) Monday through Thursday, 8 AM- 4 PM and ask for Linda.<br />
BOOK OF REVELATION BIBLE STUDY - You are invited to join us at<br />
Cornerstone United Methodist Church for a thirteen week study on the<br />
New Testament book of Revelation at 7-8:15 PM on Tuesdays beginning<br />
September 12 th and ending on December 12 th . We will skip the week<br />
of Thanksgiving. You will need your Bible and the study book. You may<br />
register at the church office, Monday-Thursday from 9 AM-2 PM for $10<br />
(cost of the book) or you may sign up in the church lobby on Sunday<br />
mornings.<br />
Copperfield Church Senior Adults<br />
GAME DAY - The first Friday of the month - 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM<br />
BIBLE STUDY - Wednesday - 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM<br />
DAY TRIPS - Monthly - Schedule differs. For more info.,<br /> or call 281-856-2273.<br />
WALKING GROUP (aka Holy Strollers) - 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM, Monday,<br />
Wednesday and Friday.<br />
Come join our group! We are an active, fun-loving bunch. Once you come<br />
for a visit and get to know us, you’ll want to be a part of our Senior Adult<br />
Group. You do not have to be a member of Copperfield Church to be a<br />
part of our Senior Adult Group.<br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Copperbrook</strong>
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281-855-9664<br />
Copperfield Professional Center<br />
7050 Lakeview Haven Dr. Ste. 120<br />
Houston, TX 77095<br />
Bear Creek Umc Attn: Caregivers Of Elderly Persons<br />
Did you know that on the second Friday of each month Bear Creek United Methodist Church provides a caring, Christian atmosphere for your loved<br />
one? The program, scheduled from 10 AM to 1:30 PM. This gathering provides free time for caregivers and includes crafts, chair exercises, word games,<br />
entertainment, lunch and more. Caregivers are also welcome to stay and join the fun. For more information or to register, please call the church office<br />
at 281-463-2330.<br />
Bear Creek United Methodist Church is located at 16000 Rippling Water Drive, near North Hwy. 6 and Kieth Harrow.<br />
Epiphany Bingo has been conducting bingo games on the west side<br />
since February 14, 1986. Epiphany conducts their bingo games every<br />
Friday night except holidays. THERE IS NO SMOKING ALLOWED DURING<br />
ALL BINGO GAMES. They have a jackpot game of $750. Maximum prize<br />
giveaways of $2,500, allowed by law, are given away every Bingo<br />
Night! They have security, lighted parking, big screen color monitor,<br />
computerized bingo equipment, snack bar and large cash prizes. Profits<br />
are used for charitable outreach programs, building expansion, and<br />
payment towards debt. Epiphany Catholic Church conducts its bingo<br />
games at the Church Community Center, 1530 Norwalk Dr. (between<br />
Fry and Mason Roads, south of I-10 behind Nottingham Subdivision)<br />
off Highland Knolls every Friday night. Early bird games begin at 7:30<br />
PM and regular games at 8:00 PM. For more information, call the bingo<br />
hall number 281-578-3905. During Bingo nights, you may also call the<br />
Community Center number, 281-578-5078. Come, have some fun, bring<br />
your friends and neighbors, win some money and make some new<br />
friends.<br />
St. Bartholomew BINGO<br />
At St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church in downtown Katy,<br />
“BINGO” is being played in our Parish Hall every Friday evening<br />
except Holidays. Doors open at 7:00 PM, games start at 7:15 PM with<br />
four Early Bird games. Regular games start at 7:30 PM. Maximum<br />
Prizes given away every evening of $2,500. Governed by the state of<br />
Texas. They have the most modern computerized BINGO equipment<br />
for verifying winnings, along with TV monitors for your viewing<br />
pleasure. The snack bar is maintained by the KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS<br />
6950, with a variety of food and snacks with soft drinks. All profits will<br />
benefit community outreach and Religious Education programs, to<br />
better serve the community. The Church is located in downtown Katy<br />
at 5356 Eleventh St. You can get to the church if traveling west on Hwy.<br />
90 to Katyland Rd. Turn right at the light, go to the second stop sign (at<br />
the stadium) Eleventh St., turn left and the Church Hall will be on your<br />
right one block down. Please call for more details to 281-391-4758.<br />
Please come play and win. We can accommodate large groups such as<br />
social and family groups.<br />
<strong>Copperbrook</strong> | <strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 21
Through September 3 rd - The most anticipated food event of the year,<br />
Houston Restaurant Weeks. That’s 34 days of meals and deals raising money<br />
for The Houston Food Bank. More than 250 area restaurants are expected to<br />
participate by serving specially priced multi-course prix fixe menus that include<br />
brunch, lunch and dinner. Diners can visit<br />
to view the ever-growing list of restaurants that have committed to participate<br />
in the fundraiser, along with their Houston Restaurant Weeks menus. From fine<br />
dining to casual neighborhood restaurants, diners can sample some of the<br />
best Houston’s culinary scene has to offer. Some participating restaurants may<br />
require reservations, although walk-ins will be accepted at most locations.<br />
This information will be noted on each restaurant’s menu page on the website.<br />
<strong>August</strong> 17 th & September 7 th - Summer Music Festival. Gather with<br />
friends on our pool deck for the end of our second annual Summer<br />
Music Festival! Enjoy live concert performances, $5 beers and<br />
poolside games every third Friday of the month. Featured artists<br />
for <strong>August</strong> 17 th is IDT Band and for September 7 th it is DJ Baby Roo.<br />
Complimentary admission and open to the public. Guests who attend the<br />
events will receive complimentary valet parking. For more information on our<br />
live art bar, please call the Four Seasons Hotel at 713-650-1300.<br />
<strong>August</strong> 25 th - The AIA SandCastle Competition is a fund-raising event for<br />
AIA Houston and ArCH Foundation as well as one of the top five revenue<br />
generating events for the City of Galveston. This year over 60 teams have their<br />
eyes and shovels set on winning the prestigious Golden Bucket Award. Firms<br />
begin months in advance generating ideas, developing designs and assigning<br />
duties. On the day of the event the teams, stretched along the beach front,<br />
meticulously sculpt their piles of sand and work non-stop for five hours. The<br />
judging of the sculptures is rated on originality of concept, artistic execution,<br />
technical difficulty, carving technique and utilization of the site. In addition<br />
to the Golden Bucket, awards are given in several categories including Best<br />
Traditional Castle, Best Architectural Icon, Kidtastic! - Disney Edition, Best<br />
Cinematic, Best Meme and Houston-centric as well as best team t-shirt design,<br />
best team signage, best costume and public favorite. At the end of the day,<br />
everyone goes home with memories of a great day at the beach filled with fun,<br />
sand and sun. For more information, visit<br />
Through <strong>August</strong> 26 th - “The Faces of Syrian Refugees,” by photographer<br />
Michael S Cohen, consists of life sized color portraits accompanied by Proust<br />
questionnaire style interviews, offering an intimate visit with 20 Syrian<br />
refugees. The exhibition will also include a special feature of Houston-area<br />
Holocaust survivors Naomi Warren, Lea Weems, Ruth Steinfeld, Anna and<br />
Emil Steinberger, Bill Orlin and Renee Danziger, who thrived after being<br />
one-time refugees in America. After a 25-year hiatus, Cohen worked with a<br />
dozen non-profits in fields ranging from education, to felon rehabilitation<br />
in inner city youth. During this time, he watched with horror as a Syrian<br />
war escalated and the refugee crisis reached unimaginable proportions.<br />
An idea formed to travel and meet successfully resettled Syrian refugees,<br />
photograph and interview them. Since the war began in 2011, millions<br />
of Syrians have been displaced from their homes, and their country. The<br />
subjects come from all walks of life and now are engaged in everything from<br />
teaching art classes to volunteering as museum docents to conducting a<br />
Syrian expat orchestra. During the atrocities of WWII, Holocaust survivors<br />
were uprooted from their homelands and resettled in other countries. More<br />
than one half of all European Jews perished by the end of WWII; many who<br />
survived picked up the pieces of their shattered lives and moved forward. A<br />
special feature will be included in this exhibition depicting the images and<br />
stories of several local Holocaust survivors upon their arrival in Houston<br />
prior to 1955 and how they worked hard to achieve the American dream.<br />
The exhibition is on view through Sunday, <strong>August</strong> 26, <strong>2018</strong>, in the Mincberg<br />
Gallery. This exhibition is traveled by Art2Art Circulating Exhibitions.<br />
<strong>August</strong> 31 st - NOLA Nights with Rouxpour. Come out and let authentic New<br />
Orleans music take you on a historical journey through the Crescent City<br />
tradition with live music from The Zydeco Dots! Also, please be sure to visit<br />
Rouxpour on the plaza; they will be serving small plates and beer. For more<br />
information, visit<br />
Music in the Plaza - September 1, <strong>2018</strong>, 7:30-9:30 PM. Admission is free.<br />
Sugar Land Town Square, 2711 Plaza Drive, Sugar Land, TX 77479. Pack up<br />
your lawn chairs and head to the Plaza for a night of great tunes! Named the<br />
<strong>2018</strong> CMA of Texas Band Of The Year and made up of members of the former<br />
high energy, dynamic, crowd-pleasing Chris Brade Band, Southern County<br />
Line has become one of the premier country music acts in the Houston area.<br />
They are also the band that backs the popular Tribute to George Strait Show<br />
featuring Derek Spence.<br />
Labor Day Backyard Barbecue - September 1, <strong>2018</strong> and September<br />
3, <strong>2018</strong>, 9 AM-5 PM. George Ranch Historical Park, 10215 FM 762 Road,<br />
Richmond, TX 77469. Celebrate Labor Day weekend with traditional<br />
games and an old-fashioned 1930s barbecue at the George Ranch House.<br />
Listen to period music on a vintage radio, play games from the past and<br />
help make ice cream the old-fashioned way from 11 AM to 2 PM! At 12:30<br />
PM, chow down on some hearty Texas grub in the yard of the 1930s George<br />
Ranch Home. Cost for the meal is $15 for adults ages 13 and older; $12 for<br />
children ages 5-12 and $4 for children 4 and under. Please call 281-243-<br />
0218 to make reservations for the historic meal.<br />
Through September 2 nd - The Brewmasters Craft Beer Festival returns to<br />
Moody Gardens. This Gulf Coast beer festival draws enthusiasts for sun, fun<br />
and samplings of more than 400 regional and international craft beers. The<br />
focus of the 3-day event is the BrewLicious Brews and Foods Pairing and the<br />
BrewHaHa Grand Tasting. Attendees can talk with industry experts and award<br />
winners while tasting some of the best beers in the world. Related events<br />
include the BrewMasters PubCrawl and a Texas brewery tour. The weekend<br />
ends with live music and fireworks on the beach. For more information, visit<br /><br />
Fall Katy Home and Garden Show - September 8, <strong>2018</strong>, 10 AM-6 PM and<br />
September 9, <strong>2018</strong>, 11 AM-5 PM. Merrell Center & Robinson Pavilion, 6301 S<br />
Stadium Ln., Katy, TX 77494. Admission: $7 for adults; $6 for seniors and $3<br />
for military, Kids under 12 are FREE. Fall in love with the latest trends in home<br />
design at the Fall Katy Home and Garden Show, where Texas-size ingenuity<br />
will be on full display including the unveiling of a Tiny Home Village, Vintage<br />
Market, Kitchen & Bath Idea Center and much more. Master chalk-painting<br />
with help from local Vintage Artists, Arcalee Gautier and Megan Morgan of<br />
Vintage Back Roads, as they teach you how to create your own vintage master<br />
piece. Spruce up the yard and patio at the Fall Plant Sale from Brookwood<br />
Community. Get inspired and ready to renovate and decorate! For ticket<br />
information, directions, and hours visit www.FallKatyHomeandGardenshow.<br />
com or call 832-392-0165.<br />
22<br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Copperbrook</strong>
Overcome injury and get back in the game<br />
Join Us for a Sports Injury and Concussion Seminar | Thursday, Aug. 16, <strong>2018</strong> | 6:30-8 P.M.<br />
Whether you’re a weekend warrior or the parent of a student athlete, having a game plan for injuries<br />
can ensure you or your loved one spends more time in the game — and less time on the sidelines.<br />
Attend our free seminar to hear experts from Houston Methodist Orthopedics and Sports Medicine<br />
at West discuss common sports injuries, including concussions.<br />
Registration is required. Seats are limited.<br />
To register, visit or call 832.522.5522<br />
Dr. Winfield Campbell<br />
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Sports Medicine<br />
Dr. F. Alex Schroeder<br />
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Medicine, Concussion<br />
Management<br />
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<strong>Copperbrook</strong> | <strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 23
Community Centers<br />
Bear Creek Community Center<br />
281-859-1566 • 713-274-3190<br />
Houston, TX 77084 •<br />
The Bear Creek Community Center will be temporarily housed and have<br />
limited classes/events at the Glazier Senior Education Center, 16600 Pine<br />
Forest Lane, Houston, Texas 77084<br />
In addition to scheduled activities on the Bear Creek Community Center,<br />
Commissioner Steve Radack’s Bear Creek Community Center is now<br />
offering the following upcoming events and activities for the summer.<br />
Please call 713-274-3190 to register for any of these events.<br />
RESIDENTIAL RAINWATER HARVESTING: Wednesday, <strong>August</strong> 8 th ,<br />
1-2:30 PM. Everyone knows Rainwater is best for growing both garden<br />
and houseplants, also, it is eco-friendly and cost effective. Join us to<br />
learn how to make your own rainwater harvesting system.<br />
HAIR COLOR 101: Friday, <strong>August</strong> 10 th , 9:30-10:30 AM. Master Stylist and<br />
Salon Owner, Kristie Yearny, will teach you what you should know about<br />
hair coloring, different types of hair and various coloring techniques.<br />
Every head of hair is different. Now’s the time to ask questions, before<br />
picking up that bottle of hair dye<br />
BEGINNING SPANISH: Friday, <strong>August</strong> 17 th , 8:30-9:20 AM. In this day and<br />
time, understanding a different language is beneficial to everyone. Join<br />
Maria Venegas and go step-by-step in this fun filled class to learn to speak<br />
and understand the Spanish language and improve your communication<br />
skills.<br />
you spoke Spanish? Maybe you want to refresh your skills because you<br />
are taking a trip? Join Maria Venegas every Friday, 9:30-10:20 AM. You<br />
must have some knowledge of Spanish before starting this class.<br />
24<br />
NOW?” Wednesday, <strong>August</strong> 1 st , 1- 2:30 PM. Join us to learn what help<br />
is available to those that have hearing loss. From telephones to laptops<br />
help is available. Doctors and Audiologists can only provide so much<br />
information. The Hearing Loss Association of America provides support<br />
to the Houston area to connect you with information and help.<br />
LOVE YOUR LIVER: By UT Health, Baylor College of Medicine and Cancer<br />
Prevention & Research Institute, Wednesday, <strong>August</strong> 29 th , 1-3 PM. Come<br />
and be tested for Hepatitis-C. Know your status. It could save your life.<br />
Results in just under 10 Minutes. Learn why your liver’s health is so<br />
important and take advantage of this free Hepatitis-C Screening.<br />
CHILDREN’S IMMUNIZATIONS: By Harris Health System, Trouble Shooters<br />
Immunization Mobile Program will be here to give children’s immunizations on<br />
Saturday, <strong>August</strong> 25 th , 9 AM-1 PM. Protect yourself from preventable diseases!<br />
FAMILY ZUMBA: All ages are welcome to this high-energy cardio class.<br />
Everyone will enjoy this mix of Latin and International dance moves.<br />
Classes are 6-7 PM on Mondays and Wednesdays.<br />
TAI CHI: Every Saturday morning 8:30-9:30 AM. Learn this ancient<br />
Chinese art that integrates and strengthens mind & body through slow,<br />
practiced movements that help to lower stress and blood pressure.<br />
CHAIR YOGA: This class is perfect for anyone with mobility or balance<br />
limitations. Chair yoga involves performing specific poses while using<br />
the support of a chair. The class meets every Friday, 10-11 AM.<br />
AARP DEFENSIVE DRIVING: We will have an AARP representative on<br />
Saturday, <strong>August</strong> 11 th , 9 AM-2 PM to conduct a Drivers Safety course.<br />
This course can assist you in receiving a discount on your auto insurance.<br />
The cost for this class is $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-members.<br />
Special note: Advance registration for activities is typically requested.<br />
An adult must accompany and remain with anyone under the age of 18<br />
visiting the center. A calendar of events is available at the Harris County<br />
Precinct Three website at<br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Copperbrook</strong>
Richard & Meg Weekley<br />
Community Center<br />
8440 Greenhouse Rd., Cypress, TX 77433<br />
Phone: 713-274-3161<br /><br />
Harris County Precinct Three Commissioner Steve Radack has opened<br />
the much anticipated Richard & Meg Weekley Community Center.<br />
Located at 8440 Greenhouse Road, the center is now open to the general<br />
public for a variety of programs and activities. The approximately 21,000<br />
square foot building will serve the community as a center for all ages.<br />
Classes and programs can be viewed at Whether<br />
you are looking for a place to exercise, attend a community event, learn<br />
new crafts, play games or just to meet new friends, Weekley Community<br />
Center is sure to be a place for all!<br />
Current ongoing classes are as follows:<br />
• Zumba: Mondays 11 AM-12 Noon, Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:30-7:15 PM<br />
& Wednesdays/Thursdays 10:30-11:30 AM<br />
• Zumba Gold: Mondays & Wednesdays 4-5 PM<br />
• Bootcamp: Mondays 9:45 to 10:30 AM<br />
• Yoga: Every Friday 9-10 AM and Wednesday 6:30-7:30 PM<br />
• Stretch and Tone class: Wednesdays, 9:45-10:30 AM<br />
• Knitting and Crocheting:: Monday 10 AM-12 Noon<br />
(Note: This will be a social group not an instructional class. Just bring<br />
your current project to work on and maybe get some pointers from your<br />
new friends.)<br />
• Dominoes: Tuesdays 8:30 AM-12 PM<br />
Please note that all classes are free to the public unless supplies are<br />
needed for a particular class.<br />
Juergen’s Hall Community Center<br />
26026 Hempstead Hwy., Cypress, TX 77429<br />
713-274-3188<br />
A variety of classes, programs and activities are now being offered at<br />
the Juergen’s Hall Community Center, 26026 Hempstead Road. Those<br />
activities can be viewed by visiting the Precinct Three website at www.<br /> and following prompts on the Community Centers section<br />
that starts on the home page.<br />
Free Classes:<br />
• Zumba: Mondays and Wednesdays, 9:30 AM-10:15 AM<br />
• Yoga: Tuesdays & Thursdays 9 AM-10 AM<br />
• Party Bridge: Tuesdays, 12:30 PM-3:30 PM<br />
• Senior’s Game Day: Wednesdays, 1 PM-3:30 PM<br />
• Walk Aerobics: Fridays, 10:30 AM-11:30 AM<br />
• Pilates: Fridays, 9:30 AM-10:15 AM<br />
Classes are free to the public unless supplies are needed for a particular<br />
subject. More activities and programs are being scheduled. For more<br />
information, email the center at or call center<br />
staff 713-274-3188. Volunteer opportunities are available!!<br />
The Thomas A. Glazier Senior<br />
Education Center<br />
Commissioner Steve Radack, Harris County Precinct Three<br />
The Thomas A. Glazier Senior Education Center is located at 16600 Pine Forest<br />
Lane, 77084; one block south of the intersection of HWY. 6 and Clay Road.<br />
All classes/programs are FREE for Harris County residents aged 55+. Must<br />
register in person with photo ID in order to participate in the program and<br />
attend all future classes. You may register Monday-Friday from 8 AM – 3:30<br />
PM. If you have questions or need directions please call us at 713-274-3250.<br />
Volunteer Opportunities are available; please call to speak to us about<br />
teaching your own cooking, language or other class.<br />
Ask for Kyle - Owner<br />
BOAT & R.V.<br />
Convenient 24 Hr. Access • 13 514 Wieman Rd.<br />
“We work as unto<br />
the Lord”<br />
• Restore & Preserve Decks<br />
• Mold & Mildew Removal<br />
• Graffiti Removal<br />
• Stone, Stucco, Brick, Siding<br />
• Decks & Fences • Patios<br />
• Chimneys<br />
• High & Low Pressure<br />
Prices start at $ 50. 00<br />
281-550-1136<br />
Free<br />
Estimates<br />
Geyer roofinG<br />
Specializing in<br />
Re-Roofing<br />
Ron Geyer<br />
713-462-3898<br />
• Kitchens • Bathrooms • Windows / Doors • Floors • Hardi Siding<br />
• Rooms Additions • Complete Renovations • Patio Covers<br />
Rob Geyer<br />
281-477-3456<br />
832-922-1967<br />
“If It Has A Dirty Surface, We Can Clean It”<br />
Hwy. 6<br />
WIL-STOR<br />
&<br />
N<br />
290<br />
529<br />
Wieman<br />
Clay Rd.<br />
Eldridge Rd.<br />
West Little York<br />
I-10<br />
<strong>Copperbrook</strong> | <strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 25
• Ongoing -<br />
- Spanish, French, Computer, Email, IPad, IPhone, Genealogy and<br />
Watercolor Classes are available year-round.<br />
- Laughter Yoga. Meets every Wednesday, 10:30-11:30 AM.<br />
- GYROKINESIS Inspiring Movement - Therapeutic, Gentle, Healing,<br />
Exercise to Deal with Pain, Stress and Anxiety. Tuesdays and Wednesdays<br />
from 9:30-10:30 AM and Fridays from 10:15-11:15 AM.<br />
- Zumba Classes for seniors Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8 AM.<br />
- Senior Boot Camp. Meets on all Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from<br />
9-10 AM.<br />
- Ballet Bar Class. meets on Mondays, 10:15-11:15 AM.<br />
- Zumba inspired Latin Dance meets on Mondays, 8-9 AM; Wednesdays,<br />
11AM-12 PM and Fridays, 11:30 AM-12:30 PM.<br />
- Bollywood Dancing and Bhangra meets Mondays from 11:30 AM-12:30<br />
PM Fridays from 8-9 AM.<br />
- Line Dancing every Monday at 1 PM and Wednesday and Friday at<br />
2:30.<br />
- Yoga meets Tuesdays, 10:45 AM and Fridays, 1 PM.<br />
- Meditation classes meets Tuesdays at 9 AM and Thursdays at 10:15 AM.<br />
- Glazier Choir, Tuesdays, 1-2 PM<br />
- Depression and Bipolar Support Group with LPC Meets every Monday,<br />
11 AM.<br />
- The Breakfast Klub meets every Monday; 10-11 AM.<br />
- Seventy-Five Plus Meetup/Lunch meets every Tuesday, 12 PM.<br />
- Learn to Play Mahjong. Every Wednesday, 1-3 PM<br />
- Brain, Body and Gut Healing Exercises meets every Thursday from<br />
2:30-3:30 PM.<br />
- Chess meet up every Friday, 1-3 PM.<br />
- Ukulele Lessons for Intermediate Players. Fridays, 11 AM-12 PM.<br />
- Spanish Club for all levels. Fridays, 10-11 AM<br />
- Depression and Bipolar Support Meeting w/Licensed Professional<br />
Counselor, every Monday. 11 AM-12:30 PM<br />
Introduction to Windows 10 Computer Session begins Monday, <strong>August</strong> 6 th<br />
or Tuesday, <strong>August</strong> 7 th . This is a 4-week course that meets twice a week.<br />
You may choose to attend Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and<br />
Thursdays. Classes are from 9-11 AM or 1-3 PM. Please reserve your seat.<br />
<strong>2018</strong> AUGUST SCHEDULE<br />
<strong>August</strong> 7 th :<br />
Meet the Author of the “Little Red Book on the Little-Read Constitution.”<br />
10:30-11:30 AM<br />
Connecting to Your Computer. iPhone, iPad or other wireless device, etc.<br />
1-3 PM<br />
Alzheimer’s Association presents Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body.<br />
1-2 PM<br />
Don’t let real estate turn<br />
your world upside down!<br />
Contact Amanda<br />
to learn how to make<br />
it as easy as 1.2.3.<br />
832-557-6748<br />
<strong>August</strong> 8 th :<br />
Fall Vegetable Gardening with a Master Gardener. 10:30-11:30 AM<br />
Prostate Health presented by Urologist and Host of Medical Radio Show.<br />
1-2 PM<br />
<strong>August</strong> 9 th :<br />
Nutrition Roundtable: Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidants. 10-11 AM<br />
America’s Greatest Comedians Laughter Series Presents Jack Benny! 11<br />
AM-12 PM<br />
Zentangles Art Class. Please reserve your seat. 1-3 PM<br />
Holocaust Museum Docent and son of Holocaust survivors from Germany.<br />
1-2 PM<br />
The Clutter Fairy - Organize your life today. 2-3 PM<br />
<strong>August</strong> 10 th :<br />
Classic Cinema Presents 1940s Strange Cargo. Please bring snacks or<br />
lunch for intermission. 11:30 AM.<br /><br /><br />
<strong>August</strong> 13 th :<br />
Taking Control of Your Blood Pressure to Prevent Stroke. 10-11 AM<br />
26<br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Copperbrook</strong>
<strong>August</strong> 14 th :<br />
International Art Show. Lecture as well as art will be displayed and<br />
discussed. 10:30-11 AM<br />
Estate Planning and Probate with Attorney. 1-2 PM<br />
Spiritual Discussion. 2-3:30 PM<br />
<strong>August</strong> 15 th :<br />
Oral Health for Seniors. Reservation required. Includes light lunch. 10:30-<br />
11:30 AM<br />
Digital Camera Class. Bring your camera charged. 1-3 PM<br />
MD Anderson Hospital presents Making Healthier Food Choices to<br />
Prevent Cancer. 1-2 PM<br />
<strong>August</strong> 16 th :<br />
Meet the Public Affairs Specialist from the Social Security Administration<br />
- <strong>2018</strong> changes affecting Social Security. 2:15-3:15 PM<br />
<strong>August</strong> 17 th :<br />
Free Apps for Your iPad or Tablet. Please reserve your seat. 10 AM-12 PM<br />
Smartphone Class. Please bring your charged smartphone to class. 10<br />
AM-12 PM<br />
Ukulele Lessons for Beginners. Day 1 of 6. Please reserve a seat. 10-11 AM<br />
<strong>August</strong> 21 st :<br />
Dealing Effectively with Depression.10:30-11:30 AM<br />
Cooking with Judy in Glazier’s Kitchen. Please reserve your seat. 12-1 PM<br />
Harris County Resource Navigator. Free Services such as home repair for<br />
seniors, shelters, housing, financial assistance, employment, food, etc.<br />
1-2 PM<br />
Texas Native Plants with the President of the Native Plant Society of<br />
Texas. 2-3 PM<br />
<strong>August</strong> 22 nd :<br />
Methodist Hospital - Arthritis in Seniors. 10:30-11:30 AM<br />
Smart-Sizing: Let’s Start the Conversation presented by a Senior Real<br />
Estate Specialist. 1-2 PM<br />
<strong>August</strong> 23 rd :<br />
Essential Oils for Aging. Door prizes too! 10-11 AM<br />
Abuse and Misuse of Medications. 11 AM-12 PM<br />
Fundamentals of Windows 10. 1-3 PM<br />
Vein Disease. 1-2 PM<br />
<strong>August</strong> 24 th :<br />
Classic Cinema Presents 1939s “Only Angels Have Wings.” Please bring<br />
snacks or lunch for intermission. 11:30 AM.<br />
<strong>August</strong> 27 th :<br />
Brain Repair and Memory. 10-11 AM<br />
<strong>August</strong> 28 th :<br />
DNA Testing Lecture. What is PGX Testing and Why Do It? 10:30-11:30 AM.<br />
Glazier’s Kitchen. Sample pancit, salad and chocolate cake. Please<br />
reserve your seat. 1-2 PM<br />
Insider Tips with a Master Cruise Counselor for your next Viking River<br />
Cruise. 1-2 PM<br />
MPL#40046<br />
<strong>August</strong> 29 th :<br />
Overview of the top 5 most requested bucket trips-Galapagos Islands,<br />
African Safari, Northern Lights, Antarctica and Machu Picchu. 11 AM-12<br />
PM<br />
Stem Cell Therapy with Physician. 1-2:30 PM<br />
<strong>August</strong> 30 th :<br />
UT Health Bone Density/Carotid Screenings. Reservations only.<br />
<strong>August</strong> 31 st :<br />
Blue Bell Ice Cream Social to Celebrate Labor Day. 1-2 PM<br />
Any job<br />
over $95<br />
For all of your plumbing needs! ONE CALL DOES IT ALL!<br /><br />
Sewer Camera Inspection and Drain Cleaning<br />
Garbage Disposal and Faucet • Water Heater • Repipe<br />
Water Leak Detection • Pipe Repair • Toilet Installation<br />
Follow me on<br />
Licensed and Insured<br />
Low Price Guarantee<br />
<strong>Copperbrook</strong> | <strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 27
Libraries<br />
28<br />
Katherine Tyra<br />
(Bear Creek) Public Library<br />
16719 Clay Road, Houston, TX 77084, 281-550-0885<br />
Our hours are: Monday - 1 PM - 8 PM, Tuesday/Thursday - 10 AM - 6 PM,<br />
Wednesday -10 AM - 8 PM, Friday - 1 PM - 6 PM, Saturday - 10 AM - 5 PM.<br />
Library reopened in June! Please call or go online for schedule of all<br />
programs.<br />
• CONVERSATIONAL ESL - Thursdays, 2 PM. Join our free Conversational<br />
ESL class each week. Attendees will need to fill out an application.<br />
Everyone is welcome. Please join us!<br />
• SAVVY STITCHERS - Thursdays, 3:30 PM. The Savvy Stitchers is a place<br />
to share ideas for different crafts such as knitting and crochet! Don’t miss<br />
out on the weekly fun! Make sure to bring your needles and yarn. All ages<br />
welcome.<br />
• SOCIAL CRAFTERS - Saturdays at 10 AM. Join our new social crafting<br />
group! Are you working on a craft or fabric arts project now? Bring a<br />
project to the library and share your ideas with others. Or, just come to<br />
learn more about crafts you may want to try. All are welcome!<br />
• PREPARING YOUR HOME TO SELL SEMINAR - Monday, <strong>August</strong> 6 th ,<br />
6 PM. Come to this seminar to learn basic tips to help you if you are<br />
planning on selling your home. Robert Chan & Kevin Vader will discuss<br />
how to prepare your home to sell, pricing strategies, inspections,<br />
financing/appraisals.<br />
• IDENTITY THEFT SEMINAR - Wednesday, <strong>August</strong> 8 th , 6 PM. Experts<br />
from Harris County Constable Precinct 5 will be at the library to give a<br />
presentation on identity theft. Come learn more about this important<br />
topic, including: 1.) How to prevent your identity from being stolen<br />
2.) What to do if you are a victim of this crime 3.) Why this is a rapidly<br />
growing crime 4.) Ask the experts & become educated! Free program. No<br />
registration required.<br />
• PASSPORT SERVICES - Mondays, <strong>August</strong> 13 th and 20 th , 12 PM to 6:30<br />
PM. Come to the library to apply for your passport or renew one. The<br />
person receiving the passport must be present. Call the District Clerk’s<br />
Office at 832-927-5690 to make an appointment or for more information.<br />
Walk-ins are also accepted.<br />
• MYSTERY BOOK CLUB - Thursday, <strong>August</strong> 16 th , 11 AM. Join us for<br />
our monthly mystery book discussion at the library. This month we are<br />
reading Expats by Chris Pavone. Reserve your copy today! Or, check out<br />
an e-book or e-audiobook through the library’s Overdrive collection. The<br />
mystery book club meets the third Thursday of each month.<br />
• TEXANS RECOVERING TOGETHER - Friday, <strong>August</strong> 24 th and<br />
Wednesday, <strong>August</strong> 29 th , 2-3 PM. Have you or your family been affected<br />
by Hurricane Harvey? Do you know someone who is still recovering?<br />
Come to the library to visit with professionals from Texans Recovering<br />
Together. They provide free crisis counseling, resource referrals, skill<br />
building, disaster education & awareness information and support for<br />
grief/loss. You are not alone. This is a free resource from the Harris Center<br />
for Mental Health for anyone in need.<br />
All programs are free and open to the public. For more information call<br />
281-550-0885 or log on to<br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Copperbrook</strong>
Lone Star College - Cy-Fair Library<br />
9191 Barker-Cypress Road, Cypress, TX 77433 • 281-290-3210<br />
HOURS: Monday through Thursday, 7 AM-10 PM, Friday-Saturday, 8 AM-6<br />
PM and Sunday, 1 PM-6 PM.<br />
• FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY - The LSC-CyFair Friends Bookstore<br />
accepts gently used books year-round, offering them to the public for<br />
a set donation amount. The store is open six days a week and staffed<br />
by volunteers. Proceeds support library programs. Help support our<br />
community library.<br />
for news and events about the library and college<br />
and in the community.<br />
• FACEBOOK at LSC-CyFair Branch Library.<br />
subscribe at<br />
Note: All programs are subject to change. Please contact the library or<br />
visit the website for up-to-date information.<br />
Common Thread: Knitting, Crocheting and Needlework Group<br />
Tuesdays: 9-10:30 AM, LRNC 116.<br />
COMPUTER WORKSHOPS, LRNC 105 - Call for info.<br />
eBooks Appointments now available. Make an appointment at LoneStar.<br />
edu/library/15938.<br />
ESL: TALK TIME -<br />
Mondays, 1-2 PM, LRNC 215<br />
Tuesdays, 2:45-3:45 PM, LRC 215<br />
Mondays, 1-3 PM, LRNC 131<br />
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM, LRNC 118<br />
See the full schedule of Adult Programs and Activities at<br />
library/ or call<br />
281-290-3214/3218.<br />
Note: All programs are subject to change. Please contact the library or<br />
visit the website for up-to-date information.<br />
BOOK CLUB: (Registration required)<br />
SCREEN - PLAY: Tweens & Teens only (ages 10 - 18) 5-6 PM: Games, 6 PM:<br />
Movie - Teen Room.<br />
See the full schedule of Teen’s Programs and Activities at<br />
library/cyfair-children-services.<br />
281-345-7700<br /><br />
Family Owned<br />
& Operated<br />
Any Repair<br />
with this ad<br />
Cannot be combined<br />
with any other offer.<br />
Over 25 years<br />
of experience<br />
• Toilets • Re-pipes • Remodels • Pipe Leaks • Water Heaters • Drain Services<br />
• Fixture Replacement • Gas Tests & Gas Lines • Sewer Camera Inspections<br />
• Sewer Repair & Replacement • Water lines & Water Main Yard Leaks • and much more<br /><br />
J. Russ Polsgrove RMPL#38482 281-802-5233<br />
Joel Muller<br />
281-304-9488<br />
11740 Barker Cypress<br /><br />
Hablamos Español<br />
Providing Insurance<br />
and Financial Services<br />
Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois 61710<br />
Lessons for<br />
your child or yourself.<br />
Classically Trained Teacher.<br />
Experienced & References<br />
281-373-9236<br />
• Commercial<br />
• Residential<br />
• Landscaping<br />
• Maintenance<br />
• Irrigation<br />
• Irrigation Repairs<br />
( Lic#8242)<br />
Telge Rd. Area<br />
• Mondays: BABY TIME (6-24 months) - 9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM.<br />
• Tuesdays: Toddler Time (2-3 1/2 years) - 9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM.<br />
• Wednesdays: Preschool Time (3-6 years) - 9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM.<br />
• Thursdays: Spanish Time/Tiempo de cuentos (2-6 years) - 11 AM<br />
BABY PAJAMA TIME: 1 st Tuesday, 6 PM (up to 24 months)<br />
FAMILY STORYTIME: 2 nd Tuesday, 6:30 PM (all ages)<br />
FAMILY FUN ACTIVITIES, 5 PM: Thursdays, for children of all ages.<br />
Limited to 40 children.<br />
FAMILY GAME NIGHT: Thursdays at 6:30 PM. For children of all ages.<br />
Limited to 40 children.<br />
See the full schedule of Children’s Programs and Activities at<br />
library/cyfair-children-services. All programs are free and open to the public.<br />
HEAT<br />
FREE 1st lb. Freon (R410 only)<br />
1/2 Priced Condenser Coil Cleaning<br />
1 Yr. Warranty On Parts Changed<br />
We Value Your Business<br />
All Brands Serviced<br />
Local Neighborhood Company<br />
Fast Personalized Service<br />
We Will Heat & Cool Your Castle!<br />
TACLB021058E<br />
COOL<br />
<strong>Copperbrook</strong> | <strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 29
Recipes<br />
You could make this on Lemon Meringue Pie Day <strong>August</strong> 15 th !<br />
1 (9 inch) prepared graham cracker crust<br />
1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk<br />
3 egg yolks<br />
1/2 cup lemon juice<br />
3 egg whites<br />
5 teaspoons white sugar<br />
Preheat broiler to 500 degrees F (260 degrees C). In a medium mixing<br />
bowl beat together condensed milk, egg yolks and lemon juice. Pour<br />
mixture into graham cracker crust.<br />
In a separate glass or metal mixing bowl, beat egg whites with sugar<br />
until stiff peaks form. Spread evenly on top of lemon filling. Brown<br />
in preheated broiler just until meringue is set and golden. Keep pie<br />
refrigerated.<br />
Source:<br />
You could make this on National Spumoni Day <strong>August</strong> 21 st !<br />
3 cups pistachio ice cream, softened<br />
3 cups vanilla (or cherry vanilla) ice cream, softened<br />
1 cup maraschino cherries, chopped<br />
1/3 cup sliced almonds, chopped<br />
2 tablespoons cherry brandy<br />
1 teaspoon almond extract<br />
A few specks pink food coloring<br />
3 cups chocolate ice cream, softened<br />
1. Line 9- by 5-inch loaf pan with plastic wrap. Place a 12-<br />
by 8-inch piece of parchment paper into pan, letting sides<br />
overhang the edges. Spread pistachio ice cream into pan and<br />
smooth the top. Freeze until semi-frozen, about 20 minutes.<br />
2. Stir vanilla ice cream, chopped cherries, almonds, brandy<br />
and almond extract until combined. Stir in food coloring (if<br />
using) to desired shade of pink. Spread over pistachio ice<br />
cream. Freeze for 30 minutes or until semi-firm.<br />
3. Spread chocolate ice cream over cherry ice cream and<br />
smooth top. Wrap and freeze until completely solid, 3 to 4<br />
hours. Remove from pan, remove wrap and slice with a hot,<br />
wet, knife.<br />
Source:<br />
30<br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Copperbrook</strong>
Air Conditioning Contractors of America<br />
®<br />
Gardening Tips<br />
for <strong>August</strong><br />
• Time now to make plans for fall<br />
landscaping projects.<br />
• Clean up flowerbeds of fallen foliage,<br />
yellowed leaves and dead wood. Light<br />
green leaves may signify lack of iron<br />
(chlorosis). Correct with iron cheleates.<br />
• Cut off old dead foliage on irises. Scratch<br />
in a little bone meal around the roots.<br />
• Prune roses to reshape and groom plants<br />
for fall growth.<br />
• Wait until November to plant petunias<br />
and pansies.<br />
• Chinch bug damage is obvious now.<br />
You will have areas of thin and/or dead<br />
turf where they weren’t brought under<br />
control. There is a new generation going<br />
now. This batch causes the most damage.<br />
Use Dursban to stop the damage.<br />
• Until the weather gets back to the 80’s, St.<br />
<strong>August</strong>ine grass grows slowly. If you fill in<br />
with sod, don’t expect a fast turnaround.<br />
The sod may look like it’s not growing<br />
while it puts down roots. You will need to<br />
water the new sod often and deeply to get<br />
it started but this also creates a disease<br />
environment. Water early so the sun can<br />
dry the turf.<br />
• Now is a good time to work new beds. Till<br />
them up, add organic material, mix it in,<br />
then let them cure for a month or so. Add<br />
in any amendments like micro-nutrients.<br />
Keep the beds moist so the microorganisms<br />
have a favorable environment.<br />
Extend Life Service A/C Save Money<br />
281-394-0340<br />
Free estimate or 2 nd opinion<br />
$25 off<br />
any<br />
repair<br />
License TACLB 24777E and Insured<br />
Expires 8/31/18<br />
Owner Operated<br />
Repeat Customer & Referral Rate: 80%<br />
Water Damage Repair Specialist<br />
Interior/Exterior Paint & Stain<br />
Cabinet Refinish • Pressure Wash<br />
Door, Window & Wood Replacement<br />
Tile Work • Sheetrock • Texture • Carpentry<br />
Crown Molding • Roof Repair • Siding • Fencing<br />
Decking • Pool Cleaning and Maintenance<br />
Rental Property Maintenance and Turnkey<br />
Custom Wood Repair & Replacement<br />
Call Steven Fletcher at<br />
832-577-2364<br /><br /><br />
Copperfield Area Resident / Business • Over 20 Years, Experienced Craftsman<br />
FREE<br />
Duct Inspection<br />
with tune-up<br />
• Annual<br />
Maintenance<br />
Programs<br />
• All repairs<br />
guaranteed<br />
• Serving area<br />
since 1994<br />
0% Interest<br />
financing available<br />
Expires 8/31/18 WAC<br />
Expires 8/31/18<br /><br />
Langham Creek High School<br />
<strong>2018</strong> Cheer Clinic<br />
Saturday, Sept. 22, <strong>2018</strong><br />
9:00am – 12:30pm<br />
Details & Registration at<br /><br />
Open to all girls & boys (ages 4 & older)<br />
Cheers, Jumps, Stunting,<br />
Dance & Tumbling<br />
<strong>Copperbrook</strong> | <strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 31
How to Pack a<br />
School Lunch<br />
A Main Course<br />
Sandwich<br />
Hot Dog<br />
Meat Rolls<br />
Pizza Pretzel<br />
Quesadilla<br />
Tuna Salad & Crackers<br />
Tortilla Roll Ups<br />
Muffin Pot Pie<br />
Pizza Muffin<br />
Pita & Hummus<br />
A Snack<br />
Cheese<br />
Pretzels<br />
Popcorn<br />
Craisins<br />
Boiled Egg<br />
Rice Cake<br />
Crackers<br />
Pickle<br />
Trail Mix<br />
Cereal<br />
Go-Gurt<br />
32<br />
A Drink<br />
Water<br />
Juice<br />
Lemonade<br />
Capri Sun<br />
Fruit Water<br />
A Treat<br />
Fruit<br />
Snack<br />
Cookies<br />
Brownie<br />
Fruit<br />
Leather<br />
Candy<br />
A Fruit or Veggie<br />
Orange Segments<br />
Apple Slices<br />
Pineapple Chunks<br />
Mandarin Oranges<br />
Carrot Sticks<br />
Cucumber Sticks<br />
Celery Sticks<br />
Jicama Sticks<br />
Chery Tomatoes<br />
Grapes<br />
Peach Slices<br />
Banana Coins<br />
Green Beans<br />
Fruit Cocktail<br />
Dried Fruit<br />
Pepper Slices<br />
Broccoli<br />
Cauliflower<br />
Pear Slices<br />
Watermelon<br />
Make substitutions and<br />
additions as desired.<br />
High protein foods will help<br />
kids stay fuller longer.<br />
Choose one item from<br />
at least three categories.<br />
Don’t forget to seal<br />
all the ziplock bags.<br />
Link:<br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Copperbrook</strong>
Volunteer<br />
Opportunities<br />
We are looking for volunteers 18 years old and up, be committed once<br />
a week 3-4 consecutive hours for a minimum of six months. Different<br />
assignments are available to choose from 7 AM-midnight Monday -<br />
Sunday to support patients, families and staff. Please contact us if you<br />
are interested at 832-227-1185 or<br />
ways-to-give/volunteer/.<br />
Memorial Hermann Katy Hospital has volunteer opportunities available.<br />
Whether you are interested in working in the nursery, at our reception desk,<br />
in our gift shop or even transporting patients, we have a place for you. For<br />
more information, please contact Heather Rojas, Manager of Volunteer<br />
Services at 281-644-7581.<br />
Love Animals? Looking for a rewarding opportunity? Get involved in<br />
one of TWRC’s many volunteer opportunities to help Texas wildlife.<br />
Volunteers at TWRC Wildlife Center are the backbone of our organization.<br />
We offer several ways to help including our Animal Care Program,<br />
Education and Outreach, working in our main enter and we can even<br />
help you become an independent Texas Wildlife Rehabilitator! Please Go<br />
To for more information.<br />
Invest your time by volunteering with Pregnancy Help Center of West<br />
Houston educating and supporting men and women in making healthy<br />
choices for life in sexual integrity, unplanned pregnancy and postabortion<br />
loss. Volunteer opportunities include mentoring, facilitating<br />
small groups, administrative assistance, medical services, donation<br />
room and development. Discover your calling! For information inquire<br />
through the web site or call 281-578-0078, Volunteer<br />
Services Coordinator. The Pregnancy Help Center of West Houston is a<br />
non-profit faith based organization.<br />
Nothing else can compare with therapy on horseback. Equine-assisted<br />
activities improve physical balance and coordination, mental acuity,<br />
emotional stability and social interactions. At SIRE, we see miracles on<br />
horseback happen every day. The work of our dedicated volunteers<br />
helps guarantee that children and adults with disabilities in the Greater<br />
Houston Area will have the programs they need to live longer, healthier,<br />
more productive lives. In addition to their weekly work in the arena, many<br />
of our volunteers donate their time and talents at fund-raising events<br />
such as our annual Ride-A-Thon and the yearly Trailblazers Luncheon.<br />
Volunteers are on hand during the NARHA on-site certification and<br />
annual SIRE Show-Off and volunteers are vital to our Clients’ successes at<br />
the Top Hands Horse Show, during the Houston Rodeo and competition<br />
at the regional and state Special Olympics. Therapeutic horseback riding<br />
creates a bond of success between the rider and their horse. Volunteers<br />
are their own personal cheering section and the instructor is their mentor<br />
and coach. Clients become more empowered and better equipped to<br />
fully live their lives, each day. To volunteer, please call one of our arenas<br />
and ask to speak with a volunteer coordinator. SIRESpring, call 281-353-<br />
6160. SIREHockley, call 281-356-7588. SIRE Fort Bend, call 281-344-4308.<br />
Do you enjoy spending time with seniors? Autumn Grove Cottage is<br />
an assisted living facility for individuals with Alzheimer’s or dementia<br />
related illnesses. We are interested in volunteers socializing with our<br />
Residents. We are a small cottage, close to your neighborhood, with<br />
just 16 Residents. If you would like to volunteer in a cozy, home-like<br />
atmosphere then call the Volunteer Coordinator at 281-398-6845 or<br />
visit our website Come be a part of our<br />
philosophy - “To honor our Residents and those who love and care for<br />
them.” Volunteers will need to complete a volunteer application and<br />
attend a brief training session.<br />
<strong>Copperbrook</strong> | <strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 33
Krenek Printing<br />
281-463-8649<br />
LLC<br />
Please support the businesses within<br />
this newsletter. It is because of their support<br />
that you receive this paper at no charge<br />
to you or your HOA.<br />
Share your community news with us. Non-profit,<br />
scouts, school, dated events, etc. send to<br /> The next deadline<br />
is <strong>August</strong> 10th for the September newsletter<br />
Want your ad to be placed in this newsletter<br />
and mailed to the homeowners every month?<br />
For more information, pricing or to view newsletters<br />
online please visit<br />
or email<br />
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Search for businesses in your local area<br />
and find great deals on the goods and<br />
services you are looking for!<br />
View your newsletter online! You can read your<br />
community news on our website or download it to<br />
take with you and print. Archived issues are also<br />
available.<br />
MOBILE:<br />
You now have access to our full website optimized for<br />
your mobile device, making it even easier to find the<br />
things you need on the go!<br />
MORE:<br />
Find information about advertising opportunities,<br />
article submissions, our company, and<br />
frequently asked questions.<br />
Call today for a quote!<br />
Student Wins Award In Cricket®<br />
Magazine Competition<br />
Marianne Cowan of Houston, age 13, received Second Prize in the March <strong>2018</strong><br />
Cricket League art competition. For this contest, each entrant was asked to submit<br />
original artwork of anything. Marianne’s drawing “WE ARE A RAINBOW” appears<br />
in the Cricket League section of the July/<strong>August</strong> issue. Congratulations Marianne!<br />
DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the<br />
opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the<br />
opinions of Krenek Printing Co. or its employees. Krenek Printing<br />
is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles<br />
submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility<br />
for the advertising content within this publication. All warranties<br />
and representations made in the advertising content are solely<br />
that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content<br />
should be taken up with the advertiser.<br />
The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for<br />
misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except<br />
for the actual cost of such advertising.<br />
Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints<br />
in this publication the publisher assumes no responsibility for<br />
any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as<br />
limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case<br />
of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. Under no<br />
circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental<br />
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services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from<br />
failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities<br />
stated above.<br />
Published by: KRENEK PRINTING CO.<br />
7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX, 77095<br />
281-463-8649 •<br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Copperbrook</strong>
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<strong>Copperbrook</strong> | <strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 35
Cypress Fairbanks Swim Club<br />
Est. 1975<br />
14654 Spring Cypress Rd.<br />
281-376-2372<br /><br />
NEW MEMBER TRY-OUTS <strong>2018</strong><br />
New Member Try-Outs <strong>2018</strong><br />
Trial Membership<br />
Registration & Evaluation<br />
Aug 21st or 28th - 9 yrs old & Under<br />
Aug 22nd or 29th - 10 yrs old & Up<br />
Anytime between<br />
5:30 – 7:00 pm<br />
Trial Membership<br />
Sept 4 th - Sept 30 th , <strong>2018</strong><br />
Pre Team Clinic <strong>2018</strong><br />
Taught by Our Fleet Coaches<br />
A program designed to help 7-12 yr olds,<br />
who want to join the team, improve their<br />
technique in all 4 strokes<br />
Session 1: 1:00 to 2:00 pm<br />
<strong>August</strong> 13 - 16<br />
$100<br />
Session 2: 1:00 to 2:00 pm<br />
<strong>August</strong> 20 - 23 $100<br />
Session Numbers Are Limited!<br />
It’s Not Too Late!!<br />
Register for Our<br />
FLEET First<br />
<strong>August</strong> Swim Lessons<br />
B<br />
281 376 0847<br />
Register in person,<br />
online or on the phone.<br />
281 376 0847<br />
flee<br />
A $40 Registration Fee is due when you sign up<br />
and reoccurs from September of each year.<br />
15% Discount<br />
Begins 9/4/18 and<br />
ends 5/25/19<br />
Call Today to reserve your spot!<br />
281 376 0847<br />
36<br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Copperbrook</strong>