Summer Solstice Edition Vol. 1 Cosmic Women Magazine is a portal for Holistic Well-Being and SuperNatural Lifestyle. Connect with powerful cosmic ladies through literature, art, photography, self-awareness, travel, food, spirituality, relationships...
Summer Solstice Edition Vol. 1
Cosmic Women Magazine is a portal for Holistic Well-Being and SuperNatural Lifestyle. Connect with powerful cosmic ladies through literature, art, photography, self-awareness, travel, food, spirituality, relationships...
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2 0 1 9 S U M M E R S O L S T I C E E D I T I O N<br />
V O L . I<br />
TO LIVE ON<br />
Breathtaking view away<br />
from the city | p. 14<br />
Top secret hideaways<br />
and exotic escapes | p. 35<br />
Surprising retreats &<br />
local favorites | p. 112
W e l c o m e t o<br />
t h e<br />
P o r t a l<br />
This is the Creative Space where the knowledge of Mind, Body,<br />
Energy meet. This is the Sacred Space for Healing, Evolution, Organic<br />
Healing Arts, Meta-Physics, and Spirit. Those who come forth with the<br />
Insights to seed the New Earth, are the Vessels known as<br />
Cosmic Women.
M E T A - P H Y S I C A L G I R L<br />
LOPEZ<br />
Artist. Creative Director. Intuitive Coach.<br />
Meta-Physical<br />
Artist. Writer. Cosmic Woman<br />
Performance<br />
Cosmic Women Magazine is a spin off from my podcast,<br />
Transmissions of a Cosmic Woman. (If you haven’t<br />
already, please, take a listen on The Dialogue Internet<br />
Radio Network,<br />
My perspective of the world is through the lens of<br />
Meta-physics, the greek philosopher, Socrates. would<br />
refer to Meta-physics as one of the main sciences and<br />
philosophies. My path has led me to learn and explore<br />
the fabric of our Cosmos and the Universe within<br />
ourselves. We are both a microcosm and a macrocosm<br />
of existence. We are both the individual physical vessel<br />
and the Divine Spirit.<br />
Signs and Synchronicities took me to a deeper<br />
understanding of myself, my mission, and who I am. My<br />
passion is expressed through my art forms. It was my<br />
love for Meta-physics that activated my Creative Force.<br />
We create our realities through thought, sound, and<br />
actions. So, surely we must be creating our best lives<br />
yet… well as adding to the patterns of Suffering<br />
and the old paradigm.<br />
How can we get a hold of our majestic power of<br />
self? How can we fuse our creative self with our<br />
intellectual mind, and our grace of spirit? How can<br />
we create New Realities?
C O S M I C W O M E N M A G A Z I N E<br />
Cosmic Women Magazine is a tool in your journey. It is an Alchemist’s Manual, a Portal to<br />
other worlds & perspectives. A fun, mystical, graphic & literary map, an invitation to<br />
becoming holistic in your whole being. It is a template for building new forms of a<br />
SuperNatural lifestyle. Cosmic Women Magazine is where the Earth merges with the<br />
Cosmos and gives rise to higher creative thoughts, speech, and actions. I started this brand<br />
as a way to teach metaphysical science and self awareness in a creative way. Because of my<br />
studies on the subjects of Spirit and Energy, my perspectives are very paradoxical.<br />
The grand design of the Universe and Cosmic Connections have always made for interesting<br />
real life stories. In this first issue, we will take a journey inside the portals of other Cosmic<br />
Women. That’s right! There are many Cosmic Women already walking the Earth from all<br />
locations, walking in their Divine Power, Mission, and Grace. Lucky for me, they are all my<br />
friends, soul sisters, and fellow teachers.<br />
We hope you enjoy the Portal Jump!
C O S M I C W O M E N<br />
EDITOR<br />
Creative Intelligence/Metaphysical Insights MANDY SHANTYNE LOPEZ<br />
Playwright/NYC Correspondent GIGI HERNANDEZ-ESCOBAR<br />
Young Adult Correspondent/ Cosmic Tarot Girl EMILY RUTH SHACKELFORD<br />
Motherhood/ DIY RACHEL AMANN<br />
Fabulous Living after 50 SATYA TSAI<br />
Australian Correspondent/ Retreat and Sound Healing Guide RACHAEL TEWANO<br />
Border Activist/ Cosmic Pedagogy HILDA SOTELO<br />
Artist/ Spanish Correspondent LAURA AMADOR<br />
Music/Mexico Mysticism ADRIANA LOPEZ<br />
Kundalini Yoga Expert PARAMDAYAL KAUR<br />
Mezcal Expert/ Earth Healing SOFIA TORRES<br />
Travel/Food/Astrology ESME OJEDA<br />
Feature Exhibit: Dina Edens Parlasca<br />
@cosmicwomenmagazine<br />
Journalist. Astrologist.<br />
Editor.<br />
Mixologist.<br />
Cosmic Woman<br />
Welcome to Cosmic Women Magazine, beautiful reader. Our first issue!<br />
For us astrology lovers and dabblers, we know July is jam-packed with important celestial events,<br />
including Mercury Retrograde. So, why on earth is this Mercury-ruled editor (Virgo Sun and Gemini<br />
Rising) even contemplating launching an important publishing project this month?<br />
Good question.<br />
In all honesty, we were so excited to bring this project to life, we never even considered Mercury<br />
Retrograde to be an issue. We felt our message, our labor of love, was too important to wait for a better<br />
cosmic climate. A few days ago, my hesitation did get the best of me, and I asked the fabulous Mandy if<br />
we should wait until August. She quickly reminded me of our mission: WE ARE <strong>COSMIC</strong> <strong>WOMEN</strong>! We<br />
ride the energies and the tides of the celestial realm. We are the cosmos itself!<br />
This brought up a very good conversation. At what point should we stop asking the universe for<br />
permission to do what we want? That’s really what we’re doing, isn’t it?<br />
Oh, I should wait until next month to take that job.<br />
Oh, maybe that’s why everything is going to shit with my family.<br />
Oh, this eclipse will reveal he’s cheating and will end my relationship.<br />
The internet and Astro-Twitter is full of “crisis survival guides” and “things that will go wrong” and other<br />
fear-based messages telling you what you can and cannot do. Doubtful users asking astrologers what’s<br />
acceptable and what’s not. Are you kidding me?!<br />
That’s like being scared of every storm ever. Yes, some storms will cause damage and bring with it hail<br />
and flooding. Some will wipe out the electricity and leave us in the dark. But other storms will also help<br />
cleanse. Some storms will have us dancing in the rain. Some will even be welcomed, bringing with it the<br />
soothing rumbles of thunder as we drift into our slumber.<br />
Yes, there will always be storms…..but it’s up to us how we react and adapt. We can’t be scared of every<br />
Mercury Retrograde. We can’t put our lives on hold anytime a planet shifts energy or Saturn squares a<br />
natal planet.<br />
(If anything, the worst trips I’ve had happened when Mercury was direct!)<br />
This is why this magazine means so much to us. We’re here to help inspire you to start living. To stop<br />
being scared. To speak louder. To shine brighter. To light up and connect in ways never thought<br />
E D I T O R N O T E<br />
To the soul-aligned yoga instructor leading bad ass classes:<br />
We see you, we are you.<br />
To the crystal-hoarding witch who collects moon water:<br />
We see you, we are you.<br />
To the 70-year old woman who radiates pure joy, living her<br />
best life: We see you, we are you.<br />
To the girl who couldn’t tell her crown chakra from her<br />
sacral chakra, but hears a caressing whisper that<br />
lets her know there’s something more: We see<br />
you, we are you.<br />
To the person who’s so heart-broken and can’t fathom why<br />
she keeps attracting narcissists: We see you,<br />
we are you.<br />
To the girl who is so disconnected from her feminine<br />
energy,<br />
she doesn’t even know how to receive nor<br />
accept love: We see you, we are you.<br />
To the jaded heart who feels so alone and lost: We<br />
see you, we are you.<br />
WE ARE ALL <strong>COSMIC</strong> <strong>WOMEN</strong>. WE ARE ALL<br />
This magazine is for you. Let’s help each other heal, grow, and love in ways that are pure and connected<br />
to the infinite.<br />
And more importantly, this magazine is also for those women who have gone before us. The silent<br />
heroes of our past. Our ancestors. The witches and mystics and the indigenous persecuted for their<br />
beliefs. The women that hurt us also. The grandmothers and mothers who couldn’t find self-love, the<br />
ones who kept perpetuating trauma and abuse for generations because that’s all they knew, the ones<br />
who forgot about their connection to the infinite.<br />
We see you, we are you. We love you.<br />
Esme Ojeda
| C O S M I C W O M E N M A G A Z I N E<br />
Artist. Playwright. mexico native. new York resident<br />
Cosmic Woman<br />
Interview by<br />
Photo credit<br />
Georgina Escobar is an artist and writer born and raised in México who employs multiple mediums<br />
to create impossible narratives for the stage. She writes sci-femme, Futura funk, frontera wabisabi,<br />
and ultra humanism. Productions include: Then they forgot about The Rest (World Premiere,<br />
INTAR) Sweep (World Premiere, Aurora Theatre; Lincoln Center Directors Lab), B.I. (Milagro,<br />
Steppenwolf's "The Mix"), and Penny Pinball Presents The Beacons (World Premiere Kingsborough<br />
College), among others. Escobar’s plays have been seen, nurtured, and developed at and with INTAR,<br />
Dixon Place, The Flea, Lincoln Center, The Sol Project, Clubbed Thumb, Exquisite Corpse Company,<br />
and The Movement Theatre Company. She is on the 2019 Kilroys List, a Djerassi Residency artist, a<br />
MacDowell Colony fellow, and writer at the Fornés Writing Workshop and Paula Vogel Bootcamp.<br />
She was the finalist for the 2019 National Playwrights Conference at the Eugene O'Neill Theater<br />
Center, and the 2016 National Latino Playwriting Award. She is the recipient of the Kennedy<br />
Center's National Theatre for Young Audiences Award and an Outstanding Service to Women on<br />
the Border Award.
“Paying close<br />
attention to<br />
words as<br />
enchantments, to<br />
created realities<br />
as a way of<br />
summoning, we<br />
can shift what<br />
we create<br />
towards the type<br />
of realities that<br />
we want to see<br />
activated."<br />
MSL: What does being a Cosmic Woman mean to you?<br />
GE: It’s a state of being that comes as second nature to me. It’s as<br />
natural as breathing or dreaming. A cosmic woman is a being who<br />
maintains a constant and vigilant awareness to the many energetic<br />
fields that affect all human and more-than-human things and the<br />
collective consciousness. We are stardust, right? But what does that<br />
actually mean? A Cosmic Woman is she who launches the daily<br />
investigation into that and many more questions about potentiality,<br />
activation, and inviting the full potential of our mental, bodily and<br />
spiritual functions towards becoming, what I call, “Fully Human.”<br />
MSL: How would your passion for writing<br />
shift the planet?<br />
GE: Hopefully, it is not my passion that shifts<br />
the planet, but the effect my words and<br />
worlds have on every consciousness that<br />
comes across them in concert with a<br />
universal shift. The minute something I write<br />
hits the stage, it stops being mine and it<br />
becomes everyone’s. In this way, the same<br />
way a farmer would hope his/her/their crop<br />
can sustain a happy consumer pool, I would<br />
hope my ‘seeds’ become a rich harvest of<br />
transcendental consciousness—which we<br />
desperately need.<br />
| C O S M I C W O M E N M A G A Z I N E<br />
MSL: How did you come out of the Spiritual<br />
Closet? (How did you become comfortable<br />
with your spirituality)?<br />
GE: It was less of a coming out and more so a<br />
reintegration to the world I knew I was born<br />
to belong to. As I was growing up, I was<br />
meditating with angels, and bathing in blue<br />
light every morning. My grandmother kept a<br />
very healthy spiritual discipline and taking<br />
part of it was more expected of me than was<br />
attending mass or finishing my math<br />
homework. Attending to the spirit, to the<br />
dream realm, deciphering the causality of the<br />
“gut” instinct, regressions, and trusting the<br />
overactive energetic receptors I was born<br />
with was part of my ‘fitness program’ from<br />
childhood until now.
| C O S M I C W O M E N M A G A Z I N E<br />
MSL: How do you connect to your Cosmos?<br />
(God, Higher Self, Spirit)<br />
GE: Taking the plunge into the creativity well,<br />
alongside my muses, is my favorite pastime. I can’t<br />
help it. I paint, sketch, write, play music, and overall<br />
create as a form of connecting to the higher self and<br />
divine intelligence. It’s in creation and in nature that<br />
I find the truest form of spirit. And what is ‘nature’ if<br />
not that which mimics the other, within. My<br />
connection to the more-than-human world has<br />
always been more in tune to my higher vibrations<br />
than my connection to others. I find the constant<br />
meeting of ego as it is presently in our human<br />
kindred exhausting and for a good recharge; all I<br />
need is a week or two alone in the woods, writing.<br />
MSL: What is your favorite type of food/meal?<br />
GE: Well, I’m Mexican and part-Italian. I don’t need<br />
to go very far from my heritage to end with a happy<br />
stomach. I love love LOVE cooking, and I mostly<br />
cook Mexican and Italian from scratch. I love<br />
making all types of pasta sauces from puttanesca to<br />
cacio a pepe and also salsas from the Chilena to the<br />
roasted poblano. There’s nothing worse than sad<br />
food (which I encounter a lot in this country) so give<br />
me anything with flavor, heat, and heart and I’m all<br />
for it.<br />
MSL: How do you Activate your Creative Force/Creative<br />
Intelligence?<br />
GE: In the dream realm (or lucid dream) mostly, or at least,<br />
most effectively. The close second is writing and creating<br />
worlds, in concert with animal company and a source of<br />
natural running water. I hear the harmonies of chords we<br />
don’t yet recognize in water. Water is an extremely strong<br />
source of activating my creative force—though I’m<br />
terrified of the ocean! The paradox of existence is typically<br />
the strongest place for me to recharge and activate<br />
creative intelligence. It’s also about submergence, so for<br />
the playwright, that means the rehearsal room. Getting<br />
lost in the re-make of imagined realities is a strong<br />
component of human existence and imagination. I dedicate<br />
my life to literally re-imagining relationships, situations,<br />
realities, circumstances, and givens—when you do it long<br />
enough, you realize doing it outside of the rehearsal room<br />
is not that difficult.<br />
MSL: How can playwrights bring Holistic Healing to<br />
themselves & the audience?<br />
GE: By paying close attention to the energy they are<br />
putting out into the world. Three words: Realization<br />
through Repetition.
| I N T E R V I E W G E O R G I N A E S C O B A R , C O S M I C W O M A N I S S U E 1 J U N E 2 0 1 9<br />
The narratives you create for the stage have the<br />
capacity of being repeated over and over throughout<br />
centuries (cue Shakespeare), and so, should we lock<br />
narratives of violence onto our creative realities, we<br />
perpetuate violence inherently. Paying close attention<br />
to words as enchantments, to created realities as a way<br />
of summoning, we can shift what we create towards the<br />
type of realities that we want to see activated.<br />
MSL: What are some of your favorite Feminine &<br />
Masculine qualities about yourself?<br />
GE: Well, I think I navigate in the non-binary more<br />
fluidly, but I suppose if I had to stick to the feminine and<br />
masculine, I could say I drink and cuss like a sailor but<br />
make love and art like a nymph. I think that’s why I<br />
identify with the mischievous likeness of the Fox, whom<br />
is very rarely gendered and mostly identified for their<br />
behavioral qualities. However, around certain people,<br />
certain qualities flare—depending on past life<br />
connections or energy balances as needed.<br />
MSL: What Animals are in your totem?<br />
GE: The feline, the fox, the otter, and the eagle.<br />
Although, lately, the chameleon has been very present in<br />
dreams and manifestations. It's the one I’m still hoping to<br />
ask questions to, but it’s a new friend that I think is<br />
looking for their place on my totem.<br />
MSL: What is your zodiac sign, and do you feel it suits<br />
you?<br />
GE: I am a Scorpio with rising sign in Scorpio.<br />
HOWEVER, my moon is in Libra, so it makes me a pretty<br />
chill Scorpio—which is rare. Jealousy is unnatural to me,<br />
and so when I feel it, I know it’s my lower vibrations and<br />
it probably has to do with the other person and not me.<br />
Like a true Scorpio, I am a fan of the mystery, of the<br />
unknown, of physical pleasure, and extreme intelligence.<br />
But with my moon in Libra, I am also well balanced and<br />
less prone to drawn-out vengeance tactics. With age, I<br />
have found that I am less attracted to being in the<br />
spotlight, which I think is actually a pretty accurate<br />
Scorpio tendency. We do very well in public settings, we<br />
are indeed charmers, but we find it trite and exhausting.<br />
I find my best matches in a Capricorns, a passion with<br />
Sagittarius, intrigue in other Scorpios and a very natural<br />
polar-opposite type rejection to Virgos and Pisces.<br />
MSL: Tell us about you latest project.<br />
GE: I recently had an Off-Broadway premiere at INTAR<br />
of my play Then They Forgot About The Rest. So, that<br />
was awesome. It was followed by a college production at<br />
CUNY KBCC of my ultra-humanistic pinball action piece<br />
Penny Pinball Presents The Beacons. I then went<br />
straight to workshop rehearsals for a kid’s musical I<br />
wrote with original Son Jarocho music from Zenén<br />
Zeferino Huervo called All Strings Considered and, after<br />
spending a week in Mexico at the Hemispheric Institute,<br />
I am currently typing this from an Indianapolis hotel<br />
as I start rehearsals tomorrow for La Casa Azul: The<br />
Musical, (written by Gregory Hancock) about—yes,<br />
you guessed it—the life and death of Frida Kahlo.<br />
MSL: Where else can we see it, read it, purchase it?<br />
GE: Come to the theatre in NYC, Indianapolis, and<br />
soon, in El Paso! I’m also published by Lambert<br />
Academic Publishing (Playwright as Enchanter), as<br />
well as have excerpts on the recent Scenes for Latinx<br />
Actors as well as on the Texas Review (Issue 11) and<br />
Lxs Barbarxs (2018). A recent translation of the play<br />
Cósmica by Mexican playwright, Gabriela Roman<br />
Fuentes, is also available on Amazon. There’s plenty<br />
of arts journalism I’ve written over the years on my<br />
website, too.<br />
MSL: How can we stay connected to you?<br />
GE: My website, is pretty<br />
current. If you want to see my cats and artwork its<br />
best to follow me on Instagram<br />
@thegeorginaescobar. Facebook is not the best place<br />
to find me as I often go on FB purges that last months<br />
on end.<br />
MSL: Are there any future plans/projects you'd like<br />
to announce or share?<br />
GE: My play StoneHeart made this years’ Kilroys List,<br />
which is extremely exciting! More importantly, I will<br />
be taking a visiting professor position at UTEP’s<br />
Department of Dance and Theatre for two semesters<br />
only teaching playwriting, directing, special topics<br />
and other fun stuff! Meanwhile, some exciting<br />
projects are on the horizon for the 2020/21 season<br />
nationwide! Stay tuned. heading<br />
Then They Forgot About The Rest | Off Broadway Premiere |<br />
INTAR NYC | April-May 2019<br />
Written by Georgina Escobar<br />
Directed by David Mendizábal<br />
Photo by Christopher Swader<br />
Pictured: Renata Friedman as JEANIE
L A U R A<br />
A M A D O R<br />
I L L U S T R A T O R ,<br />
G R A P H I C<br />
D E S I G N E R ,<br />
L A T I N A M E R I C A N<br />
S U R R E A L I S T<br />
Columbia Born. Florida Student.<br />
Barcelona Artist.<br />
Cosmic Woman
Cosmic Women Magazine Issue 1<br />
Original Art By Laura Amador<br />
. . . " I D I D N ’ T<br />
F E E L L I K E<br />
M A R R Y I N G<br />
A N Y O N E F O R<br />
C I T I Z E N S H I P<br />
P A P E R S . . . "<br />
My name is Laura Amador, I am an artist, illustrator, graphic<br />
designer, creator of dreams, part of a long standing<br />
ascendance of magical realists, AKA, latin american<br />
surrealists, and so very thankful to be part of this sorority of<br />
Cosmic Women.<br />
My journey on this fantastic reality began on December<br />
24th of 1991, in the colorful Colombian town of<br />
Barranquilla. A city where the Magdalena river and the<br />
Atlantic Ocean encounter each other in the Equator to<br />
produce a sublime display of colors, music, culture,<br />
traditions, fauna, flora, and of course, people.<br />
Unfortunately, back when I was young, the interests of<br />
shady Colombian people, like in many other Latin American<br />
countries, forced many of us to flee the country and look for<br />
better opportunities elsewhere.<br />
After graduating high school in 2006 at the tender age of 14,<br />
my parents were kind enough to send me to Vancouver,<br />
Canada to study English abroad. This was my first taste of a<br />
culture different than my own, which also allowed me to<br />
appreciate my own in a whole different level than before.<br />
After a fruitful year abroad, I returned to Colombia to start<br />
a degree in International Business. I thought then, that was<br />
the degree that would help me travel all over the world...and<br />
turns out it did! After two years studying at Universidad del<br />
Norte in Barranquilla, I applied and got a scholarship to<br />
continue and finish my studies at USF in Tampa, FL. I did so<br />
great in school, I graduated with honors (cum laude) in 2013<br />
with a degree in International Business with a Minor in<br />
Marketing and another one in Economics. I also took French<br />
classes since the beginning of my degree, so, I am officially a<br />
Frenglish or Frañol speaker. Haha!After graduating, I<br />
worked for at a production studio with an OPT permit, a<br />
permit the US Government gives to international students<br />
in order to work for a year after graduating college. I was<br />
doing administrative and sales work, however, since I was<br />
working with creative people, and I knew how to manage<br />
adobe software, they saw the interest I had in learning<br />
about the creative side of business and they allowed me to<br />
work with them on several creative projects.<br />
I edited videos, translated subtitles from English to Spanish<br />
videos, worked as a production assistant in different<br />
occasions for tv shows, helped with photoshoots, assisted in<br />
auditions and castings, created designs for flyers and other<br />
marketing material, etc.
Contact Info:<br />
Carrer Joan de Peguera, 58<br />
Bajo 1a 1a<br />
08026<br />
Barcelona, Spain<br />
Website:<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Instagram: @lauramadorg,<br />
@trippycalapparelg<br />
After that wonderful year had come to an end, I had to make a decision to go back to Colombia, keep studying, or<br />
marry someone to stay in the I did the second one. I will always remember taking an introduction to drawing<br />
class while I was studying Business. I took this class with a magical human being, an artistic shaman, and an encouraging<br />
teacher called Bradley Shanks. Back then, he saw the artist in me and always suggested I follow my heart blindly and enter<br />
what I thought then was an impossible field to be in, and that is the beautiful, mythical, and complicated world of Fine Arts.<br />
So, I did exactly that, I followed my heart passionately and blindly and I went back to school to get a degree in Studio Arts. I<br />
loved every minute of it, and I met so many talented people, I got to travel around the States, went to different art fairs,<br />
museums, artists studios, and galleries, I was in many group art shows and I even had a big individual show. I also got a<br />
research scholarship that allowed me to travel to Paris and London with an art program organized by USF. After the degree<br />
was over, and since I didn’t feel like marrying anyone for citizenship papers, I had no option but to move back to Colombia,<br />
which at the time excited me so much, to finally be back and doing, creating, and living the life I wanted in my hometown.<br />
As soon as I moved back, I had an art show in favor of women’s rights in Puerto Colombia and in Barranquilla, Colombia. I<br />
started to work with so many artistic and interesting people. The art industry in Colombia, is slowly but surely growing,<br />
especially in my hometown, so it is hard to make it as an artist (as it is everywhere else). But, it sure is an amazing process<br />
filled with great energy and truly creative individuals.<br />
I wanted to do something more. I wanted to use the hype of my shows and the support from all the people around me, so I<br />
began to create patterns, play with colors, and shapes in order to create my own clothing brand called Trippycal Apparel. It<br />
was doing so great, so many people loved, bought, and believed in the brand and my point of view as an artist and designer. I<br />
also started a group called De-Generadas (female degenerates), which supported female artists in the Colombian Caribbean<br />
coast in order to show their work, to promote themselves, and to do it surrounded by other fellow female artist/creatives<br />
who are willing to help support and collaborate with love, empathy, and empowerment.<br />
After two amazing years in Colombia, that feeling of wanting to travel and feed my soul with a different visual language<br />
came back. I already knew I had to do a masters program, that was always the plan after graduating from college. So, I<br />
applied to school, packed my things and moved to Barcelona this past fall to do a Masters in Graphic Design and Illustration,<br />
all to keep following my dream as a creative and empowered soul, and to get more credibility as an artist and as a designer.<br />
Now I live, work, and study in Barcelona and continue to work to pursue my dreams, to keep creating, to expand my<br />
consciousness, to share love, art, and nothing but empowerment and light to everyone else around me because we all<br />
definitely deserve that.
SOTELO<br />
HILDA<br />
WRITER.<br />
M U J E R E C Ó S M I C A<br />
<strong>COSMIC</strong> PEDAGOGY<br />
<strong>COSMIC</strong> WOMAN<br />
Photo by: Mandy Shantyne Lopez<br />
Cosmic Women Magazine Issue 1
Cosmic Women Magazine is a creation that has been brewing in my Mind & Spirit<br />
for the last couple of years. Imagine changing your life and jumping to another<br />
timeline. I did just that and along the way met a woman who had already wrote the<br />
book "Mujeres Cósmicas", in 2012. In 2017, this woman walked into my apartment<br />
with a book in her hand (Mujeres Cósmicas), and as she looked around and took in<br />
my space. She said to me... "You are a REAL LIFE <strong>COSMIC</strong> WOMAN." In her<br />
recognition of seeing that sacred aspect within me, I too could see the very same<br />
fierce Cosmos within her. Now we continue to infuse the power of the Cosmic<br />
Woman in life through Art, Literature, Education, and Spirit. Hilda Sotelo continues<br />
to reach new heights in her writing and cosmic pedagogy work. She is a PhD<br />
Candidate and was recently featured on TED Talk X.<br />
This is her interview...<br />
-Mandy Shantyne Lopez<br />
Cosmic Woman Magazine Issue 1<br />
MSL: Why have you chosen writing as your tool to shift the<br />
planet/consciousness?<br />
HS: I write because I learned to read not only books, but I know<br />
how to read nature, situations, symbols, gender roles, and<br />
spirituality. When humans learn reading in a holistic way, they<br />
are ready to write, create a rebel print, and reveal what is beyond<br />
words. Write organically without restrictions, then make sense<br />
of the interpretations and change reality when is necessary<br />
MSL: You are an activist of the Borderland. How will activism<br />
take shape in the future?<br />
HS: I will call it organic activism, which will use social media as a<br />
main tool of communication. Local communities will know each<br />
other better, by the way they think and the world they want to<br />
create. I see activism as a way of saving our planet. Returning to<br />
Mother Earth should be our priority. Programs like Sembrando<br />
Vida implemented by the Mexican government could be a<br />
doorway for Mexicans to work our own land, the land of our<br />
ancestors. I see activism as calling each human heart to move<br />
their bodies for the benefit of all.<br />
MSL :How do you connect to your Cosmos?<br />
(God, Higher Self, Spirit)<br />
HS: I consider myself a transfeminist or cosmic woman. I am<br />
already connected with higher self. When I am connected to my<br />
body, with each breath that I take, I am here down to earth, and at<br />
the same time, I am interacting with that big collective will, or<br />
voice which we tend to call God. But, I call it the power of all. I<br />
share each second of my life because I am not alone. We are part<br />
of a chain, a very wise structure that is changing its view to a more<br />
female and compassionate perspective. We are redefining our<br />
structures and symbolism. I want to think that is for the good.
during Drug War from 2008 to 2012."<br />
"I wanted to access parallel realities to see a different<br />
perspective of the situations that we lived in the border<br />
MSL: What was your Inspiration for writing Mujeres Cósmicas?<br />
HS: My inspiration was my mind. How could I use intelligence<br />
for resistance during difficult times? My inspiration were my<br />
friends from college. I wanted to access parallel realities to see a<br />
different perspective of the situations that we lived in the<br />
border during Drug War from 2008 to 2012.<br />
MSL:How do you activate your Creative Force/Creative<br />
Intelligence?<br />
HS: By reading, feeling. By thinking that reality has many lenses<br />
and I want to see some of them as a child views it. By observing<br />
and being empathic.<br />
MSL: How may we use Literature as a portal for holistic wellbeing?<br />
HS: Well, one psychologist recommends to watch a certain<br />
movie to overcome mental issues. I can recommend books<br />
which explore all kinds of forms, genres, expressions, times,<br />
spaces, voices to open your minds.<br />
MSL: What are some of your favorite Feminine &<br />
Masculine qualities about yourself?<br />
HS: Feminine and Masculine to me, at my age, hold the<br />
same qualities. I can say that since both of my parents died,<br />
I am more conscious about their qualities and they are part<br />
of my body, I have accepted the change and I am trying to<br />
fuse both energies and not make general statements about<br />
genders.<br />
MSL: What animals are in your totem?<br />
HS: Snakes, eagles<br />
MSL: Why is dual-language and linguistics important in<br />
our current society?<br />
HS: Because we live in a very multicultural world, we need<br />
to respect each other's culture, learn languages, foods,<br />
regions, traditions and keep the best of each world.<br />
Monolingualism is outdated. It is part of the colonial mind<br />
and should be part of the past. We should learn to speak<br />
and practice at least two languages.<br />
Cosmic Woman Magazine Issue 1
MSL: Tell us about you latest project.<br />
HS: I am writing Juan Monologue to perform the macho side, to<br />
leave it in the arts, and for it not to exist in my body.<br />
MSL: What is your favorite plant medicine?<br />
HS: Manzanilla. Laurel. Ayahuasca.<br />
MSL: What's your vision for the present reality?<br />
HS: We need to heal, as well as heal one another. We need to<br />
stop egocentric views and redefine success. We need to become<br />
more organic, as our communities connected with other<br />
communities, and find more ways of healthy enjoyments and<br />
lifestyles.<br />
MSL: How can we stay connected to you?<br />
HS: You can talk to me, and get connected immediately, I am a<br />
natural healer. Or you can find me on social media.<br />
MSL: Are there any future plans/projects you'd like to<br />
announce or share?<br />
HS: I am going on a ten-day silent retreat to service and meditate<br />
Vipassana. Then, I am going to travel to Athens, Greece to see<br />
the origins of western civilization. I am finishing my doctoral<br />
proposal and will graduate later this year. I am planning on<br />
teaching about medicinal herbs.<br />
I will continue my writing projects.<br />
Mujeres Cosmicas- Serpent<br />
Tongues<br />
Exhibit El Paso TX<br />
Hilda Sotelo<br />
www.mujerescosmicas,com<br />
A Few Things I<br />
Want My Girls To<br />
C O S M I C M O T H E R H O O D<br />
Know...<br />
Letter To All New Cosmic Creatures.<br />
A<br />
When you’re young, you dream of the<br />
life you will have when you grow up. Who<br />
you will marry, what your job will be,<br />
where you will build your foundation. I<br />
wish I knew the things I know now, then.<br />
As important as those dreams are, it’s<br />
always vital to remember to be true to<br />
yourself, even if those dreams don’t come<br />
true. Your unfulfilled dreams and goals do<br />
not define who you are as a person, and<br />
you should not let others guilt you into<br />
believing their criticism.<br />
It’s completely normal to change the direction of your life, even multiple times. Having one obtainable<br />
goal is far better than a laundry list of things you won’t be able to achieve. Sometimes, even getting out<br />
of bed is an achievement. Don’t let others’ victories determine your own.<br />
You do not need validation from ANYONE to feel wanted or even to be yourself. You are your own<br />
source of happiness. You are your greatest advocate. Self-love is the best love. Do not let others<br />
dictate to you who you are; that is up to you.<br />
It is okay to step back and take a break. Nothing is worth spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical<br />
anguish. Whether it be a project, a situation, or even somebody else. Sometimes, taking a step back and<br />
seeing things from another perspective is vital to any decision making process. Jumping into something<br />
before you’re ready is the easiest way to achieve disappointment.<br />
Cosmic Woman Magazine Isssue 1
emotional health are, too."<br />
T h e e n e r gy you expel into the<br />
"<br />
n i v e r s e i s a lways returned."<br />
u<br />
Surround yourself with people on your vibration level. When you have people around you who are constantly<br />
negative and narcissistic, they become emotionally and spiritually draining. Your own happiness is more<br />
important than their feelings. Do not be afraid to say no! Your tribe should consist of positive, thoughtful people<br />
who want the best for you. All others are unworthy!<br />
It is okay to want to be alone. You do not have to always perform for others, and the weight of the world can be<br />
heavy. Spending time with yourself is healing and so important for growth. Learning to be happy alone keeps the<br />
fake people away. You will not have any time for the drama. Making time for yourself is a great way to heal the<br />
soul and repair inner issues.<br />
Your vibe literally attracts your tribe. The energy you expel into the universe is always returned. If you<br />
surround yourself with toxic negative energy, do not expect any other results. Good people cleanse the soul and<br />
provide a buffer to filter out the negativity.<br />
"Your health is so important. Not only is eating<br />
healthy extremely important, your mental and
Cosmic Woman Magazine Issue 1<br />
Your health is so important. Not only is eating healthy extremely important, your mental and<br />
emotional health are, too. Filtering the negativity out is one way of keeping a cleansed mind and<br />
soul. Avoiding topics that cause agitation, and people that can’t get enough of those said topics,<br />
should be the first to go. No one can keep you healthier than yourself.<br />
If someone hurts you, TELL them. This is the best way to determine if a friendship/relationship, is<br />
real. Most people will apologize and make sure to never make that mistake again. Others will push<br />
the blame onto you because they have no sense of morals, and making someone else feel bad is their<br />
main goal. Avoiding those people is necessary for your well-being. If someone refuses to<br />
acknowledge your grievances, move on. Fast.<br />
Never let anyone tell you you cannot be yourself. If you cannot be true to yourself, what is the point?<br />
Being yourself is an important quality lost on many, and appreciated by few. In a world full of others,<br />
be yourself.<br />
It is okay to go to therapy. Sometimes, having an outside opinion on your thoughts and issues is the<br />
best way to determine a course of action to resolution. It is okay to ask for HELP.<br />
Always think for yourself – regardless of the people who come and go in your life. Having an opinion<br />
for yourself is so very important. It is okay to go against the norm, and conduct your own research on<br />
topics. It is also okay to change your opinion upon learning new information and facts on the subject.<br />
Love yourself - this is the most important lesson to be learned. Loving yourself in times of heartache<br />
is how we grow as people. Loving yourself could mean stopping and smelling the flowers, or staying<br />
home even if you’ve made plans. It is okay to cancel those plans. It is okay to be alone and to heal<br />
yourself. You are your best friend, and your biggest fan.<br />
with love,<br />
Earth Mom<br />
Hi all, my name is Rachel, I currently reside in Ayer, Massachusetts, just outside of Boston.<br />
I was born in Cincinnati, and moved to south Florida when I was 11.<br />
I spent 20 years blindly navigating my way around Florida, then by a stroke of good luck, and by jumping<br />
in with both feet, I made it to Massachusetts to pursue my happiness.<br />
I enjoy photography, food, animals, fashion, reading and helping others. I’m currently pregnant with my<br />
second child - another sweet girl. My newly recharged motherhood batteries have been running full<br />
speed. My daughter Malin, 7, can not wait to be a big sister this fall. She is looking forward to big sister classes<br />
this summer. Currently engaged to Adam Ravagni. His goal is to eventually own a restaurant in our area.<br />
Facebook:<br />
Instagram: @Rachelamann_photography<br />
Photography: Mandy Shantyne Lopez
Photography: Mandy Shantyne Lopez<br />
G E N Z<br />
E M I L Y R U T H<br />
S H A C K E L F O R D<br />
Hello! I'm Emily, and I am an Artist, Actor, and<br />
Writer, as well as a Tarot Reader, intuitive and<br />
clairvoyant.<br />
I am nineteen-years old, and I live in the beautiful<br />
desert state of Arizona. It is such a beautiful place to<br />
live, and I'm so grateful to be surrounded by such<br />
natural beauty.<br />
Ever since I was little, I remember being in awe of<br />
how alive, connected and extraordinary this world<br />
seemed to be. That sense of awe and wonder is<br />
something that has stayed with me to this day, and I<br />
think that's really where my spiritual journey began.<br />
Like any journey, it had its highs and lows over the<br />
years. It was heavily influenced by my family's<br />
background in Christianity, but as I grew older and<br />
started to experience life for myself, I came to<br />
realize that the path of my family wasn't necessarily<br />
the path for me.<br />
R E A L I T Y S H I F T<br />
Then when I was sixteen, I met someone who would<br />
not only confirm and validate this but who would also<br />
introduce me to ideas and concepts that would force<br />
me to question everything I had learned up until that<br />
point.<br />
That person was none other than Mandy Shantyne<br />
Lopez. I started taking classes with her, and under<br />
the guise of acting lessons, she opened my eyes to<br />
just how supernatural life could be if I decided I<br />
wanted to experience it that way. That is what<br />
propelled me forward onto the path that I am on now.<br />
If someone had told me three and a half years ago<br />
that I would be where I am now, I would have<br />
laughed in their face and called them crazy. However,<br />
I must say, now that I am here, it is one of the most<br />
fulfilling things that I've experienced in my life.
Young Adult Spirit Tip of the Month:<br />
G E N E R A T I O N Z<br />
P E R S P E C T I V E<br />
"That's what being a Cosmic Woman<br />
is to me; to accept and fully embrace<br />
all aspects of yourself and your<br />
journey, regardless of whether or not<br />
you think they were "good" or "bad".<br />
Not to love the rose despite its<br />
thorns, but instead, to accept and<br />
love the rose - thorns and all."<br />
Energy Cleansing<br />
Have you ever walked into a space and instantly<br />
felt like something was strange or even "off"? Have you<br />
ever wondered if there was a way to change the way<br />
that space felt? Well, one of my favorite ways of<br />
transforming the feeling of a room is the process of<br />
Energy Cleansing. Energy Cleansing is one of many<br />
methods of removing unwanted energies from a<br />
person, place, or thing. Below is a list of suggested tips<br />
you can use to clear out old, stagnate energy and<br />
replace it with fresh and flowing energy.<br />
Sage:<br />
Think of sage as an energetic bleach. It clears out<br />
everything, which makes it ideal for creating a blank<br />
canvas, so you can then create the type of energy you<br />
wish to facilitate. Sage can be burned and the smoke will<br />
cleanse the space, or it can be diffused as an essential oil.<br />
(If you decide to burn anything, make sure you do so in a<br />
fire-safe and well-ventilated area.)<br />
Crystals:<br />
Crystals are a great way to cleanse<br />
energy, and many of them are small<br />
enough that you can take them with you<br />
everywhere! Amethyst, clear quartz and<br />
selenite are amazing crystals for<br />
cleansing. They are also super pretty to<br />
look at, which is an added bonus.<br />
Cosmic Woman Magazine Issue 1
Tarot Forecast with Cosmic Tarot Girl!<br />
The tarot forecast is a mixture of a tarot reading and intuitive messages.<br />
There are four different monthly forecasts, that are grouped together by the<br />
four elements (earth, water, fire and air). The four different elements then<br />
correspond to the twelve different zodiac signs.<br />
Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and<br />
Capricorn<br />
For my Earth Signs, I heard “Putting your best foot<br />
forward". During the month of July, I feel like you’re going to<br />
be busy, but it’s a very calculated and focused kind of busy -<br />
You’re going to be working hard to build up and expand the<br />
things that are important to you. No matter what those<br />
things are, it definitely feels like you are working to cement<br />
your dreams into reality. Also, with this potent and focused<br />
energy, now would be the time to start a new hobby or<br />
creative outlet. If there’s a project you’ve wanted to do for a<br />
while, but could never find the time for it, then July is the<br />
month to complete those goals.<br />
With all of this energy that is propelling you forward,<br />
remember that it is okay to make mistakes, mess up, and ask<br />
"silly” questions. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and don’t<br />
worry about how others may perceive you. Remember that<br />
even the people you admire and look up to had to start from<br />
somewhere. This is YOUR somewhere.<br />
With all of that being said, don’t forget to take time for you<br />
this month. You can work hard, but make sure you play<br />
harder and enjoy yourself! Whether that means going out<br />
with friends, or staying home, taking a bubble bath and<br />
watching your favorite movie. Make sure you do things that<br />
fill you up so that you stay balanced as you move forward!<br />
Emily Shackelford<br />
If any of this resonated with you,<br />
or if you would like to see more<br />
from Cosmic Tarot Girl, you can<br />
find her on<br />
Instagram @cosmictarotgirl.
Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces<br />
For my Water signs, July is going to hold a lot of<br />
new and interesting opportunities. For some of you,<br />
that could be a new career opportunity or perhaps<br />
the chance to travel. If you’ve been thinking about<br />
starting your own business or pursuing a creative<br />
venture, now is the time to lay the foundations for<br />
those things. I heard “Don’t be afraid to do the dirty<br />
work”. Don’t be afraid to take the time to do the<br />
things necessary to move forward.<br />
It also feels like this month is going to hold a lot of<br />
lessons in boundaries; What kind of boundaries do<br />
you need to have in place in order for you to thrive<br />
to your fullest potential? Please remember that<br />
having boundaries isn’t a bad thing - it is a<br />
necessary thing. Having boundaries doesn’t mean<br />
that you’re closing yourself off from others, it<br />
means you’re showing others how they should or<br />
shouldn’t treat you. Sometimes boundaries look like<br />
saying no to others, other times it means saying<br />
"no" to old habits or patterns that no longer serve<br />
us, so we can then move forward.<br />
As you move through July, Water Signs, remember<br />
that abundance can take all forms; in finances, in<br />
health, in love, in travel, and in opportunities of all<br />
kinds. Even in opportunities to connect with<br />
yourself and the people in your life on a deeper and<br />
more meaningful level. Most importantly, don’t try<br />
and force the flow of things in life. Just follow<br />
where the flow goes, and you’ll be truly amazed at<br />
where life will take you.<br />
Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius<br />
For my Air Signs, I heard the message of “Here is a blast from<br />
the past”. For some of you, it feels like maybe people you<br />
haven’t heard from in a while are wanting to reach out and<br />
reconnect with you. Or if there is someone that you can’t stop<br />
thinking of, then that is a sign that you should maybe try and<br />
reconnect with them. I’m also feeling like you’ll get a chance to<br />
do some traveling in July. If that’s the case, be sure to have an<br />
attitude of gratitude and to be grateful for the opportunity<br />
and for the memories you make. There is also the sense of<br />
major transformation in July. Like a butterfly finally coming<br />
out of its cocoon, you’ll need a little extra time and care before<br />
you use your wings and take flight. So, don’t be upset if you<br />
find yourself in need of extra self-care as you move through<br />
July. Allow the people in your life to support you. Don’t be<br />
afraid to take the time to sit back and allow transformation<br />
and healing to happen.<br />
Cosmic Woman Magazine Issue 1
Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius<br />
For my Fire Signs in July, there is this cautionary message of not spreading yourself too thin - either by<br />
your own volition or in response to the people in your life. If you are the friend that people go to when<br />
they are feeling down or need a shoulder to cry on, as beautiful as that is, you need to be able to<br />
disconnect your own emotions from the emotions of others. You can still be empathetic, but you need<br />
to do so without investing so much of your own personal energy. When you become 100% invested in<br />
the problems of others, you’re not going to have any energy left to invest back into yourself, and that's<br />
when you risk having a "burn out". This is where boundaries come into play, as well as honest and open<br />
communication with yourself and the people in your life.<br />
There is also this sense of needing to reevaluate the structures of your life and ask if they are still<br />
serving you in a healthy way. If they are, great! But if they are not, and they need to be updated and<br />
changed, then you’ll need to put in the time and energy to do so. You need to nourish and nurture<br />
yourself first before you do that for others. It may be uncomfortable, especially if that’s not something<br />
that you are used to. However, it is necessary if you wish to have balance in the long run.<br />
Cosmic Women Magazine Issue 1
LIVING<br />
OVER 50<br />
A <strong>COSMIC</strong> CALL<br />
ANY AGE…<br />
Whoever said age is a ‘state of mind’ – got it right.<br />
Yes, I eat all the right things and exercised most of my life<br />
to stay healthy and live longer, but I’m pretty certain it’s my<br />
‘state of mind’ that’s kept me younger.<br />
I figured out early in life that it has got to be fun…worth<br />
living for…one filled with adventure, excitement,<br />
inspiration,<br />
and things that interest me.<br />
So, if you asked me what’s kept me so youthful at 51?<br />
I’d say …”the joy of living fully!”<br />
I love sharing my story because I want everyone to know<br />
what’s possible for their lives when they follow joy and go<br />
for it. It’ll keep you young at any age!<br />
When you follow your joy in life…it gives you an<br />
effervescent, youthful rush…like you can accomplish<br />
anything! From that place, life brings you people, things,<br />
and situations that are for your highest and best life,<br />
effortlessly. I highly recommend it!<br />
I created a fabulous life, even after 50, and I hope my<br />
sharing inspires you to kick things up a notch or two, and<br />
open yourself up to even greater heights!<br />
When you know you’re living life to your fullest…you can’t<br />
help but be excited for what’s next. I see people of all ages<br />
gravitate to me, and it has nothing to do with how young or<br />
old I am…it’s my ‘joy’. Call it my light…but you’ve got it<br />
too…<br />
how bright are you shining yours?<br />
Following my joy in life has made it magical. I have fears<br />
and doubts like anyone else, but I don’t let them stop me.<br />
I face them and STRETCH into a world of possibilities. I<br />
tilt the odds in my favor every time I go for it. I’ve been<br />
witness to the most amazing things unfold because I took<br />
a chance on things going my way, even when age, money,<br />
education or status, wasn’t in my favor. And that has made<br />
for a very fulfilling life.<br />
Cosmic Woman Magazine Edition Vol 1<br />
R E I S E | P A G E 4
The Flip Side<br />
I grew up with a suicidal father that didn’t want to live<br />
anymore, and that experience taught me ‘I better create a<br />
life that I want to stick around for’. When I looked around for<br />
people living fulfilled lives, all I saw were people doing things<br />
because others expected them to, not knowing who they<br />
really are or should really be doing.<br />
There was a lot to learn about what it was going to take to<br />
live a happy life, and I wasn’t going to be from the people<br />
around me. I was propelled on a hardcore, ‘whatever-ittakes’<br />
journey, to figure out this whole ‘life’ thing and how to<br />
best live it.<br />
I already knew on the flip side of living a fulfilled life was<br />
regret, emptiness and despair. That wasn’t going to be me.<br />
Oh hell no!<br />
Livin’ like a Rockstar!<br />
So yeah…I’m 51 and feel like I’m living life like a Rockstar!<br />
I’ve lived 5-10 times more than the average person, call me<br />
an achievement-adventure junkie. I’ll have the eventual<br />
crash and burn…but I’ll rest and giddy up for the next ride.<br />
When you’ve pushed the boundaries of existence and been<br />
bountifully rewarded as I have…you can’t help but get<br />
addicted to the joy.<br />
Following joy sometimes feels like you don’t have to eat or<br />
sleep. Joy does that. It propels you…lifts you…it’s where the<br />
magic happens.<br />
What most people fail to realize is that they are creating<br />
their reality. It’s a tough concept to swallow, but it’s also<br />
incredibly empowering if you can get your head around it.<br />
I’ve reinvented myself so many times, each time peeling back<br />
the layers of who I’m not, in order to reveal more of who I<br />
am.<br />
You can be anybody and you can have the life you envision.<br />
Maybe not 100% all of the time, but pretty close a lot of the<br />
time. If you never give yourself the chance, you’re missing<br />
out on what the universe has to offer.<br />
Anything is Possible<br />
If you were to ask me “What is ‘Fabulous living over 50’<br />
like?”, I’d say it’s like flying on a magic carpet. If we can rise<br />
above the matrix and surf the endless waves of<br />
possibilities…I’m here to tell you…magic happens there!<br />
Anything IS Possible!<br />
I want to share all this with you beautiful, cosmic, galactic,<br />
multi-dimensional goddesses ...if a ‘thought’, ‘idea’ or ‘dream’<br />
comes to you…that’s your ‘golden tip’ into what you are<br />
capable of. If I lined up a 100 people…I bet you they’re not<br />
having the same ‘thoughts’, ‘ideas’ or ‘dreams’. So, why you?<br />
Yes, you?<br />
The ‘golden tip’ into ‘why you?’….is…. because….you are the<br />
seed of potential for that vision, that’s why it came to you.<br />
Before you start to listen to the voice of doubt and<br />
skepticism…consider that your ‘Vision’…already happened,<br />
somewhere in space and time.<br />
In case you are still wondering and pondering that…just<br />
know that every amazing thing created in the world…came<br />
from those very things.
Business Coach, Speaker,<br />
Bestselling Author, Change Agent<br />
Cosmic Woman
Cosmic Woman Magazine issue 1<br />
Live Your Dreams<br />
I surfed life’s waves trying out all things that called<br />
to me. I made it to the top in 5 fields. And when I<br />
discovered that ‘wasn’t it’, I would just move on to<br />
the next thing. If I had ‘ideas’, ‘thoughts’ or<br />
‘dreams’…I’d get excited about them and go for it. I<br />
think the energy of ‘joy’ is what attracted those<br />
things to me. If it’s possible, boy I can’t wait!<br />
Each experience pulled back the curtains on what<br />
was possible, I just needed to believe in myself, life<br />
…and follow my joy.<br />
Living one dream after another can be the norm<br />
for you, too. So many times, all it took was just the<br />
first step, and the universe would step in and<br />
unfold everything for me so magically.<br />
My mantra for many years was, “I’m always<br />
magically surprised”. I got tired of being surprised<br />
and realized I wanted to have some advance<br />
notice. So, I swapped it out, but I invite you to have<br />
some fun with it if you’re just inviting magic into<br />
your life.<br />
Vision and Victory<br />
The one thing most successful people have in common is they<br />
only see the vision and victory. I can attest to the verity in that…<br />
magic happens when our vision is clear…there is no question if<br />
we will achieve it, nothing now but to do it…make that shit<br />
happen like a rodeo-ride.<br />
Saddle up, jump on, this rodeo-ride is your life...time to pull out<br />
the Superhero powers you pretend not to know about.<br />
The world needs more Superheroes. Do you have the gift of<br />
Compassion, Caring, Love? Whatever your superpower is, amp it<br />
up, shine it bright, and play with it. Let more people experience<br />
it. Untether your wings, doubts, and fears…and fly high towards<br />
your greatest existence possible.<br />
Be filled with joy by believing in yourself and what’s possible for<br />
Go 5D…<br />
your life…the clues have been in you all along!<br />
I’ve always lived my life on my terms, on the fringes of<br />
social norms, making the magic happen in my own lane. I<br />
just didn’t accept the cookie-cutter way of life the<br />
matrix presented…put me in a box? Definitely not. I<br />
know to my core that anything is possible…and that<br />
makes me want to live life like ‘play’!<br />
I can’t wait to see what the years ahead hold. Whatever<br />
it is, you’ll bet I’ll be living it like a party, because that’s<br />
how I roll.<br />
Satya Tsai
E R A M I C I S T . M E T A L S M I T H . B O R D E R L A N D A R T I S T .<br />
C<br />
O S M I C W O M A N<br />
C<br />
C O S M I C W O M E N A R T E X H I B I T I O N S<br />
E D E N S . D I N A @ G M A I L . C O M
24"x36"<br />
Photographs of body<br />
and unfired clay<br />
sculptures, mounted<br />
on aluminum plates.<br />
Dina grew up on the Border of Mexico and the U.S. She attended school in Mexico, and<br />
graduated from The University of Texas at El Paso on December 2018 with a BFA with<br />
concentration in Ceramics and a minor in Metal-Smithing. She is currently the Ceramic<br />
Sculpture Instructor at The El Paso Museum of Art and a Visiting Artist in Local School Districts.<br />
Dina has exhibited her work locally and nationally and will be pursuing her MFA in Ceramics at<br />
New Mexico State University in the fall of 2019. She was raised between two countries and four<br />
cultures, navigating Italian, Spanish, Mexican and American expectations of how women should<br />
look and act. Although hose standards are part of her life, she refuses to fit the mold. The<br />
friction between the way she was brought up and who she has become has been motivation to<br />
create art.
B U R N - O U T I S M O R E T H A N J U S T W O R K -<br />
R E L A T E D :<br />
I T ’ S Y O U R S O U L C A L L I N G O U T<br />
E s m e O j e d a<br />
I’m not proud of this, nor is it easy for me to talk about, I finally saw a semi-truck headed my way. “Cross over the median,”<br />
but I was determined to end my life a couple of<br />
my thoughts told me. I hesitated.<br />
years ago. On my birthday celebration no less. (Can you<br />
“Do it, dummy!” But I still couldn’t. I tried, I did. I really tried. It was<br />
speeding closer, the truck’s grill<br />
say selfish?)<br />
getting bigger, the noise getting louder. “Now or never! Just do it!”<br />
My family and I gathered at my dad’s house to have a<br />
Ahhhhhhh!<br />
small, intimate dinner and a cake. Perfect Sunday.<br />
I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. Instead, I pulled over to the side of the<br />
Labor Day weekend. Summer vibes still in full swing.<br />
road, and just broke down. Sobbing<br />
Oldies playing on the speaker, cold beers and limes<br />
uncontrollably, the kind of sobbing where you can’t even breathe.<br />
What the f**k was I doing? Nothing<br />
on the patio, the skies began to turn that perfect shade<br />
made sense anymore. I just didn’t know what to do. I had never felt<br />
of pink and orange. Dinner had finished, and my<br />
so lost, so alone.<br />
sister and mother were clearing the table to set up the What I didn’t realize was that my soul was calling out, begging for<br />
cake. The perfect transition to slip away, I<br />
attention. I had spent so many years<br />
thought.<br />
ignoring my inner voice, my true essence, my umbilical cord to the<br />
I quickly got up and grabbed my car keys, and made up<br />
cosmos! I had completely forgotten<br />
that I was a child of the celestial realm, clinging to this dense and<br />
a lie that I had to stop at the gas station quickly<br />
low-vibrating identity that was never<br />
to get more cokes. “Hurry back”, my sister yelled as I<br />
rooted in any truth. It took a major, life-altering breakdown for me<br />
left. I got in the car and drove straight to the highway to finally stop and listen. Haha! Life is a truly a paradox, my friends.<br />
that leads right out of town.<br />
It turns out that burn-out saved my life. I didn’t end my life<br />
that day. But I did let my false identity die, making room for my<br />
I don’t know what came over me, but I just needed it to<br />
truth, my new reality living as the<br />
authentic me. And it’s been the best decision I’ve ever made.<br />
stop. Whatever “it” was. I just wanted the noise<br />
******<br />
to stop. I wanted the soul-crushing emptiness to stop. I The month before, I had what most would classify as “burn-out”.<br />
needed that sweet relief from the constant pain. In late May, the World Health Organization officially recognized burn-out as<br />
No matter what the cost. I told myself, “When you’re<br />
a work phenomenon. It<br />
states it is a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not<br />
ready, just drive head-on into the first semi-truck<br />
been successfully managed.<br />
you see as soon as you get out of the city limits”.<br />
Here are the three dimensions:<br />
I had my windows down, and like a child, I stuck my<br />
hand out, making it surf the cool evening breeze<br />
that was sweeping the desert. The sun was setting<br />
behind the mountain, and my god, was it majestic.<br />
The clouds that perfect amount of fluffiness, that<br />
cotton candy pink, contrasted against the orange sand<br />
dunes. My favorite song then came on the radio, and it<br />
just seemed so perfect. Really, it was a perfect<br />
Sunday. So, why did I want to leave so bad? Why<br />
couldn’t I connect, why couldn’t I be happy, why<br />
couldn’t I just enjoy one day alive? What was wrong<br />
with me? Why did I hate myself so much?<br />
- feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion<br />
- increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of<br />
negativism<br />
or cynicism related to<br />
one's job.<br />
- reduced professional efficacy<br />
Yup. I had all three, and I had them in spades.<br />
I was working in television news at the time. A coworker had walked out and<br />
quit earlier that year, and I<br />
took over his workload for the time being. But what was supposed to be<br />
“temporary”, turned into a month's -long assignment.
I D I D N ’ T E V E N<br />
U R N O U T<br />
B<br />
E s m e O j e d a<br />
K N O W W H A T R E A L I T Y I<br />
The workplace was toxic in itself, and all my<br />
coworkers would bitch and complain about the place,<br />
but<br />
we kept showing up. Our outlet was commiserating<br />
after work and drowning our jaded sorrows with<br />
alcohol. We were journalists. It was expected we<br />
would be jaded and hardened. The world sucked, and<br />
it was our job to report on it.<br />
Fear-mongering was our game, and boy, was I great at<br />
it.<br />
Will that third cup of coffee give you breast cancer?<br />
Tune in at 10.<br />
Is your teen child involved in the latest deadly trend?<br />
The signs YOU NEED to look out for.<br />
Tension with North Korea is simmering! What this<br />
means for your safety tonight at 10.<br />
Migrant crossings at an all-time high! Is measles<br />
something we need to look out for now? The interview<br />
you don’t want to miss.<br />
The place was toxic, but it was almost impossible not<br />
to give in. (Still not an excuse) If someone took a<br />
day off, we would talk shit about them. If someone<br />
complained about the workload, we would joke<br />
about them being a little bitch. They couldn’t handle it.<br />
There was some sort of pride we took in being<br />
able to handle all the bullshit.<br />
This identity of being a “journalist” was something we<br />
all took pride in. Our job was protected by the<br />
first amendment. Who else could say that? We were<br />
badass and we got shit done. The stress was just a<br />
part of the gig. But my ways of “relaxing” were getting<br />
worse. It wasn’t just a couple of drinks here and there.<br />
It was<br />
getting drunk most nights. Throwing up in an Uber<br />
wasn’t a one-time incident. Hell, I was even drinking<br />
at work. During lunch, I’d go throw the drive-thru of a<br />
nearby store that sold alcoholic slushies. (Gotta<br />
love Texas). I’d drive up, order my alcoholic drink, add<br />
extra shots, and go back to work.<br />
“Whatever,” I thought. “That’s what the bosses get for<br />
over-working me.”<br />
I’d eventually Google ways to handle the stress. Working<br />
out. Drinking more water. Sleeping. I was<br />
working out regularly, and it felt good. I had been the<br />
thinnest I’d been in my whole adult life. I had gone<br />
vegetarian a year before, and my eating habits were getting<br />
better. I took vitamins. I drank a gallon of<br />
water a day. I made sure I got my 8-9 hours of sleep. Selfcare<br />
masks, getting my hair done,<br />
aromatherapy candles, positive affirmations, bad bitch<br />
attitude, etc.<br />
“I got this shit”, I told myself.<br />
Haha, nope! Not by a mile. Looking back, I was so delusional.<br />
It’s almost laughable at how disconnected I<br />
was from my truth, my essence.<br />
The burn-out started with small symptoms at first.<br />
Forgetting where I placed my keys. Forgetting simple<br />
tasks at work. Making tiny mistakes here and there. No<br />
biggie.<br />
But the symptoms began to creep up in bigger ways. Pulling<br />
up to work in the mornings, I’d have a panic<br />
attack in the parking lot. I would be driving home, and I’d<br />
forget how to get home! I’d pull over and had<br />
to put my address in Google Maps. At the store, I’d forget<br />
my pin number while paying, and I’d start<br />
crying because I was so nervous and felt bad holding up the<br />
line.<br />
Eventually, it felt like I didn’t know what was up or down. I<br />
didn’t know who I was anymore. I didn’t even<br />
know what reality I was living in!<br />
I finally broke down, and went to my boss’ office crying,<br />
telling her I can’t take it anymore and that I<br />
quit. She sternly reminded me I was under contract, that I<br />
couldn’t break it, and heavily laid on the guilt<br />
by telling me I’d be letting down my peers because we were<br />
short-staffed. A broken shell of myself, I<br />
whispered to her with tears in my eyes, “I can’t do this<br />
anymore.”<br />
She said the hiring process for my coworker’s replacement<br />
wasn’t going well, and to be patient. She<br />
then said, “Let me see what I can do”.<br />
W A S L I V I N G I N !
B U R N O U T<br />
I did have vacation time coming up. The General Manager<br />
pulled me into his office, and told me to just<br />
relax, take my vacation, and come back refreshed. He<br />
admitted they were over-working me, and as a<br />
“thank-you”, he gave me a $500 bonus to coincide with my<br />
vacation. “Wow,” I thought. “If his cheap ass<br />
is willing to fork over money, then he must care,” I told<br />
myself. He also said they were going to hire an<br />
assistant for me in the meantime.<br />
*******<br />
I booked a vacation to my ultimate dream locale. I took<br />
myself to Kauai. I had been dreaming about<br />
Kauai since a teen. It was a magical getaway, full of steamy<br />
romantic nights on the beach, exciting ocean<br />
adventures, and amazing food and drinks. I was the happiest<br />
I had ever been in a long time.<br />
It didn’t last long though. I came back home and immediately<br />
went back to work, expecting the magic of<br />
the vacation to be a short buffer from the sBut NO. I felt<br />
even worse. I felt completely empty. Miserable was an<br />
understatement. I didn’t<br />
understand. What was wrong? I literally checked off an item<br />
from my bucket list. Why didn’t it mean<br />
anything?<br />
Two weeks later, as you know, I was driving down a highway<br />
looking to end my life.<br />
"Two weeks later, as you know, I was<br />
driving down a highway...<br />
Here’s the thing. When you lie to yourself, nothing you do will mean anything. Because you’re NOT<br />
coming from a place of authenticity.<br />
Also, when you lack boundaries, it’s time to look inside and ask, “Why am I allowing this?”<br />
Why was I allowing my boss to overwork me? What was I trying to prove? Why was I so scared to stand<br />
up for myself? Why didn’t I feel like I deserved help or support? Why did I feel I had to take on the weight<br />
of the world?<br />
No matter what I did, it wasn’t enough for my bosses. I clung to my victimhood - like a cat and its claws<br />
clinging so hard to your flesh, it begins to tear skin and bleed.<br />
“They’re making me work harder, they’re refusing to acknowledge me, they’re refusing to appreciate me.<br />
It’s their fault I’m miserable”.<br />
*Inserts “Sure, Jan” GIF right here*<br />
The more I was able to “handle” the workload, the less they worried about me. I was so desperate to<br />
prove I can handle it, it’s no wonder they kept allowing it to happen. BECAUSE I WAS ALLOWING IT TO<br />
HAPPEN!<br />
If you’re a fellow high-achiever, you probably know what I’m talking about. Doing things like taking on<br />
extra duties, always making sure you’re not only doing your job, but you’re doing it better than<br />
everyone else, taking pride when the bosses trust you with bigger projects, etc.<br />
My inner teacher’s pet, never fully going away. Even in my 30s. It’s time to quit that shit. Yes, take pride<br />
in your job. But do it for you! NEVER for anyone else’s approval or validation.<br />
looking to end my life."
Cosmic Women Magazine Summer Solstice issue 1<br />
Eventually, my work did hire someone to help me. I begged to get off the shift I was on. Surprisingly,<br />
they allowed it. I found out coworkers complained that I got the day shift. “Just because Esme has a<br />
mental breakdown, she can get the shift she wants?”<br />
That hurt. I wasn’t ashamed of my breakdown, but at the same time, I was never using it as a sympathy<br />
ploy. But you know what, it didn’t matter.<br />
As time went on, I realized I was still unhappy. I knew recovery from a breakdown isn’t fast, and it’s a<br />
journey to self-love and self-discovery. But I still wasn’t feeling right. And it hit me, it wasn’t that I had<br />
suffered from work burn-out. My soul was experiencing burn-out.<br />
I didn’t know what I wanted in life, but I knew I needed out of my current “identity”. I finally committed<br />
to leaving and told my bosses I would not be re-signing, no matter what they offered.<br />
Coworkers eventually found out I was leaving. “Where are you going? What market are you moving to?”<br />
they would ask. I told them the truth. “I don’t know”. They were shocked.<br />
How could I not know what I was going to do? What was I going to do for money? Where was I going to<br />
live? How you can be without a job?<br />
What’s funny is that they were more worried about me than I was. I never doubted I was making the<br />
wrong choice. I never doubted I wouldn’t be okay. Thing is, when you live in your truth and connect back<br />
with the cosmos, you know everything will be okay.<br />
Of course, I had my setbacks. Of course, I had days where I cried. Of course, letting go of my identity as a<br />
“journalist” wasn’t easy. It was hard at first. My older brother calling me stupid for leaving a good job.<br />
Others doubting me when I didn’t find a job after a month.<br />
But, readers, I didn’t care. Their programming and views of me is just a projection. It meant nothing to<br />
me. When you see someone living their truth and not dialing into that fear paradigm, it can be scary for<br />
some.<br />
I left that job, that lifestyle, and it’s definitely been a journey since. Yeah, I’m not contributing to my<br />
401k at the moment. Yeah, I’m in my 30s without a definite career. Yeah, I’m still figuring things out. But<br />
compared to where I was two years ago – I’d NEVER go back to that.<br />
Fear is just an illusion, my friends. Jump into the unknown. Trust that the universe has your back. You’re<br />
a Cosmic Woman! That’s why you’re reading this! You know you have a connection to the cosmos, and<br />
you know that living your truth is a way to bring joy into your life.<br />
Burn-out is a serious thing. It can lead to a multitude of issues, both mental and physical.<br />
But burn-out isn’t just work related. If you or someone you know is experiencing burn-out, it’s time to<br />
do some soul-searching and really listen and find out if you’re living your truth.<br />
Burn-out is a sign that you’re misaligned, a sign that your soul is not living in truth, a sign that you’re<br />
heart and mind aren’t connected, a sign that you’re listening to others and not listening to your soul.<br />
It’s time to ask yourself:<br />
- Where are you not enforcing your boundaries?<br />
- Are you carrying a false sense of guilt?<br />
- Is you role/function clearly defined?<br />
- Why are you scared of saying no?<br />
- Why don’t you feel you deserve support?<br />
- What other areas do you feel undeserving?<br />
- Are control issues keeping you from letting others carry their share?<br />
- Where are you refusing to take responsibility?<br />
- Why do you care so much about what others think?<br />
- Where are you not loving and accepting yourself?<br />
Again, burn-out is never just work related. Remember, gorgeous reader, you create your reality. Don’t<br />
cling to victim hood. Take responsibility. And if you can’t or don’t know how, take some time to really<br />
do<br />
soul searching.<br />
Remember, asking help is not a sign of weakness! If you feel you need professional help or a therapist,<br />
then do it. No man is an island. We all need support. Don’t ever feel bad for needing help. a
S M E O J E D A<br />
E<br />
d i t o r E<br />
j o u r n a l i s t<br />
a s t r o l o g i s t<br />
m i x o l o g i s t<br />
c o s m i c w o m a n<br />
I G : @ e s m e a n d t o n i c<br />
I’m proud of how far I’ve come, but I still have work to do. Self-love is definitely a journey of acceptance,<br />
and there are days where I lose my way. But, eventually, I snap out of it and remind myself to quit that<br />
nonsense.<br />
Of course, there are still days when I find myself falling into old habits, getting angry scrolling on Twitter,<br />
worrying about silly things, gossiping about people I don’t even talk to anymore. Just because I’m<br />
embracing my spiritual journey, doesn’t mean I don’t have days where I fall into a low-vibrating state.<br />
But it’s easier for me to recognize it and turn it around.<br />
Also, all the rose quartz crystals and selenite and candles in the world isn’t enough to make you love<br />
yourself and accept yourself. That has to come from within. But I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t help to<br />
have those tools and rituals.<br />
My thing is, whatever it takes to find your truth and accept yourself, there’s no wrong way. Spirituality<br />
may look different for all Cosmic Women. But what unites us all at the end of the day, is that we all<br />
believe in our connection to the infinite, our connection to the cosmos, to the Earth, and most<br />
importantly, our connection to each other.
& BALANCED<br />
Paramdayal Kaur<br />
Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Spiritual Guide<br />
Cosmic Woman<br />
Kundalini Yoga & Meditation is known as<br />
‘The Yoga of Awareness’;<br />
it awakens your consciousness, goes right to your heart and connects you to your<br />
soul.<br />
"There is no pill<br />
for what<br />
Kundalini Yoga &<br />
Meditation can<br />
provide."<br />
Some of the many benefits of Kundalini Yoga<br />
& Meditation are:<br />
Clearing the mind<br />
Clearing mental, physical & emotional blocks<br />
Reducing cortisol, strengthening internal systems, especially the<br />
nervous system (“Nerves of Steel”), that support health and<br />
happiness<br />
Alleviating: Anxiety, Stress and Depression
Paramdayal Kaur<br />
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan is a sacred ancient science dating back<br />
more than 5000 years originally from Tibet and India. It is the science, art and<br />
technology of Awareness, enabling every human being to access and to utilize<br />
his own creative energy and potential for a better whole well-being.<br />
It is a science based on the most ancient of all yogic practices to heal yourself<br />
and the foundation of all higher spiritual realizations. It is capable of bringing<br />
us to unimaginable states of bliss, profound wisdom and the amazing power to<br />
achieve anything we set our mind on.<br />
This science has been studied in the monasteries of India and Tibet for<br />
thousands of years through use of yoga to awaken “Kundalini” energy, also<br />
referred to as life force energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine. It is<br />
the flow of energy that keeps you going and growing. Using yogic techniques<br />
helps awake and arise this energy which all are born with, that spurts our<br />
growth until our teens, then goes dormant.<br />
The more connected we are to this life force energy, the more aware we<br />
become of our own individual consciousness and connection to the intelligence<br />
of infinite was in the 14th century..<br />
How does Kundalini Yoga work?<br />
It is the mastery of Energy. The practice includes specific designated methods as well as a system of<br />
profound Kundalini-awakening using Techniques of “Induced Aware Mindfulness”, reducing<br />
perceived stress and cortisol levels.<br />
Kundalini Yoga consists in doing postures (Asanas) with special breathing (Pranayama), hand and<br />
finger gestures (Mudras), body locks (Bhandas), chanting (Mantras) and Meditation, to create<br />
specific powerful and amazing results, to bring yourself into alignment and inner peace, taught by<br />
Yogi Bhajan. Kundalini Yoga balances the glandular system, strengthens the nervous system,<br />
expands lung capacity and purifies the blood. It brings balance to the body, mind, and soul.<br />
Kundalini Yoga & Meditation is referred to as “The Mother of Yoga” not only because it is the oldest<br />
of yogas, whereas the descendant yogas predominantly focus on ‘one’ chakra energy point, it<br />
encompasses all yoga forms to clear and align…all the chakras…in every session.<br />
It is all in preparation of the mediation that follows at the end of each session…all a preparation to<br />
help you connect with the infinite within you and beyond.
C O S M I C W O M E N M A G A Z I N E<br />
Kundalini Yoga & Meditation is Not a Religion<br />
Master teacher of Kundalini Yoga, Yogi<br />
Bhajan, broke a code of secrecy to<br />
introduce Kundalini Yoga & Meditation to<br />
the west in 1969 because he saw people<br />
depending on exterior things for peace and<br />
happiness, rather than cultivating those<br />
things from the inside-out.<br />
True Kundalini Yoga offers deep and<br />
profound yogic realization, without<br />
mumbo-jumbo, that opens up the energetic<br />
channels, liberates potent latent forces<br />
within, and sets in motion heroic changes<br />
that enhance overall well-being and<br />
enhance consciousness.<br />
Awakening our life force energy helps us<br />
to fulfill the promise of living as a spiritual<br />
being in today’s world. Everyone can<br />
benefit from this transformational healing<br />
and empowering yoga. All people are<br />
encouraged to join this journey of spiritual<br />
discovery, through the practice of true<br />
Kundalini Yoga.<br />
It is a science and technology. There is no group to<br />
join, no guru to obey, no cult mind control. Instead<br />
there is a practice. The methods, when practiced<br />
regularly, yield enormous benefits of clarity, energy,<br />
spiritual awareness, emotional wellness and harmony.<br />
The practice leads to deep realization of pure spirit,<br />
the essence of well-being. It has the effect of uplifting<br />
the spirit. It is for everyone. It is universal and<br />
nondenominational.<br />
People from all religions and backgrounds can benefit<br />
from this yogic practice and do not need to follow a<br />
religion in order to experience it. Most people report<br />
feeling closer to their religion, whatever that may be.<br />
As mentioned, each class applies specific kundalini<br />
yoga techniques that focus on postures, mudras,<br />
breathing, chanting and mantras…that cultivate inner<br />
peace, inner connectedness, clarity and inner bliss.<br />
Everything in the class prepares you for the last part<br />
of the class, deep meditation, which is one of the<br />
highlights of the experience.
The Use of Sacred<br />
Healing Sounds<br />
A symphonic Tibetan “Gong Bath” is often played in class for<br />
‘Re-tuning’, ‘Clearing Emotional Issues’ and ‘Releasing<br />
Negative Thought Patterns’.<br />
The therapeutic gong instrument and beneficial vibrations<br />
provides what’s called a “Gong Bath”, to clear energetic blocks<br />
mentally, emotionally and physiologically. During the Gong<br />
Bath, mallets are used to bring out the full spectrum of<br />
beneficial vibrations and frequencies.<br />
Gong Meditation is the practice of "re-tuning" the human<br />
being back to ideal frequencies via a universal physical and<br />
biological principle known as Sonic Entrainment.<br />
The human body knows what feels harmonious and tunes into<br />
what is needed during the meditation, and via sonic<br />
entrainment brings us back into harmonic balance, the peak of<br />
physical and emotional well-being.<br />
The vast range of rich overtones produced by the gong deeply<br />
bathes every cell of the body - muscles, bones, organs, nervous<br />
system, etc. - and research* has shown that the sound can<br />
progressively destabilize the structure of cancer cells,<br />
ultimately leading to their explosion.<br />
The listener only has to let go and let the sound of the<br />
gong do the work. The experience is effortless and the<br />
results profound. This is a time of deep relaxation and<br />
expansion, where transformation and healing occur. This<br />
quiet time allows the listeners to receive the information<br />
that is most beneficial to them.<br />
*The Influence of Sound on Human Cells by Fabien<br />
Maman (Series XII - Cancer Cells with Gong).d<br />
Just as a body massage works out tight and knotted muscles,<br />
the "deep, healing resonance" of a gong bath works out<br />
emotional issues that we need to release in order to move<br />
forward in life.
C O S M I C W O M E N M A G A Z I N E E<br />
Paramdayal Kaur<br />
Certified Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Teacher through the<br />
Kundalini Research Institute.<br />
Paramdayal Kaur combines her training in the ancestral knowledge<br />
of Kundalini Yoga & Meditation, as taught by Master Yogi Bhajan,<br />
the Tibetan tradition of self-healing.<br />
In her method, she brings a unique approach to emotional healing<br />
and self-awareness, and her own wide and well-travelled journey<br />
into Inner Peace & Personal Development.<br />
Through Paramdayal’s group and private classes, retreats and<br />
workshops, she provides a seamless and serene experience for those<br />
who come and need healing on some level in their lives. Each full<br />
class provides an experience rooted in deeply grounding the<br />
individual, balancing the mind and heart to work together,<br />
cultivating clarity of mind by clearing stuck energy of worry, fears,<br />
sadness, anger, and depression held in the body.<br />
Students who practice Kundalini Yoga & Meditation most commonly<br />
share that the experience quickly shifted their lives in positive ways,<br />
with new openings, opportunities, greater ease, and walked away<br />
with the experience of “Bliss”.<br />
For more information or for<br />
collaboration to spread the sacred<br />
healing teachings of “Kundalini<br />
Yoga & Meditation”, please call or<br />
text Paramdayal Kaur: 954-708-<br />
4035.<br />
Instagram: kundaliniyogaep<br />
FB: Kundalini Yoga El Paso
Sofie<br />
Torres<br />
J A L A P A , V E R A C R U Z N A T I V E<br />
M E Z C A L G U I D E O F M E X I C O C I T Y<br />
S T U D E N T O F A N T H R O P O L O G Y<br />
C O S M I C W O M A N<br />
Spirits of<br />
Mexico: Mezcal<br />
& Agave<br />
Women<br />
The way I got connected with Mezcal was a very beautiful and unexpected process.<br />
I started bar tendering at Playa del Carmen a few years ago, and the<br />
first time I worked at a bar I really had no idea of the new world I was coming into.<br />
After learning the basics for a year, time and circumstances brought me into Mexico<br />
City, where I started a job at a cocktail bar, and with it the journey into learning<br />
more and more about this complex and amazing drink: Mezcal. After being<br />
some years behind the bar every weekend, the opportunity to work specifically with<br />
Mezcal came to me and I couldn’t refuse it, I was at the beginning of an adventure<br />
that would lead into not only learning about this ancestral drink, but also getting<br />
closer to another way of seeing the world.
Maguey: the plant<br />
In Mexico there are more than 150 species of Maguey, this plant has been here for<br />
so long that the relationship that people have with it goes back to ancestral times.<br />
This is a plant that has been used for human consumption for more than 6000 years,<br />
and it is probably one of the key species in the process of change from nomadism to<br />
sedentarism, this was because people with time learned to use all of it, without<br />
affecting its life cycle. This means, knowing where and when to cut it, so all of it<br />
could be used, with no part of it going to waste. Mesoamerican people developed not<br />
only techniques but tools to process magueyes in an artesanal way, making the most<br />
use out of it: a really important part relies on the pencas, from where the fiber called<br />
Ixtle is taken and used to make bags, fabrics, rugs, clothes etc...; then the center,<br />
where all the sugars and spirits of the plant are living and ready to burst into the<br />
sweet spirit of Mezcal, Aguamiel and Pulque. The produces of Maguey have been<br />
traditionally used as a medicine for as long as the history tells us that people have<br />
consumed it, all of the beverages that come out of it are not only full of flavor but also<br />
nutritious healing substances.<br />
Mystic history: Mayahuel, the Maguey Goddess<br />
Between the Mexicas, Maguey had such an importance and was so full of symbolism<br />
that they even venerated a goddess who they called Mayahuel, which coming from<br />
the Náhuatl words “metl” and “yahualli” means “the round thing that sourrounds<br />
maguey”, and it was directly related to fertility, life, nourishing and soil.<br />
Ancient mythology tells us that Mayahuel used to live trapped in the sky by Tzitzímitl,<br />
her grandmother who conditioned Mayahuel’s life to obey her, staying in darkness.<br />
When other gods saw that the humans had all they needed to live except for<br />
something that gave warmth, pleasure and joy to their hearts, Quetzalcóatl (the<br />
Feathered Snake and for what we know probably the principal deity for the Mexicas)<br />
thought of Mayahuel as the carrier of potential life and the powerful plant that would<br />
bring delight, viands, drink and other gifts for the humans, so he transformed himself<br />
into Ehécatl (god of the wind) and traveled far looking for her to take her into the<br />
human world so she could share her wholesome sustaining plant. As Mayahuel fell<br />
in love with Ehécatl, se accepted and they ran away together. They transformed<br />
themselves into a big two branch tree and lived there until Tzitzímitl, looking for her<br />
granddaughter, separated both branches and punished Mayahuel turning her into<br />
pieces and devoured her. Nevertheless, Quetzalcóatl / Ehécatl branch was still<br />
there, so that when the dark Tzitzímitl left, he planted his loved ones bones giving<br />
birth to the sacred plant “Metl”: Maguey.<br />
Mezcal tradition: Maestros Mezcaleros,<br />
Maestras Mezcaleras<br />
For as long as it is known that Maguey exists, people in Mesoamerica made<br />
beverages from it. Maguey is a plant that, depending on the specie, takes at least<br />
five years to be mature, at the most it can even live for 35 years in the ground before<br />
it’s ready and full of the sugars needed for the cutting, it’s big consistent leaves grow<br />
and undertake the environment for as long as it lives, collecting a great amount of<br />
strength and wholesome properties. The first beverage to be made with it was<br />
Pulque, due to the relative simplicity of the process which consists in fermenting<br />
Aguamiel, a sweet liquid that comes out of the specie “Salmiana” very common in<br />
the central territory.
But then with time people also started producing the deep and<br />
powerful Mezcal spirit which involves a more complex process consisting in cutting,<br />
cooking, grounding and then fermenting the hearts (center parts) of the maguey so<br />
that the released sugars mixed with their surrounding water could be transformed<br />
with the help of the environment bacteria into alcohol, then distilled with the help of<br />
the fire evaporating the spirits of the plant into the crystal clear inebriating<br />
substance.<br />
This process is not written, it’s not scientifically measured, it is an ancient pre<br />
hispanic tradition that has passed from generation to generation until now a days,<br />
which means that the making rules exist but are mainly empirical. Every family has<br />
their recipe, but traditionally it is known that the man of the family is the one with the<br />
title of being the “Maestro Mezcalero” and consequently the one that defines the<br />
recipe for the mezcal which consists in measuring time and quantities to accomplish<br />
the flavour they dreamed of. Nevertheless it is primarily important for us to consider<br />
that even though the patriarchally established man of the family has the title of being<br />
a “Maestro”, that does not mean that he is the only one involved in the process or the<br />
recipe for mezcal.<br />
Women have been vinculated to Maguey and it’s transformations since the<br />
very beginning, Maguey is known for being a female plant because of its means of<br />
reproduction in which the new plants “the sons” literally grow around their “mother”<br />
which is the big mature maguey. Even though and as a consequence of the physical<br />
strength needed to cut a maguey and then processing it, women are not known to be<br />
related to the process of mezcal, but this is just a result of the systematic<br />
invisibilization of the work and abilities of woman in the country for as long as years<br />
can count. Even if they are not named as such, “Maestras Mezcaleras” are involved<br />
in the creation of marvelous mezcal recipes, passing their knowledge in a<br />
matriarchal way from generation to generation until now, that though for a lot of<br />
people may seem strange, their mezcal production is beginning to be visualized and<br />
appreciated.<br />
Creating Networks: Mezcal Women And The City<br />
Nowadays Mezcal is a popular drink not only in the places it is produced in,<br />
but trough new commercial connections a lot of people from the city gained the<br />
interest in travelling to palenques, which are the places where people produce their<br />
mezcal, and buying big quantities of mezcal to bottle it and sell it at bars and liquor<br />
stores. Though there are a lot of ethical implications in over exploiting the maguey<br />
lands to fulfill the consumption hunger of a postmodern society, and though most of<br />
the mezcal that reaches our means is principally known to be made by a “Maestro<br />
Mezcalero” (which is a feature that also brings a more luxurious quality to it), there<br />
are also new networks being consolidated by women who meet each other and<br />
decide to make fair commercial traits for them to sell their strenuous smooth and<br />
complex spirit. And this is what comes to our interest today, that the cosmic mezcal<br />
women, vinculated with the land and the substantial transformations of it, with the<br />
spirits and the marvelous Maguey plants, are able to enter an exchange world that<br />
for centuries has been reduced to the willing pubic power of man. That if we are<br />
interested in drinking Mezcal made by a woman, that can be named and that all the<br />
women wanting to be part of this network can be, in order for us to gain strength and<br />
be empowered with the recognition of a mystic, sacred and full of love work.
"And this is<br />
what our<br />
interest is<br />
today, the<br />
Cosmic Mezcal<br />
Women..."<br />
I was born in Jalapa, Veracruz and raised in Puebla city where I<br />
studied the first part of a college degree for psychology. Then I<br />
moved to Playa del Carmen, where I started learning about<br />
drinks and flavors, first working at a Teashop and then as a<br />
waitress in a bar. After a year of amazing experiences I decided<br />
to move to Mexico City, where I was sure I could grow more and<br />
meet more people to create networks with. In here I worked at<br />
bars for a few years untill I entered the mezcal world and started<br />
colaborating with mezcal brands and events,; then I entered<br />
college again and these days I am a very happy anthropology<br />
student and I also work with mezcal tastings which is a great<br />
way not only to share the knowledge that years have given me,<br />
but to meet great women and create amazing networks.
Rachael<br />
Te Wano<br />
Australian<br />
Sound Healer<br />
A K A S H I C R E A D E R .<br />
L I G H T L A N G U A G E .<br />
W O M B W I S D O M .<br />
S O U L R E T R E A T S<br />
Perth. Bunbury. International
A message from Rachael,<br />
There is much hidden beneath the veils of the human consciousness.<br />
Let’s together discover, remember and take the journey within.<br />
This magical path of oneness and infinite power.<br />
Thank you for taking the time to understand what I do and what together,<br />
we can create. Not only for yourself, but for the whole of humanity.<br />
Let me introduce myself to you before we go on this inner journey together.<br />
I Am Rachael Te Wano and it is my honour to serve you.<br />
It is not the easiest to talk about oneself but I will say upon my journey, I<br />
have been shown that to be vulnerable and stand out, to be judged, to show<br />
who you really are is true Authenticity.<br />
I Am That I Am<br />
It has taken me years of wandering the earth, learning and feeling my way<br />
through this human life to bring me to this moment. It is only now as I<br />
reflect I understand why.<br />
Why they came to me.<br />
Why the Ascended Masters, Great Teachers and Creators shared their<br />
attunements and taught me, guided me and gifted to me the knowledge.... in<br />
my training in the etheric realms.<br />
It was to prepare me to Serve, and to walk with you on your journey to<br />
awakening, your remembering of ALL that you are.<br />
I am humbled and honoured to share with you the knowledge, vibrations,<br />
activations and codes to anchor New Earth in the here and now. So you may<br />
once again walk in Heart and ONENESS again.<br />
Much Love<br />
Rachael x<br />
Cosmic Women Magazine Issue 1<br /><br />
Email:<br />
AD<br />
RY<br />
Identifícate<br />
Con El Alma<br />
Me encontraba en medio de la obra más<br />
grande de vitrales en el mundo, rodeada<br />
de un jardín encantador. Los rayos de<br />
sol entran y encandilan con sus<br />
magníficos colores que cautivan tu<br />
imaginación.<br />
Los colores de amarillo canario, naranja<br />
quemado, con la yuxtaposición de azul rey y<br />
un morado berenjena te dejaba anonadada.<br />
Simplemente sus colores eran suficientes<br />
para impresionarte, sin embargo me quede<br />
confundida tratando de encontrarle forma a<br />
los más de 500 cristales que forman esta<br />
obra titulada, “El Cosmovitral.”<br />
Llegue a Toluca con muchas preguntas y mi<br />
alma nómada sin encontrar descanso. La<br />
paz y reverencia de este lugar me aturdían,<br />
reflejando la<br />
LO<br />
(fotografîa: Diego Muñiz)
Adry Love<br />
turbulencia interna que estado<br />
cargando.<br />
Un señor se acercó a invitarnos<br />
para escuchar la explicación de la<br />
historia de el vitral.<br />
Fue un hilo de cariño arrojado,<br />
que al jalarme me acariciaba las<br />
inquietudes, y sin querer lo me<br />
acerqué.<br />
Empezó por explicar que un lado<br />
representaba la luz, ilustrada por<br />
los colores amarillos y naranjas; y<br />
del otro, la obscuridad, ilustrada<br />
por los colores azules y morados.<br />
“Vean el vitral detrás de mi...aquí<br />
empieza el cuento. ¿Pueden<br />
encontrar la figura de una mujer?”<br />
Y si se reconocía una mujer con<br />
rasgos Maya, hermosa en amarillo<br />
y naranja con vientre circular, casi<br />
infinito. Y también la forma de un<br />
hombre fuerte guerrillero, con<br />
máscara de águila. Lo<br />
impresionante era su conexión<br />
corporal que trasmitía un fuerte y<br />
puro amor.<br />
Cosmic Women Magazine Issue 1<br />
“Si ya encontraron las formas del hombre y<br />
la mujer ese amor, nació el<br />
cosmos.Nació el cosmos, y con ella las<br />
bellezas del mundo y la vida del ser humano<br />
que constantemente se encuentra en<br />
batalla con la luz y la obscuridad.”<br />
Sin tenerlo esperado estos vitrales estaban<br />
iluminando mis más profundas<br />
incertidumbres.<br />
Explicaba el guía que los vitrales de la<br />
obscuridad representaban lo negativo y<br />
batallas que enjaulan al ser humano:<br />
envidia, rencor, venganza. Cuando uno<br />
escoge esos sentimientos no puede ver, ni<br />
vivir en la luz.<br />
Mientras los vitrales de la luz,<br />
representaban la vida, no nomás atraves de<br />
sus colores vivos pero por imagines de<br />
(fotografîa: Diego Muñiz)
Identifícate Con El Alma<br />
mujeres voladoras y<br />
embarazadas. Dándole<br />
reverencia a la mujer por su<br />
poder de dar a luz y la belleza de<br />
escoger vivir en lo positivo, en lo<br />
que hace nacer la felicidad,<br />
esperanza y el amor.<br />
Esta experiencia me dejo humilde,<br />
arrodillada a la grandeza y hermosura<br />
de Dios, Universo y nuestra conexión<br />
divina a ello. Espero que se ubiquen<br />
en el amor y que sigan escogiendo la<br />
luz.<br />
Mi alma gozo con piel chinita de<br />
emoción por que fue como<br />
recibir un abrazo compasivo que<br />
reconocía mis esfuerzos y mi<br />
determinación a escoger la luz.<br />
Los invito a que estudien sus<br />
reacciones a las circunstancias<br />
que los rodean. Nuestras almas<br />
tienen una profundidad de<br />
sentimientos y expresiones. Es<br />
sumamente necesario darle<br />
espacio para que se exprese y<br />
ubicarnos en lo que nos trae<br />
felicidad.<br />
Muchas de las veces sofocamos<br />
el alma, escogiendo deber,<br />
dandole importancia a lo que<br />
opina la gente, o no<br />
reconociendo la obscuridad que<br />
nos abruma atraves de<br />
sentimientos que refundimos.<br />
(fotografîa: Diego Muñiz)<br />
Su hermana,<br />
Adrylove<br />
#artista #maestra #cantante #artesescénicas<br />
Tomate el tiempo de rendirte<br />
ante lo más obscuro que cargas<br />
...abrazarlo y dejarlo ir. Y tendrás<br />
el espacio para ver y vivir la vida<br />
como el regalo que es.
Adry Love<br />
Is a dynamic teaching artist and poetic<br />
improvasionalist from the Borderland of El<br />
Paso TX and Juárez, Chihuahua. She is<br />
dedicated to radical love and passionate work<br />
whether it be singing, acting, writing, directing<br />
or teaching. She received highest honors at The<br />
University of the Arts in Philadelphia<br />
Pennsylvania and has enjoyed the start of her<br />
career in over 85 productions, dramaturge for 4<br />
productions, director of 8 plays, collaborator in<br />
devised work, and front woman for a band with<br />
a 44 year old legacy, and recipient of Teacher of<br />
the Year in her current position.<br />
Cosmic<br />
Woman<br />
Cosmic<br />
Woman<br />
Cosmic<br />
Woman<br />
Woman Cosmic<br />
Woman<br />
Cosmic<br />
Cosmic<br />
CosmicWoman<br />
Woman Cosmic<br />
Woman<br />
Cosmic<br />
Woman<br />
Cosmic<br />
Woman<br />
Cosmic<br />
Track: Cosmic Women<br />
Origins: Mujeres Cosmicas - Serpent Tongues<br />
Exhibit: El Paso, Texas & Juarez, Mexico<br />
Vocals & Writing: MSL<br />
Editor: Jesse Fraire<br />
Sound Engineer: Phil Pagan Rosado