Cosmic Women Magazine Vol. 4

Cosmic Women Magazine A Portal to Holistic Well-Being & SuperNatural LifeStyle 10/20/2020 Vol. 4 - Fall Equinox

Cosmic Women Magazine
A Portal to Holistic Well-Being & SuperNatural LifeStyle
10/20/2020 Vol. 4 - Fall Equinox


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O C T 2 0 2 0 | I S S U E N O . 4<br />

C W C O S M I C W O M E N<br />


What happened to you when everything you<br />

have ever dreamed of,<br />

imagen, visualized, became REAL?<br />

What is happening to us all now, in these<br />

New 5-Dimensional Perspective<br />

lives? As your resident Metaphysical<br />

Artist/Alchemist I will tell you this…<br />

The process of Fusion is here and we are on<br />

our way to reconciling all duality.<br />

We take you on<br />

a <strong>Cosmic</strong> <strong>Women</strong> (and Divine Masculine)<br />

journey to words, literature, ideas,<br />

photos, and Holistic ways of living. This<br />

magazine is as always to inspire new<br />

thoughts and ways of living. In this Oct<br />

2020 Issue, we are exploring that very Fusion<br />

of language in Kòsmicas. This is<br />

a duel language magazine of English and<br />

Spanish, to be able to merge what we<br />

call… Serpent Tongues.<br />

The idea of Serpent Tongues can be interpreted in many ways…<br />

Kundalini Energy<br />

Merge of 2 Languages<br />

Reconciliation of The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Energies<br />

Paradox Thinking and Being<br />

The end of Dark and Light Duality<br />

The Beginning of the Fusion of the New Creation<br />

Heart & Mind<br />

Love & Logic<br />

Spirit & Science<br />

I am sure you can think of many more…

In this Issue we will share with you our actual Mùjeres<br />

Còsmicas ~ Serpent Tongues Exhibit.<br />

A journey which was inspired by the Book “Mùjeres Còsmicas”,<br />

by Dr. Kòsmica, Hilda Sotelo.<br />

I have a great Love and Connection to this particular piece<br />

of work. The Exhibit I created took on a life of its own. Exploring the multidimensional<br />

avenues of Photography, Voice over, Mantra, Literature, Sound Healing, Multimedia<br />

effects, Animation, and of course Performance Art.<br />

When I took on the character of LUCY, originally in Hilda’s<br />

book. I knew most of the metaphysical work would be that of giving the<br />

character a different reality. To first reconcile her “Dark” and lower realm<br />

attributes, and then to give her a Higher Purpose.<br />

Lucy is an Alchemist and Shapeshifter,<br />

and you will see more of her transformation throughout. It is a role that has<br />

since merged into my reality, or did I merge into hers? The New Reality of Lucy<br />

is one of Higher Realm creation, Higher planetary healing, and the application<br />

of Energy work in the mundane of life. Her character continues to expand into several<br />

other forms of art. She continues her journey through the Audio book, Serpent<br />

Tongues. A piece I am immensely proud of, yet still has much more to go. Who<br />

knows… perhaps it is Lucy who is the driving force to this very magazine?<br />

The exhibit then took on it’s on life and many more unfolding of creative express and venture. It has<br />

since debut in 2018 in El Paso, Tx, 2019 in Juarez, Mexico, and recently for an<br />

Academic Conference with The University of Texas at El Paso.<br />

It is evident… we are JUST getting started…<br />

Mandy Shantyne Lopez<br />

Creative Director<br />

CW <strong>Magazine</strong>

13 Min Exhibit Preview

Drawings By:<br />

Emily Ruth Shackelford<br />

Lucy<br />

Creative Force<br />

EVE<br />

The Green Tara

Kósmicas<br />

Bienvenidas a la unión de <strong>Cosmic</strong> <strong>Women</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> &<br />

KósmicasEste primer número en español quiero agradecer<br />

primero la invitación de Mandy Shantey López y a las<br />

colaboradoras de este número, la psicóloga Rosa Elva Sotelo<br />

Aguirre y a la doctorante Rocío Acevedo-Carranza por sus<br />

propuestas creativas.Este espacio es creativo, espiritual y<br />

medicinal, creemos que parte de la nueva realidad requiere de<br />

poner atención a lo importante: vida y salud humana y del<br />

planeta. Sin vida y salud no podemos continuar. El enfoque es<br />

vivir pero vivir saludable, ayudarnos a conectar lazos que se<br />

han roto debido a la muerte no solo de humanos también de<br />

cientos de especies animales y vegetales.<br />

En Kósmicas nos quedamos con el problema, es decir, vemos de<br />

frente lo que sucede para detectar colectivamente el origen de la<br />

herida, sabemos que las palabras pueden ser usadas para destruir o<br />

para reconstruir, para empoderar o des empoderar, nuestro<br />

lenguaje nos ata o desata, nos separa o nos une, sabemos que las<br />

lenguas colonizadoras, son lenguas basadas en sistemas binarios, al<br />

igual que la inteligencia artificial, los sistemas binarios nos reducen<br />

a dos opciones sin considerar otras posibilidades comunicativas.<br />

Dentro del sistema binario se encuentran los formatos que diseñan<br />

nuestra vida, y rutinas.<br />

Sufrir-gozar, llorar-reír, amiga-enemiga, blanco-negro. Debido<br />

a las repetitivas guerras, la violencia estructural y sistémica,<br />

actualmente nos encontramos en una etapa de neutralización,<br />

hemos perdido ciertas capacidades humanas como las<br />

conocíamos, los roles de género se están transformando. La<br />

capacidad de llorar, la capacidad de empatía, la capacidad de<br />

sentir se está mermando, el enojo parece arrebatarnos la<br />

oportunidad de ver soluciones sin violencia. La frustración<br />

encarna nuestros cuerpos porque queremos justicia para todes<br />

y todas las especies que se han ido y las especies en peligro.

La definición de guerra y paz, puede adquirir otros matices sin sentidos opuestos, secretos<br />

o escondites. La ofensa y la disculpa van de la mano, ¿a quién ofender, con quién<br />

disculparnos? El eterno juego de la computadora del lenguaje. Al igual, la definición de éxito<br />

viene precedida por fracaso y no precisamente propio o individual, es en el fracaso de<br />

otros, otras y otras especies que se acumulan los grandes capitales en manos de unos<br />

cuantos. El lenguaje basado en el sistema binario necesita ver caer, ver sufrir, ver morir,<br />

atacar, sacrificar, depredar para sentirse exitoso. Al patriarcado, le funciona mejor las<br />

mujeres separadas, enemigas, las amigas hablan, se comunican, rompen pactos de secreto,<br />

¡peligro! Algunas mujeres hacen andar los binarios el bien, el mal, las vigías, atentas. Los<br />

hombres guardan celosamente su función, se avisan para mantener el orden, violentan,<br />

separan, detectan a las enemigas, las acechan, las presentan, las hacen pelear. Sin embargo,<br />

estamos transitando otros caminos para comunicarnos, las palabras se forman o deforman<br />

para elaborar nuevos mitos, la convención del lenguaje desarticula y encuentra hilos para<br />

anudarlos, salvarnos y volver a reconocernos como humanos en las reacciones del cuerpo,<br />

las emociones, los sentimientos, sin temor expresamos en nuestras propias palabras, hemos<br />

encontrado las palabras para decirlo.<br />

Dra Hilda Y Sotelo





¡Soy divina¡¡ Eres divina!! Somos divinas!<br />

Sin duda alguna, el momento atómico existe. Me percaté<br />

cuando menos lo esperaba, cuando más vulnerable me sentía<br />

frente al espejo de la vida y de la muerte. Morí y renací en un<br />

instante ¡Qué maravilla! Y fue así como me di cuenta de la<br />

complejidad y de la grandiosidad del Ser Femenino. ¿Por qué<br />

tendemos a compararnos y a minimizar nuestra capacidad de<br />

dar y de recibir sin prejuicio alguno y sin límite? ¿Por qué<br />

envidiamos en otras mujeres lo que inherentemente<br />

poseemos desde hace siglos? Amiga mía, recuerda que somos<br />

la Receptividad del Universo, la mar en reposo, un llanto de<br />

lluvia que empapa y tibia los párpados a pesar de ser<br />

orgullosas, desafiantes, desenfrenadas por el caótico sistema<br />

que nos oprime y nos descompone el espírtu a su antojo<br />

porque lo hemos permitido?<br />

No dejes que el caos externo y despiadado te carcoma el<br />

alma y llene de resentimiento el corazón. No olvides que eres<br />

más noble que la envidia, más fértil que el amor, una guerrera<br />

de luz capaz de transmutar el odio en alegría, los celos en<br />

libertad, la oscuridad en luz. Eres libertadora porque amas la<br />

verdad.<br />


Tu gran virtud desde el principio de la creación es el poder compartir sin esperar nada a cambio porque todo lo<br />

femenino viene de la Unidad Perfecta donde todo emana y fluye en el espiral del tiempo y del espacio.

Y es por eso, te invito a que seas esperanza para miles de<br />

mujeres que siguen encadenadas, prisioneras del mundo y de<br />

sí mismas, esclavas de la mente, inseguras, temerosas, muertas<br />

en vida. No las condenes a morir en vida, no las hagas víctimas<br />

sino vencedoras de sus miedos y de sus fracasos. Sé un ente de<br />

paz y de concordia para que puedan alcanzar el cielo<br />

prometido y el canto de la música celeste. Amiga mía, no<br />

tengas miedo de luchar por otras mujeres, de sufrir con ellas e<br />

interiorizar en lo más profundo de tu ser, de reír y de triunfar<br />

con otras. Recuerda que ambas son el reflejo de una misma<br />

voz.<br />


Con profunda sinceridad entiende su dolor, su soledad, su<br />

desamor, su incapacidad de verse tal cual es: una hermosa<br />

creación femenina sin pecado original. ERES PURA, siempre lo<br />

has sido por derecho de nacimiento. Eres una mujer que<br />

trasciende cuando pierdes el miedo de aceptar el regalo de tu<br />

divinidad. Nunca te dejes convencer por la engañosa<br />

ignorancia que reprime los sentidos. Ya no mires hacia atrás, ni<br />

hacia el futuro, sólo vive el momento presente porque la<br />

Verdad se encuentra dentro de ti y te hace libre.<br />

Amiga mía:<br />

Te amo, te acepto tal cual eres, te comprendo, te venero. Recuerda<br />

tu poder innato para crear y transformar nuevas realidades.<br />


mis sabias palabras si quieres alcanzar el Nirvana:<br />

¡Soy Divina¡<br />

¡Eres Divina!<br />

¡Somos Divinas!

con<br />

Rosa Elva Sotelo Aguirre<br />

Psicología de Monclova, Mexico<br />

CW: ¿Cuál es tu profesión?<br />

R: Soy licenciada en Psicología<br />

CW: Cuando las paciente hablan con Rosa Sotelo, ¿qué nos dice en cuanto a sanación?<br />

R: Que somos seres integrales, mente, cuerpo, espíritu<br />

CW: ¿Cómo son tus terapias diferentes a las tradicionales?<br />

R: Aparte de aplicar las distintas estrategias que aprendí en la licenciatura, yo uso la angelología, el reiky<br />

y otras terapias alternativas combinadas con las tradicionales. Mira, la mayoría de las personas estamos<br />

familiarizadas con los ángeles, entonces, en medio de las crisis, la fe es muy importante. Y cuando rara<br />

vez tengo pacientes que no le entran a la idea de que estamos rodeados de entes que nuestra mente<br />

soberbia no quiere ver o de realidades intangibles buenas y malas, entonces, poco a poco los dejo que<br />

ellos mismos descubran esas realidades y decidan y créeme todos quieren estar en el lado de la luz para<br />

vivir mejor la experiencia humana que ya es de por sí, la sombra o lo necio, como quieras llamarlo. Todos<br />

mis pacientes llegan aquí porque quieren salir de sus penas.<br />

CW: ¿Qué memoria tienes de niña en cuanto a comunicarte con energías no físicas?<br />

R: Siempre me sentí acompañada y bien protegida, aún estado sola, sin duda mis ángeles guardianes estaban<br />

conmigo<br />

CW: Algún mensaje a las mujeres mexicanas con respecto a la situación actual<br />

R: Que el tiempo del sufrimiento y la sumisión ya pasó, es importante valorarnos, empoderarnos, y ocupar<br />

el espacio que realmente nos pertenece.

"...el tiempo del<br />

sufrimiento y la sumisión<br />

ya pasó, es importante<br />

valorarnos,<br />

empoderarnos, y ocupar<br />

el espacio que realmente<br />

nos pertenece."<br />



Nature’s Vaccine?<br />

Are you dealing with anxiety, depression, health issues, or feeling stagnant in life?<br />

Sometimes you just need a reset, ESPECIALLY given the energetic climate of the world at<br />

this particular moment. For the majority of people, a reset means starting a diet or juice<br />

cleanse, beginning a meditation practice, or changing up your environment. But, for a select<br />

few, the desire for a complete life overhaul can lead to some unusual solutions—like kambo<br />

medicine. Kambo is the name for a treatment which involves a frog secretion that’s applied<br />

to fresh burn points on the topical layer of the skin; it’s a practice that’s becoming<br />

increasingly popular in Western culture. But, what is kambo, really, in regard to how it acts<br />

upon the body, mind and soul? And is this frog-based cleanse safe? Here’s the scoop on the<br />

shamanic ritual that’s ripe with controversy.

Kambo (Kambô or Sapo)<br />

is the name for a specific Amazonian tree frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor) also known as<br />

the giant monkey frog. The frog is delicately stressed to induce the secretion of the<br />

waxy substance, which is applied by burning the top layer of the skin with a titica or<br />

tamishi vine to the “dots” which are 1/8” in diameter. The frogs are unharmed in the<br />

process, and the medicine is usually ethically sourced from the tribes directly. The<br />

liquid secretion is a potent vasodilator, which increases the blood-brain barrier for both<br />

their own access, as well as for that of other active peptides. Within this family are<br />

medusins, which also have antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Caeruleins and<br />

Sauvagines are peptides that stimulate the adrenal cortex and pituitary gland,<br />

contributing to greater sensory perception and increased resistance. Both peptides<br />

possess great analgesic power, contributing to the increase of physical strength, the<br />

capacity to confront physical pain, stress, dis-ease, and diminish the symptoms of<br />

fatigue. In the medical field, this family of peptides contributes to improved digestion,<br />

and has analgesic properties against pain in renal colic, pain due to peripheral vascular<br />

insufficiency, and tumor pain. Deltorphin is 4000x stronger than morphine and 40x<br />

stronger than beta endorphins. The most famous of these chemicals are a series of<br />

peptides that trigger temporary hyperactivity in the immune system. Basically, kambo<br />

treatments provoke intense flu symptoms, including purging and stool movements or<br />

diarrhea.<br />

The shamanic use of kambo is a tradition amongst several different Amazonian tribes, especially in<br />

the Brazillian Amazon. The word “kambo” comes from the Kaxinawá people, but other indigenous<br />

communities have their own word for the frog secretion. The Amahuaca, Katukina, Kulina,<br />

Yawanawá, Matses, Marubo and Mayoruna communities all reportedly use some form of kambo in<br />

either their hunting or healing practices.

Each Amazonian culture has unique values and<br />

beliefs that they place upon kambo, and it is<br />

impossible to do justice to each of these intricate<br />

perspectives in this brief article. But, to speak in a<br />

very general sense, many scholars report that<br />

kambo is used to purge “bad principals” from the<br />

body. This “purge” often inspires a very severe<br />

bout of vomiting, which thereby expels bad<br />

principals and reinvigorates the participant with<br />

good health.<br />

Kambo is unlike anything I’ve ever<br />

experienced before. It does not contain<br />

any hallucinogenic properties, however,<br />

you may experience visions and fractals.<br />

It is very physically intense for a short<br />

period, and it can cause all kinds of<br />

reactions, from a racing heart to hot<br />

flashes.<br />

Kambo “cleanses” are quickly gaining popularity in the<br />

Western world. Many consumers are drawn to kambo<br />

for it’s believed healing properties; those with<br />

addictions, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and sometimes<br />

serious health issues partake in a kambo detox in an<br />

effort to reprogram their immune system and purge<br />

unwanted “build-up” in their systems. Whether that<br />

buildup is physical or psychological, it is up to the<br />

individual to set their intentions and decide what they<br />

want to purge from their life that no longer serves<br />

them, and what they’d like to welcome in.

What is a Kambo Treatment?<br />

During kambo treatment, a practitioner burns a series of “dots”<br />

on the skin with a piece of titica or tamishi vine, charred wood<br />

or incense. Next, dried kambo is rehydrated and applied to the<br />

open wounds. Within mere minutes, the peptides in the kambo<br />

trigger an intense immune response, similar to allergic<br />

anaphylaxis. Here are some of the main symptoms of a kambo<br />

detoxification experience:<br />

Fever<br />

Swelling of the face<br />

Vomiting / Purging<br />

Bowel movement / Diarrhea<br />

Pain<br />

Rapid heart rate<br />

Urination<br />

Overwhelming emotion<br />

Most kambo treatments consist of<br />

five to six dots. However, a<br />

practitioner might recommend<br />

more or less depending on your<br />

unique needs. Many individuals also<br />

fast for at least 8-24 hours before a<br />

kambo treatment.<br />

In Western contexts, the setting for a kambo ceremony also varies. Many kambo rituals are<br />

performed in a group setting, complete with music, and may integrate other new age practices<br />

like breath work, body movement, crystal therapy, and sound therapy. Some kambo<br />

treatments, however, are given in a more clinical setting. Ultimately, it’s up to the consumer to<br />

research and decide what type of experience is more suitable.

How Long Does Kambo Last?<br />

For most people, the active effects of kambo are short, lasting<br />

between five and 40 minutes. But, in some rare cases, nausea,<br />

vomiting, and inflammation can persist up to several hours<br />

later. If kambo symptoms last more than an hour, the<br />

practitioner will determine the course of action. Persistent<br />

vomiting and diarrhea can quickly dehydrate you and drinking<br />

excess plain water may worsen the problem—electrolyte-rich<br />

fluids are needed after intense bouts of vomiting, and only<br />

medical professionals will be able to give you the precise care<br />

that you may need and stop allergic reactions.<br />

How Does Kambo Work?<br />

The plant medicine community has tentatively embraced kambo, but it is very different from a<br />

traditional psychedelic. Medicines like psilocybin and ayahuasca dramatically alter your consciousness<br />

and temporarily pull you into a different reality. In general, psychedelics produce a profound mental<br />

experience. Kambo is different, however. It exerts its most significant effects on the immune system,<br />

not the brain.<br />

The peptides in kambo are noxious to the human body, so the immune system becomes<br />

hyperactive in an attempt to purge the toxicant from your system—hence, the vomiting,<br />

inflammation, and severe flu-like symptoms. Many practitioners describe kambo treatments as<br />

“nature’s vaccinations,” due to its ability to intensely activate the immune system. The<br />

immunomodulating properties of kambo peptides are a topic of increasing fascination to the<br />

scientific community; kambo peptides are being studied in cancer, pain, addiction, anxiety,<br />

depression, and more.

While the frog secretions produce extreme physical reactions, they may produce psychological<br />

responses as well. Most Westerners attend kambo ceremonies because of the feel-good effects that<br />

result after the purge. (Although, of course, many attend for relief from physical ailments as well.)<br />

For participants, kambo can feel like an intense cleansing experience, where old habits and ailments<br />

are purged from the body; there’s a belief that the “panama” or negative energy or bad, the harmful,<br />

and the ugly are quite literally vomited out.<br />

And while this may sound odd or extreme to some, feelings of health after a purge are not unheard of,<br />

even in Western culture. For example, it’s not uncommon for vomiting to end the intense pain and<br />

disorientation caused by migraine headaches. There may also be a correlation between some types of<br />

fasting and recovery from the flu. Although, it’s important to note that the science behind these<br />

phenomena is still being discovered, or not fully supporting these activities as beneficial treatments for<br />

either illness.<br />

Nonetheless, the classic kambo purge has had a positive impact on me, as well as the many courageous people<br />

that have participated in the kambo ceremony with me. In the days following the kambo experience, many<br />

people have more energy than they remember ever having. People who may have had difficulty getting out<br />

of the bed in the morning, all of a sudden wake up, refreshed, early in the morning. ready to start their day.<br />

Many feel it pulled toxins, some negative energies, maybe even traumas, out of them. Of course, the idea of a<br />

“purge” can also be a slippery slope. For those recovering from eating disorders or other self-harming habits,<br />

the idea of “purging out the unwanted” may be triggering and cause for alarm. Still, the idea is still appealing<br />

for many who struggle with ailments as diverse as addiction, depression, chronic pain, inflammatory dis-eases<br />

and a multitude of other ailments.<br />

Some people don’t like the physical intensity of the experience, yet most actually don’t mind it,<br />

because they appreciate how lucid they are the whole time. Unlike when on a psychedelic, there is<br />

never a moment where they don’t understand what is happening or when it would be over.

Is Kambo Legal?<br />

Kambo is perfectly legal in the United States, Canada, and in most of the<br />

world. Thus far, Brazil is the only country to ban the commercialization of<br />

kambo. Kambo is also illegal to import in Chile. But, apart from these two<br />

countries, kambo is legal to buy, sell, possess, and administer. In most<br />

countries, kambo is not regulated as a medicine or as a food. So, there are no<br />

set regulations for kambo safety. However, there are associations that offer<br />

independent training and accreditation to help ensure the safety and<br />

consistency of the natural treatment.<br />

Is Kambo Safe?<br />

There’s no doubt that kambo is growing in popularity around the world. But,<br />

with the export of this indigenous tradition comes numerous potential risks. It<br />

is imperative that you check with your physician, and also share with your<br />

practitioner all of your medical and pharmaceutical history in order to<br />

determine if there are contraindications or special protocol to follow. We are<br />

still gaining knowledge about kambo’s actual effects. Nevertheless, it’s<br />

important to remain mindful when experimenting with any type of alternative<br />

health treatment, especially one as intensive as kambo.<br />

Kambo is not Sufficiently Studied<br />

It often seems that Western scientific and indigenous healing practices are at odds with<br />

each other. On one hand, kambo is a centuries-old tradition amongst several Amazonian<br />

cultures. On the other hand, the practice is being commodified and exported to different<br />

cultures around the world. Exporting kambo means that larger populations are engaging<br />

with the remedy. Interest in kambo is growing, thanks to the frog’s new status as an<br />

alternative health trend.But here’s where things get tricky. The more people use kambo,<br />

the greater the risk. The greater the risk, the greater the need to look into the safety of<br />

the practice. Before the health trend kicked in, kambo was limited to a relatively small<br />

population of people. As demand for kambo increases, so does the need to discern<br />

whether or not some people may be more vulnerable to harmful side effects than others.<br />

It’s also extremely important for people to vet their practitioners to ensure that they’re in<br />

safe hands.

Water Toxicity<br />

One of the most significant risks of kambo is one that few people expect: drinking too much<br />

water. Drinking too much water can cause water intoxication—a.k.a. hyponatremia—which<br />

occurs when the body holds on to too much water relative to available electrolytes, like sodium.<br />

The central nervous system relies on electrolytes to function correctly. When too much water is<br />

on board, things go awry—muscle spasms, feelings of drunkenness, and severe health risks are<br />

all possible consequences of water toxicity. Water intoxication is particularly risky during kambo<br />

ceremonies, where vomiting and diarrhea are commonplace. Both vomiting and diarrhea cause<br />

dehydration, removing much-needed electrolytes from the body. Thus, easy access to<br />

emergency electrolyte powders, coconut water, and electrolyte drinks is a recommended<br />

precaution for those who partake in kambo ceremonies.<br />

Unknown Drug & Medical Interactions<br />

Many people look to kambo to heal from often<br />

debilitating health conditions—mental and physical alike.<br />

But, it’s important for those exploring kambo—or any<br />

alternative healing practice, for that matter—to be<br />

mindful that mixing kambo and your daily medications<br />

may increase your likelihood of potentially dangerous<br />

side effects. If you have a medical issue prior to trying<br />

kambo, it’s recommended to consult with your trained<br />

practitioner regarding contraindications.<br />

Staying Safe with Kambo<br />

It’s important to keep in mind that there are always risks<br />

with kambo. Healthcare providers know very little about<br />

kambo treatments, their side effects, and their risks. So,<br />

it’s important that you find a qualified practitioner to<br />

administer the medicine. In an effort to reduce harm, here<br />

are a few safety tips to consider before trying kambo.<br />

Find a Qualified Practitioner<br />

If you’re engaging with kambo outside the<br />

Amazon, you may want to find a licensed<br />

practitioner. Many practitioners in the<br />

United States, Australia, the UK, and Canada<br />

receive training from experienced teachers.<br />

Keep Doses Low<br />

Kambo is not like a psychedelic. Higher doses<br />

do not make you more likely to have a divine<br />

experience or slip into a different realm of<br />

consciousness. Instead, the higher the dose,<br />

the greater the side effects, and the more<br />

difficult the experience can become. So, most<br />

practitioners will recommend that you start<br />

small and test your reaction to kambo first.<br />

The practitioner can try a test point, which is<br />

essentially a small dose of kambo to make<br />

sure that the person is okay with proceeding<br />

with the experience, and determine how many<br />

points make most sense.

Stick to Traditional Placement<br />

Shamanic practitioners traditionally apply kambo to<br />

the ankle, shoulder, or arm most often. However,<br />

some practitioners may recommend applying<br />

kambo to chakra centers, which align vertically up<br />

the middle torso. Applying kambo to the chest may<br />

give the noxious peptides a shortcut to the<br />

bloodstream. A trained practitioner should be able<br />

to work with you to find the best dot locations for<br />

your body.<br />

Avoid Overhydration<br />

A kambo experience can be taxing, but over-hydrating can worsen the<br />

experience by causing its own series of side effects. To avoid<br />

hypernatremia, avoid drinking more than one liter of water per hour,<br />

and do not drink this much for several hours in a row. Ask your<br />

practitioner about drinking water with added electrolyte powder<br />

instead of plain water if you vomited or had diarrhea during your<br />

kambo experience.



Toxicity<br />

Lorenzo De Rogel<br />

Mexico, City

Toxicity<br />

Divine Masculine<br />

Recently, I have come in contact with<br />

beings of my gender, male, that are<br />

standing true to their old programing. A<br />

programing that no longer serves a<br />

purpose, but is forcibly trying to be of<br />

purpose. It would be very simple to delete<br />

said programing, but that is not what we<br />

are here to do. We are here to transmute<br />

these old paradigms. So, what were these<br />

men doing that would be termed toxic?<br />

Well, one of them was promoting the<br />

negative aspect of the Divine Masculine<br />

and forcibly trying to bring down the<br />

Divine Feminine. His actions of trying to<br />

overpower the Divine Feminine by putting<br />

down the female gender promotes toxicity<br />

in the world. He does this by calling them<br />

names that are demeaning, wanting to<br />

enslave them to their own will that is<br />

outdated and antiquated. These tactics<br />

have been ingrained in most men and<br />

women, since the Greeks and Romans<br />

were ruling (which is not a very long time<br />

ago, about 3000 years roughly). Before<br />

this movement, both male and female<br />

were balanced. Yet, an occurrence gave<br />

way to perversion and slowly, both Divine<br />

Genders began to falter.<br />

As of recently, the Divine Feminine<br />

started to realize that this way of being<br />

was wrong and has risen and left the<br />

Divine Masculine behind. The Divine<br />

Feminine is above the Divine Masculine,<br />

and this is an issue. Both need to be in<br />

balance. Both have a place in the<br />

Cosmos. They have been given to each<br />

and every one of us. We all have the<br />

Divine Feminine and Masculine within<br />

us. It is Hermetic Law, the Law of<br />

Gender, where everything has its<br />

masculine and feminine and it manifests<br />

on all planes; Law of Gender (which does<br />

not mean genitals) manifests on this<br />

plane. The theory is that the ancient<br />

cultures vigorously imposed this on<br />

mankind after many learned these laws,<br />

BUT falsely applied them. Another<br />

instance of toxicity I encountered<br />

happened concurrently where two<br />

women involved with the same guy<br />

brawled it out against each other<br />

because they found out they were seeing<br />

this same man.

The two females fought one another (toxic femininity), while the guy stood there watching<br />

the onslaught (toxic masculinity). The two females allowed their egos to rule them, the act<br />

of violence amongst them. The two females should have joined forces and have seen the<br />

guy for what he is, gone their merry way and never looked back. Nonetheless, they fought<br />

each other and most likely fell for his so-called “charm”. His actions will continue because<br />

they have allowed it. Toxicity is promoted by both male and female alike. For one cannot<br />

exist without the other. We are all too familiar with the term “toxicity”: an object, idea, or<br />

person that produces harm to those around them. We all know someone or something that<br />

has that effect in the world. We, as beings that are aware of the higher planes of existence<br />

and that of the divine, know all too well that these should not be fed. They should also not<br />

be ignored, but dealt with in the astral plane. A superior plane than the one we are in is the<br />

best way to deal with toxicity. Remember the Hermetic Law of Correspondence, “as above,<br />

so below”. Therefore, by transmuting this energy and raising its vibration to a high positive<br />

vibration in the ethereal, or astral, it will reflect onto this physical plane. Thus, correcting<br />

the issue on this plane. It takes practice and an in-depth knowledge of Hermetic Law and<br />

<strong>Cosmic</strong> Laws. Now, we will be judged by what we know and what we have done, and no<br />

longer can we be bystanders.

Conscious Evolution -<br />

Part 1:<br />

Taking Things Personally<br />

Suzie (Ram) Dalessandro<br />

~ music therapist<br />

~ pleasure goddess<br />

~ ordained Buddhist priest<br />

Social Media:<br />

Instagram - grow_urslf<br />

Facebook - BE YOU Music Therapy & Meditation, LLC<br />

Contact: suzie@beyoumusictherapy.com

Lying in his bed, I am unclothed with the top of me in direct contact with the air while the bottom<br />

of me is blanketed. One leg is bent, the other extended. The corners of my eyes burn from the<br />

hour of the night and my nervous system refuses rest, even though I have been asking for sleep<br />

now for two hours. He laid with me and massaged my joints, wondering if it felt too rough or just<br />

right. I felt him giving his attention, his time, and his love for my body, for my comfort, for my<br />

satisfaction. Although I would’ve chosen a rested hand to his active touch, I embraced his effort<br />

and welcomed his love. Moments went by and our heart rates increased, our touch reciprocal,<br />

our breath in sync. There was little sound but heavy breath releases in cadence until the<br />

movement between our two bodies slowed and came back to a rest. He is now upstairs, and I lay<br />

alone staring into the darkened room with a dehumidifier dancing with my thoughts. Inside of my<br />

stomach remains a density in which I choose not to move, instead I let it rest there as tears begin<br />

to fill my cheeks but do not make it out of my eyes. The thoughts in my mind question where this<br />

density is from and predict I’ve done something wrong to have it there. I watch the thoughts and<br />

now the forming tears rise to my nasal passage.I feel alone. I feel used.Louder thoughts begin to<br />

predict his love is conditional on what he gains from me, what his body receives from mine, that<br />

his touch was merely a bribe in an effort to receive what he cared for. He got it, and now he has<br />

left. His footstep patterns let me know he has moved on to other tasks. I dance between<br />

humiliation and abandonment.<br />

“When people take things personally their fight or flight response kicks in. "Should I shut down / take distance<br />

or should I ward off / attack?" When we feel like our ideas, identity, possessions, relationships, territory are<br />

threatened it's almost as if our lives, our very being is in danger. Depending on our perceived ability to handle<br />

the threat we either cover our vulnerabilities to minimize damage or become combative. The pain of taking<br />

things personally has shown me how far out I project my sense of self. The more phenomenon that I identified<br />

with, the more potential loss and insecurity. As I worked through the release of my expanded identity I came<br />

back home to myself and found tremendous freedom and ease.”<br />

- Shawn Zemba, Mastery Trainer-

I forget.<br />

I remember.<br />

It is my body, too, that gains from his. I receive just as much, if not more, from the choices he<br />

makes which include me. When his freedom includes me, mine, and his, it is so comforting and<br />

pleasant. And in this moment, though he only moves a mere ten feet above me, his being and<br />

attention might as well be fields away, for I am alone. I am used. Yet, I used him.<br />

His freedom offends me. I take his freedom personally.In the darkened room, I do not<br />

understand how deep this abandonment travels. At the same time, part of me rejoices in that it<br />

is so deep in the core; it feels safe to be revealed, safe to be seen, ready to be felt.He did not<br />

hurt me. He did not reject me.<br />

He did not wrong me.<br />

And yet,<br />

I am alone, except very much held by this density inside. Like two strangers sitting<br />

together in silence outside of a local coffee shop on an inquisitive afternoon. This<br />

density is here and it continues to rise in its obedient pattern, its comfortable<br />

emotional home.I wonder how long it took me to stop blaming him for this built<br />

up energy, this practiced role of victimhood? That was until I chose to respect his<br />

freedom, his boundaries, his sovereignty and to take care of my own experience.

Conscious Evolution - Part 1: Taking Things Personally<br />

Diosas, hello there.<br />

I am Ram, I am Suzie, I am Musical, I am Spiritual, I am Safe, I LOVE<br />

consciousness, and I LOVE growth. What does it even mean to<br />

“consciously evolve”? Welp.It turns out we are evolving, regardless of<br />

what we think. Sometimes, it’s easy to think, and even feel like, we are<br />

in a rut and we aren’t growing or changing. Some of us are asking<br />

either unconsciously or very consciously, “is this it?” But what if we<br />

stop at the motivation or the high of spiritual connection? What if we<br />

miss out on the human parts? The ego parts?Basically, what I’m<br />

getting at is consciously evolving is not only becoming aware of<br />

limited thinking or patterned behavior that no longer serves us. It is<br />

also about embracing it and even learning to integrate it into our<br />

experience, how you show up in life. For example, we evolve when<br />

we go through pain and we understand the lesson or wisdom in that<br />

time. We evolve when we stop blaming each other and start<br />

questioning what inside of us resists connection. So, to consciously<br />

evolve, is to consciously suffer.<br />

What?<br />

Yep.<br />

Consciously suffering. Sakhyamuni Buddha explains that suffering exists, that<br />

there is a source for suffering, there is an end to suffering, and there is no<br />

suffering. So… there are a few ways to consciously suffer. ONE WAY is sitting<br />

in a room with no physical threats around, going into humility, remembering a<br />

time we experienced rejection or abandonment. We train the body and human<br />

to not be controlled by avoiding these sensations, rather mastering them…<br />

learning from them… breathing into them. Another way is to observe when we<br />

feel offended, wronged, threatened by the world. Sometimes, when we feel<br />

threatened, we respond as if we are being threatened, and there really isn’t a<br />

threat around to be found.I am by no means denying suffering. Suffering is part<br />

of life. If life had a recipe, it would include: pain, confusion, love, joy,<br />

connection. ‘Course this is from the perception of the human.

Conscious Evolution - Part 1: Taking Things Personally<br />

From the perception of the soul,<br />

however, the recipe of life is: love and<br />

joy, because the soul just wants to<br />

explore and experience things! Living as a<br />

soul means to suffer while being in<br />

gratitude. Because you are not a body<br />

with a soul. You are a soul with a<br />

body.So! If consciously evolving means to<br />

observe, embrace, and integrate every<br />

single experience, then let’s dive into<br />

tendencies of “taking things personally”.<br />

When we do this, is it possible to use this<br />

tendency to evolve? In the introduction, I<br />

give a vulnerable narration of an<br />

experience I recently had when I used a<br />

moment of taking something personal to<br />

be conscious of my patterns and to avoid<br />

projecting blame as soon as possible.<br />

What was happening was beneath a<br />

mental level understanding, because<br />

there was a strong sense of fundamental<br />

abandonment raising in my body, when all<br />

my partner chose to do was leave the<br />

room after intercourse. (Which he later<br />

sensed and explained how he was<br />

wanting to watch YouTube and knew I<br />

wanted to rest. So, in an effort to not<br />

disturb me, he went upstairs.)<br />

Consciously evolving is noticing that<br />

potential inside, recognizing it, not<br />

denying it, stopping the projection or<br />

blame, and giving it what it wants:<br />

attention. This so it can be fully<br />

integrated within your grid and no<br />

longer manifest in relationships with<br />

others.Whew! Breathe for that<br />

one!Remember a time someone’s<br />

behavior or emotional process asked a<br />

role of you that you did not necessarily<br />

want. We can go on a surface level. For<br />

example, when your friend may need<br />

an ear and you tend to have a busy<br />

day, but you listen anyway. Or we can<br />

go a bit deeper, where your lover<br />

projects stories onto you that you are<br />

clearly not part of. But because you are<br />

in their field, you play a role in their<br />

show while parts of them resolve<br />

whatever needs to be resolved at the<br />

expense of your identity. Or we can go<br />

even deeper. Where there is someone<br />

so special in your life, and they just do<br />

not embrace you for exactly who you<br />

are; for exactly what you have to offer<br />

them. For example, you want them to<br />

be your lover, but they only see you as<br />

a resource for entertainment or<br />


You want to be vulnerable and seen, but their capacity to be vulnerable in return does not<br />

match your availability… and you’re left feeling potentially angry, or deeply disappointed. If<br />

we are studying what “taking something personally” means, we need to understand that we<br />

are doing just that: TAKING someTHING from outside and claiming it as OUR OWN. If we<br />

are taking something from the outside, and claiming it as our own, what is “outside” and what<br />

is “our own”?Hmm…Notice how there are benefits to taking something personally.<br />

It keeps us here.<br />

It keeps us human. It keeps us identifying in this world. We can use taking things<br />

personally as a tool. When we are aware of taking something personally, when we<br />

limit our identity to that of a title or occupation, or when we suffer from the opinion<br />

of someone else…. we can do it in a conscious way. A way that doesn’t ruin<br />

relationships or cause a self-defeating cycle. Taking things personally can actually be<br />

a road sign into growth, IF we are willing to observe it, to embrace it, and to expand<br />

our perspective from what life can give US, to what we can give LIFE.<br />

In pleasure, suzie<br />

Owner of BE YOU Music Therapy & Meditation<br />

Owner of BE YOU Conscious Cleaning Services 412-447-1422<br />

Remote services and In-person services<br />

Mercer County, Pennsylvania and surrounding areas

Esme Ojeda<br />

<strong>Cosmic</strong> <strong>Women</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> Editor & Producer<br />

Currently based in<br />

the United Kingdom

Emily Ruth<br />

Shackelford<br />

Elemental Reading<br />

Tarot Forecast with <strong>Cosmic</strong> Tarot Girl! Overall energy reading for the Autumn and early<br />

Winter season of 2020 Don’t forget that in addition to your Sun sign, you can check your<br />

Moon, Rising and Venus signs for additional clarity!<br />

Fire Signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius: Fire signs, your motto for this<br />

season is “Remember that you are Gold” and I love this energy for<br />

you. It’s intense but beautiful and it feels like you all are going to<br />

have opportunities to further integrate different aspects of your<br />

multi-dimensional selves and further ground them into your day to<br />

day life. If you feel the pull to research anything that feels familiar or<br />

calls to you, then follow that and see where it may lead you. You’re<br />

going to get a lot of upgrades and downloads over this course of<br />

time, specifically I’m seeing upgrades to your Solar Plexus and Throat<br />

Chakras. Just go with the flow and stay in tune with yourself and<br />

your needs. Do something to keep your vessel active. Some different<br />

tools that could help are crystals like turquoise, lapis lazuli, and any<br />

kind of agate. Food wise, things like pomegranates, lettuce, mangos,<br />

and ginger will help you to thrive during this time. Essential oils like<br />

peppermint, frankincense, or cinnamon would be good as well.

Emily Ruth<br />

Shackelford<br />

Elemental Reading<br />

Water Signs - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces: Water signs, your<br />

motto for this season is “Wear your crown high and let it<br />

shine” and this is some fierce energy coming in for you all.<br />

Keep an eye open for repeating animal totems and research<br />

things related to them if you feel called to do so. You’re<br />

coming into a period of time where you have to be<br />

courageous and ask for what you want, and then be fully<br />

open to receiving it. Remember that you are sovereign<br />

beings and you’re worthy of all of the best things that life can<br />

bring to you. Remember that redirection is protection and<br />

focus on being present in your energy and in the moment.<br />

Move out of fear and doubt, and ground into expansive love<br />

and unshakable peace. You have everything you need to be<br />

successful, so hold faith and jump into the energy of<br />

prosperity. Make sure you rest your vessel and release<br />

anything that doesn’t belong to you. Some different tools<br />

that could help are the crystals green aventurine, jade, rose<br />

quartz and rhodonite. Also foods like cherries, oranges, and<br />

avocados or essential oils like peppermint and cinnamon.

Emily Ruth<br />

Shackelford<br />

Elemental Reading<br />

Earth Signs - Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn: Earth signs, your motto for this season is “Traveling<br />

home to your heart is the start to remembering who you are” and I feel like that is so beautiful.<br />

You’re ready to level up and you know the process of leveling up starts with the inner work.<br />

Remember that the unknown is only unknown for as long as you leave it unexplored, and<br />

remember that while you walk down this new path, you don’t have to walk it alone. Don’t be<br />

afraid to reach out to your loved ones for support. Trust in your higher power or god of your<br />

own understanding. Trust that if things move in or out of your life, it’s for a reason and<br />

everything will work itself out in the end. You’re ready for this, so allow any feelings of anxiety<br />

to pass through you, and transmute them into excitement. Create and hold a space of grace and<br />

compassion for yourself as you transition out of the old and into this new phase. Some different<br />

tools that could help are the crystals bronzite, rose quartz, clear quartz, as well as orange or<br />

green calcite. Foods like peaches, plums or oranges. And also essential oils like rose, rose hip,<br />

bergamot or pine.

Emily Ruth<br />

Shackelford<br />

Elemental Reading<br />

Air Signs - Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius: Air signs, your motto for this season is “Don’t<br />

deny the signs you’re seeing and instead choose to trust in what your eye is perceiving”<br />

and wow, that’s so freaking powerful haha. You’re minds are always so active and how<br />

could they not be? Do your best to use that power to your advantage Air signs. Don’t<br />

just see the obstacles, use your mind to perceive beyond them. Focus your energy and<br />

attention into what you want to bring about. You are really tapped into a lot of potent<br />

and tangible energy right now, so lean into that and align with that. You have the map,<br />

the car, the keys, and the gas. You’re all locked in and ready to hit the road, so go go go!<br />

Have confidence that the road laid out in front of you is going to lead you exactly where<br />

you’re meant to be. The Divine knows what it’s doing. Some different tools that could<br />

help are crystals such as tigers eye, blue agate, selenite, and while not technically<br />

crystals, I’m feeling that petrified wood and seashells would also be of assistance to you.<br />

Foods such as apples, quinoa, lots of greens, and oats as well. Essential oils like cedar,<br />

orange, lemon, and pine.

Designing a New World<br />

By Christi Conde R.N., Reiki Master<br />

We are in a time of great change, and as you may have noticed, the<br />

energy these days is more powerful than ever before. Everything is<br />

amplified. I have heard the word “intense” used often from my<br />

students and clients. It feels like the buffers that used to exist<br />

between thought and manifestation are disappearing. Let me just<br />

say, instant manifestation is great, if you are practiced and skilled at<br />

energy alignment and positive focus.<br />

"But, if you’re not…I’m guessing 2020 has been<br />

a wild ride for you."<br />

This amplification of energy is also enhancing our guidance system. Meaning, that when you<br />

are thinking or acting out of alignment with your highest and best good, you will know it. It’s<br />

like the small voice inside you that used to gently urge you in the direction of your desires has<br />

to scream at you now to keep you from misusing the energy and creating the illusion of chaos.<br />

When you’re focused in alignment with the flow of love, you feel exhilarated, but if you have<br />

been absorbing the fear around you (and there’s a lot of it out there) and focusing on that,<br />

you’re probably having bouts with anxiety or straight up panic.<br />

The fear you experience in response to a negative thought is supposed<br />

to serve as guidance, an indicator to stop thinking that thought and<br />

redirect your focus, while happiness indicates you are in alignment with<br />

your highest good. Emotions are Divine guidance. When you listen to<br />

this guidance, you cannot get it wrong, because it always flows from<br />

Love for all, and it will always guide you to your highest and best good.<br />

The problem is, most of society is already in fight or flight (because<br />

2020) so triggers are easily tripped. And once they are, it becomes hard<br />

to recognize our guidance much less access the wisdom in it.

When you feel fear(guidance), take a deep breath and ask<br />

yourself, “Am I in danger, or am I just afraid?” If you have the time<br />

to ask yourself that question, you’re probably not in danger,<br />

which means you’re just afraid. That’s great, because the fear is<br />

coming from a thought you are thinking, and you can alter your<br />

thoughts. Listen to and learn from your guidance. Breathe<br />

deeply the minute you notice emotional discomfort. After a few<br />

(or many) deep breaths, you will be able to explore your feelings<br />

and find the triggers that cause you stress. Then you can design a<br />

new response to the trigger and move forward free to create<br />

something new!<br />

We are, after all, the energy that creates worlds and we are here to create in this world. Awaken<br />

your fearless inner child. Rediscover the joy of exploration. Daydream, build things, tell stories,<br />

write stories, good ones with positive messages and act them out. Run, dance, sing, and most<br />

importantly, play! Be childlike. Little children don’t watch the news or worry about tomorrow. They<br />

busy themselves making their own fun. They feel what they feel in the moment with no excuses or<br />

reservations. Then they move on to play, easily letting go of the offending thought. They believe in<br />

magic and miracles. They exude pure love and adoration and are most willing to receive it in<br />

return...Goals!?!<br />

Make no mistake the world has changed and will continue to change. Energies are shifting<br />

and paradigms are crumbling. It is our responsibility now, to use this amplified energy to<br />

design a new world. History repeats itself yes, but history is written by the historians. Why<br />

don’t we write a new story, one worth repeating? Let’s listen to our guidance consistently<br />

and with it we can design a future flowing from and in love. Let’s go play! Let’s use our<br />

powerful childhood imaginations to come up with solutions instead of problems. Whatever<br />

we imagine, will be. So, let’s imagine shifting our vibrations from surviving to thriving, from<br />

scarcity to prosperity, and most importantly from hope to faith. Then, with the wide eyed<br />

wonderment of children, we will watch as prosperity flows into a whole new world.<br />

…” A little child shall lead them” –<br />

Isaiah 11:16

Mujeres Cristianas<br />

Mujeres cristianas<br />

Cada una va encontrando su camino. Aquí<br />

mujeres que se reúnen y luchan día a día<br />

Entrevista de Comunidad Ciudad Juárez a<br />

Marilu Solano, empresaria<br />

https://m.facebook.com/story.php?<br />


Navigating a Holistic Life<br />

Cynthia Micoletti<br />

Holistic Meals<br />

@Holisticmealsep<br />

A phrase that has been popular in my vocabulary lately is<br />

“We are on level 10 Jumanji”. The year 2020 has certainly proved<br />

to be one of the most exciting, yet challenging years of my life. As<br />

an empath, having the ability to understand the experiences and<br />

feelings of others, it has been nothing short of a roller-coaster of<br />

emotions that have been hard to navigate in the best moments,<br />

and speedways to anxiety and panic attacks at the worst.<br />

However, I have found that it has been eight months of the most<br />

introspective therapy I have ever undergone. This has forced me<br />

to take a look at the areas that I tend to leave to “when I have the<br />

time” and “it is not that urgent”.

I want to sit here and write to you that even the most “put together folks” have never<br />

experienced any of this, but that would just be a lie. We read so much about “self-care” on<br />

social media, but what does self-care look like? It’s not just baths filled with lavender, spa<br />

dates, positive quotes, treating yourself to a good book, etc. Self-care requires rigorous<br />

self-reflection and work, and let’s be honest, most of the time is not appealing. It is like<br />

that scene in Snow White when the Evil Queen asks the mirror “Who is the fairest of them<br />

all?” then the mirror gives her an answer that she is not happy with. But let’s face it, we all<br />

saw that coming. Facing ourselves and seeking growth is the most painful and beautiful<br />

thing we can do. Living holistically means that you have to balance your entire being to be<br />

fully functional; Mind, body, and spirit. However, today’s times have proven hard to keep<br />

track of what is up and what is down, and like all, I have had a hard time keeping up with<br />

one or two of these at a time.<br />

Did you know that your mind is your strongest muscle? However, this is the one muscle<br />

that we often forget to exercise. Have you heard of “We are what we think?”, well, that<br />

is one hundred percent true. Meditation and positive affirmations are a great way to help<br />

your thoughts work for you. I am your classic overthinker, as well as your classic realist.<br />

Although these may not seem too bad, they can get pretty crazy, really fast.<br />

I wake up with the intention to start the day on a positive note by waking up early,<br />

meditating for 15-20 minutes and reciting my affirmations each day. This does not<br />

mean I walk around like I never have bad days, or that I have a happy smile as if I’m on<br />

happy pills. It means that when the day is not going exactly how I envisioned it, I will<br />

have more compassion towards myself, know that the situation and feelings are<br />

temporary, and I have the choice to come out of it in a positive way.<br />

Our body is our temple. We all know that exercise generates endorphins and<br />

endorphins make people happy (thank you, Elle Woods!). Yet I know that even the folks<br />

that like to work out regularly sometimes have trouble following through during these<br />

times. I like sharing this because sometimes we see regular gym-goers or health<br />

aficionados as intimidating folks, and build it up in our heads that their discipline is an<br />

unattainable goal.

We need to decide to work on ourselves and strive to become<br />

the best version of ourselves. We need to see exercising and<br />

feeding our bodies nutritious foods as a daily decision. Don’t<br />

worry about where you are right now. Don’t worry about<br />

starting a new diet or routine. Don’t worry about having lost<br />

ten pounds and you just weighed yourself and are now fifteen<br />

pounds heavier. Like any relationship, the decision to make it<br />

work depends on us, and it’s a daily decision. The question<br />

being, are we ready to make that commitment to ourselves? Be<br />

compassionate with yourself, and just start again, learn and<br />

grow.<br />

Last, but not least, is our spirit. This one is the trickiest. Spirituality has nothing to do with<br />

religion. I believe that it doesn’t matter what you believe in. I believe that it is more<br />

important what our belief system is going to do to help us become the best version of<br />

ourselves, and in turn, help others to thrive. Having something greater to believe in takes<br />

the focus away from our ego, which gives us a perspective away from our mind.<br />

At Holistic Meals, we love food and we love to help! All of our products from our Infused<br />

Olive Oils, Spice Rubs, and our Meal Preparation Catering Services are crafted with love.<br />

We are dedicated to provide the tools that you will need to kick start, re-start, or<br />

maintain your lifestyle change. In these times where human connection is craved, being<br />

there for one another is extraordinarily important. That is why you will see us each<br />

weekend at the various Farmers Markets. We at Holistic Meals know that sometimes we<br />

need a champion to help us through the moments that are not easy to navigate, or when<br />

we’re feeling discouraged, and need a partner to make it through tough times. With<br />

Holistic Meals, you will never be alone in your wellness journey.<br />

Holistic meals Partner:<br />

Creative Chef<br />

Jackie Limon<br />

graduated from the<br />

Culinary Institute of<br />

America in 2016.



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