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NEWS<br />



Casualties of the war on drugs demand<br />

a share of city’s cannabis bounty<br />

p. 7<br />

LIFE<br />



Green Earth Vegan Cuisine<br />

boasts a menu all can enjoy<br />

p. 21<br />

ARTS<br />



Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa brings<br />

‘Good Boys’ to Pas Playhouse<br />

p. 28<br />


2 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong>

<strong>06.27.19</strong> | VOLUME 37| NUMBER 26<br />

opinion ....................................................................3<br />

Letters ........................................................5 Guest Opinion ..............................................6<br />

news ........................................................................7<br />

Make Ours Homegrown<br />

Casualties of the war on drugs demand a share of<br />

city’s cannabis bounty.<br />

— André Coleman<br />

feature ....................................................................10<br />

Giddyup, Crown City Slickers<br />

Pasadena Museum of History celebrates Pasadena’s birthday with an afternoon of Wild West fun.<br />

— Pasadena Weekly Staff<br />

life ......................................................................... 21<br />

Restaurant Review ......................................21<br />

Advice ......................................................24<br />

Bulletin .....................................................25<br />

Home .......................................................27<br />

Arts ........................................................................28<br />

Into the Night .............................................30<br />

Trax .......................................................... 31<br />

Calendar....................................................32<br />

Film ..........................................................36<br />

classifieds .............................................................. 37<br />

8 days .................................................................... 42<br />

@ pa sadenaweek ly.com<br />


‘Fear Mongering and White Supremacy’: All Saints offers sanctuary as Trump threatens ICE raids<br />

ABOUT THE COVER: Photo Illustration by Stephanie Torres<br />

Time Out<br />

Judge rules against county in ‘Big Dig’ lawsuit.<br />

— André Coleman<br />

<strong>06.27.19</strong> | PASADENA WEEKLY 3

4 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong>



EDITOR<br />

Kevin Uhrich kevinu@pasadenaweekly.com<br />


André Coleman andrec@pasadenaweekly.com<br />


Carl Kozlowski carlk@pasadenaweekly.com<br />


John Sollenberger johns@pasadenaweekly.com<br />


Bliss<br />


Patti Carmalt-Vener, Justin Chapman, Peter Dreier, Randy<br />

Jurado Ertll, Barry Gordon, John Grula, Aaron Harris, Chip<br />

Jacobs, Rebecca Kuzins, Jana J. Monji, Christopher Nyerges,<br />

Lionel Rolfe, Terri Schlichenmeyer, Ellen Snortland,<br />


Caroline Kimbel<br />

ART<br />


Stephanie Torres artdirector@pasadenaweekly.com<br />


Richard Garcia<br />


Yumi Kanegawa<br />



Danny Liao, Jen Sorensen,<br />

Tom Tomorrow<br />



Lisa Chase, Rick Federman, Javier Sanchez<br />


Ann Turrietta (Legals)<br />



Andrea E. Baker<br />


Linda Lam<br />


Perla Castillo,<br />

Quinton Wright<br />


Ann Turrietta<br />


Don S. Margolin<br />


Dina Stegon<br />



David Comden<br />


Bruce Bolkin<br />

Pasadena Weekly is published every Thursday. Pasadena Weekly is<br />

available free of charge. No person may, without prior written permission<br />

from Pasadena Weekly, take more than one copy of each<br />

weekly issue. Additional copies of the current issue if available may<br />

be purchased for $1, payable in advance, at Pasadena Weekly office.<br />

Only authorized Pasadena Weekly distributors may distribute<br />

the Pasadena Weekly. Pasadena Weekly has been adjudicated as a<br />

newspaper of general circulation in Court Judgment No. C-655062.<br />

Copyright: No news stories, illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements<br />

herein can be reproduced without written permission of<br />

copyright owner. All rights reserved, 2019.<br />

•LETTERS•<br />

A ‘RAW’ IDEA<br />

Re: “Cause for Concern: Council<br />

members and developer want testing<br />

for toxins possibly left by weapons<br />

research at proposed housing site,”<br />

May 9<br />

I was over at Kaiser Medical offices on<br />

Foothill last week and parked my car on<br />

the top deck of the garage. This would be<br />

a wonderful spot to have video cameras<br />

set up (along with air monitors) to view<br />

the Space Bank property and capture<br />

chemical movement in the air, as well as the flow of any dust generated<br />

by the project, and to observe that proper methods are being used<br />

as proclaimed in the RAW (removal action workplan) for the project.<br />

This location would test movement of dust flow for a portion of<br />

the property — north, east and south. At the same time, a camera and<br />

air monitors at the west end of the building could capture air flow to<br />

the west, south and north, getting a complete measure of the RAW<br />

process and making sure the process is safe for the public.<br />

I think another public meeting should be planned to hear answers<br />

to questions asked by the public and share any other information that<br />

might be of concern. Research has provided spotty records from the<br />

state Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) investigation.<br />




Co2 levels, worldwide, have reached a disastrous level everywhere.<br />

Without a fast solution, we may be going the way of Venus, no exaggeration<br />

intended.<br />

There is an obvious solution, folks: trees. Trees thrive on Co2. In<br />

return, they produce oxygen. So, the obvious solution is for everyone<br />

in the nation, who can do so, to get out and plant trees anywhere and<br />

everywhere.<br />

During World War II, millions<br />

of citizens around the nation,<br />

both children and adults,<br />

went out and collected scrap<br />

metal and old tires. Millions<br />

of tons of scrap metal were<br />

collected. Millions of old tires<br />

were collected. The government<br />

was fully behind this<br />

effort and had signs in every<br />

school and every meeting place<br />

encouraging people to collect<br />

and turn in scrap metal and old<br />

tires.<br />

What we need right now is<br />

the same type of effort used in<br />

World War II, with the government<br />

helping out in the following<br />

ways: 1) Provide bags of<br />

seeds (for trees that absorb the<br />

most Co2, while producing the<br />

most oxygen) to all citizens<br />

who can or will be able to plant<br />

same. 2) Provide clear instructions<br />

on what to do and how to<br />

do it. 3) Distribute free seeds<br />

in all schools and community<br />

centers nationwide.<br />

Can we do the foregoing?<br />

Only if everyone starts bringing<br />

it to the attention of the<br />

president, as well as their state<br />

and federal representatives.<br />

Write letters, make phone calls,<br />

send out e-mails. Don’t just sit<br />

there folks. For God’s sake, DO<br />


Otherwise Earth really will<br />

begin to resemble Venus!<br />

~ JOHN JAY<br />




Why is it that dog owners<br />

always take their dogs to other<br />

people’s lawns to “do their business?”<br />

This seems to be the<br />

premise of walking a dog: While<br />

you’re at it, why not go on a<br />

stranger’s lawn?<br />

I suggest dog owners let their<br />

dog go on their own grass, then<br />

take the relieved animal for a<br />

stroll.<br />

~ AL WISEMAN<br />



Re: “Wrong Answer: Punishing<br />

cities that plan in good faith<br />

is not the solution to our housing<br />

crisis,” by Pasadena Mayor<br />

Terry Tornek, June 13<br />

This just highlights a major<br />

part of the problem. Four times<br />

the amount of permits for “above<br />

moderate” income housing and<br />

zero meaningful data on moderate<br />

to affordable housing. Anyone<br />

know what Pasadena deems a<br />

“moderate” income? “Since January<br />

2014, Pasadena has approved<br />

over 2,700 new residential units,<br />

and an additional 2,600 new<br />

residential units are currently<br />

under review. These projects<br />

have resulted in the issuance<br />

of permits for nearly four times<br />

Pasadena’s regional allocation<br />

for above-moderate income<br />

units, and we continue to make<br />

meaningful progress toward<br />

meeting our allocations for lower<br />

income households.”<br />

Kris Perera<br />

Unfortunately, developers,<br />

builders and most human beings<br />

are in it to make maximum profit.<br />

Donna Reid Bignell<br />


Address:<br />

50 S. DeLacey Ave., Suite 200, Pasadena 91105<br />

Telephone: (626) 584-1500<br />

Fax: (626) 795-0149<br />

But why does every single<br />

new apartment building seem to<br />

be “luxury” housing? Or condos?<br />

If even half the new housing<br />

were affordable there would<br />

be some proof that Pasadena is<br />

working on the housing crisis.<br />

Louise E. Linn<br />


Serving Alhambra, Altadena, Arcadia, Eagle<br />

Rock, Glendale, La Cañada Flintridge, Montrose,<br />

Pasadena, San Marino, Sierra Madre and South<br />

Pasadena<br />


Send letters to kevinu@pasadenaweekly.com.<br />

For news tips and<br />

information about happenings<br />

and events, contact Kevin at<br />

the address above or call (626)<br />

584-1500, ext. 115. Contact<br />

Deputy Editor André Coleman<br />

at andrec@pasadenaweekly.com<br />

and at ext. 114.<br />

<strong>06.27.19</strong> | PASADENA WEEKLY 5






The Democratic presidential debates of 2019 are under way. The early debates span<br />

two nights because of the large number of candidates. By December there will have<br />

been six debates. We can expect that the field will narrow as voters becomes better<br />

acquainted with the candidates.<br />

The debates are sanctioned by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) which<br />

is the legal authority for all Democratic Party organizations throughout the country.<br />

The DNC is officially neutral in these debates but, as in the past, the preferences of the<br />

party insiders are being “loudly whispered” by local elected officials, many of whom<br />

depend on the Democratic establishment for campaign support.<br />

Recently, many presidential candidates previewed their campaigns at the California<br />

Democratic Party state convention in San Francisco. Fourteen of the candidates spoke<br />

to 3,000 Democratic activist delegates from around the state. The candidates made<br />

earnest presentations to the delegates describing the problems facing society and<br />

proposing programmatic solutions to those problems.<br />

It’s About Wealth Polarization, Stupid!<br />

It’s hardly a secret that wealth has become concentrated in the hands of fewer<br />

people since the start of the Clinton administration 30 years ago. Clinton’s North<br />

American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) exported hundreds of thousands of middleclass<br />

jobs to overseas sweatshops. At home, displaced workers were reduced to<br />

working part-time jobs in the “gig economy” without health care or retirement benefits.<br />

Banks sold financial aid packages to students and lobbied for tuition increases at<br />

public colleges and universities. New college graduates found the loan repayments<br />

were scandalously high. This set the stage for the Democratic campaigns of 2016 and<br />

today.<br />

In response to the crisis, a precious few of the Democratic candidates offer<br />

dramatic solutions.<br />

In 2016 the sole critic of NAFTA, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, proposed a $15 an<br />

hour minimum wage, Medicare for all, and a return to a highly graduated progressive<br />

income tax. He also proposed enlightened social concepts such as abolition of<br />

the death penalty and criminal justice reform. Sanders did not get the Democratic<br />

nomination but he attracted a loyal following.<br />

Sanders is back again in the 2020 campaign but this time he has a competitive<br />

colleague in the presidential quest — Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.<br />

Warren’s core economic proposal is a wealth tax. This dramatic concept would<br />

support society with a tax on accumulated wealth — not just income. Accumulated<br />

wealth over generations creates the ruling class of a capitalist system. In the past,<br />

the estate tax served as a minor damper on this effect. However, it has been cut<br />

significantly starting in the 1990s and the cuts continue to today.<br />

We now live in a highly stratified society.<br />

The Circular Firing Squad<br />

Sanders is a self-described democratic socialist, while Warren is a very progressive<br />

capitalist. Combined, they represent the left progressive end of the 2020 Democratic<br />

party debate. They are constantly pressured by the news media to distinguish<br />

themselves from each other. Both Warren and Sanders refuse to do this.<br />

The political left has a remarkable pattern of turning on itself rather than looking<br />

outward. This is often called the “circular firing squad with guns pointed inward.”<br />

Instead, Sanders and Warren concentrate their focus on the problems of capitalist<br />

society and offer programs to address them.<br />

The Old Establishment<br />

Late last year, many local elected Democrats began whispering loudly that they<br />

had a preferred Democratic ticket for 2020 — Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. However,<br />

this contrived marriage has experienced a rocky start. For example, Biden, was a<br />

longtime supporter of the Hyde amendment which prohibited the poor from access to<br />

women’s health care services. He changed his position a few days after the California<br />

Democratic Party convention in an apparent nod to his possible running mate.<br />

Harris did address the delegates but she was overshadowed by Warren, who spoke<br />

in the same session. In keeping with the Warren-Sanders non-aggression pact, Sanders<br />

chose not to speak the same day.<br />

Biden, the favorite of party insiders, ducked the California convention, missing the<br />

opportunity to expose himself to the 3,000 Democratic Party activists. Voters will have<br />

ample opportunity to schmooze with Biden later — at lavish fundraisers in homes<br />

located west of La Cienega Boulevard and north of the I-10 freeway.<br />

As we absorb the debate, perhaps we should think about a Sanders-Warren ticket<br />

and its program for America. They advocate ideas whose time has come. ■<br />

The authors are members of the California Democratic Party Central Committee and founding<br />

members of the Democratic Socialists of America. Nelson is a member of the California Democratic<br />

Party Executive Board.<br />

6 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong>

• NEWS •<br />


TIME OUT<br />




IN AIR<br />







P. 8<br />

P. 8<br />

P. 8<br />






As more states legalize marijuana and private companies begin<br />

applying for licenses to sell their wares in upscale places like<br />

Pasadena, minority leaders are demanding that communities<br />

of color share in the wealth of the billion-dollar industry — a once<br />

illegal drug turned lucrative product that for years has led to the<br />

disproportionate incarceration of African Americans and Latinos.<br />

Earlier this month, Pasadena officials announced the selection<br />

of six businesses leading the city into the now legitimate world of<br />

selling weed. They are: Integral Associates Dena, Tony Fong, the<br />

Atrium Group, Harvest Pasadena, Sweetflower Pasadena and MME<br />

Pasadena Retail. The six were top scorers among the applicants in<br />

Pasadena and can now begin the process of obtaining permits to<br />

sell marijuana in Pasadena.<br />


THU<br />

71°<br />

However, all six owners proposed Old Pasadena locations for<br />

their businesses, leading to calls for social equity by activists,<br />

who insist that minority communities unfairly impacted by the<br />

war on drugs should be able to share in the wealth now that<br />

marijuana is legal.<br />

“I appreciate that some members of our community would like<br />

to see social equity/community benefits play a larger role in the<br />

selection process or perhaps serve as the sole determinate and<br />

I have met with several people who hold this view, and I respect<br />

their opinions,” City Manager Steve Mermell told the Pasadena<br />

Weekly. “Nevertheless, I believe we have struck the right balance<br />

for our city through a fair and transparent process.”<br />

Based on public input, the city modified its requirements and<br />

FRI<br />

68°<br />

SAT<br />

75°<br />

SUN<br />

86°<br />


MON<br />

86°<br />







On the heels of an announcement by President<br />

Donald Trump that 2,000 undocumented immigrants<br />

would be rounded up in 10 cities, one of<br />

them Los Angeles, All Saints Church in Pasadena<br />

has promised sanctuary to those who fear<br />

deportation.<br />

“All Saints Church condemns these raids and<br />

the actions of President Trump which authorized<br />

them,” said Rector Mike Kinman. “Any individuals<br />

or families who are targeted by ICE [Immigration<br />

and Customs Enforcement] for deportation will be<br />

provided sanctuary in our sacred space.”<br />

Pre-dawn raids and arrests were scheduled<br />

to take place this week, according to CNN, but on<br />

Sunday Trump tweeted that he was putting them<br />

off for two weeks while he worked with Democrats<br />

on immigration issues.<br />

“At the request of Democrats, I have delayed<br />

the illegal immigration removal process (deportation)<br />

for two weeks to see if the Democrats and<br />

Republicans can get together and work out a<br />

solution to the asylum and loophole problems at<br />

the Southern Border. If not, deportations start,”<br />

the president said.<br />

While All Saints does perform as a sanctuary<br />

for undocumented immigrants, Pasadena is<br />

not a sanctuary city, a term which has no legal<br />

definition.<br />

In 2017, the City Council unanimously passed<br />

an official resolution declaring that “The city of<br />

Pasadena will not enforce federal immigration<br />

laws and the city manager will ensure that all city<br />

policies are consistent with this declaration.”<br />

According to CNN, ICE was also scheduled<br />

to make arrests in Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago,<br />

Denver, Houston, Miami, New Orleans, New York,<br />

and San Francisco.<br />

After the news broke, some cities immediately<br />

fired back, saying they wouldn’t cooperate with the<br />

raids and warned residents to make sure they had<br />

functional locks on their doors. Residents are not<br />

required to open their doors to officials from ICE<br />

unless they have a warrant signed by a judge.<br />

“This action by our government is the worst<br />

of fear-mongering and white supremacy,” Kinman<br />

wrote. “Beloved, productive and irreplaceable<br />

images of God, including many from our own<br />

Pasadena and All Saints community, once again<br />

have to fear that they will have their families torn<br />

apart, perhaps forever, which causes devastating<br />

harm to them and the communities of which<br />

they are a part. It is an unconscionable use of<br />

fear to continue to divide our nation for political<br />

purposes.”<br />

TUE<br />

85°<br />

WED<br />

84°<br />

— André Coleman<br />

THU<br />

84°<br />

<strong>06.27.19</strong> | PASADENA WEEKLY 7


BRIEFS<br />

TIME OUT<br />




A Los Angeles Superior Court judge postponed a trial over<br />

a lawsuit filed against the Los Angeles County Flood Control<br />

District’s so-called “Big Dig” project in the reservoir Tim Brick<br />

of Devil’s Gate Dam, located in Hahamongna Watershed<br />

Park, ruling the county did not provide enough time for people to comment on the<br />

project’s environmental impact report.<br />

The Flood Control District is currently in the early stages of removing 1.7 million<br />

cubic yards of sediment and debris that has accumulated in the dam’s reservoir — a<br />

project that could last four years and require daily hauling of up to 475 truckloads of<br />

dirt.<br />

Tim Brick, managing director of the Arroyo Seco Foundation, which along with<br />

the Pasadena Audubon sued the district, said the foundation agreed to the postponement<br />

because it was not its intention to stop the sediment removal project.<br />

“Our goal has been to minimize the negative aspects of the project, such as<br />

noise, dust, traffic and air pollution, and to ensure that the resulting Hahamongna<br />

management program is ongoing and protects the unique environmental values of<br />

the area,” said Brick, who is also a member of the Metropolitan Water District board<br />

of directors.<br />

“We want the county to treat the Arroyo Seco like a river and to implement<br />

nature-based solutions that will serve our region well as we face climate change and<br />

the challenges of nature,” Brick said in a prepared statement.<br />

If the two sides cannot develop an agreement, Judge James Chalfant will hear<br />

oral arguments on July 30 regarding the tentative ruling. If he finalizes the tentative<br />

decision, he will order the Flood Control District to revise and recirculate the project’s<br />

EIR and set aside or vacate the project’s approvals. All project activity would<br />

then cease pending revision of the project’s environmental document.<br />

The Arroyo Seco Foundation and the Pasadena Audubon Society are expected<br />

to work with county flood control officials to develop a comprehensive settlement<br />

agreement.<br />

“The Pasadena Audubon Society is gratified that the court recognizes that the<br />

county has failed to work transparently with the public, despite their frequent claims<br />

to the contrary,” said Laura Solomon, president of the Pasadena Audubon Society.<br />

“We hope that the county will do its job to protect the land, the birds, and the<br />

people by shrinking the size of the permanent footprint of the project, using the<br />

cleanest trucks possible to move the sediment, and truly restoring the Hahamongna<br />

basin, especially the nesting habitat they have destroyed,” Solomon said. n<br />





Pasadena will once again celebrate Independence Day<br />

at the Rose Bowl with AmericaFest, the West Coast’s<br />

largest fireworks show.<br />

The 93rd annual Americafest event, which will include<br />

live music, veterans’ tributes, motocross stunts and a<br />

Darryl Dunn<br />

massive fireworks display, starts at 7 p.m. in the stadium, 1001 Rose Bowl Drive.<br />

The show is among the oldest fireworks shows in LA County, and the Rose<br />

Bowl was recently recognized by Los Angeles Magazine as one of the best places in<br />

LA to watch fireworks.<br />

“It’s exciting because this year’s Rose Bowl AmericaFest celebration will feature<br />

the largest fireworks display in the western United States,” said Darryl Dunn, Rose<br />

Bowl general manager. “This year will be the Southland’s biggest and most exciting<br />

musical pyrotechnic show as we celebrate our nation’s birthday.”<br />

The event will honor the Disney remake of “The Lion King,” which hits<br />

theaters on July 19. Several Southland choirs will be on hand to sing songs<br />

from the film.<br />

The new film blends live-action, state-of-the-art virtual-reality techniques<br />

and computer generated imagery to bring the iconic characters to life in a whole<br />

different way. Walt Disney Records’ highly acclaimed a cappella group DCappella<br />

joins the celebration. The award-winning USC a capella group Socal VoCals will<br />

also perform.<br />

The show will also pay tribute to the 50th anniversary of one of the greatest<br />

moments in American history with a preview from “Apollo 11: The Immersive Live<br />

Show,” an experience that takes visitors from countdown to launch of the giant<br />

Saturn V rocket to the moon.<br />

In addition, TNT Freestyle Motocross returns to take to the air, performing<br />

gasp-inducing motorcycle stunts.<br />

The stadium parking lot opens at noon, and the Family Fun Zone in Area H<br />

opens at 2 p.m. Doors open at 5 p.m.<br />

Performances begin at 7 p.m. and the fireworks kick off at 9 p.m. Admission is<br />

$15 to $30, children under 5 are free. No charge for active military and three family<br />

members.<br />

Visit rosebowlamericafest.com. Event parking is $50 per vehicle and $60 for<br />

preferred parking. n<br />



included categories on “social equity and community<br />

benefits in the application and asked specifically how<br />

cannabis owners would ensure that persons most<br />

harmed by cannabis criminalization and poverty<br />

through a share in the ownership, management,<br />

employment or other benefits resulting in high<br />

quality, well-paying jobs and/or other benefits,”<br />

Mermell said.<br />

According to the applications of the six<br />

businesses chosen, only the Atrium Group has a<br />

clear social equity plan.<br />

Atrium plans to hold seminars to teach local<br />

residents convicted of marijuana crimes how to<br />

expunge their records. Further, the group has also<br />

partnered with Ideal Youth, and will provide job<br />

training for local youth.<br />

“Cannabis criminalization and its enforcement<br />

has had a long-term impact on low-income and<br />

minority community members in the city of<br />

Pasadena and throughout our nation,” said Ismael<br />

Trone, head of the nonprofit organization that<br />

will work with the Atrium Group. “For the city<br />

of Pasadena to incorporate social equity into its<br />

application process is a giant step toward repairing<br />

the harm caused by the war on drugs and disparate<br />

enforcement of cannabis prohibition.”<br />

Integral Associates, the applicant that scored the<br />

highest in the city’s process, will form a group led<br />

by former City Councilman and current Chamber of<br />

Commerce CEO Paul Little. Little told the Pasadena<br />

Weekly social equity would be a major part of the<br />

group’s focus.<br />

“The idea is to help them negotiate the<br />

community and help them with social equity,” Little<br />

said. “We will be figuring out how they are going to<br />

support the community and how they are going to<br />

implement hiring and have as much of an impact on<br />

the local community as possible.”<br />

In its application, the company also said it would<br />

hire a law firm to ensure that communities hit<br />

hardest by the war on drugs would benefit from the<br />

company’s presence in Pasadena.<br />

According to a 2009 story by Jake Armstrong<br />

appearing in the Pasadena Weekly, between 2004 and<br />

2008 African Americans accounted for more than<br />

half of all marijuana arrests in Pasadena — three<br />

times the number of whites and almost twice the<br />

number of Latinos — though blacks made up only 14<br />

percent of the city’s population.<br />

Black residents were arrested on felony<br />

marijuana charges in Pasadena at far higher<br />

percentages than any other ethnic group, having<br />

been charged with more than half of all felony<br />

marijuana arrests since 2004, though nearly 90<br />

percent of the marijuana-related offenses during that<br />

period were misdemeanors.<br />

According to recent studies, California arrest<br />

rates for marijuana-related crimes have declined<br />

dramatically since legalization, but the stark racial<br />

disparity remains in place as black people were still<br />


As of Monday, 4,135 days after the war in Afghanistan ended …<br />

2,245<br />

American military<br />

service members<br />

(0 more<br />

than last week)<br />

were reported<br />

killed in Afghanistan<br />

since<br />

the war began in<br />

2001, according to<br />

The Associated Press.<br />

1<br />

$220 million US<br />

surveillance<br />

drone was shot<br />

down by Iran<br />

last Thursday,<br />

moving the two<br />

nations closer to<br />

war. According to<br />

the Washington Post,<br />

Iran has warned that other<br />

drones could face the same fate.<br />

three times as likely as whites to be arrested in 2016.<br />

“As white people exploit the changing tide on<br />

marijuana, the racism that drove its prohibition<br />

is ignored,” Vincent M. Southerland, executive<br />

director of NYU Law’s Center on Race, Inequality<br />

and the Law, and Johanna B. Steinberg of the Bronx<br />

Defenders, recently wrote for The New York Times.<br />

“So are the consequences for black communities,<br />

where the war on drugs is most heavily waged.”<br />

In March, African-American lawmakers in New<br />

York announced they would block a push to legalize<br />

recreational marijuana in New York unless people of<br />

color were guaranteed a share of the industry. They<br />

want to be assured that some of that money will go<br />

toward job training programs, and that minority<br />

entrepreneurs will receive licenses to cultivate or<br />

sell marijuana.<br />

According to Assemblywoman Crystal Peoples-<br />

Stokes, the first African-American woman to serve<br />

as Assembly majority leader in New York, all 10<br />

states that have established laws legalizing cannabis,<br />

including California, made the same mistake.<br />

“I haven’t seen anyone do it correctly,” she told<br />

The New York Times.<br />

“They thought we were going to trust that at the<br />

end of the day, these communities would be invested<br />

in. But that’s not something I want to trust,” she<br />

continued. “If it’s not required in the statute [in New<br />

York], then it won’t happen.”<br />

Trone called on the city to do more.<br />

“Social equity goals should be to promote<br />

equitable ownership and employment opportunities<br />

in the cannabis industry to decrease disparities in<br />

life outcomes for marginalized communities. Ideal<br />

Youth research into the career opportunities in<br />

the cannabis industry has led the organization to<br />

embrace the cannabis industry as a legitimate career<br />

path and inform local parents and society as a whole<br />

to also embrace the cannabis industry as a career<br />

path,” Trone said.<br />

Los Angeles, Oakland, Sacramento, San<br />

Francisco and Long Beach have established social<br />

equity cannabis programs.<br />

Last year, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed<br />

legislation — the California Cannabis Equity Act<br />

of 2018 — intended to help municipalities increase<br />

participation in the programs. Lawmakers have<br />

allocated $10 million toward the effort.<br />

“There are so many opportunities in the<br />

cannabis industry for young, motivated, bright<br />

minds,” Trone said. “It’s a great opportunity<br />

for young adults to get into a growing dynamic<br />

field and learn so much about so many different<br />

industries. Cannabis is a stimulating learning<br />

environment because it touches on so many<br />

different industries such as legal, political,<br />

financial, retail, agricultural, marketing, science,<br />

etc. These opportunities provide young people a<br />

peek into how these disciplines interact and make<br />

cannabis ideal for career growth.” n<br />

7<br />

people were killed in<br />

Baghdad and 20 others<br />

were wounded<br />

when a bomb went<br />

off in a mosque,<br />

according to the<br />

Jerusalem Post.<br />

No one has claimed<br />

responsibility for the<br />

attack.<br />

1<br />

person was killed and 7 others<br />

injured in a drone<br />

attack by Yemen<br />

rebels on a Syrian<br />

airport on June 12,<br />

according to the<br />

UK’s The Sun.<br />

— Compiled by<br />

André Coleman<br />

8 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong>

<strong>06.27.19</strong> | PASADENA WEEKLY 9






Pasadena is a colorful city that has unlimited opportunities to celebrate<br />

its unique qualities, and each June the Pasadena Museum of History<br />

(PMH) hosts a party that creates a year’s worth of memories for one and<br />

all. This Sunday, the museum will outdo itself with an afternoon filled with<br />

Western and cowboy-themed fun as it hosts the city’s official 133rd<br />

birthday party, tied to its current exhibit, “Giddyup! Children<br />

Take the Reins.”<br />

The jam-packed afternoon of entertainment and activities<br />

includes a colossal cake designed by Baja Ranch Supermarket<br />

Pasadena to feed the anticipated 1,500 guests, as well as performances<br />

by five-time international trick roping record holder<br />

Christy Lewis and the chance to rope a wooden steer. But the<br />

fun doesn’t stop there, as attendees can clap their hands and<br />

stomp their feet to classic Western and cowboy songs, or climb<br />

aboard and explore an authentic reproduction of a Wells<br />

Fargo Concord Stagecoach , one of America’s most legendary<br />

vehicles.<br />

The Crown City Chorus will entertain the crowds with barbershop<br />

renditions of favorite Western tunes, while Art 2 Go’s Miss Helen, “The<br />

Fastest Crafter in the West!” will help attendees create their own custom<br />

cowboy hats. Add in the chance to do gold panning, have water splashing<br />

fun with “Pump and Splash” and meet Mayor Terry Tornek and his trusty<br />

deputies, and your family will be galloping back home as happy campers.<br />

“This theme was picked in conjunction with our exhibit, which is called<br />

‘Giddyup! Children Take the Reins,’ an amazing collection of carousel, rock-<br />

10 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong>

ing and hobby horses all designed for children,” says Brad Macneil,<br />

the PHM director of education and public programming,<br />

who’s overseeing the day’s grand festivities. “A<br />

local collector named Lourinda Gray has<br />

them and loaned them to us for<br />

the exhibit. Since there are<br />

all these horses we went with<br />

a Western theme of ‘Yahoo!<br />

Happy Birthday Pasadena!’<br />

“We’ll be turning the grounds<br />

into a Western world with world<br />

champion trick ropers, gold panning,<br />

line dance lessons, the Wells<br />

Fargo stagecoach, the Crown City<br />

Chorus singing cowboy and western<br />

songs,” adds Macneil. “There’s a lot<br />

going on.”<br />

Macneil notes that Gray, who lives<br />

in Pasadena, also helped another PMH<br />

exhibit years ago by supplying carousel<br />

animals. He notes that “carousels are<br />

disappearing because of insurance and<br />

various other issues,” yet Gray has spent decades<br />

collecting and restoring them herself.<br />

She maintains a warehouse in the Duarte area where she keeps them all and<br />

works on them.<br />

Running through Sept. 15, the “Giddyup!” exhibit contains more than 35<br />

smaller-scaled carousel horses and exotic creatures that visitors of all ages will<br />

be able to see and touch. An enchanting photo booth features a carousel polar<br />

bear designed by J.R. Anderson circa 1920 that children and adults can climb<br />

on for a keepsake photo, and plenty of other creatures that kids can climb on as<br />

they rock, bounce and roll.<br />

The goal is to bring back<br />

awareness of a time when<br />

carousels enabled children<br />

to imitate their favorite<br />

movie cowboys. Gray’s<br />

Running Horse studio<br />

in Irwindale houses<br />

memorabilia and carousel<br />

figures of all sizes<br />

from her collection,<br />

particularly from the<br />

Golden Age of carousels<br />

from 1861 to 1920, within<br />

its 7,000 square feet, and she carefully<br />

restores figures for other collectors and operational<br />

carousels as well.<br />

“This is the official birthday party for the city and we’ve been<br />

doing this many years,” notes Macneil. “The first big one we did was the<br />

125th anniversary of the city and this is the 133rd. It’s very family oriented and a<br />

way to celebrate the history of the city.<br />

“The city was incorporated in June 1886 and that’s why we always have it<br />

in June,” he continues. “We have a lot of community partners that come in and<br />

help us. We have a cake sponsored by Baja Ranch Supermarket. We expect 1,500<br />

to 2,000 people, so it’s a big cake. We’re fortunate to get the Wells Fargo stagecoach<br />

here too, and many community groups like the Jaycees having tables<br />

sharing information. Most will have interactive activities for people to visit, so<br />

no one will be left looking for ways to have fun.” ■<br />

“Yahoo! Happy Birthday Pasadena” runs from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday at the Pasadena Museum of History,<br />

470 W. Walnut St., Pasadena. Admission is free. Call (626) 577-1660 or visit pasadenahistory.org.<br />

<strong>06.27.19</strong> | PASADENA WEEKLY 11

12 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong>

( BEAUTY & BRAWN )<br />



It’s an awesome love-at-first-sight moment; that first glimpse of those powerful<br />

hooves, the beefy flanks that support them prancing in rhythm with each<br />

other. Their gallop is steady and sure, and every movement seems to exude<br />

purpose and regality.<br />

They are the mighty Clydesdale horses, and they have achieved rock star<br />

status in the equine world and beyond. That’s not simply because they are beautiful<br />

and magnificent to behold, or because they’ve appeared in more than 60 Rose<br />

Parades since 1954, but because their strength and history of service to man is<br />

legendary.<br />

Lampits Mare<br />

The Clydesdale horse began its storied history in Lanarkshire, Scotland in<br />

an area through which the Clyde River flows, known then as Clydesdale. Flemish<br />

stallions imported to the region were bred with local mares, resulting in a<br />

genetically superior horse. The farmers of Lanarkshire recognized at the time<br />

the horse’s might and versatility in helping them work the land and utilized the<br />

horses in agriculture, for hauling coal, and other heavy-hauling duties. In 1806, a<br />

filly later referred to as “Lampits Mare,” so named for the owner’s farm, was born<br />

and began a lineage of pedigreed Clydesdales that traced back to a group of black<br />

stallions originally imported from England. It is Lampits Mare that is listed in<br />

the ancestry of virtually every Clydesdale alive today. Once a successful breeding<br />

program was established in the late 19th century and early 20th century, the<br />

horses were soon exported to America, Northern England, New Zealand and<br />

Australia and became such a force in the latter country it was often referred to as<br />

“the breed that built Australia,” according to the Clydesdale Horse Society.<br />

Considered invaluable to pre-industrial farmers, Clydesdales were known for<br />

their sturdy build, patience, docile temperament and ability to perform arduous<br />

hauling tasks on the farm. These traits have continued in its lineage, making<br />

them as strong as they are beautiful. The hardy draft horses are even-tempered<br />

and easily trainable, often being called “gentle giants.”<br />

In addition to their easily recognizable gait and handsome profile, the Clydesdale<br />

is also well-known for the substantial “feather” it sports — the long hairs<br />

of the lower leg that cover the hooves and, according to the Anheuser Busch<br />

website, are “capable of pulling a 1-ton load at 5 MPH.”<br />

In 1905, in an effort to escape the chilly climes of their St. Louis and New<br />

York homes, Adolphus Busch purchased a stately home in Pasadena near Arroyo<br />

Seco Canyon. The home, known as “Ivy Wall,” was designed by architect Frederick<br />

Roehrig and located on South Orange Grove Avenue. The Busch family’s<br />

dream to develop the arroyo behind their property into scenic walking gardens<br />

and trails for the public soon came to fruition, and by 1909 it had become an<br />

immensely popular tourist attraction to the area and included “Triangle Trolley<br />

Trips” from the gardens to Santa Monica and oil fields in Los Angeles. After<br />

Adolphus’ death in 1913, his widow Lilly, daughter of partner Eberhard Anheuser,<br />

continued the tradition of public access to the gardens until her death in 1928,<br />

when they were closed for some time.<br />

In August 1933, August A. Busch Jr. and Adolphus Busch III gifted their father,<br />

German immigrant August Anheuser Busch Sr. with a six-horse Clydesdale hitch<br />

carrying the first case of post-Prohibition beer to celebrate the end of America’s<br />

dry period. Legend has it the elder Busch was so moved by the gesture he was<br />

brought to tears, hence the term “crying in your beer.”<br />

Busch Sr. recognized the enormous marketing and public relations potential<br />

of these gorgeous beasts of burden, and it was then that he devised a plan to send<br />

them across the country as goodwill ambassadors for the Budweiser brand, and<br />

to mark the end of the country’s ban on alcohol from 1920 to 1933.<br />

In the 1950s the spotted Dalmatian became the official mascot for the Clydesdale.<br />

Over a half-century later, these charming canine companions continue their<br />

partnership with the Clydesdales and you can find a Dalmatian seated next to<br />

the driver on each hitch. Currently, three teams of Clydesdales travel the United<br />

States. These teams, also known as “hitches” are the Western Hitch, based in<br />

Colorado, the Eastern Hitch, located in New Hampshire, with the remaining<br />

hitch stationed at the brand’s birthplace in St. Louis, Missouri. Ten horses travel<br />

on each team, with eight harnessed for performances and two used as alternates.<br />

Transporting each hitch requires three 50-foot semi-trucks, two for the horses,<br />

and the last one for the emblematic red, white and gold beer wagon, a modified<br />

Studebaker originally manufactured in the 1900s.<br />

The Budweiser Clydesdales participated in the Rose Parade, pulling the City<br />

of St. Louis float, from 1954 until 2011, and reappeared again in 2014, this time<br />

pulling the emblematic Budweiser beer wagon. They now pull the Wells Fargo<br />

Stagecoach. Today, the mighty Clydesdale continues to delight, and much of<br />

Pasadena’s history along Orange Grove is owed to the Busch family and their<br />

legacy of public works. Indeed, a significant portion of what we now consider Old<br />

Pasadena is built on the remnants of the horse farms and acreage that surrounded<br />

their beloved “Ivy Wall.”<br />

Jeannette Collier, committee services manager for the Tournament of Roses,<br />

says of them succinctly, “They are a crowd favorite. Their presence is majestic.” ■<br />

<strong>06.27.19</strong> | PASADENA WEEKLY 13

( BIRDS OF A<br />




Long before the ostentation of Arcadia’s noisy peacocks gained<br />

infamy and the pandemonium of parrots squawked their way<br />

through Pasadena and the San Gabriel Valley, there was a bird<br />

of another feather that had tourists flocking to South Pasadena:<br />

ostriches. The ungainly, flightless birds were once like the goose<br />

that laid golden eggs, but it was feathers that made them valuable.<br />

The enterprising Edwin Cawston opened the farm in 1886 near<br />

Norwalk, by importing 50 ostriches from South Africa. The birds<br />

made their way by boat to Texas and then came to the Los Angeles<br />

area by train. Only 18 survived. Yet, eventually the farm’s feathered<br />

friends numbered over 100 and the farm moved to South Pasadena<br />

in 1895. The whole enterprise might seem like madness today, but<br />

during the late 19th century wings, breasts and whole birds (small<br />

ones) were popular flourishes to hats. Ostrich feather plumes were<br />

in such high demand that ostrich farms were lucrative businesses<br />

in South Africa.<br />

According to KCET, a single bird could produce $250 in feathers<br />

in one year. English naturalist Charles Sketchley opened Southern<br />

California’s first farm in 1883 in Los Angeles but closed in 1889.<br />

Cawston, on the other hand, was so successful that he used his<br />

South Pasadena location, which was conveniently located along the<br />

Pacific Electric interurban railway, for tourism. At the Pasadena<br />

farm, tourists could pay to ride in carriages drawn by an ostrich<br />

or the braver ones could actually ride one bareback. The gift shop<br />

sold feather boas and other ostrich feather souvenirs. Cawston had<br />

another location in Perris for breeding.<br />

The market for ostrich plumes plummeted in the 1910s, but<br />

the tourist trade kept Cawston’s going until 1934. This type of<br />

amusement farm was doomed anyway because in 1954 Disneyland<br />

opened in Anaheim. Orange County — once the ostrich capital of<br />

the nation during the ostrich feather heyday, according to the OC<br />

Weekly — was the site of an ostrich farm revival, according to a<br />

1994 LA Times article about an ostrich farmer who thought they<br />

were the protein of the future, but that farm has vanished.<br />

One used to be able to get an ostrich burger at Jake’s<br />

of Pasadena in Old Pas, but Jake’s closed in 2015. Fuddruckers<br />

also used to offer an ostrich burger, but the<br />

Pasadena location closed, too, although you might<br />

be able to get ostrich at some Fuddruckers (Fuddruckers<br />

Exotic Burgers) but that depends upon<br />

the location. If you gander a taste of the feathered<br />

flightless fowl that formerly made its home in<br />

South Pasadena, you can try Harmony Farms<br />

(harmonyfarmsca.com) in La Crescenta (2824<br />

Foothill Blvd., 818/248-3068). The closest farm<br />

with herds of these birds is OstrichlandUSA<br />

(ostrichlandusa.com), near Solvang. No ostrich<br />

rides (bareback or otherwise) are available, but<br />

you can get some ostrich jerky, emu<br />

eggs and feather dusters,<br />

You can still visit the<br />

location of the South<br />

Pasadena farm, but while<br />

the outside has mostly<br />

been preserved, the animals<br />

inside have changed<br />

to humans. The site of the<br />

historic Cawston Ostrich<br />

Farm (1010 Sycamore Ave.)<br />

was redeveloped in 2006 into 53<br />

live/work loft condos, fittingly<br />

named Ostrich Farm Lofts. The<br />

ostriches may be gone, but one<br />

can still celebrate Pasadena and<br />

its unique history by dressing up in<br />

one’s finery and flapping one’s wings<br />

while dancing like no one’s looking.<br />

Happy Birthday, Pasadena. ■<br />

14 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong>

( RIDING HIGH )<br />



On New Year’s Day 1994, instead of riding in a car or a<br />

carriage, William “Capt. Kirk” Shatner, an avid equestrian,<br />

boldly went where few Rose Parade grand marshals had<br />

ever gone before.<br />

Shatner rode one of his own horses down Colorado Boulevard,<br />

a chestnut-colored gelding once named “I Prefer Roses,” bred<br />

on a ranch the star owned in Kentucky. Along the way, the then<br />

62-year-old actor doffed his cowboy-style hat and waved to the<br />

throngs of spectators and fans lining both sides of the 5.5-milelong<br />

parade route.<br />

Shatner must have felt right at home on horseback leading the<br />

annual parade, which every year since its inception has featured<br />

either horses pulling floats or renowned equestrian riders. In the<br />

modern era, some of those teams have included, among other<br />

participants, the New Buffalo Soldiers, the US Marine Corps, and<br />

the Wells Fargo Stagecoach and Budweiser beer wagon, the latter<br />

two pulled by magnificent Clydesdales.<br />

In fact, a few days prior to each year’s parade, Wells Fargo<br />

Bank presents Equestfest at the LA Equestrian Center on Riverside<br />

Drive in Burbank, near Griffith Park, illustrating just how<br />

important horses remain to “America’s New Year’s Day Celebration,”<br />

as the Tournament of Roses has come to call the floral<br />

spectacular.<br />

Soon after 1890, the year the parade started, Tournament officials<br />

initiated the Never on Sunday rule, thinking not so much<br />

about observing some blue law, or ordinance that prohibits such<br />

things as the sale of alcohol and working, but the danger posed<br />

by horses being spooked as folks left services from the many<br />

churches that line protions of the boulevard.<br />

In 1901, motorized floats were introduced and would become<br />

an integral part of each parade since then. But in those days, the<br />

noisy, smoky contraptions were placed in the rear of the parade,<br />

again in order to keep them from scaring<br />

the horses.<br />

By 1920, horses were still a big part of<br />

the pageant, only by this time floats operating<br />

on gasoline- or electricity-powered motors<br />

had taken over the duties of propelling<br />

the flower-bedecked floats along the parade<br />

route, according to the Tournament. And over<br />

the years, the parade’s equestrian entries have<br />

become more professional and more stylized.<br />

Some of the units that have participated<br />

in Equestfest, according to the Tournament,<br />

include the Clydesdales of the First Cavalry Division<br />

from Fort Hood, Texas, USC mascot Traveler,<br />

the Sons and Daughters of the Reel West, and<br />

the California State Fire Fighters Association.<br />

Former Rose Parade announcer Bob Eubanks, a rodeo<br />

cowboy at one point in his long show business career, and<br />

Shawn Parr have served as announcers of Equestfest over<br />

the years. Montie Montana, a Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame<br />

member and a rodeo trick rider and trick roper, was a perennial<br />

entry in the annual parade. The actor and stuntman<br />

rode in 60 parades until his death in May 1998.<br />

The lineup for 2020 is not yet complete, but over<br />

the past decade riding teams have ranged in size<br />

from 23 in 2010 to as few as 16 in 2014, according<br />

to the Tournament. Equestrian teams marching in<br />

last year’s parade numbered 18 and, in alphabetical order,<br />

included:<br />

• 1st Cavalry Division, Horse Cavalry Detachment<br />

(Fort Hood, Texas)<br />


<strong>06.27.19</strong> | PASADENA WEEKLY 15



• Blue Shadows Mounted Drill Team (Castaic)<br />

• Budweiser Clydesdales (St. Louis, Missouri)<br />

• Calgary Stampede Showriders (Strathmore, Alberta,<br />

Canada)<br />

• California Highway Patrol (Sacramento)<br />

• Gold Rush Fire Brigade (Pilot Hill)<br />

• Hawaii Pa’u Riders (Waimanalo, Hawaii)<br />

• Los Hermanos Banuelos Charro Team (Altadena)<br />

• Mini Therapy Horses (Calabasas)<br />

• Parsons Mounted Cavalry (College Station, Texas)<br />

• Scripps Miramar Ranch (San Diego)<br />

• Spirit of the West Riders (Leona Valley)<br />

• The New Buffalo Soldiers (Shadow Hills)<br />

• The Norco Cowgirls Rodeo Drill Team & Little Miss Norco<br />

Cogirls Jr. Drill Team (Norco)<br />

• The Valley Hunt Club (Pasadena)<br />

• United States Marine Corps Mounted Color Guard (Barstow)<br />

• US Forest Service Pack Mules Celebrate Smokey Bear’s 75th<br />

(Vallejo)<br />

• Wells Fargo Stagecoaches (San Francisco)<br />

The theme of the 1994 parade, A Fantastic Adventure, seemed a fitting<br />

match for Shatner, and he made the most of it.<br />

“It will definitely be an adventure,” Shatner told United Press International<br />

(UPI).<br />

Prior to the 1994 parade, he had changed the original name of the horse<br />

he was riding on to “I Prefer Montana,” according to the Los Angeles<br />

Times.<br />

“I’m truly honored. My family and friends will share in the excitement.<br />

I’ll be seeing the (Rose Bowl football) game from the 50-yard line. It’s<br />

almost too good to be true,” said the actor.<br />

The truth was, this was not Shatner’s first rodeo, er, Rose Parade. In<br />

1969, he rode in the parade on a non-“Star Trek” float, according to the<br />

Times and YouTube, and in 2004 he appeared in a documentary about the<br />

parade with former parade announcer Stephanie Edwards.<br />

In the authoritative voice that he used as Capt. Kirk on TV in the 1960s,<br />

and in six “Star Trek” films from 1979 to 1991, Shatner told UPI in October<br />

1993, “The fantastic adventure will be shared by the 1 million people who<br />

come out to watch the parade as well as the half a billion who will see it<br />

on TV.” But, he said, “Most of all, the fantastic adventure will be mine.” ■<br />

16 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong>


TOMORROW )<br />




Perhaps no other cultural institution in Southern California better<br />

exemplifies our fascination with and love of horses than Santa Anita<br />

Park. Yes, it’s having many problems now, with 30 horses since<br />

December being injured while running on the track and later<br />

euthanized. But since opening in 1934, Santa Anita has<br />

been a national hub of competitive horse racing<br />

action.<br />

While the original racetrack was<br />

opened in 1907 by Elias J. “Lucky” Baldwin<br />

in what is now known as Arcadia Park, the<br />

Santa Anita we know today dates back to late<br />

1934 when San Francisco dentist Charles H.<br />

Strub and movie mogul Hal Roach re-opened<br />

the track in its current location, just a few<br />

blocks away from the old one, after the legalization<br />

of pari-mutuel gambling the prior year.<br />

Santa Anita’s rich history was foretold when<br />

its 1930s inception found success despite the Great<br />

Depression. Just months after opening, the first<br />

Santa Anita Handicap had a purse of $100,000, a previously<br />

unheard of amount that equals about $1.8 million<br />

today. Referred to as the “Hundred-Grander,” the Santa<br />

Anita Handicap quickly became one of the top races in<br />

the nation.<br />

Santa Anita Park soon became a part of Hollywood<br />

movie history when the 1937 classic “A Day at the Races”<br />

featured the Marx Bros. wreaking havoc at the park. Santa<br />

Anita went on to be used in a variety of<br />

other films, such as “Public Enemies,” the<br />

movie starring Johnny Depp as Depression-era<br />

American gangster John<br />

Dillinger, and, of course the movie<br />

“Seabiscuit,” starring Tobey Maguire.<br />

By 1940, legendary racehorse<br />

Seabiscuit had made a name for itself<br />

and cemented itself as part of<br />

Santa Anita’s history. It won that<br />

year’s handicap after two previous<br />

attempts and a 1939 injury<br />

that many thought would be the end of the<br />

horse’s career. In 1941, a life-size statue of the horse<br />

was installed in the park and still stands there today.<br />

Of course, all history has a dark side and the racetrack is no exception.<br />

As also noted in a recent PW story about the park, in 1942 Santa Anita<br />

was used to process up to 22,000 Japanese-Americans and housed them in converted<br />

horse stalls and in barracks before sending them to internment camps.<br />

Fast-forwarding to 1969, the park saw another historical moment made even<br />

more pivotal considering the cultural climate when Tuesdee Testa became the<br />

first female jockey to win at a major American racetrack after winning at Santa<br />

Anita on March 1.<br />

The park continued to flex its prestige when it not only hosted the equestrian<br />

events for the 1984 Olympic Summer Games but also the Breeders’ Cup<br />

World Championships in 1986. The latter is an international event that features<br />


<strong>06.27.19</strong> | PASADENA WEEKLY 17




the world’s greatest horses,<br />

jockeys and trainers with a<br />

winning prize of $1 million.<br />

It wouldn’t be the last time<br />

the park would host this<br />

event.<br />

The introduction of<br />

the Tokyo City Cup at<br />

Santa Anita in 2005,<br />

a celebration of its<br />

sister track in Japan,<br />

expanded the park’s<br />

reach. In turn,<br />

every summer Ohi Racecourse<br />

holds “Santa Anita Week”<br />

and features the ”Santa Anita Trophy,” a<br />

one mile G3 race.<br />

Even though the park is still a major spot for horse-racing,<br />

times have changed and so have the avenues of entertainment.<br />

No longer do families pack a lunch to watch a race in droves.<br />

While Santa Anita Park struggles to resolve and overcome its horses’ injuries<br />

and fatalities, with both members of the public and political figures calling<br />

for the suspension of races, at the very least until a thorough investigation<br />

is done, the racetrack will remain as a major part of the community’s<br />

identity through its history alone.<br />

What remains to be seen, aside from how the park will implement or<br />

respond to potential new safety measures, is how the park will evolve<br />

to help shape the future of the community. Some recent events have included<br />

hosting pop-up food stalls, which garnered new community interest. Maybe<br />

this can be a new way people can continue to picnic at the races. ■<br />

18 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong>

<strong>06.27.19</strong> | PASADENA WEEKLY 19

20 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong>

• LIFE •<br />













P. 24<br />

P. 25<br />

P. 27<br />


REVIEW<br />

Quinoa Fiesta<br />

Green Earth<br />

Vegan Cuisine<br />

37 S. Fair Oaks Ave.<br />

Pasadena<br />

Major Cards/<br />

No Alcohol<br />

greenearthvegan.com/<br />

pasadena/<br />

dining<br />

&nitelife<br />

Pasadena Weekly’s Dining Directory is a paid advertisement<br />

and is provided as a service to our readers.<br />

To advertise in the Dining Directory, call (626) 584-1500.<br />

Average price per entree<br />

$ up to $10<br />

$$ $11–15<br />

directory<br />

$$$ $16-25<br />

$$$$ $25+<br />

Another<br />

Vegan<br />

Adventure<br />





In recent weeks I have been attempting to change my diet for health<br />

reasons, to eat more gluten-free, dairy-free food (cue the eye rolls),<br />

although I’m not very strict and this job allows me what I would consider<br />

“cheat days,” making it all the more enjoyable. Ironically, I wound up on<br />

another vegan adventure this week, which was not entirely intentional.<br />

After some time revisiting the website of Green Earth Vegan Cuisine in Old<br />

Pasadena, and again salivating over photos they’ve posted, I decided it was<br />

finally time to try it.<br />

When I walked in the first thing I noticed on the back wall in the center<br />

of the room were a couple of rows containing books on vegan dieting.<br />

Cookbooks, clinical studies and firsthand accounts of people who converted<br />

to a vegan diet, all on display. Although I wasn’t sure if diners were free to<br />

grab one, I began to understand Green Earth Vegan Cuisine is not like the<br />

hipster, “cool” overpriced vegan spots that strive for Instagram likes and<br />

popularity. In fact, Green Earth doesn’t seem to have a large presence on<br />

social media at all, but it is still one of the better-known restaurants in the<br />

area, and has a huge following of all kinds of dieters.<br />

There were only two other parties in the restaurant, so my friend and<br />

I were seated right away. Their menu is so extensive, with a large array<br />

of choices, that I genuinely had a hard time deciding on appetizers. My<br />



1280 N. Lake Ave., Pasadena,<br />

(626) 794-0132 bonniebssmokin.com $$<br />

From Tulsa Oklahoma to Southern Cal. with a touch<br />

of New Orleans soul comes Bonnie B’s Bar B Que<br />

Heaven. Our 45-year-old traditional recipes are made<br />

with love. Try our new sweet pea’s double Fried<br />

burger made with our own sauces, soul bowl and<br />

homemade peach cobbler. Voted best BBQ & Soul<br />

food in Pasadena for our ribs, collard greens and<br />

Slim's Mac & Cheese. We are thankful and appreciate<br />

Pasadena.<br />


1978 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena<br />

(626) 793-3474 Camerons4fish.com $$<br />

Since 1984, Cameron’s Seafood has been serving<br />

its freshest seafood, and has become a landmark<br />

in Pasadena. Cameron’s brings the ocean home<br />

with their fresh catch being cooked over mesquite<br />

wood grills that burn all day long.Enjoy the very best<br />

Seafood, Steaks, Salad & Pasta! Voted Best Seafood<br />

in Pasadena Weekly for 27 years! Now you can order<br />

on-line: camerons4fish.com.<br />

<strong>06.27.19</strong> | PASADENA WEEKLY 21


Indian Curry Tofu<br />

dining & nitelife<br />

directory<br />

Average price per entree<br />

$ up to $10 $$$ $16-25<br />

$$ $11–15 $$$$ $25+<br />


695 E. Green St., Pasadena<br />

(626)795-8553<br />

Elportalrestaurant.com $$<br />

Pasadena Weekly readers have been<br />

rewarding El Portal with the title of Best<br />

Mexican Food in the city for years. This<br />

charming little hacienda with brick walls,<br />

festive colors, fine art and a California<br />

elegant courtyard brings the authentic<br />

cuisine of Mexico and the Yucatan region<br />

to your table.<br />


155 S. Rosemead Blvd., Pasadena<br />

(626) 449-4193 margaritaspasadena.com $$<br />

At Margaritas Mexican Restaurant, our family<br />

has been sharing our authentic Mexican dishes<br />

with the wonderful people of Pasadena since<br />

1977. Guests enter our warm, inviting space and<br />

leave as family -- with plenty of burritos, tortas,<br />

tostadas, fajitas, and more to be had in between!<br />

Our dishes incorporate and pay homage to<br />

the rich flavors of bustling mercados, corner<br />

taquerias, and seaside palapas. So visit us, eat<br />

to your heart's content at our mouthwatering<br />

lunch buffet, sip on a refreshing margarita, and<br />

feel at home.<br />




1004 Foothill Blvd., La Canada Flintridge<br />

818-952-1019 hillstreetcafelacanada.com $$<br />

Hill Street Café is celebrating over 25 years of<br />

serving the community quality meals made of<br />

quality ingridients. we want to thank all of you<br />

who stuck with us during the remodeling process<br />

and we want to welcome back everyone else. in<br />

our recent remodel, we have added an outdoor<br />

patio, a bar and more dining area, we have created<br />

a relaxed ambience with a touch of modern but<br />

still retaining our extensive menu, our friendly<br />

service and most important a family atmosphere.<br />


88 W. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena,<br />

(626) 568-9310<br />

3539 E. Foothill Blvd., Pasadena,<br />

(626) 351-8963 kabukirestaurants.com $$<br />

When you walk into a Kabuki you won’t be overwhelmed<br />

with Asian decor and music. What you will<br />

encounter is a casual atmosphere with today’s hottest<br />

music playing, people smiling and our friendly staff<br />

welcoming you through the doors. Look for the Red<br />

Mask. Come eat, drink and have fun!<br />


1792 E. Walnut St., Pasadena<br />

(626) 584-0244 topsburger.com $<br />

At TOPS on Walnut & Allen, we maintain the original<br />

taste from 60 years ago. My father wanted to create<br />

food as close to homemade as possible. Our primary<br />

goal and focus is on taste, quality, freshness, cleanliness<br />

in our service and experienced staff. Most of<br />

our staff have been with us for more than twenty<br />

years. We invite you to come to TOPS on the corner<br />

of Walnut & Allen and taste the difference! Meet our<br />

staff and experience what quality service should be.<br />

The same quality service that has made us #1.<br />


80 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena<br />

626-578-9777<br />

227 W. Valley Blvd, 168 A, San Gabriel<br />

626-308-3777 $<br />

Shandong Dumplings is your Reader Recommended<br />

Winner for BEST DUMPLINGS in the<br />

2018 Reader’s Poll! We have been a cornerstone<br />

in the greater Pasadena community and are well<br />

known for our outstanding cuisine, excellent<br />

service and friendly staff. Recognized for our<br />

modern interpretation of classic dishes and<br />

insistence on using only the highest quality,<br />

freshest ingredients. Open for Lunch and Dinner<br />

daily and until 2am Wed-Sat.<br />



1130 E. Walnut St. Pasadena<br />

626-577-7717 tomsfamous.com $<br />

Please come and enjoy homemade breakfast<br />

lunch and dinner all made from scratch and<br />

FRESH. Nothing is ever served or made from a<br />

can. We pride ourselves as being the cleanest<br />

store with the best quality food and BEST<br />

service in town. Thank you PASADENA!!!!!<br />


328 E. Foothill Blvd.Arcadia<br />

626-358-8298 myzelopizza.info $$<br />

It’s the cornmeal crust that makes this pizzeria stand<br />

out from the rest. This locally owned establishment’s<br />

signature dish is the fresh, corn, balsamic-marinated,<br />

oven-roasted red onion pie. Zelo Pizzeria has expanded<br />

the dining room to better serve you, so come<br />

in and give Zelo Pizzeria a try.<br />

friend, on the other hand, is one of the most<br />

carnivorous people I know, so he was just along<br />

for the experience and had me lead the way. We<br />

went with the quinoa sushi ($9.50), rolls made with<br />

quinoa, carrots, cucumber, avocado and portabella<br />

mushroom wrapped in sushi nori. Both are glutenfree<br />

and soy-free, and were delicious. I love sushi,<br />

and while it is obviously not like the real thing it’s an<br />

amazing alternative for anyone missing it or who just<br />

wants to try a delicious quinoa roll.<br />

Our favorite starters were the golden crispy<br />

rolls ($6), which were the equivalent to a veggie<br />

egg roll, minus the egg. They’re served with lettuce,<br />

cucumber, mint and Vietnamese vinaigrette.<br />

Throughout the entirety of the meal our waiter was<br />

extremely helpful in answering questions we had,<br />

and as a lifelong vegetarian then later vegan himself,<br />

was very knowledgeable. When he brought over the<br />

crispy rolls he asked if we knew how to eat them<br />

Vietnamese style, and then showed us the proper<br />

way: Take a roll and roll it in a piece of lettuce along<br />

with a slice of cucumber and mint leaf, then dip it all<br />

into the vinaigrette. If I was served this blindfolded,<br />

I would have never guessed it was egg-less or filled<br />

with vegetables only, thanks to the overabundance<br />

of flavor packed into such a small roll.<br />

To drink, I ordered lemonade made from freshly<br />

squeezed lemons ($4.50). Our waiter asked if it was<br />

too sour, but it was perfect, and my friend ordered<br />

a Thai iced tea with soy milk ($4). I had difficulty<br />

deciding on our main entree as well, because they<br />

have about every type of pastas (lasagna included),<br />

rice plates, noodles, ramen, pho, won tons, hot<br />

and cold salads, burgers and sandwiches, all<br />

with soy protein or tofu options. The possibilities<br />

were endless, yet somehow all I was craving were<br />

noodles. I asked about the pad Thai ($10) and he said<br />

that although it’s not listed on the menu, they are<br />

actually spicy, and I was sold. A few bites in I could<br />

definitely taste the kick, but a few more and I found<br />

myself alternating between water and my lemonade<br />

to find some relief for my tongue, which was on fire.<br />

Still, I loved it. It is made with stir fry rice noodles<br />

(which are gluten-free), tofu, mushrooms, carrots,<br />

bean sprouts and broccoli, garlic, all flavored with<br />

tamarind and topped with toasted peanuts.<br />

It was hard to imagine that my friend’s gourmet<br />

burrito ($11) would be as good as my plate of spicy<br />

goodness, but it was. The burrito was made with<br />

textured vegetable protein seasoned to taste like<br />

beef, brown rice, lettuce, guacamole and pico de<br />

gallo, wrapped beautifully in a whole wheat tortilla<br />

served with a choice of fries or side salad. I had a few<br />

bites and couldn’t believe it. Surprise is a common<br />

reaction each time I venture into the world of vegan<br />

eats, and he was right there with me. Put simply, it<br />

tasted like it could be served at Taco Bell as “real”<br />

beef, only with much, much higher quality and far<br />

better ingredients, of course. I could go back just<br />

for the crispy rolls and the burrito and be one happy<br />

camper.<br />

One thing is clear: Green Earth Vegan Cuisine<br />

does not skimp on the flavor. Every dish on their<br />

menu is made with a list of ingredients that<br />

harmoniously blend together in a way I know both<br />

tastes great and feels great.<br />

Green Earth has a hefty list of desserts they make<br />

in house, but we wanted a few minutes to walk off<br />

our dinner, so we made our way across the street<br />

to Paradis Ice Cream. It’s a small shop with several<br />

locations across Southern California, but another I<br />

had yet to enjoy prior to that day. Upon entering, a<br />

staircase leads to an open seating area upstairs and<br />

immediately to the left is the glass casing filled with<br />

unique flavors. After taste testing a few, including<br />

the Oreo, which is typically my favorite, I decided<br />

to keep with the theme and got the cookie crumble<br />

vegan flavor in the single scoop ($4), which was<br />

delicious, and my friend got two scoops ($5.50) of<br />

the banana sundae and peanut butter bar.<br />

Between an amazing dinner and tasty dessert<br />

that we enjoyed as we walked up and down Colorado<br />

Blvd., I was reminded yet again of how lucky we are<br />

to live in a city with some of the most well-known,<br />

sought after and hidden treasures in which to dine<br />

and share a special evening with loved ones.<br />

22 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong>

<strong>06.27.19</strong> | PASADENA WEEKLY 23


•ADVICE•<br />


TWIN<br />





Dear Patti,<br />

My wife and I have adorable twin daughters, Poppy and Belle, who<br />

recently turned 2. They’re at an age where they’re now becoming more<br />

mobile, in control of their own bodies and able to make more choices for<br />

themselves. Poppy is a totally free and fearless spirit and toddles off as fast<br />

and as far as she can without even a backward glance at us; if not constantly<br />

watched, the situation can quickly become dangerous. Poppy loves to explore<br />

without regard for any boundaries. Accordingly, my wife and I have to chase<br />

her all the time or she’ll run clear across a large park or department store.<br />

Belle, on the other hand, hides behind my wife’s skirt and won’t leave her<br />

for a second. She’s comfortable walking around as long as one or the other of<br />

us is walking right next to her. She will only explore if she can be reassured<br />

that her mom or I will stay close by.<br />

So here we have one daughter who is extremely timid and another who is<br />

a complete risk-taker. We’re not sure if their respective behaviors are due to<br />

different innate personality traits, our own approaches to parenting, or if<br />

the girls are becoming polarized due to their relationship with each other. We<br />

see other children our daughters’ age and most of their behaviors appear to<br />

be somewhere in the middle between our two. We would like to teach Poppy<br />

boundaries and assist Belle in becoming more secure. My wife and I both<br />

value your opinion and want to know what you think.<br />

— Liam<br />

Dear Liam,<br />

At approximately 18 months old, toddlers begin to gain a heightened awareness<br />

that they’re separate individuals and want to start exploring their environment.<br />

This can be an exciting time for parents as they watch their children’s curiosity<br />

develop. If a parent repeatedly shows fear whenever an adventuresome streak<br />

emerges, however, the toddler might get the message that the world isn’t safe<br />

and can then become timid and afraid. Therefore, Poppy may need repeated and<br />

gentle boundary-setting that is without punishment or which induces no fear. It<br />

should be kept in mind that if a child turns for reassurance during these explorations<br />

and discovers the parent has left the room or isn’t paying attention, she or he<br />

may suddenly feel abandoned and start to exhibit “clingy” behaviors. Belle might<br />

have somehow learned insecurity about being on her own and, thus, needs gentle<br />

encouragement without giving her the message that her shyness is somehow bad<br />

or wrong.<br />

While you and your wife should continue to take the girls out for excursions together,<br />

it might also be a good idea to take them out separately in order to support<br />

their individual needs.<br />

You don’t want Belle to believe the world is a scary place, and although your<br />

concerns about her becoming more sociable and secure are valid, the problem<br />

may be nothing more than the fact that she’s still very young and experiencing<br />

different surroundings is something new to her. If you start pushing her too hard<br />

and insist that she go and play, it may escalate her tentativeness. Allow her to get<br />

comfortable and watch for Belle’s lead. Does she want to pet the kitty one foot<br />

away or go and play with another toddler nearby? Be quick to respond with encouragement.<br />

The words and body language you and your wife use should be free<br />

of tension or threat and convey to Belle that it’s her own choice to stay close or go<br />

play. If she’s still inhibited, arrange situations where there are toys or interesting<br />

situations available for her to explore a little farther away in a safe area. Always<br />

encourage very gently, never press, and give her all the time she needs. Let her<br />

take the lead and be quick to follow.<br />

As for Poppy, her adventuresome personality is wonderful but she may need<br />

your singular concentration to teach her to listen to your guidelines in order for<br />

her to be safe. She may be spunky, but nonetheless she’s still barely much more<br />

than a baby. Do your best to get her under control in a calm and kindly manner. n<br />

Patti Carmalt-Vener, a faculty member with the Southern California Society for Intensive Short Term<br />

Psychotherapy, has been a psychotherapist in private practice for 23 years and has offices in Pasadena,<br />

Santa Monica and Canoga Park. Contact her at (626) 584-8582 or email pcarmalt@aol.com. Visit her<br />

website, patticarmalt-vener.com.<br />

24 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong>


Bulletin Board<br />

By Carl Kozlowski<br />


City to vigorously enforce fireworks ban during holiday<br />

City officials are reminding local residents that they<br />

plan to hold people responsible for possessing, selling<br />

and discharging fireworks, including land owners who<br />

allow fireworks to be set off on their property.<br />

The city maintains a zero-tolerance enforcement<br />

policy for fireworks, and Pasadena police officers<br />

and firefighters are teaming up for special fireworks<br />

enforcement patrols before, during and after the Fourth<br />

of July holiday. Violators are subject to arrest, having<br />

their vehicles impounded, a $50,000 fine and serving up to one year in jail.<br />

National Fire Protection Association statistics reveal that 90 percent of all<br />

fireworks-related injuries are caused by so-called “safe and sane” fireworks, which are<br />

also illegal in Pasadena.<br />

“Safe and sane fireworks is a marketing term,” said city Public Information Office<br />

Lisa Derderian. “They’re dangerous and insane and can cause injuries. Don’t risk jail<br />

time, expensive fines, having your car impounded or other serious penalties by taking<br />

risks. Leave the fireworks to the professionals.”<br />

Pasadena police and fire personnel will staff checkpoints around the Rose Bowl<br />

to search for and seize any fireworks. Parking enforcement officers will ensure that<br />

vehicles illegally parked in Pasadena’s hillside areas on July 4 are impounded.<br />


LA County Police Chiefs’ Association kicks off Pink<br />

Patch Project for breast cancer awareness<br />

The Los Angeles County Police Chiefs’ Association<br />

(LACPCA) and public safety agencies across the nation<br />

have kicked off their 2019 Pink Patch Project. Pasadena<br />

Police Chief John Perez emceed the opening press<br />

conference Tuesday.<br />

The Pink Patch Project is aims to increase public<br />

awareness about breast cancer and to raise funds for<br />

the fight against the disease. It is a collaborative effort<br />

between the LACPCA and over 390 public safety agencies throughout the United States,<br />

with the program centering on vibrant pink versions of the agency’s uniform patches.<br />

Employees from the participating agencies will be wearing the pink patches on their<br />

uniforms during Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October. As part of this program,<br />

participating agencies are selling their commemorative pink patches to the community,<br />

along with T-shirts, challenge coins and other commemorative items.<br />

For more information, visit pinkpatchproject.com. n<br />


South Pas Library Director Steve Fjeldsted retires<br />

with ‘End of the Beginning’ comedy night<br />

The South Pasadena Public Library and the<br />

Friends of the South Pasadena Public Library will<br />

present the “End of the Beginning” standup comedy<br />

show in the Community Room on Thursday, June<br />

27, at 7 p.m. The “clean yet clever,” family-friendly<br />

event will transform the stately historic venue into<br />

a comedy club filled with laughter. Doors for the allages<br />

event will open at 6:30 p.m.<br />

The show will conclude longtime Library<br />

Director Steve Fjeldsted’s last day on the job. A native of La Crescenta, Fjeldsted has<br />

been in charge of the library for the past 13 years. During his tenure, he turned its<br />

community room into a regular hotbed of artistic activity including music concerts, film<br />

screenings with artist Q&A sessions and dramatic performances.<br />

“South Pasadena is a highly educated, arts and cultural oriented community<br />

with so much talent around here and such an audience to pull from,” says Fjeldsted.<br />

“We’re surrounded by these bigger cities and to get attention from people can cost<br />

a lot of money and effort, but a quick way to keep the library on people’s minds<br />

and attract people there is to do events and I like leaving on that with smiles and<br />

laughter.”<br />

The Library Community Room is located at 1115 El Centro St. Refreshments will be<br />

served and no tickets or reservations are necessary. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and seats<br />

are limited. n<br />

<strong>06.27.19</strong> | PASADENA WEEKLY 25

26 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong>




309 La France Ave. 12/3/15 $1,000,000 4 3,017 1929 $345,000 3/5/01<br />

103 North Hidalgo Ave. 12/3/15 $729,000 4 1,788 1913 $400,000 6/4/03<br />

400 Orange Grove Ave. 11/24/15 $680,000 3 1,436 1926 $181,000 9/3/99<br />

309 North Vega St. 12/1/15 $650,000 3 1,260 1924<br />

1132 South Stoneman Ave. 12/2/15 $640,000 3 1,304 1927<br />

2240 Whitney Dr. 12/3/15 $617,000 5 1,736 1951<br />

2401 Warwick Rd. 11/18/15 $605,000 3 1,840 1939 $275,000 11/14/01<br />

2426 Roark Dr. 11/20/15 $600,000 3 1,129 1949 $502,000 3/26/14<br />

28 North 3rd St. #A511 11/30/15 $588,000 2 1,200 2015<br />

1407 Westmont Dr. 11/20/15 $586,000 4 1,471 1929 $240,000 11/17/03<br />

28 North 3rd St. #B212 11/30/15 $585,000 3 1,530 2015<br />

2001 La Paloma Ave. 11/25/15 $575,000 2 1,668 1940 $410,000 11/4/11<br />

1209 South Almansor St. 11/25/15 $575,000 3 1,520 1947 $375,000 7/25/14<br />

115 North Almansor St. #34 12/1/15 $555,000 3 1,672 1968 $425,000 2/6/13<br />

2441 El Paseo 12/2/15 $548,000 2 1,284 1936<br />

300 North Stoneman Ave. 11/30/15 $510,000 2 1,360 1924<br />

28 North 3rd St. #B506 11/30/15 $509,500 2 1,020 2015<br />


2909 Lake Ave. 11/19/15 $1,510,000 6 4,487 1920<br />

2909 Lake Ave. 11/19/15 $1,510,000 335 1920<br />

2555 North Altadena Dr. 11/18/15 $1,500,000 3 3,297 1946 $750,000 8/14/01<br />

1296 East Mendocino St. 11/16/15 $1,350,000 3 2,148 1927 $1,150,000 9/9/13<br />

1225 Boston St. 11/20/15 $1,260,000 8 3,617 1919<br />

1232 Rubio Vista Rd. 11/25/15 $1,198,000 3 2,748 1988 $1,265,000 6/17/08<br />

2495 Highland Ave. 11/25/15 $1,100,000 3 2,044 1930<br />

363 Marathon Rd. 12/1/15 $1,080,000 3 2,160 1910 $901,000 1/24/06<br />

2035 Skyview Dr. 11/25/15 $975,000 3 1,731 1954 $680,000 3/14/05<br />

1180 East Palm St. 11/19/15 $820,000 3 1,558 1948<br />

3367 Canyon Crest Rd. 12/4/15 $801,000 3 1,855 1965<br />

3031 Via Maderas St. 12/4/15 $780,000 3 1,858 1970<br />

1101 East Mendocino St. 11/19/15 $775,000 3 1,646 1964 $749,000 11/7/06<br />

311 Parkman St. 11/20/15 $757,000 3 2,021 1956<br />

2835 Maiden Lane 12/1/15 $675,000 3 1,304 1946 $595,000 5/18/09<br />

2907 Olive Ave. 11/25/15 $657,000 3 1,098 1927 $389,000 12/2/03<br />

694 Ventura St. 11/24/15 $625,000 2 1,287 1946 $535,000 11/28/07<br />


1311 Oak Meadow Rd. 11/23/15 $4,720,000 5 6655 2015<br />

1131 San Carlos Rd. 11/25/15 $4,630,000 6 7463 2014 $1,850,000 3/31/13<br />

1707 Rodeo Rd. 11/30/15 $3,233,000 4 5511 2015 $1,200,000 8/30/13<br />

56 East Floral Ave. 12/2/15 $2,750,000 4 4392 2015 $1,150,000 11/18/14<br />

1300 Rodeo Rd. 12/3/15 $2,375,000 5 6917 2016<br />

2400 Louise Ave. 11/18/15 $1,960,000 5 4279 1991 $1,000,000 6/21/10<br />

1734 North Santa Anita Ave. 11/20/15 $1,620,000 5 2763 1951 $776,000 3/15/11<br />

1506 Highland Oaks Dr. 12/4/15 $1,525,000 3 2124 1951<br />

2001 Wilson Ave. 11/24/15 $1,430,000 3 2723 1960 $700,000 12/2/04<br />

726 Pamela Circle 11/30/15 $1,430,000 3 3033 1989<br />

333 East Longden Ave. 11/25/15 $1,150,000 3 2005 1938<br />

56 East Arthur Ave. 11/19/15 $1,097,000 3 1902 1963 $920,000 2/21/06<br />

2844 Fairgreen Ave. 12/1/15 $840,000 3 1,856 1948 $659,000 6/3/15<br />

18 Fano St. #2 12/2/15 $775,000 3 2,333 2000 $660,000 9/19/06<br />

43 Eldorado St. #A 11/23/15 $665,000 3 1,467 2006 $596,000 11/7/06<br />

405 Genoa St. #7 11/20/15 $620,000 3 1,870 1984 $167,000 6/1/86<br />

2831 Larkfi eld Ave. 11/30/15 $495,000 2 925 1948<br />


4036 York Hill Place 11/25/15 $1,325,000 4 2568 2015 $150,000 12/10/13<br />

2522 Langdale Ave. 12/4/15 $890,000 3 1694 1963 $870,000 3/6/14<br />

4866 Hartwick St. 12/1/15 $856,000 3 2264 1952 $232,000 5/29/98<br />

4727 Townsend Ave. 12/3/15 $855,000 3 1576 1924 $574,000 7/28/15<br />

4865 Mount Royal Dr. 11/24/15 $775,000 3 2045 2011 $100,000 6/10/04<br />

1555 Oak Grove Dr. 11/25/15 $760,000 4 1840 1925 $347,000 3/18/02<br />

5156 El Rio Ave. 11/20/15 $748,000 4 1649 1915 $679,000 3/1/06<br />

1811 Woodrow Ave. 11/20/15 $685,000 2 1450 1914<br />

1334 Las Flores Dr. 11/24/15 $675,000 3 1270 1922 $650,000 3/9/06<br />


1244 East Acacia Ave. 12/1/15 $1,465,000 8 4910 1929 $1,050,000 5/3/06<br />

534 Hazel St. 11/24/15 $1,190,000 7 3390 1947 $695,000 8/27/13<br />

1368 Raymond Ave. 12/2/15 $1,040,000 3 1750 1925 $600,000 3/6/14<br />

408 Lincoln Ave. #B 11/24/15 $955,000 8 3548 1950<br />

1314 Shirlyjean St. 11/25/15 $840,000 3 1689 1956 $356,000 9/22/99<br />

354 West Wilson Ave. 11/16/15 $820,000 2 1158 1920<br />

1445 Irving Ave. 11/24/15 $815,000 3 2476 1939 $680,000 10/7/04<br />


source: CalREsource<br />



1116 Marion Dr. 12/1/15 $801,000 4 2021 1930 $296,000 12/2/99<br />

1712 Marion Dr. 11/24/15 $795,000 3 1811 1966 $622,500 3/11/15<br />

4339 Briggs Ave. 11/24/15 $775,000 5 3526 1936 $465,000 2/11/11<br />

1160 Winchester Ave. 11/25/15 $766,000 4 2009 1924<br />

3525 Las Palmas Ave. 11/20/15 $740,000 3 1364 1940<br />

456 Milford St. 12/1/15 $740,000 5 2537 1921 $580,000 3/16/15<br />

345 Pioneer Dr. #1502 11/20/15 $710,000 3 1592 1988 $410,000 2/26/02<br />

1422 Western Ave. 12/2/15 $710,000 3 2905 1924<br />


314 Oriole Rd. 12/3/15 $3,695,000 5 4667 1949 $1,912,500 8/17/12<br />

4314 Cornishon Ave. 11/25/15 $3,050,000 5 4459 2002 $3,033,000 6/20/06<br />

1201 Inverness Dr. 11/24/15 $2,978,000 4 5165 1954 $740,000 5/27/99<br />

4429 Woodleigh Lane 11/19/15 $2,800,000 5 3346 1941 $2,180,000 7/18/12<br />

949 Inverness Dr. 12/2/15 $2,665,000 5 5061 1954 $1,500,000 6/22/01<br />

1516 Sugar Loaf Dr. 12/4/15 $2,350,000 5 4271 1957 $1,838,000 4/25/13<br />

817 Wiladonda Dr. 12/1/15 $1,935,000 4 2960 1953 $585,000 3/26/99<br />

1912 Ravista Lane 11/16/15 $1,650,000 3 2068 1951 $685,000 5/12/99<br />

4910 Palm Dr. 11/24/15 $1,650,000 3 2060 1910<br />

4837 Carmel Rd. 12/4/15 $1,591,000 3 2361 2014 $681,000 4/23/12<br />

5635 Bramblewood Rd. 11/17/15 $1,500,000 4 2539 1966 $1,130,000 5/9/11<br />

1004 White Deer Dr. 12/2/15 $1,490,000 4 2388 1967<br />

2206 Richey Dr. 12/1/15 $1,465,000 3 3072 1955 $275,000 4/1/86<br />

4624 Lasheart Dr. 11/20/15 $1,370,000 4 2585 1941 $930,000 10/7/14<br />


1466 San Pasqual St. 11/16/15 $6,400,000 5 6612 2010 $1,600,000 7/9/04<br />

1681 San Pasqual St. 12/4/15 $4,300,000 5 4542 1999 $4,200,000 3/1/13<br />

1000 South Madison Ave. 11/18/15 $3,600,000 4 3509 1911<br />

355 South San Rafael Ave. 11/16/15 $2,800,000 3 3476 1930 $490,000 9/1/85<br />

1120 La Loma Rd. 11/19/15 $2,120,000 3 2922 1956 $1,500,000 12/15/14<br />

260 Patrician Way 12/1/15 $2,000,000 3 3112 1967 $1,800,000 1/18/13<br />

1185 East Woodbury Rd. 11/24/15 $1,700,000 5 3386 1912 $1,566,000 7/7/05<br />

290 California Terrace 12/1/15 $1,684,000 4 2687 1941 $1,225,000 7/15/09<br />

1301 Linda Vista Ave. 11/20/15 $1,520,000 4 2858 1948 $1,385,000 6/26/13<br />

1671 Rose Villa St. 12/1/15 $1,395,000 3 2335 1920 $1,313,000 4/28/06<br />

865 Wright Ave. 12/2/15 $1,332,500 8 3969 1929 $1,237,500 11/6/13<br />

3745 Ranch Top Rd. 12/1/15 $1,323,000 3 2056 1960 $895,000 6/4/15<br />

1215 Wabash St. 12/1/15 $1,300,000 4 2544 1951<br />

535 South Orange Grove Blvd.#6 11/24/15 $1,250,000 2 2269 1965 $795,000 3/19/12<br />

1260 El Mirador Dr. 11/24/15 $1,185,500 3 1887 1951 $610,000 4/9/01<br />

411 Woodcliffe Rd. 11/17/15 $1,180,000 3 3130 1988 $895,000 12/23/03<br />


685 Chester Ave. 11/30/15 $3,400,000 4 3474 1951 $1,350,000 12/30/02<br />

1490 Charlton Rd. 11/20/15 $3,150,000 3 3162 1941<br />

924 Winston Ave. 11/25/15 $2,650,000 6 3464 1964 $1,019,000 9/5/00<br />

2790 Gainsborough Dr. 12/1/15 $2,250,000 3 2381 1938<br />

2750 Canterbury Rd. 12/2/15 $2,139,000 3 2115 1948 $1,500,000 2/26/13<br />

465 Buena Vista St. 11/20/15 $1,443,000 3 1576 1940 $671,000 4/18/02<br />

616 La Mirada Ave. 12/1/15 $1,306,000 2 1505 1924 $886,000 2/22/08<br />


1925 Vista Ave. 12/1/15 $1,260,000 4 2718 1954 $1,100,000 11/12/13<br />

710 Sturtevant Dr. 11/20/15 $980,000 2 3183 1990<br />

443 West Highland Ave. 12/4/15 $920,000 3 1668 1888 $440,000 6/30/99<br />

32 Park Ave. 11/25/15 $800,000 4 1542 1886 $155,000 11/1/86<br />

731 Woodland Dr. 11/23/15 $667,000 2 1354 1992 $590,000 5/22/13<br />

464 Mariposa Ave. 12/3/15 $629,000 2 1505 1987 $656,500 6/4/08<br />

48 East Sierra Madre Boulevard 11/24/15 $585,000 3 1514 1988 $226,000 12/3/97<br />

681 West Sierra Madre Blvd.#8 11/30/15 $500,000 2 1183 1984<br />

684 West Sierra Madre Blvd.#21 12/2/15 $442,000 2 988 1963 $235,000 1/17/13<br />


420 El Coronado St. 12/1/15 $1,820,000 4 2757 1966<br />

1532 Ramona Ave. 11/25/15 $1,425,000 3 2035 1910 $440,000 6/26/98<br />

620 Indiana Terrace 11/25/15 $1,378,000 3 1942 1961<br />

1701 Ramona Ave. 11/20/15 $1,350,000 4 2441 1923 $1,010,000 11/22/06<br />

1121 Marengo Ave. 11/18/15 $1,325,000 4 2266 1900 $1,010,000 7/11/05<br />

1610 Bushnell Ave. 11/17/15 $1,321,000 4 1983 1923 $590,000 7/1/89<br />

1015 Avon Place 11/16/15 $1,158,000 2 1542 1911 $908,000 5/10/06<br />

275 Saint Albans Ave. 11/30/15 $998,000 2 2243 1963<br />

1138 Oxley St. 12/2/15 $985,000 3 1712 1923<br />

251 Saint Albans Ave. 11/18/15 $875,000 3 1618 1962 $749,000 5/10/11<br />

<strong>06.27.19</strong> | PASADENA WEEKLY 27

• ARTS •<br />







P.30<br />







P.32<br />

Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa<br />





As the creator of the hit CW network series “Riverdale” and the Netflix<br />

series “The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina,” Roberto Aguirre-<br />

Sacasa has reinvented the world of the long-running Archie comics<br />

to create dazzlingly original shows that have ascended to be two of the<br />

top five most popular programs on the planet right now. As a result,<br />

he recently scored an $80 million production deal to create even more<br />

series.<br />

Yet prior to his current TV career and status overseeing Archie<br />

Comics’ TV and movie projects, Aguirre-Sacasa was an acclaimed playwright<br />

as well. In 2003, he wrote a play called “Good Boys and True,”<br />

about Brandon Hardy, a golden boy senior at St. Joseph’s Prep who is<br />

accused of being in a kinky sex tape. The accusation could shatter everything<br />

he’s worked for and his family reputation, and Brandon swears<br />

he’s not the boy in it — and the play follows him and his mother as they<br />

pull out all the stops to clear his name, which leads to the unearthing of<br />

shocking secrets that affect the entire school and their town.<br />

Aguirre-Sacasa decided to use his newfound TV success to revive<br />

the passion project play, and is mounting it as “Good Boys” at the Pasadena<br />

Playhouse from Wednesday through July 21.<br />

Speaking recently with the Pasadena Weekly, he shared the surprising<br />

inspiration for the play, how it’s more relevant than ever now in the<br />

#Metoo era and addressed the responsibility that comes with creating<br />

shows for impressionable young minds.<br />

Pasadena Weekly: What was the genesis of the play and how did<br />

you decide to revive it now?<br />

Aguirre-Sacasa: I wrote the first draft 15 years ago. It’s a play that’s<br />

set in a prep school, with its golden boy star athlete with great grades<br />

who’s president of his class and finds himself accused of a scandal. A<br />

videotape has been found of someone who looks like him having sex<br />

with a girl who goes to a public school, and the play’s sort of a mystery:<br />

Did this boy do it or not? Is he the guy on the tape? And the further mystery<br />

— if it was him, why was it him? It’s sort of about the boy and his<br />

mother having a huge reckoning about responsibility, morality and what<br />

constitutes acceptable and not acceptable behavior. It’s a prep school<br />

play like “Dead Poet’s Society” or “School Ties,” and a thriller about a<br />

mother trying to defend her son. I wrote it 15 years ago, and it has had<br />

productions, but it’s very rare for everything to come together and work<br />

perfectly. I started talking to [Playhouse artistic director] Danny Feldman<br />

after the Kavanaugh hearings, and said I want to do a little more<br />





P.36<br />

GET YOUR OWN...<br />



The Rose Bowl’s<br />

Final Fridays Food<br />

Truck Festival<br />

invites guests<br />

to experience a<br />

relaxing afternoon<br />

and evening while<br />

enjoying food<br />

from food trucks.<br />

Attendees can<br />

play outdoor games, visit photo booths and take<br />

tours of the stadium from 4 to 8 p.m. Friday at<br />

1001 Rose Bowl Drive, Pasadena. Free. Call (626)<br />

577-3100 or visit visitpasadena.com/events/<br />

food-truck-festival/.<br />


Pasadena<br />

Museum of<br />

History, 470 W.<br />

Walnut St., Pasadena,<br />

celebrates<br />

Pasadena’s 133rd<br />

birthday from 1<br />

to 4 p.m. Sunday.<br />

Guests can enjoy<br />

trick roping, line<br />

dancing, Western music, gold panning, face<br />

painting, crafting and other activities. Mayor Terry<br />

Tornek leads guests in a musical serenade. Free.<br />

Call (626) 577-1660 or visit pasadenahistory.org.<br />


Pasadena<br />

Summer Youth<br />

Chamber Orchestra,<br />

conducted<br />

by Fung Ho,<br />

performs its<br />

annual concert<br />

with works by<br />

Paginini, Grieg,<br />

Tchaikovsky and<br />

others. Featured performers are violist Pannisy<br />

Zhao, violinist Maya Masaoka, violinist David<br />

Hung and pianist Elizabeth Chou, starting at<br />

7:30 p.m. Sunday at First Baptist Church, 75 N.<br />

Marengo Ave., Pasadena. Free. Call (626) 797-<br />

1994 or visit psycochamberorch.org.<br />


Sierra Madre<br />

Civic Club<br />

Concert in the<br />

Park celebrates<br />

the club’s 75th<br />

birthday from 6<br />

to 8 p.m. Sunday<br />

in Memorial<br />

Park, 222 W. Sierra<br />

Madre Blvd.,<br />

Sierra Madre. Music is by local classic rock and<br />

top-40 band Decades of Rock. Free, and cake is<br />

included. Call (626) 355-5278 or visit<br />

sierramadrecivicclub.org.<br />

28 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong>


PHOTO: Jenny Graham<br />

Ben Ahlers and Betsy Brandt in Good Boys<br />

work on it, but he loved it and that led it to the<br />

Pasadena Playhouse.<br />

Did this play come to you out of some sort<br />

of personal experience?<br />

I went to an all-boys prep school just outside<br />

of DC where I grew up, but I never experienced<br />

anything like what is in the play. What<br />

started me writing about this was the Duke<br />

lacrosse scandal, where the team had a party<br />

where things got extremely questionable and<br />

accusations were flying. I want to say it was<br />

just about that, but these kinds of scandals are<br />

happening with alarming frequency. I wanted<br />

to write about my high school experience and<br />

sort of combined the two. On one hand it’s<br />

very personal about my time there, and on the<br />

other it’s about the phenomenon of young men<br />

behaving poorly in the rarefied atmosphere of<br />

prep school, which has always been a hothouse<br />

of testosterone, privilege and insecurity. So it’s<br />

both personal and in response to something<br />

that happens all too often. The Duke players,<br />

as far as I know, were totally exonerated, but<br />

the culture that enables it was put on trial, and<br />

that’s in the play too.<br />

How were the current rewrites impacted<br />

by #METoo?<br />

The play is a period piece, set in 1989. Even<br />

the language we talk about — me too, toxic<br />

masculinity, check your privilege — these<br />

phrases didn’t exist back then. They were<br />

things you didn’t talk about or question and<br />

it’s unchecked. In that way it’s a period piece,<br />

very much an old boys’ locker room mentality,<br />

and not many people are challenging it. The<br />

main character, the mother, is challenging it<br />

but she’s very much a lone wolf on this. It’s not<br />

the revolution it is now. In the play she’s on her<br />

own, navigating these uncharted waters. She’s<br />

never been inside the gymnasium, locker room,<br />

coach’s office. In the play her husband always<br />

handled this, and he’s now out of town on a trip<br />

so she’s forced to get involved. Part of the challenge<br />

is asking is it possible to indict an entire<br />

system when it should be done on a case by<br />

case basis? The mother tries to blame the culture,<br />

saying, ‘My son wouldn’t have done this if<br />

not for the culture.’ The coach says, ‘Don’t kid<br />

yourself, there are a lot of kids in this culture<br />

who haven’t done anything remotely like what<br />

your son has been accused of doing.’ I agree<br />

there’s nothing more pressing and demanding<br />

to do than to look at the cases individually and<br />

judge as individuals.<br />

“Riverdale” sparked some controversy<br />

by having occasionally racy sexual scenes<br />

between its teenage characters, and “Sabrina”<br />

was accused by some for depicting a<br />

teenage witch deciding whether to follow her<br />

family’s bloodline into working with Satan.<br />

Yet “Riverdale” is extremely anti-drug and<br />

has basically good kids fighting evil, while<br />

“Sabrina,” in its final episode thus far, shows<br />

her unequivocally acting against Satan and<br />

picking good over evil as well. What do you<br />

have to say to your critics?<br />

It’s funny, I was raised Catholic, and I love<br />

scary movies like “The Omen,” “Rosemary’s<br />

Baby” and “The Exorcist.” In many ways, “Sabrina”<br />

is much more wholesome and innocent<br />

than “Riverdale.” The kids feel like real teenagers,<br />

and I think the show needed that innocence<br />

and optimism to balance out the darker<br />

elements. If the teens were older and more<br />

sexually active like they are on “Riverdale,”<br />

you wouldn’t get the delicious contradiction of<br />

Sabrina, a young woman of 16 facing down the<br />

Dark Lord. It’s also about her family and always<br />

defending the underdog and her friends, so it’s<br />

hard to ignore that. You can find reason to be<br />

offended by anything, but when you really look<br />

at Sabrina it’s so clear that this isn’t reality, that<br />

she and her family love each other, and they<br />

fight for good even if they were raised to say<br />

‘Hail Satan.’ If you’re looking for a cause to be<br />

offended, you will find it. But that’s not what<br />

the show is about. It’s really about a kid finding<br />

their place in the world.<br />

To me the difference is the kids are in<br />

committed relationships in “Riverdale,” and<br />

hooking up is not a constant focus of the<br />

show. And you fight drugs with Archie. On<br />

“Euphoria,” there’s constant drugs, teen date<br />

rape, and a trans kid gets raped by a man.<br />

Its creator laughs, saying they’re making the<br />

most messed up show imaginable to freak out<br />

parents. Where do you draw the line or feel<br />

responsibility?<br />

I saw “Euphoria” when it premiered and I<br />

really, really enjoyed it and I thought going in<br />

it might be really nihilistic and I don’t want to<br />

see teenagers suffering. But I really enjoyed it,<br />

thought it well done and was captivated by it<br />

and the kids on the show. But “Riverdale” is so<br />

different from it. We’re so far from reality. It’s<br />

so heightened, we often get criticized because<br />

our kids are never in school — they’re running<br />

clubs, owning restaurants and solving murders.<br />

It’s escapism. I think every artist draws the<br />

line with what they want to explore, depict and<br />

show. We’ve kind of gone there, we had one<br />

episode where Cheryl Blossom was slipped<br />

a mickey and was going to be date raped but<br />

the Pussycats showed up and beat the tar out<br />

of them. You have to decide what you want to<br />

put out there and what you want to say, but I’ve<br />

always been more interested in escapism and<br />

genre, crime and pulp. n<br />

“Good Boys” runs from Wed.-July 21 at the Pasadena<br />

Playhouse, 39 S. El Molino Ave., Pasadena.<br />

Tickets are $25-$95. Call (626) 356-7529 or visit<br />

pasadenaplayhouse.org.<br />

To hear the full, extended interview with Roberto Aguirre-<br />

Sacasa, recorded on the “Man Up” radio show Kozlowski<br />

co-hosts on KRLA AM 870, visit manupshow.net/episodes.<br />

<strong>06.27.19</strong> | PASADENA WEEKLY 29




Songs, Stories,<br />

and Downright<br />

Silly Stuff<br />

Katy Moffatt<br />

•NITELIFE•<br />

Thursday June 27 through Wednesday July 03<br />

PLEASE NOTE: Deadline for Calendar submissions<br />

is noon. Wednesday of the week before the issue<br />

publishes.<br />



1881 Bar<br />

1881 E. Washington Blvd., Pasadena<br />

(626) 314-2077<br />

facebook.com/1881bar<br />

Fridays—Live jazz<br />

Saturdays—Gypsie jazz<br />

Wednesdays—Reggae<br />

The Blue Guitar<br />

Arroyo Seco Golf Course<br />

1055 Lohman Lane, South Pasadena<br />

(323) 769-3500<br />

blueguitar.club<br />

Thursday—Jon Mayer Trio<br />

The Boulevard Bar<br />

3199 E. Foothill Blvd., Pasadena<br />

(626) 356-9304<br />

blvdbar.com<br />

Fridays—Drag performances hosted by Tia Wanna<br />

every Friday<br />

Cabrera’s Mexican Cuisine<br />

655 N. Lake Ave., Pasadena<br />

(626) 795-0230<br />

cabreras.com<br />

Thursdays—Live jazz<br />

Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays—Karaoke<br />

Coffee Gallery Backstage<br />

2029 N. Lake Ave., Altadena<br />

(626) 798-6236<br />

coffeegallery.com<br />

Thursday—Off My Head storytelling w/Ty Fance<br />

Friday—The Katie Kuffel Trio<br />

Saturday—Katy Moffatt, Tom Corbett & Mike<br />

Fleming<br />

Sunday—Matinee show w/Ken O’Malley & Padraic<br />

Conroy<br />

Der Wolfskopf<br />

72 N. Fair Oaks Ave., Pasadena<br />

(626) 219-6054<br />

derwolfskopf.com<br />

Fridays—“Night Court” features Deejay Kind Cromang<br />

spinning vinyl soul, funk, disco and boogie<br />

Edwin Mills by Equator<br />

22 Mills Place, Pasadena<br />

(626) 564-8656<br />

edwinmills.com<br />

Friday—Kira Morrison<br />

Saturday—Chloe Perrier<br />

Tuesday—Jazz In Pocket<br />

Wednesday—Marina Pacowski<br />

El Portal Restaurant<br />

695 E. Green St., Pasadena<br />

(626) 795-8553<br />

elportalrestaurant.com<br />

Fridays—Mariachi México<br />

Saturdays—Alanniz<br />

Sundays—Mariachi Bella<br />

Ice House<br />

24 N. Mentor Ave., Pasadena<br />

(626) 577-1894<br />

icehousecomedy.com<br />

Thursday—Nick Swardson; Dash Comedy Show<br />

Friday—Nick Swardson<br />

Saturday—Comedy Madness; Nick Swardson;<br />

Comedy Juice<br />

Sunday—Dave McNary’s All Star Variety Show;<br />

Sunday Nite Funnies<br />

Wednesday—Ice House Open Mic; Samuel J.<br />

Comroe<br />



exhausted.” “I can’t stay<br />

focused.” “It feels like a<br />

“I’m<br />

sledgehammer’s pounding<br />

me in the ground every day.”<br />

I’ve heard and seen such comments<br />

in so many places, I’ve lost<br />

track of their frequency — every<br />

day, it feels like. No doubt you<br />

have heard and seen them too.<br />

New variations on those themes<br />

circulate with each fresh round<br />

of norm-rocking headlines, and<br />

the cumulative effect of constant<br />

chaos will not be ignored. This is<br />

not normal; this is not in the same<br />

area code as normalcy. This is not<br />

on the grid. This is not even sane.<br />

As a child in my grandparents’<br />

home, I’d listen to my granddad<br />

play piano and sing in his<br />

hearty, ringing bass tones, and<br />

that would dispel whatever was<br />

disquieting my little girl mind.<br />

As I grew older, I found solace in<br />

singing and jamming with friends.<br />

Music remains a steadying compass<br />

point in life, as it does for<br />

many of us. In times of trouble,<br />

there’s cathartic healing to be<br />

found in gathering with the clan<br />

to raise voices together, or just<br />

share songs and stories that reestablish<br />

our communal horizon<br />

line and understanding. Fearsome<br />

warlords throughout the<br />

centuries have recognized this,<br />

engaging troubadours, dancers,<br />

poets and playwrights to bond<br />

their community and keep their<br />

torments at bay.<br />

So a ticket to respite is<br />

promised by a night of old friends<br />

sharing songs and stories. This<br />

Saturday, that is precisely what<br />

Katy Moffatt, Mike Fleming, and<br />

Tom Corbett will be doing at Coffee<br />

Gallery Backstage. Granted,<br />

hearing Corbett cheerfully promise,<br />

“I’m gonna take you fishing,<br />

honey/ You’re gonna love it” over<br />

a chunky bluegrass mandolin riff<br />

is lightyears from medieval troubadours<br />

fawning over royals with<br />

ballads of courtly love, but times<br />

change, right? Hear, hear, and hallelujah<br />

for silly stuff too.<br />

All three artists are familiar<br />

to local audiences, having<br />

performed numerous acoustic<br />

concerts in Pasadena-area<br />

venues over the years. Moffatt<br />

achieved renown in folk and<br />

country circles beginning in the<br />

1970s, garnering acclaim for her<br />

full-throated, emotional vocal<br />

style and tasteful albums such<br />

as 1993’s Tom Russell-produced<br />

“The Greatest Show on Earth”<br />

(aka “The Evangeline Hotel”)<br />

and 1999’s Dave Alvin-produced<br />

“Loose Diamond.” Fleming is perhaps<br />

best known as one-third of<br />

entertaining bluegrass-cowboygypsy<br />

jazz trio New West, winning<br />

awards for his songwriting<br />

and high regard for his onstage<br />

warmth and smooth harmonies.<br />

Corbett’s a remarkable musician<br />

and generous spirit onstage and<br />

off, as comfortable accompanying<br />

guitar and mandolin students<br />

at the Topanga Banjo Fiddle<br />

Festival as he is fronting his own<br />

shows or backing the likes of<br />

John McEuen.<br />

Circle it on your calendar. I’ll<br />

see ya there. n<br />

Katy Moffatt, Tom Corbett and Mike Fleming<br />

at Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N.<br />

Lake Ave., Altadena, 7 p.m. Saturday, June<br />

29; $18. Reservations/info: (626) 798-<br />

6236. Coffeegallery.com, katymoffatt.com<br />

’Dena Delta<br />




The LA-based Sardinas represents a newer generation of blues artists who have<br />

taken up the style and made it their own.<br />

Picking up the guitar at the age of 6, Sardinas studied the sounds of Motown, R&B,<br />

gospel and rootsy blues while absorbing licks from Delta blues masters including<br />

Robert Johnson and Skip James. He also took influences from the Chicago end of the<br />

blues spectrum, including Howlin’ Wolf, Otis Rush and Albert King.<br />

Sardinas has also incorporated rock sounds of the 1950 and ’60s, creating his own<br />

sound.<br />

He tours nationally and around the world, and has released several albums.<br />

Visit facebook.com/pg-eric-sardinas-band — John Sollenberger<br />

Music starts at 8 p.m. Saturday at Big Mama’s Rib Shack, 1453 N. Lake Ave., Pasadena.<br />

Tickets are $12 to $50. Visit pasadenablues.com.<br />

30 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong>


•NITELIFE•<br />


RANKY TANKY, Stand By Me (indie release):<br />

HHH½<br />

The Charleston, South Carolina-based quintet<br />

tease their forthcoming full-length “Good Time,”<br />

out July 12, with this five-track EP. Known for<br />

reinterpreting folk, gospel and jazz traditionals with<br />

Gullah rhythms and language (“Sea Island Creole”),<br />

here Ranky Tanky (translation: “get funky with it”)<br />

also draw inspiration from West African ancestors<br />

enslaved along Carolina coastal plains and islands<br />

for originals like the spiritual “Stand By Me,” “Let<br />

Me Be,” and “Freedom,” a stirring showcase for<br />

the band and their uplifting message: “They take<br />

our land/ They take our rights/ But they’ll never<br />

know our power/ We’ll keep up the fight/ We want<br />

Freedom.” rankytanky.com<br />

THE SMALL GLORIES, Assiniboine & the<br />

Red (Red House): HHH½<br />

Robust songwriting and joyful vocal chemistry<br />

between multi-instrumentalist JD Edwards and<br />

Wailin’ Jennys co-founder Cara Luft animate<br />

the Canadian duo’s sophomore album. Edwards<br />

shadows Luft’s vibrato-textured alto in deft<br />

harmony, as accordion, banjo, upright bass, Dobro,<br />

fiddle and guitars impart Appalachian texture to<br />

tracks like “Long Long Moon,” “Johnson Slide”<br />

and “Alberta.” The less poetic “Sing” doubles as<br />

mission statement: “I could sing for the praise/<br />

Spitting out nothing/ Wasting time up on the stage/<br />

Good folks are bleeding freedom/ Denied their truth/<br />

One thing I can do is sing for you.” RIYL Civil Wars,<br />

the Steel Wheels. thesmallglories.com<br />

Kings Row Gastropub<br />

20 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena<br />

(626) 793-3010<br />

kingsrowpub.com<br />

Thursday—Thirsty Thursday w/Mike Moody<br />

Friday—C4<br />

Saturday—Coyote Party<br />

Sunday—Reggae Sunday w/My Reggae Band; Will<br />

Champlin<br />

MEOWMEOWZ! Retro ‘80s Thrift Shop<br />

2423 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena<br />

(626) 798-6969<br />

facebook.com/meowmeowz<br />

Fridays and Saturdays—Live music every Friday<br />

and Saturday; all ages welcome<br />

Old Towne Pub<br />

66 N. Fair Oaks Ave., Pasadena<br />

(626) 577-6583<br />

theoldtownepub.com<br />

Live music most nignts of the week<br />

Pasadena Ballroom Dance Association<br />

73 N. Hill Ave., Pasadena<br />

(626) 799-5689<br />

pasadenaballroomdance.com<br />

Saturday—Saturday Swing Dance features Phat<br />

Cat Swinger<br />

Plate 38<br />

2361 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena<br />

(626) 793-7100<br />

plate38.com<br />

Fridays & Saturdays—Live music on select Fridays<br />

& Saturdays<br />

The Mixx<br />

443 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena<br />

(626) 500-0021<br />

themixxclub.com<br />

Thursday—Mari Nobre Band<br />

Friday—Ronnie Hudson & the Bad Azz Band<br />

Saturday—The Vibe<br />

Tuesday—Blues Channel Band<br />

Wednesday—Wednesday Karaoke<br />

The Rose<br />

Paseo Colorado<br />

245 E. Green St., Pasadena<br />

(888) 645-5006<br />

wheremusicmeetsthesoul.com<br />

Thursday—So Petty Tom Petty tribute<br />

Friday—Bruno & the Hooligans Bruno Mars tribute<br />

Saturday—Which One’s Pink Pink Floyd tribute<br />

Sunday—Soulful Sunday Brunch; Sandra<br />

Edmonds<br />

T. Boyle’s Tavern<br />

37 N. Catalina Ave., Pasadena<br />

(626) 578-0957<br />

tboylestavern.com<br />

Friday—Past Action Heroes<br />

Sunday—Action Trivia<br />

Tuesday—Action Trivia<br />


Arcadia Blues Club<br />

16 E. Huntington Drive, Arcadia<br />

(626) 447-9349<br />

arcadiabluesclub.com<br />

Saturday—Susan Santos<br />

The Buccaneer<br />

70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre<br />

(626) 355-9045<br />

https://www.facebook.com/Buccaneer-847437898642883/<br />

Wednesday—Wednesday Night Platter Party: Bring<br />

your fave vinyl to be spun on turntable<br />

First Cabin<br />

46 E. Huntington Drive, Arcadia<br />

(626) 446-2575<br />

Fridays-Saturdays—Pat O’Brien & the Priests of<br />

Love exalt the blues and classic rock<br />

The Granada<br />

17 S. First St., Alhambra<br />

(626) 227-2572<br />

thegranadala.com<br />

Thursday—Deejay Zonik; Deejay Kenny; Deejay<br />

Vince<br />

Friday—Live music w/Rumbankete; Deejay<br />

Mayimbe; Deejay Magico; Deejay Hush; Deejay<br />

Miro; Las Vegas Congress Los Angeles pre-party<br />

w/special dance performances<br />

Saturday—Live music w/Conjunto Oye; Super<br />

Deejay Robby; Deejay Vince; Deejay Miro;<br />

J.C. Hyke Songwriter Serenade<br />

Matt Denny’s Ale House Restaurant<br />

145 E. Huntington Drive, Arcadia<br />

(626) 462-0250<br />

mattdennys.com, jchyke.com<br />

Tuesday—No show this week<br />

Pizza Place California<br />

303 S. Mission Drive, San Gabriel<br />

(626) 570-9622<br />

facebook.com/pizzaplaceca<br />

Sundays—Open mic the first three Sundays of<br />

every month<br />

Villa Catrina<br />

251 N. Santa Anita Ave., Arcadia<br />

(626) 294-1973<br />

villacatrina.com<br />

Thursdays—Comedy open mic every first and third<br />

Thursday of the month<br />

Wednesdays—Karaoke w/Deejay Zary<br />


Colombo’s Restaurant<br />

1833 Colorado Blvd., Eagle Rock<br />

(323) 254-9138<br />

colombosrestaurant.com<br />

Thursday—Trifecta<br />

Friday—Steve Thompson; Blue Bird Harmony<br />

Saturday—Ernie Draffen; Stunt Road<br />

Sunday—Kevin King<br />

Monday—Eric Eckstrand Trio<br />

Tuesday—Tom Armbruster<br />

Days Inn Lounge<br />

450 Pioneer Drive, Glendale<br />

(323) 259-5900<br />

tommydodson.com<br />

Fridays—Tommy Dodson and friends present<br />

Cabaret Fridays<br />

The Oak and Vine<br />

117 E. Harvard St., Glendale<br />

(818) 507-7011<br />

theoakandvine.com<br />

Live music most nights of the week<br />

Winchester Room<br />

6522 San Fernando Road, Glendale<br />

(818) 241-5475<br />

thewinchesterroom.com<br />

Friday—Karaoke<br />

Saturday—Karaoke n<br />

RHYE, Spirit (Loma Vista): HHH<br />

R&B keyboardist/producer Mike Milosh slows down<br />

the BPMs for eight songs about loving his woman<br />

and his baby grand piano, on which he composed<br />

spare music that’s all about connection, rather than<br />

challenge. The vibe is contemplative and seriously<br />

chill, with Milosh’s romantic sighs and yearning,<br />

minor-key melodies going down as easily as a<br />

glass of pinot noir at sunset. Highlights include<br />

“Patience,” its harmonic elegance heightened by a<br />

guest turn from Icelandic pianist/composer Ólafur<br />

Arnalds; the hypnotic “Needed”; and the sweet,<br />

slow-building “Save Me.” Opening for Leon Bridges<br />

at Hollywood Bowl July 5. rhyemusic.com<br />

CHIP & TONY KINMAN, Sounds Like Music<br />

(Omnivore): HHHH<br />

We lost a good man and musician when Tony<br />

Kinman died last year. The lanky bassist’s deep<br />

baritone and reserve played ying to brother Chip’s<br />

wisecracking tenor yang, a dynamic that brightens<br />

this gratifying compilation of 22 previously<br />

unreleased tracks (including four with Alejandro<br />

Escovedo) by cowpunk trailblazers Rank and File,<br />

SoCal punkers the Dils, the underrated Cowboy<br />

Nation, and category-defying Blackbird. Surprises<br />

include an ethereal “Old Paint,” a snarling alternate<br />

take on “Rank and File,” and a sweetly sung,<br />

requiem-like version of Tom Waits’ “Jersey Girl.”<br />

omnivorerecordings.com<br />

Cargo Pants Rule<br />




To the uninitiated, the band dresses in costumes reminiscent of TV action series heroes of the 1980s and ’90s, such as<br />

“MacGyver,” Michael Knight of “Night Rider,” “Magnum P.I” and various other icons.<br />

The show consists of hit music from the decades of Reagan and Clinton, and they totally rock in the process. Past<br />

Action Heroes’ musical renditions are spot-on, and the band’s musicianship is arena-worthy. This is serious music, performed<br />

with a wink and a smile, offering a humorous take on the era.<br />

They’ve performed shows at clubs all around the area, as well as Santa Anita Park, and they’re a popular call for events<br />

like weddings and parties. Their past client endorsements glow with praise.<br />

Check them out at pastactionheroes.com. — John Sollenberger<br />

Music starts at 10 p.m. Friday at T.Boyle’s Tavern, 37 N. Catalina Ave., in Rhodes Alley between Catalina and Mentor avenues.<br />

Admission is $5. Call (626) 578-0957 or visit tboylestavern.com.<br />

<strong>06.27.19</strong> | PASADENA WEEKLY 31


•CALENDAR•<br />

32 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong><br />

Marissa Mayer and Ruben Bravo in Dames at Sea<br />

Singing and<br />

Swimming<br />


The Sierra Madre Playhouse is beloved<br />

for producing enjoyable plays gilded<br />

in the charm of a small-town vibe. But<br />

it originated as a movie theater for the<br />

bucolic burg of roughly 11,000 citizens<br />

— a town so small that it still has only<br />

one stoplight — and this summer its<br />

programmers are weaving together<br />

both aspects of its rich cultural history<br />

by presenting the old-school musical<br />

“Dames at Sea” as well as a series of<br />

classic movies that inspired the style of<br />

“Dames” on Wednesday nights.<br />

“Dames” follows the story of Ruby,<br />

an actress who hits the stage as a chorus<br />

girl but might wind up a star, in a<br />

musical comedy that is also a hilarious<br />

homage to the glamorous and hopeful<br />

musicals of the 1930s. According to<br />

director Joshua Finkel, the combination<br />

is bringing a full slate of summer fun to<br />

the theater’s small but hallowed stage<br />

as it runs through July 21.<br />

“It’s going really, really well,” says<br />

Finkel, who is making his Playhouse<br />

debut with the production “What drew<br />

us to the show is it’s small and works<br />

for the kind of space we have. Part of<br />


the creator’s message in the forward of<br />

the libretto says ‘think of this as Busby<br />

Berkeley but on a postage stamp.’ Part<br />

of the satire is to create the same effect<br />

of having thousands of people onstage<br />

with just six.<br />

“It’s a tipping of the hat to movie<br />

musicals of the 1930s, and extremely<br />

American,” he continues. “Christian<br />

Lebano, the Playhouse’s artistic<br />

director, wants American theater by<br />

American playwrights and that’s his<br />

mission. It’s uniquely American, and<br />

what’s really cool is that they’re screening<br />

a movie series Wednesday nights<br />

of the movies ‘Dames’ is based on:<br />

‘42nd Street,’ ‘Gold Diggers of 1933’<br />

and ‘Footlight Parade,’ plus ‘Yankee<br />

Doodle Dandy.’”<br />

“Yankee Doodle Dandy” will screen<br />

at 8 p.m. July 3, while “Footlight Parade”<br />

follows at 8 p.m. July 10. “42nd<br />

Street” closes out the series at 8 p.m.<br />

July 17, with tickets to all three screenings<br />

available for $10 per movie.<br />

Finkel notes that all those films had<br />

the same basic cast or filmmakers, with<br />

stars like Ruby Keeler, Guy Blondell and<br />

James Cagney playing archetypes in<br />

archetypal plots. “Dames” is a takeoff<br />

of that style, as it “takes the stakes to<br />

crazy ridiculous situations the entire<br />

show, over one crazy long day of<br />

opening a Broadway show at the Hippodrome<br />

in the 1930s.”<br />

“The Works Progress Administration<br />

is moving in to demolish the theater<br />

because the producer couldn’t pay<br />

the bills after 12 flops in a row, so at<br />

the end of act one, the theater is demolished<br />

while they’re singing ‘Good Times<br />

are Here to Stay,’” laughs Finkel, who<br />

met Lebano when they were students<br />

in the theater program of the University<br />

of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. “The second<br />

act is on a ship after they’ve moved the<br />

show there, which is ridiculous that<br />

they could move the locations and write<br />

a whole new score for it in just one day.<br />

This is truly screwball level comedy.” n<br />

“Dames at Sea” runs through July 21 at the<br />

Sierra Madre Playhouse, 87 W. Sierra Madre<br />

Blvd., Sierra Madre. Tickets are $25 to $45.<br />

Call (626) 355-4318 or visit sierramadreplayhouse.org.<br />

Thursday June 27 through Wednesday July 03<br />

PLEASE NOTE: Deadline for Calendar submissions<br />

is noon Wednesday of the week before the issue<br />

publishes. Send to johns@pasadenaweekly.com<br />


The Blue Guitar<br />

Arroyo Seco Golf Course<br />

1055 Lohman Lane, South Pasadena<br />

blueguitar.club<br />

The club at Arroyo Seco Golf Course presents<br />

the Jon Mayer Trio at 7 p.m. Tickets are $12<br />

general admission, $17 for table seating, available<br />

on the website.<br />

Descanso Gardens<br />

1418 Descanso Drive, La Cañada Flintridge<br />

(818) 949-4200<br />

descansogardens.org<br />

Descanso’s annual Music on the Main live jazz<br />

series features jazz vocalist Mon David from 6<br />

to 7:30 p.m., included in Descanso admission<br />

of $9 general admission, $6 for students and<br />

seniors, $4 for children 5 to 12, free for those<br />

4 and younger.<br />

Music on the Green<br />

The Alhambra<br />

1000 S. Fremont Ave., Alhambra<br />

(626) 300-5000<br />

thealhambra.net<br />

Music on the Green features a hip-hop deejay<br />

from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Free.<br />

Norton Simon Museum<br />

411 W. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena<br />

(626) 449-6840<br />

nortonsimon.org<br />

Thursday Summer Fun invites guests with<br />

children ages 4 to 10 to study images of the<br />

vahanas, animals used to transport celestial<br />

Hindu deities, then design an animal mount<br />

that moves on wheels, from 1 to 3 p.m.,<br />

included in Norton Simon admission of $15 for<br />

adults, $12 for seniors, free for students, those<br />

18 and under and members.<br />

Off My Head Storytelling with Ty Fance<br />

Coffee Gallery Backstage<br />

2029 N. Lake Ave., Altadena<br />

offmyhead.bpt.me<br />

Author and storyteller Ty Fance presents his<br />

unique brand of storytelling, starting at 7:30<br />

p.m., along with storytellers Jonathan Tipton<br />

Meyers, Ashton Cynthia Clarke, Hana Nobel,<br />

Erica Blumfield, Tony Zimbardi and Sean Ewert.<br />

Tickets are $15, with reservations strongly<br />

recommended, available on the website.<br />

Pasadena Public Library, Central Branch<br />

285 E. Walnut St., Pasadena<br />

(626) 744-4066<br />

pasadenapubliclibrary.net<br />

Tweens are invited to design and code their<br />

own Web page, in an in-depth class, from 2:30<br />

to 4 p.m. today, and July 11 and 18.<br />

Pasadena Senior Center<br />

85 E. Holly St., Pasadena<br />

(626) 795-4331<br />

pasadenaseniorcenter.org<br />

Darlene Incando, author of “What You Can<br />

Do Now,” discusses ways she dealt with the<br />

sudden death of her husband and her path<br />

through grief, and shares ideas about it, starting<br />

at 10 a.m. The Great American Songwriters<br />

program features pianist Bob Lipson and commentator/performer<br />

Saul H. Jacobs presenting<br />

an interactive musical journey, highlighting<br />

those who wrote songs for Bing Crosby and<br />

Frank Sinatra, including songs by Jimmy Van<br />

Heusen, Johnny Burke, Sammy Cahn and Julie<br />

Stynes, starting at 2 p.m.<br />

FRIDAY<br />

Coffee Gallery Backstage<br />

2029 N. Lake Ave., Altadena<br />

(626) 798-6236<br />

coffeegallery.com<br />

Bluesy, smoky-voiced vocalist Katie Kuffel<br />

(katiekuffel.com), widely heralded as one of<br />

the best live performers in her home town of<br />

Seattle, brings her Kuffel Shuffle tour, with the<br />

Katie Kuffel Trio, to Altadena at 8 p.m. Tickets<br />

are $18.<br />

Final Fridays Food Truck Festival<br />

Rose Bowl Stadium<br />

1001 Rose Bowl Drive, Pasadena<br />

(626) 577-3100<br />

visitpasadena.com/events/food-truck-festival/.<br />

The ongoing festival, taking place on the final<br />

Friday of the month through Aug. 30, invites<br />

guests to experience a relaxing afternoon and<br />

evening, while enjoying food from various food<br />

trucks. Guests can play foot golf and other<br />

outdoor games, visit photo booths and take<br />

tours of the stadium. It runs from 4 to 8 p.m.<br />

Admission and parking are free.<br />

Pasadena Senior Center<br />

85 E. Holly St., Pasadena<br />

(626) 795-4331<br />

pasadenaseniorcenter.org<br />

Free films screen at 1 p.m. on select Fridays.<br />

This Friday’s film is “Now, Voyager” (1942).<br />


Brand Library<br />

1601 W. Mountain St., Glenale<br />

(818) 548-2051<br />

brandlibrary.org<br />

The exhibition “Blind Courier” contradicts the<br />

idea that a city is a passive entity, as artists<br />

document, redefine and re-envision dwellings,<br />

neighborhoods and landmarks and shape their<br />

own surroundings. It features a large number<br />

of artists in a variety of media, opening with a<br />

reception from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, continuing<br />

through Aug. 23.<br />

CatCon<br />

Pasadena Convention Center<br />

300 E. Green St., Pasadena<br />

catconworldwide.com<br />

CatCon is a cat-centric, pop culture event that<br />

boasts numerous seminars and workshops<br />

pertaining to felines, as well as exhibitors offering<br />

products from manufacturers both large<br />

and small. More than 40 experts will be on<br />

hand with cat-related information of all sorts.<br />

CatCon runs from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday<br />

and Sunday. Tickets are $10 to $75, depending<br />

on activities desired.<br />

Flintridge Bookstore & Coffeehouse<br />

1010 Foothill Blvd., La Cañada Flintridge<br />

(818) 790-0717<br />

flintridgebooks.com<br />

Chef Mareya Ibrahim discusses and signs “Eat<br />

Like You Give a Fork: The Real Dish on Eating<br />

to Thrive” at 5 p.m.<br />

Norton Simon Museum<br />

411 W. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena<br />

(626) 449-6840<br />

nortonsimon.org<br />

A guided tour visits works reflecting exiles<br />

and emigres from 1 to 2 p.m. A Night in<br />

Focus: Garden Party celebrates the start of<br />

summer in a social, creative event for all ages.<br />

Guests explore the sights and sounds of the<br />

Sculpture Garden, sketch en plein air, create<br />

flower crowns, boutonnières or satchels using<br />

plant materials, and enjoy live music from 5 to<br />

7:30 p.m. Both are included in Norton Simon<br />

admission of $15 for adults, $12 for seniors,<br />

free for students, those 18 and under and<br />

members.<br />

Pasadena Public Library, Linda Vista Branch<br />

1281 Bryant St., Pasadena<br />

(626) 744-7278<br />

pasadenapubliclibrary.net<br />

Kids are invited to the Wacko Show, featuring<br />

side-splitting magic, starting at 11 a.m.<br />

SUNDAY<br />

All Saints Church<br />

132 N. Euclid Ave., Pasadena<br />

(626) 796-1172<br />

allsaints-pas.org<br />

All Saints’ Jazz Vespers presents composer<br />


PHOTO: Gina Long

<strong>06.27.19</strong> | PASADENA WEEKLY 33

34 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong><br />


•CALENDAR•<br />


and pianist Billy Childs (billychilds.com) at 5 p.m. Free.<br />

California Philharmonic Orchestra<br />

Walt Disney Concert Hall<br />

111 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles<br />

(323) 850-2000<br />

calphil.com<br />

Cal Phil presents “Beethoven Meets the Beatles,” with<br />

special guests, Beatles tribute The Fab Four, performing<br />

with the orchestra Beatles hits, including “Sgt. Pepper’s<br />

Lonely Hearts Club Band,” “All You Need Is Love,” “Eleanor<br />

Rigby” and others. Beethoven’s 5th Symphony is included.<br />

It starts with an interactive “Talks with the Maestro” with<br />

Victor Vener, starting at 1 p.m., followed by the concert.<br />

Tickets are $37.50 to $140.<br />

Crowell Public Library<br />

1890 Huntington Drive, San Marino<br />

(626) 300-0777<br />

crowellpubliclibrary.org<br />

The library presents an hour of lyrical, solo guitar music<br />

performed by Andre Giraldo, featuring music of Hector<br />

Villa Lobos, Nikita Koshkin and Jorge Morel, starting at 2<br />

p.m. Free.<br />

Flintridge Bookstore & Coffeehouse<br />

1010 Foothill Blvd., La Cañada Flintridge<br />

(818) 790-0717<br />

flintridgebooks.com<br />

Rachel Ignotofsky discusses and signs “Women in Sports:<br />

50 Fearless Athletes Who Played to Win” at 5 p.m.<br />

Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden<br />

301 N. Baldwin Ave., Arcadia<br />

(626) 821-4624<br />

arboretum.org<br />

Matt Ritter, botany professor at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo<br />

and author of “California Plants,” presents a book signing<br />

and leads a walk exploring the state’s iconic native flora.<br />

The discussion and signing run from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Cost is<br />

$15, or $10 for members. The walk starts at 4:30 p.m. Cost<br />

is $35, or $25 for members.<br />

Pasadena Museum of History<br />

470 W. Walnut St., Pasadena<br />

(626) 577-1660<br />

pasadenahistory.org<br />

The museum celebrates Pasadena’s 133rd birthday from<br />

1 to 4 p.m. Guests can enjoy trick roping, line dancing<br />

and western music, gold panning, face painting, crafting<br />

and other activities. Mayor Terry Tornek leads guests in a<br />

musical serenade. Free.<br />

Pasadena Summer Youth Chamber Orchestra<br />

First Baptist Church<br />

75 N. Marengo Ave., Pasadena<br />

(626) 797-1994<br />

psycochamberorch.org<br />

The orchestra, conducted by Fung Ho, performs its annual<br />

concert, with works by Vieuxtemps, Wieniawski, Paginini,<br />

Grieg and Tchaikovsky. Featured performers are violist<br />

Pannisy Zhao, violinist Maya Masaoka, violinist David Hung<br />

and pianist Elizabeth Chou, starting at 7:30 p.m. Free.<br />

Sierra Madre Civic Club Concert in the Park<br />

Sierra Madre Memorial Park<br />

222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre<br />

(626) 355-5278<br />

sierramadrecivicclub.org<br />

The club celebrates its 75th birthday with a concert in the<br />

park from 6 to 8 p.m. Music is by Sierra Madre classic<br />

rock and top-40 band Decades of Rock. Free, and cake is<br />

included.<br />

Soulful Sunday Brunch<br />

The Rose<br />

245 E. Green St., Pasadena<br />

(888) 645-5006<br />

wheremusicmeetsthesoul.com<br />

Enjoy a live Motown-style band, gospel choir and mouthwatering<br />

brunch from $29 to $58. The $18.50 general<br />

admission does not include brunch. Brunch starts at 10<br />

a.m. and music starts at 11 a.m.<br />

Vroman’s Bookstore<br />

695 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena<br />

(626) 449-5320<br />

vromansbookstore.com<br />

Local Author Day features Aliete Guerrero, author of “Blue<br />

Nestira,” Austyn Wells, author of “Soul Conversations,” and<br />

Roberto Tostado, M.D., author of “WTF is Wrong with Our<br />

Health” discussing and signing their books starting at 4 p.m.<br />

MONDAY<br />

Colombo’s Restaurant<br />

1833 Colorado Blvd., Eagle Rock<br />

(323) 254-9138<br />

colombosrestaurant.com<br />

The Eric Eckstrand Trio plays jazz at 7 p.m. No cover.<br />


Descanso Gardens<br />

1418 Descanso Drive, La Cañada Flintridge<br />

(818) 949-4200<br />

descansogardens.org<br />

Descanso’s annual World Rhythms world music series<br />

features California Feetwarmers from 6 to 7 p.m., included<br />

in Descanso admission of $9 general admission, $6 for<br />

students and seniors, $4 for children 5 to 12, free for those<br />

4 and younger.<br />

Pasadena Senior Center<br />

85 E. Holly St., Pasadena<br />

(626) 795-4331<br />

pasadenaseniorcenter.org<br />

Tuesday is the reservation deadline for the Center’s July 4<br />

celebration, which includes classic American barbecue and<br />

music for dancing by the Great American Swing Band. Cost<br />

is $12 or $10 for members.<br />

Vroman’s Bookstore<br />

695 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena<br />

(626) 449-5320<br />

vromansbookstore.com<br />

Illustrator Leland Myrick discusses and signs “Hawking”<br />

at 7 p.m.<br />


Pasadena Public Library, Central Branch<br />

285 E. Walnut St., Pasadena<br />

(626) 744-4066<br />

pasadenapubliclibrary.net<br />

Free films screen at 1 p.m. Wednesdays. Wednesday’s film<br />

is “The Right Stuff” (1983). Professional musicians Heidi<br />

Swedberg and Daniel Ward of Sukey Jump Music present<br />

a five-week class for tweens on the ukulele from 5 to 6:30<br />

p.m. Wednesday, continuing Wednesdays through July 31.<br />

Sierra Madre Playhouse<br />

87 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre<br />

(626) 355-4318<br />

sierramadreplayhouse.org<br />

The Playhouse continues its series of classic movie musical<br />

screenings with “Yankee Doodle Dandy” (1942) starting<br />

at 8 p.m. Admission is $10 per film.<br />

The Rose<br />

245 E. Green St., Pasadena<br />

(888) 645-5006<br />

wheremusicmeetsthesoul.com<br />

Make your own music with karaoke in the Lobby Lounge at<br />

The Rose Wednesday through Saturday night.<br />

Vroman’s Bookstore<br />

695 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena<br />

(626) 449-5320<br />

vromansbookstore.com<br />

Karol Ruth Silverstein, author of “Cursed,” and Chris<br />

Baron, author of “All of Me,” discuss and sign their books<br />

at 7 p.m.<br />

Wine & Song Americana Singer/Songwriter Music Series<br />

Arroyo Seco Golf Course<br />

1055 Lohman Lane, South Pasadena<br />

blueguitar.club<br />

Brad Colerick’s weekly music series features guest host<br />

Marty Axelrod with “Pianoganza,” with Teresa James and<br />

Rick Solem at 7 p.m. Tickets are $12 general admission,<br />

$17 for table seating. n


•CALENDAR•<br />


Boston Court Pasadena, 70 N. Mentor Ave., Pasadena, presents Kit Steinkeltner’s “Ladies,” a fictional account of the real women behind the Blue<br />

Stocking Society, the world’s first major feminist movement in 1750s London. Their ambitious goals created scandal in London society and conflicts<br />

among themselves. It opened June 1 and continues at 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday, closing Sunday. Tickets are $20 to $39.<br />

Call (626) 683-6801 or visit bostoncourtpasadena.org.<br />

The Huntington Library, Art Collections and<br />

Botanical Gardens, 1151 Oxford Road, San<br />

Marino, presents a monumental new, sitespecific<br />

installation, “Tang Qingnia: An Offering<br />

to Roots,” by artist Tang Qingnian, featuring<br />

full-size prints of five banner paintings, the<br />

largest one 18 feet long, suspended from a<br />

framework above the water of the Chinese Garden<br />

lake. It went on view June 22 and continues<br />

through Sept. 23, during regular Huntington<br />

hours, included in Huntington admission of<br />

$29 for adults, $24 for seniors, youth 4 to 11,<br />

$13, free for those younger than 4. Call (626)<br />

405-2100 or visit huntington.org.<br />

Norton Simon Museum, 411 W. Colorado<br />

Blvd., Pasadena, presents the exhibition “The<br />

Sweetness of Life: Three 18th Century French<br />

Paintings From the Frick Collection,” featuring<br />

visions of contemporary life and fashion by<br />

Francois Boucher, Jean-Siméon Chardin and<br />

Jean-Baptiste Greuze, on view through Sept.<br />

9 during regular museum hours. Admission<br />

is included in Norton Simon admission of $15<br />

for adults, $12 for seniors, free for students,<br />

those 18 and under and members. Call (626)<br />

449-6840 or visit nortonsimon.org.<br />

Pasadena Museum of History, 470 W. Walnut<br />

St., Pasadena, presents the exhibition “Giddy<br />

Up: Children Take the Reins,” featuring an array<br />

of more than 35 small-scale carousel horses<br />

and exotic creatures that guests of all ages will<br />

be able to touch and view through Sept. 15,<br />

during regular hours of noon to 5 p.m. Wednesdays<br />

through Sundays. Call (626) 577-1660 or<br />

visit pasadenahistory.org.<br />

Pasadena Playhouse, 39 S. El Molino Ave.,<br />

Pasadena, presents the play “Good Boys,” by<br />

“Riverdale” creator Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa,<br />

which opened June 26. The intense drama is<br />

set in 1988 at a private prep school, involving a<br />

model student, in the mold of his father, a disturbing<br />

video tape and a privileged family facing<br />

difficult choices. It continues at 8 p.m. Tuesdays<br />

through Fridays, 2 and 8 p.m. Saturdays and 2<br />

and 7 p.m. Sundays through July 21. Tickets<br />

are $25 and up. Call (626) 356-7529 or visit<br />

pasadenaplayhouse.org.<br />

Sierra Madre Playhouse, 87 W. Sierra Madre<br />

Blvd., Sierra Madre, presents the musical<br />

“Dames at Sea,” a story about a woman<br />

who arrives on Broadway from Utah. She is<br />

cast in the chorus of a show, but the theater<br />

soon closes. Her songwriting sailor boyfriend<br />

persuades the captain of his ship to allow the<br />

show to move on deck. It opened June 15 and<br />

continues at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and<br />

2:30 p.m. Sundays through August 3. Tickets<br />

are $25 to $45. Call (626) 355-4318 or visit<br />

sierramadreplayhouse.org.<br />



Friday June 28 to Thursday July 04 Note: Times are p.m., and daily, unless otherwise<br />

indicated. All times are subject to change without notice.<br />


ACADEMY 6<br />

1003 E Colorado Bl, (626) 229-9400.<br />

Breakthrough Fri.-Thurs., 2:20 p.m.<br />

Brightburn Fri.-Thurs., 12:45, 3:10, 5:20, 7:40 p.m.<br />

Captain Marvel Fri.-Thurs., 10 p.m.<br />

The Curse of La Llorona Fri.-Thurs., 4, 9:45 p.m.<br />

The Hustle Fri.-Thurs., 12 noon, 5, 7:20, 9:40 p.m.<br />

Jaws Tues. only, 7:30 p.m.<br />

Ma Fri.-Thurs., 12:20, 2:50, 5:10, 7:30, 9:50 p.m.<br />

PokÈmon Detective Pikachu Fri.-Thurs., 11:30 a.m.,<br />

12:30, 2, 3, 4:30, 5:30, 7, 7:55, 9:30, 10:20 p.m.<br />

Shazam! Fri.-Thurs., 1, 6:50 p.m.<br />



42 Miller Alley, (626) 639-2260.<br />

Annabelle Comes Home Fri.-Sun., 1:45, 4:45, 7:15,<br />

7:45, 10:15, 10:45 p.m.; Mon. 1:45, 4:45, 7:15, 7:45,<br />

10, 10:45 p.m.; Tues.-Wed., 1:45, 4:45, 7:45, 10:45<br />

p.m.<br />

Men in Black: International Fri.-Mon., 12:30, 3:30,<br />

6:30, 9:30 p.m.<br />

Spider-Man: Far From Home Tues.-Wed., 11:45<br />

a.m., 12:15, 3, 3:30, 6:30, 7, 9:45, 10:15 p.m.; Thurs.<br />

12:15, 12:45, 3:30, 4, 7, 7:30, 10:15, 10:45 p.m.<br />

Toy Story 4 Fri. 12:45, 1:15, 3:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:45<br />

p.m.; Sat.-Mon., 12:50, 1:15, 3:50, 4:15, 6:45, 9:45<br />

p.m.; Tues.-Wed., 12:50, 3:50, 6:45, 9:45 p.m.<br />

Yesterday Fri.-Mon., 1, 1:30, 4, 4:30, 7, 7:30, 10,<br />

10:30 p.m.; Tues.-Wed., 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10:30 p.m.;<br />

Thurs. 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:15 p.m.<br />


673 E Colorado Bl, (626) 844-6500.<br />

Bauhaus Spirit: 100 Years of Bauhaus Mon. 7:30<br />

p.m.; Tues. 1 p.m.<br />

The Doors Wed. only, 7:30 p.m.<br />

Endzeit Sun. only, 7:30 p.m.<br />

Midsommar Tues. 7:30 p.m.; Wed.-Thurs., 1, 4:10,<br />

7:30 p.m.<br />

The Other Story Fri.-Sun., 1:20, 7:10 p.m.; Mon. 1:20<br />

p.m.; Tues. 1:20, 7:10 p.m.; Wed. 1:20 p.m.; Thurs.<br />

1:20, 7:10 p.m.<br />

Whisper of the Heart Mon.-Tues., 7 p.m.<br />

Yesterday Fri.-Thurs., 1:40, 4:30, 7:20, 10:10 p.m.<br />


280 E Colorado Bl, (626) 568-8888.<br />

Annabelle Comes Home Fri.-Sun., 11 a.m., 1:15,<br />

3:30, 5:45, 8, 10:15 p.m.<br />

Midsommar Tues. 7:30, 10:30 p.m.; Wed.-Thurs., 11<br />

a.m., 1:45, 4:30, 7:30, 10:30 p.m.<br />

The Shining Sun. only, 7:30 p.m.<br />

Spider-Man: Far From Home Mon. 12:05 a.m.; Tues.<br />

9 a.m., 7, 8, 10:45, 12:30 a.m.; Wed. 9 a.m., 8, 10:45,<br />

12:30 a.m.; Thurs. 9 a.m., 8, 10:45 p.m.<br />

Spider-Man: Far From Home 3D Mon. 12:30 a.m.;<br />

Tues.-Thurs., 12:45, 6:15 p.m.<br />

Yesterday Fri. 10:30 a.m., 1, 11 p.m.; Sat.-Sun.,<br />

10:30 a.m., 1, 3:30, 6, 8:30, 11 p.m.<br />



The Americana at Brand,322<br />

Americana Way, Glendale<br />

(818) 551-0218.<br />

Annabelle Comes Home Fri. 11:45 a.m., 2:15, 5:30,<br />

8, 10:30 p.m.; Sat. 11:45 a.m., 5:30, 8, 10:30 p.m.;<br />

Sun. 11:45 a.m., 2:20, 5:30, 8, 10:30 p.m.<br />

Midsommar Tues. 7:10, 10:15 p.m.; Wed.-Thurs.,<br />

11:20 a.m., 2:25, 5:20, 8:25, 10:25 p.m.<br />

Spider-Man: Far From Home Mon. 12:05 a.m.; Tues.<br />

10 a.m., 11 a.m., 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 p.m.;<br />

Wed.-Thurs., 10 a.m., 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 p.m.<br />

Spider-Man: Far From Home 3D Tues.-Thurs., 4:30,<br />

7:30 p.m.<br />

Yesterday Fri.-Sun., 10:50 a.m., 1:35, 4:20, 7:05,<br />

9:50 p.m.<br />


1919 Verdugo Bl, (818) 952-1940.<br />

Annabelle Comes Home Fri.-Thurs., 11:50 a.m.,<br />

2:30, 5:10, 7:50, 10:30 p.m.<br />

Spider-Man: Far From Home Tues.-Thurs., 12:40,<br />

7, 10:10 p.m.<br />

Spider-Man: Far From Home 3D Tues.-Thurs., 3:50<br />

p.m.<br />

Whisper of the Heart Mon. only, 7 p.m.<br />

Whisper of the Heart Tues. only, 7 p.m.<br />

Yesterday Fri.-Thurs., 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 p.m.<br />



Westfield Shoppingtown Mall,400<br />

Baldwin Ave, (888) 262-4386.<br />

Aladdin Fri.-Sat., 9:55 a.m., 12:50, 3:45, 6:50, 9:45<br />

p.m.<br />

Anna Fri. 10:35 a.m., 1:30, 4:25, 7:20, 10:10 p.m.;<br />

Sat.-Sun., 7:30 p.m.<br />

Annabelle Comes Home Fri. 10:10 a.m., 11:25 a.m.,<br />

1, 2:15, 4, 5, 6:30, 7:45, 8:20, 9:05, 10:30, 11 p.m.;<br />

Sat. 10:10 a.m., 10:35 a.m., 11:25 a.m., 1, 1:30,<br />

2:15, 4, 4:25, 5, 6:30, 7, 7:45, 8:20, 9:05, 9:45, 10:10,<br />

10:30, 11 p.m.; Sun.-Mon., 11:25 a.m., 2:15, 5, 7:45,<br />

10:30 p.m.; Tues. 10:45 a.m., 1:30, 4:15, 7, 9:45 p.m.;<br />

Wed.-Thurs., 11:25 a.m., 2:15, 5, 7:45, 10:30 p.m.<br />

Annabelle Comes Home: The IMAX 2D Experience<br />

Fri. only, 7, 9:45 p.m.<br />

Avengers: Endgame Fri. only, 10:50 a.m., 9:25 p.m.<br />

Child’s Play Fri.-Sat., 10:15 a.m., 12:45, 3:15, 5:45,<br />

8:15, 10:45 p.m.<br />

Dark Phoenix Fri.-Sat., 9:50 a.m., 12:55, 3:50, 6:35,<br />

9:40 p.m.<br />

Godzilla: King of the Monsters Fri.-Sat., 10:45 a.m.,<br />

1:55, 4:55, 7:55, 10:55 p.m.<br />

John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Fri.-Sat., 10:05<br />

a.m., 1:20, 4:20, 7:35, 10:40 p.m.<br />

Kinky Boots the Musical Sat. only, 12:55, 7 p.m.<br />

Men in Black: International Fri.-Sat., 10:20 a.m.,<br />

1:25, 4:20, 7:35, 10:20 p.m.<br />

Midsommar Tues. 7, 10:30 p.m.; Wed.-Thurs., 9:45<br />

a.m., 1, 4:15, 7:40, 11 p.m.<br />

Rocketman Fri. 3:35, 6:25 p.m.; Sat. 9:30 a.m., 4:05,<br />

10 p.m.<br />

The Secret Life of Pets 2 Fri.-Sat., 10:25 a.m., 12:35,<br />

2:50, 5:05, 7:15, 9:35 p.m.<br />

Spider-Man: Far From Home Mon. 12:01 a.m., 12:01<br />

a.m.; Tues.-Thurs., 9 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 12:15, 12:45,<br />

3:30, 4, 7, 7:30, 10:15, 10:45 p.m.<br />

Spider-Man: Far From Home — The IMAX 2D<br />

Experience Mon. 12:30 a.m.; Tues.-Thurs., 10:15<br />

a.m., 1:30, 4:45, 8, 11:15 p.m.<br />

Spider-Man: Far From Home 3D Mon. 12:15 a.m.;<br />

Tues.-Thurs., 11 a.m., 2:15, 5:45, 9 p.m.<br />

Toy Story 4 Fri.-Sat., 9:35 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 noon,<br />

1:15, 3, 4, 5:30, 6:45, 9:30 p.m.; Sun. 10:30 a.m.,<br />

1:15, 4, 6:45, 9:30 p.m.<br />

Toy Story 4 3D Fri.-Sun., 11:30 a.m., 2:15, 5, 7:45,<br />

10:30 p.m.; Mon. 10:30 a.m., 1:15, 4:05, 7, 9:45 p.m.;<br />

Tues. 9 a.m., 11:35 a.m., 2:15, 5, 7:45, 10:30 p.m.;<br />

Wed.-Thurs., 10:30 a.m., 1:15, 4, 6:45, 9:30 p.m.<br />

Toy Story 4: The IMAX 2D Experience Fri.-Sun., 11<br />

a.m., 1:45, 4:30 p.m.<br />

Whisper of the Heart — Studio Ghibli Fest 2019<br />

Mon.-Tues., 7 p.m.<br />

Yesterday Fri.-Thurs., 10 a.m., 1, 4:15, 7:15, 10:15<br />

p.m.<br />



STADIUM 14 & IMAX<br />

1 E. Main Street,<br />

(626) 300-0107.<br />

Annabelle Comes Home Fri.-Thurs., 9:45 a.m.,<br />

12:25, 3:05, 5:45, 8:25, 11 p.m.<br />

Despicable Me 3 Tues.-Wed., 10 a.m.<br />

Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch Tues.-Wed., 10 a.m.<br />

Kinky Boots the Musical Sat. only, 12:55 p.m.<br />

Spider-Man: Far From Home Tues.-Thurs., 9 a.m.,<br />

3:20, 6:30, 9:40 p.m.<br />

Spider-Man: Far From Home — The IMAX 2D<br />

Experience Tues.-Thurs., 9:30 a.m., 12:40, 3:50, 7,<br />

10:10 p.m.<br />

Spider-Man: Far From Home 3D Tues.-Thurs.,<br />

12:10 p.m.<br />

Whisper of the Heart Mon. only, 7 p.m.<br />

Whisper of the Heart Tues. only, 7 p.m.<br />

Yesterday Fri.-Thurs., 10:35 a.m., 1:35, 4:35, 7:35,<br />

10:35 p.m. n<br />

<strong>06.27.19</strong> | PASADENA WEEKLY 35


•FILM•<br />


You probably can’t go to any civilized place on the planet without<br />

hearing the music of The Beatles on a daily basis. Their music<br />

has dominated the pop culture landscape for well over 50 years,<br />

with 27 No. 1 singles in the US alone, and well over 100 million albums<br />

sold.<br />

But in “Yesterday” — the latest film from Danny Boyle, perhaps<br />

the most eclectic director working today (“Slumdog Millionaire,” “127<br />

Hours,” “Trainspotting”)— a struggling young musician named Jack<br />

(Himesh Patel ) is ready to give up on his ambitions after a disastrous<br />

appearance at a music festival. His longtime friend and manager Ellie<br />

(Lily James) is heartbroken by his decision, and tries to convince him<br />

that a miracle might be just around the corner.<br />

It turns out that she’s remarkably prescient, for while Jack rides his<br />

bike home that night, a worldwide power outage occurs for 12 seconds<br />

and he’s hit by a bus in the darkness. When he awakens in a hospital<br />

with his two front teeth missing, he also finds that no one around him<br />

knows who The Beatles are or recognizes any of their songs.<br />

Searching the Internet, he finds that there are literally no references<br />

to The Beatles, and his record collection is devoid of their albums<br />

as well. The Rolling Stones exist, but the Beatles-derivative band<br />

Oasis has also been wiped off the planet’s collective consciousness.<br />

Jack sees a golden opportunity in all of this, and proceeds to play from<br />

memory and record as many of the Fab Four’s tunes as he can, claiming<br />

the songs as his own.<br />

He immediately finds himself on a rocket ride to fame, as presentday<br />

superstar Ed Sheeran (playing himself with comic aplomb) sees<br />

him on a local TV show and hires him as his opening act on tour. But<br />

when Jack starts getting more fan mania than Ed himself and Ed’s<br />

comically ruthless manager (Kate McKinnon) pushes to make him the<br />

biggest artist of all time, things start to get complicated on both his<br />

professional front and his relationship with Ellie.<br />

“Yesterday” is a terrifically good time at the movies, with Boyle<br />

deftly handling the fantasy, comedy and romantic elements with total<br />

grace. Patel’s performance as Jack should be an instant star-maker for<br />

the actor, who has previously only worked in British television but has<br />

a magnetic ability to earn empathy for a character that might have just<br />

Missing Music<br />



seemed like a selfish con artist in the hands of most actors.<br />

As Ellie, James is clearly channeling a young Keira Knightley with<br />

irresistible winsomeness, but the world needs more of that kind of<br />

delightful charm, especially when Knightley has matured into more<br />

complex roles. Sheeran brings surprising comical zing to his part, as<br />

he is increasingly baffled by Jack’s inexplicable ability to craft timeless<br />

classics like “The Long and Winding Road” in a bar bet on who can<br />

compose the best song within ten minutes. McKinnon brings a zesty<br />

sense of comic ruthlessness and greed to the table, delivering some of<br />

the funniest moments.<br />

The screenplay by Richard Curtis— the mastermind of rom-com<br />

classics “Four Weddings and a Funeral,” “Notting Hill” and “Love Actually”—<br />

stands up to that prior wonderful trio, grounding everything in<br />

relatable characters and, of course, ample opportunities to hear the<br />

greatest pop songs ever through the fresh voice and adaptations of Jack.<br />

Curtis layers in some intriguing moral quandaries as well, as Jack<br />

lives in constant fear of someone catching on to his ruse, or the world<br />

suddenly remembering The Beatles again. Nearly everyone has faced<br />

a moment in life where they could get away with a scam or a shortcut<br />

that is highly questionable, and the way that Jack faces his is both<br />

moving and entertaining.<br />

The film also provides some thoughtful insights into the creative<br />

process of great songwriting, as Jack and his producers put their own<br />

fresh tweaks on the tunes, turning “Help” into a revved-up rocker that<br />

sounds like a Ramones tune, for instance. And when Jack realizes he’s<br />

going to face questions about what inspired each song, he heads to key<br />

places like Liverpool to try and get his own understanding of places<br />

like Penny Lane and Eleanor Rigby’s grave.<br />

But the most fascinating part of this unexpected charmer is being<br />

forced to consider what would happen if the whole world was deprived<br />

of The Beatles’ joyous music. “Yesterday” makes you appreciate the<br />

magical soundtrack their music has played in all our lives since the<br />

early 1960s, and will hopefully continue to color our lives for generations<br />

to come. n<br />

“YESTERDAY”: A<br />

Himesh Patel in “Yesterday“<br />




Stars: Emma Thompson, Mindy Kaling<br />

Length: 102 minutes<br />

Directed by: Nisha Ganatra<br />

Rating: R<br />

This sharp yet relatable comedy follows what<br />

happens when a late-night host about to be<br />

put out to pasture (Thompson) hires a young<br />

superfan who appears to be just an unqualified<br />

diversity hire (Kaling) but winds up helping the<br />

host get her creative and fighting spirit back.<br />

Wise and witty, it has characters to root for and<br />

a refreshing can-do spirit that's inspirational.<br />

Grade: A<br />



Stars: Jimmie Fails,. Jonathan Majors<br />

Length: 121 minutes<br />

Directed by: Joe Talbot<br />

Rating: R<br />

A stunning acting debut by Fails, who also cowrote<br />

with director Talbot based on his own life<br />

story, this movie is a visually poetic ode to the<br />

title city as Fails breaks into and squats in the<br />

remarkable house he grew up in while the city<br />

changes around him unrecognizably. On every<br />

level, this is a unique artistic statement that<br />

recalls the earliest attention-getting works of<br />

Spike Lee at his best. Grade: A<br />


Stars: Taron Egerton, Jamie Bell<br />

Length: 121 minutes<br />

Directed by: Dexter Fletcher<br />

Rating: R<br />

This outstanding biopic of Elton John takes<br />

a different approach to telling a music<br />

legend's life story than last year's "Bohemian<br />

Rhapsody," using elaborate fantasy song<br />

and dance numbers that make this feel like a<br />

spectacular Broadway show, while also telling<br />

a more emotional tale of the rough road to selfacceptance.<br />

Grade: A<br />

MA<br />

Stars: Octavia Spencer, Diana Silvers,<br />

Juliette Lewis<br />

Length: 99 minutes<br />

Directed by: Tate Taylor<br />

Rating: R<br />

The latest comedic horror film from the usually<br />

reliable Blumhouse (“Get Out,” “Split”) stars<br />

Oscar-winner Octavia Spencer as a mysterious<br />

small-town woman who invites teens to party<br />

in her house on the edge of town, but turns<br />

out to have malevolent intentions. The first<br />

half is pretty fun, but the last half hour’s logic<br />

collapses and the film becomes an ugly mess.<br />

Grade: D<br />

JOHN WICK 3:<br />


Stars: Keanu Reeves<br />

Length: 131 minutes<br />

Directed by: Chad Stahelski<br />

Rating: R<br />

The third time’s the charm, as Reeves returns<br />

as the world’s greatest hitman, dashing across<br />

New York while fighting off seemingly hundreds<br />

of assassins eager to take him down for a<br />

$14 million bounty. You really don’t even have<br />

to know the prior two films in the series to<br />

understand this – the movie has nearly wall<br />

to wall, brutal but nonetheless funny action.<br />

Grade: A<br />

36 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong>

Business Directory<br />

eMPloYMent<br />

Senior Opto-Mechanical Engineer<br />

sought by TMT International<br />

Observatory, LLC to work at our<br />

office in Pasadena, CA. Key role<br />

in design, development and manufacturing<br />

of telescope optics,<br />

including working collaboratively<br />

with internal staff, suppliers, and<br />

international partners in China,<br />

India, and Japan. Must have a<br />

BS in mechanical engineering or<br />

closely related discipline and five<br />

years experience with design and<br />

manufacture of telescope optics.<br />

Email cover letter and resume to<br />

jobs@tmt.org.<br />

ClothiNG/Accessories<br />

Custom-made Adorable Baby<br />

Clothes Featuring the Lovbugz<br />

Characters Buy at: www.zazzle.com/<br />

lovbugz<br />



Miscellaneous Items<br />

#1 - String of Pearls - $24.99<br />

#2 - Silver Bracelet - $12.99<br />

#3 - Vintage German<br />

Miniature (ceramic) - $9.99<br />

#4 - Vintage Gold/F Swank<br />

Public Notices<br />



No.19bbcP00196<br />


COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. Petition of<br />



1.) Petitioner: Miguel Cosio-Gallegos filed<br />

a petition with this court for a decree<br />

changing names as follows: a.) Miguel<br />

Cosio-Gallegos to Miguel A Cosio 2.) THE<br />

COURT ORDERS that all persons interested<br />

in this matter appear before this court at<br />

the hearing indicated below to show cause,<br />

if any, why the petition for change of name<br />

should not be granted. Any person objecting<br />

to the name changes described above<br />

must file a written objection that includes<br />

the reasons for the objection at least two<br />

court days before the matter is scheduled<br />

to be heard and must appear at the hearing<br />

to show cause why the petition should not<br />

be granted. If no written objection is timely<br />

filed, the court may grant the petition without<br />

a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date:<br />

07/19/2019. Time: 8:30 AM. Dept.: B. The<br />

address of the court is 300 East Olive Avenue<br />

Burbank, CA 91502. A copy of this<br />

Order to Show Cause shall be published at<br />

least once each week for four successive<br />

weeks prior to the date set for hearing on<br />

the petition in the following newspaper of<br />

general circulation, printed in this county:<br />

Pasadena Weekly. Original filed: June 3,<br />

2019. Darrell Mavis, Judge of the Superior<br />

Court. PUBLISH: Pasadena Weekly<br />

6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19, 6/27/19<br />



No.19GDCP00206<br />


COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. Petition of<br />

ELLEN PHILLIPS KEARNEY for Change of<br />


1.) Petitioner: Ellen Phillips Kearney filed a<br />

petition with this court for a decree changing<br />

names as follows: a.) Ellen Phillips<br />

Kearney to Ellyn Peace Kearney 2.) THE<br />

COURT ORDERS that all persons interested<br />

in this matter appear before this court at<br />

the hearing indicated below to show cause,<br />

if any, why the petition for change of name<br />

Cufflinks - $4.99<br />

#5 - 14K Diamond Ring<br />

$99.99<br />

#6 - Silver Earrings - $6.99<br />

#7 - Vintage Hummel<br />

Figurine - $69.99<br />

#8 - Silver Spoon - $3.99<br />

#9 - Vintage Seiko Watch<br />

(hers) - $9.99<br />

#10 - Vintage Turquoise Ring<br />

(his) - $9.99<br />

#11 - Older Pearl Broche<br />

-$9.99<br />

#12 - Vintage Cuckoo Clock<br />

Black Forest - $199.99<br />

#13 - Vintage Broche<br />

(beautiful) - $4.99<br />

#14 - Vintage German Travel<br />

Clock - $49.99<br />


#323-254-2505<br />

12-4PM TUES-SAt<br />

buy/sell/trade<br />

3rd Generation -<br />

Buy*Sell*Trade<br />

Vintage Jewelry & Collectibles<br />

Free Verbal Appraisals. Two locations.<br />

1325 Huntington Dr., South<br />

Pasadena and 56 S. De Lacey, Old<br />

Pasadena.<br />

(626) 844-0471 (323) 254-2505<br />

www.thirdgenerationco.com<br />

should not be granted. Any person objecting<br />

to the name changes described above<br />

must file a written objection that includes<br />

the reasons for the objection at least two<br />

court days before the matter is scheduled<br />

to be heard and must appear at the hearing<br />

to show cause why the petition should not<br />

be granted. If no written objection is timely<br />

filed, the court may grant the petition without<br />

a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date:<br />

08/13/2019. Time: 8:30 AM. Dept.: E. The<br />

address of the court is 600 East Broadway<br />

Ave., Glendale, CA 91206. A copy of this<br />

Order to Show Cause shall be published at<br />

least once each week for four successive<br />

weeks prior to the date set for hearing on<br />

the petition in the following newspaper of<br />

general circulation, printed in this county:<br />

Pasadena Weekly. Original filed: May 28,<br />

2019. Darrell Mavis, Judge of the Superior<br />

Court. PUBLISH: Pasadena Weekly<br />

6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19, 6/27/19<br />

Notice INVITING BIDS<br />

for Police DEPARTMENT MAIN<br />

lobbY SECURitY DooRS<br />

In the City of Pasadena, California<br />

Sealed bids will be received until 2:00<br />

p.m., July 12, 2019, by the City Clerk<br />

of Pasadena, 100 N. Garfield Ave. 2nd<br />

Floor Room 228, Pasadena, for POLICE<br />


RITY DOORS, in the City of Pasadena,<br />

California.<br />

A copy of the bid package is available<br />

on the City website at: https://<br />

www.planetbids.com/portal/portal.<br />

cfm?CompanyID=14770.<br />

The Pasadena Supplements and Modifications<br />

to the Standard Specifications for<br />

Public Works Construction (ìGreenbookî)<br />

is available, if needed, online at:<br />

https://ww5.cityofpasadena.net/<br />

public-works/wp-content/uploads/<br />

sites/52/2016/10/Supplements-and-<br />

Modifications-to-the-Green-Book-2006-<br />

Edition.pdf<br />

From time to time, the City finds it necessary<br />

to issue addendum(a) to bid specifications<br />

after those bid specifications<br />

have been released. Only those parties<br />

that have registered with the City as a plan<br />

holder on a particular project will receive<br />

the addendum(a) for that project. The<br />

City is not responsible for notifications to<br />

those parties who do not directly register<br />

as a plan holder on the City’s database. It<br />

is the responsibility of all perspective bidders<br />

to register on the City’s database to<br />


A Delaware Limited Partnership as Agent<br />


an unincorporated association, will receive<br />

qualifications packages from general contractors<br />

wishing to become pre-qualified for an available<br />

bidding opportunity at Los Angeles Union<br />

Station. It is the intent of this Joint Management<br />

Council to select a firm that will provide<br />

construction services at Los Angeles Union Station<br />

at the best overall value. In order to be fully<br />

considered for prequalification and subsequent<br />

bidding opportunities, please proceed to<br />

the RFIQ questionnaire at: https://forms.gle/<br />

M5EEA4EKeKExKfATA. Completed forms are due<br />

on or before close of business by July 22, 2019.<br />

Submissions received after 5:00pm on July 22,<br />

2019 will be rejected.<br />

ensure receipt of any addendum(a) prior<br />

to bid submittals. Additionally, information<br />

on any addendum(a) issued for any<br />

bid specifications for any project will be<br />

available on the City website at: https://<br />

www.planetbids.com/portal/portal.<br />

cfm?CompanyID=14770 The City reserves<br />

the right to reject as nonresponsive<br />

any bid that fails to include the information<br />

required by any addendum(a) posted on<br />

the City website.<br />

A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for June<br />

27, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at Pasadena Police<br />

Department Building located at 207 Garfield<br />

Ave, Pasadena, California. This meeting<br />

is to answer any questions regarding<br />

the project plans and specifications.<br />


If Prospective Bidders do not attend the<br />

mandatory meeting and/or sign-in on<br />

the attendance sheet, their bid package<br />

will not be accepted and will be deemed<br />

un-responsive at the time of bid opening.<br />

Submitted package will be verified by the<br />

attendance sheet.<br />

Deadline for Bidder Request for Information<br />

and/or Equal Substitution Request<br />

must be submitted to the Agency Representative<br />

by July 3, 2019, 2:00 p.m. All<br />

RFIs and/or Substitution request must be<br />

submitted via e-mail to Tiffiny Tran, email:<br />

ttran@cityofpasadena.net<br />

Each Bidder must hold an active Class A,B,<br />

C-28, or D-28 License at the time of bid<br />

submission, except as to joint venture Bidders,<br />

who shall be licensed as provided in<br />

Business and Professions Code ßß 7029.1<br />

and 7028.15(c).<br />

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1770<br />

to 1782 of the California Labor Code, the<br />

California Department of Industrial Relations<br />

has ascertained the general prevailing<br />

rate of wages in the county in which<br />

work is to be done. A copy of the general<br />

prevailing rate of wages is on file with the<br />

City Engineer and is available for inspection<br />

and reference during regular business<br />

hours.<br />

A contractor or subcontractor shall not<br />

be qualified to bid on, be listed in a bid<br />

proposal, subject to the requirements of<br />

Section 4104 of the Public Contract Code,<br />

or engage in the performance of this public<br />

works project unless currently registered<br />

and qualified to perform public work pursuant<br />

to Labor Code Section 1725.5. It<br />

is not a violation of Labor Code Section<br />

1771.1 for an unregistered contractor to<br />

submit a bid that is authorized by Section<br />

7029.1 of the Business and Professions<br />

Code or by Section 10164 or 20103.5 of<br />

the Public Contract Code, provided the<br />

contractor is registered to perform public<br />

work pursuant to Section 1725.5 at the<br />

time the contract is awarded.<br />

This Project is subject to compliance<br />

monitoring and enforcement by the Department<br />

of Industrial Relations.<br />

The Contractor must post job site notices<br />

prescribed by regulation (See e.g. 8 Cal.<br />

Code Reg. Section 16451(d).<br />

Contractors and Subcontractors must<br />

furnish electronic certified payroll records<br />

directly to the California Labor Commissioner<br />

(aka Division of Labor Standards<br />

Enforcement).<br />

All bids must be accompanied by bid security<br />

in the amount of five percent (5%) of<br />

the bid price, in the form of cash, cashier’s<br />

check, money order, or surety bond.<br />

Bids are to be signed and submitted in DU-<br />

PLICATE. Bidder must submit bids with<br />

one ORIGINAL and one COPY, marked<br />

as such.<br />

Refer to the Specifications for complete<br />

details and bid requirements. Specifications<br />

and this notice shall be considered a<br />

part of any contract made pursuant thereto.<br />


City Manager<br />

Dated: June 10, 2019 (Authorized by City<br />

Attorney)<br />

Publish: June 20, 2019 & June 27, 2019<br />

Pasadena Weekly<br />

City of Pasadena<br />

Notice INVITING BIDS<br />

FOR<br />

LD-19-05 FOR THE MARENGO<br />



Bids will be received electronically through<br />

Planet Bids (www.planetbids.com). A bid<br />

received after the time set for the bid opening<br />

shall not be considered. Bidders are<br />

required to submit (upload) all items listed<br />

in the BIDDER’S CHECKLIST including<br />

acknowledgement of all addendums.<br />

Bids will be received prior to 3:00pm July<br />

9, 2019, and will be opened online at that<br />

time. The bids shall be clearly titled:<br />



Copies of the Specifications may be<br />

obtained by mail or in person from the<br />

Purchasing Division, 100 N. Garfield Ave.,<br />

Room S-349, Pasadena, CA 91109, Telephone<br />

No.(626) 744-6755.<br />

Refer to the Specifications for complete<br />

details and bidding requirements. The<br />

Specification and this Notice shall be<br />

considered a part of any contract made<br />

pursuant thereunder.<br />

Steve Mermell<br />

City Manager<br />

DATED: June 27, 2019<br />

PUBLISH: June 27, 2019<br />

Pasadena Weekly<br />

Notice INVITING BIDS<br />

SPeciFICAtioN WD-19-05<br />


FOR<br />



Three (3) copies of sealed bids will be received<br />

prior to 11:00 A.M., July 18, 2019<br />

by the City Clerk, 100 North Garfield Avenue,<br />

Rm S228, Pasadena, CA 91109, and<br />

will be opened at that time and place.<br />

The bids shall be clearly titled: THE SAW<br />



Copies of the Specifications may be<br />

obtained by mail or in person from the<br />

Purchasing Division, 100 North Garfield<br />

Avenue, Rm 348, Pasadena, CA 91109,<br />

Telephone No. (626) 744-6755.<br />

Refer to the Specifications for complete<br />

details and bidding requirements. The<br />

Specification and this Notice shall be<br />

considered a part of any contract made<br />

pursuant thereunder.<br />

A non-mandatory pre-bid conference will<br />

be held at which time each Bidder will have<br />

the opportunity to clarify and ask questions<br />

regarding the Specifications. The<br />

pre-bid conference will be held at 10:00<br />

A.M., July 2, 2019 in the Pasadena Water<br />

and Power conference room, 150 South<br />

Los Robles Avenue, Suite 200, Pasadena,<br />

California 91101.<br />

Bid security in the amount of five percent<br />

(5%) of the total bid price in the form of<br />

cash, a certified or cashier’s check, money<br />

order, or surety bond must accompany the<br />

proposal.<br />

The Contractor must have a Class ìAî license<br />

to bid on this Specification.<br />

Refer to the Specifications for complete<br />

details and bid requirements. The Specifications<br />

and this Notice shall be considered<br />

a part of any contract made pursuant<br />

thereto.<br />



DATED: June 27, 2019<br />

PUBLISH: June 27, 2019<br />

Pasadena Weekly<br />

Notice<br />

Notice of Public Sale of Personal Property.<br />

To satisfy the owner’s lien pursuant to California<br />

Self-Storage Facility Act (B&P Code<br />

21700 ET SEQ), the Undersigned will sell<br />

personal property stored by the persons or<br />

businesses listed below including, but not<br />

limited to, items described below stored at<br />

SoCal Self Storage-Colorado Boulevard<br />

2581 East Colorado Boulevard, Pasadena,<br />

CA 91107; (626) 229-9999. The sale will<br />

be held by public auction (online) at www.<br />

storagetreasures.com on July 11th, 2019.<br />

Auction Ending Time is 11:30 AM PST.<br />

Bids submitted within the last 5 minutes<br />

of the Auction Ending Time may extend the<br />

bidding process in 5-minute increments.<br />



Unit #/Name: Thaddeus Culpepper- bikes,<br />

clothes, bags, crates, golf bag, mattress,<br />

guitar case; James Ford- luggage, box<br />

spring, folding chairs, file cabinet, box,<br />

baby toys, x- mas tree, bags, comforter; Lu<br />

Zhiyu- paintings, table, picture frame, bag,<br />

box, wooden chair.<br />

CN961435 07-11-19 Jun 27, Jul 4, 2019<br />

SuMMons<br />

SUMMONS (Family Law)<br />

citAci”N (Derecho familiar)<br />

CAse NUMbeR (N⁄MERO DE CAso):<br />

18PDFL02353<br />

Notice TO ResPONDENT (Name)<br />

AViso AL DEMANDADO (Nombre):<br />

QiteNG LU<br />

You have been sued. Read the information<br />

below and on the next page. Lo han<br />

demandando. Lea la informacion a continuaction<br />

y en la pagina siguiente.<br />

Petitioner’s name is Nombre del demandante:<br />


You have 30 calendar days after this Summons<br />

and Petition are served on you to file<br />

a Response (form FL-120) at the court and<br />

have a copy served on the petitioner. A letter<br />

or phone call will not protect you.<br />

If you do not file your Response on time,<br />

the court may make orders affecting your<br />

marriage or domestic partnership, your<br />

property, and custody of your children.<br />

You may be ordered to pay support and attorney<br />

fees and costs. If you cannot pay the<br />

filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form.<br />

If you want legal advice, contact a lawyer<br />

immediately. You can get information<br />

about finding lawyers at the California<br />

Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.<br />

courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), at the California<br />

Legal Services Web site (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org),<br />

or by contacting your local<br />

county bar association.<br />

Tiene 30 dÌas corridos despuÈs de haber<br />

recibido la entrega legal de esta CitaciÛn<br />

y PeticiÛn para presentar una Respuesta<br />

(formulario FL-120 Û FL-123) ante la corte<br />

y efectuar la entrega legal de una copia al<br />

demandante. Una carta o llamada telefÛnica<br />

no basta para protegerlo.<br />

Si no presenta su Respuesta a tiempo, la<br />

corte puede dar Ûrdenes<br />

que afecten su matrimonio o pareja de<br />

hecho, sus bienes y la custodia de sus<br />

hijos. La corte tambiÈn le puede ordenar<br />

que pague manutenciÛn, y honorarios y<br />

costos legales. Si no puede pagar la cuota<br />

de presentaciÛn, pida al secretario un formulario<br />

de exenciÛn de cuotas.<br />

Si desea obtener asesoramiento legal,<br />

pÛngase en contacto de inmediato con<br />

un abogado. Puede obtener informaciÛn<br />

para encontrar a un abogado en el Centro<br />

de Ayuda de las Cortes de California<br />

(www.sucorte.ca.gov), en el sitio Web de<br />

los Servicios Legales de California (www.<br />

lawhelpcalifornia.org) o poniÈndose en<br />

contacto con el colegio de abogados de<br />

su condado.<br />

NOTICE: The restraining orders on page<br />

2 are effective against both spouses or<br />

domestic partners until the petition is dismissed,<br />

a judgment is entered, or the court<br />

makes further orders. These orders are<br />

enforceable anywhere in California by any<br />

law enforcement officer who has received<br />

or seen a copy of them.<br />

AVISO: Las Ûrdenes de restricciÛn que<br />

figuran en la p·gina 2 valen para ambos<br />

cÛnyuges o pareja de hecho hasta que se<br />

despida la peticiÛn, se emita un fallo o la<br />

corte dÈ otras Ûrdenes. Cualquier autoridad<br />

de la ley que haya recibido o visto una<br />

copia de estas Ûrdenes puede hacerlas<br />

acatar en cualquier lugar de California.<br />

NOTE: If a judgment or support order is<br />

entered, the court may order you to pay all<br />

or part of the fees and costs that the court<br />

waived for yourself or for the other party. If<br />

this happens, the party ordered to pay fees<br />

shall be given notice and an opportunity to<br />

request a hearing to set aside the order to<br />

pay waived court fees.<br />

AVISO: Si se emite un fallo u orden de<br />

manutenciÛn, la corte puede ordenar que<br />

usted pague parte de, o todas las cuotas y<br />

costos de la corte previamente exentas a<br />

peticiÛn de usted o de la otra parte. Si esto<br />

ocurre, la parte ordenada a pagar estas<br />

cuotas debe recibir<br />

aviso y la oportunidad de solicitar una audiencia<br />

para anular la orden de pagar las<br />

cuotas exentas.<br />

1. The name and address of the court are<br />

(El nombre y direcciÛn de la corte son):<br />

California Superior Court, County of Los<br />

Angeles, Pasadena Courthouse, 300 East<br />

Walnut St. Pasadena, CA 91101.<br />

2. The name, address, and telephone number<br />

of the petitioner’s attorney, or the petitioner<br />

without an attorney, are (El nombre,<br />

direcciÛn y n˙mero de telÈfono del abogado<br />

del demandante, o del demandante<br />

si no tiene abogado, son): Elaine Yang,<br />

Esq., Yang and Chen LLP, 17890 Castleton<br />

Street Suite 101 City of Industry, CA 91748<br />

Date (Fecha): May 21, 2019<br />

Clerk, by (Secretario, por) Anthony Castillejo,<br />

Deputy (Asistente)<br />


are served AVISO A LA PERSONA QUE<br />

RECIBI” LA ENTREGA: Esta entrega se<br />

realiza<br />

Published: Pasadena Weekly 6/13/19,<br />

6/20/19, 6/27/19, 7/4/19<br />


LIAMsoN COUNTY, TENNessee AT<br />


DYER, DelbeRT AND ANGelA<br />

HARDIN, PetitioNERS vs. SARAH<br />

eliZAbetH COTTON AND MAURice<br />


seRVice BY PublicAtioN<br />

It appearing to the Court that diligent effort<br />

has been made to serve the Respondent,<br />

MAURICE DYER, to no avail so that ordinary<br />

process of law cannot be served upon<br />

him; and<br />

It is therefore ORDERED that service of<br />

process upon Respondent shall issue by<br />

publication, and he is hereby required to<br />

appear and answer or otherwise defend<br />

against the Petition for Dependency and<br />

Neglect filed by Petitioners with 30 days<br />

after the date of the last publication of this<br />

notice, otherwise a default judgement will<br />

be entered against said Respondent in<br />

open court for the relief demanded in the<br />

Petition for Dependency and Neglect. It is<br />

therefore ordered that service of process<br />

shall issue against the above Respondent,<br />

MAURICE DYER, by publication in<br />

a newspaper of general circulation serving<br />

Los Angeles, California, once weekly for a<br />

period of four (4) consecutive weeks. Filing<br />

may be made at the Juvenile Court of Williamson<br />

County, Tennessee, 408 Century<br />

Court, Franklin, Tennessee 37064, Docket<br />

No. 34323.<br />

Pasadena Weekly, 6/20/19, 6/27/19,<br />

7/4/19, 7/11/19<br />

Probate Notices<br />

Notice OF PetitioN TO ADMIN-<br />



Case No.19STPB04165<br />

To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent<br />

creditors, and persons who may<br />

otherwise be interested in the will or estate,<br />

or both, of JUDITH RAE JOHNSTON<br />

A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed<br />

by Paola Colozzo and Robert K. Johnston<br />

in the Superior Court of California, County<br />

of LOS ANGELES.<br />


that Paola Colozzo and Robert K. Johnston<br />

be appointed as personal representative to<br />

administer the estate of the decedent.<br />

THE PETITION requests the decedent’s will<br />

and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate.<br />

The will and any codicils are available for<br />

examination in the file kept by the court.<br />

THE PETITION requests authority to administer<br />

the estate under the Independent<br />

Administration of Estates Act. (This authority<br />

will allow the personal representative<br />

to take many actions without obtaining<br />

court approval. Before taking certain very<br />

important actions, however, the personal<br />

representative will be required to give<br />

notice to interested persons unless they<br />

have waived notice or consented to the<br />

proposed action.) The independent administration<br />

authority will be granted unless an<br />

interested person files an objection to the<br />

petition and shows good cause why the<br />

court should not grant the authority.<br />

A HEARING on the petition will be held<br />

on July 17, 2019 at 8:30 AM in Dept. No.<br />

67 located at 111 N. Hill St., Los Angeles,<br />

CA 90012.<br />

IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition,<br />

you should appear at the hearing and<br />

state your objections or file written objections<br />

with the court before the hearing.<br />

Your appearance may be in person or by<br />

your attorney.<br />

IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent<br />

creditor of the decedent, you must file your<br />

claim with the court and mail a copy to<br />

the personal representative appointed by<br />

the court within the later of either (1) four<br />

months from the date of first issuance of<br />

letters to a general personal representative,<br />

as defined in section 58(b) of the California<br />

Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date<br />

of mailing or personal delivery to you of a<br />

notice under section 9052 of the California<br />

Probate Code.<br />

Other California statutes and legal authority<br />

may affect your rights as a creditor.<br />

You may want to consult with an attorney<br />

knowledgeable in California law.<br />

YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the<br />

court. If you are a person interested in the<br />

estate, you may file with the court a Request<br />

for Special Notice (form DE-154) of<br />

the filing of an inventory and appraisal of<br />

estate assets or of any petition or account<br />

as provided in Probate Code section 1250.<br />

A Request for Special Notice form is available<br />

from the court clerk.<br />

Attorney for petitioner:<br />


202882<br />




131 N EL MOLINO AVE<br />

STE 350<br />

PASADENA CA 91101-1873<br />

CN960236 JOHNSTON Jun 13,20,27,<br />

2019<br />

Notice OF FIRst AMENDED Peti-<br />


lelA A. LIGHTNER<br />

CASE No.17STPB11373<br />

To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent<br />

creditors, and persons who may<br />

otherwise be interested in the lost WILL or<br />

estate, or both of LELA A. LIGHTNER.<br />


BATE has been filed by DESIREE ROBIN-<br />

SON in the Superior Court of California,<br />

County of LOS ANGELES.<br />


PROBATE requests that DESIREE ROB-<br />

INSON be appointed as personal representative<br />

to administer the estate of the<br />

<strong>06.27.19</strong> PASADENA WEEKLY 37

38 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong><br />

decedent.<br />


the decedent’s lost WILL and codicils, if<br />

any, be admitted to probate. The lost WILL<br />

and any codicils are available for examination<br />

in the file kept by the court.<br />


authority to administer the estate under<br />

the Independent Administration of Estates<br />

Act . (This authority will allow the personal<br />

representative to take many actions without<br />

obtaining court approval. Before taking<br />

certain very important actions, however,<br />

the personal representative will be required<br />

to give notice to interested persons unless<br />

they have waived notice or consented to the<br />

proposed action.) The independent administration<br />

authority will be granted unless an<br />

interested person files an objection to the<br />

petition and shows good cause why the<br />

court should not grant the authority.<br />

A HEARING on the petition will be held in<br />

this court as follows: 08/08/19 at 8:30AM<br />

in Dept. 5 located at 111 N. HILL ST., LOS<br />

ANGELES, CA 90012<br />

IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition,<br />

you should appear at the hearing and<br />

state your objections or file written objections<br />

with the court before the hearing.<br />

Your appearance may be in person or by<br />

your attorney.<br />

IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent<br />

creditor of the decedent, you must file your<br />

claim with the court and mail a copy to<br />

the personal representative appointed by<br />

the court within the later of either (1) four<br />

months from the date of first issuance of<br />

letters to a general personal representative,<br />

as defined in section 58(b) of the California<br />

Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date<br />

of mailing or personal delivery to you of a<br />

notice under section 9052 of the California<br />

Probate Code.<br />

Other California statutes and legal authority<br />

may affect your rights as a creditor.<br />

You may want to consult with an attorney<br />

knowledgeable in California law.<br />

YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the<br />

court. If you are a person interested in the<br />

estate, you may file with the court a Request<br />

for Special Notice (form DE-154) of<br />

the filing of an inventory and appraisal of<br />

estate assets or of any petition or account<br />

as provided in Probate Code section 1250.<br />

A Request for Special Notice form is available<br />

from the court clerk.<br />

Attorney for Petitioner<br />


SBN 207383<br />


APC<br />

301 E COLORADO BLVD.<br />

SUITE 708<br />

PASADENA CA 91101<br />

6/20, 6/27, 7/4/19<br />

CNS-3264747#<br />





Case No.19STPB03566<br />

To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent<br />

creditors, and persons who may<br />

otherwise be interested in the will or estate,<br />

or both, of GERALD LAYLON CRAWFORD<br />

A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed<br />

by Briana Casay in the Superior Court of<br />

California, County of LOS ANGELES.<br />


that Briana Casay be appointed as personal<br />

representative to administer the estate of<br />

the decedent.<br />

THE PETITION requests the decedent’s will<br />

and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate.<br />

The will and any codicils are available for<br />

examination in the file kept by the court.<br />

THE PETITION requests authority to administer<br />

the estate under the Independent<br />

Administration of Estates Act. (This authority<br />

will allow the personal representative<br />

to take many actions without obtaining<br />

court approval. Before taking certain very<br />

important actions, however, the personal<br />

representative will be required to give<br />

notice to interested persons unless they<br />

have waived notice or consented to the<br />

proposed action.) The independent administration<br />

authority will be granted unless an<br />

interested person files an objection to the<br />

petition and shows good cause why the<br />

court should not grant the authority.<br />

A HEARING on the petition will be held<br />

on July 25, 2019 at 8:30 AM in Dept. No.<br />

29 located at 111 N. Hill St., Los Angeles,<br />

CA 90012.<br />

IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition,<br />

you should appear at the hearing and<br />

state your objections or file written objections<br />

with the court before the hearing.<br />

Your appearance may be in person or by<br />

your attorney.<br />

IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent<br />

creditor of the decedent, you must file your<br />

claim with the court and mail a copy to<br />

the personal representative appointed by<br />

the court within the later of either (1) four<br />

months from the date of first issuance of<br />

letters to a general personal representative,<br />

as defined in section 58(b) of the California<br />

Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date<br />

of mailing or personal delivery to you of a<br />

notice under section 9052 of the California<br />

Probate Code.<br />

Other California statutes and legal authority<br />

may affect your rights as a creditor.<br />

You may want to consult with an attorney<br />

knowledgeable in California law.<br />

YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the<br />

court. If you are a person interested in the<br />

estate, you may file with the court a Request<br />

for Special Notice (form DE-154) of<br />

the filing of an inventory and appraisal of<br />

estate assets or of any petition or account<br />

as provided in Probate Code section 1250.<br />

A Request for Special Notice form is available<br />

from the court clerk.<br />

Petitioner: Briana Casay<br />



PASADENA CA 91107<br />

CN961465 CRAWFORD Jun 20,27, Jul<br />

4, 2019<br />




CASE NO.19STPB04131<br />

To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent<br />

creditors, and persons who may<br />

otherwise be interested in the WILL or<br />

estate, or both of ANGELINA G. BARAJAS.<br />

A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed<br />


Superior Court of California, County of<br />




appointed as personal representative to<br />

administer the estate of the decedent.<br />

THE PETITION requests authority to administer<br />

the estate under the Independent<br />

Administration of Estates Act . (This authority<br />

will allow the personal representative<br />

to take many actions without obtaining<br />

court approval. Before taking certain very<br />

important actions, however, the personal<br />

representative will be required to give<br />

notice to interested persons unless they<br />

have waived notice or consented to the<br />

proposed action.) The independent administration<br />

authority will be granted unless an<br />

interested person files an objection to the<br />

petition and shows good cause why the<br />

court should not grant the authority.<br />

A HEARING on the petition will be held in<br />

this court as follows: 07/25/19 at 8:30AM<br />

in Dept. 79 located at 111 N. HILL ST., LOS<br />

ANGELES, CA 90012<br />

IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition,<br />

you should appear at the hearing and<br />

state your objections or file written objections<br />

with the court before the hearing.<br />

Your appearance may be in person or by<br />

your attorney.<br />

IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent<br />

creditor of the decedent, you must file your<br />

claim with the court and mail a copy to<br />

the personal representative appointed by<br />

the court within the later of either (1) four<br />

months from the date of first issuance of<br />

letters to a general personal representative,<br />

as defined in section 58(b) of the California<br />

Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date<br />

of mailing or personal delivery to you of a<br />

notice under section 9052 of the California<br />

Probate Code.<br />

Other California statutes and legal authority<br />

may affect your rights as a creditor.<br />

You may want to consult with an attorney<br />

knowledgeable in California law.<br />

YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the<br />

court. If you are a person interested in the<br />

estate, you may file with the court a Request<br />

for Special Notice (form DE-154) of<br />

the filing of an inventory and appraisal of<br />

estate assets or of any petition or account<br />

as provided in Probate Code section 1250.<br />

A Request for Special Notice form is available<br />

from the court clerk.<br />

Attorney for Petitioner<br />

JASON A. FETCHIK - SBN 227832<br />



GLENDORA CA 91741<br />

6/27, 7/4, 7/11/19<br />

CNS-3266873#<br />


Trustee Sales<br />


No.CA-14-650064-RY Order No.:<br />

VTSG1156278<br />


TRUST DATED 7/8/2005. UNLESS YOU<br />






A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the<br />

highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check<br />

drawn on a state or national bank, check<br />

drawn by state or federal credit union, or<br />

a check drawn by a state or federal savings<br />

and loan association, or savings<br />

association, or savings bank specified in<br />

Section 5102 to the Financial Code and<br />

authorized to do business in this state,<br />

will be held by duly appointed trustee. The<br />

sale will be made, but without covenant or<br />

warranty, expressed or implied, regarding<br />

title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay<br />

the remaining principal sum of the note(s)<br />

secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest<br />

and late charges thereon, as provided in<br />

the note(s), advances, under the terms of<br />

the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees,<br />

charges and expenses of the Trustee for<br />

the total amount (at the time of the initial<br />

publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably<br />

estimated to be set forth below. The<br />

amount may be greater on the day of sale.<br />





AS JOINT TENANTS Recorded: 7/20/2005<br />

as Instrument No. 05 1706628 of Official<br />

Records in the office of the Recorder of<br />

LOS ANGELES County, California; Date of<br />

Sale: 7/30/2019 at 10:00 AM Place of Sale:<br />

Behind the fountain located in Civic Center<br />

Plaza, located at 400 Civic Center Plaza,<br />

Pomona CA 91766 Amount of unpaid<br />

balance and other charges: $784,583.18<br />

The purported property address is: 2361<br />


DENA, CA 91103 Assessor’s Parcel No.:<br />

5823-030-011 5823-030-017 Legal Description:<br />

Please be advised that the legal<br />

description set forth on the Deed of Trust is<br />

in error. The legal description of the property<br />

secured by the Deed of Trust is more<br />

properly set forth and made part of Exhibit<br />

“A” as attached hereto. PARCEL 1: LOT 10<br />

OF TRACT NO. 25707, IN THE CITY OF<br />







LOT 16 OF TRACT 25707, IN THE CITY<br />







are considering bidding on this property<br />

lien, you should understand that there are<br />

risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction.<br />

You will be bidding on a lien, not on<br />

the property itself. Placing the highest bid<br />

at a trustee auction does not automatically<br />

entitle you to free and clear ownership of<br />

the property. You should also be aware<br />

that the lien being auctioned off may be<br />

a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder<br />

at the auction, you are or may be responsible<br />

for paying off all liens senior to the<br />

lien being auctioned off, before you can<br />

receive clear title to the property. You are<br />

encouraged to investigate the existence,<br />

priority, and size of outstanding liens that<br />

may exist on this property by contacting<br />

the county recorder’s office or a title insurance<br />

company, either of which may charge<br />

you a fee for this information. If you consult<br />

either of these resources, you should be<br />

aware that the same lender may hold more<br />

than one mortgage or deed of trust on the<br />


The sale date shown on this notice of sale<br />

may be postponed one or more times by<br />

the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a<br />

court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the<br />

California Civil Code. The law requires that<br />

information about trustee sale postponements<br />

be made available to you and to the<br />

public, as a courtesy to those not present at<br />

the sale. If you wish to learn whether your<br />

sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable,<br />

the rescheduled time and date for<br />

the sale of this property, you may call 916-<br />

939-0772 for information regarding the<br />

trustee’s sale or visit this Internet Web site<br />

http://www.qualityloan.com, using the file<br />

number assigned to this foreclosure by the<br />

Trustee: CA-14-650064-RY. Information<br />

about postponements that are very short in<br />

duration or that occur close in time to the<br />

scheduled sale may not immediately be<br />

reflected in the telephone information or on<br />

the Internet Web site. The best way to verify<br />

postponement information is to attend the<br />

scheduled sale. The undersigned Trustee<br />

disclaims any liability for any incorrectness<br />

of the property address or other common<br />

designation, if any, shown herein. If no<br />

street address or other common designation<br />

is shown, directions to the location of<br />

the property may be obtained by sending a<br />

written request to the beneficiary within 10<br />

days of the date of first publication of this<br />

Notice of Sale. If the sale is set aside for any<br />

reason, including if the Trustee is unable to<br />

convey title, the Purchaser at the sale shall<br />

be entitled only to a return of the monies<br />

paid to the Trustee. This shall be the Purchaser’s<br />

sole and exclusive remedy. The<br />

purchaser shall have no further recourse<br />

against the Trustor, the Trustee, the Beneficiary,<br />

the Beneficiary’s Agent, or the Beneficiary’s<br />

Attorney. If you have previously<br />

been discharged through bankruptcy,<br />

you may have been released of personal<br />

liability for this loan in which case this<br />

letter is intended to exercise the note holders<br />

right’s against the real property only.<br />

Date: Quality Loan Service Corporation<br />

2763 Camino Del Rio South San Diego,<br />

CA 92108 619-645-7711 For NON SALE<br />

information only Sale Line: 916-939-0772<br />

Or Login to: http://www.qualityloan.com<br />

Reinstatement Line: (866) 645-7711 Ext<br />

5318 Quality Loan Service Corp. TS No.:<br />

CA-14-650064-RY IDSPub #0153767<br />

6/13/2019 6/20/2019 6/27/2019<br />


Trustee Sale No.130637-5 Loan<br />

No.79911-1 Title Order No.19-<br />

259858 APN 5734-008-003 TRA No.<br />


TRUST DATED 10/22/2014. UNLESS YOU<br />







VICES, INC. as the duly appointed Trustee<br />


HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at<br />

time of sale in lawful money of the United<br />

States, by cash, a cashier’s check drawn by<br />

a state or national bank, a check drawn by<br />

a state or federal credit union, or a check<br />

drawn by a state or federal savings and<br />

loan association, savings association, or<br />

savings bank specified in section 5102 of<br />

the Financial Code and authorized to do<br />

business in this state) all right, title and<br />

interest conveyed to and now held by it<br />

under said Deed of Trust, described as<br />

follows: Trustor(s): MAVIS MORALES<br />

Deed of Trust: recorded on 10/28/2014<br />

as Document No. 20141136906 of official<br />

records in the Office of the Recorder<br />

of LOS ANGELES County, California, Date<br />

of Trustee’s Sale: 07/09/2019 at 10:00AM<br />

Trustee’s Sale Location: Behind the fountain<br />

located in Civic Center Plaza, 400<br />

Civic Center Plaza, Pomona CA 91766<br />

The property situated in said County,<br />

California describing the land therein:<br />


DEED OF TRUST The property heretofore<br />

described is being sold “as is”. The street<br />

address and other common designation, if<br />

any, of the real property described above is<br />

purported to be: 559-561 E. CALIFORNIA<br />

BLVD., PASADENA, CA 91106. The undersigned<br />

Trustee disclaims any liability<br />

for any incorrectness of the street address<br />

and other common designation, if any,<br />

shown herein. Said sale will be made, but<br />

without covenant or warranty, expressed or<br />

implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances,<br />

to pay the remaining principal<br />

sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed<br />

of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided<br />

in said note(s), advances, if any, under the<br />

terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees,<br />

charges and expenses of the Trustee and<br />

of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust,<br />

to-wit: $102,182.89 (Estimated). Accrued<br />

interest and additional advances, if any, will<br />

increase this figure prior to sale. The Beneficiary<br />

may elect to bid less than the full<br />

credit bid. The beneficiary under said Deed<br />

of Trust heretofore executed and delivered<br />

to the undersigned a written Declaration of<br />

Default and Demand for Sale, and a written<br />

Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The<br />

undersigned caused said Notice of Default<br />

and Election to Sell to be recorded in the<br />

county where the real property is located<br />

and more than three months have elapsed<br />

since such recordation. If the Trustee is unable<br />

to convey title for any reason, the successful<br />

bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy<br />

shall be the return of monies paid to the<br />

Trustee, and the successful bidder shall<br />

have no further recourse. NOTICE TO PO-<br />

TENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering<br />

bidding on this property lien, you should<br />

understand that there are risks involved<br />

in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be<br />

bidding on a lien, not on the property itself.<br />

Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction<br />

does not automatically entitle you to free<br />

and clear ownership of the property. You<br />

should also be aware that the lien being<br />

auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are<br />

the highest bidder at the auction, you are or<br />

may be responsible for paying off all liens<br />

senior to the lien being auctioned off, before<br />

you can receive clear title to the property.<br />

You are encouraged to investigate the<br />

existence, priority, and size of outstanding<br />

liens that may exist on this property by<br />

contacting the county recorder’s office or<br />

a title insurance company, either of which<br />

may charge you a fee for this information.<br />

If you consult either of these resources,<br />

you should be aware that the same lender<br />

may hold more than one mortgage or deed<br />

of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROP-<br />

ERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this<br />

notice of sale may be postponed one or<br />

more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary,<br />

trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section<br />

2924g of the California Civil Code. The<br />

law requires that information about trustee<br />

sale postponements be made available<br />

to you and to the public, as a courtesy to<br />

those not present at the sale. If you wish to<br />

learn whether your sale date has been postponed,<br />

and, if applicable, the rescheduled<br />

time and date for the sale of this property,<br />

you may call 916-939-0772 or visit this<br />

Internet Web site www.nationwideposting.<br />

com, using the file number assigned to this<br />

case 130637-5. Information about postponements<br />

that are very short in duration<br />

or that occur close in time to the scheduled<br />

sale may not immediately be reflected in<br />

the telephone information or on the Internet<br />

Web site. The best way to verify postponement<br />

information is to attend the scheduled<br />

sale. Date: 06/05/2019 MORTGAGE<br />

LENDER SERVICES, INC. 11707 Fair Oaks<br />

Blvd., Ste 202 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916)<br />

962-3453 Sale Information Line: 916-<br />

939-0772 or www.nationwideposting.com<br />

Lauren Meyer, Vice President MORTGAGE<br />





NPP0354633 To: PASADENA WEEKLY<br />

06/13/2019, 06/20/2019, 06/27/2019<br />

T.S. No.: 9948-5158 TSG Order No.:<br />

DS7300-19001213 A.P.N.: 5730-<br />

025-022 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S<br />

SALE<br />


OF TRUST DATED 02/03/2005. UN-<br />






CONTACT A LAWYER. Affinia Default<br />

Services, LLC, as the duly appointed<br />

Trustee, under and pursuant to the power of<br />

sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust<br />

Recorded 02/11/2005 as Document No.:<br />

05 0323414, of Official Records in the office<br />

of the Recorder of Los Angeles County,<br />

California, executed by: JULIE PATERSON,<br />

AN UNMARRIED WOMAN, as Trustor,<br />


HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable in<br />

full at time of sale by cash, a cashier’s check<br />

drawn by a state or national bank, a check<br />

drawn by a state or federal credit union, or<br />

a check drawn by a state or federal savings<br />

and loan association, savings association,<br />

or savings bank specified in section 5102<br />

of the Financial Code and authorized to do<br />

business in this state). All right, title and interest<br />

conveyed to and now held by it under<br />

said Deed of Trust in the property situated<br />

in said County and state, and as more fully<br />

described in the above referenced Deed<br />

of Trust. Sale Date & Time: 07/10/2019 at<br />

11:00 AM Sale Location: By the fountain<br />

located at 400 Civic Center Plaza, Pomona,<br />

CA 91766 The street address and<br />

other common designation, if any, of the<br />

real property described above is purported<br />

to be: 1155 PALM TERRACE, PASADENA,<br />

CA 91104 The undersigned Trustee disclaims<br />

any liability for any incorrectness<br />

of the street address and other common<br />

designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale<br />

will be made in an ìAS ISî condition, but<br />

without covenant or warranty, expressed or<br />

implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances,<br />

to pay the remaining principal<br />

sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed<br />

of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided<br />

in said note(s), advances, if any, under the<br />

terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees,<br />

charges and expenses of the Trustee and<br />

of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust,<br />

to-wit: $223,234.16 (Estimated). Accrued<br />

interest and additional advances, if any,<br />

will increase this figure prior to sale. It is<br />

possible that at the time of sale the opening<br />

bid may be less than the total indebtedness<br />


you are considering bidding on this property<br />

lien, you should understand that there<br />

are risks involved in bidding at a trustee<br />

auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not<br />

on the property itself. Placing the highest<br />

bid at a trustee auction does not automatically<br />

entitle you to free and clear ownership<br />

of the property. You should also be aware<br />

that the lien being auctioned off may be a<br />

junior lien. If you are the highest bidder<br />

at the auction, you are or may be responsible<br />

for paying off all liens senior to the<br />

lien being auctioned off, before you can<br />

receive clear title to the property. You are<br />

encouraged to investigate the existence,<br />

priority, and size of outstanding liens that<br />

may exist on this property by contacting<br />

the county recorder’s office or a title insurance<br />

company, either of which may charge<br />

you a fee for this information. If you consult<br />

either of these resources, you should be<br />

aware that the same lender may hold more<br />

than one mortgage or deed of trust on the<br />


The sale date shown on this notice of sale<br />

may be postponed one or more times by<br />

the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a<br />

court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the<br />

California Civil Code. The law requires that<br />

information about trustee sale postponements<br />

be made available to you and to the<br />

public, as a courtesy to those not present<br />

at the sale. If you wish to learn whether<br />

your sale date has been postponed, and,<br />

if applicable, the rescheduled time and<br />

date for the sale of this property, you may<br />

call, (800) 758-8052 for information<br />

regarding the trustee’s sale or visit this<br />

Internet Web site, www.homesearch.com,<br />

for information regarding the sale of this<br />

property, using the file number assigned<br />

to this case, T.S.# 9948-5158. Information<br />

about postponements that are very short in<br />

duration or that occur close in time to the<br />

scheduled sale may not immediately be<br />

reflected in the telephone information or on<br />

the internet Web site. The best way to verify<br />

postponement information is to attend the<br />

scheduled sale. If the Trustee is unable to<br />

convey title for any reason, the successful<br />

bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be<br />

the return of monies paid to the Trustee and<br />

the successful bidder shall have no further<br />

recourse. Affinia Default Services, LLC<br />

301 E. Ocean Blvd. Suite 1720 Long Beach,<br />

CA 90802 833-290-7452 For Trustee Sale<br />

Information Log On To: www.homesearch.<br />

com or Call: (800) 758-8052. Affinia<br />

Default Services, LLC, Omar Solorzano,<br />

Foreclosure Associate This communication<br />

is an attempt to collect a debt and any<br />

information obtained will be used for that<br />

purpose. However, if you have received a<br />

discharge of the debt referenced herein<br />

in a bankruptcy proceeding, this is not an<br />

attempt to impose personal liability upon<br />

you for payment of that debt. In the event<br />

you have received a bankruptcy discharge,<br />

any action to enforce the debt will be taken<br />

against the property only. NPP0354597<br />

To: PASADENA WEEKLY 06/20/2019,<br />

06/27/2019, 07/04/2019<br />

Fict. Business Names<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019149812<br />

Type of Filing: Original. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />

JOY VISION BRANDS. 530 S. Lake Ave.,<br />

#258 Pasadena, CA 91101. COUNTY:<br />

Los Angeles. REGISTERED OWNER(S)<br />

SR Forty Three, 530 S. Lake Ave., #258<br />

Pasadena, CA 91101. State of Incorporation<br />

or LLC: California. THIS BUSINESS<br />

IS CONDUCTED BY a Corporation. The<br />

registrant commenced to transact business<br />

under the fictitious business name or<br />

names listed above on: 04/2019. I declare<br />

that all information in this statement is true<br />

and correct. /s/ Sarah Rothenberg. TITLE:<br />

President, Corp or LLC Name: SR Forty<br />

Three. This statement was filed with the LA<br />

County Clerk on: May 30, 2019. NOTICE in<br />

accordance with subdivision (a) of Section<br />

17920, a Fictitious Name statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from<br />

the date on which it was filed in the office<br />

of the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant to<br />

Section 17913 other than a change in the<br />

residence address of a registered owner. a<br />

new Fictitious Business Name statement<br />

must be filed before the expiration. The<br />

filing of this statement does not of itself<br />

authorize the use in this state of a fictitious<br />

business name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., Business<br />

and Professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19,<br />

6/27/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019148821<br />

Type of Filing: Original. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as: MA-<br />



Gabriel Blvd. San Gabriel, CA 91776.<br />

COUNTY: Los Angeles. REGISTERED<br />

OWNER(S) HL Auto Group Inc., 1143 S.<br />

San Gabriel Blvd. San Gabriel, CA 91776.<br />

State of Incorporation or LLC: California.<br />


Corporation. The registrant commenced<br />

to transact business under the fictitious<br />

business name or names listed above on:<br />

05/2019. I declare that all information in<br />

this statement is true and correct. /s/ Erica<br />

To. TITLE: Secretary, Corp or LLC Name:<br />

HL Auto Group Inc. This statement was<br />

filed with the LA County Clerk on: May<br />

29, 2019. NOTICE in accordance with<br />

subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious<br />

Name statement generally expires at<br />

the end of five years from the date on which<br />

it was filed in the office of the county clerk,<br />

except, as provided in subdivision (b) of<br />

Section 17920, where it expires 40 days<br />

after any change in the facts set forth in the<br />

statement pursuant to Section 17913 other<br />

than a change in the residence address of<br />

a registered owner. a new Fictitious Business<br />

Name statement must be filed before<br />

the expiration. The filing of this statement<br />

does not of itself authorize the use in this<br />

state of a fictitious business name in violation<br />

of the rights of another under federal,<br />

state, or common law (see Section 14411<br />

et seq., Business and Professions code).<br />

Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates: 6/6/19,<br />

6/13/19, 6/20/19, 6/27/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019148823<br />

Type of Filing: Original. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as: SGV<br />

AUTO GROUP. 1143 S. San Gabriel Blvd.<br />

San Gabriel, CA 91776. COUNTY: Los<br />


Auto Group Inc., 1143 S. San Gabriel Blvd.<br />

San Gabriel, CA 91776. State of Incorporation<br />

or LLC: California. THIS BUSINESS<br />

IS CONDUCTED BY a Corporation. The<br />

registrant commenced to transact business<br />

under the fictitious business name or<br />

names listed above on: 05/2019. I declare<br />

that all information in this statement is true<br />

and correct. /s/ Erica To. TITLE: Secretary,<br />

Corp or LLC Name: HL Auto Group<br />

Inc. This statement was filed with the LA<br />

County Clerk on: May 29, 2019. NOTICE<br />

in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section<br />

17920, a Fictitious Name statement<br />

generally expires at the end of five years<br />

from the date on which it was filed in the office<br />

of the county clerk, except, as provided<br />

in subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant to<br />

Section 17913 other than a change in the<br />

residence address of a registered owner. a<br />

new Fictitious Business Name statement<br />

must be filed before the expiration. The<br />

filing of this statement does not of itself<br />

authorize the use in this state of a fictitious<br />

business name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., Business<br />

and Professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19,<br />

6/27/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019149815<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as: CALL<br />

ME COZY CASHMERE; 4024 Ethel Ave.<br />

Studio City, CA 91604. COUNTY: Los<br />

Angeles. REGISTERED OWNER(S) Penny<br />

Ellers-Britton, 4024 Ethel Ave. Studio City,<br />

CA 91604, Linda Feitelson-Manet, Impasse<br />

Bateau Ivre, PTE Aux Cannonniers,<br />


BY a General Partnership. The registrant<br />

commenced to transact business under<br />

the Fictitious Business Name or names<br />

listed above on: 05/2019. I declare that all<br />

information in this statement is true and<br />

correct. /s/: Penny Ellers-Britton. TITLE:<br />

Partner. This statement was filed with<br />

the LA County Clerk on: May 30, 2019.<br />

NOTICE in accordance with subdivision<br />

(a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name<br />

Statement generally expires at the end<br />

of five years from the date on which it<br />

was filed in the office of the county clerk,<br />

except, as provided in subdivision (b) of<br />

Section 17920, where it expires 40 days<br />

after any change in the facts set forth in the<br />

statement pursuant to Section 17913 other<br />

than a change in the residence address of a<br />

registered owner. a new Fictitious Business<br />

Name statement must be filed before the<br />

expiration. The filing of this statement does<br />

not of itself authorize the use in this state<br />

of a Fictitious Business Name in violation<br />

of the rights of another under federal, state,<br />

or common law (see Section 14411 et seq.,<br />

business and professions code). Publish:<br />

Pasadena Weekly. Dates: 6/6/19, 6/13/19,<br />

6/20/19, 6/27/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019148884<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as: JOY-<br />

STYLE; 1771 N. Sycamore Ave. Los Angeles,<br />

CA 90028. COUNTY: Los Angeles.<br />

REGISTERED OWNER(S) Laetitia Hugues,<br />

1771 N. Sycamore Ave. Los Angeles, CA<br />


BY an Individual. The registrant commenced<br />

to transact business under the<br />

Fictitious Business Name or names listed<br />

above on: 05/2019. I declare that all information<br />

in this statement is true and correct.<br />

/s/: Laetitia Hugues. TITLE: Owner. This<br />

statement was filed with the LA County<br />

Clerk on: May 29, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section<br />

17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from<br />

the date on which it was filed in the office<br />

of the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant to<br />

Section 17913 other than a change in the<br />

residence address of a registered owner. a<br />

new Fictitious Business Name statement

<strong>06.27.19</strong> PASADENA WEEKLY 39<br />

must be filed before the expiration. The<br />

filing of this statement does not of itself<br />

authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious<br />

Business Name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., business<br />

and professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19,<br />

6/27/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019148850<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business<br />


HEALTH CENTER; 5105 W. Sunset Blvd.,<br />

Los Angeles, CA 90027, 526 S. Orange<br />

Ave., Apt. D Monterey Park, CA 91755.<br />

COUNTY: Los Angeles. REGISTERED<br />

OWNER(S) Yuyun Lan, 526 S. Orange<br />

Ave., Apt. D Monterey Park, CA 91755.<br />


Individual. The registrant commenced<br />

to transact business under the Fictitious<br />

Business Name or names listed above<br />

on: 05/2019. I declare that all information<br />

in this statement is true and correct. /s/:<br />

Luyun Lan. TITLE: Owner. This statement<br />

was filed with the LA County Clerk on: May<br />

29, 2019. NOTICE in accordance with subdivision<br />

(a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious<br />

Name Statement generally expires at the<br />

end of five years from the date on which it<br />

was filed in the office of the county clerk,<br />

except, as provided in subdivision (b) of<br />

Section 17920, where it expires 40 days<br />

after any change in the facts set forth in the<br />

statement pursuant to Section 17913 other<br />

than a change in the residence address of a<br />

registered owner. a new Fictitious Business<br />

Name statement must be filed before the<br />

expiration. The filing of this statement does<br />

not of itself authorize the use in this state<br />

of a Fictitious Business Name in violation<br />

of the rights of another under federal, state,<br />

or common law (see Section 14411 et seq.,<br />

business and professions code). Publish:<br />

Pasadena Weekly. Dates: 6/6/19, 6/13/19,<br />

6/20/19, 6/27/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019150819<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />

BEARDED EFFLEURAGE. 1012 East Ave.,<br />

J #134 Lancaster, CA 93535. COUNTY:<br />

Los Angeles. REGISTERED OWNER(S)<br />

Destiny Nashell Blount, 1012 East Ave., J<br />

#134 Lancaster, CA 93535, Alexi Carolann<br />

Gray, 1012 East Ave., J #134 Lancaster, CA<br />


BY Copartners. The registrant commenced<br />

to transact business under the Fictitious<br />

Business Name or names listed above on:<br />

05/2019. I declare that all information in<br />

this statement is true and correct. /s/: Destiny<br />

Nashell Blount. TITLE: Partner. This<br />

statement was filed with the LA County<br />

Clerk on: May 31, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section<br />

17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from<br />

the date on which it was filed in the office<br />

of the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant to<br />

Section 17913 other than a change in the<br />

residence address of a registered owner. a<br />

new Fictitious Business Name statement<br />

must be filed before the expiration. The<br />

filing of this statement does not of itself<br />

authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious<br />

Business Name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., business<br />

and professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19,<br />

6/27/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019151183<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />


Ave., Unit D Monrovia, CA 91015.<br />

COUNTY: Los Angeles. REGISTERED<br />

OWNER(S) Stephen Daniel Aragon, 210 E.<br />

Walnut Ave., Unit D Monrovia, CA 91015.<br />


Individual. The registrant commenced<br />

to transact business under the Fictitious<br />

Business Name or names listed above on:<br />

N/A. I declare that all information in this<br />

statement is true and correct. /s/: Stephen<br />

Daniel Aragon. TITLE: Owner. This statement<br />

was filed with the LA County Clerk on:<br />

May 31, 2019. NOTICE in accordance with<br />

subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious<br />

Name Statement generally expires at<br />

the end of five years from the date on which<br />

it was filed in the office of the county clerk,<br />

except, as provided in subdivision (b) of<br />

Section 17920, where it expires 40 days<br />

after any change in the facts set forth in the<br />

statement pursuant to Section 17913 other<br />

than a change in the residence address of a<br />

registered owner. a new Fictitious Business<br />

Name statement must be filed before the<br />

expiration. The filing of this statement does<br />

not of itself authorize the use in this state<br />

of a Fictitious Business Name in violation<br />

of the rights of another under federal, state,<br />

or common law (see Section 14411 et seq.,<br />

business and professions code). Publish:<br />

Pasadena Weekly. Dates: 6/6/19, 6/13/19,<br />

6/20/19, 6/27/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019152484<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />

SCS ENGINEERING; 3270 Dora Verdugo<br />

Glendale, CA 91208. COUNTY: Los Angeles.<br />


Meserkhani, 3270 Dora Verdugo Glendale,<br />


DUCTED BY an Individual. The registrant<br />

commenced to transact business under<br />

the Fictitious Business Name or names<br />

listed above on: 6/2019. I declare that all<br />

information in this statement is true and<br />

correct. /s/: Patrick Meserkhani. TITLE:<br />

Owner. This statement was filed with the<br />

LA County Clerk on: June 3, 2019. NOTICE<br />

in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section<br />

17920, a Fictitious Name Statement<br />

generally expires at the end of five years<br />

from the date on which it was filed in the office<br />

of the county clerk, except, as provided<br />

in subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant to<br />

Section 17913 other than a change in the<br />

residence address of a registered owner. a<br />

new Fictitious Business Name statement<br />

must be filed before the expiration. The<br />

filing of this statement does not of itself<br />

authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious<br />

Business Name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., business<br />

and professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19,<br />

6/27/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019152475<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as: MM<br />

BOOKKEEPING; 3270 Dora Verdugo<br />

Glendale, CA 91208. COUNTY: Los Angeles.<br />


Meserkhani, 3270 Dora Verdugo Glendale,<br />


DUCTED BY an Individual. The registrant<br />

commenced to transact business under the<br />

Fictitious Business Name or names listed<br />

above on: N/A. I declare that all information<br />

in this statement is true and correct. /s/:<br />

Melody Meserkhani. TITLE: Owner. This<br />

statement was filed with the LA County<br />

Clerk on: June 3, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section<br />

17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from<br />

the date on which it was filed in the office<br />

of the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant to<br />

Section 17913 other than a change in the<br />

residence address of a registered owner. a<br />

new Fictitious Business Name statement<br />

must be filed before the expiration. The<br />

filing of this statement does not of itself<br />

authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious<br />

Business Name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., business<br />

and professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19,<br />

6/27/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019145457<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />

RAI LIGHTING; 1403 N. Dominion Ave.<br />

Altadena, CA 91104. COUNTY: Los Angeles.<br />


Corona, 1403 N. Dominion Ave. Altadena,<br />


DUCTED BY an Individual. The registrant<br />

commenced to transact business under<br />

the Fictitious Business Name or names<br />

listed above on: 05/2019. I declare that<br />

all information in this statement is true<br />

and correct. /s/: Hector J. Corona. TITLE:<br />

Owner. This statement was filed with the LA<br />

County Clerk on: May 24, 2019. NOTICE in<br />

accordance with subdivision (a) of Section<br />

17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from<br />

the date on which it was filed in the office<br />

of the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant to<br />

Section 17913 other than a change in the<br />

residence address of a registered owner. a<br />

new Fictitious Business Name statement<br />

must be filed before the expiration. The<br />

filing of this statement does not of itself<br />

authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious<br />

Business Name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., business<br />

and professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19,<br />

6/27/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019140825<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />

MEME’S SWEET TREATS; 8939 Gallatin<br />

Rd., #2 Pico Rivera, CA 90660, 2445<br />

Walnut Grove Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770.<br />

COUNTY: Los Angeles. REGISTERED<br />

OWNER(S) Eileen Villegas, 8939 Gallatin<br />

Rd., #2 Pico Rivera, CA 90660. THIS<br />

BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY an Individual.<br />

The registrant commenced to<br />

transact business under the Fictitious<br />

Business Name or names listed above<br />

on: 05/2019. I declare that all information<br />

in this statement is true and correct. /s/:<br />

Eileen Villegas. TITLE: Owner. This statement<br />

was filed with the LA County Clerk on:<br />

May 20, 2019. NOTICE in accordance with<br />

subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious<br />

Name Statement generally expires at<br />

the end of five years from the date on which<br />

it was filed in the office of the county clerk,<br />

except, as provided in subdivision (b) of<br />

Section 17920, where it expires 40 days<br />

after any change in the facts set forth in the<br />

statement pursuant to Section 17913 other<br />

than a change in the residence address of a<br />

registered owner. a new Fictitious Business<br />

Name statement must be filed before the<br />

expiration. The filing of this statement does<br />

not of itself authorize the use in this state<br />

of a Fictitious Business Name in violation<br />

of the rights of another under federal, state,<br />

or common law (see Section 14411 et seq.,<br />

business and professions code). Publish:<br />

Pasadena Weekly. Dates: 6/6/19, 6/13/19,<br />

6/20/19, 6/27/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019151272<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />

CELEBRATIONZ; 20714 Seine Ave., Unit<br />

2 Lakewood, CA 90715. COUNTY: Los<br />

Angeles. REGISTERED OWNER(S) Dionna<br />

Martiene Merritt, 20714 Seine Ave., Unit 2<br />

Lakewood, CA 90715. THIS BUSINESS IS<br />

CONDUCTED BY an Individual. The registrant<br />

commenced to transact business under<br />

the Fictitious Business Name or names<br />

listed above on: N/A. I declare that all information<br />

in this statement is true and correct.<br />

/s/: Dionna Martiene Merritt. TITLE:<br />

Owner. This statement was filed with the LA<br />

County Clerk on: May 31, 2019. NOTICE in<br />

accordance with subdivision (a) of Section<br />

17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from<br />

the date on which it was filed in the office<br />

of the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant to<br />

Section 17913 other than a change in the<br />

residence address of a registered owner. a<br />

new Fictitious Business Name statement<br />

must be filed before the expiration. The<br />

filing of this statement does not of itself<br />

authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious<br />

Business Name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., business<br />

and professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19,<br />

6/27/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE NO.2019153946<br />

Type of Filing: Original. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />







CALI SOLAR, SPE, 916-C W. Burbank<br />

Blvd., #190 Burbank, CA 91506. COUN-<br />

TY: Los Angeles. Articles of Incorporation<br />

or Organization Number: C4014013.<br />

REGISTERED OWNER(S) Marty Solar<br />

Party and Energy Saver Inc., 916-C W.<br />

Burbank Blvd., #190 Burbank, CA 91506.<br />

State of Incorporation or LLC: California.<br />


Corporation. The registrant commenced<br />

to transact business under the fictitious<br />

business name or names listed above on:<br />

N/A. I declare that all information in this<br />

statement is true and correct. /s/ Martin<br />

T D Lam. TITLE: President, Corp or LLC<br />

Name: Marty Solar Party and Energy Saver<br />

Inc. This statement was filed with the LA<br />

County Clerk on: June 4, 2019. NOTICE in<br />

accordance with subdivision (a) of Section<br />

17920, a Fictitious Name statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from<br />

the date on which it was filed in the office<br />

of the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant to<br />

Section 17913 other than a change in the<br />

residence address of a registered owner. a<br />

new Fictitious Business Name statement<br />

must be filed before the expiration. The<br />

filing of this statement does not of itself<br />

authorize the use in this state of a fictitious<br />

business name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., Business<br />

and Professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19,<br />

6/27/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019154592<br />

Type of Filing: Amended. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />


Huntington Dr., Suite C San Marino, CA<br />

91108. COUNTY: Los Angeles. Articles<br />

of Incorporation or Organization Number:<br />

3565121. REGISTERED OWNER(S) Karl<br />

Von Tiehl, MD Inc., 375 Huntington Dr.,<br />

Suite C San Marino, CA 91108. State of<br />

Incorporation or LLC: California. THIS<br />

BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY a Corporation.<br />

The registrant commenced to<br />

transact business under the fictitious<br />

business name or names listed above on:<br />

10/2013. I declare that all information in<br />

this statement is true and correct. /s/ Karl<br />

Von Tiehl. TITLE: President, Corp or LLC<br />

Name: Karl Von Tiehl, MD Inc. This statement<br />

was filed with the LA County Clerk<br />

on: June 6, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section 17920,<br />

a Fictitious Name statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from the<br />

date on which it was filed in the office of<br />

the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant to<br />

Section 17913 other than a change in the<br />

residence address of a registered owner. a<br />

new Fictitious Business Name statement<br />

must be filed before the expiration. The<br />

filing of this statement does not of itself<br />

authorize the use in this state of a fictitious<br />

business name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., Business<br />

and Professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/13/19, 6/20/19,<br />

6/27/19, 7/4/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019157138<br />

Type of Filing: Original. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as: LA<br />

INTERN. 464 E. Walnut Street Pasadena,<br />

CA 91101, PO Box 93074 Pasadena, CA<br />

91109-3074. COUNTY: Los Angeles.<br />

REGISTERED OWNER(S) Providence<br />

Christian College, 464 E. Walnut Street<br />

Pasadena, CA 91101. State of Incorporation<br />

or LLC: California. THIS BUSINESS<br />

IS CONDUCTED BY a Corporation. The<br />

registrant commenced to transact business<br />

under the fictitious business name<br />

or names listed above on: 3/2019. I declare<br />

that all information in this statement<br />

is true and correct. /s/ Dawn Dirksen.<br />

TITLE: CFO, Corp or LLC Name: Providence<br />

Christian College. This statement<br />

was filed with the LA County Clerk on:<br />

June 7, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section 17920,<br />

a Fictitious Name statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from the<br />

date on which it was filed in the office of<br />

the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant to<br />

Section 17913 other than a change in the<br />

residence address of a registered owner. a<br />

new Fictitious Business Name statement<br />

must be filed before the expiration. The<br />

filing of this statement does not of itself<br />

authorize the use in this state of a fictitious<br />

business name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., Business<br />

and Professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/13/19, 6/20/19,<br />

6/27/19, 7/4/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019149456<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />


E. San Bernardino Rd., Ste. D Covina, CA<br />

91723. COUNTY: Los Angeles. REGIS-<br />

TERED OWNER(S) Felix Predciado Jr.,<br />

15551 Klamath St. La Puente, CA 91744.<br />


Individual. The registrant commenced<br />

to transact business under the Fictitious<br />

Business Name or names listed above on:<br />

05/2019. I declare that all information in<br />

this statement is true and correct. /s/: Felix<br />

Preciado Jr. TITLE: Owner. This statement<br />

was filed with the LA County Clerk on:<br />

May 30, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section 17920,<br />

a Fictitious Name Statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from the<br />

date on which it was filed in the office of<br />

the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant to<br />

Section 17913 other than a change in the<br />

residence address of a registered owner. a<br />

new Fictitious Business Name statement<br />

must be filed before the expiration. The<br />

filing of this statement does not of itself<br />

authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious<br />

Business Name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., business<br />

and professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/13/19, 6/20/19,<br />

6/27/19, 7/4/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019149478<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />

ATTUNE COLLECTIVE; 14668 Ragan<br />

Drive La Mirada, CA 90638. COUNTY:<br />

Los Angeles. REGISTERED OWNER(S)<br />

Adrienne Fong, 14668 Ragan Drive La<br />

Mirada, CA 90638. THIS BUSINESS IS<br />

CONDUCTED BY an Individual. The registrant<br />

commenced to transact business<br />

under the Fictitious Business Name or<br />

names listed above on: 05/2019. I declare<br />

that all information in this statement is true<br />

and correct. /s/: Adrienne Fong. TITLE:<br />

Owner. This statement was filed with the<br />

LA County Clerk on: May 30, 2019. NO-<br />

TICE in accordance with subdivision (a)<br />

of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement<br />

generally expires at the end of five<br />

years from the date on which it was filed<br />

in the office of the county clerk, except,<br />

as provided in subdivision (b) of Section<br />

17920, where it expires 40 days after any<br />

change in the facts set forth in the statement<br />

pursuant to Section 17913 other<br />

than a change in the residence address of<br />

a registered owner. a new Fictitious Business<br />

Name statement must be filed before<br />

the expiration. The filing of this statement<br />

does not of itself authorize the use in this<br />

state of a Fictitious Business Name in<br />

violation of the rights of another under<br />

federal, state, or common law (see Section<br />

14411 et seq., business and professions<br />

code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates:<br />

6/13/19, 6/20/19, 6/27/19, 7/4/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019150703<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as: BE-<br />

YOND SOCIAL MEDIA; 7318 Alabama<br />

Ave., 3206 Canoga Park, CA 91303, PO<br />

Box 6918 Woodland Hills, CA 91365.<br />

COUNTY: Los Angeles. REGISTERED<br />

OWNER(S) Omar I. Dickens, 7318 Alabama<br />

Ave., 3206 Canoga Park, CA 91303.<br />


Individual. The registrant commenced<br />

to transact business under the Fictitious<br />

Business Name or names listed above on:<br />

N/A. I declare that all information in this<br />

statement is true and correct. /s/: Omar<br />

I. Dickens. TITLE: Owner. This statement<br />

was filed with the LA County Clerk on:<br />

May 31, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section 17920,<br />

a Fictitious Name Statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from the<br />

date on which it was filed in the office of<br />

the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant to<br />

Section 17913 other than a change in the<br />

residence address of a registered owner. a<br />

new Fictitious Business Name statement<br />

must be filed before the expiration. The<br />

filing of this statement does not of itself<br />

authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious<br />

Business Name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., business<br />

and professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/13/19, 6/20/19,<br />

6/27/19, 7/4/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019154401<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />


Woodley Avenue North Hills, CA 91343.<br />

COUNTY: Los Angeles. REGISTERED<br />

OWNER(S) Ani Oganesyan, 9142 Woodley<br />

Avenue North Hills, CA 91343. THIS<br />

BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY an Individual.<br />

The registrant commenced to<br />

transact business under the Fictitious<br />

Business Name or names listed above<br />

on: 01/2019. I declare that all information<br />

in this statement is true and correct. /s/:<br />

Ani Oganesyan. TITLE: Owner. This statement<br />

was filed with the LA County Clerk<br />

on: June 5, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section 17920,<br />

a Fictitious Name Statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from the<br />

date on which it was filed in the office of<br />

the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant to<br />

Section 17913 other than a change in the<br />

residence address of a registered owner. a<br />

new Fictitious Business Name statement<br />

must be filed before the expiration. The<br />

filing of this statement does not of itself<br />

authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious<br />

Business Name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., business<br />

and professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/13/19, 6/20/19,<br />

6/27/19, 7/4/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019156967<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />

MADDOX & ASSOCIATES; 1000 E. Walnut<br />

Street Pasadena, CA 91106, PO Box<br />

91839 Pasadena, CA 91109. COUNTY:<br />

Los Angeles. REGISTERED OWNER(S)<br />

James Oliver Maddox, 2249 Paloma<br />

Street Pasadena, CA 91104. THIS BUSI-<br />

NESS IS CONDUCTED BY an Individual.<br />

The registrant commenced to transact<br />

business under the Fictitious Business<br />

Name or names listed above on: N/A. I<br />

declare that all information in this statement<br />

is true and correct. /s/: James Oliver<br />

Maddox. TITLE: Owner. This statement<br />

was filed with the LA County Clerk on:<br />

June 7, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section 17920,<br />

a Fictitious Name Statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from the<br />

date on which it was filed in the office of<br />

the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant to<br />

Section 17913 other than a change in the<br />

residence address of a registered owner. a<br />

new Fictitious Business Name statement<br />

must be filed before the expiration. The<br />

filing of this statement does not of itself<br />

authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious<br />

Business Name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., business<br />

and professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/13/19, 6/20/19,<br />

6/27/19, 7/4/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019149643<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />

PROSPERITY LIFTOFF; 125 W. 8th St.<br />

Claremont, CA 91711. COUNTY: Los<br />

Angeles. REGISTERED OWNER(S) Margaret<br />

Smith, 125 W. 8th St. Claremont,<br />


DUCTED BY an Individual. The registrant<br />

commenced to transact business under<br />

the Fictitious Business Name or names<br />

listed above on: 05/2019. I declare that<br />

all information in this statement is true<br />

and correct. /s/: Margaret Smith. TITLE:<br />

Owner. This statement was filed with the<br />

LA County Clerk on: May 30, 2019. NO-<br />

TICE in accordance with subdivision (a)<br />

of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement<br />

generally expires at the end of five<br />

years from the date on which it was filed<br />

in the office of the county clerk, except,<br />

as provided in subdivision (b) of Section<br />

17920, where it expires 40 days after any<br />

change in the facts set forth in the statement<br />

pursuant to Section 17913 other<br />

than a change in the residence address of<br />

a registered owner. a new Fictitious Business<br />

Name statement must be filed before<br />

the expiration. The filing of this statement<br />

does not of itself authorize the use in this<br />

state of a Fictitious Business Name in<br />

violation of the rights of another under<br />

federal, state, or common law (see Section<br />

14411 et seq., business and professions<br />

code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates:<br />

6/13/19, 6/20/19, 6/27/19, 7/4/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019155076<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as: J<br />

AND J SOLAR SOLUTIONS; 3318 South<br />

Del Mar Ave., Suite 202 Rosemead, CA<br />

91770. COUNTY: Los Angeles. REGIS-<br />

TERED OWNER(S) John Frederick Wolcott<br />

and James Louis Rango, 3318 South<br />

Del Mar Ave., Suite 202 Rosemead, CA<br />


BY a General Partnership. The registrant<br />

commenced to transact business under<br />

the Fictitious Business Name or names<br />

listed above on: N/A. I declare that all<br />

information in this statement is true and<br />

correct. /s/: James Louis Fango. TITLE:<br />

General Partner. This statement was filed<br />

with the LA County Clerk on: June 5, 2019.<br />

NOTICE in accordance with subdivision<br />

(a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name<br />

Statement generally expires at the end<br />

of five years from the date on which it<br />

was filed in the office of the county clerk,<br />

except, as provided in subdivision (b) of<br />

Section 17920, where it expires 40 days<br />

after any change in the facts set forth in<br />

the statement pursuant to Section 17913<br />

other than a change in the residence address<br />

of a registered owner. a new Fictitious<br />

Business Name statement must be<br />

filed before the expiration. The filing of<br />

this statement does not of itself authorize<br />

the use in this state of a Fictitious Business<br />

Name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., business<br />

and professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/13/19, 6/20/19,<br />

6/27/19, 7/4/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.20191245458<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as: OUT-<br />

LET FOR ARTISTS; 15224 South White<br />

Ave. Compton, CA 90221. COUNTY:<br />

Los Angeles. REGISTERED OWNER(S)<br />

John Fernando Contreras, Hernan Adolfo<br />

Cardona, Antoine Christopher, 15224<br />

South White Ave. Compton, CA 90221.<br />


General Partnership. The registrant commenced<br />

to transact business under the<br />

Fictitious Business Name or names listed<br />

above on: N/A. I declare that all information<br />

in this statement is true and correct.<br />

/s/: Fernando Contreras. TITLE: General<br />

Partner. This statement was filed with the<br />

LA County Clerk on: May 13, 2019. NO-<br />

TICE in accordance with subdivision (a)<br />

of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement<br />

generally expires at the end of five<br />

years from the date on which it was filed<br />

in the office of the county clerk, except,<br />

as provided in subdivision (b) of Section<br />

17920, where it expires 40 days after any<br />

change in the facts set forth in the statement<br />

pursuant to Section 17913 other<br />

than a change in the residence address of<br />

a registered owner. a new Fictitious Business<br />

Name statement must be filed before<br />

the expiration. The filing of this statement<br />

does not of itself authorize the use in this<br />

state of a Fictitious Business Name in<br />

violation of the rights of another under<br />

federal, state, or common law (see Section<br />

14411 et seq., business and professions<br />

code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates:<br />

6/6/19, 6/13/19, 6/20/19, 6/27/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019159888<br />

Type of Filing: Original. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />

STONE FACE; 4044 Huron Avenue Culver<br />

City, CA 90232-4017. COUNTY: Los Angeles.<br />


Stone, 4044 Huron Avenue Culver City,<br />


DUCTED BY an Individual. The registrant<br />

commenced to transact business under<br />

the Fictitious Business Name or names<br />

listed above on: 06/2019. I declare that<br />

all information in this statement is true<br />

and correct. /s/: Joseph Stone. TITLE:<br />

Owner. This statement was filed with the<br />

LA County Clerk on: June 11, 2019. NO-<br />

TICE in accordance with subdivision (a)<br />

of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement<br />

generally expires at the end of five<br />

years from the date on which it was filed<br />

in the office of the county clerk, except,<br />

as provided in subdivision (b) of Section<br />

17920, where it expires 40 days after any<br />

change in the facts set forth in the statement<br />

pursuant to Section 17913 other<br />

than a change in the residence address of<br />

a registered owner. a new Fictitious Business<br />

Name statement must be filed before<br />

the expiration. The filing of this statement<br />

does not of itself authorize the use in this<br />

state of a Fictitious Business Name in<br />

violation of the rights of another under<br />

federal, state, or common law (see Section<br />

14411 et seq., business and professions<br />

code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates:<br />

6/13/19, 6/20/19, 6/27/19, 7/4/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019148169<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as: FA-<br />

CILITY ENVIROMENTS; 530 S. Lake Ave.,<br />

#295 Pasadena, CA 91101. COUNTY:<br />

Los Angeles. REGISTERED OWNER(S)<br />

Ellen L. Chess, 530 S. Lake Ave., #295<br />

Pasadena, CA 91101. THIS BUSINESS<br />

IS CONDUCTED BY an Individual. The<br />

registrant commenced to transact business<br />

under the Fictitious Business Name<br />

or names listed above on: 05/1991. I declare<br />

that all information in this statement<br />

is true and correct. /s/: Ellen L. Chess.<br />

TITLE: Owner. This statement was filed<br />

with the LA County Clerk on: May 29,<br />

2019. NOTICE in accordance with subdivision<br />

(a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious<br />

Name Statement generally expires at the<br />

end of five years from the date on which it<br />

was filed in the office of the county clerk,<br />

except, as provided in subdivision (b) of<br />

Section 17920, where it expires 40 days<br />

after any change in the facts set forth in the<br />

statement pursuant to Section 17913 other<br />

than a change in the residence address of

sensual massage<br />


Enjoy an exotic rubdown in pleasant<br />

comfortable surroundings. Call<br />

(818) 799-7575<br />


Greatest Hair cuts & Great Fun!<br />

Call (818) 799-7575<br />


Beauty, Clean & Private with shower<br />

Great Massage, Stress Relief ½ hr $30,<br />

1 hr $40. Relaxation. Call Karen<br />

(626) 409-4288<br />

Instagram:@lekaren25<br />

a registered owner. a new Fictitious Business<br />

Name statement must be filed before<br />

the expiration. The filing of this statement<br />

does not of itself authorize the use in this<br />

state of a Fictitious Business Name in<br />

violation of the rights of another under<br />

federal, state, or common law (see Section<br />

14411 et seq., business and professions<br />

code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates:<br />

6/20/19, 6/27/19, 7/4/19, 7/11/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019160179<br />

Type of Filing: Original. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as: OS-<br />


Mission Street Ste. A South Pasadena,<br />

CA 91030, 560 West Main Street C-241<br />

Alhambra, CA 91801. COUNTY: Los<br />

Angeles. REGISTERED OWNER(S) Bone<br />

Hackers LLC, 560 West Main Street<br />

C-241 Alhambra, CA 91801. State of<br />

Incorporation or LLC: California. THIS<br />


Liability Company. The registrant commenced<br />

to transact business under the<br />

fictitious business name or names listed<br />

above on: 06/2019. I declare that all information<br />

in this statement is true and<br />

correct. /s/ Ricardo Ayala. TITLE: Manager,<br />

Corp or LLC Name: Bone Hackers<br />

LLC. This statement was filed with the LA<br />

County Clerk on: June 11, 2019. NOTICE<br />

in accordance with subdivision (a) of<br />

Section 17920, a Fictitious Name statement<br />

generally expires at the end of five<br />

years from the date on which it was filed<br />

in the office of the county clerk, except,<br />

as provided in subdivision (b) of Section<br />

17920, where it expires 40 days after any<br />

change in the facts set forth in the statement<br />

pursuant to Section 17913 other<br />

than a change in the residence address of<br />

a registered owner. a new Fictitious Business<br />

Name statement must be filed before<br />

the expiration. The filing of this statement<br />

does not of itself authorize the use<br />

in this state of a fictitious business name<br />

in violation of the rights of another under<br />

federal, state, or common law (see Section<br />

14411 et seq., Business and Professions<br />

code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly.<br />

Dates: 6/20/19, 6/27/19, 7/4/19, 7/11/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019162725<br />

Type of Filing: Original. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business<br />

as: OBJECT & DAWN. 6931 Kittyhawk<br />

Ave., Apt. 302 Los Angeles, CA 90045,<br />

13428 Maxella Ave., #223 Marina del<br />

Rey, CA 90292. COUNTY: Los Angeles.<br />

REGISTERED OWNER(S) Object & Dawn<br />

LLC, 6931 Kittyhawk Ave., Apt. 302 Los<br />

Angeles, CA 90045. State of Incorporation<br />

or LLC: California. THIS BUSINESS<br />

IS CONDUCTED BY a Limited Liability<br />

Company. The registrant commenced to<br />

transact business under the fictitious<br />

business name or names listed above<br />

on: 04/2019. I declare that all information<br />

in this statement is true and correct.<br />

/s/ Michael Long. TITLE: Partner, Corp<br />

or LLC Name: Object & Dawn LLC. This<br />

statement was filed with the LA County<br />

Clerk on: June 13, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section<br />

17920, a Fictitious Name statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from<br />

the date on which it was filed in the office<br />

of the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant<br />

to Section 17913 other than a change<br />

in the residence address of a registered<br />

owner. a new Fictitious Business Name<br />

statement must be filed before the expiration.<br />

The filing of this statement does not<br />

of itself authorize the use in this state of<br />

a fictitious business name in violation of<br />

the rights of another under federal, state,<br />

or common law (see Section 14411 et<br />

seq., Business and Professions code).<br />

Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates:<br />

6/20/19, 6/27/19, 7/4/19, 7/11/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019159328<br />

Type of Filing: Original. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />


Raymondale Dr., Unit 12 South Pasadena,<br />

CA 91030. COUNTY: Los Angeles.<br />

REGISTERED OWNER(S) Lucid Rabbit<br />

LLC, 410 Raymondale Dr., Unit 12 South<br />

Pasadena, CA 91030. State of Incorporation<br />

or LLC: California. THIS BUSINESS<br />

IS CONDUCTED BY a Limited Liability<br />

Company. The registrant commenced to<br />

transact business under the fictitious<br />

business name or names listed above on:<br />

N/A. I declare that all information in this<br />

statement is true and correct. /s/ Lord<br />

Largest Spa in Pasadena<br />

• Six Therapists<br />

every day<br />

• 7 Massage<br />

Rooms<br />

• Many Repeat<br />

Customers<br />

Open 9:30amuntil<br />

Late!<br />

754 N Lake Ave | 626-460-8333<br />

Nicolas. TITLE: President, Corp or LLC<br />

Name: Lucid Rabbit LLC. This statement<br />

was filed with the LA County Clerk on:<br />

June 11, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section 17920,<br />

a Fictitious Name statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from the<br />

date on which it was filed in the office of<br />

the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant<br />

to Section 17913 other than a change<br />

in the residence address of a registered<br />

owner. a new Fictitious Business Name<br />

statement must be filed before the expiration.<br />

The filing of this statement does not<br />

of itself authorize the use in this state of<br />

a fictitious business name in violation of<br />

the rights of another under federal, state,<br />

or common law (see Section 14411 et<br />

seq., Business and Professions code).<br />

Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates:<br />

6/20/19, 6/27/19, 7/4/19, 7/11/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019162938<br />

Type of Filing: Original. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />


SOLUTIONS. 204 Yale Ave., Ste. B Claremont,<br />

CA 91711, 463 S. Oakland Ave.,<br />

Apt. #7 Pasadena, CA 91101. COUNTY:<br />

Los Angeles. Articles of Incorporation<br />

or Organization Number: 4272852.<br />

REGISTERED OWNER(S) Binge! Inc.,<br />

463 S. Oakland Ave., Apt. #7 Pasadena,<br />

CA 91101. State of Incorporation or<br />

LLC: California. THIS BUSINESS IS<br />

CONDUCTED BY a Corporation. The<br />

registrant commenced to transact business<br />

under the fictitious business name<br />

or names listed above on: 06/2019. I declare<br />

that all information in this statement<br />

is true and correct. /s/ Joseph Bartucca.<br />

TITLE: President, Corp or LLC Name:<br />

Binge! Inc. This statement was filed with<br />

the LA County Clerk on: June 13, 2019.<br />

NOTICE in accordance with subdivision<br />

(a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name<br />

statement generally expires at the end<br />

of five years from the date on which it<br />

was filed in the office of the county clerk,<br />

except, as provided in subdivision (b) of<br />

Section 17920, where it expires 40 days<br />

after any change in the facts set forth in<br />

the statement pursuant to Section 17913<br />

other than a change in the residence address<br />

of a registered owner. a new Fictitious<br />

Business Name statement must be<br />

filed before the expiration. The filing of<br />

this statement does not of itself authorize<br />

the use in this state of a fictitious business<br />

name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., Business<br />

and Professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/20/19, 6/27/19,<br />

7/4/19, 7/11/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019163381<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />


TECH; 615 W. Montecito Ave., Sierra<br />

Madre, CA 91024. COUNTY: Los Angeles.<br />

REGISTERED OWNER(S) Konstantin<br />

Zamuruyev and Nina Zamuruyev, 615 W.<br />

Montecito Ave., Sierra Madre, CA 91024.<br />


a Married Couple. The registrant commenced<br />

to transact business under the<br />

Fictitious Business Name or names listed<br />

above on: N/A. I declare that all information<br />

in this statement is true and correct.<br />

/s/: Konstantin Zamuruyev. TITLE: Husband.<br />

This statement was filed with the LA<br />

County Clerk on: June 14, 2019. NOTICE<br />

in accordance with subdivision (a) of<br />

Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement<br />

generally expires at the end of five<br />

years from the date on which it was filed<br />

in the office of the county clerk, except,<br />

as provided in subdivision (b) of Section<br />

17920, where it expires 40 days after any<br />

change in the facts set forth in the statement<br />

pursuant to Section 17913 other<br />

than a change in the residence address of<br />

a registered owner. a new Fictitious Business<br />

Name statement must be filed before<br />

the expiration. The filing of this statement<br />

does not of itself authorize the use in this<br />

state of a Fictitious Business Name in<br />

violation of the rights of another under<br />

federal, state, or common law (see Section<br />

14411 et seq., business and professions<br />

code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates:<br />

6/20/19, 6/27/19, 7/4/19, 7/11/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019161853<br />

Type of Filing: Amended. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />

MCCOY PRODUCTIONS; 10707 Magnolia<br />

Blvd. North Hollywood, CA 91601.<br />

COUNTY: Los Angeles. REGISTERED<br />

OWNER(S) Ronald D. McCoy and Cynthia<br />

E. McCoy, 28611 Vista Madera Rancho<br />

Palos Verdes, CA 90275. THIS BUSI-<br />

NESS IS CONDUCTED BY a General<br />

Partnership. The registrant commenced<br />

to transact business under the Fictitious<br />

Business Name or names listed above on:<br />

N/A. I declare that all information in this<br />

statement is true and correct. /s/: Ronald<br />

D. McCoy. TITLE: General Partner. This<br />

statement was filed with the LA County<br />

Clerk on: June 12, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section<br />

17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from<br />

the date on which it was filed in the office<br />

of the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant to<br />

Section 17913 other than a change in the<br />

residence address of a registered owner. a<br />

new Fictitious Business Name statement<br />

must be filed before the expiration. The filing<br />

of this statement does not of itself authorize<br />

the use in this state of a Fictitious<br />

Business Name in violation of the rights<br />

of another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., business<br />

and professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/20/19, 6/27/19, 7/4/19,<br />

7/11/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019161400<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />

WORD ON THE TABLE; 850 N. Marengo<br />

Ave., Apt. #7 Pasadena, CA 91103.<br />

COUNTY: Los Angeles. REGISTERED<br />

OWNER(S) Latisha Robinson, 850 N.<br />

Marengo Ave., Apt. #7 Pasadena, CA<br />


BY an Individual. The registrant commenced<br />

to transact business under the<br />

Fictitious Business Name or names listed<br />

above on: N/A. I declare that all information<br />

in this statement is true and correct.<br />

/s/: Latisha Robinson. TITLE: Owner. This<br />

statement was filed with the LA County<br />

Clerk on: June 12, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section<br />

17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from<br />

the date on which it was filed in the office<br />

of the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant to<br />

Section 17913 other than a change in the<br />

residence address of a registered owner. a<br />

new Fictitious Business Name statement<br />

must be filed before the expiration. The<br />

filing of this statement does not of itself<br />

authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious<br />

Business Name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., business<br />

and professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/20/19, 6/27/19, 7/4/19,<br />

7/11/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019160797<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />

TERSIUM; 239 S. Marengo Ave., Unit<br />

303 Pasadena, CA 91101. COUNTY:<br />

Los Angeles. REGISTERED OWNER(S)<br />

Ricardo Casanova-Guzman and Aida P.<br />

Casanova, 239 S. Marengo Ave., Unit 303<br />

Pasadena, CA 91101. THIS BUSINESS<br />

IS CONDUCTED BY a Married Couple.<br />

The registrant commenced to transact<br />

business under the Fictitious Business<br />

Name or names listed above on: 06/2019.<br />

I declare that all information in this statement<br />

is true and correct. /s/: Ricardo<br />

Casanova-Guzman. TITLE: Owner. This<br />

statement was filed with the LA County<br />

Clerk on: June 12, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section<br />

17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from<br />

the date on which it was filed in the office<br />

of the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant to<br />

Section 17913 other than a change in the<br />

residence address of a registered owner. a<br />

new Fictitious Business Name statement<br />

must be filed before the expiration. The<br />

filing of this statement does not of itself<br />

authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious<br />

Business Name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., business<br />

and professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/20/19, 6/27/19, 7/4/19,<br />

7/11/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019147537<br />

Type of Filing: Amended. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as: E &<br />

F TRUCKING; 8001 Somerset Blvd., Suite<br />

204 Paramount, CA 90723. COUNTY:<br />

Los Angeles. REGISTERED OWNER(S)<br />

Ernesto Clemente, 6531 San Luis Street<br />

Paramount, CA 90723. THIS BUSINESS<br />

IS CONDUCTED BY an Individual. The<br />

registrant commenced to transact business<br />

under the Fictitious Business Name<br />

or names listed above on: 07/2014. I declare<br />

that all information in this statement<br />

is true and correct. /s/: Ernesto Clemente.<br />

TITLE: Owner. This statement was filed<br />

with the LA County Clerk on: May 28,<br />

2019. NOTICE in accordance with subdivision<br />

(a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious<br />

Name Statement generally expires at the<br />

end of five years from the date on which<br />

it was filed in the office of the county clerk,<br />

except, as provided in subdivision (b) of<br />

Section 17920, where it expires 40 days<br />

after any change in the facts set forth in the<br />

statement pursuant to Section 17913 other<br />

than a change in the residence address of<br />

a registered owner. a new Fictitious Business<br />

Name statement must be filed before<br />

the expiration. The filing of this statement<br />

does not of itself authorize the use in this<br />

state of a Fictitious Business Name in<br />

violation of the rights of another under<br />

federal, state, or common law (see Section<br />

14411 et seq., business and professions<br />

code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates:<br />

6/20/19, 6/27/19, 7/4/19, 7/11/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019168757<br />

Type of Filing: Amended. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as: JNB<br />

FORECLOSURES; 4600 West 142nd<br />

Street Hawthorne, CA 90250. COUNTY:<br />

Los Angeles. REGISTERED OWNER(S)<br />

Sandy Yee Quan, 4600 West 142nd Street<br />

Hawthorne, CA 90250. THIS BUSINESS<br />

IS CONDUCTED BY an Individual. The<br />

registrant commenced to transact business<br />

under the Fictitious Business Name<br />

or names listed above on: N/A. I declare<br />

that all information in this statement is true<br />

and correct. /s/: Sandy Yee Quan. TITLE:<br />

Owner. This statement was filed with the<br />

LA County Clerk on: June 17, 2019. NO-<br />

TICE in accordance with subdivision (a)<br />

of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement<br />

generally expires at the end of five<br />

years from the date on which it was filed<br />

in the office of the county clerk, except,<br />

as provided in subdivision (b) of Section<br />

17920, where it expires 40 days after any<br />

change in the facts set forth in the statement<br />

pursuant to Section 17913 other<br />

than a change in the residence address of<br />

a registered owner. a new Fictitious Business<br />

Name statement must be filed before<br />

the expiration. The filing of this statement<br />

does not of itself authorize the use in this<br />

state of a Fictitious Business Name in<br />

violation of the rights of another under<br />

federal, state, or common law (see Section<br />

14411 et seq., business and professions<br />

code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates:<br />

6/20/19, 6/27/19, 7/4/19, 7/11/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019171319<br />

Type of Filing: Original. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />

TOZ CONSTRUCTION. 3865 Fairmeade<br />

Rd. Pasadena, CA 91107, 728 Glenmore<br />

Blvd. Glendale, CA 91206. COUNTY: Los<br />

Angeles. REGISTERED OWNER(S) Helix<br />

Construction LLC, 3865 Fairmeade Rd.<br />

Pasadena, CA 91107. State of Incorporation<br />

or LLC: California. THIS BUSINESS<br />

IS CONDUCTED BY a Limited Liability<br />

Company. The registrant commenced to<br />

transact business under the fictitious<br />

business name or names listed above on:<br />

05/2019. I declare that all information in<br />

this statement is true and correct. /s/ Alan<br />

Lee. TITLE: Member, Corp or LLC Name:<br />

Helix Construction LLC. This statement<br />

was filed with the LA County Clerk on:<br />

June 18, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section 17920,<br />

a Fictitious Name statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from the<br />

date on which it was filed in the office of<br />

the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant<br />

to Section 17913 other than a change<br />

in the residence address of a registered<br />

owner. a new Fictitious Business Name<br />

statement must be filed before the expiration.<br />

The filing of this statement does not<br />

of itself authorize the use in this state of<br />

a fictitious business name in violation of<br />

the rights of another under federal, state,<br />

or common law (see Section 14411 et<br />

seq., Business and Professions code).<br />

Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates:<br />

6/27/19, 7/4/19, 7/11/19, 7/18/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019170154<br />

Type of Filing: Amended. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business<br />





MAREMEL MEDIA. 407 Concord Ave.<br />

Monrovia, CA 91016, PO Box 682 Monrovia,<br />

CA 91017. COUNTY: Los Angeles.<br />


Institute LLC, 407 Concord Ave. Monrovia,<br />

CA 91016. State of Incorporation<br />

or LLC: California. THIS BUSINESS IS<br />

CONDUCTED BY a Limited Liability<br />

Company. The registrant commenced to<br />

transact business under the fictitious<br />

business name or names listed above on:<br />

05/2006. I declare that all information in<br />

this statement is true and correct. /s/ Gigi<br />

L. Johnson. TITLE: President, Corp or<br />

LLC Name: Maremel Institute LLC. This<br />

statement was filed with the LA County<br />

Clerk on: June 17, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section<br />

17920, a Fictitious Name statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from<br />

the date on which it was filed in the office<br />

of the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant<br />

to Section 17913 other than a change<br />

in the residence address of a registered<br />

owner. a new Fictitious Business Name<br />

statement must be filed before the expiration.<br />

The filing of this statement does not<br />

of itself authorize the use in this state of<br />

a fictitious business name in violation of<br />

the rights of another under federal, state,<br />

or common law (see Section 14411 et<br />

seq., Business and Professions code).<br />

Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates:<br />

6/27/19, 7/4/19, 7/11/19, 7/18/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019150470<br />

Type of Filing: Original. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />


INN AND SUITES. 3600 E. Colorado<br />

Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107. COUNTY:<br />

Los Angeles. REGISTERED OWNER(S)<br />

Grand Park Inn, Inc., 3600 E. Colorado<br />

Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107. State<br />

of Incorporation or LLC: California.<br />


Corporation. The registrant commenced<br />

40 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong>

to transact business under the fictitious<br />

business name or names listed above<br />

on: 02/1999. I declare that all information<br />

in this statement is true and correct.<br />

/s/ Erika Hsu. TITLE: Secretary, Corp<br />

or LLC Name: Grand Park Inn, Inc. This<br />

statement was filed with the LA County<br />

Clerk on: May 30, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section<br />

17920, a Fictitious Name statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from<br />

the date on which it was filed in the office<br />

of the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant<br />

to Section 17913 other than a change<br />

in the residence address of a registered<br />

owner. a new Fictitious Business Name<br />

statement must be filed before the expiration.<br />

The filing of this statement does not<br />

of itself authorize the use in this state of<br />

a fictitious business name in violation of<br />

the rights of another under federal, state,<br />

or common law (see Section 14411 et<br />

seq., Business and Professions code).<br />

Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates:<br />

6/27/19, 7/4/19, 7/11/19, 7/18/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019158609<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />

THETECHYNANA; 1290 Wynn Road<br />

Pasadena, CA 91107. COUNTY: Los<br />

Angeles. REGISTERED OWNER(S)<br />

Katherine K. Warren, 1290 Wynn Road<br />

Pasadena, CA 91107. THIS BUSINESS<br />

IS CONDUCTED BY an Individual. The<br />

registrant commenced to transact business<br />

under the Fictitious Business Name<br />

or names listed above on: 06/2019. I<br />

declare that all information in this statement<br />

is true and correct. /s/: Katherine<br />

K. Warren. TITLE: Owner. This statement<br />

was filed with the LA County Clerk on:<br />

June 10, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section 17920,<br />

a Fictitious Name Statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from the<br />

date on which it was filed in the office of<br />

the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant<br />

to Section 17913 other than a change<br />

in the residence address of a registered<br />

owner. a new Fictitious Business Name<br />

statement must be filed before the expiration.<br />

The filing of this statement does<br />

not of itself authorize the use in this state<br />

of a Fictitious Business Name in violation<br />

of the rights of another under federal,<br />

state, or common law (see Section<br />

14411 et seq., business and professions<br />

code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates:<br />

6/27/19, 7/4/19, 7/11/19, 7/18/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019173638<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as: R.<br />

CORDOVA ART; 8840 Huntington Dr.,<br />

Apt. 2 San Gabriel, CA 91775, PO Box<br />

2011 Arcadia, CA 91077. COUNTY: Los<br />

Angeles. REGISTERED OWNER(S) Rachel<br />

Cordova Gallonio, 8840 Huntington<br />

Dr., Apt. 2 San Gabriel, CA 91775. THIS<br />

BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY an Individual.<br />

The registrant commenced to<br />

transact business under the Fictitious<br />

Business Name or names listed above<br />

on: N/A. I declare that all information in<br />

this statement is true and correct. /s/:<br />

Rachel Cordova Gallonio. TITLE: Owner.<br />

This statement was filed with the LA<br />

County Clerk on: June 20, 2019. NOTICE<br />

in accordance with subdivision (a) of<br />

Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement<br />

generally expires at the end of five<br />

years from the date on which it was filed<br />

in the office of the county clerk, except,<br />

as provided in subdivision (b) of Section<br />

17920, where it expires 40 days after any<br />

change in the facts set forth in the statement<br />

pursuant to Section 17913 other<br />

than a change in the residence address<br />

of a registered owner. a new Fictitious<br />

Business Name statement must be filed<br />

before the expiration. The filing of this<br />

statement does not of itself authorize the<br />

use in this state of a Fictitious Business<br />

Name in violation of the rights of another<br />

under federal, state, or common law (see<br />

Section 14411 et seq., business and<br />

professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/27/19, 7/4/19, 7/11/19,<br />

7/18/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019151187<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />

WATERLILY121; 4355 Hammel St. Los<br />

Angeles, CA 90022. COUNTY: Los Angeles.<br />


Michelle Samaniego Martinez, 4355<br />

Hammel St. Los Angeles, CA 90022.<br />


Individual. The registrant commenced to<br />

transact business under the Fictitious<br />

Business Name or names listed above<br />

on: N/A. I declare that all information in<br />

this statement is true and correct. /s/:<br />

Lillian Michelle Samaniego Martinez.<br />

TITLE: Owner. This statement was filed<br />

with the LA County Clerk on: May 31,<br />

2019. NOTICE in accordance with subdivision<br />

(a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious<br />

Name Statement generally expires at the<br />

end of five years from the date on which it<br />

was filed in the office of the county clerk,<br />

except, as provided in subdivision (b) of<br />

Section 17920, where it expires 40 days<br />

after any change in the facts set forth in<br />

the statement pursuant to Section 17913<br />

other than a change in the residence address<br />

of a registered owner. a new Fictitious<br />

Business Name statement must be<br />

filed before the expiration. The filing of<br />

this statement does not of itself authorize<br />

the use in this state of a Fictitious Business<br />

Name in violation of the rights of<br />

another under federal, state, or common<br />

law (see Section 14411 et seq., business<br />

and professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/27/19, 7/4/19,<br />

7/11/19, 7/18/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019163816<br />

Type of Filing: Original The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />


W. 74th Street Los Angeles, CA 90045,<br />

PO Box 2832 Culver City, CA 90231.<br />

COUNTY: Los Angeles. REGISTERED<br />

OWNER(S) Delia Martin, 5763 W. 74th<br />

Street Los Angeles, CA 90045. THIS<br />

BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY an Individual.<br />

The registrant commenced to<br />

transact business under the Fictitious<br />

Business Name or names listed above<br />

on: 06/2019. I declare that all information<br />

in this statement is true and correct.<br />

/s/: Delia Martin. TITLE: Owner. This<br />

statement was filed with the LA County<br />

Clerk on: June 14, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section<br />

17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from<br />

the date on which it was filed in the office<br />

of the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant<br />

to Section 17913 other than a change<br />

in the residence address of a registered<br />

owner. a new Fictitious Business Name<br />

statement must be filed before the expiration.<br />

The filing of this statement does<br />

not of itself authorize the use in this state<br />

of a Fictitious Business Name in violation<br />

of the rights of another under federal,<br />

state, or common law (see Section<br />

14411 et seq., business and professions<br />

code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates:<br />

6/27/19, 7/4/19, 7/11/19, 7/18/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019172524<br />

Type of Filing: Original. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as: LIVE<br />

& CREATE; 4755 Templeton St., #2210<br />

Los Angeles, CA 90032. COUNTY:<br />

Los Angeles. REGISTERED OWNER(S)<br />

Claudia Monique Rossi, 4755 Templeton<br />

St., #2210 Los Angeles, CA 90032.<br />


Individual. The registrant commenced to<br />

transact business under the Fictitious<br />

Business Name or names listed above<br />

on: 06/2019. I declare that all information<br />

in this statement is true and correct. /s/:<br />

Claudia Monique Rossi. TITLE: Owner.<br />

This statement was filed with the LA<br />

County Clerk on: June 19, 2019. NOTICE<br />

in accordance with subdivision (a) of<br />

Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement<br />

generally expires at the end of five<br />

years from the date on which it was filed<br />

in the office of the county clerk, except,<br />

as provided in subdivision (b) of Section<br />

17920, where it expires 40 days after any<br />

change in the facts set forth in the statement<br />

pursuant to Section 17913 other<br />

than a change in the residence address<br />

of a registered owner. a new Fictitious<br />

Business Name statement must be filed<br />

before the expiration. The filing of this<br />

statement does not of itself authorize the<br />

use in this state of a Fictitious Business<br />

Name in violation of the rights of another<br />

under federal, state, or common law (see<br />

Section 14411 et seq., business and<br />

professions code). Publish: Pasadena<br />

Weekly. Dates: 6/27/19, 7/4/19, 7/11/19,<br />

7/18/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019147340<br />

Type of Filing: Amended. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />


22628 Figueroa St., #28 Carson, CA<br />

90745. COUNTY: Los Angeles. REG-<br />

ISTERED OWNER(S) Mario Sandoval<br />

Lagunas, 2660 E. 22st Place Carson, CA<br />

90810, Mario Alejandro Sandoval-Aguilar,<br />

22628 Figueroa St., #28 Carson, CA<br />


BY a General Partnership. The registrant<br />

commenced to transact business under<br />

the Fictitious Business Name or names<br />

listed above on: 04/2016. I declare that all<br />

information in this statement is true and<br />

correct. /s/: Mario Alejandro Sandoval-<br />

Aguilar. TITLE: Partner. This statement<br />

was filed with the LA County Clerk on:<br />

May 28, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section 17920,<br />

a Fictitious Name Statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from the<br />

date on which it was filed in the office of<br />

the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant<br />

to Section 17913 other than a change<br />

in the residence address of a registered<br />

owner. a new Fictitious Business Name<br />

statement must be filed before the expiration.<br />

The filing of this statement does<br />

not of itself authorize the use in this state<br />

of a Fictitious Business Name in violation<br />

of the rights of another under federal,<br />

state, or common law (see Section<br />

14411 et seq., business and professions<br />

code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates:<br />

6/27/19, 7/4/19, 7/11/19, 7/18/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019171311<br />

Type of Filing: Original. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />


Washington Blvd. Marina del Rey, CA<br />

90292. COUNTY: Los Angeles. REGIS-<br />

TERED OWNER(S) 822 W Washington<br />

LP, 822 Washington Blvd. Marina del<br />

Rey, CA 90292. State of Incorporation<br />

or LLC: California. THIS BUSINESS IS<br />

CONDUCTED BY a Limited Partnership.<br />

The registrant commenced to transact<br />

business under the fictitious business<br />

name or names listed above on: 04/2019.<br />

I declare that all information in this<br />

statement is true and correct. /s/ David<br />

Reiss. TITLE: General Partner, Corp or<br />

LLC Name: 822 W Washington LP. This<br />

statement was filed with the LA County<br />

Clerk on: June 18, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section<br />

17920, a Fictitious Name statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from<br />

the date on which it was filed in the office<br />

of the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant<br />

to Section 17913 other than a change<br />

in the residence address of a registered<br />

owner. a new Fictitious Business Name<br />

statement must be filed before the expiration.<br />

The filing of this statement does not<br />

of itself authorize the use in this state of<br />

a fictitious business name in violation of<br />

the rights of another under federal, state,<br />

or common law (see Section 14411 et<br />

seq., Business and Professions code).<br />

Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates:<br />

6/27/19, 7/4/19, 7/11/19, 7/18/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019177191<br />

Type of Filing: Original. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />


Van Buren Place Los Angeles, CA 90007,<br />

PO Box 7748 Los Angeles, CA 90007.<br />

COUNTY: Los Angeles. REGISTERED<br />

OWNER(S) Paul C. Bukowski, 2656 Van<br />

Buren Place Los Angeles, CA 90007.<br />


Individual. The registrant commenced to<br />

transact business under the Fictitious<br />

Business Name or names listed above<br />

on: 06/2019. I declare that all information<br />

in this statement is true and correct. /s/:<br />

Paul C. Bukowski. TITLE: Owner. This<br />

statement was filed with the LA County<br />

Clerk on: June 25, 2019. NOTICE in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section<br />

17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from<br />

the date on which it was filed in the office<br />

of the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant<br />

to Section 17913 other than a change<br />

in the residence address of a registered<br />

owner. a new Fictitious Business Name<br />

statement must be filed before the expiration.<br />

The filing of this statement does<br />

not of itself authorize the use in this state<br />

of a Fictitious Business Name in violation<br />

of the rights of another under federal,<br />

state, or common law (see Section<br />

14411 et seq., business and professions<br />

code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates:<br />

6/27/19, 7/4/19, 7/11/19, 7/18/19<br />


STATEMENT FILE No.2019158564<br />

Type of Filing: Original. The following<br />

person(s) is (are) doing business as:<br />



Silva Street Long Beach, CA 90805.<br />

COUNTY: Los Angeles. REGISTERED<br />

OWNER(S) Michael Harleman, 309 East<br />

Silva Street Long Beach, CA 90805.<br />


Individual. The registrant commenced to<br />

transact business under the Fictitious<br />

Business Name or names listed above<br />

on: 06/2019. I declare that all information<br />

in this statement is true and correct. /s/:<br />

Michael Harleman. TITLE: Owner. This<br />

statement was filed with the LA County<br />

Clerk on: June 10, 2019. NOTICE – in accordance<br />

with subdivision (a) of Section<br />

17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally<br />

expires at the end of five years from<br />

the date on which it was filed in the office<br />

of the county clerk, except, as provided in<br />

subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where<br />

it expires 40 days after any change in the<br />

facts set forth in the statement pursuant<br />

to Section 17913 other than a change<br />

in the residence address of a registered<br />

owner. a new Fictitious Business Name<br />

statement must be filed before the expiration.<br />

The filing of this statement does<br />

not of itself authorize the use in this state<br />

of a Fictitious Business Name in violation<br />

of the rights of another under federal,<br />

state, or common law (see Section<br />

14411 et seq., business and professions<br />

code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Dates:<br />

6/27/19, 7/4/19, 7/11/19, 7/18/19<br />

<strong>06.27.19</strong> PASADENA WEEKLY 41

8THURSDAY <strong>06.27.19</strong><br />



06.27–07.04<br />


Mon David<br />

Descanso’s annual Music on the Main live jazz series, 1418 Descanso Drive, La Cañada Flintridge, features jazz<br />

vocalist Mon David from 6 to 7:30 p.m., included in Descanso admission of $9 general admission, $6 for students<br />

and seniors, $4 for children 5 to 12, free for those 4 and younger. Call (818) 949-4200 or visit descansogardens.org.<br />

FRIDAY 06.28.19<br />

A performance of “Good Boys,” the story of a model student, his privileged family and a<br />

disturbing videotape, starts at 8 p.m. at the Pasadena Playhouse, 39 S. El Molino Ave.,<br />

Pasadena. Tickets are $25 and up. Call (626) 356-7529 or visit pasadenaplayhouse.org<br />

SATURDAY 06.29.19<br />

SUNDAY 06.30.19<br />

MONDAY 07.01.19<br />

Norton Simon Museum, 411 W. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, presents A Night in Focus: Garden<br />

Party, celebrating the start of summer in a social, creative event for all ages. Guests explore the<br />

Sculpture Garden, sketch, create crafts using plant materials and enjoy live music from 5 to 7:30<br />

p.m. Admission is included in Norton Simon admission of $15 for adults, $12 for seniors, free for<br />

students, those 18 and under and members. Call (626) 449-6840 or visit nortonsimon.org.<br />

CalPhil presents “Beethoven Meets the Beatles,” with special guests, Beatles tribute The<br />

Fab Four, performing Beatles hits with the orchestra, including “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely<br />

Hearts Club Band,” “All You Need Is Love” and others. Works by Beethoven are<br />

included, starting at 1 p.m. at Walt Disney Concert Hall, 111 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles.<br />

Tickets are $37.50 to $140. Call (323) 850-2000 or visit calphil.com.<br />

The Eric Eckstrand Trio plays jazz at 7 p.m. at Colombo’s Restaurant, 1833 Colorado<br />

Blvd., Eagle Rock. No cover. Call (323) 254-9138 or visit colombosrestaurant.com.<br />

TUESDAY 07.02.19<br />

WEDNESDAY 07.03.19<br />

THURSDAY 07.04.19<br />

Vroman’s Bookstore, 695 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena presents illustrator Leland Myrick<br />

discussing and signing “Hawking,” the gripping biography co-written with Jim Ottaviani<br />

about Stephen Hawking, the most important scientist of our time, starting at 7 p.m. Free.<br />

Call (626) 449-5320 or visit vromansbookstore.com.<br />

Brad Colerick’s Wine & Song Americana Singer/Songwriter Music Series features guest<br />

host Marty Axelrod with “Pianoganza,” with Teresa James and Rick Solem at 7 p.m. at Arroyo<br />

Seco Golf Course, 1055 Lohman Lane, South Pasadena. Tickets are $12 general admission,<br />

$17 for table seating. Visit blueguitar.club.<br />

Rose Bowl Stadium, 1001 Rose Bowl Drive, Pasadena, presents Americafest, a familyfriendly<br />

event, concluding with one of the world’s top fireworks displays. Parking lots open at<br />

noon, and the Family Fun Zone opens at 2 p.m. Stadium doors open at 5:30 p.m., followed by<br />

performances of various types at 7 p.m. General admission tickets are $15, reserved seating is<br />

$35, and children are admitted free. Field viewing experience tickets are $100.<br />

Call (800) 745-3000 or visit rosebowlamericafest.com.<br />

42 PASADENA WEEKLY | <strong>06.27.19</strong>

<strong>06.27.19</strong> | PASADENA WEEKLY 43

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