I Believe Talk 3

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With one look on the social media,<br />

we often think about ways to<br />

please others, and let us be honest,<br />

it is sometimes exhausting. Sadly,<br />

we often put so much effort, just so<br />

we can fulfill the social pressure,<br />

even when it means we have to let<br />

go of the dignity, of the value our<br />

Father has put upon us. We have the<br />

tendency to forego our true identity<br />

in Him.<br />

Last Friday, Fr. Frank Lucas<br />

reminded us that God has<br />

embedded dignity in our hearts,<br />

which is so valuable that He came<br />

here to save us so we can keep it<br />

within us. That God-given dignity<br />

is something we have to respect<br />

and make sure that others respect<br />

as well. No matter what situation<br />

we are in, or whatever others think<br />

we should do, we have to remain<br />

dignified. As God has wired us in<br />

His love, our dignity signals our<br />

hearts to balance our lives, to love<br />

with full of giving and not just<br />

receiving.<br />

Even if you feel that you lose<br />

yourself from all the pressure from<br />

the past, it is never too late. Our<br />

Father’s mercy is endless. His love<br />

for you doesn’t decrease and it will<br />

never cease.<br />

“The Gospel tells us that you are<br />

all important to God. The number<br />

of your hair is counted by God. God<br />

loves you so much that He saved<br />

you to keep up your dignity even if<br />

you keep on putting garbage onto<br />

it,” Father Lucas emphasized.<br />

We are made worth it of God’s love.<br />

Our Father wants us to know our<br />

value in Him.<br />

Let’s take a breather from the<br />

suffocation of the world and<br />

inhale the truth of our value and<br />

worth more. We are all created<br />

in the image and likeness of God,<br />

therefore, we shall value our dignity<br />

as His children. Pick up the dignity<br />

that you might have thrown away<br />

and remember who you are in God’s<br />

eyes. You are worth it. You arve<br />

valuable. You are precious.<br />

Lord, fill our hearts with the joy and<br />

contentment of Your love that even<br />

in the midst of social and worldly<br />

pressure we may rest in Your truth.<br />

Grant us the grace to hold on to the<br />

value you put upon us. May we love<br />

and live with dignity and respect to<br />

ourselves and others. Love through<br />

us, oh Jesus. Amen.<br />

Ring… ring… The number you are calling<br />

is busy now. Please try again later.<br />

Ring… ring… toooot, toooot….toooot…<br />

Did not answer<br />

Ring… ring… Please leave a message…<br />

Guess I failed in my attempt to talk to<br />

you again…<br />

I saw how you’ve been this week. I was<br />

with you the whole time. You were<br />

happy one morning. One night, you felt<br />

sad and empty. I called you both times,<br />

but you didn’t answer. Nevertheless,<br />

here I am, reaching out, so you can know<br />

Me more.<br />

You’ve heard my story and you’ve read<br />

it in the books. You know that I died for<br />

you and how much I love you. I’m happy<br />

that you know these, but I want you to<br />

know more than the facts you’ve heard<br />

and read.<br />

When I died on the cross, the plan of<br />

My Father to save the humankind from<br />

sin because of His unending love was<br />

fulfilled. I died so you could live life in<br />

full.<br />

My cross reminds you to follow<br />

Me. I want you to spread My love<br />

to everyone, and it will not be<br />

comfortable. In order to fully love like<br />

Me, you must bleed. I am calling you to<br />

carry your cross, to follow My footsteps<br />

to Calvary and to die to yourself in<br />

service to your family, friends, loved<br />

ones, and even your enemies every<br />

single day. It’s difficult, but remember<br />

that you were given the grace to love<br />

and forgive<br />

Understand also that My cross calls<br />

you to obey the will of The Father. It is<br />

how you die to your flesh. Remember<br />

that sacrifice does not come after<br />

“<br />

disobedience. Sacrifice entails love.<br />

Being obedient proves your love for<br />

God.<br />

There are moments when you don’t<br />

understand the mystery of faith<br />

because of your sufferings and pain.<br />

Don’t fail to remember that My cross<br />

is victorious. I am victory and you<br />

are fighting your battles with Victory<br />

Himself.<br />

Maybe now you are in this world to<br />

conquer your battles with love, but<br />

when the time comes and you need to<br />

come with Me, it is because of my cross<br />

that you will have eternal life by the<br />

grace of My Father, through your faith<br />

in Me.<br />

I will be waiting for that day. But now<br />

that you’re here, stay close to me.<br />

Be my best friend. Bleed in love. Do<br />

these in memory of Me. You have been<br />

redeemed. I’ll never stop trying to call<br />

you. I hope this time, you will answer.<br />

Love, Jesus

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