SoCultures October 2018

SoCultures is a global digital magazine. It's about connecting the world with cultural stories and collaborations.

SoCultures is a global digital magazine. It's about connecting the world with cultural stories and collaborations.


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<strong>SoCultures</strong> <strong>October</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

S And of course lots of fights with siblings?<br />

M As a child, Moniya means me, seldom liked to stay at home. He would go<br />

home for his meals and then run away again to play outside. If one of his brothers<br />

teased him or playfully pulled his ears he would run home to complain to his<br />

mother. 'Why didn't you hit him back? She would ask.<br />

'How can you teach me to hit people? Why should I hit my brother? Why should I<br />

hit anyone? It would be Moniya’s prompt reply.<br />

S You always wanted to become Bapu or Mahatma even as a child?<br />

M I preferred living alone and would read books for hours..ahh …yes .. I<br />

remember that I liked people. However I had one friend, a very good friend. Uka!<br />

Uka was a sweeper-boy and an untouchable. One day Moniya was given some<br />

sweets. He offered sweets to Uka. Later my mother saw this and asked sternly,<br />

'Don't you know that high caste Hindu should never touch an untouchable? She<br />

asked<br />

sternly.<br />

'I find nothing wrong in touching Uka. He is not different from me, is he?<br />

She looked angrily and told Moniya (me) to go and have a bath and say his<br />

prayers.<br />

Marriage<br />

S So, when the marriage happened? I want to know about Ba.<br />

M<br />

(brightens up, smiles)<br />

I was only thirteen when was told that I will soon to be married. My parent had<br />

already chosen the bride, Kasturbai. We were about the same age. We married in<br />

1882.<br />

Kasturbai was a pretty and lively girl. We often played together. Many times, I<br />

tried to teach my wife, but she could never concentrate on books, though she was<br />

quick to learn the household work. But later on, she taught me so much about<br />

idealism and selfless devotion. Kasturba relentlessly stood by me through thick<br />

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