Truckload Authority - April/May 2019

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MAY/JUNE <strong>2019</strong><br />

TCA chairman Josh<br />

Kaburick focusing on<br />

making trucking<br />

even better<br />



Is the infrastructure solution going in circles? | 6<br />


CMV drivers face foggy 4-wheelers | 12<br />


NFL Hall-of-Famer Steve Young shares life lessons from the gridiron | 24


MAY/JUNE | TCA <strong>2019</strong><br />

President’s Purview<br />

A Charged-up Crowd<br />

Created by <strong>Truckload</strong> Strong<br />

Last issue, I stressed that “being at the table and being involved produces<br />

incredible results.” Never has this been more evident than at our 81st Annual<br />

Convention. Industry veterans and newcomers alike came together in March at<br />

the Wynn Las Vegas galvanized by the concept of being “<strong>Truckload</strong> Strong” and<br />

leading the charge toward our industry’s future.<br />

Addressing the crowd during the general session, newly minted TCA Chairman<br />

Josh Kaburick passionately remarked that “TCA membership provides a<br />

value proposition that lends itself to an undeniable truth: that this organization<br />

has the sole purpose of reflecting the wants and needs of an industry segment<br />

that delivers this nation. In essence, we in this room are ‘<strong>Truckload</strong> Strong.’ TCA<br />

will continue down the path forward with a plan that is aggressive, advanced and<br />

forward-thinking.”<br />

You see, I truly believe we should respect the past, embrace today and shape<br />

our future. It is easy for an association to get caught up in a familiar day-to-day<br />

and year-to-year cadence, resting on its laurels and never taking the next step<br />

toward shaping a better future for its members. Those “at the table” know that the<br />

creed of <strong>Truckload</strong> Strong makes this scenario impossible for TCA. Our members<br />

will continue to amplify “the Voice of <strong>Truckload</strong>” and dictate our actions. New<br />

programs will create more value for our member companies while a renewed<br />

focus on data through industry partnerships and the TCA Profitability Program<br />

will continue to be the foundation on which we advocate for sensible regulations<br />

for our industry.<br />

To those who experienced the annual convention and helped us be “<strong>Truckload</strong><br />

Strong,” thank you. To anyone who was not able to join us, know that there are<br />

always seats open for you to become a part of driving our future.<br />

Before closing out this segment, I would be remiss if I didn’t give a special<br />

thanks to Dan Doran for his exceptional leadership of this association over the<br />

course of his term as chairman. He truly embodies the creed of <strong>Truckload</strong> Strong<br />

and we look forward to continuing to work with him in his new capacity as Immediate<br />

Past Chairman.<br />

John Lyboldt<br />

President<br />

<strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers Association<br />

jlyboldt@truckload.org<br />

John Lyboldt<br />


Those Who Deliver<br />

Diversification key to Keller<br />

Logistics Group’s success<br />

Page 30<br />

Highway Angel of the Year<br />

Brian Snell honored for aiding<br />

woman in wrong-way crash<br />

Page 32<br />

Drivers of the Year<br />

Ester Nemeth top company driver,<br />

Danny Jewell best owner-operator<br />

Page 34<br />

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leads the way<br />

Great isn’t simply a promise, it’s our purpose. It’s why we’re<br />

looking to the future, developing new technologies and<br />

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Great Dane and The Oval are registered trademarks of Great Dane LLC. 741 DMD 0319.

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Josh Kaburick, CEO<br />

Earl L. Henderson Trucking Company, Inc.<br />

MAY/JUNE <strong>2019</strong><br />


John Lyboldt<br />

jlyboldt@truckload.org<br />


Dave Heller<br />

dheller@truckload.org<br />


Dennis Dellinger, President and CEO<br />

Cargo Transporters, Inc.<br />


John Elliott, CEO<br />

Load One, LLC<br />


Dorothy Cox<br />

dlcox@thetrucker.com<br />


Rob Nelson<br />

robn@thetrucker.com<br />


William (Bill) Giroux<br />

wgiroux@truckload.org<br />


James J. Schoonover<br />

jschoonover@truckload.org<br />


Pete Hill, Vice President<br />


David Williams, Executive Vice President<br />

Hill Brothers Transportation, Inc. Knight Transportation<br />


John Culp, President<br />

Maverick USA<br />

publication are not necessarily those of TCA.<br />

In exclusive partnership with:<br />

Phone: (800) 666-2770 • Fax: (501) 666-0700<br />


David Compton<br />

davidc@targetmediapartners.com<br />


Megan Cullingford-Hicks<br />

meganh@targetmediapartners.com<br />


Meg Larcinese<br />

megl@targetmediapartners.com<br />


Karen Smerchek, President<br />

Veriha Trucking, Inc.<br />


Jim Ward, President and CEO<br />

D.M. Bowman, Inc.<br />


Dan Doran, President<br />

Searcy Specialized<br />


Joey Hogan, President<br />

Covenant Transport<br />


Ed Leader<br />

edl@thetrucker.com<br />

EDITOR<br />

Lyndon Finney<br />

editor@thetrucker.com<br />


Klint Lowry<br />

klint.lowry@thetrucker.com<br />


Christie McCluer<br />

christie.mccluer@thetrucker.com<br />


Dennis Bell<br />

dennisb@targetmediapartners.com<br />

© <strong>2019</strong> Trucker Publications Inc., all rights reserved. Reproduction without written permission<br />

prohibited.<br />

All advertisements<br />

and editorial materials are accepted and published by <strong>Truckload</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> and its exclusive partner,<br />

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Such entities<br />

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editorial materials.<br />

Cover Courtesy:<br />

Linda Q Photography<br />

Additional magazine photography:<br />

Americans for Modern Transportation: P. 11<br />

Chris Cone Photography: P. 20<br />

Fotosearch: P. 6, 7, 9, 12<br />

J.J. Keller: P.8<br />

Keller Logistics Group: P. 3, 5, 30, 31<br />

Linda Q Photography: P. 14, 15, 16<br />

State of Rhode Island: P. 10<br />

TCA: P. 3, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45<br />

The Trucker News Org.: P.3, 21, 22, 33, 34, 35<br />


A Charged-up Crowd by John Lyboldt | 3<br />


Caught in a Roundabout | 6<br />


More Drugged Driving | 12<br />


Giving Back with Josh Kaburick | 14<br />



Team Driving with Dan Doran and Josh Kaburick | 20<br />

President’s Convention Address: Taking the Lead | 23<br />

The Truth Laboratory with Steve Young | 24<br />

Carrier Profile with Keller Logistics Group | 30<br />

Highway Angel of the Year | 32<br />

Best Fleets to Drive For | 33<br />

Drivers of the Year | 34<br />

Pictorial Review of Convention | 36<br />

Member Mailroom: Safety & Security Meeting | 38<br />

Small Talk | 39<br />

New Members| 46<br />

Important Dates to Remember | 46<br />



“<strong>Truckload</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> is the CONdUIT<br />

of INfORMATION for our industry,<br />

bringing to fOCUS its newsworthy<br />

trends, political engagements, and<br />

versatile people that define the<br />

truckload industry’s PURPOSE in this<br />

ever-changing economy.”<br />

— P. Dennis Dellinger<br />

PresiDent anD CeO, CargO transPOrters, inC.<br />



T H E R O A D M A P<br />

TCA <strong>2019</strong> www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org | TRUCKLOAD AUTHORITY 5

MAY/JUNE | TCA <strong>2019</strong><br />

Legislative Update<br />

caught in a roundabout<br />

Is the Infrastructure solution going in circles?<br />

By Lyndon Finney<br />

Roundabouts are becoming more and more popular within<br />

American cities these days.<br />

Typically, the circular intersections are found at major<br />

intersections and are designed so that road traffic is permitted<br />

to flow in one direction around a central island, with priority<br />

usually given to traffic already in the junction.<br />

Of course, once you drive into a roundabout, there are four<br />

possible exit points, including the one from which you entered,<br />

and we’re sure many times confused motorists wind up exiting<br />

exactly from whence they came.<br />

Likewise, it seems as though talk about an infrastructure plan<br />

is stuck in that proverbial governmental roundabout and the four<br />

exits represent the four primary funding sources to pay for an<br />

upgrade to the nation’s infrastructure. That same infrastructure<br />

has been given a D+ or a D by the American Society of Civil<br />

Engineers (ASCE) for more years than anyone would like to<br />

remember — 21 years to be exact — all the way back to the<br />

very first report card in 1998, with virtually no improvement in<br />

grades in subsequent surveys in 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013 and<br />

2017.<br />

As if the bad grades weren’t enough, the American Road &<br />

Transportation Builders Association’s analysis of the recently<br />

released U.S. Department of Transportation’s 2018 National<br />

Bridge Inventory database reveals 47,052 bridges are classified<br />

as structurally deficient and in poor condition.<br />

Cars, trucks and school buses cross these compromised<br />

structures 178 million times every day, the data shows. Nearly<br />

1,775 of these structures are on the Interstate Highway System.<br />

So as the nation spins around this adventurous roundabout<br />

trip, it’s easy to identify the four exits.<br />

They could be labeled as (1) an increase in the federal gas<br />

and diesel tax, (2) tolls, (3) vehicle miles traveled tax and (4)<br />

public-private partnerships.<br />

And while it’s easy to blame a sitting president for a national<br />

problem, infrastructure woes do not only belong to President<br />

Donald Trump but, according to ASCE’s assessment, at least<br />

Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama as well, along<br />

with election-conscious lawmakers who are more worried<br />

more about re-election than funding ways to fix a broken-down<br />

infrastructure.<br />

The talk in Washington primarily surrounds the “pay-for,”<br />

said TCA’s vice president of government affairs, David Heller.<br />

“How are we<br />

going to pay for what<br />

is inherently a Highway Trust<br />

Fund that is facing a shortfall?”<br />

Heller asked. “Funding it through the<br />

General Fund is just not the way to go about doing<br />

it. We need to have a fully sustainable Highway Trust<br />

Fund, and by doing that we need to develop pay-fors<br />

that can ultimately fund our infrastructure projects to get<br />

us to where this nation needs to be.”<br />

What better way to accentuate the infrastructure problem<br />

than to talk about congestion, Heller said.<br />

According to a recent analysis, traffic congestion on the<br />

U.S. National Highway System added nearly $74.5 billion<br />

in operational costs to the trucking industry in 2016, a<br />

0.5 percent increase over 2015 with delays totaling<br />

nearly 1.2 billion hours of lost productivity. Put another<br />

way, it equates to 425,533 commercial truck drivers<br />

sitting idle for a working year.<br />

Congestion costs are increasingly concentrated in a<br />

relatively small number of densely populated urban areas.<br />

The top 10 states in terms of congestion costs combine to<br />

account for over half (51.8 percent) of these costs, while the<br />

top 10 metropolitan areas represent one-fourth of the national<br />

total.<br />

Densely populated areas require more goods and services to<br />

sustain life, which means more and more trucks have no choice<br />

but to contend with metropolitan congestion.<br />

“Congestion all across the country is proving itself to be a<br />

time constraint to say the very least,” Heller said. “It’s leaving<br />

our commercial drivers to contend with delays upon delays<br />

upon delays.”<br />

As with all new administrations, the nation was hopeful that<br />

Trump would take up the cause and do something to erase<br />

those bad grades, but more importantly, give the country<br />

bigger, better and smoother highways.<br />

As one may recall, in those days, Trump was handing out<br />

executive orders faster than the candy man handing out suckers<br />

at a school carnival.<br />

On August 15, 2017, he gave a speech at Trump Tower in<br />

New York City.<br />

The subject: infrastructure.<br />

6 <strong>Truckload</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> | www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org TCA <strong>2019</strong>

After boasting about how this particular executive order<br />

would greatly streamline the approval process for major<br />

projects, including roads and bridges, Trump said the country<br />

would no longer have to endure “one job-killing delay after<br />

another.”<br />

“No longer will we allow the infrastructure of our<br />

magnificent country to crumble and decay. While protecting<br />

the environment, we will build gleaming new roads, bridges,<br />

railways, waterways, tunnels, and highways,” he said. “We<br />

will rebuild our country with American workers, American iron,<br />

American aluminum, American steel. We will create millions<br />

of new jobs and make millions of American dreams come true.<br />

“Our infrastructure will again be the best in the world.<br />

We used to have the greatest infrastructure anywhere in the<br />

world, and today we’re like a Third World country. … Our<br />

infrastructure will again be the best, and we will restore the<br />

pride in our communities, our nation, and all over the United<br />

States we’ll be proud again.”<br />

The only problem is that job-killing delays have been<br />

replaced by what Heller labels as disruptors. And if something<br />

isn’t done to disrupt those disruptors past, present and future,<br />

he said, watch out. Any hope for an infrastructure plan may get<br />

swallowed up by the 2020 presidential campaign.<br />

“There are certainly disruptors out there that will sidetrack<br />

the nation from the true conversations about an infrastructure<br />

plan, such as the Mueller report, immigration, the government<br />

shutdown and partisanship,” Heller said. “These all take a toll<br />

on true conversations, on real issues that this country needs<br />

to solve.”<br />

If there is not a viable infrastructure plan on the table by<br />

the end of <strong>May</strong>, then “you’re creeping into the appropriations<br />

season, and once you get through the appropriations season,<br />

which is traditionally during the summer, then you’re getting<br />

into the August recess. And when everybody comes back after<br />

Labor Day, guess what happens? This country starts running<br />

for president, and as witnessed by the ever-growing field of<br />

Democratic candidates, there’s no doubt it is going to be a<br />

blockbuster presidential season.”<br />

As for the partisanship that pervades the political scene in<br />

Washington, it “creates an environment where nobody wants<br />

to concede to the other side, specifically when you have<br />

disruptors such as immigration and the Mueller report and no<br />

side wants the other side to win.” Infrastructure should be a<br />

simple bipartisan issue, Heller believes.<br />

Dollars might be considered another disruptor because<br />

the Highway Trust Fund could go broke by next year or 2021,<br />

depending on whose forecast you believe.<br />

Just imagine trying to operate your company in <strong>2019</strong> with<br />

the same revenue you received in 1994.<br />

That’s the situation lawmakers face since the federal gas and<br />

diesel tax has not been raised since 1994.<br />

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price<br />

index, prices in <strong>2019</strong> are 70.56 percent higher than average<br />

prices were in 1994.<br />

In other words, if you had operating expenses of $30,000,000<br />

in 1994, those same expenses in <strong>2019</strong> would equal roughly<br />

$51,168,000.<br />

“Costs have risen considerably since, and we have a plan<br />

in place [the 1994 fuel tax rate] that was not set for change,”<br />

Heller said, adding that over the years there has always been an<br />

expectation that Congress could make a change by raising the<br />

fuel tax and tying it to inflation. That clearly isn’t happening as<br />

evidenced by the general fund transfers to the Highway Trust<br />

Fund.”<br />

In addition, while operating expenses have increased, the<br />

potential sources of revenue from gas and diesel taxes have<br />

decreased.<br />

“You have fuel mileage that has risen tremendously, meaning<br />

cars such as hybrid vehicles and trucks are traveling farther on a<br />

tank of gas,” Heller said. “And what’s more, the average number<br />

of vehicles per household has actually decreased from 2.05 in<br />

2006 to 1.97 in 2016, both of which mean cars are going to<br />

the pump less. And if you pump less, you’re paying less to the<br />

Highway Trust Fund.”<br />

If you really want to know how little has changed in the fight<br />

for a better infrastructure since the ASCE issued its first grade,<br />

here’s an excerpt from the 2001 report card, when roads were<br />

given a D+, and an excerpt from the 2017 report, when roads<br />

received a D:<br />

From the 2001 report: “One-third of the nation’s major roads<br />

are in poor or mediocre condition, costing American drivers<br />

an estimated $5.8 billion a year. Road conditions contribute to<br />

as many as 13,800 highway fatalities annually. Twenty-seven<br />

percent of American’s urban freeways — which account for 61<br />

percent of all miles driven — are congested.”<br />

From the 2017 report: “America’s roads are often crowded,<br />

frequently in poor condition, chronically underfunded, and are<br />

becoming more dangerous. More than two out of every five<br />

miles of America’s urban interstates are congested and traffic<br />

delays cost the country $160 billion in wasted time and fuel in<br />

2014. One out of every five miles of highway pavement is in<br />

poor condition and our roads have a significant and increasing<br />

backlog of rehabilitation needs. After years of decline, traffic<br />

fatalities increased by 7 percent from 2014 to 2015, with 35,092<br />

people dying on America’s roads.”<br />

Kind of makes you wonder if the nation will ever get out<br />

of that roundabout, and if and when it does, which exit it<br />

will take.<br />

<strong>Truckload</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> engaged <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers<br />

Association’s Vice President of Government Affairs<br />

David Heller in a word association test on four<br />

possible sources to fund the Highway Trust Fund.<br />

Fuel tax increase<br />

“A necessity.”<br />

Vehicle miles tax<br />

“Future.”<br />

Tolls<br />

“Bad for business.”<br />

Public-Private Partnerships<br />

“Worse than tolls.”<br />

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A review of important news coming out of our nation’s capital.<br />

By Klint Lowry and Lyndon Finney<br />

It’s not exactly an every-year occurrence, so when the Secretary of Transportation shows up at the Mid-America Trucking<br />

Show to address a roomful of truckers, as Elaine Chao did in March, there’s usually something important the secretary wants<br />

to say. And Chao did have something, telling her audience that a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Hours of Service had<br />

been sent to the White House’s Office of Management and Budget. Now the waiting begins, because it will likely take at least<br />

60 days for OMB to reply to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. The FMCSA has also released information<br />

on the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse, and what Capitol Recap would be complete without Twin 33s and tolling?<br />


When he came on board as administrator of the Federal Motor<br />

Carrier Safety Administration, Raymond P. Martinez said his agency<br />

would listen to its constituents and would be more forthcoming with<br />

updates than previous administrations had been.<br />

His promise was most visibly manifested during the Mid-America<br />

Trucking Show in Louisville, Kentucky, last month when his boss,<br />

Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, told a packed audience that<br />

the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the FMCSA had sent a<br />

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on Hours of Service (HOS)<br />

to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review.<br />

Her announcement is a stark contrast to previous times when<br />

rulemakings were advanced without fanfare and movement could<br />

only be tracked by reading the DOT’s monthly report on significant<br />

rulemakings, which now has been revised to exclude when a rulemaking<br />

is signed off on by the Office of the Secretary of Transportation and<br />

sent to OMB.<br />

“The clock is ticking on the 60-day time frame OMB usually likes<br />

to adhere to,” said TCA’s Vice President of Government Affairs David<br />

Heller.<br />

“You wanted flexibility. We listened. We asked for your<br />

participation, and you participated,” Chao told a standing-room only<br />

According to the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, one of the<br />

possible changes in the current Hours of Service rule is reinstating the<br />

option for splitting up the required 10-hour off-duty rest break for drivers<br />

operating trucks that are equipped with a sleeper-berth compartment.<br />

conference room full primarily of professional truck drivers.<br />

Chao’s reference was likely about the more than 5,200 comments<br />

on the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) released<br />

last August.<br />

A cursory review of those comments reveals a primary desire on the<br />

part of motor carriers and professional truck drivers: flexibility.<br />

The ANPRM lays out possible changes to four areas of HOS:<br />

• Expanding the current 100 air-mile “short-haul” exemption from<br />

12 hours on-duty to 14 hours on-duty, to be consistent with the rules<br />

for long-haul truck drivers;<br />

• Extending the current 14-hour on-duty limitation by up to two<br />

hours when a truck driver encounters adverse driving conditions;<br />

• Revising the current mandatory 30-minute break for truck drivers<br />

after eight hours of continuous driving; and<br />

• Reinstating the option for splitting up the required 10-hour offduty<br />

rest break for drivers operating trucks that are equipped with a<br />

sleeper-berth compartment.<br />

“These are the things we’re hearing when talking with drivers and<br />

carriers,” Martinez said.<br />

“This is one of the things for which we as an industry have<br />

been waiting a long time,” Heller said. “We’ve been clamoring for<br />

flexibility since it was taken away from us [in the mid-2000s]. The<br />

thought process is to give the drivers more flexibility in dealing with<br />

detention time, congestion and weather delays.”<br />

The question is what the next step looks like after the NPRM clears<br />

OMB and gets issued as a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regardless<br />

of how long it takes, Heller said.<br />

“Last time we had a major change there were over 20,000 comments<br />

issued, and the agency does take the time to review every comment<br />

to ensure the Final Rule supports the comments,” he said. “I would<br />

expect the comments will support flexibility in the sleeper berth.”<br />

The last major change in HOS came in 2011 when the agency<br />

issued the Final Rule that forms the basis for the rule currently in<br />

place, minus some tweaking on the restart provision.<br />

The NPRM for that rule was issued in December 2010, with the<br />

Final Rule coming almost one year to the day later.<br />

Time is always a key factor in the rulemaking process, Heller said.<br />

“There has been talk that the agency has fast-tracked this rule, and a<br />

year’s time should be considered fast,” Heller said. “But then nothing<br />

moves fast in government because of checks and balances. When<br />

it comes to rulemakings like this, the ‘I’s have to be dotted and the<br />

‘T’s crossed so they issue a rule that is best for the industry and can<br />

ultimately make our driver population safer.”<br />

8 TRUCKLOAD AUTHORITY | www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org TCA <strong>2019</strong>



The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has released additional<br />

online resources for commercial driver’s license holders, employers, state<br />

driver-licensing agencies, medical review officers and substance abuse<br />

professionals regarding the upcoming implementation of the agency’s<br />

CDL Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse in January 2020.<br />

The new clearinghouse resource webpage provides commercial motor<br />

vehicle (CMV) stakeholders with a variety of informative resources about<br />

the clearinghouse, including a comprehensive fact sheet, implementation<br />

timeline, frequently asked questions and more.<br />

Additionally, CMV stakeholders can sign up to receive clearinghouserelated<br />

email updates as the implementation progresses.<br />

“It’s about time, because we’ve been clamoring for a long time for<br />

information about how this is going to work,” said TCA’s Vice President<br />

of Government Affairs David Heller. “January 6, 2020, is coming soon<br />

enough, so releasing information is timely.”<br />

The clearinghouse will make significant advances toward closing the<br />

loophole for a driver who tests positive for drugs in their system at one<br />

carrier and a couple of days later goes to another carrier and tests negative.<br />

“That positive test will be recorded in the clearinghouse and potentially<br />

will keep that driver off the road,” Heller said. “We are a zero-tolerance<br />

industry and I cannot emphasize that enough. There is no room for drugs<br />

or alcohol on our roadways. They are a danger to those we share the road<br />

with and a danger to our drivers themselves. So, this clearinghouse will<br />

go a long way toward enforcing our zero-tolerance policy and it will give<br />

carriers a better idea who they are bringing on board.”<br />

The release of the information on the clearinghouse resources is part<br />

of FMCSA’s goal to provide as many resources and updates as possible<br />

to those who will be using the clearinghouse, according to FMSCA<br />

Administrator Raymond P. Martinez.<br />

“As we transition to the use of the clearinghouse, we will ensure drivers,<br />

employers and state licensing agencies are kept up-to-date throughout the<br />

implementation process. FMCSA is here to be helpful and to assist all<br />

CMV stakeholders who have questions regarding the Drug and Alcohol<br />

Clearinghouse,” Martinez said.<br />

The clearinghouse, which is being created under a Congressional<br />

mandate, will be a secure online database that will allow FMCSA, CMV<br />

employers state driver-licensing agencies and law enforcement officials to<br />

identify – in real time – CDL drivers who have violated federal drug and<br />

alcohol testing program requirements, and thereby improve safety on our<br />

nation’s roads.<br />

The rule on the CDL Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse requires<br />

mandatory use of the clearinghouse to report and query information about<br />

driver drug and alcohol program violations.<br />


3G Network Sunset:<br />

The Impact to Your Organization<br />

By now you’ve likely heard the news of telecommunication networks<br />

shutting down their 2G and 3G access in favor of 4G/LTE and 5G wireless<br />

networks with greater capacity. But what exactly does this mean for<br />

your fleet? As the sun sets on 3G, you’ll want to understand the<br />

immediate impact to your operation and what it means going forward.<br />

Deterioration of Network Coverage<br />

For the most part, telematics devices sold in 2018 and beyond<br />

rely on 4G/LTE networks to operate. But if your fleet relies on older<br />

devices to record critical driver and vehicle status information,<br />

you’re likely dependent on 3G network coverage.<br />

With Verizon already announcing plans to shut down 3G services<br />

after <strong>2019</strong>, and AT&T expecting the completion of their 3G shutoff<br />

by 2022, AOBRD and telematics devices reliant upon 3G integrated<br />

or mobile technology may no longer be able to transfer critical<br />

compliance data or access the internet. Depending on the wireless<br />

carrier, older devices may not even be able to make phone calls.<br />

ELD & AOBRD Implications<br />

For motor carriers who installed telematics and/or automatic<br />

on-board recording devices (AOBRDs) with integrated 3G cellular<br />

capabilities, a physical device replacement will be necessary to<br />

ensure compatibility with 4G/LTE.<br />

Find out if your vendor will be updating your devices for 4G/LTE<br />

compatibility through a firmware or software update, and if so,<br />

when. This is also a great opportunity to confirm if your telematics<br />

devices are capable of transitioning to electronic logging device<br />

(ELD) functionality before the December 16, <strong>2019</strong> ELD compliance<br />

deadline.<br />

Next Steps<br />

For a very small handful of ELD providers operating without distinct<br />

AOBRD and ELD hardware, customers are able to conduct<br />

business without network coverage interruption. But the<br />

exceptions are few, and you should check with your device provider<br />

to ensure compatibility with 4G/LTE communication networks.<br />

Regardless of your current provider, you should request — and<br />

expect — complete transparency about any potential disruptions<br />

and detailed information regarding their plan for<br />

ensuring compatibility now and in the future.<br />

The CDL Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse will make significant advances<br />

toward closing the loophole that allows a driver who tests positive for<br />

drugs in their system at one carrier to go to another carrier and test<br />

negative a few days later.<br />

J. J. Keller’s electronic logging hardware supports both AOBRD<br />

and ELD solutions, allowing all of their devices to operate<br />

uninterrupted during the 3G phase out. Verify the compliance<br />

of your hardware with our free J. J. Keller Compliance Check at<br />

JJKeller.com/Verify.<br />

Fleet Management System<br />

with ELogs<br />

TCA <strong>2019</strong> www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org | TRUCKLOAD AUTHORITY 9

CapItol recap<br />

Employers must conduct both electronic queries within the<br />

clearinghouse and manual inquiries with previous employers to cover the<br />

preceding three years. Once the clearinghouse has been up for three years,<br />

the electronic query will be all that’s needed.<br />

For drivers, failure to consent to a required test will have the same<br />

effect as a failed test, with the driver being prohibited from performing a<br />

safety-sensitive function, such as operating a CMV.<br />

At the recent Mid-America Trucking Show, Joe DeLorenzo, FMCSA<br />

director of enforcement and compliance, gave a presentation to raise<br />

awareness the clearinghouse.<br />

“I came here with a bit of a mission on the drug and alcohol<br />

clearinghouse rule,” DeLorenzo said to MATS attendees. It has come to<br />

the agency’s attention the clearinghouse has been flying under the radar, a<br />

bit, and not enough drivers seem to know about it or they haven’t gotten<br />

a full explanation of what the clearinghouse will contain and what it will<br />

be used for.<br />

DeLorenzo said drivers have said to him, “Well, I don’t do drugs, so I<br />

don’t have to worry about this.”<br />

“Actually, that’s not the case,” DeLorenzo said. “Everybody needs to<br />

know about this and get going on it.”<br />

Starting in January, carriers will be required to query the database as<br />

part of the new-driver hiring process to ensure that the candidate does not<br />

have any failed tests or refusals in the previous three years. Carriers can<br />

only gain access to a driver’s record and make the mandatory query with<br />

the consent of the driver, and the only way a driver can give that consent<br />

is to be registered in the clearinghouse.<br />

So, technically, drivers are not going to be required to register in the<br />

clearinghouse, DeLorenzo said. However, if you ever want to get hired<br />

anywhere again you’ll have to be registered.<br />

“If you’re just kind of staying where you’re at, no intention of leaving,<br />

or if you are working for yourself, or if you are nearing retirement, you<br />

may decide not to register,” he said. “But in an industry with 100%-plus<br />

turnover, I know people are always looking for a new job, a different job,<br />

a better job. Any driver who’s going to apply for a new job after this rule<br />

goes into effect is going to have to have an account and is going to have<br />

to be able to go in.”<br />

For more information on FMCSA’s new Drug and Alcohol<br />

Clearinghouse resource website, visit clearinghouse.fmcsa.dot.gov.<br />

Efforts to slow tolling underway<br />

The trucking industry is continuing its efforts to do something about<br />

states imposing discretionary tolls on already existing highways.<br />

The American Trucking Associations (ATA), along with three<br />

motor carriers representing the industry, has appealed a recent decision<br />

by the federal district court in Rhode Island to dismiss a challenge<br />

to Rhode Island’s RhodeWorks truck-only toll program on procedural<br />

grounds.<br />

On the same day that ATA filed its appeal, the Owner-Operator<br />

Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) appealed a ruling issued<br />

<strong>April</strong> 4 in a class-action lawsuit regarding tolls on users of the<br />

Pennsylvania Turnpike.<br />

“Truck-only tolling, and tolling in general, doesn’t make much<br />

sense,” said TCA’s Vice President of Government Affairs David Heller.<br />

“We as Americans have become rather savvy about looking where our<br />

money goes in terms of charitable donations, and the same could be<br />

said of tolling. Why would you commit dollars to a program on which<br />

you are not getting the ultimate return? The administrative costs alone<br />

for tolling exceed that of increasing the fuel tax. If we are looking at<br />

getting the best bang for our buck, we need to be talking about raising<br />

the fuel tax because the administrative costs in doing that are primarily<br />

quite a bit different than if tolling were to be exacerbated.”<br />

Then there is the issue of diversion.<br />

“Truck-only tolls make no sense because, guess what, trucks aren’t<br />

the only vehicles that use these roads,” Heller said. “They are also<br />

Truck-only tolling, and tolling in general, doesn’t make much sense, says<br />

TCA’s David Heller. “Let’s keep trucks and passenger vehicles on the routes<br />

they are used to doing and pass a fuel tax increase so we can pay for the<br />

wear and tear on these roadways.”<br />

being used by passenger vehicles. It makes no sense, to say nothing of<br />

the fact of the diversion that goes along with these tolls. People will<br />

divert onto secondary roads, which are not designed for that increased<br />

traffic, whether it be heavy trucks or passenger vehicles. Let’s keep<br />

trucks and passenger vehicles on the routes they are used to doing and<br />

pass a fuel tax increase so we can pay for the wear and tear on these<br />

roadways.”<br />

In its challenge, ATA contends that Rhode Island’s truck-only toll<br />

scheme is unconstitutional because it discriminates against interstate<br />

trucking companies and impedes the flow of interstate commerce. In<br />

its decision dismissing the case, the district court did not address the<br />

merits of that constitutional claim. Instead, it held only that ATA’s<br />

challenge could not proceed in federal court.<br />

The state argued that the federal court cannot restrain the collection<br />

of state taxes, such as tolls, and state matters should be adjudicated in<br />

state court.<br />

Rhode Island Trucking Association President Christopher Maxwell<br />

said the judge’s decision doesn’t speak to the merits of the claims, only<br />

the venue in which to bring them.<br />

The Rhode Island Trucking Association is a member of the national<br />

trade group.<br />

“Since RhodeWorks was first proposed, the trucking industry has<br />

been strong and united in opposition to this extortionate plan. We’ve<br />

warned politicians in Rhode Island that these truck-only tolls were<br />

unconstitutional and should be rolled back,” said ATA President and<br />

CEO Chris Spear. “It is unfortunate that Gov. [Gina] Raimondo and her<br />

administration did not heed those warnings. While we are disappointed<br />

the district court’s decision means further delay in seeing these tolls<br />

rolled back, our appeal of the dismissal of our case on a technicality<br />

should demonstrate to the state that this fight is by no means over,<br />

and we look forward to establishing the unconstitutionality of Rhode<br />

Island’s discriminatory tolls on the merits.”<br />

In its suit, ATA, along with Cumberland Farms, M&M Transport<br />

Services, and New England Motor Freight, argued that the RhodeWorks<br />

plan violates the Constitution’s Commerce Clause by discriminating<br />

against out-of-state trucking companies, and by designing the tolls in a<br />

way that does not fairly approximate motorists’ use of the roads.<br />

Meanwhile, Connecticut officials have been watching the Rhode<br />

Island case closely. Democratic Gov. Ned Lamont, who ran for office<br />

supporting tolls only on the trucking industry, included two tolling<br />

options for lawmakers to consider in his new budget: tolling just<br />

trucks or tolling everyone. Lamont’s administration has estimated<br />

10 <strong>Truckload</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> | www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org TCA <strong>2019</strong>

Connecticut could reap $200 million in annual revenue from truck<br />

tolls and about $800 million from tolls on cars and trucks.<br />

In recent weeks, the governor has made it clear he is now leaning<br />

toward supporting the more wide-ranging tolls to help generate the<br />

revenue needed to address Connecticut’s transportation infrastructure<br />

needs.<br />

The Pennsylvania Turnpike lawsuit was brought last year by<br />

OOIDA and the National Motorists Association in the federal court<br />

in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The associations, which are made up<br />

of truck drivers and other motorists, challenged the constitutionality<br />

of the excessive tolls imposed upon drivers on the Pennsylvania<br />

Turnpike.<br />

In March, Judge Yvette Kane granted the motions to dismiss by the<br />

defendants, which included the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission,<br />

Gov. Tom Wolf, and Leslie Richards, Pennsylvania’s secretary of<br />

transportation.<br />

OOIDA expressed disappointment over the ruling but is not<br />

discouraged.<br />

In the opinion, the judge acknowledged that the plaintiffs’<br />

complaint “credibly alleges that Pennsylvania’s policy decisions<br />

related to transportation have resulted in a statutory scheme that<br />

disproportionately burdens turnpike travelers with the costs of a<br />

statewide transportation system that is of no direct benefit to them.”<br />

TWIN 33S ... AGAIN<br />

To no one’s surprise, the Americans for Modern Transportation<br />

Coalition is continuing its effort to allow twin 33-foot trailers on the<br />

nation’s highways.<br />

In a letter to House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee<br />

Chairman Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., and ranking member Sam Graves,<br />

R-Mo., the coalition identified longer trailers as a way in which<br />

policymakers can leverage technologies and efficiencies developed by<br />

the private sector to create “the infrastructure system of the future.”<br />

In the letter, coalition Executive Director Randy Mullett said years<br />

of underinvestment and a lack of attention to the nation’s infrastructure<br />

has left American families in harm’s way, spurred economic<br />

inefficiencies, and put undue stress on the environment.<br />

“At no cost to taxpayers, Congress can act to modernize trucking<br />

equipment and increase the national twin-trailer standard from 28 feet<br />

to 33 feet,” Mullett said.<br />

“Without a doubt, the <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers Association will continue<br />

to oppose any effort to lengthen trailers,” said David Heller, TCA’s<br />

vice president of government affairs, in response to the coalition’s<br />

efforts to resurrect the on-again, off-again discussion on Capitol Hill<br />

about longer trailers. “It doesn’t make sense for our industry, which<br />

represents over 75% of the freight delivered in this country.”<br />

The coalition claimed that the longer trailers would, among other<br />

things:<br />

• Reduce congestion, because twin 33-foot trailers would mean<br />

fewer trucks on the road and 53.2 million hours saved due to less<br />

congestion;<br />

• Improve safety, because twin 33s “perform better than many<br />

other truck configurations on four critical safety measures, including<br />

stability and rollover.” Research shows that the adoption of twin 33-<br />

foot trailers would result in 4,500 fewer truck accidents annually,<br />

Mullett maintains;<br />

• Provide economic benefits, because 33-foot trailers can move the<br />

same amount of freight with 18 percent fewer truck trips, allowing<br />

consumers and businesses to realize $2.6 billion annually in lower<br />

shipping costs and quicker delivery times; and<br />

• Longer life cycles for roads and bridges, because use of the longer<br />

trailers would result in 3.1 billion fewer truck miles traveled each year.<br />

TCA has sent a letter to Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao<br />

stating its opposition to twin 33-foot trailers and directly addressing<br />

some of the coalition’s claims.<br />

“It’s pretty clear she understands the situation,” said OOIDA<br />

President Todd Spencer. “But she also stated quite clearly that no<br />

definitive controlling precedent supports either side.<br />

“It appears to us that she chose to apply a standard from a Supreme<br />

Court case from back in 1970 that focused on burdens imposed under<br />

a state’s regulations about agricultural products rather than a standard<br />

from more recent in Supreme Court cases that spoke directly to user<br />

fees, which is what the tolls are in Pennsylvania.”<br />

The association says the case is now poised for review by the Third<br />

Circuit Court of Appeals.<br />

“Our case has been widely reported in the press and incorrectly<br />

linked with other reports alerting the public to a looming transportation<br />

crisis, driven in part by the same statutory scheme that our lawsuit<br />

challenges,” Spencer said.<br />

Act 44 and Act 89, passed in 2008 and 2013 respectively, ordered<br />

the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission to send $450 million a year<br />

to PennDOT. The turnpike is in debt approaching $12 billion, and the<br />

auditor general has labeled the state’s transportation funding system<br />

“unsustainable.”<br />

“This lawsuit is far from over,” Spencer said. “And win or lose<br />

on appeal, the turnpike’s debt crisis and the Commonwealth’s<br />

transportation emergency aren’t going away, either. This is a crisis<br />

created by the legislature’s decisions, not our lawsuit.”<br />

The Americans for Modern Transportation Coalition says it has identified<br />

longer trailers as a way in which policymakers can leverage technologies<br />

and efficiencies developed by the private sector to create “the infrastructure<br />

system of the future.”<br />

“The safety risks that correspond with twin 33-foot trailers are<br />

undeniable,” TCA President John Lyboldt said in the letter, citing<br />

Department of Transportation findings that twin 33-foot trailers have a<br />

longer stopping distance, perform worse in avoidance maneuvers, and<br />

have higher vehicle inspection violation and out-of-service rates than<br />

the standard 53-foot trailer in use today.<br />

Any claims that twin 33-foot trailers will reduce congestion and<br />

wear and tear on the nation’s highways are unfounded, the TCA letter<br />

said.<br />

“Because of the current equipment configurations of the railroads,<br />

which were developed to accommodate the 28- and 53-foot trailers<br />

that exist today, there will be significant diversion of freight onto the<br />

roads if 33-foot trailers are allowed,” Lyboldt said. “Movement away<br />

from these prominent trailer sizes will not only render existing truck<br />

trailers obsolete, but their corresponding railroad counterparts, as<br />

well.”<br />

When the coalition announced its renewed efforts on twin 33s,<br />

Heller said that longer trailers would only benefit a small segment of<br />

the trucking industry and that Capitol Hill discussions about twin 33s<br />

would distract from the much larger Congressional conversation about<br />

infrastructure reform.<br />

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MAY/JUNE | TCA <strong>2019</strong><br />

Tracking The Trends<br />

By Dorothy Cox<br />

On <strong>May</strong> 7, 2016, in Boulder, Colorado, 18-year-old<br />

Quinn Hefferan admitted to smoking marijuana before<br />

falling asleep behind the wheel, crashing into another vehicle<br />

and killing two people. It’s becoming a critical safety<br />

issue: Professional truck drivers now more than ever are<br />

having to share the road with drug-impaired passengervehicle<br />

motorists.<br />

The Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) estimates that<br />

the frequency of collision claims per insured vehicle year<br />

rose a combined 6 percent following the start of retail<br />

sales of recreational marijuana in Colorado, Nevada, Oregon<br />

and Washington, compared with the control states<br />

of Idaho, Montana, Utah and Wyoming. The combinedstate<br />

analysis is based on collision loss data from January<br />

2012 through October 2017.<br />

A separate study by the Insurance Institute for Highway<br />

Safety (IIHS) examined 2012-2016 police-reported<br />

crashes before and after retail sales began in Colorado,<br />

Oregon and Washington. IIHS estimates that the three<br />

states combined saw a 5.2 percent increase in the rate of<br />

crashes per million vehicle registrations, compared with<br />

neighboring states that didn’t legalize marijuana sales.<br />

“The new IIHS-HLDI research on marijuana and<br />

crashes indicates that legalizing marijuana for all uses<br />

is having a negative impact on the safety of our roads,”<br />

IIHS-HLDI President David Harkey said. “States exploring<br />

legalizing marijuana should consider this effect on<br />

highway safety.”<br />

There is also evidence that suggests it’s not just a matter<br />

of more people driving high.<br />

A Denver Post investigative report found that greater<br />

and more concentrated levels of tetrahydrocannabinol,<br />

or THC, the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, are<br />

being found in four-wheel drivers’ systems in the Rocky<br />

Mountain State.<br />

“This is not your grandfather’s weed,” a police chief told<br />

the newspaper. “It’s not even marijuana; it’s THC, oils and<br />

concentrates” and in some situations reaching “levels of<br />

acute overdose.”<br />

And, more four-wheel motorists are combining marijuana<br />

use with alcohol and other drugs before getting<br />

behind the wheel.<br />

A study conducted under the auspices of the National<br />

Cooperative Research and Evaluation Program found<br />

that since Colorado legalized recreational cannibis use<br />

in 2012, young people there are more likely to combine<br />

alcohol and pot use before driving. Darrin Grondel, director<br />

of the Washington [state] Traffic Safety Commission,<br />

a state which also legalized recreational marijuana use<br />

in 2012, said “poly drug use” by motorists who combine<br />

cannabis, alcohol and prescription drugs such as fentanyl,<br />

is becoming more prevalent.<br />

A study by Elizabeth Hartney, PhD, on teen use of cannibis,<br />

says the amount of THC in marijuana has grown<br />

exponentially over the years. By the early 2000s, the concentration<br />

had increased to about 4 percent — between<br />

two and four times as strong as it had been during the<br />

“hippie” movement. And in 2012, the strength of modern<br />

“high potency” strains of marijuana, such as sinsemilla,<br />

are reportedly at least four times as strong, containing 16<br />

to 22 percent THC.<br />

According to the Post study, THC levels in drivers killed<br />

in crashes in 2016 “routinely” reached levels of more than<br />

30 nanograms per milliliter whereas the year before, levels<br />

were only 5 nanograms per milliliter or lower.<br />

It may well be more than that, however, because the<br />

investigation found coroners can’t agree on whether the<br />

presence of THC should be listed on death certificates.<br />

If a driver’s body shows an amount of alcohol that was<br />

over the limit, it’s rare for a coroner to go back and test for<br />

marijuana or other drugs.<br />

At last count, 31 states have legalized cannabis for<br />

medical use and 11 have legalized the recreational use<br />

of marijuana (10 states and Washington, D.C.).<br />

And now that Canada has legalized the recreational<br />

12 <strong>Truckload</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> | www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org TCA <strong>2019</strong>

and medicinal use of marijuana, professional truck drivers<br />

plying highways on both sides of the border must be<br />

reminded that trucking in North America is still a “zero<br />

tolerance” industry, said Bison Transport Director of<br />

Safety and Driver Development Garth Pitzel. Bison was<br />

recently named the Grand Prize winner for the large carrier<br />

division in TCA’s Fleet Safety Award contest.<br />

As far as testing drivers for cannabis use, “it’s still not<br />

a straightforward issue,” said Joanne Ritchie, executive<br />

director of the Owner-Operator Business Association of<br />

Canada. There, local provinces and territories are responsible<br />

for determining how cannabis is distributed<br />

and sold within their jurisdictions and how roadside inspections<br />

are conducted, Ritchie added.<br />

In the U.S., one of the main problems is that because<br />

marijuana has been illegal for decades, there is not a<br />

lot of information documenting the relationship between<br />

marijuana’s use and driver impairment or determining<br />

the frequency of motorists driving under the influence of<br />

the drug. States, law enforcement and government agencies<br />

need statistics such as the numbers of crashes, injuries<br />

and fatalities caused by marijuana-impaired driving<br />

to determine policy going forward, industry insiders say.<br />

Measuring THC is not as clear cut as measuring alcohol<br />

in a motorist’s system because measuring marijuana<br />

metabolites can identify past use but isn’t indicative of<br />

“active” impairment at the time of arrest.<br />

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration<br />

says some states allow for a DUI charge if a person tests<br />

positive for THC in their urine, which shows marijuana<br />

use in the previous 30 days, but not does not determine<br />

impairment.<br />

The Post investigation determined that the Colorado<br />

State Patrol and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation<br />

have made concerted efforts to test more drivers for drug<br />

use, but that it’s probably still being underrepresented in<br />

the data because alcohol testing is easier and cheaper.<br />

Of course, U.S. Department of Transportation rules still<br />

prohibit the use of marijuana by commercial-vehicle drivers.<br />

But regardless of how stringent drug testing of professional<br />

CMV drivers is, other motorists are using less<br />

caution about driving while drugged. In an anonymous<br />

survey of 11,000 passenger-vehicle drivers in Colorado,<br />

69 percent said they drive under the influence of pot daily.<br />

And there are other issues beyond the safety aspects<br />

of drugged driving.<br />

One is the legal quagmire surrounding the transportation<br />

of marijuana and its derivative products.<br />

“We’re not going to get involved in that; we’ll not jeopardize<br />

our employees. A fellow was banned from the U.S.<br />

for life because he was involved in the cannabis business<br />

in Canada,” said Bison’s Pitzel.<br />

U.S. carriers need to take note, as well:<br />

Oregon truck driver Denis Palamarchuk, 36, of Portland,<br />

found himself in the middle of a state/federal fight<br />

earlier this year over whether the industrial hemp he was<br />

hauling from Oregon through Idaho and on to Colorado<br />

was illegal.<br />

The Idaho Press reported that Palamarchuk was arrested<br />

January 24 at the East Boise, Idaho, point-of-entry<br />

with the hemp load even though he had a legal bill<br />

of lading for it.<br />

Hemp and marijuana are different varieties of the same<br />

plant, and the recently passed federal Farm Bill in the<br />

U.S. forbids states from preventing the transportation of<br />

hemp, which is used in cosmetics, dietary supplements<br />

and other products. Meanwhile, the Colorado company<br />

that owns the hemp wants its seized shipment back from<br />

Idaho and is citing the Farm Bill in a court filing against<br />

the state. Idaho State Police seized 6,701 pounds of the<br />

hemp.<br />

The trouble stems from the fact that in Idaho, any<br />

amount of THC is illegal.<br />

Consequently, the Ada County prosecuting attorney’s<br />

office insists that hauling hemp through Idaho is illegal<br />

and that the seizure was lawful.<br />

Hemp, while not a scheduled substance, contains<br />

trace amounts of THC but not enough to produce a high.<br />

Under federal regulations, hemp must contain 0.3 percent<br />

or less of THC.<br />

Big Sky Scientific, the Colorado company that was the<br />

intended recipient of the hemp, has filed a lawsuit against<br />

Idaho State Police, and in court documents, showed that<br />

the hemp contained less than 0.3 percent THC.<br />

In many cases, states may have jumped on the pot<br />

legalization bandwagon because they hoped the money<br />

from its sale would fill empty coffers. Instead, they have<br />

found the grass isn’t always greener, with additional funds<br />

needed for extra law enforcement training and equipment<br />

for testing drivers under the influence of marijuana and<br />

other drugs.<br />

Some in the trucking industry have suggested that taxes<br />

levied on recreational marijuana cultivation and sales<br />

at the federal level be used to fund additional training and<br />

certification of law enforcement.<br />

The fact remains, however, that “There are a lot of<br />

professional truck drivers on the road who are at risk of<br />

other drivers’ impairment,” Pitzel said, “and we want to<br />

make sure they get home safely as far as training and<br />

procedures.”<br />

Words of wisdom for all carriers.<br />

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MAY/JUNE | TCA <strong>2019</strong><br />

A Chat With The Chairman<br />

Giving Back<br />

TCA chair to focus on bettering an industry<br />

that has provided him with great opportunities<br />


Josh Kaburick grew up around trucking. After graduating Western Illinois University, where<br />

he attended on a football scholarship and lettered all four years, he returned home to join the<br />

family business, Earl L. Henderson Trucking Company, headed by his late father John Kaburick,<br />

who served as TCA chairman 2010-2011. As a teenager, Kaburick had worked in the shop,<br />

cleaned trucks, washed trailers, and emptied wastebaskets among other duties assigned to him<br />

by his father to instill a work ethic. Upon his return from college, he applied that work ethic to<br />

his early roles in truckload operations and freight brokerage. In 2004, he was promoted to Chief<br />

Operating Officer and by 2011 he successfully advocated to relocate the business from Salem,<br />

Illinois, to Caseyville, Illinois, to be closer the St. Louis transportation hub and to access its<br />

talent pool, which Josh knew would be critical to the company’s long-term growth. Today, he<br />

serves as Earl L. Henderson Trucking Company’s chairman, CEO, and majority owner. He has<br />

the distinguished honor to be one of three chairmen whose father was also a TCA chairman, the<br />

others being Russell Stubbs and his father, Stoney Stubbs; and Lance Craig and his father, Dale<br />

Craig. As he stepped into the role of TCA chairman, Josh shared his thoughts on the year ahead.<br />

14 TRUCKLOAD AUTHORITY | www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org TCA <strong>2019</strong>

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Congratulations on becoming chairman of the <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers Association. What does it mean to you to be chairman?<br />

Being chairman is a great honor. It’s a tremendous way to give back to TCA and an industry that has provided our company and<br />

my family with great opportunities and relationships that will last a lifetime.<br />

This is normally where we would ask how you got<br />

interested in trucking, but apparently trucking is in your<br />

blood. You come from a trucking family, don’t you? Tell<br />

us about that.<br />

I do. Although I’m second generation and I grew up around<br />

the company doing jobs nobody wanted to do, like cleaning out<br />

trucks, washing out trailers and dumping wastebaskets, my father<br />

never pushed any of us boys to come work for the family<br />

business. However, I was fascinated by the dynamics required<br />

to operate a trucking company. I came back to work in the business<br />

full time after graduating college and developed a passion<br />

for everything that the company and transportation had to offer.<br />

So, I made it my career.<br />

Share what you would like readers to know about Earl L.<br />

Henderson Trucking.<br />

Henderson is a 400-truck, full truckload fleet headquartered in<br />

Caseyville, Illinois (8 miles from downtown St. Louis), operating<br />

both refrigerated and dry van fleets. The reefer fleet operates<br />

coast-to-coast, whereas the dry van fleet runs primarily east of<br />

the Rockies. We also have an affiliated logistics company, Trekker<br />

Logistics, which operates separately from the asset operation.<br />

Trekker has branches in Fayetteville, Arkansas; Edwardsville, Illinois;<br />

and Nashville, Tennessee.<br />

Share the career path that led you to your current<br />

position as CEO at Henderson.<br />

I started off in operations working as a freight coordinator.<br />

As in any smaller, family-owned company, you have to wear<br />

multiple hats. So, I spent time working in every aspect of the<br />

company. After five years, I was promoted to chief operating<br />

officer. Then, three years ago I brought in a new management<br />

team, one of whom is Cliff Beckham, our president and COO.<br />

That’s when I moved into the CEO role.<br />

You are one of only three chairmen whose father was also<br />

a TCA chairman, the others being Russell Stubbs and Lance<br />

Craig. What does it mean to you to be able to follow in<br />

your late father’s footsteps as chairman?<br />

The rarity of being the son of a past chairman makes it that<br />

much more special. My father was my business partner, my best<br />

friend, and my hero, so to follow in his steps in anything — especially<br />

something as special as this — is truly an honor.<br />

You’ve literally grown up around the industry. What are<br />

some of the most significant improvements that you’ve<br />

seen in the industry during that time?<br />

There have been several. The technology, both in our operations<br />

and in our equipment, is so advanced and it’s getting better<br />

every day. The data that you can access instantly allows for<br />

so much more rapid and sound decision-making compared to 20<br />

years ago. Tractor telematics, ELDs, mapping, mobile communications<br />

and smartphone apps are good examples.<br />

Another big leap forward has been the industry’s focus on<br />

fuel economy. It wasn’t all that long ago that 5 mpg was pretty<br />

good. Today, bells and whistles sound if a truck doesn’t perform<br />

above 8 mpg, and we route that truck to the shop to check it<br />

for flaws and provide extra training to the driver.<br />

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You said in your acceptance speech that during your time<br />

in the industry, TCA had seemingly snaked and curved<br />

throughout the years with its agenda dependent on who<br />

was chairman. But now there is a planned path forward<br />

that is aggressive, advanced and forward-thinking. Could<br />

you please expand on that statement?<br />

Start small to go big — and strong. <strong>Truckload</strong> Strong. Noting that<br />

he is no stranger to truckload or the <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers Association,<br />

incoming TCA Chairman Josh Kaburick said when he began working<br />

at his family’s carrier, Henderson Trucking Company, “no job was<br />

too small for me,” from cleaning out trucks and washing trailers to<br />

emptying the wastebaskets.<br />

By the same token, he said no program that TCA has offered “was<br />

too small to gain my interest” and that consequently, his involvement<br />

in the association “has filled my life with inspiring leaders,<br />

challenging peers and great friendships.”<br />

Speaking to TCA membership during the association’s 81st Annual<br />

Convention in Las Vegas, Kaburick said that his father, John<br />

Kaburick, served as chairman of TCA “a mere nine years ago,” and<br />

expressed his own eagerness “to give back to an industry and an association<br />

that has given my family and I so many opportunities and<br />

relationships that will last a lifetime.”<br />

And, he made it clear that as new chairman of TCA, he will hit the<br />

ground running.<br />

“I look to continue the path forward on a plan that is aggressive,<br />

advanced and forward-thinking,” he said, emphasizing that in TCA<br />

as well as in sports, “if you aren’t moving forward you are moving<br />

backward.” He pledged that under his watch, TCA will be stronger in<br />

membership, sustainable in its advocacy efforts and offer up data<br />

analytics that “are the envy of the industry” through its trend-setting<br />

partnership with FreightWaves.<br />

In short, he said TCA can’t rest on its laurels. “As industry giants,<br />

we have no room for complacency. The status quo just won’t work.”<br />

For example, he said, the Call on Washington program should be<br />

flooded with TCA members eager to not just tell truckload’s story,<br />

but to “shape the national freight dialogue.”<br />

And Kaburick pulled no punches when it came to emphasizing the<br />

importance of membership in the association, explaining that if you<br />

can’t name at least three things TCA does for you, that “just maybe”<br />

you’re “doing it wrong.” He spelled out the answer: Becoming more<br />

personally involved.<br />

Quoting TCA President John Lyboldt, he said, “TCA membership is<br />

more than just a dues check.”<br />

Kaburick said the data being generated through the partnership<br />

with FreightWaves isn’t information from years past, but is “statistically<br />

driven by what happened yesterday.”<br />

In short, “we’re powering the truckload engine of tomorrow.”<br />

That data also populates the story that TCA tells, he said, explaining<br />

that if TCA members aren’t committed and tenacious, advocacy<br />

efforts will be hollow.<br />

“We should rise to the occasion, storm Capitol Hill and brashly be<br />

the narrative” of truckload, he said, adding that being bold means<br />

“actively taking the chance to change the way we do things” and instead<br />

of telling “tall tales,” offering “data-driven solutions that make<br />

for a more sensible industry.”<br />

The fact that the face of the trucking industry is changing should<br />

both excite and energize TCA members, Kaburick added.<br />

“You are part of an organization whose collective sole focus is that<br />

of truckload,” he told convention attendees.<br />

Looking ahead, TCA will continue to grow, strengthen and thrive:<br />

“There is no end in sight for our upward trajectory,” Kaburick said in<br />

accepting the nomination to become the next chairman of TCA.<br />

Historically, new chairmen came in with the initiative they<br />

wanted to achieve. The staff and the chairman would spend the<br />

next 12 months focused on that. Then the next chairman would<br />

come in and do the same thing, but with a different initiative.<br />

There was very little long-term focus on a consistent strategic<br />

plan to allow multiple chairmen to continue to carry out the mission<br />

and push the association forward. I want to change that.<br />

I want to allow the staff to remain focused on our long-term<br />

mission.<br />

What is going to be your focus as chairman?<br />

My focus will be to advance or complete several great programs<br />

and initiatives that we already have in the works or are<br />

just beginning. Some efforts have been in the works for more<br />

than a year, but we still need to get the ball across the goal<br />

line. Examples include rebuilding and relaunching the <strong>Truckload</strong><br />

Academy and expanding our relationships with FreightWaves<br />

and the TCA Profitability Program (TPP) so we can get timely<br />

and relevant data into our members’ hands to help them make<br />

better and faster decisions for their businesses. We also want<br />

to advance our efforts to focus our advocacy energies purely on<br />

truckload.<br />

As you become chairman, what would you say to TCA<br />

members who are not actively involved in TCA conventions<br />

and programs?<br />

Get involved! There is such a wealth of knowledge in people<br />

walking around the convention who are willing to share almost<br />

anything with their fellow truckers to help them improve their<br />

businesses. Take advantage of it. The programs offered are first<br />

class. The TPP has helped improve so many trucking companies,<br />

including ours, that I can’t say enough good things about it.<br />

The scholarship program is a great way we all can get our associates<br />

involved and help loved ones out, financially.<br />

The <strong>Truckload</strong> Academy is going to help all of us educate and<br />

take our team members to new levels. More to come on that.<br />

What are the key issues facing trucking in <strong>2019</strong> and what<br />

are the obstacles to having those issues come out in favor<br />

of the truckload industry?<br />

Quite frankly, the issues facing our segment of the industry<br />

are far and wide. We are voicing TCA’s position on today’s matters<br />

on what seems like a daily basis. Ranking the issues in order<br />

of importance is almost a mundane task because they are all<br />

important. Staff, as well as TCA members, must continue to tell<br />

the truckload story so that those who legislate and regulate will<br />

understand the impact these issues have. The following are just<br />

naming a few:<br />

1. Sleeper berth flexibility<br />

2. Infrastructure<br />

3. Full industrywide ELD adoption<br />

4. Detention time/productivity<br />

5. The Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse, and<br />

6. Hair testing<br />

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In today’s world, obstacles to truly improve the industry present<br />

themselves at every turn. While one wouldn’t think that some of the<br />

political issues present today could affect the truckload agenda, they<br />

monopolize time for productive conversations to be held. Problems<br />

such as immigration, the Mueller report, and even the recent aviation<br />

troubles with Boeing can all be viewed as hindrances to the trucking<br />

conversation and can lead to congressional inaction on the topics that<br />

truly matter most.<br />

Following up on the Hours of Service (HOS) issue, why is it<br />

important for drivers to have more flexibility in areas such<br />

as extending the 14-hour clock and with the sleeper berth<br />

provision?<br />

In today’s truckload environment, our drivers need the opportunity<br />

to break up their day in a manner that’s tailored to their own<br />

sleep and work cycles. This would ultimately create more rest time<br />

and reduce metropolitan exposure during peak congestion times<br />

of the day. Greater flexibility in the HOS regulations should not be<br />

viewed as creating a longer workday, because we aren’t doing that.<br />

In fact, we as an association are advocating for ways to best utilize<br />

the hours we are currently given, and flexibility helps us reach that<br />

goal. The ability to stop that 14-hour clock will give our professional<br />

truck drivers an opportunity to address detention time, deal<br />

with congestion and weather, and even adequately plan for proper<br />

parking.<br />

How would you summarize the <strong>2019</strong> convention?<br />

I thought the convention was great. There was record<br />

attendance and the content that was available through<br />

general sessions, guess speakers, roundtables and executive<br />

panels were put together with great thought, time,<br />

and effort to provide everyone with something or multiple<br />

things they could take back to their businesses.<br />

What excites you most about the year ahead?<br />

Knowing that I have the opportunity to make sure our<br />

voice is being heard, having the most positive impact on<br />

truckload that I can, and seeing several great initiatives<br />

come to fruition.<br />

Lastly, Mr. Chairman, we’ve talked mostly about<br />

trucking in our Chat. What rounds out your life<br />

other than trucking?<br />

My family. My kids are young enough to still enjoy being<br />

around mom and dad, so we take advantage of that as<br />

much as possible. We enjoy being active together, whether<br />

we’re playing sports, boating and wake boarding, or just<br />

watching a movie. The bottom line is that we are being<br />

together.<br />

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MAY/JUNE | TCA <strong>2019</strong><br />

Talking TCA<br />

Dan Doran and Josh Kaburick<br />

explain why continuity is the key to<br />

keeping TCA moving forward<br />

By Klint Lowry<br />

Every time the United States swears in a new president,<br />

it is inevitable that somewhere during the coverage someone<br />

will, in very formal, profound-sounding tones, praise the<br />

“peaceful transition of power” being witnessed.<br />

Compare that to the scene every year at the close of the<br />

<strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers Association Annual Convention, when the<br />

sitting TCA chairman passes the torch to his successor. It is<br />

also a smooth transition, but with less gravitas, less pomp.<br />

It’s downright collegial, more like a gathering of familiar<br />

friends. There’s good reason for that.<br />

At the TCA’s 81st Annual Convention, it was Dan Doran<br />

in the role of outgoing chairman and Josh Kaburick as the<br />

incoming chair. With about 36 hours to go before the official<br />

handoff, they sat down together to talk about the chairmanship.<br />

The conversation began with them laughing at the suggestion<br />

that maybe the moment of transition should include<br />

more trappings, something like they have for Miss America,<br />

with a crown and a sash.<br />

They laughed not just at the thought of either of them<br />

waving as they walked along a runway cradling a bouquet,<br />

but because of their perspective of what the chairmanship is<br />

all about.<br />

“To play devil’s advocate, there’s maybe a little too much<br />

emphasis put on the chairman’s year,” Doran said. It’s an impressive<br />

title, he continued, and it’s a privilege to hold that<br />

title, but “it’s not really like a presidential election where’s<br />

he’s stepping in.”<br />

What may not be apparent to an outsider or even to casual<br />

TCA members is that the yearly changing of the guard<br />

in the chairman position isn’t a transition of power at all.<br />

Rather, it represents the continuity that is one of the organization’s<br />

great strengths. Ascendancy to the chairmanship<br />

is not achieved through backroom politicking or aggressive<br />

campaigning, but rather by long-term commitment and<br />

teamwork.<br />

“We’ve worked side-by-side for, what is it, eight years?”<br />

Doran asked Kaburick. “We’ve been in the same rooms, discussing<br />

the same things.”<br />

A TCA chairmanship lasts roughly a year, from one convention<br />

to the next, but for the person assuming the title,<br />

that year comes after serving several years as a member of<br />

the TCA Officers group.<br />

At any given time, there are eight to 10 members in the<br />

Officer’s group. When a new officer joins the group, they are<br />

appointed an at-large officer, Doran explained, “just getting<br />

in the group and getting your feet wet.”<br />

Throughout one’s time in the Officers group, you are<br />

working with your fellow officers, communicating throughout<br />

the year, he said. The group comes together at the annual<br />

convention and at an annual retreat and then again at TCA’s<br />

Fall Business Meetings. Continuity within the group and the<br />

familiarity that comes with it is an asset that allows the<br />

group to chart and navigate TCA’s long-term course.<br />

After a few years, an at-large officer will take on a designated<br />

role, such as vice chair to the American Trucking Associations,<br />

or secretary or treasurer. These roles carry a lot of<br />

responsibility and can be rather time-consuming, Doran said.<br />

For the sake of efficiency, someone might hold one of those<br />

positions for a few years, before eventually being named<br />

second vice chair, then vice chairman, then chairman.<br />

Once in one of the vice chair positions, involvement in the<br />

organization ramps up even more, as one works more closely<br />

with the chairman and the immediate past chairman. In recent<br />

years, it’s become a custom for the current and incoming<br />

chairmen to pay a visit together to TCA headquarters in Alexandria,<br />

Virginia, to get better acquainted with the staff.<br />

You know a couple of years ahead of time when your year<br />

in the chairman’s seat is going to be, Doran said. And by the<br />

time your year comes, you’ve been working with your predecessors<br />

so closely, you’re fully prepared.<br />

The phrase “passing of the torch” is an apt metaphor<br />

when it comes to the TCA chairmanship. It is like the running<br />

of the Olympic torch, with each torchbearer taking a<br />

segment of a single route.<br />

“And for me, it’s, ‘man, don’t get in there and screw it up,’”<br />

Kaburick said. “I mean, it can be easy as the chairman, because<br />

you get to have a little bit of an influence in what are<br />

some of the main points we want to spread some light on.”<br />

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Kaburick and Doran agreed, though, that for the most<br />

part being chairman isn’t about dictating the course so<br />

much as maintaining it. Doran added that any significant<br />

mark you’re going to make on TCA and its policies is going<br />

to be done over the long haul in the years leading up to<br />

your turn as chairman.<br />

Sharing that perspective on the eve of his chairmanship,<br />

Kaburick was anticipating he’s going to preside over some<br />

exciting times at TCA. In the eight years he’s been in the<br />

Officers group, “what I saw was a group of officers that got<br />

focused and started to build what we considered more of a<br />

long-term plan of success for the association.<br />

“And we’re really now just starting to see the fruits of<br />

that labor,” he said. “Where we’re at right now, we have<br />

a lot of great things that are taking place. And we can all<br />

feel the energy, we can see the results. And right now, it’s<br />

absolutely critical that nobody changes that course, and to<br />

stay focused and to continue to push that ball into the end<br />

zone. We’re about at the half-yard line.”<br />

Kaburick said the real anxiety that comes with anticipating<br />

the chairmanship is the feeling, “what if something<br />

happens?” That is, what if something happens externally,<br />

something out of his control that sends their plans off<br />

course?<br />

“I remember when the Great Recession hit,” Kaburick<br />

said. He wasn’t yet in the Officers group, but his father,<br />

John Kaburick, was, serving as TCA’s 2010-11 chairman,<br />

shortly after the recession officially ended but individuals<br />

and businesses were still struggling to recover.<br />

“Carriers wanted to drop out,” Kaburick recalled. “Everybody<br />

was just cutting costs everywhere. And everyone is<br />

looking around, and when you’re the person in charge, you<br />

almost have to sit there and think — even though you had<br />

absolutely zero to do with it — to feel a little bit accountable<br />

for everything that’s going on.”<br />

With less than two days before Josh Kaburick, left, was set to succeed Dan Doran<br />

as TCA Chairman, the two discussed the long path and years of organization that<br />

precede assuming the title.<br />

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Kaburick doesn’t expect that kind of calamity during<br />

his watch. It also would be hard to top the economic<br />

environment Doran enjoyed in 2018, he said, but he<br />

expects <strong>2019</strong> will be strong. “We just have to hope<br />

there’s no other influences in the government or otherwise.”<br />

Doran agreed that he was dealt a good hand with<br />

the timing of his chairmanship, and not just in terms<br />

of the economy. There were a lot of changes going on<br />

at TCA about five years or so ago, when John Lyboldt<br />

came in as TCA president, Doran said. By the time of<br />

his chairmanship, those changes had a chance to set<br />

“and get some momentum, so by the time I came in it<br />

was running smooth and all you got to do is keep the<br />

horse running down the track.”<br />

And because they have both been there the entire<br />

time as part of the group most responsible for the trajectory<br />

of that momentum, it’s understandable they<br />

both approve of the tack TCA has taken to put more<br />

emphasis on its role as an advocate for the truckload<br />

sector.<br />

A good example of that is the annual Call on Washington,<br />

which began two years ago, and the related<br />

decision to take a step back from handling logistics for<br />

the 501(c)(3) organization Wreaths Across America.<br />

“The decision was made that we wanted to start<br />

concentrating on things that are important to this<br />

industry,” Doran said. “We were in a lot of what I’ll<br />

call these feel-good programs that at the time people<br />

thought were a good idea. But at the end of the day,<br />

we’re an association that supports trucking companies.<br />

We only have the staff that we have. They can’t be<br />

spending all their time on things that aren’t our core<br />

competency.”<br />

Organizing something like the Call on Washington is<br />

no simple task, and it doesn’t come cheap. “For years<br />

the members of this association have said that we<br />

need to do our own advocacy,” Doran said, and their<br />

support got TCA’s Call on Washington initiative off the<br />

ground.<br />

The first two years have shown the event’s potential<br />

“to help push our voice out on Capitol Hill and to stand<br />

up for the trucking industry,” Kaburick said.<br />

“We are the only association that is truly the Voice<br />

of <strong>Truckload</strong>. Other associations aren’t pure truckload,<br />

so our story is not conflicting with any other<br />

kind of trucking. We’re not trying to share a voice<br />

with what LTLs’ interests might be. It’s purely truckload.<br />

“So, it’s nice to know that we have that. We can<br />

offer that to our members and it’s an opportunity to<br />

provide a service to everyone, from the very large<br />

fleets to the very small fleets.”<br />

However, because of their busy schedules members<br />

could only come to Washington a limited number<br />

of times each year, and because of the need to<br />

have the Call on Washington when Congress was in<br />

session. TCA’s involvement in the Wreaths Across<br />

America gala had been a catalyst for the timing of<br />

TCA’s Fall Business Meetings and Call on Washington.<br />

“And the more advocacy we do — if we’re going to<br />

go to Washington, we want to do it when the House<br />

is in session and the Senate is in session,” Doran<br />

said. TCA made the decision to step back from hosting<br />

a WAA gala so that the association could “take<br />

control of that fall meeting and make that a more<br />

meaningful event,” Doran said.<br />

Kaburick and Doran were seated at a conference<br />

table where the Officers group meeting had just taken<br />

place. TCA has a plethora of meaningful events<br />

across the calendar, Doran said, to fulfill the longterm<br />

goals that have been set for the organization.<br />

Both men have been part of setting those goals<br />

and working toward their fruition. With the clock<br />

ticking away before the passing of the torch from<br />

Chairman Doran to Chairman Kaburick, they were<br />

approaching the transition knowing it would be a big<br />

moment for each of them on a personal level, but<br />

also with the appreciation that it would simply be the<br />

turning of a page from one chapter to the next of a<br />

larger story.<br />

“Right now, we’re at that critical point of having<br />

some great things happen,” Kaburick said. “There<br />

are some great officers coming up behind me, and<br />

they’ll take this thing to a whole other level.”<br />

22 TRUCKLOAD AUTHORITY | www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org TCA <strong>2019</strong>

Taking the Lead<br />

S<br />

Surrounded by collateral material that repeatedly<br />

proclaimed the theme of the <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers<br />

Association’s 81st Annual Convention, TCA<br />

President John Lyboldt told convention attendees<br />

that to understand the meaning of “<strong>Truckload</strong><br />

Strong,” one must fully digest the notion of where<br />

the association has been and where it is today.<br />

“I truly believe we should respect the past, embrace<br />

today and shape the future, knowing that<br />

where we have been helps dictate where we are<br />

going,” Lyboldt said, repeating a three-pronged<br />

approach that he’s often referred to since becoming<br />

president late in 2015.<br />

And it’s going forward, full speed ahead, Lyboldt<br />

said, noting that the past year has been a<br />

“difference-maker” for the association, thanks to<br />

TCA members.<br />

“Our association has chosen a direction that<br />

has been defined by you, the collective you, not<br />

merely described as an officer or member, but<br />

by everyone who lives or breathes truckload, in<br />

other words, those of you that are in the room<br />

now,” he said. “That is what <strong>Truckload</strong> Strong is,<br />

an epiphany that we should not just be in the line,<br />

but rather be at the front of it, to not let others<br />

decide what we do, but rather determine that for<br />

ourselves. That very notion is one in which has<br />

always been self-evident, that we and we alone<br />

are responsible for the path that we travel.”<br />

He cited two areas where the organization had<br />

changed the path of its course — advocacy and<br />

education.<br />

In the past, Lyboldt said the organization had<br />

let others across the trucking industry dictate that<br />

it shouldn’t advocate and should not take the lead<br />

on what happens in Washington.<br />

“However, as issues became more and more<br />

truckload-centric, our membership became more<br />

and more vocal as to their needs and the direction<br />

in which our association needed to travel. The desire<br />

to tell our story became prevalent and the opportunity<br />

was upon us,” Lyboldt said. “We stopped<br />

stating that we were the elephant in the room and<br />

started acting like it.”<br />

Today, TCA’s advocacy efforts are not defined<br />

by following someone else’s lead but rather leading<br />

itself, Lyboldt said.<br />

“<strong>Truckload</strong> issues such as ELDs, sleeper berth<br />

flexibility, F4A and now infrastructure are the topics<br />

of discussion on which we must not only listen<br />

in, but lead by example,” he said. “The opportunities<br />

to tell our story and the effects that these<br />

issues have on our segment are far and wide, and<br />

our association is not just a part of the discussions,<br />

but rather we are steering them. You, the<br />

membership, have decided that. You have elected<br />

to become difference-makers and have directed<br />

us down a strategic path in which success is defined<br />

as the crossroads where opportunity and<br />

preparation meet. We not only tell our story, but<br />

we live it every day. <strong>Truckload</strong> is not easy. You<br />

truly have to be driven to make it work, and our<br />

advocacy efforts define that very approach.”<br />

Lyboldt told delegates that at one point in its<br />

history, TCA had been defined as the education<br />

arm of the trucking industry.<br />

“[That was] a definition bestowed upon us that<br />

By Lyndon Finney<br />

doesn’t truly solicit a <strong>Truckload</strong> Strong response,<br />

and in fact that definition was hardly embraced<br />

by those who owned it, our members,” he said.<br />

“Today, I stand before you presenting an education<br />

aspect of this association that has not been<br />

declared for us, but rather defined by us. We have<br />

energized our once-stagnant benchmarking program<br />

that continues to grow and be the envy of all<br />

in the transportation sector.”<br />

TCA has created an environment that strives to<br />

make the association, its members and the industry<br />

stronger, more knowledgeable and capable of<br />

preparing itself for the next generation of leaders,<br />

he said.<br />

“We have aligned ourselves with partners that<br />

have created the data-driven ability to truly outline<br />

the course of our actions,” Lyboldt said. “Our<br />

<strong>Truckload</strong> Indexes microsite was wholeheartedly<br />

embraced by TCA’s membership. This incredible<br />

platform not only aids in the decision-making capabilities<br />

of our members but provides them with<br />

nearly real-time evidence to support those very<br />

decisions. We have created an industrywide education<br />

essential that will only get better over time.”<br />

In the next year, the instructional development<br />

arm of TCA will roll out an instructor-led educational<br />

environment to enable its members to gain comprehensive<br />

and profitable approaches across all carrier<br />

operational entities that effectively keeps the wheels<br />

rolling, and essentially provides themselves with a<br />

new and innate ability to tell our story, he said.<br />

“That, my friends, is <strong>Truckload</strong> Strong,” Lyboldt<br />

said. “The aptitude to tell our story and do it well.<br />

“If we continually look back at where we have<br />

been to find out where we are going, it truly depicts<br />

a historical aspect to where our association<br />

stands now. They said we couldn’t advocate, yet<br />

here we are, advocating. They said our educational<br />

programs have grown stale, yet we have developed<br />

programs that continue to be coveted by all<br />

who experience them. In other words, if those<br />

on the outside challenge us, we are dedicated to<br />

proving them wrong. My objective in all of this has<br />

been that TCA, as a whole, had merely survived<br />

before but now we thrive. The difference between<br />

then and now is that we, the collective we, have<br />

just decided to try.”<br />

None of what the association has accomplished<br />

the past year could have been done without the<br />

engagement of membership, Lyboldt said.<br />

“Gather a common set of business practitioners,<br />

provide them with a concept that they will<br />

rally around, and build upon the success that arises<br />

from it,” he said. “It will not just end there. The<br />

spirit of <strong>Truckload</strong> Strong will grow, and the prevalence<br />

of our shield will be more than a pin that<br />

adorns your lapel. It will represent a common notion<br />

that motor carriers involved specifically in the<br />

truckload segment will want to do more, representative<br />

of the fact that they can make this industry<br />

better, operate more safely, and lead by example.<br />

“The business imperative of being <strong>Truckload</strong><br />

Strong is shown in the promise to create a membership<br />

that is more engaged than ever before,<br />

dedicated to telling our story, improving upon our<br />

industry safety record, and providing sound, datadriven<br />

information that leads to support for sensible<br />

regulations,” he concluded.<br />

<strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers Association<br />

President John Lyboldt told delegates<br />

at the 81st Annual Convention that<br />

“<strong>Truckload</strong> Strong” is an epiphany<br />

that “we should not just be in the<br />

line, but rather be at the front of it, to<br />

not let others decide what we do, but<br />

rather determine that for ourselves.”<br />

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Hall of Famer Steve Young shares life lessons learned from his years on the gridiron<br />

By Klint Lowry<br />

It was almost time for the opening general session<br />

of the <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers Association’s 81st Annual<br />

Convention to begin when Steve Young arrived at the<br />

Wynn Las Vegas Resort.<br />

He’d flown in that morning from Utah just to give<br />

the keynote speech, and there were three duffel bags<br />

full of footballs waiting for him backstage. Young had<br />

about 15 minutes to sign 40 footballs, which he was to<br />

throw into the audience at the end of his presentation.<br />

Young had also agreed to do an interview before<br />

his speech. Not a problem, he said as he grabbed a<br />

marker and the first ball. His wife might say otherwise,<br />

he confided, but he’s capable of talking and writing his<br />

name at the same time.<br />

The presentation he was about to make had been<br />

billed “Forever Young: Leadership and Inspiration,” and<br />

with his credentials, it was easy to believe he’d have<br />

some interesting things to say about those subjects.<br />

Young played in the NFL for 15 years, 13 of them<br />

with the San Francisco 49ers, where he was part of<br />

three Super Bowl championship teams and was the<br />

Most Valuable Player in Super Bowl XXIX. He was twice<br />

named league MVP, and in 2005 he was inducted into<br />

the Pro Football Hall of Fame.<br />

Since hanging up his cleats in 1999, he has gone<br />

on to a successful career in finance. He is currently the<br />

managing director of the private equity firm Huntsman<br />

Gay Global Capital LLC, which he co-founded in 2007.<br />

Young has been out of the game longer than he<br />

was in it, but he is aware that his football pedigree is<br />

his strongest calling card. People want to hear football<br />

stories, and he’s able to use those stories to impart<br />

insights on human nature he gained from the game.<br />

“In many ways, football is the truth,” Young said.<br />

“The football field is the ‘Truth Laboratory.’ There’s a<br />

score, there’s a clock, there’s a field that’s lined. It’s<br />

great for human behavior.<br />

“A lot of people in other industries want to say, ‘hey,<br />

tell us about what it means to be a leader,’” he continued.<br />

“When you watch a game on TV, watch the successful<br />

players and coaches, their mannerisms, their body<br />

language, how they speak to the media. You can learn<br />

a lot if you pay attention.<br />

“In my business life, in my home life, even my marriage<br />

— a lot of things — fundamentally, how I make<br />

decisions, I learned in the ‘Truth Laboratory’ on the<br />

field.”<br />

Along with the lessons he gleaned on the field,<br />

Young had the rare good fortune to not only meet but<br />

to become friends with his boyhood idol, former Dallas<br />

Cowboys quarterback Roger Staubach.<br />

“Even as a kid, I had his poster on my wall in my<br />

bedroom,” Young said. He not only studied Staubach’s<br />

on-field style and emulated it, but he also admired the<br />

character he saw in Staubach.<br />

“And then I met him,” Young said, “and when I got<br />

to know him, it was even better.”<br />

Staubach, whose Hall of Fame career with the Cowboys<br />

spanned from 1969 to 1979, became something<br />

of a mentor to Young during his career and then as he<br />

was making the transition to life after football.<br />

“One of the things he told me as I was retiring,<br />

because I was asking his advice,” Young recalled, “he<br />

said, ‘Steve, I’ll give you one piece of advice: When<br />

you retire, run. Don’t hang around the game. It’s over.<br />

People will always remember you on some level. But<br />

you need to go somewhere else, do something else.’”<br />

“I think he meant emotionally,” Young said, “like,<br />

create a new space and fill it up rather than wander<br />

around trying to relive the old days.”<br />

Of course, Young didn’t run away completely. He’s<br />

been a panelist on the “Monday Night Football” leadin<br />

show, “Monday Night Countdown,” since 2006. The<br />

show lets him be connected to the game, but in small,<br />

indirect doses, just the right amount for him.<br />

Staubach’s advice to focus forward after retirement<br />

came in handy during those first few years as Young<br />

immersed himself in his post-football business career,<br />

as did a second tip Staubach often repeated: hang on<br />

to your humility.<br />

Young said as he began to establish himself in his<br />

financial career, “what helped was always to go in assuming<br />

I was the dumbest guy in the room. I recognized<br />

I needed to learn a lot.”<br />

The transition from player to former player can be<br />

treacherous, and the advice he got from Staubach<br />

paired well with guidance he got from his father.<br />

“I always told him, ‘Dad, I’m going to be a pro football<br />

player,’” Young recalled. “And he’s like, ‘Well, that’s<br />

a good dream. It’s not a plan, but it’s a good dream.<br />

But what’s the plan?’”<br />

Even after he made the pros, his father would remind<br />

him the average NFL career is only about three<br />

years: “Then what are you going to do? What’s the<br />

plan?”<br />

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“In my business life,<br />

in my home life,<br />

even my marriage<br />

— a lot of things —<br />

fundamentally, how I<br />

make decisions,<br />

I learned in the<br />

‘Truth Laboratory’<br />

on the field.”<br />

That’s why, even as Young was playing for a perennial Super<br />

Bowl contender, he put in a semester at law school every<br />

offseason.<br />

It’s easy now to forget that for the first several years of his<br />

career, it appeared the only way Young would get into the Hall<br />

of Fame would be to buy a ticket. He spent two seasons in the<br />

United States Football League before that league folded, then<br />

played two less-than-stellar years in Tampa Bay before coming<br />

over to the 49ers, where he wound up being relegated to Joe<br />

Montana’s backup for four seasons.<br />

The trade that brought him to San Francisco has since been<br />

hailed as one of the greatest steals in National Football League<br />

history.<br />

But as a backup, he became very discouraged at times, he<br />

said. And with a solid Plan B for his life, he sometimes thought<br />

about giving up on football. But it’s a funny thing, he said, “Having<br />

some alternatives was probably helpful.”<br />

Knowing he had a backup plan gave him peace of mind. He<br />

never felt anxiety about what he would do if football didn’t work<br />

out, which ultimately helped him stay positive and focus on the<br />

game, and stick it out until his opportunity came.<br />

Pass the ball, not the buck<br />

Backstage, the last football was signed with just enough time<br />

for Young to get fitted with his microphone. A minute later, he<br />

was onstage.<br />

He opened with a brief account of playing youth football and<br />

how his mother had to be restrained from retaliating whenever<br />

an opposing player hit her baby. From there, Young segued into<br />

his premise of the gridiron as the Truth Laboratory, with its instruments<br />

— the lines, the clock, the score, and one more element<br />

he hadn’t mentioned earlier that puts one’s character to<br />

the test.<br />

“Have you ever done something wrong, and 80,000 people<br />

surrounding you booed?” Young asked the audience. “It’s awful.”<br />

But that’s how the “Truth Laboratory” works. “At the end of that<br />

game you can’t say, ‘Oh, by the way, I didn’t throw that interception.<br />

That wasn’t me.’”<br />

People talk about what it takes to be a successful quarterback,<br />

Young said. Of course, it takes natural athleticism. It takes<br />

a strong, accurate arm and the ability to make smart, split-second<br />

decisions. But what sets apart the great quarterbacks from<br />

the rest?<br />

Football is a complicated game, Young said. On every play,<br />

11 guys have to be on the same page. “And that’s the art of<br />

quarterbacking, if you think about it. All the great quarterbacks<br />

are great leaders of other humans. The best ones are always the<br />

guys who figure out week to week how to gather their teammates.<br />

The most important thing they do is to get people to play<br />

hard for them.”<br />

Take Tom Brady, Young said. Brady is about as successful a<br />

quarterback as there’s ever been. But look at Brady today. He’s<br />

42 years old. Some of his teammates are half his age. He makes<br />

way more money than they do, and he’s married to a supermodel.<br />

There’s very little about Brady that his teammates can<br />

relate to personally, “but somehow Brady gets them to play hard<br />

for him,” Young said.<br />

What’s his secret? The next time you see Tom Brady giving<br />

an interview, Young said, ask yourself, “Who’s he really talking<br />

to?” It isn’t the reporter, it isn’t the fans. “Every word is laserfocused<br />

on his teammates,” Young said, because he knows it’s<br />

his character that dictates his ability to lead.<br />

Character comes out in the face of sudden disaster, Young<br />

said. In the Truth Laboratory of the football field, throwing a<br />

critical interception is such a disaster.<br />

“You’re down by four, you’re driving down the field to win<br />

the game,” Young said, setting the scene. “You can feel the momentum,<br />

you can feel the emotion. You can feel the sense of<br />

inevitability. It’s going to happen — and then you throw it to the<br />

other team.”<br />

At that moment, Young said, “You can feel the air go out of<br />

the building. A little voice inside asks, ‘How could I have done<br />

that? How obvious is it not to throw to the big, huge, dumb defender<br />

standing there?’”<br />

All your teammates turn to you, he said, and the looks on<br />

their faces are asking the same questions.<br />

There are a couple of ways you can react, Young said. “You<br />

could run, just get in the car and say, ‘I’m done.’” But that’s<br />

not likely. The next instinct would be to blame everyone and<br />

everything else:<br />

“You, receiver, you were supposed to turn out, but you turned<br />

in. And tackle, you were supposed to block that guy, and he hit<br />

me just as I was going to throw the ball. And look, the sun was<br />

in my eyes. And the ball is all wet and muddy because it was<br />

raining a minute ago.”<br />

The record books show Young threw 107 regular-season interceptions<br />

in the NFL. He said it took several errant tosses before<br />

he realized trying to rationalize and spread the blame did<br />

more harm than good.<br />

26 TRUCKLOAD AUTHORITY | www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org TCA <strong>2019</strong>

The next time he threw a critical interception and all his teammates<br />

were looking at him, he simply said: “Look guys, the ball was<br />

in my hands, now it’s in their hands. I’m responsible. But here’s what<br />

we’re going to do. We’re going to go to the sidelines. We’re going to<br />

get a drink of water. We’re going to go back on the field and we’re<br />

going to win the game.”<br />

“What happened next tells you something about human beings,”<br />

he said. When they got off the field, the coach asked what happened,<br />

and immediately Young’s teammates started explaining everything<br />

they’d done wrong.<br />

What Young had realized was in that moment, his teammates<br />

weren’t looking for an explanation, they were looking for accountability.<br />

And when he took responsibility, they took their share, too.<br />

“It’s the same in any business. I can promise you, find those moments<br />

when the lights are on you, those key moments when somebody<br />

needs to stand up and say, ‘I’m responsible.’ What it does is it<br />

infuses the whole system with accountability.”<br />

The genius of generosity<br />

Young was brought to the 49ers in 1987 by head coach Bill Walsh.<br />

The 49ers were already well into what would eventually be a streak<br />

of 17 seasons in which they would make the playoffs, winning five<br />

Super Bowls along the way. Walsh was the architect of that team,<br />

and most other teams were trying to emulate his version of the West<br />

Coast Offense.<br />

When Young got to the 49ers, he noticed a man with a video camera<br />

would follow Walsh around all day, recording him.<br />

“I remember thinking, ‘Gee, this is weird,’” Young said. “‘I know<br />

he’s famous. I know he’s kind of known as the genius of coaching<br />

(Walsh’s actual nickname around the league was “The Genius”), but<br />

this is strange that they’d be taping everything he did. What does he<br />

think, that he’s like Patton or Abraham Lincoln or something?’”<br />

Young later came to understand that Walsh knew his methods<br />

were ahead of their time, and he was putting together a repository of<br />

those methods that could be used like a toolkit. Whenever one of his<br />

assistants would get their big chance to be a head coach somewhere,<br />

he would present them with his toolkit, wish them success, and tell<br />

them he looked forward to playing them for the championship.<br />

“Who does that?” Young asked the crowd. Who, when they’re at<br />

the peak of their career and they know it’s because they are doing<br />

things no one else does, just gives away all his secrets to men he<br />

knows will be his future opponents?<br />

Walsh looked at the world with a spirit of abundance, Young said.<br />

That may have been one of his most valuable tools, and it’s one that’s<br />

in short supply today.<br />

“I can promise you,<br />

find those moments<br />

when the lights<br />

are on you, those<br />

key moments when<br />

somebody needs to<br />

stand up and say, ‘I’m<br />

responsible.’ What it<br />

does is it infuses the<br />

whole system with<br />

accountability.”<br />

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“If you look at Washington, D.C., today, politics in general,<br />

everything is binary, everything is a winner-loser,<br />

zero-sum game,” Young said, and if you notice, very little<br />

gets resolved.<br />

Bill Walsh’s legacy, on the other hand, not only includes<br />

his own accomplishments, but because of his generosity<br />

of spirit there are 32 current and former NFL head coaches<br />

who can trace their coaching lineage directly back to<br />

Walsh.<br />

You can make everything a fight, treat everyone as an<br />

adversary, clutch everything that’s yours, Young said, “or<br />

you can look at things with a spirit of abundance, cooperation,<br />

collaboration.”<br />

Of all the lessons he’s distilled from his football days,<br />

Young said, these two elements of human nature are<br />

among the most important. In business and in everyday<br />

life, watch for moments that infuse accountability and<br />

watch for moments where you can choose a spirit of abundance<br />

instead of a zero-sum game.<br />

Time to throw the footballs? Actually, he said, he had<br />

one more insight to share.<br />

Of mouse and man<br />

Back in 1995, the night before Super Bowl XXIX, Young<br />

said, the team’s public relations chief came to him and<br />

said: “Steve! I have a contract here from the Disney Corporation!”<br />

It was the familiar deal that if he was named Super<br />

Bowl MVP, he’d agree to shout, “I’m going to Disneyland!”<br />

“I thought that’d be cool” Young said, “So, being the<br />

lawyer that I am, I didn’t read anything, I just signed it.”<br />

The 49ers did win, and Young was named MVP and he<br />

was immediately reminded, OK, time to fulfill your contract.<br />

The camera was aimed and on cue he yelled, “I’m<br />

going to Disneyland!”<br />

Several hours later, he was still celebrating, he said,<br />

when he was informed, “Oh, by the way, Steve, it isn’t a<br />

metaphor. You gotta to go to Disneyland.” No problem, he<br />

thought, until they told him, “Yeah, but, like, tomorrow.<br />

Oh wait, it’s 2 a.m., I’m sorry — today.”<br />

The day after the Super Bowl, he flew cross-country<br />

from Miami to San Francisco for a victory parade, then<br />

hopped another flight to Anaheim for a second parade. As<br />

he rode on a float with Mickey Mouse, he said, it all caught<br />

up with him.<br />

“All these people are cheering, shouting ‘you’re the<br />

king, Steve!’” he said. “I started thinking, ‘Yeah, they’re<br />

right. I AM the king’. This was it, I had scaled my personal<br />

Mount Everest.”<br />

Then, as they reached the end of the parade route,<br />

they rounded a corner. There were two little boys sitting<br />

on the curb. The boys looked up and their eyes widened,<br />

Young assuming it was because of him.<br />

Then the younger boy yelled, “Mickey Mouse!” and<br />

started toward the float. His brother held him back and<br />

said, “You can’t get near him, the big guy won’t let you.”<br />

It was the crowning moment of Young’s career, and<br />

he’d just been mistaken for Mickey Mouse’s bodyguard.<br />

He realized it was time to climb back down Everest and<br />

find the next mountain.<br />

We’ve all heard that life is about the journey, not the<br />

destination, Young said, but those Everest moments are<br />

something to be savored. They don’t come too often, he<br />

said, and they don’t last long, “but they’re worth it.”<br />

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Those<br />

Who Deliver<br />

with Keller Logistics Group<br />


By Lyndon Finney<br />

Thomas E. Keller<br />

Trucking is successful<br />

because it operates<br />

strictly within its<br />

marketing zone.<br />

At some point in one’s educational pursuit, most everyone took a<br />

course in geography.<br />

But since that’s probably been a long time ago for most of us,<br />

perhaps a refresher is in order.<br />

So, let’s head to today’s most widely-read geography book:<br />

Google.<br />

• New York City, despite being the largest city in the country, with<br />

8 million residents living in its five burroughs, is not the state capital<br />

of New York.<br />

• Key West, Florida, is the southernmost point in the continental<br />

United States.<br />

• The Rio Grande is 1,885 miles long and is a focal point for<br />

immigrants trying to flee to the U.S.<br />

• Chicago is called the Windy City. If you had always assumed that<br />

Chicago earned its nickname as the Windy City from the chilly gusts<br />

coming off Lake Michigan, you would be wrong. The city is windy,<br />

according to most local legends, because of the hot air bellowing<br />

from politicians.<br />

• In Seattle, in an average year at least 0.01 inches of precipitation<br />

falls on 150 days, more than nearly all U.S. cities east of the Rocky<br />

Mountains.<br />

• In the Lower 48 states, North Dakota tops the list of coldest<br />

states in winter and fall, based on statewide average temperatures.<br />

During spring, Maine is coldest, while in summer it’s Wyoming.<br />

• Defiance, Ohio, is home to one of the nation’s lesser-known,<br />

growth-conscious transportation companies.<br />

“Defiance, Ohio?” you ask. “Where in the world is Defiance, Ohio?”<br />

Well, it’s located in far, far northwest Ohio at the confluence of<br />

the Maumee and Auglaize rivers, which combine with nearby Tiffin<br />

River to provide scenic views and recreation throughout the year.<br />

The city, with its<br />

population of 17,000, occupies<br />

just over 12 square miles, with the main<br />

downtown area nestled between the Maumee and<br />

Auglaize rivers. In recent years, the downtown business district<br />

has received many improvements while maintaining its original<br />

small-town charm, says the city’s website.<br />

The transportation company?<br />

It’s Keller Logistics Group, nee Keller Trucking.<br />

While Keller’s official beginning came in the late 1970s, it was in<br />

the 1950s that a 16-year-old Thomas E. Keller was transporting loads<br />

of melons grown on the family farm in Indiana to neighboring cities<br />

and eventually across state lines into Michigan and even as far south<br />

as Georgia.<br />

Fast forward to the late 1970s, when Keller purchased additional<br />

trucks and began operating out of a makeshift office at his kitchen<br />

table to coordinate freight. This marked the early beginnings of<br />

Thomas E. Keller Trucking.<br />

Near the end of the 1960s, Keller transferred to Defiance for New<br />

Idea, a company that made and sold farm equipment.<br />

But he never gave up on his idea of owning a trucking company,<br />

and by the 1980s he had 10 trucks with an office and terminal in<br />

Defiance.<br />

In his quest to make sure the company stayed in the family, Tom<br />

Keller turned to his nephew, Bryan Keller, who is now company<br />

president and CEO.<br />

“I started working for my uncle in 1990 fresh out of college in<br />

operations,” Bryan Keller said. “We had 20 tractors at the time and I<br />

sensed I had the opportunity for it to be my own company if I could<br />

prove myself. After a quick baptism by fire, I got my feet settled and<br />

30 <strong>Truckload</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> | www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org TCA <strong>2019</strong>

Bryan Keller has been<br />

company president and<br />

CEO since 2000.<br />

knew this was going to be a lifetime career for me, but I also realized I<br />

needed to grow the business and diversify.”<br />

Bryan Keller had worked for Keller Trucking during the summers<br />

while in college, working half a day in the office and half a day in the<br />

shop, so he had developed a knowledge of the industry and liked what<br />

he saw.<br />

Moving to Defiance, however, was a major life-changing event for<br />

Bryan, who been raised on a farm in Indiana.<br />

“For me, Defiance was a big town. It has two McDonalds,” he said<br />

with a chuckle. “I just felt like coming out of college someone was<br />

going to give me my own business and I’m going to jump all over it.”<br />

And jump he did, hard and with feet first.<br />

Keller Trucking was operating smoothly when Bryan became<br />

president and CEO, in part because the carrier didn’t try to do too much<br />

too fast, staying true to a marketing zone that took it to North Carolina,<br />

central Pennsylvania, central Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas,<br />

which enables Keller to offer something drivers relish — home time.<br />

“Sixty-five percent of our drivers live within 50 miles of Defiance<br />

and the rest are in pockets that we serve heavily or are en route to<br />

our customers, which enables us to get them home frequently,” Bryan<br />

said. “We guarantee they are home every weekend if they sign up for<br />

our over-the-road fleet, and we have 30 percent of our drivers who are<br />

home every day. If we were undisciplined and ran all over the country,<br />

there’s no way we could guarantee our drivers get home as often as<br />

they do.”<br />

But he didn’t forget the need to diversify, and in addition to trucking,<br />

Keller now has Keller Freight Solutions (brokerage operations), Keller<br />

Packaging, and Keller Warehousing & Distribution.<br />

“About eight years into my career, I noticed an opportunity … to get<br />

into warehousing because some of the companies in Defiance were<br />

warehousing outside of Defiance and we were hauling their freight,”<br />

he said. “I thought if I put a warehouse building here I could keep the<br />

business in Defiance, so we built a 90,000-square-foot building in 1999<br />

and immediately had it filled. We built another building in 2000, another<br />

building in 2003, and another building in 2006 and immediately filled<br />

them up. “‘We Go Where You Grow’ is the tagline for our warehousing<br />

group and that’s why we are all over the country. This year, we closed<br />

Columbus, Ohio, but we opened Salt Lake City and Orlando, Florida,<br />

because our customers’ needs shifted.”<br />

Bryan said warehousing has helped the company become<br />

diversified. “The warehousing helped us to grow the trucking business<br />

and helped us get into freight brokering and expediting,” he explained.<br />

Keller has 5,000 carriers in its brokerage network. “That group can<br />

solve any problem a customer may have,” Bryan said. “We are going<br />

to find the most cost-efficient solution for the customer. Keller Freight<br />

Solutions has its own set of customers or can handle overflow of our<br />

current customers.”<br />

Keller Packaging is the company’s all-in-one source for staging,<br />

packaging and repackaging.<br />

Specialized equipment allows a customer to price, label, pack and<br />

wrap to many different specifications, from discount, multi/bonus, to<br />

warehouse club packs, to shippers and end-aisle displays.<br />

One thing is for certain with Bryan Keller and Keller Logistics Group:<br />

Status quo will never be a company motto.<br />

“We’ve always been growth-oriented and I feel like we need to be a<br />

bigger truck line to compete in this business and satisfy our customers<br />

with density and to diversify further,” he said. “I just bought a 40-truck<br />

fleet, so we are up to 175 tractors, and the goal by the end of the year is<br />

to be at 200 tractors and in two years to be at 300 tractors. It’s going to<br />

be really hard to thrive and survive as a small carrier. It’s just too risky,”<br />

he said. “Ever since I started with 20 trucks, I saw that as a risk, and<br />

not too long ago we were at 135 trucks and I saw that as a risk. I saw<br />

business we didn’t get because we weren’t big enough.”<br />

Continuing to grow will make Keller a stronger company that can<br />

weather any storm by having businesses in different sectors of the<br />

country, he said.<br />

Bryan is appreciative of the benefit of heading a family-owned<br />

business.<br />

“I always say the best thing about owning your own business is<br />

you run it to your values system and not somebody else’s,” Bryan said.<br />

“That benefits the customer, because if they know me and can look at<br />

our track record, they know the kind of job they are going to have done<br />

and they know there’s one person they can call who can allocate the<br />

resources and take care of any problem.<br />

“You deal with these larger carriers and can you get to the president<br />

and talk to them? Will he take your call? Will he care, no matter what<br />

size company you are? <strong>May</strong>be. But getting hold of Bryan Keller is very<br />

easy. We are the size company that it doesn’t take very long to realize<br />

something is going wrong. I had a customer call me the other day and<br />

say, ‘I’m sorry to bother you,’ and I said ‘no, this is what I do. If you are<br />

not satisfied with the way we are handling things, you call me and I’ll<br />

get to the bottom of it.’ Everybody knows I am accessible, and they<br />

know I care, and so they care. I’m not trying to build up sales or flip the<br />

business or make my board of directors happy. I’m here to make the<br />

customers happy, so our employees have satisfying careers and can<br />

support and raise their families here in little Defiance, Ohio.”<br />

That’s located in far, far northwest Ohio at the confluence of the<br />

Maumee and Auglaize rivers, with a population of 17,000 and two<br />

McDonalds.<br />

Ah yes, you remember your geography lesson well.<br />

Capacity Manager Aaron Patterson,<br />

left, and Fleet Manager Derek<br />

Gearhart review a route plan.<br />

Thomas E. Keller Trucking has 175<br />

power units.<br />

Brian Varner is a veteran professional<br />

truck driver and is a driver trainer.<br />

• Founded: 1978<br />

• TCA Member Since 2014<br />

• CEO: Bryan Keller<br />

• Chief Operating Officer: Nate<br />

Schaublin<br />

• VP: Aaron Keller<br />

• VP of Trucking: Jonathan Wolfrum<br />

• Director of Safety & Wellness:<br />

Bethanne Woodbury<br />

• 175 Power Units<br />

• 200 Drivers<br />

TCA <strong>2019</strong> www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org | TRUCKLOAD AUTHORITY 31

TCA HONORS 2018<br />


By Klint Lowry<br />

For most people, there are only a handful of instances in their lives that call for an act of<br />

heroism.<br />

“We’d all like to believe that if the situation presented itself, each of us would be able to step<br />

up and offer assistance to others in their time of need,” <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers Association Chairman<br />

Dan Doran said March 12 at the general session of the closing day of the <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers Association’s<br />

81st Annual Convention.<br />

With as much time as professional truck drivers spend out on the open road, they are more<br />

likely than most folks to come across fellow travelers who need help. And every year, the industry<br />

produces several stories of drivers who step up to offer their assistance.<br />

In 1997, TCA created the Highway Angels program “to improve the public’s image of the<br />

trucking industry by highlighting positive stories of professional truck drivers who display exemplary<br />

acts of kindness, courtesy, and courage while on the job,” Doran said. Thanks to the generosity<br />

of EpicVue, TCA is able to show their appreciation to the recipients.<br />

The Highway Angel program celebrates drivers and their stories of heroism throughout the<br />

year. One of these drivers is then chosen for special recognition at TCA’s annual convention as the<br />

Highway Angel of the Year.<br />

“EpicVue is honored to recognize these incredible professional truck drivers, who put themselves<br />

sometimes in great danger to help a fellow truck driver, a motorist, and even a small child<br />

who may be wandering alone in the dark,” said EpicVue CEO Lance Platt at this year’s Highway<br />

Angel of the Year presentation as he and recording artist Lindsay Lawler introduced this year’s<br />

recipient, Brian Snell, a regional trainer with Bangor, Maine-based Pottle’s Transportation.<br />

Lawler, the official spokesperson for the Highway Angel program, whose song “Highway<br />

Angel” is a tribute to the spirit of the program and to the drivers who personify that spirit, said<br />

Snell “is passionate about what he does, humble, and an overall brilliant example of what this<br />

program aims to highlight.”<br />

A brief video prior to the presentation described the early-morning rescue for which Snell<br />

was being honored. After the ceremony, he recalled the incident in his own words.<br />

Snell was driving on I-495 in Massachusetts at about 2:15 a.m. on June 8, 2018, when he<br />

saw the headlights of a vehicle driving the wrong way up ahead before it hit something and spun<br />

out to a stop. Snell stopped his truck in the middle of the road, blocking oncoming traffic from<br />

the crashed car.<br />

As other motorists stopped, Snell got out of his truck to assess the situation. The car’s front<br />

end was mangled, and the woman behind the wheel was unconscious.<br />

Snell is no stranger to emergency situations. He joined the Marines in 1989, but an injury<br />

sustained in boot camp curtailed his military career. After his discharge in 1992, he spent nearly<br />

five years as a paramedic in Nashua, New Hampshire, near his hometown of Merrimack, before<br />

becoming a sheriff’s department rescue worker.<br />

“I used to do a lot of high-angle rescue work,” Snell said. “It’s rope work. We were up on<br />

ledges, mountain work and all that.”<br />

Even in his spare time, Snell has done “a ton of volunteering,” he said, including rescue work<br />

on New Hampshire’s Mount Washington. At 6,288 feet, Mount Washington is the highest peak in<br />

the Northeast and part of the Appalachian Trail. It is popular with hikers, cyclists and gliders, but<br />

weather conditions can turn treacherous quickly.<br />

“And when the World Trade Center went down I wound up going to Ground Zero working<br />

search and rescue down there,” Snell added.<br />

Snell spent five days as a volunteer at Ground Zero “literally digging in the dirt and going<br />

through the pile itself.” He was among the many rescue workers who became casualties of the<br />

attack after the fact. Part of his diaphragm became paralyzed and he lost function in one lung due<br />

to the prolonged exposure to the particulate matter in the air at Ground Zero.<br />

“Obviously, after 911, law enforcement was out because of the disability with my lung,” Snell<br />

said.<br />

Snell was already on his way to becoming a full-time professional truck driver. “My grandfather<br />

for years told me to get my truck license,” Snell said. “I was like, ‘I don’t want to be a truck<br />

driver.’” But during an economic downturn he took his grandfather’s advice and started a gradual<br />

transition from emergency work into trucking.<br />

EpicVue CEO Lance Platt, left, and Highway Angel spokesperson and Nashville<br />

recording artist Lindsay Lawler present Brian Snell of Pottle’s Transportation<br />

with the Highway Angel of the Year award during the <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers<br />

Association’s 81st annual convention.<br />

In those early morning hours last June, Snell’s professional worlds came together when he<br />

came to the driver’s assistance.<br />

“The car was on fire,” he said. “I put the flames out with the fire extinguisher. Then I started<br />

working on her to make sure she was conscious and breathing and all that.”<br />

While he was doing that, he heard one of the other motorists who had stopped to help<br />

yelling some distance away that they “couldn’t get in.” That’s when Snell realized that another<br />

vehicle had been involved in the crash.<br />

“I thought she’d just bounced off the guardrail,” Snell said, but she had collided head-on<br />

with another car. He went over to the second car and saw the driver, a 32-year-old man, was<br />

dead inside.<br />

There was a dog inside the car, and Snell had to smash a window to get to it. As it happened,<br />

the first officer on the scene was a K-9 officer, so Snell left the dog in his care, then returned to the<br />

first car to help rescue workers extract the woman.<br />

He said when Highway Angel organizers first tried to contact him about honoring him for his<br />

efforts, he didn’t return their phone calls.<br />

“I don’t do what I do to be recognized, you know what I mean?” he said. “And finally my<br />

company got involved and said, ‘You got to call back.’”<br />

Barry Pottle, president of Pottle’s Transportation, said when he heard about the incident and<br />

how Snell performed in the emergency, he was impressed, but he wasn’t a bit surprised.<br />

“If you or I would have been in that situation, we would have been frantic,” Pottle said. But<br />

with Snell’s background and training, he had the knowhow and the experience to take charge of<br />

the scene. But even more so, Pottle said, this was a demonstration of character.<br />

“Brian’s just a great, unique person,” Pottle said. “He’s just calm, and cool and collected and<br />

he just has a way about him that he can just maintain himself and get the job done. He’s a great<br />

driver, he’s a great family man, and I think what he did that morning was unbelievable.”<br />

Being named a Highway Angel was an honor, Snell said. When he heard he had been named<br />

Highway Angel of the Year, he was “ecstatic,” but he admitted he’s had mixed emotions because of<br />

the circumstances around the incident.<br />

The woman in the first car was intoxicated at the time of the crash. She has been charged<br />

with vehicular homicide.<br />

“It’s a very bittersweet award to accept,” Snell said. “I’m literally being honored for saving<br />

someone who killed somebody.<br />

“Hopefully, she changes her ways.” he said.<br />

The Highway Angel of the Year was created to honor those drivers who best embody the<br />

spirit of the Highway Angel program. Snell, 50, has been doing rescue work of one kind or another,<br />

both professionally and as a volunteer, since he was on the American Red Cross Disaster Team<br />

in high school. That’s roughly 35 years of putting himself on the line to help others. He’s even<br />

delivered a baby along the roadside.<br />

Putting yourself out there for your fellow human beings is simply part of the values by which<br />

he was raised. “My whole family is community driven,” he said.<br />

“The Lord has always told everybody he wants us to be the Good Samaritan, and I don’t pass<br />

that up. Anybody I can help, I try to do anything I can for them.”<br />

32 TRUCKLOAD AUTHORITY | www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org TCA <strong>2019</strong>

TCA HONORS <strong>2019</strong><br />


By Klint Lowry<br />

These days, you can’t travel in trucking circles too long before the conversation turns to the interlinked<br />

topics of driver recruiting, driver retention and the driver shortage.<br />

While there are some who question the seriousness of that third issue, others argue that<br />

a growing shortage of qualified drivers is bearing down like a slow-approaching hurricane on an<br />

industry that is already contending with retention rates that executives in most industries would<br />

consider the stuff of nightmares.<br />

Across trucking, carriers are seriously assessing their practices and policies, not to mention their<br />

pay rates, realizing that unless and until it starts raining truck drivers, they are competing for an increasingly<br />

scarce resource. They not only need to have a good reputation in order to attract blue-chip<br />

drivers, but they have to live up to that reputation if they plan on keeping them.<br />

Of course, there are always some companies who are ahead of the game. In 2008, the <strong>Truckload</strong><br />

Carriers Association, in partnership with CarriersEdge, created Best Fleets to Drive For, an annual<br />

survey recognizing North American for-hire trucking companies that provide the best workplace<br />

experience for their drivers.<br />

At the opening general session of TCA’s 81st Annual Convention, Prime Inc. and Nussbaum<br />

Transportation were named the overall winners of the <strong>2019</strong> Best Fleets to Drive For awards.<br />

Prime Inc., headquartered in Springfield, Missouri, won the large-carrier category while Nussbaum<br />

Transportation, based in Hudson, Illinois, won the small-carrier category.<br />

The Best Fleets to Drive For survey and contest is open to any fleet operating 10 or more trucks.<br />

Fleets must be nominated by a company driver or independent contractor working with them. Once<br />

nominated, fleets are evaluated in areas such as driver compensation, pension and benefits, professional<br />

development, driver and community support, and safety record.<br />

The top 20 finalists are identified as Best Fleets to Drive For and then categorized into two<br />

groups based on their size. CarriersEdge CEO Jane Jazrawy explained that is how Nussbaum, which<br />

operates 400 tractors, was among the “small” fleets, relative to this year’s other nominees.<br />

Both Prime Inc. and Nussbaum Transportation have been named to the Best Fleets Top 20 multiple<br />

times, but this is the first time either has taken top honors.<br />

“For several years, these fleets have been catching our eye with their range of creative programs,”<br />

Jazrawy said. “Each year they continue to expand on those offerings, so it’s easy to see why<br />

their drivers speak so highly of them, and why they’re achieving such stellar results.”<br />

Jazrawy added that while both Prime and Nussbaum provide exceptional programs for their<br />

drivers, they also have impressive safety and retention numbers, and satisfaction scores well above<br />

90 percent.<br />

TCA President John Lyboldt said that both companies exemplify the kind of initiative and positive<br />

innovation the Best Fleets award is all about.<br />

“It’s imperative that fleets establish driver-centric offerings which attract and retain a skilled<br />

workforce, while establishing programs that improve the work-life balance for their employees,”<br />

Lyboldt said. “Prime Inc. and Nussbaum Transportation have done just that.”<br />

In its official recognition, TCA and CarriersEdge noted that even with a fleet of 7,200 tractors,<br />

Prime retains “the personal touch” through its committees and its social and educational offerings,<br />

which provide contractors with an ever-increasing range of options for personal and professional<br />

development.<br />

Later, at a reception for all the Best Fleets nominees, Prime Inc. President Robert Low, who<br />

founded the company in 1970, explained what the recognition means to him.<br />

“I think of all the awards out there, this has got to be right at the top,” Low said. “Because what’s<br />

more important than being recognized by drivers as a good fleet, in fact, the best fleet to drive for?”<br />

Prime Inc.’s company headquarters features an employee spa and workout facilities with inhouse<br />

fitness trainers. Low has long been known for joining his employees in pickup basketball<br />

games. Out on the road, Low said, the company operates on the philosophy that “the driver is the<br />

captain of the ship. If he feels tired or fatigued, if he wants to shut that truck down, he shuts it down,<br />

no questions asked.”<br />

Low indicated that because employee surveys play a large role in determining the Best Fleets,<br />

being named a winner means a lot to him on a personal level. “I’m really gratified that our drivers<br />

spoke well of us.”<br />

Brent Nussbaum, left, CEO of Nussbaum Transportation, and Robert Low,<br />

founder and president of Prime Inc., celebrate their companies having been<br />

named <strong>2019</strong>’s Best Fleets to Drive For at a reception during the <strong>Truckload</strong><br />

Carriers Association’s 81st Annual Convention.<br />

The award also struck a personal chord with Brent Nussbaum, CEO of Nussbaum Transportation.<br />

“We’re a family-owned company,” Nussbaum said. “My parents had a huge influence on the<br />

culture of the company.”<br />

Nussbaum’s father, Alden Nussbaum, founded the company back in 1945. “My father always<br />

said, ‘if you take care of your people, everything will take care of itself.’”<br />

That was his father’s favorite saying, Nussbaum said. This year will mark 40 years since Alden<br />

Nussbaum’s passing, but that saying and the character and integrity behind it continues to be the<br />

philosophical rudder that guides the company.<br />

“Through valuing people, it has helped us to understand the importance of recruiting and retaining<br />

drivers,” Nussbaum said.<br />

The proof in that has been in the company’s relatively low turnover rate. “Last year, we were<br />

right at 35 percent,” Nussbaum said. “This year, year-to-date, we’re about at 30 percent. Ultimately,<br />

we realize that our business is all about people.”<br />

The company has gone through many changes over the years, Nussbaum said, as it has adjusted<br />

to changing markets, and transitioned at the start of the 21st century from what was primarily<br />

a less-than-truckload carrier to full truckload and dedicated carriage.<br />

The company has been able to adapt and roll with the times, he said, because of the talented<br />

people on his staff, and that talent is appreciated.<br />

In its award presentation, TCA and Carriers Edge noted Nussbaum Transportation’s “industryleading<br />

scorecard and mobile app, a simple but effective driver outreach schedule, and a formal<br />

career path and certification program.”<br />

“Drivers don’t just want to drive down the road,” Nussbaum said, “they want to be recognized<br />

for what they do. We’ll always make our drivers feel like we’re listening and we care.”<br />

The 18 Best Fleets runners-up this year were American Central Transport, Kansas City, Missouri;<br />

Bennett Motor Express, McDonough, Georgia, Bison Transport, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; Boyle<br />

Transportation, Billerica, Massachusetts; Central Oregon Truck Co., Redmond, Oregon; Crete Carrier<br />

Corp., Lincoln, Nebraska; Epes Transport System, Greensboro, North Carolina; Erb Transport, New<br />

Hamburg, Ontario, Canada; FTC Transportation, Oklahoma City; Garner Trucking, Findlay, Ohio; Grand<br />

Island Express, Grand Island, Nebraska; Halvor Lines, Superior, Wisconsin; Landstar System, Jacksonville,<br />

Florida; Maverick Transportation, North Little Rock, Arkansas; Motor Carrier Service, Northwood,<br />

Ohio; Thomas E. Keller Trucking, Defiance, Ohio; TLD Logistics Services, Knoxville, Tennessee; and<br />

Transpro Freight Systems Limited, Milton, Ontario, Canada.<br />

In addition, Fortigo Freight Services, Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada; Leavitt’s Freight Service,<br />

Springfield, Oregon; Liberty Linehaul, Ayr, Ontario, Canada; Roehl Transport, Marshfield, Wisconsin;<br />

and TransLand, Strafford, Missouri received honorable mention as Fleets to Watch.<br />

For more information on the Best Fleets to Drive For program, follow the hashtag #BestFleets19<br />

on TCA’s Twitter and Facebook pages, or visit bestfleetstodrivefor.com.<br />

TCA <strong>2019</strong> www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org | TRUCKLOAD AUTHORITY 33


By Klint Lowry and Cliff Abbott<br />

Professional sports leagues have their MVPs, Hollywood has its Oscars.<br />

If you’re a professional truck driver, one of the most prestigious<br />

marks of recognition is to be named a <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers Association<br />

Driver of the Year.<br />

The grand finale of every TCA Annual Convention is the awards<br />

banquet, and nothing is awaited with more anticipation than the Driver<br />

of the Year presentation.<br />

“We all know these drivers,” said TCA Chairman Dan Doran, who<br />

emceed the awards ceremony at the 81st Annual Convention, “the<br />

ones who not only drive safely, but give back to their communities<br />

and enhance the image of trucking. The professional truck drivers I’m<br />

referencing make us proud to be a part of this great industry.”<br />

Two awards are given out each year: Company Driver of the Year<br />

and Owner-Operator of the Year. Finalists in the Driver of the Year Contests<br />

represent “the best of the best on our roads today,” Doran said.<br />

Just a few minutes later, Ester Nemeth was standing on the stage<br />

with her fellow finalists when she heard her name announced as the<br />

2018 Company Driver of the Year. A bit after that, Danny Jewell had<br />

the same experience, when he was named the 2018 Owner-Operator<br />

of the Year.<br />

A few weeks later, when <strong>Truckload</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> caught up with each<br />

of them, Nemeth and Jewell were still feeling the shockwaves of that<br />

moment they realized they’d been chosen for the awards.<br />

“It was surreal,” Nemeth said. “All I heard was ‘Ester’ and nothing<br />

else.”<br />

Jewell indicated the experience was similar for him, as well. “I’ve<br />

watched the video of the awards a few times to make sure I heard it<br />

right,” he said. Jewell’s propensity to slip a quip into the conversation<br />

became even more apparent when he was asked if he’d had time to<br />

consider what he might do with the $25,000 cash prize that comes<br />

with the Driver of the Year honor.<br />

Rest assured, he said, even though the convention was in Las Vegas,<br />

“One thing I didn’t do was any gambling.”<br />

While Nemeth admitted, “I loves my casinos,” she also admitted,<br />

“I’m kind of scared about the prize money.” She plans to take it slow<br />

in deciding what to do with it. Family is important to her, so it’s likely<br />

some of it will go to support some family time.<br />

“My great-nephew just turned 5,” she said. “<strong>May</strong>be we’ll go on a<br />

Disney Cruise.”<br />

Jewell said he doesn’t have any solid plans yet, either. “The $25,000 is<br />

really just starting to soak in now,” he said. Some of the money may find its<br />

way into a project already underway at the Jewell home, installing central<br />

air conditioning.<br />

“<strong>May</strong>be I’ll buy a camper when I retire,” he said.<br />

And when might that be? Well, he just turned 74, so “I have no idea,”<br />

he said. “God will let me know. <strong>May</strong>be another 10 years. I feel like the<br />

driving I do now, getting home every weekend, is like a part-time job.”<br />

But as for the cash part of the award, “To tell the truth, the recognition<br />

for my career and for 50 years with Warren Transport means more<br />

than the money,” he said.<br />

Nemeth echoed his sentiments. “The competition was so good,” she<br />

said. “There are so many good drivers out here. It’s great to be recognized.”<br />

In a way, the title “Driver of the Year” is something of a misnomer;<br />

given the criteria by which the award is bestowed, it is more of a lifetime<br />

achievement award.<br />

Danny Jewell, left, accompanied by Warren Transport, Inc. President<br />

James Schommer onstage at the <strong>Truckload</strong> Carrier Association’s 81st<br />

Annual Convention, can hardly believe his ears as he named 2018<br />

Owner-Operator of the Year.<br />

Finalists complete a lengthy nomination form, documenting<br />

their safety record and work history. They must<br />

also submit essays about their driving background, community<br />

involvement, and about the importance of staying<br />

healthy while on the road. Finalists must also submit<br />

reference letters from their company’s top executives and<br />

safety directors.<br />

Finalists for the Owner-Operator of the Year award<br />

must go the extra mile by submitting a financial statement<br />

and business plan.<br />

All of this is then reviewed by a four-member judging<br />

panel. The process considers all aspects of a driver’s career,<br />

past and present.<br />

In Jewell’s case, there’s a lot of past to consider. Last<br />

year he passed the 50-year threshold as a professional<br />

truck driver, and he’s logged more than 6 million accidentfree<br />

miles. He was also recently named the Iowa Motor<br />

Truck Association’s Truck Master Driver of the Year.<br />

A conversation with Jewell is like a trip to a trucking<br />

museum. He’s worked his entire career with Warren Transport,<br />

Inc. of Waterloo, Iowa. He started as a company driver<br />

in 1968, until he could afford his own truck and become an<br />

owner-operator in 1972.<br />

“I drove a 1971 International cabover with a 335 Cummins<br />

engine,” Jewell said. “I can’t remember for sure, but I<br />

think it was a 13-speed transmission.”<br />

Back in those days, he was away from home two or<br />

three months at a time, he said. “We had five children and<br />

we needed the money.”<br />

In his acceptance speech at the convention, Jewell<br />

pointed out it was Sharon, his wife of 55 years, who held<br />

up the home front and is responsible for the most important<br />

achievements — five children, 20 grandchildren, and<br />

four (soon to be five) great-grandchildren.<br />

Life on the road wasn’t what it is today, Jewell said. He<br />

started long before there were satellite units, cellphones or<br />

34 TRUCKLOAD AUTHORITY | www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org TCA <strong>2019</strong>


even pagers. “You needed to find a payphone and call dispatch,”<br />

he said, “and then wait by the phone for a call back. Sometimes,<br />

you waited a long time.”<br />

He remembered when his tractor was the first at Warren<br />

Transport to receive a Qualcomm unit. He was driving as a team<br />

with his wife at that time. “I liked it,” he said. “Some drivers were<br />

worried about their dispatcher knowing where they were all the<br />

time. I wanted them to know, so they could keep me loaded and<br />

moving.”<br />

Nemeth may not have the years or the mileage Jewell has,<br />

but give her time. A veteran driver of 26 years, the last 19 with<br />

Winnipeg, Manitoba-based Bison Transport, Nemeth has logged<br />

3.75 million accident-free miles, and she has no intention of going<br />

anywhere. She’s quite happy at Bison.<br />

“I feel like they spoil me,” she said. “The whole company has been<br />

very supportive.” Nemeth especially appreciates Bison’s approach to<br />

safety. “I like their policy that it’s my decision when to shut down for<br />

safety reasons,” she said. “There’s never any question.”<br />

Nemeth said she wanted to drive since she was a kid and she<br />

would see the trucks pass through her small town. The profession<br />

has lived up to her expectations. The trucking community “is<br />

like its own little family, its own little community,” she said. “It’s a<br />

wonderful way of life.”<br />

And it’s gotten even better over the years, Nemeth added.<br />

When she started driving, she drove team, and people would often<br />

overlook her and interact with her male partner.<br />

“But now they treat me like a driver, just like anybody else,<br />

which is good. I appreciate that.”<br />

The award itself was a milestone in that direction. Nemeth<br />

was the first woman to win Driver of the Year honors, and the first<br />

nominee for the award since 2005.<br />

“This is such an incredible and humbling honor to be here<br />

this evening,” she said in accepting the award. “With all the exceptional<br />

drivers in this industry, to be recognized is unbelievable.<br />

My love of driving and my commitment to safety are what<br />

brought me here tonight.”<br />

Nemeth and Jewell share some traits that could explain their<br />

respective success and longevity. Both understand the importance<br />

in staying fit on the road. Jewell is currently on a quest<br />

to lose 25 pounds after his physician said he’s close to a weight<br />

where a CPAP machine might be needed.<br />

“I try to walk 3 miles every day on the weekends and whenever<br />

I can when on the road,” he said.<br />

Nemeth participated in TCA’s inaugural Weight Loss Showdown<br />

in 2012. “It’s important that you are always thinking about<br />

how you represent yourself and the industry every day,” she said.<br />

And that’s not just in regard to how you look. Both drivers<br />

pointed to attitude and courtesy as areas where every driver can<br />

work harder.<br />

“We don’t have the best reputation out there,” she said.<br />

“Showing a little courtesy goes a long way toward making things<br />

better for everybody.”<br />

The three characteristics that make a professional truck driver<br />

truly professional, Jewell said, are “attitude, patience, respect.”<br />

“I see a lot of drivers with their hand draped over the steering<br />

wheel or even a foot propped up on the dash,” he said. “That<br />

shows a lack of attention.”<br />

One easy way to instantly be safer and more relaxed behind<br />

the wheel, Jewell said, is to control your speed. “My truck is set at<br />

70, and that’s fast enough,” he said. “These guys that try to race<br />

everybody just cause stress for themselves and everyone else.”<br />

Ester Nemeth, joined by Bison Transport director of Safety and<br />

Driver Development Garth Pitzel, later said it all became kind of a<br />

blur onstage as soon as she heard “Ester” come through the speakers<br />

as she was named the 2018 Company Driver of the Year.<br />

Jewell pointed out that drivers also need to remember they<br />

aren’t just representing the industry when they are behind the<br />

wheel, but when they get out of the cab, as well. “It irritates me<br />

more than anything to see a driver argue with a customer,” he<br />

said. “All it does is give the carrier and other drivers a bad name.”<br />

Just as Nemeth had mentioned that she had been fascinated<br />

with trucks since childhood, Jewell had also been drawn to the<br />

profession from an early age. These days, they share an interest<br />

in nurturing that interest in the next generation of drivers. In<br />

his acceptance speech, Jewell had mentioned that for the last<br />

few years, he’s been trying to figure out how to get more young<br />

people today interested in trucking.<br />

“It’s a great job, there are so many opportunities out there,”<br />

he said.<br />

When <strong>Truckload</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> spoke with Nemeth, she was in<br />

the jump seat of a truck on an isolated stretch of North Dakota<br />

highway. The past two years have been particularly rewarding,<br />

Nemeth said, since Bison recruited her in-house to be an in-cab<br />

trainer.<br />

“I love the open road,” she said as her trainee drove. “I like<br />

driving through the Dakotas and on I-29 and I-94.”<br />

It’s a peaceful ride, she said. And it’s gratifying to show the<br />

ropes to beginning drivers, especially when she can help women<br />

get an easier start in the industry than she did back in the late<br />

1980s.<br />

“I have learned as much from my trainees as I hope they have<br />

learned from me.”<br />

The Driver of the Year awards are presented by the TCA and<br />

its partners, Overdrive Magazine and Truckers News, and are<br />

sponsored by Love’s Travel Stops of Oklahoma City and by Cummins,<br />

Inc., of Columbus, Indiana.<br />

Runners-up this year in the Company Driver of the Year category<br />

were Donald Lewis of Wilson Logistics and David McGowan of<br />

WEL Companies, Inc. Owner-Operator of the Year runners-up were<br />

Kevin Kocmich, leased to Diamond Transportation System, Inc.;<br />

and Robert Roth, leased to Erb International, Inc. Each received<br />

prizes of $2,500.<br />

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Nearly 1,300 attendees — members, prospects, and guests —<br />

met in Sin City for the <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers Association’s 81st Annual<br />

Convention from March 9-13 at the Wynn Las Vegas Resort.<br />

The event started off with a well-attended Kickoff Reception Saturday<br />

evening followed by Sunday’s committee and board of directors<br />

meetings, numerous Trucking in the Round workshops, and the<br />

opening of the sold-out exhibition hall.<br />

On Monday, outgoing TCA Chairman Dan Doran spoke about<br />

how the association has “moved the needle” on issues critical to<br />

the trucking undustry; the Past Chairmen’s Award was bestowed<br />

upon Pottle’s Transportation’s Barry Pottle, and the overall winners in<br />

the <strong>2019</strong> Best Fleets to Drive For contest, Prime Inc. and Nussbaum<br />

Transportation, were announced. The keynote speaker was NFL Hall<br />

of Famer Steve Young.<br />

Monday evening, more than 200 attendees purchased lanes and/<br />

or individual tickets for an off-site event hosted by Freightliner —<br />

<strong>Truckload</strong> Strong — a fundraiser at Brooklyn Bowl on the Las Vegas<br />

Strip that raised $75,000.<br />

Tuesday morning’s jam-packed general session consisted of remarks<br />

from incoming Chairman Josh Kaburick; TCA President John<br />

Lyboldt; the announcement of the Lee J. Crittenden Award Winner,<br />

Jet Express, Inc.’s Kevin Burch; as well as 2018 Highway Angel of<br />

the Year, Pottle’s Transportation’s Brian Snell. Attendees also heard<br />

remarks from Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Administrator<br />

Ray Martinez and economic insight from CNBC’s Fast Money<br />

analyst and veteran Wall Street warrior Guy Adami.<br />

Later that afternoon, attendees had the opportunity to attend<br />

three panel discussions: Business Strategies to Leverage Growth<br />

in Today’s Marketplace; Strategic Vision to Tactical Execution; and<br />

Maximizing Data – Gaining a Competitive Edge.<br />

Tuesday evening, TCA held its Annual Awards Banquet, which<br />

featured the highly-anticipated 2018 Driver of the Year and Fleet<br />

Safety award presentations. To top off the evening, four Nashville recording<br />

artists, including TCA Highway Angel spokesperson Lindsay<br />

Lawler, captivated the audience by sharing the stories behind their<br />

chart-topping hits.<br />

1. Congratulations to TruckRight’s Lisa Kupar,<br />

who won a wooden engraved truck at the Kickoff<br />

Reception. Pictured with Kupar are Mike Kennelly<br />

(left) of Joe Marten & Son, Inc., and membership<br />

Co-Chairman Glynn Spangenber. Joe Marten &<br />

Son sponsored the reception.<br />

2. Attendees mingle during the TCA Membership<br />

Committee Kickoff Reception enjoying hors<br />

d’oeuvres, drinks and networking.<br />

3. TCA Chairman Dan Doran, TCA Highway<br />

Angel spokesperson and Nashville recording artist<br />

Lindsay Lawler, as well as Nashville recording<br />

artists Chris Roberts, Victoria Shaw and Marcus<br />

Hummon.<br />

2<br />

4. More than 200 attendees enjoyed<br />

a fun-filled evening at Brooklyn<br />

Bowl on the Vegas Strip.<br />

5. During the Chairman’s reception<br />

Tuesday evening, numerous<br />

confectionery treats were available.<br />

6. The Freightliner team poses<br />

for a photo in their custom bowling<br />

shirts during the Trucking Strong<br />

fundraiser.<br />

4<br />

5<br />

3<br />

6<br />

1<br />

36 TRUCKLOAD AUTHORITY | www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org TCA <strong>2019</strong>

12<br />

7 9<br />

13<br />

16<br />

10<br />

14<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

8 11<br />

7. During a general session, attendees heard from three panels led by<br />

trucking industry professionals.<br />

8. Former professional NFL quarterback Steve Young not only delivered<br />

a fun and insightful keynote address, but he also threw footballs into the<br />

audience during Monday’s general session. Special thanks to International<br />

Trucks for sponsoring the address.<br />

9. Two award presentations, dinner, dessert and a Night with the Songwriters<br />

were included at the banquet that concluded the convention.<br />

10. Attendees mingle during Tuesday evening’s reception prior to the<br />

Annual Awards Banquet at the Wynn Las Vegas.<br />

11. Panelists speak during the Managing Driver Turnover and Retention<br />

Trucking in the Round workshop.<br />

12. Guests attended a pre-banquet reception before the Annual Awards<br />

Banquet.<br />

13. Eddie and Melinda Wayland, Trevor Kurtz and Edgar McGonigal converse<br />

during a reception.<br />

14. Past TCA Chairman Rob Penner welcomes Outgoing Chairman Dan<br />

Doran to the TCA “Green Coat Club” Tuesday evening during the Annual<br />

Awards Banquet. A past chairman of TCA wears this jacket to TCA functions<br />

as a sign of their service to the association and the industry.<br />

15. Special thanks to Freightliner, the Monday night reception host.<br />

16. One sure-handed woman caught a football that was thrown by keynote<br />

speaker Steve Young during Monday’s general session.<br />

17. TCA thanks Pilot Flying J’s Wendy Hamilton for her service as its Communications<br />

& Image Policy Committee Co-Chair. Current Co-Chair Brenda<br />

Dittmer, left, presented Wendy with a plaque during Monday’s exhibition hall.<br />

18. Thanks to the sponsorship of DriverFacts, the bowling team who<br />

scored the most points during the <strong>Truckload</strong> Strong fundraiser won a large<br />

trophy and medallions. DriverFacts’ Mylene Patterson, second from left,<br />

congratulates PrePass’ Don Reeves, Randy Lairmore and Joeseph Soliz<br />

and WorkHound’s Daniel Gomez and Logan Pritchett.<br />

18<br />

15<br />

17<br />

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MAY/JUNE | TCA <strong>2019</strong><br />

Member Mailroom<br />

Is there an industry<br />

event where I can<br />

discuss human<br />

resource and safety<br />

management<br />

issues?<br />

Yes, there is! For 37 years, the <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers<br />

Association’s Safety & Security Division Annual Meeting has<br />

brought industry professionals together to discuss problems,<br />

share ideas and seek solutions to make their businesses and<br />

our roads safer.<br />

This year’s event is set for June 2-4 at the Guest House at<br />

Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee.<br />

Learn how you can establish and utilize a safety committee<br />

in your company, glean tips for how to close the gap between<br />

regulatory compliance and a true culture of safety within your<br />

organization, and more during educational workshops.<br />

Topics range from “The New World of CSA Changes,” to<br />

“Personal Safety in the Workplace,” to “The Deep Dive into<br />

Data,” and more.<br />

New this year, listen as TCA Vice President of Government<br />

Affairs David Heller talks with a Federal Motor Carrier Safety<br />

Administration representative during the “FMCSA Fireside Chat.”<br />

The two will discuss how the administration is prioritizing its<br />

work, particularly the updates to Hours of Service regulations<br />

and federal preemption of state meal and rest break laws. The<br />

chat will be moderated by SiriusXM radio personality and Road<br />

Dog Trucking’s Mark Willis.<br />

The highly popular “Safety in the Round” sessions will draw<br />

from the knowledge of attendees to solve common safety<br />

management and human-resource problems. Topics typically<br />

include workers’ compensation issues, employee/employer<br />

communication, improving driver hiring procedures and others.<br />

In addition to specialized educational sessions, attendees can<br />

take part in several networking opportunities, learn about the<br />

latest products and services in the exhibition hall, and attend<br />

a first-timers’ orientation, receptions, as well as several meals.<br />

As a benefit of your TCA membership, you’re also a member<br />

of our Safety & Security Division.<br />

Visit www.truckload.org to view the event program and to<br />

register. Have a new product or service to share? Email TCA@<br />

truckload.org to reserve booth space.<br />

Join the conversation by using the hashtag #TCASafety19 on<br />

social media networks.<br />

38 TRUCKLOAD AUTHORITY | www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org TCA <strong>2019</strong>


SMALL<br />



TALK<br />

Chairman’s Farewell Address<br />

Speaking of the commitment it takes to serve as chairman of the <strong>Truckload</strong><br />

Carriers Association, outgoing Chairman Dan Doran said: “You need to<br />

show up, engage, participate and speak up. And I am proud to say that I have<br />

done exactly that.”<br />

And while other chairmen have likewise become engaged, have spoken<br />

up and shown up, perhaps not all can say they showed up at such an early<br />

age. Doran remembers his first trucking convention was “right here in Las<br />

Vegas at the Sahara when I was 6 years old.”<br />

And just like the young Doran matured as he grew older, he’s seen TCA<br />

mature, a process, he added, that has recently accelerated within the four<br />

walls of its Alexandria, Virginia, headquarters.<br />

And he got personal during his farewell speech during TCA’s 81st annual<br />

convention in Las Vegas.<br />

“In essence,” he told TCA members and staff, “we in this very room are<br />

<strong>Truckload</strong> Strong.”<br />

Describing the Call On Washington as an example of how TCA has not just<br />

grown but excelled, Doran said during last year’s Call On Washington event,<br />

“we not only walked through those doors, we blew them off the hinges.”<br />

For example, he pointed to how TCA’s presence on Capitol Hill went from<br />

32 attendees the first year in 2017 to 50 in 2018, and from 75 meetings in<br />

2017 to more than 250 visits with legislators and their staff members in<br />

2018.<br />

The story of truckload still needs to be told, he stressed, but TCA no longer<br />

requires an introduction.<br />

During his many and varied speaking engagements throughout the past<br />

year, Doran has referred to TCA and its endeavors “as epic, monumental and<br />

impactful,” but now he realizes that “those words are not adequate to describe<br />

the driven mentality of this association, its members and staff to challenge<br />

the status quo and dare to change.”<br />

He credits President John Lyboldt for much of TCA’s recent progress but<br />

noted that the headway being made now wouldn’t have been possible without<br />

the path that has been blazed by past members and chairmen.<br />

“They have laid the blueprint for success of this association and we have<br />

TCA Chairman Dan Doran, in his address at the annual convention,<br />

applauded the work of TCA, which he said had<br />

“moved the needle on sleeper berth flexibility, F4A federal<br />

preemption and infrastructure” and continues to provide<br />

data on ELD use and recognize the devices as instruments<br />

“that redefine how we see our drivers’ day.”<br />

all served as witnesses to their efforts,” Doran added. TCA has “moved the<br />

needle on sleeper berth flexibility, F4A federal preemption and infrastructure”<br />

and continues to provide data on ELD use and recognize the devices as instruments<br />

“that redefine how we see our drivers’ day.”<br />

Doran also mentioned the TCA Profitability Program, which has grown<br />

to nearly 100 participants who share principles that make their businesses<br />

more profitable than ever before. He added that the FreightWaves partnership<br />

with TCA has generated more than 2,000 individual requests to sign up.<br />

These members not only want to improve their fleets’ performance metrics<br />

but “to lead with it,” he said of the program’s success. All of these examples<br />

are part of “a monumental shift in the way our association operates and the<br />

messages it delivers,” Doran noted.<br />

“How does an association which has been around for more than 80 years<br />

get to a prime position that it’s never been in before?” Doran asked. “Desire,”<br />

he answered.<br />

“We are this way because our segment of the industry wants us to be<br />

here and is willing to work for it, demonstrated by the mere fact that we, as a<br />

segment, represent roughly 75 percent of the freight that is moved by truck<br />

in this nation.”<br />

He predicted that over the next five years TCA membership will double in<br />

size and that the association will become a driving force, the likes of which<br />

has never been seen before.<br />

He added that the association is not a business that strives for average,<br />

but one that succeeds in its endeavors and “looks for greatness.”<br />

It’s not just a matter of setting new challenges, he said, it’s a matter of<br />

ensuring “that the challenges we set go far enough.”<br />

“Thanks for allowing me to be part of the transformation,” Doran<br />

concluded.<br />

Carriers Recognized for Hauling<br />

The Wall That Heals<br />

During the <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers Association’s 81st Annual Convention in Las<br />

Vegas last month, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) recognized<br />

the efforts of TCA members who volunteered their time and equipment to<br />

haul The Wall That Heals in 2018. The presentation was made by VVMF’s Director<br />

of Outreach Tim Tetz during Sunday’s Board of Directors meeting.<br />

“Our partnership with TCA allowed us to bring the names of the more than<br />

58,000 service members inscribed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial home<br />

to hundreds of thousands of visitors in 2018,” Tetz said. “Leading the way<br />

into each of the 38 communities we visited was a truck owned and operated<br />

by a TCA member showing their dedication and commitment to America’s<br />

veterans.”<br />

The following TCA-member companies were recognized:<br />

• Barber Trucking, Inc., of Brookville, Pennsylvania<br />

• Baylor Trucking, Inc., of Milan, Indiana<br />

• Dart Transit Co. of Eagan, Minnesota<br />

• Diamond Transportation System, Inc., of Racine, Wisconsin<br />

• Don Hummer Trucking, Inc., of Oxford, Iowa<br />

• Halvor Lines, Inc. of Superior, Wisconsin<br />

• Load One, LLC of Taylor, Michigan<br />

• P. I. & I. Motor Express, Inc., of Hubbard, Ohio<br />

• Wil-Trans of Springfield, Missouri<br />

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SMALL<br />



TALK<br />

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund’s Director of Outreach<br />

Tim Tetz, in middle, presents a token of appreciation to carriers<br />

who transported The Wall That Heals in 2018 during the Sunday,<br />

March 10 Board of Directors meeting in Las Vegas. Others pictured<br />

from left are Load One CEO John Elliott; Diamond Transportation<br />

System President Jon Coca; Wilson Logistics CEO Darrel Wilson;<br />

and TCA Chairman and Searcy Specialized President Dan Doran.<br />

The Wall That Heals exhibit is hauled in a 53-foot trailer and includes a<br />

three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and a mobile<br />

education center. With the help of TCA’s partnership and the companies mentioned<br />

above, the traveling exhibit honors the men and women who served<br />

and sacrificed their lives in the Vietnam War.<br />

Trucking companies are needed to haul The Wall That Heals in <strong>2019</strong>. Interested<br />

companies can complete an online interest form at vvmf.org/haulthe-wall.<br />

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund is the nonprofit organization that<br />

built the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., in 1982. VVMF is<br />

dedicated to honoring and preserving the legacy of service in America and<br />

educating all generations about the impact of the Vietnam War and era<br />

through programs, ceremonies and education materials. To learn more about<br />

VVMF, visit www.vvmf.org or call (202) 393-0090.<br />

Lee J. Crittenden Award<br />

The Professional Truck Driver Institute, Inc. (PTDI) has presented its highest<br />

honor, the Lee J. Crittenden Award, to Kevin Burch, president of Jet Express,<br />

Inc., based in Dayton, Ohio.<br />

The award ceremony took place during the <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers Association’s<br />

81st Annual Convention in Las Vegas. TCA managed PTDI until 2016.<br />

The award is sponsored by Cengage Learning of Boston.<br />

“Kevin has been a true champion of PTDI’s mission,” said Past TCA<br />

Chairman and Past PTDI Chairman Ray Haight during the awards presentation.<br />

“His support of highly-skilled, safe and professional drivers has<br />

spanned 45 years in our industry including truckload, less-than-truckload,<br />

air freight and consolidation.”<br />

As president of Jet Express, Burch oversees a company that handles<br />

400 truckloads per day throughout the United States, primarily<br />

for the “just-in-time” automotive industry.<br />

While certainly a challenge, the emphasis Burch places on highquality<br />

drivers and service has not been overlooked, earning Jet Express<br />

numerous customer service awards.<br />

Outside of Jet Express, Burch has been a tireless and immensely respected<br />

voice supporting truck drivers and the industry. A past chairman of<br />

TCA and the American Trucking Associations, Burch’s advocacy extends to<br />

the Trucking Moves America Forward initiative, and he also is a trustee of the<br />

Ohio Trucking Association.<br />

Burch has helped rally efforts within the carrier community to recognize<br />

and support PTDI’s standards for driver training and encourage carriers to<br />

hire from PTDI schools. Recognizing a need in the industry, Burch has also<br />

From left, Past TCA Chairman and Past PTDI Chairman Ray<br />

Haight, Lee J. Crittenden Award recipient, and Jet Express, Inc.<br />

President Kevin Burch, and Kim Richardson, owner of PTDIcertified<br />

school, KRTS Transportation Specialists, Inc.<br />

provided a key voice for the development of PTDI’s new Driver Finishing<br />

certification.<br />

“PTDI expresses its gratitude to Kevin for his passion and commitment<br />

to bringing good drivers into the business and keeping them,” Haight said.<br />

The Crittenden Award is named after Lee Crittenden, a staunch supporter<br />

of PTDI until his death in <strong>April</strong> 1998. Crittenden was passionate about promoting<br />

a positive image of the nation’s professional truck drivers and was<br />

largely responsible for the creation of America’s Road Team. He also initiated<br />

a scholarship program for drivers who participate in the National Truck Driving<br />

Championships. He was one of PTDI’s founders, serving on the board of<br />

directors as finance chairman during PTDI’s infancy.<br />

PTDI is a nonprofit organization established to develop uniform entrylevel<br />

truck driver training and motor carrier driver finishing standards. Widely<br />

known as the gold standard for truck driver training, PTDI helps organizations<br />

fully prepare their drivers for the responsibility of operating a heavy-duty vehicle<br />

on our roadways.<br />

Headquartered in Aurora, Colorado, PTDI certified training courses can be<br />

found at 57 schools in 19 states, Canada, and Germany.<br />

Past Chairmen’s Award<br />

The <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers Association has bestowed its prestigious<br />

Past Chairmen’s Award upon Barry Pottle, president of Pottle’s<br />

Transportation, Inc. of Hermon,<br />

Maine. He was recognized during<br />

the general session at the<br />

TCA’s 81st Annual Convention<br />

recently in Las Vegas.<br />

Pottle purchased Pottle’s<br />

Transportation from his father,<br />

founder Clifton Pottle, in 1988<br />

after working for the truckload<br />

motor carrier for five years.<br />

He guided its growth from an<br />

11-truck fleet to its current<br />

size of more than 180 trucks<br />

and 575 trailers with terminals<br />

in Bangor and Fairfield, Maine,<br />

as well as Allentown, Pennsylvania.<br />

Pottle Transportation, Inc.’s<br />

Barry Pottle started in trucking<br />

in 1978 and served as TCA<br />

chairman 2006-2007. He is currently<br />

chairman of the American<br />

Trucking Associations.<br />

Pottle is also an owner and/<br />

or co-owner of five other companies,<br />

all of which involve the<br />

transportation industry, including<br />

a Volvo-Mack dealership and a<br />

warehousing business.<br />

In addition to serving as TCA<br />

40 <strong>Truckload</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> | www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org TCA <strong>2019</strong>

The road to<br />

chairman in 2006-07, Pottle is currently chairman of the American<br />

Trucking Associations and previously served as chairman of the Truck<br />

PAC as well as the Maine Motor Transport Association and Maine Truck<br />

PAC.<br />

Additionally, Pottle is a past chairman of The Pine Tree Chapter of<br />

American Red Cross, a supporter of the Hermon Schools, Camp Jordan,<br />

Anah Temple Shrine, Cancer Care of Maine and Wreaths Across America.<br />

“When I started trucking in 1978, I never thought I’d be where I am today,<br />

being able to serve as chairman of the Maine Motor Transport Association,<br />

the <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers Association and now the American Trucking Associations,”<br />

Pottle said. “The Past Chairmen’s Award is one of the biggest highlights<br />

of my career because my peers are who chose me.”<br />

Pottle credits three men who had a big influence on his life as he progressed<br />

through the ranks of TCA and ATA. “Mac McCormick, who passed<br />

away in a plane crash in October of 2006, as well as Bob Baylor and Tom<br />

Kretsinger, all had a big role in me becoming chairman,” he said. “All three of<br />

those gentlemen have received this award. Just to be in a league with them<br />

has meant so much to me. Two others are Clifton Parker and Don Freymiller.<br />

For a young guy starting his career in trucking working his way up through<br />

and having his peers you work with and are friends with to pick you for such<br />

an award, is a great honor. I’m very blessed.”<br />

The Past Chairmen’s Award is TCA’s highest honor. Recipients are leaders<br />

who have made a significant contribution to the business community,<br />

the trucking industry and the Association.<br />

Christmas Tree Awards<br />

Central Oregon Truck Company of Redmond, Oregon; Searcy Specialized<br />

of Harrison, Ohio; and Meritor, Inc., of Kansas City, Missouri, were recognized<br />

for their contributions to the 2018 U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree program during<br />

the Communications & Image Policy Committee meeting at the <strong>Truckload</strong><br />

Carriers Association’s 81st Annual Convention in Las Vegas.<br />

Searcy Specialized and Meritor, Inc. each received a “2018 Whistle Stop<br />

Award,” while the 2018 Best Fleets to Drive For Small Carrier Category Winner,<br />

Central Oregon Truck Co., was presented an inaugural award — the<br />

“2018 Joyous Journey Award” — for making the tree’s journey possible.<br />

For the last 38 years, a special tree has been harvested from a U.S.<br />

national forest and transported across the country to the grounds of the<br />

U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Along the way, the tree makes “whistle<br />

stops” at local communities and military bases, which allows the public<br />

to view “The People’s Tree” while also shining a spotlight on the trucking<br />

protecting<br />

your fleet<br />

During TCA’s Communications & Image Policy Committee<br />

meeting on Sunday, March 10, three TCA member carriers<br />

were honored with 2018 Whistle Stop Awards in recognition of<br />

their contributions to the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree program.<br />

Pictured from left are Central Oregon Truck Company CEO<br />

Rick Williams; TCA Communications & Image Policy Committee<br />

Co-Chair Lisa Spangenberg; Searcy Specialized Safety and<br />

Compliance Administrator Jean Mason; and TCA Communications<br />

& Image Policy Committee’s Co-Chair Brenda Dittmer.<br />

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industry that makes the immense tree’s journey possible.<br />

In November 2018, an 80-foot noble fir was harvested from the Willamette<br />

National Forest in Oregon. The tree began its 3,000-mile trek through<br />

two dozen communities across the country, including the Harrison, Ohio, town<br />

square, where more than 3,000 locals turned out in freezing temperatures,<br />

and the Kansas City Union Station event, where hundreds took the opportunity<br />

to view the tree. To see photos from these whistle stops, visit www.<br />

truckload.org/Flickr.<br />

The Carson National Forest in New Mexico will provide the <strong>2019</strong> U.S. Capitol<br />

Christmas Tree.<br />

For more information about the initiative, visit capitolchristmastree.com.<br />

Highway Angels<br />

Jacob Elkins, John Gubaci, Christopher Lemaire, Melby Millirans, Demetrice<br />

Reeves and Donald Wood have been named Highway Angels for their<br />

willingness to stop at the scene of an accident or other traffic incident and<br />

render aid until emergency services arrived.<br />

On <strong>May</strong> 23, 2018, Elkins, who lives in<br />

Joplin, Missouri, and who is a professional<br />

truck driver for CFI, also of Joplin, was driving<br />

from the eastern side of Effingham, Illinois,<br />

on I-70 when he came across a semi-truck<br />

nose down in a ditch. Elkins, the first person<br />

to arrive on the scene, safely pulled over to<br />

the shoulder. He noticed it was a fellow CFI<br />

truck. Immediately he went to the cab to try<br />

and help the driver. Elkins said that the fellow<br />

driver could not talk and was very weak. “He<br />

was breathing heavily, so I called 911 and dispatch,”<br />

Elkins said. “He didn’t want to move<br />

because he was too weak, but he was able to<br />


tell me his name was Stanley Rowe.”<br />

Elkins told the driver that he would stay<br />

with him until emergency personnel arrived.<br />

Elkins then called CFI to notify operations and the safety department. A representative<br />

with CFI said that Elkins was a huge help not only to Rowe, but to<br />

everyone at CFI for relaying information and details on the man’s condition.<br />

“I’ve been driving since I was 21 years old,” Elkins said. “I’ve seen trucks<br />

rolled over, stuck in ditches, fatalities and close calls. Just a few months ago<br />

a woman in front of me rolled her car and I had to cut her out through the<br />

windshield. You drop what you’re doing and go at first instinct, even though<br />

you might lose time or miles.”<br />

Gubaci, of Calhoun, Georgia, is a professional truck driver for ABF Freight<br />

System of Fort Smith, Arkansas, and is being honored for his willingness to<br />

stop and assist a stranded motorist whose vehicle caught fire.<br />

One evening in <strong>May</strong> 2018, around 6 p.m., Gubaci was getting ready to<br />

end his day. He was driving near Dalton, Georgia, on the 150 Connector 3 SW<br />

when he saw smoke ahead of him. It was blue, indicating a car fire.<br />

As he approached the scene, he could see a car pulled over to the side<br />

of the road with a woman standing on the shoulder. Flames were coming<br />

from underneath the hood of her car. Without hesitation, he pulled over to<br />

the shoulder, grabbed his fire extinguisher, and<br />

rushed over to extinguish the fire, which was<br />

between the motor and firewall.<br />

“I got this,” Gubaci assured the woman,<br />

who was quite visibly upset. “It was flaming<br />

pretty good by the time I arrived,” Gubaci said.<br />

“As I worked on the fire, the woman called<br />

911.” She told Gubaci she had been driving<br />

along when she heard a pop, so she pulled<br />

over and a moment later her car was on fire.<br />

Gubaci said he figured it was an oil fire. After<br />

he extinguished the flames the woman called<br />


911 again and told them the fire was out. She<br />

also phoned someone to come and pick her up.<br />

“I waited with her for 10-15 minutes to make sure the flames didn’t start<br />

up again,” Gubaci recalled. The woman gave him a hug and thanked him for<br />

stopping to help her. While other drivers slowed down, no one else stopped.<br />

Gubaci has been driving for 25 years and has worked with ABF Freight<br />

System since 2006. He’s happy to say although he has come across a number<br />

of accidents, he has never been involved in one himself. He says he tries to<br />

drive safely and look out for the other person at all times.<br />

Lemaire, of Erath, Louisiana, a professional truck driver for Revere Transportation<br />

of Akron, Ohio, has been recognized for his willingness to stop and<br />

help after witnessing a vehicle lose control on icy roads and flip multiple<br />

times, ejecting the driver and a passenger.<br />

As a former highway patrol officer,<br />

Lemaire has seen the outcomes of many<br />

bad traffic accidents. On February 11, he<br />

witnessed one. He was on his way to New<br />

York to deliver a load. At the time, he was<br />

northbound on Interstate 35 in Kansas. The<br />

air temperature had dropped drastically from<br />

58 degrees that afternoon. By 6 p.m. there<br />

was freezing rain, making the roads icy. As<br />

he traveled north, he noticed the headlights<br />

of a car in a southbound lane, moving left<br />

and right. “I knew he was in trouble,” Lemaire<br />

said. “He was skidding out of control.”<br />

The car hit a culvert in the median, sending<br />

it airborne. The car hit the ground at an angle,<br />

smashing the driver’s side window, and rolling<br />

several times: Lemaire counted five. He<br />

watched, helplessly, as the driver was ejected. On the last rollover, a second<br />

person was ejected.<br />

Lemaire responded immediately, but the time it took to safely slow from<br />

highway speeds put him nearly a mile away from the accident. He grabbed<br />

his coat and ran back to the accident scene. When he arrived, the driver was<br />

standing up and trying to walk. His pants were badly torn and Lemaire could<br />

see he likely had a broken leg. He sat him down then rushed over to the passenger.<br />

Another car arrived and Lemaire asked the driver to call 911 and stay<br />

with the injured driver. Lemaire tried to calm the second man as he checked<br />

him for gashes and broken bones. He stayed at the scene and helped as<br />

much as he could and also wrote a statement as a witness to the accident. “It<br />

weighed on me the next day,” Lemaire said. “I wondered if they were going<br />

to be okay. Sometimes when people are ejected like that, they suffer internal<br />

injuries that can be fatal.”<br />

“Chris has been working with us for quite some time,” said Revere Transportation<br />

Fleet Manager Christina Applegate. “He is an exemplary model<br />

driver for our company and we feel he was very courageous for the actions<br />

he took that night.”<br />

In addition to his background as a highway patrol officer, Lemaire has<br />

been a truck driver off and on since he was 21 years old.<br />

Millirans, of Twin Lake, Michigan, is a professional truck driver for RM<br />

Trucking of Hudsonville, Michigan. He is being recognized for willingness to<br />

stop and render aid after a motorist fell asleep at the wheel, veered off the<br />

road and crashed.<br />

It was 1:30 a.m. and Millirans was on<br />

Interstate 75 heading north out of Ocala,<br />

Florida, on his way home to Michigan. There<br />

was not much traffic and Millirans was settling<br />

in for a quiet ride. Just then, an SUV<br />

traveling ahead of him at a high rate of speed<br />

suddenly careened left toward the guardrail.<br />

Millirans took his foot off the gas. The SUV<br />

then swerved sharply to the right. The vehicle<br />

didn’t slow as it ran off the road, down a<br />

steep embankment, and crashed into a row<br />

of trees. Millirans pulled over. He doubted<br />

anyone had survived the ferocius crash.<br />

Millirans called 911. As he grabbed<br />

a flashlight, he told the operator he was<br />




42 <strong>Truckload</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> | www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org TCA <strong>2019</strong>

hands-free and was running back to check on the car. The horn was blaring<br />

and through the heavy smoke he could see the dazed driver trying to get out<br />

of the car. The motorist had severely broken his leg and his foot was nearly<br />

severed. Blood was gushing from the man’s leg. As the 911 operator told<br />

Melby what to do, the anguished driver told him he had fallen asleep. He<br />

begged him to check on his daughter, who was in the backseat. As a father<br />

himself, Millirans dreaded what he might see. He opened the door and found<br />

a young girl, 9, with a large contusion on her head. She was conscious and<br />

told him her name. As Millirans checked her for other wounds another driver<br />

appeared and reached under the hood, to shut off the blaring horn, which<br />

eased some of the tension.<br />

Millirans helped calm the driver as paramedics worked on him. At one<br />

point, the man passed out. Afterward, Millirans had to take a moment before<br />

getting back on the road. “I wondered if they would be all right,” he said. “The<br />

little girl had been crying in pain, especially when they put her on the gurney.”<br />

Thinking of his own family, the professional truck driver called home.<br />

“When I’m driving along, I rehearse what I might do if something happened,”<br />

Millirans said. “I think doing that helped me that night. I didn’t panic.<br />

You get your thoughts together. You figure out where you’re at, call 911, and<br />

grab a flashlight.”<br />

Although Millirans has a dedicated run from Michigan to Coral Springs,<br />

Florida, that particular week he was sent on a slightly different route through<br />

Florida. “It just so happened that the time I’m on that route, I see that kind of<br />

accident,” he said.<br />

Reeves, of Kissimmee, Florida, a professional truck driver for Stevens<br />

Transport of Dallas, is being recognized for his quick actions in preventing an<br />

accident when his student driver passed out behind the wheel.<br />

At 2:30 p.m. on December 16, 2018, Reeves and his student driver were<br />

on Interstate 74 in Illinois, about a day and a half out from delivering a load<br />

to Pompano, Florida. The student driver was in his<br />

fifth week of training and was driving well. However,<br />

the day before, he hadn’t been feeling well,<br />

complaining of fatigue.<br />

“We stopped for the night so he could get<br />

some sleep,” Reeves said. The next day after<br />

lunch, the student driver once again mentioned<br />

he wasn’t feeling well. “After a break, when we<br />

were back on the road, he began slowing down<br />

as we approached a curve,” Reeves said. “As I<br />

looked over at him, his head suddenly flopped to<br />

the left and he went into seizure-like convulsions<br />

with his hand locked onto the steering wheel.”<br />

Reeves quickly grabbed the wheel. “Thankfully,<br />

when he passed out, his foot relaxed off<br />


REEVES<br />

the gas and as the truck slowed, I was able to start pulling the brakes from<br />

the side just enough to continue slowing the truck down,” he said. As the<br />

truck came to a stop, Reeves undid the student driver’s seatbelt, grabbed the<br />

260-pound man, pulled him out of the driver’s seat to the space between the<br />

two front seats, and climbed over him. Once in the driver’s seat, he safely<br />

pulled the truck and trailer off the road. Reeves called 911 and directed emergency<br />

personnel to his location. The student driver was taken to the hospital.<br />

Reeves says after he calmed down from the adrenaline that rushed<br />

through his system that day, he realized just how lucky he and the student<br />

driver were. “He was driving well and I trusted him to drive,” Reeves said.<br />

“But I thought I should keep an eye on him since he hadn’t been feeling well.”<br />

Later, Reeves took an Uber to the hospital to check on the man and take him<br />

his belongings before getting back on the road. Reeves says he was able to<br />

deliver the load to Pompano, unharmed and on time.<br />

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His coworkers congratulated Reeves on his ability to react quickly under<br />

extreme circumstances — a life or death situation — that likely saved his<br />

student’s life as well as his own and those of other motorists. “It makes me<br />

feel good about my job,” he said. “You just have to keep the wheels down<br />

and be safe.”<br />

Wood, who lives in Fort Smith, Arkansas, is a<br />

professional truck driver for ABF Freight System,<br />

also of Fort Smith. He is being recognized for his<br />

willingness to help an elderly man whose vehicle<br />

went off the road during a blinding snowstorm.<br />

In the morning hours of January 12, <strong>2019</strong>,<br />

Wood was waiting out a blizzard in Liberal, Kansas,<br />

a town of about 20,000 just off Highway 54.<br />

The roads were closed in the area and the temperature<br />

was hovering around 18 degrees. Wood<br />

had pulled his truck into a motel parking lot and<br />

was waiting for the weather to clear so he could<br />


head home to Albuquerque, New Mexico, some<br />

380 miles away. As he waited, he happened to<br />

see headlights in the snow perhaps 100 yards<br />

away, but they weren’t moving.<br />

“I knew something was wrong,” Wood said. He got out of his truck<br />

and trudged across the road, bracing himself against the heavy winds and<br />

blowing snow. He discovered a small pickup truck with a camper trailer<br />

stuck in a snowdrift. Wood thought he was in a parking lot but it turned out<br />

he was on a playground, next to a children’s slide. Inside the pickup was<br />

an elderly man and his dog. “He was so happy to see me,” Wood said. “He<br />

said he didn’t know where he was and he was afraid he’d freeze to death<br />

out there.” The man told Wood he was headed to Kansas City when he got<br />

caught in the storm. “I told him I’d stay with him and get him out.” Wood<br />

found a broken shovel at the motel and worked for over an hour to release<br />

the pickup’s tires from the impacted snow. He then directed the elderly man<br />

to move his vehicle to the motel’s parking lot and to go inside to warm up<br />

and wait out the storm.<br />

The man thanked Wood and offered to pay him for helping him but Wood<br />

refused. “It’s hard to see someone stuck in those kinds of conditions,” he<br />

said. “I just wanted to help him. As a truck driver, the people we meet along<br />

the way are all potential customers for the trucking industry. It’s important for<br />

us to show up as a positive role model and help where we can.”<br />

For their willingness to assist his fellow drivers, TCA has presented the<br />

Highway Angels with a certificate, patch, lapel pin, and truck decals. Since<br />

the program’s inception in August 1997, hundreds of drivers have been recognized<br />

as Highway Angels for the exemplary kindness, courtesy, and courage<br />

they have displayed while on the job. EpicVue sponsors TCA’s Highway<br />

Angel program.<br />

<strong>Truckload</strong> Strong Fundraiser<br />

On Monday, March 11, more than 200 of TCA’s 81st Annual Convention<br />

attendees gathered to raise more than $75,000 at the Brooklyn Bowl on the<br />

Las Vegas Strip.<br />

During the <strong>Truckload</strong> Strong fundraiser, bowlers and non-bowlers alike,<br />

had the opportunity to “strike” up conversations with other industry professionals,<br />

“split” their night between bowling and entertainment, and were encouraged<br />

to “spare” a moment to fuel the future of truckload.<br />

Thanks to the generosity of Freightliner, all proceeds raised will help support<br />

and elevate TCA’s major initiatives and programs.<br />

Lanes, which accommodated up to eight bowlers and individual tickets,<br />

were available to purchase prior to the event. On-site donations were accepted<br />

for “<strong>Truckload</strong> Strong” commemorative, flashing 16-ounce cups.<br />

Thanks to TCA Member DriverFacts, attendees were able to compete for<br />

the Highest Team Score Award. Congratulations to members of the PrePass/<br />

WorkHound team as they secured winner medallions.<br />

The three-hour event featured a DJ who accepted requests via text, as<br />

well as food carving stations, networking areas, a cigar rolling station, and<br />

more.<br />

Jake Einwechter bowls during the <strong>Truckload</strong> Strong fundraiser<br />

event at Brooklyn Bowl on the Las Vegas strip.<br />

Fleet Safety Award<br />

Two truckload carriers were awarded the 2018 TCA Fleet Safety Awards<br />

grand prize on Tuesday, March 12 during the <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers Association’s<br />

81st Annual Convention in Las Vegas.<br />

The awards, sponsored by Great West Casualty Company, were presented<br />

to Grand Island Express of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the small carrier division<br />

(total annual mileage of less than 25 million) and Bison Transport of<br />

Winnipeg, Manitoba, for the large carrier division (total annual mileage of 25<br />

million or more).<br />

Both companies were recognized for their outstanding safety programs<br />

and impeccable records over the last year.<br />

Grand Island Express is a first-time winner of the grand prize, although<br />

the company has placed in the top three of its mileage-based division in<br />

many previous years. Bison Transport is a 12-time grand prize winner and is<br />

receiving this award for the ninth consecutive year.<br />

Grand Island Express and Bison Transport, as well as all carriers that<br />

placed in the top three of their mileage-based divisions, will be recognized<br />

again during TCA’s 38th Safety & Security Division Annual Meeting, to be held<br />

June 2-4, <strong>2019</strong>, at the Guest House at Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee.<br />

“TCA is honored to recognize Grand Island Express and Bison Transport<br />

for their incredible safety achievements,” said TCA President John Lyboldt.<br />

“These carries exemplify a safety-first ethos by their commitment that every<br />

member of the organization, at every level, must prioritize safety above all<br />

else. They are not merely complying with safety regulations — they are creating<br />

a comprehensive culture of safety.”<br />

Great West Casualty Company Executive Vice President &<br />

Chief Operating Officer Mandy Graham presents the Fleet Safety<br />

Award in the small carrier division to Grand Island Express<br />

President Tom Pirnie.<br />

44 TRUCKLOAD AUTHORITY | www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org TCA <strong>2019</strong>

Great West Casualty Company Executive Vice President &<br />

Chief Operating Officer Mandy Graham presents the Fleet<br />

Safety Award in the large carrier division to Bison Transport<br />

Director of Safety and Driver Development Garth Pitzel.<br />

The application process for the Fleet Safety Awards began with fleets<br />

submitting their accident frequency ratio per million miles driven. The three<br />

carriers with the lowest ratios were identified as the winners for each of<br />

six mileage-based divisions. These carriers then underwent an audit by independent<br />

experts to ensure the accuracy of their results. TCA announced<br />

the names of the 18 division winners in January <strong>2019</strong> and invited them to<br />

submit further documentation about their overall safety programs, both on<br />

and off the highway, to be eligible for the grand prize. After review by a diverse<br />

industry panel of judges, the winning companies were deemed to have<br />

best demonstrated their commitment to improving safety on North America’s<br />

highways.<br />

The <strong>2019</strong> application process will begin in the fall and can be found at<br />

www.truckload.org.<br />

Ambassadors Club<br />

At Saturday evening’s kickoff reception during the <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers<br />

Association’s 81st Annual Convention, the association paid tribute to its<br />

Ambassador Club, member companies that have contributed to the longterm<br />

growth of the association for 25 years or more.<br />

Additionally, during Sunday’s Board of<br />

Directors meeting, Membership Committee<br />

Co-Chair Glynn Spangenberg, chairman<br />

and chief advisor of Spangenberg<br />

Partners, LLC, presented the awards to 32<br />

members for reaching various five-year<br />

milestones, including Hirschbach Motor<br />

Lines, Inc. of Dubuque, Iowa, which was<br />

presented a crystal globe for achieving<br />

50 years of membership.<br />

“TCA is fortunate to have so many<br />

long-standing and committed members,” said John Lyboldt, TCA’s president.<br />

“Their combined experience in truckload has created the foundation<br />

for this association and is leading truckload into the future.”<br />

Twelve companies were newly inducted into TCA’s prestigious Ambassador<br />

Club; each received a plaque:<br />

• Armellini Express Lines, Inc. — Palm City, Florida<br />

• East Manufacturing Corporation — Randolph, Ohio<br />

• ECBM Insurance Brokers & Consultants — Elkridge, Maryland<br />

• HNI Risk Services, Inc. — New Berlin, Wisconsin<br />

• Hogan Transports, Inc. — St. Louis<br />

• Kriska Transportation — Prescott, Ontario<br />

• Marsh & McLennan Companies — New York<br />

• Motor Carrier Service, LLC — Northwood, Ohio<br />

• Pohl Transportation, Inc. — Versailles, Ohio<br />

• Randall Reilly — Tuscaloosa, Alabama<br />

• Royal Trucking Company — West Point, Mississippi<br />

• TMC Transportation Services — Des Moines, Iowa<br />

• Winnipeg Motor Express — Winnipeg, Manitoba<br />

To view photos from the kickoff reception and awards presentation,<br />

visit truckload.org/Flickr.<br />

Adrian Vigneault Joins TCA<br />

Adrian Vigneault has joined the <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers Association as associate<br />

director of education.<br />

Adrian joins the TCA team with a diverse professional and educational<br />

background, focusing on instructional design, program management and<br />

instruction/delivery.<br />

After graduating from Universal Technical Institute and the Ford Accelerated<br />

Credential Program, he attended Northern Virginia Community College<br />

and graduated from George Mason University’s Bachelor of Individualized<br />

Studies program in Military Conflict Analysis.<br />

Adrian has held roles as a defense contractor and as a trainer for U.S.<br />

military personnel on Improvised Explosive Device<br />

(IED) detection. He earned his Army Basic<br />

Instructor Certification (ABIC) and his MRAP<br />

(Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) Operators<br />

Certification.<br />

Through these opportunities, he gained experience<br />

driving and operating trucks weighing<br />

up to 18 tons.<br />

In addition to his professional experience,<br />

Adrian enjoys traveling with his wife, Melissa,<br />

and throwing a Frisbee with his boxer, Nitro. He<br />

can also be found in his garage building new<br />

projects, making things faster, breaking them,<br />

and fixing them once again. He also volunteers<br />

his time with the Staff Alumni Association in Goshen,<br />

Virginia, at Camp Olmsted.<br />

ADRIAN<br />


Can’t-miss Insights<br />

Did you know that as a <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers Association member you’re<br />

also a member of our Safety & Security Division?<br />

Be sure to register for this year’s Safety & Security Division Annual<br />

Meeting scheduled for June 2-4 at the Guest House at Graceland in Memphis,<br />

Tennessee.<br />

The event has consistently brought industry professionals together<br />

to discuss problems, share ideas and seek solutions to make their businesses<br />

and our roads safer.<br />

This year, listen as TCA Vice President<br />

of Government Affairs David Heller talks<br />

with a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration<br />

representative during the “FMCSA<br />

Fireside Chat.” The two will discuss how<br />

the administration is prioritizing its work,<br />

particularly the updates to Hours of Service<br />

regulations and federal preemption of<br />

state meal and rest break laws.<br />

Additionally, the highly popular “Safety in the Round” sessions will<br />

draw from the knowledge of attendees to solve common safety management<br />

and human-resource problems.<br />

Topics typically include workers’ compensation issues, employee/<br />

employer communication, improving driver hiring procedures, and others.<br />

Visit truckload.org to view the program and to register. Have a new<br />

product or service to share? Email TCA@truckload.org to reserve booth<br />

space.<br />

Join the conversation by using the hashtag #TCASafety19 on social<br />

media networks.<br />

TCA <strong>2019</strong> www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org | TRUCKLOAD AUTHORITY 45



JUNE <strong>2019</strong><br />

>> June 2-4 — Safety and Security Annual Meeting, Guest<br />

House at Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee<br />

>> June 27 — TCA Profitability Program Seminar, Hyatt<br />

Regency O’Hare, Chicago<br />

JULY <strong>2019</strong><br />

>> July 10-12 — 36th Refrigerated Division Annual Meeting,<br />

Sunriver Resort, Bend, Oregon<br />

SEPTEMBER <strong>2019</strong><br />

>> September 5 — TCA Profitability Program Seminar,<br />

Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Chicago<br />

The <strong>Truckload</strong> Carriers<br />

Association welcomes companies<br />

that joined our association in<br />

February and March.<br />

February <strong>2019</strong><br />

CDL Marketing<br />

Road Ranger<br />

Jrayl Transport<br />

LNR Carriers<br />

Associated Agencies<br />

MCK Trucking<br />

Long Haul Trucking<br />

Right Weigh<br />

Intrade Industries<br />

March <strong>2019</strong><br />

Euler Hermes<br />

Loadsmart<br />

White Arrow<br />

Transport Logix<br />

Atomic Logistics<br />

Group<br />

Woody Bogler<br />

Trucking<br />

>> September 6 — Independent Contractor & Open Deck<br />

Division Meeting, Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Chicago<br />

>> September 24 — TCA’s Fall Business Meetings<br />

>> September 24 — TCA’s Third Annual Call on Washington<br />

NOVEMBER <strong>2019</strong><br />

>> November 20 — Third Annual Bridging Border Barriers,<br />

Lionhead Golf Club, Brampton, Ontario<br />

MARCH 2020<br />

>> March 1-3 — TCA’s 82nd Annual Convention, Gaylord<br />

Palms Resort and Convention Center, Kissimmee, Florida<br />

JUNE 2020<br />

>> June 7-9 — 39th Annual Safety & Security Division<br />

Meeting, Louisville Marriott Downtown Hotel, Louisville,<br />

Kentucky<br />

MARCH 2021<br />

>> March 7-9 — TCA’s 83rd Annual Convention, Gaylord<br />

Opryland Resort and Convention Center, Nashville,<br />

Tennessee<br />

For more information or to register for the events, visit<br />

www.truckload.org/Upcoming-Events or contact TCA at<br />

(703) 838-1950.<br />

46 TRUCKLOAD AUTHORITY | www.<strong>Truckload</strong>.org

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