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September 2018<br />


20th - 24th August 2018

MD's Message<br />

Know Your Leader<br />

Events @ GHCL<br />

Index<br />

Feature Story : Core Value Carnival<br />

i-FLO<br />

Ar cle - Green Building<br />

Fes vals of India – September 2018<br />

Celebra on@GHCL<br />

Awards and Recogni ons<br />

Long Service Award<br />

Book Review-The Art Of Happiness- The Handbook of Living- Dalai Lama<br />

and Howard Cutler<br />

Winner Announcement/ Photography Contest<br />

We Care<br />

Note of Thanks: Blood Dona on Poster<br />

Pages<br />

3<br />

4-5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9-10<br />

11-14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18-19<br />

20-21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

Editorial team<br />

Corporate communica on<br />

Inputs By:<br />

Follow Us On<br />

Mr. M Sathish kumar- Chennai<br />

Ms. Priyum Upadhyay- Bhilad<br />

Mr. Rajkumar M- Madurai<br />

Ms. Siddhi Mehta- Sutrapada<br />

Ms. Mita Vyas-Bhavnagar<br />

Ms. Geeta Jaiswani- Ahmedabad

MD's Message<br />

Dear Friends,<br />

Culture consists of collection of complex skills & knowledge which are transferred from person to<br />

person through two core mediums - language & imitation.<br />

The concept of core values adds spirit to the workplace, aligns & uni ies people, promotes<br />

employee ownership and creates consistency and contributes to the organizational well-being as<br />

a whole from the business perspective.<br />

We have always tried to align and practice our four major core values i.e. Respect, Ownership,<br />

Trust and Integrated Team Work. Our core values help us bring positivity in our approach which in<br />

turn brings about perpetual change in people. It unites us together as a team and makes us ready<br />

to face challenges. We have people from various cultural backgrounds working in our<br />

organization. These values help bind us all together. It is essential that every individual starts with<br />

themselves and does not wait to follow others. The value systems within the organisation should<br />

not be dependent on hierarchy.<br />

The recently organized Core Values Week gave all of us an<br />

opportunity to interact and share our ideas on how and what values<br />

we should practice. I appreciate the effort made by the core values<br />

team in ef iciently planning the carnival. The highlight of the event<br />

were the Talk show sessions, which I think were especially helpful<br />

as all of us realised that our leaders are human like us and have<br />

made mistakes, learnt from them rather than letting such things<br />

weigh them down. Meeting all the employees and their families was<br />

wonderful during the celebrations.<br />

I believe and often say that if you have a dream and the<br />

passion to achieve it, nothing can stop you. I hope that<br />

every GHCLian will always take these values in the<br />

true spirit and not compromise at any point when it<br />

comes to making a choice. Inculcating these value will<br />

help us improve our performance and balance our<br />

work-life so as to achieve favourable results.<br />

R S Jalan<br />

“If you have a dream and if<br />

you have the madness<br />

You can achieve anything”<br />

September 2018 3

Feature Story<br />

Core Value Carnival<br />

At GHCL we always try to bring people together with various activities that re lect our core values.<br />

Core value committee organized “Core Value Carnival” from 20th August to 24th August 2018 at<br />

Noida of ice. The content of the carnival was designed for everyone to understand our core values<br />

in a better way. The activities during the 4 day carnival were:<br />

Day 1- MD's Live Talk Show<br />

Day 2- Talk with the Top<br />

Day 3-Cross the border<br />

Day 4- Family get together<br />

These events brought great exposure for all of us as individuals<br />

on how we practice our core values. On day 1, MD's live talk show<br />

gave us the opportunity to listen to the views of Mr. R S Jalan. He<br />

spoke about how the core values transformed him as a leader<br />

and became one of the most integral part of his life. He further<br />

showed us how to inculcate these values to achieve our goals. He<br />

said that as an individual we should always take ownership of<br />

our mistakes, learn from them and ind out new ways of improving to be a better person.<br />

The session was hosted by Mr. Manu Kapur, CEO & President – Home textiles and received great<br />

comments from all the participants.<br />

Day 2 of the carnival gave us the opportunity to listen to the success<br />

mantra of our top leaders from different sectors like Finance,<br />

Marketing, Communication, Sustainability, and Secretarial.<br />

The main participants of the session were Mr. Raman Chopra, Mr. Sunil Bhatnagar, Mr. Rajesh<br />

Tripathi, Mr. Lovish Ahuja, Mr. Bhuwaneshwar Mishra and Ms. Deepika Abrol. The discussion saw<br />

our leaders talk about what withholds us in coming together as a team and how to overcome these<br />

inhibitions. The session gave direction to all on what role do values play in the development of a<br />

person as a true leader.<br />

One of the most enjoyed event was on day 3 – Cross the borders. On this day all the workstations<br />

were swapped for each and every employee at Noida of ice to give a feeling that we are above all the<br />

boundaries like designation, levels, and department and we work as one team. The seniors were<br />

given a chance to sit in the open spaces and many from open spaces were given a chance to sit in the<br />

senior's cabin.<br />

This experience made people realize the importance of responsibility that each person holds in<br />

their respective roles. Also, this change made us all realize the challenges that are faced by people in<br />

their respective workspace assigned to them.<br />

On the fourth day, the carnival ended with family get together that was planned on the very last day.<br />

It was mainly to thank all the family members of the employees who act as the pillar of support and<br />

September 2018 4

Feature Story<br />

gives them the vision to work more ef iciently in their ield. The carnival was concluded by saying<br />

slogan “together for each other” where all the employees and their family members let the<br />

balloons go off in the open sky.<br />

With the success of the event, the team is looking forward to organizing more of such events where<br />

people can join each other and inculcate new learnings from the experiences that are shared on an<br />

open platform.<br />

September 2018 5

Know Your Leader<br />

1. Name: Neelabh Dalmia<br />

2. Was born in (Place): New Delhi, India<br />

3. Sun Sign: Leo<br />

4. Favourite Pass time: Spending time with family,<br />

wildlife photography and reading<br />

5. Favourite quote(s): Have<br />

many favourite quotes, couple<br />

of them below:<br />

“The irst step is to establish<br />

that something is possible;<br />

then probability will occur”<br />

- Elon Musk<br />

“Those who stop marketing to<br />

save money are like those who<br />

stop a clock to save time”<br />

- Henry Ford<br />

6. Favourite Cuisine: Simple<br />

homemade food<br />

7. Favourite Song: Nothing speci ic but love<br />

listening to Indian & Western classical music<br />

8. Can you name a person who has had a<br />

tremendous impact on you as a leader? Maybe<br />

someone who has been a mentor to you?<br />

Why and how did this person impact your life?<br />

There have been may people who have made an<br />

impact on me including our Chairman and Vice<br />

Chairman. But, one person who has had a<br />

tremendous impact on me is my grandfather - Shri<br />

V.H. Dalmia. He has shown me the importance of<br />

thinking holistically about a situation, including<br />

how a decision can impact others. He has given me<br />

various examples from his own & my greatgrandfather<br />

- Shri Jaidayal Dalmia's experiences.<br />

For example, even during the 1950's, they focused<br />

on health, safety and environment impact of any<br />

business decision.<br />

9. What is one characteristic that you believe<br />

every leader should possess?<br />

In today's changing world one of the most important<br />

characteristic a leader should have is promoting<br />

innovation. This is one sole factor which can create<br />

an UVP (unique value proposition) for the company<br />

and in return give it the edge against the competition.<br />

Patience is another very import characteristic one<br />

should possess. It helps a lot when things are not<br />

going one's way.<br />

10. What advice would you give<br />

someone going into a leadership<br />

position for the irst time?<br />

Every person is a leader. I don't believe that<br />

a person needs to hold a leadership<br />

position be a leader.<br />

But for the sake of this question, in a<br />

leadership position one needs to think and<br />

do things differently or else the results will<br />

always remain the same.<br />

11. What is that one thing you are most<br />

proud of?<br />

The GHCL team<br />

12. What's the biggest risk you've ever<br />

taken?<br />

Asking one of our large home textile<br />

customer on why they buy man-made ibre<br />

products that are not environmentally<br />

friendly.<br />

September 2018 6

i-FLO<br />

Reaching out<br />

through<br />

Social Media.<br />

Glimpse of our<br />

recent<br />

facebook posts..!!<br />

September 2018 7

Article: Sustainability<br />

Green Buildings- Buildings with intention!<br />

This month from the sustainability desk, is an article to enlighten our readers on Green Buildings. Green<br />

buildings (also known as sustainable buildings) refer to both a structure and the application of<br />

processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-ef icient throughout a building's lifecycle:<br />

from planning to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition. This<br />

requires close cooperation of the contractor, the architects, the engineers, and the client at all project<br />

stages.<br />

Buildings have extensive direct and indirect impact on the environment. During their construction,<br />

occupancy, renovation, repurposing, and demolition, buildings use energy, water, and raw materials,<br />

generate waste, and emit potentially harmful atmospheric emissions. This prompted for mitigating the<br />

impact of buildings on the natural environment through sustainable design. The Green Building practice<br />

expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and<br />

comfort. The objective of green buildings is to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on<br />

human health and the natural environment by:<br />

Ef iciently using energy, water, and other resources<br />

Protecting occupant health and improving occupier's productivity<br />

Reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation<br />

The push toward sustainable design increased in the 1990s with the creation of Building Research<br />

Establishment's Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM), the irst green building rating system in<br />

the U.K. In 2000, the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) followed suit and developed and released<br />

criteria also aimed at improving the environmental performance of buildings through its Leadership in<br />

Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system for new construction. Since that irst release,<br />

LEED has continued to grow in prominence and to include rating systems for existing buildings. Others<br />

also responded to the growing interest and demand sustainable designs including the Green Building<br />

Initiative (GBI), which was created to assist the National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB) in<br />

promoting its Green Building Guidelines for Residential Structures.<br />

There is now a proliferation of standards, rating, and certi ication programs in the marketplace to help<br />

guide, demonstrate, and document efforts to deliver sustainable, high-performance buildings. There are<br />

three primary Rating systems that currently exists in India: Green Rating for Integrated Habitat<br />

Assessment (GRIHA), Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), Bureau of Energy Ef iciency (BEE).<br />

The most criticized issue about constructing green buildings is the cost involved in construction or<br />

refurbishing. Modern technologies and systems tend to cost more money and may not be affordable<br />

every time. In reality most green buildings cost a premium of

Festivals of India – September 2018<br />

Govinda/Krishna Janmashtami<br />

The festival of Krishna Janmashtami , also known as<br />

Govinda, commemorates the birthday of Lord Krishna. In<br />

Mumbai, on the second day, an extremely fun part of the<br />

festival involves people climbing on each other and forming<br />

a human pyramid to try and reach and break open clay pots<br />

illed with curd, which have been strung up high from buildings.<br />

When: September 2-3, 2018.<br />

Where: Throughout India.<br />

Ganesh Chaturthi<br />

The spectacular 11 day Ganesh Chaturthi<br />

festival honors the birth of the beloved<br />

Hindu elephant-headed god, Lord<br />

Ganesha. The start of the festival sees<br />

huge, elaborately crafted statutes of<br />

Ganesha installed in homes and podiums,<br />

which have been especially constructed<br />

and beautifully decorated. At the end of<br />

the festival, the statutes are paraded<br />

through the streets, accompanied by<br />

much singing and dancing, and then<br />

submerged in the ocean.<br />

When: September 13-23, 2018.<br />

W h e re : M o s t ly i n t h e s t a tes o f<br />

M a h a ra s h t ra , G o a , Ta m i l N a d u ,<br />

Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. One of<br />

the best places to experience the festival<br />

is in the city of Mumbai.<br />

28th Onam Kala Kettu<br />

Festival<br />

This unusual harvest thanksgiving<br />

festival in Kerala sees gigantic idols of<br />

bulls, made out of straw and cloth by<br />

locals, pulled on wheels to the temple.<br />

The procession is known as Kala Kettu,<br />

and there are about 100 such bulls in it<br />

from surrounding villages. They're<br />

believed to be Nandhikesha, the vehicle<br />

of the temple deity Parabrahmam (the<br />

h i g h e s t B r a h m a n ) . T h e r e ' s a<br />

competition for the biggest and best one,<br />

which can cost 50 lakh rupees ($75,000)<br />

to make! The festival takes place on the<br />

28th day after the irst day of Onam.<br />

When: September 21, 2018.<br />

Where: Parabrahma temple, Ochira,<br />

Kerala. It's about an hour north of<br />

Kollam and about an hour south of<br />

Alleppey.<br />

September 2018 9

Festivals of India – September 2018<br />

Muharram Festival and<br />

Taziya Procession<br />

The Muharram festival is a Muslim<br />

festival that commemorates the<br />

martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain, the<br />

grandson of the Holy Prophet. It takes<br />

place during the irst month of the<br />

Islamic calendar. On the tenth and last<br />

day of the festival, known as Ashura,<br />

Sunni Muslims take taziyas (cof ins of<br />

the dead, and in this case replicas of<br />

I m a m H u s s a i n' s s h r i n e ) o u t i n<br />

procession during the evening.<br />

When: Ashura, September 21, 2018.<br />

Where: Udaipur, Rajasthan. The<br />

procession ends at Lake Pichola (where<br />

the taziyas will be immersed) near the<br />

Mewar Haveli Hotel.<br />

Ladakh Festival<br />

The Ladakh Festival is a cultural<br />

extravaganza and showcase event for<br />

the region, which was created to extend<br />

the tourist season. It has plenty to offer<br />

visitors including polo-match, music<br />

concerts, mask dances from the<br />

monasteries, archery, river rafting, and<br />

folk performances. Hotel and local<br />

transport discounts are available for the<br />

duration of the festival.<br />

When: Third week of September (exact<br />

dates to be announced).<br />

Where: Leh and surrounding villages.<br />

September 2018 10

Events @ GHCL<br />

“One Day Training Program for Workmen” at SMCD<br />

A one-day training session was organized at SMCD, Port Victor for workmen category on 16th August<br />

2018. The topic of discussion during the session was “Collaboration”. The session was taken by Mr.<br />

Deepak Dhomse. Members present at the opening of the session were Mr. Anil Kumar Singh (Sr. GM HR &<br />

IR) and Mr. J V Joshi (GM-SMCD).<br />

The points discussed during the session were:<br />

-What is Collaboration?<br />

-Importance of Collaboration<br />

-Advantages of Collaboration<br />

-Collaboration in our professional and personal life<br />

30 workmen participated in the training session<br />

Knowledge Sharing Session @ SMCD on 'Maintenance safety and<br />

awareness'<br />

Knowledge sharing session was organized on 27th July 2018 at SMCD on the topic” Maintenance Safety<br />

and Awareness”. The session was taken by Mr. Partesh Shankarbhai Bhuva (Engineer – maintenance<br />

Department)<br />

The session started with the brief introduction of the topic that<br />

was followed by the following points of discussion:<br />

-The objective of Maintenance Safety<br />

-Types of safety methods<br />

-Importance of maintenance safety and awareness<br />

Knowledge Sharing Session- Umang<br />

Knowledge sharing session was organized on 27th July 2018 at SMCD, Port Victor on the topic “UMANG”.<br />

The speaker of the session was Mr. Mehul Parmar, Jr. Of icer – HR & Admin. Mr. Parmar explained about<br />

various areas of application of UMANG such as agriculture, education, health etc.<br />

UMANG (Uni ied Mobile Application for New-Age Governance) is one of the<br />

key initiatives under the Digital India program to develop a common, uni ied<br />

platform to facilitate a single point of access to all government services.<br />

25 colleagues were present during the session.<br />

Training Program on “Collaboration Part-II” held at Soda Ash Plant,<br />

Sutrapada<br />

As part of employee Training & Development program, Soda Ash Division conducted a training program<br />

nd<br />

rd<br />

on the topic “Collaboration part II” on 2 and 3 August 2018. The session was taken by seasoned<br />

learning and HR practioner Mr. Gurpreet Singh.<br />

The training program gave great insights on:<br />

-Personality traits<br />

September 2018 11

Events @ GHCL<br />

-leadership quality<br />

-Team work<br />

-Listening and learning<br />

-Time management<br />

-Self-analysis and group work<br />

Many related games to engage the participants were the highlight of the session.<br />

MILAP Meet at Ahmedabad<br />

MILAP meet was organized at Ahmedabad location on 14th Aug 2018. Mr. V Chandramauli /Sr. VP-<br />

Finance chaired the meeting.<br />

The meeting started with the discussion on the initiatives taken after the<br />

previous MILAP meeting. Post that the forum welcomed various ideas to<br />

strengthen the recreation activities. Mr. Chandramauli concluded the meeting<br />

with the major points discussed during the session on:<br />

-Increasing activities under the core value<br />

-Advancement of IT<br />

Knowledge Sharing Session at Ahmedabad<br />

Knowledge sharing session was organised at Ahmadabad location on 27th July 2018. The session was<br />

presented by Mr. K K Pokhariyal, GM – Commercial. The topic of discussion for the session was<br />

'SHIPPING' - How shipping made world smaller and world economy bigger”.<br />

Main points covered during the session were:<br />

-History of shipping<br />

-Modern shipping<br />

-Why requirement of modern shipping is related to world economy<br />

-Ship nomenclature based on :<br />

*Ship identi ication, types of cargo, load carrying capacity, importance of various canals in shipping<br />

-Ship hiring (chartering) basics<br />

-Ship registration and its protection through various world body organizations<br />

-Ship freights, bunker etc.<br />

45 colleagues were present for the session.<br />

Consortium Meeting held at Madurai<br />

Consortium Meeting was conducted at Hotel GRT, Madurai for interaction with representatives from<br />

various banking sectors like SBI, IDBI Bank, Canara Bank, Union Bank of India, Dena Bank and Exim<br />

Bank.<br />

The meeting was chaired by Mr. Vinod Kumar, DGM- SBI CAG Branch Ahmedabad.<br />

Mr. V Chandrmouli, Sr. VP (Finance, Ahmedabad), welcomed the participants and<br />

presented the latest developments and the inancials of all the three divisions of<br />

GHCL. Along with it, he also explained the progress of Phase-II of Soda Ash<br />

expansion at Sutrapada, Veraval.<br />

September 2018 12

Events @ GHCL<br />

Mr. Sivabalasubramanian, Sr. VP (Operations) Yarn Division, Madurai also presented the progress and<br />

developments in Paravai and Madurai units of Yarn division.<br />

Residential Workshop on Art and Practice of Leading with Passion<br />

GHCL's Yarn Division organized 2-day residential workshop on "Art and Practice of Leading with<br />

Passion" from 27th to 29th July 2018. The workshop was organised at Hill country, Kodaikanal and<br />

the session was taken by Mr. G.Udhayakumar, CEO, CORE MIND, Chennai.<br />

28 irst line and second line executives participated in the session.<br />

Mr. Uday has conducted various sessions and training programs across more than 600 organizations.<br />

Highlights of the session were:<br />

- Set tone and context for understanding roots of Passion<br />

- Living your destiny<br />

- Passion Assessment Test<br />

- 7 ways to live life with aligned passion.<br />

- Measuring your passion<br />

- Conduit to passion<br />

- Discipline conduit to passion<br />

- Engage employees with Passion<br />

- Employee engagement matrix<br />

- Lead Changes that are transformational<br />

- Tap synergy of work teams to challenges and attain higher goals<br />

- Develop role model traits and skills<br />

- Inspire team members and other stakeholders<br />

Knowledge Sharing Session @ Yarn Division, Madurai<br />

rd<br />

GHCL Yarn division, Madurai organized the knowledge sharing session on “Human safety” on 23 July<br />

2018. The session was taken by Mr.V.Sridharan, Dy. Manager (Production).<br />

Highlights of the session<br />

- Home safety<br />

- Road safety<br />

- Work Environment safety<br />

- Human Attributes<br />

- Near Misses<br />

- Characteristics of a Positive Safety Culture<br />

21 colleagues were present for the session.<br />

Blood Donation Camp @ Madurai<br />

As a part of our Corporate Social Responsibility, GHCL & Rotary Club of<br />

Madurai North jointly organized blood donation camp in association with<br />

Jeevanithai trust and Madurai Rajaji Hospital, Madurai. The camp was<br />

organized at the Yarn division Madurai on 17th Aug 2018.<br />

September 2018 13

Events @ GHCL<br />

44 colleagues came forward and donated blood. Many among them were the<br />

irst time donors and were very happy to contribute from their end.<br />

Refreshments were provided to the donors The organizing team with their<br />

great effort made the event successful.<br />

Awareness session was also organized for the employees on 16th August<br />

2018 where bene its of blood donation were discussed. The session was taken<br />

by the Mr.Ganesh, from Jeevanithi Trust.<br />

Guest Lecture By M. Rajkumar<br />

Mr. M. Rajkumar (Dy. Manager - HR) from our Yarn division delivered the guest lecture on “Right person<br />

at Right Place guidelines” at Madurai Institute of social sciences on 3rd August 2018 and S.Vellaisamy<br />

Nadar College on 20th August 2018. The lecture was presented to the students of MBA & MSW (HR). The<br />

session mainly focused on GHCL's expectation from:<br />

The candidates<br />

Core values<br />

Candidate feedback system and<br />

Pre-joining & Post joining procedures<br />

Guest Lecture by R.Rameshkumar<br />

Mr. R.Rameshkumar, Manager (Marketing) from Yarn division gave the guest lecture on “Marketing<br />

Strategy” at S.Vellaisamy Nadar College on 20th August 2018 to the MBA students.<br />

Highlights of the session<br />

- Segment of marketing<br />

- Bene its of segment<br />

- GHCL Marketing strategy<br />

- Customer feedback online survey<br />

- Different between Customer satisfaction, Customer delight, and Customer Engagement<br />

September 2018 14

Celebrations @GHCL<br />

Celebration of World Biofuel Day and World<br />

th<br />

Lion day on 10 August 2018<br />

World Biofuel Day is observed every year on August<br />

10 to create awareness about the importance of nonfossil<br />

fuels as an alternative to conventional fossil<br />

fuels.<br />

Residents of the township of Soda<br />

ash division joined this celebration.<br />

100 mango saplings were planted<br />

with the motto of 'Clean & Green<br />

GHCL'. Chief Operating Of icer,<br />

Mr. N N Radia addressed the<br />

gathering with his speech on<br />

different environmental<br />

issues with emphasis on<br />

biodiesel.<br />

Children of DPS, Soda ash<br />

division took out a rally wearing lion masks in the<br />

residential colony to mark the occasion of World Lion<br />

Day which was also celebrated on the same day. These<br />

celebrations helped motivate & encourage people for<br />

creating a cleaner & greener GHCL.<br />

Independence Day celebration at<br />

Soda Ash Division<br />

72nd Independence Day<br />

was celebrated at Soda<br />

Ash division with joy &<br />

p r i d e u n d e r t h e<br />

leadership of Mr. N. N.<br />

Radia, COO – Soda Ash<br />

Division. Many cultural<br />

programs and sports<br />

event were organized on the occasion.<br />

Mr. N. N. Radia graced the function as Chief Guest for<br />

Independence Day celebration at Sanjay Nagar colony.<br />

In his speech, he said that discrimination and<br />

communalism from the country shall be eradicated<br />

and he added that we should all join hands and come<br />

together to achieve the common goal of our business<br />

pro itability. Updated on the plants and the goals and<br />

objectives for the year were also shared via his speech.<br />

The presence of the employees and their families made<br />

the event successful.<br />

72nd Independence Day<br />

Celebrated at Khadsaliya<br />

Lignite Mine, Bhavnagar<br />

Lignite Division at Khadsaliya<br />

Lignite Mine celebrated the<br />

72nd Independence Day with<br />

a patriotic spirit. The National<br />

Flag was hoisted and tribute<br />

was paid to the freedom<br />

ighters who laid their lives for<br />

safeguarding our country.<br />

Mr. Kumar, through his speech<br />

shared information about<br />

“Sarva Jan Sambhav” (All<br />

Humans are equal) and<br />

i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f o u r<br />

c o m p a ny C o re Va l u e to<br />

a c h i e v e o u r b u s i n e s s<br />

g o a l s . P l e a s e c h e c k t h i s<br />

information<br />

Khadsaliya Sarpanch and<br />

o t h e r m e m b e r s o f T h e<br />

P a n c h a y a t B o d y<br />

enthusiastically participated<br />

in the function.<br />

As a goodwill gesture, the<br />

entire team of Lignite Division<br />

visited nearby schools of<br />

K h a d s a l iya v i l l a g e a n d<br />

distributed snack packets to<br />

the students.<br />

September 2018 15

Awards and Recognitions<br />

Star Kaizen Award awards given to:<br />

Quality Control felicitated by Mr. N. N. Radia (COO) in<br />

fortnightly meeting on 26.07.2018.<br />

Award recieved by: Mr. S. G. Goria<br />

Lime & CO2 section felicitated by Mr. N. N. Radia (COO) in<br />

fortnightly meeting on 26.07.2018.<br />

Award recieved by: Mr. S. G. Goria, Mr. Naresh Dhandhukia,<br />

Mr. Hitesh Suvagiya, Mr. Ronak Kamani<br />

Utility Mechanical Maintenance felicitated by Mr. N. N. Radia<br />

(COO) in fortnightly meeting on 14.08.2018.<br />

Award recieved by: Mr. Mansukh Dodiya, Mr. M. Yadav<br />

September 2018 16

Long Service Award<br />

3 Members have completed 10 Years of their tenure in GHCL at Ahmedabad Location Details are given<br />

below.<br />

Name: Mr. Amit Ahiniya<br />

Employee Code: G00360<br />

Designation: Sr. Manager<br />

Department: IT<br />

Location Ahmedabad<br />

st<br />

Date of Joining: 1 August 2008<br />

Name: Mr. Tarun Bhavasar<br />

Employee Code: G00376<br />

Designation: Sr. Manager<br />

Department: IT<br />

Location: Ahmedabad<br />

st<br />

Date of Joining: 1 August 2008<br />

Name: Mr. Anuj Raina<br />

Employee Code: G00361<br />

Designation: Dy. Manager<br />

Department: IT<br />

Location: Ahmedabad<br />

th<br />

Date of Joining: 4 August 2008.<br />

September 2018 17

Book Review:<br />

The Art Of Happiness - The Handbook of Living<br />

Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler<br />

The Art Of Happiness is the result of a psychiatrist interviewing the Dalai<br />

Lama on how he personally achieved inner peace, calmness, and happiness<br />

Yesterday morning, at 7:00 AM, my uncle died. He went to the toilet, back to<br />

bed, fell asleep, and just never woke up again. He was 52 years old. Last year<br />

he had lost 60 lbs, and was in the best shape of his life.<br />

Seneca said “Life is long, if you know how to use it.” But sometimes life truly<br />

is short. I think he used his life well. Nevertheless, if you've ever faced such<br />

pain in your own life, you know that you instantly start to search meaning in<br />

it.<br />

My search led me to “The Art Of Happiness”, a book based on psychiatrist<br />

Howard C. Cutler interviewing the 14th Dalai Lama about happiness.<br />

Here are the 3 things I learned:<br />

- You don't have to be religious, to be spiritual.<br />

- The only constant thing is change.<br />

- Know your limits.<br />

Let's examine them a bit further.<br />

Lesson 1: You don't have to be religious, to be spiritual.<br />

My uncle's body will be cremated. Do you know how long the Wikipedia<br />

article for cremation is? It's a widely spread, religious practice, used in<br />

many cultures, Western or Eastern.<br />

I don't know much about it. No one in my family is very religious, some of us<br />

are even atheists. But that doesn't mean we can't be spiritual.<br />

The Dalai Lama says it doesn't matter which religion you belong to, or<br />

whether you belong to any, for that matter. He believes in basic spirituality,<br />

being compassionate, a good person, and caring for one another. I spent a<br />

lot of time thinking yesterday. I took a long walk with my roommate, and we<br />

talked about life. My Mum called, and I spoke to my cousin as well. We each<br />

have our own way of dealing with suffering, and none of them are right or<br />

wrong.<br />

To me, being spiritual means seeing the bigger picture, understanding that<br />

there is a meaning behind everything, and learning from both good and<br />

bad events. Only then can I take what I learned and use it for both my own<br />

and the greater good. Ask yourself: What does being spiritual mean to you?<br />

And then don't let anyone tell you you're wrong.<br />

Lesson 2: The only constant thing is change.<br />

When asked about suffering, the Dalai Lama shares a big mistake we<br />

“Westerners” make: thinking it's unnatural. Suffering is a part of life, he<br />

says, but by rejecting that we make ourselves into victims and start<br />

assigning blame, when there really is none to be assigned. The only constant<br />

Before talking about the<br />

book let's talk about the<br />

person behind writing this<br />

wonderful book, Dalai Lama<br />

and Howard Cutler. This<br />

b o o k i s w r i t t e n b y a<br />

psychologist/psychotherap<br />

ist known as Howard cutler<br />

w h o s p e n t f e w d a y s<br />

interviewing Dalai Lama,<br />

Cutler has asked questions<br />

to Dalai Lama and also<br />

added his own re lections<br />

on issues raised. This book<br />

is based on How Dalai Lama<br />

personally able to achieve<br />

inner peace, calmness and<br />

h a p p i n e s s . T h i s b o o k<br />

focuses on the foundational<br />

c o n c e p t s o f T i b e t a n<br />

B u d d h i s t p h i l o s o p h y<br />

towards life, the main focus<br />

of this book was on the idea<br />

of happiness as a state of<br />

mind, in this book Tibetan<br />

Buddhist teaches readers<br />

how they can surrender<br />

their feelings of attachment<br />

towards ideas and objects.<br />

This attachment allows<br />

external objects or situation<br />

to dictate our internal<br />

emotional state.<br />

September 2018 18

Book Review<br />

thing is change. As contradictory as it may sound, it means we have to learn to let go. Resistance to change<br />

leads to suffering. As a matter of fact, it is the root cause of suffering.<br />

Once you accept the change, you can openly address it, ind the meaning in it, and learn from it.<br />

You can bitch and moan about slamming your car door and hurting your hand, yell at the cashier for being<br />

too slow, or cry for hours after a loved one dies. But the second you accept the change, that's when<br />

progress happens. It's when you calm down and turn the situation around. And that's the path to<br />

happiness.<br />

Lesson 3: Know your limits.<br />

There are a lot of different approaches to building con idence, most of them based on challenging yourself<br />

(including mine).The Dalai Lama has a great alternative point of view here. He says to know your limits.<br />

Be honest with yourself and others about what you can and cannot do. If you're okay with not knowing<br />

everything, then you can openly admit it, and won't feel like a fraud. So rather than building con idence<br />

from the outside, build con idence from the inside, by allowing yourself to be honest. And if you don't<br />

understand something, try this. Say “I don't understand.” People will explain again. Being okay with your<br />

limits, however, means knowing what they are in advance, and that requires self-awareness.<br />

So do an audit on yourself. What are you really good at? What do you suck at? Go all in on those strengths,<br />

and be honest with yourself and the world around you.<br />

My personal take-away<br />

It takes a while to process when a loved one dies. I know I haven't fully grasped it yet. But I'm not going to<br />

ight it. Instead, I'm taking 2 major lessons from my uncle's premature death:<br />

- Stop doing shit you hate. There is no reason to do work you don't like. None.<br />

- Spend time with family and friends, because you never know how much you're gonna get.<br />

I don't think it's a coincidence that he stopped by our house the day before he died and talked with my<br />

Mum about not doing things we don't like. If anything, it's a con irmation for me to keep writing, coaching,<br />

freelancing, and doing work I enjoy, until everything comes<br />

together in the big picture. I'm really grateful for this lesson, and<br />

for the Dalai Lama's wisdom. But I will still miss my uncle. R.I.P.<br />

September 2018 19

Winners - Photography Contest<br />

st<br />

1 Mr. Harshil Gondia<br />

nd<br />

2 Mr. Parth Shah<br />

rd<br />

3 Mr. Sathish Kumar M<br />

Special Mention: Mrs. Neelu Verma<br />

for most creative entry<br />

September 2018 20

Entries for Photography Contest<br />

“Capture The Spirit Of Freedom”<br />

Balamurugan M Piyush Halani Bhoolok Dave Asheesh Chaturvedi<br />

Vipul Pandya A Nagarajpandian Dattatray Pathak Vikash Kumar<br />

Abhiroop Saurav Nanda Anuj Raina Sandeep Kadam<br />

Paresh Ataliwala<br />

Divyesh Chavda's<br />

Sathish Mythuswamy<br />

Nitesh Ankola<br />

Haranarayan Padhi Subhasheesh Baneerjee Sachin Kachalia Sagar Soni<br />

September 2018 21

@ GHCL, We Care<br />

We are Glad baby Naavya is doing great!!<br />

We<br />

Care<br />

Mr. Ashvin Patel has been working with GHCL Textile division in HR<br />

and IR department since 2015. Ashvin's daughter Naavya was born on<br />

30th May 2018. When she was just 58 days old, baby Naavya was<br />

diagnosed with a heart problem that needed urgent surgery in order to<br />

keep her safe.<br />

As a parent, it was very dif icult for him to face the fact and so he shared<br />

his story with his team at Vapi. Treating the case as top priority, the<br />

team at Vapi, decided to extend their support to Ashvin in every way<br />

possible.<br />

At GHCL people are always irst and so, began the search for the best<br />

treatment options for the baby. After some research, the case was referred to Dr. Suresh Joshi,<br />

Paediatric Cardiac Surgeon in Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai. On 23rd July 2018, an open heart<br />

surgery was performed for baby Naavya which lasted for 11 hours. Post-surgery the baby was shifted<br />

to the ICCU where she was under observation for 19 days and then shifted to the ward where she was<br />

monitored for the next 6 days.<br />

The GHCL team with special permission from Mr. R S Jalan helped Ashvin in every possible way. On<br />

14th August 2018 baby Naavya was discharged from the hospital in a stable condition. In a note of<br />

thanks which Ashvin Patel shared, he conveyed,<br />

“My entire family would like to express sincere thanks to the GHCL Management who stood<br />

irmly behind us during our very dif icult time. I specially thank, BRD Sir, Jayesh Shah Sir and<br />

Sachin Kulkarni Sir for their continuous moral support and help. I am also grateful to Vijay<br />

Sharma ji for taking urgent call and arranging every possible medical help.”<br />

Today, we are really happy that we were able to extend all support to Ashwin and his family. It is<br />

great to associate with the fact that @ GHCL, We Care.<br />

September 2018 22

Blood Donation<br />

September 2018 23

“If you have a dream<br />

and if you have the madness<br />

You can achieve anything”<br />

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