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Nigeria, like every other country, was founded on an idea that is humane, pure, and people oriented. Her<br />

independence was fought by men and women who possessed a truly united spirit. The Nationalists,<br />

having lived in various independent countries and seen what it meant to live in a free society, forfeited<br />

their enjoyment and comfort of living in those countries just to make their country independent. Their<br />

zeal was unanimous. They spared no effort in the struggles for the independence. Eventually, they got it<br />

without losing a drop of blood. They had good plans, built on great aspirations and hope. But barely<br />

sixty years afterwards, the hopes and aspirations of those founding fathers has faded away. The country<br />

is now totally different from the expectations of the people. But while the leaders and followers of our<br />

modelled countries such as America and Britain keep learning from their mistakes and improving on<br />

their good deeds to create a better society, our leaders and followers had been busy engaging in blaming<br />

each party. The leaders with their woes and the followers with theirs give birth to all the problems we<br />

are now facing in the country. Many blame the problems on the side of the leaders, but this is reality,<br />

and we cannot jettison the fact when discussing reality. Nigeria's problem is not only that of leadership,<br />

but also that of followership. A deeper look might reveal followership as the fundamental cause. This is<br />

because all those that are in positions of leadership today were followers yesterday; if they were good<br />

followers, nothing would stop them from becoming good leaders. Since they were not good followers,<br />

the 'not good 'in their character follows them to the leadership positions. So, to get it right, we the<br />

followers have to work hard on ourselves, for it is from among the followers the leaders come. In<br />

another sense, that might sound as if I place a blame on the followers. But that is not my intended<br />

purpose. I want to balance the causes of our deplorable state of everything in the country so as to come<br />

up with measures that are responsive to the challenges. If we pour the guilt on one side, the other side<br />

feels innocent. Once that, no matter the measure taken by that blamed side, the problems will persist. It<br />

is just that the leaders, for being in control of the institutions of power, they contibute more in causing<br />

the problems by their influence. Right now, there are unresolved issues by the leaders of the day before<br />

yesterday, there are unresolved issues by yesterday crop of leaders, there are springing issues that are<br />

going unresolved by the present day leaders, and it would be the height of naivety to believe issues will<br />

not arise tomorrow. Some of the elementary problems include politics without principle; adulteration of<br />

religious doctrines; breakdown in our social norms; lack of respect for constituted authorities;<br />

disobedience of the law, even by the lawmakers; extreme inclination to tribe, religion, and region;<br />

youthful unrest, among others. These problems are the foundations of injustice, corruption, lawlessness,<br />

inequality, pseudo democracy, fedelism that is on false construe, denial of the functions enshrined in the<br />

purpose establishing civil society organizations and opposition parties, denial of human rights to<br />

freedom of choice during elections; which have consequences of different complexities such as lack of<br />

development, stunted economy, lack of infrastructural and social security, arm robbery, cyber crimes,<br />

prostitution, human trafficking, jungle justice, Child Abuse, kidnapping, oil bunkering, vandalism,<br />

Rebellion, and others. All these issues are at the forefront in Nigeria today. The question of how to build<br />

a good nation is common in the mouths of many but the answers appear too difficult to provide. We<br />

need to have a country that her image will be respected in the comity of nations. Nigeria needs to take<br />

her uncompetitive position as a leading country in Africa. Most fingers are being pointed to the youth.<br />

The task is dropped on the youth to shoulder. They are seen as the panaceas to the errors, the solutions to<br />

the problems, and vanguard of the new dawn. No doubt, Nigerian youth possess the potential to turn<br />

things around. The youth are simultaneously eager to do it no matter the difficulty involved. Youthful

age is the most difficult stage in the life cycle of a human being: whatever decisions that are taken at it<br />

design the kind of life that will be lived at retirement age. That extends to national issues. The future<br />

hangs on the decisions and actions taken by today's youth, good or bad.<br />

The call on the lips of many is that of a revolution. But I beg to differ in my opinion. A revolution is<br />

not what we need. A revolution occurred in Libya and there are still elements of political instability<br />

there. If it happens in Nigeria where there are mature feelings of dissatisfaction fully operational in the<br />

minds of the people, there might arise several Springs, too much for the security agencies to contain.<br />

Another example of a failed revolution is that of Zimbabwe, because it does not yield much desired<br />

results. The people clamoured for a revolution but it is obvious it came when they had no plans to<br />

consolidate its gains. The revolutionary leaders made two big mistakes : One, for a country that has been<br />

ruled for decades by a democrat that was more or less a dictator, there are certainly going to be laws and<br />

policies that are dictatorial in nature. Such laws and policies ought to have been changed before<br />

surrendering the power to a civilian Government ___for changing those laws and policies in a<br />

democratic setting is more difficult. The second mistake made was the handing over of power to<br />

Immerson Mnangagwe. As one who had worked with Robert Mugabe and oversaw all the atrocities he<br />

committed, it would not be out of way to say he is an extension of Robert Mugabe. His being a member<br />

of the infamous ZUNU PF further makes the revolution appear in name, not in substance. Their last<br />

presidential election brought to the streets of Harare a reminiscence of the type of elections they used to<br />

have under the brutality of Mugabe regime.<br />

In my abhorrence of a revolution, I take a balanced stand for an evolution. I am for that which takes<br />

gradual steps steadily and pauses at nowhere till desired results are achieved. The transformation of<br />

these affairs in Nigeria now neither call for quick results nor haphazard steps. The issues are deeply<br />

rooted hence the measures to be taken must start from the roots. Now that the youth, in recognition of<br />

the great task ahead, have responded positively by the idea inherent in the NOT TOO YOUNG TO<br />

RULE policy, it is about time to spread its potential importance to every nook and cranny of the country.<br />

Good enough, the policy now enjoys local and international recognition. Though the policy seems to<br />

have its weight on taking over of power by the youth, I hereby humbly advise that the importance of the<br />

policy should not be limited to that shallow aim. While I believe that a youth could be President,<br />

Governor, Minister, and so on, I strongly doubt that by a leader being a youth, positive results will begin<br />

to be seen by the people in the domain being led by the leader. This is because the political will to<br />

govern credibly is not determined by age or gender. It requires a certain level of exposure, having good<br />

education, the ability to be well-informed, possessing a sense of wisdom and maturity, and a wealth of<br />

experience. So, in any form of leadership, if a sense of wisdom, maturity, and wealth of experience are<br />

not applied rightly, age becomes the victim. If the leader is young, the criticism becomes ' he is too<br />

young to rule.' Or if the leader is old, one gets to hear ' he is too old to rule.' I think age does matter but<br />

not ultimately. In fact, most of the problems of leadership in the country are not peculiar to the aged; the<br />

youth also have their fare share. Besides, even if a youth becomes a leader and these fully grown issues<br />

still linger, they will post great difficulty in steering the wheels of power, and results will not be<br />

achieved. These problems are not sympathetic to the youth. They have the tendency of making any<br />

country ungovernable by a leader who is at any age.<br />

Therefore, the way out of all these problems and sundry is by regular extensive public lectures. At<br />

public lectures, people will be educated on various things. The common complain in the streets today is<br />

that the youth have not been given the chance. I totally disagree with that. In my opinion, it is the youth<br />

that have not been taking their chances, not that they have not been giving any chance. But what gives<br />

birth to this surface complaint is lack of understanding of how to take the chance. So, I would like to

plead with the conveners of these ever-important policy to carry it in form of a movement with special<br />

ascent on public lectures. The general public needs to be informed of so many lapses in the polity.<br />

Consider some other problems___ militancy in the Niger Delta, insurgency in the Northeast, herdsmen<br />

attacks in the North Central and Southwest, cattle rustling in the Northwest, Biafran agitations in the<br />

Southeast. None of these problems should be seen as a regional problem. The reason they occur at such<br />

places is because they have to occur somewhere. There is a serious need to redefine our perspective of<br />

the Nigerian project. Let there be a massive self-discipline revival outreach, reawakening the<br />

consciousness of the people to always embrace the most optimal way to react even under strong<br />

emotional pressure. Let us question the premises where life is more vulnerable in the country than<br />

anywhere else in spite of the fact that we have little to no natural disaster. The politicians should be<br />

made to know that security is neither guaranteed by tall fences round houses nor security detail, but by<br />

the humanitarian service renders to those outside the confine of the walls of one's house. The question<br />

'why many build mansions, install security cameras at strategic angles, fill the gate with a number of<br />

security agents, yet they feel too far from being safe?' begs for answer. Ill-gotten wealth creates the kind<br />

of enmity that results in actions that surpass the collective intelligence of any security personnels. People<br />

should be educated on how to channel grievances to avoid having it manipulated by unholy figures in<br />

the society. The power of the people is more powerful than the power of those in power. But how can<br />

the people harness that power to call their elected officials to order when the need arises? Only a public<br />

lecture can make the people recognize this great power which they possess, and how to use it as a strong<br />

bargaining tool for good representation. Together, we will narrate how the world should define us.<br />

Everyone needs to understand that being too quick to post pictures showcasing evidence of issues in the<br />

country only put us in the world bad class. That only have the negative effects of how the world would<br />

treat us. It tells the world to approach us with little respect, because we ourselves set it on the pedestal to<br />

denigrate all that promote our human dignity. A focus on public lectures will see people being<br />

enlightened on various topics of national importance. In today's Nigeria, factors that divide us are more<br />

and stronger than the factors that unite us. We are divided along the lines of religion, tribe, language,<br />

political party, region, culture, and so on. These divisions have special positions in our politics. They<br />

form the basis for those to entrust our instruments of authority. They serve as major guidelines in<br />

determining who to elect into public office, those to be admitted into institutions of higher learning, and<br />

even determine which course or job to offer which applicant. At public lectures, people will be educated<br />

on how to reduce the level of their inclination to these concepts in the national interest. In the area of<br />

religiosity, tribalism, and language segregation, people need to know that religion is a set of beliefs that<br />

are to guide one to spirituality, tribe is an identity marker, and language is a tool of communication;<br />

none should be an instrument of exclusion, subjugation, dominion or oppression. They are for us to<br />

know, understand, and tolerate one another for a peaceful coexistence. Any attempt to use any of them<br />

otherwise is an abuse. Even the spate of killings in some parts of the country for whatsoever reason,<br />

everyone should know that no one creates either a bright future for his children or secure his retirement<br />

age by hurting or harming others. The brightness of the future lies in the healthy relationships<br />

established and good neighbourliness kept. Our independence was fought and won without firing a<br />

gunshot, so also, peace can be achieved without sending anyone to their early grave. The flags of guns<br />

and bullets should be pulled down completely and flags of dialogue raised to fly for eternity.<br />

Structurally, these public lectures are not going be in cities alone: they are going to be carried out in<br />

every town and hamlet. It is not going to be in one section or sector, but all sections and sectors. The<br />

educational institutions, traditional institutions, the military, the Police, Para military agencies, civil<br />

society organizations, community organizations, Regional organizations, Non Governmental

Organizations, religious organizations, financial institutions, political institutions, the movie industry,<br />

the music industry, fashion industry, Sports industry, judicial branch, health sector, the media sector,<br />

transport sector, ministries, agencies, departments, Expatriates, Artisans in various fields, and all other<br />

fields of human endeavor will go along. Heads of these institutions, ministries, and agencies are going to<br />

be lured into accepting the idea of the movement and spearhead organizing the lectures within their<br />

institutions. Nigerians in the diaspora who embody the optimism of a prosperous brighter Nigeria will be<br />

asked to form the movement in their respective dwelling countries. By the time a meeting point is<br />

reached, the political, religious, social, economic images of Nigeria would have been changed. Those<br />

who used to find mocking everything about Nigeria blissful would be put to shame by the new image.<br />

Churches, mosques, hotels, market squares, village squares, palaces, ministries halls, school halls,<br />

stadia, football fields, car parks and so on should be used as venues for the lectures. The movement<br />

should have bulletins that carry its objectives. Its mission and vision statements should be well spelt out<br />

in in the bulletin, and should be read in every lecture. Members of the movement should see it as a duty<br />

to share about the movement where the duty calls. In rural areas, the movement should make use of<br />

interpreters in disseminating their information. It is not going to be an anti government idea, but an<br />

advocacy of due process be strictly adhered to wherever they are established. People will not be spurred<br />

to rise against the government, but to wake up to their responsibilities. Everyone will be made to know<br />

the position they occupy in the society, the roles to play, and how to play the roles effectively.<br />

Sanitization of the nature of politics being played should be one of the objectives of the movement.<br />

Targeting the politics is an important priority, since any leakage in politics usually have implications on<br />

the politics itself, religion, economy, and all other sectors.<br />

But amidst that all, the youth themselves should realize that the movement is correctly going to be<br />

judged by the public as dragging the aged before the equity, and he who goes to the equity must go with<br />

clean hands. The hands of the youth are not clean. If the youth shun cyber crimes, vandalism, cultism,<br />

arm robbery, prostitution, kidnapping, jungle justice, oil bunkering, unnecessary competition,<br />

examination malpractice which is an embryo of corruption, members of the public will be encouraged to<br />

join the movement. Everyone will believe their readiness to govern credibly. People will take seriously<br />

the sincerity of their commitment in inculcating the mission and vision of the movement. If the youth<br />

eradicate their extreme loyalty to unholy politicians which see them seizing electoral materials, elections<br />

rigging, and participation in all forms of electoral malpractices, these politicians will be forced to do the<br />

right thing all the time. The political class suddenly turn their back on the people upon taking their<br />

office. When elections come, they beat protocols to ensure they retain their positions. To make that<br />

work, they engage thugs who are the youth. So, if they call for the discharge of those wicked acts and<br />

meet standing resistance from these their once thugs owing to the ideals of the movement, they will be<br />

forced to change their attitudes thereby prioritize the needs of the people. That then is the taking of the<br />

chance the youth complain of not given. The taking of the chances should not be narrowly seen in<br />

occupying leadership positions, but in being followers but influencing the decision-making and taking of<br />

actions by the political class. In all, the underlying purpose of the movement is to change the political<br />

culture in the country, to champion the cause of attitudinal change inside out. A deadline which runs<br />

through at least a decade should be set within which to achieve the objectives.<br />

Measurement of the success of the movement will be seen in the resistance of the youth to all vices in<br />

the society. When there is an election and the youth conduct themselves maturely, shunning all kinds of<br />

electoral malpractices, success is being recorded. If there arises a commotion somewhere and people's<br />

reactions do not gratify the cravings of impulse, success is seen. When the choice of those to represent<br />

the people in government is not guided by religion, tribe or ethnicity, success is achieved. When

thuggery is eliminated, the movement is accelerating to exceeding height. When examinations are no<br />

longer cancelled on ground of malpractice, the new and welcoming dawn is taking a definite shape.<br />

By a decade of intensified lectures and increasing records of success to an excellent level, the<br />

movement will then be transformed into a political party, while maintaining the embedded characteristic<br />

of organizing public lectures. One of the manifestos of the party will have an objective of removing the<br />

sharing of money or materials during election campaigns. The party will implore the government of the<br />

day to overhaul the electoral acts for the success of this manifesto. People will be encouraged to come<br />

together with the common goal of eliminating the influence of money or material things and the<br />

powerful grip it has got in our politics. This particularly will help in curbing corruption. By that, the cost<br />

of contesting in an election will be reduced. Candidates will not have to look for sponsors when running<br />

for any office. The activities of political investors__those who sponsor candidates in elections to reap in<br />

hundred folds when the candidates win__will be cut off. Couple with the level of maturity of the public<br />

at elections as enhanced by the lectures of the movement, election of candidates will depend on their<br />

level of character and competence, not on the sizes and depth of their pockets. Another manifesto of the<br />

party is eradication of streets rallies during campaign. Streets rallies are often characterize by violence<br />

that result in injuries or even death. Political campaigns are going to be in form of public lectures,<br />

organize peacefull. For one contesting for President, they have thirty-seven public lectures to give: one<br />

in each state of the federation and one in the federal capital territory. Candidates should be at the<br />

lectures in person. As for those contesting for governorship seats, they have public lectures according to<br />

the number of local government in their state. The same applies to those contesting for Senate, House of<br />

representatives, House of Assembly, local government chair, councillorship. It will have other<br />

manifestos that are on national development, growth of the economy, fight against corruption, and<br />

improvement in the security sector. All policies and programmes will be people-oriented.<br />

The idea of NOT TOO YOUNG TO RULE has come to live forever among the inhabitants of<br />

Nigeria. I pour out my heartfelt commendations to those that brought this wonderful initiative. I respect<br />

the depth of their excellent creative thinking skills and honour the broadness of their extraordinary<br />

imaginations. Their problem-solving skills are amazing. They have not only created hope but have<br />

inspired the hope. By releasing this from the reservoir of their knowledge, they show the level of believe<br />

they have in the possibilities of Nigeria. Their invaluable contribution to nation-building is giving<br />

deserving recognition; purpose, duely appreciated. They have moulded a highly architectural shape of<br />

my pride in being part of their generation. They have earned a solid space in the history of politics in<br />

Nigeria. Generations will come to learn about their vision, then get stirred up to build on it. It might<br />

interest them all to know that the policy might have culminated from one person's idea, but now it is a<br />

national idea. The fire of its overwhelming support is beyond the extinguishment of any proselytize. It<br />

captures and embodies the burning desire of the majority of the populace. This their response to<br />

national duty came when the teaming youth are at the crossroad, and it now points the right direction to<br />

follow. It has lasting features. The initiators responded to the voice of destiny; so also, many will be<br />

called by destiny to meet special share of sustaining the success recorded so far. A destiny's call,<br />

irrespective of the challenges involved, is a call that, if answered correctly and at the right time, takes<br />

one to a sublime seat in the field of honour. In this historic campaign, the enormity of the task will<br />

certainly be very challenging, but it will be very dishonourable to ignore the task owing to the challenge<br />

of carrying it as it should. With requisite sacrifices, greater generations of Nigeria shall be raised and<br />

equipped with leadership qualities that will enable the building of a Nation that will find expressions in<br />

the aspirations and dreams of the Nationalists. Since every good thing that emanates from Nigeria in any<br />

field of discipline always has its sound resonating all over Africa, I have no doubt whatsoever that the

ain of this idea will expand through Africa; its water will wash even the toughest stains in African<br />

politics. By so doing, African youth will be brought under one umbrella. Then, the perspective of the<br />

rest of the world on Africa and Africans will be changed. Africans will begin to take giant strides that<br />

will recover the accruing human dignity long lost in the most shameful human indecency of slave trades<br />

and colonization. Many will be spurred to join in the journey that will see the continent of Africa totally<br />

liberated from all forms of imperialism, which wears different kinds of masks: the masks will be<br />

unravelled so as to expose its devastating significance.<br />

Long live, the Federal Republic Of Nigeria!<br />

Long live, Not Too Young To Rule!<br />


(A concerned citizen)

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